
j j I I .i l j 'I ,I I \ ,. if ,) \ ' i :, " I' , (.1! \t ..jl.I.· , , . , II" , \. I , ...• { .. : . , ! j \1 1 . 1 \ ' \ , \, f! I I, , , '/ ;f ) I , .J J 1 ( f' I 1 I ,.: .. '. , 8' ,., '. OClt O'WN J"AIUf. OPPOSITE CQURT HOUSE, GOO D S TAB LIN G. ""\/Vhelan & CO. Prnprieto 1's. .sma y be EleC111·· ad· by :lpply- ing to & Co•• Who hltvo had over <Ill (!xparietlco nnd hnYo mndo over 1.10,000 l\pplicntious fAJ' mnri cnn a.nd }t'or. pl1tent,l'l. Send l"tll' Uaj){llJook. Correll- pondence strictly contidelltial. TRADE 1V1ARKS.. In JOur marl: I'ot. in tl1e Pat.. ent. 1I1'ply til & Co., mId procure IUliUIJdicltll}jl'otcCtiOll. tiond for llaudiJook. eO I) YR n 1':'\ :1'01' hoo!t:'1, c11arts,. maps., etc., quicJiI)' lH'{/cul'Cd. Addl'CbS CO •• !.'ntf'nt 0 F1"HB' D;;l UllOA tr\\'.AY. N. Y. A great !ltlCCf'Nt. Each iRRtle {'()ntnlns eolored IltIWgm!lhin ,,1111 ('R nf countr)' and city resj()ert- CH.. or lJuiJdinlJ'. NUlllerous em:n':lvings lllld fnll IllllnR and I<11\!ci!ientions for the use of M ('(lnl elllplill C' hl1ildiuJ:!. Pri{'e $2,50 nyenr. 25 ets. a copy. -'H, NN <'\; CO., l'ullLlSREUS. LINCOLN, Beaui if't11 gm'(lens and SU1Tound- lugs, Ghl bhaue tl'eft'l'l, mOllntain air seenel'j". . s)'rUl CTLY IPII\f)'f-CIJASS HOTEL. .... H,(lbert E, Lun<1. M. M. SALAZAR. - NEW l\IJ!lXIOO. III!) JV - Now -AND- --_.--_ .. J. E. S LIG II, \V· F. B-LANCHAR"o, G B. If.ARBl1JIl, AT LAW. O.lnnOE WHLTh: O.\KS AVE. JOlLV. Whito OakR. u. S, MINEHAL SUnVEYOR Whit" OakFl .... e ..... , ....... Nf\W i\T"'1('ln" NOGAL , " . . N. IvL ..Attorney at La'JV. -- llIl.AiVK II.' III GII.JIO]-t D, .P::..tto;r:n.ey at Lat'A7"-> WllIT:B1 OAKS, ll-ttontioE. Lriveu to all legal bmlinesll; \ ttorney at a , ... Vlhite Oaks Avenue. PllICIiARD w B.AL.AZ.A.fl. .e.. ttorney·s at :r. .... a "A7" L4S TTEOAS ·tor. Will practioo in all Courts of the r.rer. A'!'TORNEY;3 & COUNSli1LORS AT LAW. OF FlOE at t1).e of W"}''C, WATSON. "'I{,<j 191. J -..,.. •• __ . ,. --'_' .... _ ........... , __ . _, __ Wi!) nmc1iicc:' in the COUl't!'i in tho Will in all f.)f tho rerrii.ory nnd in the U. S.lJand Otlicas. G. W. PRIOH} ..RD. ... ,------------- Wm. Watson. . Gold WAtCb'FRBB . '-» ll,&i1.; i!,,;i1. ... UD .e'l!"Sfj;ru'l,l'!r, UClit $85 watch In t1\o world, fl." I'V ll) .'l4 timekeeper. War- 4lA:l Heavy Solid \2elll , I Cs IS BEST IUHNG p .. APER IN 'mE WORLD." . and cases of equal value. One Person in Illtch 10. Every Miner or .Dvcry Investor ........ Cl\ltIy ean secure one free, I .. ... . u' to(ol'ethorwlth olir litrglli1nd val. I in ];lines Sh,mud Road It. uabto IIno of Ilou.ebold C' ">t'"f thin'" mf iiJtere"t nnd "llh10. in mIll· Samples_ ThoSll sampl6. as ,on t.U ns .". . ="-_ well 8S thewateh,wo.en4 'nl4 and metallurgy, 'fhu fltlles't .mlIllng ae\\ s. . Free; and after you Itava kepC 'j'hc! best oOill, lllob!l, nnd,lulllLng atoolr. lUt\.rket .. In yoel' 110mI';. for 2 'Months and shown them to. thoSll1 reports . who n .. l.llY called, .thOY .. become )·ou. r prop. crt .. ThOJl. e. ell! t, 'y"'.. fio." th" ... U .:J On. D .. 11d[\ and. M c:doo who \vrlto ilt onee can be sure of receiving tbe ..,'2: ... , "",,1' - '" 0., .' , .. gpd Samples.· .WC.1!.ny a11 e.::pross, frclght, eto,A.d:lress THESO.IEN ..TIFIO FU:aIJISHING 00". fSliCo., Box 8u=,Fo.. •.• l+a:::1\[)J.u,ce. New: 1r.ol'.k. _ , . , VOLlJME VI.. WHITE LINCOLN CO. NEWMEXIC9. AUG. 22. 1800, , ..... _ ••• ,11;. ;;". _._. _.... ' i '. .. , ...... .. ---..,...:., ,-, . .,-,-, . .".,.-", _---.:. '\;,,,: \ CARDS. M. A.UPSON. . P. F, GARRE'rT. 'J.'I;N AN,D ITS N.-l.'I'IlVlE IJAl'J;D. 18,000 tOllS; and of Australia, 7 1 ,000 Surveyor & Notary Publ1c., Dealer in Real Estate rrin,' which every ono knows, bnt tons; jn all 25,000 tons. These. ' 'J .. :.:,., ,:",,"",PI ... n""\i""',,",:"":. ,';;;=t which few, except 111en of science figures sh,)w that the English UPSON' & GARRETT. d . . ', .iX)' . .6... e.:.:Jr:I:: ".I:' and ll1btallurgists, are acquainte have fallen off since the days, \\', .... . with, is one of the Inost preciolls of the PhCBnicians, when. Cornwall' , AT rr 0RNEYAT LA W. LA N .DA GE I\J TS and )l:1ost .After the principal center of produc- N0 rr AR Y PUB LI C. . gold. and SlIver, It 1::3 IntnnsICally hon. T'hey have left behitld the AN D CONVEYANCERS. the htObt precious of in. Dutch l£ast Indies, and will soon It is of the saIne. color and be overtaken 'by Australia, if .the: . R;(}SlVELL. - ]{E1f" ll{EXICO. alm·ost as bright as . but has nunlbljr, 7,000 tons, given as the C' - less resistance and is less valuable. present production.of its 111ines, is 0l?-plete Maps Abstracts of SVJ:te n w:1rmEJd by it h3.8 not exaggerated. Saxony and Bo. all Lauds elnbraced In the PECOS a pronounced onor and taste. "\Vhen helnia, which still figure in the No charge for inspeot/ion, it is the del'angenlent of the cycloprodia as sources of tiri are not Lands bought, Sold and for chrystals of whic'h its 111ass is rnentlOiled in ThiI. de esti- settlei.'s·. fonned causes it, w':ithout any 111ate. A graver· omission is 'that N OFtil:B'CJCE-1Gf'tapl."l.ett·s l-Iead of frae.t'ure taking place, to emit a of. the 111ineR, which I or ,lana. 0. ecos IrrIgatwn In-, . . . . vestment 00. PostufJice Address, peculIar sound winch metallnrgl.sts have mentIoned as the lllost o.n- UPSON & GARRETT, call·a cry, and by means of wlu?h cient,and also perhaps the ITlOst R T 11 N l\1f"' an e;xpert can nearly detorrnine lts productive. Aceording to 1\11' . os\,\ e .• .L ew :.LOXICO. degree of purity. The places where Patrick Doyle's Tin l\Iining in LINCOLN HOTELa tin is produced are few, scattere 1 d Larut (London, 1879) the l\1alay over the Burface of t 1e states of the l\Ialaccan .PenInsula glohej and it disguises itself unJer exported to Penang in 1887, in the fonn. of blackish miueral which, round nU111bers 2,500 tons of tin - NEW M.EX; CO. to the profane eye, gives no sign of and the Sian1esestates of the saUte the treasure that is within it. One conntry, 7,000 tons, Inaldng 9,- \, of tlie as well as the nlOst 500 tons in all. Frcnn personal l1nqient tin'111ining districts is in infornlAtion, I estimate the expor- tho 1\1alay Peninsula,' the Gol<.1en tation f1'(1111 single 11alay state Cherf>onesus of the ancients. The of Perak, in 1881, at 6,139 tons. uame of the province, Perak, sig- The pro<Jllction (If the peninsula :I:--3:ealth Eesort. nifies silYer; hut it is peculiarly the having grown steadily since 187B, I 'rHOIWUGHLY province of tin. Tho use of tin believe i can assert that it now NLHHKD ANI> dl1tes fi"Oln extrOlne antiquity. takes the lead lU110ng tin produ- to.HIe travlJling puhlic and nlOntions it as kassiteros, cing countries, and that the world's healH1 a.CCOl1l in description of tho of his total present annual production dations heroes. lIel'odotus speaks of the of this lnetal is not less than. 45,,, VEGBTABLB::3, & .MILI\: British Islands a3 JtassiteJ'ides. 000 tons. this production is The Phooniciu.ns obtained ,t.he tin hardly sufficient to supply the whicl1 they furnished to the an- needs of existing llldnstry, for the Clent world,. chiefly fronl those price of tin bofore the crash in islands, but partially also fronl copper, by which it was also affect- Gaul and the Iberiun l'cpnumla. ed, had reached the high figure of Before the Phronicians and the' *800 a ton -M. B. de St. P. Lias, Greeks, however, the Chn.ldeans in :l'lu..! ])oyu[a1· Science knew this rnetal c nder the IHt1110 of fo;· J line. the Hlde!\t :tnel mnc;t 1 1 oJ)nlllr !lpientillc and 7. t' rr'h t . 1 me<'hnnical paller :11111 11flS the InrA'cf!t /LaS tra. 1 0 1nos ancwn uocu· ... ('ir('llll1tiOIl of :my (If its in t h(\ worid. II· b j<'lIily:llm.trute(]. He!\t Cln!ll'l of Wood ment in which a nwntion of it hUR . s n1- y lng!'. "'('('Idy, fo:end for l'llll'cilnen COIlY· Price$3:tyC':rr. J'onrmollths'trilll,$l. been fonnd is pl'\Jba.Lly a h,-Tnln to \\'hiehever name j"QU choose to call &, l:O., N. Y. J A RCH'ITECrS Ii the fire, which 11. Oppert has it-" is a SUhjHct of special interest III of Soientific American. translattid fron1 the Aendian to everybody at present, and every, language, a tongue the knowledgr oue would be to have ocu- of which has been recently rev1 ved lur dernanstration of some of the from cuneifcrm UOCUll1eut5. Tin \vollc1el'1.ul phenOlnena was designated ill tlWln, five this wierd art or science. Oppor- thousand years ago, as tuaitics, .. however, are few; but those The Biblical text in the book of curious to learn the modus opr;ran- in which 1\10ses na111e8 eli Inay do so froln teading the des .. tin ill the enuluoration of metals cription of L'A I-Iypuotic seance," is therefore compara.tively HlOdern, illustrated with pictures taken fronl for it is of fifteen hundred years life, published in DEMORES'r's FAM- later date than t.he hy1nn to the u.s J}fARAzDn:: for Septenlber. It fire. Even more definite than is by thus giving special XJOUht""',,_................. theEle texts is an. Egyptian statnette to till1ely topics, kee!Jing "in touch" in bronze (an alloy of tin) of the with the s0ntiulents and new ide..ts age of the pyranlid s, or 3600 years' of the day, that. thIS ideal l\1aga.. n. C. Let' us to our own' zine has achieved' its well deservell age, and see what is the present popularity. I annual procluction of tin. In a re- Anvther tilnely paper is "On a relIt book on the Indnstries of the Stealn Yacht;" the text N rTf, de Rarnix: grves as and tho nne illustrations giving a the production of the Dutch East vivid idea of Jay "AtIautn.· Indies, 10;000 tons; of Cornwall the ffoating pala(\e ht\vhi.0h he and., < " j OFFIOE BONNELL BUILDING, .... ,rj GOR. WRITE O.uta AVE. AND GJl,AND STREET, OAKA, N. M. . .. ", .... ,,,:.("... •• .. J;V•. C. }[cDONALD. u. States Depu.ty Mineral Surveyol '.J White Oo,1\:s. . New I,l(exico. '" B. Ii. DYE, .. , ., .... ' " . , t,' , , . ! " . Fr· ...J..t ,,"oi.," .....__ . L--

Transcript of ·...

Page 1: · j j I.iI l j 'I,I I \,. I· if,)\i·' i:, "I', (.1! \t..jl.I.·., ,, II"\., I.,

jjII. ilj



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(.1!\t..jl.I.·, ,. ,II" ,


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,.: ..'.



,.,'. ~ ~.




""\/Vhelan & CO.Prnprieto1's.

.smay be EleC111··ad· by :lpply-ing to 1rll~"';N& Co•• Whohltvo had over

<Ill ~'4':\l'8' (!xparietlco nnd hnYo mndo over1.10,000 l\pplicntious fAJ' .t~ mnri cnn a.nd }t'or.ei~11 pl1tent,l'l. Send l"tll' Uaj){llJook. Correll­

pondence strictly contidelltial.

TRADE 1V1ARKS..In en~~ JOur marl: i~ I'ot. rc~lstcl'ed in tl1e Pat..

ent. OI1i~(>, 1I1'ply til .\H·~;-.' & Co., mId procureIUliUIJdicltll}jl'otcCtiOll. tiond for llaudiJook.

eO I) Y R J(~ n 1':'\ :1'01' hoo!t:'1, c11arts,. maps.,etc., quicJiI)' lH'{/cul'Cd. Addl'CbS

11IU~X l.~ CO•• !.'ntf'nt ~~CJHcitOl·S.Gl~~EH1t.lJ 0 F1"HB' D;;l UllOA tr\\'.AY. N. Y.

A great !ltlCCf'Nt. Each iRRtle {'()ntnlns eoloredIltIWgm!lhin ,,1111 ('R nf countr)' and city resj()ert­CH..~ or pUhli~ lJuiJdinlJ'. NUlllerous em:n':lvingslllld fnll IllllnR and I<11\!ci!ientions for the use of~l1ch M ('(lnl elllplill C' hl1ildiuJ:!. Pri{'e $2,50 nyenr.25 ets. a copy. -'H, NN <'\; CO., l'ullLlSREUS.


Beaui if't11 gm'(lens and SU1Tound­lugs, Ghl bhaue tl'eft'l'l, mOllntain airan~l seenel'j". .



H,(lbert E, Lun<1.



III!) JVIT1.~.

- Now Moxil~Q





Gl~O. B. If.ARBl1JIl,


O.lnnOE O~ WHLTh: O.\KS AVE.


Whito OakR.


Whit" OakFl .... e ..... , ....... Nf\W i\T"'1('ln"

NOGAL , " . . N. IvL

..Attorney at La'JV.

--llIl.AiVK II.' IIIGII.JIO]-tD,

.P::..tto;r:n.ey at Lat'A7"->


P~omJ)b ll-ttontioE. Lriveu to all legal bmlinesll;

\~ ttorney at a ~r ,... Vlhite Oaks Avenue.

PllICIiARD w B.AL.AZ.A.fl.

.e..ttorney·s at :r.....a "A7"

L4S TTEOAS ·tor. J.~J.

Will practioo in all Courts of the r.rer.


OF FlOE at t1).e Rosid~mco of W"}''C, WATSON.

"'I{,<j O.&.U.S:~, 191.J-..,.. ••__ . ,. --'_' .... _ .,-_".o-=~........... , ,~.,,,-~_-. __. _,__~-_

Wi!) nmc1iicc:' in ~tll the COUl't!'i in tho te.rritQr~

Will pl'~otice in all <:O:'It~ f.)f tho rerrii.orynnd in the U. S.lJand Otlicas.



Wm. Watson.

• ~-mRINn .$~5 ~lId Gold WAtCb'FRBB ~ 'rl.fGJf'lb~ . '-» ,~l\VSql~(or$100:ulltUlntely. ll,&i1.; EJ.·~ i!,,;i1. ... UD .e'l!"Sfj;ru'l,l'!r,

UClit $85 watch In t1\o world, fl." I'V ll) .'l4J:1!~'(ec~ timekeeper. War- • 4.\'lINl~:TG· 4lA:l

l·an~od. Heavy Solid \2elll J,~

4"~ , ~"d~~tft~~::~~tlh ~~~i:; I Cs IS ~lIE BEST IUHNG p.. APER IN 'mE WORLD.". and cases of equal value.

~, ~, One Person in Illtch 10. Every Miner or Motallnrd3~ .Dvcry Investor........ Cl\ltIy ean secure one free, I .. ... . u'

to(ol'ethorwlth olir litrglli1nd val. I in ];lines Sh,mud Road It.uabto IIno of Ilou.ebold C' l.~i ">t'"f thin'" mf iiJtere"t nnd "llh10. in mIll·Samples_ ThoSll sampl6. as ,on t.U ns ev~,J." .". .

="-_ well 8S thewateh,wo.en4 'nl4 and metallurgy, 'fhu fltlles't .mlIllng ae\\ s. .Free; andafter you Itava kepC 'j'hc! best oOill, lllob!l, nnd,lulllLng atoolr. lUt\.rket

.. ~b!lm In yoel' 110mI';. for 2 'Months and shown them to. thoSll1 reports. who n.. l.llY called, .thOY..become )·ou.r o.~vn. prop.crt..~ ThOJl.e. ell! t, 'y"'.. fio." th"... U .:J On.D.. 11d[\ and. Mc:doowho \vrlto ilt onee can be sure of receiving tbe W'~tch ..,'2: ... , "",,1' - '" • 0., .' , ..gpd Samples.· .WC.1!.ny a11 e.::pross, frclght, eto,A.d:lress THESO.IEN..TIFIO FU:aIJISHING 00".~~~~OQ. fSliCo., Box 8u=,Fo..tlaD~•.•~ ~1 l+a:::1\[)J.u,ce. New: 1r.ol'.k. _


, ~,~., ..... _••• ,11;. ;;". ~. _._. _.... ' i

'.~ ~"...,........ ---..,...:.,,-,. .,-,-,. .".,.-",~---,,-----......~~~--------~~,..,....._---..I.;.-'~ _---.:. ~____._,.-

'\;,,,: ,)~, \ P:aO~'ESSION.:\.L CARDS. M. A.UPSON. . P. F, GARRE'rT. 'J.'I;N AN,D ITS N.-l.'I'IlVlE IJAl'J;D. 18,000 tOllS; and of Australia, 71

,000':"~:-:+~ Surveyor &Notary Publ1c., Dealer in Real Estate rrin,' which every ono knows, bnt tons; jn all 25,000 tons. These.' 'J ~,;,..:.:,., ,:",,"",PI ;·i;;r!:,,!-·;~<;Iie,"...n""\i""',,",:"":. ,';;;=t which few, except 111en of science figures sh,)w that the English'~ UPSON' & GARRETT. d .. ', .iX)' J"'~~. .6...J"'E~e.:.:Jr:I:: ".I:' and ll1btallurgists, are acquainte lnln~s have fallen off since the days,

\\',....,,"\.~ . with, is one of the Inost preciolls of the PhCBnicians, when. Cornwall',~) , AT rr 0 R N E Y A T LA W.·'~Io LAN.DAGE I\J TS and )l:1ost i~terest~ng. n1~tal~. .After ,~as the principal center of produc-

N 0 rr AR Y PUB L I C. . gold. and SlIver, It 1::3 IntnnsICally hon. T'hey have left behitld the

AN D CONVEYANCERS. the htObt precious of tho~e" in. us~. Dutch l£ast Indies, and will soonIt is '~learly of the saIne. color and be overtaken 'by Australia, if .the: .

R;(}SlVELL. - ]{E1f" ll{EXICO. alm·ost as bright as ~ilver, .but has nunlbljr, 7,000 tons, given as theC' - less resistance and is less valuable. present production.of its 111ines, is

0l?-plete Maps an~l Abstracts of SVJ:ten w:1rmEJd by fric~ion, it h3.8 not exaggerated. Saxony and Bo.all Lauds elnbraced In the PECOS a pronounced onor and taste. "\Vhen helnia, which still figure in theV~-\.Lr.JY. No charge for inspeot/ion, it is bent~ the del'angenlent of the cycloprodia as sources of tiri are notLands bought, Sold and .IJ~cated·for chrystals of whic'h its 111ass is rnentlOiled in ThiI. de Rami~'s esti­settlei.'s·. fonned causes it, w':ithout any 111ate. A graver· omission is 'that

NOFtil:B'CJCE-1Gf'tapl."l.ett·s ,R.anc~, l-Iead of frae.t'ure taking place, to emit a of. the ~Iali:lccan 111ineR, which Ior ,lana. 0 . ecos IrrIgatwn ~nd In-, . . . .

vestment 00. PostufJice Address, peculIar sound winch metallnrgl.sts have mentIoned as the lllost o.n-UPSON & GARRETT, call·a cry, and by means of wlu?h cient,and also perhaps the ITlOst

R T 11 N l\1f"' an e;xpert can nearly detorrnine lts productive. Aceording to 1\11'.os\,\ e.• .L ew :.LOXICO. ~.

degree of purity. The places where Patrick Doyle's Tin l\Iining in

LINCOLN HOTELa tin is produced are few, scattere1

d Larut (London, 1879) the l\1alayspar,~ely over the Burface of t 1e states of the l\Ialaccan .PenInsulaglohej and it disguises itself unJer exported to Penang in 1887, inthe fonn. of blackish miueral which, round nU111bers 2,500 tons of tin

- NEW M.EX; CO. to the profane eye, gives no sign of and the Sian1esestates of the saUtethe treasure that is within it. One conntry, 7,000 tons, Inaldng 9,-


of tlie ri~hest as well as the nlOst 500 tons in all. Frcnn personall1nqient tin'111ining districts is in infornlAtion, I estimate the expor­tho 1\1alay Peninsula,' the Gol<.1en tation f1'(1111 th~ single 11alay stateCherf>onesus of the ancients. The of Perak, in 1881, at 6,139 tons.uame of the province, Perak, sig- The pro<Jllction (If the peninsula

:I:--3:ealth Eesort. nifies silYer; hut it is peculiarly the having grown steadily since 187B, I'rHOIWUGHLY H,Ji~MonE.LIJ~{D, nJ~l!'UH- province of tin. Tho use of tin believe i can assert that it now

NLHHKD ANI> .J~NJJAHGJi:D. dl1tes fi"Oln extrOlne antiquity. takes the lead lU110ng tin produ-()IT(H'~ to.HIe travlJling puhlic and I~Ioll1er nlOntions it as kassiteros, cing countries, and that the world's

healH1 ti€.~k(~r:-l ~llpe}'io{' a.CCOl1l ~o- in description of tho ~urns of his total present annual productiondations al~,(~ ~Ol~f{)rts, heroes. lIel'odotus speaks of the of this lnetal is not less than. 45,,,

VEGBTABLB::3, FRUIT~ &.MILI\: British Islands a3 th~ JtassiteJ'ides. 000 tons. Ye~ this production isThe Phooniciu.ns obtained ,t.he tin hardly sufficient to supply thewhicl1 they furnished to the an- needs of existing llldnstry, for theClent world,. chiefly fronl those price of tin bofore the crash inislands, but partially also fronl copper, by which it was also affect­Gaul and the Iberiun l'cpnumla. ed, had reached the high figure ofBefore the Phronicians and the' *800 a ton -M. B. de St. P. Lias,Greeks, however, the Chn.ldeans in :l'lu..! ])oyu[a1· Science J.~[onthl!l

knew this rnetal c nder the IHt1110 of fo;· J line.]~ the Hlde!\t :tnel mnc;t 11oJ)nlllr !lpientillc and 7. t' rr'h t . t·1me<'hnnical paller JllllJli~hed :11111 11flS the InrA'cf!t /LaS tra. 1 0 1nos ancwn uocu· ...('ir('llll1tiOIl of :my ~Irwr (If its ('Ill!\~ in t h(\ worid. II· bj<'lIily:llm.trute(]. He!\t Cln!ll'l of Wood J·~mm\\'. ment in which a nwntion of it hUR . YP~()TISM-nletBmerl s n1- ylng!'. J'tlhli:"lt~cl "'('('Idy, fo:end for l'llll'cilnenCOIlY· Price$3:tyC':rr. J'onrmollths'trilll,$l. been fonnd is pl'\Jba.Lly a h,-Tnln to \\'hiehever name j"QU choose to callMUN~ &, l:O., PUJU.I~II1~lt~, &illll'oadwu~', N. Y. J

ARCH'ITECrS Ii DUilDER~ the fire, which 11. Oppert has it-"is a SUhjHct of special interestIII E(~ion of Soientific American. ~ translattid fron1 the Aendian to everybody at present, and every,

language, a tongue the knowledgr oue would be ple~sed to have ocu­of which has been recently rev1 ved lur dernanstration of some of thefrom cuneifcrm UOCUll1eut5. Tin \vollc1el'1.ul phenOlnena produ(~ed·by

was designated ill tlWln, five this wierd art or science. Oppor­thousand years ago, as anal~ll. tuaitics,..however, are few; but thoseThe Biblical text in the book of curious to learn the modus opr;ran­~utllbers, in which 1\10ses na111e8 eli Inay do so froln teading the des..tin ill the enuluoration of metals cription of L'A I-Iypuotic seance,"is therefore compara.tively HlOdern, illustrated with pictures taken fronlfor it is of fifteen hundred years life, published in DEMORES'r's FAM­

later date than t.he hy1nn to the u.s J}fARAzDn:: for Septenlber. Itfire. Even more definite than is by thus giving special ~~ttelltion

"~-~_,XJOUht""',,_................. theEle texts is an. Egyptian statnette to till1ely topics, kee!Jing "in touch"in bronze (an alloy of tin) of the with the s0ntiulents and new ide..tsage of the pyranlids, or 3600 years' of the day, that. thIS ideal l\1aga..n. C. Let' us r~turu to our own' zine has achieved' its well deservellage, and see what is the present popularity.Iannual procluction of tin. In a re- Anvther tilnely paper is "On arelIt book on the Indnstries of the ~Iinionaire;sStealn Yacht;" the textNetherla:t.1d~, rTf, de Rarnix: grves as and tho nne illustrations giving athe production of the Dutch East vivid idea of Jay Gould'~ "AtIautn.·Indies, 10;000 tons; of Cornwall the ffoating pala(\e ht\vhi.0h he and.,




OFFIOE BONNELL BUILDING,"\~ .... ,rj GOR. WRITE O.uta AVE. AND GJl,AND STREET,-.JI~~ \~~ W~ITE OAKA, N. M. .~ 1'\"~,\,,,,..",....,,,:.("...r,.J'lol"~.p;,.~,,,)~,,,,,_~,,",)_·~.n./~""''''~'' '~~:<'\ ••~.".1'I.6Ol

..,,(~., J;V•. C. }[cDONALD.

~ u. States Depu.ty Mineral Surveyol

'.J White Oo,1\:s. . New I,l(exico.

~_"""""~''''''''''''.~jtl~~_·~P~.'~"~"'.'~\I"'~"""'i'·Io_"-"""'"'" B. Ii. DYE,..,

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'"-.~-'- -~ .~-. - -_.:.--....... -_.... - ._-_.~'I--... ~.~ ..\,.__.....1# .........

"By J . •1l., 'Allen·



,,~,. ,;,.' ',' ""/~\r,:"e~~.£.'h:~!,£,·,'qe,!!t.!L~¥~.fiWd!:.,¥,: ...,.,!!~!i!$&4:l. t, ~ -",'1JU2?,!' . JJP!f:!!'~Pe·!e~±±h±e*¥"." :et'1f\ '",~,t4~t!!"!!,L+-~; '~,'" :':",:"':!'!'i; :::!, ." .' .•... ' ,.', •.:.. ., .. ,' \" .... " :.~:~:'\,/:~p," ..,..,,')/'1 "1 ' '1,' ... .. "··when it' comes to' a <J,QaS$ion of '. •TRill ~:QI'l'0.88;~~~.:., As\yhg\i,t.o 'pi'~f!SlJ,O w(j~dhlli.: ,.,1::;;';':;:,' . ::wtl.t!'~t~~n·.· jlj{nttrprdtr. asking Div!ne aid at a. Republicall .<S8Cl'etary :Rusk in his report cans ·~en. i'ecei:v~d'by the .. y!\rious ..... '\, ,:, "f, ::'>,<,", ,;< "'.. • . . ...' oaucus,~',vhat a pi,cture ~.' to see, attention to the fa~t: that'. the,;an,- '~itnesses abo,ut; Whit,e' O~lts" when,' ":::',;;",/",:,;'/;1\1

. ' t.~~W-~t:~:!:'!~~~~:.t:'}r,::t:'f'..:.~=-~~.\::,:::,w.":t:'~~':~~~,'I.!':~~· L d . 'h . '. .' . .. .... .. ". ..... '. .... \~. Caffrey and, . un. dlScllsslng t e n"lal poultry pl~oductofthe 'United they are to ~ttend, if ,at all~ .'. Some~,> ';){:;';.;:i:,~

language to. be llsed ~ . Geni~lenlel), . Statesalnounts to $200,000,000, and thing' is. loose :sotnewhere~thestt '.';:':':\'1"y~'~l werebo~h ou.t o,f place" espe- taking thi~ as a text he nlo,lres, a caseS.will most likely ,go ..yyer 'an.. ',:;:::,,:,.~,;jclaUy und~r theclfCUn1,stanees, plea for the" recogniti(IIl of, the other tel'111, '.';:.!':i'&

WlIlTE 01\.K~. 'N. M. Ang,.22. 1.890' The Roswell Regis,ter in its last American'hen by the GoverUIl1'ent. ."'~M":."~ \ ':d',~~;. l~nteredint.Q.epostof"rlceatWhiteOakB""~Bec-· ic:lsue"'announces a cl'lange' hereaf- Un.'ele .Terry does not rnake hi,B 'rhe RepublIcans of White Oa.ks ". ';·(;:'1:.ondola~smatter,· . 1lJ, " . ...... , e . C 1, . .X'".. . tel' the paper will be conducted as a vn~hes very clear, but a HMW av1- n~et in conYJutwn on last Satllrd~y .'!~j~ubRcri,ption~'per annum , ~ .$2O.t ~f' . t t b k' , th '.\.,,t\dvertisingrate~:$l,OO perinch, per moiltb a Delll0Cl'atic Journal by the irre- ne' . 1n18er 0 e nown as - e evening, ,and to ',S~lY i~ 'was a cat " );·tl

Addrel'lsallcomwunicationst9 pressible.Kibbee, now of the Lin- Secretary of tb"e Hen Coop WQuld arid dog fight is to . put it :mildly~.·;','n

Tli!E INTEUPHETER, (:oln Independent. !Cibbee alwaJs doubtless Ineet his ap~n'ova~. AnJ Anlot'lg the 01d-tin1ers froln Louisi'- '.'J~White Oaks. N. M, t h £~ ht t f, J "j

was a democrat, and nTe are pleased ye suc an o.l.J.cer Inlg Hl 'e1" ere ana ana Texas, there was never ' .,)~l\r~"""'''''~~',",,~'''~4'~~~'l'\'d~i'IlIt'b~'~''''·~'.'~~''.t'~~"~ 'f d f . l

t o Q8e hI'ill have'a haIfa sholv to ex- with 1\11', Rusk's barnyal' unctlo11. anythinsr in the way of a Bro.Gard~· .. \'':. LINOOLN Co.' DE~IOURArrIC lJ P .' ~ , OJ 'J\, I.' b . d t -l\ew York '\'odd. ner lugger conclave that could con1- }'jTICICET. el'ClSe 1111:; etter JU gn1en . . ii,:

_...................... ,,,..............---. TVe confess to all admiring be-' pare with, It. 17 gl'~~at and good\,~'!

ROMAN LUJAN ~ For a fight and nothing to tight lief in Mr. Blaine's ta.lents, but we n1Gn boldly eecedec1 froln the foldPAUL MAYEH. Commissioners, for, the RepublicaIJ. callCUS last l h J-h . 'it .\iJ. F. HINKLE. '(.'j + d . l' 1 -th' do not believe in 1\:11', Blaine, nor in auc 'w ere ~ e "vent to, or w a.t- ,.1

;:,alJur, ay DIg It, was a SlOW wor y I+1 ]'d't f tl . ! t' h they did the l'e111a:ning r.a1·thful \;]YI. ORONIN, Probate Judge. "De so I 'J yo' 18 repuca ,Ion e! . " , 1 1; . ,

of the best efforts of a bullescLue, enJ'ov~. It is tin1e that thoughtful up to this time are unable to state.D, W. ROBER'rS, Sheriff, , wiLh aU the Col's and's and./ 'II

G ""O CURRY A i' - ~ , ReIJublicans should cease to bow to 1/01' a laughable farce, it capped the' JEJ. " ,.ssess~r, ." .so calied dignitaries, it was a sur-

W T "LIAFr.nDRO P b t 01 k I na11108 and. shou-td l)aV nlore. heed elirnax. rrhe preparatlonmade by .',m. .£J.._ .i!i.Lv::\J,' ro a e er, prise even to a 'ralnnl::tllY DenlO-.J .SOIP~O St\LAZAR T than they have sometinlef:l done to t.he leag.ue and the good people of'

1. 10 ,reaSUl'er. erat, frorn the worst waru in NowJ. E. \VHAR~ON, Supt, Sehools. Ym.',h:. principles. \Ve believe th tJ.t 1\1r. Raventon , resulted in Raventon

TIl\10TEO ANALLA, OorOllcr. _:zuIlE1VA_~"JI_ Blaine's nOlninatlOl1 would be a capturing" VVhite Oaks. When'rhe ConsLit~~tlionalConvention is misfortune that nlust inevitably Y01~ go hunting for republicans ~et

'l'he Denl0crats last 'WEek held now in session r~t Santa l~e. The end in defeat for the Itepublican thee to Raventon, they outnumbertheir covention ,at Lincoln,' and Democrats are ignorIng the affair. party; and if tho prevailing wind 1Vhite Oaks 47 to 17, The ques-·nominated the ticket ~o l?e fouud at Jud<fe Trilllble i~ the sulitarv deUl- shows that the stra'NS blow in his tion of the hour is where are the'o ~

the head of our col ullln. ocratlC delegn,te in ntten-Iance, direction, the sooner the WInd republicans, at Haventon 01' \t\-ThiteThe I~TEnPRE'rEH. during the \Vhat a kick. thel'e will' be when changes Lhe bett,~r it ,"viiI be.- Oaks?

can:vass will fronl time to tilne! the llext legislntuye cOnyenUd und IDo~ton Saturday Gazette (Rep.) ~-...- sOTlwthing to sny a..boUG tho Iret'uf:3e::i tl) "llow tl~u bills of this I Q t 1\ If' 'II J t MI', .Joseph ha~ l'ecoll~idered hi.!

. ,'. I' ~... lV<:'lHl or luOl'I'1 noeB no agree.. . ,p.ersollnelot the :l!.'ket. At t~lls Ibide show, created for r(:lJublicau with ~Ir. Bla.ine in the opinion th:;t,t Illl.tentIon of ret~l'lng from politicsr-tune we are a Hint for the' w];101e I C'11111)-'lgI1 tllullder . I'I)' 't' tIl' 1 t.r 'f WIll be a. canuHlate for renornina-

, • u. '" 1.. ' \eCIprocI Y IS 1r, :llg lea .lOrnl 0 , . 'tlc!tet~ and. we but express the 111- . !=.~~~~~:.~"'-"'-=:,:.;~ , t ...t"" II) 1 t It! tl") hon before the SlIver City conven-

. /. f 11 D t S" 'ltor' 1)1 'llurJs 11 l' tIle rr,ty pI 0 ~e 1011.. . ,e laB 0 ,'lC t' II' ,ate SGnhnUll"O a emocras, • en.. lIC Il),:::l, 'ttl ~'. 'Ion. -lsadll111'ablerecordincou-,. 1 t1 1)"'" 111) '. ',~' llHHnbern ()f tho fInance comunttce "

WIth the hl\rh eharaeter and wort..n ....ld ..O:::l ,\ I] lJegIl:itfH puts Iv Hi a I . , ,. , . gress nlak(~s hun a luighty hard. t.,. l' . , " - : that, III 1118 OpInIOn "the logICal.of tho HH\rernl c.u1(hJates pla<:o(l, ..tte l~StW. .Ldthullgh It J.8 SOUle-I ,.,. n1<111 to beat for n0111inat.ion or elec~

I 'I' ,.1 l' . 1'1 , d ()utCOllH~ of reClpl'Of:lt.y IS urn versal . .before the lX.~Ol) e. rI ne people or 'I W lH,t pre UJature It SOlln~::; goo' to" . y. 1 ' . hon. Albuquel'(lue Deluocrat

£ , " , .' • If ree tra<1o," Well If fl'ee tra( e IS :t •Lin(·oIn cou,nty have t1 twlwt 9f th~ Oal'd of Jllany of In~ fnelH.L:l Ill',' • . ••

1 1 1 1 t ·1 ft tl'l'S P'll't of the <.11' ,t 'l'Ct (I ., !.roou thIng, why shouldn't \ye haV~ Mr. Joseph IS ') n [/) pOfntton to1l1Cll ,V 10 w,ve )ce n S8 OC eu or 1.1 , ::; t • x..11.... . . .. •their peculiar fit1l8SS and thoir IHiuhardson is well known :hotll one It? if a 'VVI<:!or Jnarket and a ,freer do DlOl'13 for ~ew ~fexJco than anyabiUt. . to lill the sevm,'al ofiicos to I end to the other of lns district, trado help the groat borly of the other .rnan who ca.n bo sent to

1 . 1Y

tl 1 1. • t·1 , IlJ l'f til'" D 11110cl'ats '8 :l f't to' prodUCtH'S and C0l1Sl1111erS why \Vaslllngton. lIe IS experIenced,w lIe 1 10 V lave lJeen nOllJ1l1a eu It 0 e . . ce 1 I • ' ,.

b "' l' f D t ph, hi 'n 01' t' tl '11 should the voters not try a lIttle IS held III ]ugh estecIU by Inenlbers'lX~', a, • COI1\lren 1()~1 0 1 e~llocra S. b . co ,ltlld

1~1 t



" 101'1° \~ld l110ru extension? They will do it of the IIo'.lsc, of bot.h parties, andH L1ile III t 1e personna In sonle e U lllll e elior 0 see lIn e eOlie . . 1 l' .. . d' '. t d 1 t J] s f'f bS dcgreeti, testIng It as they go, n0 l'lLre y falls to ~et wha~ he tl,skdInstances we fiwere

1hump,P0ln C' ,JU regal' e~~ O.!?POS1 10rl. The Anlerican people can be trul'it- for, \Vr, are awa're that it distress-

when at a na - carIng we ~\.re ---- - I ... I .. d ' I' LIncoln county, ~tlld her 'LT'{O off ed not to contInue burnIng holes In es tIe Hepubhcan leaders to SE:~

con tent an as an anOlll1 y Hl h' . '!'\~ "\r 1 'B,T 1,1 D ' 1,. ' 't 1 f t '£1 soots, constItute a repre80ntatlve thell' pockets'-.l.,ew ~ or t n U1' U. enlOe-rats unItec upon 1\11', Jo-

Dl?OhtICS, are af.Lu,ul elt C

ront' 10 diE:!trict. A few days ago a caucus ' seph, but really, we feel that we

ernocra.ts a I11CO 11 nun V as a r ' . , . .d

" 1 " .. was h~ld by the newly :mnngrated rrhe congressional record shows lllust look to the best Interests of"whole an as a unIt, are latnlODl- LI' , 1 'd tl J.1 '1 It' tl rI' 't

~ Th 1 f t1 r 1 t repu lcans of t lese countIes, an lat uuge t;eet s was no appOult-. 10 erl'l ory, even at the rIsk of' I?US. h e

tP~l'sl'donbne k

Od l~t lC

l{t: it was deternlined to shak9 off all eel to the 5th dislrict and it is prob- defeating the H.epublican nominee. _.tP--

IS all t a COll' e as -e . 1 SUl-, , t, ~.,. . I 't f' the old tune fellows, who have been able that no appointment \\ ill 0<3 -lieadhgbt, ' ~

111ate ~ lectlon IS on y a ques 1011 0 , £ d .. jj.,. " . whooping UD the old flag and the made or that istl iet un til the _ ...M ..·..".... ._ vthe anl0unt or the 1113J01'lty, WIll be G \ 1'> f' .c h', · hO 11 th D ' I. ,.h. .lI. or bO many years, W lie boundaries for the saIne a,l'e fixed "'V. Dr. Atkinson, of' H.oswe~l, N.In conlmon WIt a e ernocraiJs.., . I'l~T 'lJ h ,./! th t, k t the countv was known to ba so11<1- as provided by the bill creating It. '. I\I., f'ot'clnan e,f the Lea Cattle Co.,tv e say :-l.urra . .lor 'e ·lC e . " .

~ , ly denl0cratlC; and now they think. It InUBb be encouraging to the! was in Las ·Vegas.this week' on his\Ve go to pross too early to give thert' is a chance fur tlie party to papers of the Territory, \vhich haye return froln l{Ltnsas, where he has

oUr readers the parlicullArs of the ,sucoeed, they have portioned out so strongly advo(~ated the clairllS of beon to deliver to Atchison, lCas,.convention at, Roswell, but frOlh the .spoils that are to be, aUlong, Socorro for headqnarter'a or the Ifew parUes 4,500 head of steers. 'liheypresent indications the n01l1ina- theillseives. 'AccordIng to· the judicial district, to have the Ad- were delivered at Liberal, 'On thetions by the De1nocrat~ will be It'!c- prognul1 of the newcomers, Now lin .vertiser, 'pl1bHshed at Socorro, Rock Island roaa. ~{r. AtlnnsonDonald an& H.ichardson. This is to b0 nonlinated tal' the council charge that they were subsidized. statas that grass in the "strip" is'will be good enough for 'VhiLa' and Prager for representative, while Hut then it is hurd to advance the fine as silk, and large nun1bers ofOaks. 'Ve .do not want the eal:t.h, sU~h old thne re1,Jtlblicans as Jew- int~rest8 of,. lLn~1{ ·(~ol1ununit.y to INtHV l\fexico cattle are. ,bAing hel~lltA reat \Vhlte Oaks, but wOll~d l~ke et~" IIeln~n, and Brothers, are to b,e Iwhleh. t~e. fo~l. luller .doos not there at pl'Psent t awaItIng buyersto see \V. C. :f}fcDonald, gt) to the polItely shown to back seats. It nUl-ke pe1'lOdlC VISItS. It IS alm,ost SaIn ;oosshas abont 5,000 head of'Jegislatnre. ;' \Ve are well. enough reina-ins to be S(~0n \vhether the J a hopele::is tusk.-San l\fal'cial n1ixecl stock. E. J. \Vi~ox hasac.guainted w,ibh h In 1

0 <;~,y ~~hat Le 1110n who have h(Jretofore cOllstHut- Rep,erter. about 1,500 head of steers, WilliarnWIll nol', deeelve y.ou uS to ·county :l • ,. • .' ... '. .

I" ld d 1"1' g th'" C"Illva r, frol'}l I ed the bone anti Sillue of the re- ~~~~~~~ Robel b, of Roswell, has a herd ufIlles at ' . ( r n v (. (. Dj • ., , .

110W )until his election, he wi~l. an' pl~bllca!l party in Lincoln COU~)ty Cour.t convened ~tt Silver City, about 4,800 lllixed ~tock. '1"heso'llouueo l1itnself on every p)~ition WIll qUIetly consent to the shelVIng in Grant connLy, on last ~fonday. are all PeCOR river, new :fI:Iexico eut~cOllcarning the weltlre of tho proceB~,-.t\.lbliquetque DoeI1l0el'!.tt. At this titne and tern1, the cases tle, Other herds fronl Yarious'sec...di~trict. With McDonald. and . """'''~'''''.-= aO'ainst HlCh:.rdsol1 and James, ItiOl1S of' New l\Iexico dro also beingIbchardson on the pre~e11~ cOLluty Now is your timoto bny straw .,o? '. T' l' • , d. :.. ',. .'ticket,. we will elect all 11'OlH. top 'hats-(;toodnlan, Ziegler & 00., are t ..tken fl0l11 LllllUoln county on a ,_leI on. the good gr.:l~S of thatto bottonl. nhnost throwing th01rl away. change or ven:ue was to· be heal'd.1 I'ange.--Stock GroweI'.



f', r

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• ..' ¥.~

1J1.. ~. It K~~rlJey post, NO.} 0,Me~tB on the ~~st Mqnday l)ig;ht of

@lI5i'h mouth" at t4e Tp,wn :ijall.

JOIrN4. J.;}l}OWN~

:E)D~ ~, .B(;~N~):JL,

lC~of P. Ba~ter Mo~nt.ain. Lodge ~o,. 9,Jrllig4ts of Pythias,llJ.eets every 2nd

Il~d 4th '.,m~~r.sii:ly night, at7~30 o'clock.·Vis1t j1;lgK;p.jghts ~l'e cotdially invJ.ted.

, E:q. l\J. KEELEY, O. o.f'1.'''{;EI4~, It· P.E4Rt,U:AN.I{. of R. &; S.. . . . .. ,.

:Uet)~otl~..t ChuJ.·¢ll 'Dil'CctOl'Y..,

Pr~~9}1inN eye;ry Su~4wy in t4~ Mo:qth1J.t 11 OOlOCK, a m. a~d 8 o'clock. Pr m,tolxceDt ~he kleoolld~ Babbat4 Schoo}'''u,ii' ~. ill, ~vel'Y ~und.f.lY. Prayer andpraIse serVICe e've!;y 'l'hul'sda.y at ~ n. m.'-Pew!3 fl'el:'. . F "

S. W~ 'P.IJOM.iS, p~ O.A. J. POTTER P, E.

............... ' " .... '" . (\'it:I>.'J~_#;r·.;"?"r il? iitf'=a:':"\(i ,hUi.i§,' j'n !}pd'rS5iiiifiICYP' t ti'f15' dKtWiM,rS ;cit trUe"d ;'il(ttd*"If'irf' I; •. 1 >s::;'NE;Y( 'M.EXICO .INTERPRETER ", '" LOC.tlLJIA.'rTEItf§, l' vVashington, A1J~~ 19..--.The· a.. Ju&geT~lll1inson . recen~I~' re" '

WHITEOA~S~ '~''"' M. 4ng.. ;22, ...8910. mount of silver offered tothetreas- ceived a petition from fOUf Clt.lzens,. p ,. 1 t . t' " .' . . . . '. f'L' . In Cl':\unty alleging that the

. ltr~SQ S a your own prlCe, a ury' departnlent yesterda.ywas I 340· o. , Ineo. v . '.'

WHERE WE ao. Goodmap~Ziegler & Co's,' . ODD ounces, 'The amotllHpurcha~-,sentence I!as~ed upon LUIS Costro,e-,-;,.;.~~:---:----""---------'-":-----~d • ed was 290000 as follows :40 000 convipted of larceny, was too~se-

~"'~ Q,I of (l,.l:" . Candies ,a,pd ~Q.te"j;lSt r~,ceiv~d, ounces at$1.19i, 50,000 oU1?-ce~ at vere, an~ praying tbf!-t i~ ~e l~ssen ..Whit~ Q.~s L()dg~" Np 49, meeM'at,the .and on tap, at ,Stew~rt s of Wh~te $!:19.l 2.00000 ounces at, $1.19!. ed. In ~ reply Judge TomlInson,

,p...tIe }Jan eveO/.', Satul1day:night, at 7 O~ks. The l~~al p'urchas~s by the Inints among oth:er thin~s, sa~d: "Costro,o~.olookp.m.,(,lt~~ch·week." .. from the 13th to the 16th ,is an old offender who IS possessed,

, . FRAN~ PAn~ER, o. 'J,l. ., The 'case of the Territory va.1\'!rs. 11 bl d· ·f ttJ"J.llll:S ~IlfS. BEg. Juan was dismIssed by Justice inst.~ inclusive, aITIOunts to 320,177 o~ an un9~ntroha e.nlspOt

llon k ~

~IcOourt., on "\Vednesday ounces. The price of silver in Lon- steal,. an , W 0 .WI . ~o wor ~• don to-day is 546 free, which is the The Judge ~ findIngs' In Costro s

A social dance at Athletic I-rt'tll highest point reached since April, CAse were slnlply a duty under thethis (Frida.y) evening. Every- 1878. law, and he assures UB' that such·

b d . . d • fihdings will be imposed regal d-9.. Y ~nv~~a .• I, We acknowledge the receipt of less of individuals. It was it fOL·-

The round-up crew. passed, thro' valua,ble public d~cunlents frOl11 tunate day when 1\11'. TOlulinsont.own on Tue~day~owa,rdthe East Lelahd Stanford, U. S. Senator was app(~inted justice of the peace

Upcle John vVilson will pub in a frol11-t California, for ~ wlllch "va re- uf this precinct. He is essentiallysteamarastra at once. 'l'he boiler turIJ. thanks. the right Ulan in the right place.-is expected di:tily from Socorro. • Eddy Argus.:r. 0: .• All melnbers of the 1. o. G. T. ..,.

ApJT. 1frs. Jas. A. Alcock has l'e(:over- 1 t T B 1\1 The ,\Yorld Enriched.. .are requestec to nleet a .'. O-''''h r. .1·t· ft1 t d L'. th

~--,..~.w,-.~----______ d f hIt· ·11 d th . . J.. e lac~ ..l les 0 Ie prc;'sen ay.lor ee rom er a e 1 ness, un er e Court's reSIdence, Saturday nIght, production. of c'yerything that will con..c,a,reful and skillful treatnlent of the' 23d. duce to the material welfare and comfortDr, Paden. • of m.ankind are almont unlimited and

.. • ~ • i The Constitutional Convention when Syrup of Vies was first produced'Vo hava S011)6 very nice lad ides' adjourned after a shorb session, only the world was enriched with the only

~nd gents' Sunlmer underwear left, one day was there a quorum. The perfect Im.:ative known, as it is the onlywhieh will· be sold regardless of 7th .-f'··October1 a special olection remedy which is trc.1y pleasing and re·cost for the next 30 days.-~ood- will be held when the constitution fresh~ng to the taste and prompt and

effectual to cleanse the system gently in................................................................................. mp,u, Ziegler & Co. will be submitt~J. 'fhe only change the Spring time or, in fac,t, at any time

p~;luH.e~l\tlonal 'CllUl'C,4, .:0 ofa loc~l nature, the countie! of I.Jin- tl;!ld the better it is known the m'Ore po~'Vaternlelons from Roswell a.d 1 • b

. Order of,sel'vice on'h._ colp) Ohaves and Eddy are made one I U =.r It ccO::Jcs c;a

t 11 1 k or * Three Riyers, are abundant in the I}l1g a 00 oc ,a. ill, fi4u 7:nO o'clock~enatorilitl (.1istricb, and a repre- J. o. Ifill came in \Vednesdayp. m. market at present. - h

. Pray~r,~ll?-eeti:q«, Wednesdy evening C! sentatlve glven .to 6~C county., f1·0111 I-lilton, Dona Ana county,pf each wee~. l:;Slu!c.lay ~~hool ~t 11.1 a.m. The crossings pver SQlne of tha l?e:nocr~ts as a l'tl1e, wIll not par-/ where he had been located the pastAHllra invited. arroyas, danluged by tIle late floods, tWlpate In the fl1r..ce. t,,,,o or thl'ee nlonths, and will at-

N. W. LA:ijE, Pa~tor! dl d .sa y n~e repalr~. l\Iiss Abby Hun will be at lVhite tend to btl~lness in the city be...

-- '! j ....;:: y;; Kew ardvals-Hanls, Salt Bacon, Oaks about Septernber ltit, 'when, fore retnrlll11g. .,

l)AILY ~AI.I.S. Rice, Currants, Evaporat:ed .Appl~s, the Acu.dell1Y will open for the full 'York on the N.)rth Iio:p1estakeEastern mail arrlVe::l , .A. lI. ----Stewart of'vVhite Ouks. terln. ""e are all plt!fised to hear mine is progressing- fuYorably.

Leaves 6. P. M. • of the enga~elnentof l\Iiss IIull by I The· Inain shaft is now betweonFort ~tq,ntop mail arrives 5:30 'Ve are pleased to SLate that the New 'Vest soclet.v. 800 and 900. feet in depth. "

l\Irs. S. B. Schl'ontz contiuues to1m-. •,·lJ·L 7 30 Pi'.ove in health. 1\1, Whit~'man is hODle fron'! The eleven lllontha 01<1 son ofeq,ves ; A.:M.

RedO!oq.d m.. a.i.l. le!l.ytls C)~p ... r. • Roswell; he will retlllll Saturday. vValter Church, of Nogal, is very.,. tJ F,!..u. !tIl'S. AI. GuHtard left for hOUle,

)[onday.·... of The Roswell Register is all wrong ill and its recovery is very doubt-Arrives 1 (Albuquerque) the earl,Y part about his cksing out his White ful. Dr. Paden is in a~tendance.

.0 A.. ~. Thur$day. Ithis week.P. O. ope:q. from 6 .A..1J. to 7 f. 1tf. r .• Oaks establisllment. lIe will con..; The family are at present at tht3~u:q.days from... 6 to D A. M, } 1 Geo. B. Barber, we are sorry to tinue busines at the old stand. Southwe8t~rl1hotel. Mr. Church

. $ to 6 P. M. Isay, has been ill the past two or • purposes removing to Califoraia;M£i,ils clQ~e ~O IIlilllltes before de- three days, but is now' better, Professor E. Lyman lIood, who will proceed thither ~oon aa thet llK has been in the old lVorld during. h 1 h f h' f: .

P~r ure. .L.Uoney orders RI'ld l'eO'}·sttlr· . ql C 1 ea t 0 IS ,amlly will permit.-." ' •. • .' l:;I. v - The Cs.rrlZOZO Cattle o. (rove the pa~t Jour months, returned to •

ltd lettel1s'must be applIed for before 1 h d' f h Lh' h t4:' P. If. . a arge er 0 orses 11 roug own Albuquerque yesterday, the 19lh. C. R. Biederman, of Bonito, re-ton Tuesday last, on their way to lIls fall1ily are in }'Hnnessota where' cently sent B. A. Nymeyer and the'

OZANNi & OO'S' STAGE ~INE {Macha del Cienega, where abun- they will reluain 80111e weeks. Dll~ ARGUS man a grpat mess of moun...DIstance and TiDle'l'u,Jde. ldallt rains have made splendid' ~'ing his tour 1\Ir, flood has expe.. tain trout, and althotlA"h the,· CRlne

LlaQ,V~3 Carthage daily !lit 10:30 llras~... rienced much .pleasure. and made a hundred and fifty miles by . wag-

A. M. on arl~VJ,I of S~nta Fe I J. P, C. LanfIston and Jeff ia st~dy of. pOInts ?f Inte~est, r~- on they were in fine (~oDdition.. train. IGrUmbl~sleft for Roswell ~uesday,. g~rdlng.whIch hewlll ad?l'es~ .:l~ They were prepared ill mysterious

From Carthage. to, O~an-?--e's' t? atten,d" the D~nlocratic con:en- ~ends In the southwostthls WIn .er. manner for keeping and whenRa~c.b,surper. stl\tlQtl 30 mIles, ItlOn .whlOh nomInates the l~glsla.- :Albuquerque D~mocraL. they appeared on the table theyarrIve at Q p. ~t tive ticket. were almost as good as if they had

Tho Albu<{uerque college wilt . d'O~anIl~'s :ijallch to White O~ks, ~ ~onle ,lmme lately from the brook.. Bre&kf,\st 8t~tit)n 69 n~iles ar- If you W~t1t a fine Hoot or Shoe open as usual the fi,rst Monday in ~rhey were the only mountain trout

, t .. l can supply you. In :my stook" September. Prof. Chas.. Higbee, a ever seen·' Edd Edrl Arives ij 6,• .i\.lIe. . ~n y.- ~ y·(}~~s to Nog~l 17 arrives WIll be found goods within the graduate of the Ohio State Univers- . •

at 10 '~i ~~ to lf~:rt'Stanton 18 means of all-Stewatt Qf White ity at Colun1bus, will have . cha...~ge Rev. l\Ir, Thomas, pastor of thC;)miles; ,fop. ~f. Fort Stanton to. QuIre. . of the gra~1mardepartment.. \VIth !feihodist church, left for EI Pasol,in(lQl1\ -to llli1es, I\~rrive 1I~4:30 A. J\~. Bliick\,eli, of the firm of' this additIOn to the faculty the Texils, Thursday., to attend con~

,r, M. Oqnnects WIth .buckboard IG . Bl k .11 & 0 f"L'V _\school nlay. be expected to do bet... ference. 'Va are sorry to lo.setor RQswe~lll>:qdSeven ~Iyers. COl1- '.' rQS~ Alb,ac we .' O~·) °th .1.8 Cd ter work than ever. hinl.~ects at .Fort'Stantoll for Euiqoso, ga~,. -A u(luerqtte, ar age an'. •\V'~ed and PenuscQ..Oa:u:nects at Glorieta, in coul-party with ~lr. Ea- The :firm of, Palmer & Rey, of Tom·'Vixted and ,We Frost Oll,mo

~qgal.~or BOIlit~and Parson's Oy. ricks,on; left on. Sqnday last, after San Franoisco, I have sent us i the in from the Tortoileta' on Tuesday,YO.l1uectg qt Wll1to Oaks for Red 13eve'ral, day's' sOJ·0urri l'U W"hite p ··fl· St· t N' .. d'·· t w',here' they" 11" a'v'e' been' do'In' g'" acloose;-Qloud. . n , .'. • ." '" -4, aC1 . c. a as. ewspaper lreo OI'S . jJlQV jIj,$ W,hite Oa~s £or Ca..tlJage . Oaks lntervleWln~ourmbrchanta. for 1890, It IS finely gotten up atid ment work. '

fi:¥O P. M., i\r.~iI>'l' at Oarthage All straw hatsclose~out l\t actu- \ is a credit to the ente.rprisinp; 1irm The....' rrno~ Elder.s' Book.~ iqQ p. M, \~l go..~t.~Good~.nan~ Zl~g leI' &; 00'1 ~nd we are :pleasocl, Wlt~ the work. fJ1~0n,11 aSl! at #~tll)1itll, .Dlnlled. fr~l' to marl'fE"<\

• ! . I ",r(l\\ch...~ GJ'Mi£$.Bt•• ,New '.\tor•.

, .

t I

l.. "tI',~.,;~,,# :.~,/IfIf,.,,!" :t_, __"-'...jc:_~~ •.l",,-.~,...:'_ .. -··_-~'


JJ "





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(Jollie Allo



r 1\([ (jOnR·t~~, . . '. tl··~ ". ~ ," t ~ J' ,DEALER IN


N ever ~ince the epi~odeo.fth,e cherl.~Y tree has there beenmuch a cent as "lVe BIGe- m.akiuB­on ail @nr winter 11>emaind.eJrS.It has· to be dOlle to cleat- out

the line~







.. ..







~'E'll' This Trade.. Ie\'. Mark IS on.

Q~ Tho"Best~ . ~ ~at8rDrOof

t.J?c.~D BU. tTl~:\J' ~ coat.1I~11I 1'\ i'h\' . In tho world.

cmdforUlulltrntedCstsl C', ~I/. J.Tower B .to

]"01' illforll1n.tion thtLt will convictpRrlies meddling with 'VhHe OaksMining & ~IH1ing Co's. Pipe LineOt' Springs.

flaving discontinued business, Ih~ve placed all accounts in thehands of J. P. C. Langston, for col­lection. Parties owing me winconfer a fnvor by settling the sam0.And an bills due from Ine, pleasepresent for payment to said J. P. C.Langston.



~A~!I!lf~F""<1~"WEAK(VITALLY WEAK), Made so by too close appltcationt.o busl'ness or study: mental strain or grief; SEXUAL!£XcCllIIllsin middle itfe,vicious Imbits contracted In youth.

WEAK MI::IlIaroVIC1'HlS to NIUtVOUS DEBILITY~.'W 01' KxbQu~tJon,WlIstlng W(lQltneHs, IN­

.OI.UN'UUY I.O:5SRSwlth KAlU.Y nnCAY 111 Young BndJIlddt" Agl'd; lack of "igor,and atrengtll,sexual organs 1m·

iifed and Tfeakenl/d prematuroly in npproachlngold use.

HEU W~ Sill ftUr.>1e We speak from knowl·~ ii~ ~ ~ il~edgc of PKn~ANHNT

Besultsin thollsands of caSllll trented & cured in palltl2yrs


". - As evidence Clfour faith in Prof. Uarrla'-ceeSOlUBLE MEDICATED PASTILLES.

we o[fer 8 days trial Absolutely FUKH•TRIAL All men, young or old, Buffering from

ibiD pre,"alent troublo should senll far our list or questionsto bcnnswt"red, that we may know the true condltlon oteach caso nnd prepare medicine to effect a prompt cure.

Located in New York (after12 years at St. Lou"), weoffer all a. chnncc to be cured by tbe Pnsttlle Trentn:ont.THE HARRIS REM EDY CO." Mfg,_Ohemu\ts,

99 :BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK.fJ.iemlI4R:w(t3!J;lijll!:FI·'*,2iMIlft:+:I·i~a


. 'Ve are informed that the South, HODlestake' mine is prodlldng be~­

; ter ore, and nlore of it than It has .done for a long tinle before.





CITY BARBER SHOP.OSCAR DYER has lately placed in

fine shape, his barber shop, adjoin­ing the Little Casino, where he has'a good stock (If razors, comfortab~e All persons knowing then18elveschair, clean .towe~s, &c. Oscar IS in<.lebeted for ·coal, ll1ust be prepar­reasouab~e: 1n hIS charges, and' ed tosettle for saUle the 11th ofthose deSIring a good clean shave,]lai1' cut, or shaulpoo, (~all procure each 11lonth.the saIne at allY time.. J. 1-1. \VHITEMA:N".

..",.,...,.,.."..,..,..,...'••4 .;.,llIt.;... -.. " ..-..- ~ "..,.. ~."...,.w ~~\.,"'.,....,..J"-.- ...

We love to be liberal, but hate to lose.In this. case we must pocket,the'lOSSe

ONE BLOOIC EAST" O:B1 POST OFFFI9E, It's a Grand Ohance, come and price·... . . .. . '. '. ... ".. .. . the G:oods. . . ..' . . . . .•' . .. " .'


In order to make room for ourFall & \Vinter goods, we will closeout· our Lawns, \Vhite goods, etc.,at greatly reduced rates.-Good:man, Ziegler" & Co.


~f1'8. \Vinslow·'s Soothing Syrup, has

been useq. by mothers for children teeth­inO' for over fifty years wltll perfect suc­ce:s. It, relieves the little sufferer aton.cp, produce~ naturai, ,quif\t fdeep. byfreeing tite chtld from pam, and the httlecherub a,vakes as ., bright as a buttOll."It is very plea:;;ant to tnste, soothes tho(~hiId, softens the gums, alhiys pain, re-

. Haves winci, regonlates the bowels, and isthe best known .remedy for diarrhooa,whetb.e.r arising' from teethipg or otherIluses. T\yents-nve cents j), bottle.

The RepubH&ftn' County conven~

tilOnUlet' at I~incoln ontne 20th,,;.and organ~z~d'by el~cting ,E. vV"Parker, ", Ohair. 'and ~ Sam Garst.,Secretary. The following is the:.,

. ticket:Sheriff"':'-D: \V. Roberts.Alitsessor -A. '1'. Gunter:Clerk-·Geo. Sena.Supt. Schoo:s-N. W. Lane.Tr.easurer-Wm. Rosenthal.

Pr'obate j.ndge-Jose' Montoya. , The railr falls * in White OaksCoulmlssloners-H.oque Baldo..' and v,icinity the past week, have

nado and Jose }I. Vega. b th h . . t of the seaSOIlJ een e eavws ."..

J. A. \Voodland was chose111•

Chair. Co. Con1n1ittee.By the above the regu lar Dem­

t<»cratic norninee for Sheriff, was. edof,sed after a spirited fight; a

nlajol'ity of' one deternlining theresult. The ti<3ket is i rnade up of'Denlocl(ats and Republicans with aview to catch on-of course it isoooined, with the exception ofRobel·Ls.

'J.'he fol1o~Tjng named gent16tnenwere (~hosen delegates to the <.lis­tnct convontion :

H. L. Ulrie!r., rr..C. Tillitson, 'I.\V. rIeman, E. Eubrick, A. Sehin­zing, D. 0. Nowlin, .T08e ~fontalla,

Sanl Garst, T'.l l?redericks, .T, J. Do·lan, Delnentria Pera, E. Sanchez,I~. ~{cB. Tinl0ney, Juan De Lu.Garda, J. S~ndov~ll,Florencia Gon­zales, U. B. Ayers.

• •,J),rfCE '.ll.'O JIO'.I'n~.Rtt;.

t .








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CosmopolItan ffiauazinB.


cg}Jf you RO'$e not e~omineeL tf1.e nea:>

irPu~troreq fi2ontRP<¥ CJ.!)Rie~ Ro.&> ~C1eI.

~o '1e>~eno rrzeno.P Cl ,§Jueee'&>&> q urin~ i-Re

l&Jo.~t yeClr, it i~ Cl.'or1:fl ~our e"fliPe to

01.0 dbo, eJ\n inerea&>e il( @ireufCltiorz

from j(§,e>0a to 4)C),0~<:) eopie~ irz ~~

mont~~ meo.!2&> fRed" tf1.ere mU,§JL .Be.d>ome o.ttro.efiwe fea.f'u'Ze.e ClBout rRe

({jt ~i'$~.e j<§S@) cLI(nuo.Pf~ -&y

tf1.e ClBfe~f" cr>:ziter.@ etnel o'SJer 'j21e,)~

ifPul0tro.rion~ B<¥ efe'$e:z CLrtit11>t.e. no

J11Cl@'d.zine ~d$ e'$er ael'$cLneeL more

rapiqf~ in pu~eie fo.''$O.l'.cd' rRe nee"Jii)f"anq t


Ranch outftt·ting a ssp$)cia1ty.o





Wh lesale Grocers~.


No. "f83.

'-'''.....- -~,


:::+"'f"':;"~~~~~~:;:;¥i';~,Z-';~~_I'I;"1Wm" " ',lilj1q.A~. NO:~.Iq:El,.. .,... " '. NJ;DG;':r;~E FO-?' Pl1)3ta:OATIJ/N. ',,i

, " ,", ,'~ ,",' ", ' :,' ',": 'Teri-itor! of'N~,,~ M~:xico, "1 ':,,': 'I~ the ;o~striC\t, .COll1!t, "€dtMl1g·' '-\titbin ' mhirQ"J) Di~tricl (Jourt, . . SSe'~d £Q1: Lincoln Count;)f Ney{ Mexico. (Jouutl of bmcoill.

aq~~:fuL:r~WiTT¥f\N ~1'? . ', "', .' WIIJIJIAl\l: ~~'l.'SQi-r ; l'. " .. Vf:l '.' . No. 784 Notice. ' . I ",VfiJ._ , L No. 7,82.JO$El?'J.{ \VJ;TTM.A:N. '. .', J~J:RAJS~V'\W. PAr-KliR. and r

. .'.,. " J~OLLA V\ ELr.S. . j ..Joseph. ,\Vittman fs he,reby, notified . '~rhe saic' defendan't R'il .W 11 .' "i. ~ " " . I .I, ~ 0 a e s m

· that a BUlt 11). chancery has been com- h(\;l~eby notifif::\d that a ~ui'li in chancery.:meDcj~d against ldm in the Dlstl'ICt OOUl' has been commeuced agmust himin SaId;in R.ud for the c<)Iiuby of Ljllcoll1, TCilrri~ D,i~t(rict ~on"l't) withi,~ an~ for the Stdd.

't . f l\:r "i\tT • b "d 0 1" OOl1Ilt,y or Lwcolu lerntory n:frn'(18aid·;la.ory 0 J..'i~W lhe:roco, y sal orne Ht by '"'aid Viirlialn ;:1:7. t" "'I" ~''tX7'tt . b" ",. ' , . ~, ',' L vv 1.1, ,ROll,. COlll}.) alLan\"n l man, to 0 tmll a dn orce fiOin SaId pl'H~rHJg' that t,hes respC!ctlV0 rights of

·dertilldunt, on tho' chargo of ab~nc1onment ·.t,he ~Uld OompJfltinant fmd the said De­.and fOl' such other I'fblief as lUay see:ql ie..nd-.,n.i;s Ern~tu8 "V. ]?a~ker, and Rolla

' ':] nst and proper. . ~tY ellsln .r!D d to certai.ll. Ian ds 'si tuatedfl.. •. • lU the smd Oounty of l.lmeo]u Hllcl Tel'~

That uuless the saId Joseph \Vlttman. ritory of New l!exico, aU.d de::wribfld as~nte,r bis ;:j..r.nel.H't~llCe in said suit on or foUows, to 'wit;: Lob No. J, in To\vn­l)efore the 20th day of Ocbober 1890,. the B~lP f? SOl~,th, R.ange.12 ~ast, and "'llown1i t d f th .. t t f ('1 'I t SIte Lode Survey No. 206, may he cle­· ...r8 ay 0 ~) ~ex er~ 0 "",alc. cOllr; termined by thB Oonre, and tha-t the said~leol'ee pro confesso wIll, be l'end~f.eCl respondent.s E!.astu.... Vi. Parker, Hl1d;against him. R(ll1a "Vells nlay be c1e('l'Aed bv the

'A. L. OHRISTY, Olerk. Oonrt to make and execute good andWILLU.:U S. R'YAN, snf.Iicient de,~d or deeeLs for such part of

sl:ud lands as ])Jm.y be fennd to be theSolicitor for Complainant. propo,rty of .the fluid Oomlaitwnt. also

---;l-- for partition of eaid lanclR, and for ~11 ac-NOTIOE FOR PUBLIOATION, counting of the renl:s arising from said

lands, and for goneral relief.'l'h::t UD;10G8 .you enter ;Y0111' appear­

nned HI RaId Slut 011 or before the firstday of the next term of said Oom·t com­llWl'Icina on the third 1\follc1[1.Y jn Ontob(~r11: D. 1800, n. dceree pro-contesso theremw111 1..>3 l'on<1crcd You.

·A. II. CHHI"l'ry.Clerk and Hog'isic1",






.,1'. j


l1. 1


"tl~ \. ,,,'\


•, .~


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, ':

, I

: 1, ',i

, .'~

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;. .

White Oak::; AvemlH.



nlnlce an offcr 1.11fLt is nnpnrnlll'lell in the Ills.tory of llrt~1l1illlIlS. fl'hey win SCUll to any all­(lr('HH, lICl8t'11llitl, tlH'i,r 11ll1Hlr for UIl'CO llDlIthsamI :L Jmutl:J01l1e el1ition of "\Vcb!'.l! N"s Hi c­timml'J', liOlltlll ill lI'atllI'T, 1615 lm~e!l-l:lize ofJlnt~e 8xJOl2, lilze of lJook 4 inches thick.woigllt () HM.-

Good ~toch: and Good Rigs•.

ln/ERY,' FEED tU'H) SAt.E· STABl~


Atlanta Ga,



J. n. FLE.MII~G, Jr"Fail'Huld,Ill.

DE .ilL Jt:l~

1'l'catlse on Blood und Skin Diu-

LUfiloer! Lumoer!!



r' ';..-- ------' ~-


,_._- ---(~-- -~-

A car 8cryieA assodation h:'s be­gun business in 1,ui:5ville. E'{eryl'd.ill'on.d in tlw city i$ a lU0111bcl',

',' :, ,~:;T"T~;;?~T~~7F:'::~7~TZ'~~'rTS~:/,0~;: ,,', ,",', , ,,'., , '. ,~,,:t~,~ ...:f~ ~,~ ~·~,~,~.,~,.'~$SJ.a"",:.:,,.:,'~' 'e'; ",' "".

~~' •• , J'

• ~~4£L:ilAAil<1":~l'!lf_1 .. ' " . ' , " " ,', ".'" t " ,~ . ~~;~r,c;:=':Z'e:::'7;\~:e.! •.,! i ,.,.;, '~~"i1.e!!~rM1e.~~2!'92S~w.~~""""",,,,,,,,,,,~, a ua:i:,-

,. ''!i'Jo.e,'&l·ld .J,1'i1ld$ ])1$]>..1;0." , A'. ctraut C0l,lrity oorrespon'etent '~-.' 'II" '. "., -- -:'Was.hipgton,' Atig.·.'11th...:.-.The' in the followng prosy 'way recites? "

,hitchin' the. conference o~·er· the the wonderful ilnprovelilent which ' "., : 3:1'i& 'lauds' an1endlnent to the has taken place in the condition .of

slulc1ry civil bill is owin~ to the de. the ranges and. cattle iLl that SdC­sire ofOhainnan Cannon of th e tion : ".A short tirne since thehO,us'e committee to have. ThIajor cow wall sad; she scarce could r·ais8Powell protected and recognized as her head, begad, fIer hoofs warein charg~ of the work and to· the sore, her tail was 1irnI>; her nUlueoPP?sition of 'Senator Allison, and bangs hacllosttheir crip, andChall'D1an of the senate .C01111uittee, n1iles she ~trugdecl fron1 grass toto this recognition. . drink, w:th scarcely strel"lgth

1\11'. Ounnon has alsobee11 anx. enough to. wink. r:rhe owner"too,ious t.o have. general legislation looked hlue and glum, and cussedaffecting the laws engraftec1 on the the cattle business 50111e. Butbill, but it is understood tha~ he is since the rains the grass is tall­wlllin,g ~o yield this point ancl will the cow can raise her head anddo so .w~~nt,he bill is again thrown bawl;cher hide is slick, no bone's

Into the~~hands or the conferees, ~rotl'ude, sb; pr~ln? a Deln- -~ U· n BijN1TT~pr 1He will come back, however, with lllg dude. .der tall IS sleek, her I i1 l-{ 'i ~ ~ . 't~ dOlun-nel for the withdrawl frOIl1 eyes are' bright, sbe S~lorts antI J e t~o yU I . 1~ ]].ru1l G

settlernen t of all reservoir a.nd ca_ O dares tho crowd to fIght. IIernal ~ito:; already surveyed and to bo owner, too, digs up the ohink andsurveyed) and it is believ~d that he asks the boys to t,ako n, drink.will not J.~ield, God b1f?sB the rai n, the g~ntle nu n; L1J1l1]~;;1;R, SrIINGLE8, DOOlft8'

SenD-tor AlliBon sees h'ol1ble in it makes a. I11n11 ft~el yonDe again.thi:.~ provision l'Hgal~dillg' the with- lIe feels 11k.o tosBing up his hat anddrawl of the sites to be sUl'veved howling 1i 1\:0 a D(,lnocr~H,"

• ' I:Lr~d th~ prin~i~"l.l ol~f~ctio.n is that I: ;;f ,:;,g:- ~, ~:.It IS a leC()~Jlltl,)n Ot l\IaJor Pow- ~'i~;/l ~·:.r.' ,.....,; K'1~~: ~<~}:..~ ~V~ ~J~

11 I~ l~~ ~~l ~ 1: t'.l' ~~e, ;.,:" v{(#t ;l,t;{~

C ; ant contiH ue~; hiln llolllulall y j~l t;; :i l;;f ~'h'[: 'i \::~ ~lr:j t:'~:~ )\;~i.,. &I' j~ "'~ ,', ~ '~ • ~ Qj&! W ,. Jil

If not aet.unJJy, Itl ella,reTe...., t I!. tl' I . . h , O~'>..~~., !Illq,m~:)r?~~~ ,;a~~~!1~'~." nl'" h!,' ~!'lli~1,.,U HH' liS () )J!H~tl0!l on foL1na- ~t3i!.\:1W\Uib!iilU·:.i ll\LH·;.l ~~~~~~lil.l Ul'j v\:.V~l~

fol' ..:\ lliS()ll'~ part there woul(! lw:nJ eH~O[tJC~J~rrU$ 'J:1hroo.:lj tlhff~c)L.i:ll

b~\en an under~ta!H,1illgat tIl:} 1lt'15t ISC&:t:OFUit.A v:rB.s:ting cf Jfle;;~'l(IOni~~H'lll'P. It. is now lwUeY:ld I C,'anyDls("r8~·t{'1:(,3'('.trw T1{'i,toC:~(oH?,1~,m((~th:Lt I1d v.. :]] vL.lcl anJ tlw"t a.t I .. j (U'O Illjlff'mf',l, :loud: CIt' Btl'en:itil. (!l' l\/'l'VO1 .... 1 1.. n ., &'OWl~', y(nc ern" lJo ?'('l;"~(l~ aJtI~ CU,l'NZ by

(.:~l'stnnling will In sp.l!;chhr 'reach- @:r:..... (F;·...l A7Y~~ry1\.'1...:l'I'C>''''In c,''':''>, .. · I "".~j C~f'·?J.Y" r.....-:r·:-~· ....t~",l n:';u(\;J wh'c~n agtin th~ l11:ttt(~r i:~ t:dtf1ll I r;t-:;·,tL"":"I" ';, t·: ~~] /I ~:~",\

~kj)~~ "r. W "C:VIIp. I In will nll]Y do tlH$, hO\\·t\ ....t'l', I •. '". •..•,.. . .. . "'-

'~t the .W!'IIl_t of til.) s,'rut!ors from i~~t~~~ ~~ ~R~,~\~tIle nrltlland staf;~H, Wll0 fecI that I~~W~3\~l1tT£:l~~\:,;.'~:~1?J\~~t.lw c~~ential thin~,;' noV\" h; to ha,'e I ~ OF r:,. I ~~R~r(.., tfO~~ ~ rzll1~~ ~r1atno P.ct of 1b~)~ rep~ah'd H> far Hi{ li-~O'ii~, \1.;;4IV~ ~!J \:I w~.It{i ~l.4l.l::D

it rl~lah~~ to th'} 6~gre~ati(ln of II ~ A ':v;t}2 ;:~PL~h,~5~h~~~~~. ~Jrt

L I' J! 1 1 . . u-~ D:.:II~ nU4Ufol CiGlI I"rtv lj\JCl Q I).....'~ ..

gren.. J.10~ les 01. an( not llwlndcd, '1l. ....

IA.:;1~ j10)" 1koUln Emu"siou., am:' let -:/~O <'roo- ~\11'~ q 1) .r. Il"t'11t lT~r \ t ,1 ) "'11 • .. OJ. L... ., <,;, ,~, .. ~ .. IU', ~ d,.

111 tLlC r(~S'?l'YOlr and. canal ~itcs. I 2ilcw.alio:" OP 8oUcitatiQ.l1t im!uce vuu toT tl· 1\1 U 11 ltccept a tmbfJtifulc. writes the fo]lcnring undpl' dat~ of

\) 11'3 ...\ 1'. .1H non n.grCl)t-', alH SoUL by aU I)J~ltrJ(Jisfr.. Fl'b. 11, l~'~CO: "I suirt~r(~d withthe we5h'an senatol'S S111Y thiH is too, BOOT. & DC'h"JiiE,OheMlet!3, r-~.v... E('zertw, for alioub two years. A-

jhnporh1tlt to e';ery citIzen of their '...J lmut thi:5 tinw I l' 118~ates to take an v eh'lui'OS while all. Sp3a.king n,~)uut Oilt} of the Xe\v waH ,H Vl"':~l 'y 1lll~nor Inattt~I".l "':11 be : tt • d d~ 't I:&fcxic.) Institutions, the Fidd and llly friend:3 to try your Swift.';:; i

J . v 0 '- u 11 (t CJl e 0 I1';1 - • l-\ .". fi ' (~ <,1 (,1 ') 1 r 1 I. tIl f" , J.. anll itt l)GnY~l' has thm to say: k p.. tl H, ,_. ~) .•~l.. ~~iH .1. a ~ll .1 ..tppyIn ..0 uture It necessary. '1 hey , or... It, f tl 't"t . 0 l 1 Itl

. l' . '11 ! ,. '1110 ~ ew l\H~XIC() actricultl1rctl! 0 l;Uy 111 , Hi 'cr Ut.nzlg ~IX )ott e..; .1111;:: It vn: )C nEhJe",:5ary to guard' - b I I · 1 I I

tl.... e i college :-:;tart:3 off \'\'(~ll uncI we have WH~ cOlnplet(~IY (~tU e·,; I lltVer

Ie prOYISlOn Insisted unon hv ~\'lr. I .. .. .' I "\ 1 '~/'1 .L ., ! £m"h III tlw 1I1t(1C't l'itv of the nlOU in OSv ~Ll cpportuIl111." of reeolllDlend-1'L annon vcry <mrefuIh' so tilat IIO I ' h ., • '1-. ".... I• ~ , • 1ehnrge. and br-lioye t hev want to BIg 11, to any CJae sntlenllci 11'0111 an}" !6urpn.:e In:ty he f-pl't1llh' afJ HI tht'I' ., 1·.c 1 b 1 " ,~~ It. .'. I accolnplt~:l) ~nlHe (l"ood. If In'("~ent <lISP-USe 01. t 18 lool. ~act ni 1~)S8. ThIS, they sa,Y, can. he : . b T " • .. - • - .. I<lone. Ihopes ar~~ l'etlllZ{,d the :\ 0 ~v 2,Icxleo .nai·Qnt~ :J~oY ttL::.,; 1F' !·!~'r.:H~'} ~ri;.q:('r,·!' n~ ~·I

('1 t "11' } t t'" ('o1lego will hav{~ 80llwthing liko e'I have been trofl~)le·l 'vi+'11 1');;'\1 'I

Dena or.t~ l~on la,s no ye Slgnl- ~;, ') ( , f. 1.1. :l 't ." • • '" ' "~ 1: 'J.: -fie II

' . t t' f' 11 0 tl' ~ 1...,)00 anl1.1ll1l\- l.O OU',I,LL. 0;11 <tnt! I)lci:l and blO1eho5 01'" 111''1 .\!<"('" 4 1)'"l~tl1S ]11 ~nl011 (), Yie t lug ns' , ".. . ." L J J,. ,VT J.,'

I ). t b t tl ft' thid onght to s:]illeu, \Ve hop~ tlwv \J'eal'~. (lurinlY ,'·hi·'!' +;ln~ 1· t"I'~ IIHIn 'U .1e vves.prn sella .ors. .' u J -. ;:, v '- ~ 1,. \" • 1 ~:l I

1 l' d tl ' ~tt 'tl' I· \ ..... J.ll luako Ito go further th onr ntl1n!J(H's of stal1'ln·j·u1 l'I"'~lC(111'e'~ 1J' f~L 'W 110 laVe urge' 10 HUt' er WI 1 0 . T •• • ~A '..iLL .~, u.!..

r1' 1 l' tl t' '}' d Ifrwncls of the 11 0rt Coll1ns 1111'3titU- \vithont receivill o' 'tll\.' °b"~ll.rit

1 nl, )(~ lUV~ 'lU ~le \Vl... 0 so, . ,.. . - t.:l 'J ~l \",l~ ,

I 1. twu are eal)anh~ of tlOlll{r, Prnfiting l)v tl.le a 1 . n' 111 t lat evpnt th3 rnatrot· WIll be __ 0 • v~ • J t,.' ( 'IV lLl~ ttIl(, exp~r-

dctel'lnined on the 1in'~s hCl',~tof(Jrd A P\~(IOS yarn fl'on; t.he 0I}t{C' ncnco of a fr.enu r COIl1111enCeU

l'ncll'Cf"t,o!l. . 'toJdng thrift':; Sl)r~dflc (S. B. B.) I

<~ , l?rn.ilk 1'. Hobinsol1 got lmck last. and the eif~:(;t it had upon DW OVPl'-night fr01H n, thn.'o w{\:ks' hUllting

1f5ha<.hnHH.l ull cxnectatiollS. Aftar

ane fi.Bhillg triP on the lH'iU.lwater8 L

Tho delivcrie:; of steel rails to iof t.h8 Pee\},i.~, whel'n he left :~h1.1n Ru- kddng two bottles the pilnples and

Jl1110 1 1"","}(\ \""1':'\ Dhtho)! onn t()ll" IbI 'I) (')' "" 1 ..:'. blote1W8 ontirely disH.l)I)uared, ft,,·11d. I ',,,,I,.. ,,., C, v(, voJ . o~ e,' ngu ,rer\), ~ alt' 1:Hm.l ftnnn ~.1 1 1 0' '( 1('00 t D1Y r:;kin is clear und withotlt panu sa cS ~ t) _, I' ·0118. I and two others. J,Ir. Ro lJinBotl ~L

blclUish."brought bade 100 01' lll0re fl'csh tl'outf I , t' l • ,or (t.. noutlon nnlOng trw boyshere, an(L btatCR thttt up to tho titne~YfJea.ving the part.r Lad captured

rrhe nse of nn.t.ul'ul gas in Ohio ~~o{.)OO troul:) ~t'Hl ,baggccl 0ne cin-

11" • '1 .] JI anwn he'u' ft\r(~ (I rl('l' t \~rl.llltv' i'Olll' '1 .1 fam n.OJdlUl n.g r~L~h~f; las ~('rlOW" y (" ll", I v \.. ~ ~ • ease ln~tl eu rec.

, 1~ \" 1 ',. 1 ,., .•••. ','" ,", '1" I g,.l'Jt1! Q .:111(1 otlWl' '~),'a1l1:"", .J Ud,0.:1ng .a .'(;" (~ 1 t 1 Joe tl t' 'I l' of h rall '.J ~FT.I!j'rln ~P"'TI'(,"i,I"'lrIC Ht .. tet ... v • .1.<£ J. IJ ~'-I fl'ol11 h113 looks the, INrfy mu~t ha',~e .'-' Ii .I.' ,J.k..d

\vnys. 11 a'l a Vl'QY good tl1W~.

, ....,. ...







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OatalOci.lCS on ~pplic:J.tior:., .FREE.

Good n@ws l'elative to the parrowgauge e~tepsion to Cerrillos andSan Pedro i,s]in t:Jle to be ,heard anyday now. If the .plans o-f the pro"jector~worl~ opt ~s now ~p.ticipatecl·

lITs~ ilhliS §Ujt..TLJY.d~il~c (4QUttle DQnusto the the ro~~d wi it' be e:x:tended via: Ban.,bottle). 'l'UEY Arm T.tJIi1 J,WST CONV1>~NIEr,~'. ~+

t<'I,1;~ll.~:e;eJ.b,lte :j;O:ll.~ ~ll.l. ,";~g~:-s. Pedro and through XiJ' eras canOItlP~'d~u) (()f citll'~6)n' £3ze, ~ISe. 'U1'@X' ].iJ.ottlc.fUim,-'~j"'~:i~~~~'~0~H"R ~,,;r '1f~H~Mr,firllmAvii'iiE to Albuq.uerque. Then when tP!3ir~ ~·t.~J;~n:l~"f$~' ~j..:lI\Tl1nH 1fnHJ! I'ANK(, ~~r:;?iE. P N' htJ ~\ r,lh;r.,' '.T~ i:5l ~\ l \>:J:~j1,Jl\il~H1fod· et-.~, (<:OPP~I'S or str,llillS). . ecos ort ern comes up the valj.~:,sr/Hnl abM,lI~ukel'so.f"mLIUf;.I:JANi3/'sr.l.O.UlS fIlO. ' ," .' .' -~;aF1Em~m~?1?~~t:.itt11(;,~ViS~~~# \ ley bpth AlbllC.l.;uerqlle and Santa lPe

;. ' I w~ll have eqnally gO,od connection~o ~ WIth P;cos vall~y and gulf tidewi\4~ter.-N ~w lVI0xIcan. .


TIlE S~\.~T,ll FE HOUTE.

ThIS ~s the short line t.o and [1'1,4'\;points em.;t to 'Vhite Oaks Ft.

~ ::;tari1 OD, .~J~neol.:u,. and all stHg~ sta":Eons ill Lincoln County. Close:dayJight Gon ~l'~~fions are IlHtdo by:'~t~lge::; tq. al:ld froll1 above point'e.. \nth tr:n.ns {rOtH CartJ)ugc, Engle.,and Las Qn,lCe~,.w1)i<:1). have tlll'ough.~lef'peJ;?.,to K:,ll:~as C!ty, Ch!cago,.

~ ".~. . ~,':)t LOll],::;,. and l\ew 'York, wlthont.,'i"~ffi?')~'~~)\\\ ~ c11:; nge.,".,,''/IU:·I\'~~ 'C'I t" 1

r:::(Hf!l,t·~~~.:1.\~l·~., (JJ]nec lon ]8 Jil).fl( e at Albuquer-,.......If' '\;\,.J. L ' ~~~rl,\,')., r.... ~, .~, 'il h h' ':)·rf.fW~~J9. a:J:E~L~t.e)'1~f"·Wn,t;n.~~U~C~i$,a.'l" I ~l~lO \:'] .1 t. roug traIlls for all Cal-

~:r:l.,i~-1iiMma C,nk~~~'}~~ r~o~.e, ~ e. ms.. : ItOI'll' a p<Hn I s TIl e!=:tc t.·, "'}1(/~.fl!'J.$~··::--c.~gr r. ,,0 ; . '1 ' ~c..: . . ~~ r ~u 11 S Ul-. 1! A~.R'··;··:· ~~~ ~ ~ : UDSUl passed 1.11 l;noUern :unnrove-r;~~~\~\l~r.1 C 'IA ~t~L~~ ; rnent,s. w,lih hU;:llriol.1s dHy c~acbes.

'~, .....'\.~nNG .' :-:.... T. . c. " '.~ ,and. GOJJgrant sleepers, the Jatter:.,'1cry \ tt1er~I~(aVe 'oPP'S,~ETTLERJ3: lln.d<?l' th~ nlanagel,nent, of the Pnll-

GUlDEI 124 pp.j pri~~ cnLl ~:c. (pO:itaZC stamps.. .n¥lll, CQJ:l,lpany, ure furnished witll~=dJC QJi= ",.' j" ,",un__~ eleg,ant curtains and,. el,oan bE!<.1ding.

at a Sl):J,alJ cost per will find 1t g,rf'atly to.

th~:r, ad ~ant(lgG to consign, aJIfrelg'ht VIa. i he Santa If!e J'c.~u f·c. H,s~lVil1g .ot fre ru .thrc0: to five <itays.tUlle WIll be gaIned ±rOIn all ea5te:uIJ<and floTt-hern cities.

Fl'ei91~t ~l'on~ Chi.cago and point~,w~st of Ch13ugo IS brought throu~htwItbout transfer, thereby sUYing,.;bl'('c1knge and delay. . \

Call on lleD.reS~ ugcnt for rg,tp8..nnd infol'nwJioll, or addro"s, C. J1.'l\lorehom::n, Divhdon Ii'l'eigllt ntHl,Pa~,~(l1l'gel' Agect 1:'1 P~t,Q, 'l\)~u;:). '!

.," . .. ..

Has attained a smndard of crxc€'lf9nc~ Whichadmits of no suporior,

It contains every improvement thl1t il1ven~tivo gonius, I3ki-H- find monoy Clln produoe.


A p1an who prfl.etic~d In(~{Hcintl

for 40 years, ought to knpw saltfronl sugar; r~fl,d wbnt l~~ says:

TOLEDO, 6. ~ .fan. 1.0,'18~7.

~ressrs. F .•J. Cheney & Co.---.U~:&iWI

Gentlernen:-I have been in gen-1¥~,R'!' eral practice of nledicine for 'rrlOst

L10 years,. and would say that in alli ltANTED

my practice and experien~e IlH.yenever fo:een a. preparation thH,t Icould prescribo witn as l~lUph COil­

fidence of. sLlcces as I can Irall'sU.ltarrh UUl'G, ulunnf4ctllred by you.Have prescribed Jt a great lllHnytin1es and. its efftct is wonderful

~=:;pa C':n'-=---.JC and I w()nl(~ SHy ~n eonelubion. tbat.ThCGO c:\':ccllcntOrg-an.snro colcbrntcdfor yo}- I have .~ct. t<, find a (:H;~ of;

umo, qUttll't.y oi' tono. ~uick rc::;p~)ll50" Vl'Wl.ct;r UtI t1 t'of cOI::lbinn.tiol1, artistic uGJsIgn, l"onuty III :fimsh, a .a 1'1' 1 Jl a 1t\\"o U1d Jl (I t e 111'<.\, of!)!Jr1'0ct oo:.'mtl'llotioll, maILing' them tl.Jo n:ost t.ll P 'I.' would t ako i ti H"(~OJ'(,11'11 g it'hr.truc~iY(\.Ol'nal:lcntnl m:ld dcsira;-;!c 01';1':1.11::; for J v J'

hOlllOS, [Jehools, clmrcb(:s, ~O~aO~j,i!lbciotlc~,utc. di rct:to n S~ Y()Ul'~ tru Iy,.1D~;".['.!~"BJrJJI@;J!!1E£) REPlj']rJ~'::r:n:@:::" L. L. (HJH!:HTCII, Ill. D. ,

lD'';.E(~·crAI.J!'}~ ]:IIi..C1::LI'3r..iE~;;'.fJI.\.Il].I~lED 'VOl~'.I::rtii]E1\T, OtI~ce, 215 SUlllll1it Ht.

..,. ~EST ::'i!L~'l'~,JEn.:rAL, \re will gi vc *100 for an \' case ()fCo:,InI:s'ED, MAKE '~rrI3 ..... • .

WIlEr POPU1AR .ftl'(). rf liN Cntn~'1'h l1.haL ean~)ot be <.:t:l:ed w~lh..Ill. .. • ,~41~~,~, I: IIall S Uat~u r~~ Cure. 1 HJ~en lit-.

PIAnos, STOOLS, l300KJ5. ' lernully., Ii' J (,II1" '\...~ 't .. (' (~0 I>

.J.:. ,v .J ... '( li.J J. to:: ., •• . rops.)

Toledo, Ohiu.CH~CAGO COTTAGE ORGA~ COJ £f~Sol<1 hy Druggists, 7i>c.


RC,- .

'1.'0 cure ;p:·, Sick, Consti-.. ' 13atiol1, 1I:fn.ln.rlll, Liven' Colf;wlaints, take

the Bafo ~m,d cGl'taip.· remedy,SMXT;l~l?e

~E\V ME),(I;:fo·

. .......

,\' .-.

,r" ,, .'

"'.", , ;; ,

, ,

GaUaeher",· Prop~. ':

" \~.

\ .:71 IT ':- _. j

,----------.-~-----_.~--.---l:!:DGA..H n. B.B.OmHJN. Pl·e~Went , ", .. ,." Wm. n. AUSTIN. Ca..r.;hier.


CQ,Dita1 $lq.O,OOQ\ GNrplu~ ~ - $37.,500~O,o,l1 N:t.iollS. pr07;nptl.Y l.l.).nd~? ~1.H1 rElJp'itl (.)J. }?oreipl and DOnl(lstic Exchangt?

Qo:-r,.ta,t u,n tJJL.L .:>.J ...lJu.I [etJl11tw..; o.lH·0.l. IJn A[~:)x:iet:1u Bm:nu(ls:4 .i ~ ~, '. . .' ." l •

This kIOTEL if3 .a new' ,RIC ~'..'. . ::~.I ....~ , ,

~ti~u~tur~ ',RJ!II:! 'is, .ftlrnished tbtrougll.,Ol,\t ~w'ith ~Er'l(' f~~it't~re. Sleepil1g

,,~oo11lls ~T~ 1T/~11 Sllpplied v4Tith cle~~. Q;JlldcO:ill,.forta;ble beils, and ll.rQlPit'e~l with·, . , . '.

,,an{l ventilation~: 9 ,,',

" T~b!e: supplied vVith U~e best the MAfU{ET Affoi~ds.

Evetj' ~cara talHm of and attentiDn paid to the wants'of Transient ~uests.




, ,




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