+ Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked....

INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH Te acompañamos en tu propósito 1

Transcript of + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked....

Page 1: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH Te acompañamos en tu propósito


Page 2: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH Te acompañamos en tu propósito

FASE 3 (3)



Expressing possibility

and preferences

Modal Auxiliary Verb:Would

Would ratherWould prefer


Talking about plans

and plans in the future

Usage of Let / Let’s.

Present Continuous for future10

Taking about actions Collocations. 17



Page 3: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH Te acompañamos en tu propósito


1. “WOULD”

“Would” es un verbo modal que se utiliza para formar el modo condicional.

También se utiliza para realizar peticiones amables, preguntar sobre preferencias y hacer ofrecimientos.

Would you like…? Qué significa exactamente? Respuesta: “Would you like...?” es una forma cortés de ofrecer algo.

Por ejemplo, con un sustantivo contable singular se podría decir:

a. Would you like a cup of coffee?

b. Would you like a piece of toast?

c. Would you like an orange muffin?

Recuerde que antes del sustantivo contable singular debe usar “a” o “an”.

Con sustantivos contables plurales y con sustantivos incontables, use some en lugar de a o an:

a. Would you like some potatoes?

b. Would you like some muffins?

c. Would you like some cake?

d. Would you like some ice cream?

Recuerde no confundir Would you like…? y Do you like…?

Would you like....: Se usa para ofrecer algo a alguien.

Do you like…? Es una pregunta acerca de la opinión que tiene una persona sobre


Ejemplos:a. Would you like another cup of tea?

b. Do you like chamomile tea? I don’t like it at all.

c. Would you like to drink a glass of milk?

d. Do you like his music?


Page 4: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH Te acompañamos en tu propósito

Como usar “Would” para preguntarle a alguien lo que quiere y como responder

a. Where would you like to go? I would like to go to Boston

b. What would you like to study? I would like to study English

c. When would you like to leave? I would like to leave in one hour


Read the following paragraph:

A dinner invitation

Cathy: Would you like to come to dinner on Saturday, Jay?

Don: Come on in, Steve. Here, I’ll take your coat.

Jay: I’d like to, Cathy, but I’m going to be out of town. Thanks for the invitation.

Liz: Hi Steve. I’m Kathy and Don’s niece, Liz

Cathy: Sure. We’ll try again sometime.

Steve: Hi, Liz. It’s nice to meet you

Cathy: (From the kitchen): Make yourself comfortable, Steve. Dinner won’t be ready for a while

Cathy: Are you going to be around for the weekend Steve?

Steve: I probably will. Don: Cathy, could you pass the potatoes, please? (…) Thanks

Cathy: Would you like to come to dinner at our house on Saturday?

Cathy: Would anyone like anything else? More meat? Vegetables?

Steve: Sure! That would be really nice.

Liz: Nothing for me, thanks. I’m saving room for dessert.

Cathy: Great. Steve: I’ll have some more meat. It’s delicious. I always have room for dessert.

Steve: What time?Cathy: Oh, about 6:00Steve: Thanks a lot, Cathy. I’ll see

you then.


Page 5: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

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1. Answer the questions. Follow the example

a. What would you like to eat? ( Pizza )

I would like to eat a pizza

b. What would you like to do? (Play videogames)

c. Would you like some coffee? (Yes)

d. Where would you like to live? (Margarita)_____________________________________________________________________________

e. What would you like to play now? (Basketball)

f. When would you like to go to the party (at 9 p.m.)____________________________________________________________________________

2. Choose the right option. Follow the example:

(Would you / Do you) like some tea?Yes, please.

a. -(Does she / would she ) speak Italian ?-No, she doesn’t

b. -What ( would you / do you ) like to order ?-A hot dog and some orange juice, please

c. -What ( would she / does she ) like to do ?-She would like to play soccer

d. -Where ( would you / do you ) like to spend your vacation ?-I would like to go to Mérida

e. -(Would you / do you ) like Eric Clapton´s music?- Oh yes!. I love his records

f. -(Does he / would she ) love his wife?-Yes, he loves her.


Page 6: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH Te acompañamos en tu propósito


“Would rather” expresa una preferencia. Significa “preferir” y se utiliza frecuentemente en

conversaciones. A menudo se contrae así: (sujeto)’d rather.Ejemplos:

a. I’d rather live in a small town than in a big city.

b. He’s quite materialistic. He’d rather have a lot of money than a true love.

c. I’d rather drink tea (than coffee), thank you.

Than introduce algo que no es la primera elección del que habla, sino la segunda.

Rather va acompañado por la forma base del verbo en todas las personas.

Subject + would rather + verb (base form) + complement.I’d rather stay, but he’d rather go.

La forma negativa de would rather es:

Subject + would rather not + verb (base form) + complement.I’d rather not go, and he’d rather not stay.

La forma interrogativa de would rather es:

Would + subject pronoun + rather + verb (base form) + complementWould you rather go or would you rather stay?

WOULD PREFER.La estructura base de would prefer es distinta a la anterior:

Sujeto + would prefer + to verb infinitiveI would prefer to eat out today

Would rather significa would prefer, son sinónimos, pero presentan estructuras distintas:

I would rather go = sujeto + would rather + infinitivo sin to.

I would prefer to go = sujeto + would prefer + infinitivo con to.



Page 7: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH Te acompañamos en tu propósito

I’d rather go to Greece for my holidays / I’d prefer to go to Greece for my holidays.

I’d rather not tell you what I really think / I’d prefer not to tell you what I really think.

En esta estructura, sólo hay una persona que es el sujeto. Sin embargo, would rather y would prefer también se pueden usar con una segunda persona, además del sujeto, solo que las

estructuras son distintas.


Subject pronoun + would rather + object pronoun + verb (past simple).

I would rather you told me the truth


Subject pronoun + would prefer + object pronoun + to infinitive.

I would prefer him to tell me the truth.

Hay que tener en cuenta que el verbo “prefer”, si no lleva “would”, puede ir seguido de to infinitive o de ing, y el significado es el mismo, por ejemplo:

I prefer to eat out today / I prefer eating out today.

Ahora bien, cuando le ponemos el would, debe ir seguido de to infinitive siempre, y lo que hace

“would” es hacer el “prefer “ más formal, en lugar de sólo prefiero, diríamos preferiría.


1. Change the following sentences into a “would rather” or a “would prefer” structure.

1. I would prefer my husband to work less hours


2. I would prefer my parents to trust me


3. I would rather my best friend lived in the same city as me



Page 8: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH Te acompañamos en tu propósito

4. I would prefer you to study more for your exam


5. I would rather you didn’t smoke 


6. My friends would prefer me to tell them the truth


2. Complete the following paragraphs with items from the box.

I don’t like my job, ___________ get a new one, but I can’t. I’m working too hard these days. I

usually work nights and weekends, and _________ That.

Maybe _________ work this weekend. Maybe ____________ just stay home and sleep. In

general, ____________ sleep 10 or 12 hours a night, but these days I can’t. Too much work and

not enough sleep are problems for me. Food’s a problem, too. ____________food.

_________eat. __________ eat than sleep! But ____________ go grocery shopping, and I’m a

terrible cook, so_________ eat out than at home. Let me see, where should I go tonight?

3. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

I like _____________________________________________________

I don’t especially like ________________________________________

I like to ___________________________________________________

I don’t really like to __________________________________________

I’d rather ___________________________ than __________________

I probably won’t ____________________________________________

I’d really like to ___________________________________ someday.

4. Answer the following questions.

a. Where would you rather go on Vacation?

I like / I don’t like I’ll / I won’t I like to / I don’t like to I’d like to I’d rather


Page 9: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH Te acompañamos en tu propósito


b. Would you rather stay home or go out?


c. What would you rather do on Sundays?


d. Who would you rather live with?


e. Would you rather eat pizza or hamburgers?


f. When would you rather get married?


g. What time would you rather get up?


h. What time would you rather go to bed every night?


i. Who would you rather kiss, Brad Pitt or Jennifer López?


5. Complete the following sentences:

a. I’d rather ________________ Than ___________________

b. My mother would rather ________________ Than ____________

c. I’d rather eat ___________________ Than ________________

d. I’d rather not ________________________________________

e. I’d rather drink _____________________ than _____________


Page 10: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

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Usted sabe cómo formular un tipo de oración imperativa:

Please sit down. Have some pizza.

Supongamos que usted desea incluirse en la orden, para eso, emplee “let’s”. De este modo usted estaría sugiriendo que el otro o los otros, y también usted, hagan la acción sugerida.

Let’s sit down. Let’s have some pizza.

Let’s not

Para convertir las oraciones anteriores en oraciones negativas:

Let’s not sit down. Let’s not have any pizza.



Man: Don’t worry, ma’am. I’ll help you.

Woman: Pardon?

Man: It’s a busy street. Come on, I’ll take you across.


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Woman:That’s very kind of you, but ….

Man: There is a break in the traffic. Let’s go

Woman: Thank you, but …..

Man: Do you want me to carry your shopping bag? It’s

heavy, isn’t it.

Woman: Well, yes, it is, but…..

Man: There you are.

Woman:But I didn’t want to cross the street!

Man: Why didn’t you tell me?

Woman: You didn’t listen!

Man: Do you want me to take you back?

Woman: No, thank you


Carol: It’s broken.

Morris: But it’s Friday night! My favorite programs are on.

Carol: I know. Do you want to go out?

Morris: All right. Where do you want to go?

Carol: Let’s go to a movie

Morris: No, I don’t like movies very much.


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Carol: Why don’t we go to a restaurant

Morris: No, that’s too expensive.

Carol: Ok, let’s visit some friends.

Morris: We don’t have any friends.

Carol: I know! The stores are open late Fridays.

Morris: I don’t really want to go shopping.

Carol: Sure you do. We can buy a new T.V


1. Fill the blanks in the chart according to the imperative form.

Positive imperative Negative imperative Positive imperative

(includes the subject)Negative imperative

(includes the subject)

Take a taxi Don’t take a taxi Let’s take a taxi Let’s not take a taxi

Sing the song


Let’s not sing the song


Please go home.

Don’t touch it.

Look at the picture.

Let’s read it again.


Page 13: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH Te acompañamos en tu propósito


Usted sabe que puede utilizar will o be going to + la forma simple del verbo para hablar sobre el futuro:


Kevin will graduate in June. Kevin is going to graduate in June.

También se puede utilizar el presente continuo para referirse al futuro.

Kevin is graduating in June.

Esta oración tiene el mismo significado que las dos anteriores. Sin embargo, el presente continuo a menudo se utiliza para hablar de un evento programado o planificado y que está relativamente próximo al momento en que se está hablando.

My father is leaving for Paris tonight. I’m having lunch with Elizabeth tomorrow. We’re going to a meeting in Chicago next week.

A menudo, la única forma de saber si el que habla se refiere al presente o al futuro es por el contexto o por la palabra que indica tiempo en la oración.

a. I’m having lunch with Sandy (now). I’ll call you later.b. I’m having lunch with Sandy tomorrow. I’ll call you tomorrow night.

Los verbos relacionados con viajes a menudo aparecen en el presente continuo:

We’re leaving for California next Tuesday. Helen and Bob are arriving tomorrow morning.

El presente continuo no se utiliza para eventos que no han sido planificados de antemano o que no se pueden predecir o controlar lógicamente:

Incorrecto: It’s raining later today.

Correcto It’s going to rain later today

Incorrecto: Our team is winning tomorrow!

Correcto: Our team is going to win tomorrow!


Page 14: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH Te acompañamos en tu propósito


1. En las siguientes preguntas seleccione la expresión que completa correctamente el diálogo.

1” What do you want to do tonight, Xavier?” “ ----------- to a movie.”

a) Let go b) Let’s go

2 “ I don’t want to go to a movie.” “ What ------ ?”

a) Would you rather do b) Would you rather to do

3 “ I’d like to have dinner at a fine restaurant.” “ OK. ----------- which restaurant.”

a) Let’s tell me b) tell me

4 “ How about the Bistro?” “ Oh, --------- there again!”

a) let’s not go b) don’t let’s go

5 “ ----------- go to a steak place.” “ Which one?”

a) I rather b) I’d rather6 “ The Beefsteak. It’s my favorite.” “___________ there. My doctor told me not to eat meat.”

a) I rather no go b) I’d rather not go

7“ Well, then, _______and go to an Italian place.” “ All right! “

a) let’s compromise b) let’s to compromise

8 ” When _______ for California?” “ Next Thursday.”

a) are you leaving b) are you going to leave c)a y b


Page 15: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

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9 “I’m so excited! My sister is expecting a baby ------------- !” “I just saw her yesterday. She didn’t tell me anything about a baby!”

a) early next year b) at this moment c) in an hour

10 ” ----------- German?” “He certainly does. And very well.”

a) Does Harry speaks b) Does Harry speaking c) Does Harry speak

11. “Hi, Jennifer. What _________ now?” “Oh, not much. What about you?”

a) do you do b) are you doing c) you are doing

12 “Where _________ last night?” “I went out.”

a) you were b) were you c) did you were

13 ” What --------?” “Nothing.”

a) did you do b) you did c) did you14 “That man thinks that the world ___________ tomorrow.” “Maybe he’s right!”

a) will end b) is going to end c) a y b

15. “I _______ you now and I _______ you forever.” “And I feel the same way about you!”

a) will love / will love b) am loving / might love c) love / will love

2. Rewrite the following sentences in a different way, keep the same meaning?a. I’m going to visit my parents this weekend?

I’m visiting my parents this weekend. ______________________

b. He’s going to begin his new job next Monday.


c. I’m going to go to Europe next year.



Page 16: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

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d. We aren’t going to travel this month.


e. They won’t take a vacation this year.


f. He won’t come tonight.


g. She will graduate in July.


h. You aren’t going to study French this year.


i. She’s going to travel to Europe next month


j. She isn’t going to come to the party tonight.


3. Read the following paragraph

Sorry – busy week end coming up.

Hi Leah!

I’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing: On Saturday morning I’m going roller blading. I hope I don’t fall down and bruise myself, but I always wear kneepads and a helmet. After that I’m swimming laps for an hour – by the way, I have a new swimsuit and new goggles. I’m jogging with my sister at 3 o’clock for a half – hour, so I also have to take shorts and a t- shirt with me. In the evening I’m playing tennis with Joanne. We have a reservation at The Spring Club. She’s bringing the racquets and I’m bringing the balls.

Sunday is very busy too! I’m rowing with my rowing group first thing in the morning. Then I’m doing aerobics at the Sunday class – I love working out in time with the music. I’m finishing the afternoon with a yoga class. I’m not going to relax after that either, because I’m working at home in the evening. Ed is calling me at 8:30 and we’re going to go over the material for the Monday presentation.

So, sorry. Can we get together next Weekend?Talk to you soon, Lara.


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4. Answer the following questions related to the previous reading.

1. What is it about?


2. Where is Lara going next Saturday?


3. What is she going to do after going Roller Blading?


4. What time is she going yogging?


5. Who is she going with?


6. What is she doing on Saturday evening?


7. Who is she playing with?


8. What is Lara doing on Sunday morning?



Page 18: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

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Make VS Do

“Do” y “make” son dos verbos que se confunden frecuentemente en inglés.

Ambos se pueden traducir como “hacer”, pero hay algunas diferencias en su significado.

En general, “do” considera más la acción, mientras que utilizando “make” nos referimos más al

resultado de la acción.

Algunas expresiones comunes que van con make y con do están en este cuadro:

Make DoMake an appointment

Would you like to make an appointment with the doctor

Do something Do something! Don’t just stand there

Make a decision

Please make your decision soon. We need to know.

Do an exercise/ exercises

At a gym, people do prescribed exercises

Make money Some people make a lot of money in real estate

Do work/ homework/ housework

Students usually don’t like to do homework

Make progress Are you making progress in English Do well/ badly Eileen did very well in


Make y do (do como verbo principal, no el auxiliar do de las preguntas, por ejemplo) son dos

verbos que aparecen frecuentemente en expresiones idiomáticas como estas:

Would you like to make an appointment with the doctor? A lot of people don’t like to do housework.

Aunque en algunos idiomas make y do se expresan con el mismo verbo, en inglés no son intercambiables. ¿Cómo diferenciarlos?


Significa ejercer una acción o realizar una actividad o tarea.

Se usa “do” para acciones, actividades y trabajos. Se utiliza en un sentido amplio, como de

“realizar”. En general, estas acciones y actividades no producen un objeto físico.

Do homeworkDo the dishes

Do a jobDo housework

Do exerciseDo your hair


Page 19: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH Te acompañamos en tu propósito

Se utiliza “do” cuando hablamos de cosas en general, cuando no decimos exactamente qué

actividad. En este sentido, se utiliza mucho con los pronombres indefinidos como “something”,

“anything”, “nothing”, etc.

What are you doing today? I’m not doing anything.  He’s always doing nice things for his girlfriend.  Are you doing anything important right now?

Otras expresiones con do:

do good. 

do right.

do wrong.

do a favor. 

do justice.

do research.

do harm.

do business.

do wonders.

do damage.

do one’s best.

do one’s hair.

MAKESignifica producir, construir o crear algo.

Se utiliza “make” en el sentido de “fabricar”, “elaborar” o “crear”. Se usa para actividades en que se crea algo que se puede tocar, un objeto físico.

Make breakfast/lunch/dinner Make a dress

Make furniture

Sin embargo, no se puede confiar siempre en la regla antes mencionada. Estas reglas generales

tienen muchas excepciones, y a veces poca lógica. Usted simplemente tiene que observar y

recordar qué expresiones van con make y con do.

Otras expresiones con make

  make a decisionmake a choicemake a planmake arrangementsmake an appointment make a mistakemake moneymake an excuse

make an effortmake an attemptmake fun ofmake an offermake [a] noisemake peacemake warmake a phone callmake an exception

make a messmake a pointmake a promisemake the bedmake a commentmake a firemake an impressionmake a suggestion

make amendmake a statementmake a discoverymake a speechmake a differencemake friendsmake love make timemake a change


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make a confession


1. En las siguientes diez preguntas, seleccione la palabra o frase que complete cada conversación correctamente.

1 “ What’s the matter with Kevin? He’s crying!” “ I think -------- Bobby’s toy.”

a) He wants b) he’s wanting

2“ Let’s see. I’ll get milk, orange juice, soda, and, what else?” “ We __________ anything else.”

a) don’t need b) aren’t needing

3 “ Do you want ________out to dinner with me?”“ Yes, I do. When?”

a) go b) to go

4 “ Is Tommy coming with us?”“ No, he isn’t. He _______ a lot of work to do.”

a) has b) is having

5 “ What’s going on next door? There’s a lot of noise over there.”“ Oh, -------------- a big party.”

a) they have b) they’re having

6 “ Are you listening to me?”“ Oh, sorry. ----------- about tomorrow morning.”

7 “ Would you like _________ with me?”“ No, I wouldn’t. Go away and don’t bother me.”

a) dance b) to dance


a) I think b) I am thinking

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8 “ Your husband cooks?”“ Yes, he likes ________ very much. It’s his hobby.”

a) cooking b) cook

9 “ Mmm! That food _______ good! what is it?”“ Apple pie.”

a) smells b) is smelling

10 “ Shh! ______ that noise?”“ No. what noise?”

a) Do you hear b) are you hearing

11 “ The stores are very crowded today.” “ Yes, everybody ________shopping for the holidays.”

a) is b) are

12 “ The phone just rang! Who called?” “ ______. There wasn’t anybody on the line.”

a) anybody b) nobody

13 “ What did you do last weekend?” “_______. We just stayed home.”

a) anything b) nothing

14 “ Fred is so rich!” “ He --------- a lot of money in the stock market.”

a)made b)did

15 “ Which house are you going to buy?” “ We _______ a decision. We need to think about it.”

a) didn’t make b) didn’t do

16 “ Where’s Betty?” “ She’s upstairs on the computer. She’s ________ her homework.”

a) doing b) making

17 “ I need _______ an appointment with my dentist.” “ Oh.”


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a) to do b) to make

18 “ I’m studying, but I’m not ------------ any progress in this class.” “It’s a hard class, but you will.”

a)doing b)making

19 “ Elena looks excellent.”“ That’s because she goes to the gym and _______ exercises every day.”

a)does b)makes

20 “ Will you _______ something about that broken door?”“ Yes. I’ll fix it on Saturday.”

a)do b)make

2. Read the following reading and answer the questions

“Making a Complain”

DirectorDepartment of Motor VehiclesCity, StateU. S.

Dear sir or Madam:

I am writing as a concerned citizen. Mrs. Chang and I recently moved to this city and we had an unhappy experience at the DMV here.On November 23, my wife went to the department of Motor Vehicles to register a vehicle and get a new driver’s license.Jane’s appointment was at 9:30 a.m. she arrived promptly at 9:25 and then waited for an hour in the reception area. There were a few other people in the waiting area too, all waiting to register vehicles. The clerk finally called my wife’s name at 10:30. At that point, the entire registration took only five minutes from start to finish.Everyone spent a long time waiting, and then a short time registering. There was only one clerk to register twelve people during the entire hour between 9:30 and 10:30. At the same time, three other clerks answered phones and did paperwork! The clerk’s apology for the delay was minimal. He did not even offer an explanation!

Whose responsibility is it to make the appointments at the DMV? That person did not perform his/ her duties properly. Occasional problems


Page 23: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:

INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH Te acompañamos en tu propósito

occur in any registration process; however, this kind of inefficiency and inattention to the taxpayers’ time is totally unacceptable.

I would like to know that the Department of motor Vehicles, in the people’s interest, will take steps to correct this unfortunate situation.Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely: Robert M. Chang

1. What’s the reading about?


1. What happened in November 23rd?


2. Who is writing the complain?


3. Why was he upset?


4. How long did his wife wait in the reception area?


5. Who does he expect to solve his problem?


6. Do you usually complain when public service offices make you wait?



Page 24: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:


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3. Read carefully and answer the questions.

The History of Jeans

The first modern jeans were made by Levy Strauss & Co. The

company was established by Levy Strauss (1829-1902), who was a German immigrant to the United States. Strauss arrived in San Francisco in 1853, soon after gold was discovered near there. Strauss decided to make tough pants to sell to the gold miners. The first pair was made of tent canvas. Later it was replaced by strong cotton, which was brought from New Hampshire. This cotton was similar to a cotton made in France (Serge de Nimes in French); Now we call it “denim” (de Nimes). The denim was dyed blue with indigo. In 1873 copper rivets were added to the jeans. Strauss wanted to make the pockets stronger because the miners used to fill them with pieces of rock. The company still makes Levi’s jeans today.

The first wrangler jeans were made in 1924, and the first Lee Riders jeans in 1937. Until the 1930s, jeans were rarely seen east of the

Mississippi River. Hollywood westerns made jeans popular. Cowboys wore them in the movies, and movie stars wore them outside the studios.

At one time, jeans were seen as a sign of rebellion against authority. They were worn by stars such as James Dean and Marlon Brandon, then by the student revolutionaries of the 1960’s. Alex Madsen, a fashion writer, said, “Jeans were not only clothes; they were clothes-Language, instant and eloquent symbols of brotherhood.” Jeans represented freedom.

These days, jeans are classless. They’re worn by everyone, but not all styles of jeans are fashionable. What makes jeans fashionable? One year it’s an expensive designer label, the next year it’s “original Levy’s 501 jeans”, then it’s jeans with rips and tears. One thing is certain: jeans are here to stay.

Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.

1. Who was Levy Strauss?_________________________________________

2. Where was he from?____________________________________________

3. What did he make?_____________________________________________

4. What were jeans made of? ______________________________________

5. When were made the first Wrangler jeans?__________________________

6. What made jeans popular? __________________________________________



7. Who wore jeans in the 1960s?



Page 25: + Modulo V · Web viewI’m sorry but I can’t go to the movies with you on Sunday like you asked. I’m having a busy weekend, I made the schedule already. Here’s what I’m doing:


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8. What did jeans represent in the 1960s?


9. Who wears jeans today?


10. What makes jeans fashionable?


10. Answer the following personal questions.

1. Do you ever wear jeans?


2. Can you remember your first pair of jeans?


3. How often do you wear jeans?


4. When do you wear them?


5. How many pairs do you have?


6. What kind are your favorite jeans?


7. Do you know where were they made?


8. Are any of your jeans:

Faded ____

Ripped _____

Flared ______

Tight _____

Baggy ____

Stone washed ___


Clean ______

Old _____

More than 2 years old ___________