€¦ · ' i Yof. ,l,ll,-N-O. 10.r. NKW YORK', TIIUH PRICE TWO CENTS. "...

' i Yof. ,l,ll,-N- O. 10.r. NKW YORK', TIIUH PRICE TWO CENTS. " aitv.Mi. nuurrorvn r. tiusts , i 101: .ii:urr. ' In ."Miotic - Some t (Trent llbflrr llii.llnif liielw !! lon ""' lnl"r"1 I If) 'Inury A CTclnnonbuiil Hi llrniU over Ihr Cimnl Kills' Vniiil' Troubles. AU ov, Milirh 10. linini'illntoly nttiT till inornltu tlm ,1 reding i 'I'" Ji'irnal l'. Adam- - Hetcm was acaln brought I i in-- r "t the IIi'ikc. Ho was accompanied t , law-ie- i A. J. dlvln of Altai. y mill Luke 1". ,.. h ! ." York. Hn pirn. toil nut guilty, am) asked lli it lil counsel inlgh'. lie heard. OKI p, It here ca'ne In with n bombshell, saving th it Ihi House Inn) Iroadv adjudged the prls mcr In r,.i tempt. Tin1 ptlsnticr. (if pleading in tfi'i.i'i n . f the offence Irnl 1'" "I ti"l guilty. l nn i.inrlv In contempt; therefore, tin I iti'i'lduil I' heird. llii oil that ttio ii ,. .. i"d t Judgment. Mr. b'. nh of Kings wis tin- - first to pro-- ' teo r.i-- i niu'iii Ik said Hi)' It. iimo t"lil Mr. f i v. ii' lint In' might I"' hoard i.y counsel, mill I, wih ''p.' nc.l with counsel It was pro-,.-- e l ti mi l tiat right. ' v,... in I lii' .'ln. Prince. ll'isted.T. C. C in,.' I'll. II' r:i Wilder and other shied with jlr hri i . lai. aid Alvord's motion was laillr beitm T hen Vr. ( lilu proceeded to nddrrsi , ,. II .n-- o 'ii in half of .Mr. Stevens. When. .u'V.r. I iPi'Mii.itd t.v lead ..imi efuduvtts ,i li I r iil.l would show that two iiicmbci of Cm iini iiii'O wero i t eutnpctctit to sit in j .t;cs hi the ln 'stljatlon. i Hd Salt rime In ti i ii'..i pttil "f iriliT," anil fur two 1. in tn tl. ii raced ovr" lhl question, all ttio I . atiniitiirv t rf k ami know lodge of Lin-- r 'i . I'iIii. .' Vat'lmcr. I'e'tv, Iluril,and ADo tl Vim: l.r night lunv I'll.), u.itil tin' IIiiiiki) lliull p .a-- i e ... im i.i'.Ii J In tho H.cih.s uf pailla-Bn"- 'i ir law that m into couU tell J ml what tue silu.iti Ii t .in. HOW IT ALL united. Thn lh" Ilnl.l Facie nf came In wl h hl " i "it t uf onKr" which ruled .lie hili j. meul to the beginning nf Mr. I' n 4 sp.-e- i h. "lit t'f order, aliil let the Hnue i.' of it till.' mil'. Il'it I nil c.vrlcil hl flit III l to. lUlllg till llf.ld.VltS llulll being fa I. II.'- - rl o. il i.t Vr. Ciilttn. anil Mr. k n.'ii wa nji'ii eilleil t lhi lur. The ! .iikerrenil t. hltn exmu't fr :n the g' pii jr i" fr'- - n..:t'. k'lWn.! hat ie h id :Uii tief-Tt- t p. iintiittt . n d nUrd viieihir the tanifuape 1. 1. lit r i' Vr. S.i e'i r piled thai It wir, h it c .lined tt it it n w ii lo-e- n v. hllo under ex r ' . lit. ait.t tlMt h IntiuUd ii. . illrt.-iei- 't In ti 'in m I :!.'. Ii si t hti renmilii ere Intended It the iiii.'...f the I'nininitlee, ex Speaker f i li, Mr. Mi'Veiu .m then tdkeii to the l.i' 'ir). Mr A i..rd preient.'d n Inni: preaiiihle. rtlnd-- ii' ni'li n reidnli. m .:!re tin.' that M vein . h iii'.i :le t.i the euuiil) Jan undor the rar-- r it .f the " '..l;er. r lliirtm i a ulntlt'ite for tho renli. li ... .:e...irli.. that Mi. Stttins was K'lllty uf ' i eje I ..nleinpt," mid din. liiu hu he lr"..l't t.. Hi" bir nf ihe Hniii.. and reprl-- n i" led. ihid re.iliit.'ii a u.lopie.l. Mr. n.';lit In and reiiKiimd, mid then ii h .re I And ttni emle.l thu faree. fur such P ii Hld-r- t.i been by a niaj.itlty ..f II e i mini .( it. A the pri-..n- ned Hi ,.( Hi. . ii mil., r "Theie v i, tvj in in.. In the lamn uf the Warm Sprlnu 1 tut lu in. ht nver thin trliiniph uf their i ef ' 11 M -- teveni had i;.itti ii till i tfalr up u i dr!-.'- i .ilver'i.e'iient for tl. Albany at.d I. mint' II I '.'e Cu'iipiiiy and himself, ho r 'Ul a nut have iii.'rre.led better. Till '..NTLllEST ( CITV Sin.Nr.Y. The bill Mre...! pas'cd by the Assembly, rer-n- . tilnt tl.n Mavcr ami Ctianiherlalii uf .Sew tL tn Hu 'lie rate uf Interest mi clt deponlH, in tl.e M'littt until Krlda) next. l. h.ll na iiii mde I in the M'tiate ('mmulttcc I ax in tlx th rnte f Interest at tint lea than 3 t'. r c 'lit., Iiin .1 " ieirinu It to the Maynr and ! 'lainberhln. Sen.tur ll.ii'th nd that there ... a H'uro uf I .nk In ;i w Vutu which would h k. id t.i take tl.e depo'ltn at the present time Hid py U pr irnt. final. ,r l)u'klnnn n.ilil t.nt In hi pers uial knnile'li;e 401110 of the New Vurk et t. ink were noiv pavlni: 4 per rent, un dep. ll Iruin cuuiitr luiik. and he n.d mi du ll t lucre were plenty uf hanks In N n Jt'n th it H.iuht willliu'v take the del us-- at the rile I pi t cent. nu.v npilred liy the luirler. Senator Wuuliu th m.'iit It ulramrH that the rite I xed h tin' r art.r.'iad been ell In t.v cv ri M.ny 11ml 11 . 1'.nnpl.iliil hud 1.. imiii, de i.ntll Lie I' otniii.' .,f Ui.' ni'wcltv lilmli ..ii ihe lt ,.t ,1 ituiau. I "TV All il .111 e It u dl" ..ere J III 1' :'ie citj c nild lut Cei t per i'i li1. ..11 it df,', It wa true, he in I, that the in .run rate fur 111. .ney ir.i at pr..i nt verv iu, l,iil thin an exoeptiuinl Mlitlun uf tl Pi.. and w nld u,.ii pnn aivay. II I p. lit expert 'In e tmd nl,,.u:i lli .t it wa lie-- z - i v t" put t'm ti iiiclal iiIIivm "f New Vurk i 11 r r it' ,'ti 1.. .Mth r.'L'. r.: t . tlie elt do-- I. 11. d u hale eveivtlui.i; In the.r uwn - t -- ti ui. l,eie:"iii 11 t. jrrupiioti wav ti, c'ui.a. tli- - p t htit r ihe city had llii.iiji. .111.1 r 1 anne liter wai. in ftvurof a 1 . ; .111... uiil. ,i iu .1 .id tl.e i'..m;itrullr I" Hi M iv r ,v X Ci..iu.i,er i'i a' lie fll. I d-- a iliit t j Ux the rate uf In l.:.-.- t lli' mii: i'i Miirr iikfn tiiiiiiun hp? c. t,r John on all.,, ated the blil nv tt .e A-- i iiuli.-ui- l nail Hiatal present . .. nv waa nj ti lnleiet un Kndepuatti., .1 t.ank th .t ti id In u . furu h ;d tut in havliii: t r.i.n i,, ,le, and tlie t'li.itnbcrlain 0 t I., liu" Hll'iwid t v the law nu it nuiv Hinil to ' d t' em a lu- - rci than f iur penei.t. Mr. t. !ln deni. 1 tl at the b 11k had thruwn up Its r irit 1,, iv lour per , it.. itliuiii;:i it had iel! ilu u n the Hth ,,f ivbrmrv. If I uli uild Itir II p he hul li" duiibt "ther I i,k-J- .t .C"... wuil I be mIIIIu.. l.i aiine It. I n..i at f..ur ir . -- nt. at liit at thtee per r" 1. Mr. I.a nlu.- - u, ,1 n it e win the Unali-'-- .! 'Ill' "f .New Vurk city . huuld be plneed u ..I n s'r.. tl .11- -w :i 1. card to the loan i.f (e. p m utn 11 . re Ihaii ' o anie ntlp iali in oilier r.'i-H- rrthe tu. in. .fin t of the state. It . wa dn-rri- Innin.; Ii L'l'latinn .iirnltui the city. the .' u.I ciarv t'.itnui.tle.' ha airret d ti. rep.iri t i r.iMi tin, ill empower-ink- ' the Alturn-j-ii- i" eral te sue e tp rat:uiis fu' the re, umtv uf iiuii i utiil 'ii or I. n.i'id. This I the i.nt of the throe I.IIU k 11111 an Mm o t'unur mil llidon bil L'utteti liu with a vi .v tu n ureritu the m ine) j In tlie Iwiij-u- i t'!e old Itln. The uttier two hate been .iviieil I v th.. (luveni ir ai.d tnl h pioidthe A I'ltllil) nd will lllidullbtedlv in - the althoiiirh the lawjersof that r dv kLiier.llv t'ree that It Ii ver inruiii; ie.Ms. la ion mi ! uf d iuhtful constitutionality. It P il. cnuriiiiiin p iwer In tho hamlHuf the At lut r il. mid U aid iu he it virtual niilil- - II, .itluh ,.( tin- I ile dm l.loiii of the Court of Ap-Ji- e 1j. in,. uiiUidu pr"SMiri) fur la panat'o M very sir .!..'. I,.,ev r, and as uiy man who rh .ul.l ..pi om It wuuid be op 'n tu the linputa-t- i ,1 of bi'iiu; fneiidlv tu tlie uld Itlni:. It will pr k' , thruiiL'hwIthuut Heriumuppoiltio.i. AN l).',I.VI'(.IIT ON THE CVNAI. HINO. There l Bna' Ipl' uf teeth 111 the he ilipiarter of thee 11 ul"i at tin Uiliviin It I run.., roil tli t they have in e t.ilned that liuv, Tildeti has ).e-- ex.ui In.ti.. the llr i. r- - In tli canal nepari-11,- 1 nt and tlie m inner in which contract w,,rl 0:1 hu ui ils h.i- - I.e. !! done, and It reminds hltn pu (.tiuiiu'li of the way thiife thlnes used to tie d'.i'.. in New V'.rk before the s of reform, tl. ii ha- - ib'termlned tu I rlnir It to the l.culi. 1' lire s utti nt n 111 a inessa.'u t'UliiL' the rt suits nf i.i. rei-- in and that the dk'urcs nhuw I lie IU" e- - tty fur a h un'i' ol svitem. , tub John II. Van Ilureii, (Juv. Hoffman's prl-- r te necrelary, who was appulntrd Viiuianilno C '" in .1 11 ti u r lyliov. lllx a yi ar iil'ii, rvsitineil t, - t' Un4 tn Till 111.', utid ti. n. Mi Oiiadu of t ii' a. nliu was 11 mem it of (lov. Iioffnnn's It iff, was aiiiiulnted In hli nlace by liuv. Til len, i,d iinuiedi itelv hi II rm eil bv thu Senate, lit ti, th ') lade wa- - one of the must hitter option Tits r.f lilip'ii's iiutnlii rlun at the sjrai us.) I'unven-- I' 'il I iBt ant inn, .111 carried a majurity of tho I'lir i deleKsiiuii HL'i.ui-- t lilin In oii'iusitlou tu U ,v Se iii.iur aniM'iiini is Keruan. Ile received tiueii votes in tne runonl'ii fir himself as candidate fur (i ,veriiur. Ills api ointment, to. ;"hei with 1. ther re. i nt a. Is nf II, ,v. 'Itldtn. fll o.l tli.. rem .rk from a New Vork Sen itnr thai "' ill : S" vv.ii 'got u back ' on ill his ftlends In ttio Int'. HiitiU', .11 d try.iik' to makii t row dei.l In ti e interest f his en"'iii'-.- Senator J.u 01 ', who was a meinbi r of the runfereni'o I'uminltteu un tho Supply bill of liTI, was rxnnilued before tlie Senate f ommlt-teeon:il- d bill this murniiiL'. II" testlllod that lioililnt' was ald In the cominllteu In reya d to I' lortlnu n rluiino for tno nainry of the hiipcrlp. t' I' ut of thu new l apltnl. Ho did nut ru- in tuber lint Senator Wood railed his attention ; I the Insert, on uf said Item for salary when h" l.r .unlit In 111 the conference committee report f it iil.Tiature. j KA'TH TO HE IIIIOCXIIT Ot'T. This Investli: tlun eoiitlnues slowly, and lev f re the end of the week It II expected that the I! .iiie Con. milieu will reach the oiiesliuh in to whose in. li., ruv Hit' bill wis tnken irom the I. iei utile eh iinber onu week nttoi' the adjourn-- n ' nt uf tliu I.u'nl.ituro, and 1111 entire pave t K 'li out and leenu'lu red wltliu it the knuwl- -' '.'i f the p.finldlnL' oflicer uf either lluu.,1. ' lerk of the room iw cars tint he (I. 1' m Hit Hijuct of Senator Wood, while ti iieiitleinan, It Is .'.ild. denies t!i t hop (pic m I'll 01 iin'Tited to its beliiL' done, which UirnvH ; ' lame upon either (iov. Illx or Comntroll' r (I '.'Mm. It would be well to est it l h the I nt It ot the persons who have, ur Imii.'liiii t'" i h ue, Hit riu'hl to "correct," not tinny la", per with bit after tbuy have reaclitd the i t 11 , hail. ,er. .' Ja.i h ) mi. th. Assistant C-r- of tho A- - 1 inn. u. ie,i,.,e 1 p. iiijnt cmceinlne the man- - re r n wl.ii tie I iftii uvetiua I'avement bill , jt s 1.1.1 11 tiui tiles of the members after It f bail l.i-- lepr uted and essentially altered from I Jl 'irmal. 11 t differliiif materUlly from the I ttiui;uy already nlveu.,itsnri: i i.amm 1:11 s.i vs. The Jlnnnlmniii MrlrUen wllli l'arnlrU In Hie Slrrrl, uu,l Seni tu UliirliiTi ll'n Inlmid 111 11 Wlelcheil Drunkiii il. PiiniiU'r Ki'ssIit ri'nitni'tl (ho ItPitirst yevtcrday In tlie caso of Mr. Jacob Stockvls, who. having been utrlckjii with parnlislsln the Urcet, wis iirn-sle- as a drunken man and held In the l'ifty. ninth street station until the next mornliii, ntid then committed by Justice riant-tn- er tu lllaekw.'irs Islmd for lx tnuntlis. Cnpt. Julin J. Mount and others testiDed that the a In the l'lfty-iilntt- i trect police station fully believed Mr. Stockvls to li.irc been drill.k, and Justice riaininer testified that ho first saw StucUvli on ttio nioinlini of Suiuhl, Fob. -- 1. About thirty or fortyc,ies were befuro him that muriilia In tlui Yutkviile l'ollco Court. TI10 tlion him by Stockvls was that he was a person without n Iiiiuie, and thai ho hud been addicted 1 1 drinktnir. Witness could nut form an Impression as to whether hn hud been dpordiTly. II" le irned that from tlie nlll. eer's atliilavlt. Tho usual mode uf pnu'edure. Ill u 1','lico Court Is this: Tim ptlsonors nru hrouwht to ttio cuirt iiml put In tho box. Then thu nlliicrs step up to the desk mid thn rnmiitiluts are ilraw 11. In n rasn of Inloxli'irloii the clerk tills out the blank form uf uni dm, mid then the prisoner Is atmlunml nnd iinesti .lieil, and the Justice decides wheth- er It Is best In punish blni. Thuwltiiess shuneil tlie aflld It which was made b) the utllcer. and said that he was psrll.'iil.irly anxious to find nut ih. n. nr na ne. Ileip.ko I Hie prl.oner In I'ticlUli isnil (le rtit i. mid afterward wm.o his I'le-tlo- it In both U wins 'i on a cud and limd-e- tlie crJ to tl.e lir sulirr, who I irned I1I1 liead mid n.itd no nttt bti, i to I'. I'lio witness l'.uo Mr. Stuck Is n I I ink card mid 11 m noil to enablo tho man to write in the laiijini.e of which bo wis ir nz .nt. still the pi: onr neither stinko 11. ir write. Witness then lied ttpui the pris-on- tu answer the cumiilalnt, and .uuln tlieru wasiiu ret ly. The otll er's deposition satlslled the Itni -- s th it Mr. Stockvls lui.l been dlur-derl- y Justlco Klatiimer thoiieht the riimlni-tlo- u uccunied nbout ten uilnnt.s ol Ins time, Ile eih.ui-t.'- d tT) me lis wbhln Ins power to du his duty In the cafe. The wltnex .ihl tint It seemed to bo understood lint tlia man was sentenced to lllackweli s Ishtid fur nix mouths. I lie fu t ws that the . .'ier was re.pilrtd to furnish b.ill mfjillfur Ids g 11, I eh iv. u. and ivn 11 it tu 1.0 detidni'd lutikier than six in uilli" 111 1 rylii l t.i secure that iimuuiii ..f ball, lie kent In the I'lftv srv. emu stto. t prison f, Ii mr the usual time. .01,1 then son; t" the w.irKtioue. Witties said ho was never more clef ill than In this v. sc. Sen:t. l'lillllps, who was In command of the court ipi. d at the Vurkvilh' l'. iico Court testi- fied tint in his Milli on Mr. S'.uclus had been Ititoxii ated. Hu failed lo ut t iln the iijiiie. Major (leurie W.Conncy, of all J'.it I'ortf flrt ire.t. Hie chief clerk of Ihe Vurkvllie 1.. Ice Court, testified that Mr Stu"kv Is looked a'rh he had .in n Kproc ; that be was 111 a wt dil.ipld it'd c i.J tt on and wlt'.ieii mil-- t o't him fi ran "old t.11 inner." i'uu Inquest was adj lurne until c.ik:a .Ki.tissr.i itiMior. The Tl inl uf I'olhrr 1'urhau nil 1111 ludlrtiucut lur i:iiibe.xleiiiiTil. T!io Hit. M. J Koi Iiuii, 11 Untnnti t'lithollo priest 111 Chlcac'i. wis .he bearer, several mouths iik'u, uf damaging charges n.-- il ist lllshop I'oley of the Ciileairo Ihshuprle. The charges covered fifteen manuscript pa.'es, and weru supported bv afUdavlts. Mr. Curium was ult'iuut sulll Mailt means to pay his way to Home, aim, belnj th; tor of theChlcaju chiitc'i fuiuls. touk fl.MI beluuclni: to thu cl un h, and, with tlie and iifUdatltk, sUrted to ireieul theui to ttie I'upo. When Father Forhan reu'lied New York, a telek-ra- was recelie l by the police from the Chicaju, saylnj that tho priest hsd em- bezzled il..'.) from the tl.urcli. and uskltu' fur his detentiuii, Ile was locked up. and suou alterward the p. lice took him to Chlcniiu. Father Forhan. w iio has been n 1 rle-- t for only two years, had In smoc its) Incurred tho ills-pi- e is of the lllshop. When he reached Chl-- c ik'o he acknow ledk'ed tint he bad tiken the money, but explained the circumstances under ill:1 h It was t ikeu. Hl-e- I.111.11I .lis, howeier, did 11. t r.r.Kfr the lllshop. win. went so far, It is s ild. i.s t" tluenteti to ex.'i.miiiuiii. ato any intent who shmild testify In I'.itner 1' .rhan's f.iv. r on thu trial of tho Ind ctmoti. fir oiubezzle-mint- . While Fsther Fornan wa tu Jill awjltlnj tri ll his chirk' sacalustthu Ihiliup wire l irwarded to It one. and u cup) ui I uppuil w.u sir led ,m the llisoup. I lie cbar.-- e au'ilnst the prict wis trl .l In the C .untv Court in Cb cuu b.'l .re Judk'e Williams on TiK"da. Tlie Jur, niter a s.. "t i. il i'i lieclarej him not imuij. I ..s m in id-- , th- - court roi tn rin.-wit- h cbcori us the Verdict was mni'iutic 'd. mi: i .vfo.v f ii ir UAi1.uo.11. Slorkliolitrrs Itecoiiiiueiidiiu; 11 Hi I'rr Cent. ml New lluurd uf Direr Una, Huston, Mttrili 10. At tlin allium! mei't-lu- e uf the stockholder, uf the 1,'nloii l'actlc iUlln.ail this furuuuuu tho lulioAiiik' resolutions were adopted l;r.nif, Thst the report of the Ileir.l of Dlre'iri tiavlnff ''een leiirdieil sn.l ' pit I. tlie, sre rr .1 s ej '01 si fru.u u.esiir'.'iisi arnliitfs .,f Hie emiiiii.r u .lis '.1 ui hx I" r eebt in r siiauu., piisli,.. .lusilfr. ir coinuii Hi Inn July I. IsTTi m 'Ic.i, IL a ibe ii'iiiiu nf Itie H.'iril of Iitrerlor iu priposl: tn tl.e fnliei stil.s 1. tui nl tle lsv llleut to the 'I n sur . f 1 txe-- su 1. ' f,,-- a itiikl.. Iiiau 10 sv the fli"i ini it, trls in I'e.j . f mP ile'iisTi,!. uf ill kinil-n- f the I. U,nu II e i .itiit.kiir, oi' sa. the .aine u her 0 sp; rvi-l- sic! Hie ll'ianl id Ibr rt .rs la t!,.'lr iliserv lua ure hercbr outh, ritvii Ii. . l.iili.luste t.i, -- .one. .. Ir'i, iruii in him; it the mni ry ot Oiku Ames un-- In r'cytilti'n uf his servin s m itu e ti. trm 'I ,11 "f the t'ulm I'.ulCr lullruil, ', he ile. vut .1 his en.Ti.-tes- . lth a uurjir, n le it?, luisiirpsised 111 the t iTt.-r- of r:'" il t.ilitrui Hen. Itie dir- it.its sr. rrou stetl tn tsse in ,.t a t'liuii vritti sui-i- ui iiisv ,telre un triM'te. fur tue reetli u t .u'iii- r..nt ,n I ,e lite 01 tlie lonil uf ,1 i.uitsbn ami permii.i.ui luunumeut Of the IVlT.tV) slnrcs of tho coinp my rsM.iVM were cast lor the follow Iiii Hoard "f Ibr'rl.r'.: ibiv. r Ames, Klli'i.i Atkins. F. (i .rd .11 llexter, llciijvuiln II llit"s. Oiii.t Ames k'd.iind l'.r II. ll.tker ut llimtoii: Sldnev lllil CI. irle. .1. tlsburn, Jay Oould. (leurne s. M' .tt. Ssmuel M. Mills. James I). Miilth. und Joeib Klcbardson nf Nun Vork; U. .M. Undue uf lowu, alcl John Sh rpof Slt I.iikii City, I lab. Th . annual ronort of the directors k'lves the cross nil lies of the road In UT I as ifluVi'i.. 'Hid tho exienses, liu'liidllik taxis, us $t,t)j'.:ill Ui, snow I lie l.VJoVnA.K a surplus u irti l ik'- -. .'iiiin tu 7 per cut. on ttio eutiro stock and Ponds ul tho culup my. i.osr .ir si:.t. Four Wreiks I'nsned liy iiie s.enniilitp Tonu Miindn-- A Crew lliisrue.l. I'iin.AiiiM.i'iiiA, Miifi'h 10, TliuSoutlii'rn Mail itoamstilp Tuiiawanda, Caul. Milbank, from Wilmington, N. C.ib.14 uiilved, and lepurts as folloiva : (Jit (.'hlncuteastif , liaised a schooner with malntupui.'ut tone, appaiently bound In, At tho Capes also pissed 11 law ouanlity of pine ti nrds. and tho bulwarks of some vessel. Off Cai e Hctilnpen, law a Ilk-li- t ship and a deep liatk hound fur Henlopeii. Ileatlnc west liv south, at cl t'apo llenlopeii be icon west by north lialf ii'.itii, in eleven fathumsof ii ater, suv tliu wreck o.' tl 0 Hulk Clenfiieirus. Slie lies In tho track of n .inherit louiid tdcamct, and the spars lloaf ii: uround her insko it very danirerous, Cant, Jmiies, of tho llod Star uteainer Neder-lati.- l. recently urrlved at this port, saw before 1 1,. imut tlie Capes a vessel think' tho ilk' uf dis'ro s. Ho bore down to tho rescue, and a 1'i.t'i crew volunteered to hoard her, but this wa louiid Imposslblu on account of the trcineu-dun.- - tea. dpt. James laid to iluriiiL' tho nlitht, and 'in tho succecdim mornliik' ee.trched tor too wreck, Ho tlnally ilk'tialled tho voul, and found her watur-luk'je- d and slnkliik'. Thiicap-1'il- n and fit 0 men weru found clliultii! to tho r.k'k'llik', where they had boon all nlk'lit. One of the dllceiH, the first mate, had been washed i.ierl.oard and but. I he vessel win found to Lo tno si homier I turn I)., fium St. John's, N, It,, f it Havana, with lumber, ('apt.. lames look tho survivors on hoard tho Nodelland, and k'avo tlimn kind troatinunt. The ruiiprnded C'lislum House Official L)r 111 11 tut 111 1111 Luily 'I'l I11I. Immediately after the openlm; of tho March term of the United Stales liriull Cmrl, trlmlusl br ch, If Juil.'e llruejlcl, jeiterdsy, .Mr C'lnu, Mat h ws, coumcl for Col, Robert llri Aofti, the J). my Cull 'ttur of tlie Port, Inillited for cuiii,rlriK viilh Chsr I.. I.mrenco lad otlurs (0 defraul the rpvLuu 111 sii.i.k'lla.. situs, 111.11U' un I'li'flertnsl ftluit iv lui,. s ,'ki Iln I lur Hie tnsl. lie ssi.l thu Iticic-'-use- tnrisl wss rery suilnus f r an o.purtuulti Iu 1.1. I .ninelf, st.d ttuit tl.i' ptihlic perfire wss snf-f- . if bv reus of ids suspenilmi from utity w bile t be .si in murleil. ImUo II. neipci nld lis ouol.l uni Intrrf' ra ti ,th tlie District A'luriify's iiiicretiua in lie. vaitf ihe se 'ur Irlsl. Ttie ouiuei ttim tnoieiitor a nnriniii I rum lli othrr tfif.'uilanti iu tin) Imllcl-1- pi I, buisul ii iueiiilr HillulreiT mis molloa, wliu tlui i rililneot teu win It 11 tm pruitr llinc, Tho Tutu of I lis. liny. Among story readers the universal subject for illrcui. Ion li th" riuiarkslilu csretr of lh " lllicsrdtd Wife," "ho Uk'jrn Id Itie AVut l'oi I Wtilly't Utui saa best icrltk " Tlirgva ea lUa Wurii."- -j. , , orsvsvw - - - rt TUli LOUISIANA INIQUITY. vnoci:i:nisut is r.wr.'n .vr.irrs k . ; i' ;.s vku i) .1 v. The Itlslurr of the Kellimii I'siirrntlnn Anln Shown I'll In Its True Colors ItrilMlni the Alieoiiit to liikv I'luthbncU it hennlor. W.viillNOTdW, Mttrnh 10. tmtnuilhttoly alter tho ro.idimr uf the Journal tho Senate re- sumed the consideration of the resolution for the admission ut I'lnclibai'k, and Mr. Morrlmnti (Di'lii., N. C.I continued Ids araumrnt. I Iu cited various precedent to show that the prac- tice of the Scnato had not been to seat Son.itors on a pi lino forte case. In tlio caso of Stark, from Orck'oti, Iu 1!, tho creilentl.ils wero In duo form, ho having beou polntcd by tho (lov-ern- to fill n vacancy i but when the credentials were presented It was sujL'c-tc- d by some Sen- ator that Static had used Immunco hostile tn the (Internment, and ihe credi ntl.ds were ri furled for Invcslliiatloii. Ho was Dually admitted, 1 n l: not until after the Inv c- Ik'atlnii had been made. Mr. Mi r'lmoii next leferred to tlui cases of Messrs. Ooldtliwalte fnun Alsbunn, 11lodkett from (ieorcl i. und Kausutu from North Cj!,it!n,ii mid rani they lien. 111. 1 seated on a prlm.i jell cuse, but their credentials weia re- fer od, A IHTONET ikvi:iimknt. He next read from tho report of Mr. Trumbull ot Illinois, made tu tlie Senate In Is, 1, end that the Mcl'.nery or fusion ticket a majority of lil.Oiil votes In the election nf If Judk'e Ui. nut Had n it Inteifered the McHnerv Uoi eminent would have been. lulcklv urbanized mul acquiesced in bv the pe .1 le. II.) could nut see how any man limit a filrand Just mind could doubt the fact that McKnery was elected. The senate know, the country kneiv, and the world knew that the Mi Fin-i- (lorernmrnt w s sutuuessed liy the Federal army. The President. In bis mussace. told Cultures- - that but (or tho presence of the army of the 1'nlted States the ) ;e k'k.' flovernmeiil co ild not stsnd In a an Ii ir 'I he l.ytu h Ilnanl, wlili ti counted In Kelloirk', nuvcr bid nny In law. It was abolished by the n.'t ot Nov. sfi, is?.. liven If It hsd a len.ll existence, it never had imv vote before It to eoiint. and thr never iv. enabled Kello..). was elected Ciovetlior. 1 lie Ile I'eirat lte'uriiltic'. was the lecd mid hid Hit. v de before It. 'Hits board f mnd tint Mc- Hnerv wa, elected. The Senator from Indian 1 f Mr. Mortoi ) bad d 'clan d that the actb li of tlio Siitiremo C mrt of Louisiana was bindin: upon Coucress. He 'Mr. Meirl'iion) denied that It was. Tho power of tho Senate to dcterii.lnti who was ele.-te- on of lis members wa abso- lute, and could not bo abridk""! b oil) Federal or Mate authority. In th.' b iidlnk' i of taat court, iju .ted by the Senator fr .m Ind nin, It plain that t'nu court had no Jurisdiction, and therefore the decision had no iielcht or efect wha'ever. Il w.vs manifest that the Court of Louisiana h id CONSl'IIU'D Willi Till: Kl.l ..HUH ibiVCIINMR.NT to s istjin ntid unliold It Sore uf the Jin'ces of that court were under direct obllkMtlons to Kclluck. Jnuies F. Cviey. lua lebcruin to 'ho President, Piled Dec. Ik'. Is?.', slated tint tlie supremo Court was known to bo in s)tnpathy Willi the llei'tibli 'iin state (lovenimeiit. Hnw did Cae know the opinion nf tlie C mri heluro li edeiision relied upon by tlie Senator trolu Indiana i sir. M.'rt.M was rendi red Ilverv man haviiik' any sen.e of Justice must acknowledge that any eet nf Jtidt'es k'lvit .' their 1. pinion un such ipiestluiis In advaiiio de.ervid to be Im- peached and turned nut of uPlce. He then re- ferred to the res. dutl .11 of I'm HoU'e of lleire-eentvtli- e recoitnlziiik' theKvllok'i((ioveriimeiit. and ark'ued tliat the House haJ bo rL'ht to pass thst resolution. Where w as the authority um!r the Constitution for the House tu any stale (lorernmelil if Neither Could the Senate piss sucti a resolution All the Setute could do was to say whether Pinch, back should tie admitted as a Senator from the s.ate rf Louisiana. Hn argued that tlie Houso h id slultined Itself bvtho passage uf that resolution, as It had iefue.l tosest meoiberj e'et'ted on the Kellntti; ticket mid had sealed members elected 011 tho Mcllnety ticket. He denied tint lCellokk' was tlie ile urfu O.iveru r of IiOtilstana, mid rend various ntithnrltles to show what constituted a iff dido uin.'tT. Kelloci Hot beliik (ii.rernur de ucfu ur (loverin.r ile jun, was n mere n iked usurper. He next jinke uf Tin: bi Ttr.s or tiik ri:pi:ii vt. iiuvkhnmcnt under tl.e k'uarintec clause of the Contltutlon, and said tho President had erred In tils course low.ird Loul-tan- i. He (Vr. Merrtm m lion a.keil ihut Ihe I resje:it sho .1 cuirec. his own irror. It he would n .1 do It, then llivi-th- e doty of oti.'ress t.i do so. He bad hoped that ti.o Pre ideu' would rise ahme all parly feel-liik'- Hiid all PreOdetils si nil .1 lie at-- . v e arty Interests. J be Pri -- ldetit, t'mklnk' unit to the CoiKtltull ui. hould correct Ins iw 11 error and spurn tlie I111I mi 11 who have led linn as'r.ti. If be tMr. V'Trlruoni wis u ltcpiibi.a:i the Admlni-tratloli- . he would adtlee tlie to cotT'T t lil- - error. Krllo.-.-oiiit- to le di iduoed Lv tho Prssldelit. If he would not d It. lluT Ci'i.nrees should do l, and allow tho lawful (loveriiineot nt the State to lake Ita place. For oil- -, he was now to cast bis vote ,1 .'ilnst the admls-h- i f this appli- cant, and aU tu reverse the action uf tne Mr. VcCreery .Deni.. Kv.) took the (lour, but before nroirvdlii.' with his ark'uni' it ielded lor a mo lion lur an executive lesilon, wrtlch was a.'reud to, Tin: mvudv.ii nr i.trixiisro v;. Trial of Jiiines Hum 11 nil .11 Iclinel (;lllluiui In Jersey ( 111 YrelirJu). The trial nf Juint's Hunt mi'l Mlr-lme- l fiilllk'an, for the iiiurderof Win. Llvliik'-toii- e In (iruie street, Jersey ( ty, on the muriiliik' of the 30th of Nuveiii'.er, wai beu'iui in Jersey City )esterday. Llvlnrtuiie, n youiik' iii.isuii, on the lilirht of Nov. "1. with a friend named sit down ut a Initio In the Huckawav Oyster House, Ss'i C.roie street. In the saloon were "Phil" Keilly, 11 piik'ilist, James Hunt, and " Ilb k," nlias " Mike" llillik'i.n. ii embers of tno "Morgan street llamr." At the bar ,t dispute arose between Livliik'stone and Ids filend, mid the were sneered it by thccaiuS. On the ude.valk lleillv and his two friends awultrd Livlnk'stoii" ami llenuet. On tlulrap-peir.111.- Hunt aic.i ed Ltviiik'stoiio ol t.iUnc a cik'ar from him, and struck hi in a heavy blow with his list. Ltvin.-ston- e f.ill to tho cround, end 011 rei oTeruik himself exp istulated with Hunt. While the amutnunt was In nrouress, ltntlly walked behind Liiuik'st.'iio mid dealt 1dm a swlnk'lnu riBht-han- d blow n hicti felled him tn the ciirn. Llvuik'stoiio did not speak. Ills skull was Imctured In the f ill. Itnllly and bis Irlendi walked awiy. (Jilli.-at-i was urrestcl In his houso 111 Moresu street; Hunt was cipluied In Ilrooklvu a few days after the liouib hie, and Keilly is supposed to be In Enti ce. Tho Coroner's J'.rv .. 'piltted liilllitati, but ho was )iiliseiueiitly i.irested. Coiisiiterablu time wivs spont yesterday In .1 lurv. James lleiiuel, the friend of the de.d man. Henry Maikciii and Francis lioivlmc, to.tiflod tu tho story as above boluro udjourn-nien- t. A (ii eenbiii'li I'm rl Ci.KVUi.tND, Miitt'li M. -- Tho Cunvontlon to lf u Inurpeiolent ur "irreenbsck " pvlf mil uifet here i;nic u iiuinhor of s prlnrlpally from His Writ, lis 1 e arrlii'd, snit uiroiv sre eipet'tcil una 10 morrow. A cunfer. eiii'i- u( dolt'u-sip- . tntliullQK si'vrnl ,rutiitnriit lalmr iinl"U lesueri an, iireeuosck itittstur. nsi held tlila stiern. on, Hie nature ur re ult of Milih lu in, I hem un iTUiiuil, Tlie pri'i'srailont f. r Ihe Cunvenll'in hsie he.'ii inch r tie i.iiiiiq li.its iliewoik. llU'lllel.'s Ahsiicl ill. in. suit tlie inn. .tneiil sein.slobl; pariKuUil) Iu thu lutercat ufllu. UUurliiii unn Civil III. hie L'liiisin. u Nrjro's M cl ile. Atlanta, Cm., March 10. A bather to-d- ruiiiii.itli'.l auii'ide liy shootpi. kluiself tliruu.-l- i the besrl with 1 pistol. Hewn one of a piiily uhu, upon Hie i unci' ul the l Irli Hi.-li- till, vllltril I In' In tlie city una Die sanie r iclps us Hullo Hits cuniiiiLT risiu.i'U In Hie lu, or isin nnae. lie 'mti'ilr ri'Kti'tti'il Ins ruiiilm I, hili tlie us '.r.'.siu'i prei iiri-i- bi 11. u loss ot tmstat-- Ii tno ouly csme knuwu lur tlie sulcMe. An llxtdnsloii ol I'lrc llainp, Wii.!ti.HHAltlir, l'a March 10. An exidoslon of tit damp uicurrcl In llsltumre itialt, No. J, lust ntjnt. Doors wrr blorn utt ilulr liliuri, tiiniiers kniii kei) ilusn, ami oilier datni2e dune tu itie niiue, W. lliuiiisi, .lsln.i U'Dunliell, aid Mlilinl Jl.'l u were aerlouil) ourncdi and sm oral otniT uuucri Mere slUuily burin 1'. The .MiiiHie) Wile Klllin.. Ldivnrd Mount's' iu the Court of Oyer mid Terminer jeitudiy, .leide. Rinlt) uf ininilau.'htrr In theki'ioiiil I'l.-rr- um u un lu In t.ii-- nt for the murder of bl w lie. '1 he tun hud 110 llleh-i- Hlilln eiicsiri-i- In a brawl ana Mount-- hid hraitu Ins wtiu su mat stie illeil. Judue llsirvtl siuleuced mui lu btate prliou for letiu jr A Murder Trlul Finished lu Dun llur, Sctir.Nr.CTAliv, March 10. Tho trial of Gates for murder net bczun la the Circuit Court here truer-di- nioriilin;. A Jury wsi lenunl, sllnri.r.i cxsiutnrd, counsel luiiitiitid ui, the Jury wss cnsrueil, slid st t j'. l. Ht'iit uui to tliiili I, mt un!.! liiey lirous-li- t lu a Ttrdicl ot uiauiliUKhter .u the 101- ind A llrtecllTo Heal to Jnll, In the t'nlted States Court In Trenton, yeiter-ds- y, Judge Miou lenleuced Detective Clisiles Iterktr 01 Newsrk to' one year In Male rli'in, for ronsptrlne lu detrsud Itis I'enilon Dei iilinei.t Hei ker marilril ths widow nf 1 soldier ano uia- an iQliUiTit tkal slie was a widow still, in k.11.11 ttisa kikjiuu. Till! Vltl llCII C il.ASltTY. The InrtTleleiiey of the Deii'irtmenl or llollil-Ii.b- s nail of the I'lio lleii.iilini-n- 1 111 pin-Hi- nt Wotli lor the l.ctlslitlurc. Tli Jury in tho 3t. Ainliovv's Chttrcli testerday rubiloro.l a inijorlty and two minority verdicts, end after belli.; thanked by Coroner lllckholf, und returning their thnnkj to that oftJcl it throimh Mr. Ottendorfor, their were dlsmlssiid. Tlio following aro tho verdicts t We r.nd and certify thst MIchi'lMfd'thy, Catharine Vriitutiucss, smt lEute Ann csaie In I In Ir eeth Irom Injuries from hrlnir ilrueR br s el hurled under 1'ie iiftrfi In ot M. Andres. ' Ctiuicli, urtslar; irum the enuhin In of e ruof of stu ctiur- s by the fililmr ih'reonur a tuirpi n of t le strst u I "I IiuiIiHiu! No. il Dusn" atreei owned I17 Jss M, Stistr, on the evening of lib, ii, lifii an I Ihsi Ms r A Cinliurs ami Thooia . Kim ui'T nun to llirll dentil it betiiKcritihf.t and iraiiiT.leil upon iliirbia th nsnle st hutch uimn such Islilnrfot laid wall on si .1 ev.'nlna uf Keh.i'i I R7 " Thu " :o fiirt'e'r Cint but the "sld wslls of Khvw's t nl li'tiiit. Dusni- i. nc-- In 'i sndoiii'rer eus cuu'ipleii when ssi t full net nirr.'. and lis.l he. in sin ti cimdltliiti stree the octaiiun of a first lu ssid U'lllJ. n oa ,tn. tl, in:..) and Thst the cnlpi ul the Klre llepar'ni-n- t of Ihrrllynf New Vorlfiiml Id chief i ( P.'Unlj-- i In cnarte. sie fur htefii-irii- dhrhuite uf luti In nui rau.-lin- t the iliiiite-ou- s i rilons ol s 1I.1 ills lo i.e llirus n down liuv .u itie plsce of sstdfire t and In.'t tl.- - I), pirtnient of lluli 11.111 In slid ettv Is nil'tr of uf duty In ni l tskfur itttletent bust tneaus to si cure said ills, or to esu a the Imr'l .us it..'ir"f 10 I... r moved In In. lu'ervsl in, .Jan. 1'.' t. dsti of tslsuutr, 1 tierlo t ot furly-luu- day- - sou 110 in nut warnlnir pers uisui I'i t liuni, Jisu lu iih')rlinii, of 'he d.tiken,ui condition tbrrtof : ntd T h ,i as .lonil Ii Su, ink, itie sii'hbet-- i ,.l ssi I mill.lbii, wss eniriiBie.l i.y Uci uwiht svtd null full atiili. ritr and uisrr. tiuti rtspttilurf 'he same, we si. o fat ther fin I thvl ild arctilt. .: er-e- In Juliz-t- ut in nei taWine additional prei aiitnns tor tne -- ecu . ntv or iiuiiMial of the daiik'Tous pi.rtljui ot sail wall. w t ri'ei.mtuend to the Mayor ot the I Ity of New York tn at uice male si.plieatiuii to the brglrfaturt for sui-l- i aiiii'ndii'ent to I Tie liiuldiDic Una as will set ure sdi qust la 'Sr.s ol rsri- '1.1111 nil ltd'tdlnss In which tsrk'e il'l hers of peri jit, sre empiojred or do ceiuciesie, w 1,1 r by I' e Nile!) o' pfs s.,a l,e pro. not. it seJlnst tatslltlra bi lit", name, cr other einrrzuirr of Hie 11 lure. lu witness i h"-eo- wr ibe sstd Jun rs. as wi 11 r.i tie Coroner, haie .elan itiuiiPttlou st-- i uurhiuJa and seals on tie dsy sn pise- - Iiswsi in irrcMioiniii, Tmoma Maiirr, Ki'iirnr Kili.y, J I) Vii.ic. .1 A Mrs I.T M 11, CtoVAIII (I. .1 KNXtKS. 1:. II MriiK, t LIVisMiir, (I. I.tturi x, 11. 0 H isoiii e. Mr Thomas L. Thornell submitted tho follow-In- ;: I scrse wPh the shove Cnllne tn earn psr'iculsr, ind find in addition thai the roiiiiruclon uf the traiierr sti riissiid ujors In ur,M'nr lnar.lalM Aadriw t bunh.whi, ti eai,.nel n. th if two of the afore- said persou., calls for sriere cen-ur- luus. L. Tiioh.mll. The other rrrdlet Is as follow : The uaderln-d- . tneaib ti nf m l J try. do isr t'ist Itie sre unshle to acree with Ihe snose flndiO'- - of Ihe inij rity 01 lids Jur, sid do, for. thru.selres, Cud sal ' eeitlf) : Thai MlchJtl MeCirtliT tnd I'stherlne Mrflulnneis rsaie to tin ir il.'lt'i 011 the evening uf 1'eti. .' 176, 111 M Andr-w'- s r:uiri-h- hy ,ie fsPtnit up t fti u of n P'T-lio- of Hie west wall of un sdj talus ..'id iliurttA linane s:te.T, the ol Janei M t'ist viiry A. emu rs, T ho'ii Keeii-.,- slid Ann .iciirnn rstne to t elr destt, st the a tne time I r tirlnc crush d iut tisiupied uu .n diiriuc itu pant.- wi,i,n liTiinediate'i sf Ier sitd 'ill, nt In ennie nei e uf tn..l niusie ,trovl..ui for tt.j safe flit of tin vUifre ition, the s'.s'rwsya bftprf too nirr.w s t croos.-,- sod the ems'.ie daoi s bein nuiur to tnwsru, both ot w nic. cei- -i 11 van-e- l the saerluce of lhe .lies Weil Pal from the tei'i-- iv of .vmns N. Itt'ii, rtor for the retiuliuiiiir. mst he p..elou and uf 'ie walla uf th stisw im.tdbt uu 1. 1 euiurirt f ir ret illdlnrf, tromKib l'tio Feb ','.'.. Is 7.s. Itieila'e uf l.- - ..iiiil,, i nu.ldrr d ll.t WalUdan-te- il aU the time. We Iheref-jr- fuutllerldni KUlllT of eirei.sii-- i in thst Ii. didiuot iiunns itist pen cause Ibe oauieroui wstli lobe removed ur mads secure. .Ions P ruow. It l. Tkllllkt.. ltltOUKt.VX'S I'Ul. 11 UAL rillllT. Tenner's Defenrr of Ihe Charges Undo by Mrs. WIIIIiiiii' llrulher. Tlio Sjollcltor of tho Trpasttrj-- , Mr. J. II. Hoblii'un, yestorday resumed the of the charges atalnst 1'nited States District Attorney Tiniicy by .Mrs. Attorney-Gener- al Wldl iti.i's brother, S, D. HtiKlies, who formerly Assistant Hlstrlot Attorney, ami who was dismissed for L'lvliu' tho offlt'o secrets to Sanborn's luwycr, mid wlio Is now assistant counsel In the Alahaiui Claims Camintsslt'ti at ? Aladiy. Mr. lloiiinson. who wvs directed by .alula il't William-- 1 inves t; ne til. I rot.ifr-In-la- w 's ch ir.'i'-i- . j.ii.1 that tt waa nut bis ivl-- li to h tse the Inio-tuu- ti 11 t.u'jii. nil., tho brothel-I- n I iw i"ui"iirri .1, mid tl.e li'stilc Atnrnsv s.ild that he did 11 it card n betber it waa public urn t. H.ik"ies'i chi r;s are that Jiiiljiii'iits were va- cated by the lu.trt. t Attotnev wb h lie Inti rids t ptovci ou.'litt lnvo been I'ollec' "i. und neiis th it the reciirits of too oflb u will what lie sats. Mr. Tenner h s ain sered trie 1 hark'e III a nrlnted t nut n,t, an l mvs that tn eiery ca-- i cited the Judgements were opened for nation time to allow persons to put inort-k'.i.'- e on ther pruierty, lut tint they were c.ose.l Iti a verv fw dms afterward and the lien wius renewed. Ill other c.i-e- s ciled by lluk'lies, as improperly coiupr 'mi-e- Mr. leu-ne- v at 1 tli st 11 n't' 1 on tha advice of the SulbUi.r uf the Iretfury, and has letters 10 prove hie oesiriiou. I'be Inv est tc it Ion esterdiy was In the Federal Ilillldlm.', Molil.i.'ilo etreet, and Mr. 11. Ties closed ills cae. Mr. Tciiney apptared wltlib.s it.Utui,ls, Holla and Hull, and C.1V0 bis 11s uuillned above. He,makes a eutintrr charre iik'slnst Hiuhes that he hut been nctltis fur illicit itl'tillers sin o lie iult the District Att irne)' .Mllce, and that on O, t. !, after two distil cries had been seized, and Warrants sent out fur Hi ii..,'riet.T-- , llunhes oJ.Tfil iiumlnsl bail, und asked that the mull mould not lie prosecuted. The oiler was declined, mul Hie re. rpie.t deioCd. On Oil. HI Hughes sent Ids cliar.'es to bis brother-in-la- in VvHn.'t"ii. Onu of those Interested said je.terdu) : ".Mis. Willi un has declared t lint her brother shall e vindicated. It is a clear case of brother-in-law-Ism- rirr. oi.n trom.n's .V7.'ir, (IfUi'lul Announcement ul' Ihe New Trench .Mlul-ti- r. I'Atiii. Mdivli It). It Is oflliliilly thai a Ministry hai beeu funned as follows M. Hiiffet. Minister of tho Interior. M. Diifaure, Minister of Justice. M. I.smiii Sav. Minister of I'iimii.-..- . M. Wallon, Minister of l ublic Instruction. VIcotnitu de Muaux ul the ltlflit, Minister of Ak'rlciilturr. D11I.0 llecaze. Minister of Forrlcn Affairs, Uen. de Clssey, Mlnlsier of War. Admiral de Montulznn'. Minister of thn Marine. M C.nlhni. Minister or Pu'olU' Works. Tho Co T'lirr de Kr iiue reports that M. has druw n up 11 prokTamuie of pulley for the new Mill" try, the leudlii.' features of whb-- lire as follow a : 'J ho Ajsembly on tneetlnc after the Ulster hull lavs lo vole the h ld.'et. I ho Senatorial eloilluiis to be held next Sep- tember. T iio dissolution of the Aucnibly to follow In October, Tho (iiiTerninent to demand the maintenance of the present electoral system, and to latso the state of sli'k-t- i 111 nil the departments except the Seine, the HI10110, and tho lloiichcs-d- u lthuno. Sixty Thuiiennd Vrar, Ir. ltlchard O'lJormati has sued tho city to recoiei the aiuuiinl uf Ins allowuuce wl.he buriiorsllon Counsel iu slrci upeuliia-s- . I'revloui t is .1, Ihe ssb iy cf lhe( urporstloa Counsel was Hied by urdliunce of lh Ciiininon Counril si :i,oii, but lie rt reived in addb lion, feci, nuts, su.l shonaneei taied under lie Ire bill In strrel upi nines and oilier rises. Ills emoluments h i 1 In tills nay 10 eiioitnuui, that In !H.',3 ilivy rinnnnte! to orer I'H.uiri. T be I.ejls'uturu In IK51 gave tut Lurp.iritbiii Ci ui srl 'i,.',oo tor li.'s 101 nc. 111 meet la lieu nf ; Ids total silary f lu.iiis), Tne riiartiTtif 1170 providtd that ht islarr buuld lie lued by ihe Comiitrolli r si uu amount not esteedbik' fla.issj. The l.otnptiul'rr tlxcd It at thst sum, hut t'uinptieli. r Conn, by psnl Mr. OVorman, Itiuthen lie ill l.' ii I ul thu oilh'p, tho Hi. .',00 lu a Pillion, Lump tro.ler (irei'ii ri'lu.ed 10 coiitutus the os)inent. The itiiwrr of the city lu llus sun l, mat under the rhirier el IBM, Mr ll'liormau wss to receive exclusively an sniiinl ulsry, and thst that set by I'icoi.stiieiii.) repe P edliielan of ism, under wh'th ihe a.l,llii..nsl kihih wsstntd. ttierise wss bufirc ludfi',1. K. D,y yrstrrdsyoau diuiurrtr lo Iiie smwer. Decmoa Thu iTIIrhlznu Mnolbciu's l.'upnld III v lileuil, Julin S, front) sued tlie Mlchiuan Southern and Northern Indlani Itillrt id Coi'ipaiy, is owner of toji'irus of referred stock, to roiu-ie- l Ihe company lupsy leu per cert dlvldcad on the stock befoie miy illvldend wss paid ii the i oininon sloes', according t I lie I'tin II ions uu wl.h-- I lie pi ef erred sioik was lsu, ,:. Mr. I'ruuiy rihlsliiiiljti'tcmriii lu 11 fsiur, hut meaii-lim- th ' rsllrusit had occoinu cons iltdaliu with others, Pi b idIiii" lest, rday i:raut"d su order for a sun. I iiiunl tl c ui plslut to in ' uJe these roads uitUlu the ttruii uf the Judgment. Itciliiillon of Cm mi I Tolls, At.niNVi'March 10, At a meetliur of the Canal rtoard Ihe committee, ronatitins of Comptroller llopiilni, Auditor Thayer, aud Btate R,ulneer Hweet, submitted a report lu favor of reducing tolls ta follows : Uu itrslti. it'll) per cent t on luucer, 30 percent.) on iruliik' trum tide water. f0 per cent, ibe report was lilu ou thu tshle tu be prlutt'J. New Jersey Chillier F.lcrllous. Tho Democratlo coneral ticket was elected In Orsujt. lleuryW Keuerbad 200 majority for Mayor The Temprnnre men have two msjonty In the Council. Korth Hrunawlck went ItcpulillCJU, lb a 1'nhn ticket wis elerted lu Krakiljn. Tilt result in (.'iicJfn lo ilaiubU -- w.rti-i - m ,M r ao s'n Y01tKLGMRy PROTESTING. ruv rott i: or Tin: Tit.mvs uxioxs or -- vnr i nine virw I'oriuldtillo Oppoilllnu tu n 1,111 Hint II i leived vrltli Appi elieiiston-- A Warulim to Hi Trading Folltliluns. Tlio liiiiiiotuo liiultltiidi) thai fllletl eTery neat and occupied nil tho standing room In the treat hall of the Coofer luitltute last tduht wai composed of workliik'incn of all nitlonalltles, nasombled In masi iiictli)B to nrotost aitalnst tho passage of tho hilt pcndltik' boluro the Lenht-latur- o to hteak up trades unions. Vr. Ctulimiui called tho inoctliiu tn order, and Introduced Jacoli Moliritntt, l'retldeiit of the Tailors' Union, n. Chairman. Jlr. Mohritatt's nauto was received with acclamation, und his nticnlne address wai I'stciied to rospijctfullyand vlirnroimly iipphuduil. Iio spoke of tho pro- pose 1 bill m bolne fraiuht with creat doniter tn oil clssrei of workliik'tiiet!, and as tlcriiainlliic their utmost and united otTurts lu opposition to 111 passage. Mr, Waters, nf the 'lonnslinrcnien, hnvlnu been jppulnUd Secretery, reed tesoliitlons declaring tho I. Ill In contra vciil Ion of tlio Constitution of the t idled SUtes und ot eilstliu: statutes to nnrklhirmon thu rl.'lit.i of orcitdratlon for mutual prntei Hon, It III bocamo thn of a free people to Introdiico a measure so much at variance with tlio Constitution of the country, mid so contrary to all reason and Justice; and ivory representative opposed to special lek'islitlnn fur any class was calls J upon to rail hn vote uiridnst thu hill. T he icsulutlotii w em also toad In (Jenuan, and utiaiiimoii'lr adopted. Mr. Mi Mnciiaii win Introduced ki ths first speiKer. lie detailed the, lutik' series of wrotik'S to which thn n'orhlniminn had tiatleiitly sub. iniitcd, beslniiliik' with tho attack inadu upon them by tho nollco nt the opoiiliurof last )eor. Ho spouti of Coliimlsiluner Duryee as,i"inld-tilch- l assassin," and c illed upon Ills hearers to band theiiiselres together to resist this last aud sreatet outra.'O. Mr. Itobert HUss-l- t, of tlio Tallort' t.'nlon, said that the Imposition of line or Imprisonment upon striWts for itttiniidatlm; n ui strikers was urnis tyranny, tiecauso tlio men to bo protected by tho law weru such moral Cowunls tliut to look at them was to filjhton them. It the law hud been lu forco when the 'lon.'sliuremeti were ou strike, thu Jills tudiy, Instead of beliik' filled Willi political thieves and scouudrcls.would bavo beeu crowded with honest worktiik'nien. It, beer.) J'l.o incisure which It wai p!opoed to adopt wos neither o llrpiihllcan tier a Demo-- . rati.' tniasuro; It wa purely an Fusllsh ino and for that reason tho speaker ibjkct"d toll. And If any ut'.etnpt should lie made to res'., -- e tho Infamous cnn-tmen- of the tluio of tlie (leor.'es, tho w rklnk'nieii of tho country would ojsin se It at the ballut box. I) ml 'I MtCl.incey lolloweu In tho same strain. Iio did not know whether the bill was to bo i iedlti'd to the 1'ollcc Commissioner or 'o some other bodv of the I'lieitdei uf t he workli'sruien a voice. " 1'uo Pillcc Cotninissloners ", out ho Lht'tv Its object was to deprive men of a fair day's pay for fair day's work, lie cuiild nut ace that there wa- - any Govern-i- , uni lu tins ( v that cared inoro for the wurkin.'tiien tu uicu they were so many curi. Hisses Aldeiinsli HoiVisnils had publicly aiiuouii.-e- that he vws opnosed to LTtiiik' the city miks urv work Into the handr of estdent tnei hinii s, and tavorod uny project liy which It could t j di ne cheapest. If there were men In N w Vork who renulred HsnUtance, he had said, they must tie u'slstrd In some other way. What did the AUerinaii mean by such laucuat'e as this .' Did ho think the lndiistll uis workliik'ineii uf New Vork were more In need of soup houses than of honest employment? llle- - and trro ii . Mr. Ilti't.atil M it hews spoke, of the extremo dim, ult) experienced by the bricklayers In un. taltilnu woik, "It's well,'' he nld, " lint th's Is usesruiiof fish, unit no Insultliik' remarks are m ado when a Mi ni purchases a heirlm:." Laugh- ter.) Mr. Flllott, of the Painters, said tint ilthoiik'h the tiolti'N had elubtied and dispersed an uuor-rinlze- ii aspeinblxire nf wuikliikTiirn In Toui-kli- is sipiar. If this bill should pass thn Lectsla. tore would spteullv find that they had hiouitht thotii'i'lv.-- Into direct contact with all the power nf trades unions. Cheers. Hu con- tended tint ttie worklnemeii had n rlk'ht turn. I i i'i uliiplol mem trutu t ie Sta'n. Mr. Il.iii'l in and Mr. Matti-i- spoke respec- tively in lieriuan and KiikIIsIi, und the assembly bruko up w ith beers. MAUUIUI) l.V f.'AO.-i- . The 111 Idea room Iiultr Five. Veuri Hen leure lor llura-iilitry- . Sixo SiMt, Muri'li lu. On Kill. lS.lulili was sentenced by Judct llackstt of New Vork to Sink' sins for five eur for buiclary. A few d).s alter tils arrival at tho prison, a voting woman called on blm, claimllu: lo be his be- trothed, and made urrutik'emenu to marry hltn. To-da- she came nk'.iln, and cave her name as Mmy Ann Duwllu.', and had mi Infant with her. Chaplvln Ci.titleld was summoned, as wsi alio IP Ian, and all enlered tho NNardeu's pril.ito I3ce, where tho in .rrlsco ccremonv was per- formed, the k'u.'iti- - bellii Inspector tl raves, War- den alker, lieoner Jacksuii, C, II, (iiffod, clerk, and oil eis. Thu convict brldi'k'r. in had n.ilt an hour's conversation Willi in , bride, mul then irtiir'.ed to Ids woik, wbl'e thu brido went back to Ne v Vork on the U P. M. train. It T the tlrst lusrriue that ever occurred iu S.nir Mn. I'i oil. D 1 m's real name Is John 1'ranloy. The bride was attlnd In i pliiin-c- o lured merino dress, plaid ili iin, bl i. k hat and black leather, l'lie i ridekTonm wore .1 no striped suit of blutk ..lid wiilto provided by the State, llllhtrni'tien lu llrnnklru, Patrick Mnrpny, a liquor dealer of M Atlantic fevenue, rtruokiyii, who U tie sff-- nt in Prooklro for Jsines Ite d A l o. of 13 Urost street, lsst nlk'lit, in fnun s rullrctln tour, wss knocked aowu in I rot tied ot over I l.l'O. lie hid cullectrd tle'l from .laiurs In iiithuih avruur, sud trom I'hai. filrn.'v lo ColumMi stnet, snd stnslb r sum, uf other I ,pi,ir dealers lie stopped in at lloi, Duherty's. la ihe re-- r of He i ourt lloue In biTtnr,tou meet, lusted twice, and spoke of a hard ilay'a work tl iu lertinc. Ho bade Dobcrtv coed nlirbl at Iwrlie o'c ock, sad o lloerum street Hp was followed by two tlten, and a, he turned IlIu p.terini'rtmrn strret ha was kuorkeO djwnillld his veil rut airuss with a sti.rp knife , r r zr, utui tnemur inJum oouk t OQlaltilua' the 11,100 was stolen. 1 ho hiKhwdyuteu fled. ?Irs. .Indue O.ili'a I)Icot en. The man uimsof the Soldiers' II line havo been ami.ied for weeks put hr an tuipovtor who his been culli'i-ilm- coutrlbuttons, repri'ssntinir himself as the ati'ri'dlte.l apent ol the Piitltuilsn. Ou Tuesds) Mrs, Judc Daly, Chairwoman nf the home, wis vlsitlna; tier mother, Mrs. Cithsrlue M. I.)dlf, of R Wsihtn'ibtn ulnars, when u w..i.dris.'d strsiuiTcslled snd, sul.t-p- . Inn eoiiiitl.L ams tor Um tiome, reiv eluuui'i.l lu is it. rtn sud iii'ci'itl''i. Mrs. Daly Ji. ucd 'i the eoni iTssllyn aud dt'tsluei. the eon. iter u ta the arrival ul one uf ( spt. Vm Diueu's ipmroluieu, who m. relied U..' Impoit'-- oft lo tlio viercer stiect i .Iico slslliui, where he de. rlhed lllluself as W'l.lUm 11. bill. Pel s. His frsudulei.l eolleeilons already rep.n ted smoiiiit, it 1. hahl, to 7oo. He wss remanded i. r tO'diy lu Ibe delft rsun Market Police court. l.urky Slulo Oni.els, The Hew Jersey Senate jesterday, by the party rote ot lu to S, refuied to concur In the IP in rr .o i tlon to o Into a Joint ieMon. This rcfuial will nm'.t 1. thn tnaHi.riT. Msti Llttrvrl u.auii ttito I'll, ui K iTur, w Ith llietr iub t ll'.cla.., hoMllik oicr A llnimliiK l'otpiineil, Wtir.ri.tMi. Vn., Marcli 10.- - Judk'o Ilijinond, of ttie s ipn'iiii-- unit of th.s Muti', has urante ohi ot prut ei'.llnk's In ' of Tslur Mrsiuler, the i u). i i wire iiiiirdiTtr, wbu wis stuttuteu lo be tisoeu oa Itie k'Oth lust. n .i ,s it i . i ax xun:s. (Ion. Shoridau was at iho White Hons yrsttr-dv- Senator Hunt li says he will not co Into ruib'is with eitiiiT t in), I'd wbi, like ei Preildt'iit Join ou o- Teim act In Jcpcnucutly ot any pariiinu deler uimatlt tu. Tins President jesterdav noiiiluited J. llurti-t- i in to be I'mie.i M ibis DuirbT .ludce for the U uf Arkaiisus. snd (apt Joint p. IHuuinuut to be ('ommo'lure in II e I'ultei Miitc Navy A le i. uiiler II. White, ol I '.marcs fr. in .laPiu.H, hsi h.u n sppolto. .1 by the Atiuruei-- . lb iutsI to lUtuTiuieiid aLHUut violsiors ol Hi,- hni - ui Hi. mti 'si. hi tlie -- .outh, an sivro. I'll itiuii 1. i.i".sif ii that puipuso liuv Hue reeeutly tcea xi. ir Jiutsuv, A lirakcmnn named lli'cd was crushed while coupllui . irs in Pitt'rsou y.'iti'rdtiy. Tho lirldk'O over tho Pasvilo river st Mead's bsilo, ileal Paiiuuu, fell yeiterdiy uudt-- a weikht ot Ice and silt iv. Thomas Matthews heat his wife until sho wai uncoiisi mui. In lioli.'ktu on bunday, aud wss arretted yiur'li) Mrs. MsitneiTi lusy ale. John Miilvililll was yesterday convicted of at. temptlUB lo murder Huh In Jersey lily. The prUoaer wai remanded to swill trlsl for ktttt'UiPliuif to kill Juhu Dlcsaol. Tho municipal election In Camden, N. J., yes- terday, mulled In thn cietilia of fourtreu Hepubllrsua and elei en Democrats tu the Council. Hie siuv n Isil yesr. The Dcaiocrsti elccttd a city T teaiurtr sud Al- ienor, Tin: Joux.sToirx Tii.taiwr. A Mnn who lint n ((unrrcl itllh tlio Vlcllm-- A Knolpilut thnt fllny Furnish u C'luo to tin Murderer-Vol- t's l'liueml, Johnstown, Maroli 10. Tito lnriucst orer th") bodyof I'.dwtird Yost, who was found mur-derr- d ou Huturday uiornttic lu Ids sleeping apart- ments In Hays ib Weill's private banking house, has broiikiit forth no now facts of Importance, Tho examination of Fred Smith elicited the fact that Iho dissolution of partnership between him and Yost was Iho result of a quarrel, dur-In- z which each hud called thn other linrd names, They Iiml subsequently conversed about resuin-tm- : business skuIii, but It was not definitely Ok'ioe.l upon. John ('. Illpon, who had slept with Yost on savernl occuslon.s, testified that on thn Sunday Fred Smith hud a'.knl him If Yost ot( r left Ihe door open when ho (witness) slept with him. Hn ciniltli) said they nut up onu bight and found the door uni icked. Fied Smith had whispered to witne's as bo went on thowltneis st mi.' It's about leuvlmr thn door open." Ldward O'conuor testified ti seclnu: Yost's do,' lu the streot about !!;') o'clock on Saturday morulnir. ns be was iminit fur u pitcher of water. James lleirlnir testified that us hn was passlus toward the bank from Wemple's Hotel, at two o'clock ou Saturday inornlnu lie heard a snort-- I n.1 noise, wlileh hn thouirht was matin by lomo ono IvIiik In front of the meat shop of Yon. When lie not neiir the shop he heard tho siiuio noise nsralii. llo iiDerward he rd a thump which sciiiided llko that niado by kicking on a box or counter. Did not sec any one and wont home. The shadow of a chin Is obtained In the fact that on a vacant lot opposite tho bank thn foot-ste- of una man have been observed, and ulomr-sid- e of them tlioso of n dn. They were traced to ii barn M) feet distant, Thn funeral of Vost yesterday afternoon wsi of the most Impressive character, Tho day was mild, the Ulcus crowded with peoplo, and all places of business closed. F.vrry train broiiiitii k'reat numbers of strancers to tlio plsro, and when thu procession finally formed and pro- ceeded tu the thuich every ono followed. the siuiKi: ix Tin: coal mixi:s. Th Miner In the Lehigh Iteelnn Determined tu Hold Out-- A Scarcity of Coul. Macch Ciit sK. Miirch 10, A tottr of lit- - pectton throuch parts of tho Lshlah coal re clon shows that ths miners stilt nvlnce the satuo deterniluntl in to hold out for the PTI basts. They say they ean stand It for two months, and even loiik-cr- . The coal at Summit HIM, Ashton, and other places Is very scarce, and at Dry Hol- low Is loaded In teams and taken to No. 10 for shipment by rail. Tho tarire shops nt Laniford of the und Wllkeibarre Coal Company nru nip, lie, I wiih some tlifuVulty. At Heaver Mosdow mid otner collieries ooal Is vorv scarce for the ran of miners. At .Nesimelinnliu they am loailltiu' neurit' one hundrod cars of culm dally fi r shipment to Now York, That. !nln.' present a very dull appear- ance, and tho only work done is piimplnir, to hep the mines from beluirfioodod. Thu miners, k'eueml think', seem to h ive a fair amount of ready runner, and their larders are still well stocked. It will bo lmposlbln to slate when a resumption w 'II take nl.u'e. Tlie operators will bavo to make tlie first advance. MOLLY l All Li libs AlTEII A "nt.ACKf.Sc." On Tuesday ovenlnir at 12 o'clock about 100 "Molly Mairulres" through Ashton. no.r Summit Hill, all armed, soma with clubs, others with pistols and k'un, and ul! masked. ITioy were Pi search of Luke Sweeney, who, the Molly Havulres claim. Is worklne its a " blsck-l.-c.- " He and several others were notified to cease work or take tho conienuenee, and they promised to do so In order to savu their lives. tiiv city of Tin: iiii.m. The Finances of the Illchrst of the Cemetery Corporations. Tho Hon, Olnrksou C'rollui presided at the annual tneetlnc of the lot owners of the (Ireenwond Cenioter yesterday lu tho trustees' oinre, 30 llroadway, and Mr. Josoph A. Perry, thn Secretary of the Hoard of Trustees, pre- sented their report. Tho receipts In 171 were f TG,?10.!s1, which, with tlm cash on hand the Hist of December, IST3, I.TD.OM.M, made ff.nj.W.l 111, The expeiiul-turi- -i for 1871 wete t371,77J.0l, leailni; on hand on the .'list of December, IS7I, $di:.H.s. The fund for the Improvement anj permanent care nf tlia cemetery is lil. Last yo ir there wero Ptl lots sold, tnaklne tin whole number up to 1171 ULhsa. There w V7.17 Interments, oxactlv the sainn number a. ii. Ii7l, Tho whole number of liiiermuuti up to tho 1st of January. 1875, Is 17- -'. W. The New Trenty with Ileluluiii Itiitlrird by the ssenntc. Wasiiimito.v, March 10. - Last year Cuicrcsi pssird a Joint resotutloo autl.irl.'ln,' the 1'ri'itJeul to k'lic no'n. to ll. lrfluiu ol tut teri'iinitlm of Ihe Tr" ily of 1S.M bttueec that cuuiry and uur own r.'ctilst.og their reciprocal rtiailoas of c jiu.ii.tco au 1 dstI.'ii! in. The notice was uiven beciuse tl hid bee uno cecofrr fur eur (lei eminent lo shroste Ibe and 11 article of itie trestr, as there srtlcies In their practlesl opt r ittnn siul un Ier Ihe " Psvored .Villous" clsuielnlho reiiis with the llan.esutlc Kepubllcs worked i dticrun.tutliTu ajstnn uur cunimi-ri-tn- ma- rine ab.l ta (nor ot fortlu vcim-Ij- kiitng coasiucr-ant- tro ih'e. Tie t'nind Mates hs.l no deure to disturb Ihe retrain, tier . f 'hi tr. stv. but su wtilinsr to renew tt witn the oi'iisiiun "f tlie ohneii us sectl.'m ill ve mentlorn, Arcruiucly s new irrsly wss neottsted on thisli.ils, wit, i an irt i :e providing for the ri'eli.r..rst free irsmlt or go. , ds Ihr,-Ig- lbs territory of eitlierc iuutrr.:lt-k'il-lattot'- fur ih' purpose, " fsr as the Cntted htates ar" coucrrned, t 111 he msds by the Secretar) of the Tres.. ury Tins treaty w as sent to the Senaio )rs i rdsy, and was rsttOd lie lay w iihum o tioslt,n, the paramount object helm; lo eslahilih condnloua Cd'aslly s.hauta. iieuiii to the counuerte iud uavlk-stlo- a ot tioth coun-tiles- . Murrlnue In the .Unyne'i Onire. A t iiiiik' Hebrew snd a pretty younir girl wh'i' features clcsrlt Indlcstrd hor Celtic orlkin, cslled it Hi M Ivor's oitlce ysrerdiy aal isk'd to be minted. The mirr i;e irrttCcits hivint been pre. psre.l, the yountrcouoio w re i'snt-re.- into Hi Mirer's inner nice. " Whst is your name?" aki'dliui Caief Msiirsie iddres Imr the ) eunz man. ' David," iTOinptly ri'Diied the bridegroom. ".M.d your name is wnat f" aasi d the Msyor of the t rtds. The yo'irie Miss blushed n she answered, " Mary Anno The Mayor recited the irarmee eeremonr, ind pro uuuu.'ed the happy couple " bmbsud sud wife." The I'oulieenlli Slrrcl Wife Shonllnr, Dun un D. Templeton, who on meetliur hli w fe in Iho street shot her lu the face, ind was sent to btalf prison therefor, wis yesterday In tne Court of 0).'r and Ttrui'ner on a writ of hubcai torpui. HI, r.iuasei, Mr. I). T ,ivn.ei d, asked ttsit h he either iiilu Iced tn ball or seat to i lunstie nrlum from Iho T. . iiihs. t'ruiliiiK Ihe il. eiioii ol ths Court uf Api eats iipi.e the AibTtiey's ippeil from the Hencral Tern's nf his coiivbTloo Tl.e spiilu'stiun was Issed muni atltdsTlti thst Ti mnh ton's nuut I and phihii i wss BiiffciliiK .'restly (rou, hi. imprison lueui wh re lie Is c lulled, liecislun reicrvcdi The lurdrr of Ann Cnsslilny, Th Coroner's liiiiuest throws no duht on the'r uf Ami Cstsidsy, whole body was fluru ou tho rilbiai Jsmslri. I.. I 1' i tritia .l jeneriliy si they heurd i woaisn's cites for help at tuflntkiit ou Hit uikht lief i re the unity wsi but look no notice ot t, us bra Is were i umniou In the nclgiiborbood, Hie dttctivri profen to tsve no clue. Two Chlldien I'ulnlly Ilurneil, Wii.itisnAiuiK, Pa Marcli 10. This iiiornlnc two children of Wm. Thomis, s colored msn, were burned wtille their mother wn out after water. The wusstio) thrse vesrs old, who died i tew min- ims after lue lit Hut returned, and tlio j, I, a b.Uy, had III legi burned tu a crlip up tu the knees. l.O.VfJ i.S',. I.Y), It li ttuuicht that the Kelsev cae will bo tiled at the rpring lerm ot Ihe but rune Court in Itnerliesd, Jlr. (1. F, Well uf Aiiueuniruc, L, I., while fsllen wall uf a cellar, one dsylsitweek, luuud a considerable quautlly of gold. JJf(OK,r.Y, Lawrence Ahratns, who persuaded Mary Shu Deiorth l, uurry hltn. a id who hid i muck citci euiy tier formed by oce uf Ills ( ompsuitu l, while in.' klrl sup posed It t he cviiulne, wis irralitne.i l.aiiii, in HIisiiisliurHh )istrrdsy,uuit will be casuilu-e- on clisrgi' of hlgimy. Thomas Crawford of 1C.I Huron street, fliecu. polt.l, u,eiiiLtrd to chnitlsf his sun t llilam on Tu.'sJsr niilil and Willi ml realiteil. i lie nil tne filher dean th. oo a tdow on the templo with an sie. fur which Juslti-- HUM jisb-rda- sciiicncod tri.Tford to the l'uultcntlary for mutt) oa) s. cvitiosiTir.s or ciumb. Daniel Hawry, who had been convicted of rteillui: the Adsmi i'vprrsa sift, waa srniinc.-- by Ju lKt) lUiicu yen rdsy lo are jesi i in une r iu-l- i. Charles II. Hlienynn. one of tho proprietors of ths bu'doU House, tliistun, wis arristeu jt'ib rdsy, thsrk'e.l with seitiug Ore to ths hold, which wss In- - uied lu New York companies, lie wis Usldtu 11,000 bill. In a quarrel at Marshall, Mo., last evening betni-i- Ihoinai Hoik iud J. T. Widaell, llosk bred icrrrsl ilioli it VVsddell. inlislng hlin, but mo tally wuunding Johu Morrison sud s boy whose mine Is not Ktiu. Desk wai srrciled, Kdward Blavln of 8 West street, l'atrlck Fill. Ion of l'.'S ilreenwicli itreet, John t'lvmiuh of A Alnsuy srleet, Nslhanitl Darrlsch of 60 Corllsuui street, Philip frsnk snd Ilrury Oldriihuriili of IS Corllaudl itrerl, were locked up lu tbeLuurcB street police slallna lest Dlgtit (or tclltuu llauor witbout llctuss 4(j - - NEW IlAMPSlIIllE.ELECTIOlf JIADICAT, ,JOhhlk'IO ATlOXH TS'DHFI xjTVi.r rosTvoxiiu. , Ko Chnlro of (lovernor by the renple-Th- e ' J.rulslalure (inlinrd by ftotli I'artlos-Tv- rtl 1 Democratic Coueressmcn Kiecled. CoNcoiin, March 10- -2 P. At. Lator ro turns have changed the face of tho election, making what st en early hour last evening seem ed an overwhelming llopubllcan victory a sub- stantial victory for the Democrats. Thero Is do choice uf Governor by tho people. The Demo' crnts claim nine majority In the Houie. The) - Honato U now oqualiy divided, thero being ua choice In two districts. Jones, tn the First Congressional District, Ii elected, as Is alio Hall lu tho second, both Democrats, Ths Itepubll cans carry the third. IU turns from 23! towni and wards give Chenay ' (Hep.), 07,012; Iloberts (Doin.)..Td,0lli Whlte.and ' j sc.ittorlng, Kl. Tho net Hepubllcan gain ovel lost year's vote Is 2,809. Tho remalnlnc towni last yesr iravo a Democratic majority over all others of 700. This Indicate that Cheney nnd ltoberts will run with about on even voto, thn st attuilnz votes dofcatlng thu cloctlou of elthcf ' by the people, the coNancisioftAr, ntsTntcrn. Flfiy-nln- e towns In the First District give Whltehouse lltep.). 0.WI ; Jones lllem.l, I0,(rri; sci lturlnc. Int. Wbolo number of towns In ths ' district, hr. Tho election of Jones Is conceded b) both ptirtlo. Twenty-on- towns In the Second Congressional District give Pike (Hop.) 4.811; Dell (Detu.),5,0JtJ I lelchor, M. Forty Ovo towns In thn Third District give Illalr (Hep.) 7,iJ: Kent iDotn.), 7,a.K ; scatter Hm, 59. The.Uon((or(HepubllC8ii)clalini that the Hon. A. F. l'lko and the Hon. II. V. Illalr, of Ply- mouth, both Iteptihllcani, are elocted to Con- gress; that the llepubllcatis have a good work-i- n majority In tho House of Heprnsentatlvos. and that the Hepubllcan havo elected six ot the twelve Senators, with several districts in doubt. The f'.itWof (Democrat) says there Is no dec Hon of (lovernor by the peoplo : that thn Iteptih- llcani have live Senators, and the Democrat five, with two districts In doubt : and that tho Democrats have a majority In the House nl Hepresentutlves, Tho Minor, also claims tho , election of Jones and Hell (I)ems.) to Congress, with the Third District In doubt. . ' The ivople (Democrat) also claims a siihstan . . tlal victory for Its party, with the exception of ' the Third District, which It considers doubtful. TUE LATEST. II P.M. Returns from all but eight towns of tho State have been received at tl.n Associated Press offleo here. The footlnirs tire Cheney, Hepubllcan, M,771; ltoberts, Democrat, 33,613; White, Temperance, and scattering, 074. Tho , same towns last ) err iravo McCutchliis, Itepubll- - ' can, itl.tHO; Weiton, Democrat, S; HUck '' mar. Temperance, and scattering. VMLT. Itopuh- - :" llcsn not gain, 2,327. Cheney's minority, 69). ; Thn towns yet to be heird from gave lsst year McCutehlm (Hcii.),2l: Weiton tl)ein.).,'H3 ; scstterlng, 7, Adding last year's vote to these towns, makes the Hepubllcan net gain 2,7S3, and ; Cheney's minority 031. Tho footings from the) First Congressional i District elect Jones (Dom.) by 472 plurality ; . Hell (Dem.) In the Second District by 1M plural- ity ; and Illalr (Hep.) In the Third District by 7 Plurality. THE LEGISLATURE. Estimating four towni In Coos county, not re turned, to give the same vote as last yesr, the Kepuhllcani have a majority In the House, tint the exact figures cannot he clren. Tbuy claim a majority of from six tn twelve. Tho footing M of the several Senatorial districts ludlcalo that M they stand n follows : m No. 1. Hepuhlloaii ; No, I, no choice; No, 3, ssi Democrat; No. 4, no choice ; No. A, llopuhllcati: a No. 0, Democrat; No. 7, Republican; No, 6, Deni- - M ocrat ; No. 9, Iteptiblleau ; No. 10, Hepubllcan; t No. 11, Democrat; No. 12, Democrat. This J leaves the Senate with five Republicans and Ave 1 Democrats, two districts II a vi lie no choice, 3 Thero is no election ol (lovernor by the pno- - pie, and the duty of selection will devolve upon i the Legislature, which will doubtless elect i Chenev, tho Republican candidate. The Demo- - 1 rrats claim a majority In the Council, though i the districts have not been tlgured sumcloiilly i to doterm. no finally. The vote In the Stato yes- - l terday Is said to have been the largest ever j polled. Probable Murder In a Wooster Street II a r-- & lloom. J 1 At the Invitation of an unknown man, who I ,i sild thst he wis a bulclur, lived la Thirty-fourt- h j 5 itre.-t- snd did builcessla Wsshlngton Msrkel. Ilsttla k. j Duffy snd Iteyanlds of 110 Wooiter street vlitte l f. Ssiuje; lleriick's liquor salooo si Prints and W'ooiur f" JU elm ta last "tin un 'itS Smuafiei taey entered, their escort quirrelled with j -- IH I..1U1 Mtiiuati. Ihe tiireeiit"-- . shout sn ,le;ed debt of sM 1 no. L IOk' if cuntr .i at lsst, Mcllueti p iled the fH si snirer. wiiodi l not ir after he toaraeit the urouail. 1 IJlu i.t lu trlc.te Irom In ir snd no.'rils. su.l 1 tewasuneonic-ou-- Mi Hiik-- and llernck then carried 1 I tm ii.t.. tne street, aud id Mui aowu on Iboooor. 9, slep ol IMd iv nosier slnel t j (imeer Hirl found him. ind with the ssill- - , i tince i f emursites lu re b in to the l'r'nce itrei t stitb-n- a burr (apt. Mi'ioiiniii arretted .Mcllucn lu Pnma ! I street. Pull, e -- uveoii Walker thinks tbsl tho stria. I ,1 KtT wounds are fstsl I 3 Kxploainu of n Ilaller The Knulncer II I own Mil) l'erl and Killed, Itfsitvti t.r Ind., March 10. -- A bolter In Nrl- - ioa ii ShortirliUe', saw mill, six miles north of Hits puc, ciplodid mornint with tcrrlne nolenro, ' causing (he death of Alfred Joyce, en. Ineer, and Oicar ';' ItTrhuiin, seed t' yesrs, serious Injury to Jsines J1 lilnchmiu, Jerry Wiueiier, snd tieore Kitnhail, tho H Puller wn bl.,wn into a nuiabcr ol pteees, suJ In ill "m ilireciloni. One struck a lochouse, las) yards du. .ij I int, snd nesrly demolished II. The mill wis not run- - m L'au st Ihe time. Mr. Nelson wss tiling a siw when the t. enitiui er laid blm to hurry as tlio steam wss gelling loo M hUn. The expl.'iiou toltowid ilmot inline list, ly, J an. tl e engineer wss blow u s .insuce of sixty feet, but Mr. Nvliou wss ouij slijbtly injured. j The Ileilllllei ol Ibe Civil ltluhls Hill. j Sr. Loi'l.s. March 10. A desperado named j llsil took a nepro into s ssloon si Wsvrrly, Miu kepi I j by une Pool, sud sit. mptcd to plsce hitnon a:i tiiuillty 1 j wtih white men under the Civil Itighis bill. Tlia lur . i keeper prutesied, but Hill tiiststed, sud Ihe barkeep'-- ihsi'd Hie neiiro oui uf ihe ssiuuu at the pulnl ut i pis. , r lu). Auother nesro usmed Hell then luterlsred, ia4 the bsrkeeper shut blui dead. i - H .i The I.oulilnuu Arbltrnlina. x WASiitNaTON, March 10. Mr. Wheeler ant) others of the committee to arttltrale on Leiulilina iffalri itirled for New Yurk. Mirshsl Psek- - , srd of I.oulilins, Cbslrmsn of the Itepubllrsn Stst ( ommtiie, and ( oil. ltactune aud l.eonsru, rei rri-- al ) Ing the ( uiiiervs'lTt-s- tiivi- aim sjuue thithiT lo repra-- : seut their leipi-cllv- before Die coiucaiUee. 'i , Weather linici Predleilon. j Statl mary or falling barometer, warinor, partly cloudy weather, and southerly winds. LOSSES II V 7ff. i Mnjliem St Murray, Importers at 217 Canal street, fl.oou. Pratt's astral nil works, North Thlitoontn nrret, W lillumslurgh, wss dsmseu 11,000 worth ye. Itudsy. Tho stw.itaralklucatlonal Institute In Lebanon. Pa., of sluch Prof. K. .1. Koon la pr.ncipal.was buiusa veiterday. It was fully tnsiirid. Thu toira-cott- a driiln-plp- factory nf Harvey ' Adsm..n,at Kourtti stieel and til nualilow a ateuue., I'lipattelplils, was burned yesterday uiurulug. Lois, IVO.oeOj fully In.ured. si'Auics riio.M rm: tvliuiiiavii, (leorgo F.. Yeate. chief engineer of tlie Paelflq uisll slt'i.mslilp ( uti Itlcs, tiled of feiir i.n (hsl v;nsl while .lu u entt iing I'su.iuu hay ou Mart Ii J. The Standing Committee of tho Dmcess of ; Cuui.e.tit-u- l to dse ,m-- In fin r of Hit- conUinutioa . Dr. Jsygsr, and too coudrmatloa of Dr. Ds I Kovcu. I Albert Hemingway wni run over and killed by J ilrsin on Hie Noriiieru (i tral llsilway. at'out forty J miles s iuth nt Klunra, UU snuia.'. llo ai silting oa ij . Ike trick, aileep. I Tho body of an unknrwn man, shout fifty I , yrsrs of sire, wis tskt-- from the r.vrr it I'ruvldenc w vesti r,ia on hu w in h poikti wa, w rlltea . "A. It. Perier," or "Picker." Uu bss not yet bees ; laentlCcd. joTtiyus a tiovr lotr.v, ! Three great trots lu the Illppodromo A musical entertalnmoiit will be given lu ti John sliei'l l K iliun b Sheriff, Jacob Sechacher has beou k ' uoliitiM luc'iloneir to nil lbs goudi levied upon by tho city marshals. Miss Anna P.. Dickinson will give her Joan-of- . Arc litiure nt Limy Chanel, lluilciu, this svttlm, for the tcncUi of s chsrity. Capt. William W. Story, well known lo old. f isMoued sulors ill over tne world, dlod st hli i la Mitbuih yeiter.iiy morning it 3 o clock of pueumouli. Mr. Honry C, Jarrett of Hooth's Thsitre and Jcn'ph II. Ti oker. Commander or iho PlTi i 'iun Hoek, sro lu llo. ton anangiUat for eicariloks bwiwtsu Hy Luglind port towks. Edward McMnhon of 121 Mulberry street wsj run over iu i busily Injured by a Irui belonging to J. II. Swift ol i a mm tin sirert, an, driven uj unu klrck la Malbtrry I'reelycsttrdsy. Dr. Wilbur F, Lane, who with Dr Day, 8anl'.ar rliperllltenuillt, ill us ill ut Mn la. l.ll'bt w lib tb null poi psilrnls st Dellevue. swilling ttie trrlvil ol the order I r the captsin nf the iteimt r to tskMUf in to I thu ii.sui iji thn tjtr did not lat'.r iruie ioi'jit. r;

Transcript of€¦ · ' i Yof. ,l,ll,-N-O. 10.r. NKW YORK', TIIUH PRICE TWO CENTS. "...

Page 1:€¦ · ' i Yof. ,l,ll,-N-O. 10.r. NKW YORK', TIIUH PRICE TWO CENTS. " aitv.Mi. nuurrorvn r. tiusts, i 101: .ii:urr. ' t (Trent llbflrr llii.llnif


iYof. ,l,ll,-N- O. 10.r. NKW YORK', TIIUH PRICE TWO CENTS.


aitv.Mi. nuurrorvn r. tiusts, i 101: .ii:urr.

' In ."Miotic - Somet (Trent llbflrr llii.llnifliielw !! lon ""' lnl"r"1I If) 'Inury A CTclnnonbuiil Hi llrniU overIhr Cimnl Kills' Vniiil' Troubles.

AU ov, Milirh 10. linini'illntoly nttiTtill inornltu tlm,1 reding i 'I'" Ji'irnal

l'. Adam- - Hetcm was acaln broughtI i in-- r "t the IIi'ikc. Ho was accompaniedt , law-ie-i A. J. dlvln of Altai. y mill Luke 1".

,.. h ! ." York. Hn pirn. toil nut guilty,am) asked lli it lil counsel inlgh'. lie heard. OKI

p, It here ca'ne In with n bombshell, saving th itIhi House Inn) Iroadv adjudged the prls mcr In

r,.i tempt. Tin1 ptlsnticr. (if pleading in

tfi'i.i'i n . f the offence Irnl 1'" "I ti"l guilty.l nn i.inrlv In contempt; therefore, tin

I iti'i'lduil I' heird. llii oil that ttioii ,. .. i"d t Judgment.

Mr. b'. nh of Kings wis tin-- first to pro-- 'teo r.i-- i niu'iii Ik said Hi)' It. iimo t"lil Mr.f i v. ii' lint In' might I"' hoard i.y counsel, millI, wih ''p.' nc.l with counsel It was pro-,.-- e

l ti mi l tiat right.' v,... in I lii' .'ln. Prince. ll'isted.T. C.C in,.' I'll. II' r:i Wilder and other shied withjlr hri i . lai. aid Alvord's motion was laillrbeitm T hen Vr. ( lilu proceeded to nddrrsi, ,. II .n-- o 'ii in half of .Mr. Stevens. When.

.u'V.r. I iPi'Mii.itd t.v lead ..imi efuduvtts,i li I r iil.l would show that two iiicmbci of

Cm iini iiii'O wero i t eutnpctctit to sit inj .t;cs hi the ln 'stljatlon. i Hd Salt rime In

ti i ii'..i pttil "f iriliT," anil fur two1. in tn tl. ii raced ovr" lhl question, all ttioI . atiniitiirv t rf k ami know lodge of Lin-- r

'i . I'iIii. .' Vat'lmcr. I'e'tv, Iluril,and ADo tlVim: l.r night lunv I'll.), u.itil tin' IIiiiiki) lliullp .a-- i e ... im i.i'.Ii J In tho H.cih.s uf pailla-Bn"- 'i

ir law that m into couU tell J ml whattue silu.iti Ii t .in.

HOW IT ALL united.Thn lh" Ilnl.l Facie nf came In

wl h hl " i "it t uf onKr" which ruled .lie hilij. meul to the beginning nf Mr.I' n 4 sp.-e- i h. "lit t'f order, aliil let the Hnuei.' of it till.' mil'. Il'it I nil c.vrlcil hlflit III l to. lUlllg till llf.ld.VltS llulll beingfa I. II.'- - rl o. il i.t Vr. Ciilttn. anil Mr.k n.'ii wa nji'ii eilleil t lhi lur. The! .iikerrenil t. hltn exmu't fr :n the g' piijr i" fr'- - n..:t'. k'lWn.! hat ie h id :Uii tief-Tt-

t p. iintiittt . n d nUrd viieihir the tanifuape1. 1. lit r i' Vr. S.i e'i r piled thai It wir, h itc .lined tt it it n w ii lo-e- n v. hllo under exr ' . lit. ait.t tlMt h IntiuUd ii. . illrt.-iei- 't Inti 'in m I :!.'. Ii si t hti renmilii ere IntendedIt the iiii.'...f the I'nininitlee, ex Speakerf i li, Mr. Mi'Veiu .m then tdkeii to thel.i' 'ir).

Mr A i..rd preient.'d n Inni: preaiiihle. rtlnd--ii' ni'li n reidnli. m .:!re tin.' that M vein

. h iii'.i :le t.i the euuiil) Jan undor the rar-- rit .f the " '..l;er.

r lliirtm i a ulntlt'ite for tho ... .:e...irli.. that Mi. Stttins was K'lllty uf' i eje I ..nleinpt," mid din. liiu hu helr"..l't t.. Hi" bir nf ihe Hniii.. and reprl-- n

i" led. ihid re.iliit.'ii a u.lopie.l. Mr.n.';lit In and reiiKiimd, mid then

ii h .re I And ttni emle.l thu faree. fur suchP ii Hld-r- t.i been by a niaj.itlty ..fII e i mini .( it. A the pri-..n- ned

Hi ,.( Hi. . ii mil., r "Theiev i, tvj in in.. In the lamn uf the Warm Sprlnu1 tut lu in. ht nver thin trliiniph uf theiri ef ' 11 M -- teveni had i;.itti ii till i tfalr upu i dr!-.'- i .ilver'i.e'iient for tl. Albany at.dI. mint' II I '.'e Cu'iipiiiy and himself, hor 'Ul a nut have iii.'rre.led better.

Till '..NTLllEST ( CITV Sin.Nr.Y.The bill Mre...! pas'cd by the Assembly, rer-n- .tilnt tl.n Mavcr ami Ctianiherlalii uf .SewtL tn Hu 'lie rate uf Interest mi clt deponlH,

in tl.e M'littt until Krlda) next.l. h.ll na iiii mde I in the M'tiate ('mmulttccI ax in tlx th rnte f Interest at tint lea than 3t'. r c 'lit., Iiin .1 " ieirinu It to the Maynr and! 'lainberhln. Sen.tur ll.ii'th nd that there... a H'uro uf I .nk In ;i w Vutu which wouldh k. id t.i take tl.e depo'ltn at the present timeHid py U pr irnt. final. ,r l)u'klnnn n.ililt.nt In hi pers uial knnile'li;e 401110 of theNew Vurk e t t. ink were noiv pavlni: 4 perrent, un dep. ll Iruin cuuiitr luiik. and hen.d mi du ll t lucre were plenty uf hanks InN n Jt'n th it H.iuht willliu'v take the del us--

at the rile I pi t cent. nu.v npilred liy theluirler. Senator Wuuliu th m.'iit It ulramrH

that the rite I xed h tin' r art.r.'iad beenell In t.v cv ri M.ny 11ml 11 . 1'.nnpl.iliil hud

1.. imiii, de i.ntll Lie I' otniii.' .,f Ui.' ni'wcltvlilmli ..ii ihe lt ,.t ,1 ituiau. I "TV Allil .111 e It u dl" ..ere J III 1' :'ie citj c nild lutCei t per i'i li1. ..11 it df,', It wa true, hein I, that the in .run rate fur 111. .ney ir.i atpr..i nt verv iu, l,iil thin an exoeptiuinl

Mlitlun uf tl Pi.. and w nld u,.ii pnn aivay.II I p. lit expert 'In e tmd nl,,.u:i lli .t it wa lie-- z

- i v t" put t'm ti iiiclal iiIIivm "f New Vurki 11 r r it' ,'ti 1.. .Mth r.'L'. r.: t . tlie elt do-- I.

11. d u hale eveivtlui.i; In the.r uwn- t -- ti ui. l,eie:"iii 11 t. jrrupiioti wav

ti, c'ui.a. tli- - p t htit r ihe city hadllii.iiji. .111.1 r 1 anne liter wai. in ftvurof a1 . ; .111... uiil. ,i iu .1 .id tl.e i'..m;itrullrI" Hi M iv r ,v X Ci..iu.i,er i'i a' lie fll. I d-- a iliit t j Ux the rate uf Inl.:.-.- t

lli' mii: i'i Miirr iikfn tiiiiiiun hp?c. t,r John on all.,, ated the blil nv tt

.e A-- i iiuli.-ui- l nail Hiatal present. .. nv waa nj ti lnleiet un Kndepuatti.,.1 t.ank th .t ti id In u . furu h ;d tut in havliii:t r.i.n i,, ,le, and tlie t'li.itnbcrlain0 t I., liu" Hll'iwid t v the law nu it nuiv Hinil to' d t' em a lu- - rci than f iur penei.t. Mr.t. !ln deni. 1 tl at the b 11k had thruwn up Itsr irit 1,, iv lour per , it.. itliuiii;:i it had iel! ilu u n the Hth ,,f ivbrmrv. IfI uli uild Itir II p he hul li" duiibt "therI i,k-J- .t .C"... wuil I be mIIIIu.. l.i aiineIt. I n..i at f..ur ir . -- nt. at liit at thtee perr" 1. Mr. I.a nlu.-- u, ,1 n it e win the Unali-'-- .!

'Ill' "f .New Vurk city . huuld be plneedu ..I n s'r.. tl .11- - w :i 1. card to the loan i.f (e.p m utn 11 . re Ihaii ' o anie ntlp iali in oilierr.'i-H- rrthe tu. in. .fin t of the state. It

. wa dn-rri- Innin.; Ii L'l'latinn .iirnltui the city.the .' u.I ciarv t'.itnui.tle.' ha airret d

ti. rep.iri t i r.iMi tin, ill empower-ink- 'the Alturn-j-ii- i" eral te sue e tp rat:uiisfu' the re, umtv uf iiuii i utiil 'ii orI. n.i'id. This I the i.nt of the throe I.IIUk 11111 an Mm o t'unur mil llidon bil L'uttetiliu with a vi .v tu n ureritu the m ine)

j In tlie Iwiij-u- i t'!e old Itln. The uttier twohate been .iviieil I v th.. (luveni ir ai.d tnl i.noh pioidthe A I'ltllil) nd will lllidullbtedlvin - the althoiiirh the lawjersof thatr dv kLiier.llv t'ree that It Ii ver inruiii; ion mi ! uf d iuhtful constitutionality. ItP il. cnuriiiiiin p iwer In tho hamlHuf the Atlut r il. mid U aid iu he it virtual niilil- -II, .itluh ,.( tin- I ile dm l.loiii of the Court of Ap-Ji- e

1j. in,. uiiUidu pr"SMiri) fur la panat'o Mvery sir .!..'. I,.,ev r, and as uiy man whorh .ul.l ..pi om It wuuid be op 'n tu the linputa-t- i

,1 of bi'iiu; fneiidlv tu tlie uld Itlni:. It willpr k' , thruiiL'hwIthuut Heriumuppoiltio.i.AN l).',I.VI'(.IIT ON THE CVNAI. HINO.

There l Bna' Ipl' uf teeth 111 the he ilipiarterof thee 11 ul"i at tin Uiliviin It I run.., roiltli t they have in e t.ilned that liuv, Tildeti has).e-- ex.ui In.ti.. the llr i. r- - In tli canal nepari-11,- 1

nt and tlie m inner in which contract w,,rl0:1 hu ui ils h.i- - I.e. !! done, and It reminds hltnpu (.tiuiiu'li of the way thiife thlnes used to tied'.i'.. in New V'.rk before the s of reform,tl. ii ha- - ib'termlned tu I rlnir It to the l.culi.

1' lire s utti nt n 111 a inessa.'u t'UliiL' the rt suitsnf i.i. rei-- in and that the dk'urcs nhuw I lieIU" e- - tty fur a h un'i' ol svitem.

, tub John II. Van Ilureii, (Juv. Hoffman's prl-- r

te necrelary, who was appulntrd ViiuianilnoC '" in .1 11 ti u r lyliov. lllx a yi ar iil'ii, rvsitineilt, - t' Un4 tn Till 111.', utid ti. n. Mi Oiiadu oft ii' a. nliu was 11 mem it of (lov. Iioffnnn'sIt iff, was aiiiiulnted In hli nlace by liuv. Til len,i,d iinuiedi itelv hi II rm eil bv thu Senate, lit ti,

th ') lade wa- - one of the must hitter option Titsr.f lilip'ii's iiutnlii rlun at the sjrai us.) I'unven-- I'

'il I iBt ant inn, .111 carried a majurity of thoI'lir i deleKsiiuii HL'i.ui-- t lilin In oii'iusitlou tuU ,v Se iii.iur aniM'iiini is Keruan. Ile receivedtiueii votes in tne runonl'ii fir himself ascandidate fur (i ,veriiur. Ills api ointment, to.;"hei with 1. ther re. i nt a. Is nf II, ,v. 'Itldtn.fll o.l tli.. rem .rk from a New Vork Sen itnrthai "' ill : S" vv.ii 'got u back ' on ill hisftlends In ttio Int'. HiitiU', .11 d try.iik' to makiit row dei.l In ti e interest f his en"'iii'-.-

Senator J.u 01 ', who was a meinbi r of therunfereni'o I'uminltteu un tho Supply bill ofliTI, was rxnnilued before tlie Senate f ommlt-teeon:il- d

bill this murniiiL'. II" testlllod thatlioililnt' was ald In the cominllteu In reya d toI' lortlnu n rluiino for tno nainry of the hiipcrlp.t' I' ut of thu new l apltnl. Ho did nut ru-in tuber lint Senator Wood railed his attention

; I the Insert, on uf said Item for salary when h"l.r .unlit In 111 the conference committee reportf it iil.Tiature.

j KA'TH TO HE IIIIOCXIIT Ot'T.This Investli: tlun eoiitlnues slowly, and lev

f re the end of the week It II expected that theI! .iiie Con. milieu will reach the oiiesliuh in to

whose in. li., ruv Hit' bill wis tnken irom theI. iei utile eh iinber onu week nttoi' the adjourn-- n

' nt uf tliu I.u'nl.ituro, and 1111 entire pavet K 'li out and leenu'lu red wltliu it the knuwl- -'

'.'i f the p.finldlnL' oflicer uf either lluu.,1.' lerk of the room iw cars tint he

(I. 1' m Hit Hijuct of Senator Wood, whileti iieiitleinan, It Is .'.ild. denies t!i t hop (pic mI'll 01 iin'Tited to its beliiL' done, which UirnvH; ' lame upon either (iov. Illx or Comntroll' r(I '.'Mm. It would be well to est it l h theI nt It ot the persons who have, ur Imii.'liiiit'" i h ue, Hit riu'hl to "correct," not tinnyla", per with bit after tbuy have reaclitd the

i t 11 , hail. ,er..' Ja.i h ) mi. th. Assistant C-r- of tho A- -1 inn. u. ie,i,.,e 1 p. iiijnt cmceinlne the man- -

re r n wl.ii tie I iftii uvetiua I'avement bill, jt s 1.1.1 11 tiui tiles of the members after Itf bail l.i-- lepr uted and essentially altered fromI Jl 'irmal. 11 t differliiif materUlly from theI ttiui;uy already nlveu.,itsnri: i i.amm 1:11 s.i vs.

The Jlnnnlmniii MrlrUen wllli l'arnlrUIn Hie Slrrrl, uu,l Seni tu UliirliiTi ll'nInlmid 111 11 Wlelcheil Drunkiii il.

PiiniiU'r Ki'ssIit ri'nitni'tl (ho ItPitirstyevtcrday In tlie caso of Mr. Jacob Stockvls,who. having been utrlckjii with parnlislsln theUrcet, wis iirn-sle- as a drunken man and heldIn the l'ifty. ninth street station until the nextmornliii, ntid then committed by Justice riant-tn- er

tu lllaekw.'irs Islmd for lx tnuntlis. Cnpt.Julin J. Mount and others testiDed that the a

In the l'lfty-iilntt- i trect police station fullybelieved Mr. Stockvls to li.irc been drill.k, andJustice riaininer testified that ho first sawStucUvli on ttio nioinlini of Suiuhl, Fob. -- 1.

About thirty or fortyc,ies were befuro him thatmuriilia In tlui Yutkviile l'ollco Court. TI10 tlion him by Stockvls was thathe was a person without n Iiiiuie, and thai hohud been addicted 1 1 drinktnir. Witness couldnut form an Impression as to whether hn hudbeen dpordiTly. II" le irned that from tlie nlll.eer's atliilavlt. Tho usual mode uf pnu'edure. Illu 1','lico Court Is this: Tim ptlsonors nruhrouwht to ttio cuirt iiml put In thobox. Then thu nlliicrs step up to thedesk mid thn rnmiitiluts are ilraw 11. In n rasnof Inloxli'irloii the clerk tills out the blank formuf uni dm, mid then the prisoner Is atmlunmlnnd iinesti .lieil, and the Justice decides wheth-er It Is best In punish blni. Thuwltiiess shuneiltlie aflld It which was made b) the utllcer. andsaid that he was psrll.'iil.irly anxious to find nutih. n. nr na ne. Ileip.ko I Hie prl.oner InI'ticlUli isnil (le rtit i. mid afterward wm.o hisI'le-tlo- it In both U wins 'i on a cud and limd-e-

tlie crJ to tl.e lir sulirr, who I irned I1I1 lieadmid n.itd no nttt bti, i to I'. I'lio witness l'.uoMr. Stuck Is n I I ink card mid 11 m noil to enablotho man to write in the laiijini.e of which bowis ir nz .nt. still the pi: onr neither stinko11. ir write. Witness then lied ttpui the pris-on-

tu answer the cumiilalnt, and .uuln tlieruwasiiu ret ly. The otll er's deposition satlslledthe Itni -- s th it Mr. Stockvls lui.l been dlur-derl- y

Justlco Klatiimer thoiieht the riimlni-tlo- u

uccunied nbout ten uilnnt.s ol Ins time,Ile eih.ui-t.'- d tT) me lis wbhln Ins power todu his duty In the cafe. The wltnex.ihl tint It seemed to bo understoodlint tlia man was sentenced to lllackweli sIshtid fur nix mouths. I lie fu t ws that the

. .'ier was re.pilrtd to furnish b.ill mfjillfurIds g 11, I eh iv. u. and ivn 11 it tu 1.0 detidni'dlutikier than six in uilli" 111 1 rylii l t.i secure thatiimuuiii ..f ball, lie kent In the I'lftv srv.emu stto. t prison f, Ii mr the usualtime. .01,1 then son; t" the w.irKtioue. Wittiessaid ho was never more clef ill than In thisv. sc.

Sen:t. l'lillllps, who was In command of thecourt ipi. d at the Vurkvilh' l'. iico Court testi-fied tint in his Milli on Mr. S'.uclus had beenItitoxii ated. Hu failed lo ut t iln theiijiiie.

Major (leurie W.Conncy, of all J'.it I'ortfflrt ire.t. Hie chief clerk of Ihe Vurkvllie1.. Ice Court, testified that Mr Stu"kv Is lookeda'rh he had .in n Kproc ; that be was111 a wt dil.ipld it'd c i.J tt on and wlt'.ieii mil-- t

o't him fi ran "old t.11 inner."i'uu Inquest was adj lurne until

c.ik:a .Ki.tissr.i itiMior.The Tl inl uf I'olhrr 1'urhau nil 1111 ludlrtiucut

lur i:iiibe.xleiiiiTil.T!io Hit. M. J Koi Iiuii, 11 Untnnti t'lithollo

priest 111 Chlcac'i. wis .he bearer, several mouthsiik'u, uf damaging charges n.--il ist lllshop I'oleyof the Ciileairo Ihshuprle. The charges coveredfifteen manuscript pa.'es, and weru supported bvafUdavlts. Mr. Curium was ult'iuut sulll Mailtmeans to pay his way to Home, aim, belnj th; tor of theChlcaju chiitc'i fuiuls. toukfl.MI beluuclni: to thu cl un h, and, with and iifUdatltk, sUrted to ireieul theuito ttie I'upo.

When Father Forhan reu'lied New York, atelek-ra- was recelie l by the police from theChicaju, saylnj that tho priest hsd em-bezzled il..'.) from the tl.urcli. and uskltu' furhis detentiuii, Ile was locked up. and suoualterward the p. lice took him to Chlcniiu.

Father Forhan. w iio has been n 1 rle-- t for onlytwo years, had In smoc its) Incurred tho ills-pi- e

is of the lllshop. When he reached Chl-- c

ik'o he acknow ledk'ed tint he bad tiken themoney, but explained the circumstances underill:1 h It was t ikeu. Hl-e- I.111.11I .lis, howeier,did 11. t r.r.Kfr the lllshop. win. went so far, It iss ild. i.s t" tluenteti to ex.'i.miiiuiii. ato any intentwho shmild testify In I'.itner 1' .rhan's f.iv. ron thu trial of tho Ind ctmoti. fir oiubezzle-mint- .

While Fsther Fornan wa tu Jill awjltlnj tri llhis chirk' sacalustthu Ihiliup wire l irwardedto It one. and u cup) ui I uppuil w.u sir led ,mthe llisoup.

I lie cbar.-- e au'ilnst the prict wis trl .l In theC .untv Court in Cb cuu b.'l .re Judk'e Williamson TiK"da. Tlie Jur, niter a s.. "t i. il

i'i lieclarej him not imuij. I ..s min id-- , th- - court roi tn rin.-wit- h cbcori us theVerdict was mni'iutic 'd.

mi: i .vfo.v f ii ir UAi1.uo.11.

Slorkliolitrrs Itecoiiiiueiidiiu; 11 Hi I'rr ml New lluurd uf Direr Una,

Huston, Mttrili 10. At tlin allium! mei't-lu- e

uf the stockholder, uf the 1,'nloii l'actlciUlln.ail this furuuuuu tho lulioAiiik' resolutionswere adopted

l;r.nif, Thst the report of the Ileir.l of Dlre'iritiavlnff ''een leiirdieil sn.l ' pit I. tlie, sre rr .1

s ej '01 si fru.u u.esiir'.'iisi arnliitfs .,f Hie .lis '.1 ui hx I" r eebt in r siiauu., piisli,.. coinuii Hi Inn July I. IsTTi

m 'Ic.i, IL a ibe ii'iiiiu nf Itie H.'iril of Iitrerlor iupriposl: tn tl.e fnliei stil.s 1. tui nl tle lsvllleut to the 'I n sur . f 1 txe-- su 1. ' f,,-- a itiikl..Iiiau 10 sv the fli"i ini it, trls inI'e.j . f mP ile'iisTi,!. uf ill kinil-n- f the I. U,nuII e i .itiit.kiir, oi' sa. the .aine u her 0 sp; rvi-l- sic!Hie ll'ianl id Ibr rt .rs la t!,.'lr iliserv lua ure hercbrouth, ritvii Ii. . l.iili.luste t.i, -- .one... Ir'i, iruii in him; it the mni ry ot OikuAmes un-- In r'cytilti'n uf his servin s m itu e ti.trm 'I ,11 "f the t'ulm I'.ulCr lullruil, ', he ile.

vut .1 his en.Ti.-tes-. lth a uurjir, n le it?,

luisiirpsised 111 the t iTt.-r- of r:'" il t.ilitruiHen. Itie dir- it.its sr. rrou stetl tn tsse in

,.t a t'liuii vritti sui-i- ui iiisv ,telre untriM'te. fur tue reetli u t .u'iii- r..nt ,n I ,e lite 01 tlielonil uf ,1 i.uitsbn ami permii.i.ui luunumeut

Of the IVlT.tV) slnrcs of tho coinp my rsM.iVMwere cast lor the follow Iiii Hoard "f Ibr'rl.r'.:ibiv. r Ames, Klli'i.i Atkins. F. (i .rd .11 llexter,llciijvuiln II llit"s. Oiii.t Ames k'd.iind l'.rII. ll.tker ut llimtoii: Sldnev lllil CI. irle. .1.tlsburn, Jay Oould. (leurne s. M' .tt. Ssmuel M.Mills. James I). Miilth. und Joeib Klcbardsonnf Nun Vork; U. .M. Undue uf lowu, alcl JohnSh rpof Slt I.iikii City, I lab.

Th . annual ronort of the directors k'lves thecross nil lies of the road In UT I as ifluVi'i..

'Hid tho exienses, liu'liidllik taxis, us$t,t)j'.:ill Ui, snow I lie l.VJoVnA.K a surplus u irtil ik'- -. .'iiiin tu 7 per cut. on ttio eutiro stock andPonds ul tho culup my.

i.osr .ir si:.t.Four Wreiks I'nsned liy iiie s.enniilitp Tonu

Miindn-- A Crew lliisrue.l.I'iin.AiiiM.i'iiiA, Miifi'h 10, TliuSoutlii'rn

Mail itoamstilp Tuiiawanda, Caul. Milbank,from Wilmington, N. C.ib.14 uiilved, and lepurtsas folloiva :

(Jit (.'hlncuteastif , liaised a schooner withmalntupui.'ut tone, appaiently bound In, Attho Capes also pissed 11 law ouanlity of pineti nrds. and tho bulwarks of some vessel. OffCai e Hctilnpen, law a Ilk-li-t ship and a deep liatkhound fur Henlopeii. Ileatlnc west liv south,at cl t'apo llenlopeii be icon west by north lialfii'.itii, in eleven fathumsof ii ater, suv tliu wrecko.' tl 0 Hulk Clenfiieirus. Slie lies In tho trackof n .inherit louiid tdcamct, and the sparslloaf ii: uround her insko it very danirerous,

Cant, Jmiies, of tho llod Star uteainer Neder-lati.- l.

recently urrlved at this port, saw before1 1,. imut tlie Capes a vessel think' tho ilk' ufdis'ro s. Ho bore down to tho rescue, and a1'i.t'i crew volunteered to hoard her, but thiswa louiid Imposslblu on account of the trcineu-dun.- -

tea. dpt. James laid to iluriiiL' tho nlitht,and 'in tho succecdim mornliik' ee.trched tortoo wreck, Ho tlnally ilk'tialled tho voul, andfound her watur-luk'je- d and slnkliik'. Thiicap-1'il- n

and fit 0 men weru found clliultii! to thor.k'k'llik', where they had boon all nlk'lit. One ofthe dllceiH, the first mate, had been washedi.ierl.oard and but. I he vessel win found to Lotno si homier I turn I)., fium St. John's, N, It,,f it Havana, with lumber, ('apt.. lames look thosurvivors on hoard tho Nodelland, and k'avotlimn kind troatinunt.

The ruiiprnded C'lislum House Official L)r111 11 tut 111 1111 Luily 'I'l I11I.

Immediately after the openlm; of tho Marchterm of the United Stales liriull Cmrl, trlmluslbr ch, If Juil.'e llruejlcl, jeiterdsy, .Mr C'lnu,Mat h ws, coumcl for Col, Robert llri Aofti, theJ). my Cull 'ttur of tlie Port, Inillited for cuiii,rlriKviilh Chsr I.. I.mrenco lad otlurs (0 defraul therpvLuu 111 sii.i.k'lla.. situs, 111.11U' un I'li'flertnsl ftluitiv lui,. s ,'ki Iln I lur Hie tnsl. lie ssi.l thu Iticic-'-use-

tnrisl wss rery suilnus f r an o.purtuulti Iu1.1. I .ninelf, st.d ttuit tl.i' ptihlic perfire wss snf-f- .

if bv reus of ids suspenilmi from utity w bile t in murleil. ImUo II. neipci nld lis ouol.l

uni Intrrf' ra ti ,th tlie District A'luriify's iiiicretiua inlie. vaitf ihe se 'ur Irlsl. Ttie ouiuei ttim tnoieiitora nnriniii I rum lli othrr tfif.'uilanti iu tin) Imllcl-1-

pi I, buisul ii iueiiilr HillulreiT mis molloa, wliu tluii rililneot teu win It 11 tm pruitr llinc,

Tho Tutu of I lis. liny.Among story readers the universal subject for

illrcui. Ion li th" riuiarkslilu csretr of lh " lllicsrdtdWife," "ho Uk'jrn Id Itie AVut l'oi I Wtilly't Utui saabest icrltk " Tlirgva ea lUa Wurii."- -j.

, , orsvsvw- - - rt


vnoci:i:nisut is r.wr.'n .vr.irrsk . ; i' ;.s vku i) . 1 v.

The Itlslurr of the Kellimii I'siirrntlnn AnlnShown I'll In Its True Colors ItrilMlnithe Alieoiiit to liikv I'luthbncU it hennlor.

W.viillNOTdW, Mttrnh 10. tmtnuilhttolyalter tho ro.idimr uf the Journal tho Senate re-

sumed the consideration of the resolution forthe admission ut I'lnclibai'k, and Mr. Morrlmnti(Di'lii., N. C.I continued Ids araumrnt. I Iu

cited various precedent to show that the prac-tice of the Scnato had not been to seat Son.itorson a pi lino forte case. In tlio caso of Stark,from Orck'oti, Iu 1!, tho creilentl.ils wero In duoform, ho having beou polntcd by tho (lov-ern-

to fill n vacancy i but when the credentialswere presented It was sujL'c-tc- d by some Sen-ator that Static had used Immunco hostile tn the(Internment, and ihe credi ntl.ds were ri furledfor Invcslliiatloii. Ho was Dually admitted,1 n l: not until after the Inv c- Ik'atlnii hadbeen made. Mr. Mi r'lmoii next leferred to tluicases of Messrs. Ooldtliwalte fnun Alsbunn,11lodkett from (ieorcl i. und Kausutu from NorthCj!,it!n,ii mid rani they lien. 111. 1 seated on aprlm.i jell cuse, but their credentials weia re-fer od,

A IHTONET ikvi:iimknt.He next read from tho report of Mr. Trumbull

ot Illinois, made tu tlie Senate In Is, 1, endthat the Mcl'.nery or fusion ticket a

majority of lil.Oiil votes In the election nfIf Judk'e Ui. nut Had n it Inteifered the McHnervUoi eminent would have been. lulcklv urbanizedmul acquiesced in bv the pe .1 le. II.) could nutsee how any man limit a filrand Just mindcould doubt the fact that McKnery was elected.The senate know, the country kneiv, and theworld knew that the Mi Fin-i- (lorernmrnt w ssutuuessed liy the Federal army. The President.In bis mussace. told Cultures- - that but (or thopresence of the army of the 1'nlted States the) ; e k'k.' flovernmeiil co ild not stsnd In a

an Ii ir 'I he l.ytu h Ilnanl, wlili ticounted In Kelloirk', nuvcr bid nny

In law. It was abolished by then.'t ot Nov. sfi, is?.. liven If It hsd alen.ll existence, it never had imv vote before Itto eoiint. and thr never iv. enabled tli.itKello..). was elected Ciovetlior. 1 lie Ile I'eiratlte'uriiltic'. was the lecd mid hidHit. v de before It. 'Hits board f mnd tint Mc-Hnerv wa, elected. The Senator from Indian 1

f Mr. Mortoi ) bad d 'clan d that the actb li of tlioSiitiremo C mrt of Louisiana was bindin: uponCoucress. He 'Mr. Meirl'iion) denied that Itwas. Tho power of tho Senate to dcterii.lntiwho was ele.-te- on of lis members wa abso-lute, and could not bo abridk""! b oil) Federalor Mate authority. In th.' b iidlnk' i oftaat court, iju .ted by the Senator fr .m Ind nin,It plain that t'nu court had no Jurisdiction,and therefore the decision had no iielcht orefect wha'ever. Il w.vs manifest that the

Court of Louisiana h idCONSl'IIU'D Willi Till: Kl.l ..HUH ibiVCIINMR.NTto s istjin ntid unliold It Sore uf the Jin'cesof that court were under direct obllkMtlons toKclluck. Jnuies F. Cviey. lua lebcruin to 'hoPresident, Piled Dec. Ik'. Is?.', slated tint tliesupremo Court was known to bo in s)tnpathyWilli the llei'tibli 'iin state (lovenimeiit. Hnwdid Cae know the opinion nf tlie C mri heluroli edeiision relied upon by tlie Senator troluIndiana i sir. M.'rt.M was rendi red Ilverv manhaviiik' any sen.e of Justice must acknowledgethat any eet nf Jtidt'es k'lvit .' their 1. pinion unsuch ipiestluiis In advaiiio de.ervid to be Im-peached and turned nut of uPlce. He then re-ferred to the res. dutl .11 of I'm HoU'e of lleire-eentvtli- e

recoitnlziiik' theKvllok'i((ioveriimeiit.and ark'ued tliat the House haJ bo rL'ht to passthst resolution. Where w as the authority um!rthe Constitution for the House tuany stale (lorernmelil if Neither Could theSenate piss sucti a resolution All theSetute could do was to say whether Pinch,back should tie admitted as a Senatorfrom the s.ate rf Louisiana. Hn argued that tlieHouso h id slultined Itself bvtho passage uf thatresolution, as It had iefue.l tosest meoiberje'et'ted on the Kellntti; ticket mid had sealedmembers elected 011 tho Mcllnety ticket. Hedenied tint lCellokk' was tlie ile urfu O.iveru rof IiOtilstana, mid rend various ntithnrltles toshow what constituted a iff dido uin.'tT. KellociHot beliik (ii.rernur de ucfu ur (loverin.r ile jun,was n mere n iked usurper. He next jinke uf

Tin: bi Ttr.s or tiik ri:pi:ii vt. iiuvkhnmcntunder tl.e k'uarintec clause of the Contltutlon,and said tho President had erred In tils courselow.ird Loul-tan- i. He (Vr. Merrtm m liona.keil ihut Ihe I resje:it sho .1 cuirec. his ownirror. It he would n .1 do It, then llivi-th- e

doty of oti.'ress t.i do so. He bad hoped thatti.o Pre ideu' would rise ahme all parly feel-liik'-

Hiid all PreOdetils si nil .1 lie at-- . v e artyInterests. J be Pri -- ldetit, t'mklnk' unit to theCoiKtltull ui. hould correct Ins iw 11 error andspurn tlie I111I mi 11 who have led linn as'r.ti.If be tMr. V'Trlruoni wis u ltcpiibi.a:i

the Admlni-tratloli- . he would adtleetlie to cotT'T t lil- - error. Krllo.-.-oiiit-

to le di iduoed Lv tho Prssldelit. If hewould not d It. lluT Ci'i.nrees should do l, andallow tho lawful (loveriiineot nt the State tolake Ita place. For oil- -, he was now tocast bis vote ,1 .'ilnst the admls-h- i f this appli-cant, and aU tu reverse the action uf tne

Mr. VcCreery .Deni.. Kv.) took the (lour, butbefore nroirvdlii.' with his ark'uni' it ieldedlor a mo lion lur an executive lesilon, wrtlchwas a.'reud to,

Tin: mvudv.ii nr i.trixiisro v;.Trial of Jiiines Hum 11 nil .11 Iclinel (;lllluiui

In Jersey ( 111 YrelirJu).The trial nf Juint's Hunt mi'l Mlr-lme- l

fiilllk'an, for the iiiurderof Win. Llvliik'-toii- e In(iruie street, Jersey ( ty, on the muriiliik' of the30th of Nuveiii'.er, wai beu'iui in Jersey City)esterday. Llvlnrtuiie, n youiik' iii.isuii, on thelilirht of Nov. "1. with a friend namedsit down ut a Initio In the Huckawav OysterHouse, Ss'i C.roie street. In the saloon were"Phil" Keilly, 11 piik'ilist, James Hunt, and" Ilb k," nlias " Mike" llillik'i.n. ii embers of tno"Morgan street llamr." At the bar ,t disputearose between Livliik'stone and Ids filend, midthe were sneered it by thccaiuS.On the ude.valk lleillv and his two friendsawultrd Livlnk'stoii" ami llenuet. On tlulrap-peir.111.-

Hunt aic.i ed Ltviiik'stoiio ol t.iUnc acik'ar from him, and struck hi in a heavy blowwith his list. Ltvin.-ston-e f.ill to tho cround,end 011 rei oTeruik himself exp istulated withHunt. While the amutnunt was In nrouress,ltntlly walked behind Liiuik'st.'iio mid dealt 1dma swlnk'lnu riBht-han- d blow n hicti felled him tnthe ciirn. Llvuik'stoiio did not speak. Ills skullwas Imctured In the f ill. Itnllly and bis Irlendiwalked awiy. (Jilli.-at-i was urrestcl In hishouso 111 Moresu street; Hunt was cipluied InIlrooklvu a few days after the liouib hie, andKeilly is supposed to be In Enti ce.

Tho Coroner's J'.rv .. 'piltted liilllitati, but howas )iiliseiueiitly i.irested.

Coiisiiterablu time wivs spont yesterday In.1 lurv. James lleiiuel, the friend of the

de.d man. Henry Maikciii and Francis lioivlmc,to.tiflod tu tho story as above boluro udjourn-nien- t.

A (ii eenbiii'li I'm rlCi.KVUi.tND, Miitt'li M. --Tho Cunvontlon to lf

u Inurpeiolent ur "irreenbsck " pvlfmil uifet here i;nic u iiuinhor of s

prlnrlpally from His Writ, lis 1 e arrlii'd, snituiroiv sre eipet'tcil una 10 morrow. A cunfer.eiii'i- u( dolt'u-sip- . tntliullQK si'vrnl ,rutiitnriit lalmriinl"U lesueri an, iireeuosck itittstur. nsi held tlilastiern. on, Hie nature ur re ult of Milih lu in, I hemun iTUiiuil, Tlie pri'i'srailont f. r Ihe Cunvenll'inhsie he.'ii inch r tie i.iiiiiq li.its iliewoik.llU'lllel.'s Ahsiicl ill. in. suit tlie inn. .tneiil sein.slobl;pariKuUil) Iu thu lutercat ufllu. UUurliiii unn

Civil III. hie L'liiisin. u Nrjro's M cl ile.Atlanta, Cm., March 10. A bather to-d-

ruiiiii.itli'.l auii'ide liy shootpi. kluiself tliruu.-l- i thebesrl with 1 pistol. Hewn one of a piiily uhu, uponHie i unci' ul the l Irli Hi.-li- till, vllltril I In'

In tlie city una Die sanie r iclps usHullo Hits cuniiiiLT risiu.i'U In Hie lu, orisin nnae. lie 'mti'ilr ri'Kti'tti'il Ins ruiiilm I, hili tlie

us '.r.'.siu'i prei iiri-i- bi 11. u loss ot tmstat-- Ii tno oulycsme knuwu lur tlie sulcMe.

An llxtdnsloii ol I'lrc llainp,Wii.!ti.HHAltlir, l'a March 10. An exidoslon

of tit damp uicurrcl In llsltumre itialt, No. J, lustntjnt. Doors wrr blorn utt ilulr liliuri, tiiniierskniii kei) ilusn, ami oilier datni2e dune tu itie niiue,W. lliuiiisi, .lsln.i U'Dunliell, aid Mlilinl Jl.'l uwere aerlouil) ourncdi and sm oral otniT uuucri MereslUuily burin 1'.

The .MiiiHie) Wile Klllin..Ldivnrd Mount's' iu the Court of Oyer mid

Terminer jeitudiy, .leide. Rinlt) uf ininilau.'htrr Intheki'ioiiil I'l.-rr- um u un lu In t.ii-- nt for the murderof bl w lie. '1 he tun hud 110 llleh-i- Hlilln eiicsiri-i- In brawl ana Mount-- hid hraitu Ins wtiu su matstie illeil. Judue llsirvtl siuleuced mui lu btate prlioufor letiu jr

A Murder Trlul Finished lu Dun llur,Sctir.Nr.CTAliv, March 10. Tho trial of Gates

for murder net bczun la the Circuit Court here truer-di-

nioriilin;. A Jury wsi lenunl, sllnri.r.i cxsiutnrd,counsel luiiitiitid ui, the Jury wss cnsrueil, slid st tj'. l. Ht'iit uui to tliiili I,mt un!.! liiey lirous-li- t

lu a Ttrdicl ot uiauiliUKhter .u the 101- ind

A llrtecllTo Heal to Jnll,In the t'nlted States Court In Trenton, yeiter-ds- y,

Judge Miou lenleuced Detective Clisiles Iterktr01 Newsrk to' one year In Male rli'in, for ronsptrlnelu detrsud Itis I'enilon Dei iilinei.t Hei ker marilrilths widow nf 1 soldier ano uia- an iQliUiTit tkal sliewas a widow still, in k.11.11 ttisa kikjiuu.

Till! Vltl llCII C il.ASltTY.

The InrtTleleiiey of the Deii'irtmenl or llollil-Ii.b- snail of the I'lio lleii.iilini-n- 1 111 pin-Hi- nt

Wotli lor the l.ctlslitlurc.Tli Jury in tho 3t. Ainliovv's Chttrcli

testerday rubiloro.l a inijorlty and twominority verdicts, end after belli.; thanked byCoroner lllckholf, und returning their thnnkj tothat oftJcl it throimh Mr. Ottendorfor, their

were dlsmlssiid. Tlio following aro thoverdicts t

We r.nd and certify thst MIchi'lMfd'thy, CatharineVriitutiucss, smt lEute Ann csaie In I In Ireeth Irom Injuries from hrlnir ilrueR br s elhurled under 1'ie iiftrfi In ot M. Andres. 'Ctiuicli, urtslar; irum the enuhin In of e ruof of stuctiur- s by the fililmr ih'reonur a tuirpi n of t le strst

u I "I IiuiIiHiu! No. il Dusn" atreei owned I17 Jss M,Stistr, on the evening of lib, ii, lifii an I Ihsi Ms rA Cinliurs ami Thooia . Kim ui'T nun to llirll dentil itbetiiKcritihf.t and iraiiiT.leil upon iliirbia th nsnle hutch uimn such Islilnrfot laid wallon si .1 ev.'nlna uf Keh.i'i I R7 "

Thu " :o fiirt'e'r Cint but the "sld wslls of Khvw'st nl li'tiiit. Dusni- i. nc-- In 'i sndoiii'rereus cuu'ipleii when ssi t full net nirr.'. and lis.l he. insin ti cimdltliiti stree the octaiiun of a first lu ssid U'lllJ.n oa ,tn. tl, in:..) and

Thst the cnlpi ul the Klre llepar'ni-n- t of IhrrllynfNew Vorlfiiml Id chief i ( P.'Unlj-- i In cnarte. sie

fur htefii-irii- dhrhuite uf luti In nui rau.-lin- tthe iliiiite-ou- s i rilons ol s 1I.1 ills lo i.e llirus n

down liuv .u itie plsce of sstdfire t andIn.'t tl.- - I), pirtnient of lluli 11.111 In slid ettv Is

nil'tr of uf duty In ni l tskfur itttletent busttneaus to si cure said ills, or to esu a theImr'l .us it..'ir"f 10 I... r moved In In. lu'ervslin, .Jan. 1'.' t. dsti of tslsuutr, 1 tierlo t ot furly-luu-

day- - sou 110 in nut warnlnir pers uisui I'i t liuni, Jisulu iih')rlinii, of 'he d.tiken,ui condition tbrrtof : ntd

T h ,i as .lonil Ii Su, ink, itie sii'hbet-- i ,.l ssi I mill.lbii,wss eniriiBie.l i.y Uci uwiht svtdnull full atiili. ritr and uisrr. tiuti rtspttilurf 'he same,we si. o fat ther fin I thvl ild arctilt. .: er-e- In Juliz-t-

ut in nei taWine additional prei aiitnns tor tne -- ecu .

ntv or iiuiiMial of the daiik'Tous pi.rtljui ot sail wall.w t ri'ei.mtuend to the Mayor ot the I Ity of New York

tn at uice male si.plieatiuii to the brglrfaturt for sui-l- i

aiiii'ndii'ent to I Tie liiuldiDic Una as will set ure sdi qustla 'Sr.s ol rsri- '1.1111 nil ltd'tdlnss In which tsrk'e il'lhers of peri jit, sre empiojred or do ceiuciesie, w 1,1 rby I' e Nile!) o' pfs s.,a l,e pro. not. it seJlnst tatslltlrabi lit", name, cr other einrrzuirr of Hie 11 lure.

lu witness i h"-eo- wr ibe sstd Jun rs. as wi 11 r.i tieCoroner, haie .elan itiuiiPttlou st-- i uurhiuJa and sealson tie dsy sn pise- -

Iiswsi in irrcMioiniii, Tmoma Maiirr,Ki'iirnr Kili.y, J I) Vii.ic..1 A Mrs I.T M 11, CtoVAIII (I. .1 KNXtKS.1:. II MriiK, t LIVisMiir,(I. I.tturi x, 11. 0 H isoiii e.

Mr Thomas L. Thornell submitted tho follow-In- ;:

I scrse wPh the shove Cnllne tn earn psr'iculsr, indfind in addition thai the roiiiiruclon uf the traiierrsti riissiid ujors In ur,M'nr lnar.lalM Aadriwt bunh.whi, ti eai,.nel n. th if two of the afore-said persou., calls for sriere cen-ur-

luus. L. Tiioh.mll.The other rrrdlet Is as follow :The uaderln-d- . tneaib ti nf m l J try. do isr t'ist

Itie sre unshle to acree with Ihe snose flndiO'- - of Iheinij rity 01 lids Jur, sid do, for. thru.selres, Cud sal'eeitlf) :

Thai MlchJtl MeCirtliT tnd I'stherlne Mrflulnneisrsaie to tin ir il.'lt'i 011 the evening uf 1'eti. .' 176, 111

M Andr-w'- s r:uiri-h- hy ,ie fsPtnit up t fti u of n P'T-lio-

of Hie west wall of un sdj talus ..'id iliurttA linanes:te.T, the ol Janei M t'ist viiryA. emu rs, T ho'ii Keeii-.,- slid Ann .iciirnn rstneto t elr destt, st the a tne time I r tirlnc crush diut tisiupied uu .n diiriuc itu pant.- wi,i,nliTiinediate'i sf Ier sitd 'ill, nt In ennie nei e uf tn..lniusie ,trovl..ui for tt.j safe flit of tin vUifre ition,the s'.s'rwsya bftprf too nirr.w s t croos.-,- sod theems'.ie daoi s bein nuiur to tnwsru, both ot w nic.cei- -i 11 van-e- l the saerluce of lhe .lies

Weil Pal from the tei'i-- iv of .vmns N. Itt'ii, rtor for the retiuliuiiiir. mst he p..elouand uf 'ie walla uf th stisw im.tdbt uu 1. 1euiurirt f ir ret illdlnrf, tromKib l'tio Feb ','.'.. Is 7.s.Itieila'e uf l.- - ..iiiil,, i nu.ldrr d ll.t WalUdan-te-

il aU the time. We Iheref-jr- fuutllerldni KUlllTof eirei.sii-- i in thst Ii. didiuot iiunns itistpen cause Ibe oauieroui wstli lobe removed ur madssecure. .Ions P ruow.

It l. Tkllllkt..

ltltOUKt.VX'S I'Ul. 11 UAL rillllT.Tenner's Defenrr of Ihe Charges Undo by Mrs.

WIIIIiiiii' llrulher.Tlio Sjollcltor of tho Trpasttrj-- ,

Mr. J. II. Hoblii'un, yestorday resumed theof the charges atalnst 1'nited States

District Attorney Tiniicy by .Mrs. Attorney-Gener- al

Wldl iti.i's brother, S, D. HtiKlies, formerly Assistant Hlstrlot Attorney, amiwho was dismissed for L'lvliu' tho offlt'o secretsto Sanborn's luwycr, mid wlio Is now assistantcounsel In the Alahaiui Claims Camintsslt'ti at? Aladiy. Mr. lloiiinson. who wvs directed by.alula il't William-- 1 inves t; ne til. I rot.ifr-In-la- w

's ch ir.'i'-i- . j.ii.1 that tt waa nut bis ivl-- li toh tse the Inio-tuu- ti 11 t.u'jii. nil., tho brothel-I- n

I iw i"ui"iirri .1, mid tl.e li'stilc Atnrnsvs.ild that he did 11 it card n betber it waa publicurn t.

H.ik"ies'i chi r;s are that Jiiiljiii'iits were va-cated by the lu.trt. t Attotnev wb h lie Inti ridst ptovci ou.'litt lnvo been I'ollec' "i. und neiisth it the reciirits of too oflb u willwhat lie sats. Mr. Tenner h s ain sered trie1 hark'e III a nrlnted t nut n,t, an l mvs that tneiery ca-- i cited the Judgements were openedfor nation time to allow persons to put inort-k'.i.'- e

on ther pruierty, lut tint they werec.ose.l Iti a verv fw dms afterward and thelien wius renewed. Ill other c.i-e- s ciled bylluk'lies, as improperly coiupr 'mi-e- Mr. leu-ne- v

at 1 tli st 11 n't' 1 on tha advice of theSulbUi.r uf the Iretfury, and has letters 10prove hie oesiriiou.

I'be Inv est tc it Ion esterdiy was In the FederalIlillldlm.', Molil.i.'ilo etreet, and Mr. 11.Tiesclosed ills cae. Mr. Tciiney apptared wltlib.sit.Utui,ls, Holla and Hull, and C.1V0 bis

11s uuillned above. He,makes a eutintrrcharre iik'slnst Hiuhes that he hut been nctltisfur illicit itl'tillers sin o lie iult the DistrictAtt irne)' .Mllce, and that on O, t. !, after twodistil cries had been seized, and Warrants sentout fur Hi ii..,'riet.T-- , llunhes oJ.Tfil iiumlnslbail, und asked that the mull mould not lieprosecuted. The oiler was declined, mul Hie re.rpie.t deioCd. On Oil. HI Hughes sent Idscliar.'es to bis brother-in-la- in VvHn.'t"ii.Onu of those Interested said je.terdu) : ".Mis.Willi un has declared t lint her brother shall evindicated. It is a clear case of brother-in-law-Ism-

rirr. oi.n trom.n's .V7.'ir,

(IfUi'lul Announcement ul' Ihe New Trench.Mlul-ti- r.

I'Atiii. Mdivli It). It Is oflliliillythai a Ministry hai beeu funned as

followsM. Hiiffet. Minister of tho Interior.M. Diifaure, Minister of Justice.M. I.smiii Sav. Minister of I'iimii.-..- .

M. Wallon, Minister of l ublic Instruction.VIcotnitu de Muaux ul the ltlflit, Minister of

Ak'rlciilturr.D11I.0 llecaze. Minister of Forrlcn Affairs,Uen. de Clssey, Mlnlsier of War.Admiral de Montulznn'. Minister of thn Marine.M C.nlhni. Minister or Pu'olU' Works.Tho Co T'lirr de Kr iiue reports that M.

has druw n up 11 prokTamuie of pulley forthe new Mill" try, the leudlii.' features of whb--lire as follow a :

'J ho Ajsembly on tneetlnc after the Ulsterhull lavs lo vole the h ld.'et.

I ho Senatorial eloilluiis to be held next Sep-tember.

T iio dissolution of the Aucnibly to follow InOctober,

Tho (iiiTerninent to demand the maintenanceof the present electoral system, and to latso thestate of sli'k-t- i 111 nil the departments except theSeine, the HI10110, and tho lloiichcs-d- u lthuno.

Sixty Thuiiennd Vrar,Ir. ltlchard O'lJormati has sued tho city to

recoiei the aiuuiinl uf Ins allowuuce wl.he buriiorsllonCounsel iu slrci upeuliia-s-. I'revloui t is .1, Ihe ssb iycf lhe( urporstloa Counsel was Hied by urdliunce oflh Ciiininon Counril si :i,oii, but lie rt reived in addblion, feci, nuts, su.l shonaneei taied under lie Irebill In strrel upi nines and oilier rises. Ills emolumentsh i 1 In tills nay 10 eiioitnuui, that In !H.',3 ilivyrinnnnte! to orer I'H.uiri. T be I.ejls'uturu In IK51 gavetut Lurp.iritbiii Ci ui srl 'i,.',oo tor li.'s 101 nc. 111 meet

la lieu nf ; Ids total silary f lu.iiis),Tne riiartiTtif 1170 providtd that ht islarr buuld lielued by ihe Comiitrolli r si uu amount not esteedbik'fla.issj. The l.otnptiul'rr tlxcd It at thst sum, hutt'uinptieli. r Conn, by psnl Mr. OVorman, Itiuthen lie

ill l.' ii I ul thu oilh'p, tho Hi. .',00 lu a Pillion, Lumptro.ler (irei'ii ri'lu.ed 10 coiitutus the os)inent. Theitiiwrr of the city lu llus sun l, mat under the rhirierel IBM, Mr ll'liormau wss to receive exclusively ansniiinl ulsry, and thst that set by I'icoi.stiieiii.) repe Pedliielan of ism, under wh'th ihe a.l,llii..nsl kihih

wsstntd. ttierise wss bufirc ludfi',1. K. D,yyrstrrdsyoau diuiurrtr lo Iiie smwer. Decmoa

Thu iTIIrhlznu Mnolbciu's l.'upnld III v lileuil,Julin S, front) sued tlie Mlchiuan Southern

and Northern Indlani Itillrt id Coi'ipaiy, is owner oftoji'irus of referred stock, to roiu-ie- l Ihe companylupsy leu per cert dlvldcad on the stock befoie miyillvldend wss paid ii the i oininon sloes', according tI lie I'tin II ions uu wl.h-- I lie pi ef erred sioik was lsu, ,:.Mr. I'ruuiy rihlsliiiiljti'tcmriii lu 11 fsiur, hut meaii-lim-

th ' rsllrusit had occoinu cons iltdaliu with others,Pi b idIiii" lest, rday i:raut"d su order for a sun.

I iiiunl tl c ui plslut to in 'uJe these roads uitUlu thettruii uf the Judgment.

Itciliiillon of Cm mi I Tolls,At.niNVi'March 10, At a meetliur of the Canal

rtoard Ihe committee, ronatitins of Comptrollerllopiilni, Auditor Thayer, aud Btate R,ulneer Hweet,submitted a report lu favor of reducing tolls ta follows :

Uu itrslti. it'll) per cent t on luucer, 30 percent.) oniruliik' trum tide water. f0 per cent, ibereport was lilu ou thu tshle tu be prlutt'J.

New Jersey Chillier F.lcrllous.Tho Democratlo coneral ticket was elected In

Orsujt. lleuryW Keuerbad 200 majority for MayorThe Temprnnre men have two msjonty In the Council.Korth Hrunawlck went ItcpulillCJU, lb a 1'nhn ticketwis elerted lu Krakiljn. Tilt result in (.'iicJfn

lo ilaiubU

--w.rti-i - m ,M r ao s'n


ruv rott i: or Tin: Tit.mvs uxioxsor --vnr i nine virwI'oriuldtillo Oppoilllnu tu n 1,111 Hint II

i leived vrltli Appi elieiiston-- A Warulimto Hi Trading Folltliluns.

Tlio liiiiiiotuo liiultltiidi) thai fllletl eTeryneat and occupied nil tho standing room In thetreat hall of the Coofer luitltute last tduht waicomposed of workliik'incn of all nitlonalltles,nasombled In masi iiictli)B to nrotost aitalnsttho passage of tho hilt pcndltik' boluro the Lenht-latur- o

to hteak up trades unions.Vr. Ctulimiui called tho inoctliiu tn order, and

Introduced Jacoli Moliritntt, l'retldeiit of theTailors' Union, n. Chairman. Jlr. Mohritatt'snauto was received with acclamation, und hisnticnlne address wai I'stciied to rospijctfullyandvlirnroimly iipphuduil. Iio spoke of tho pro-pose 1 bill m bolne fraiuht with creat doniter tnoil clssrei of workliik'tiiet!, and as tlcriiainlliictheir utmost and united otTurts lu opposition to111 passage.

Mr, Waters, nf the 'lonnslinrcnien, hnvlnu beenjppulnUd Secretery, reed tesoliitlons declaringtho I. Ill In contra vciil Ion of tlio Constitution ofthe t idled SUtes und ot eilstliu: statutes

to nnrklhirmon thu rl.'lit.i of orcitdratlonfor mutual prntei Hon, It III bocamo thn

of a free people to Introdiico a measureso much at variance with tlio Constitution ofthe country, mid so contrary to all reason andJustice; and ivory representative opposed tospecial lek'islitlnn fur any class was calls J uponto rail hn vote uiridnst thu hill.

T he icsulutlotii w em also toad In (Jenuan, andutiaiiimoii'lr adopted.

Mr. Mi Mnciiaii win Introduced ki ths firstspeiKer. lie detailed the, lutik' series of wrotik'Sto which thn n'orhlniminn had tiatleiitly sub.iniitcd, beslniiliik' with tho attack inadu uponthem by tho nollco nt the opoiiliurof last )eor.Ho spouti of Coliimlsiluner Duryee as,i"inld-tilch- lassassin," and c illed upon Ills hearers toband theiiiselres together to resist this last audsreatet outra.'O.

Mr. Itobert HUss-l- t, of tlio Tallort' t.'nlon, saidthat the Imposition of line or Imprisonmentupon striWts for itttiniidatlm; n ui strikers wasurnis tyranny, tiecauso tlio men to bo protectedby tho law weru such moral Cowunls tliut to lookat them was to filjhton them. It the law hudbeen lu forco when the 'lon.'sliuremeti were oustrike, thu Jills tudiy, Instead of beliik' filledWilli political thieves and scouudrcls.would bavobeeu crowded with honest worktiik'nien.It,beer.) J'l.o incisure which It wai p!opoedto adopt wos neither o llrpiihllcan tier a Demo-- .rati.' tniasuro; It wa purely an Fusllsh ino

and for that reason tho speaker ibjkct"dtoll. And If any ut'.etnpt should lie made tores'., -- e tho Infamous cnn-tmen- of the tluio oftlie (leor.'es, tho w rklnk'nieii of tho countrywould ojsin se It at the ballut box.

I) ml 'I MtCl.incey lolloweu In tho same strain.Iio did not know whether the bill was to boi iedlti'd to the 1'ollcc Commissioner or 'o someother bodv of the I'lieitdei uf t he workli'sruiena voice. " 1'uo Pillcc Cotninissloners ", out ho

Lht'tv Its object was to deprivemen of a fair day's pay for fair day's work,lie cuiild nut ace that there wa- - any Govern-i- ,

uni lu tins ( v that cared inoro for thewurkin.'tiien tu uicu they were so curi. Hisses Aldeiinsli HoiVisnilshad publicly aiiuouii.-e- that he vws opnosed toLTtiiik' the city miks urv work Into the handr ofestdent tnei hinii s, and tavorod uny project liy

which It could t j di ne cheapest. If there weremen In N w Vork who renulred HsnUtance, hehad said, they must tie u'slstrd In some otherway. What did the AUerinaii mean by suchlaucuat'e as this .' Did ho think the lndiistll uisworkliik'ineii uf New Vork were more In need ofsoup houses than of honest employment?llle- - and trro ii .

Mr. Ilti't.atil M it hews spoke, of the extremodim, ult) experienced by the bricklayers In un.taltilnu woik, "It's well,'' he nld, " lint th's Isusesruiiof fish, unit no Insultliik' remarks arem ado when a Mi ni purchases a heirlm:." Laugh-ter.)

Mr. Flllott, of the Painters, said tint ilthoiik'hthe tiolti'N had elubtied and dispersed an uuor-rinlze- ii

aspeinblxire nf wuikliikTiirn In Toui-kli- is

sipiar. If this bill should pass thn Lectsla.tore would spteullv find that they had hiouithtthotii'i'lv.-- Into direct contact with all thepower nf trades unions. Cheers. Hu con-tended tint ttie worklnemeii had n rlk'ht turn.I i i'i uliiplol mem trutu t ie Sta'n.

Mr. Il.iii'l in and Mr. Matti-i- spoke respec-tively in lieriuan and KiikIIsIi, und the assemblybruko up w ith beers.

MAUUIUI) l.V f.'AO.-i- .

The 111 Idea room Iiultr Five. Veuri Henleure lor llura-iilitry- .

Sixo SiMt, Muri'li lu. On Kill. was sentenced by Judct llackstt of NewVork to Sink' sins for five eur for buiclary. Afew d).s alter tils arrival at tho prison, a votingwoman called on blm, claimllu: lo be his be-

trothed, and made urrutik'emenu to marry hltn.To-da- she came nk'.iln, and cave her name asMmy Ann Duwllu.', and had mi Infant with her.Chaplvln Ci.titleld was summoned, as wsi alioIP Ian, and all enlered tho NNardeu's pril.ito

I3ce, where tho in .rrlsco ccremonv was per-formed, the k'u.'iti- - bellii Inspector tl raves, War-den alker, lieoner Jacksuii, C, II, (iiffod,clerk, and oil eis. Thu convict brldi'k'r. inhad n.ilt an hour's conversation Willi in , bride,mul then irtiir'.ed to Ids woik, wbl'e thu bridowent back to Ne v Vork on the U P. M. train. It

T the tlrst lusrriue that ever occurred iu S.nirMn. I'i oil.

D 1 m's real name Is John 1'ranloy. The bridewas attlnd In i pliiin-c- o lured merino dress,plaid ili iin, bl i. k hat and black leather, l'liei ridekTonm wore .1 no striped suit ofblutk ..lid wiilto provided by the State,

llllhtrni'tien lu llrnnklru,Patrick Mnrpny, a liquor dealer of M Atlantic

fevenue, rtruokiyii, who U tie sff-- nt in Prooklro forJsines Ite d A l o. of 13 Urost street, lsst nlk'lit, in fnun s rullrctln tour, wss knockedaowu in I rot tied ot over I l.l'O. lie hid cullectrdtle'l from .laiurs In iiithuih avruur, sud

trom I'hai. filrn.'v lo ColumMi stnet, snd stnslb rsum, uf other I ,pi,ir dealers lie stopped in at lloi,Duherty's. la ihe re-- r of He i ourt lloue In biTtnr,toumeet, lusted twice, and spoke of a hard ilay'a work tliu lertinc.

Ho bade Dobcrtv coed nlirbl at Iwrlie o'c ock, sado lloerum street Hp was followed by two tlten,

and a, he turned IlIu p.terini'rtmrn strret ha waskuorkeO djwnillld his veil rut airuss with a sti.rpknife , r r zr, utui tnemur inJum oouk t OQlaltilua'the 11,100 was stolen. 1 ho hiKhwdyuteu fled.

?Irs. .Indue O.ili'a I)Icot en.The man uimsof the Soldiers' II line havo been

ami.ied for weeks put hr an tuipovtor who his beenculli'i-ilm- coutrlbuttons, repri'ssntinir himself as theati'ri'dlte.l apent ol the Piitltuilsn. Ou Tuesds) Mrs,Judc Daly, Chairwoman nf the home, wis vlsitlna; tiermother, Mrs. Cithsrlue M. I.)dlf, of R Wsihtn'ibtnulnars, when u w..i.dris.'d strsiuiTcslled snd, sul.t-p-.

Inn eoiiiitl.L ams tor Um tiome, reiv eluuui'i.l luis it. rtn sud iii'ci'itl''i. Mrs. Daly Ji. ucd 'ithe eoni iTssllyn aud dt'tsluei. the eon. iter u ta the

arrival ul one uf ( spt. Vm Diueu's ipmroluieu, whom. relied U..' Impoit'-- oft lo tlio viercer stiect i .Iicoslslliui, where he de. rlhed lllluself as W'l.lUm 11.

bill. Pel s. His frsudulei.l eolleeilons already rep.n tedsmoiiiit, it 1. hahl, to 7oo. He wss remanded i. r

tO'diy lu Ibe delft rsun Market Police court.

l.urky Slulo Oni.els,The Hew Jersey Senate jesterday, by the party

rote ot lu to S, refuied to concur In the IP in rr .o i

tlon to o Into a Joint ieMon. This rcfuial will nm'.t1. thn tnaHi.riT. Msti Llttrvrl u.auii ttitoI'll, ui K iTur, w Ith llietr iub t ll'.cla.., hoMllik oicr

A llnimliiK l'otpiineil,Wtir.ri.tMi. Vn., Marcli 10.- - Judk'o Ilijinond,

of ttie s ipn'iiii-- unit of th.s Muti', has urante ohiot prut ei'.llnk's In ' of Tslur Mrsiuler, the i u).i i wire iiiiirdiTtr, wbu wis stuttuteu lo be tisoeuoa Itie k'Oth lust.

n .i ,s it i . iax xun:s.(Ion. Shoridau was at iho White Hons yrsttr-dv-

Senator Hunt li says he will not co Into ruib'iswith eitiiiT t in), I'd wbi, like ei Preildt'iit Join ouo- Teim act In Jcpcnucutly ot any pariiinu deleruimatlt tu.

Tins President jesterdav noiiiluited J. llurti-t- iin to be I'mie.i M ibis DuirbT .ludce for

the U uf Arkaiisus. snd (apt Joint p.IHuuinuut to be ('ommo'lure in II e I'ultei Miitc Navy

A le i. uiiler II. White, ol I '.marcsfr. in .laPiu.H, hsi h.u n sppolto. .1 by the Atiuruei-- .

lb iutsI to lUtuTiuieiid aLHUut violsiorsol Hi,- hni - ui Hi. mti 'si. hi tlie --.outh, an sivro.I'll itiuii 1. i.i".sif ii that puipuso liuv Hue reeeutly tcea

xi. ir Jiutsuv,A lirakcmnn named lli'cd was crushed while

coupllui . irs in Pitt'rsou y.'iti'rdtiy.Tho lirldk'O over tho Pasvilo river st Mead's

bsilo, ileal Paiiuuu, fell yeiterdiy uudt-- a weikht otIce and silt iv.

Thomas Matthews heat his wife until sho waiuncoiisi mui. In lioli.'ktu on bunday, aud wss arrettedyiur'li) Mrs. MsitneiTi lusy ale.

John Miilvililll was yesterday convicted of at.temptlUB lo murder Huh In Jersey lily. TheprUoaer wai remanded to swill trlsl for ktttt'UiPliuif tokill Juhu Dlcsaol.

Tho municipal election In Camden, N. J., yes-terday, mulled In thn cietilia of fourtreu Hepubllrsuaand elei en Democrats tu the Council. Hie siuv n Isilyesr. The Dcaiocrsti elccttd a city T teaiurtr sud Al-ienor,

Tin: Joux.sToirx Tii.taiwr.A Mnn who lint n ((unrrcl itllh tlio Vlcllm-- A

Knolpilut thnt fllny Furnish u C'luo totin Murderer-Vol- t's l'liueml,

Johnstown, Maroli 10. Tito lnriucst orerth") bodyof I'.dwtird Yost, who was found mur-derr- d

ou Huturday uiornttic lu Ids sleeping apart-ments In Hays ib Weill's private banking house,has broiikiit forth no now facts of Importance,Tho examination of Fred Smith elicited thefact that Iho dissolution of partnership betweenhim and Yost was Iho result of a quarrel, dur-In-z

which each hud called thn other linrd names,They Iiml subsequently conversed about resuin-tm- :

business skuIii, but It was not definitelyOk'ioe.l upon.

John ('. Illpon, who had slept with Yost onsavernl occuslon.s, testified that on thn SundayFred Smith hud a'.knl him If Yost ot( r left Ihedoor open when ho (witness) slept with him.Hn ciniltli) said they nut up onu bight andfound the door uni icked. Fied Smith hadwhispered to witne's as bo went on thowltneisst mi.' It's about leuvlmr thn door open."

Ldward O'conuor testified ti seclnu: Yost'sdo,' lu the streot about !!;') o'clock on Saturdaymorulnir. ns be was iminit fur u pitcher of water.James lleirlnir testified that us hn was passlustoward the bank from Wemple's Hotel, at twoo'clock ou Saturday inornlnu lie heard a snort-- I

n.1 noise, wlileh hn thouirht was matin by lomoono IvIiik In front of the meat shop of Yon.When lie not neiir the shop he heard tho siiuionoise nsralii. llo iiDerward he rd a thump whichsciiiided llko that niado by kicking on a box orcounter. Did not sec any one and wont home.

The shadow of a chin Is obtained In the factthat on a vacant lot opposite tho bank thn foot-ste-

of una man have been observed, and ulomr-sid- e

of them tlioso of n dn. They were tracedto ii barn M) feet distant,

Thn funeral of Vost yesterday afternoon wsiof the most Impressive character, Tho day wasmild, the Ulcus crowded with peoplo, and allplaces of business closed. F.vrry train broiiiitiik'reat numbers of strancers to tlio plsro, andwhen thu procession finally formed and pro-ceeded tu the thuich every ono followed.

the siuiKi: ix Tin: coal mixi:s.Th Miner In the Lehigh Iteelnn Determined

tu Hold Out-- A Scarcity of Coul.Macch Ciit sK. Miirch 10, A tottr of lit- -

pectton throuch parts of tho Lshlah coal reclon shows that ths miners stilt nvlnce the satuodeterniluntl in to hold out for the PTI basts.They say they ean stand It for two months, andeven loiik-cr-. The coal at Summit HIM, Ashton,and other places Is very scarce, and at Dry Hol-low Is loaded In teams and taken to No. 10 forshipment by rail. Tho tarire shops nt Lanifordof the und Wllkeibarre Coal Companynru nip, lie, I wiih some tlifuVulty. At HeaverMosdow mid otner collieries ooal Is vorv scarcefor the ran of miners. At .Nesimelinnliu theyam loailltiu' neurit' one hundrod cars of culmdally fi r shipment to Now York,

That. !nln.' present a very dull appear-ance, and tho only work done is piimplnir, tohep the mines from beluirfioodod. Thu miners,

k'eueml think', seem to h ive a fair amountof ready runner, and their larders are still wellstocked. It will bo lmposlbln to slate when aresumption w 'II take nl.u'e. Tlie operators willbavo to make tlie first advance.

MOLLY l All Li libs AlTEII A "nt.ACKf.Sc."On Tuesday ovenlnir at 12 o'clock about 100

"Molly Mairulres" through Ashton. no.rSummit Hill, all armed, soma with clubs, otherswith pistols and k'un, and ul! masked. ITioywere Pi search of Luke Sweeney, who, theMolly Havulres claim. Is worklne its a " blsck-l.-c.- "

He and several others were notified tocease work or take tho conienuenee, and theypromised to do so In order to savu their lives.

tiiv city of Tin: iiii.m.The Finances of the Illchrst of the Cemetery

Corporations.Tho Hon, Olnrksou C'rollui presided at

the annual tneetlnc of the lot owners of the(Ireenwond Cenioter yesterday lu tho trustees'oinre, 30 llroadway, and Mr. Josoph A. Perry,thn Secretary of the Hoard of Trustees, pre-sented their report.

Tho receipts In 171 were f TG,?10.!s1, which,with tlm cash on hand the Hist of December,IST3, I.TD.OM.M, made ff.nj.W.l 111, The expeiiul-turi- -i

for 1871 wete t371,77J.0l, leailni; on handon the .'list of December, IS7I, $di:.H.s.

The fund for the Improvement anj permanentcare nf tlia cemetery is lil.

Last yo ir there wero Ptl lots sold, tnaklne tinwhole number up to 1171 ULhsa. Therew V7.17 Interments, oxactlv the sainn numbera. ii. Ii7l, Tho whole number of liiiermuuti upto tho 1st of January. 1875, Is 17- -'. W.

The New Trenty with Ileluluiii Itiitlrird bythe ssenntc.

Wasiiimito.v, March 10. - Last year Cuicrcsipssird a Joint resotutloo autl.irl.'ln,' the 1'ri'itJeul tok'lic no'n. to ll. lrfluiu ol tut teri'iinitlm of Ihe Tr" ilyof 1S.M bttueec that cuuiry and uur own r.'ctilst.ogtheir reciprocal rtiailoas of c jiu.ii.tco au 1 dstI.'ii! in.The notice was uiven beciuse tl hid bee uno cecofrrfur eur (lei eminent lo shroste Ibe and 11

article of itie trestr, as there srtlcies In theirpractlesl opt r ittnn siul un Ier Ihe " Psvored .Villous"clsuielnlho reiiis with the llan.esutlc Kepubllcsworked i dticrun.tutliTu ajstnn uur cunimi-ri-tn- ma-rine ab.l ta (nor ot fortlu vcim-Ij- kiitng coasiucr-ant-

tro ih'e.Tie t'nind Mates hs.l no deure to disturb Ihe retrain,

tier . f 'hi tr. stv. but su wtilinsr to renew tt witn theoi'iisiiun "f tlie ohneii us sectl.'m ill ve mentlorn,Arcruiucly s new irrsly wss neottsted on thisli.ils,wit, i an irt i :e providing for the ri'eli.r..rst free irsmltor go. , ds Ihr,-Ig- lbs territory of eitlierc iuutrr.:lt-k'il-lattot'-

fur ih' purpose, " fsr as the Cntted htates ar"coucrrned, t 111 he msds by the Secretar) of the Tres..ury Tins treaty w as sent to the Senaio )rs i rdsy, andwas rsttOd lie lay w iihum o tioslt,n, the paramountobject helm; lo eslahilih condnloua Cd'aslly s.hauta.iieuiii to the counuerte iud uavlk-stlo- a ot tioth coun-tiles- .

Murrlnue In the .Unyne'i Onire.A t iiiiik' Hebrew snd a pretty younir girl

wh'i' features clcsrlt Indlcstrd hor Celtic orlkin,cslled it Hi M Ivor's oitlce ysrerdiy aal isk'd to beminted. The mirr i;e irrttCcits hivint been pre.psre.l, the yountrcouoio w re i'snt-re.- into Hi Mirer'sinner nice. " Whst is your name?" aki'dliui CaiefMsiirsie iddres Imr the ) eunz man.

' David," iTOinptly ri'Diied the bridegroom.".M.d your name is wnat f" aasi d the Msyor of the

t rtds.The yo'irie Miss blushed n she answered, " Mary Anno

The Mayor recited the irarmee eeremonr, ind prouuuu.'ed the happy couple " bmbsud sud wife."

The I'oulieenlli Slrrcl Wife Shonllnr,Dun un D. Templeton, who on meetliur hli

w fe in Iho street shot her lu the face, ind was sent tobtalf prison therefor, wis yesterday In tne Court of0).'r and Ttrui'ner on a writ of hubcai torpui. HI,r.iuasei, Mr. I). T ,ivn.ei d, asked ttsit h he eitheriiilu Iced tn ball or seat to i lunstie nrlum from IhoT. . iiihs. t'ruiliiiK Ihe il. eiioii ol ths Court uf Api eatsiipi.e the AibTtiey's ippeil from the HencralTern's nf his coiivbTloo Tl.e spiilu'stiun wasIssed muni atltdsTlti thst Ti mnh ton's nuut I andphihii i wss BiiffciliiK .'restly (rou, hi. imprisonlueui wh re lie Is c lulled, liecislun reicrvcdi

The lurdrr of Ann Cnsslilny,Th Coroner's liiiiuest throws no duht on the'r uf Ami Cstsidsy, whole body was fluru ou thorilbiai Jsmslri. I.. I 1' i tritia .l jeneriliy

si they heurd i woaisn's cites for help at tuflntkiit ouHit uikht lief i re the unity wsi but look no noticeot t, us bra Is were i umniou In the nclgiiborbood, Hiedttctivri profen to tsve no clue.

Two Chlldien I'ulnlly Ilurneil,Wii.itisnAiuiK, Pa Marcli 10. This iiiornlnc

two children of Wm. Thomis, s colored msn, wereburned wtille their mother wn out after water. The

wusstio) thrse vesrs old, who died i tew min-ims after lue lit Hut returned, and tlio j, I, ab.Uy, had III legi burned tu a crlip up tu the knees.

l.O.VfJ i.S',. I.Y),

It li ttuuicht that the Kelsev cae will bo tiledat the rpring lerm ot Ihe but rune Court in Itnerliesd,Jlr. (1. F, Well uf Aiiueuniruc, L, I., while

fsllen wall u f a cellar, one dsylsitweek,luuud a considerable quautlly of gold.

JJf(OK,r.Y,Lawrence Ahratns, who persuaded Mary Shu

Deiorth l, uurry hltn. a id who hid i muck citci euiytier formed by oce uf Ills ( ompsuitu l, while in.' klrl supposed It t he cviiulne, wis irralitne.i tielore.lits.icel.aiiii, in HIisiiisliurHh )istrrdsy,uuit will be casuilu-e-

on clisrgi' of hlgimy.Thomas Crawford of 1C.I Huron street, fliecu.

polt.l, u,eiiiLtrd to chnitlsf his sun t llilam on Tu.'sJsrniilil and Willi ml realiteil. i lie nil tne filher deanth. oo a tdow on the templo with an sie. furwhich Juslti-- HUM jisb-rda- sciiicncod tri.Tford tothe l'uultcntlary for mutt) oa) s.

cvitiosiTir.s or ciumb.Daniel Hawry, who had been convicted of

rteillui: the Adsmi i'vprrsa sift, waa srniinc.-- byJu lKt) lUiicu yen rdsy lo are jesi i in une r iu-l-i.

Charles II. Hlienynn. one of tho proprietors ofths bu'doU House, tliistun, wis arristeu jt'ib rdsy,thsrk'e.l with seitiug Ore to ths hold, which wss In- -

uied lu New York companies, lie wis Usldtu 11,000bill.

In a quarrel at Marshall, Mo., last eveningbetni-i- Ihoinai Hoik iud J. T. Widaell, llosk bredicrrrsl ilioli it VVsddell. inlislng hlin, but mo tallywuunding Johu Morrison sud s boy whose mine Is notKtiu. Desk wai srrciled,

Kdward Blavln of 8 West street, l'atrlck Fill.Ion of l'.'S ilreenwicli itreet, John t'lvmiuh of A Alnsuysrleet, Nslhanitl Darrlsch of 60 Corllsuui street, Philipfrsnk snd Ilrury Oldriihuriili of IS Corllaudl itrerl,were locked up lu tbeLuurcB street police slallna lestDlgtit (or tclltuu llauor witbout llctuss

4(j - -


JIADICAT, ,JOhhlk'IO ATlOXH TS'DHFIxjTVi.r rosTvoxiiu. ,

Ko Chnlro of (lovernor by the renple-Th- e 'J.rulslalure (inlinrd by ftotli I'artlos-Tv- rtl


Democratic Coueressmcn Kiecled.CoNcoiin, March 10- -2 P. At. Lator ro

turns have changed the face of tho election,making what st en early hour last evening seemed an overwhelming llopubllcan victory a sub-stantial victory for the Democrats. Thero Is dochoice uf Governor by tho people. The Demo'crnts claim nine majority In the Houie. The) -

Honato U now oqualiy divided, thero being uachoice In two districts. Jones, tn the FirstCongressional District, Ii elected, as Is alio Halllu tho second, both Democrats, Ths Itepubllcans carry the third.

IU turns from 23! towni and wards give Chenay '(Hep.), 07,012; Iloberts (Doin.)..Td,0lli Whlte.and


sc.ittorlng, Kl. Tho net Hepubllcan gain ovellost year's vote Is 2,809. Tho remalnlnc townilast yesr iravo a Democratic majority over allothers of 700. This Indicate that Cheney nndltoberts will run with about on even voto, thnst attuilnz votes dofcatlng thu cloctlou of elthcf 'by the people,

the coNancisioftAr, ntsTntcrn.Flfiy-nln- e towns In the First District give

Whltehouse lltep.). 0.WI ; Jones lllem.l, I0,(rri;sci lturlnc. Int. Wbolo number of towns In ths '

district, hr. Tho election of Jones Is concededb) both ptirtlo.

Twenty-on- towns In the Second CongressionalDistrict give Pike (Hop.) 4.811; Dell (Detu.),5,0JtJI lelchor, M.

Forty Ovo towns In thn Third District giveIllalr (Hep.) 7,iJ: Kent iDotn.), 7,a.K ; scatterHm, 59.

The.Uon((or(HepubllC8ii)clalini that the Hon.A. F. l'lko and the Hon. II. V. Illalr, of Ply-mouth, both Iteptihllcani, are elocted to Con-gress; that the llepubllcatis have a good work-i- n

majority In tho House of Heprnsentatlvos.and that the Hepubllcan havo elected six otthe twelve Senators, with several districts indoubt.

The f'.itWof (Democrat) says there Is no decHon of (lovernor by the peoplo : that thn Iteptih-llcani have live Senators, and the Democratfive, with two districts In doubt : and that thoDemocrats have a majority In the House nlHepresentutlves, Tho Minor, also claims tho ,election of Jones and Hell (I)ems.) to Congress,with the Third District In doubt. . '

The ivople (Democrat) also claims a siihstan . .

tlal victory for Its party, with the exception of '

the Third District, which It considers doubtful.TUE LATEST.

II P.M. Returns from all but eight towns oftho State have been received at tl.n AssociatedPress offleo here. The footlnirs tire Cheney,Hepubllcan, M,771; ltoberts, Democrat, 33,613;White, Temperance, and scattering, 074. Tho ,

same towns last ) err iravo McCutchliis, Itepubll- - 'can, itl.tHO; Weiton, Democrat, S; HUck ''mar. Temperance, and scattering. VMLT. Itopuh- - :"

llcsn not gain, 2,327. Cheney's minority, 69). ;

Thn towns yet to be heird from gave lsst yearMcCutehlm (Hcii.),2l: Weiton tl)ein.).,'H3 ;

scstterlng, 7, Adding last year's vote to thesetowns, makes the Hepubllcan net gain 2,7S3, and ;Cheney's minority 031.

Tho footings from the) First Congressional iDistrict elect Jones (Dom.) by 472 plurality ; .

Hell (Dem.) In the Second District by 1M plural-ity ; and Illalr (Hep.) In the Third District by 7Plurality.

THE LEGISLATURE.Estimating four towni In Coos county, not re

turned, to give the same vote as last yesr, theKepuhllcani have a majority In the House, tintthe exact figures cannot he clren. Tbuy claima majority of from six tn twelve. Tho footing Mof the several Senatorial districts ludlcalo that Mthey stand n follows : m

No. 1. Hepuhlloaii ; No, I, no choice; No, 3, ssiDemocrat; No. 4, no choice ; No. A, llopuhllcati: aNo. 0, Democrat; No. 7, Republican; No, 6, Deni- - Mocrat ; No. 9, Iteptiblleau ; No. 10, Hepubllcan; tNo. 11, Democrat; No. 12, Democrat. This J

leaves the Senate with five Republicans and Ave 1Democrats, two districts II a vi lie no choice, 3

Thero is no election ol (lovernor by the pno- -pie, and the duty of selection will devolve upon ithe Legislature, which will doubtless elect iChenev, tho Republican candidate. The Demo- - 1rrats claim a majority In the Council, though ithe districts have not been tlgured sumcloiilly ito doterm. no finally. The vote In the Stato yes-- l

terday Is said to have been the largest ever jpolled.

Probable Murder In a Wooster Street II a r-- &

lloom. J 1

At the Invitation of an unknown man, who I ,isild thst he wis a bulclur, lived la Thirty-fourt- h j 5

itre.-t- snd did builcessla Wsshlngton Msrkel. Ilsttla k. jDuffy snd Iteyanlds of 110 Wooiter street vlitte l f.Ssiuje; lleriick's liquor salooo si Prints and W'ooiur f" JUelm ta last "tin un 'itS

Smuafiei taey entered, their escort quirrelled with j --IHI..1U1 Mtiiuati. Ihe tiireeiit"-- . shout sn ,le;ed debt of sM1 no. L IOk' if cuntr .i at lsst, Mcllueti p iled the fHsi snirer. wiiodi l not ir after he toaraeit the urouail. 1

IJlu i.t lu trlc.te Irom In ir snd no.'rils. su.l 1tewasuneonic-ou-- Mi Hiik-- and llernck then carried 1I tm ii.t.. tne street, aud id Mui aowu on Iboooor. 9,slep ol IMd iv nosier slnel t j (imeer Hirl found him. ind with the ssill- - , itince i f emursites lu re b in to the l'r'nce itrei t stitb-n- aburr (apt. Mi'ioiiniii arretted .Mcllucn lu Pnma ! I

street. Pull, e -- uveoii Walker thinks tbsl tho stria. I ,1KtT wounds are fstsl I 3

Kxploainu of n Ilaller The Knulncer II I ownMil) l'erl and Killed,

Itfsitvti t.r Ind., March 10. -- A bolter In Nrl- -ioa ii ShortirliUe', saw mill, six miles north of Hitspuc, ciplodid mornint with tcrrlne nolenro, 'causing (he death of Alfred Joyce, en. Ineer, and Oicar ';'

ItTrhuiin, seed t' yesrs, serious Injury to Jsines J1lilnchmiu, Jerry Wiueiier, snd tieore Kitnhail, tho HPuller wn bl.,wn into a nuiabcr ol pteees, suJ In ill "milireciloni. One struck a lochouse, las) yards du. .ijI int, snd nesrly demolished II. The mill wis not run- - mL'au st Ihe time. Mr. Nelson wss tiling a siw when the t.enitiui er laid blm to hurry as tlio steam wss gelling loo MhUn. The expl.'iiou toltowid ilmot inline list, ly, Jan. tl e engineer wss blow u s .insuce of sixty feet, butMr. Nvliou wss ouij slijbtly injured. j

The Ileilllllei ol Ibe Civil ltluhls Hill. jSr. Loi'l.s. March 10. A desperado named j

llsil took a nepro into s ssloon si Wsvrrly, Miu kepi I jby une Pool, sud sit. mptcd to plsce hitnon a:i tiiuillty 1 jwtih white men under the Civil Itighis bill. Tlia lur . ikeeper prutesied, but Hill tiiststed, sud Ihe barkeep'--ihsi'd Hie neiiro oui uf ihe ssiuuu at the pulnl ut i pis. , rlu). Auother nesro usmed Hell then luterlsred, ia4the bsrkeeper shut blui dead. i- H .i

The I.oulilnuu Arbltrnlina.x

WASiitNaTON, March 10. Mr. Wheeler ant)others of the committee to arttltrale on Leiulilinaiffalri itirled for New Yurk. Mirshsl Psek- - ,srd of I.oulilins, Cbslrmsn of the Itepubllrsn Stst( ommtiie, and ( oil. ltactune aud l.eonsru, rei rri-- al )Ing the ( uiiiervs'lTt-s- tiivi- aim sjuue thithiT lo repra-- :

seut their leipi-cllv- before Die coiucaiUee. 'i ,

Weather linici Predleilon. jStatl mary or falling barometer, warinor, partly

cloudy weather, and southerly winds.

LOSSES II V 7ff. i

Mnjliem St Murray, Importers at 217 Canalstreet, fl.oou.

Pratt's astral nil works, North Thlitoontnnrret, W lillumslurgh, wss dsmseu 11,000 worth ye.Itudsy.

Tho stw.itaralklucatlonal Institute In Lebanon.Pa., of sluch Prof. K. .1. Koon la pr.ncipal.was buiusaveiterday. It was fully tnsiirid.

Thu toira-cott- a driiln-plp- factory nf Harvey 'Adsm..n,at Kourtti stieel and til nualilow a ateuue.,I'lipattelplils, was burned yesterday uiurulug. Lois,IVO.oeOj fully In.ured.

si'Auics riio.M rm: tvliuiiiavii,(leorgo F.. Yeate. chief engineer of tlie Paelflq

uisll slt'i.mslilp ( uti Itlcs, tiled of feiir i.n (hsl v;nslwhile .lu u entt iing I'su.iuu hay ou Mart Ii J.

The Standing Committee of tho Dmcess of ;Cuui.e.tit-u- l to dse ,m-- In fin r of Hit- conUinutioa .Dr. Jsygsr, and too coudrmatloa of Dr. Ds IKovcu. I

Albert Hemingway wni run over and killed by Jilrsin on Hie Noriiieru (i tral llsilway. at'out forty Jmiles s iuth nt Klunra, UU snuia.'. llo ai silting oa ij .Ike trick, aileep. I

Tho body of an unknrwn man, shout fifty I ,yrsrs of sire, wis tskt-- from the r.vrr it I'ruvldenc w

vesti r,ia on hu w in h poikti wa, w rlltea .

"A. It. Perier," or "Picker." Uu bss not yet bees ;laentlCcd.

joTtiyus a tiovr lotr.v, !

Three great trots lu the IllppodromoA musical entertalnmoiit will be given lu tiJohn sliei'l l K iliun b

Sheriff, Jacob Sechacher has beouk ' uoliitiM luc'iloneir to nil lbs goudi levied upon bytho city marshals.

Miss Anna P.. Dickinson will give her Joan-of- .Arc litiure nt Limy Chanel, lluilciu, this svttlm, forthe tcncUi of s chsrity.

Capt. William W. Story, well known lo old.f isMoued sulors ill over tne world, dlod st hli i

la Mitbuih yeiter.iiy morning it 3 o clock ofpueumouli.

Mr. Honry C, Jarrett of Hooth's Thsitre andJcn'ph II. Ti oker. Commander or iho PlTi i 'iun Hoek,sro lu llo. ton anangiUat for eicariloks bwiwtsu HyLuglind port towks.

Edward McMnhon of 121 Mulberry street wsjrun over iu i busily Injured by a Irui belonging to J.II. Swift ol i a mm tin sirert, an, driven uj unu klrckla Malbtrry I'reelycsttrdsy.

Dr. Wilbur F, Lane, who with Dr Day, 8anl'.arrliperllltenuillt, ill us ill ut Mn la. l.ll'bt w lib tbnull poi psilrnls st Dellevue. swilling ttie trrlvil ol

the order I r the captsin nf the iteimt r to tskMUf in to I

thu ii.sui iji thn tjtr did not lat'.r iruie ioi'jit.
