T2lr0Ms T2lr0Ms.


Transcript of T2lr0Ms T2lr0Ms.


TEST!!!! YAY!!!!!


Homonyms are two words that are pronounced the same way but have different meanings

Some more common Homonyms Your, You’re They’re, Their, There Too, To, Two For, Four By, Bye, Buy Who’s, Whose Hear, Here Knew, New No, Know Accept, Except Affect, Effect

Here are a few other Homonyms All Ready, Already Pair, Pare, Pear Past, Passed Vary, Very Waist, Waste Ware, Wear, Where Ad, Add Dew, Do, Due Right, Rite, Wright, Write Praise, Prays, Preys Ware, Wear, Where Ewe, Yew, You Air, Err, Heir Aisle, I’ll, Isle  Hair, Hare

Examples The knight rode out at night. “Ay,” I said to the two pirates. I ate the whole apple and then fell in a

hole. I took a peek over the peak of the

mountain. The knave stood in the nave of the church. I tied my shoe as the tide came in. I made the maid clean up the mess. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck

if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Your turn

Write two sentences, using two homonyms in each.


Rules Get into your groups. You will be given a

sentence and you have to identify the homonym and say what the other homonym would be. Some may have more than one correction. When they do, you can only guess one of them. Another group will have to get the others. You will lose a point for every incorrect answer, and get a point for every correct one.

Example: The dog ate the food.The homonym is ate. The other homonym would

be eight.

They mined the gold. Mined, Mind

This hat didn’t cost me a cent. Cent, Scent

We won the tournament. Won, One

This one has two.

You dropped a popcorn kernel. You, Ewe, Yew Kernel, Colonel

This one has two.

I heard that the principal is quitting. I, Eye Principal, Principle

This one has two.

Look at that odd board. Odd, Awed Board, Bored

This one has three.

I started the letter with “Dear Mary.” I, Eye Dear, Deer Mary, Merry

This one has three.

The car was towed to the gate. Towed, Toad, Toed To, Two, Too Gate, Gait

This one has three.

He flourished his sword and challenged me to a duel.

Sword, Soared To, Too, Two Duel, Dual

This one has three.

Don’t forget to cite your sources. To, Two, Too Cite, Sight, Site Your, You’re

This one has four.

I had to coax the fairy out of the bushes. I, Eye To, Two, Too Coax, Cokes Fairy, Ferry

New Rules

Now, we’re going to switch it up. You now have to correct the sentences by replacing the incorrect homonyms in a sentence with the correct ones. This time, only one group can answer for each sentence. I will no longer tell you how many there are that are incorrect.

His manor was very disrespectful. Manor should be Manner.

The peer had many ships. Peer should be Pier.

The hare on the fir of the donkey was very soft.

Hare should be hair. Fir should be fur.

The gorilla forces had a lot of flare. Gorilla should be Guerilla Flare should be Flair.

The heroin of the tale had a horse voice. Heroin should be Heroine. Horse should be Hoarse.

The cougar praise upon the helpless yew.

Praise should be Preys. Yew should be Ewe.

The profit preys every day. Profit should be Prophet. Preys should be Prays.

The surge of the serf as the tied came in was very peaceful.

Serf should be Surf. Tied should be Tide.

Pane of the sole takes longer to heel. Pane should be Pain. Sole should be Soul. Heel should be Heal.

The slay seemed to sore over the snow on sundae.

Slay should be Sleigh. Sore should be Soar. Sundae should be Sunday.

Bugs Bunny likes to eat a caret while keeping out of cite of Elmer Fudd, who is always hunting hair.

Caret should be Carrot. Cite should be Sight. Hair should be Hare.

The thrown of the King during his rain was covered with the dough skin given to him by the barren.

Thrown should be Throne. Rain should be Reign. Dough should be Doe. Barren should be Baron.