{ INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com. A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation. A...

{ INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com

Transcript of { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com. A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation. A...

Page 1: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.




Page 2: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.

A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications (as of a prospective student or employee)

A meeting at which information is obtained (as by a reporter, television commentator) from a person.

Definition of Interview

Page 3: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


Informational interview (brief (20–30-minute). Mock interview (practice interview). Phone or Skype interview Traditional interview (interviewed by numerous

individuals at separate times). Behavioral interview (in specific work situations). Case study interview (analytical skills, creativity). Technical interview Group interview (a number of job candidates all meet

together). Panel interview Conference interview

Types of interviews

Page 4: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


Before the interview: Review your résumé or CV and organize some

general points you want to discuss during the interview.

Review basic information about the company or organization—size, major products or services, competitors, etc.—on its website and blog (if available). Follow the company on Facebook, LinkedIn and/or Twitter to get the latest news and announcements.

Practice responses to common interview questions, with a friend acting as the interviewer if possible. Practicing will help you to feel more comfortable with your responses—just be careful not to over-rehearse your answers to the point where they start to sound "canned".

Make sure your interview suit is clean and pressed and your shoes are shined.

General Interview Preparation

Page 5: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


Arrive 10–15 minutes before your scheduled interview time. Take the interviewer's phone number with you so that you can call should an emergency arise that would prevent you from being on time.

Be friendly and polite to everyone you encounter at the company or organization, including reception staff.

While you are waiting for the interview, review your prepared points one more time. If you feel confident about your preparation, take the opportunity to browse corporate literature if it is available in the waiting area.

When you are greeted by the interviewer, use a firm handshake, make eye contact, and smile.

During the interview, answer all questions truthfully and concisely, be positive, be specific, and ask questions. Don't ramble. Sell yourself!

At the interview:

Page 6: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


Follow up with a thank-you letter or email message, addressed to the interviewer with whom you met, within 24 hours of the interview. Use a professional communication style and watch your spelling and grammar.

Remind the interviewer of your strong interest in the position and of your qualifications. If you have thought of any brief details that you forgot to mention in the interview, the thank-you letter offers a final opportunity to do so.

If the interviewer had asked you to provide any additional information that you did not have with you during the interview, be sure to provide this information in a timely manner afterwards.

After the interview:

Page 7: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


Call ahead or send e-mail to schedule an interview. Identify yourself by name and publication. Give the

nature of the article.Be punctual.Do your homework.Dress with respect for the person you are interviewing.Write down key questions before the interview. It's easier for a source to hang up a telephone than slam

a door in your face.Avoid ambush interviews ( surprise attack).Be honest. Don't mislead your source, that can be more trouble than

it's worth.

Preparation for interview

Page 8: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


Page 9: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


Keep in mind that employers are looking for someone with:

A positive attitude Self-confidence Strong

communication skills

Motivation An ability to be a

strong team player A neat

(professional) appearance

Knowledge related to the position

A strong academic background

Work experience Career goals A strong work ethic A personality that

will fit with the organization's culture

Leadership skills/potential

Who is prepared for the interview

Page 10: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


Choose a business suit. The best colors are navy blue, gray, black, or chocolate brown; darker colors generally look more professional than lighter ones. Make sure the suit fits properly.

Under your suit jacket, choose a pressed button-down cotton-blend shirt in a light solid color (white, blue, etc.). If you will be wearing a white or thin shirt, add a plain white undershirt. Tuck in both your shirt and your undershirt.

Your tie should be conservative in style, with a small pattern or stripe, and properly knotted.

Suit pants should be worn belted at the waist (not below); cuffs should break at the shoe tops. Belts should coordinate with your suit color.

If you are interviewing in the winter or in inclement weather, be sure your coat looks professional.

Socks should be thin and in a dark color that coordinates with your suit; do not wear white athletic socks.

Shoes should be clean, polished, and conservative in style, in black or another dark color that coordinates with your suit.

A briefcase or messenger bag made of leather or another good-quality material, in a neutral color, looks much more professional than a nylon backpack.

Hair should be trimmed above the collar, if short. If you have long hair, wear it pulled back and out of your face. If you have facial hair, make sure it is neatly trimmed and clean.

Remove visible piercings. If possible, hide all tattoos. Think twice about wearing cologne(perfume), since many people are

allergic to strong scents.

Recommendations for Men

Page 11: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


Both skirt suits and pants suits are acceptable for job interviews; pants suits may be better choices for candidates who are interviewing at manufacturing facilities where skirts may not be allowed in production areas.

If you have any doubts about what kind of attire would be appropriate for your situation, be sure to ask the recruiter ahead of time.

Whatever type of suit you choose, make sure it is of high quality. Although dark colors are more traditional, lighter-colored suits may be more comfortable in summer.

Make sure your suit fits properly. Under your suit, choose a light-colored button-

down blouse or a shirt with a rounded or high v-neck.

Tops should not be tight, sheer, lacy, or low-cut.

Recommendations for Women

Page 12: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


Thin trouser socks are your best choice. Pant cuffs should always break at your shoe tops.

Your purse or portfolio should be made of leather or another good-quality material, in a neutral color.

Shoes should be clean and polished, in a color that coordinates with your suit, and with a low or medium heel.

Hair should be neat and out of your face, regardless of its length.

Keep makeup low-key and natural; bright lipstick colors, heavy dark eye shadows, false eyelashes, and dark lip liners all look unprofessional.

Nails should be neatly manicured. If you wear nail polish, choose a light-colored shade and make sure your polish isn't chipped!

Make sure jewelry isn't jangly or distracting. Remove visible piercings other than earrings. If possible, hide all tattoos.

Think twice about perfume, since many people are allergic to strong scents.

Recommendations for Women

Page 13: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


Page 14: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


Dress appropriately for the industry. Know the exact time and location of your interview. Arrive early; 10 minutes prior to the interview start time. Offer a firm Handshake, make eye contact, and have a

friendly expression when you are greeted by your interviewer.

Listen to be sure you understand your interviewer's name and the correct pronunciation.

Ask for clarification if you don't understand a question.  Be honest and be yourself. Make sure you understand the employer's next step in

the hiring process; know when and from whom you should expect to hear next.

Interviewing Style—Do’s

Page 15: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


First and foremost, don't arrive late. Don't chew gum / sweets, smell of smoke don't combat nerves by looking at the

walls, by waffling, taking over the interview, look disinterested, reply to a question without fully understanding it.

Don't take too much work Don't rely on there being internet access

within the interview room to view your work online.

In the interview itself, don't rely on your knowledge of the company and the job role, do your web research and gain knowledge from your connections in the industry.

Don’ts of Interview

Page 16: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


A big no-no is dressing inappropriately for an interview.

Don't bad mouth your old employer or peers.

Don't change your interview date unless its a life or death reason.

Don't ask about the salary or what time they finish work. 

Don't mention you will have to leave early to pick up the kids on a Monday.

Don't show a desire to do a job not within the job description or mentioning other job interviews you are going for that are more appealing.

Don’ts of Interview

Page 17: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


Check your list of questions to ensure you asked them.

Ask: “Is there anything else I should ask?”Thank the interviewee.Re-read your notes immediately after the

interview.Write a three- to five-sentence summary in

your notebook at the end of each interview

After the interview

Page 18: { INTERVIEW uptuenotes.com.  A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.  A formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications.


Can you tell me a little about yourself? What do you know about our company and why do you

want to work for us? Why should I hire you? How would you describe your ideal working

environment? Can you tell me about your three greatest strengths/Do

you have any weaknesses? How would someone who knows you well describe you? What do you like to do in your spare time? How did you choose your university? Can you describe a challenging situation that you have

faced during your college years, and how you resolved it?

What are your salary requirements?

Most Common Interview Questions

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Don't ask questions about basic information that is covered on the company website—especially on the home page!—or in promotional literature.

Don't ask personal questions about the interviewer's educational background or extracurricular interests.

Don't ask questions about salary, vacation, or other benefits. Asking about these topics before you have received an offer can give the impression that you are more concerned about benefits than about the job itself.

Along the same lines, be careful not to ask questions that might indicate that you are unwilling to put in some overtime if the job requires it (e.g., "How often do people really work weekends?").

A question such as "What are my chances of getting this position?" puts the interviewer on the spot, especially if he or she still has additional candidates to interview.

Topics and Questions to Avoid

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