TOBAOGO...i i i the law and.pursued under.the mode dL~. te

........ A~NEW FALI~SUPPLy OF ....... COMMISSI O N.I~I:~ .. To takeacknowledgmen~a~(L ,,, .... ][][antmouton, ~. J. .I~: D,/1R WI~’, W avex, - -- Oovner-Hetl~eelnd Central Aveuuee. Cttatom Work promptly attended to R, CAR, IAGE & HOUSE N%w O/iShS-/o e-f - Weye~e_ru,d-q J oKcabl/m of forty msre’; ......... And there, ’neath the azure dome, The smiles of lleaven we wooed. ’. . .~. rorlngl~nd ol’81euX had.faunal - ’ Our peaceful, ~lvan fie~t~ A nd ofisnl ate o ~zrh~m,~they came Or, nolsete~aly,, with e3,es aflame - ],urk~l iv, the woods erml~3d, TIll fe~%r our hearts oppr~sod. Yet day 17 day they lingerM there. IIalfsrarved and beggleg for bread ; Bat wo~ alas ! h~htItttle to give, For D.telu tl~o Vail wec.qmoto live On the shore of the lake so fidr. And winter I~ad ~calcel$ fled. Bat there came a niche a dark~ drear night, - When we fro/n bht: tdu~ber8 deep. " ¯ WereBtarth.d I,y shouts and the cmckl[ug flame ; ONe WHEELERAND WI~SON--Near]ynew--for$12 Tl~e/~ swlR throngl~ the shatter~l d~orway came O]~rI WilEELgR AND’WIlSON furS5, " .Tho painted flo~da in the lurid light, - - - -- A imrves~of death to reap. The awful scenes of tlmt mldolght hour New American ,=,, my m,nd wit, ...... f.0; pnni~ of 1857, and we had only began to re- odve’r when the war aud .Eritish pirates did the rest. No eh~ing~-in_our .nwr’ei"0e has been p0s~|bJo-~e~ er the rspid substitution o( the’e~Aiing;v~sse| by - ~he. ~teamshtp, wh]c~ oauld he much m0re’cheaply producod infn~’5 eigutbaoAmnriean y.rds, an~ which had a further advantage "in’ the subsidy policies of ¯ early all foreign maritime governments. The Sonata ha~ voted to, a2joaru May 10,h but the House refuses, and it ,s predicted that if Mr. Wnod eau commit a msjt, rity of tho ]at ter to hi~ tariff r~adju~tment seh~-~e, ao nd- jot~rnmout is-likely hefore "Autmst. Hardly auyOftholarge appropriatzau bills yet h~eon reported lethe House¯ .~mon~: them e;q t~e Legislat.~,~, Exeouti~r~ and Jndlolal bill and tbe army bill, eitaer of which may Don- same a full month ia the struggle over them b’0h,’eeu Ihe [~ouse aad Seoaze. It also seems i B rI’ t-X BI, delay, honest, indus’ri~us te¯.l~ycrs iu, ord~ that ¯ Theeousatlo¯ ever the World" 4 publication fowrleheapltali~t~-tnaygrowriehSr i~ 7 dm of the eubslan~o ~ f ueverai alleged ioterviewe manufacture of whisky. """ ..... -- with ~enntor Coat, ling has cairned dew¯ lear. It never ~ayc to do wrong ;.yo¯r Jla:~ w TM inn a permanent iL.preen[cn with many, that fin4 you out : Whether othe. find it c.;t mi". though it is chiefly guess work~ there is no Col, ihe~;~ knows where you F S~ a~ Wi ~ re~s_°atg~_ual~eet thaLi_r LeVy materially mis- keep yon.po~ted of-ihe raot~it don"t represents the benator% seu’iments towards t.he ad~hrh istr~tiou. ¯ drinking man 0q0 plait Every time G’.over hauls h~ drag-net ~’o rum, making fifteen ee¯ta c:ear proSt.. dehnqueut : and hi~ party associates never re killed hie law ; a~d hi8 ~gretted anything morn than the latitude giveu eonfinemeot i~ ~all,-exee~tlnc~ him rod-h,a~’eZ~erte" to-rt~ka, ~the~-pwrty b~" L~ount~,more tlm~’~ii~()~8~..~.d~U~t~w~hiolt his mahtdroit n|at,agement in catching Dame- temperate men had tO e~r~ b~ the atw~itof crate in~teud o~Rei, ubl,cans . theie, hrowe, It donrt osy. " ; " " " " MAXWELL The loss unstained by ,celery, morell~, &el A%’~. 1[. H(IPI’I~(L Ilamtnonton, Athtnt[c Co., N.J. i ~ financially, the sorrow and ~ufi’erlc~ the mit.. .--~ . cry and destltutinn produced and s~Kmm3,e ~ Our Wa-’ in -o -e" I Ro]ative Values ofl~ood and Labor. gc n ,. ~er. I ..... and what ie infinitely ¯ greater-eoWtideiret/~ - ¯ tha~ alDebe, the desiruetlon of sealed hodS, ¯ " ] The Phdadelphia’Press has eompl:ed ,~ oom- the inevitable result 0f uJJng or tl~ek(ngi~ - 1YAnn,NuTa~ D C ApriS. 2 o, 187~ I putative ruble of statistics -n work an d wages intoxication ’[quor~theea bil’atteet’the truth- which e va Ua~ e ned lnhrnstln [ The ’Potomao r .... llehingl ~, I rbat nki]led far~ea~°u uaual|y [ ..... ’ g. - t shows fa|~~[~’i_ ." _, . _ begins the last of 5’arclt ,t.d out]/; frum the’let that nkilled farm lab |rer~ are reeusvle v . . ~..,~nf~ n o et~. , ,,re reeutvtw h.. "’----~~y~b lead, et~ ad. ith board -otheq~h-rff-~ Iy;’-ny~l~--- ------ --. Y ~ ageineL 84 to bn honest sod ui~rl~;ht’ cltiiau, to exert ¯ ot~ m /$60 $ t5 ~n 1870 ut w,eks derati,,e. ~tat]y no, ~et arrivrd atlife’~ " . ; : td $1.]3 in 1874. pure and hol~.iofluenao ~pon .,~auii[nd, aud t Ordi,ary hth..rers is ei to~ are receiving $1.95 to huno~ (led by u rtgbteom ¯so uf Idl h~ wttaout t,o~,rd, ngalust ~1~19 is 1860. Briek, ~lfts ........... , - l,,~er, ,.’.:t $2 50 against $I.$2 ; hlacksrnith~ ’ We beseech you then~ fo,’ your own loul’l $’.,r,O .ganst $1 47 ; eurl,emers $2 25 agamet sake. sod fur the sake of suffering humnalt~, $1 59 ; i.ui.t~re ~2.b0 against $2 8b ; shoemek~ touch nnt, taste not, handle nat the unelm¯ /.’rs .~i ~(~ aK:k[est ~l.:l,5 ; tail’*re $1.87 agate.| thing. $1 34 ~4i3 lab.r si.ce 1869 uhowsa generat sor~ of aa iueome tax law. Democrat8 appear disorder and n, lsery In order:that one whole.. to have grown leas timid about tli~ Blair castor liquo~ de~|er mpy am¯u¯ l’~le for~ne. business and ’an increasing number eeem tu It dour’t psy to keep 8hi tboneud m~ ~n th~ show a wrlhngnesa to champion ir through-the -penitentiarldP:l~hd’h-Sbpllfdc;’mid~sffe t~neaail l/ou,e~,eo thatit may also prove 6 euuroo of in the lunatic asylfimat the , i~peK~-bf-t~o

Transcript of TOBAOGO...i i i the law and.pursued under.the mode dL~. te

Page 1: TOBAOGO...i i i the law and.pursued under.the mode dL~. te

.... -,¢. ....




: TI the Liver is Regulated in itsi: ¯Irene luv~rlahiy ~uroi. dtzdlge~tion-or-want

action in the Liver causes lleadaohe~ C0neti.

siceu, Sour Stomach bud tute In the aneart, depree

ainu of spirits or the hlues, and s hundred otbesymptoms. S:UMoN8’ LlV£U REGULATO¯ i| thebest~remedy that hua’ecer been dl~e0ve’/’ed for’hose ailments, ly, effectuel!

quantities that it -may be every way ; it has I~eeu used

for fort I Zears, end htqdrtdLfrcm all part.of

Alexander H. 8te-t-/I- ~v- E R_

of Alebema ;- Gec.

ere among the hundreds Io wh,~m we -"an ruler.’~.xrraet of n letter from Alex¯ li. Stevens. datedblareb 8, I_87.2 : ."I ocfasiona .v use when my

it. Dh Siam-us’ Liver Rag, "an’d=:~uir e

-At--Reasonable. Prices, .


Promptly Adjusted and Paid.

:3~uu~ l~tb, Isle. .........

i .J. Alfred Bodlne, Williamstown ; C.E.P.Me:;hew. May’a Landing; A. Stephany, Egk Burbar City; Capt, Daniel Welters Abandon; The¯B. Morris, Somere’ Point ; Hen. D. 8., Port Republic; Allen T. Leeds. Tuexcr.ton ; Dr. Lewis Read. ’ th,ntio City ; Altled W,

-Clement, lladdonfleld~ It. M; Jewett. Window.

!I. E. BOWLE~J s 91. D.,

ll,l.v ....... .t.A~.)STG~ N. J. - -


Fits Insurance Company,BRIDGF.TON,. N. J,

Conducted ou strictly mutual priuelpha, of.forint a perfectly s&fo ineuronre for just wbntit may rust to pay losses and expenses. Thapr’,parlion of loss to the amount mcuredbeing"very small, aad expooae4s much Jell than aide¯ lly bad, nothingeao be offered more fnvorablsto the |a~ured. The cost being about ten era*,.on the hundred delia’s peek. ear to the iulnreraon ordin.rx rick., and fr.m’~t/en to twem~J.flpecent.per yea- ,,n .knaardons propartieJ, which ielesethan one third bf theluwest rates charged bystock c.mpanles, On such risks---the other two.thirds taken hv stack companies being ¯ profitso.ruing to etock,older~ or" consumed in-ex.peases of the o,)mpaniec.

2:7te gaarontee /nnd of premiem aotee bet99

.o~ TErgi Jlilti, a. of "~oilcre.

Ifenassesementhad to be made of five

is Issued. it would yet be eheapcr tothe members than ~ny oth~r c~’ored.Aed that largo amount of money Is saved tothe members and kept at home. No asses

Pipe of RUSsia & Galvanized Iron

~aper Joints, &c., "

Z ~ " -or-


.~o. o, 8oli,! BIsek W~hmt ........................ $11~. 3. Vame p.ttera w* Nu .7 mauuhwmrcd 9f

Pine, and stained ............................ 9 00~u. 4, mine ~ ~o 3, t,.xcept pl&In t~trds, not

paueled ..................... , .................. ; ...... IB O~

EARTH CLOSETS, their construe-. lion and uso. "

TheF.arth Closet Lq a medorn Impn~vem,.nt whichtak,qJ the place ar0d tmper.od~s th, Water CIc4et in thehou~. and dLM,ent*~ Wltlt the ceupool uad other repeltire ft,alur~ of Ihe mmn.

It is perfect lu ita~.~.i)emtloas, ant~ not Ihthlo to getoat of order.

In cole ofl~[ck.e~ it I, invahtatd~, s~J It can ~, .w,d

One Million Five l:lundred 7koeeowd Dollar

The Losmem by i,|ghtnJm,E.

Where tl~, property ia not cat on fire, ~ele~Ices thsme’ono cent per year toaach member,are paid without extra ebarue~ and eatendad eoae to cover all policie~ thai are Issued and oututandlug.




PATENTS.To Inventor& Manufaeture~.

: HYDE, 8HA ~UOK & OO. -

TheBest and Cheapest Life Insur.anon in thn World.

........ A~NEW FALI~SUPPLy OF .......

COMMISSI O N.I~I:~.. To takeacknowledgmen~a~(L ,,,

.... ][][antmouton, ~. J.

.I~: D,/1R WI~’, W avex,

- -- Oovner-Hetl~eelnd Central Aveuuee.

Cttatom Work promptly attended to



N%w O/iSh S-/o e-f-

Weye ~e_ru,d-q J oKcabl/m of forty msre’; .........

And there, ’neath the azure dome,The smiles of lleaven we wooed. ’. . .~.

rorlngl~nd ol’81euX had.faunal - ’

Our peaceful, ~lvan fie~t~A nd ofisnl ate o ~zrh~m,~they cameOr, nolsete~aly,, with e3,es aflame’ -

],urk~l iv, the woods erml~3d,TIll fe~%r our hearts oppr~sod.

Yet day 17 day they lingerM there.IIalfsrarved and beggleg for bread ;

Bat wo~ alas ! h~htItttle to give,For D.telu tl~o Vail we c.qmo to live

On the shore of the lake so fidr.And winter I~ad ~calcel$ fled.

Bat there came a niche a dark~ drear night,- When we fro/n bht: tdu~ber8 deep. "

¯Were Btarth.d I,y shouts and the cmckl[ug flame ;ONe WHEELERAND WI~SON--Near]ynew--for$12 Tl~e/~ swlR throngl~ the shatter~l d~orway came

O]~rI WilEELgR AND’WIlSON furS5, " .Tho painted flo~da in the lurid light, - - -

-- A imrves~of death to reap.

The awful scenes of tlmt mldolght hourNew American ,=,, my m,nd wit, ......f.0;

pnni~ of 1857, and we had only began to re-odve’r when the war aud .Eritish pirates did

the rest. No eh~ing~-in_our .nwr’ei"0e hasbeen p0s~|bJo-~e~ er the rspid substitution

o( the’e~Aiing;v~sse| by - ~he. ~teamshtp, wh]c~oauld he much m0re’cheaply producod infn~’5

eigutbaoAmnriean y.rds, an~ which had afurther advantage "in’ the subsidy policies of

¯ early all foreign maritime governments.The Sonata ha~ voted to, a2joaru May 10,h

but the House refuses, and it ,s predicted that

if Mr. Wnod eau commit a msjt, rity of tho ]at

ter to hi~ tariff r~adju~tment seh~-~e, ao nd-jot~rnmout is-likely hefore "Autmst. Hardly

auyOftholarge appropriatzau bills yeth~eon reported lethe House¯ .~mon~: them e;q

t~e Legislat.~,~, Exeouti~r~ and Jndlolal bill

and tbe army bill, eitaer of which may Don-same a full month ia the struggle over them

b’0h,’eeu Ihe [~ouse aad Seoaze. It also seems


B rI’ t-X BI,

delay, honest, indus’ri~us te¯.l~ycrs iu, ord~ that ¯Theeousatlo¯ ever the World" 4 publication fowrleheapltali~t~-tnaygrowriehSr i~ 7 dm

of the eubslan~o ~ f ueverai alleged ioterviewe manufacture of whisky. """ ..... --with ~enntor Coat, ling has cairned dew¯ lear. It never ~ayc to do wrong ;.yo¯r Jla:~ wTM

inn a permanent iL.preen[cn with many, that fin4 you out : Whether othe. find it c.;t mi".though it is chiefly guess work~ there is no Col, ihe~;~ knows where you F S~ a~ Wi~re~s_°atg~_ual~eet thaLi_r LeVy materially mis- keep yon.po~ted of-ihe raot~it don"trepresents the benator% seu’iments towards

t.he ad~hrh istr~tiou.¯ drinking man 0q0 plait

Every time G’.over hauls h~ drag-net ~’orum, making fifteen ee¯ta c:ear proSt..

dehnqueut : and hi~ party associates never re killed hie law ; a~d hi8~gretted anything morn than the latitude giveu eonfinemeot i~ ~all,-exee~tlnc~him rod-h,a~’eZ~erte" to-rt~ka, ~the~-pwrty b~" L~ount~,more tlm~’~ii~()~8~..~.d~U~t~w~hiolthis mahtdroit n|at,agement in catching Dame- temperate men had tO e~r~ b~ the atw~itofcrate in~teud o~Rei, ubl,cans. theie, hrowe, It donrt osy. " ; " ’

" " " MAXWELL The loss unstained by ,celery, morell~, &elA%’~. 1[. H(IPI’I~(L

Ilamtnonton, Athtnt[c Co., N.J. i ~financially, the sorrow and ~ufi’erlc~ the mit..

.--~ . cry and destltutinn produced and s~Kmm3,e~

Our Wa-’ in -o -e" I Ro]ative Values ofl~ood and Labor.gc n ,. ~er. I .....and what ie infinitely ¯ greater-eoWtideiret/~ -

¯ tha~ alDebe, the desiruetlon of sealed hodS,¯ ’ "] The Phdadelphia’Press has eompl:ed ,~ oom- the inevitable result 0f uJJng or tl~ek(ngi~

- 1YAnn,NuTa~ D C ApriS. 2o, 187~ I putative ruble of statistics -n work an d wages intoxication ’[quor~theea bil’atteet’the truth-which e va Ua~ e ned lnhrnstln [The ’Potomao r ....

llehingl ~, I rbat nki]led far~ea~°u uaual|y [ .....’ ’ g. - t shows

fa|~~[~’i_ ." _,.

_begins the last of 5’arclt ,t.d out]/; frum the’let that nkilled farm lab |rer~ are reeusvle v .. ~..,~nf~n o et~.

, ,,re reeutvtw h.. "’----~~y~b lead,et~ ad. ith board-otheq~h-rff-~ Iy;’-ny~l~--- ------ --. Y ~ ageineL 84 to bn honest sod ui~rl~;ht’ cltiiau, to exert ¯ot~ m /$60 $ t5 ~n 1870 utw,eks derati,,e. ~tat]y no, ~et arrivrd atlife’~ ’ " . ; : td $1.]3 in 1874. pure and hol~.iofluenao ~pon .,~auii[nd, aud

t Ordi,ary hth..rers is ei to~ are receiving $1.95to huno~ (led by u rtgbteom ¯so uf Idl h~

wttaout t,o~,rd, ngalust ~1~19 is 1860. Briek,~lfts ........... , -l,,~er, ,.’.:t $2 50 against $I.$2 ; hlacksrnith~’ We beseech you then~ fo,’ your own loul’l

$’.,r,O .ganst $1 47 ; eurl,emers $2 25 agametsake. sod fur the sake of suffering humnalt~,

$1 59 ; i.ui.t~re ~2.b0 against $2 8b ; shoemek~touch nnt, taste not, handle nat the unelm¯

/.’rs .~i ~(~ aK:k[est ~l.:l,5 ; tail’*re $1.87 agate.|thing.

$1 34 ~4i3 lab.r si.ce 1869 uhowsa generat

sor~ of aa iueome tax law. Democrat8 appear disorder and n, lsery In order:that one have grown leas timid about tli~ Blair castor liquo~ de~|er mpy am¯u¯ l’~le and ’an increasing number eeem tu It dour’t psy to keep 8hi tboneud m~ ~n th~show a wrlhngnesa to champion ir through-the -penitentiarldP:l~hd’h-Sbpllfdc;’mid~sffe t~neaaill/ou,e~,eo thatit may also prove 6 euuroo of in the lunatic asylfim at the , i~peK~-bf-t~o

Page 2: TOBAOGO...i i i the law and.pursued under.the mode dL~. te

i i i

thelaw and.pursued under.the mode dL~. te<iby the ant of 4aoorporsuon nt euou gasngn~

- eompmay.~. Ancl be it enacted, That this

Approved Mereh 27, 1878.


¯ ~.’ ]~e It ensLq4Klby the.geunte and General, Assembly of the State of-New Jerse.v, Th tt any

of the ~ttze’na of this .8t~te reslaen~ in anyOOnnty of this state are hereby ew-horized tonsmmmbte atthe pleoewhere the .eou,t ef corn+men "pleu is ,moAlly held io suca octet3any timely them¯agree., n ~on,.+gi.vlng a~five d~e notice of the ttm~ ann piece anapose of assembling by Im i dve.rtisement

: in 0p~m view it or near suc ~ ptaceot mee~- ’ ahd also ad~xfleed in one or mere of the

11o fo:

An act -to- pr~v+nt; the-o el~i.t of mt~d. earth,toU, ashas or refuse on tee new Jersey snore

. qf the De+laware:rtve.r, and protect the docks~’d+shipping interest~ meres.

+ I~ ~Bett anaeted-by the Kenste and GeneralAssembly of the 8tats ofshill be unlawful forme~als of smanner whatever or Causethro.~n, dampedsoft+ ashes,stance or material, into the water~ ef the Delaware river, at any point east of the line be.tweenthe .q~ates.of New Jersey and Pennsy~vamt,be|e~ southerly boundary.line of the city

+oaf Bot+~l~tO++,n+ wilts-the saine ~trikee the lineof the ~)elaware river, Uul+ss the me be sodeposited, dumped or placed wit.h~, a bnlkh+.e~l_for filling. ¯ or by ~th~-~ide of e,nnlkheaa ~ethrown over the same, or be so confiued thatno dlrf o~ r~d~e~e~z: ese~pd into th~ water~ ofsaid r/vet.


sons who shall in

"ate of eteh~of orm ~temant, ~¯ lot told as ~oretMd

I secretary at such eompp.nv, to be tend~3m there~t~ by ~+ onlleO~ or eeecive/’, clerk of mid court within ten asy~, showing of texes and delivered tO the

In:deteR the.receipts and +-d/sbumemeats of corUflMte shall containsuch company, free whom~.i~maived and tOwhom paid and for what purpose; and itnot beltwful for soon companytoeoliect anytolls qn. said road after ten days from the for whLo~ the-isle of su~ ~,der,:unti~tim.~foree~Id_s:¯te* :the !ment sh~1 have been filed. . ¯ .... mUl" theterm~

8¯ And be it etaoted. That If the "aid s~te- the same tedmentJhMl beflied ~ aforemdd, and It ¯hall or recom m art pro-

to the saiisf~llon Of said ~b Upoi~ ~td¯U ealen.mluin-_aml _ ceztlfcatss _

as road f~xen have

saM_ eo~:~all roeh <mrUOomP that the

,him, her or them

owners ef the time ’ whom and for¯fret the Issue of each

for such and when and at

nor more tha~ r dollars, for

pod mud scows orseOWtl, thou

thsu fifty d0ll~ nor moreone hundred dellars, for each and every scott w/rh to ~o satisfaction Of which notige or noflOoo may belord dumped into the river~ .... " i~id mart. ............ , on such owner er owns~ ff- 3. And be ’it enacted, ’lhat violations of this 4. And be it That if or tOwn,

~oseeu : d before anyJn"tioe of the .& mi~ |-mad 7, heretOfore leaving the + P +~ ode o~court+ ha,ins Jormdictinn ofvie~ as t fores aid fo: ping its rosd J owner or owners, or+ it ~lde zt t.~

rep~ it, el all tai. ~ve any tOlls said, then by mMling t2 e, I ostag(State, where said of tl is ral ee memorized ia the act incoz paid, to the post office t~ of ~tmh ,

however, that nothigg in such cqmpeny, it shall forf~t twent2 or owners, if the same upon due inqidryto interfere with improvements for each offence, to be sued for ana recovered { be ascertamod ;if the owner or owners be

lauds under water which have been iuan action of debt in any court Of Competent I known, or his, her or their address or ~ddress-er leased Jurisdiction by any person from [whom] such oo .cannot be a~oerta|ned, then..kuch~ u otis. or

exce~ive tOils sht~ have oeen taken o~’ro- nouces shall be serve</ upon cue prme.Jp¯£ o0-act, but coived¯ - .... ...... ’~ cupant of such property if the same be ocou-

as 5. And be it enacted, That all.ntis or parts p|ed; and the persen or personq reeslving anyof acts incons~tent with this act be, and the such c~rtificate of isleshaH file in the office Of

It any time they may think proper, givingnoUco thereof, as nereinbefore dire +ct3*d+, forthe "eisotion of the first trustees er for the

’ etsoflon of any other trustee in the stead ofthose mr any those More elected in ~.they~so eamm for the removal or any of Bat</ u, us-teeq ; proyidsd~ sale!removal shall not be leas aforesaid knowiug or having re.on tO believe

+ than one,sat ¯fief hlsortheir + election "into ~ch+~oter not entitled soAo veto, such person_ elms, anc[iho Will]up the veclmoy which orpersons shill bedeemed;te ¯+ may be .oo.u~. o. nad b~ the death or, and ou conviction tnereoz snarl

ox Imy trnstoo, or ms molnn~ out or t~e 1me¯ of the mid iociety¯ ’ - ¯ -

5. And be it e~ Tl~t the slid body cor-vorage by its trustees or ¯ majority of said

" [xnstoo~ ~ make’ldi sue~ by-IAwIk-’-x~te~-,and regulation, and e/~t snc.h officers aa-nmdly assay, be--l~opo~ .un~. ~eeess .a~’y_ m

. trmmu~ the basinooe .of e&Id s~letyand fur,

unless six months’¯ hall hove been

shall be assesoodthe sawe time and in the same

manner and under the same condiUens, re-aa t"~ee for other the owner er owners of the

for each 9ffenco be pum~hed by imprisonmentat hard labor for not over a term of throemonths, or bye fine not over ens hundred del-lers or both atthe option of the court.

~or the imrpoees thereof.6. And be it enacted, That this act shell take

effect immediately.Approved M[troh 27, 1878.

CItAPTEB CXL. An act to incorporate or clubs for¯ social, intellectual and reerettive pub-poses..

- I, ]Be it ensofed by the 8enato ~nu ttenerat~mmmbly ’of the Stele of New Jersey, ..That-every suciety or club composed oz not leas menten members escalated forand reereWJve

doomed a public act and shall take effect im-mediately .....

iApprovdd Ma~eh 2% 878.¯

A supplemeut to an ca entitled "An a*t con-’eernmg rsilrosd corporations," approvedMarSh sixth, eighteen huadred and seveuty-sovgn.1. 11o it enacted by the Senate and General

Assembly of the Stats o’ Now J ~:¯ haLl be lawful for any r~dlto~lcreated by special actins er operating a railroad within this State, totake and acquire title in the manner’by the act under whicl~

are,, township, borough or mt~

nidpea corporation, and ~wiren collected ~haiibe paid over to the officer surving the todd pro-

2. And be it enacted, That this act shell be¯publi0 act, tnd take effect /mmediately¯¯ Approved March 27, 1878.

CHAPTER CXVIXX.An act to f~llltate the collection of taxe~ lu

boroughs ~ towns.I. Be it enacted by t]~ 8susie and Geuer~l

’ of tile 8tats of News and towns havi~g

seven then"and nor leasthe fall ¯mount of an

ef ¯uch , to of any snch corpora-tlon with the ifitere¯t and costs ¯l~aLl uot bo

ment of the directors of p,dd sod atisflod before the first, ¯traighten or shorten the route of said art In esoh ~nd every yet~r, iL sh¯or tO connect P0~nt"J~heroon by shorter lfucs or of tho coLlocter or recoLver of the texe¯

¯ mmemmry, "Whisn "metety or olub or br~nohes,-al .ul~b ail Istroh lsn~h aa hqlbu ~- ouo.we0k t h.eroaf~r .t?+ p, reP.aro e tra u~¯pertons M my be s, eseeiated with them, ~hall [ ce¯mu’y a¯ afore t~ld+ffer-th~..ere.%tioll ot +~retght ] e~lJ nnpata ~xcS, ln~lUULt~+g nl snQutra

upon the mlddng and filing of a esrtlflcate aa I and pesaongcr uepots an(/ su tn?/~gltunato ] in0 nl~mc80[ tile owncre,)l an.~ uO gthereinaRer provided, be constituted a body purpoeen of said oompt uy U l!On enen ~.nortene~ [ .~uen z anas ann rest e~utteLun.e .neepolit~ and corporate le law by whatever name or connecting line ; a~n smo corpora¯ton¯ are ] m0rsol tna mo amoupt oz tax.e, mer<they elmLl lumume and by eurh name .~hsll have I hereby again in.v,~, ted for _t .hl~ purpo~ with ~+ll ] spee.LlvelYt and enter ?n?e to_~.,boo~ b --sucomlon and contimumoo and be capable in the power¯, prtvnoges ann rrmmlnses ~lven m I eepc to r tnst pnrpn"?2 auu tne.,,tm ~ousotolaw of snsing and being cued, defended and I sldd .got for l.~lu.Lring and ~,lptng title to lands ( or receiver or tsxe~.m y m.p~ tr~ ~pt eor-being defended, in all courts and places what- [ reqmrod tortnmr me; provlasu, tnat no more I rec~ ~y. errors or aeserlpuon |n suou retur t~sever, and may Imve and nse a common sea|, than one hundred feet in width for the stun I ann statements ny compares tee same wltuled alter led rotmw the name at pleasure, and I trick of any roexi shall be token for th? right ] the original assessment of race, made by their name ItS aforesaid and under their of way except where for thodepth or cut or the asNsser or as¯e¯sors or *.uou oorp?ralaOnt lip, tlcommon ~! may makeand enter intO, execute height cf embankment more l~ nece¯stry to be .lmm.e~ately after .oompmun8 ¯ucn transcriptand enforce any contracts or agreements t~kcu, ue snau e&Uso a nonce to tm puDn¯no(I in Oneminting tO, touolling or co~cernlng ti~e object¯ 2. And be it euacted That if ao~" corpora-, or more newspapers printed and published+ luof said-eo~oration, tJon shall Lave been already organized and ~aid borough or town gnu UeSlguate~ by tne

2. And be it enacted, That the said cerUfi- ¯hall have establi,lled a route wideh when oou- commo..u eOOUCli/or he ahsll cause .a.goti.~o t<lcato ~ bein writing, shall be signtd bY the attracted would tralghten or shorlen the route 0o puuit,liotl In ten o[ glle moat puonopltecaofficers so as aforeeo]d elected, and shaft ~set of any other railroad corporation aforesaid or In ¯aidborongh or town, at"ties wat mddtrsn-forth the nsmeeof tmeh society or cflub and wonldconnect pointstherecn, forming thereby script of unpaid tacos has uoou made, and that

of their official ~eal, which eerttfisate in eonnemtion therewith a .horter line therefor, uolc¯s ¯aid iaxo, ¯hall be at hi¯ officewithin twenty days

manmmr all of realeM.tte,ted aludl be in the ol~oe of the clerk otthe eounly in whLoh laid society or club shallhave holden ~d meeting, and it shall be theduty of sold clerk to record tho santo., for whiahhe ahall be enUUed to charge st the mnno rateaa for recordin~ deeds of real estate.

8. And be it euxctod, That a copy of etie¯el of associaiJon filed and recorded Ion.nee of ~ act or of the

So transfer ueIJIt taken, acquLrod nrr= ilrotul porporation

¯ uch last mcntlono<| r¯ilroad oorlmrathmi¯ hereby authorized to receive and acqelre¯ ueh route, lmld, or right of way and to poo-

h tho s&nlo &S the SUe+¢O~+Sors and a~qigns Of¯ ald first hereiq nleotionod oorperatlon, snb-

. to tile conditlenM of any grant thcro-led, always, tl}atthls ~ction of Ihl¯not ¯nthorlze OOllden3natiml In aey

lecte.I by publio ¯alo acoordiog to law; tpcrmm ~r permnm hail0 befere sueh .sleder to the uoHect,r ur rt~eivcr of t~zes thi)~oportionate amount of tax and ooet~ due ooally portion of alut pMttod ~tl the eorporatiouatL¯¯, and hsll pronent, at the SalnO tit]iv aeorrect wrll~n doaerJptiou satisfactory to .al+lofficer of the part of lot ou whldh ho, she orthey tolnler¯ or tender the payment of tax, thelunoUnt sO te,ldered sh¯[[ be rc~e/vvd by a/dollicer and the p¯rt of lot 011 which psyu|ent eftax .hall have thu¯ b0ou made shMi not by oldonder thu provisions ef thi¯ set authorishtgthe halo (If land for non-psyment I,f Urge¯.

~. And |)0 it eI|a(3t(~, ’l"Jtat after tim exidra.t[on ef tim ¯aid twenty dsy¯ tho oo]loctor orreceiver of taxes hail Klvo public notice of hisiotentlor~ to collect the tsxc¯ m,,otlonod Ill eald,transcript then rlmmhli.g Inl mid by imbite’

¯ ale at attotLon of the aod and real e¯tstewh0re~n Md taxes weeo whloit noLleesllsll vlubreee the nslne¯ of the owner¯, if IMlyIm given of ¯nch lands &l,d rsal v¯tate, tie,doncri Itton theroof by its markor numhvr uutho cerporall,m atIM, tho &lnotn,t of taxe¯ [lu-pahl with hltere~t and e~ats dllo th.nmn ro+,/~’t[vely, Slid ,hall d~slgnate the thno ltl,d|d~ tlf sale aed .hail bo LK,nd by aid 0oi-h.2tor or roceiver of ~to¯, aud Imprintod ill atlo¯st u,e new¯paler prlnl~! and published/It,aid bertel8h or town on0o in each week forfour week¯ before the timu apl~Jliltod for ¯ueh¯ ale~ er ¯lmll be i~st,~l for four week¯ in h,nof the m-st intblio place¯ in ~ld borough orl(iwnl ¯lid If aey tax ,hail remsin unpaid ellthe day .pecifi,~.l in ¯Uclt nol.~e, tho aaid col-looter or r,~dver shall l)roetmml i,) ~i]1 by j)ub-lie auoti,,a ¯t tho thno ~t,! ptsce sl~pointt+d in,mid notk’o thu iota ¯nd [val e¯tst~ on which~d tat .hall ttavo il inlim¯ed or may be all~n, tor the Lowest ~rm ef ymtr¯, but in no0ass soeedingflfty ya~¯, for which any Imr-SOU will tak¯ the muae ~d Imy the Im~uunt efnuoh taz with the inleetmt thereon aud aU ca¯as,f~41 Ittld i~inkrges a.d ezpenao¯t much paynl¯ntihldl I~ ~adq before tha oonolultoe of tilehale, ~d If cot ~ made th¯ collector or r--~olyer Of tazol Inly rmmli the properly; [i~neaJe Im¯y be a,lJuurn,,d ffo|n ttlUO tO Ullite until thelot+ arid r,’¯l ,,state are dl=l,o~ed of, and noeh

such notice in the post of-or town, d~ to the

; but noah-be so consttmod sa to

~air tho lieu created by uch salo w|thin aservice of such notice ;’ it shad

bo the duty of the poracn¯ serving or causingthe’same to be served, to file in the office of thecorporallo~ clerk a copy of the notice served,together with the affidavit of sortie person who¯ hail be certified by the officer before whomsach affidavit shah betaken to be a cre~b)e per-¯on, proving tho due aervioe of s~id notice.

7. And be it enacted‘ That the owner or

taxes a¯redeem the same at any time within two year¯from the time ef ¯ueh ale by paying to the

I borough or towo ircamzr£r or ~nch other officeras hall exoret~ tho fnec+tions of

for the t~to of tim hhtSH,IglICeS t|lO saidwith any other

thereon, and which tho laid put-any sum of

councilof such payn~ent h¯¯ been flied ln’th0 office of.aid treseorcr or other offiecr,) with interest on¯ uoi~ pnroha¯e meney at tho rate ot ten per0otttmu pot annum from tho time ot such Maloand expenditure attd t~u ¯uchptyozont or pay-merit¯ from the tinlo of tllng su0h uotlceaforenldd, snd the corilfio¯to of suoh trea~areror uther officer, ,tatitll~ the p¯ylllent aud nllow-ing W~st propt~rty .ueh paynlont is luteed¯d toredeem, shall be ev[donco of sn0h ’odt mptloo ;upon tho receipt ef ,ueh Inotloys h F ! id treas-urer or other olllcer, lie .Imll eau ~o t to samoto bo refnnde"| to tile ,urchlMer, hi. heirs or

and all Ill rolation to ~ld

shall haveand real ..tate redcemvd by him by virtue ufthiu ~ot I,,r the amonnt I,¯id by biln a. ¯foro-said to Rid trettserer or olher ollh~r to effoet

rodem])t[on, with the lt, sal i,tere,t whl011,thvresfter aceruo titeroon+ In liku lU¯lUler

th¯ sa|I|e I,sd boon lncbldvd in hi. n|ert-gSgO or Jndgment, and may eoforuo t~ttalllOill thu eSnlC manlloro

8. And be it enacted, That if any lot or MnU-dlvis~ou ef’a |oi .o ~ohl hMl not bo rodeenle,las by this act provided, the ecmnlOIl eonnoll¯ bali exeonto in the pureha,er, hit legal repro-¯ eutatJve~ or a¯sJgn¯ al hi¯ or their VSl>en~o, adec[sr¯titm of sale nndor the connnlln seal efthe eerlmraiion, ¯lgned hy the mayor and]art(.ted hy Ibe e|ork of the corlx~railon, con- [taining a de.orlphon of tho prem[ee¯ hy it. Imark or nmobee ~n the corimraLh)n a~.las, the facL of the a¯se~smelJt, sdvertJsonlent aud sale, [the dsto of th¯ Sais azvl the period for which the }pro.leon wore sold, which de<q,uratiell .hall be Jrecorded Ill the o111oo of the eh,rk ef tim tmnnty tIll whloh nob borough er tuwn is eituate, sod Iuotil tho ¯anle shall hsve }.m:l ~, re,~>rde<l /i+tleh ]t,Le alld lval omtats Inay btl r¢’lh+ollt,lti u~hereinbefors i,rovhiod, mltwitheta,.liUlt thoImriod of two years from Ole time of ¯al~ saleluay hsve expired ; sneh deciaratlOll ef ¯ala¯ hail be i~re¯umptive evtdseco hi all oourt~ andI,laoes that ¯neh ale and pr(~eding¯ wereregularly made sod had eeo~rding tothe pro° Ivision¯ ut this tea. a~d such imrehaser er Imr-chMer¯ sod hilt ¯nd their legal repromnt"tive¯shall by virth@tbere~lf lawfully hold and enjoy¯ UCil IotJ and mi eatale wJlh the rent¯, hwtle~led profits til¯rsof for Ills aod their l,nqmrnlNl, a~aiu¯t the owlet or OWl,erl thert~d &lidall pe~n¯ c/t/mlog uuder hhn or th¯m, unUI (the t"rm for which the purehmmr or i, orvhasee¯ ]may hays agreed to take the mmme -hall be Ioomilisted and ended ; and at the esp[ration of Isaid term sh~U be at liberty to remove all ’he Ibulld~nil¯ or malert"l¯ which he ur th¯y ¯hall Jhay¯ erected vr placed thereon, and hail]laUttwably ~nd ,lu~Uy yield up auoh lots ¯~,d IraaJ e~tate to ttle iawf+ll owlet or .w,ler¯ Ith~’euf, In u 8t~d order al,d eoedttiou I.a they Lwere at the bet,’hlldng uf IIIdd term, naturai I

March t~nty-fourth,eishteel J’d seventy-f cart. .I. Be it enacted by the Senate and (Mneral

Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That thefifth moUunof theact inwhiehthm act is;t

wh/eh sa~./on now reads M follow~:

¯ ecti0n of this, ~datingthat Mad forU~er ior tg~ one or more ofUonedln 8aid seoUon than is Oontefuod therein,shaLl ;forfeit fifty dollars for the fir¯t offsideand one hundred did]m for each subsequentoffence,"be and the "ame is hereby amended se as to

5, And be it enacted, That ally persen sell-ing, 0ffering or expo*ing for atio any ~mmer-ctsi fertiliaer without any analysis r~iulred bythe flrnt ~eetion of thi¯ act or the tot to whichthin xct i¯ a supplement, or with an analysisstathlg tha~ ft~r contain" a Iqer lmr

ao~t~e-~’lt~y one or more of the con¯tltuent~nlentionod in ¯aid eeoUnn than Ill containedthcreio, ¯hall forfeit fifty dellarl for the firstoffence and one hundred dollars for each cub-sequent offenceL provided, further, that theprovision, of this moUon or the act to whichthis act is ¯ supplement shall not ¯pply tO anymauuro sold at a priqo not exoeoding ons-haif¯ otmt per pound, nor to any Imported gushes.

~. And be it enacted, That thls act shall tekovffsot Immediately.

Approved M¯~h 27, 1878.

c.~fcxx.A further supi)loment to sU set ontitled "A

iupplemelR to au act entitt"d ’All tot forthsheater prseerrathm ef tbo <,~rly records ofthe HURe cf New Jersey," passed Marchtwmlty-nltlth, elghtee,x hundred sod seventy-two .

Assembly o~tho ¯urn of one thousandsame is hereby approllrtaitsl to promtre eollte¯of ¯Ll palmrs now in thc pnblio reoord efilcv¯ ofEegl¯’d, or el,ewhere~ referring to the historyuf New Jcrsey, snd whieh are not now in thepc¯sos¯Ion of till¯ 8t"~e L tim ¯aid ilm herebyappropriated, and any sum heretofore appro-I,riett~i fur this purpose to be espendod uederthe diroctlOll of the IIistor eai ~miety ef, ill obhtildug, ~rmlging, eoll¯ihlg andprinting tho ¯aid papers l thu ¯aid .urn or¯ tin|# of InOl,Oy to ho paid tO the said eeletyby the ¯t¯te tro¯¯uror ou w¯rrant of Ille oomp-trollvr; th¯ said o,~ple~ ot i>al~er¯ to be placmiin the etate librtry.

2. And be it eUSOted, That th[¯ act slmil takeeff~,t Imnledl¯t~ly,

Approved March ~7, 1878.

CII CXXLAn eel to amend tho eel entitled +’ An eel oon.

oerning dlvorcn"," (revlsh)n) apllrovsd Man~l|Lwouty-aevelh e[ghtOoll hundred and evet,ly-foor.1, lie It enacted by the HOllato sod I’]v/ll,rl~

A.¯tnobly .f the Htatu ol Now, That .eo-tion eight ef the act entitled " Au set cooer,m-ins thvorces," free/doe) al,prowxl Marchtwonty-Mvonlh, eight"on hnndred and ,mve,,ty-four, which road¯ as follow¯ :

"8. UiPoa filing th¯ aid r, etltiOl h the clerk¯ ha~l, If r,.inlred, make out s t~rUOed ecpyther,~of, ,o "be served on the defeodant, a cLt"th,a uodee the real of the court, forthe dofendaitt to IS¯Wet the todd petlttoo on erbetore the fir¯t day of tile neat toted term otthe court ; which cJtetion alZ~Ll be~ d~te timday tlf |¯¯UJltg thereof, lind be tested hl t~lou~ne of the 0h~looliur,"be sod the "amo hi hereby tmended to vetdimfollow¯ :

Upou flHug tim mad petittoe, the clerk ¯hl~J,if required, m~4m uot a 0erttfied eel’)’ thereof,to be am’cod o~ thedefendant, and IS¯U? a UlUI,-tion uoder tblb seal ef the court, fur the de-fondant t,i &e¯w~r the laid petltiuu ,,n orbefore .neh day ~ lhlll he |nell|lOlled for t~J&tI)nri~m in tim said cttsdou, wllioh tasy be t~lyday either [o term Itmo or vxcatiou, nut |m¯

todd co]time doomswhish dose.

the order in whichtO

annualnumber in

ordered to

north .anY ~tY or wtrdoJ~oe certificate there0f un. 12, And be it enactod. That the beard of tl.aerme esalofthe<dtY. " " - dgrmen Of any_:¢t4~.~ht£1.1~+j$in4~to.ttme

stone monumaet sunk 2, An¯ be it enacted, That the examme the books and accounts of the citytrack .taxes in the several wlud~, and th~ the r other oe~4nstone mr in the citim 4o wider ~f ~ay

ss above provided fol chill be approved of byent ¯bali I~ ¯o printed the court- of common

sn oue tom- read as follows : "and: position be paid for the printing of such reporis before auy person isor doemmeuts. with the provisions of this¯ 4. And be it enacted, That ia her fine remitted, sowith the tot

or has his or)f the beard

in- lieu ¯ of all fees. end allhim shall be paid into the

treasurer, twoof,

hundred doll~rlsent after his, of freeholders in that respect shall be approvedtions submitted

of the eour~ of eotamonfund equal to ene-thtr~ of the clerk Of the one, and if there be noneand for advice

¯ of Bale of the said lands or ~ of the ecntte one of the Judges of the court of com-bend,)f forfeited, mey be prosesuted r the JommiJs of toeir r moa pleas,roasonable ’forcourt navmg eognlz.nco of the asane; o

2. And be it enacted, That this act shell take~mdof sald bend,, if It ~hall appear esUsfactoryt0

eff~t immediately. - ’ - :thv ohanoollor, t~e-sstd sum of erie.third of the sea,don of the ; saxd in the Approved March 29, 1878¯the wh.oleprocoeds of sais ~hail be invested ~v.sut of the said clerk secretary fMltug tounder the direcUon of the chancellor, and the nenver such oopto¯ as provided for in this sec- ’ OH~XXX. oeod the Sum of¯ tnterc¯f thereon dories tho Joint live¯ of the tion, they ¯hill forfeit to the treesurer for the madA ’Supplement tO an act entitled +’Ansetin dolltl:s;nt~btnd and wife, shall go to such huslmnd, Use of the ¯t~te one hundred dollars of their relation to Assessments in Town~aio¯," ap-¯ and+it the hu¯b~lUd dLo first+ then to the widow salary, and

.................. a tm_.n$~Jaer4Jfet*~ando ~the=.,eourt.of-,ehtneetw proved March ninth, eighteen hundred andpamphlet lawl+,to tho Journal of the senate,

’. 1. De it etmotsd by theBenito ted Gensrtl courtof.~l~n have full power to make all orders anti ....

5.. And, enactod,,~haLtimlndtces+to tha

oofees remt4vo to -the ~al Kla2oostUgn of the + the minofes of the hones of assembly, and’the Assembly of the State of New fforeey, Thatlers for makingbon dorfund aforesaid,Aindaa maybqnecoemu-y legislative documents, simll hereafter be made

to ~.tve complete relief to the parties, tholr heirs out by t~e person or persons, respectively, who the +comn~. sion.ers.wh0 have made any agamas- provided by law ; h- a~da~._ ..... may be employed to exeoute satd prtntl.g : and rnan~vrowueoXormthoaeLtowaichthis/sa and seventy-nine, thereafter,

_supplement, shall be enlltied to receive such the board of aldermen may inere~m the salm’y__ Z And be it snag to(l, ~at thl ~ act shall take the sum of one hundred dollars each shail be

for their eervlce~ as the circuit of any or Ill of the above-1878, , that said

Page 3: TOBAOGO...i i i the law and.pursued under.the mode dL~. te

: ’ " < ¯r " a

8ATURDKYs APRIL 27, 1878.

6. now Commandery has been formedm Camden, with’Sir bL B. Taylor as Em-inent Commander. , . "

F~UkI ~. laatterson,-formerly :editor of-Obe Newark Uourter, wh6 w~- regentlyfoand guilty.of libeling Secretary of 8tatsKelsey, ~ been seutenced to 15 days in

............. the Sn~ox ¢ountry=jaiLand t~.payafine-of

_ . President Hnyes has modified his civil........ servioe eddct, tosay

of-the National Republican Execution

~th-pa_i~-club,-aad had no objsotion to

Tim P~si~ffana wife/,nd p~ dti, ol~bin~, Borne ,attended with l~llcs, ar-

-~ x’ived in Philadelphia on Wednesday efLer-soon, and were driven to the Continentalkolml. Dnripg the afternoon tlmy visited

and wife gave a reception at the l~niohLeague btt i!ding.

r ll

._. ~..


" _-’,lrguzzle thelmos~ whiskyt age the m0mto- a PpmZim~tloam, of. e onrs+,’to th+ ae!ni[~g- Of the name]oral viI.l~es lPeated#a mlD]ll~e _ [

dextrously, or kill with assess-shooter at -or the.above, the Tmamry hol& mfi00~.0000-d;- ,mouton is .one of the prettiest. It is ~ m|l.40 paces, and to whom no-l~reatcvinsult 000 bond~ to~ati~,a~5~ak~trm~ltd0d._ ............


can be offered than refuse to guzzle By-taxing the Bank depoall~, and hy .various 2600, most of whom are engaged m hortieul. Such lJ tr~e ofother taxes o0 their business, thia~ portion of tar4~ or ~nersl a~,rlcullur~l pursuits. It is ¯Whisky or play 8. game at poker. W~ the Government loa~s~ actually contributes am

remarkably healthy .place ; the roads are kept


don’t want-to be understood to say thatthis Kentuckian is a-s~mple of alleouth-eruers, but 0relarge.lass,- wnd~that-class.

ff’/rh~s, has disposed of his right and titlethereto, and the paper is her~eaftor to be¯ t,ndueted ny Jutiug Shinnen:." The! managed his card very nicely. It~ema he did not go to the city by the seain the iuterest of the Narrow Gauge road,bu~ to sellout, after finding hts paperwould not pay him here. Now look ou$for that fellvw of the e~lored persuasionia the fence.

The terms of the following State Sena~tars expire this year : Messrs. ~ewell of

~lummer-of SMom, Mathers of Glouoes-. tmr--five Republicans--and Messrs. Moore

¯ fSomerset, Hendrickson of Monmouth,a~d Sllvcrthorne of Warren--three Den-

Democrats hold over, the complexion ofthe next Senate will be determined by the

.¢ election of two Democrats or seven Re-itublicans at the new election.

.... When aman getsto advoeating "Green-~aekism" you may be sure that hewillmoon be advocating eommunism, and en-~voring to stir up strife between capital

¯ and labor, and like a bird of bad omen,be eontinuall~w~lling anti gnashing of teeth," is at]Land, when the people will revolt againstgoeiety, cohen ’*it, wiU be the bondholderand not the beggar who will be under-~th." It is the old warct’y of the ParisGammune over aguin. Verily are the av-

¯ ~a’~ge greenb ,ck theories the most pcstif-~oas nuisances that are sowing tlteir vi-~ma broade2mt over the land.- VinclaudAd-~rti~r.

There’s bur seittitnents, too.

Tile I~publlean programnre for the.fallo~m:,ai,m,is helm, n_tado up, attd plansformed for tho~ot’k to be doue. Thework of the Dv,tmeraey in the llouso l[:tsliVelt the Repttbiica. Imrty "ut utlvantagewhich, if u~ed as it shouhl he, will yiehlflruitfuL ro’sutt~. The S,mtheru elainmbusnle.S art,1 the it[come tax bill are st>entirely obnoxioua to the peolflo of thenorth, theylvhotthl slinks it as m,l,d in avote as the 8.ntlt will be. 8hfmld thtf i.-

" ~)mo tax’l’hll pass, tim is thoughL it win,the lOqntbli&m party nfight lo,~k with ccr-tllnty nlmost triton e;trtTing Cotmeetientand New York, and possibly New ,JerSey.There ttre other h,,portant mattet~ onwhich the party leaflers are agreed upon.Ilmmtor lllaine’s spf’ech at (~hnster a,td

t Ida resolution iu the Seat;ate dechtring thattttere ought to bn ttll changu io the tat, itl,m~ having a good eft’oct, anti will bring

-- ~[t~l~rty-to--tl/o:khla. of -i~t’oitmt]0ii;-antl’ let things in shape to wht a nu~i,)rlty of

Representatives ia Ills Ilf,usn ta;xt fall.

Southern Chivalry......... "A til~ specimen of m.ttlfnrn cltlvah’y

~a+l exhtblla,tl recently at the l’~hbul, house,Wuhington, 1). C. Mr. E~tllrol]lr, tim~)na 8tfCl iU~II nllnulfat:ttn’er i n Caln(hHl~

s member ttf the Society of Friends, visit-¯ 11 Waahhtgten a ,hllrt tints ag-, atzd stop-

at the Ebb~tt hones. On nne ec+a-llon willie ill the office, a dl¯unken Ken-tl~kl-n who w,~aaim, attqq~i.g at the hou n~w4dk~d up to Mr. l+:.t+rbrook, attll with-mt any prove.cation struck him a mlvcrd~

lllow on the side of the heud with his OlmU]mmd that mt~ie hie ear tingle. When a~k-II1 lit a ntlhl manner why he,lid it+ thellm~l~d mmtl)er, ysntls.wu enid with an

~lgh that ht,, (bit. E.) was tt~)amlcthno-

II~uL When Mr. E. t~mtpl-lnod at the

¯ ~ wu he ~tm~l~d by the Maumtlco

the offender should be punlshedl~

]1~. But that it wt~ the fr~k of a ~futh

iNnt,/#.~n e luld It would htjum the

to make Imy fun about it. The

~rd ami ~g~l took advan~g~ of Mr.

plain If~rb, k~owing he would ateet

Itth .to mhtlmml~ or If he dhl, he would

likes su etmy victim fur the ph0lul or lalwlo-

l/ire. This rebel ollh~r il ¯ fmdr al~ci-

II~n of ~ lvel"lq~ louthomer, mmoug

\ ::

.. + .... ¯ ......

. . -.." +. :- .+. . + :e~

. L .+.. ¯ --¯ ¯ . . .

~’ ~~--: 1~1-- ~L - ~ Ohm. D. Firman, President 0f To Whom: It May Concern.


~;~ +’-~~ ~+~’~ I’IP+41’/I/ I’~ lli~ z I~ ~ I~ li.~i~l~¯~& 2 : : Th9 ~.+4k. &. ~!t’~dL. hel ¯saps ol:pdLtlll! t_hlIJ),+ ++,,s+ Take notice that the To+nmlIIp C°m~nittme °f the.... "- -- -. " . -- , ofthol~t~’pmir~a++odt+hommimdtndnawlll -I+"¢/~dP’~f M~ill+c~’~lul’i+lh+l~ ifitppli&Itlb luwr’ttng

SATURD/k~~++~--= ,h0c+tocatl~lln~efheyaredhml~Y+-d. Boys ~ldoth" hytwolrefl’oekold .....IdemtKefm~idtoweahtp, toff’Y

al~i+ho ere’In ~o l~blt"of +~mpteg off tlaa ~m had ~taud ~ttwlght~m’a" Im~le ~ contm~nilng at the~:~ of the Camden & Atlases It. ]L

. . ............................ - ......... ¯ .............. ...

PIlO~f Dg HAVEN & TOWI~SEND, BA~KEIL~,¯ : ...... C0ntractoApril 24th 1878~ am. sag +

U. s: ~’~ last ......... ;.......: .........’16~ "

largely to the Natlneal rsvenne, as any othertax payi/ag msdtum: ..........¯ Tlaere are est]maied to168 $g 00,0 ~ 00 0 . held

rule tli~ south and did rixle the eount-ry by Savings Banks, a+ deposits, from the work-befqre their infeuaal rebe]Uon, .and are_ lag_classes+ prinotpe+[iy, in sums from afew dol.-making’repid strides in tbatdirec~i0n no~,; lars tO erie-or two hundred; The-~i~a .Inset<-grid norU/ern ddi~ghfaee/i are bowing" the anne Compnn-ies Of the couiatry, a~tao hold aknee totheir Baal. very larg%fimd, as reserve to secure payment

to the families of policy holde~, at the death el’................. " --- ’-=-=’=- .......... ----+ - thd ~-u sh~re-d~of an-~tverage, sarm

" DnAR Dec]on :--In your last week’s ts~ue,you refer to some e’tatemunts, eopidd from pa-pers w hl. h e + e d e~-!. ly~a y o~b-e_nTffff6u_- t h~-_o:d vo

wrong views of the currency question,~ ~b-or~-fateity-o/-t he-at a tel

ments made.- The I~ank whlch-dep0slta itabouds wtth--thu T~asnry-department, g~tc lrcm-the Government, interest on those bonds, pre-cisely as.any+ ether.investor does.’ It maka~-thlsdeposit, to secure the safety’of its edrreney is.sues, ~hi6h" 6one foil thr6dgh Ihe Treasurydepartmsnt~ B3mply as a preesution, to’ insurethe fecal 8efegnerds provided by law, and tomake t~la.~urrency- absolutely safe, no matter

gives the banks, in raa.l+lty,~ nothing but it3 le-gal right, yi+ : ietere,t on its heads; and holdsthose bonds for.ppbl+[e security, tbo b_a_pk.Jssueacup"easy, just as the old State banks used to,with¯ this important exception. The amountwhich eny National bank can issue, is limitedto about 85 per cent of its "actual cash capital ;nud this must first be eecured, by deposit of$I00 of bonds, at par, for .ach $85 ef pro-posed eurrency issue, beforo one. dollar ofsueh curreuey obtained by the bank,much less put in ctreulation. .

Under ttie old State laws, a bank was practi-cally unrestricted iu its issues ot currency, andin msuv ease~, banks ectually issued manytimes their nominal capital, ia shia pbts:o.’s,

which were spread broad cast over tholand, and

sold at rates of discount which varied ia everystate on, tonally, a bank ’busted."~ind its notes were worth buta small perecutqge

st their face, if they had any value at all. The

failure ufa National bauk, is absolutely harm-

Ices to the holders of its notes. Ihcy befog fully

bonds del~Treasury. Th’re banks issue and loau theircurrency, as the old State -iastitutions, cx-~eptivg in smaller pr-portion to their cap tM an dwithout risk to the public. The statement you refor to is the" of au idiot,!who dt~es uot k 0w .w ~uthu is talkieg ahout, and it san have weight onlywith those who do not undcr~t~d the lact+% orwilfully pervert them.

As to the complaint t+hat Farmers d,i notLV.e those who

into or invest’in bonds, there can be.but oneanswer. ’J~’armiog is ¯ bi~sinoss in whici" mon-ey IS never made rupidly, u.der ordinary condi-ttous, because the cost of laud. in m~st old setrind parts of the country, is to high to e’aablolargo returns to be real{ted l’r~m the labor au deal,italinvcstcd. Farming pays far better thunany ordrnary business, or than most epecula-tions, wherelundean be bought cheaply, undcan be euhivat-d in large tracts by m~ehiacry,ete:nfid aein any 6thdr businets involvinglarge ieve~tfnent o( eapitul, can be cueducted

on a large eealn. Mr. Dalrymldo .f ,’t,,

which t~e farms ; iovolving $2t/,ono ;tnnu ~l

vt.~tlncut, I.r ht’,or, seel. &o. h, 1872. whtm [

+aq t.,,tw l,i~ I+,ul,li-h~,l rctern~ hl,4 cr.p~

I~e~ liitu ub.ut $ l+Lll ~1~ ;’.~r ,,oct 10ft pt-r (.,.t,t.] on i,,,.t el ’2.r,iwLtJg It ouldd. ,d the VIA’I[,I

~lf hi~ ]all’l, |ltat ;, g,,od glad.h,,t |,,’r St’,t~.~,lJ.

Inlzht hhro wiped .ut his years it,vc~tmcet, land

loft tliAl $2(J,(}([00U [, htStlJad n| $25,,IO[I in p,,

II,lt or,lit,,,ry i’artnlng, never did, and never

will. pay such vxcepth,uM i,, a~ oct’a~i,Jually ettcn(I moru epcculatice venttlr,,H, Ilut it

lnvolres very sm,tlF risks, ariel theroia is the

,It,lUl,CliS,ltiao. littvi.v¢ thu " husJl£e.s rucorddace L8730 llud ace wllu bavo 11£4dtl lUO+4t profit

abiortllur II t’t,rt[loLrli!bt, r, farlnuteorhusillt+++eran1, ? Who~t~ pr.l,urly has dt |,r~chtt~d tl|o.+tlargol.’ In value, Iho larmur., t~r lhu ,’lty" t,r

toWII 1(6.,1 E,:ato owners ? ’l’ho h,d,l,,r c~l+ tl~,v

~tlrall~n Lhtald~LkaJt ~t u fi’~:r t~d4~s t r~ b*.~a a 6,,~4 I,~Natimlal lnt,,rt.,ta have rrally bet,. cl,c,htntlv

improviog, through rt, ducll.,n .I ti*ld, aim il|-

crellso +,f natiunal wo.dlb, thuugh it.dividunle¯ eru sullo~ers. Our’ezporlS ,1re vury nlu(¯h

l.rger than cvt:r I,eh,ro, at,d mostly CellSilSt (,f

latming I,rn.u,’ts. The farmurs generally, os a

ela~s, nre fsr beller e,~ Itlan [lie husiel011s Ilion,

or any :,th©r t’Lit~e ill tit. country. ~lecatlse tbt,y¯ FI~ not makLng lnoucy Ia~t, where (+(hers arenot only nol ++uakLtlg it at all, hut art] etmlltallllyl,,,ing II, only gives eOllerln&tlt)a |. luy lisleIol0nl.

You say you In tuning IJovornmunt

hotlde, ho0aol, o it Ill. uuJnlL Io burden reul ella00land caSOlbltl~luv~elln+ eta ID (toYeronlellt eueurl-

l~lee. Thi. Is a Id4uJlblo argument, sud has ae©rlalo fi,ree. But I,nrhape. llyouennsider ILl

Ihe ~acts, ~,,u lnay inodlfy el+co ll~at view.

Wllh,+ut dwollloK ,,ll lho oiroualllaut, vll llltelld-tile ortltlunl |laue I,f Ihcno h.ndll, I<J tMyu .or

nalLnt~al i~lbltl0O¢@, and ullder iq~telall c~lVUllanlwith th,,.e whu ]++l,t Ihoir n, ralll her Ihe ,~iva-

lion el’ ~ur eounlry, Ih¯t th,dr band, ehot id be

free of tas i " l~t mu a.k--wi~o buught thoseboldl ill lhl llrst I lace, ~ SO wero the actual

pSTlies IO th[l c,+yllnant P Was It enl oar ownpv,*plo P Wiles Ihey evld~ lUhlltlueot perches.

ers wet* heir. to thsir thus log*dly |soured

rllhts i fur what Slyl aelr Cuuetllutlun P "Con-g,,*ss ebldl bays aa pawO~" to peee ¯ny laws ira.

I,.irlag tlle ublilation el auotttmts "

Out,ida t~[ thla, let US soo bow Iheso loaae at*hel~l. Our natloual debt, iu tuaud figure i.

abuut $:I,000,000,P00 of which there ur~ Io llgal

t.od.r ¯ut*e 13+0,000,000 leaving Inter*st b~ar-

ele~m nd Ip good sonditlon,.the au~orittee be,.stow spe0isl atientionon thll important mat-¯ mr.+ The. beau+y’of the plaoo ti a Sn~tmt ofg~peral/emark. Th~ en~rprhLng eltlaens~ontly ~mmlvnd to have a handsome-~PA-nx, mad-act about the work with s~-cK" earnostoeas that’it is now an ucsompllshed facl~ Oar b+autlfalengraving is well eelculated to make us longf orthodayaof.summer that we may enjoythe scenes and__r~reatlo’ns of such rural re-treats. Hanson ton Park._ 09stains. +winding

policy holdersare" persons-in limlied "oireem-- " drives and walks; and e/squat and ball grounds,sinuses. 0fthese Sav!ng~deposits and LifeInsurauce lteserves~al~tga amountIs.Jnvest- is a+bea~tlfnl-ehe*tofwa~rrmore than-~-m],lued in Government Bunds. Without knowing in length, with’b0ats for rowing and sailing

A.C.YATES& CO I’I,e .... TILE : :


Their Ikmd for sel]iug-t’he be*t ~ids-l’Sf the least " "money I~ spreadlng llke wlld-£re thmegheut the entlmeomlomllty and ~ mad, them t ndeed, I.~ I~ ANDPOlqlLA]lna merit JmRly l~mtowed.


ALWAYS FIRST.InCot and Qeallty nf th01t Oothleg.

ite, fn to assumo at least $500,600,000, us~s~ " to gu fishleg " c~n here Sud "L’~,.,,_~Ju~t,~c,t ~t~o~tu~__"invested,~oy Saving Bunks rind $300,000,’000nmple sport. Tho piti’k-tnUstb*#~da to Im-~p~;-Jk l.l.lll~ In/[mtn~d-M.M.tmufaeaur~, ..............

~l~& Ill ]gleglm~ er D~lgn:by Llfe[nsu~.aneeCompaa.ic~. Ta~tthesebood~pree|¯ted. We cannot refrain fromotlling at- AJJ.OG----Ia glegeam~f Design ......... -

and who will have tu pay the’taxl Surely the ,tentlon ale0 to the Greenhamkers claim e:n speeiall~ ; .AKS ,,as +.... Erst lN :LOW PRICES.____ .......desire te protect from farther burdens. Of Whichwo have alr+~ly p/scooted cue +eadpys " -

$500,000,000 thus remain, to represent bondsheld for investment, hero dna abrnad, outeldethe above named am6uut~ Does any-~dneman

ADVIORTIBI~(~ ]~dkTEtl.eme,ml~r ~ls, u the pe~2~ ffd~r~ ,, ... ,, 1.~i~ J & J... ................. 10+t~

" Ln the oouuty Jail 30 days., uear thedepot lfi Elwood fo mid ~wnshlp, ud rnnulng . , - ~.+11+67 ............... ~ ......... t0~/.4.................. ~ I " " lle.follows: ............ ’ -- I : .... " ....... ’ I + .*++ .... 1aft8 ......................... ItQ

This.Is no,spololD’’’f°r whiskey drinking; It FlrsL, north54O40, E. 1483.100ehaies; second, north " lO-qO’s " . ........................... )0.~-

aedldao that c~uuot be used" " 0nrrency, 6s ........................... 118~

60o46’E, fi 2L-100ehs; third, N. 6Is 3iV E. 12 40-100 "" 5’s1881, uew ............................ l~’,t/ae]/~. ;: Pourth, 53° 15’ b’, 20 45-t00 ehs.; flfth. N. 59° 03’ Ne+r U. H.4~.~.....,.....: ........ - ........... +-I0:P/4 - -k to’nlc~ ~yre~t~ M+ w~ll as ~:t~ aa a earthartle. In fact

Slnamoni iAvar~,al~h~l~lLta.pronop_~+_~+a+o u nexcep- ,E~25 T~l(XJ-el~+-nlxlJ~2~lLl°-J~ 3t-lt~/ ~hs,._~ud " U. 8.4’s ................................... 10o~

| .Uonable m~lldee. - ’ - . " terminating at a point la ti,o laid.out Ple~umut Mill*Pi~ens~,tvantt~ R. R.;...;.;;;;L2;;.:=-.....;.- ~8~-~--=-I~ Phqadelphia and lteadlng R. R .......... 14 "

¯ " " ~l~r The pantomime of Cinderill~ ~at ’ road near the rmidence of N. n. l’lerco,.and the said I~.ldgh Valley R. R ............. ;.,,.,.J. .....Co .........." Lehigh Coal and

1" +tW~lffoet li~ulll’ullyandelalmrmtely gotten up...T.ho a~ddappllcatluo, a~adhclleVingthaea0m~obp_nec~sar~iPltsbil+l:g. TJ[ii+ivJll~"& B,lffalo II,R.....

ll’otioes tn Local Column, ~aO OBNTg PIeR tlnlo ont~ iookod; like ~irles Ift,lhed. and p6rrorm~dai~<l to theadvffntagoof the imblic, and hating made Philadelphia cud ErterR. I~- -

3~~L[Ng,,enoh less]ties, a~tmirably: Ghdye Pay emClnderilla. Grace North aa ~heir rept,rt thereof and flied the tame in Die efface of "Ilm~tonvtlloN°rthern Central R. lt+oolt’O° ................ ................. 1(]odmotl~er, Gntce Jooe,, and zora ~mau ~ stster~ of the clerk of~id tuwnsillp for the examlnatioa uf aay Gohl ........... J ............. : ...............:.. tto~

All idrertlssmoatl and local uollooa rdlust Clndcrllla, Dor~ W.ethorbee, ~tabel Dorphley and lttm party who may consider themqelrea loterested or ag-............ that the ando~’ign~’l

" 11~, to-lnmre-pn~tie~lou~ Otherwlla -t~ay wlll.~ot +. S~tm~u~tho-Omnd (Jhalal~rl~lu, Pro+ton Croweli, maid committee will meet.~t .Tlt0mp+.n’s uflh:e, in. El- _ .........

o elppear. Jean cud Burr Pretmey ae Attendanta of the Pries, and wood, In ~aid t~wnship, ou the llth day uf 5ray, ]878. *-S~ Roy ~Fay r~ l~gtr. All+ these little ones looked like at 8 u’clock, A, 14,, to+ hear aud adjust all claime for

.... t0GAL- MISGEL-LANY+- s+.t..,u,b0,r_f+_+y_+..... .,~,,+.h++,~r. to damages that may be ml;del ........ L ......... f thelay. .~.Z’~/~.~/~ +J~.~O.~P.J~+J~’~’T~S/

¯ porfection, The tableauX wero sploudld, aud the dlf lng out of mid abovo-mentloned alld des~ribe4 road.

fforent-eeene~=~ro-:r~ated/y~red- Mi~ GarrLo Dated

Page 4: TOBAOGO...i i i the law and.pursued under.the mode dL~. te

.... or cillmsive smelts, of slilllorinth6titlas of mild

t ~der......... ’ " Olo~t With r sowe~ ~ which

Imd on con-a.

~old for maoh

act of any ~ch bixes, iut-in oa~es where lands

~cei i~tito hate+ b~u sold for slmh taxesa~se~smentz or water reelS,other person ~ the city m

CHAPI’EK C~,I. ssl~m~nents or water rents are lsid, orto .an ~ entitled "A farther officer thereof, for the nee of such tit

. _’/in l+t non- shall Imy liel upon ~ es.tato . .ilsee~memt~ or water ron~e bc releile(! -or

the chTigs tdbutidee. Ulmn ll~re!~T,-sebiu~sw~ ilded c~--hulbimd~ bf+~nllery ~ctwcen"

be called for purpol~, a . llenry Ward ~eecher. was Boutllerasum of money nor exceeding one thouesmd lJe.~[~j~hved_ao.wetl~dallas hi-any yeer-forand

now sohmmly reaffirm, andleave the Iruth with God, to whpm.aleo I .corn- ~e Democmtio i~u~ssmen, In ct.u~us,.re-sit niyeelf~ my children and.ill .who m us~ eu~ -solved-to lettlm queaflonof the adJom’mumat o!fer.Iknow~Uli wel!the expmnauons ~a~ wn, Congress stand open a monthllo~tter¯ - ¯

shidlbeleviedand colleohid in the same man- besought by milry-’Por this a~d~. ow!e<gme.>nt: The Hohseoommittee on’ways and means "nex as other taxes ~- a+s~l~l and ooUeeteda desire to remro to my nusoano,: nmlm~y, t cd to rcport tn favor of a tmiformfor tow~+Bhip purposeF¯ " " malice, ~_~e~ng save the true and sly onc ~

per cent+ on all lncomce exoee<flng2. And be it enacf+ed, That it shall be the ..... ’

--my quickei~ed oon~oiencs, and the sense el~f the townshtpcozmmlttoeof anytown- whatl~ due to the cause of trutband Judtice¯ ’ the the hasin which such fire Organizations are lo-

of 8eiitors

, ¯ / .......................... -...- -+-- -.-+- ,- --,.-:~.+: :_:_.-_/_ - +-+,+ ..............± .......................... ~ ....................................... ,- ..... .....

, - ,+ + ¯ + .. ,. , ’ , . . ; ...... , @ + ¯ . :

+-": ........... " ...... : .... ...... i VT . _ 2 22;27 ........................ +:.: .z

merit, or Shyin pursuance

to lJmi~ the number

ol~ewho ehldl endorse thereon the

end lecord the uune in

cies in ealdstld persons who haveof association, aria Ill ( ththis SUite, and abevo the

be a corperstlon, b~ thename mentioned in slid aitioles,

,forosald; and as such corpor-tomake and use acorn-

due ~nd be sued, and generaily toand immunities incident to

have been in ~olmo~,A erowd gathered in front of the. house end arising out of the arrival of slxtoeu ltndmatsseverld hundred avMl.ed them~eive~ or en whowerebehiglakentooxllotnBiberii.

to take a lilt look at Newdifltculttcs have irises in the Eu"opeaneuelosed iu a rosewood tuastion. A Lon-

Tweed and his children ths Eptsco-but made Uo iddreel. The¯bodyQroenwood Cemetery, followed by

elght coaches, three 9f whiuh contained nearrelatives’ of the deceased, wlillo the other fivewere filled with twelvetpaII bearell and a few

Germany that a

of 1856 and 187l.. Ruslda m~epted theIropolll, bnt Eusland hia-reJectod- it, and~gain ou her orlslnll coudittons.The Orcek revolt In Tbesally sgalmlt Tarkcy

ha, proven a complete fiihire.Dnring s severe glde on the 8p~L ~ast

numerous flshlrlg vessels were~ indover 150 fiehermeu drowned.+ - " -

TI~ immense muxder is caIried on onall sides at once. The li~renoh resist,mad they axe terrible, for they have:notkin8 left them but despair. Our guns,;almost ill old-fashioned Paid

arsthesians, ot the’rain of diells I

..... t "the eazthas ruum, as by a rake." IHow ~ guns ? Eleven hundred, at ]lelL Twelve Gerumn batteries on the IMonceUe ouly; the third and fo~tkabt#1etlun~, a frightful artillery on’thecrests Ot Olvo~o, with the Second Horse

have i~t t lie


¯ ..... mmaopap~ ............. :;.......... .... " ..... ’ " b~ve liliriyl~erl4ble Dml~ If .M llly Neuly 1Pomp ba]wl~lr.of¯ = Mo¯tba: AflmP SVn lll/d +lleert bltgen; Why Ill

Hone A genuine ~ ofBuddeulyi above ralte~ fatally in thh exlltenes?

the enormous of slain " tnd it isThe vt0tim was William l~

¯ ban--loOth"presant,--one ih’his <shifue,the other inhis oitadeL .... was returning fl-om Ichoo]

The sli~ue and the eRadel a~isf~d at tame in ~n~ wi_t~, athe horribleespitulalion..’The t+vb’~Ji. Whidi h-egin~on5 of bronze, tilo other of sgs&Ist the fence;tdt themaclVes prostituted, madebrow otour oouutry I O, time a very eliglst wotmd inof shame I the left arm, jlmt above the waist--so

oecurrs.n~_ _qntfl+ J+a+ ~a!L niRht.. On. last iA ecrre~ondent giv~ a description of 8imd+i~ -evening he complained to his

the. celebrated public gaming tables at mother of a, his neck, and in-theMonte+Carlo, in Monaco. Alter refer, left Side of his head, over the ear. Thering i~ the snrly manuer in which *~he pain inereased dnl~ng tho night, nnd onmen controlling these domorsii~ng es- Monday, when he was offered a drinktablishmsnta ’.on matters, and the of water and swallowed ~, the pupils

of and a

character who- haufits-theand who, all

ISrefinement. She n

; passion +for rouleflle, arid it has bten toher what gin hi to some, and dress toothbrs---absolute ruin. ¯ Her appearanceis m~ked, for she.hml an enormous fore--hend;-whieh bulges out in an almostsemiciroalar curve. Her noes is a boldsnub; and her cliln is p~o~t-ing.dress,out into siren relief the

of water, mid as itehild shrank from .-it i When + the -~Wire plnoed iu his mouth he seizedhis teeth. A paiulul st~ggle elin which he threw it from hisand sank back on his pillow, where ilay breathing heavily and xl,ating unnatu]ra{ly, andwith I requency. An opiate was given brelief Wa~ momentilryt when afollowed which seemed to givethe

at once the- cime,reed with Dr. tecle in the diagnosis

side. He reoommended thecontinuance of thlt eiime treatment,which was bromide of potassium and

of chloral. This¯ relief. The

ehax~-ter than the one preceding. He con-tinued to grow worse, and at last thevery mention of water threw him intocontortions of

¯ from one sido of~ the bed to thewith the rapidity of a reindeer, and hisstrength became marvellous. Thephysicians ret,’~ed on Tuesday night labout eleven o clock, and at one o’clockthey_were eummoned again. But before:they arrived the boy had ~ away.The father related that an .hour previousto his death he ~ completely uncon-troHable. The he~ turned constantlyand rapidly, im if it had been on a pivot;the sound resembling tkat of croup,kept on, and the respiration waa sopowerful that the body almost Iaisedritself fl:omthe bed. Dui~ng all t.his

+:~overed. wlthblotohu ander where there I~e serofulous

parchment. -W1~enshe is in luck she stands up iii her chairwith a great roll of five-franc piecesbsimiced adroitly in her left hand, midwith her right she preeeeds with won-derful rapidity to cover some five or eLinumbers with bets. Nobody touchesher bets, for+}" believe she would brainthem with thO r~ke with -whichllathers in her winnings. When Bhe ism bed luck, she descends to subterfugeswhich must give her friends much an-guiah. 8ha waits until

OW~, In

which many pie<ms are staked over manynumbers, and when ho has covered +aportion of the table with bets. she pokesin two or three five-franc pieoes amonghis, and no matter what number wins,She insists that one of the pieces ~i.sing is hers. What ~ be done by gal.lent men under such circumstances ?She has the money, and he can o~lysubmit¯ It he is an Englishman, heturns red in the face ~nd says nothing.If he is a Frenchman, he shrugs hisshoulders, extends his hands, paims up--d, depre~ltingly, a~d looks roundwith a martyrieal smile for sympathy¯This he JB ~ure to receive from the’hang-



Battery in a reserve; opposite Doigny,ten ers.on. There m__anoth---Saxon--an~rlarmberg-ba~trrtesl- -~ti’6~7-w~--o ]-ff on speaking terms With

the curtain of trees in tho wood north of this lady. I think they talk overcombi-ViUers-Cerna~, conceals the mounted natiouk. He has a piece of paper and aabtAetlung with the Third Heavy ,~’fJl- pencil, and he studies the numbers forlery as a reserve, and from this gloomy hours before vlavin~ Then he com-thicket is poured a formidable fire; tho menc~ ~ 10hl~, si’ng]o" five+fran0uiecestwenty.four pieces of heavy artillery] on six num~eru, and it is extraordinaryform a battery in the clearing ne~x the I howofien at"first he wins. If a friendrpad fro.m Lall~on~lle ~La ChapeHe; drags him away after ten bets he is gen-the llatier~ oz me ~toyai ttuara eotsflre I erllly a heiwy winner, comparativelyto the w o6d,de la; ,G,~nno; tho bomha I spea~dng, but if he remains longer lm isand uio OUiletu ri(Rne I:tuehy, Franehe- I sure to lose all his original Irsins and his

’triple end quadrnple row of guns ex- 1 him for a neighbor, for he is frightfullyteud+i without a break, to the calvary of i dirty, and perhtmed with garlic to a de-lily, the most remote point of the hori- ireswhich ie almost unbeantble. I was#.on. i tohi that ho had beeu a professor of<+Tlte Gertumn aeated oi re-, mntll~aliitiea_in--im~taliau univel~itFr

t ..... . .autl wa~ living on a smnll aJinultv, /lvo-tho artillery do/n~ its work. aLtths of whieii w~a a~+’~bod ~y tho|+oh]iera fall and die. Among tho corpses~hich cover the plane is one, that of auofficer, upon which they find, nRer thebattle, a sealed paper containing thisorder, dined by Napoleon: "This 8op-temlmr I rest for the whole m-my." Thevaliant Thirty-fifth Regiment of the Linedisappears aimolt ,entirely under thecrushmg" m~ma of shells; the bravo mari-nes ho!d the ~oJion, and Bavarians inchock for in iuatuut, but being overflow-i~l on all sides, fidl hack; the whole ad-miniblo cavalr~ of Margueritto’, ])ivi-eion, hurled against tho German ili fltritD",stops and breaks down wh0n half wayon it. road, exterluinltt~d. ~ay. the Prim-11 r II ’l" I, li repo t, by woll tltrc~tcd alld qtlietfire," This filled of ,carnage has llireo

di nt whfch are eh’lsod: tim Boull-l<m Toud by tlio +Priisslan Chlard, thll(~lirigiliin road |ly tho l|avariaiis, aliil thn~[t,zrit, rcs rosd ~)y the liVnrhtnlber~0rs.The French liavn not thought nf harritlad-ing the vhuluct of the rililroad i three (ter-man bathdttnia havo tl~upit~.i it all nlgbt;two isolllted hnnsell nil tho ]hihin roadmiglit have In~en thn pivot o! it llrnhliigedrestshi(iee, bnt tho Oerluuns hold thtltnltho MonLvillers Parkl at llavoil|on, d01,11aull fllll oi t}llok foilngo, luil~ht have|)ro-vuntt~l thn HllXOliS. who are ililisktrll nfLu Mencmllo, Itnd tho llavarialis, wiiol~ro masters o! Bayeilh, s frolu effeeting itjunction, but tlit~’l+’relloh have beeii for0.stall~|, and tho llavurinns liro soi,li thert%outtiiig Iway thn hndgeli with their-iokles,

+1¯lie German army IXiOVeU nil of It llieoowith nheohito nuity: th0 Prince (If Hayonytson thll hill of Mitiry, whelieo ho~lllilnands thn e~lis¯ lu Lhe |~reiit~hillrm~, t.he ~lnimsliid otmlilates at the hilt-set of thn battle: at 5.45 ]t[oMahoa iSwouuded by the l~ragulorit of a shell; ntsovcn o’oloek Dlleft)t ~lkoa his plneo; ntten o’eloek Wtmpfea t~koe 1)uerot’s.

From minul@ to minuto thv wall ofllre allllro~ht| , the thun<lt,r-~dl ia (~ni-tinnou/i, n einlst~r pulvoriziog t)f ~),~lOniun. Nothing liko dt was cvcr witneml.I~l--tlovcr did Ill at!.3 ~ under au,,llI filling maf it~rmpe. At oiio o’i’dot~hill le limit. Tho r~l~i.-miuth lake rl#u~e,l~dl.ineli, iu 8~hui. But Ht~lini hogliimi~, burn; I~ Dlelon~l t,ar, m, the imllu.iancel buru; nothing but a dashthtlngh the linoo il ll<.lllbh% Wiiapl~n,brave nntl flrin, euggetlts it to the ~tn-peror. The thh’ty-eitlhl Iuilivt, mid.


~hoemalllng.Tho shoomak~r is a relie of autiquity,

and lived and had his b~ing a, early aathetwelfth century. He Was accustom-ed to hawk his goi~Is, and it is eonjoc- iturcd that there waa n eollnrato trndo forannexing the soles. The Romans, in!chmsieal times, wore cork soles in theirshnes, to secure their feet from water,eepeeildl~ iu wiuter, nud, as higli heelswere lioc thon iutrroduct~l, tho Ilolnliuladies, who ~ishod to sppear tallor, putpbmty of cork under them. The street,of ~)me, ill the thno of Doxnitian, wereb|<lcktkl up byeobhlers’ shills, whicli he,iliel3+fLlr0+ liiiiued to bo romov~l.--Inthn niiddle ages l~lit)en wt~re t~letuicd bywashillg with a 181u)ll~.~o and oil; etlap and~ri+ltl.tti were tho slilll, ltil, ill, es for b]iiekiiig.

]’hl0khtu w0ro WOrli (ill the shor’~H in tlieftutrtoeuth c+tutury. ][It frcltmd a hu-irliin skldohln was foitiiii wRli niarksnfI)llt~k]llll rill the shoes, In ~lighiud theylleeliliiO hudiinuub|e iuanyyears lleftirot|ie rlii~ii tlf (~llOeu Mary. The luboririgale+sos wnrn them t,f e.i)p.r. Other per-,one lied tlw,u of silver or copper gilt.Not lnng after ehoos rolbttlm eame in.Ihtt’kh,a revived bt~fore tllo lhwolntionin 178ii, alid lhial|y |ietlnliie eltiiiet boforetho clomt o! thti eighteenth cmlitnry.

All Immense Concern.Everybody known fhat the Pacillc

Mill., of Lnwronee,, Miss., are the larg-nat niauufill~turlng oorptlration in Amcr.ion, but lilany llPtl lillt itwarl, I how vii+ittiin ostilblishiliolit ii.I, ltll olovon millsand htlildinKs t~lntain forty-one itores of

I flooring, and give emphlyment to over5,000 iinnds. The mills ~lrltslili 1115~000i~lt~ili sl>inllhta. 25,000 woruiod Sllindlem,iilil| 1,500 h~lin.. Tlicy iiee llti,0(~llntlnda tlf t~tltln and I~,lJ00 lltinnds ofwnol per wel,k, prhlting or dyeiug iuthat time iillWilrtls tif 1,0~l,000 ~’arde ololoths. Tho niiltivl~ llower of tlio lnam-nioth t.,stlibliehelPnt Im P~ntrlblltod byllft~ eteanl bllih~r., thirty-eevou nteam.onglnt,*e and Plevon turbino water-whoele.Ths t~t~ll SltlOs fn~m the Pacaflo Mille oflate .~eare Itavts frt~luent~y ~gr~Ip~t~l65000.000 ynrds per minum---~ufllci~mtto furuiidi thrteor fouryl~la of elolhf-r vvt.ry wuuiaa lind Kir/iu the Unitodl#t*tm.

time the boy was conscious, answormgUes " " +--ind-o~i~p+

sionally ~sking for a drink. At halfpast’two o’clock in the morning he maden sudden plunge tOlmzd the-waUi tear~ing himself loose from the grasp of hisnurse and died.

According to the Quitman .t~ec t~css,a farmor living in tha Morven disb-iot,near Quitman, Ga., mide~ook, BOrneevenings ago, to cure his hogs of verminby rubbing them with ecal oil.- He pro-vided himself with a fat lightwoed torchmid commenced work. Unluckily, justaa he bad gotten them ~well greased, asp~k fror.l his torch fell on the hack ofone, and in an instant he wa~ .in a lightbiazo. The flames eommnnicated to thoot hers,.andJ~_a_lew-momen ta-tho-d ~#as ruuuing wild, fleeing with lightning.peed, and appearing in tho darknesslike fire-fiends. The next dag the farmerfound his bacon not only cured but doneup browu.

Some feelings ~o untranslatable ; nolauguage hae yet been fouud for them.They gleam upon us beautifully throughthe dim twilight of fauoy, and yet whenwo bring them oLoas to us aud holdth0m up to the light of roason lose theirbeauty.all ot once, im ltlow wornis whichgleam wtth suoh a spiritui] light iu theshadows of evening, when brought wheretho cantLles ave lighh~d, aro fomid to boworms like so tamiy otlier,~_

Niorhere ! Pilellileral ! ltletllltril I ! ! Dou’tfall to procure Mrs, Wiudow’s tt~thi~ syrupf0r-allillmmlse{i]ncideut to the ilerlod of tooth-ingle children¯ Ii relieves tile child from pldn,oura wtod coli~ regulates the bewels, and, byglvhlg relief sod liea~tll to the child, give+ re,t tothe mother_ _It I~+ an n ld illJ w___~ll-trlod reined7.

if Ylle lille Ne’+l+rUaed l)oolcy’s Yeast Powder, got a plekage tilenext thoe you huy bakitlil powder arid ~st It.After a few trlahl wo ~a~o oonfldeut you willgtvt~ it tim pruferelic~ over I,ll other.,. It i. aL--.nlutely Irate; evcry I)aekaga is etrlctly hillweltlht and It nover |=llsin ml~tiog relle,brelm, lJl,cuit,, c+li<n, eorn bread, waffle., nmf-fius, Idtd all simihw m’lioleI dl,lldouldy light,good~ slid whahiaoolo,

GHEWTho Celohreted" ~t~ATOnLllae"

Wood Tag Ping~i~llll oOO,

Tna l¯loNalnl TOlliCO0 COMPAnr,New York. Be.ton anl (Jhto~go.


Page 5: TOBAOGO...i i i the law and.pursued under.the mode dL~. te

^ ?

¯ ¯ . .-_..... . ........


-, !rH111uleU~.

., ¯ . , ¯ . . . ¯


-- I I~IH~A/II~IG’ i’°’t s,..<,.~,to~ ,,:c~a.I l)i IVl IVl[ IIV L) li. a l:retiter extent thanI --’~ ......... ..Io:rJbaMy nny ~lhor-m,,l.

If the Liver l~ Rnguiatod in it~ action health isalm,~st inv.~ri.bly ~,.cnred. lndiz,.stion or wanto t-antic la "ia’th~Li ~’oi" doffs ea - 11 effA aeho.’- 12o6~ ti.

- ¯

. . ,. ¯

¯ , ,¯ .





~oOr ~lotnit’t.’h, lltl,+ t >l~tli in tllt~ niouihI¯ biliou~ attacks, palphatl,m of the h’eart, depres

COOK & PARLOR sic. ,,f ,l,irit~<.rttte t,I ............ hn.dred,,ther"-- lynil~t~oi-. ~:~#al,.Ntd’ LId.’I~R ltl,;o~l..4,1on,’il-tho

best rem6dy:that basevvr h.en di.e,lvered far

8 ~ 0 V E ~’h .... ilment~*-It aet~ mildly, effe, tu,i’y, andocing a simple vego:at,lo c-mp.u.d, cau do no


At .Reasonable Prices.

STOVE PIPEOf a¯ll siz6s,eoostanPy’on hand.

irjury in atiy qulilditlcs shill It may he Itikoa.barrel, i8 it hill t,eeD uRed

for f-fly years, and hundreds from all parts oflh ff-iwut~n try -w i I1 -vnli’l~h-tr rt i rl ~’t iI e e #, V~. ~,:. tl~rl,

~lexan,ler lI. Sto

.,L I V-:E t~; .,~,,a: o~ ,t~orgi.’;Bbh,w Pierce, ,,f

Oeorgi., J,,hii Gilt ~h,~rt.i. I,f ,%lah,lnia~ I.]en.John B. O.rd,n, It. L Moti,:of Colalnhus. Go,

oinoni tile huildrcds to wh.qll Wt~ ~lin rer~r.

Pipe of Russia & Oolvanized Iron "Ex~ract,if-a h.ti-r fr.61Al*,L II. Sh.vdhs. d~tedMarch 8, 1872: i;[ ,,ee?;~lo.ullv o~. ~shon m)"

TEper dO’jiltS, ~l;C., ..... condition requir, es it, lit, ,";il,ulalorwtth g.?d yll,:ot: .it is rail,l, #l:i.d .iu_its

made to ordel~ nt sh,lrt notice, m,i birtll*c thltn In, r I1o lye ,m ~ii~,ioc.-- It ill ii,it the qtiao°

Fin Ro0fi.% and Repairing it,,, that gives¯ dren,_.ib, life. blood,

l~lltentedIll=ms7 lit l~, l~r.

tix 11,18"/~.

Ill- " ’it




,~.---------------~"t" All ,cork do,,e at ll.n*.m.5le Rate*.

and oanltervativo Corn

0thei" property agtinit loes_or-dsla:i, go

"I~ 3 ’\w. ix~x&at lowest rates, for the term of

One, Three. ~ive or Ten Years.

. !tn Urana- " I ¯ ::_ _lliitil#0iills.. . -

M I L L V 1 L L E. camden,.& ;it tliiiiltc B,B ....

Mutual:mar;no’and hre. ?,’,’-,¯ , i)0WN TRAIN~I ’" "

: - -- " At Ham¯ INSURANfiE GO. : ........ i=; ........_ _ ’ .. .; ............ ; ........... . , , , ¯~ nnnl A0mll. . . £~- -;- .-~ .- , ;---: .......

o VlneSt Wharf [ ill "t,;{ ’f^? - "¯ ¯ ...... 8 it., 4 u~/’o nu-- Cooper’ePoint. ...... d d0[ 8 1~1 ~l 1516 lO

’ I,~ . ~rll-ll, I ~-,,ldonfield ......... b lbI S 811 4 33I, 6 35Assets Jan la..~j, xsL ltrvo .AshlandLr.¯.... ....... 5 ’~5-l 8 81 4 "401 6 43 .....¯ Ktrawood ......... ~ .... 5 38i 8 46 4 44[848 ~ . ..q[ " ,J/W I~]~1_ -Cli’lr~-~ " I’~lll~ Bet|ill ...... f..,., ...... 6 Ill i "8-t,8 ~ -i ~5"|7 03-

_ ~ ll_ll’l’l,n_’yl3_$ if_. I,~,,D ll,Wm Atoe ......... " .......... a d3~ 9 04 5 1~3/7 1O-_:~:-- Waterford,. ’7 ll0 i 9 II b 1~ ? 2i

Anoora ............... ~ out ~ I~ b lfl 7.21Iglliel~,w~..;..~;,.’.;. 7~ t--9- ~ 5--20 l

--!r 7 32llammolltoni;...:;¯, It ~b I 9 3tl 5 3(* 73gDaCostt, ...... ~ ...... a in I ~ M $ 84

Abaeeon.;’ ........... ll4b t ltl ]~l 6 141ltla~atlo aritve ...... "t0 10 I 10 ~8 fi 21J ]

~-----;-~ 7


C. M. Eng!ehart & Son

~TO COl~ SUIV1ERS--tiF--

Ck~:goes~-6d Ffelght~-, ~i, iitien ,,ti liberal form---of polities, wltbqot re.fictions as to:ports

Used; or.registered tonnage. "- LO S~*SE S

Promptl~ All JuNto d _and ]Pii!d.

N¯ STRATTO~T, President,.... F. L. MULFORDf S¢c’y ’

January lbth, 1876.

,ll GENTS.

W ;tohes, Jewelry.-Silver & Plated Ware:

Agents for the How ard Watch Co

tTlasonio Narks & Badgesti~lgers ~ il=~’O- Celebra-

ted I~late d Ware.

No. °’,ll ’torlla Necon:!. litreet.


ilit~ tooO tiik~ll. It)t It tie ninc’i ,,r little. There- ’Jew, 3[nv’s Landing ; .it. Stophaay, Effl ~ } nor ~tinlulate tip the ~lOtOlieil II, crave her Cilv: CapS. Daniel IVultl¯ri A|l~o oni Thoshind, lint rather al~sl~t tlig<.>tl~ll oft~r uatiog by E..Mor’til, ~omers’ Point ; fine. D. S. I:lhlck.taking man, Port Republic; Aline T, Loedll. Tun¯of

8lM,’fl[ON.Ns I.lld~R IllE(;UL.%TOiI ton ; Dr. 1,uwia ILeod, th,ntle City : AilredWcletucut, liaddonfiehl: 11. M, Jnwett. Win~lo~

ORIGINAL AND 0tlLYGENUINE. u.g. nowa,gs, ~. n..m’.,xnt-sCTf211~ o.~uv nv ~ ~-lv ~[,-A~:I. ~ I>"I’.G;I%.’-.NT-J.~


PIIILADI-:LPIIIA. Fire Insurance Company,

. . . - lllm._ AL~lalli Aelm Yrshl Mill

LxAyII.. ia.ll.|~t ..... >O~ hIP. 11. .

Atlantic ................ I II 0111 ,’O 3~i - "

4 IllI~lg ll~rhor ............ ’ " I i 7112[ill2 ~ ~ 4 l0Elwnod~-. ..... " ’ : .7 i 9! 124 s. 211",DaCosta ...... ] ~,-~ ’’7 428llamm,~nton i II 15]$ ~ .~t~l" 7%’ ineland Junction .... 1622!~ 21 141Wiu~low ................. i625i8:5t 1,~ 443Ancora .......... 1 e :~’ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ 4I’Watcrferd .............. [r.~5 If:4l :2 i~ 4 53Atco ....................... 121D[~43 I, ,3’/ :":’’5 0~Berlin ............... L.. I~ 25t6 l’,l ~ (!,L.~;

1 .~.!-~ !Ashland ................. 7 ltll.~ ,7, :: i 528lladd~lnfield ............ 7 I’- 9 ~i .’.i I 53gCooper°e Point ..¢ ..... 7 411 9 ’:II 4ill 563Vine St .................. 3DiT~011, I51 4 t,G¯b

Iladdo.field Accommodation..Lesve~ Vine Sl.Veharf 7 (10 a - i 9,15 and 2.0f p m, 5.f10,llnddcnfleld am. 11 05,.~hd..; iS p m,

10rbri, IAt.,?mmc,datiou.lravt;s ~l~ys..I.ttndin~’ nt

7 lit, A. /tl.. and arrives at fl IH, 1’ M. TkeMail Train leave, at ;t 45, P.M., and arrives - -a.’ 10. iT, A. -%1.

These trains connect at AIeo. with Ihe Will-’tlP~h~wn till’Trf;-:=’ITown"~Fa-iI’ffffliTFat II i~liM. At. A"eommodatlon 5 30, I’ ~,l. Up mall

11. D. ,h’.ilfTll..Iqe.t. ll,,r,,n,,,,t,,,I,N. J. Conductt~d on ~trietlymulual ~,rinclplcs,-Tff .it 4 III, P. M, At_ Ace~miaodLtlon,- 8 00, A.

-- ----= = - ¯ .............. ferititr-a pert’.:etly lain insuraoen .for Jost who! ~ .....................

WOODRUFF’S PATENT it m.y.c,.t, to p.y. I .... shad exp ....... Thei~-~i,".r,o.r,ion of in. t,,.tho .m,,,,., ,nsn,+d hni,,~Phila. an dl Atlantic eia~ Railway

’,I’OSET COM,I OOE ..... " .....’°",, ,0,s,han ......llv hlid, n,dhhl,.eali be i)ftorcd lore favorablst,> 1 e insured. The cost burn: al>uut fi’n c,’.tl T~E/t’EW SHORT LIN~.,,z: lh¢ [,llzlt]rml d,d[a ~ I "" 7,""" t. the insurers-n ,,rd/n,,ry rl "~/’. alllt [r,,tilJ(f/,.eu I. tuerlty.fibe RUNNING FROM FOOT (tl ~ V¢.IILStIT ~T,, l’ilILA,rr~lla tier Viii .... ],,~zo,’,/,,.~ ",r,llll’rllv~. which isI-~s than on,’ ~l,ir.I ,.1" lti,.I :w*’~t riltrSchsrgeli~b?


~t,wk c,,mI irli,,.. ..... 1oh ri.~k~,--tl~e oilier two Tdlkl’lieJ ¢ffe,rt Mitrch 3,.I]1~ [~,7,7.

third--tak~ I.~ .’u,.k v!,!,llJltnie~ being a profit TrMne for ]Philadclphla nnd Wuy Btationutic ’rtl]ng t, ~’! .O’. o](]crs, or CtITl~kU’.tlz In nit. tllaily i.X,-e|lt .lltlnltily.j

:N,i ,,. ~,lllle ;tll,,[li it. :,,% ~ ...... ,lihichir .d titt’ilW.alHl M.Iill~ ,1 .................... ’I lU~

.-~llalli,hd . " .,. ............................ , ......... H lilt

,. ,~ v r ,,r TIN TAC TO- EART![CLOf;EI’’, thl,ir construe-,,. ,.,,,,. .,i m.,,y m,,~l,,n. .’r-, ti~II nr~d la~o

~COn,ark,t w,. ih,,r,.I,,r- filulioli all* Th. b~,tl.tll (’,l.-,.t i, it lli,)d, iii tllq l*,Volll, lit iltll,’tl

] 1i, ha~ ilk ~urh llullaliun~.

l)en~c8 of Ii, t: t~ ,ull,,lllic,~.

Th, ~l,l,r,,,,t,~ f,,,,d .,f ~.r,,.i.,. .~e. berg.,,w Thrc," J!il?5,.~ oL. l~,,llarl.

If 1111 qqt~elll.nll,nl hill| t,I tie made el #lye lieCl lit. Ollit" I IW:Ct Wllllill the ttn yearn for wlliclirhc ,,,lil.v iv i,~u.,I it woiild yel bu cheaper torbv til,’lilih’r~ It, ill ll?ty othur ill~nrn:.¢o oJ]-(!r0dA..I I.r~,, nhiOiilil *if lileJliey ia saveil tolhp li;t~illl~vF~ ill’ll I .l,i :11 homo, .No a~s@ltrli,,lit h ,l ’¢ i11:., t*l’l,r ll,.i, rl IIIlilill i t,einz ,,ow IIInrl¯

I.i,ave lhtnimlllllUll G.16. R.t)l A. 31., alill I t~ +i.’.’6 J[°. M,14un,hly~,~.13 p. M

Trainafor AtlnntioCitynn~l Way ~t~tinll¯ll,i i ly-~-t ~,-~.t-~tiiid. yi )

lll.¢i+i’r tianillionl!,ll 8.1t2. 9)~.~ .%. ~li.. ~’.~7. 7,(*~ J’. ]tl.Sun lay-. 9,’.’6 A. 31.

’Tratna lot Ilnmmointon.lhlily I 0,xe,.pt ~lll.:a~ d

I,.ave l’hllad.lllhlll tWal.ui ~i i,~ hsrf- id 7 % A. 111and I.on. i~.l.’l |l ~|. 141111,11~vs s3qJ ,%, ~ll .

th ill tilirty ycltri% trills ~uving wouldamount to I.,av,, Aihtl,tie City ill ILr, dF.ilo St. ~lld I io ;I,15 P. M"lh ill

O,,c .lIillimi ~;,,e ll.,.l,¢d

The I.os~e~i by I.i~gl, tt, ing.Whero the llr,,I;nriy is Illll Set Oil fire, teln¢

lift) tlalll %.itli~lllf.t, xl i’ll Ctlllr.f, llli(I pXtOlll|l’i[lie I,i t’ ivef all k~,li,’l,’.. [hill nr¢ li-etil~ti slid nlil

B.,NIA3IIN ,’.lll:l’l’AltD, t’l,,id¢.t,

IIl,’NltY ]t. ,I’PTtlN, S,,,.¢#.r..I,,~ ¯

£GE %’11’~ & I~lllg%’ I’YOIIN.

tl Ell %,,’. PItE.%~ E’f. //llill/ll llll/llli, a%. J,I]l,,ll. W SAWYI’,It T,:,/,’,,t....%’, ,1.A L; [~ZA]~I), .I/..9. L,l.,/il, q, .%’..#.

blitllht~ll, 1311 t*. ~il.

t~,,n,.tnl I’ll~*elll.*er lllid ,t f,-ll:h! .I, gi.llt.

,, ~.’ntrntg.

P A T]gTo Invcnt0rs & Manufacturere..

I’H’I’AI1J,I~Ii El) 181i5.

0ILM01 , 8MITtt & 00,~,ltl,qhlrl uf I%lD~llll &t AIh.llil’)’a II Law.


3--" A . ,,r~ I II ~, i t~ ~r ~dl Ig (drier I,lUl:. tul,~Irccl I1,,11-,’, ilil,I ;11-1, ,,i- - t! ill,¯ * . I *Hu ,lh’ I r,,pl*l

7:-I,ar li:;l tt t* ,r i ~ <llil~ I~1,,.I r,.n,1,’r ttlell~l~#’~ *to,’ t’rllflir"l’11 lh"t’~l~’~’

Iial,l" I~h’* lWillllv .fih" I,a~ .I.1 all li.rm,Ol lie-It ii I.,ll,’rl ill ii~ ~, ’lMI,m~. lml tl,,I i~tble h, ~:"1

I:dlw-" ~,*lr llllde II1~*II,~ iir~, I ~ I i.hal,l," by liu~ ~tld uul ,>f,,1,1,’t

: liillifl.,,.llii.l.I. ~.l;l. At’t tJlr I’liNttll.l;t~, /%. IJ. Ill fil~ol,f.i ~il..~il~l t ivlll~hlil ’’, t~ I r,ilii*~,li~,’d

il, 1K. 6.I,) IIi- ; ul.l,i,’ ,,, ,.,*) t,.,lu ht lh," Ih,ti ,* ~iillu~it I~,’,m-

.~ T ’ "’ I~ I~,’ I l ~ [I T N T,tl(j ’rttllA(’~’O " P Ili .,’ t , , ii II1,’ * *,Lhl "V U I,,’1,’ II1,’ -lit tv’t11~". , ....... .........,,,o...,t,,:7,’ .......=i i! ........... ......? ........’,........ ,,.,,,,,,.,,,., ........,,,.,,,,,,., ...... ii !’;’":""::,’,! ;","’,:’:"":z::,::,:, :.,’,’",;;,’i:





tlv*.r 7.088 tOll~ t, ,1~.¯~, ..Id tl, 11’7T, aud nearly dll.a,l i: ,hit4 ,,Ill

The Dana Bickford It:ntttLng ~ ’~. 3 OO6} I" ’ ........ i,,l I ,~ ,,I h, fa, t,,li.., X~ ,, at,, .I,,, A,:,-.,. fl,r th~

ie 1~ tho 6uly ono that has tho latest ’ ¯boat Improvoment and that will ~ T, .... i,~,~,~t;,,. ............,*,, t~ ,,,,..t ~,’.o~,,’~,UNION E~i-R~I CLOSET,

i=lilid dUllll~¯p:~t 12 ~",11% ,,~,)r .¢~{ll~,lAiO.3tnit eV~wythlng; none genuine but tho~l

~ ’ TI,,..~ g,,,,,I..,,l,l t,) ~lt J.hl,,,i. ,d i,,,,nufaclu~r~.hi,h t..,,,,,,,,,’,,1! I,,1~+., awl .ll,,’i,.’,.r th,t,, lh,. W,.,,d.

1" milan mid ~old by ,,, r. ,,,,,i, ,i,:,"* .i., ,,,,.

t l~ohi at Ih~- ih, ldVliidll I~1i~,, P, Ic..I I’i.e ........................ I,, i~)k...~. ~ DANA BIOtLFORD 1t". 3~I. 130.. "~ ’ ""’

s ra,.,. ,,i i.,.., w.l,,,,t ..................’:

No. 089 Broadway. N.Y. /ll’rl.’lm..l,,.. >. ,, ,..~,,~.l,,. ~iol~li t hi>,,r,,I,ii ........l i,, ih- T,+, i,,’l’ill~ lllv,,lili,~iil’lin v, I,~ .i,1,1’,,1 h> I’ilvy~l ill

i i , o ,, /lily ~,,Tker of eltll-r" ...................’" ....."" ....!liliSl" ...... ....... ,,,.,,,,,.Var. t ......... I ............. I ..... II ,d,,, I ........... I.t,.t.,~hN,, .I.k. I:’,..d,.r Ir’ ,,,u ,,.’ ....... I .......... t ,/.lll u:li: rll Ad,h{l..a hr~.~)(r)~.~}l,;:.....,,,i, ...........t,,t ........ ............,,., ,,.,,,,i,,,., ....................,,. i,..,,,,,,,,,.,.....,,,.. ......,,,. ....., .r,,.,,,. t,,.r., o,.. ,,, ’, ’!i:; ! ,.,,,, ......]1. II^I.I.WFr ~ I’ll . I°,,iihl~ill. Mui.t.

HYIDE SFIATTUCK & GO,]%1 ~l N LI I" A ’:+l’ I~ li E It S O I"

]IR]il] IG I-LOADI G SHOT GUNS Revolvers and Pistols. GunImplements, etc.

~.t tu ........., ......i ,,,r t’ ,’,,~ .........tI

tIATFIELDiPrll~ I,i.t, ell¢l,,.I,,g 3 ,.,qd il,,uli*, llamllahtro CO., Maaa



Vo~etablo~ in ~oi~non.Our walion runl throullh tho town Wednolldays and ltaturdayll.

!?o , ,,*,.*,~j,,il ~t, N, Y.i ,

ARTIFICIAL TEETtt, Cheaper thanElse.,.. , Anywli0re

.A,’~q’~--. ( *

¯ -" ") ................ ’""

li PoH’<~t;t Fit or" ~[oilt.y littfundod,

I °, r~,,~,- I,aV,l,,t i,, fh Io ,i ,[. ,,,,i hi. ,,,i,, hal..ib-’ti in,. i,.i,,,i awl ill ,,i., i, t,I

illii" i*,l, lh ~r~l im,,tilif~il iI,i ilil~,, liG. lik.,add i,, i ,,l loci ~1~ ,,, ,h~fv i~ll.+’ I,,fi

I’ai.l~.. i, l lrlitl Dlii ~llli li i~. ,. c~ till tl,,rIo~,lh

T,,,,Ih ,,~f,,,,.:,~,! Ire(’ wl’~’li ,,N,,,r..r,. ,,r,[~rll,t.Ill*tit,tilt~

I"llllli~, I~id,ll.llL. I[I llllli~.qli.~t3 ty I’ lhl,i,.hlhiJI

l~Ikazi M~.aalT. 11. (t. IIIlaLleiro

McCa y 1 Hut[hurt8uoouaorl to BUTLER, M~tlITT & {30.


aLll~u r Ac’lruliiUIII o1~

Y31 N. Eteoond Btrlmt, PHIL.&.DA.llrll~l-i,.i IAse ~ k, ~ i~-Iidll.

II~.i,llll;1,~ I1~ "I’IIZ’:

o- pmitibt ill|lhll,. ~ t3. "})


00tlllty Of Lancaster, Pa.q’kellotti and.(:;it~llltosl Lift, Inltur.

ItltOO 111 thl, World.

’~,l,l~c~tiQ h’ i, illi Ililik,, ,~ri*vilillli i’ on.o o[ th~llllI’iTll IPTI,v ~ti IYi’i;Al,. CIIAIt fl~li

t01:l:. -i.Tr IIA h,

Irlluli~lllt" It, & IV. II. ’PII<iMAI~,|l iili ilil/n Ill li. N,

¯ . ~

PIONEEI{ STUMP P ULL)’RIhtvlngrel, erred Ih~rlghl tit Ulllllll[it, llt vl~ lll,t

loll thll ll.’lll,i~rT/~ .I/,i,,].l.e ill Ili~ I,~lililll* .it’llllllllJli, filll’lilli~llllim II,’liilll, ~lllliilltll’ lllilt CllI,Mlr, I llui’llllv gli’n lillllOc llilil | tills Iifu|llillio

to ell erdcli il lllllliwilig llltl-i i

N(|. I MAt’IIINF., t16’i,Oi),

Nt) " N61iit.

~l@lld J#lll0Ailllll elF@ |l/li#’lllllt¢lll tll ~0 t~ll /ill:IllI~l

i. tot..,,.,’k~t

For pirt|ou]lrl leti,t f,,r olrcuh, t,II. W. plt~ltlF=Y,

tlllLmonl,ll, I~1

tile¯hi,it ¯ ,li!lllU~r

llil~Sll I I.I¯IIt,I,I’AItANT~Kli- If ~,lliI)INEAIq~N. I li¯i.lli*~ eel, N lill£Al~ll i.nlult

Vilil llll+l~l~ Ill |~ll~ll I,i I,y lllllr, ll.ilhl li*tlItfll¢.- lili It I’ lilt IqUN IT., I’ll I I,l ii-i?

A J/S" I:/¢ A,V d’ ,FO/tEIU.¥ ILl 71:.’, TS,

No l’h.t.l~ ill Advlulcu, uttr utlttl a Patentie ull,~wctl. ,,%’o..#’l’sa Ior tmtkin9

l’rehminary lt’,EUml~¢Mtoti,L>

I~p,.,.i iI hhl,lllt~il glvl.n t!i liih,i’h (I, ul.l, t’lsllI+t~l’,,lii Ih,t t~lliiHli (lilh’e, Ilitfllllld lit ,"lille latllll,lill ¯, ,,11i l~l,,h II. ,il,ll I*!l lil ja l,li i*l, I * rtllla-illl i, l’illl’il’ll ill Invelillollt.

IJI,hdiil,.d fi,r hll,,iit,,l~,lil Ili~ I’i,thd bl,d,>* t’anadli

ll* i’ ,.I i,,l li ~ll,~i til h,lildilidl~ II’lll’Mll’ lt*l’ I ilil.*.d

I,ii-ti*r.~ ~lui, i~i,.l,,r l, i*il tl~,.a to.I ,I,,i 1,1,,,,111 h.l, il,,,~1 I1,,,11 ,,Ih,>l I,,tht*l ,111,,I , ~1 i I,,~.1,, .i ,, ,li,lnlW¯

,,i,i "1% ,,, 111ill, t,,., ,11,,I ~ h,, h,,t¢, rh .le.l,,i,. h*, I,qd,,y",l.~,,iILd,’.lh,lu’~’’ t"*’ll,"l*"l’*’~li~O’*’v *~*tJ,tlil-ati.i,.lli*ll~lH~*,l.h .q IIII III ill I~* ~tl~ hll~l,lllll liP*, I*l

f*,l (ll 1,111illil J*ul+’llll, IIH* II I0 ~*,111 il*, I,* I*i,1 whh’l’~l,,rid r>,H *,11,. ,,,IIi I h,h, h*.llli, I1,,111 I1,,1~ h, I,i,iIk Pal-,,111~ n,*,l,,,i,vl ~,011.h1., I .ll*l %%*,t,,f,i h, ,,,IJ,’l~Ill*lli’dlillt’i~tlll**lliil Ilililh, ~llill’lili ’ l,oI II I’ , ItllII,,val ~,,1’.11 /~,,~t~i~lUlm **h,I I’.iH II I, ,~li,,l~l. lmt. ,.., ......... ,,..,. ...... , ........ .,.1:..,.’X,. ,, ,...I ,,~#il ,if I I,dln* i t,, Ih0, o111 I.i. ,,I ~,

,1,11y hhtl~ A,I h,~i.qililN llAtlJ(,lt;lll dr’ qll.

h li, il ,I. , I’~ ~ t# Ill, AIh,i 1.1~ I,,, ll~.llIhiihlh,k, %t it~illliKll,il I It. I!

1:).. i t-L. (ll.~t/%~../LL~i ¯ ~l

|r. A. i.eillllttnn,t Hol|clhlr of Pllttlliln.lIVllMihlgllm, It. C. N. i’uLelii~ No Pily.

td¢lid ftli (’lll~tihtl’,

liT Tli Jr,, d,.,,,,,l, i,.i<,.m ....... Ity,,aIll I 1’l u,’t F-Id )l,ii I.h *,11,I,vlll~lllkl,

t,, h*k,,..I,~,lll,li,,Im I ,i the lalse¯l,

.,,,I,I Ar, i .11- 11 b*,, lu,,t~l,l,*P*l~l as.Ill Tt~eI,,,,.I *,1,.I I,’l l,,Ik I,t ~ll ~ive~ tl-e, ,, *,d-,’tib¢lll.’t’hm lllh ’’ Iti*l I.w Ilill llltiilll *,lli)l..I) ~tiltllllll~ll.t h,., ,,g,..l i ,,Is,If. n,mkt, ii ~i -r i,t,t*t u ** I,.* k Aladyillill i~1.~11~ i.hi. s ~,| 41~ll~i,l~lill,.l~ Ill inn dl,l’l.All It1,1 ¢1,~#*, ul~kl i~1 ,IH y all, Y, ti can Itet~l~ atl

i,M illll~ ll~l lillill}ltiillll nllhl ~l.ii lill doll IIw~li a. ,,Ih~,l I~uil |,vrU,’*tlll~,*ihl tt, l,.~lid terlllltl,*, t:ll llIN : lid ¯ II wll"t v~ lill~ II IlI~ ]1 )*+q lilts,l~,nlakl~ i*,,tk ml**~d u* ]our ¯ddleN’.t ,,l,r.. Ii .~m

hi . ill II"il I~1 ~lldllllllll ’¯ Till i’~’11~’l J~lllllitlII

I%,llllud, llalnl.

___r_ ...... ¯ . -... " ... "- . . _ : " i

----7 . "F:"% ~ ............... _ ......... (’-~’7 -T’<-_’-. ..... " ............

, j.i: ;~~-,;d’tt¢

... . F K617i,3qiT",~ .t7;~77ff-:-., ""



’" "’. Tolilli~!m!i~’le~edllmd.: ! ;; :lITOOf~Of ~. .

~mmonton, N. J.


ltINGl~raminou ton~ I~To J.

~..D,//R tlrIW,

~arizZ~S aZoiT~, ....Cm’l~,Bdt~’ne mid IU’al Avenue.

eUPpr, y OF " ’


1 1 ..... it" rH]t.~qnn Iwester wban the~ dii;

-. And ammory tolmhm wlth ~losl bright,


8H0g: .8T0tLv,;. of o..,o *n ’. .... . A ~,-~’a~,~i w~.~ ~".... . ~o~i~ .m~i~ ~_wlU~ ~i!~ ,ii~,~ .~ ....

sell Are’~the lloldlm Unka thlt 5thd na (azt,

Use T° the hiaui~flil days gonehy, _ .....13th 3/ - - -

E. L. LEYETT. They ne~,er will come agile.;¯ -- Oh t the bmmllful days of mliuhood’a prime,.

-SEWING MACHINESOh I the bea!~tlfnl days of.the future,

i&Vll~.i’ ONE tl~&N GET .qk IIEW- Ymmourgazetheyhlddealle,

I~i]G. JIACll |~ I~.But th~ coon will ~ in thslr b~nty

ONE HOWE---Nmrly few-- for $1D.10. In the beautilhl dayl of HeiveaThe Pallt and Prment shill meet ;

OllfE WIIEgLER AND WILSON--N~arty new--for $12 We ehall k.ow thn joys wa dream on earth°ONE WIIEELKR AND WILSON for 15. " The hived oc~ gonn shill Ilie~t.

’niare will Le no lalrltng 6r mi’hlw,In the beaotl ful daya 8~Ina by,New American .... ,

8Rfildlllll ~i!ilile!|llell.|jr_iillll-ll!l~ lipo Tbanthel~ulttfnldalll~Uaby.

l~ew ~r*elaine~ exchanged Sot .........Ssoond rr~nd. Our New York Letter.

_ omohllll it hi ¯ pllilmm

¯ 11 k’ttT6iik; 31"El 17/187g.""

" -~11:--’lT~i-I’:l II "l’R’l’li----°’ i~ .LP.~10.~["J~jJ~.HA]tlIiIONTON, N.J. In.*lae_d,Al.h_0L~t:et~)_d..,_Qr3%n,_ib,Wn,teru

AT ............l~rT’lkYrq Union Telegraph Company lost one of those

.-,--~lii-~dli -X~tl-l-.Ik~II~, -- mdnnf ilffilrli’wbTae foroiii-nd -fail-slghl,nin

ti"l’~"|Pit~l~~~--HOU~L " ."l~llllll.l~l~l~li~-’v----i-mN- ¯~e sunecsa. He’toundthe ~e.p=n, har’l,sed" " " - w!th rivltlriee, lu~lt midll, iLIo -thiitetn- yoars

strength sndliettnP.T, whom tl/u, tlld man~ll~i I

enarEf,---miy :heAven :eeu4 lie,:mglt likie.

~le J~etloa andl h ti,doutw%tnrel~llinr-ofiny ~lm~-,.made up -the imlseaa|oned hy m{lltakes #Ill’h" t, IR~eeeu7 even"with the best employees, out of hla own pookoet. A perf’* so

of the New Y-rk post e~iee.

- Tilll MA UlIIIYH.

ill over tbe eouutry, but I am af’raid that theeonntry is hardly;so nheap to ¯live in at presvnt

s in New York, In all .saw rents. The.prieeil

prodnee II outsidn lmpreseloni eti)l a. thrifty

housoholderean go to Waahington merket, und

buy tho beat eteaks for ¯ |hilliug ¯ poood, und

route for 8 etnte, poultry drellsod fo~l thllliolL1iota.toes for $1.50 ¯ 5aITel, and ewlmt

for $2-25~ with maek¯rol ¯ild¯motto¯ for.5 eta.

a pound~ straw~rrles iro_~ 0 9~lnb!abc], :’godfleW ’peas, 75 eenta a-peoki eggs 12-0i~ll,t~.¯ ~Oii-"

en, and good butteI30 centl. Tha hest dai,L

rico adopt the Boston buttertn marklt tn emall fat" mad¯;

’fl aver,der to adv¯niili~ ." : ’.!¯ " .....

¯ - vlnt’.h0uo;fiirLl~b.l~iim~,-ii;~7 ~- -is kept Up with grciit aotivtty, and the)

:PAINT~-’R. And ounsello~’- at- Law,P£PEB ii&NGING, &e., &e. 8ollcitor and Master in

ldliumntontolm. N.J. COMMI~SlOI~IER OF DEEDS.- - £ND

ERR Y VJI lioTaliv vusL,c.lIQiIRT Io]ll VllJ ~aNTINO ANn l~lILE or ~oUiili0

is. L*s’.s.U011eetlag, Conveysaclng, 4he execution 6]

Penelon Pipers, and all legal nnd kindred hu.

UIIDIIRTAKER,Iaprepar~. t. fiilmish

’ ntianded*ta.

1. sval~ variety, at the luwmt cih plice.. HAh[MONTO.~. !~. J.

lhnlelrlll~ ,prlmm pilllr ,liltn did -N,’~ qlV,~l, li-.~j~ !i l~, ~" .-. ~ .......

¯ A~o re-~i~ Clmir~ attd rspaim a.a h~novilt~ FtLr- ]i"atlurs,

8hop up-etalrl ,dv,,r the wheel~riihl .Imp, l’:,g llar.A~ ~_ TO~I~’E ’l]il-tl~ ~r, lLl~ ~9

her roid. ItilmlnnnrOll, ~. J, " "NO. 404 ~’IIO!1 8TILER’/’,

E. D ARW I NL_~ Phtladelph~.


~ND-AY Tdll LtrThl 010P OU VAIll 0OUlllIS OF Solicttor in - Chancery.

g ~,%.\l,¢l~.l, ~g; ~ l~.’i.v Ix~ ~i~’it, lilAlr,N La u lll~l G. t~. $-ill


rdlitm a.b uilbtt B A T H 8,lllLla4 el ilA~Al,l#, f.:lt~’l’~, t,,, Phlhldelphla,

hrnhhed *t .lift.nolle.. ’W]~. A. ELVINS. Prop~

Palitm who ~mlnml,tlltn ImtldinE al~ tavillnl qil tilt,n,, ....t,o ,,,... ,re k.,. ,,,, ,,..,, .... THE COLONNADE¯of a~lrllln~ arllnll~alent of llyll~ ~f bultdlag,alilna aae snae o~tva It. a. ~wro, a-tll l)A.i~I I~I tl~ zt.~ E I~ i3"ll? .

the eolitrolling talegraph of the country.¯ w:~i,ill off,oil-,

left homo in ~ub¯ I’L Y.. lit lel, to re¯lie hilfortune, wa/ printer first, tau=ht" llebooleducated himself t a:d,lrm&l ~chool. was in thohook bnalnese, with ", ~iiler I:.0rlon and Mills

gan, and Beereiary,Cll¯ie.i~tde him a collector

of internal revende~ wl~ofe’5~’libiiltyAn secur-"’_ ....... - - ]---L...:. ’ .-

log a reversa| of..dcort.t ~om J.dgo Neleoe iaa euit for revenoo’lln ~ nolnpaliy stock,


Telegraph Cempatl¥ thai Irton waa tte

nato, for tbe eom

with . the tttme.tlf thelatter, and a

smalle’rlaotic and |rll

y~ .l . ,the ttlugraph "; .:; . .

.ISIS LIOn &IID.DU¯Tn..Though very large and Corpulent in person,

and ahlgh ]ivlr, M’r. 0rtonimposed au amount

nerrea to carry, Ile ha~l been warned of ever¯

wotk~ and waa to liail far ¯ holiday in Euglandin June¯ Dut It was too late, he eomplahied

of great fatigue, and nnad of rear. EaS.

r l~unda.v, ho went to oh¯r0h, with -hie- wiia-family I and at night wall aslaed with

tpoplexy, which was soon total, He carried

tha immenlo huslneH o f which ha wan Presl

duut, alway¯l eaying it wan naslar Io do thework than to tralo other ~nutl tO It. Asoathlng

ctimment on tho i.efllcleat, half way serlof menef whom pubile olfiees are full, who lelrn ii

routine ¯~d draw s¯lary with d;stlngulahnd

pronqllnes,, But bare no;thor ha¯d nor handuuts[de (if Ihelr narrnw Ilmlte, Io~alunbl~



,. . ¯ . .....

~work,¯a eninustl}~ .....~:liat

~ltldln still

la prepared to do all kinds of


&nd other ~-nglneerlng Work,at r*asoo¯bla roles.

Al~o, Oommt-slonor of Deeds,Olel with A. J. King, Esq.0

II¯mmenla¯~ N. J.

nnd Ii preparad to Out llalr. Bhampoo, Shay*&n., in the best manner,

A ¢,’lea,, 7bl~e/¢o E~ry Ma.lOpin avary day, On 8aaday from? tal0tha mornlnll.

JOYPPH 00ABT.llammnntou, May. *l’l, l$,tf

’Treesl Treesl! Tre0sl II[ llAVO tbu larBaat varl*ty n¯d but alanrb

maul ef Sh¯d. ¯od Orinm*¯ial Trlll, llu.r.

Tns, lledga PlanIa, dbtub#, Plauii, liulblj., I¯ Alll¯thl Oo. file, 141pill¯ , Pl¯l, i

lid ~hll’iy Tll if Ihl hlsl vlrlltlli. /ill nlwhi0b | ¯llbr ¯l pr~ ¯s law ¯l Iny lath*

,l~lln Ily.Cill I¯d iliml¯l lay It~h.

WM. F. BA8BIlTT.U*lhv¯i Av., ilArilrlli, iIAmmonlon, MJ

II/IMIIONTON, N,J. ohlafs like Mr. Orlon must not only makeBetween Railroad DepoLand the Belnh. Inhsmea but carry Iham out in datall, for want

t R[ttTONKING,A. M. G. E, is FULh VIEW’ OF TI]F OCEAN. ormen whet., thiat heye.d the toes of thalrboot%

&thlnUe.tDiiy, N.J. lit t.naoa,J. IIENRY IIAYES, Ptop’r. Mr. Orton WlS larl~e, alil [ p0tt!yi’wli h blink

...... hair atreaked with llraY and ¯ ’atroag |ICe, Ihav ¢I -) ¢!.~II"R& 11-, d. T1t~2~l l’~It, restore llf whloh wal lill Int#olely black eye

llrga, hrJgilt and p<lerelng, ]In waa plealnulllllmmmonlon, N. J.

u( a~lp¢oa0h, ililily acoesaibla, and warulyIhtl lust re¢llv~l it tllrtl~ lln~)rinluat ot tim |aleliltyllll Illt*d by hll I nberd|nltel who hive m¯ny Slor

nflaa of h[, kind Interest to fell,

bpring Millinery Goods ,...¯,,.,,..o.,o,,.o.,¯ " Mrs. Lamb’e rathar I¯bored eaanllnt of the

8h~ hal al~ I~ld~i to her .Ira k uf oily po~t o~oa le Ibo May b0t[hll0r, given .in,

Barber Shop ! Notions& Fancy Goodseoonlry. W b¯tsver lh*y may aomplalo of in city* gtivernmenl, .~ow ~orkcrs are ]luitiy sails#led

II~hl -ndlralaqled h¯l opened ll¯l’ber ItholP ua t’llt lllul elllliill~ her ih,t’k mid prl¢ll .beforv.biiyhlg whh Iheir poll ell ilrviee, POllmallg"r

llellowlle Ave. ,,I.,.,i,~,,. James Is at the haad of A farea ol ll00 sin-

........ pluyeel, and au ofiive which eenda o¯t 84 m¯lls

WARD & PETCHELI~ ¯ day ant roealrll fifi, which diatribntu ’.’ill2 144)1,1 A(JKMTIq letla ill 10,000 hOllli Its ils bolldlnlb. ¯’id sands uut

LOIE ISL I D ttUBBgR C0 "°°° ’" "’ ’"’"’ ""’"lid y*h out of a mililnu imd A hill ef p¯ekoagll, lett,-I1 ale., Io the imt yearly report nol :

¯ ,MANt;rACTUiiglI8 Or

oaa was lelt, A manamsot of and ,eleilnoy,Ind/ll Rubbar PaokinE, tIoae Bolt- fahhfilln*ll, than whllll Ao m¯u need wiak

;nil, Car llprtnp, &c. btttar,&’|¯ ll¯llll fill L’IVlI, IIIVt~l Ill li¯illnlY.

IJNDEltW()OD’~ ISKTENT Piltmsatlr Jamu llii dolll Ila~ wliil Ill

FL.EXIBLE WI’ATHI~R STRIPS. ,tt.m of,.-.r.l, f*e p.iIH,-I o,.. ,~a h~,rain all Appol¯lad And ,lllvillo$11 llehdy llr

All ,tblbill’--No Wood--~i l#aleOIi, honaety sad ¯billly IA it¯ leevhiil lls¯a.. dsrd of ell0t¯at.el flllpliiull dud eerl¯lilli¯a li

IIAYWOOD’8 PAT. FLOOR OLOTII, hill, I~d it would ho blid Ill llul ¯ ll¯ilalt o¢IVaCerp,iof, lmpgrilAabhl slid CAmp. mor* eeatlali lain dllul i i tie aiw mill

so IUL~0~ ~Y~ ~gli" lORg. sarvien. A Imperluull ’llilll¯t~ ~lll ~


tolllb: ........

m~i¯lt,,d i full 0~t from

and,thn MeLln I*~nfelll_oi"lerla’l of It¯pl .he deemo it nl~,oilarT- to i¯ke in


good timne, in thd pnehing "of: rlilrolll ~.~

in flu= of ..w"nome.. ’~!’t.,~;tff, i~r~,dpulitieal people elspeet to nnmm!¢:al Miuhat. ellreer to rnlee him,ibli~ ib~lilli llll~lile-

’~i~, --~" ,h~ ’i,-/~¯ :r.~.t;~~ iit, li~%ii.,tl.n be¯oh, ~il tal¯ndl er one’!ni’-tbeT:Ronth ,. _ :

.:~, i , i i I i - ; 1 ~ *.~2Sl., ’ i : , I , j

¯ .... < i ’]’ ’< ’;’ limetig’°llrv°telijldv°th~"IPa~ <~!l~-l>l@!~lllel~lde reeorts And families from "B: stont ~owBedf.rd, Albany, Chic¯go ami’ tile inhlrior ¯re ~hi~i’ Dsmoe~; )?hlli~ifillbli.~lii~,~i]~ill - - -making ~r,~angemcdts for a eheerhll .i~aldn on’ .timong. ns|l~t~sE llqQIler.!lFe~l!.tiie "i’l~lt~-the t>eoutifut heachcs¯.0f the .~orth sido or tbe |ulimel~i all=tig~,n~dami*ilig.’ihg!:t’~e~-charming aid- t’asfiioned-!¢giolis-of’Eilli 11amp.to9 sad the Eaatern and. add 51s

L;roin Iheilttli~ 5 oil*

tail...~l:!~¯..’ lltiil-I¢’tlte.’V~/iLi, itlilll~ eliilll.-rnncn In th¯,~n!lt#, t~fi~o~lT~;’l* ,~a .= ¯tho-15th prozSmo¯k a ill¯’lf lllli-ililelJiof ]his ,lil

Ihrongh the isl¯nd, 4ea~’ing it .for bollN0vtbl~ort~ reliehlngsooner than any olbeeroute. The farms ¯nd

vi]/ngas about the ;sleJod am eh¯rmleg sur..prire to any nne who faneies’yhe lelaud~half ¯

edoeert. It Is easy to fln~..sqme, mKnsl.~u grad"uated Into n boardingllouse~ where wilh lawiilb

ple.!eal!t people ontheir gvod bahavior, onn may renlia!~ "~l~’ ’hlilehof ¯o approleh to the eeuutry.houml :axlltle Im

of storle.,I srs moderate incomes ellow

there, wheu deslring, a cbange

dining and flirting ofwatering nlaaes, au hour or lwO taken onn Io

the aho~s, and libraries, tho ellticing mstrop.

olitsn museum with Its anrlous, an~ late thel|retralne muke It nassuble to enjoy the good per-

formances kept up thruugh snmmor, hit thn

S*utharnere who find New .Yorkvfar enoughNorth for their ideas of UflO]O’aSSo Dltt Seulhern-*

e-ra and .ill w!ll take lo Long hl¯nd thla summot from all aeoollnUI, "

FAsnto,~IS.Mantles or ca,hmere with deep trimming of’

black hiea whlrh do uot bide Ihe fi~lere wilt beIn vogue repllelng sl!gqtlqs ¯u,I dulm~nl." grllsa

frlog% full and erlmped in eolora Is ¯ atylieh

trlm~llng, far silks ¯ad wool nlalerills, ind~otton Drald tn eol,lrs Is ne~! for wnshiogdrqos-

an. Buttons arc an fanelfnl that they

ne much far trimmirg at fl)r a~a, aud are pre-

ferred wllh runkeu avo~ rather than mel¯r

abnnkl. ¯ vital pti[nt ef fashian.


Our Washington~ ,Letler"Wlalll~nToll, D* 0,, April..9, Ifil’8.

’*Bahohl huw great a fire a Ilttlo laalter kin-

No avant of Ihe lasliou pr.doead aoy.

Ihinll llka the ihal’folltiwad’the first

Intlmalinni retollva to Iha ~lorida vuofelslne,lind ¯al alia hill proYan ~o dlilllele u. foindi

lion. Demoerley went up Ilka a roekst over IIiod ea..e down like the lirlelt I’ll0k. Thita IIinmathla I ihnnlll plttlhla In ihi enlllpead con-

dition of Ill ~nngte~l[enil iheilorl. Btrlppldof Ill ienililonll feaiuras, ~oLla’l io ellled

Imnfualon Is marely a rehaak ef oid Deloevltlo

oh¯rgee whloh, It il now mare thin aver npplr.

ed’i. wsra iov*ntad Io divert alianiloa fl~mIh~lr ewn hull.daaing and, ll~ ef Intlldatinndoting Ihe Prolhlanilal oalllpaign ; And 11 IheoLhar pllpars formlnl llllrt of thll lllorldl oeeeleoansm Ihhl vi*wt Till iltm ahief aelonl IA

tbll rhlleal,)ns filllll were, It oppe¯ll, all llll.plleaoil for ladllll poilll‘ioi. Ind fl~m ill

thll ela be lllhmld,, lultblr Wil letldldwith whlt iba I lot¯ ’fal I I¯y ol

lllll bllal ualrllafl|ll~ ll~ll.

tho’wT~elerst" ~ .... I ,’c[ .-.-:<: : ..,....: ;.. " .n.p r.~r oOIgJ/t:~the p! ’ml~’ or:it., l’!dl=

R¯ilrnid, F~pdlMi, BIIl~l~lif,,~f ’ ".t~¯ :dl~ir’

o,tlouk. E,¯u tl, et,,.i,i¯{i,V, ltly

as to m~,k¯ the. vote oncidentil. ]lx¯mlna tlan of tliii at¯tl¯liml of eml.

mereo and iimde of mea~ d~r thil ittllllmll "tllll

ooalt Ind*niltl."i to be ?i~iiil~i~ii~,~.hl i~k*.tit~ mllalloae.edlarlellref~lllillllil~ -e~lll. - -Ing~ I~alpslfli.’ ~, (~"all(ltlMIie i~Id¯g

¯ ’ Ihe’expellie-er}ltl, _~lliliy~.,’, .,: ,: ,,,:, jZh.,...~ipi~t’b,t!i~f?l.t!t~W~ir,~

orney. A~ba~ othli"elilillll illiMllfl~ll ~llill-

been fnrfoltud by Ihe. terms of lhu re~itlll:lilly.’ ¯ . .

r*guhdlnn, mid #very "luilllatlu ll0nll!~ll~iill~l.MiXW~,

Sp~lker llaadtii loi Smpmitlmmmlllon T.e=l~. wl.. Jl~,<"i~i~i to ii.

1he ell. seonomI. 1~

grlb. But lhg,etlllli1o~r~Uo .,lppo~r*’ =W~,ll ,L~i" ,Wli-

= ~ig~et, , Their’ leenollll01k ,~i, kill #lo nix lpplllmit~ ~ flu lemg llil~’;wllkl¯ nd in defleleley bltlgl, Imd in ae lllviql.

TS* 8t¯[~id~lm i.lua ¯ sehlhllo uf IhO qppil’ti~nllllnt of Illschool moony for lle llt’¯ell, eli¯lie¯ if

Btttn. Thl Iolal sole¯at ¢onlelld /tlltwn mill tAX, owing Ill IP~ II~rl¯kl&t otvilm.

ihoWl A delfl¯lli ef Iflll Illil.~fi i llll

lionul llnlivltd’il ll~l’, lhll will iollillh~abl? cramp Ihe Whlllil liltltlti i~llell~ ~ itlilto b’l hoped t~llat tli¯ lelehl,i wUl ellllt liA

iltollllon Ind lallike Ih ¯ IMllll ef it. The iedlilml ¯f thu I¯hlel llilll I&ililtnlle of~


It I| It, ~491billllitll a~* i I illti¯oLilltl,,19elllil,ll, ll# i i

-lt-,t,i!t~i: ** Ilil, lli~

=Ill.Slim 0~m*kli.,~ ~lll llm

Ibay h¯vl bin, pllillliilllaavee nu llnl li dlilll U lllil I lllllil

lill ndmllhieltlll, lllill¯lll, till I ~ i i ildil /enlilllllt~ wilh tle llti ll~ Mtltall ¯¯d 4 |i dllii~’lill~ ~ i Olllll¯ ll llave ilh~td II lke lilt¯r lift l~l llqlIMIh’l ~ Illlilllll illlllll I tie ¯i|Mlllple~

oifllltqlilalillltbulllllli¯elilhllh¯ hllltl. ’ili~il~m. wlll~lanlllli~ ¯ .



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