www.icclarion.org JANUARY 6, 2019 Inviting—Uniting—Igniting Church & School: 814-226-8433 Parish Staff Rev. B. LaMounte Sayers Pastor [email protected] Kim Kroh Business Manager [email protected] Theresa McMillen Parish Liturgical Coordinator [email protected] Teresa Frederick Faith Formation Director [email protected] Lori Cratty Principal [email protected] Connie Eisenman Office Coordinator [email protected] Ann Enderle Liska Director of Campus Ministry [email protected] Catholic Rural Ministry Sister Tina Geiger, RSM Sister Marian Wehler, OSB 677-2032 Parish Membership Membership includes active participation in the sacramental life of the Church, involvement in the activities of the faith community and financial support of the parish. New members are welcome to register by calling the parish office.



www.icclarion.org JANUARY 6, 2019


Inviting—Uniting—Igniting 720!Liberty!Street!!



Weekdays!-!Consult!the!bulletin!or!phone!the!parish!o"ce!Church & School: 814-226-8433

Parish Staff

Rev. B. LaMounte Sayers Pastor

[email protected]

Kim Kroh Business Manager

[email protected]

Theresa McMillen Parish Liturgical Coordinator

[email protected]

Teresa Frederick Faith Formation Director [email protected]

Lori Cratty Principal

[email protected]

Connie Eisenman Office Coordinator

[email protected]

Ann Enderle Liska Director of Campus Ministry

[email protected]

Catholic Rural Ministry Sister Tina Geiger, RSM

Sister Marian Wehler, OSB 677-2032

Parish Membership

Membership includes active participation in the sacramental life of the Church, involvement in the activities of the faith community and financial support of the parish. New members are welcome to register by calling the parish office.



A MESSAGE FROM FATHER MONTY — Blessing of the Home on Epiphany - Here is a wonderful Catholic tradition for you to use at home today. Using an ordinary piece of chalk, mark your main doorway like this:

20 + C + M + B + 19. The numerals refer to the New Year of the Lord, the four crosses represent the four seasons and the initials C, M, B stand for the traditional names of the three kings, Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar or the Latin phrase “Christus Mansionem Bendeicat” (May Christ Bless This Dwelling Place). Why not bless the doorways and rooms of your home—let each of the kids bless his or her bedroom—with holy water. (I bet you still have that small plastic “Holy Water” bottle you got last Easter!) Then, gather around your kitchen table and offer this prayer:

Bless our home, Lord, with the peace and joy of your presence. Heal all of our family who are in need of your touch. Teach us how to offer hospitality to every guest, seeing your face in every stranger and welcoming all who enter here as you welcome us into your Kingdom in this life and the next. Amen.

“Diocesan Assessments” – Today I talked about diocesan assessments. These fees, charged to every parish by the Office of Financial Services, include the Diocesan Fund (or Cathedraticum), Catholic Services Appeal (CSA), Priest Retirement, Self-Insurance, and Catholic School support. The Finance Office works to assure that the temporal goods of the Church are “acquired and administered prudently, professionally and in accordance with church law”. To learn more about assessments go to www.eriercd.org and scroll down and click on “MyDioErie” (blue section at the bottom of page — third column). Then, scroll down to “4. Parish Staff” and click “Financial Services”. On the Financial services home page, click on the “Parish Financial Practices Policy Manual”. In the right column, click on “Assessments”. My New Year’s “Resolution” – This quote from John Carmody is tacked on a bulletin board in my second floor study: “Dealing with the sick or slow is nothing special. Dealing with the arrogant, the overbearing, the self-satisfied is a significant witness, still beyond me most days.” During my retreat last September, I meditated on this passage from II Corinthians: “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness” (12:9). This prayer has provided both challenge and consolation: “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, clothe me with compassion, humility and kindness. Make me want to be patient with everyone.” I’m not sure where this is going, but I trust the Holy Spirit will guide me where I need to be in the New Year 2019.


The correct answers are on the opposite page.

1. When you help someone, Jesus said you should _____. a) tell no one b) tell everyone so people are impressed c) make sure to get service hours d) tell the person they owe you

2. “Faith without works is _____” (James 2:26). a) invisible b) boring c) difficult d) dead

3. The prophets of the Old Testament reminded the Israelites to especially take care of the _____. a) teenagers b) rich c) poor d) leaders

4. Because of the separation of church and state, the government cannot promote an official _____ for all US citizens. a) mascot b) religion c) fan club for Notre Dame d) type of church music

5. Jesus said: “All who take the sword will perish by _____” (Matthew 26:52). a) accident b) a Samurai warrior c) Roman soldiers d) the sword

6. Pope Francis said: “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.” True | False

7. The first _____ shared all their money and property to make sure everyone had enough. a) millionaires b) country music singers c) English kings d) Christians

8. _____ means that we are part of one human family so we need to help one another. a) Armageddon b) School spirit c) Solidarity d) Peer pressure

9. After Pope John XXIII died, Pope _____ was elected by the cardinals to lead the Church. a) Paul VI b) Francis c) Benedict d) John Paul

10. By serving those in need, we are serving _____. a) Pope Francis b) Jesus c) the Church d) the American dream

11. According to Catholic social teaching, people are more important than things. True | False

12. St. Thomas Aquinas defined _____ as “willing the good for another.” a) love b) sportsmanship c) wishful thinking d) social justice

13. Pope Paul IV famously wrote the encyclical entitled _____ explaining the Catholic teaching on artificial birth control. a) Be Fruitful and Multiply b) The Song of Songs c) Rerum Novarum d) Humanae Vitae

14. By _____, we contribute to God’s creation of the universe. a) singing b) eating c) dreaming d) working

15. Ignoring Catholic social doctrine is a mortal sin. True | False

16. Catholicism teaches that _____ are the central social institutions of our society. a) marriage and family b) the presidency and Congress c) Facebook and Snapchat d) the Army and the Navy

17. If [one] part [of the body] suffers, all the parts _____. a) pray b) suffer with it c) avoid it d) call for help

18. It is _____ to pick on someone if they are different. a) never okay b) sometimes allowed c) fun d) American

19. “If you want peace, work for _____.” —Pope Paul VI a) the United Nations b) the military c) justice d) Google

20. Like the Ten Commandments, you can find a list of the principles of Catholic social teaching in the Bible. True | False



Readings for the week of January 6, 2019 Monday: 1 Jn 3:22-4:6/Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a [8ab] /Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10/Ps 72:1-2, 3-4, 7-8 [cf. 11] /Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18/Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13 [cf. 11] /Mk 6:45-52 Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19-5:4/Ps 72:1-2, 14 and 15bc, 17 [cf. 11]/Lk 4:14-22a Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13/Ps 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20 [12a] /Lk 5:12-16 Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21/Ps 149:1-2, 3-4, 5 and 6a and 9b [cf. 4a]/Jn 3:22-30 Next Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11/Ps 104:1b-2, 3-4, 24-25, 27-28, 29-30 [1]/Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7 /Lk 3:15-16, 21-22

Monday, January 7 - Saint Raymond of Penyafort 8:30 am Jerry Mauersberg (Marie Mauersberg and Children) Tuesday, January 8 8:30 am Gene Griebel (Ron and Mary Nick) Wednesday, January 9 8:30 am Mary Weaver (Bill Weaver) Thursday, January 10 8:30 am Joe Datko (Anna Kris) Friday, January 11 8:30 am Maureen Sayers (Ron and Robin Heasley) Saturday, January 12 4:00 pm John McSparrin (Bob Gesin and Family) Sunday, January 13 - The Baptism of the Lord 8:30 am Dawn Kidney (Bob and Joan Donahue) INCENSE 8:30 am RADIO MASS — Deceased members of

Knights of Columbus Council #7549 11:00 am For the People


Monday January 7

Team 5

December 22 - 23

Envelopes $ 7,578.00

Loose 1,558.45 Monthly 300.00 Votive 142.75 Christmas 12,086.75 TOTAL $ 21,665.95

ATTENTION Faith Formation Families

January 6th – Child Protection In-service Grades 7 - 11 OLCC 9:30 – 10:45 January 13th – Grades 4 and 5 Retreat Parish Event Center 9:30 – 12:00 (Mass at 11:00) January 27th – First Eucharist Parent and Child Meeting IC School 9:30 – 10:45

Answers to IQ: 1-(a) 2-(d) 3-(c) 4-(b) 5-(d) 6-FALSE 7-(d) 8-(c) 9-(a) 10-(b) 11-TRUE 12-(a) 13-(d) 14-(d) 15-TRUE 16-(a) 17-(b) 18-(a) 19-(c) 20-FALSE

FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION – Please help IC Parish and School as they support the food pantry sponsored by Community Action. In January, we are asking for toiletry items such as tooth brushes, tooth paste, soap, shampoo, and sponges. Any non-perishable food items and paper products are always welcome. Please place you donations in the specified containers in the church lobby. Thank you!

QUESTION OF THE WEEK FOR FAITH SHARING — “Overcoming jealousy then Herod sent the [magi] to Bethlehem, saying, "Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found him bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage." (Matthew 2:8)

Adults: When have you been jealous or fearful of another person? When are such feelings harmful? Kids: When have you been jealous because something good happened to another person instead of you? What is the problem with feeling that way?

CATHOLIC QUOTES - WORDS TO INSPIRE THE FAITHFUL — "Coming from a land that worshipped stars, they fell down and worshipped Him Who made the stars." — Venerable Fulton Sheen

2019 WINTER OUTDOOR SPECTACULAR! — This great event is coming to the Immaculate Conception Parish Event Center on Saturday, February 23rd. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this great event. $30 per person includes dinner, beverages and a chance to win one of 10 Great Prizes! There are only 300 tickets available, so get yours now. They are available at the IC Parish and School Offices, George’s Barbershop, and DE Sports.

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If we are really unfamiliar with the space, anxiety, uncertainty, disorientation, and even fear can easily arise. Once we find the light, all is illuminated and we are at peace. Our light has come into the world! The glory of God has been revealed! Today's feast of the Epiphany teaches us to look to our Savior, Jesus Christ, for the way to truly be the human beings we were created to be. He shows us how to prioritize our lives, order our relationships, care for creation, and live as daughters and sons of God. God's love and creative power is universal, transcending all races and nations. Jesus brings the light of peace to a broken world that still struggles to understand itself and to you and I who also struggle to understand who we are. May we find ourselves overjoyed that we have found our truth and allow Jesus to bring light to the darkness of our lives!


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