Importance of technique to write a thesis

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This PowerPoint presentation will provide step-by-step directions on how to write a thesis paper based on the college requirements

Transcript of Importance of technique to write a thesis


A dissertation is a type of academic writing that the  students need to prepare for their research topic.

Dissertation Paper is not easy to prepare Requires research in depth and collection of data  Generally, the final year students are asked to

prepare a research paper for their research findings in their master’s degree

This PowerPoint presentation will provide step-by-step directions on how to write a thesis paper based on the college requirements 

Learning Outcomes 

Selection of Thesis topic? Writing an introductory

statement Research the Thesis data Preparing the chapters Formatting the paper Writing Quality  Uniqueness of the paper Zero plagiarism

Steps to write a Thesis Paper 

Dissertation Topic


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analysis of sources and websites to research the



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STRUCTURE IntroductionChapter I

Literature ReviewChapter II

Chapter III: MethodologyChapter III

Presentation of ResearchChapter IV

 Summary and ConclusionsChapter V

Chapter I: introduction

A genuine thesis paper includes a clear introduction part where the research problems and questions are described regarding the topic.

The significance of the problem that the student is searching for should be there in this chapter.

The direct and indirect variables are defined in the dissertation that is very important for the representation.

This chapter provides support to the problem statements and it leads to the research questions that include a number of hypotheses. 

Chapter II: Literature review This chapter is nothing but the review

of chapter 1 that supports the theoretical argument about the written subjects.

Theoretical models are represented to research the questions and the argument should be placed of the different author that supports the theory or does not support it.

Both arguments should be placed in this chapter to make a concept map of the research topic.

Chapter III: MethodologyThis chapter involves sample collection, data collection, and the convenience process of these collection methods that conduct an analysis of the proposal. 

The survey, interviews are considered as the methods of data collection. 

Research design is an important factor of this chapter and the proper representation only makes a clear visualization that an expert of MyAssignmentHelpAu services  can do. 

The collected data is to be analyzed by a statistical analysis method that is chosen for the research and the hypotheses are addressed by this analysis. 

Chapter IV: Results

Different types of statistical analysis such as descriptive, preliminary including correlation. Standard deviation and so on are done in this chapter.

This analysis is done by software called SPSS and the use of this software is done by the experts who are experienced.

MyAssignmentHelpAu Thesis writing services engage such qualified experts who can deal with the analytical part of a dissertation.

Chapter V: Summary and Conclusions

At the end of four chapters, a critical discussion is done by the expert where they summarize the results in brief and in the non-statistical term.

All the chapters are organized in the conclusion part with proper heading.

The limitations are described where the experts discuss whether there are any weaknesses or gaps in the research. 

Further, they represent the future scope of the research and recommend some factors that specify the guidance and explains why the proposed research paper is needed. 

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