
iii rt« *x*i %¡a .^l^r ^db^A nj ¿3^^?* El -v/ . .-..a TO THE CITIZEN'S OFEDCEFIEfcD . . * .'.-rt)..-!r.l: :fi f i ii .:*g«r>:ir4 >*rit-o- theWfiWV^f^f^T^) SJ **'r1 i1!'f,J(!T OÙYS&ci i Wwtíwgfcr ^k&á'Maí, aSd èfW kW c*n#êW ^Close a A t/lfWi IP J THAÔÏT18 '111 ».z .,h tamifatitötöfra&i&dG«Ba ISï^'JW ?¿feÍ»f4 a')PrwÇ. Store at this place, t take this method informing mf mawwcP the public"generally that I now naYe in Store.' «rags, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, In fact e*erythin| usnally ^eútih^»J>irg Stôre^aJl new and warranted gtnnine, ; »t .,»;; .-..'*»« A fi . BOOTS, SHOES MD .onie ods xji^rätfsS ooáfi iaa&xÖ We How mier io íhe Wholesale Trade, SOO Cases BOí)T% SHOES A^IO HATS, "Which we irittsóH.íprXfest^ or to Prompt Paying Customers, at. V.ERY LOW PRICES. Mejrc&ants waoting Good* io our line "will save money by giving us a call. ... .a < - -j ¿ Our Retail Department Is well supplied with the Latest Styles and Best Quality of Goods', con¬ sisting in part of -t Dudley's Celebrated B«oi*. and Gaiters, IVIiles & Sou's Roofs, Shoes and Gaiters; Zeig 1er Bros. Congress asid Lace Gaiters, «fcc, &e. .Remember our Motto is: " QUICE JALE3¡A*k »¿Ali bkOWïi" (TALLAHER & MULHERIN, 289 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. Feb 12 3m S _? MILLER, RliSEIíL $ BÜRÜM -AND- Commission Merell'ts ' ' . * . Í75«mi 177 Broad Street, Aug-ic* ta,- Ga. IV E are now in receipt of our FalL-Stock of &ROCEIUI2S, consist¬ ing in part of- .'. ' v 'ff . .' ... . * Bacon SIDS& Bacon SHOULDERS, Dry Salt SIDES, " . . SUGARS of all grades. .?. SYJH^SMtfMlean^ ^<¿d^c^R^l^.CilY.ei^y.s^r§,_ CANNED GOODS consisting of Peaches, Blackberries, Tomatoes* &c'. MACKEREL-itt Bar-rilaVnalf ajid'íiVríer bbls.^ncLKits, Se e d-« W HE .li T, Se ed" RYE, Seed OATS, .Seed BARLEY, Case foiuärB ot SRXlft) Y, WHISKEY, G IX, .- .. Wafcllioffifffj?th#b»ost coräpiW and rarest* stock'- of BA-rvRL LlQUOrTS of any House in the City, and sel ring at price* that will indut buyers to purchase nearer l#«eitua^ jujEa^Urn markets. To the Planters apd Merchants of Edgefiela we would take this occasion to «#x^res.= our thanks for their past fiberal patronage, and respectfu!lyi»-:i iqidést: a continuance' of the^sarne'. , ' . 5í^*Buying oar Good- ibr GASH, we are prepared to sell as low, and cfit ^p^twWiV aiti HIL! Brooklyn Lile Insurance. Co. Asàet'â'bVer^Wa'ï .?> ': .... ?.? '-I -': lions Dollars. ALL ÍH^wié^síWAIiJre in H No. 1 ráf«^nsafarfce?ómp?.ny,'i\re-: i-r-nting peculiar advantl^e^j caw »io HO bv applying to' . ' ".. : MM*t* ll'*! UAt0 Gen'l Ajg nt Brooklyn Life Insurance Co. Öeapecttnl reference' rha>le id Ènidgé Jué. E. 'Bacon. 'Aíwsrs. R. C. Shiver.- W.'Si'MVjnteith, A. C. Moore and Joljn Basket-of tQo]nrabia. ' Ex-Gov. M.' L. Bonham. lgn^^^Toc.p](in8# Efafffi ÂaflisoÎi" t. W. Cáíwilej. Sr,, Jtvs. bonier, and other jiairons of the Cotupaiiy. - . .INACTIVE AND. RiJLIABLli'AGlpMTS, who will devote' themselves to ÀÎ* Jfcterèat of the CompHuy, wanted m every County invthe State, with whom iihawl, Wn^ viii bp njadé. , »'JC«'J \- \, . ¿mTTjjmi titfö p Ä1TqP|-R|li ^cn,L Agent, ^, ; . . . H.,s.o. feWî9 . . Bm. t : 9 ?? T!4/:I - Ai \-U W >r 4 ' '--. ?' ?> » ; -^»^ra.^..1 ! i JUST VBI> .{ BAMK OF j^ARJLESTON. a . J T., «. .ÎUARLiàTOX; Si jC., fiülj. 20, IS73. y GRIÏ'WrT « COBB'S, » Qn âiïtï"'âiter thh hrst'd'ay of Mnrrth m'' "* . »'cKtj this ïîiiffk willhe prepared* to C011- .dU 4: Doa. Brade'*-Cr*rt> Hf)És, soiidato thp Stock of the Bank of Chnrlos- K~f *' .'flautera'^toei fy/** j tort iirto that of tha present organization. fc^lísAÍSS'/* AV l ^l^^re%oÇthetatteVçrffrFa^e,^>wi Amarf^ÔVE^àndMarmreEOUKS ^ne hnudred ilollar», will bc issued for BÜbfyUSp1 4 " .* . K f;ve *{S) whole or ten (tw'half Of the' I^ÄÄI¿¡gW WARB, for»*rt ' SÍrí^STA^b ' . ' ' ' íutuVe.dividends will bo paid upon SSÍ 1** : " » ' . . . .* u,e ,CqM9jl|Uited £typ£ ^r^ihose ocr -, .*,...*;-«y- ^-?? ? ? ? -?-jr" cruing uwgn tho uaconaoi^lotod will be FlirnirHre PöIlSh« ícsecvea umU consolidation of tijo-'syjjje flfhÉrA. ¿ni#íro Citt FURNITUR K Phall'be eflecte<i: I POLISH fi erv liousekeeper should The Bot^*^ ^-aosfen jirill.- he closed have a bottta.'1 TO wri* Ä , .* _ fro^n {darch 1st to April 1 st. a CUSBY'8 DRUtt 3TOhb. fylfot*, C'asHter. «'Mar» . tf ' ll. Chârlesioa, Feb. -M, Sm 10 . T-~.-?,- ?«-*-; ?-y**- _i-iii- _ i , Y^KMNÖTAPÖJ^OV^,. . S^cfaíny í¡ÜÜfi| mess aiul ^^Àè^wifetteiPerfuiue^For ft6t^ ^ ^^^^1^,- 4 YOU'I/t FIND MAKKYI.VG PX^ Well, Lither, to morrow's your weddi dav * * Health, wealth and contest ail the di of life, God bless you and keep you, my bc Marrying is risky business, For hu^juidjasrwßtt a*) lbs wifejr. < 8Q, geqe'fcálly speaking, ' it's-o» serrón . thing As happens to folks in lift. > t t Merry Ann Smith and you, Lisher, Fell in love in the good old way ; But ï've sgij ^spj^B^e^;^£^t&vi Have tne very old.scratch to pay. ,. I don't say that you will, Lisher, So there's no occasion, td pout ; But you and Merry Ann will have ts trums; . * I. know what l'm talking about. For yQU're^iñ^lineá tb be touchy^ f And]you're mjgkty sot in yourfiray, AncL t^ber/^lveii^er^ñc<^nd'aris u I .You]ho^'e'apifBtbsay.f / î> Merry Ann Smith is as smart a gal As they raise in these parts abodt ; Buc thkikíiíd, Liahèiy arc neVaç maden « .SWläi the ginger tod peeperietj QU£ Bear in mind Merry Ann has heroiotioi And-a will like yours and mine; And that ¿he has à right to', her shy. things That naturally fall in her line. Be gentle about ¿the money question : Evefryilme you give ker acent Don't ask her to give you a strict A Of the1 way it's ¡fr&gXó&spéhí »$¿ * She's the woman you, loved,arid fcrhafke as a gal'; wi . ' iiîî \ "She'll work andJiveibr.yoij,;, f> All that she is, or might be, boy, She gives, as noonan would do. .You know how nm ch you can affptj ... Lither. . ,. . To'matt .youi1 y«wly*expense ç Just hand a part oves to Merry Ann, . And trust tp.her.good common sena/ If you ever do have auy diifereno Lisher, \ . Renmmber you keep, á stiirtbneue ; For wnefi dutsidè parties know fatnil ahkirs, An.e^'d}^ dlsseuaioiv * begun. , .In health and in sickness, for all sort ' :Vvf tuek, ' You promised f>8.take yohr'wife-'- To love, ahd cherish, aud honor her, All tire days W her Hie. ' Morry Ann promises jdst. the.same ; . . Now-days they leavobut the obey ; rnever set any store by that->- Tpo much oàe-sided,'I say. . To honor and cherish each other tbrougl Jil'e To live with thc Lord in glory., . if yon im1 Aunt Phronhr Wnt there ÇrOÔtl'night, Lisher! God bless von ¡in ^jS&gW toinun-row's the dejfc; ¿ , Ari things considered, I think you'I rind That getting married'll pay. Brevities, anti Leviiies, tï' A rooster died receñí si Ky., in a tight with anothei kind, who had a monal dis.'- ^4ftu*_arid ,wi~üift¿lmíkléssu 'càine-ncar him, for ho söbne so, than he would Hy at hci his spurs in flesh, fur, cape, That rooster }T$A pion jíÍU'1 memory of hisai^oesT wp dm] tactic tear ; we Know'Jinw ll is ßSSr* A Michigan husband Í beijnoathing to lvi.s wife tUo j which lie Hung himself. Not of the sentimental kind, she uses it for a clothes jiao^,/, s ¡ti ti fSr- 94¿éV>fU»re^ the;beautiful snore,' filling her'dhamber from ceiling tci floor/ Over the coverlet, under thc sheet, from her dimpled chin ty her pretty fleet!, i*S'uw rising aloft like a bee hi Jnnéf now sunk to the wail of a cracked bassoon î Now llutu.'jke subsiding, then rising again, is the beautiful snore of Elizabeth Jane ptr A lady recently reques^d her husband to «ft» to the dress^niakcr"flhtf tell lier that she .(his wife) hud changed her mipd, and would have thè watered silk mad» up instead' ôf the poplin, and thatu rf she thinks it would look better with bias flounces without pulling, and box-plaited below the equator, wUich should be gathered in ht^n-stitched gud¬ geons up and down the seams, with a gnpi*el4<litch between, she can make it up that way, instead of liming the boblli¬ ne: insertion and. piecing yut w¿th poíut applique, as I suggested yesterday."' Tho man is now« raving maniac ##^À'ynjing 'lady teacher vat' one of our mission .Sunday Schools recently narrated.- -the* cmcihxion to her class ol' little boys, and when she thought she; had îàirïy engaged theirminds, was*,sar»', prised With, f Bet -they .wouldn't à done it If Buffalo BilTd Wn*here!".> * i *. gtârAn enamored Philudclphiau has been convicted, of petty larceny, fol; ab¬ stracting bis adored one's carte de visite from'hor photograph'-album ; the-Judge deciding that to steal a " cartu" was as bail, as 'to s;cal ahorse.. 'j££rAht the widow! A Springfield, Mass., newspaper JU entions that a gay faxcinater nf this description recently s-ut a notice of her own death to tim 1 teal journals, fyoughr. not to bo hard fdr the intelligent reader'to guess her db- je-tin doing sn; but to preyon^bothera tien of brains and loss ot' limo we may as well state ai once that what tho widow wanted to find.out. wa» whether,ajcer- tain ydnng nian would'foTiie toKprhig- iield to attend her funeral. We regret to sn}' that tho experiment was a failure. Tho young mun, wi,lh a marble-hearted 'depravity -ivhíi'h" cansos ns to blush frit' çu;»/.'X,"refused to. como at all, ;md UK* wiilf.'v-aij.'I'Tives to. wat<»Ji ¿vd~U) wait. jfr- A <ß3orgia'pi,e.$»-.hrtr; în't'rauslating tho sentence. M'ljbc hiirvôst :,s over, the season is ended, and thy soul.IK n.M. Saved." pm it, M Dc corn hos been cribbed, doro ain't any more work, and do debbil hs still i'ooding ;vld dis community." fSr A*We3tcrn woman whipped a man who had slandered, ber husband. She was a^wsttfd.ajidAied, and herMaorat^r ful ftpofpp wmnw-pi^thtítaéwi > Thirty ycÁfs'mxu a young man entered the city of S'.r.'>- y»)) k in an al-' most penniless condition, »ut j without u; single acquaintance in tho-grójní wuder-i ness of nouses. To-dfiv Ills name is Jkno>TU wh/j-cverhinniHilfcy lireadies.. It ie spoken^ n every ol ty; and Isa^tamlHar to the workers in tho mines as to his brotheBiiv'tbcf mlllÀ] and 'wherever lan- guagé Î8.'irtïown ajítf ideas" expressed tho nuxne ol' HUH /penniless,, unknown, and uncouth Lid of-thirty years ago is uUer- od. It was John Smith. . y~ ^ïOxA f-chooUuaster in, one of bur, (^neighboring loffns,,-while ohIdâ raorri- ijiig/\r1ilk, pasS«f By;thê'rrbfij'of a p&'sh* ii'¡r who wa-i excavating a log for"a pig tróugül M Why," said tho schoolmaster, "Mr-. have|ronnotfumitdreenbugh fet?" "Yes," said tho mun, "pnough ¡jf'^iy own.femÜM MiTikpíct tb'boàftl IP selioolinasterabi^Vinter, arid lam making preparations." KS*" An enthusiastic lady,, who hikes £art tu tfie religious exortves in the St. ,ouis t'eut ral Polieti'.Statiop.s. Sunday mornings, told one bf -the partie*''alie found there last Sabbath that sho was' glad to. sed^hn sober, otfce, as ijho.could; soëTjy'hlsi looks tharric Was not often* so>' and after she had spent some little time in urging him to reform, and lead a dif¬ ferent lifo, closed her discourse bn being informed that the subject^fJiorT solici¬ tude was a minister; who hnttbö'eri*inVi- ted'to assist m the exercises of the day, ---*'-~m 'Jtiim ?'' '--i- . r i®7Cljai-les Manloy, (p.egr.0.) who yas 'côhvi8tèâ«oî täMjíiun-tíec bf aú¿ y$d>irjfh)jM man, a dock-mender, named. Monroe, in Julv last, in Á4exaiwriá¡ .Vft^'waífhangéd'' Marth 28, -ra -thet yard qf the jail, in the, ina iaio to whisky:'. . Notes' of travel on * Recent Trip to Texas- < MR. EDITOR : At th e solicitation of oth- j eis, we propose to furnish for the readers' of the Advertiser a few notes of a "recent} .rnnjiiji^rfip jpTexaí f / 1 * Leaving AufcHsta oft thp-e'vening of the' 24th February, .with aa esteemed rela¬ tiv e as ótrr traveling companion, We pass-! ,ed over the railroad to "Atlanta in the*' night, and consequently saw nothing of; the country between those points. Du-1 ring the night; vKowëver,.WB gotInio con-" versation With a gentleman who resides1 in Kentucky, hjvt near Cincinnati, O.; He had beard a few days before the Hon.' 'A. H. Stephens speak in Augusta for the) first time-was favorably impressecMMth "pnôihnmïortharn'e7*ifl[ «ttnnoT^Wtiii many ot hors, had misapprehended' 7$r. Stephens' pc^tfoh/*lâûvè^«e4es<5ôn und tho late v*ai ; haft all alor.s tmoer-' stood that Mr» S. was opposed to both,¡ from Principle as well as policy i where¬ as lie had learned #onV him,' ÄSueh [wainc-t his poalnon;--ïhat neTi^cvnever; disputed the ;ight of secession. Among other tin ngs, the subj eut of i m - migration Vàà tratheó: upon.'ytieKett- tu ciclan remarked that he hat! had .abu n<-' dant opportun lt^-' to "aácortain the sen ti v ment ot- the la bo ring'-das sea-^oro''par¬ ticular! y the mechamos of Ohio; Illinois -anii Indiana relative-to immigration to the Southern States, arid the invincible, declaration by that class of man was, that they would never seek horneé in a State4 where they would he brought îri contact' and (..» un petition With a nègre- population. And he-veritqrod 'the opinion" ¡that-Sou rh Carolina would neyer be filled.!wi th white i rh migrants so tongi she whaooritfdîMed, by the colored element of our population -no matter:what other bidhiejoents 'might beoffered.' ' \ And «ve would remark, that in our travel the enquiry was frequently made, hov could the people of South Cárollaa otjOseut to remain Vft»*Pinfa¬ mous a State, and one ruled, too, hy-sit ' interior race ? uur reply wa*; that we had gotten somewhat ut^toit^äia^ihe. realization was not quite- so b»jd> tt^- the' seeming; ¿n,<i that whatever of «-fa-tue* there is i a our law -makers^ ,is, 1 wit h but few exceptions, in the negro element, . '. We arrived at Atlanta about 6 o'plock,. A..M., next mo.niing, and(oend theai4e- walks sheeted with ice, and thq eaves of houses fringed with icicles. The famous Kimball House attracted our attention- covering, as it docs a \vholq., bj(o$c» or square.. Ithas been ao'yfre^y^ntíy tide- éciij^eû hymñme>4% ¿efrspapfts #t |vp i'i|l|iof savirnqi-è ol'i^ soóu ijrewlfcc. on the trafh' mbvin<f for WëU Poi»it and Montgomery. At SI breakfasted at Pal- 1 motto, where wo partook of the best steak wo h»«*« hnt\ <v.» « '-? . iSLvn Opclika' wo see unmistakable e\ Idences of thrift i Wd enterprise. ¡ Fron?,« little;village In ! 1862*, ffirheij uje Iii.-t i>afsert.if: Opfelika has J fissained thc proportions ot n town, and < contains at this time four thousand in- liabltanis/ .)l'-rt; tho'railroad to Colum- ' bus branches otf from tho We-1 Point " and Montgomery ruad, aiidalsotho Mom- ] ¡iliis iuul Savannah road, whose present : Northern terminus, we believe, is Bir- mingham. AuUurn isa pretty village, rifted for its literary institutions. Pass- iqg herd tailed ito'ininfl 'J War-wick," j(h hts "HohTe hmong the hills, near Au- ; burn, Lee, couti ty. Ala.,'' whose versatile ¡ fetters so long'graced thc columns of the . New York I)uy Hook. What has, be- come of bim ? Prom Chehaw'to Ttiskee- ( gee, a distance or six miles, in a "narrow gauge' railroad Id 'successful operation, built at a comparative cost of half that of a.wide gauge road. 'It is now paying j annuajlj' a dividend to stockholders of 33 per cent,"so Wtf -vHre rnfcn^OoV by Sènajor TjjrjfeU. of Bideville, Ala., jw*hpm , we met on. tJic train on hlslwrafl) jMdnt- \ .joinery,' to attend ^hd- ifcglsiatirre.'* It was along herc, too, that we met the ¡lia¬ ra ortal ''J. N," the-philosopher, about whom so mudi ha.-* been said jn tlie pa pera, and with- whom we had a confab., , He saya that he comprehends thc situa- £ion; tbat.his theory is' equal honor and ', pensions to the soldiers ol' both aripjbs- that bc had President Grant aboujt right, \ or soon would have him so, and that peaca and prosperity would pervade the land. , ?'( . ' Thc iron-horSv pulled tts up' to Mont- goniery Depok at -li o'clock, P. M., 25th February. Expecting to stop only an hour or two in thc city, wc took a carri- ago and rode over it awhile, ancrbaok to , Depot'." fJ*g"siatufo"is now Mn Cession. ' luMV-didn^t "haxi) töne, to yenmore (han a!pas%í!ook ¿t4;thf B¡k$t -.Capitol. MoutgoinöiV, Uko Atlanta, is built upon hiijs and vales which, according to the '" taste of'some, lends toits beauty Wd »' got our supper and wore aboard the Alp- bile train just as-' 'í/fA'i i " Night orew her shble mantle roimd. I ^Aud pinned it with a. star-" **wk saw norning ¿f-\he^lOoinrtrV tw'-i-n Montgomery and Mobile-passed th rft ugh tho village all unobserved; Where rskidas qiir d|d friend aiid schoolmate, GoUP. D.'Bofcs-heard him oo/iq>iiuiont> . ed IJJ Judge-, of Greonvlllo. 'Wegot to Mobile at Ci o'clock,' A. tà,, Í6lh, 'the morning after Mardi' Gras Carnival, Railroad now runs right into the city¿ which i' lid n6t do iii 1802, by this road j strolled about this beautiful city j no¬ ticed anew^Sustom.Housc .nearly.!com¬ plete, i^st j opposite <tfte BattlOj House! ^Içbûetlii«sJ*wrOT?ï pretty ¿é^té residences; called on Col. Jno, R. Tomp: kius, our mutual friend and former .iel* low-citizen, who is President of City ÍJoiuicil* aitdaoUng Mayor of'ths-XjityJ 'WowerbgiVete^'by him in hisHirUai courteous, pleasant manner. Bidding him adieu, wo proceeded the Depot and *ook. the train for Now Orleans/at Ü O'Clock, A.M.' Foi some .dislance we traveled through a poor, ievehipipjíy C^.Ó^dK ojüijtíy^o^ojd t\vo or three steam saW mills on lino of rail- ], road. At ISaqt Paacag^ula wo took occa¬ sion to ask of a citizen the price of land h/tÂiàVecdonî He replied that any quan¬ tity could be purchased within throe or ioat miles of railroad at ten cents per aero, ^he bpi ness of this section con- farms visible. We soon reach Biloxi Bay, a beautifúí body of water, on whose" 1 DosbW are 'seéff! px%ra » galheflng^teiB b and fish, which they follow as a business, tor supply of Mo hilo and geyr Coleaos hi&rkétó; .on East ; ôcèà'n Springs; on ^Wtb.óv.tQ^'^' ii ore lund*, are. cc/uo ft itv dollars' focalityVfte. Misa Christian, further,qnj resorts for Mobile; bear thelmere that respect that AikJ prior to the.war. Louis, over; wide, .and. et's description are seen flail, i and oysi and townAare'i .high-schools and: "of «bis; hay is Üttlá tqwfj^of rl^ the fernlee ^raXe'freni er accoj-dlng to &iy-anaj'-£fess notejt sjuujxié^ iv Orleansj and; Wfced&fcies in; ^Charleston' jp Bayou Sd ?Äire6 mile* Tgquire apo-! its sUrûico fish, i itsi ?;Cityy-'Beven, ¿POP*- tgea, '-maie ahd?e- Bond and; *&<:&he£W&| Áiñis NOT* »artHni» is smooth and "fatter ¿* fr^ef E: m-ed<ryless¡ 'leas; New port ,( .jtohwtrtup,j and-bayouÀ;. bèf tance. betweurf Mol id over water. Tl ?fromjclt'aasteam river. We reached Sbnfhenr seá P; M..' Ttië Mardi its' celebration the fore1 hui-arrival. frôm*âbroad still has had her Murd i Rouge; whilst othe 'öd strongly of it, yill'probably'be leas does ari Imme judging from tl Whidi lie around we could see, rec .cargoes, or freight of New Orleans o in business; he state Government calling upon the ' enroll themseWea. wards^the uniórtu: took place between ¿Leo and MoEnéry at. the St. ¡Louis building of peculio* lng on, three strei Bay «that we were with this house- and too Uttle|aocem sics like us, yet^ any other house in leans is divided' in two distinct portion American and Fre: this latter part of tbj> city was situated nur Hotel, where womet Messrs. Sibley and John McDonald-of Augusta. The former accompauiod' us to Galveston. Hero, too, wo had panted out to us Kel- äusun'^'~ p-vefiwif ol Ù Heans, the «at.» fiy, at'4- 6'Aolki 'haa here too had ni evening be of Itt/ votaries- city. 'Galvesiou. and so has Baton, èsterù cities tali-» "ny-' auotner' year,; ring.' New Or-f hipping business, ber of vessels whards as' far as and 4deîi gering: t the merchants lain of .stagnation! f their unsettled v, Mo Kn orv is of the city to few days .a^jer- conliiflt of arma Metropolitan;']^' ia. «We-'stópped; -a very .JprgST traction, front- Hore we would so much pleased* 'tnuch formality, .ation, to suit rus- ig higher than Ht% ' New e at least; iifto style respectively or Foreigu. * In -..«encan por ....,.ut with wider and more uni form streets, and 'botter taste as to styl n buddings, and is the most attractive <o fur ns wc bad opportunity to observe [n.this part of tho eily is located thc St Sharias 'Hotel-the most inagrnncei building wc have over soon. It f as thronged with visitors tho evening i »ur visit. Wo were somewhat disaj jointed in seeing so few negroes in thi muthern metropolis. AU the waiters a Doth tho St. Louis and St. Charles Hotel ira white,'as well as at some other Ho els at which wo stopped on our tour. Took our departure at 7} o'clock A. M Feb. 27.. Got into a crowded ferry-boat it the foot'of St. Ann strcot, opposite Jackson square, lu n few moments wo lad crpsscd the- MJjÉgSpipjpj^] river, di iîiubarkcd and took train for Brashear L-ity-;(the ferry-boat; rail road und Cal veslpu line qf stcanors k-now» as tho Morgan line aro all ramed by tko samo party). This train hid eleven passenger »achesj all crowod U tho fuir-, when wo started;-got rid of anumber of the pas jengers at the sta'; mi on the way. This road, like tho ono t described, is all that could be-dosii m a rail road. At Bayou des Alloman..-., we noticed a wo¬ man paddling a canoe all u nc. Between this place and.Bayou Lafouuhe ara vast mgar plantations-san oof them in good course of preparation for planting cano iced whilst others lieas yet fallow, "At rcuehanie thi« {iyéa od' a brunch if twelve miles to Emma-herc wo had [jointed* out to us a sigar plantation of three tbousaud acres,which had. recently been sold for one huidred and forty five thousand (14¿5,üO0j dolars. Tho canc-secd mdj^tock On the pren tees .were included in tho sale. Small pautations, without sugar .houses'and ixtures) are worth Qrdra fifteen to twent; dollars per acre. ' -We passed Tigersvllo on Bayou Black, frhd other' places o' less note, before reaching Bnlshear Giy, on Berwick Bay -rt low marsliy plaee-buildings inferior, and was described to is as we went along by a humorous gcnionian, fis I! a place i»f two or tliroe house arid«y2 or six pig pons'stuck in thc nud." On. our \jay hith'nr', .Ex Judgo, Ix Governor Baker who waa Governor c lower Louisiana^ under appointment f Abram Lincoln sat just in rear of. us. He is a sion: thick set ¿briOemán of sev'nty years' HVfrt sidos near Brashear úfJK- Reachtyg.h^rQ BtI2iO'clbok'm. lookiassagq in Steamer Whitney, and were tf for. Galveston at 1 o'cioek M. "with ibout one hundred passengers. Wo haca smooth sea-and pleasant-, frip-r-no BC-Bickness.. Aa we hove iii dight ol Galeston'. àU tfere anxr lous to get a glimpso(f tho City. As. the cliaunel Of Approach was 'circuitous, ta had,.a good.view oit. Thé dislance from Brashear City > Galveston ia two hundred and twentyniles. . We anohor-. ed at 8 o'clock' A.'M28th, disembarked and proceeded atona^ to Dpppt; pf HenV dfrson, Housion «teTejcaa Railroad to take accom'wod^P1* tr?iin f°s Houston which wedi'd'aé» olook,' expecting to btop'in Galveston oniur rbturn,-conse¬ quently can( say ndiing of it, except that it is located or* deep, sandy soiÇ Sooni»W emerglngfrom the city, we crossed a-bay two ules in width, and upon lté Northern bich hoficed some of Goo. Magruder, Confiéralo earth-work*. For.'a'oohsidérable «stanco above Gfo vcôtôn tere vost pitas qf uncultivated prarie, with uothingupon thom to ¿«et the eye but gfeen,' gw»»\herds of cattle I ^ here and, there graalx, now and,, theil af t dead carcass, and'oosionally, catilerdri,- ¡ S V"efs; mounted on psa-fed ponies, all ffltöffl&^&M ?-fcSe' 'JfÛl çroased^an Antonkiad.Hja^^^ ^ ' j. Road at Hari1sbu*g^0put here .we-no- n fl -«ri . rt,. Ositil JgHätfß Wwi Warfest, $t ^sj&^'on. £(¿¿0 i OakiBayqusy. an^,hejTO»íb«¥» the advan&^es^ .bçtfc .ter coaiinuakaUou i^dstransposion. Äkrongly., gp^ti^rxU Buikfcmj on Mainj Street is four story -with;li^aJ^uib^wX , frj^t.; J 3*bé blason!c Buildipg and new Market, Housetvp also. ¡fin* (jAr^áfcjuoJ turen. We; we^«wi<¿¡pleasedv'ith'thiít place. *'»-¡'« -, ../. 11 J ii11 . -A frefrtbie'itfnrdcft' ' Vr ', "¡Une1 fon^wihg-' letfcaf.'lï^frwÇ Ttiomás1 .Watten,' ófTJñjbjl 'cóurity, 'Ärkabsa***' ïcf J;'M./dc*rtnêtfl' bf Ifearneft' Çla£ county,' iíir., and dateû^bu£/few ^ » . Ï vii M yqü a Wr^^múr- der ihat took jlaca|..noJ iar from" wfiere Ï. ' live'.' it happened ab'ourá''íónt"H''ágpv There*t?éfe' font 'toegróea ecttcêtned*mst;.' A'Warned Mj^faWKtiildfrtoPiritoate t to stay several day«:' She- was- 'fie* 'wei!. When she left hotne/.and heí-hnebtnlá tbkj "her that he. would ?takf. care ol' the chil¬ dren until .she camabauk, toughen,¡m L go^tq.whejesk* waa ».going, there Was'no* one at home but hired m'ep^a^shç í)art-| ' ed back. She, had jwt gbne Cir. beíftre ai " negro ma^siopr^dTper.ftorae^took her oflj f- fore him, ana ne drove -and pushed and} W pulled her . eigtif'Tnilcô* into tïe cqftbrnj at cf lieft her fö'>l''trne\ind'Aifienc'tt her^ j He kept he* there' thtee-däTS »ariâ'îiigh*çs. 'j tied to tHe-írec.-áno? the"Becon#tMv-Whrle'< titers) sive had;a child- irr fiib wopOs lby her- ^ Self. Siie waA gone- i'rçor: homo three da vi befijrtj.hw husband went aften her» -Hn l| weoi. ov«w.-to- tip, house'where.^érdíadí k* atairtcd to.go, and ^yheu.Ale.fou,nd,áhej^.44 * not there started back home, t ana( Joundf f her horse' tied' wWe_ (he negro had. deft} , it three flays betöre.'- took'tile ïïôrscj>( borné'and*reelected' some' nilen 'rbge'theii J arid commenced kuntafte for her, ".'änö/ttte .J next day'th-iy saw'twrrlittls* negrbes; wlty, < told theo-tuàt,'èhey'had- aeert á;n»jgr»lbo{ "i dayl en re .driving' a white weepita belora him-dowa the patiw Jhtj. scattered -.out] 'i to hunt for them, .and got so close "tbati i the negro went by where the wa? ( fied; killed her.with a .stick and j&tôn 1 her, "But they weeft 'óh after, lusa, p\jit},) got oft* his track. " ' " * -A J I The'negro stopped ât hefte and ástéá'o" *1 niau and b'by i/ raeré ^'i»^boöy,htrnt-' t ing for a musing lady i *th¿y toW'-h'mv. j; j-ef?, and ss hef[Ä,t>p»l/)«start they ttudhtj jj him and started back with hirr., arid .met; one ef the wen, in -purauifc. . They taft4c: him tell, where the woawp .waa i J^e.<^aixt he killed her. ' Th«y then nade tifk&tá I them to where she was.. He aóíd .they, were in sight other flic day l?etóé wfeh» * the woman fainted, ahusaicfshè*Bn(i Wî-* ^ èd thrée hr fr»"-'*'*-1- Mtein on the coals and eati tnem ; and they would« roll him in tho Boals and lake him out and talk- to him und put, and at- last th?y. -'o^itti i large fire, pu1, him on thu lop bf it and', fat him bani to aihús, apclthaiwaij thy j*t>r L jfliim, Thora wok nota whiteman ithat* l;ud anything to do with it-alt negrdcsJ fho other three negroes thV.f \*/crc "flled ivere shot dead on the'«spot. 'They kftéwj. ivherc the wdman was and? would .nbtóetl. b< I saw a Judy who helped to shroud the uurdered wonjan, and she. said . she was jri.i-ed ail o\xr tlie body, wlierc h* had. lit her with lti^ Hst She leav^threoj mildrenand a husband. It makes.niy lesli run cold I«) think of it. ' INTERESTING Ê.VTÎ:ACT PROM' \ L>:W'í¿ )P A MEM BRR OF THK ^Ji»'C*OS«RI^S' " '»Ve haye been permitted w make the-att-: K-xed ax tract abai a litter writlettíby>.:c uember of the ixty {sec«nd.Congress,' ta i gentleman ju our city, ./und«« duie oC ..'ebruai'y ^Stli,, ujtiino, which will no of ^s nterest: . | lr' " AittJi-. niora tiwii wen tba otdjlligent) 3**1 vork, I got a t»i!l .through both HousGs to> wi iay Teni«. Bac u $437 for nuit services" of ¡ince thc wa?. On the committee of claims1' vas* a man who'belonged to the 4th Maine- Regiment, whose flag tne 2d S. Cl Kegi-i I < nent captured at lasrt Manamas. H<i was,' m extreme radical, btu quit* aicfavarjfierlj if fellow. HQ asked me where Bacon, lo»t en lis leg. apd to wijit Regiment, he belonged' -I told hun that he lost his leg a.t; Goi^j lurg, amt that he was a tßejriUcr of* Ker- haw's Regiment, Ï& ronllcct thal- '.' »hy, ht- tianwhobc^gccTtoÄat'ni'glmefttsVOAldj ¿o ic 'pfiict evt-rV dollar the government owed jy lim! That R'egimentgaTo'vw.h -I at Bull ;,' iun." He was still a little hien: s»r] irised wheb I told Khn'l hadbfeeh ä inem- ^ »et of"'the saino Regiment, andi was-with >^ t at Bujl Run. He beerunaia g«od friend rj[< f mine, and always aided me wiicnover I -s lesired alittle help inthedepävtm.cnU.' , a not now a .member of the House,. *lj irish ho was. 'N«írtjierñ .Rcn'úVk'unV ara leqdepTy better to us Ihaii' Soulheiii Rti-j lubiicans."-Gtec-nville Enterprise. ^ j " Nix," writing to the Chester Reporter . t»m.Co)|rabia,»says,(,' , ., / \ »A We have,ha'd a visit from Gen^àl%1 /..<.< )oweli, ifie same Who 'c.oia'iüaf.cféa 'tho Tñiféd Wfi 'SMtäö W 'first* MáhaVrftsJ ' Ie vas hore onan'înspêci-ing toith/an«,!, »J i\ me whisper spmethihgfurmy mtb yírnt* ar abopt the inspection. General »Mc-, )ow«U invited his ".Certiûc*lôcy", Mose^ Pi 0 join him in thfrinspecviofe.. as. a ruaUci .1 f courtesy, I .presume!, wh;ch ceçj^r] e was oxpected to. decline-but " Iiáry'l .O echpp. looses, w'eii.fc a,ricl he saw, 'and-j >.»... rajTwo' dori'Tknow wh'etliéf he coiirmefed » » r iot' but he aid -cafrj- tile' ftëgro'Adjfti '¡f mt weneivl Purvis with-him; 'as rltrt bi Ar is mililaiy family, and Purvis: inspected "JQ JO, went through ftrl the ranks, looked ac T verythihg " Ss big'a'd^ ae'any'body's t,,i o'n"" with a stump of k'cigar in KiS band; .. nd ii is said th at ,the grumblings, and uppressed curses of the subordinate pÄ-i ' ers oiid private soldiers, while this 'idar; './ ey" was " going-through- them" with lbse8 and McDowell 'nnght hhve been kened td the "rumblings a tb^refttEaiáná i»j olcano. "Regulars inspç.d^d by a^inilitjrt « ficer^and ii,??, $$gerL" ',Wfiat, néittT " foll mi«ai tiije,9,ti98tiou .be asked,, ancl I 'buld like to hear th¿Jfeply. ', j Dried Apple Pies. /-.?<¡in¿ J,, Toalh'e, abhor,"detest,* ô'esplBV'*'- ' .bomínatfe diiett opplqple^' ( )' ) Indi Uko good.bread, I Uke good meat, ¿ #p tr anvthing th'at'a g*obd to eat ; tut; of allpooc!g/ub'beneath the skies »»T* 'he,poore«t is dried apple pies p iw> ÏPL five'me'the toothache or sort eycs^'ni '; 'Tp n preference to that kino) çif- pies;- - , . dM'iu-n' be 'ho farmer takes hia k nari i est fruit, tii< i'orwfi, ijitt ur und baaxl to 'boot; St) 'hey leave ifhe. cores to make,us cough, an .nd don't take half the peeling off; ..A. bri 'heaon adJrty cord tliöy're s^riá mi ind from somp chamber window hpng^ ¡he Vh ore they serve ass a roost for J\ie»» . ha rntil thejtfre reidy to make pies.;... ,^u tep on my oormi ,ox tell me Wesi i » luodop'.t om e. dried apple pies. .> .ag' < n," u-i «j .'?.!», frynwr .'?r H t... j J 1 |S^tA'*^t<n>-girl whet' was^,VÍE(9rrjfed :í>^ »ur years ago In adresáworth ifs OOO Alf f V- ow oe eeen sphfting hef (ówn^^mdlii^i ¿ 'ï#Q#<fô LÍcEjísá!-Ícárn tW, L. 'D. Bowie, the ejfficient Iritraáaní :©j our town, bas revoked,ihe .old, Uanoi mm miw te>è;%nff is'jssuiÄ^ übeíftés to Tj6f/torrh^tb'^ie^o^ré,Jpntn%>è^ tltonftipj»£'~^#V'lan&vta ^stWcttorig gKéhibyi J«dgrJ;í^k»keí'',Tffié %w*iy*d-j vidfcsr.-tíi»t,',tq,'-obt*üj' a. tavern -license; (.which alone:,,a"ulüon2es-,- to\eçll-i by.tae drink},) -tfi ô appkeajit; jn uM< be. recommend-; acense that "every nccnsed tavern sEpofii shah1 have and keep in InVor l&r'/io'fjse: sd licensed, at least tWgpod ijeaCher beds oil dent' bed^lotherftbf* tko sahte; *ftd*pwÄlde! and^keep-gûcd/ wh'oiëByme\ ajid wrffifcientt .diet for ira velars, ¡and stabling-; and prov-* ender ibçW^o^.^;ô.tW^pti^ own stock, upon pain, bf forfeiting ina! license pt recognizance, and being subject! Wm^mm ia! m Udeufefe'/* Tte iaw na,tmarryí»l8*Uiotíá'ha3 beni a tidâ<l"lx}ttcr,l-but Judge* tdftke-isl deferir, ined, «nd« wt» *Hick.. Bery s ^dy^jw' reviv¿;-atd,-ÉQÍorce!ii¿ n^au^wt uts.-rAb-' bvtiîk.Çi»saja)p4 Ç&ttfer. j AI»«»'./ ,»V-. i . ct* » Bl 5g* .ù'îïlï.ITlVrVy»! *\IA ,m\V.;\ ,. .jT^N^T^6/'Ptr^«t,^eífti¡ oas c^n^pced; h^.nsnai. ju Dueling ubcr^tbe Northern Stafes*. ' 'The 'etonpous.^ss oj business demanding 'Executive1 at tendón precluded the p'os'ibiTity of tjie Southern] Wut? bnt'Sdes TÍot*iíWeTÍcrW\níh;the'nice IlílVtHpiwio'í New?-Vef k.^Phäadefphifc, ind'Olbw-KicrthtírnicitjwAr^ ' »lid Otlitur.- irja^iqu^^OJfrrWVwjaíí.ofc^LLvyí-iiV, CW ¿ka AWffy j #oy<ajftt, ..tta£p# & ïasi^r Ihan.Grapl can flo wnhonf her. Jrdf SpTO^n!^^ #al1 ^mffyjfle Vfouft-HHlha^vÄs^fl-j Ain enTi!«é1y'a**ir^ nV^nh1»fce^lr^;fcij líinccnon «rat «T his atmy'trf:olaoîi lioW-i >ra*i:t. tilê. fcijuih -Vdu 1 à -by no. u«a,na ciV,» l Á, *. atwni^Í^iieiTí^^^^p^uiíwi-í dist. . _ i Towtowri tie^Ts-í"* .&cV |mî#tf\& wwi0 MjfflAWV^'j [Mt td tfte-^y V^êr; oV&f$, '(»3 íffocí Ä'tfte'BÄtfrnA'taWih* AHgtH^WM Ätro^s.^-'Biiillie^le^äwme^bdwent ; here tpe a Rtfpoblicdn 'gain oí-two in tho /fingrejsionai-de'fegElion.;-:, the-'-rugged' 'inue-baü/poiuwoí .na ¿good, results, in 'Oles. ÀfrJ»m dwtfees j& ¿4* sijpw xi irincipic sent for tHeir little baik.-Bay,- fVhen the sky falls and larks turable trj$ RAW) % SW*,*?? fl^WM nd mpectdn ' .,.!,» ~~¡. f. iii «i »^»nl(l <il! j SîAY AT HoME.-rWe had thc pfeasurej, J -ep- d ^ni^^^i^t^MTjwwgyi Tjalley g ki À book on ancient epitaphs pnblisucii r^jlan^brlrti!!^ orrt'.«rr)rtie>g*iTirié cu-' OsUics. A carcml*Ntrl(ly of their style tay provo-nsefiil - to Writers of obitrtarji letry. 'Wo; 1 fn found in the Ord Oyfty riurs, Jirtirrljrircrh':'' '. Hore snug hi gravo mV wife doth lie, Now Hbe4s airest, ami so am '/ l Tho next one shows how mu ch umr J accomplished by tlie use pLaJiíÜ^ idieious'poelkail»*' . » , Hjîio'liesiJohu Burin, .r ..-, /»vhi» was kiJl'id by fl, gun- , i ik \v.\m» wa^rflfiiitin, bnLhls'WteÏÏnu'në was Wflddji»*«'" . t ?'*'. .. i- ut Wood woijfdirt shvnie with gun, .so Ihon-ihi irnnh wo'njtl.'* ..>>U< j Th« ibHoMing is a bearrtlfnl fnítnnce of njuirní af&ction? .-I'M. <-< S llew lie* ittN* deal' xAto?'t\ hnd-«lÁuétu .und uUrfa\i,î.. r.¿;>-, ...f". ,. ». I said I nyrrcttcd her, tshoutiUie too.'J Another pf a.similar nature, though it¬ ems a little harrfjtost&ií üio Jaslword >m ii woman hi th'iswjVy. 'Tpachurch- ird near Newmarket lio buried tr|c two ves of Tom lexton. On tl íomb-stona one is thc following : ' J "Hero lies tho body of Saran, èexton - §h« was a wife thatttever vexed'rine. im't say so much, for-the «ne tilt thq next.stone.;.'. . I .,{>r Here is amoroïa-iwtlqftlj.cqmhiofii-ensa iturdi, of *hú,,tned¿pd iH'ilec: ., , \ i'This llttif; help Jthüt lies here 11'5 W w (sfincnur'd^y tho dj^rrheor." There ¿íu^^ bo .s(i¡^-,ni¡4;ikp, ¡,ií this .; < extract, lt\s al hither too j|&bd ',' < mpiimept to'be deserved by Wiy paerej 'V liUiuan being : ^ ^ ' (' r..,"J. j T Kn liouçst.ûjllow^rç is laid. " ; [3 dews in furl ho always paid, '. I ttl vrhftt's-'rnoré'stmftjjo; tho'neigbbrjxs tellthK/ii, dru »t-«V) u >/« t it* ? 3 brqogh^ ¿iwk borrow cd u^bevJfe'+'Si' " ..'«Arevöntinu:u\ly.i;wiKing)viö-.<l | , VRGE AN'îi COMPLETE STOCKS »1, Fui-íiiíui-o'. , yr-,.x.',..t :. *% irlor, 'Chamber;' Dining Room .4 And ,, . ... j K. SiÄ.^ 1 ,',.'; /ft Td.THE .LOWE^'IV,,, \ M. iH'consJsts'of'c'vin-y article oTiTtURÎí,!] "* TTÏE required to ftirnish''aíHóúsepr» -j, îç-oi tóipletb; '-' "'¡I ;.... Jail and.cxalulna'af.bur'o-Rqon)'^ ,4 /.fl ...i--Orr-- Wu« î.lwaj'3.on bandest the lowest pri'cesl j ^ Of our own, -manuhictmre. »« > J P . /..n. M* .^GueTAji.aA,,. *] S . M »|t>) Uli ..?1. .( . » '.?..t Í «ff >XAN.TERS- should .exanunö the "T abqve-«araed old-and «liablô.'ôin w fore buvUur-«ny- ¡oÜtór. ,1t. combinas f 5* 3. FeQuired, Qualities , pf, .^InniJ^Ity. KÍ* pëngtb.and DUraffinfr. It! glus fait La ri cleáh, iàaKoar*xcëIlenV Hiit'frjftfen V tngring 1- ic to- l-2c. pèr lb. .nbov$ f * and U .universally admitted to the %hleit r.HJunlng,gin. made» ~ vUtf^tbjity, yeats1 e*perienoôAp.t|ie |'fVJ sindte"and Warra^U^ery gin perfect UBI dtastantly, QL IheT, hands .of dofcrE Bots, to which ^Jtovlte vnspei tiön. ' f?* :Mrculaw,,wÎth watfmonlAls^and full jd" ÍT'I Brown Cotton tiiíi'CO./- <1-^ ¿|*j -.r;rf* New.Londtt., Coho* j ^igRánilff^trJri^l * fe S-Sfeifâi^i^^ . k*Mi<r« *4. ,i"r..,f.v.^^ i^/)-,^ Mr,!»* fin" fiMtttfffr. nxi «Iii» .r**. r »«m*.» tf.»«,« »*.#> à. !vo Au J,» fe,.*» -.1« t*».« ' T '-...»«. *»>î ****** *".wv. f»i..iir.r. ^'^"v ?.rjiMiâri :-rí ^.ïu!T 'T *4;4 .' ' : II> nfifi-, ^wH<»»i.!-.iM o.»} tt* ,nr.'.t4-t j -«-rf» jif.t» »»l?r, -i'. ¿ Cr. «d'» . . «. ONîh* **Kftl i«»(»r «ir»*" *. - i, . «? -1 «WTO stir?'to Visit tte'« " t**,! Ts.« v, .. ..- .«! ^ : « .». ÚtiM^*ttStu*»Jt^^ ,r, . -..jw'-.... -i n ^.oí:.-.»r. l ,iJrW f^.,J. Ni»'.»»»* JUKB . - t- . ."OF Vltel^iM.i-c.^^ps,./ ». ?*....» ,.«MM(»>V| nt ?*Wrv»»<»'f >. j '< Hn^iti ^/ » i. v .* vt * ..t ! rhl-l »».fj .ft. «r/>!;<. »ISlt^lf titi**-,) »».' ... *. '?'w* *Ä ' r' ? k" ttfeJ[)S*lf#ss of'tt1s,C(îài)âili/"dnÎing 'tb« «ast «Vearfltaâ ken STEADY l#ffl®ffiïËffïr ECONOMICAL, the'Losses %VI\IX'\$X\MI^ ftom the Northern iV?ectibn ôî-tjie Northern Insurance Hf..: s ,M r", «E. Ji,.JEFFERSON - ., ,Qct.9 , .. .. 4v i wv Origin ii Stock Lifo Insurance friary in file United States. ' ' Ónice, 60 Liberty Street; , . NW YORIV. »! I ' .«?,.) i \JM * {,«*. *»* . '. ' j anticipation in Profits! .. -11 . .] . - TWlth-ljorwCash'Prcmiûms' » ..«J_,1; ;, - J, f. tor Filminess 'Inbred Ue j^qst absolute, tacrtaso of any . *onymnv dln^ quainess ij>Xe>v York. ""!GEQ.rB;.pAIíE5.; General Agent. Dec j .tf . " 50 )©Í3 rv><f '<f*r^R^rft1rh«i '-p ru***- trtfij bèLNFiï*«t4'UnsKMii)r«jittie^;anà«iç cueuj'-j ¿han. aiay ofchpc beoauw niur^eoinplete. ttátofi'eiri. ^ct^ ,,r *^ », If .£& -rpo** ^ölfe^« '.&Ee#.-< iyn ...» .*.*'*.».?. -j-rr?! ' . k LECTURR. «o- the- Nature, TreotJ iL niciit.aad^tiii^«nr&<<)f Spqrma* fíÍ¡SF\m M ^"V.ual,AVeaknoss,,Involi ií*ry ímÍssíons;-SexiiftI íAty, and n^t-wunverris I to1?Mirr1fcfc* gwièraVy. srvonaneaa. ..UonsumjiiiDUi . rouspni ORr^-J.^'rX'tVlaîW-ECTJ, tf.*!):} aiijor n-t il;«i<>4U.8ea/B0oM,,ri«C'. ) tte» Tbq. worla-r.fiv)vva^ri,: uw^i* ..jn» this Lmirable Lecture, clearly proyesfronj s" Ä^^cflfciicu\hatktno'^rn!t'Oti^» »««?iestif self-Albus* maw*e «ftecboalj removed without medicines, aD&vtf lbj. Lt dangerous io«l<»l operations, boa« os, la^iï/nônt^-'i^i^mwiiiJs» point* KoWjATTBftr- --w^»."->"..«' 8onMriaeç«f^^trc»tin»< address,» in« a ainsflalod envelope,.flrJS.jfcf (Wftftp? .c cents, ôr (wa j^taie, stamps. Alse !T'itowoio'.-NBW.*erk,v-»..*»... GRIMS .& BITLEü HE Undersigned have formed a I C>-Faft!ier*H11\ if. the Practice ol' Law rm Hdiwtreid County. . . . .. S. B. GRIFFIN, K . M. C. BUTLER. . Febl* , -t . .li ew .I^aw Firm. I* .... v » « .¿ troH$ K. BAOTJN. Tilos. J. ADA3t>. 4 . ÁÍi(iríreys at* Law, , VWlí PriicflMtotoë êrtll'rtti4rf the State, :lnd dinted Staten Coarta for Strath Caro- itfKU Mt» * ' . !?q?möc Office oi'-CarroU«ic Bacon and iiaooy. «SC Buvier«, , , JauiSl^' ,<v tyT 5 . f;cat©T- F. YOUÍfA.\%. 'AiToájii'EY ÀT- tiw;- -1 n Columbia, Si C. . Oftk-'vLaw Bange« BausketUs, Build¬ ing, up stairs..-, . i, - v >opt 4 _, .t tf, 37 W. H. SH AFFE, . ^ .Dentist,. . HA VINGrkwuted at E&cAeíd offers .J is Pi afesdional service to tho cit- ivt'jiN ¡uvá^pvrotnding country.. Office at tltojatorcsidongoof S.S.Tompkins, Esq. Feb 28' tf _ff -K-. .m,'--«-1 r Simpson's. Pw?i&} % ÓÍ.T O iv; - "s's iiibx. Ihavivaboai lifty b¡H»r'l*. oUtP- SON-S PROWIC. ua;ToN,s.EEp, W&tMJ ttílLsén afr £'2,0u per b;ish"ol Also. hñVé about,ten fttfilfols oTrno sa:n¿ Seed,"seie* ted writi.r.iv ówn*tinnfls tWrh the bMt -Wik;«. whïWi i. wilj ffispr»* of :tt^),«i*.Vei' bnsbtri. « * ». . ** r:w.v.! eiiHit- «VJ" lux 'biit#s ní¿C<.¿i\>a .iront, täfts« Stunl.îha. L.:.-: JfV«T, cu iieros. wi'a an imperf ici.jit u.n. ». . :. 0. F. CTTÍATHAM. Fd 12 1' tV '' ? - 8* Home .öiiirtireS'Jwiög faactonß. >p*--- . - 'i ' ' X &IS«is a Snrrrr>iT'>rAr?íb«i?/ has the Ü^f/Vn FRT:», arlé nuiles mo 4>L««K Saim>K"'«iiko *ti ftothjÄeF;. .. ?. ?, St i> a suifidm-d- Firs» Ozsa, 2>faclüu<\ «Bd4h*pcily low ,¿^c£ S^k'' .J4^,tke^n^4%tAtq9. . ¿,. ? .Tnk Macmuo receive*. tho Dlptonfa at Clio ItlrK tWTO&lïiiaVw Ae"ttty of NCTiáHdTr>,"5r.-*C.V*rii' 1171. *TrW*Aivfi JIIM Kt Nf í>OR MWWttrt^ ,l A'rivw'tkrJu'makîn^Vip'à OlUVibttve- *ftrcht«es.vS\ ftl te ^résfeiiled thetMlah orre-èur»ofcminï5*Éfc)h. » - pt; .Av^enj^ -Wattro^-ßone^'U* intjueo- jj9 em* rfffetyd. / liberal dr.duiiiionb mail o * Deft".'-ly ^.|t> 41 I>n^-íitoíe< A_ ., . .._ »... . MI na ll" fl II jimmi MI '«cmm+r^m***?*, '' » BM Wfagff^fgjgj^^ ? I j j M| ' > ' WÍBI-i^W spwiwgtfrjafc'«*«*^^-j- »~ r*Tir-~ ?fetftV' »*.?.-:>.../ >..H «...{ J. )*Î*V»T|&:< .- ? n, »r» (cw») »41 .. * A .-,* I -a**.* VJIMU* r»^>,jr. »#r ????»liMHiWqa^M»«»^^ j ff 1 IT*'."¿I Hfe\ * ": V- -V ."«' »' ..'««. .,.,1« ^04*4 »«?' ')?/' ! ' ff'-*-*1 j Mm*-»** Xtmrnustft 1 ^ ^r^ÍL t .î^'î"'^^^^^^ ^^^^ ' '^^^^^ " ^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^« ,.'i'.OM»»H I . ¿wi 1 /; .¿.J,-,,, :^ .-. ' v ",,TSff V.A. -tr -r r«i i r « 5 o , \ . fl . FX : -MB*'- '<* JV »?">.-.-?..- .* - - «li »...!,!.'*». .-A ! ;^«» i.-.,..,.- u*i>.>\ .? «-v ^ -%,UV Q*!-/ Ï rJ II JJ._4Hh~-.^.--r^R^'-^'--*''-.r^p^ar."'TV1 .;' . -.. :?? .-...v.«-¿ j - r«r ¡ . . . EiKjÄlirci^U, o, ij.^mrixiij IL IQ IQ*..-,. ..... ^ i. «¿»j.* <rttH> *m**.u \ £^¿r&^±ú^; AV t> nfTDWAF . : »... , *. P . * - . ?..'.KS--' . i.l . ?, ! ..? :i_: ., .... .. . . ....-r .......... ¿I o-.v*."» ..(? til.J..k'l -r,,' .. » '_^".-n^fJ m -, iin\-¿.

Transcript of ·...

Page 1: · iii rt« *x*i %¡a .^l^r^db^Anj¿3^^?*El-v/ . .-..a TOTHECITIZEN'SOFEDCEFIEfcD. .

iii rt« *x*i %¡a .^l^r^db^Anj¿3^^?*El -v/ . .-..a


* .'.-rt)..-!r.l: :fi f i ii.:*g«r>:ir4 >*rit-o-

theWfiWV^f^f^T^) SJ **'r1 i1!'f,J(!TOÙYS&ci i Wwtíwgfcr ^k&á'Maí, aSd èfW kW c*n#êW ^Close

a A t/lfWi IP J THAÔÏT18 '111

».z .,h tamifatitötöfra&i&dG«BaISï^'JW ?¿feÍ»f4 a')PrwÇ. Store at this place, t take this methodinforming mfmawwcP the public"generally that I now naYe in Store.'

«rags, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery,

In fact e*erythin| usnally ^eútih^»J>irg Stôre^aJl new and warrantedgtnnine, ; »t .,»;; .-..'*»« A fi .

BOOTS, SHOESMD.onie ods xji^rätfsS ooáfi iaa&xÖWe How mier io íhe Wholesale Trade, SOO Cases

BOí)T% SHOES A^IO HATS,"Which we irittsóH.íprXfest^ or to Prompt Paying Customers, at. V.ERYLOW PRICES. Mejrc&ants waoting Good* io our line "will save money bygiving us a call. ... .a < - -j ¿

Our Retail DepartmentIs well supplied with the Latest Styles and Best Quality of Goods', con¬

sisting in part of -t

Dudley's Celebrated B«oi*. and Gaiters,IVIiles & Sou's Roofs, Shoes and Gaiters;Zeig 1er Bros. Congress asid Lace Gaiters, «fcc, &e.

.Remember our Motto is: " QUICEJALE3¡A*k »¿Ali bkOWïi"(TALLAHER & MULHERIN,

289 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA.Feb 12 3m S_?


Commission Merell'ts'


* . Í75«mi 177 Broad Street,

Aug-ic* ta,- Ga.

IV E are now in receipt of our FalL-Stock of &ROCEIUI2S, consist¬

ing in part of- .'. ' v 'ff . .' .... *

Bacon SIDS& Bacon SHOULDERS, Dry Salt SIDES, ".


SUGARS of all grades. .?.


^<¿d^c^R^l^.CilY.ei^y.s^r§,_CANNED GOODS consisting of Peaches, Blackberries, Tomatoes* &c'.MACKEREL-itt Bar-rilaVnalf ajid'íiVríer bbls.^ncLKits,Se e d-«WHE .li T, Se ed" RYE, Seed OATS, .Seed BARLEY,Case foiuärB ot SRXlft)Y, WHISKEY, G IX, .- ..

Wafcllioffifffj?th#b»ost coräpiW and rarest* stock'- of BA-rvRLLlQUOrTS of any House in the City, and sel ring at price* that will indutbuyers to purchase nearer l#«eitua^ jujEa^Urn markets.To the Planters apd Merchants of Edgefiela we would take this occasion

to «#x^res.= our thanks for their past fiberal patronage, and respectfu!lyi»-:iiqidést: a continuance' ofthe^sarne'. ,

' >».

5í^*Buying oar Good- ibr GASH, we are prepared to sell as low, and cfit

^p^twWiV aiti HIL!Brooklyn Lile Insurance. Co.

Asàet'â'bVer^Wa'ï.?> ': .... ?.? '-I -':

lions Dollars.

ALL ÍH^wié^síWAIiJre in H No. 1 ráf«^nsafarfce?ómp?.ny,'i\re-:i-r-nting peculiar advantl^e^j caw »io HO bv applying to' .

' ".. :

MM*t* ll'*! UAt0 Gen'l Ajg nt Brooklyn Life Insurance Co.

Öeapecttnl reference' rha>le id Ènidgé Jué. E. 'Bacon. 'Aíwsrs. R. C. Shiver.-W.'Si'MVjnteith, A. C. Moore and Joljn Basket-of tQo]nrabia. ' Ex-Gov. M.'L. Bonham. lgn^^^Toc.p](in8# Efafffi ÂaflisoÎi" t. W. Cáíwilej.Sr,, Jtvs. A» bonier, and other jiairons of the Cotupaiiy. -

. .INACTIVE AND. RiJLIABLli'AGlpMTS, who will devote' themselvesto ÀÎ* Jfcterèat of the CompHuy, wanted m every County invthe State, withwhom iihawl,Wn^ viii bp njadé. ,

»'JC«'J \- \,. ¿mTTjjmi titfö p Ä1TqP|-R|li ^cn,L Agent,

^, ;. . . H.,s.o.feWî9 .

.Bm. t

:9?? T!4/:I - Ai \-U W >r 4 ' '--. ?' ?> »

; -^»^ra.^..1 ! i


«. .ÎUARLiàTOX; Si jC., fiülj. 20, IS73. y

GRIÏ'WrT « COBB'S, » Qn âiïtï"'âiter thh hrst'd'ay of Mnrrth

m''"* . »'cKtj this ïîiiffk willhe prepared* to C011-

.dU4: Doa. Brade'*-Cr*rt> Hf)És, soiidato thp Stock of the Bank of Chnrlos-

K~f .« *' .'flautera'^toei fy/** j tort iirto that of tha present organization.fc^lísAÍSS'/* AV l ^l^^re%oÇthetatteVçrffrFa^e,^>wi

Amarf^ÔVE^àndMarmreEOUKS ^ne hnudred ilollar», will bc issued for

BÜbfyUSp1 4 " .* .K f;ve *{S) whole or ten (tw'half Of the'

I^ÄÄI¿¡gW WARB, for»*rt' SÍrí^STA^b '

.' ' ' íutuVe.dividends will bo paid upon

SSÍ 1** :

"» ' . . . .* u,e ,CqM9jl|Uited £typ£ ^r^ihose ocr

-, .*,...*;-«y- ^-?? ? ? ? -?-jr" cruing uwgn tho uaconaoi^lotod will be

FlirnirHre PöIlSh« ícsecvea umU consolidation of tijo-'syjjje

flfhÉrA. ¿ni#íro Citt FURNITUR K Phall'be eflecte<i:

I POLISH fi erv liousekeeper should The Bot^*^ ^-aosfen jirill.- he closedhave a bottta.'1TO wri*Ä


_ fro^n {darch 1st to April 1 st.

a CUSBY'8 DRUtt 3TOhb. fylfot*, C'asHter.«'Mar» . tf ' ll. Chârlesioa, Feb. -M, Sm 10 .

T-~.-?,- ?«-*-; ?-y**- _i-iii-_

i , Y^KMNÖTAPÖJ^OV^,. . S^cfaíny í¡ÜÜfi| mess aiul

^^Àè^wifetteiPerfuiue^For ft6t^^^^^^1^,- 4


Well, Lither, to morrow's your weddidav * *

Health, wealth and contest ail the diof life,

God bless you and keep you, my bc

Marrying is risky business,For hu^juidjasrwßtt a*) lbs wifejr. <

8Q, geqe'fcálly speaking, ' it's-o» serrón

. thingAs happens to folks in lift. > t


Merry Ann Smith and you, Lisher,Fell in love in the good old way ;

But ï've sgij ^spj^B^e^;^£^t&viHave tne very old.scratch to pay. ,.

I don't say that you will, Lisher,So there's no occasion, td pout ;

But you and Merry Ann will have tstrums; .


I. know what l'm talking about.

For yQU're^iñ^lineá tb be touchy^f And]you're mjgkty sot in yourfiray,AncL t^ber/^lveii^er^ñc<^nd'aris u

I .You]ho^'e'apifBtbsay.f / î>

Merry Ann Smith is as smart a galAs they raise in these parts abodt ;

Buc thkikíiíd, Liahèiy arc neVaç maden« .SWläi the ginger tod peeperietj QU£Bear in mindMerryAnnhas heroiotioiAnd-a will like yours and mine;

And that ¿he has à right to', her shy.things

That naturally fall in her line.

Be gentle about ¿the money question :

Evefryilme you give ker acentDon't ask her to give you a strict A

Of the1 way it's ¡fr&gXó&spéhí »$¿ *

She's the woman you, loved,arid fcrhafkeas a gal'; wi .

' iiîî \"She'll work andJiveibr.yoij,;, f>All that she is, or might be, boy,She gives, as noonan would do.

.You know how nmch you can affptj... Lither. . ,.

. To'matt .youi1 y«wly*expense çJust hand a part oves to Merry Ann,. And trust tp.her.good common sena/

If you ever do have auy diiferenoLisher, \ .

Renmmber you keep, á stiirtbneue ;For wnefi dutsidè parties know fatnil

ahkirs,An.e^'d}^ dlsseuaioiv * begun. ,

.In health and in sickness, for all sort' :Vvf tuek, '

You promised f>8.take yohr'wife-'-To love, ahd cherish, aud honor her,All tire days W her Hie. '

Morry Ann promises jdst. the.same ; . .

Now-days they leavobut the obey ;rnever set any store by that->-Tpo much oàe-sided,'I say. .

To honor and cherish each other tbrouglJil'e

To live with thc Lord in glory.,. ifyon im1 Aunt Phronhr Wnt there

ÇrOÔtl'night, Lisher! God bless von ¡in

^jS&gW toinun-row's the dejfc; ¿ ,

Ari things considered, I think you'Irind

That getting married'll pay.

Brevities, anti Leviiies,

tï' A rooster died receñí siKy., in a tight with anotheikind, who had a monal dis.'-^4ftu*_arid ,wi~üift¿lmíkléssu'càine-ncar him, for ho söbneso, than he would Hy at hcihis spurs in flesh, fur, cape,That rooster }T$A pion jíÍU'1memory of hisai^oesT wp dm]tactic tear ; we Know'Jinw ll is

ßSSr* A Michigan husband Íbeijnoathing to lvi.s wife tUo jwhich lie Hung himself. Notof the sentimental kind, she uses it fora clothes jiao^,/, s ¡ti ti

fSr- 94¿éV>fU»re^ the;beautiful snore,'filling her'dhamber from ceiling tci floor/Over the coverlet, under thc sheet, fromher dimpled chin ty her pretty fleet!, i*S'uwrising aloft like a bee hi Jnnéf now sunkto the wail of a cracked bassoon î Nowllutu.'jke subsiding, then rising again,is the beautiful snore of Elizabeth Jane

ptr A lady recently reques^d herhusband to «ft» to the dress^niakcr"flhtftell lier that she .(his wife) hud changedher mipd, and would have thè wateredsilk mad» up instead' ôf the poplin, andthatu rf she thinks it would look betterwith bias flounces without pulling,and box-plaited below the equator, wUichshould be gathered in ht^n-stitched gud¬geons up and down the seams, with a

gnpi*el4<litch between, she can make itup that way, instead of liming the boblli¬ne: insertion and. piecing yut w¿th poíutapplique, as I suggested yesterday."' Thoman is now« raving maniac

##^À'ynjing 'lady teacher vat' one ofour mission .Sunday Schools recentlynarrated.- -the* cmcihxion to her class ol'little boys, and when she thought she;had îàirïy engaged theirminds, was*,sar»',prised With, f Bet-they .wouldn't à doneit If Buffalo BilTd Wn*here!".> * i *.

gtârAn enamored Philudclphiau hasbeen convicted, of petty larceny, fol; ab¬stracting bis adored one's carte de visitefrom'hor photograph'-album ; the-Judgedeciding that to steal a " cartu" was as

bail, as 'to s;cal ahorse..'j££rAht the widow! A Springfield,

Mass., newspaper JU entions that a gayfaxcinater nf this description recentlys-ut a notice of her own death to tim1 teal journals, fyoughr. not to bo hardfdr the intelligent reader'to guess her db-je-tin doing sn; but to preyon^botheratien of brains and loss ot' limo we mayas well state ai once that what tho widowwanted to find.out. wa» whether,ajcer-tain ydnng nian would'foTiie toKprhig-iield to attend her funeral. We regretto sn}' that tho experiment was a failure.Tho young mun, wi,lh a marble-hearted'depravity -ivhíi'h" cansos ns to blush frit'çu;»/.'X,"refused to. como at all, ;md UK*wiilf.'v-aij.'I'Tives to. wat<»Ji ¿vd~U) wait.

jfr- A <ß3orgia'pi,e.$»-.hrtr; în't'rauslatingtho sentence. M'ljbc hiirvôst :,s over, theseason is ended, and thy soul.IK n.M.Saved." pm it, M Dc corn hos been cribbed,doro ain't any more work, and do debbilhs still i'ooding ;vld dis community."fSr A*We3tcrn woman whipped a man

who had slandered, ber husband. Shewas a^wsttfd.ajidAied, and herMaorat^rful ftpofpp wmnw-pi^thtítaéwi >

Thirty ycÁfs'mxu a young manentered the city of S'.r.'>- y»)) k in an al-'most penniless condition, »utj without u;single acquaintance in tho-grójní wuder-iness of nouses. To-dfiv Ills name isJkno>TU wh/j-cverhinniHilfcy lireadies.. Itie spoken^n every olty; and Isa^tamlHarto the workers in tho mines as to hisbrotheBiiv'tbcf mlllÀ]and 'wherever lan-guagé Î8.'irtïown ajítf ideas" expressed thonuxne ol' HUH /penniless,, unknown, anduncouth Lid of-thirty years ago is uUer-od. It was John Smith. .

y~ ^ïOxA f-chooUuaster in, one of bur,(^neighboring loffns,,-while ohIdâ raorri-ijiig/\r1ilk, pasS«f By;thê'rrbfij'of a p&'sh*ii'¡r who wa-i excavating a log for"a pigtróugül M Why," said tho schoolmaster,"Mr-. have|ronnotfumitdreenbughfet?" "Yes," said tho mun, "pnough

¡jf'^iy own.femÜM MiTikpíct tb'boàftlIP selioolinasterabi^Vinter, arid lam

making preparations."KS*" An enthusiastic lady,, who hikes

£art tu tfie religious exortves in the St.,ouis t'eutral Polieti'.Statiop.s. Sunday

mornings, told one bf -the partie*''aliefound there last Sabbath that sho was'glad to. sed^hn sober, otfce, as ijho.could;soëTjy'hlsi looks tharric Was not often* so>'and after she had spent some little timein urging him to reform, and lead a dif¬ferent lifo, closed her discourse bn beinginformed that the subject^fJiorT solici¬tude was a minister; who hnttbö'eri*inVi-ted'to assist m the exercises of the day,

---*'-~m'Jtiim ?'' '--i- . r

i®7Cljai-les Manloy, (p.egr.0.) who yas'côhvi8tèâ«oî täMjíiun-tíec bf aú¿ y$d>irjfh)jMman, a dock-mender, named. Monroe, inJulv last, in Á4exaiwriá¡ .Vft^'waífhangéd''Marth 28, -ra -thet yard qf the jail, in the,

ina iaio to whisky:'. .

Notes' of travel on * Recent Trip toTexas- <

MR. EDITOR : At the solicitation of oth- jeis, we propose to furnish for the readers'of the Advertiser a few notes of a "recent}.rnnjiiji^rfip jpTexaí f /1 * Leaving AufcHsta oft thp-e'vening of the'24th February, .with aa esteemed rela¬tiv e as ótrr traveling companion, We pass-!,ed over the railroad to "Atlanta in the*'night, and consequently saw nothing of;the country between those points. Du-1

ring the night; vKowëver,.WB gotInio con-"versation With a gentleman who resides1in Kentucky, hjvt near Cincinnati, O.;He had beard a few days before the Hon.''A. H. Stephens speak in Augusta for the)first time-was favorably impressecMMth"pnôihnmïortharn'e7*ifl[ «ttnnoT^Wtiiimany ot hors, had misapprehended' 7$r.Stephens' pc^tfoh/*lâûvè^«e4es<5ônund tho late v*ai ; haft all alor.s tmoer-'stood that Mr» S. was opposed to both,¡from Principle as well as policy i where¬as lie had learned #onV him,' ÄSueh[wainc-t his poalnon;--ïhat neTi^cvnever;disputed the ;ight of secession.Among other tin ngs, the subj eut of im -

migration Vàà tratheó: upon.'ytieKett-tu ciclan remarked that he hat! had .abu n<-'dant opportun lt^-' to "aácortain the sen tivment ot-the laboring'-dassea-^oro''par¬ticular!y the mechamos of Ohio; Illinois-anii Indiana relative-to immigration to

the Southern States, arid the invincible,declaration by that class of man was, thatthey would never seek horneé in a State4where they would he brought îri contact'and (..» un petition With a nègre-population.And he-veritqrod 'the opinion" ¡that-Sou rh

Carolina would neyerbe filled.!with whiteirhmigrants so tongi a»she whaooritfdîMed,by the colored element of our population-no matter:what other bidhiejoents'might beoffered.' ' \And «ve would remark, that

in our travel the enquiry was frequentlymade, hov could the people of SouthCárollaa otjOseut to remain Vft»*Pinfa¬mous a State, and one ruled, too, hy-sit


interior race ? uur reply wa*; that we

had gottensomewhat ut^toit^äia^ihe.realization was not quite- so b»jd> tt^- the'seeming; ¿n,<i that whatever of «-fa-tue*there is iaour law-makers^ ,is, 1 with butfew exceptions, in the negro element, .

'. We arrived at Atlanta about 6 o'plock,.A..M., next mo.niing, and(oend theai4e-walks sheeted with ice, and thq eaves ofhouses fringed with icicles. The famousKimball House attracted our attention-covering, as it docs a \vholq., bj(o$c» or

square.. Ithas been ao'yfre^y^ntíy tide-éciij^eûhymñme>4% ¿efrspapfts#t|vp i'i|l|iof savirnqi-è ol'i^ soóu ijrewlfcc.on the trafh' mbvin<f for WëU Poi»it andMontgomery. At SI breakfasted at Pal- 1

motto, where wo partook of the beststeak wo h»«*« hnt\ <v.» «'-?

. iSLvn Opclika'wo see unmistakable e\ Idences of thrift i

Wd enterprise. ¡ Fron?,« little;village In !

1862*, ffirheij uje Iii.-t i>afsert.if: Opfelika has J

fissained thc proportions ot n town, and <

contains at this time four thousand in-

liabltanis/ .)l'-rt; tho'railroad to Colum- '

bus branches otf from tho We-1 Point "

and Montgomery ruad, aiidalsotho Mom- ]¡iliis iuul Savannah road, whose present :

Northern terminus, we believe, is Bir-

mingham. AuUurn isa pretty village, "¡

rifted for its literary institutions. Pass-iqg herd tailed ito'ininfl 'JWar-wick," j(hhts "HohTe hmong the hills, near Au- ;burn, Lee, coutity. Ala.,'' whose versatile ¡

fetters so long'graced thc columns of the .

New York I)uy Hook. What has, be-come of bim ? Prom Chehaw'to Ttiskee- (

gee, a distance or six miles, in a "narrow

gauge' railroad Id 'successful operation,built at a comparative cost of half thatof a.wide gauge road. 'It is now paying jannuajlj' a dividend to stockholders of

33 per cent,"so Wtf -vHre rnfcn^OoV bySènajor TjjrjfeU. of Bideville, Ala.,jw*hpm ,

we met on. tJic train on hlslwrafl) jMdnt- \.joinery,' to attend ^hd- ifcglsiatirre.'* Itwas along herc, too, that we met the ¡lia¬raortal ''J. N," the-philosopher, aboutwhom so mudi ha.-* been said jn tlie papera, and with- whom we had a confab., ,

He saya that he comprehends thc situa-£ion; tbat.his theory is' equal honor and ',pensions to the soldiers ol' both aripjbs-that bc had President Grant aboujt right, \or soon would have him so, and that

peaca and prosperity would pervade theland. , ?'( .


Thc iron-horSv pulled tts up' to Mont-goniery Depok at -li o'clock, P. M., 25thFebruary. Expecting to stop only an

hour or two in thc city, wc took a carri-

ago and rode over it awhile, ancrbaok to ,

Depot'." fJ*g"siatufo"is now Mn Cession.'

luMV-didn^t "haxi) töne, to yenmore(han a!pas%í!ook ¿t4;thf B¡k$t -.Capitol.MoutgoinöiV, Uko Atlanta, is built uponhiijs and vales which, according to the '"

taste of'some, lends toits beauty Wd »'

got our supper and wore aboard the Alp-bile train just as-' 'í/fA'i i" Night orew her shble mantle roimd. I

^Aud pinned it with a. star-"

**wk saw norning ¿f-\he^lOoinrtrVtw'-i-n Montgomery and Mobile-passedth rftugh tho village all unobserved; Whererskidas qiir d|d friend aiid schoolmate,GoUP. D.'Bofcs-heard him oo/iq>iiuiont> .

ed IJJ Judge-, of Greonvlllo. 'Wegotto Mobile at Ci o'clock,' A. tà,, Í6lh, 'themorning after Mardi' Gras Carnival,Railroad now runs right into the city¿which i' lid n6t do iii 1802, by this road jstrolled about this beautiful city j no¬

ticed anew^Sustom.Housc .nearly.!com¬plete, i^st jopposite <tfte BattlOj House!^Içbûetlii«sJ*wrOT?ï pretty ¿é^téresidences; called on Col. Jno, R. Tomp:kius, our mutual friend and former .iel*low-citizen, who is President of CityÍJoiuicil* aitdaoUng Mayor of'ths-XjityJ'WowerbgiVete^'by him in hisHirUaicourteous, pleasant manner.

Bidding him adieu, wo proceeded tóthe Depot and *ook. the train for NowOrleans/at Ü O'Clock, A.M.' Foi some

.dislance we traveled through a poor,ievehipipjíy C^.Ó^dK ojüijtíy^o^ojd t\voor three steam saW mills on lino of rail- ],road. At ISaqt Paacag^ula wo took occa¬

sion to ask of a citizen the price of landh/tÂiàVecdonî He replied that any quan¬tity could be purchased within throe or

ioat miles of railroad at ten cents peraero, ^he bpiness of this section con-

farms visible. We soon reach BiloxiBay, a beautifúí body of water, on whose"

1 DosbW are 'seéff! px%ra »galheflng^teiB b

and fish, which they follow as a business,tor supply of Mohilo and geyr Coleaos

hi&rkétó; .on East ;ôcèà'n Springs; on

^Wtb.óv.tQ^'^'ii ore lund*, tü ftitv dollars'focalityVfte. MisaChristian, further,qnjresorts for Mobile;bear thelmerethat respect that AikJprior to the.war.Louis, over;wide,'s descriptionare seen flail, iand oysi

and townAare'i.high-schools and:

"of «bis; hay is

Üttlá tqwfj^ofrl^ the fernlee

^raXe'frenier accoj-dlng to

&iy-anaj'-£fessnotejt sjuujxié^iv Orleansj and;Wfced&fcies in;^Charleston'jp Bayou Sd?Äire6 mile*Tgquire apo-!

its sUrûicofish,

i itsi?;Cityy-'Beven,


tgea, '-maie ahd?e-Bond and;

*&<:&he£W&|Áiñis NOT*»artHni»is smooth and

"fatter ¿* fr^efE: m-ed<ryless¡



,( .jtohwtrtup,jand-bayouÀ;. bèf

tance. betweurfMolid over water. Tl

?fromjclt'aasteamriver.We reached

Sbnfhenr seáP; M..' Ttië Mardiits' celebration thefore1 hui-arrival.frôm*âbroad stillhas had her Murd i

Rouge; whilst othe'öd strongly of it,yill'probably'beleas does ari Immejudging from tlWhidi lie aroundwe could see, rec

.cargoes, or freightof New Orleans o

in business; hestate Governmentcalling upon the '

enroll themseWea.wards^the uniórtu:took place between¿Leo and MoEnéryat. the St. ¡Louisbuilding of peculio*lng on, three strei

Bay «that we were

with this house-and too Uttle|aocemsics like us, yet^any other house inleans is divided' intwo distinct portionAmerican and Fre:this latter part of tbj> city was situatednur Hotel, where womet Messrs. Sibleyand John McDonald-of Augusta. Theformer accompauiod' us to Galveston.Hero, too, wo had panted out to us Kel-

äusun'^'~ p-vefiwif ol Ù

Heans, the «at.»

fiy, at'4- 6'Aolki'haa here too hadni evening beof Itt/ votaries-

city. 'Galvesiou.and so has Baton,èsterù cities tali-»

"ny-' auotner' year,;ring.' New Or-f

hipping business,ber of vessels

whards as' far as

and 4deîigering:t the merchants

lain of .stagnation!f their unsettled

v, MoKnorv isof the city to

few days .a^jer-conliiflt of armaMetropolitan;']^'ia. «We-'stópped;-a very .JprgSTtraction, front-

Hore we wouldso much pleased*'tnuch formality,.ation, to suit rus-

ig higher thanHt% ' Newe at least; iifto

style respectivelyor Foreigu. * In

-..«encan por....,.ut with wider and more uni

form streets, and 'botter taste as to styln buddings, and is the most attractive<o fur ns wc bad opportunity to observe[n.this part of tho eily is located thc StSharias 'Hotel-the most inagrnnceibuilding wc have over soon. It f as

thronged with visitors tho evening i

»ur visit. Wo were somewhat disajjointed in seeing so few negroes in thimuthern metropolis. AU the waiters a

Doth tho St. Louis and St. Charles Hotelira white,'as well as at some other Hoels at which wo stopped on our tour.Took our departure at 7} o'clock A. M

Feb. 27.. Got into a crowded ferry-boatit the foot'of St. Ann strcot, oppositeJackson square, lu n few moments wolad crpsscd the- MJjÉgSpipjpj^] river, diiîiubarkcd and took train for BrashearL-ity-;(the ferry-boat; rail road und Calveslpu line qf stcanors k-now» as thoMorgan line aro all ramed by tko samo

party). This train hid eleven passenger»achesj all crowod U tho fuir-, when wo

started;-got rid of anumber of the pasjengers at the sta'; mi on the way. Thisroad, like tho ono t described, is allthat could be-dosii m a rail road. AtBayou des Alloman..-., we noticed a wo¬

man paddling a canoe all u nc. Betweenthis place and.Bayou Lafouuhe ara vastmgar plantations-sanoof them in goodcourse of preparation for planting cano

iced whilst others lieas yet fallow, "Atrcuehanie thi« {iyéa od' a brunchif twelve miles to Emma-herc wo had[jointed* out to us a sigar plantation ofthree tbousaud acres,which had. recentlybeen sold for one huidred and forty fivethousand (14¿5,üO0j dolars. Tho canc-secdmdj^tock On the pren tees .were includedin tho sale. Small pautations, withoutsugar .houses'and ixtures) are worthQrdra fifteen to twent; dollars per acre.

' -We passed Tigersvllo on Bayou Black,frhd other' places o' less note, beforereaching Bnlshear Giy, on Berwick Bay-rt low marsliy plaee-buildings inferior,and was described to is as we went alongby a humorous gcnionian, fis I! a placei»f two or tliroe house arid«y2 or six pigpons'stuck in thc nud." On. our \jayhith'nr', .Ex Judgo, Ix Governor Bakerwho waa Governor c lower Louisiana^under appointment f Abram Lincolnsat just in rear of. us. He is a sion: thickset ¿briOemán of sev'nty years' HVfrtsidos near Brashear úfJK- Reachtyg.h^rQBtI2iO'clbok'm. lookiassagq in SteamerWhitney, and were tf for. Galveston at1 o'cioek P¡ M. "with ibout one hundredpassengers. Wo haca smooth sea-andpleasant-, frip-r-no BC-Bickness.. Aa we

hove iii dight ol Galeston'. àU tfere anxrlous to get a glimpso(ftho City. As. thecliaunel Of Approachwas 'circuitous, tahad,.a good.view oit. Thé dislancefrom Brashear City > Galveston ia twohundred and twentyniles. . We anohor-.ed at 8 o'clock' A.'M28th, disembarkedand proceeded atona^ to Dpppt; pf HenVdfrson, Housion «teTejcaa Railroad totake accom'wod^P1* tr?iin f°s Houstonwhich wedi'd'aé» olook,' expecting to

btop'in Galveston oniur rbturn,-conse¬quently can( say ndiing of it, exceptthat it is located or* deep, sandy soiÇSooni»W emerglngfrom the city, we

crossed a-bay two ules in width, andupon lté Northern bich hoficed some ofGoo. Magruder, Confiéralo earth-work*.For.'a'oohsidérable «stanco above Gfovcôtôn tere vost pitas qf uncultivatedprarie, with uothingupon thom to ¿«etthe eye but gfeen,' gw»»\herds of cattle I ^here and,there graalx, now and,,theil af tdead carcass, and'oosionally, catilerdri,- ¡ SV"efs; mounted on psa-fed ponies, allffltöffl&^&M ?-fcSe' 'JfÛlçroased^an Antonkiad.Hja^^^^ ' j.Road at Hari1sbu*g^0put here .we-no- n

fl -«ri . rt,. OsitilJgHätfß Wwi

Warfest, $t^sj&^'on.£(¿¿0i OakiBayqusy. an^,hejTO»íb«¥»

the advan&^es^ .bçtfc.ter coaiinuakaUou i^dstransposion.

Äkrongly., gp^ti^rxU Buikfcmj on MainjStreet is four story -with;li^aJ^uib^wX, frj^t.; J 3*bé blason!c Buildipg and newMarket, Housetvp also. ¡fin* (jAr^áfcjuoJturen. We; we^«wi<¿¡pleasedv'ith'thiítplace. *'»-¡'« -, ../. 11 J ii11

. -A frefrtbie'itfnrdcft' ' Vr ',"¡Une1 fon^wihg-' letfcaf.'lï^frwÇ Ttiomás1.Watten,' ófTJñjbjl 'cóurity, 'Ärkabsa***' ïcfJ;'M./dc*rtnêtfl' bfIfearneft' Çla£ county,'iíir., and dateû^bu£/few ^ » .

Ï viiM yqü a Wr^^múr-der ihat took jlaca|..noJ iar from" wfiere Ï. '

live'.' it happened ab'ourá''íónt"H''ágpvThere*t?éfe' font 'toegróea ecttcêtned*mst;.'A'Warned Mj^faWKtiildfrtoPiritoate tto stay several day«:' She- was- 'fie* 'wei!.When she left hotne/.and heí-hnebtnlá tbkj"her that he. would ?takf. care ol' the chil¬dren until .she camabauk, toughen,¡m Lgo^tq.whejesk* waa ».going, there Was'no*one at home but hired m'ep^a^shç í)art-| '

ed back. She, hadjwt gbne Cir. beíftre ai "

negro ma^siopr^dTper.ftorae^took her oflj f-

fore him, ana ne drove -and pushed and} Wpulled her . eigtif'Tnilcô* into tïe cqftbrnj t¡at cf lieft her fö'>l''trne\ind'Aifienc'tt her^ jHe kept he* there' thtee-däTS »ariâ'îiigh*çs. 'jtied to tHe-írec.-áno? the"Becon#tMv-Whrle'<titers) sive had;a child- irr fiib wopOs lby her- ^Self. Siie waA gone- i'rçor:homo three davibefijrtj.hw husband went aften her» -Hn l|weoi. ov«w.-to- tip, house'where.^érdíadí k*atairtcd to.go, and ^yheu.Ale.fou,nd,áhej^.44 *

not there started back home, t ana( Joundf f

her horse' tied' wWe_ (he negro had. deft} ,

it three flays betöre.'- Hé took'tile ïïôrscj>(borné'and*reelected' some' nilen 'rbge'theii Jarid commenced kuntafte for her, ".'änö/ttte .Jnext day'th-iy saw'twrrlittls* negrbes; wlty, <told theo-tuàt,'èhey'had- aeert á;n»jgr»lbo{ "idayl en re .driving' a white weepita belora '«him-dowa the patiw Jhtj. scattered -.out] 'ito hunt for them, .and got so close "tbati ithe negro went by where the wa? (fied; killed her.with a .stick and j&tôn 1her, "But they weeft 'óh after, lusa, p\jit},)got oft* his track. " '



-A J IThe'negro stopped ât hefte and ástéá'o" *1

niau and b'by i/ raeré ^'i»^boöy,htrnt-' t

ing for a musing lady i *th¿y toW'-h'mv. j;j-ef?, and ss hef[Ä,t>p»l/)«start they ttudhtj jjhim and started back with hirr., arid .met;one ef the wen, in -purauifc. . They taft4c:him tell, where the woawp .waa i J^e.<^aixthe killed her. ' Th«y then nade tifk&tá Ithem to where she was.. He aóíd .they,were in sight other flic day l?etóé wfeh» *

the woman fainted, ahusaicfshè*Bn(i Wî-* ^

èd thrée hr fr»"-'*'*-1-

Mtein on the coals and eatitnem ; and they would« roll him in thoBoals and lake him out and talk- to himund put, and at- last th?y. -'o^ittii large fire, pu1, him on thu lop bf it and',fat him bani to aihús, apclthaiwaij thy j*t>r Ljfliim, Thora wok nota whiteman ithat*l;ud anything to do with it-alt negrdcsJfho other three negroes thV.f \*/crc "flledivere shot dead on the'«spot. 'They kftéwj.ivherc the wdman was and? would .nbtóetl. b<

I saw a Judy who helped to shroud theuurdered wonjan, and she. said . she was

jri.i-ed ail o\xr tlie body, wlierc h* had.lit her with lti^ Hst She leav^threojmildrenand a husband. It makes.niylesli run cold I«) think of it. '


'»Ve haye been permitted w make the-att-:K-xed ax tract abai a litter writlettíby>.:cuember of the ixty {sec«nd.Congress,' tai gentleman ju our city, ./und«« duie oC..'ebruai'y ^Stli,, ujtiino, which will no of ^snterest:


" AittJi-. niora tiwii 1§ wen tba otdjlligent) 3**1vork, I got a t»i!l .through both HousGs to> wiiay Teni«. Bac u $437 for nuit services" of¡ince thc wa?. On the committee of claims1'vas* a man who'belonged to the 4th Maine-Regiment, whose flag tne 2d S. Cl Kegi-i I <

nent captured at lasrt Manamas. H<i was,'m extreme radical, btu quit* aicfavarjfierljif fellow. HQ asked me where Bacon, lo»t enlis leg. apd to wijit Regiment, he belonged'-I told hun that he lost his leg a.t; Goi^jlurg, amt that he was a tßejriUcr of* Ker-haw's Regiment, Ï& ronllcct thal- '.' »hy, ht-tianwhobc^gccTtoÄat'ni'glmefttsVOAldj ¿oic 'pfiict evt-rV dollar the government owed jylim! That R'egimentgaTo'vw.h -I at Bull ;,'iun." He was still a little hien: s»r]irised wheb I told Khn'l hadbfeeh ä inem- ^»et of"'the saino Regiment, andi was-with >^t at Bujl Run. He beerunaia g«od friend rj[<f mine, and always aided me wiicnover I -s

lesired alittle help inthedepävtm.cnU.' H« ,

a not now a .member of the House,. *ljirish ho was. 'N«írtjierñ .Rcn'úVk'unV ara

leqdepTy better to us Ihaii' Soulheiii Rti-jlubiicans."-Gtec-nville Enterprise. ^ j" Nix," writing to the Chester Reporter .

t»m.Co)|rabia,»says,(,' , ., / \ »AWe have,ha'd a visit from Gen^àl%1 /..<.<

)oweli, ifie same Who 'c.oia'iüaf.cféa 'thoTñiféd Wfi 'SMtäö W 'first* MáhaVrftsJ '

Ie vas hore onan'înspêci-ing toith/an«,!, »Ji\ me whisper spmethihgfurmy mtb yírnt*ar abopt the inspection. General »Mc-,)ow«U invited his ".Certiûc*lôcy", Mose^ Pi0 join him in thfrinspecviofe.. as. a ruaUci .1

f courtesy, I .presume!, wh;ch ceçj^r]e was oxpected to. decline-but " Iiáry'l .Oechpp. looses, w'eii.fc a,ricl he saw, 'and-j >.»...

rajTwo' dori'Tknow wh'etliéf he coiirmefed » »

r iot' but he aid -cafrj- tile' ftëgro'Adjfti '¡fmt weneivl Purvis with-him; 'as rltrt bi Aris mililaiy family, and Purvis: inspected "JQJO, went through ftrl the ranks, looked ac


verythihg " Ss big'a'd^ ae'any'body's t,,io'n"" with a stump of k'cigar in KiS band; ..

nd ii is said that ,the grumblings, anduppressed curses of the subordinate pÄ-i '

ers oiid private soldiers, while this 'idar; './ey" was " going-through- them" withlbse8 and McDowell 'nnght hhve beenkened td the "rumblings oí a tb^refttEaiáná i»jolcano. "Regulars inspç.d^d by a^inilitjrt «

ficer^and ii,??, $$gerL" ',Wfiat, néittT "foll mi«ai tiije,9,ti98tiou .be asked,, ancl I'buld like to hear th¿Jfeply. ', j

Dried Apple Pies. /-.?<¡in¿ J,,Toalh'e, abhor,"detest,* ô'esplBV'*'- '

.bomínatfe diiett opplqple^' ( )' ) IndiUko good.bread, I Uke good meat, ¿ #ptr anvthing th'at'a g*obd to eat ;tut; of allpooc!g/ub'beneath the skies »»T*'he,poore«t is dried apple pies p iw> ÏPLfive'me'the toothache or sort eycs^'ni '; 'Tpn preference to that kino) çif- pies;- - ,

. dM'iu-n' be'ho farmer takes hia k nari i est fruit, tii<i'orwfi, ijitt ur und baaxl to 'boot; St)'hey leave ifhe.cores to make,us cough, an.nd don't take half the peeling off; ..A. bri'heaon adJrty cord tliöy're s^riá miind from somp chamber window hpng^ ¡heVh ore they serve as sa roost for J\ie»» . harntil thejtfre reidy to make pies.;... ;» ,^utep on my oormi ,ox tell me Wesi i » GÍluodop'.t om e. dried apple pies. .> .ag'

< n," u-i «j .'?.!», frynwr .'?r H t... j J1 |S^tA'*^t<n>-girl whet' was^,VÍE(9rrjfed :í>^»ur years ago In adresáworth ifs OOO Alf f V-ow oe eeen sphfting hef (ówn^^mdlii^i ¿

'ï#Q#<fô LÍcEjísá!-Ícárn tW,L. 'D. Bowie, the ejfficient Iritraáaní :©jour town, bas revoked,ihe .old, Uanoimm miw te>è;%nff is'jssuiÄ^übeíftés to Tj6f/torrh^tb'^ie^o^ré,Jpntn%>è^tltonftipj»£'~^#V'lan&vta ^stWcttoriggKéhibyi J«dgrJ;í^k»keí'',Tffié %w*iy*d-jvidfcsr.-tíi»t,',tq,'-obt*üj' a. tavern -license;(.which alone:,,a"ulüon2es-,- to\eçll-i by.taedrink},) -tfi ô appkeajit; jn uM< be. recommend-;

acense that "every nccnsed tavern sEpofiishah1 have and keep in InVor l&r'/io'fjse: sdlicensed, at least tWgpod ijeaCher beds oildent' bed^lotherftbf* tko sahte; *ftd*pwÄlde!and^keep-gûcd/ wh'oiëByme\ ajid for ira velars, ¡and stabling-; and prov-*ender ibçW^o^.^;ô.tW^pti^own stock, upon pain, bf forfeiting ina!license pt recognizance, and being subject!Wm^mm ia!mUdeufefe'/* Tte iaw na,tmarryí»l8*Uiotíá'ha3beni a tidâ<l"lx}ttcr,l-but Judge* tdftke-isldeferir, ined, «nd« wt» *Hick.. Bery s ^dy^jw'reviv¿;-atd,-ÉQÍorce!ii¿ n^au^wt uts.-rAb-'bvtiîk.Çi»saja)p4 Ç&ttfer. "» j AI»«»'./ ,»V-. i. ct* » Bl 5g* .ù'îïlï.ITlVrVy»! *\IA ,m\V.;\,. .jT^N^T^6/'Ptr^«t,^eífti¡ oasc^n^pced; h^.nsnai. juDueling ubcr^tbeNorthern Stafes*. ' 'The 'etonpous.^ss ojbusiness demanding 'Executive1 attendónprecluded the p'os'ibiTity of tjie Southern]Wut? bnt'Sdes TÍot*iíWeTÍcrW\níh;the'niceIlílVtHpiwio'í New?-Vefk.^Phäadefphifc,ind'Olbw-KicrthtírnicitjwAr^'

»lid Otlitur.- irja^iqu^^OJfrrWVwjaíí.ofc^LLvyí-iiV,CW¿ka AWffy j#oy<ajftt,..tta£p#&

ïasi^r Ihan.Grapl can flo wnhonf her. JrdfSpTO^n!^^ #al1^mffyjfle Vfouft-HHlha^vÄs^fl-jAin enTi!«é1y'a**ir^ nV^nh1»fce^lr^;fcijlíinccnon «rat «T his .» atmy'trf:olaoîi lioW-i>ra*i:t. tilê. fcijuih -Vdu 1 à -by no. u«a,na ciV,» l Á,*.atwni^Í^iieiTí^^^^p^uiíwi-ídist.

. _i

Towtowri tie^Ts-í"* .&cV|mî#tf\&wwi0 MjfflAWV^'j[Mt td tfte-^yV^êr; oV&f$, '(»3íffocí Ä'tfte'BÄtfrnA'taWih* AHgtH^WMÄtro^s.^-'Biiillie^le^äwme^bdwent ;here tpe a Rtfpoblicdn 'gain oí-two in tho/fingrejsionai-de'fegElion.;-:, the-'-rugged''inue-baü/poiuwoí .na ¿good, results, in'Oles. ÀfrJ»m dwtfeesj& ¿4* sijpwxiirincipic sent for tHeir little baik.-Bay,-fVhen the sky falls and larks turable trj$RAW) % SW*,*??fl^WMnd mpectdn '

.,.!,»~~¡. f. iii «i »^»nl(l <il! jSîAY AT HoME.-rWe had thc pfeasurej,J

-ep- d^ni^^^i^t^MTjwwgyi Tjalley g


À book on ancient epitaphs pnblisuciir^jlan^brlrti!!^ orrt'.«rr)rtie>g*iTirié cu-'OsUics. A carcml*Ntrl(ly of their styletay provo-nsefiil - to Writers of obitrtarjiletry. 'Wo; 1 fn found in the Ord Oyftyriurs, Jirtirrljrircrh':'''. Hore snug hi gravo mV wife doth lie,Now Hbe4s airest, ami so am '/ lTho next one shows how much umrJ accomplished by tlie use pLaJiíÜ^idieious'poelkail»*' . »

, Hjîio'liesiJohu Burin, .r ..-,/»vhi» was kiJl'id by fl, gun- , i

ik \v.\m» wa^rflfiiitin, bnLhls'WteÏÏnu'nëwas Wflddji»*«'" . t ?'*'. .. i-

ut Wood woijfdirt shvnie with gun, .soIhon-ihi irnnh wo'njtl.'* ..>>U< j

Th« ibHoMing is a bearrtlfnl fnítnnce ofnjuirní af&ction? .-I'M. <-<


llew lie* ittN* deal' xAto?'t\ hnd-«lÁuétu.und uUrfa\i,î.. r.¿;>-, ...f". ,. ».

I said I nyrrcttcd her, tshoutiUie too.'JAnother pf a.similar nature, though it¬ems a little harrfjtost&ií üio Jaslword>m ii woman hi th'iswjVy. 'Tpachurch-ird near Newmarket lio buried tr|c twoves ofTom lexton. On tl ió íomb-stonaone is thc following :

' J"Hero lies tho body of Saran, èexton-§h« was a wife thatttever vexed''t say so much, for-the «ne tilt thq

next.stone.;.'. . I .,{>rHere is amoroïa-iwtlqftlj.cqmhiofii-ensaiturdi, of *hú,,tned¿pd iH'ilec: ., , \i'This llttif; help Jthüt lies here 11'5Ww (sfincnur'd^y tho dj^rrheor."

There ¿íu^^ bo .s(i¡^-,ni¡4;ikp, ¡,ií this .;< extract, lt\s alhither too j|&bd ',' <mpiimept to'be deserved byWiy paerej 'VliUiuan being :

^ ^


(' r..,"J. j T

Kn liouçst.ûjllow^rç is laid. " ;[3 dews in furl ho always paid, '. Ittl vrhftt's-'rnoré'stmftjjo; tho'neigbbrjxs.» tellthK/ii, dru »t-«V) u >/« t it* ?3 brqogh^¿iwk borrowcd u^bevJfe'+'Si' "

..'«Arevöntinu:u\ly.i;wiKing)viö-.<l | ,


Fui-íiiíui-o'.,yr-,.x.',..t :.


irlor, 'Chamber;' Dining Room .4And ,, . ... j K.

SiÄ.^ 1,',.'; /ft Td.THE .LOWE^'IV,,, \ M.

iH'consJsts'of'c'vin-y article oTiTtURÎí,!] "*

TTÏE required to ftirnish''aíHóúsepr» -j,îç-oi tóipletb; '-' "'¡I ;....Jail and.cxalulna'af.bur'o-Rqon)'^ ,4/.fl ...i--Orr-- Wu«

î.lwaj'3.on bandest the lowest pri'cesl j ^Of our own, -manuhictmre. »« > J P

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. M »|t>) Uli ..?1. .( . » '.?..t Í «ff>XAN.TERS- should .exanunö the "Tabqve-«araed old-and «liablô.'ôin w

fore buvUur-«ny- ¡oÜtór. ,1t. combinas f 5*3. FeQuired, Qualities , pf, .^InniJ^Ity. KÍ*pëngtb.and DUraffinfr. It! glus fait Lari cleáh, iàaKoar*xcëIlenV Hiit'frjftfen Vtngring 1- ic to- l-2c. pèr lb. .nbov$ f *and U .universally admitted tothe %hleit r.HJunlng,gin. made» Wé ~

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k*Mi<r« *4. ,i"r..,f.v.^^ i^/)-,^Mr,!»* fin" fiMtttfffr. nxi «Iii» .r**. r »«m*.» tf.»«,«»*.#>

à. !vo Au J,» fe,.*» -.1« t*».« ' T '-...»«. *»>î ****** *".wv.

f»i..iir.r. ^'^"v ?.rjiMiâri :-rí ^.ïu!T 'T *4;4 .' ' :II> nfifi-, ^wH<»»i.!-.iM o.»} tt* ,nr.'.t4-t j -«-rf» jif.t» »»l?r, -i'. ¿ Cr. «d'» . . «.

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k LECTURR. «o- the- Nature, TreotJiL niciit.aad^tiii^«nr&<<)f Spqrma*fíÍ¡SF\mM ^"V.ual,AVeaknoss,,Involiií*ry ímÍssíons;-SexiiftI íAty, andn^t-wunverris I to1?Mirr1fcfc* gwièraVy.srvonaneaa. ..UonsumjiiiDUi . rouspni

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r:w.v.! eiiHit- «VJ" lux 'biit#s ní¿C<.¿i\>a.iront, täfts« Stunl.îha. L.:.-: JfV«T, cuiieros. wi'a an imperf ici.jit u.n. ».

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X &IS«is a Snrrrr>iT'>rAr?íb«i?/ hasthe Ü^f/Vn FRT:», arlé nuiles mo 4>L««KSaim>K"'«iiko *ti ftothjÄeF;. .. ?.

?, St i> a suifidm-d- Firs» Ozsa, 2>faclüu<\«Bd4h*pcily low ,¿^c£ S^k''.J4^,tke^n^4%tAtq9. . ¿,. ?

.Tnk Macmuo receive*. tho Dlptonfa atClio ItlrK tWTO&lïiiaVw Ae"tttyof NCTiáHdTr>,"5r.-*C.V*rii' 1171. *TrW*Aivfi

JIIM KtNf í>OR MWWttrt^,l A'rivw'tkrJu'makîn^Vip'à OlUVibttve-*ftrcht«es.vS\ ftl te ^résfeiiled thetMlahorre-èur»ofcminï5*Éfc)h. .» » - pt;.Av^enj^ -Wattro^-ßone^'U* intjueo-

jj9 em* rfffetyd. / liberal dr.duiiiionb mail o

* Deft".'-ly ^.|t>


A_ ., . .._ »... . MI na ll" fl II jimmi MI '«cmm+r^m***?*,''

» BM Wfagff^fgjgj^^ ? I j j M| '>

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