© History Unwired, 2004 HISTORY UNWIRED: Towards a New Tourism Experience.

© History Unwired, 2004 http://web.mit.edu/frontiers HISTORY UNWIRED: Towards a New Tourism Experience

Transcript of © History Unwired, 2004 HISTORY UNWIRED: Towards a New Tourism Experience.

© History Unwired, 2004


HISTORY UNWIRED: Towards a New Tourism Experience

© History Unwired, 2004

Quienes Somos?

History Unwired es una empresa de investigación y

desarrollo que surgió en el MIT que, usando tecnicas de

"diseño-centradas-en-el usuario" (user-centered design)

desarrolla contenidos para tecnologias moviles

orientadas a la exploracion de ciudades con alto

patrimonio historico

© History Unwired, 2004

New Technologies are entering the experience-economy

© History Unwired, 2004


14 Millones de Turistas en Venecia (year long)

Usuarios de Celular: mas del 70% de europeos tiene 1

Industria manufacturadora y de redes: incrementar margenes sobre la base de servicios “beyond voice”

El contenido puede ser el “rey”

© History Unwired, 2004

Segmentacion de Mercados

High-End Market: This group of potential users will look for functions that explain history, “hidden” Venice, and local life. They will also use the practical features such as transportation schedules and event information, but they are willing to pay a little extra to get the complete “scoop” on Venice.

Local Market: Possibly the most important aspect of the graph is that the locals are both the content producers and the custodians of the system, helping tourists use it and adding their own innovations and content.

Low-End Market: This group of potential users will be looking for practical information and not willing to pay so much. They might be most interested in mapping features, restaurant suggestions, and coupons. They might be the group most likely to violate the Decalogue, but also most likely to respond to financial incentives to follow Decalogue-endorsed routes and behaviors.

© History Unwired, 2004

Actores Involucrados:Clientes & Partners

Tour Operators Looking for Differentiation

Hotels, Cruise Ships, Tour Companies,

Tourism Publishers (Let’s go, etc)

Historic Cities Looking Towards the Future

Universities (IUAV, MIT)


History Unwired

Cell Phone Manufacturers (Sony Ericsson) and Operators

Test Bed for new Content and Payment Model, Differentiation, Data Services Market Research, New Distribution


© History Unwired, 2004

Local Businesses Product placementAdvertisingCouponsLast-minute offers

Tourists/Travel OrganizationsContent download feesDevice rentalDevice purchaseAccess to photo albums/souvenirsPhone/SMS/e-mail/Web access

Cultural OrganizationsDigital/Audio guide developmentSpecial event multimedia packageVirtual mobile galleries


         Promotion of development zones

         Modern tourist materials

         Device connection to government services

         Safety and intelligent tourist

© History Unwired, 2004


Situation:Just got into Venice, don’t have too much

time, and want to know “What can we do?”

Design Challenge:

“Venice Frontiers” proposes an Explore category that gives visitors quick

suggestions for activities based on their location and time they will be in Venice.

This explore feature is linked to the Shopping, Food, and Events sections. In order to entice visitors to spend the night

certain tours or restaurants may be linked to hotel discounts. [correct?]

Category: “Modern Couple”

© History Unwired, 2004

Situation:Many tourists first arriving in Venice spend a lot of time figuring out where they are on

the map and good things to do nearby.

Design Challenge:

“Venice Frontiers” explores various location-aware capabilities for all maps and tours provided. Using cell phone towers,

networking points, or GPS, “Venice Frontiers” should locate the user upon



“Single Traveler” 


© History Unwired, 2004


Situation:History lovers crave both immersive experiences in the city’s history and

thorough knowledge of how to get around the city. They need tools that allow them to move seamlessly from practical to historical

and even fictional media.

Design Challenge:

“Venice Frontiers” would build in depth historical multimedia information for

mobile devices. This information would always be linked to mapping and

transportation information. In addition, locally-produced and researched audio and video (IUAV) would be constant features

available throughout the system. So whether you want to know the story of the statue above you to the number of the bus taxi to Murano, the system makes all such

information accessible.

Category:“History Lover”

© History Unwired, 2004

Prototype Development Budget July-March, 2005

Item Cost Estimate (in


Office/Studio Overhead (Rental, Secretary, etc.) 58,000

HU Team Salaries 80,000

Training Program (Ca’ Foscari and Others) 55,000

Consultant Fees (Design, Content Advisors,

Business, and Site Maintenance)


Marketing/Travel/Press Relations 50,000

Scientific Coordination and Report Collaboration 35,000

TOTAL 458,000 E

© History Unwired, 2004

Self-Sustained by 2006

Revenues from Rentals, Tour Companies, Operators, and other Civic Governments will make content profitable by 2006.

Prototype funding through Spring, 2005 (~450.000)

Initial operating funding (~250.000)

Profits support after 2006.

© History Unwired, 2004


1. Implementation of network/transfer devices in streets and buildings.

2. Initial creation of content for a small area with local input = pilot.

3. Feedback from locals and tourists

4. Initial implementation

5. Building out network using university and local content producers.

6. Replicate in other cities

© History Unwired, 2004


The next killer app is your surroundings


– 14M Visitors/Year

– Walking City

– Hunger for Story

– Untapped Adult/High End Market

© History Unwired, 2004


Ability to quickly access information just on time and just-in-place

Practical, timely information (schedules, weather, warnings)

Deeper, longer expanded use of the device through IMMERSIVE NARRATIVE

© History Unwired, 2004

Why Tourists?

Tourists are sophisticated consumers. High-end niches

They have the time and interest in the stories surrounding them as they move through urban spaces.

Tourists are dynamic citizens of several cities throughout the world, specially in Europe.

Tourists want fast, secure and authentic (local) experiences.

© History Unwired, 2004

In an era of networks and devices … and converging protocols

We Create Content that works with and beyond short messaging and database query

Create immersive storytelling experiences that develop new mobile behaviors and data services markets.

© History Unwired, 2004


Mobile and Wireless Technologies Industry have not penetrated this market niche providing on-demand, customized historical information, creative experiences of place, and local interaction

Differentiation: Competition in Telecom has been tough, this product can create a competitive advantage for telecoms, device manufacturers, and tour operators.

Over 60% of European citizens are mobile technology users.

Content and social applications will be killer apps.

© History Unwired, 2004


1M tourists/month in Venice

Niches success -- spark larger trends (history lovers, cruise ships, etc.)

Network of historical cities (EU sponsorship and beyond)

Green tourism is more mobile and individual

Opportunity to sell an extra device with added value (in terms of content and networking).

Open the market for Pocket PC and Palms –new markets

© History Unwired, 2004


Connection to MIT Research and Development (ITCP)

Applied Humanism: Roots in history, sociology and anthropology of technology

International Team appropriate for diverse tourist flows.

Strong ties in Venice to government, grassroots, tourism, and university groups.

Young, inventive, and committed

© History Unwired, 2004

Why Venice?

World-Class Tourist City

Likelihood of ART/TECHNOLOGY Hub (Arsenale)

History as a hub from 15th century

Architecture and Ca’ Foscari young workforce

Flows of art, technology, and capital already exist

Workforce training

Boundary City: among the past, the future and the water

© History Unwired, 2004

Beware with Young Generations!

© History Unwired, 2004

Preparing the Market & Satisfying New Customers

© History Unwired, 2004

Socio-Technical Scenarios

RFDI (Radio Frequency Identification)

Customized Tags with Public Displays (Plasma Posters)

Off-Line Content in Pocket PC or Palm Pilot

802.11b (Wi-Fi) Networks

Telecom Networks

Some sort of Combination

© History Unwired, 2004

Side Effects

© History Unwired, 2004


Street/water-level lab

Organizational Space?

Research on HCI

Arsenale anchor operation

Geographically connecting east/west Europe (boundary space/city)

Diversify Venetian economy

Direct and Mobile Marketing Research

© History Unwired, 2004

Addressing Civic Needs

Local involvement will make the system both “authentic” and innovative

Locals can serve as living help system

Sensitive implementation to local needs (pedestrian traffic, local customs, courtesy, and other decalogue concerns)

Meaningful and “valuable” exchanges

© History Unwired, 2004


HISTORY UNWIRED: Turismo Inteligente & Ciudadania

© History Unwired, 2004

El Turismo en la Era Digital

Ciudades con Patrimonio Historico se enfrentan al futuro

– Preservacion vs. Disneyficacion

Turismo esta expandiendose en nuevas formas segun consumidores cada vez mas exigentes (econ. Experiencia)

Autenticidad, Turismo alternativo, contacto con costumbres y gente local, turismo verde.

Seguridad: Informacion rapidad y oportuna para ciudades de ritmo lento

Dispositivos conocidos y en-uso en Territorios Desconocidos

© History Unwired, 2004

History Unwired: Quienes Somos

Developers: Michael Epstein, Cristobal Garcia and Filippo Dal Fiore + consultores ad hoc

Comite Consultivo: – Bill Mitchell, Head of Media Arts & Sciences, Media Lab– Henry Jenkins, Director MIT Comparative Media Studies – Jane Fountain, Director NCDG, Harvard University – Darrel Rhea, Principal Cheskin– Mitchell Resnick, Lifelong Kindergarten Director, MIT

Media Lab

© History Unwired, 2004

History Unwired: Servicios

Producimos contenido para tecnologias moviles para la exploracion de ciudades con alto contenido historico y potential turistico.

Nuestro enfoque es “centrado-en-el-usuario” basado en un dialogo permanente con locales, instituciones relacionadas y turistas.

Producimos contenido multimedia que satisface necesidades y problemas relacionados con informacion practica (no solo en el momento sino en el lugar preciso) y nuevas maneras de contar historias.

© History Unwired, 2004

Creacion, Promocion y Distribucion

Educacion de post-grado en Produccion de Medios Moviles.

Archivos Digitales para Ciudades con Patrimonio Historico.

Promocion de Connecciones Inter-Ciudad

Multimedios: Audio, Imagenes Historicas, Flash, Video, y sistemas de informacion basados en locaciones especificas.

© History Unwired, 2004


© History Unwired, 2004

Venecia como el punto de partida + Estocolmo, Alcala, Vicenza …

© History Unwired, 2004


Tour Operadores que buscan Diferenciacion

Hoteles, Cruceros, Empresas de Turismo

Ciudades Historicas mirando hacia el futuro

Clusters, Capacitacion Digital de la Fuerza, Guias Turisticos


Colaboracion en Investigacion y Desarrollo (MIT, Ca’

Foscari, VIU, Centro Palladio, Ivrea Interactive, Alcala),

Testing al nivel de la calle, Cursos en Nuevos Medios, Intercambios Estudiantes

Empresas de Terminales y Operadores

Testear nuevos contenidos, plataformas y modelos de pago, Servicios de Datos en movimiento, Investigacion de Mercados,

Nuevos Canales de Distribucion

© History Unwired, 2004


© History Unwired, 2004

Nuestro Objetivo en el mediano plazo … Red de Investigacion y Desarrollo en

Tecnologias y Contenidos Moviles usando un enfoque centrado-en-el-usuario, vinculada a Ciudades con Patrimonio Historico.

Laboratorio de Multimedios :

– En el desarrollo de tecnologia movil urbana

– Estudio para Nuevos Modos de Contar “la” Historia y “las” historias de una ciudad.

Marca para Experiencias Inmersivas en Zonas Densas Historicamente

© History Unwired, 2004

Prototype Development Budget July-March, 2005

Item Cost Estimate (in


Office/Studio Overhead (Rental, Secretary, etc.) 58,000

HU Team Salaries 80,000

Training Program (Ca’ Foscari and Others) 55,000

Consultant Fees (Design, Content Advisors,

Business, and Site Maintenance)


Marketing/Travel/Press Relations 50,000

Scientific Coordination and Report Collaboration 35,000

TOTAL 458,000 E

© History Unwired, 2004


Tour Operators

Distribution and Survey Collection

Research Funds

Civic Entities

(Regione Veneto, Comune di Venezia, Vicenza)

Research Funds


MIT: Mobile Content Templates and Software and Technology


Ca Foscari/Univ. Venice: Work Space/Development Space

Cell Phone Manufacturers and Operators

Devices and Service (Sony/Erisson, Tre)

Software, XTML consulting

Research Funds

© History Unwired, 2004

Self-Sustained by 2006

Revenues from Rentals, Tour Companies, Operators, and other Civic Governments will make content profitable by 2006.

Prototype funding through Spring, 2005 (~450.000)

Initial operating funding (~250.000)

Profits support after 2006.

© History Unwired, 2004


1. Implementation of network/transfer devices in streets and buildings.

2. Initial creation of content for a small area with local input = pilot.

3. Feedback from locals and tourists

4. Initial implementation

5. Building out network using university and local content producers.

6. Replicate in other cities