...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability,...


Transcript of ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability,...

Page 1: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS




Page 2: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS





Page 3: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS




E X H I B I T I N G AT T H E 2 0 1 4 ‘ P O S S A B L E ’ I D E A S E X P O – ‘ B E ST I N S H OW ’The PossABLE IDEAS EXPO is back in the Hunter in 2014 and invites you to be involved in this year’s innovative program, at the Maitland Show Ground November 14 & 15.

The event aims to give people with disabilities, their families and carers the opportunity to see, hear and try the best local, national and international options to assist them in making important decisions in all areas of their lives. These choices and connections will support their independent life designs.

It is the dedication to the rights, choices and wellbeing of people with disabilities, their families and carers, and those who work in and around sector that brings us together at PossABLE, and this intention, energy and enthusiasm changes lives.

In today’s market driven environment, IDEAS understand that the best intentions need to be positive for the bottom line. You need to decide what gives you the best ‘bang for your buck’ in regards to your precious marketing dollar. Here are some facts to consider.

2 0 1 3 P O S S A B L EIn 2013 The PossABLE IDEAS EXPO attracted over 100 exhibitors and 4500 guests. With the success of last year’s event, further development of our sales and marketing program, business alliances and local contacts we expect to exceed this number significantly.

Guests attending the event come with an intention to explore their choices and make connections.

The 2013 PossABLE IDEAS EXPO attracted solid media coverage leading up to and during the event, through 1233 ABC Newcastle and NBN Television.

The Newcastle Herald ran a special feature including the event program and map on the Friday before the event, this feature attracted 12 pages of advertisements and won the best national feature for Fairfax in 2013.

IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS has 30 years of experience in planning, managing and facilitating large regional expos



Page 4: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS

If we haven’t already convinced you, some further reasons to exhibit at The 2014 PossABLE Expo include:

• The 2014 PossABLE IDEAS Expo provides a highly targeted sales and marketing platform. Our guests; individuals with disabilities, their carers and supporters really need what you’re offering. This is your chance to give them choices and solutions! • The event provides you with the opportunity to have face to face two way communication with your customers and service users. Find out what they want and have the opportunity to give them information in a highly personalised way. You may also get important insights into how to provide better and more widespread service and develop new creative products and service ideas. • Increase your brand awareness and potentially reach those individuals who do not currently know what you offer. • Generate sales. • Utilise the event as a platform to launch new products and services. • Demonstrate a commitment to the industry by being involved and supporting the event. • Perfect opportunity to consider, approach and build profitable partnerships and alliances with other supplier and services providers. Find out how you can work together. • Discover what others in the market place are doing.

Maitland Showground is the perfect venue for a fun filled ‘Best in Show’ theme, and will again incorporate a large industry expo as well as comprehensive seminar, RAVE Lounge, Sport and Leisure and Art and Culture programs ….and many other fun filled themed activities.

Following from the event’s previous success there is already a great deal of interest in the exhibition, however due to the size and configuration of the venue, there will be less exhibitor space opportunities. You are therefore advised to register your interest early to avoid disappointment as demand for space is high. Registrations will be available at www.possableideasexpo.com.au In the meantime don’t hesitate to call us on 1800 029 904.

We look forward to working with you to make a difference to the lives of people with disability, their families and carers in the Hunter.

Yours sincerely,

Angela Van Den Berg

Community Engagement Team Leader IDEAS

Page 5: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS

A B O U T T H E E V E N TThe name ‘PossABLE’ embraces the ideals of person centred systems, ability and believing anything is possible in enabling people with disability to achieve an independent and fulfilled life. This year Maitland Showground is the perfect venue for a fun and exciting ‘Best in Show’ theme.

The 2014 PossABLE IDEAS EXPO – Best in Show is much more than an expo, it is a rich multifaceted event giving all people with disabilities ( including age related disabilities), their families, carers and supporters the opportunity to come along free of charge to see, hear, try and learn about the huge range of products and services available to them. This showcase supports informed decision making about all matters of importance to them, which is the foundation of the person centred approach.

Opportunities and choices available at this year’s PossABLE encompass much more than that needed to live a comfortable life, although these are crucial. While providing information to assist people with important decisions related to the day to day, we will also deliver the creative spark so easily forgotten in our busy and stress filled lives. We do this through joyous, inspiring and motivational experiences which will help people explore their own preferences and interests and discover what brings them joy and connection.

This event is also important to those working in and around the disability sector. With the unprecedented changes toward a consumer driven market; promotion, marketing and connection have never been so crucial. Learning about industry changes and lessons learnt so far, networking, developing strategic alliances, partnerships and understanding where everyone fits, including your own organisation will be critical for success in the years to come.

PA R T N E R W I T H U S T O S U P P O R T P E O P L E W I T H D I S A B I L I T Y I N T H E H U N T E R A N D H E L P C H A N G E P E O P L E ’ S L I V E S … F O R E V E R M O R E , F O R O N E D AY, F O R O N E H O U R , O R E V E N F O R J U S T O N E M I N U T E ! !


Page 6: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS

W H E N :

O P E N I N G T I M E S :

W E B S I T E :

E M A I L :

Friday 14th and Saturday 15th November 2014

Friday: 10.00am - 3.30pm

Saturday: 10.00am – 2.00pm


[email protected]



People with disability, their families, carers, supporters and friends as well as those individuals working within and around the disability sector, including service providers, support workers, allied health professionals, teachers and consultants etc.

Historically and in general the Friday audience trends strongly toward industry / support industry workers (service providers, support workers, teachers, allied health professional etc) and people with disabilities within care/ respite groups. Saturday tends to be a more family oriented.

The event is advertised nationally; however we expect the majority of the audience to come from intrastate, skewed toward Hunter based guests.

Currently one in four people in Australia have a lived experience of disability (including mental health).

Entry to the event is free of charge, this includes access to some seminars and workshops.

Page 7: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS



M E D I A C O V E R A G E O F P O S S A B L E 2 0 1 3

In May 2013 The PossABLE IDEAS EXPO was held at the Newcastle Entertainment Centre. This event was the biggest disability based event in Australia that year and attracted 100 exhibitors and 4500 guests over the two day program. The then State Minister for Disability, Andrew Constance endorsed the event as well as the National Disability Insurance Agency, and attended the event along with many other state and local politicians.

IDEAS have 30 years of experience running expos around regional NSW.

NBN covered the event and were present for filming on the Friday morning, including the opening ceremony and general event happenings. The event was featured on NBN News on the Friday night.

PossABLE was supported strongly by ABC radio leading up to the event. A number of performers and seminar presenters on the event program were featured on their talk back programing leading up to the event.

The Newcastle Herald ran a special feature including the event program and map on the Friday before the event, this feature attracted 12 pages of advertisements and won the best national feature for Fairfax in 2013.

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Page 9: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS


T H E E X H I B I T I O N Provision of personalised information and two way conversations in a relaxed face to face environment.

The foundation of PossABLE is based on an exhibition of more than 70 exhibitors showcasing the best local and global choices in a one stop environment. The combination of crucial and helpful information getting, and face to face personal exchanges; a completely accessible venue with wide aisles, public rest areas and accessible toilets will encourage crowds to come, circulate easily and stay for longer.

S E M I N A R SInformation, Knowledge, Life….embracing whole of life decision making including the NDIS reforms and learning so far.

Two streams of SEMINARS running consecutively throughout the event will be another offering providing crucial information to all about changes to disability supports and lessons learned so far. A vast host of other topics, subjects and ideas will be also be explored. There will be something for everyone and some sessions will be free of charge. A draft seminar program is currently being finalised.

Page 10: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS

R A V E L O U N G E Embraces personal connection, building communities of support and the power of inspiration.

Making personal connections with others and feeling supported by community is a huge part of the human experience and crucial to living a happy healthy life. The concept behind the RAVE Lounge celebrates the importance of making and embracing personal connections. This casual space designed by local artists as an art installation in itself, will be filled throughout the event with people connecting, creating communities, inspiring, informing and entertaining. Every ½ hour we will welcome a new guest who will share personal experiences, insights, information and in some cases performance. Within this casual ‘lounge’ space we encourage questions and interaction, so each 7 – 10 minute talk is less like a presentation and more like a conversation. RAVE Lounge guests will be a diverse group ranging from celebrities and performers to parents, grandparents and individuals with a disability.

R E C R E A T I O N A N D L E I S U R E P R O G R A M Movement creates energy and sport in all forms encourages social engagement as well as general health – body, mind & spirit.

This wide scoping program will include a range of inclusive sport and recreation demonstrations where guests will be encouraged to watch and participate. This program will also encompass a range of diverse therapies and opportunities to try state of the art inclusive sports and equipment.

“ I W E N T Y E S T E R D A Y ,F A N T A S T I C D A Y ,

L O T S O F I N T E R E S T I N G T H I N G S ”

“ H I , I D I D N ’ T K N O W Y O UE X I S T E D B E F O R E , B U T T H I S I S O N E O F T H E B E S T E X P O S I ’ V E

E V E R B E E N T O . T H E W O R K S H O P SW E R E G R E A T A N D T H E

E X H I B I T I O N S W E R E F A N T A S T I C ”

Page 11: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS


A R T A N D C U L T U R E P R O G R A M Creativity in all forms can be a strong expression of self and can lead to a more fulfilling life.

To encourage creativity PossABLE 2014 will include a ‘Best in Show’ art and craft competition. There will also be diverse program of creative workshops (including music) and film screenings.

E X P E C T E D N U M B E R SCurrently in Australia one in 5 people are connected to someone with a disability and one in eight people have a recognised disability.

The 2013 PossABLE IDEAS EXPO attracted 4500 guests from the Hunter and across the state. Leveraging off our trusted brand and the NDIS rollout in the region we expect to attract around 5500 visitors.

T H E R E ’ S M O R E . . .Outside of the structured programs above there will be other satellite activities such as a sensory lounge, adaptive vehicle demonstrations, live performance, accessible show activities, participatory art installations and much more.

Page 12: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS



Page 13: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS


M A I L - O U T S

Direct mail sent to various IDEAS network databases from a three month lead time. These databases include:

Internal databases developed for direct mail:

• Disability and Allied Service database (including non-government disability, aged care and allied health service providers, peak, advocacy and government departments) with access to over 35,000 records NSW wide.

• Equipment supplier’s approximately 600 records.

• Database of Hunter region services of approximately 1500 records.

• Public Schools- primary and secondary; Teritary Educaiton providers; Members of Parliament; Regional Libraries; Early Childhood centres;

Promotion through state-wide and Hunter regional sector networks.

Mail box drop of event promotional material – highly targeted suburbs and regions only.

L E V E R A G I N G O F F C O N TA C T S , D ATA B A S E S A N D L E A R N I N G S F R O M T H E 2 0 1 3 P O S S A B L E I D E A S E X P O I N T H E N E W C A S T L E W E H A V E D E V E L O P E D A C O M P R E H E N S I V E S A L E S A N D M A R K E T I N G P L A N F O R T H E 2 0 1 4 E V E N T . N AT U R A L LY A S W E P A R T N E R A N D G A I N S U P P O R T W I T H A L L I E D B U S I N E S S E S A N D G R O U P S O U R P R O M O T I O N A L N E T W O R K S E X P A N D . T H I S I S P A R T I C U L A R LY I M P O R TA N T I N T H I S S E C T O R A N D F O R O U R D E S I R E D G U E S T D E M O G R A P H I C .


Page 14: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS

I D E A S P U B L I C A T I O N SAdvertising, editorial and promotion in IDEAS own industry publication (hard copy newsletter)

Distribution: 2500

IDEAS online newsletter and social media networks.

Distribution: 2000


We plan to get editorial support with the Newcastle Herald, and advertising and editorial support in the Maitland Mercury, The Post, Singleton Argus, Muswellbrook Chronicale, Scone Advocate, Glouster Advocate, Cessnock Advertiser and Northern Daily Leader.

Community Based Publications

We also plan to do advertising and editorial in various community based magazines

N B N T V Extensive advertising campaign through NBN

Through this relationship we hope to get coverage during programs like the NBN News where they will mention the event.

Page 15: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS


R A D I O ABC radio and community radio are the two desired coverage points for the exhibition. ABC local radio through a number of pitched editorials, and sponsored spots with community radio.

M A I T L A N D C O U N C I L P R O M O T I O N A L S U P P O R TMaitland Council are supporting IDEAS through a number of marketing & promotional opportunities

• Inclusion of event information on Maitland Council regional event listing

• Poster placement around the region; libraries, specific gyms (with programs for the disabled), Swimming pools, clubs etc.

S O C I A L M E D I A • Postings on community group calendars

• Links to all exhibitor and partner websites

• Links to IDEAS Facebook network

• Development and expansion of expo Facebook network

• Partner with the leading “mummy Bloggers” in Australia. Nine sites targeted.

• Event listing on all mainstream media community web sites and calendars.

• Twitter

• Event Blog

“ E X P O S T A F F W E R EE X T R E M E L Y H E L P F U L

D U R I N G T H E 2 D A Y E X P O .C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S O N A N

A B S O L U T E L Y B R I L L I A N T E V E N T ”

Page 16: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS





Page 17: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS


O P T I O N A – 3 M W I D E x 3 M D E E P E X H I B I T I O N S P A C E A N D B O O T H 3m (wide) x 3m (deep) exhibition space

Corinthian exhibition booth (shell scheme) – unmatched for quality, strength and flexibility

2.4mH Velcro compatible fabric covered walls

Polished aluminium fascia, 300mm deep on all aisle frontage

All open aisle frontage with company name and number (max 30 characters)

2 x track spotlights per 9 sqm – Lights are mounted on inside of front fascia

1 x single power point per stand, regardless of size – positioned in rear corner of booth

1 x (1.5m x 750mm) table

2 x chairs

Company name listed on expo website with link to your website

Company name and contact details listed in official expo guide

2 x tickets to exhibitor networking reception

$1895 + GST


Page 18: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS

O P T I O N B – 2 M W I D E x 2 M D E E P E X H I B I T I O N S P A C E A N D B O O T H 2m(wide) x 2m(deep) exhibition space

Corinthian exhibition booth (shell scheme) – unmatched for quality, strength and flexibility

2.4mH Velcro compatible fabric covered walls

2.4mH Velcro compatible fabric covered walls

Polished aluminium fascia, 300mm deep on all aisle frontage

All open aisle frontage with company name and number (max 30 characters)

2 x Track spotlights per 9 sqm – Lights are mounted on inside of front fascia

1 x single power point per stand, regardless of size – positioned in rear corner of booth

1 x (1.5m x 750mm) table

2 Chairs

Company name listed on expo website with link to your website

Company name and contact details listed in official expo guide

2 x tickets to the exhibitor networking reception

$900 + GST

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O P T I O N C – T R E S T L E T A B L E I N M A I T L A N D C O M M U N I T Y S H O W C A S E * 1 x (1.5m x 750mm) table

2 Chairs

Company name listed on expo website with link to your website

Company name and contact details listed in official expo guide

$120 + GST

*Community Showcase tables are exclusively available to local Maitland Community Organisations

“ I W A S T H E R E Y E S T E R D A Y – T H E R E W A S H E A P S T O S E E A N D

D O … V E R Y M U C H A N E Y E O P E N E R T O A L O T O F Q U E S T I O N S I H A D M I L L I N G A R O U N D I N

M Y H E A D ”

“ T H E G E T T O G E T H E R O N F R I D A Y N I G H T F O R

E X H I B I T O R S W A S A G R E A T I D E A ”

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Maitland Community Circle Showcase

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Page 23: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS



W H AT D O W E D O ?

Early in 2007 IDEAS (information on Disability & Education Awareness Services Incorporated) was created as a result of a merger between two of the leading providers of disability information in NSW, ‘DIRC NSW Incorporated’ and ‘Information on Disability Equipment Access Services Incorporated’. Combined the two organisations had over 40 years of expertise and skills in providing disability information.

IDEAS is a Not for Profit organisation and widely recognised in Australia as a leading information provider. We work to support people with disabilities and aged related disabilities, their families, carers and supporters to self-advocate, enabling them to make informed decisions about matters of importance to them. As disability knowledge brokers, we do this by providing a range of free independent information services and products.


These products and services include:

• IDEAS disability Info line (national toll free number)

• IDEAS online – an online information clearing house that supports informed decision making

• IDEAS EXPO – A community event showcasing services and products that support independence.

• IDEAS EDUCATION AND TRAINING – a range of workshops, conferences and small innovative events developed to promote access, inclusion and choice and control.

• IDEAS On the Road - A community engagement program to raise awareness and provide in-reach support with people with disability and people with age related disability

• Disability advocacy support

• IDEAS Newsletter – 6 printed newsletters a year with a circulation of over 2500

• IDEAS e-News – an electronic newsletter keeping up to date with happenings in the sector.

• High quality printed directories of services and products

Page 24: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS

T E R M S & C O N D I T I O N SDefinitions

Venue: Refers to the facility in which the Expo is being held – Maitland Showground

The Site: Refers the booth or space occupied by the Exhibitor / Sponsor for the duration of the expo

Exhibitor / Sponsor: Refers to the company or person/s that has submitted the application and is specified on the contract

Contract: Completed Exhibitor / Sponsor registration form

The Organiser: Refers to IDEAS NSW (ABN 73 877 964 532)

The Event: The 2014 PossABLE IDEAS EXPO

Exhibition Equipment Supplier: the Company hired by the organiser to construct the exhibition sites and supply furniture and equipment for the expo

The Application

1.An official Exhibition / Sponsorship Application form must be received and a 30% deposit must be paid in order to confirm your Exhibitor space / Sponsorship position.

2.The organiser reserves the right to refuse application or prohibit an Exhibitor / Sponsor from participation without assigning a reason for such refusal or prohibition.

3.The Exhibitor / Sponsor acknowledges and agrees that upon submission of the events contract, a contract on these terms and conditions arises with the organiser, and that these terms are the terms of the contract.

Obligation of the organiser

4.The decision of the Organiser is final and decisive on any question not covered in this contract.

5.The Organiser agrees to promote the exhibition to maximise participation .

6.The Organiser reserves the right to allocate exhibition booth location as they see fit. However, Sponsors will be offered a choice of premium site positions as outlined in contract.

7.The Organiser agrees to provide the Exhibitor / Sponsor with an Exhibitor Manual prior to the exhibition for the purpose of communicating required actions on the part of the Exhibitor / Sponsor.

8.The Organiser has the right to take action based on verbal or written directions including those contained in the Exhibition Manual. This is to ensure that the laws in connection with the exhibition are complied with, to prevent damage to person or property and to maximise the commercial success of the exhibition.

9.The Organiser may refuse without limitation to permit activity within the exhibition or may require cessation of particular activities at their discretion.

Page 25: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS


10.The Organiser may determine the hours during which the Exhibitor / Sponsor will have access to the exhibition venue for the purposes of setting up and dismantling.

11.The Organiser will specify conditions relating to the movement of goods and displays, prior, during and after the exhibition.

12.The Organiser will specify any regulation with regard to sound levels including microphones, sound amplification, machine demonstrations and videos. The Exhibitor / Sponsor agrees to abide by these.

13.The Organiser will arrange security onsite during the period of the exhibition but will accept no liability for loss or damage.

14.The Organiser will arrange for daily cleaning of aisles outside the exhibition hours.

15.The Organiser will arrange for garbage to be pickup from exhibition booths at specified intervals during the event. These times will be outlined in the Exhibitor Manual.

16.The Organiser agrees to undertake all marketing and promotional commitments as outlined in the contract offering.

17.Organiser has the right to refuse exhibitor registration of Option B if they are not a Not for Profit organisation or the allocated category numbers have been filled.

Obligations and rights of the Exhibitor / Sponsor

18.The Exhibitor / Sponsor must ensure that all accounts are finalised and paid prior to the specified cut-off date.

19.The Exhibitor / Sponsor must use the allocated space only for the display and promotion of good and services within the scope of the exhibition.

20.The Exhibitor / Sponsor must comply with all directions / requests issued by the organiser including those outlined in the Exhibitor Manual.

21.The Exhibitor / Sponsor must comply with all applicable laws, including laws in relation to occupational health and safety. The Exhibitor / Sponsor will therefore act with care and avoid damage to persons or property in the exhibition.

22.The Exhibitor / Sponsor must ensure the cleanliness and tidiness of their allocated space. Upon the conclusion of the exhibition the Exhibitor / Sponsor will promptly remove all exhibits, tools and other material. If the Exhibitor / Sponsor fails or refuses to do so, the Organiser will make arrangements for this to be done by an external party at a cost to be paid by the Exhibitor / Sponsor.

23.The Exhibitor / Sponsor will not display an exhibit in such a manner as to obstruct or affect neighbouring Exhibitors. This includes blocking or projecting light, impeding or projecting into aisles or neighbouring exhibition space.

24.The Exhibitor / Sponsor will submit plans and visuals of customs designed exhibits to the organiser for approval prior to the commencement of the exhibition. Exhibitors / Sponsors failing to do so may be denied access to the exhibition to build or may be

Page 26: ...IDEAS is a Not for Profit Independent Information Services Provider for people with disability, their families and carers as well as those working in and around the industry. IDEAS

T E R M S & C O N D I T I O N Srequested to cease building. A valid Insurance Certificate of Currency for independent exhibition contractors will also be submitted prior to Organiser granting this company access to the exhibition area. More information will be provided in regards to this point in the Exhibitor Manual.

25.Exhibitor / Sponsor displays will remain operational until the expo closure on the final day of the event. Removal of any exhibition equipment or display from the site prior to the show closure may affect your Public Liability insurance and will be considered a breach of contract.

26.The Exhibitor / Sponsor is responsible for all items within their allocated exhibition space.

27.The Exhibitor / Sponsor agrees to adhere to all fire regulations and will refrain from using flammable or dangerous materials within the exhibition. Written approval must be sought from the Organiser if flammable or dangerous materials are required for the success of the exhibit.

28.The Exhibitor / Sponsor will not use nails, screws or other fixtures on any part of the premises including walls and floor unless authorised by the Organiser. In any case all permanent damage will result in the Exhibitor / Sponsor being invoiced for all repairs.

29.The Exhibitor / Sponsor agrees that the Organiser will not be liable for any freighted goods rejected by the venue, lost or damaged prior to the delivery date specified or on return.

30.The Exhibitor / Sponsor agrees to abide by requests made by the Organiser to stop any activity that may cause annoyance to others at the exhibition.

Storage of goods

31.Unless otherwise communicated storage will not be provided onsite at the exhibition. Under no circumstance are goods permitted to be stored in public access areas.

Stand Services and Construction

32. Official contractors will be appointed by the organiser to undertake stand construction plus supply furniture, electrics and IT equipment. This is for insurance and security purposes. All non-official contractors wishing to enter the exhibition are required to produce current Certificates of Currency for Insurance, Public Liability and OH&S. Access will be denied without such documentation.

Insurance and Liability

33.All Exhibitors / Sponsor must have Public Liability Insurance for the period of the exhibition. The Organiser will require a copy of this insurance before 26th September 2014. Exhibitors / Sponsor will not be allowed to exhibit without it.

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34.Exhibitors / Sponsors must insure, indemnify and hold the Organiser harmless in respect to all damages, injuries, costs, claims, demands, expenses and interest for which the Organiser may become liable.

35.Whilst the Organiser will endeavour to protect exhibition property whilst on display at the exhibition, it must be clearly understood that the venue or the Organiser cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage to property sustained or occasioned from any cause whatsoever.

36.The Organiser shall not be liable for any loss which exhibitor / Sponsor may occur as a result of the intervention of any Authority, which prevents the use of the premises or any part thereof in any manner whatsoever.

37.The Organiser will not be liable and makes no guarantee of the number of visitors to the exhibition. Equally the organiser will not be accountable for the level of commercial activity generated.

Payment and Cancellation

38.A completed registration form and payment of a 30% deposit within 7 days of registration is required to book an exhibition booth / Sponsorship position at the event.

39.Payment of the remaining amount will be due on the 3rd October 2014. If payment is not received by 17th October 2014 the space will be released and reallocated. The initial deposit payment will therefore be forfeited.

40.In the event that the Exhibitor / Sponsor fails to occupy their allocated exhibition space by the advertised opening time, the Organised is authorised to occupy this space in any manner deemed to be in the best interest of the Exhibition. The Exhibitor / Sponsor contracted to space will remain liable to all Terms and Conditions of the contract and will not be eligible for a refund.

41.If an Exhibitor / Sponsor wishes to cancel their participation a request must be submitted to the Organiser in writing.

42.If a cancellation is made prior to the 12th September 2014 the Exhibitor / Sponsor will be entitled to a 70% refund of funds paid at the time of cancelation.

43.If a cancellation is made after the 12th September 2014 the Exhibitor / Sponsor will not be eligible for a refund.

44.Booth / Sponsorship availability may be limited or restricted, and allocations and available quantities will be advised upon processing your application.

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