: I - Amazon S3Vol+19...published by GEORGE B, UTTER. 'THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD...

, . , published by GEORGE B, UTTER. 'THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD" TEOS---$2 00 a Year, b. .'MtIm-M: __ ,1'-9---- -- - - r . , -VOLUME XIX.-NO. 4. ......... th I'orlb to his work, and &0 hi!> labor, uDtll \[ .. 0 tb1:- p\l'nlllg Tb .tre.m 18 {lalme.t wben It Dears the tide, 80w ers are sweetest at the eventIde, I'd bIrd. most mn.leal at clooe of dav, saints wben they pass away .Ing 1,10\ ely, but holler charm roldtd clo.o In Evenl",'s robo of bahn ; ad w .. rv mRn must "ver 100'e her best, I., !Iorning call. to toll, but Nlght to resl, I to ,ht comes from and on bel: WIDgEr doth bear !holy fragrance, Jlko the breath prayer; Eoo18laps of angell! follow III ber trace, rosbut the weRry eye. of Day In peace>, III things are hushed before hor, as she throWR ocr earlh and sky her manUe of repose; There lsI\. cKlw, a beauty, and a power, Tb,\ Morning not, lU the Evemng WESTERLY, R. 1., FIFTH-DAY, JANUARY 29, 1863. this republic-been fully carried out, to do in the furtherance of bis prayer wbich that second Moses went; "Take thi. to tbe Emperor, and 'We wo.uld have developed 0.1 national and spintnal kmgdom? I am' and laId down at tbe foot of tbe eter- say. tbat if be will cut me ont a .pin· II ' propbet enougb to predIct our Ilal tbrone', "0 God, Almighty God, ning.wbeel a 10um, and a shuttle, c aracter so dlstinguisbed for Its I b I k then WIll l'do that whl'cb be bas com· e leve we ate to ma e our I everlasting! bow dreadful is LITTLE JANE AND HER comprehensive ideas of civil, soda l , fur ourselves I mdeed be- world I behold how Its mouth opens manded " d I " I'b t f h '( h "d I Near sunset, on a Summer's eve, T' d'd tb d t' an re IglOus I er y, or suc pun y t at a natIOn s estlny ips in to swallow me up, and how small IS Img up the lane, he poor man I e secon Ime of prinCIple III governmental pohcy, " m the princIples tbat my faIth m tbee \ If I am to depend I met a ChIld, who told me that be r as his daughter bad instructed him j that, to·day we might bave been tbe iD'tivP"n Its pohcy, that hear sway m upon auy strength of the wurld, all I , so ta and when he bad delivered ber mes- central pOlllt of ClvlhzatlOn Instead bearts of Its CItIzens I take my is ovpr Thl' hell IS struck Sen. awblle, sage, the Emperor wu more than of thul, our national character IS suI· .stama on the moral lind eternal law tpnce IR gone furth 0 God! 0 I thus addressed the malden, as I. at ever astonisbed at ber wisdom To Iled and degraded by civil broil and Any nation pel' ertIDg I God \ 0 thou my God! belp me tbe stlle- Pllt It to a new trial, he took a drJIDIt· high handed wickednes8 ". e have defymg tbat, can never Le free, against all the WIsdom oe the world .. Dear chlld,' lald 1, .. bow l.lt that lIlg·/Zlass, and said to tbe poor man: t t I t b I r b lonely here you stay' T k ' b d bt d sc a noug I t e prmclp es 0 our never e great, can never be per· Thou shou!dst do tbls TIle work 18 Have you no htUe brother to come out " a e tlllS to t y aug er, an furefathers LIke a fruward son, Is there a gleam of hope, not mille but tbine I no busi. you to play" bId ber empty tbe sea witb it, and natlOlI hIlS dIsobeyed and mahgned amId tbe murkey darkness wbich sur- ness The cause 18 thine, and A tbe make Its bed dry enougb to grow tbe injunctIOns and bequeatbed coun- rounds ns? Yes, one; tbere I,S It is righteous and everlasting O.!. pearly tear bedewed her cbeek; I corn on If sbe refuses to obey, both sels 01 our fathers and ancestors In· glOriOUS hope, a bnght and glorl' Lord help me 0 faithflll and un. sad surprIse ber bead and tbine own shall pay the stead of g'uarantel1ing to every per· star j with the dawning 01 to- changeable God! I lean on man "I have a htlle bl otber, 811, ( twas tbtlsitlae forfeIt" 10 h!'1 dum,1I1l the legitImate use morrow's snn tbere WIll come mto I My God, my God, dost tho nut hear? ma,d rephed,) At this the poor man was more ter· f III h h I d •• .. He went to beaven-a bappy pl.,ce---;but Ii d b B t h h h d ti a powers, seas tramp e force one of tbe greatest Proclama.- My God art tb"u no Ion r livmg? mother sald he dled net an ever u w en e a the must sacred rights of humaDlty tions known III the annals uf hIstory, Nay, th;u canst not dIe hou dost No, motber, no be IS not de'ld--'-be returned- home and told his daugbter WHOLE NO . LITTLE LIG1!i18. J eBUS bIds UB shIne With II. pnre clea; lI11bt, Ltke a litlle cantlie Burning In the In the 80 we JOIDI hldll UI phlne, Flnt of &n, for Him, Well he lIees and tnomlt, If our Is dIm I down from oea.r;eH shine,; ou IV". smaH mine. f j the Hon heel of oppression I hall WIth JOY so much of bope as I not hide thyself, Thou b+st chosen For ife that helle,"s in me lihall what the Emperor had commanded l Until the E, anlng II we must weep and Sbe\ bas Illshtuted and enforced law! thel e may be 1I1 It, But, my fnends, me for tbls work J ,know It There- never dle ' , the ma.iden comforted him tbe third IlTTY AID ·''/.l'''O""htO\\'le s 'tnrn fnrrow, dig the weary dlametncally opposed to every prin' wbat WIll inatrument avail, when fore, 0 God, !\ccompllsh tilltH> own .. Wilham believed bl.SavlOUI, and often time, and bade bim be cbeerful, retire Kitty bad a birthday honr. ,oil, oiple of and tbat too in the we have millions of bearts at tbe North will Forsake me mIt for tbe sake heard him say, to rest, and fear no danger. And on pleued her very muob l'Jtlettd, rool oUI .,"<1 thorny t' f tb "1 d Id Sh h b h h r ? b H'd th tb k fJ h d b h b h d' b .. .... W'l" aCe 0 e CIVI Ize wor e as t at ave no sympat y ,or It -wen I of thy well beluved Son, Jesus Chnst, e ra er m 0 esus, I an he' t e morrow, w en e a rIsen, s e do you think it wu 1 A IDd baar the IIMt alld burden of tUe day tecreant to the high have tbousands ID ollr mIdst, wbo my defence my hncklel and my Can to go, that I !Ilay gave him a pound of tow, and Ilaid work·box from Uncle '"' Ob' ulll b. settmg, may we glide, Lite summer EVADIng down the golden tide, Ind la.,e behInd us, as we plIII. away, 'l111lT.14'" dev(11vlDg on her as an e are as bitterly opposed to the meas· stronghold.': ' Jesus find' to him: SCI88or8, thimble, needles, of tbe human lace-a nt'"motE>.'1 ure as tbe dwellers of rebeldom? In· But be bad uot done Ouce more I'm m HlS arms, He Is iO " Take tbis to the Emperor, and thing it was proper for a ;f,llmph!!te civlhzatlou She has, in we bave infimtely more cause tbe tlde of emotIOn and ImpOltumty say, tbat If he will stop witb it the work·box to have, <'feet stnrr) tWIlight ronnd our oleepm!: cllf and in her dispensations to feal the dIscouragements, the con- hurst forth, "Lord, where art thou? .. mouths and the springs of all the It gave II spur to Kilttv". justic'e, defied God aud bis moral servatlsm, the fault-findmg, the fhngs, My God where art thou? Come I But bYes !D heaven WIth Hlm bV wbom the rivers in the world, tben will I do oC sewing. She did not I a.1I11l8clle \>ecome corrupt in every de· tbe destructIve influences of the reb- pray I am ready Bebold hltle lamhs are led tbat which he bas commanded r, a.nd thread befure; bow partm"nt 01 ber system, and is to·aaV:lels at the North. than all foreIgn prepared to lay down my hfe for thy to me hIS playtblDgs Again the man did according to Kitty undertook to. hem a. 10' lbe Recorde" NATIONAL OHARAOTER, the fruits of the degradatto terventlOn and secessla combmed, truth For the cause lR toly It IS He kIssed me, and so happ) seemed, I qan't hIS daughter'S counsel j and, when A dOlilen towels wall l.ec1ar. before .Allegb.nlan Lrcl!um of .Alfred f h h ' I h h ' t h I k h b d d I' d h e th UDI"r,Il'y •. by 0 U Whllln,d, .1 thol, Pnbllc SeR 0. el C aracter, \ The on y hope we see IS lU t e c ange thiue own I WIll not let thee go' .orge lS 00 " e a e Ivere er messag, e be sure; but sbe well 1100, Ne" r""8l:ve,))eo 3181,IB62 Call me a defamer 01 the clllua,C·;j of the opi,muna and sentIments of the no, nor yet for all etermty I Myaoui· He was so glad to go a way, ,md sud It:Was Emperor acknowledged tha.t she was only a Btitch at a time, Wbile l PhrobllB is cbasing away ter of my conntlY, U' you please, masses-m the enlightenment and is thme Yes I have thine own word no pam, wiser than he himself, and command· at a time is perfectly withi.n:llthe com· II I , b? f h b ' To leave us for a hWe "h1le, for we shpllld d th t h b Id t b b ught IU, last lingering moments of the uld are not a I lese t mgs true conversIOn 0 I e unng teous prln to assure me of It My soul belongs meet agam cas e s ou a once e ro pass or a small child to me, what IS the character of that clples and motives whIch now rule to. thee, and WIll abIde '\l'lth thee for And yet, kmd Sll I often "", I am .0 II\llch before him Wben sbe had come in· Kitty was on the firat LU¥"". lear, with all ;t8 soul stirring events, t "h I I t b II d I h f I I h' d h d ltd b' 1011 W ose egIs a Ive a s are IS- tie earts Q a great proportIOn of ever Ampn I 0 God send help I a one, to IS presence, an a sa. u e 1m, it all herself, even to t tb h I h f th t d f b , I fear he haB forgut me qUlte 10 long hel has 'd h ID 0 e carne 40use 0. e pas, grace 10m tIme to tIme y scenes tbe citIzens of thIS repuhlic Amen \" been gone he sal to er: the hem, aud bad hemmed anll will soon, with rosy.fiDgered Au- and language, trIcks aud maneuvers. Fellow citizens, to this end let me The blstury uf the sllvatlOn and " My dangbter, tell me what can end, when ahe took It to h t Id h tt b h h I I know be's happ, where he IS and do not b b d h f h t r' d h lora, IIsher in; the dawn of another t a won e er grace a -lOW grog, eseec you, by t e sacred memory sanctIficatIon of human souls hIther. WIsh hIm bere, e ear t e urt es an sean· .. Papa" sbe asked "is lear, with nll'i,ts 1m veiled and event- gery, or gambling saloon, tban an of ollr by tbe bnght to ,IS !be hIstory of such prayIng as Please SIr, 18 a long "ay off, or is It swered," Gr,acious Emperor, tbunder hem eved 1" , ' Inl history, we-deem it hIghly a'Pplo' august forum 'I Tell me, what is tbe hopes of a Cbflstlan C1vlllzatlOn, hy thIS III SpIrit If not III these or any Couid speak to h,m, then tiack and a lie." Papa took bis eyes from Dews· " oharacter of that natIOn wbose su- Gud's eternal truth, by all, you are, uU;red Such holy earnest- to mother come, Emperor then took his paper, put them Ob the tbell ptlile to Rcan tho character uf that prcme bench will deCIde, aed that de and ever hope to be, III thIS hfe and ness and familiarity Dever uffends the He knows so man) pretty hymns, I'm sure III hIS band, and dew,auded of bls looked at bis little Kitty, mucb .. .J. f I h , , I Id t b h he'd sing me some 1 b h t rth (I W lle we lorm a part- C1slOn up Ie 00 y t e strong arm life to come, never prove recreant Father uf our Lord Jesus Chnst who counse ors ow muc I was, wo . say:" Do you think it Kitt77" whoso prospmlt" IS our prosperity- of the nation, tbat some of her nah'l)I' to tbe holy respouslblhtIes resting tbrough bim IS tbe God of all g' race .. Tn heaven tbe happy angels SlOg-in hea Wben they had plaood npon It a. val· " Don't you think it abnollt eveD 7" I t h . ht th t 'f h fi ven they all reJOIce; t d II lesl the W I whose ruin our rUlD lorn Cl lZPIIR aye n I rIg s a III upou you as cItIzens 0 t erst reo and consolatlOn,-Fama1y TreaStlre And then I know H1B SavIOur bears my hllle ue-:-some grea er an ome - asked Kitty, gueesiDIl his melniDg whIt., Dian IS bou to respectt presentative repnblic-ne,er dlshon- brother's VOlce malden saId: and blusbing. Many, in tllc discussion of cbarac· What 18 the character olr tbat nation or the sanctity of tbe ballot.box- RETRIBUTION. I Bmg bls bymns, I love bls way,hls SavIOur " Most gracious Emperor, none of U What is almost even ter, do not make tufficiellt rlistinc- h t' II I t ffi h k' d b mme shall be, th I b ed well w ose CI Izens wt e ec to 0 ce, ID" never pray" t y 'IDg om come, t y Out III Mmnesota, some m6dels And then M may say,' Suffer httle Jalle to Y counse ors ave a.nswer, ' papa, stroking bis little liOn between i+ aud eputa.tion There stead of bonest, upright, Cbflstian will be done," and vote for Beelze· bUllt a town The origmal prop fie· come to me .. I The beard of tbe Emperor IS " What is almost even IS a vast difference 'ill them, both in men, men who neither fear God, an' bub tors stipulated that no churcb should "And wben I go, I'll ask If 1-" "Ilear three showers of rain in a dry Kitty with a lIttle look aeltea hair. repeated surprise m en, nOI dpvIls-wbo.e Let me call upon you, mothers, I'n bId h I cbild" saId T," forbear' mer" ' L 'bl 'y (I and "Ctl'OII Cboracter u- ever e p ace upon t e town pot, ,1D er ue e es glonn u, t d t t bl ? f I descended from tbe stile, and I breatl1ed a Th d d II hted the ers ale mean all con emp I C I the name of tbe sublime heroism 0 on pain of ItS reversion to the oflgl' fervent prayer, ese wor s e g I "Yes," answered be, Ki thought what we reaU" are', reputation Wh t th h t tb t b d f ' h dId tha.t the Illai,1en .r a IS e c arac er u. a natlOUJ, I e salllte matrons 0 seventy,slx, nal own!'I, Tbe settlers threatened That he who dotb all ble<8mgs unt .. lhose rOl, w 0 ec are a moment and her father .... l;t",iI fot' what we ale repOlted ,to be I whose cItIzens-professed Christians, ill vIew of theIr hardsbips and suffer- tbat allY preachers who should darll' HIS grace to had answered better tban tbe thought, Retel is the innel' man; reputa membe:s of the church, and wbo, fOl' ings, to baptIze your sons m the fount to come there to dIsturb them wltb tonch ttllS voutbful heart counselors He asked If " It is uneven," replied A:"'LV. the outer mOln The/6n l e is substance aught I know, pray daily for tbe Pl'O[ of tJ ue patriotism-m Ihe pools of the gllHpel, should be banged, or II SO part! ng from tbe chlld, I sald,' God hless would become hIS Wife, sayIDg "Yes" said papa " tlU' othpl', mere shadow. nmlgation of the gospel, tbe spiritna,1 truth and holiness-tbat tbey may thrown mto the nvel They danced I you, httle Jane," he woul,d receive only one answer. uneven: The bem Is elevation of mankind, and the civili' grow up God·fearing eitlzen8, whose and got drunk on Sundays and rev. And'tWlll be long ere 110rget m; ramble up malden prostrated herself before "Then it must be p out lind m.IY Le vill't while reputation iR Qf the wbole human race-WIll bnllhli" lives sball be spotless, whose eled III all manner of I May artie'. tale of simple and :ephed: " , dorie over," .aid Kitty, a di.lp' tiHJI18 light to tbe balIot,box and know· valor sball be Spartan, whuse aIm On one SundllY a few weeks ago fallb and love GraCIous It IS tbIDe to pointed hitch, "I want I to do it The Creator haa originated and IDgly vote for prIDciples tbat are sis and watchword shall ever bf', Chris, th d ffi' f J Cb 'j Be brought to seek ttle SavIOur here, and command, and mme to obey what right," ey ma e an e gy 0 csus nst, d" ell wltb Hlm above d L k f laws fOl' the unfolding da.mning ani! black as the fumes <If tlan manhood and burned It on the pubhc street tbou comman et me as 0 "Of conrse," replied developrrI('nt' of every existence Pandemonium? What is tbe cbarae· Let me exbort you, young ladieS, This sink of iDlquity, where IDfideh· THE MAIDEN AND THE EMFElwR. tbee one thmg" .. Papa. is setting of th"t .... tion in which a.re Doht· hy the cberisbed memory of the last Iy had thu" thorougbly gone to seed, shalt gIve me a wntIDg! Wfltten WIth a judge of berns, Ielng, Iw that physical! ·spClal, parties, whose platforms mlgbt farewell of yonr brotbers, by their Wil" called New Ulm, r I There was onc,' a poor man who thme own band, tbat If It should ever , inside, hglOus No lust of ages, no be symbohzed by snakes and lizards, l"recions blood spilt for your sakes, Before anotber Suntla.y's sun bad I dwelt In a uut, amI gamed a Iiveh· be thy pleasure to send me away, I She did not believe' jug pOlVel of D:1au, can 0 that will tbe government, by tbeir gruans of angDlsh, by their dawned upon this VIllage, hood by begging alms He had an carry from tby castle w;?atever would be so exact. them Lhe y are as perfect and e and Tum her honor, for tbe sake of sweat drups of pam, by the death· the WIld Indians assaulted It The 101 Y daughtl'r, wbom Heaven bad smgle thlDg I may love best , , sbe asked bim, she could dominant power, and If power damps tbat made cold their manly people fled from theIr dwelhngs In I g cd with extraordmary wisdom, The Emperor gave ber the wrltmg than act on bis J'udgment during s the great Original b b' d tht b t h k d d th b d h can nut e 0 tame ID any 0 r brows and affectionate hearts, by the greatest consternation, and stont I 8, I who, little by little, tanghi ber t a seas e ,an en a er- Kitty went ba.ck to window· 'llle t i/oldtng flce and way, Will resort to j'Wlt and whtske , their unknown and unbonored graves men hId themselves In cellars wells father to speak so WIsely, that one placed upou the tbrone be\lide bim, I seat, pIcked out her which WIll U M perfect a.nd harmonious to make WIlling tools for accomplish· -to put fortb every effort, and im. stables, and wherever they 'f,\Deled day, wheu he had gone 10 ask alms For many summers the nobody allows to be work, laws tbemselves Men and ing the desired end? ·What IS tbe prove every opportumty, to ennoble they conld find protectlOD 11' few, of th(> EmpelOr, the latter was aston· was loved hy. be; hushand j but It and carefully began time, 1l,ltIOUS\ hy their free mural character of that government wbose the aspIrations of YODI remailllBg braver tban tbeH comrades, attempt Ished at the wI"dom WIth wbl¢h he came to pass III time, that ,he ceased Sbe did not dare to go two mliltarr ufficers care more fur office brotbers, to IDsplre their sonls With ed some defence, and even women, sp0ke, and demand, d fInm wbom he to ehensb her, He then saId to het inches before comiug to it working ill sin and iniqUity, can d Id tb f th' t' hid ' F d b d" I d t' h tbee a y an go an or e1r conn ry II on· noble patriotism and phllanthropby, it IS saId, tt'ied to shame tbe majonty acqlllre It ' 10m my aug ter, ,one ay, 0 no ,'VIS n Her lather took tbe in bis tHlde or prevent the or and character? - 'Ybo WIll that they may be a blessing to yon of cowards mto some degree of 0 noble Emperor I" answered the I longer to be my WIfe, r;:Y band and examined the II This Illg of the laws of tbelr bewg j tamely by and see blOther officers and the wOlld strengtb and courage But all avaIl. poor man, and the Emperol l/eing castle, and go wherever thou WIlt, is even" he !laid' "the these self.same laws will ever defeated, and thousands of Let me call npoll you, young men, ed little, The redskm flood swept very wIse blmself, and proua' of bls She "Illustrious Empe- in a st;aigbt lipe'j tbe ti I h ' t h SOilS mowed down hke grain h f h b th over the doomed territolY' From wlsdum, leRolverl to pnt that of tbe lOr, I will obey thee, qrant me right j" and Kitty, I IlR eaeon Ig ts to POIil ont t e the SIckle, because, forsuoth, of one hundred and fifty to two hundred old man'H daughter to h lal ; so he only" that I may stay untli to·mor- more pleased than if pIth of development, ouay, envy, and revenge lock'flbbed hIlls, and sparkling bouses-many of them of some preten. gave the old man thIrty eggs, and ruw ceeded at first and much Character, be it indiVIdual 0\' disobey tbe commands of d h f sion to elegance, and well furnished saId: The Emp,eror gran,ted what she if ber fatber brooks, the love aunts 0 onr k d d th b d bas its laws of perfect connive wltb tbe enemy, and only h t -were razed to the ground l'Iew .. Take tu, se to thy daughter, and as e ,an e evenlDg S e. poure .. Very well," wben it ! childhood-by t e sweet assoCI a IOns b II h 1 f tl f tam be b 1I1g That character win be as cllive as punishment a shght that around classIC halls and Ulm was made a desolatIOn Id her get t em hatc e mto wlrty some 0 Ie JUIce 0 a cer r," Kitty," saId papa, mand, and "please, sir, come . b f The dance.hall escaped the genel al pnlletR If she refuses to ubey, eVIl mto,a cup of w, lUe, and presented It small hand in bis, "there 1ll0IJiOUB 10 all ItB developments, academic groves-lU t e name 0 11 f 11 I t b d d this important command," every sacred mstitutlOn and dearly. wreck, to be used as a place of pub· WI be a Ier" 0 1m, lin sal : d line running through hfel HoLle ill all Its aspirations, as np.rfec:t In .hort, what is the cbaracter lic wurshlp, bv. tbe vulunteers who Tbe old mall burst into tears, for "Drink, illustrious Emperor, an side of it is the wrOftg , 'I h h bought priVIlege transmItted to us h I I b d II h be hIT ow I 0 awa v III Its consnmmatlOu, as IS t Ie nation whic ugs in sweet b fi afterwards were statIOned there to e saw t 13t t Ie eggs a a een appy o·morr g. -/ other is thenght side, and ol.v.,rvthinO' by our fatbers-Iet us e\'er e rm bId B h h h ddt I h 11 be yfuil .. bellience tu tbe laws 'of Its being, brace, at tbls very moment, "a , and true to the mIghty responsihih. bold the place; and wlthm lIs walls 01 e ut w en he ad reac e ai: °imorrow s a more JO. is one SIde or the otber, Oil the other hand, It WIll be as vile a monster of'so frigbtful mien, as tIes now roIling upon WIth moun. CbrI:.t was preached, who so short home, alld had told llls daughtiJr all t an was even on my marrIage such tbing as Olmos! be hated needs but to be seen ' h a time before had been scorned and th&t bad passed, she bIde hiIiu be morn," . rtght is aiwavil wrong' md dt'graded as is the departure from whose virus has permeated and msulted there, by the men whose cheerful and retire to rest, telling Emperor drank, and soon hIS is bad; almost trne IS It" pure and r4ghteouB laws God oned every vem and artery, k h scalped carcases were now fertIhz. hIm be need not fear any d3illger eyelids became, heavy, and he fell lie', as almost even is un.e'ten:' I I have It in our power to rna e er Sb h k f I d b Ie hIt 'he Em IUS lut Olll-' standard of true man. bone and smew of ber system, ing their own SOlI -Oong e t ell too a pot 0 water, put a as eep j an ,w I, e ep,. . "Yes, papa," added quiCk;lYI 110(1('", and by )'t must all individuals, that too so completely, we fear, what we will. Why can ,we noft reo ____ •• ____ handful of beans mto It, and pjlaced pre,ss had mto a .. and an almost perfect 1\ alilile the highest conceptIOns 0 onr Ii d b b h d d there n .111 AatioDs, or fall, Beauty of a sea of antIdotes will never destiny? By tbe grace of God, w,e ANEODOTE OF BISHOP BUTLER, It uver tbe re; an on t e morrow, w IC was ID rea mess, an . I imperfect lesson, r told tbe poison? Wbat fitter 1 it d Hume said that Butler's "Analo- when ber fatber bad nsen, sbe gave conveyed to a dIstant Because, if you miss u ... ,",. and featmes, f1cbn€ss oC appa· can we use to describe such a can Let ns be but firm y un e , m tJlm the boded be,lDs, and told Him to she ,long ago had prepared In antlCl- your place," lel, suavity of manners, mtellectual tion of a nation Iban corruption heart and hand, to purge our father· gy" was the best defence of Chns· dig a trench m a certain fieloit, by patlOn of sucb an emergency, .. Exactly so," said papa I d ? S h' tb h ct f land of its corruptions, to reform her tlanity be had ever seen It IS, \D' WhICh the Emperor would pass as be tbe E.mperor a.woke, and ,found hIm· God I'S 0 God, greatness, SOCIal PO"ltlon, ancestv,a rupte, uc IS e c ara er 0 b d 't d d d ffi It to fi d I I' 'I t' th c aracter, to estroyevery tral orous ee, I cn n ID any anguage went out huntlllg " And a" tbr Em- self m the grotto, he angrJl,y deman"d. bave thl'ngs called by b/ood, can Ilt'v"r dutel nll'ne tbe chin· natlUn, n conversa IOn W,I an 1. h II ' h t k t f d d a I,- , , f h band j we t"en s a see Jllst w a a wor a oncc so pro oun an use· peror passes by, take the and ed how he bad come thlth"er, ,1 na.mes, He wonts us .etel' uf all I'ndl'vldllal, Oue moy telhgent officer 0 t e army on h e been longl'ng to see every fnl We are IDformed that Aueen h h d b bt h I a .. subiect, he ljaid: "Once I was we av -, '" sow tbem ID the trencb, and cry alond, ave a you roug ere, rep Ie trnth, and to speak the possess anyone of these in itg high. of the name of American; but human wrong lighted, our country Carohne, the consort of George II, 'God be gracIOus, and grant tbat my the And he then asked, in order to do so, we est C 1 't' II b d d b W h' carrying freedom, science, religion, read some part of It every day at bOiled beans may sprIng up \' ve;s angr,lly, w,.her,efore she bad done In our and u mtna IOn, ur a com me ,lip I bave been a ODt as IDgton, and a noble form of buman nature, breakfast, She asked Dr Samuel h dd D d I th ua yet be at heart a miserable villain, in the army, I blush with h' t' t CI"rke wbat he knew of Butler Dr. and if tbe Emperor asks bow it is t 18, a IDg: I not say ou gregational ,T",£"",,,I Th I fA'" over every acre of t IS eon IDen; pOSSIble for hulled beans to gro"", re- shouldst no longer be my wife 7" The e on y true measure 01 personal t e name 0 mencan, and above all, extendmg over every Clarke told her be was residing, with ply that it is as easy a. It IS "'Cor a out of her bosom. tbe character is Jioral excellence-the While nations rise and fall dark and benighted portion of thIS some of his family, upon a small liv· pullet to be batchpd frol1l a boiled wrltmg whICh the Emperor had WHAT BUSY _ .. p. puritv of tbose moral principles nnd us like the bIllows of old ocean, world tbe glorious light of a Cbris- ing in Kent The Queen expressed egg" her beforl.l her marriage, and saId: I am n very Il'ttle gl'rl, :f i talk of the stability of our ber surprise, and 8ai A sbe tbought he I hI' - 'II t' E m sentIments which distinguisb the the perma.nency 01 our tian civilizatIOn was dead, 'f The puor man dId as liS dallg ter "t IS true, I us rlOus mperor j growing larger every g d r th b d b bl f bad instructed lum He took bis but this writing, wbich w.as given by and by I bope to be more n\lelf\i l 00 rom e 8, t e no e rom I'ndeed, tliat tbl'S natl'on WIll "No madam" sal'd Dr Clarke "he d h' Ii UI HOW KNOX AND LUTHER PRAYED. ' ' ' , spade and dug a trench ill a field by thine own hand, accor ed me t e rIg. t I now Father the ignoble, I long u.s the everlasting bills, is nut dead; but be is buned," the side of the highway, and l\'hen to bring away with me, wben I q:nik in tbe fields, and motber WlorkB So lt 1 is with nationft, Our nation. reasons have we for linch During the troublons tImes of Scot· Bntler was afterwards elevated to he saw tbe Emperor coming, be be- ted the castle, whatsoever I mIgHt at home j for she hal a •• I al ehara,cter last year, tonIght, in land, when the popish conrt and anR' the hishopnc of Dtllbam, Bemg ap- gan to sow hIS heans m a trench aud love hest j I exercised my right, and do a.mong 80 many of th tocracy were armmg tbemselves to plied tl) on slime occasion for a cbar· cry aloud, "God be gracioDs, and brought thee, gracious Emperor." great many pennies It e eommg year or years, ca.n nerer whose empire knew no hmit, th R t' n in tbat bl b t' h sked his ste suppress e e DIma 10 Ita e su scrIp len, ea' grant that my boiled may Wben tbe Emperor heard thetl6 buy all our clotbes, and be determined by her \>road and How? DId tbe hordes that Ia.nd: and the cause of Protestant ward wbat money he had in the house. spring up quickly I" words, he vowed never to part from shoes! and breakfasts tiful prairi'e8, her majestic rivers, per ponrillg from tbe north, Christianity was in imminent peril, The steward informed him "there When the Emperor heard these so faithful and wise a wife So be Father had need work, silvery lakes her ruaring and fOIlDl. swarms Q. bees, do the dC!ltrcljing late on a certain night, Jobn Knox were five hundred pounds" words, he stopped, and asked how'it embraced ber and returned with her too, " work? No She by her was seen to leave bis study, and to " Five hundred pounds I" said tbe was possible for boiled beans to grow? to the castle ; and tbey two sat there- I cannot WOl k and :Ui her exhaustless mioes, ternal brOIls and s? pass from tbe house down into an en· bishop' .. wbat a shame for a bishop Wbereupon the poor man answered: after SIde by side upon the throne, buy a loa.f, but I take ler ma.gnificent cities, mighty refined alld closure to the rear of it He was to such a sum in hIS posses· and navie!l, inexhaustible resources, nurse of scholars beroes, followed by a friend; when, after a SlOn I" And he ordered It all to be " GracIOus emperor, It is as easy as for many summers j and when tbe waste a s1Dgle crumb j ? f 'I h' for a pullet to be hatched from a boil- last summer bad passed, death reaped be as hard lIij it will, I nor by her lanreate poets Cicer"ne- ther of literature, live forever few moments 0 81 ence, IS voice immediately given to the poor at' '1' I " How did she fall? By tbe was heard as if in prayer, In an. I ed egg" tbem botb together, like a double ear If! can't buy wood alld n n ora.btortt, or enslve the mighty Philip, or by hcr other moment, the accents deepened OLD AUE,-Some one asked tbe The Emperor dlvmed wbo it was of COlll, ta.ke care not to wute er c aractcr Will as I the rnpt factIons? into intelligible words, and tbe ear' philosopher Fontenelle, wben mnety· that bad arranged this stratagem, • too little to poke the piel! aud mollvel! whlcb move actIOn The ora.tor has truly said, nest petition went up from his strug· five years of age, whlcb twenty years order d stlllbmore to ttb ry the BdUT STROllG -, A lald y of tLe candle j motllel Ih f h or gll 'ng soul to heaven, .. 0 Lord, give of bls hfe he regretted the most. "I mal en s WIS ow, e gave e poor New De for was mtlmate y ao- set my clotbes alllD a. e great1.elJ7't 0 t e nation, Her loss of a firm national k f h d d d ' f I' h h h k h h I :r ., me Scotland, or I die I" Then a pause regret little," he rephed, ",and yet, man a pac 0 emp, an sal: quamte III a amI Y In w IC t ere now ow muc mot ler conformity or non·conformity to the the degradation of a nation's of hushed stillness wben again the the happteBt of my lIfe were "Take this to thy dau;:hter, and was a sweet, brIght little boy, of last shoes' it took all eterna.l principles and laws of mght iii the inevita.ble prelude to petition broke forth, "0 Lord, give those between thefifty:fifth and seven· bid ber make me from It as many some five years, between whom and the of the cnlllKl:ard lind will \:Iecide her cbaract,er me Scotland, or I die \" Once more ty;jifth At fifty years 1!lan's salls and ropes as are necessary for herself there sprang up a very ten- take care not to get In tIle ht f til t t all wns vOI'celess and nOl'seless, when tuue is es.tabhsh, ed" hIS re, putatlOn a sbip If she refnses to obey, ber der friendship One Uay she said to dirt that my shot's may s,lg 0 fl grea. commnDl Y certain When they h d I II tl 't" h ' f r wI'tb n yet more I'ntenao pathos, the made, con,slderatlOn IS obt,alDed, the ea s la pay le or el 1m : ger, 4) natIOns, and in the pure ey\,s of their or mission, they A I bl d ' W 11' d I T" E state of life fixed, pretensIOns gIven The poor man was sore y trou e ' I Ie, 0 ynu ove DIe I bave had my lohim the Jehovah of nations 1 and their fate is ut: ed h h d db' .. Y 'd d I" h Ii d 'th h'l I fortb, II Lord, give me Scotland, or up or sat!sfi ,prospects overt rown at t ese wor 8; au, avmg recelv, es, ID ee e rep e ,WI a W I e now j never this light, let ua consider; our _ on I I dIe I" And God gave him or estabhshed, tbe passlODs for the ed the pack of hemp, returned to clinging kisil by the strings, natIonal cba.racter, T;here is not the 8cribed, I Trots fmmu8, Ihum in spite of Mary and her Cardmal most pa.rt calmed or cooled, the ca· bis daughter, weeping all the way, " How much Y" er. nor leave it lying IWU'", ltd Benton' 0 land and a Church of no. reer nearly completed, as regards tbe But when he bad told ber all that "Why, I love you-I love you-op er l1ay. that is the rea'lIOllii I ens ollbt, in my own mind, that New new powers, , m d d b t d h b k" I d I II 1 f ble Cbrlstian loyalty to Christ and labors which every man owes .to s<>- ba passe, S e agam com,or e 1m, to t e s y- aste 80 ong, lave Hid the principles upon O!lr up per orm his crown. How could it be other. ciety j tbere are ,fewer enemIes, or and-bade hIm be cheerful and retIre Just then his eye fell ou his mother, plaything., for tbey w011l11I forefather8 declared and obtained Blink wise? rather fewer persoDs who to lest, and fear no danger; and on FlinglDg his arms about her, and ey and wear dut j so [ their independence-Ihat had the in- Such So Lnther, when Germany and the are capable of InJur!ng us, or, tbe morrow, when be bad sbe kissing her pasaionately, he Baid 1 kitten, and pussy I .tructions, designs, and solemn com. our work? Reformation seemed to be lost, and ca.use tbe counterpOIse {Jf me!lt gave him a little piece of wood and II But, mamma, I love you way up thing, and never weaR IIOUt ..... It ' Ii -11 tha.t God human help was none', this WI. the Icknowledged by the public VOIce, sa.id : to God \" Monthly. pac • o. t e founders and fatbllrs m; .. , i I : I

Transcript of : I - Amazon S3Vol+19...published by GEORGE B, UTTER. 'THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD...

Page 1: : I - Amazon S3Vol+19...published by GEORGE B, UTTER. 'THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD" TEOS---$2 00 a Year, b. .'MtIm-M: ,1'-9----~Il\ __ ----~'----~--~----- --r


. ,


~Il\ __ ----~'----~--~---------,1'-9---- - - - - r . , -VOLUME XIX.-NO. 4.

......... th I'orlb to his work, and &0 hi!> labor, uDtll \[ .. 0 ft~· tb1:- p\l'nlllg

Tb .tre.m 18 {lalme.t wben It Dears the tide, ~ 80wers are sweetest at the eventIde,

I'd bIrd. most mn.leal at clooe of dav, ~:d saints dl~lnest wben they pass away

.Ing 1,10\ ely, but ~ holler charm ~I's roldtd clo.o In Evenl",'s robo of bahn ;

ad w .. rv mRn must "ver 100'e her best, I., !Iorning call. to toll, but Nlght to resl,

I to ,ht comes from he~w.eD, and on bel: WIDgEr

doth bear !holy fragrance, Jlko the breath o~ prayer; Eoo18laps of angell! follow III ber trace, rosbut the weRry eye. of Day In peace>, III things are hushed before hor, as she

throWR ocr earlh and sky her manUe of repose; There lsI\. cKlw, a beauty, and a power, Tb,\ Morning ~noWR not, lU the Evemng


this republic-been fully carried out, to do in the furtherance of bis prayer wbich that second Moses went; ~ttitdtrn'~ "Take thi. to tbe Emperor, and 'We wo.uld have developed 0.1 national and spintnal kmgdom? I am' and laId down at tbe foot of tbe eter- say. tbat if be will cut me ont a .pin·

II ' propbet enougb to predIct our Ilal tbrone', "0 God, Almighty God, ning.wbeel a 10um, and a shuttle, c aracter so dlstinguisbed for Its I b I k then WIll l'do that whl'cb be bas com· e leve we ate to ma e our I everlasting! bow dreadful is thi~ LITTLE JANE AND HER comprehensive ideas of civil, sodal, fur ourselves I mdeed be- world I behold how Its mouth opens manded "

d I" I'b t f h '( h "d I Near sunset, on a Summer's eve, T' d'd tb d t' an re IglOus I er y, or suc pun y t at a natIOn s estlny ips in to swallow me up, and how small IS Img up the lane, he poor man I e secon Ime of prinCIple III governmental pohcy, " m the princIples tbat my faIth m tbee \ If I am to depend I met a ChIld, who told me that be r as his daughter bad instructed him j that, to·day we might bave been tbe iD'tivP"n Its pohcy, that hear sway m upon auy strength of the wurld, all I lovew~ '~~~I':vfilinec~lldren , so ta and when he bad delivered ber mes-central pOlllt of ClvlhzatlOn Instead bearts of Its CItIzens I take my is ovpr Thl' hell IS struck Sen. awblle, sage, the Emperor wu more than of thul, our national character IS suI· .stama on the moral lind eternal law tpnce IR gone furth 0 God! 0 I thus addressed the malden, as I. at ever astonisbed at ber wisdom To Iled and degraded by civil broil and Jeb~vah Any nation pel' ertIDg I God \ 0 thou my God! belp me tbe stlle- Pllt It to a new trial, he took a drJIDIt· high handed wickednes8 ". e have defymg tbat, can never Le free, against all the WIsdom oe the world .. Dear chlld,' lald 1, .. bow l.lt that lIlg·/Zlass, and said to tbe poor man:

t t I t b I r b lonely here you stay' T k ' b d bt d sc a noug I t e prmclp es 0 our never e great, can never be per· Thou shou!dst do tbls TIle work 18 Have you no htUe brother to come out " a e tlllS to t y aug er, an furefathers LIke a fruward son, tbI81;manen~, Is there a gleam of hope, not mille but tbine I ha~e no busi. you to play" bId ber empty tbe sea witb it, and natlOlI hIlS dIsobeyed and mahgned amId tbe murkey darkness wbich sur- ness ber~ The cause 18 thine, and A gla~1~~~~~Jlh~~eS~:I~k~~;~~~ tbe make Its bed dry enougb to grow tbe injunctIOns and bequeatbed coun- rounds ns? Yes, tla~s one; tbere I,S It is righteous and everlasting O.!. pearly tear bedewed her cbeek; I corn on If sbe refuses to obey, both sels 01 our fathers and ancestors In· glOriOUS hope, a bnght and glorl' Lord help me 0 faithflll and un. sad surprIse ber bead and tbine own shall pay the stead of g'uarantel1ing to every per· star j with the dawning 01 to- changeable God! I lean ~t on man "I have a htlle bl otber, 811, ( twas tbtlsitlae forfeIt" ~on 10 h!'1 dum,1I1l the legitImate use morrow's snn tbere WIll come mto I My God, my God, dost tho nut hear? ma,d rephed,) At this the poor man was more ter· f III h h I d •• .. He went to beaven-a bappy pl.,ce---;but Ii d b B t h h h d

ti a II~ powers, seas tramp e force one of tbe greatest Proclama.- My God art tb"u no Ion r livmg? mother sald he dled net an ever u w en e a the must sacred rights of humaDlty tions known III the annals uf hIstory, Nay, th;u canst not dIe hou dost No, motber, no be IS not de'ld--'-be returned- home and told his daugbter


LITTLE LIG1!i18. J eBUS bIds UB shIne

With II. pnre clea; lI11bt, Ltke a litlle cantlie

Burning In the

In the world,I~!i~~:l:l, 80 we ~i

JOIDI hldll UI phlne, ~ Flnt of &n, for Him, Well he lIees and tnomlt,

If our Is dIm I down from oea.r;eH

shine,; ou IV". smaH


f j

~ndel the Hon heel of oppression I hall WIth JOY so much of bope as I not hide thyself, Thou b+st chosen For Je~~~d,;:id~' ife that helle,"s in me lihall what the Emperor had commandedl Until the E, anlng II we must weep and Sbe\ bas Illshtuted and enforced law! thel e may be 1I1 It, But, my fnends, me for tbls work J ,know It There- never dle ' , the ma.iden comforted him tbe third IlTTY AID "Al.~~r,;'

·''/.l'''O""htO\\'le s 'tnrn fnrrow, dig the weary dlametncally opposed to every prin' wbat WIll tb~t inatrument avail, when fore, 0 God, !\ccompllsh tilltH> own .. Wilham believed bl.SavlOUI, and I'~e often time, and bade bim be cbeerful, retire Kitty bad a birthday nr,~.tII,nt


,oil, oiple of righ~, and tbat too in the we have millions of bearts at tbe North will Forsake me mIt for tbe sake heard him say, to rest, and fear no danger. And on pleued her very muob l'Jtlettd, T~dil1t~~ld rool oUI r""~h .,"<1 thorny t' f tb "1 d Id Sh h b h h r ? b H'd th tb k fJ h d b h b h d' b .. .... W'l" aCe 0 e CIVI Ize wor e as t at ave no sympat y ,or It -wen I of thy well beluved Son, Jesus Chnst, e ra er m 0 esus, I an he' ~aS8 t e morrow, w en e a rIsen, s e do you think it wu 1 A ~~~"~~~'~~~~ IDd baar the IIMt alld burden of tUe day tecreant to the high resDol~si"lwe have tbousands ID ollr mIdst, wbo my defence my hncklel and my Can y~~~ ~l~,et:~ ~~y';'b.re to go, that I !Ilay gave him a pound of tow, and Ilaid work·box from Uncle '"'

Ob' \~L1en ulll ~un b. settmg, may we glide, Lite summer EVADIng down the golden tide, Ind la.,e behInd us, as we plIII. away,

'l111lT.14'" dev(11vlDg on her as an e are as bitterly opposed to the meas· stronghold.': ' Jesus find' to him: SCI88or8, thimble, needles, of tbe human lace-a nt'"motE>.'1 ure as tbe dwellers of rebeldom? In· But be bad uot done Ouce more I'm sU:~O~~~d~~~d,:,e m HlS arms, He Is iO " Take tbis to the Emperor, and thing it was proper for a ;f,llmph!!te

civlhzatlou She has, in 1"D'I~.ldeed, we bave infimtely more cause tbe tlde of emotIOn and ImpOltumty say, tbat If he will stop witb it the work·box to have, <'feet stnrr) tWIlight ronnd our oleepm!:

cllf and in her dispensations to feal the dIscouragements, the con- hurst forth, "Lord, where art thou? .. Wlt~r~~mn:y~~~brother lt~"-m) b~Olb. mouths and the springs of all the It gave II grea~ spur to Kilttv".

justic'e, defied God aud bis moral servatlsm, the fault-findmg, the fhngs, My God where art thou? Come I But bYes !D heaven WIth Hlm bV wbom the rivers in the world, tben will I do oC sewing. She did not I a.1I11l8clle \>ecome corrupt in every de· tbe destructIve influences of the reb- pray th~e; I am ready Bebold ~e hltle lamhs are led tbat which he bas commanded r, a.nd thread befure; bow "UI~·.'U.

partm"nt 01 ber system, and is to·aaV:lels at the North. than all foreIgn m· prepared to lay down my hfe for thy Befor';..~~ ~l~n~~~~!~ve to me hIS playtblDgs Again the man did according to Kitty undertook to. hem a. •

10' lbe &\b~.11l Recorde"

OU~ NATIONAL OHARAOTER, r~aplllg; the fruits of the degradatto terventlOn and secessla combmed, truth For the cause lR toly It IS He kIssed me, and so happ) seemed, I qan't hIS daughter'S counsel j and, when A dOlilen towels wall ~ l.ec1ar. ~ before ~o .Allegb.nlan Lrcl!um of .Alfred f h h ' I h h ' t h I k h b d d I' d h e th UDI"r,Il'y •. by 0 U Whllln,d, .1 thol, Pnbllc SeR 0. el C aracter, \ The on y hope we see IS lU t e c ange thiue own I WIll not let thee go' .orge lS 00 " e a e Ivere er messag, e be sure; but sbe well

1100, Ne" r""8l:ve,))eo 3181,IB62 Call me a defamer 01 the clllua,C·;j of the opi,muna and sentIments of the no, nor yet for all etermty I Myaoui· He was so glad to go a way, ,md sud It:Was Emperor acknowledged tha.t she was only a Btitch at a time, Wbile l PhrobllB is cbasing away ter of my conntlY, U' you please, masses-m the enlightenment and is thme Yes I have thine own word no pam, wiser than he himself, and command· at a time is perfectly withi.n:llthe com·

II I , b? f h b ' To leave us for a hWe "h1le, for we shpllld d th t h b Id t b b ught IU, last lingering moments of the uld are not a I lese t mgs true conversIOn 0 I e unng teous prln to assure me of It My soul belongs meet agam cas e s ou a once e ro pass or a small child to

me, what IS the character of that clples and motives whIch now rule to. thee, and WIll abIde '\l'lth thee for And yet, kmd Sll I often "", I am .0 II\llch before him Wben sbe had come in· Kitty was on the firat LU¥"".

lear, with all ;t8 soul stirring events, t "h I I t b II d I h f I I h' d h d ltd b' 1011 W ose egIs a Ive a s are IS- tie earts Q a great proportIOn of ever Ampn I 0 God send help I a one, to IS presence, an a sa. u e 1m, it all herself, even to t tb h I h f th t d f b • , I fear he haB forgut me qUlte 10 long hel has 'd h

ID 0 e carne 40use 0. e pas, grace 10m tIme to tIme y scenes tbe citIzens of thIS repuhlic Amen \" been gone he sal to er: the hem, aud bad hemmed anll will soon, with rosy.fiDgered Au- and language, trIcks aud maneuvers. Fellow citizens, to this end let me The blstury uf the sllvatlOn and " My dangbter, tell me what can end, when ahe took It to

h t Id h tt • b h h I I know be's happ, where he IS and do not b b d h f h t r' d h lora, IIsher in; the dawn of another t a won e er grace a -lOW grog, eseec you, by t e sacred memory sanctIficatIon of human souls hIther. WIsh hIm bere, e ear t e urt es an sean· .. Papa" sbe asked "is lear, with nll'i,ts 1m veiled and event- gery, or gambling saloon, tban an of ollr forefa~be,rs, by tbe bnght to ,IS !be hIstory of such prayIng as Please SIr, 18 h~"ven a long "ay off, or is It swered," Gr,acious Emperor, tbunder hem eved 1" , ' Inl history, we-deem it hIghly a'Pplo' august forum 'I Tell me, what is tbe hopes of a Cbflstlan C1vlllzatlOn, hy thIS III SpIrit If not III these or any Couid ~~'J.tn:;rand speak to h,m, then tiack and a lie." Papa took bis eyes from Dews·

" oharacter of that natIOn wbose su- Gud's eternal truth, by all, you are, uU;red word~. Such holy earnest- to mother come, T~e Emperor then took his bea~d paper, put them Ob the tbell ptlile to Rcan tho character uf that prcme bench will deCIde, aed that de and ever hope to be, III thIS hfe and ness and familiarity Dever uffends the He knows so man) pretty hymns, I'm sure III hIS band, and dew,auded of bls looked at bis little Kitty, mucb .. .J. f I h ~ , , I Id t b h he'd sing me some 1 b h t rth 1~'t1oll (I W lle we lorm a part- C1slOn up Ie 00 y t e strong arm ~be life to come, never prove recreant Father uf our Lord Jesus Chnst who counse ors ow muc I was, wo . say:" Do you think it Kitt77" whoso prospmlt" IS our prosperity- of the nation, tbat some of her nah'l)I' to tbe holy respouslblhtIes resting tbrough bim IS tbe God of all g' race .. Tn heaven tbe happy angels SlOg-in hea Wben they had plaood npon It a. val· " Don't you think it abnollt eveD 7"

~ I t h ~ . ht th t 'f h fi ven they all reJOIce; t d II lesl the W I whose ruin our rUlD lorn Cl lZPIIR aye n I rIg s a III upou you as cItIzens 0 t erst reo and consolatlOn,-Fama1y TreaStlre And then I know H1B SavIOur bears my hllle ue-:-some grea er an ome - asked Kitty, gueesiDIl his melniDg

whIt., Dian IS bou to respectt presentative repnblic-ne,er dlshon- brother's VOlce malden saId: and blusbing. Many, in tllc discussion of cbarac· What 18 the character olr tbat nation or the sanctity of tbe ballot.box- RETRIBUTION. I Bmg bls bymns, I love bls way,hls SavIOur " Most gracious Emperor, none of U What is almost even

ter, do not make tufficiellt rlistinc- h t' II I t ffi h k' d b mme shall be, th I b ed well w ose CI Izens wt e ec to 0 ce, ID" never pray" t y 'IDg om come, t y Out III Mmnesota, some m6dels And then M may say,' Suffer httle Jalle to Y counse ors ave a.nswer, ' papa, stroking bis little liOn between i+ aud eputa.tion There stead of bonest, upright, Cbflstian will be done," and vote for Beelze· bUllt a town The origmal prop fie· come to me .. I The beard of tbe Emperor IS " What is almost even IS a vast difference 'ill them, both in men, men who neither fear God, an' bub tors stipulated that no churcb should "And wben I go, I'll ask If 1-" "Ilear three showers of rain in a dry Kitty with a lIttle look

aeltea hair.

repeated surprise

men, nOI dpvIls-wbo.e cbara~ Let me call upon you, mothers, I'n bId h I cbild" saId T," forbear' mer" ' L 'bl 'y (I and "Ctl'OII Cboracter u- ever e p ace upon t e town pot, ,1D er ue e es glonn u, ~ t d t t bl ? f I descended from tbe stile, and I breatl1ed a Th d d II hted the ers ale mean all con emp I C I the name of tbe sublime heroism 0 on pain of ItS reversion to the oflgl' fervent prayer, ese wor s e g I "Yes," answered be, Ki thought what we reaU" are', reputation Wh t th h t ~ tb t b d f ' h dId tha.t the Illai,1en .r a IS e c arac er u. a natlOUJ, I e salllte matrons 0 seventy,slx, nal own!'I, Tbe settlers threatened That he who dotb all ble<8mgs unt .. lhose rOl, w 0 ec are a moment and her father .... l;t",iI fot' what we ale repOlted ,to be I whose cItIzens-professed Christians, ill vIew of theIr hardsbips and suffer- tbat allY preachers who should darll' Wouldt~~t~~~~~P~'t\h HIS grace d",~e to had answered better tban al~ tbe thought, Retel is the innel' man; reputa membe:s of the church, and wbo, fOl' ings, to baptIze your sons m the fount to come there to dIsturb them wltb tonch ttllS voutbful heart counselors He ~hen, asked b~r If " It is uneven," replied A:"'LV.

the outer mOln The/6nl e is substance aught I know, pray daily for tbe Pl'O[ of tJ ue patriotism-m Ihe pools of the gllHpel, should be banged, or II SO part! ng from tbe chlld, I sald,' God hless would become hIS Wife, sayIDg "Yes" said papa " all1Uf:~1

tlU' othpl', mere shadow. tJnar:~Cl:en nmlgation of the gospel, tbe spiritna,1 truth and holiness-tbat tbey may thrown mto the nvel They danced I you, httle Jane," he woul,d receive only one answer. uneven: The bem Is elevation of mankind, and the civili' grow up God·fearing eitlzen8, whose and got drunk on Sundays and rev. And'tWlll be long ere 110rget m; ramble up T~e malden prostrated herself before "Then it must be p out lind

m.IY Le vill't while reputation iR Qf the wbole human race-WIll bnllhli" lives sball be spotless, whose eled III all manner of n~godliness I May aW~~~n;ea.d t~lS artie'. tale of simple bl~ and :ephed: " , dorie over," .aid Kitty, a di.lp' tiHJI18 light to tbe balIot,box and know· valor sball be Spartan, whuse aIm On one SundllY a few weeks ago fallb and love GraCIous Emp~ror, It IS tbIDe to pointed hitch, "I want I to do it

The Creator haa originated and IDgly vote for prIDciples tbat are sis and watchword shall ever bf', Chris, th d ffi' f J Cb 'j Be brought to seek ttle SavIOur here, and command, and mme to obey what right," ~ ey ma e an e gy 0 csus nst, d" ell wltb Hlm above d L k f t~bh"llcd laws fOl' the unfolding da.mning ani! black as the fumes <If tlan manhood and burned It on the pubhc street • tbou comman ~st, et me as 0 "Of conrse," replied bet"I~-atlJe·I', developrrI('nt' of every existence Pandemonium? What is tbe cbarae· Let me exbort you, young ladieS, This sink of iDlquity, where IDfideh· THE MAIDEN AND THE EMFElwR. tbee bn~ one thmg" ~amely,.tbat th~u .. Papa. is setting

of th"t .... tion in which a.re Doht· hy the cberisbed memory of the last Iy had thu" thorougbly gone to seed, shalt gIve me a wntIDg! Wfltten WIth a ~eat judge of berns, I elng, Iw that physical! ·spClal, parties, whose platforms mlgbt farewell of yonr brotbers, by their Wil" called New Ulm, r I There was onc,' a poor man who thme own band, tbat If It should ever , inside, hglOus No lust of ages, no be symbohzed by snakes and lizards, l"recions blood spilt for your sakes, Before anotber Suntla.y's sun bad I dwelt In a uut, amI gamed a Iiveh· be thy pleasure to send me away, I She did not believe' jug pOlVel of D:1au, can 0 that will jeopardi~e tbe government, by tbeir gruans of angDlsh, by their dawned upon this graceles~ VIllage, hood by begging alms He had an ~ay carry from tby castle w;?atever would be so exact. Ho'we~ver, them Lhey are as perfect and e and Tum her honor, for tbe sake of sweat drups of pam, by the death· the WIld Indians assaulted It The 101 Y daughtl'r, wbom Heaven bad smgle thlDg I may love best , , sbe asked bim, she could

dominant power, and If ~bat power damps tbat made cold their manly people fled from theIr dwelhngs In I g cd with extraordmary wisdom, The Emperor gave ber the wrltmg than act on bis J'udgment during s the great Original b b' d tht b t h k d d th b d h

~ can nut e 0 tame ID any 0 r brows and affectionate hearts, by the greatest consternation, and stont I 8, I who, little by little, tanghi ber t a seas e ,an en a er- Kitty went ba.ck to window·

'llle t i/oldtng flce and way, Will resort to j'Wlt and whtske , their unknown and unbonored graves men hId themselves In cellars wells father to speak so WIsely, that one placed upou the tbrone be\lide bim, I seat, pIcked out her stitcb,~s, which WIll U M perfect a.nd harmonious to make WIlling tools for accomplish· -to put fortb every effort, and im. stables, and wherever they 'f,\Deled day, wheu he had gone 10 ask alms For many summers the Empre~s nobody allows to be work, th~ laws tbemselves Men and ing the desired end? ·What IS tbe prove every opportumty, to ennoble they conld find protectlOD 11' few, of th(> EmpelOr, the latter was aston· was loved hy. be; hushand j but It and carefully began time, 1l,ltIOUS\ hy their free mural character of that government wbose the aspIrations of YODI remailllBg braver tban tbeH comrades, attempt Ished at the wI"dom WIth wbl¢h he came to pass III time, that ,he ceased Sbe did not dare to go two

mliltarr ufficers care more fur office brotbers, to IDsplre their sonls With ed some defence, and even women, sp0ke, and demand, d fInm wbom he to ehensb her, He then saId to het inches before comiug to it working ill sin and iniqUity, can d Id tb f th' t' hid ' F d b d" I d t' h tbee a y an go an or e1r conn ry II on· noble patriotism and phllanthropby, it IS saId, tt'ied to shame tbe majonty acqlllre It ' 10m my aug ter, ,one ay, 0 no ,'VIS n Her lather took tbe in bis tHlde or prevent the ~erfect or and character? - 'Ybo WIll ~It that they may be a blessing to yon of cowards mto some degree of 0 noble Emperor I" answered the I longer to be my WIfe, Leav~ r;:Y band and examined the II This Illg of the laws of tbelr bewg j tamely by and see blOther officers and the wOlld strengtb and courage But all avaIl. poor man, and the Emperol l/eing castle, and go wherever thou WIlt, is even" he !laid' "the these self.same laws will ever defeated, and thousands of Let me call npoll you, young men, ed little, The redskm flood swept very wIse blmself, and proua' of bls She an~weIed, "Illustrious Empe- in a st;aigbt lipe'j tbe

ti I h ' t h SOilS mowed down hke grain h f h b th over the doomed territolY' From wlsdum, leRolverl to pnt that of tbe lOr, I will obey thee, qrant me right j" and Kitty, I IlR eaeon Ig ts to POIil ont t e the SIckle, because, forsuoth, of :~lO~;I";rlugo~e o::a/~id' w~uds~ one hundred and fifty to two hundred old man'H daughter to h lal ; so he only" that I may stay untli to·mor- more pleased than if pIth of development, ouay, envy, and revenge lock'flbbed hIlls, and sparkling bouses-many of them of some preten. gave the old man thIrty eggs, and ruw ceeded at first and much

Character, be it indiVIdual 0\' disobey tbe commands of d h f sion to elegance, and well furnished saId: The Emp,eror gran,ted what she if ber fatber h~d • brooks, the love aunts 0 onr k d d th b d 11"1\~1, bas its laws of perfect connive wltb tbe enemy, and only h t -were razed to the ground l'Iew .. Take tu, se to thy daughter, and as e ,an I~, e evenlDg S e. poure .. Very well," wben it ! childhood-by t e sweet assoCI a IOns b II h d·1 f tl f tam be b

1I1g That character win be as cllive as punishment a shght that clll~ter around classIC halls and Ulm was made a desolatIOn Id her get t em hatc e mto wlrty some 0 Ie JUIce 0 a cer r," Kitty," saId papa, ~;I:fr8i:~b~ mand, and "please, sir, come . b f The dance.hall escaped the genel al pnlletR If she refuses to ubey, eVIl mto,a cup of w, lUe, and presented It small hand in bis, "there

1ll0IJiOUB 10 all ItB developments, academic groves-lU t e name 0 11 f 11 I t b d d this important command," every sacred mstitutlOn and dearly. wreck, to be used as a place of pub· WI be a Ier" 0 1m, lin sal : d line running through hfel HoLle ill all Its aspirations, as np.rfec:t In .hort, what is the cbaracter lic wurshlp, bv. tbe vulunteers who Tbe old mall burst into tears, for "Drink, illustrious Emperor, an side of it is the wrOftg

, 'I h h bought priVIlege transmItted to us h I I b d II h be hIT ow I 0 awav III Its consnmmatlOu, as IS t Ie nation whic ugs in sweet b fi afterwards were statIOned there to e saw t 13t t Ie eggs a a een appy o·morr g. -/ other is thenght side, and ol.v.,rvthinO'

by our fatbers-Iet us e\'er e rm bId B h h h ddt I h 11 be yfuil .. bellience tu tbe laws 'of Its being, brace, at tbls very moment, "a , and true to the mIghty responsihih. bold the place; and wlthm lIs walls 01 e ut w en he ad reac e ai: °imorrow s a more JO. is one SIde or the otber, Oil the other hand, It WIll be as vile a monster of'so frigbtful mien, as tIes now roIling upon u~ WIth moun. CbrI:.t was preached, who so short home, alld had told llls daughtiJr all t an was even on my marrIage such tbing as Olmos!

be hated needs but to be seen ' h a time before had been scorned and th&t bad passed, she bIde hiIiu be morn," . rtght is aiwavil wrong' alt:~~~~~~ md dt'graded as is the departure from whose virus has permeated and }~~:r:~~:r~ct~n ofSt~8d::~J:~ng ~: msulted there, by the men whose cheerful and retire to rest, telling T~e Emperor drank, and soon hIS is bad; almost trne IS ~n It" pure and r4ghteouB laws God oned every vem and artery, k h scalped carcases were now fertIhz. hIm be need not fear any d3illger eyelids became, heavy, and he fell lie', as almost even is un.e'ten:' I I have It in our power to rna e er Sb h k f I d b Ie hIt 'he Em IUS lut Olll-' standard of true man. bone and smew of ber system, ing their own SOlI -Oong e t ell too a pot 0 water, put a as eep j an ,w I, e ~ ep,. . • "Yes, papa," added quiCk;lYI 110(1('", and by )'t must all individuals, that too so completely, we fear, what we will. Why can ,we noft reo ____ •• ____ handful of beans mto It, and pjlaced pre,ss had ~Im hft~d mto a carrla~e .. and an almost perfect I~4t10ll

1\ alilile the highest conceptIOns 0 onr Ii d b b h d d there n .~ .111 AatioDs, ~tand or fall, Beauty of a sea of antIdotes will never destiny? By tbe grace of God, w,e ANEODOTE OF BISHOP BUTLER, It uver tbe re; an on t e morrow, w IC was ID rea mess, an . I imperfect lesson, r told ~ tbe poison? Wbat fitter 1 it d Hume said that Butler's "Analo- when ber fatber bad nsen, sbe gave conveyed to a dIstant grot~o, wb!c~ Because, if you miss u ... ,",.

or~ and featmes, f1cbn€ss oC appa· can we use to describe such a can Let ns be but firm y un e , m tJlm the boded be,lDs, and told Him to she ,long ago had prepared In antlCl- your place," lel, suavity of manners, mtellectual tion of a nation Iban corruption heart and hand, to purge our father· gy" was the best defence of Chns· dig a trench m a certain fieloit, by patlOn of sucb an emergency, W~en .. Exactly so," said papa

I d ? S h' tb h ct f land of its corruptions, to reform her tlanity be had ever seen It IS, \D' WhICh the Emperor would pass as be tbe E.mperor a.woke, and ,found hIm· God I'S 0 trutb~ul God, greatness, SOCIal PO"ltlon, ancestv,a rupte, uc IS e c ara er 0 b d 't d d d ffi It to fi d I ~ I' 'I t' th c aracter, to estroyevery tral orous ee, I cn n ID any anguage went out huntlllg " And a" tbr Em- self m the grotto, he angrJl,y deman"d. bave thl'ngs called by b/ood, can Ilt'v"r dutel nll'ne tbe chin· natlUn, n conversa IOn W,I an 1. h II ' h t k t f d d a • I,-, , f h band j we t"en s a see Jllst w a a wor a oncc so pro oun an use· peror passes by, take the bea~ and ed how he bad come thlth"er, ,1 na.mes, He wonts us .etel' uf all I'ndl'vldllal, Oue moy telhgent officer 0 t e army on h e been longl'ng to see every fnl We are IDformed that Aueen h h d b bt h I a ~ ~ .. subiect, he ljaid: "Once I was we av -, '" sow tbem ID the trencb, and cry alond, ave a you roug ere, rep Ie trnth, and to speak the possess anyone of these in itg high. of the name of American; but human wrong lighted, our country Carohne, the consort of George II, 'God be gracIOus, and grant tbat my the Empr~ss, And he then asked, in order to do so, we est C 1 't' II b d d b W h' carrying freedom, science, religion, read some part of It every day at bOiled beans may sprIng up qUI'~kly \' ve;s angr,lly, w,.her,efore she bad done In our wor~- and

u mtna IOn, ur a com me ,lip I bave been a ODt as IDgton, and a noble form of buman nature, breakfast, She asked Dr Samuel ~ h dd D d I th ua eJ]?resBiml,~,l yet be at heart a miserable villain, in the army, I blush with h' t' t CI"rke wbat he knew of Butler Dr. and if tbe Emperor asks bow it is t 18, a IDg: I not say ou gregational ,T",£"",,,I

Th I ~'h fA'" over every acre of t IS eon IDen; ~ pOSSIble for hulled beans to gro"", re- shouldst no longer be my wife 7" The

e on y true measure 01 personal t e name 0 mencan, and above all, extendmg over every Clarke told her be was residing, with ply that it is as easy a. It IS "'Cor a E~~ress ~o?k out of her bosom. tbe character is Jioral excellence-the While nations rise and fall dark and benighted portion of thIS some of his family, upon a small liv· pullet to be batchpd frol1l a boiled wrltmg whICh the Emperor had ~ven WHAT BUSY _ .. p. puritv of tbose moral principles nnd us like the bIllows of old ocean, world tbe glorious light of a Cbris- ing in Kent The Queen expressed egg" her beforl.l her marriage, and saId: I am n very Il'ttle gl'rl,

:f i talk of the stability of our ber surprise, and 8aiA sbe tbought he I hI' - 'II t' E m sentIments which distinguisb the the perma.nency 01 our tian civilizatIOn was dead, 'f The puor man dId as liS dallg ter "t IS true, I us rlOus mperor j growing larger every g d r th b d b bl f bad instructed lum He took bis but this writing, wbich w.as given by and by I bope to be more n\lelf\il

00 rom e 8, t e no e rom I'ndeed, tliat tbl'S natl'on WIll "No madam" sal'd Dr Clarke "he d h' Ii UI HOW KNOX AND LUTHER PRAYED. ' ' ' , spade and dug a trench ill a field by thine own hand, accor ed me t e rIg. t I ~m now Father the ignoble, I long u.s the everlasting bills, is nut dead; but be is buned," the side of the highway, and l\'hen to bring away with me, wben I q:nik in tbe fields, and motber WlorkB

So lt1is with nationft, Our nation. reasons have we for linch During the troublons tImes of Scot· Bntler was afterwards elevated to he saw tbe Emperor coming, be be- ted the castle, whatsoever I mIgHt at home j for she hal a K"~""U' •• I

al ehara,cter last year, tonIght, o~ in Dpeidrc~~tdi~~er~~e~yomk~0;,~08e land, when the popish conrt and anR' the hishopnc of Dtllbam, Bemg ap- gan to sow hIS heans m a trench aud love hest j I exercised my right, and do a.mong 80 many of th tocracy were armmg tbemselves to plied tl) on slime occasion for a cbar· cry aloud, "God be gracioDs, and brought thee, gracious Emperor." great many pennies It

e eommg year or years, ca.n nerer whose empire knew no hmit, th R ~ t' n in tbat bl b t' h sked his ste suppress e e DIma 10 Ita e su scrIp len, ea' grant that my boiled bean~ may Wben tbe Emperor heard thetl6 buy all our clotbes, and hil!lDE't~, be determined by her \>road and b~au How? DId tbe hordes that Ia.nd: and the cause of Protestant ward wbat money he had in the house. spring up quickly I" words, he vowed never to part from shoes! and breakfasts ~, tiful prairi'e8, her majestic rivers, per ponrillg d~wn from tbe north, Christianity was in imminent peril, The steward informed him "there When the Emperor heard these so faithful and wise a wife So be Father had need work, silvery lakes her ruaring and fOIlDl. swarms Q. bees, do the dC!ltrcljing late on a certain night, Jobn Knox were five hundred pounds" words, he stopped, and asked how'it embraced ber and returned with her too, " work? No She by her was seen to leave bis study, and to " Five hundred pounds I" said tbe was possible for boiled beans to grow? to the castle ; and tbey two sat there- I cannot WOl k and :Ui catarac~'. her exhaustless mioes, ternal brOIls and s? pass from tbe house down into an en· bishop' .. wbat a shame for a bishop Wbereupon the poor man answered: after SIde by side upon the throne, buy a loa.f, but I take ler ma.gnificent cities, mighty ar~ie8 refined alld closure to the rear of it He was to hav~ such a sum in hIS posses· and navie!l, inexhaustible resources, nurse of scholars beroes, followed by a friend; when, after a SlOn I" And he ordered It all to be " GracIOus emperor, It is as easy as for many summers j and when tbe waste a s1Dgle crumb j

? f 'I h' for a pullet to be hatched from a boil- last summer bad passed, death reaped be as hard lIij it will, I nor by her lanreate poets Cicer"ne- ther of literature, live forever few moments 0 81 ence, IS voice immediately given to the poor at' '1' I " How did she fall? By tbe was heard as if in prayer, In an. I ed egg" tbem botb together, like a double ear If! can't buy wood alld ca~ldlel!, nn ora.btortt, or II~x enslve Iterat~re, the mighty Philip, or by hcr other moment, the accents deepened OLD AUE,-Some one asked tbe The Emperor dlvmed wbo it was of COlll, ta.ke care not to wute

er c aractcr Will ~ as I the pr~ct- rnpt factIons? into intelligible words, and tbe ear' philosopher Fontenelle, wben mnety· that bad arranged this stratagem, • too little to poke the piel! aud mollvel! whlcb move ~ actIOn The ora.tor has truly said, nest petition went up from his strug· five years of age, whlcb twenty years an~dm, orderd stlllbmore to ttbry the CHlL~SRd' BdUT STROllG -, A laldy of tLe candle j motllel Ih f h or gll'ng soul to heaven, .. 0 Lord, give of bls hfe he regretted the most. "I mal en s WIS ow, e gave e poor New De for was mtlmate y ao- set my clotbes alllD a.

e great1.elJ7't 0 t e nation, Her loss of a firm national k f h d d d ' f I' h h h k h h I :r ., me Scotland, or I die I" Then a pause regret little," he rephed, ",and yet, man a pac 0 emp, an sal: quamte III a amI Y In w IC t ere now ow muc mot ler conformity or non·conformity to the the degradation of a nation's of hushed stillness wben again the the happteBt year~ of my lIfe were "Take this to thy dau;:hter, and was a sweet, brIght little boy, of last shoes' it took all eterna.l principles and laws of mght iii the inevita.ble prelude to petition broke forth, "0 Lord, give those between thefifty:fifth and seven· bid ber make me from It as many some five years, between whom and the corne~ of the cnlllKl:ard lind iU8~ice, will \:Iecide her cbaract,er f~~~: Natio~~ ~~dbU:o me Scotland, or I die \" Once more ty;jifth At fifty years ~ 1!lan's ~or- salls and ropes as are necessary for herself there sprang up a very ten- take care not to get In tIle ht f til t t all wns vOI'celess and nOl'seless, when tuue is es.tabhsh, ed" hIS re, putatlOn a sbip If she refnses to obey, ber der friendship One Uay she said to dirt that my shot's may

s,lg 0 fl grea. commnDl Y certain When they ~ h d I II tl ~ ~ 't" h ' f r wI'tb n yet more I'ntenao pathos, the made, con,slderatlOn IS obt,alDed, the ea s la pay le or el 1m : ger,

4) natIOns, and in the pure ey\,s of their or mission, they A ~ I bl d ' W 11' d I T" E thrl'-~'reo:0tedl'nterces8ionstruggled state of life fixed, pretensIOns gIven The poor man was sore y trou e ' I Ie, 0 ynu ove DIe I bave had my

lohim the Jehovah of nations 1 and their fate is ut: ~ ed h h d db' .. Y 'd d I" h Ii d 'th h'l I fortb, II Lord, give me Scotland, or up or sat!sfi ,prospects overt rown at t ese wor 8; au, avmg recelv, es, ID ee e rep e ,WI a W I e now j never I~ this light, let ua consider; our _ on amot~~~~~d:!~g~~~at I I dIe I" And God gave him Scotl~nd, or estabhshed, tbe passlODs for the ed the pack of hemp, returned to clinging kisil by the strings,

natIonal cba.racter, T;here is not the 8cribed, I Trots fmmu8, Ihum in spite of Mary and her Cardmal most pa.rt calmed or cooled, the ca· bis daughter, weeping all the way, " How much Y" er. nor leave it lying IWU'", ltd Benton' 0 land and a Church of no. reer nearly completed, as regards tbe But when he bad told ber all that "Why, I love you-I love you-op er l1ay. that is the rea'lIOllii

I ens ollbt, in my own mind, that New new powers, ~ , m d d b ~ t d h b k" I d I II 1 f ble Cbrlstian loyalty to Christ and labors which every man owes .to s<>- ba passe, S e agam com,or e 1m, to t e s y- aste 80 ong, lave Hid the principles upon wbic~ O!lr up per orm his crown. How could it be other. ciety j tbere are ,fewer enemIes, or and-bade hIm be cheerful and retIre Just then his eye fell ou his mother, plaything., for tbey w011l11I forefather8 declared and obtained t~elr Blink wise? rather fewer enyl~D~ persoDs who to lest, and fear no danger; and on FlinglDg his arms about her, and ey and wear dut j so [ their independence-Ihat had the in- ~n~ard Such So Lnther, when Germany and the are capable of InJur!ng us, or, b~. tbe morrow, when be bad fl~en, sbe kissing her pasaionately, he Baid 1 kitten, and pussy I

.tructions, designs, and solemn com. ~::~~~~~t~h:~ our work? Reformation seemed to be lost, and ca.use tbe counterpOIse {Jf me!lt ,~8 gave him a little piece of wood and II But, mamma, I love you way up thing, and never weaR IIOUt ..... .lJIOtI'I~ It ' Ii -11 tha.t God ;"'tE'ndE~ human help was none', this WI. the Icknowledged by the public VOIce, sa.id : to God \" Monthly.

pac • o. t e founders and fatbllrs m; .. ,

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Page 2: : I - Amazon S3Vol+19...published by GEORGE B, UTTER. 'THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD" TEOS---$2 00 a Year, b. .'MtIm-M: ,1'-9----~Il\ __ ----~'----~--~----- --r



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1&1 ,Iatrbath Ittotdtr.: , .

Wil!l.J!!ILY, R. I., FIFrB.DAY, JAN. 29, lab.:

Geo. D. Utter, Ed1tor.

, Higginson, '.formerly of Betts, is alslll ~ Colonel in one of colore~ regiments. Rev. George Noyes'lof New York City, a '~ito,". an clergyman of good pulpit

, is a Captain in the service. TBOtJqllTS ON WAR" other Unitarian. clergymen are iu

part its waves tiIi they have surged almost over us. When God bids us go, raging seas, fiery fumBces, hun· gry lions, cannot hinder us, if we go with :l substantial faitb in God.

Dea.r Lrother, these are faith.trying times.

~ Ill.

ls war murder 7 Is it'always, ana army, among whom are Rev. W. wina~e~:~~g~~ea~~u1~~~~g· Under all cirCumstances, a violation' ~ Green, a graduate Of West Point, In an age. on ages telling, of the oommand, "Thou shalt n6t has distingUished himself as a

To be living is sublime.

made against him, namely, disobedi- ferred to the allusions in the Bible to ence of orders, retreating from the hair-to the ineident of Mary w,iping enemy without caUlle, failure to aid the feet of Jesus with her hai~, and his associate generals in action, un· also to the hair of Samson. He de­necessary slowness, by delays allow- scribed the wreath in elegant- terms, ing the enemy to know his movempnts paid a high compliment to it~ fair and to take advantage of this knowl· maker, and said the wreath w~s an erlge, emblem of both earth and heaven j

HOME NEWS, DE RUYTER INSTITUTE. . kill 1" , , nel in the l~h Massachusetts There never was an age in which

, . , (C t') M one could live so much. Every day Totb.Edltorortbe~al>b.thReoord.r· ~'}(dBes and Joshua wero not mur. ment j and ev. ap am ,ason, . D H d makes a volume of history. In the In the first number of the present

as the hair of the dead and the laving was interwoven in it. He allnded to the illustrions men repres~nted, and remarked that minisrers" sons were sometimes good. Bishop.if anes replied in a neat and dignified sp,eech, and said he fnlly appreciated the su­perb gift, and paid a compliment to Mrs. Newman, and Methodist min­isters' wives in general.

der(lrs : yet they were great and Wisconsm, rs. osmer an , II k U't' .' clerigY. great work of tbe age, and the great- volnme of the RECORDER, you ask for successful warriors. The Israelites ness, we . 'nown nJ aflan I h . th Qi>I·~;,ip est of any age, I have still nnfalter- something from me relative to the were not a nation of murderers' yet men, lave eac a son m e

, Oh I' ing faith. It has grown in tears, and present condition and prospects of ·the whole nation was one Vllst army. III! ap alD. J ------~, prayers, and sacrifices', it has cui mi· the school here Suffice I't to say The heroes of that people are said (0,' - 'BELlEVERS. "

nated in blood j and ther~fore, by all that our present term is larger than have" waxed valiant in fight, tnrned "rut<> you, ther'fore. which bell., e, he \, h t h .

, t e s rongest guarantees t at give was anticipated by teachers and pat-to flight 'the armies of the aliens ," clous."~l Pel. 2. 7

Th I Promise to the labor of men's hands, rons m' V1'e~ of the great drafts that ALONZO OOOR, and a Gos~el writer tells us that they ere are some w 10 believe, ' n

did BO I. t~rough faith." Bnt when, SOme who believe not. Some it m~st succeed. I Bee the end, and have been made upon us by the calls Our brother, where is he? 1\la8! or whe~e, is it ever said that mnrde! also with all the heart, to the my soul is joyful. 0 how insignifi- of our country, and from local cau- he sleeps !n the llO~()m (,I' old Vhgin. is committed through faith? Who of the spul, while some believe cant the sacrifices I have made, com· ses. We ha\'e this term enrolled 85, ia, where he fell a sacrifice t!O the dares to soy'/Ibat through faith Oair- Lecause tbey have seen, Real, pared with one hour of the joy I feel. being abont an average for past most wicked rebellion that ever dis. ,!cided his brother? An angel said to tians are believers. This is My pOOl' back may ache, my shatter· years, thongh the number of females graced the annals of history. We

, Gideon, that g~ellt warriot who rour calling-a I'ife of faith. Faith ed nerves may quiver in agony; but is more than double that of the males. learn from the message received, that " :ed'the Midianites, II The L'ord i" with' the wisdom, goodness, and I cannot be unhappy. Thank God Of the prospects, we cannot speak he had been sick, and had paltially

IthJe thou mighty man of valor.~' of God their own. Believers for a faith that leaps on to full frui. with confidence. Diphtheria and se- recovered, when his company' were iDid ~h angel ever !lay so to 0 mur- added to the chnrcb in tion. n. E. \I. cession lJa'l1) nude such inroads for ordered to march, Weak and 1ebili.

't' (A 5 14) d some past 'rerma, that we dare not d h

and so badly off for change. Your ill.doings have made yourself and the rest of the family a world of usele8s trouble-useless, at least, as to gain­ing your own ends-not useles8, we believe, however, to the. human race in general, aod the Sonthern slave in particular. Do ypu know what the Bible says? "The wicked .hall be taken in his own snare.." Or is the Bible a book that you never meddle witb?

In answer to the known what became of the destruction' of will say. not for a ccrtahttv. Maccabees, 4 and 5, be re1Iah!lc, the ark and the tat)erlla~.10

oon i~ a cave in somewhere in the chain of pto'untaiul east of Jericho. THe J tradition, that the ark is 1'l(:reted . .' a cavern m the rocky hill

'Ve expect this quarrel of yours, at Jerusalem. 'fhe ::;amaljtJ~ns sister Caroline, will work out the sal· it is safely deposited in ''','nDt v~tion of your comer of the farm-, zim. It is possible that WIll overthrow what you 80 basely chest and its treasures ~ought to establish, that most abomi· to light. Whose heart nahle of abominations, human slave- throb ~ith emotion

h 1~ ry. And we expect t at you your· look upon the two talll-s' the I '

• aU' ' self, "heady, high·minded,". blood· the pot of manna, and rod iha; guilty sister Caroline, will be purified blossomed and ' almfinds? from your beloved curse, even though 2d Maccabees 2: for that it be in an ocean of human blood. place, it shall be until the When that is accompliijhed, you will time that God gather I peop e not be so badly off as YOll are now, again together, and rec:eivh'tliebllln. in heart or pocket j and may the good to mercy!' Lord hasten the time of your redemp-

W. W,J.


REVIVALS. ~erer r "Blessed be the Lord Imes- cts: -men an OUSSEWAGO, PA. tate, e set out with tbem ; bint be-h h h ' h'ld'f th say what shall Lefall us in the future.' d ' h We continue to find in our ex·

I '

my !trength, w 0 teac et ~r men, even c 1 ren, I ey CUSSEWAGO, Jan. 13\h, 1863. commg more an more weaIlY, e hands to war, and my fingers tp i~ Je~us Christ. Faith in Christ To the Editor of the ~.bbath Roeoroer If some else does not furnish you gradually fell back, until he lost sight changes reports of increasing reli-

session at Philadelphia last week, presided over J. 'V. Nevin, and anen(leq

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fight," says David, that man afte'r tmgUlehed them from the world I would Le very glad if I had war statistics from our societies here, of them. He then wandered around, gious interest in the churches. From God's own heart. Conld a murderer, unbeIieve~s. In affliction, loss, something to write that would be in. I will try to do it. Our school has not knowing where to go, yet with ~Iassachnsett8, especially, such re-or a d\Jelist, use such language? Becution, faith sustained Ihem. g to the readers of the RE' sent upwards of sixty to the war, his little remaining strength :perse- ports are very nnmetous and enCOnr-

, ! The Book of Psalms is filled with was tho bond that Lonnd them to CORDER; for I am always made glad that is, of those who have been memo vered, in hope of finding his ciompa- aging. In the Congregational church II words indicative of God'l! interest in God, and God to them. It wroug4t when I read in the paper of the bers within the last four Yflars. The ny, which were far iu advance Qf him. at Reading, there has been and still

the battles fought, from time to tim~ marvels. It tnrned sorrow to jot, prosperity of the canse of Christ in blood of oome already stains the Bnt all his effort_ were ill vain.: Poor is a great deal of interest. Some /ly the children of Israel. " Iu th~ making them, "rejoice in tribulation," any chnrch or place; and especially wretched fields of secession, and boy! he cf,1l1d l"',,pr more march fifty conversions are reported. At

f G d '11 ' I did I th I . d th f d' . h I 1.1 I Wobnrn there is mnch interest in name 0 Ol1r 0 we WI set up, ou~, t turne OBS ttl gain, light afflictioIjs 0 rpjoice, and give God all the 0 ers seep m ea rom lseases WIt tie 1l0u e company w l<;J had ~\lnners. Through God we shall dq working out for U8 1\ an exceeding praise, when I h"ar that his peculiar comtracted th~re. Shall these sacri- passed on before. At length, be dis. the Baptist church. Meetings are valiantly, for He it is who shall tread weight of glory.'" I' I peop!!', the Seventh·day Baptists, are fices be all in vain? ,T. R. IRISH, covered the l37th Pennsylvania. Regi. held every evening. About fifty PL!'-I . Th h' . d B t J! • I . I' lb' d ' II h SOilS have presented themselves as l own our enemies. ou ast glr i ,ll la1l1 IS most precious wll(~n marc llUg onwan, eatHlg dowll the DR. ALBERT LTTER, formerly of Plain- ment, an sum mOOIng ate: ener. cd me with strength unto the battle! tried. Peter's was often and severt strong·bolds of tradition, and letting field, X. Y, vas last week appointed gy in bis power, succeeded in f' each. inquirers, and half that number are h h t bd d d h • It' I 1 r 7 S 'h . I' h h' h " rejoicing in hope. In the ~[eridian-t ou as ~u ue un er me t OS~ Y rH'(, et. 1: . 0 when walK- t elr Ig t s me, . at others may "ee Assistant SUlgeoll in the First Regi- lUg their camp, ere be laid him ;down h L • 'Th . Lb' d ' street Methodist chnreh, East Boston, t lit rose up agalUst me. 0t h.s~ mg on t c wave, and before Pilate. t ,eu' goo works, and not be asbam· mellt Rhode Island Cavalry, now a to die; but he was too much exflaust-I • h 'B J I d I h there has been unusual interest, and a so gIven me \ e of min ene- ut eSllS had said, "I have praye~ e, w lell they ave reApect unto all part of the 1rmy of the Potomac. ed to speak. He could not even; utter • .1. I .' h h ' i' I I h' d d' quite a number of convelsions. Con. mles, v.<at mIg t t em that lor t lee, tIl at thy faith fail noU' IS comman ments. The Surgeon of the Regiment is Dr. a parting word for the love o\les at

h Th.1' h '11' Bl I A I h versions also are reported in the ate me. (.oVg : WI wI! essed. prayer! Blessed ~eslls! Pr- t. present, av.e nothing. t~ wri~e \Y. II. Wilbur, of \Vesterly. Among home, His weary nature gently Park.street church, and in the Brom-,pu8h down ourl ; througl! ter behevem, tbough trwd, and to that 18 very cheerIng. RehglOn, 10 the memben of the regiment are yielded to the cold emLrace of (leath,

I I ' . field-street and Bennctt-street Meth. thy nart.e will we ad them unde~ Peter .Jesusl was precious. , I this vicinity, is at a low ebb, and I several persons from 'Vest€rly, well and sought its final rest. Dec: 22d, ill odist churches in Boston. A series that rise up us. 0 God, th~ All things are precious t6 us, or with the majority of professors, of known to many of our readers. J. 1862. T. d h d of daily meetings has also been start-ror , t e of my salv~tiont p;rized by IlS, according as we b~_18~con. a? eO~lseqllenc(', The Bapt~8t Will. Vincent, Isaac P, Burdick, .T. Dead! Can it be? Our noble and ed at the Methodist church on Tre-thou hast my head·lD th~ heve. To ~he man that believes ip i Chnrch lD Oussewago, once qUIte A. Babcock, and Charles Capwell, are generous Lruther-he who, LIlt Ii short day of battle. Let the saints be joy: money, money is precious ~ to thb I flhurishing, iR 011 the wane. It is 1 of the number. time ago, bravely responded ~o the mont-street, Boston. In the Congre-

• h gational church at 'West Amesbury

fi ve hundred delegall'~. stated as follows:

l " For seven years pa~t t

Reformed Church, both and America, have bel'lI 111/1 KlIlg parations, 011 an extenai celebrate the ter·ccntcn sary of the formation alld aj(I'op1.iOlI the Heidelberg Caltecl~i8Inl. Emincnt divines

have, prepared im;~~~~~~:ll and essays on the the catechism, s tion by Ursinus lind Uh~via"". of the most distingoished tp€IOIOl!:la1D8 of the Heidel herg adoption and ntr'od'llct,i,oll Reformed chntches G"lrJll~."v Switzerland, Hoiland, other countries, a8 the IIvn~hiJI their faith j the life and clil'ml'!.'· Prince Frederick the whose auspices the Heidel~erg chism was prepared. have been prepared with and in the end will form VolnnlIC' of five pages, or more."

ful Wit ; let them sing aloud man that believes in honor, !JOIlOI' ill, I, scarcely a shadow of what it once CAPT, J. F. HUBB.tRD, of Plainfield, call of his conntry, and with ,heart \" d there is also an awakening, and sev- MORT.AI.rrr IN M1'STIC .. -Nh

. ~et me ~igh prai . reciuus ; to the man that believes I was, an is at pre~ent desytute of a N. J., has, we understand. Leen de. glowing with the fire of patriptism, eral conversions are reported. At R. Long, of Mystic lD 'tb~lr m~uths, and ~ p~easure, pleasure is precious; an~ ! pastor .. A F:ee,wIII Baptist Ch~r~h tached from his regiment, and placed laid himself upon her altar, a \~illing North Abington a revival has been pared for the Pioneer ,n,,,,"'

tWGo-e,ilICEjd .sword lD thelr,hand ; to. to hIm that Lelieves in Jesus, JesuB once eXIsted III Cussewago, bnt It 18 in charge of the soldiers engaged in sacrifice, if need be, to the calIse of in progress for some time. Fifty or whieh have occulTed ilnrf,ru.

exeCtlte1/ve,ogealoce upon the heathen! is precious, I "Hay, wood, and stnU- I only rememb~red a~ a thing of the buildinO' the large hospital at Wind- freedom, and the good of hum)l,nity. sixty persons have attended the in. . h ' h ' and upon the peop,le j to blJ,~ as m~terials for buildinoO', are, II past. From Its rUlDS spraog up a ml'll Pool'nt abont two ml'les from Thns has he fallen-the youngeM 80n t~n years lD t e plms es , C' quiry meetings, and conversions are Messrs F Upham S S .:t118W!I\O, bind kings with chains" and precious t(jl those who are fooliRh' bristian Church, which endured for Aqui Creek LandinO'. The hospital and brother-the pride of his father taking place every week. .., •. .

nobles with fetters of iron j toi enough to believe in them. "Gold,' a shortdseason, and then passed away, iii for tbe benefit of ~he Army of the -the hope and joy of his mother- Quite a religious interest haa sprung ~heB~~o:~o;~~n!i!i~RihLe'.v 4:~;npa,sA eX!iClute upon them th'e judgment silver, and precious stones," are pre' as tbe ew of the morning. In its P-otomac and will accommodate about the favored of brothers and sisters. up in New York city in connection one or two miles from

: this honor ~ave all his cious to thdse who believe in ther1' place_ h.8s sprung up a church called eight th~usand paticnts Sad, indeed, was the hour whim he with the labors of Rev. Mr. Ham. 'Bridge Postoflic!'.' These expreSSIOns, selected 'The fire wm come which shall burn the [mted Brethren-a zealous peo-I B Fe' bade adieu to the home of childhood;

d f ' h Pl" I I . d' h' ENJAIiIN . HISTER of Hopkmton b mond, who is laboring as an Evan- The aggregate is IlR ran om rom t e sa ter, would be as an oveIlll thl~ Will reveal everr P e, umte IU t elr efforts to crusb to . . ' . .' ut a far deeper sadness now, rests 2'eliRt HI' iR l'r"!l~ in ReV. Dr.. fantl 159, children 72,

8hockingly impious, if wat were 301- man's work ILod try it what sort it death the monster that iii gnawing met wlth an aCCIdent hy cnttmg Ius npon th" h""rt<.oI' its ;n~at"", bllght- Hatfield's chnrch Whl'cll was crowded adultll 165. a .. ed 80', b• b d '. ' , .I t h . I f b' I' , foot on tAA "1:f18t day of December,' d b' II h f h' ... , way .. not mg nt mur er. IS. It will reveal the quality of hi~ I ate vIta 8 0 t l~ g orlOU8 UnIOn. d'h b 'l'd ' D mg an crus 109 out a ope () t e S d' the whole number thefe

W h be h' th 1 b f' h' I :\f . th t G d '11 hi an as een al up ever smee. r. loved one's return, with the sad real- on ~ ay e~enmg, At tbe e\ose, an mRleli and 266 females: e ave en ao muc m e'la·· alt , and his corresponding works. 'I· y prayer 18, Il 0 WI ena e E R L . f W te If' d inqUiry meetmg was held, at which were members for . f .Jot r' th • B ' them t ta d . , eWIS, 0 es r y, per OIme ity that he died among strangers, It 0 apl I ua IZlUg ese expressIOns; nt we show our esteem for an olJ· 0 s n . fl' I t' hundreds remained-many df them the fiour ev n ng'el'lca'" h • <r k' ., '" I Th £if h hi' . . C a sllccess n surglca opera Ion on 'th I' h . h A • '''''I'''''''"

t at IS, nr1ta mg them as figuratlVe- Jeet, and our faith in that object by e I c nrc I orgaUizatlOn 10 us· th f t t k' t f h dWI hno ovmg mO.t er to wIpe t e in tears, and waiting to be conversed immediate vicinity, 1 . h . . '. h S th dB' e 00, a mg ou some 0 t e t d fb" Y reprelll/ntmg t e spll'ltual exer- our devotion to it " T" yon that bo- sewago 18 t e even - ay aptlst, b h' h h d 1. " d ea amp rom IS urow, 'tl

• f d . . . , h' h t't t d' 18 -3 F hones w IC a ueen IDJure . Ob I I h I f 'WI I. Cl~S 0 goo me~ m thmr ~onfilCts lieve, be is precions." We believe ill w III was cons 1 u e 1D •• :>.'. ort.e 1 I ye w 10 mourn t e (Jss 0

With the depraVlty of tbeu' own HIli; therefore we love him, above first three year~ of her VISlblhty, thiS NORTHERN WISCONSIN. loved ones at home, dry your tears j "DIPHTHERIA," , , hearts,-~ habit which probably owes all things, and above every conside~-I church was ql1lte pros.perous, addi-' To the EditorDf the ~,bbath Recorder you have soothed their dying pillows, The very aLia article of Dr. Edwin 'I, I its origin to. the fact that the New ation. He,is precious to us, and ob tions Leing made from time to time, The Seventh-day Baptist Quarterly cooled their parched lips, and feel the R. :Maxsoll, on diphtheria, published

Testament deals pretty largely in him we rest every hope, and pos1f, until the ~embersbip numbered forty. Meeting of Coloma, Dakota, and Ber. assurance that all was done tor them in the SABBATH RECORDER, I have read I , slleh a mode of description,-thllt we pone, if need be~ every joy. My For certam causes, the church has lin churches, Wl\S held with the church that could be. But may God' pity with much interest, as I do all artl­

f~rget that t6ey are true and literal hrethren, are we believers? I I not .been in travail for some time. at Berlin, the first of this month, and and comfort such as mourn for those e1es emanating from his pen, espe-accounto( the bloody strife of war., • JAlIES SU}DIERBELL : I DU!lDg th.e past tbree years, ":e have wae largely attended by the brethren who die as soldiers die, cially the article which appeared in It is vertheless a fact thll~ the ' , , Leen destitute of one to go IU and of Berlin, also by deleglltions from All over our land there are hearts that are the RECORD€R of Sept. 11th. Bot Psalms, any of them, are the battle " A 'GOOD LETTER. I i out before us, and to break unto us Coloma and Dakota, Much praise is An/~r::d.;ngWlthangUlBhforthede~rone8 while I concede all of ability to tbeir 80ng8 of the Hebrew nation, praising . The following letter from Eld. Dar, the bread of eternal life, which, more dlle the friends at Berlin for their Whose til;!i' for our country so noblY are author, I dissent from some of the their God as the Jehovah of Hosts win E. Maxson to Eld. Nathan Vl than any other cause, hili! contribut- kind and generous treatment uf those gwen: posit.ions assumed-not proved-al\ . , , d Such sacrifice! Oh God! let It not be in. . h I I' (armiell,) ~he Lord mighty in battie. Hnll, has been placed in our hands, e to our present barren condition. who came from a distance to the vain! lor mstance, "p ysica immorta Ity."

Let it be borne in mind, that the 'with permissio\l. to print it; whic~ Other causes have also lent their in· meeting. Under the labors of Elder But SP::!et?°u the !tme thIS wartlde "hall Now, ] do not believe that man wa. Hebrew nation, 'the only! one of all we do in the, fuli belief that it will fluence. Notwithstanding all of our R. G. Bnrdiek, Sabbath meetin!!s ap. Oh give us the balm of an honorable peace, created" physically immortal," nor.

Id h - In which justICe and freedom in tJ1tumph h h d' h h' d II ibe nation~ !Of the ear~~ ~hoBe ~orm benefit any ,wbo read it. : I ~o ness, we ave .kept up our meet- pear to be well sustained. shall reign. ence, t at" Ip t erIa, an a con-QC government was of dlvme leglsl... W~TER CURE. Elmira. N. Y., f ' I lUgS most of the time, stormy weath- The Church at Coloma, owing to MIRA COOX'. tagious as well lie 1I0n·contagious

• d '1' ' Jan.15th 1863, er exc t dO' 't HHTSl'ILLE, N, Y., Jan. 18th. 18G:]. dl'seases" were can ed by the 10 f :~ioD"w~ constitute a mlltary Da' .', ' . ep e ' .. urexerclses are IiUl e removals and the war excitem nt is • ,8 es 0 dOli, All Israel was one vast stand- My ~~R~ DEAR BIlOTHER HULL,-I umform, conslst1Og of prayer and con- in a cold, languishin sta:11 The 1\ BAD orr." our native "physical immortality." ing army .. Mo~e~ was not merely a am gratified to learn that onr goo~ :erence. ~he memhersh~p at present lahors of Elder Hiram g Bab60~k are A silver United States half-dollar Again, I donbt very mnch that bn'giver, but a,military ,commander. brotherl Varnu~ has come to. Alfreill IS about thirty j the sOCIety numbers, very well received by the First-day was sold at auction the other day' "there is a faint dawning of that

I ~oahua was 'orie Rt' the most noted .~y wbole s~al IS fUll of d anXiety ~Of twenty·one families, and one hnndred community j he is an able man; but Charleston, S. C., for $1 45, l\-nd l~ physically immortal day," or that even • J tarriorl of his age, The l:iation was: t e prospenty 0 OUI' ear peop e. individuals, tbat say to sabbatize on many discouragements beset his path. gold dollar for $3 15, .. paper curren. such a day was long ago foreseen by

lIalIed the" army of the Lord" the You cannot tell how I long to be the seventh-day of the week. Shall I hope a door will soon be opened for cy-"-Sat. Eve. Post. 'any true prophet, or that the time \ Almighty, being its head, and gen- therc, a?d place my 1~tt1e influenc~ it be said tbat such a goodly number him, where he can be more useful and Then Vncle Sam's silver is worth will ever come, when the physical

~ral.in,ohi~f, The Illws of Moses are along sl~e ~of yours! ID ~n earnest must be lost to the denomination for efficient than be can in his present nearly three hnndred per ceut. of habits of either the ~olf or tlie lion (n,part oc¢upied in Bhowing how the e~ort to mVlte the outpourl.ng of gra:- the want of mini8tel'ial labor 1 I location. Southern shinplasters, and UncIe will be materially cha!1ged. Accord. nll;lIion wa~ to carQ! itself in times of ,~lOnsh Bfho~e~sduPhon tha~ .v1Oc, Ho,. fear it will be so. If the field is white The Church at Dakota has been se- Sam's gold brings three hundred and ing to the theory of Dr. Maxson, dis-L.ar. The first 'c, hapt':r of the Book: muc . rUlt \;to as a right to gath.e~ already for tbe harvest, and the reap- fifteen per cent. of the same valli able ease is to be eradicated by moral, .. " fi! B I verely afflicted the pa3t year. Many if Numbers gl'ves, a register of the rom It u. t not yet can be WIt I ers are not sent to gather it into the currency. Truly, "secession "tock rather than physical medici?s., anl! " of its most useful members have pass. n' u"'erl'cal fiorce of,' the Israelitish:, you, except ID constant, came.st praY"1 garner, it must of necessit,· be lost. d is running low!' Do you know the yet he streDuonsly recommen s a per-,.. I G J e away from earth, while many army; .. every male from twenty; e.l'. t seems dto I me od Will hea~ Kansas is a more inviting field, with- others have moved to other localitiea next line of the song," And treason severing U$e of the materia medi. 'years old and upward, all that were' our.prayer an bess your labors. ,?ut doubt; and so h 'Yisconsin ; hut Divided counsels and personal diffi: shall go down"? ca. Again, if I rightly uoderetand

, .ble to go forth to war." At thll~ Smce ~y Ithoughts have returne4 10 Cussewago are preC~OUB souls, that culties have in past times had a very Three to one! Two hundred per him, he supposes a time will come

THE FRENCH ll< .MI~XI<)ol---It

ported that the !<'rench been repnlsed and driven before Puebl~ with great French General Berthier's' Jvalllgl1ar~, four thousand strojJg, Iy surprised by 8,<JOO ¥exipl~u ry, and about 2,000 ' troops were killed and Several French officers by the 111880 lind ar:lIgj~eo prospects of the Fre mgly bad. They can from the conn try,

rounded by a most ~d~~$l~;1\ my, who watch every take advantage. No can stray from his camp V1t:hp,ut iog lassoed and dragged Mexiclln guerilla who is On Ith~ for him.

Arorr BAKING WIIS Park, New York, one day by Mr. Wm. H. JIW'VOl' Jllal:I',

hibited a new kind of which, it is claimed, uBual advantages. In aplieal:anC'ej' resemhles the half of a boilq, cut longitudinally, pla,cM wheels, and furn iahed with smoke pipes. It is intendtjd wood fires, and i8 "U!'P""'! brush and small wood as be found in the vicinity of qaunp., can bake a batch of and twenty loaves of honr. • , ,

t'me the number amounted to sixi to me WIth ~ degree of soundness, ~ ought to be gathered mtu the fold of deleterious effect. hut these by m . cent, premium, and more I Well, when all diseases, all acciden'ts, all hlnndred and three thousand, fivel ht.avetshtndied to c.omd?rehendba

l nd pra.c; Christ, and by the labors of an effi- tnal concessions, have nearly' or qui~ we have been "put to it," in our time, pain, and all death, will cease to ex.

I hundred and fifty. The second chap., Ice at. Dlo~t .ID Ispensa e , cieBt minister, backed .up by the passed away, and I trust we all feel for dollars and half·dollars; hut,thank ist. Now, if it would not be too

, , ter Bets forth the order in which the; called faith, till It seems to . prayers of tbe chnrch, WIth a firm re- united as one for a revival of God's New England free institutions, and much of a tax upon his time, I would troop. were diBpo~ed. That, in con-i ~w a.lmost every ot~er, And .I~ liance on Gdd's Spirit, un40uhtedly work. Preaching every Sabhath hy God who has preserved thein, we are be much obliged if he would present nettioll with the tenth chapter, shows' ~ot,. l~deedh' ,the ba~ls, on WhlC~1 would be gathered into the fold, Elder Geo. C. Babcock, Thomas Max. not quite so sick for the sight of a his proofs in s~pport of his position, how each tribe had its own stand-' brl8han c aracter IS to be bmlt U.n~er tbe preseMn~ ~mbarrassed con· son, and Oscar Babcock, alternately. paltry mint drop of gold or silver yet as I deem the subject one 'of vast im, ara, and itllown particular command.! As well maj a keelless sbip dltlOn of the lsslonary Board, it We have a very large and interesting here in Yaukeedom, as to pay more portance as respects a true biblical

·er. TIi~ tw~ntieth of ~uteronomy the .st?rms of ocean: as ~ would perhaps be useless to look f~r Sabbath or Bible school, embracing than three times the worth of itt exegesis. I :describe, how a battle or siege W'RS Chrl8tlan (1) the stnfe of life. help from that sonrce ; but would It nearly every child of Sabbath· keeping How now do yon feel about quitting With the highest respect for the ~o . be oonducted, and shows Who w,e can go abuut our Father's not be well for the Board to turn parents and ma F' t -' h'ld Uncle Sam's house, yon fiery-temper. doctor 'and his views, and with plea. , d th h th hi' . h'? ,ny Irs ... ay c I reno ed

, , r' were exempt from aerrice. In short, mg, ou~ e .eaveDs t lelf ~ttentJOn t IS way. In ~he Oscar Babcock is the present Church MademoiseUe Carolina du Sud' sant remembrances of pa8t inter. 1 tbe entire ordering of the Datioll blackn~s8, and the solId earth mean tIme, are there Dot some of the Clerk. Pretty good home to live in, wasn't' course, I remain, S. S. GRISWOL/l. nnder MOllell 8S well as its subs&' crumbhng under our feet j when churches in the denomination, that TIC it 1 Rather lean times yon'Ve seen ' '. d' h ru y yours, in hristian love, qnent hi8tory under Joshua and the, Chan 81t d(~WP to .t e beginning are willing to forego the labors of since you left, haven't you? Has se- GERRIT SMITH, Esq., has published 'King. shows that the people whom: owever Isoonrag1Og a task, as their pastor a few Sabbaths, in order C. P. RoOD. cession paid? What, do you; still in the New York Tribune a long let-God d~signated as biN own above all: fident as if lit were the end; that we, with them, may be hlessed ltIINIBTERIAT, WREATH. so fondly love the homely old &mer, ter to Gov. Seymour, expressing his

, , H th' h ~"t d 4 the nation. of the earth, were a war- I?gs 0 I~r. s an . up with the heaven-appointed means of A Methodist Ministerial Wreath ican Eagle, that you can afford t~pay ~i?d quite fully in regard to the po-

THE TROY U NIV.RSrrY, a !!IJnnl·!II,CuI; odist institution, started petual scholarBhip plan, into the hands of the ROlntU lics, and is hereafter to be Ikn()WIl as the Provincial Theplogical f3en!ina:ry, Its original cost wall ab4)U~1'11l:j,U It Bold for $60,000. '

EIlANCu'ATlOtf IN THE DIs:rJ4c:T OF CO' LUJ(BIA.-It is said that the Pre'side:nl has placed to the credit of cipation Commislionere in .~~"".'­of Columbia one million to be paid pro' rata to, the Naim~D under its provisions. like people and Ithat their wars had' us wlth all vlVld outhnes of saving sinners. Could they not do, made for the benefit of a Church Fai; over three hundred per cent. for his sl~lOn of the Governor towards the

, , sent .,,, then may we " " S bb . N GIG th & the sanction of Heaven. lOr a lew a aths, what we haTe m £ ew York, was pnrchased by a image stamped upon a dirty little enera ovemment, e war, c. GRANT THORBURN. JOSilUA PAUL. l sent to our lIaster, done for years? We are not begging number of the friends Qf Bishop scrap of white and )'ellow ore 1 Don't perhaps, by hill QJ07l1

, hope to well in his canse. • " AMEN TO THE P " lor your Lread, although we are poor; Janes, and presented to him. It was you wish his effigy wasn't quite so : ROCLA.IU.~ON, was Laurie Todd, died at DI~"GUlSIBD OLKRGYJlEN are quite' we come to live bY faith, and we will do what we can for the hro. made by Mrs. J. P. Newman, from scarce in your parts? How many of the subject of a ~ecture dehvered be- Conn., Jan. 21st, aged 90

nameron. in thttUnited States army" by sight," shall we live ther that eomes. hair of all the living Methodist bish. those yellow drops wonld you give, fo~e a large audlence at ~per In- wrote many articles for the Lne;wBI)8' \ -not always al! 'chawains, hut often' How feeble, unreliable, is A MEMBER OF THE CHURCH. ops and their wives, and most of the if you never had fired on Sumter? stitute, New Yotk, one evemng last pers some of which'

! ' QfI captainl, colonels, .te. Rev. Lib-' tal vision soon obstrncted Methodist clergymen of New York Do greenbacks hold their own ont week, by Wendell Phillips. It is ' _,,-_' -_"'"":-"1 ,: erty Billings, a diBtil:guiehed Unita'i clonds, and with looking GEN, PORTER has been dismissed and their wives, together with locks your way? How high have niggers spoken of as worthy the man. A STEAJlSHIP : FOB

• Ii rian m,iDister, formerly of Quiney,' val\ishing I But how from the United States service, in of hair of the honored dead of the "riz" in Dixie ?-any higher than for. NEW SENAToBS.':Hon. J. R. Doolit- "Foh1l:ien "-ie advertiHd w,~ •. " .... .., lllltaol.,'latety chaplain in the ser, and trium tly the tireless accordance with the finding of the Methodist Church. On the occasion merly, sinee the first of January. An. tIe was re-elected United States Sen- New York on the 1st nr·ll'"l"UI~rY •

. "Ice, wu recently made Lieot .• ColOi of faith lift to the sunlight court·martial which recently had hia of presentation, Rev. J. B. Wakeman no Domini, 1863 ? t f W' J dOth bo 'l,'r(lfI~ble~p~C)ftIIP!ty hel or the lit Sooth Carolina Regi.! the clouds I 0 ~ f a or rom Isconsin, an. 22. n erea ot.--a II

, I or aith to II IJ'l case under consideration. He was made the speech. He said he had I/o Sorry we are, sister Caroline, that the same day, Benjamin F. Wade to Bend letters or parcels 'ment of'colored men. Rev. Thos. W-: ward," the Red Se Ii d'l II f hId d

a mlly onn gm ty, on a 0 t e charges peasant uty assigned him, an re- you are so snappish in your temper, was re-eleeted Senator from Ohio. penter.

Page 3: : I - Amazon S3Vol+19...published by GEORGE B, UTTER. 'THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD" TEOS---$2 00 a Year, b. .'MtIm-M: ,1'-9----~Il\ __ ----~'----~--~----- --r


~&ildtm'~ ~tpanmtnt. -


THE SABBATH REC<...._ .. 29,

GEN GRA:-JT S AR n Gov Andrew of MassaChusetts m a message to t! e LegIslature pro­poses that the State borrow at a low Alte of mterest a 51 ffiCient sum of money to payoff the claIms aI the

road Company and was ID the act of getting out a.t Cranberry street, when the conductor rang the bell and started the car Just as 81 e had One foot on the grou d and the other on the car When tl e car started the compla nant s d ess caught m It and she was tl row \ olently to the ground aud Bosta ned ser ous DJU r ('s f m w h cl she bas 1I0t yet re co'e ed TI e Jury rendered ~er d ct n !ave of tLe plamt ff fa $2 719 16 lllcllld ng costs

TERRIBLE DISUSE -A terrIble epl demlc has broken out at Plymonth Ind bam ng all the efforts of tbe phYSICIans The VIctims are first at­tacked WIth chIlls and afterward fall mto a stupor from whICh they rare IS rev ve TI e muscles are rigid the pupil of the eye IS msens ble el the to I gl t 0 touch the snrface of II e I ody I~ extren ely tender and sens t ve large black spots appear ou the uody tbe head s drawn back tLe Jaws a e fixed and the hreath IS drawn forCIbly w th a h sSlng nOIse as f v tb g eat eft: rt tI rongh the closed teeth tbe patIent IS bl nd and deaf TI e sa ne d SClase appeared ID

New Eogla d durIng tbe war of 1812 and waR known as tl e spot ted deat!


rhe lIemplJl" co espondent of t los Rep bltcan wnt ng on

\li.IRiA .• !1 Massachusetts troops upon the War Department for serVICes the State Ie celv ng It finally from the UOIted States ThIS s proposed as a mellns of rehef to those whos" famlheH are suffer ng for want of back pay

15th Jan sdtes that as fast as nTlraClIf:~ army WIthdrew from

ppl to MemphIS the rebels and took possessIOn Our

E~ .. o •• ,:r was scarcely out of Holly

befole the rebel c \valry Etn.",'! the ]Aaee 'rhe telegraph hne Tbe Buffalo Ovmmercwl Advert~ser

says It IS cnrrently beheved 1U that v clmty that tl e famous guenlla ch ef Mo gan s none Other than a fellow named Timothy Fuller who OONGRESSIONAL ITEMS

Part cuJar attention is Invited to a para­graph pr nted on each tit the s I hundred bills recently sent out from th s oJllce stating that n all cases where subscnpt ons due on tbe 31st of December 1862 lire not paid be fore the first day of March le63 t2 50 per year w 11 be charged accord ng to the pub I shed terms of the paper ThIS rule will be infleXIbly adhered to and we ca I attent on to t so that no one need be taken by surprise

Tbe fa lure to pay for papers taken Is what broke down tbe Publ sh ng Society and dhl couraged the ASSOCIates wbb succeeded tbat Soc ety It rem a DS to be seen wbether II

said to have been used by them m

than thIrty mmntes after onr de Tl ousands of negroes fol

our army Imped ng Its pro and con~um ng Its snpphes but

co rae weakemng the enemy by

formerly lIved 1U Ene county Penn One day last week the Secretary !!ylvanta and was sent thence to the of the Inter 01 se t to Congress l

pemtent ary fOl cattle sleal I g letter acc mpan) lUg a commun Clio After servmg 0 It his tIme he went tlOn from the Cun m ~slOner of Indian to Kentucky and changed Ins name Affa rs ask ng £ tbe passage of a

s m ar fa ure shal cont nue to work dlsM ter to our pub sh ng nterests One th ng certa n the temp tat on to delay pa,~m,ent.1

furn shed b~ the custom of accept ng the bi~~~~~;'~~~Ii advance pr co wI en not pa d In advance must be removed l1i@12C".-la.xi~:d~lt.~

fllgl I TI rce tI 0 Isand I ad reached MemphIS whe e

ale nap t ful cond tlOn to Morgan He IS m congen al b s law to divert f 0 certam unexpend SUMMARY or NEWS ness now ed appropr at on amounting to At" In ngto MaRs Mr George

MISSOUJ! The ron clad Weehawken was re $'181000 fun Is soffic ent to pay the GOWI g and w Ie went Ipon the ~ bel C\C I n St Lou R say~ a pI t to a tbonmgh Rea test I debtedness 11 cuned under the Brown m Il pond so called n the

n 11 e ~ew York CornmerC'lal went from New lark to Fortress heads of applOprJat on now exhaust- nOltb part of tl e tow for a I ttle re cd and due to II e var OUB Ind an

at II ecce t wbel raId on Spr ng III a severe stOI m behavlDg A .,/! 0 d" h creatIOn The \V fe skated tI rougb ·1l1rerselfwell tbroughout andle cstab genc CRUll regon a '\ as ngton the cc and M Gow g 10 attempt

_ N9RTH WESTERN Assoo ATlo,,~The Ex ecut.e Board of the North WesternABsocia t on are requested to meet at the res dence of T E "Babcock at Alb 01" on t)le first day of February 1863 to take act on relating to the d spos t on of the funds n tbe treasury and those that may be ra seddurmg the pre sent year T E BJ.BCOCK Sec

leslgned to extend further confidence In the abIlIty of durlDg tbe past tl rec year({ It IS llg to lescue her also ~cll In and S 'I h t d th t t - QUARTKRL' MEET NG -The next Quar

tate e rebels were vessels to contend wltb the e\e represen e a grea nconven ence botb were d OWl ed Thev leave four ter y ~ eet ng of the ASSOCIate Cburcbes in(JUtlted--th art limy were SIX and suffer g I a\e resulted f om t1IS small cblldren the eldest nne years S t L k P to CDR loug c ed t of the G ve Il nel t tb t 29 h Id Tl co nc aen res n uyler a uyter

t:vu of them how tzers There are U rty seveu New York e younges mont so ey and Otsel c Is appo nted to be held with the blOugl t extra horses WIth them ments now m II e field whose TI e House of Representat ve~ has wei e botb active members of the Seven h day Bapt st Church 0 DeRuyter on

I ept a f esl team of twelve of servICe exp re before tbe 1st nserted moe of the rell"ular Ap/ro d urch and Mr Gow ng was supe rn tbe second S xth day n February 1863 at ~orse,s to eacl gl I and each caIsson August next These leglments b lis a proV1>lO ~ the teudent of the Sunday School and a 0 clock P M E1d James E N Backus to

wele tlus enahled to move WIth bered when mustered mto ser f Members of ConU"rcss member of the Board of Selectn en p each the ntroductory d scourse and Eld sh 1\ I ft b t t J B Clarke a ternate

celenty~ TheIr horse steahng ce th rty thousand and th rtyone a erea er e en cen s pel Aluert () Greene fo nea Iy balf a ,l

I t bl d h Of th b m Ie by tl e most usually t aveled t I bl Tool!lA.S FISHER Clerk p 01 B ena t em to sacnfice any e entue nUm er tl e ceu ury p om nent n t e pu \C I ===============

f J f route betweeu the r eseetlve homes I d alIloumt 0 hor1", flesh and they press 0 SIX exp re m May twenty c uue s an tl e legal p ofess on of every an mal mto tl en servICe In June and e ght m J nly Be and tl e Cap tal and s prov so Mr Rhode Island I e I at Prov dence

d h Fesse deu from tue Senate s F nance I could l:rY tt elr hands upon t ese there are a few nne recent y aged 1 J asH was equ pped tl e rebels could move reg ments whose term of sel Comm !tee bas reported aga n~t and Major Venelal of He State fa two

II seeks to at Ike fr mile b II po I t to po nt w th a speed WI expl e about the same t n e years and Attorney General from

MARRmD In \\ es e y Jan 19th 1863 by nev A R

Bu d ck Mr JOHN HOXIE of Westerlv M ss A BBY A MUM of Hopk nton

cI OIr cavalry uo matter how D spatches from Wash ngton an In tl e Se ate n the 22d pend ng 181 i) uut I 1853 H S abIlIty courte de awake co Id not beg n to Iml tIle capture of Capts Jol n H the d scnsslOn of a b II concern ng syaud I gl te5r ty rendered hIm In Hosp ta at Fa mouth

TI e bel ef IS now current tbat and Cbas Powell of the rebel I the Mmnesota Ind ans a s bst tute extremely popul burg Va Dec 29 h 186~ plan of tl e rei els was to dash art s command Bot! are 1 able was oft re 1 wi ch pi vlde8 first TI e N 1 1 r,/J e Las received ~~~;·tT f,:u:df~;IC~f

2 56 A.merlcan Rough F ;9 bushel of 56 Ibs

TaUow-l0@llc for good WIl'!*u, for C ty

Sp ngfield and capture t and be exec Ited as sp es that all t eaty st p 11atlOns w tl th from J 1 K tts f D mark Lew s n h s 19tb year He was a ~:~~te:~Er:jii'l Proceed to Lebanon tbence to L ~ oux engaged n tl e 1110 na sacr t N"" k fiB Berdan s Sharpshooters H s

arge numbers of exchanged Umoll III M nnesota be aur "at 1 and an co un y ,a £a eon ap £ sugar man ness and moral worth won Creek ani tl ence to dasl Ipon have arr ved at Fortress nulled seeo d thatO tl "nu t es made bv I u tI e 7th of Tan at a of a who knew b m both at home j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

;T pfYp.,mn C ty All H ese pl"ces be f R h d " pIt at lea t 1000 ' t t tl schoo Many fr ends feel the loss of lemarked ~ e tl en def;nseless rom e mon but the rebel tl at wo Id be due tI e~e Ind aus s lee a ve e fu and warm hear The father the

refuHe to s rrender any amouut ng to $100 000 be P" dover t de and wi ere 8 o:v I s flOlIl two brother and now Herbert are passed on IVa tH tl em rhe Command ng Gen t fo Cf! of 3000 rebels All ffi .. to f 0 tl s a I w nter M K fore only h s I ttle brother snow lell to a cnll~ fOl a firm and umted actIOn p ogr m e was BpO led by the 0 cers Ilillmed ately t certa n Cumm s on tb ks th s ru m I v nter un the mother Wh Ie at school rn De Ruyter f officers and mert and under the P lIse of tl rehels at SprlDgfield ParBon Brownlow says of General erl> fOl tI e present rei ef of those precede ted I I s own words th~8~1 r~e $~~hC ~:~~~~iS~~n\h~~e~ t~\:

v lence of God the Am y of tl e I \. C flespondent who was WIth h rahd mtol dEast Tennessee I famll es wh ch suff~red mo~t not ]Ii one f our oldest nl ab taots can the ru ng pr nc .. Ie of h s I fe Under ts pone w II I ave tal en tI e great G '1 C1 w en e paro e about two hun over $200 to be pa d to a I) one recollect an inS ance of tl e k nd sp rat on and a sense of duty his v~~~~~;~

P Iowa d !estor ng peace to the en 1\ C ernand gives tI e follow ng North Carohna troops at one of fam Iy th rd that tI ee Comm, amb on longed10 r sk a I for our'c rv a d tl e Government to t IlS to tl e ICsUlts of tl e captu e of br dges tbey la Ii down tl e r lOners be appo nted t I uld tt ern e Ames Ma ufac ur g Co npa ~~e Jb~e rr~~ove~ntea~08~~~ t:::'e b~~!~ancl~ I I tlo ty Arbl sas Post gladly and str ICk a bee hne 181ttl1 gs IU M nnesota to take ev tl y of ChICopee Mass a e work I g Freder cksburg though qu te II he cros!ed

h 0 r d d w lund ed an 1 filty hand now cn tbe r er w th h s comrades bnt was ob ged fl I f orne ur men loun In that ence on and nveatlgate a I cIa ms for ~ to go nto hosp tal tbere HIs company was

THF. sOum~RN COAST e ~SU ts pur vICtOlY ale t f E tTl d I swords c"nnon and gun nlachl ery h I sec on 0 as ennessee an arna""es from nd an outrages and" teas to re urn from that scene of hero c he If I} "even tho Isand prISOnelS j ofiilalJUJldrmc:e of graID and meat Tbey I make °full returns to the Secretary of Three cannons ad yare made they devot on Mld be h mself wa ked that those W Ii 1 po nt gua d pg he d h I are 24 pound h t f th D hi who were yet s cker m ght not be left for

I Ie I Rea f t N C J 8tl receIve WIt open arms by the tI e Iuter or by the 1st of December ow zers 0 e a wan of conveyaoce The effort and ex U I al) pa" fie A kansas r vIC and gl cn att' bo t rl ni J " ~ who cooked for them all I next fI e b II to e mburse ~Irnne p ern 10 g I I a s e I po.ure were too uch for the g ck young

f R de partlclllars of a recannOls ah Itt g It Ills commerce from the some of them baked all sota £ r "1101 expe seg vas pas~ed gun mach !Ply s for g Ilmakers n man In h slast days he was lovingly cared nea Fort Cas 1\1 ss ss pp We can n W ascend meal a d fI th I dId England and at home for by b s fe low sold ers espec al y Lieu! F

In our ey la on lun In tl e ~enate Jan 'list a le801 I S We Is H s rema ns were brought back

w th only 25 wltho t e ropt n to LIttle Rock 0 h Tl C CdR bl th t by b s mother who arrIved after h s death

I and tal fill p08se s on of tl e Ar n t e 22d of JanualY forty men t on was offered and la d ovt'r cen cape 0 'P !Can says a and were re nterred w th those of his family V\ I * pIOceed g up tl e river leans s capital W th a I ",I er stage arrested on James nver among sur ng Com ... anderb It Com ... an the large crops and good pr ces real fends OnSabbathday Jan 17th afuneral

fi d b I 0 were the rebel officers Capts I Brunt and Eng eer Haswell for Ized the last vear have g ven renew d scouse was preached to a large and mter y vere Ire upor y t e ehels vf water I that I ver we Cau com d f b es ed cong e;:at OD n h a nat va Vl lage by

en a bluff on the left bank Land m lD cate w th Generals Blnnt and Canzyand SOl th They were Deglect I tI e matt~r of tl e 81 ps .. v gor to grower, 0 cran e res Rev Geo E TOlllI nson of De Ruyter ng and fOlmmg WIt! out firmg a gun Berron and ~av them the transport at Sm th B ho se FIve hnn f th" Ba ks Expedlt aD Ma y swamps he etofore cons dered At Hope' a ley, Jan 24th 18G3 Lue us C til 1 ~ dollars worth of contraband Th rt t t t t almo~t w rthleS3 are now undergo ng LANGWORTHY 80n of Jos ab W Langll'orthy

ey move 0 ward unt I t~ey were trl Buppl es ovel tl e route from Rolla were found m the r possess on e tmpOI an 1 '1 eSblOn °ht bre.gn neces ary preparat ons for the sett ng deceased aged 24 years 7 month. and 17 , s,gl t of a fo t and dmp fire ~ tl but a few more well dIrected emlgra on laH een roug ell)re flit It f tl f t days He went to Wash ngton several months ~I e I n they made a bayonet blQWS the whole lcbel strength III the The N Department has receIved CongreHs n a me n r al of B A 0 v llCti an e cu \!fe 0 S U a!:rsasw:.'~U:~~~r~~dC~b~ul~h :onlh V~I~e

I 0-0 r PIt Cush ng Judg ng tl at State Will Le overtl rown and the Porter s offiCIal report Fro seth who suggests tI at since the :'Irl s Ma y" Fo tel I e I at on accoRnt of ill he~!th and returned 0 die !' n y wele Ignorant of the n m power of the governmel t aga n fIlly the capture of Arkansas Post All Il:leat mfllx of foreIgners I 1856 Mount Holly '. t me daj S B nce n h s nat e place of I R force The charge wa~ resto ed '\1~ll1elY and ordnance gnnboats and men d d splendidly I European cap tal Rta II teres ted III I aged 100 ye "" d 3 mouths She M:::;ra~Jle~ep~ ~:tgai81:2a~~';,'1'"~~~~~~n

"'" f, 1 Tbey captured the fort sto cs to an enormous extent have loss III the naval branC'1 on our other countr e~ as Austral. Ce I a I 130 h go lescen I ts down to of Jeremy Keon of Bh loh N J aged 20 e "'0 ng ove, one HIde as the c0D:ie to 0 r JnRR~'''' n nnd seve~1 waR only 31 n kIlled ann" 0 nn hal and Routn AmerIca MeXICO the I tl e fift ge e at 01 ~he I ad a years He was a member of Company F 3d

b I d tl T h d t d f If brot! r k lied at Bra t d I Reg ment New Jersey Volunteers His body " Reape e ot! e be ~ ~n an s an 0 sma arms ma e ~mlth and N ort! PaCIfic ~err tor es e nrc a I' was bro ght home by h s father and buried

t ~ ~ 10 d to I e an earthwork 101 us an exh bIt of j 0 mean Import The g Illb at Sagamore ICports tbe and Brit sh An.. A- b...! resorted \ self k t SOCl{S for II 11 fS of w h appropr ate serv ceQ Jan 11tb 1863 Illy a d tch w th a blo k nce [auspdrtat on fOI the I ugged on the fith Jan at Joplter to every meallS and all III ucrmel ~ 1 76 a d 18ti'J January 1st 1863 n the Tonly Hosp tal at

He s de p erced fOI musketry 1 toads of \rkallflas has become ours Floflda of the Enghsh sloop to dlvelt emlgrat on to tb se oun I -\ la ge III F ~ 1 "'ash nglon Mr LoT B~PON 01 Sh loh N J h t fi I d 'if.4rl 40 vears of Company n 2J. h Relr ment

:10 guns were mounted L eut Cnsb and w tI ~ V Htock of COIDm ssary of Nassau wltb an assort- trIes by establ " g 108<\ of 61 p. 0 conta 0 t 0 s fe t of ,w\ d I ew Jer ~ n "9. H. body was d I f d t btl I d f d b I I d f b ought home and bred Jan 13th Wl' U

g learned that II e fo t had been ato f'S ve a e Ie dy to n ve n any cargo of salt coffee gm and dry an ow rates 0 transp at a e a y t y t e ~ at 0 pr pr ate sernces He lea es a mfe "ri:'d e II J 1\ company of nfant y wi 0 d rect 1 y I jd goods also of the Engl sh slooo glv ng free grants f lands &c 1\1 !) Olle of the ~ md w cb group four ch dren

I~f H eh haste tI at then stores cc ESS fuN I rF. \ ER Juira of Nassau 8th loaded WIth In tbe Hoose Ja 19th a bl I was" ,il of 11 {' t an u 810rc 1j t I At Sb oh N J Jan 12th 18631>1 s S .. UH

nmun t on cloth I g and a port on Ads atch fro n I D Pennock salt The schooner Ar el reports the troduced appropr at n~ $10000 000 tl u gg(>st drift d town 0 tl c ast ~~nN:o w dOli of Natban JOhnSOn", a~e~ 72 r tl elr aI (Os were capt Ired He de I P captllle of the sloop Good Luck on to a 1 Mar) II d n al I ~I mg- slave of "'sm

0" 1 all the property he could not command ng tile fleet n Wh tp nvcr tile Gth off the Flor da Cape8 WIt! ry :\ I ttle Lo a ned \\ III e 1110 up LETTERS ng a ny apd returned to Beaufort II te 1 Jan 'l3d says turpentme and cotton It s sa d that tI so I v \\ asL "t n D C II tl I f I h \T h J k "CI I D W h f I I 10 1 I 1" k ISS G S\\ r d IV B West J C Green e ass 0 on 'I' P mun W 0 "e ave ta en "t ar es I e ave news rOm Soull eIn pa tary CommIttee I as a tl or zrd ts W 0 las "a " a e ere, (l B G S man J R Ir sh J R T tswortb 0 R wohnc1ed v tl s B uff and iDes Ane an Itl e hght pers that the steamer Huntress at- chilo rman to report the tienate I II npss I as r I) pa, e I a 'Il.mqer D Sherman Arm oda E s Wm F Randolph

\J rrl el antI 01 t) we I in e a Ie dl fta ale ovef tl ree hOI drcd m les tempted to run the Charleston block d smlss ng commIssIOned officers a b of II VI no c e.t res res nbhng crutfish ¥:~ne~ ~:~~~alc a~k~nsOn B Cl~~;~ne~mM ~ alove II e mquth of 'Vh te ,vcr ade on tLe 18th but failed and was sent WIthout leave w th a ampno WI C looved abo t and acted all Green B F Chester R chard St Uman C S

ttl t FOit Caswell waH attacked TI e DeKalb IL eut Com Walker burned WIth 400 bales of cotton ment allow ng the Pres dent to re pectH I ke fish of that kId Wh ney Thomas F .her C P Rood (yeo) tI 1 Gt! f J h A ~f West C M Lew s W B G ette M J o C; loan Ja y ~ t 0 It lC capt ]fed at DIlval s Bluff two 8 mch Money I as been sent forward to change the sentence by reduc ngthem M BS EtJa h.. Hayes of G eat G een ~m G Shem. d

It 'II s fo t B one of the delen guns WIth their carriages 200 field pay the arm es of Rosecrans and to common Bold ers They also agreed Falls N H skated from Cocueco ~ f Wllm ngton Nortb Carol na rIfles 1101 d three platfOlm cals and at Grant and m, a very few days tbe to report \D favO! of creat g III am raIlroad wI arf Alton to the ,Ve 18 REOEIPTS

nd ts harbor ~ It s 8 tuated at tl e Des \. Ie we Clipt 11 ed some pnsoners Potomac Army w II get tI elr green bulance corps for the ar ny uf enl st some t we t) m les u ICRs than tbree A payments for the SilBUH RECORDER .. re I d t l d b f h Sh fi I d h a knowledged from week tal week tn the

ance of Ca e Fear rver !lnd IS an ammun I I backs e men to e under the d rect on 0 ours est erst a y w 0 as paper Persons send ng money the re Ie 1011 a ~a"dy sland I A L II d h b b the Surgeon General eacb reg ment eve skat d t e wI I Ie gth of Lake ce pt of wh cb s not duly acknowledged .. near y op ljISCETl .AliEOUS ITEliS au SVI e Ispatc says t at t e h Id

to Sm tl -II B k ~' U I h b I f M f to be allowed twenty of tl R cIa s to Wlllll p ss oge S ou g ve s ear no ce of tbe om II 1"'" e runs VIC coun It appears from reaent acco ts non oss 10 t e att e 0 nr rees son

It completely commands tl e f f f R h d th th boro was KIlled 1474 wounded be detaIled for that purpose D Ir ng the past year tl e e was Pays to.. No

a el f tIle liver It was one of 0 re ugecs r m IC mon at e Th • II d t!'; F • t $2 00 18 02 b I a n N 'Ie r mac IS a e 'e t 6813 p'f'ISOneIB '} 000 total 10 e 10 ow ng appropr at ons ha e rece ve a an ran seo 10 y Ile 200 19 2

e ~orks se zed at the commence re e Ie!. p fI' C b dd d hili h II f d I Id I h fa lu e bmng top I eavy and she IS 287 em a e to t I' DI ny I y tern 0 IS 0 a, In go " 8 ~ 00 19 ~2 e t of tl C lebelhon thlough the Iymg at Rock It s WIth a scow on A M SSISS ppl paper reports that Fmance CommIttee of tI e !';enate amou t of the pree ous n etal vould 2 ~~ ~~ g~ e cl cry f ts garl son and at that each R de to keep her afloat Seve the w fe of Gen Grant was among ~ r the benefit of s ck and wo nded we gh a I udred to sad W01i\ld • 00 19 52 me noted one tier of smooth bOle ral t mes nhe has been takell out ID tLe pr uners captured by the rebels soldIers $5000 for art fic all ml s make the frc ght 01 a tra of four Mrs ~eeclen Burd ck Rockv I e 2 00 19 62

oast g I s The work has been h 'W -h bId HilS Sh I d nearly $150 000 for ce fru t8 and tee c rs 0 1 raIlroad ~aG N~l!'P~o~f..~~~c~~~h ~ ~~ g 5~ cl sl en"thened s nce It fiell Into t e stream w 1 t e scows a ongsl e I at 0 y pr 19S e was re ease h 't b "'4000 d w B W t U " b t b t tt t d t b G V D ot er comlor s etwe n 9 an 1 t e Portland (Me) pol ce d IlCClV m e ca W 4 00 20 ,

he lands f the rebels and guns of u w enever I was a emp e 0 y en an orn ~5 000 f h d d L S Cranda I 1 00 19 26 tb h d t f' ot pr vate p ya cas an ered the other day an un lergmll!n w F R d I h V

better clllss mounted WIthIn It The remove e scows 8 e careene a The regulatIOn forb dd ng c t zens d t b f lIb I m an 0 p rden I 2 00 18 42 It k

such a rate tha.t they were obhged to to wear un forms IS to be I <ndly en me c nes 0 e urn s e y t em I quor establ shment II the forIlli of W C Tanner M C emens M ch 300 19 26 ac upon It was probably merely I th d b h b k t "'. and $75 000 for sold ers act ng as a barrel of wh skey bur ed deep ID A anson Clarke Bo var N Y ~ 00 18 6.2

evper mental to draw the fire of ts rep ace em an rlDg er ac 0 forced ID ChIcago A file of soldiers kId f b h B C Maxson Cer~s N Y 2 00 18 52 ., h F d f coo s or nurses t e groun rom W cap pe c"n J R Ir sh De R t N Y 2 00 19 52 d e moollDgs or upwar 0 perambulate the streets da Iy stnp ... uye

UR lin test ta Rtrength weeks was sh¢ trIed ID th S pIn!! from every CitIzen wearIng a veyed the beverage to the countel of ~"J'~ Burd cf 2 00 19 2 l

ed t th ~ tl e owner-w tl tl e a d of suct a assett ndependence N Y 00 18 52 r.E~ ROSF. RAN, AR) ~ 1 It at ast t ,e ou WI m I tary coat tl e false colors nnder A SORROWFUL BRIDA -At tbe bat J C Bas.ett 2 00 19 52

R f G t make her ~s t r ght n the wh ch he salls tIe of Freder cksburg n wh c~ so A pecul ar d sease s pre a I ng } ~ green 2 00 19 62 I at eteo~tss nootmdle IbtlRtolSSemClaaknSng81 tOhWe they have g v n her up and Tbe Herald s WasLlDgton d spatcb many gallant he oes fell Capb n amo g I 0 ,e~ Mo nou co nty N G i:te~r ee A fred Center i gg t~ ~~

d h n fa ure Jones 'Va lace of one of the IOh 0 New Jersey It s m nearly every Jobn Edwards Lite Genllsee 200 19 52 e ge er ~ says It IS understood that Gen Hunt Nathan Spenoer East Winfield ~ 00 18

most vIgorous efforts to supply all Informat onlftom Wasl ngton er IS determ ned to transfer h s head regIments was mortally wouJlded case fatal defYI ,., every effurt to ar B W M ard A fred Center ~ 00 19 losses ID tbr late battle and to be that the Go~erDment f H I H d B Intell gence tbat be was wOlfnded rest It Eleven horses have d ed n Mrs C F nt Belmont N Y 2 00 19

! quarters rom I ton ea to runs h h h M H ODe stable s ce Cbnstmas Mrs 0 verW cox Leonardsv Ie 1 00 19 prepared for any emergency III the mak r gam IItalY and naval WICk Ga WIth the approbat on of reac mg s orne ISS eur etta Augus us Saunders Brookite d 2 00 19 futuJo; AnoJ;hElr great-battle In that at Brunsw ck Ga wh cb havmg a the Government Schneider of Canton Oh 0 be ng The Manchester M~rror says that C M Wh tford 2 09 19

'l'ICIO ty IS looke I fOI It I" stated magm cen ar 0 n The Herald s 'Vashmgton dIspatch Wm G SheJlle d South Lyme 3 00 13 fi t ~ b r a d bel affianced to the gallant soldier start the celebrated trottmg stall on Ethan C M LeWIS Walworth W s 2 00 19

~ t f t FI d d cd Immed ately for Wijlhmgton 1:11 Allen and h s colt Hon st Ethan have th t th 1 ermlDus 0 e or a an states that mformatlOn bas been re

II e enemy opposite Rosecrans WIck Rarlroad whICh connects company With a ffleod to look after been so d by the w e \[1 New las been relDforced by twenty thou WIth MobIle ahd New Orleans \S celved that the rIse III tie MISSISS P- hIm arnvlDg on the morn ng that Hampsh retoF Ba k r I ~ew York THE BEST WORK FOR CAN'

d PI has flowed through the canal. cut h 1 b t t dAft h ' "17 000 ING AGENTS ~an troops from the east Ros~rans cuharly fitted ror a base of Qperat by Bntler opposIte Vicksburg IS m was ampu a e er e !or ... rnS Iso bee 1 largely remforced. and and a port fOI1 the I be It f was safely through With tbe pllIDful Wm L Bake t e AmerlCau CGm

h Id tl Gen ·Wool has ordered all the New t a wa supposed at her I G S f S y III e flllv Lrepared to me t Bra"'g cotton now e 111 lit leg on opera R' ~ I at ~uuymas tate 0 onota J' P " la ge quantlti!es 1\ d the} r cur n York State ;\hhtJa to leport to h mown re let tl e brave hearted g rI Mex CU waS orde ed by the Apa-

IODgstreet for an early engage of snpphes It IS sard under the authOrity of the was u tpd tit marriage s t cbe Iud an about tl e 95th of Decem ment A fast fleetlhas atarted from general government All the legl tmg on the ~ I uf the cot while the ber whlle on a \' Sit tu tl e SIlver

ments of the Second DIVIS on have 1 was beIng perform M I Judg ng f om the suppl es which l' ork w thm few days so emu ceremony ~ mmes at IIsllton tl L k reported Some regIments of the ed Leav nl' h m soon after n the

are go ng forward from Cmc!,Dnatl of e ae awanna steam FIrst DIVISion have refused to do care of faIthful nurses at the hospital Two attorneys got nto a game of Gen R l!l navy bu It froquOlB guuboat th d th t G S b b d h fi.hauffs m the Supenor Court or ChI

OReCtanll army 18 not h nly to/ bUIlt Sacrn'mento large so on e groun a overnor ey she retnrned to er oar mg onsE' d d 1 y ~ I II h d f cago B me ays slDce an a ter pam su1fer Just at present Capt GillIS' navy bnllt "'awnee gunboat mo I was ega y t e comman er 0 to seek the repose necessary to ena I h b b I

I. .if the forces of the State bl h to d t t h ' t me ng eac ot er to t e mutua 8" pp ng as rapldlv a8 pos~lble one bll It, Monollgahela gunboat e er a m n s er s com lor sat Bfact on were each fi ed $100 tb J1 The_teamer VanderbIlt sailed from on the morrow ere the dawn of

OUBand large packages compr smg bUIlt T contleroga gunboat F It Monroe Jan 25th to tow the whICh she was agam S Immoned to fur conte npt of cuurt tl e follow ng among other artICles parmg Iron-clad '.Veehawken Bouth The the Side of b s couch to find h m Tbe bodies of all tbe SlOUJ( [n 150000 pairs of drawers 100000 The Raymond (M ss ) Gazette Vanderbilt had a full supply of coal dead dlans wbo were recently executed at sh rts 150000 alrll stockmg nd tLat the very day the UnIOnIsts for a crUIse after the \.labama after Mankatu Mmnesota bave been re <10000 it p 8 a menced thel~ funous display m performmg thIS duty A SAD STOJ!Y -Dr Ah n FlInt of surrected by the doctors for sc entlfic

pa s of mfaotty trousets Yazoo rIver PreSident DaVIS and East Hartford died recently on board p Irposes O staff Genera; Johnston and IllS s John H Boyle and Chas Powell C k =========~==i=

en Rosecrans 10 a private letter: I I I d D mf V a transport commg from AqUla ree General R D Lee and bls staff ate y arreste near u neB a

p ~ys a beaut~ful trlbllte to the d~vo" b th bIt s on General to Washmgton He was a pflvate v ... mnumerable other mIlitary men were 0 re e cap am m the 21st C ... m Capt Mar

elne~8 of liS fallen Chief of Staff as renown dlndd at the house of Stuartsstaff Theevldencesagamst d 1 h " bIt tm s company H s 01 est sen A vm e follows • Blake near the banks of tl e Y them seem to e cone uSlve as 0 6 h h d d waH a memher f the 1 t reg meul

Colonel Garesche was kIlled by not only wltlim heanng of the gu their bemg spIes W 0 resse m and was k lied at Ar tIetam TI e d \. of the Yankees but also WIth n BIght CitIZens clothes kept theIr chIef con Id fi d h

\ 81 C cannon ball passed d. I d d f t patriot c 0 mal was re w t a rectly t,thm 1 my head and struck of those terrIble gunboats stant Y a VIse 0 our movemen S determ natlO to avenge b ~ death ~ leavlllg only hIS under Jaw We Some of the substantial po nts Qf ~~~cle:f~c:~ltJ~~: e~efore the last H s youngest boy scarcely fourteen




Mess sHarper & Brothers have oommenc ed the ssue in numbers of a complete H S tory of he G eat Rebell on n tbe United Stotes The work has been for many months n oourse of prepara on by a wr tar eyery

way quaJ fled for the task The ntroduction conta. ns & olear and sue

C net account of the format on of the Con fedaracy of the States the format on and adopunn of the Constltut Olli of the Ur: ted Sates and the estab shmentof the Nat onal Government the or g n development and progress of the doctrmes of Nul iftcat on and Secess on and the VRr ons pbases wh ch they assumed unt I the r final CUlmination n the Great RebeIl on

Tbe H story compr Sell a fu I aacount drawn frem tbe most authentlo BOuroes of alf the events of tbe War the intngues of the Southern I~aders at home and abroad tbe gradual defect on of one section the great upr s ng of the peop e for the matntainence 01 the N a ona Ie and ex stenee. the rap d crea on of an mmense army and n ""l and the Batt es by land and sea

The I ustrat on8 compr se port a ts of all those who have borne a prom nent part n the strugg. Maps of the d Iferent local t e Pans of the lead nil act on. views 01 every Hcene of terest and of tbe most 1m portant Batt es theae Uustrat ons are most­y from draw ngs taken Oil tbe spot

th rece "ed the sacTlment tha.t tbe vIctory at Arkansas Post are be- yeal s old had Just enh-ted III Capt kOllrinng Qnu shortly be ore he wal" COlpmg man'lfest A gnnboat Martm s company and hIS fatber In

I ed be aeked my permISSIon to re- edlat CaIro Jan 22d WARNING TO CmmuCToJ!s -A case order to be wltb h m )0 led tbe same Ii c for a tew mOments from the emi 993 rebel prlsonerd taken at has been deC1d~d ID Brooklyn NYc< mpany and tho Igh over GO years

E.ery fac I ty at the command of the Pub I shers bas been employed In the prepar .. t on and execut on of tb s work and they oonll dentlY be He that It 11' 11 form the most trust wo thy and ,"aluable hl.tory \\ h oh can be

---------'---------'-- prepared of The (reat Strnggle for the

oenc,e ou winch headquarters were battle whICh should prl've a warn ng to old was accepted The vonng b y cstabhsled I now suspect that he Tbe UDlon steamer ColumbIa conductorslu horse CRrs Itappears recently dIed at Freder cksbHg and

_ THE Seventh-day Bapt it Churall n Amer can Umon the C tr of New York Rev Wm B MaISon MODE AND TERlaI.S OF PUBlJCATlON Pastor meet for publ c worsb p on the Bab The work Wll be i~8ued In nnmbers

one -t;:;;"i~;;'h;,;;j.:.'. and" do lar We propose to work neatly bound with charges paid to anyone three dollars Address




Dr r J II UTTER & 00

Isa::~r~·J.!~~~~~~~~~~!~t News R~~~~~I~~~rl General ::. to Local !8!lmf.(l.r8~ ident at or "'bl,,;;\,d~ feel an interest n ad ance Address


mos Ia.~''!.QlOII.


Rpec al attention g ors a.nd Bronze

Orders by mall w ]I meet tent 00 Address


went r.klde to otTer bIB hCe to God fgr ashore at Masonb ro Inlet on tba.t on the 20th of Augnst a lady now. the old soldIer has gone to meet ~ Irh8uceeBl I hope he went stralgnt 16th the officers and named Marla Hanulton was rldlDg 10 bIS boys Of the family only a dallgh o enven our blesBed country wero to surrender one of the cars of {he Brooklyn Rad ter Bumves

batb n the Hal of the Hlstor cal Soc etf at cons s ng of 24 pages of the sb. of 11 0 clock A M on the corner of Se.ond per s Weet:ly printed from clear line paper ant! wlll probably be con~pl'Bte,lj Avenne and Ete.entl Street In abo t twenty nnmbers

Page 4: : I - Amazon S3Vol+19...published by GEORGE B, UTTER. 'THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD" TEOS---$2 00 a Year, b. .'MtIm-M: ,1'-9----~Il\ __ ----~'----~--~----- --r


after wh ch wa.sh t and you have a brilliant bright red you want to color a brIght you

and qUIet and WIll require but httle mental staff and are allowed to have Frauce IS beheved to be dlv ded to Id f k horses The non commIssIOned offi o 00 t\ d h honey to wbat they wou I ept In h 1 0 000" parcelles an t e aver a warmer place If tl lives; are cers are hosp tal stewards w ose age area oC each parcelle IS not grea- rightly arranged and the cellar well busmesil It IS to attend to the hospi

P.foRB FBO)( WOOD ter than one and a quarter acrei3- ventilated by openmg either a door tal stores and all the detaIls of the The Bol!'70~ Jo.rnal has been prmt- half a hectare r wmdow III the Olght times occa hospital department under the orders

About live mIllion famll es or h II b I f b of the surgeon TheIr ms gOla IS a d iiI t er made from ,I I, t f SlOnally t ere W e no oss 0 ees


The New York Tribune first ISBuedln UNit now in Its twenty second yur hu obtaln"a both a larger and a more widely dllfuled clr celation than any other new.paper ever pub I .hed In America Though It ha. lulrered In common with other journ&11 from tbe vol unteerlng and departure of tens of thous&nda of ts patrons to serve In the War for the Un on [ts clrcnlatlon on the 6th of Decem

Vtllt ~""aUi PUtt, .... 1l'1Ii ......

The 8;. ... "1'8 RII~~O~ID!B~Rf~"'~t:r~~~;~; tional Paper of the II devoted to the e sever Imes on pap three fo utns of all the mhaultanlt ~ °1 only what dIe of old age and tl e green band on the upper arm WIth

wood Ita publtsher and two ot~er France are engaged 10 agrIC I UTa k I h a serpent entwmed round a wlOged ~D.tlemen connected With the manu T F h t hngs comb WIll lou near y as w l\e as m '-'"'" f r recently vIBtted pnrsUlts he renc petasahn cs'" all tI 0 fall prevlO IS staff embrOIdered on It

muat to I n alum water the same way I avmg everythmg very clean then bOIl m the kettle some good strong hICkory bark take ont the bark and put In the yarn, 1)011 thIrty mmutes after drying wa&h the yarn then make some blue dye m the usual wav from Illdlgo and a small bIt of madder

of the views and m~ivej'n8l11841 ber 1862 wal al follGWS alms to promote

..,.nre 0 pa~ WIth sIngular tenae ty 0 IS UI b t t The sergeant malor IS second ser Da ly 50 11; benevolent action at the

the eitablllhment where the paper II t II t he BCOrnS Tt e t me to put ecs m 0 wm er " eatate be w XlO se I, d h h geant In the regIment and acts as .u made at Rogers [Ford, Pennsyl to become a hued laborer he s trent quarters depen s somew at OlIn the aSSI"tant to the adJutant He wears

Semi Week y 17 250 urgea obedience to the cO~1m'~ndin~II" Weekly 148 000 God and the faith of Jesus

Th Ii 1I0wmg extract {"o t H has no seventy of the weather-usua y teo vanuu eo. m 01'1 remaIDIDg propne or e b h 1 f D rl chevrou (V) of three stripes con b ~W't t tt d rl I ddt last of N ovem er or test 0 e ~

Aggregate ~16 376 open to the advocacy of

t e r~ or gives a pre y goo I ea capItal otten hIS an aes 110 cember If the weather IS not too nected at the top by half c rcular Lord Bacon s Ili0stratlOn of the of the rocellfl of mannfacture afford hL!II a IIvel hood then he goes I cont nuatlons The quartermalltel 8 rIght method of uSlUg scripture was

ODDS AND ENDS Pre..,m nent y "Iournal of New! aud of Lit meaaures which Beem likely eraturs The Tr bune has pol tical convlc oODdit on ofBoclety d truse "nl~"If,dJr. tons wh h are well characterized by lbe 0 aim th. InebrIate ROltllI1frimol" .. At the re~ue t of " J me Oar db P sants cold they may safelv remam out untl

8 JIlr a S to the UBurer an or rows ea 11 Iii bUSIness 18 the management of the very well put He sa d It Wa$ hke " v l.. th d " d Id tad "alf near January They genera y su er flOO o. t,ew or.., e nn erslg.,e whose estates yle wo n a 1J! h detaIl" of tllal department hIS the proper lreatment of the grape

s ngle word Repub can It!8 Republlean olaved Inlla L terary and Int1ellls:ence n ts hearty adbes on to the great truth that T God ha. made of one blood a I natlonl of partments oare Is taken to !r".nl ••

Republ can n tB assertion of the adapted to the wants and th 6tb f J t d th d t h t t t more IU the latter part than m t e ~ on e 0 aDuary, Vl81 e epa per cent at most 0 00 eSI a 11 0 f h chevron IS straIght across the top wh cb when tenderly pressed gives per milL at Royers' Ford Penney Iva borrow money at the rate of s x or begIDDlng 0 t e wlllter The orderly sergeant IS first ser out fine w ne but whIch when Dla, fot' the purpose of seemg the seven per cent rather than to sell • geant m the company aud commauds crushed IS rUIned In nothmg Is

and Inalienable rlihts of all ",en to life cla88 of readers and the purau I of happ ne.s -Re Th T

operatIOn of wood (common white theIr land The end 18 easy t see JUDGING THE AGE OF POULTRY It II the ab~ence of commIsSIoned offi thIS so Hnporta[ t as 10 the treatment wood or poplar) being converted mto the money lender at last gets the Few ho Isekeepers and few co k~ c rb the chevron IS of three stflpes of a text If It be forced out of lts paper pulp and manofaotured mto property But so poor ale the peas are as good Judges of tl e age I P II w thout connectwn at the top and a place to sustam I true d ctrllle the

puolI(:an n ts .te"dfaat earnest denant 110. e erms of Sul,o",'11)1.I to every scheme and effort of the BJiave CORDIR are T\\ 0 Dollars

Power from the Annexat on of Texas to tbe In advance g eat Rebel on to grasp the emp re of tbe three months from

I paper We arrIved at the mIll at lO ant prop!l~tOls so stubborn so un tIy as they ought to be \\ e 1\ d amond or star above doctrlDe IS oftp I jf'ct I \$ false oelodk}. II Mr Walsh tbe mtelh enterpllslllg that landed p operty kuow when poultry comeR upon the The second sergeant takes charge Simply beca Rip t xt i "I tBUp

New World and wield the resources of our country for Its own aggrandlzement-Repub win be liable to an ft;~'~~I~~Jr I can III Its antagon sm to the anstocrall! and cents Subscribers I despots of the Old World who fondly hall 10 tbe r papel'll m st pay

gent proprietor IAlld part owner onhe In France ~ mortgaged to such an table whetl el It IS tender or tough of haf'r a company called a platoon port It patent rIght recClved us m a very extent that the Illtelest payable n and there should be 10 dIfficulty of and has the same chevro I as the first An humble woman who 8 ~mploy

the per I an4calam t essudden ythru8t upon notify the publlsber oftilelr"Wf'lb. us bv tbe rAmer CRn counterpart the over

friendly and poht mlAnner and m CODRCq lenGe IS actuallJ1 equal to know ng Just as certamly whether IA I.ut w thout a dIamond The corpo -' k d throw and ru n of the Model Republlc-Re recel~ed will be acl<n~lwhldlt,<id pub can 0 to hope and tt" st to faith and as to Indicate the t me I ill A entered d I f U ed as a Bible-reader lately re'I<ar e vlted us mto tie s we one thIrd of the cst mate renta 0 eb cken duck goose or turkey IS old rals are In charlZe of sectl ns or q lar ~ II d light preserlted "" d Ii I _ wlnle relatmg 11Pr eBiJrts" WIn the ml yar a nove s the cmplle or young wheu It IS ouere or \ill. e ters of '. compal y and are dlst n 1-. I f: I a f bi f ~ 80niR I th nk we do r at fete" sou 8 Itsel nstea 0 seemg a es 0 I Now the fulloWIng IS offered as a rule u shed by but twu I.ars n the chev ..

~ h f ld c g u to Chr 8t rIght "e shoulu bfl~g .orelgn rags eaps 0 0 anvas AGRIOULTURAL by whICh poultry can be safely Judg ron Of the swords the cavalry sabre them to h m one at 0 we and he Will and otber domestIC rags as IS usual FEEDING- TURKEYS IN WINTER ed whIch If relld over a few tImes IS the longest aod has a steel scab receIve them I find that when I we saw pIles upl>n pIles of wood and then laId away for reference bard ,1ne field officers come next ~ t aod wagon loads of wood belOg un Whe e corn 8 cbeap aud the b ns when needed no person need pur the se ... I ard being of chocolate en f~:~ ~~!t I~b~tr ~~ I~ ~n~~~~~ sr


t~ loaded, In fact the paper mIll y~rd are full 11011 Dg better IS needed chase Id t gh pooltry unles! from amel -'"'th gilt trimmings The I ne borderlDg as It does on the Schuyl But unfortunately many wlo hke I WI be converted

d h ~ k h th I IIrly C OICe officers pIa nel and shorter w th a h h d Alb kdl river presente t e appeal .. nce roast tur ty ave e r DS nc If a leI s spur IS hald al I the sheatl of black Ic"tl .. r \ general At 8l1pper t e ot er ay 10 a f W ~~ h f: thIrty years SInce empty wi re COl n IS ncarly a dollar a h h Id ~ '" thnre were present one father o a Oou W IAr .. • I scales on tI e legs rong s e IS 0 offi"er s weapol 0 Rlra ght WIth a 0) r-ID the city of Bo.ton Men wer~ en bushel lhese Imds Will eat longer h th e her head 0\ not v , three daughters one 80n one mother gaged ID stflppmg off the bar~ trom of COIn tI n of lIny otherfoo I 1'17 weer you ~e b gIlt scabbard leg nental staff IS one brothel three grand daqghters the wood and spllttlDg It IOtO quar Beem nev to get enough of It But bntthe lead w II coroborate 10ur

0 straIght and ,hort mUSICIans and three Sister!! m law 01 e brother 10

ters At one end of the yard and they are liy no means dll nty In tl e r servat 01 If the under b I IS so non comm s"IODedofficers belllg short law three aunts f ur cousIns one where we entered the mIll t~e wood dIet III d rIll eat any th ng con 109 stIff that you cannot bend It down er 8t \I and more for 81 ow than use w fe one nephew one gr~ndson "u ~lDg cut up ThIS was done from the Itchel whIch the p g WIll and thc comb tl ck and rough lea\e The color of the straps denote the three meces one I Isband anid three

h J f h dye devour I It be plOnerh plepllred her no matter low fat and plump arm of the servIce Illfantry being d t ID t e naua '1«ay 0 c Ipplng " J for some one less partICular" A blue artillery red cavalry orange s sters <\. yel strange 0 say woode, and at very hUle cost Tfte They will work up the refuse m[lter young hen has onlv the rud meots of d fI there were only ~ ur persoI)~ pre-chipped wood was then shoveled m al from t~e farm and gardel a.bout spurs the scales 0 I the legs are an rl es green sent to boxes placed on wheels aud by IlS well a~ pIgs Bo led potatoes fed smootl glossy and fresh colored ---_1---- Orange or lemon JU ce left :upon a the labor of one man easily drl\wn warm are hIghly relIshed by them whatever the c lor may be the W INONA -The name \, nona kmfe or other p cce of Iron w!ll In a

effort that til s atroc ous Rebellion must ra 8ult In the I goal overthrow of its plotters a.nd the firm establ Bhment of equal rights and equal laws throughout the whole extent of our country wherein Liberty and sba 1 Indeed be one and lOseparable hence forth and forever

The Tribune devote. a tent 00 n calmer t mes and to some extent n these to Educ .. tlon Temperance Air culture Inventions and whatever e Be may mIn ster to the sp rit ualAnd materia progresa and well being of mank nd but for the present Its eoelgie. and III columns are mil. nly devoted to the In vleoraUon and success of the War for the Un on Its Ipec al correspondents acoompa­ny Ivery cons derable army and report ev ery Important ncldent of that great Itrugele wh ch we trust s soon to rosult In the SIgnal and cone us ve tr ILmph of the Nat anal arms and n the restorat on of Peace and Thr ft to our d stracted bleed ng country We be I eve that no otherw 8e can a fu 1er or more accurate v ew of the progre.s and character of thll momentous c~nftlct be obtamed than through the regular peru ... ) of our oolumns And we earnest y solic t tbe co operat on of all fr ends of tbe N atlona cause wh ch we regard and uphold as that of Universal Hu man ty to ads n ex end ng t. c rcnla.tlon

TERMS TI e en~ormoU8 crease n t e pr 00 of

pr nt nt; paper and other mater als sed In prlDt og newspapers compe s • to ncre&se the pr ce of The Trlb ne 0 r ne v terms are


AdverU.ements of a Cbjtrlt(lter 8\8tent with the objects of Inlerted at the rate 01 five the ftrst Insertion and for each subsequent Insertion, vert sements a \ the rates fa r discount w 11 be mllde to Ing largely Or by the year

Commun oat ODS orders should be d rected to OEO

torly R I TO uw OF "£"{.)'~,"',",

1 Subscribers who d", notice to the contrary wishing to oontinue 'he'r

3 If subscribei'll order d~,~0~::1~~~:1: of tbelr papen! !",!~III!lle~8_ :"I.,,>:a~ Bend them until

3 If cuboerlbers D_eglecl their )lapers from are directed

t I they bave'~;~~;~~l~~:1: their papers 4 Ihubscri bers

withQut informing b~r~~:~ti~: paper Is .ent to the t, "'''""''UII,· are held responsible

6 The III. .. deolares that whom R perlodlc.all. RATILI.' ""ponllb,le payment If he receives use of It even If be for It or has ordered It n suoh a c\l8e Is the omce or person to"whilml , __ ~, __ '._'­

o1'6r a rude raIlway to the room In thiS wily potatoes that are too claws tender and short the naIls whICh IS used so often In naming few days produce a stam so nearlv "l¥!re the wood was converted Into small for marketing nnd for seed, shar the under bIll soft and the ah ps and wh ch IS now upon one of resembling that caused by blood as pn1p And thIS was done so far as may be turned Into roast turkey on comE thm and ~mooth the best gunboats n the navy IS de- to deCeive the most careful oOllerver , ont oblJlilWatlOn extended by puttIng very Shott notice If the pnllngs An old he I turkey has rough scales I ved from a legend of northern and not many years ago m Paris a the wood mto [\ close Iron tank or and slops from the kItchen are bOIled on the leO's call081tICs on the soles :-: ew Hampshire '" mona was a man was nearly convicted of Murder bollllr and !llbJectmg It to the eolv and mashed WIth tl em It I~ all the of the feet and Ion'" strong claws daughter of an Indian chief who had owmg to a kn fe bemg foond III hiS entaction of <laustIC alkalIne With better But they need a vlmeiy of a Oln one theO revelse of all rescuedfromthehandsoftbesavages possessIOn stamed w th whM was the apphcatlOo of a powerful heat I food gleell as well as cooke I In the?e !,\lks 'VI en tI e feathers a traveler by II e name of Thornton pronouuced by several WltnQS8CS to Thll operatIOn occupJCd some hours ordel to ~I me most rapIdly They are on an old turkey cock he has a w th who n she eloped and whom be blood but afterward dlspovered

notlty the pUblisher S ngle copy 3 ceots 1==========+==::::::== Ma I subscr bers one) earl (311ls8ues ) $8 00

and "a8 atteoded With conSiderable are very fond of cahbage an I will long turf 0 beard a young one but I she subsequently rnamed A few to be s mply 1 me JUIce SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE One Copy ODe year (10~ • ue. ) Two Cop es one year F ve (]op es one year Ten Copies one year

• 3 00 6 00

12 00 22 50

An extra copy \I I be tWfJnt'\" and Oyer

sent to clul>s of

WEEKLY TRIBUNE One Copy one year (52 Iss es) Three Cop es one year Five Cop es one year

ezpenllC a lar$'e quantIty of Bod" feed upoll the refuse plantH tl at a sproutmg oue and when they are years of forest I fe so wear ed the One writer says that freeZing Will aah and hme beIng nsed lind a good have not headed unl1l the stllmps off Mmouth scales on the legs deCIde husband that he concloded to go not inJure potatoes or any other root deal of fuel bemg reqUIred aud the are pIcked bare If these are n t on the pomt bes des the dIfference 111 back Int, sOCIety and communicated It IS the thawmg that does the damage seI:VlCes of an lDtelllgent and practl hand raw turnips chopped up fine the s ze of the wattles of tl e neck and that fact to lIS WIfe who was so ThiS statement remmds us oflthe Son cal c\)em18t bemg necessary In order will be read Iy eaten They need u tI e elast c shoot upon the nose overcome by tbe announcement that of Erin who haVing fallen flOm a tbat tbe proper result should be: 01J.. also some IIIlmal food to promote An old goose when al ve s known sbe kIlled herself by drinking tea h d t h f II tb t tahl~d, 10 thIS operatIOn of dlssolymg growth III Wlllter Beef scraps from b the rough legs tl e strength of the IlIom the nIghtshade bemes 'II orn ~~~t ~I:I b~~ :~:p~on~ :0 as!~~en~ the wond mto a fibre Sill table for pa the tallow chandlers 01 butchers are ..1 ngs part C Ilarly at the pillIOns ton after perform ng tbe last sad when he struck came near break ng per There lIes the secret as well as hlglly rei shed as by hens N a the th ckness and streogth of the r tes for hlH devoted WIfe removed to IlS the dIfficulty of I making pape, thmg III the way of anImal food bIll and the finenes" of their reath Boston where m the busy world he hIS neck Any larger number addm.ed 10 names O~

) ,I' h At II ~ OU Ig lad es sem nalY a few ubscriber. $I 60 each An extra copy w I from wood Wheu the diSSOlved comes aUIllSS It IS of more 1(1lpor ers and wheu plucked by the legs hoped to forget thIS nn appy occur" be sent to every club of ten

Ten Cop es one year

• 2 00 600 800

I, 00

wood IS drawn off from the lank or tance that the food should be abund the ten lerness 01 tl c sk n mder tl e rence rwenty years rolled by when days smce du ng an cxplao~t 00 m Twenty Copies to one address one year 1 h l\. Id I bl h t f t l e most pnlimlslOg 125 and any larger number at Bame pr ce boder mto a vat or Clsfern the back ant and va IOUS than t at It s on wmgs by the p Illons and tl e bIll one day a trave er came to a pu IC IS OIy one 0 An extra copy w I be Bent to olubs of t~en

IlIh brown liquor IS permItted to run be select and the co'rsene"' of the Skill louse III WlOchester New Hamp pupJls was mterrogated Mary ty To clubs 01 th rty THE SEMI WEElKLY d b h h " 0 h d f d t h b dId Martm Luthcr d e a natnral TRISUNE will be Bent To cubs of nfty the ow. and the operatIOn IS asslste Y In fatten ng so ne S It t em up III Ducks me d stlOgUlshed by the sire a[ a tel epos ng IS ag ~T I t DAILY TRIBUNE w II be Bent gmt s

repeatedly filhng the vat or CIstern a room part ally darkened and feed samc means but the e IS thIS d ffer gage I astened to a grove of cedar death? .,0 waR tie prQrnp Ie When drafts can be procured L t Is much WIth clean water and drawlOg It off WIt! scalded meal and pounded ence-that the duckl ng 0 b 11 s much and was found the next day IYlllg ply I e was excon m Inlcat~d by a mlfer than to rem t Bank B Is rrho name of

B bull the Post Omce and State 8hould In all cases leaVing \he wood pulp thlAt remams charcoal bnt we object to the can 1 longer III proportIOn to the breadth by the grave of WlOona dead be pIa nly wr tten of about the same color as the orlgl finement of the turkeys It IS al of Its head than the old duck A • The mYriads of g eat IOven~ ons III Buhscr bers who send money b) Express na1 wood The pulp IS tben put mto most Imposslble to keep the food young p geon IS d BCovered by Is BLUE HEN S CHICKENS _ We the world are the I res lUI It of ~ndv~ne- :eu~~~~~f:l f~~':n~~r:!:'nc~~~~~ else it will a COmmon rag engme and bleached clean and to prevent waste and they colors smooth scales tender collaps have long kno"n that the people of tIes of talent f a men Ill, een ~ J lD the usual way w1th chlorIDe nnd are q \lte as restless as wi en they ed feet and the yellow 101 g dowo Llttl'l.-~anI rere called "'~'~l'r~ .. n-'llilit~ ~08ori'fu~clW~r ol~~dri~J I We oa::~~-;r:'~n~~:ers~~ the \.,1 sulphuriC aCId and emptIed lUtO have tl ell liberty \Vlth re ~ular IDterspread among Its feathers !\. Hen s ell u,.., «runt DOt; uld never I ave beel1 half equal to bune Almanac tor yearsl1l4<9 1865 1858 1851 "'aloers where It remalDs to wlnten full feedmg at Olght and n orDlng plgeoll that can flv I as a\WaJ1A rQ.I wny A: our reque8t Rev Dr wo 1858 1859 1860 and 1861 Price 13 cent. 1\ IS then mIxed WIth twenty tlnrty they w tI not wander far fr<iJ~ the ~ v .,u 1"!)3 "ml no Clown and s then Coombe of PhIladelphIa a natIve of what It IS each post pa d Address or I forty per cent of linen or cotton ard and w I t .. k .. %10' DW "e::tErmse too old f r USe Delaware furn shes the explanation A child IS never I appy from hav THE TRIBUNE New York fibre and made wto I'''pe' II e than WIll be far their I ealth and the all follows In the olden tIme there 109 hIS own way DeCIde for hIm D 1 S PEP S I_A REM ED Y I! ! 118U1A1 way best fia\ or of tl e flesh By th ~ p 0 RANK AND ITS INSIGNIA was ID that State a breed of fight- and he has but oue thlOg to do

The pa~er made ou the machme cess of feedmg a late brood of t If I I II k ," t k d IDg cocks noted for theIr pluck and put him to please hImself anll he IS DR DARIUS H:A.M ~ 4 h f of 3 f k I b t tad f tten t IS we nown 'fI,a raD a[ po I d h h "t AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRI'" the "t 0 anUMY was goou air eys may e rOllg Ip n I f tb U t d endurance lhey never knew when troub e w t everyt 109 anu sa 18 •

qu"hty for newspaper and contalU ed ID \'fIDtel w thout any senous sltJon n t>c armydob the '!,I e Ibey were wh pped but would fight fied WIth nothlOg lIecommended 10 cure DyflW."k1.NeMJOUS d h t t nt f 11 t th co I' States are des gl ate y e unllorm Ii h 1 f lIe Hear Burn Oolic ra no e not more t an wen y per ce 0 enCloac men upou e r , find shouldel straps Tbe followmg on as long as there was a eat er etA person abusmg anothCl to 1I nd nlheSI"",ach or .fa,,,.

IIneB fibre, .nd not less than ClgI ty lllCK A~n PI': T descnpt on W 1l enable any oue to The only account of the ongln of Charles Russell said he was eo msurd

n l:o!o:~ '~d'!:':e per cent of wood and was produced Some ~ersol S wi 0 seem to ques I ascerta n the rank of au officer n th S breed W8.S that tbey sprung from ferably dull that If you saId a goo OOr/pla "Is Low Bp,nls nehnlm 7reme/lS at a cost not exceed 109 SIX cents per tlOn the [lsefulneAs of these art cles ~ a blue hen In the revolu !Onary th ng he d d n t understj>nd It Intemperance pouod ThIS statement of the cost would I ardly cont n Ie to doubt f nnThOermllgl est IS k • n y "I war (171683) Delaware farnlshed a Pray sIr saId CI aries dId you IT STIlIIt'LATER EXHILJ.RATKR INv GORATES lOT

d t f d d " de f Id h h h • W LL NOT INTOX CA.TE OK ~1UPKFY an per cen 0 woo use wa" ma they cons dered well of what they I that of L eutenant G ne al a d was regIment 0 so ers w IC m nume- ever try 1m' I TAKE NOTICE I With great apparent faIrness on the are composed They consIst largely conferred b) CongresR for ment on rous marches and battles beeamo dIS An Idle man always thmks be has That Doctor Ham s Celebrated DY8pep part of Mr Walsh and we have no of half decayed vegetable m ttcr 'i\ mfield Scott Gel eralm ChIef who tlDgOlshed for pres stent bra~ery a nght to be affronted If a bQsy man s a Remedy has been before tbe pub I 0 for reasoo whatever to doubt the tlllth whICh grew long ago un tl e spot or s the nlv one wh has ever held I On th s account they came to be does not devote to hIm Just as much the past ten years And n tbatUme the peo riliness of hIS statement was wasl ed III from the adJom ng 1 th s lank m the Un ted States The called the Blue Hen s Ch ckeas of his tIme as he hImself ha$ Ie sure K:et:e~o:, .. ;,:ed~~e~~J;;d~ 0tUC~~':~::r~~~:r

The manufacture of prmtmg llaper high lands Bemg covered up layer prme pal dlst ngOlshmg marks of The name thus becommg an honora- to waste of h • art c e and II! reputat on cao al80 be th t f " I b d h bl e as I'ft wa d umed by d I obta ned from the dealers wbo s~1I1t or have III IS coun ry IS onll 0 grelli. 1m upon ayer t Clr ecompos t on as umfor n are three stars on the shoul eon w er r s ass He who openly tells I s frren sal .0 d tfor nylengthoft me tollotboftll08e

portance The consumptIOn of paper been qu~te slow Ihey also cc ntam der strap or epaulette-a large one I the people of tbe State -Amerwan that he thmks of them may expect Dr Ham refer. ancr • w ling to stand the eC).oalfiln amount that of Great BrIt minerai elements whIch have leached n tbe m ddle flanked by two smaller .Agr1cu/turtsl that they Will secretly tell IIld eue i~B~rot:c~\~Oec::!.~n~:~I':inl~r~i'c:~od~lt alll and France together In 1854 It lD frOI1ll sunoundmg salls But ones-a do Ible row of nine buttons ~------- mles much that they don t th nk of cacy of fulvor of his InV1gorl>Uni Sp rlt was estImated that 250000600 as de frdm these fertlhz ng elements on the coat dl8posed m threes a buff t\RTIFICIAL SlAllESE TWlo;s -A Ii wblch for Its effects upon the B Ie a torpid

~ were made here valued at t i:l kid 1 I I I d 1m L ver low sp r ts or when the bf,<1d Is alfect lOan",. pea an n uc w en ry p<:>sseS8 Bash a stralgl t sword aDd a sword curIOus exper ment was ate y ma e TI ere Is uo mag c III the woof of ed as seen bysk n d seases rlt aetlon npon IS5,OOO,OOO Ahout 40500:0000 great attract 0 for ammoma Ab knot term nat ng III acorns A Ma at Strasburg to effect the umon of the rich man s velvet agalDst the tbe Kidney. in tact for any p roon wbo II pounds ofr4gs were used at an aver sorb ng tl s from tl e I qu ds and half Jor General s s he same bIt w Ih two ammals so that they mIght to malady slumberlllg under tbe poor ~uR ~~:r~:Ye}h~ 7:~r o~~~~~r: In~l:d~,:~d age cost ot fonr cents per pound In sohds tbey stole It up for He f\lod of only two stars on the sl uller t\ a certam degree have a life In com man s fust an Jacket edy New England the mIddle and West plants to wh cI t may be e9 fle b Brlgad er General has one star and mon produclllg art ficlally what na The man who forgets a great deal e'li SUotel the value of book Job and appl ed the buttous un h s coat number but t e oroduced spontaneously III the ASTONISHING








So thampton-Truman Sjl,ondero. 10 ......

Welton CI ... rlel A .. :Bur~lcl'. .. 1.148.&8

Thomas E Babcook Jlll("a901''''

Alfred B B Irdlok new.paper prmllDg was returned by N w vile 1 we walk ovel \ fa m ewht III each row d sposed n tw s Siamese Tw ns Two whIte rats of that has happened has a better memo­the last, ceosus (1(60) as $39427 on wheh hIgh lands are I glit and Tbe Colonel s tl e hIghest m rank In the Alhlno spec es were selected for Z:lh::a~~e;;roh~~~:r:~er, :L great 843 of whICh eleve~ millions worth nearly exhausted of[ thClr fertility a regIment and wears an eagle 011 the expeflment A I IIlClSlOn was

To Dr Ham who has modestly put before the pub Ic his Dyspep81a Reriwdy for ten rrul'l<' years past to look back and see the number

cOJIIlllted of books the value of the and yet fi d III the lor lands depos ts h s strap the I uttons on h scat made on the r ght s de of It e ne Take away my filst letter-take lattefllelog nearly equal to the whole of peat and mId aljd muck s It not numbeflng e ght at equal d ta ce~ and on the left oftbe otl er engaglllg away my second letteI-take away prodnct of the same brancb ID 1850 a plam case tl at t\fls fal m a me as When tl s officer 8 placed cI arge the sk n and the cellular t ssoe under all my letters and I am Eltlll the wblch was returned at 'll 586549 ur.e IS upSIde down and ougl t to be of a br gade he ea I d 1I C lonel It The surfaces of the two wounds same-the postman The manufacture of paper .has m set on Its feet gam 1 Some I of ItS Command nO" were kept clo ely together by sutures It was a g od plPce of IdvlCe glv creased m an equal ratIO the State fertIl ty no do bt has been carr ed A I euten~nt colouel d second nand banJages till the SIxth day when en by a sergeant at law to a counsel of MlIIIsachuetts alone prodUCIng pa off III the ops ra sed and sold command 01 1I regIment and B uUlon by the first mtentlOn was lor that I e should I ot show anger per of the value of.5 968 469 bemg but ruuch at 11 lema s behmd known by the leaf on I S strap found to have taken place Tbey but show cause over 681 per cent of the prodnct'rf though d n 11 the boga and whICh s of SIlver otherw se hiS IIUl then walked s de by BIde bemg UOlt- The poor man s purse may be emp the UDlon rn 1850 \ swamps has beeu traveling down form s the same as the colonels ed by a flesby band An attempt to ty but he has al! much gold. 10 the

hJiI perhps for centUrIes yet WIth so tl e maJor s IS also the same the leaf pOison both hy the mouth of one did Bunset al d as much SIlver III the l'BEBOH AGRIOULTURE slow and s lent a step that the farm be n" of gold H s duty IS to act as not succeed bot an mJectlOn thrown m on as anybody

000 of the m::>llt 8lUgulat' pecuh er has not uot ced It The Ia:ws of a)(1 de-r.amp of the colonel and m the IOto the J1J1;lllar vem of one IIOlmal If you let trouble SIt upon your .ritles ot French law and custom IS nature have can cd dowu the fert Ie event of h s two supenor officers be- was found to have entered the sup Bonl hke a I en upon ber nest yoo that which leads to an IAlmost WfiUl elements but theory w n not bnng ng dIsabled or absent he takes com erficlal femoral vems of the other may expect the hatch ng of a large ~lBlmal dlvl810n and subdIVISIOn of them up agam :\Iuu must do that mand of the rf'g ment these three showmg clearly that an mtlmate brood agrlcllltural lands M Pmard Pro- Here IS a field for h s mgenlllty and constItute the field officers of a regl vascular unIOn had already takeu A good word IS an easy obligatIOn ~'-'~"'-ner~ of the Court of Deual lUdustry H ~ lands are not wasted ment and are mounted The adJu place between them ThiS lUterest k II I " ... u .. '-UlI b d If he will otly be t h t- but not to spea I reqOlres on your -ceDtl, ga- an InterestIng a~l)unt eyon recovery tant whose pOSitIOn IS the same to lUg expenmen may ave an Impor I h h h .~. vv t h - If nd ~ \low the hmts b t t Sl ence w IC costs us not lUg of thl. remarkable fact lD the BOClal a Ir I .... se a 0 the reg ment as that of the orderly ant earmg on res ora Ive surgery .,.t.em of Fraoce and of ItS results whICh nature gIves IhdIDI b b sergeaot to a company generally The empty cradle of dead mfancy

Ala" mtrndnced at the time of Douhtless It wou not e est to ranks as a I eutenant DISCOVERY OF A NEW QUADRUPED _A II! perhaps a sadder spectacle than She Itst French revolutIOn and stIll apply thIS peat and muck m the Cflptams are commandants of com new quadruped has been dIscovered the coffin ID force decrees that property shall crude sOllr state m whICh It IS pallles and are dlstmgOlshed by two m Madagascar and an agent of the Whl> lives to nature rarely can be at dealh of the proprietor be equally first dug froUl the bed Let It I ave bars of gold on the shoulder strap French Academy of SCIences has for poor who I ves to lancy never can diVided among hIS chIldren ana that the amehordatm~ mflu;;ccs oJ heaJ and eight buttons at regular dlstan warded to that body an account of It be rich • DO deed of gift shall exceed tile half and aIr all per lApS 0 rost Ctprea ces m a slDgle row on the coat It belongs to the genus Indns and Envy IS unquestIDnably a hIgh of tbe testator'1I property Ifhe leaves It m larghel heaps ?n ~he ~p~and~ the first I e Itenant the same but With IS deSCribed as haVing a snout like compliment bnt a most ungracIOus one chJld the- third If he leaVES two ],fIX It WIt Ime ur res as es an one bar on the strap the second lieu that of a Kmg Charles lapdog the one cbJldren 'the fourth If he leaves let the heap he several months Or tenaut havmg a plaID strap wlthoot skm of the face bemg bare and of a A drop of the blackest mk may dlf three or :norl! There are thus per agam dry It and afterwards all It marks These last are called hne brIlliant Jet hlack tlUt Its fur 18 fuse a light as bfliliant as the hght petuated and Illcreased an Imll1ense under a lean to of the baru where It officers all regImental offioors wear long and woolly It II paws or rather of day nomber of small peasant proprietor may be used tv absorb the hqmds of a red sash hands are bare and black the fourth A false friend IS hke the shadow on .btPII, • state pC thlUgs whlcb IS gen the stables Tben spread It on the The s lrgeoJn raoks as first heuten finger IS the longest, the thumb of the sun-iii a!, appearmg III Runshme erally held to be a curse on th~ pros hungry fields and they WIll clap ant III the volunteer servICe and as tbe hmd paws (replacmg the great but vaOlshlDg ID shade ~tj of France theIr hands for JOY and the h lis WIll maJor m the regulars and has the toe) IS very thICk and Battened The How all of ns wonld hate and de-

l( Pillard says that the number of be Joyful togetqel .Am Agncu!ur letters:\f S -medIcal staff-embrOl whole am mal measures eIghty SIX BplBe the man who should ml8use our propnetora _ased to the lanu tax 1St dered ou hIS strap whIch otherWIse centimetres fifteen of whIch belong gIfts aa we mlsnse those of heaven wu, In 1849 11 611 841 , h1"dd6 s the same as a first lieutenant al to the tall The cry of thIS ammal StatIstics show that mtemperance

"'that et.Ch of the estates consl t8 III BEES IN WINTER so wears a green sash The quarter resembles that of a hnman bellJg 10 teaddy decreasmg m Great BrIt-fact of several parcels not Ilymg Mr E P KIdder f Burl llgt n master also takes a heutenant II rank dlstrehss and when there adre many ~n II ooD'I",onl, or complAotly bilt III Vt has prppared an article 011 thIS and has the letters Q D -quarter toget er they form a very Isagree- There ale many graceless preach detached portIOns-probably brbnght subJect based OD hIS ob~ervahGn and master s department-embroIdered able concert ers on grace-many uncharitable uoder one hand by Illterma-crlage experIence ID whICh he says tliat n on hIS 8trap the paymaster the same ones on chanty ThuI, while In 18'3 there wer'1!_over our States Lees shQuld have fOE their With the letters P D-paymaster's How TO COLOIl-When the farmer's Only those who have thought.1

Der. tazed In 1834 tllere w~re of sttllplace where the IS as WIth the letters CD-commIssary must wash her yarn clean ~nd nIce like hghtlllng deserve to have a

of tremendous articles wltblD tllat time that have sprung up I te a rocket ajIdgone 40wn I ke the stick which gqlde. It lil 1111 gloflous ascent Some come out and claim to tell the pnb c they use unknown Barkf from South Amer co. w th any quantity of rum from the West Ind es &0. Dr Ham takes this oppor tun ty to refer to the Ned cal Faculty here and everywhere that h s article ia In use as to ts qnalificat ODB and challenge. anyone to produce a person male o~ fema e who has used It as directed that will not apeak favorably of it for d .organued~tomac" Dy .. pep.la t IOS8 of apret te wani of action of the lOaneys loss 0 appetite iW811 allbany other comp a nt.that humanlt are alllieted " th TO LADIES

Dr Ham 8 Dyspepa a Remedy IS jU8t the thing IOU require to remove the languor oause by weaknesl and deblr,IY It Invig orate. tbe system causes the lood to take new I fe In its vaned OOUrI\e tb ough the ay. tem in faot It give. tone to th<l system and w II reI eve and remove Iba thjlUsand Irrag ular ties that from various oaiuses you are aIDlcted w th For Dyspepsia It II a never f.1 ng remedy t bas stood th~ teat of years and we have yet to hear of Its railing to give rei ef to tbe atlhcted thousands who have re celved health and bapplntls b)jlts Ule

TO GENTLEIlENj Dr Ham knows tbat you do not alway. p y

much attent on to the many dlll'er.ntartlol .... put before fOU In the paper but we wonld reter you 10 our agen\8wbo yolo 1I'IlIftDd"re the reopectable mercllants and dealer. In re gard to the Inv iorating SPi~lt I 80me of them have sold t for years a d II:now well the reputation It bas among t thOle who have used It in ass st ng uature to eradiollte d Bease. It wfll renovate the syotem l1li It actll directly on the blood relllovine all ob otructlons to the general helllth wll! cure Liver Complalnts Dyapepsia lit ervoua Alrec tions Sour Stomacb Headaclle Weatue ••

of Appetite &8 well &8 obatruotlon In K dney Bladder or Urlhry 011110. it We will guarantee you will be uti ... with the result


No l-Re ... oos ~o:ir~:l~:~;;i of the Fourth eraUon of the

No 2-Moral Nature 11.011 ~!l4~II,t)'I''''f v&nce of Ihe Sa~h.th

No 3-Authorlty for the Ch.mge olthe tlab bath 28 p P

No '-The Sabbath and tory of their Observanoe Churoh ~3 pp

No 6-A Cbrlatlan Caveat No 6-Twenty Beas""o~~n~~s.:rt~.;;~~~.,p each week ~e 8

F~t~a7~4~~p~P~~~~~~~~r~~6~~~~~ '-'Tbi:\'t:Y .. SIX Plain

eleven anel a balfmdhon8 qfla~ ow welfale III wlllter a dark coil and departmp.nt-and the commIssary WIfe wants to color a bright red she ~~~~i~~~~~;,r~ I I th VOIce hke thunder to ntter them ~:~~fl~;~;:~1~~1 these ptJroelle8 or pArts of eEltates even as POSBlb e and about five department and bOllm strong a nm wllter en

lta,180,888 Deductmg thIS above the freezIDg pOInt or These constitute (With the chap- dry III the sun a day-but don t rlllse Thoogh death IS befon) the old j~~~~~~~~W!bn!::~~~g~~::.I:!i~~'~:;=!i:~m~tfi1~ number e1'erythlDg proper de grees Farenhelt In thIS laIn who wears no marks only It out The next day boli In goOd mad man s face he may be all near the Po Aueted, alld the rnral of ture the bees WIll rernam plaID clothes of nmform cnt) the regl dcr soak over Dlght , then dry agam, yonni man's back