ESTABLISHED MAV, 189* A YEAR IN ADVANCK ......Additional sets re

ESTABLISHED MAV, 189* ^ Oi.. No. 32. MANASSAS, VIKGIMA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1919 tlM A YEAR IN ADVANCK OF LEGISLATION ^jBtOective Stroigth of Agrkvl- finists to ' Back Desired ^'" Law Reforms. >i^jfi)he National Board oi Farm Organ- •JtfMl6ioi^ ''3s iaflued th« following Iri^ "" ia jjieraberf of th9_jia}d<SU^tiSmr vir'""" of th» countfy, which ia-«t ^tarest to farmers of this community wiuch is publiahed bs request: "tlS^-The annual conference of the N. B. '*r^i.O.'wLH be held at the board's home, ^*S.731 Eye St., N. W., Washington, D. i^;jr February 19-20. These dates were •^fttit by the executive committee which Ust week. •Member organizations are urged to steps at once for tht selection of ates to attend the February ;in^. The chaMcter of legislation pending .aoakes the holding of ineeting of the'•utmost import- to farmers. ^i^-Qther farm organisations are niost jHifirdially invited to attend this con- e. Invitations will be- extended <:^eir leaders and it is hoped that men will be able to attttid and P^lMllt in the formation of a inrogram ^<y|dkA will enlist the wholebearfepd sup- h'^'/jfort of (X'ganized taxmara thrAUghoot .' A« nation. i^—Siace tho, board w»e-organl»ed in f'Ww, summer of 1917, hundreds of dele- ^ i ^ t e s representing onember organiza- jj^atfcto and other important farm bodies J'-^W*e attended conferences held under j>;^ auspices. On at least three im- .^f'pMtant occasions ov«r thirty states 5>iii»e been represented by official dele- &ij/ttee whose organizations combine a t^lMal membership of over three mil- ?_r-Jkm organized farmers. The import- ^^i-4UiMe of these meetings has been im- I^^Jpnisurable. Official Washington has ^^tvi*^ notified that the farmers have ItJiMiiii&maation, power, and purpose and ^iiwre learned the wisdom and aecea- fe^'lrity of combining their strength for - the common good of agriculture, : 0n memorable oceaaion» ibe ^Uec * tJYii strength of ^h^t^ ^"^MirhM b*** Mtwtcd t r i M p r e g NEW AUTOMOBILE LAW EFFECTIVE THIS^ MONTH Licenser Fee Advanced—^Atten- _ikWLOf Auto QWBgEB^lBTJttd , to Qinges. The Secretary of the Commonwealth desires to call to the attention of au- tomobile owners.important changes in and to a new automobile law passed at the extra session of the genera! as- sembly called for the purpose of pro- viding funds' for' the hfgliway''im- provement scheme. The license fee of all cars other th»D tpicks was changed from 40 cents per horse power to 60 cents, a mininiuni fee of $10 on autos and $5.00 on motor cycles, $2.00 for motor cycle side cars. Truck tax changed from horse pow- eir_to a. tonnage basis. Trucks of one ton or less $15.00 and for each half ton or fraction thereof in ex£«as of the first ton $5.00. Trailers $10.00 for one ton or less and $3.00 additioml for each half ton or fraction thereof in excess of one ton. Chauffeurs fee from $2.50 to $5.00. Dialers no increase in. license fee but limit placed on number of sets of plates furnished each dealer to three. . Additional sets re<iuired by a dealer at rate of $15.00 per set.' Service cars used by a dealer will be compiled to be registered « ^ obtain license for the'same aa'dagr other owner not a- dealer. ' ' •^BegiatratioB at title te cart a fe« et $1.00. Every car within thfi confines of the state of Virginia.m ajod aftar the 9th day of December, whetiier in use or not, the title to same miut be registered. ' Ho license can be issued unless car Applied for ^has had title registered and in addition the failure of an owner to register such title within 30 days after December 9th will subject the owner to a penal^ of a fine of not exiQeeding $500 or con- finement in jail for not less than six months or bofk fine and jail sentence. On and after February 1st any car operated witjiout license will subject the (nMier to a fine o{ qot *t68s than $19.00 0^ ftiore thaa'$20.00, each day's )^a SQtiura^ offMva., Tha use of a., -aag-iigfciaraed and fnily lie-- 3UNDAY SCHOOLS PLAN CHRI$TMAS F E S n v m S S Entertainments Bcyin Today an4 CgntiaoftNexl Week—L»Uk^ - enn Serrice Tonixlit v The Christmas calendar th^a ysw i« largely devoted to the feativitia* of the s«v«ral Sunday school* of th« towa. The Sunday schools of Grsc« Methodist 'Episcopal ChOrcli, South, and Bethel Evanxelical Lutheran. Church lead QMS ll«t, with Chrietmaa entertainmenta today. The Methodist cltildPBn will liave an" l&fonMI gather- ing, or winter picnic, this afternoon in the Sprinkel budding in Main street. The Lutheran Sunday school will bold a service at the church, b^inning at 7:30 p. ra. The Baptist Sunday school will pre- sent its usuat_Cfari8tmas jtrogram ia the Sunday school hour on SundAy morning. Thia service ia to be held ^t the Red Cross room in the VL I. C building, as the church is still in the hands of decorators. The children of the Episcopal aAd Presbyterian Sunday schools have cho- sen Tuesday for ttieir Christm'tiC''brie- brattons. The Presbyterians wfU bold their sarvieea at the chorch 9t 7:30 |^. m. and A e Epiacopal ^tiiiday-:adhg*l tnrobaUy will meet at TriM|t]r'JChiw^ in'tbe nftemoon. -'' > T. jL ;ANDEBSO»I DEAD Pawea Away Suddenly' at Catharpiu o^-lattenteld 1B Soi&ey.CMietery. OVER TWELVE THOUSAND RATS KILLED IN COUNTY SchoolB •! W«wdbri4K* ami Gat- C*wpsiia Iti»orts> Latest reports in tbe rat eaiapaiga cooductod through the pabUe •cbooj^ by Miss Ullian V. GIIbiBrt, county home demoBatzation agant, facing-tbe total number of rats killed in Prince William dmteg tin tsB-^a eawpaign- up to 12,460, with many sehoola still to be heard from. Woodbridge school heads the list, with a total of 1545. Catharpin school ia second, with 1507, and other leading schools are Greenwich, with 1236; Haynjarket, with 870; Belhel, with 868, and Groveton, with B20. Albert Allen, of Greenwich, has to his eredit^ tiie largest n o ^ e r of rats killed by any pupil i ^ the comity school*, having turned in 773 of the rat tails eonqiriaing tk* Greenwich -«core. Stanley Dawson and Frank Arnold, both of Woodbridge Idll^ 666 and 54S each. "^ - The agrienitoral club mcmbera lead- ing in the ^ntest, together with the komber ot nits IdUed by each, fan: Audrey H t S ^ Hayraarket, 162; Mabel Pears<M, MinnievOlr, i44; Ethel Bern. don, Fayman, M, and Nellie.LsmbMt,; Thorooglifi^ 88. DEATB OF OSCAR LYWN Native «f Prtace WHHam Dies at 9omeirvAlessadrta?— iarmers' viewpoint apcni legislatova and administrators aUke.' Large del- ' egations have held interviews with the :^ i^resident, membws of the cabinet and ^Vefficials of war emergency boards. ^<At the last semi-annual conference, S" teven United States senators of na- . 'tiMtal reputation who . were seated among the body of delegates at an - evening reception stepped io the plat- . 'form and expressed their warm ap^- 'tv«roval of the plans and woric t^ the p% B. F. O. ii'.';^ At the present moment there is the -'Jlfreatest need for the chosen repre- .'' sentatives of member organizations "jTMggther farm bodies ^ ttgeifi «ee«^ - ia conference at the National Capital \^ «Bd plan wisely both in the further- l 'Mac* of agricultural polieies already Xjtigned on as well aa in formtilating 'Jtthat plans. j^ , Thp board's program will be di^ect- i^'-itd not to bringing out Irreeon^lRble ^^I differences ia opiTiioa betweei^-ltna ^:^ organizations, but rather to otiJting ijM right minded f&m j^rgaiu^^ojas ia the furtherance of measureaittiat • ' are non-controversial. It certi^uy ia l^'fUbk to practical people that farmers' -'laterests can beat be served by pre- : twiiliig a solid and united front to ,.,ti>o«e interests which for decade* have l-teth secretly and openly opposed far- in the right t« rf—l rntl^iMrwxtY ia the purchase and sale of their agri- cultural necessaries and farm ]>rod- SeU. ATOattd-tins- uue aiaife tiiere is room for uniting farm forces averywhere. Support of the Capper-Rersman bill and regulation of the packers, whom the N. B. F. O^ has declared to be a public menace as constituted at pres- •st, are among outstandiag auktters belies-pfi to be non-controvenial to firm' irgar.ixations. Other ground for common action will doobtlea* p n - sent it-«wlf to the tie\egtkt*». Send uj rour eue^crestions for the coming conference and let aa know that you expect to Mtend. - JKLLISON—PIKRSON Bciibed in lieenatt card, -fa obti^iiing and using Ucanae on a ear the.hoiae power of whidh is greater than Hbti for which .Iieenae was obtained, wiB subject tike ovmer to a fine ot not less than $10.00 or more than $60.i()0, one- half of the fine going to the informer if not an (^cer. If an officer, - the^ magistrate is required to aaftw ia tba officer making the arrest v Thomas Sector Anderson^, seventy- eight years old, died -flVKidenly on Thursday night of last week at the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ir^ti Andenoh, near Cathai^in. Mr. Andezson Ijaii' been aiOicted from babyhood, havin^-jaf. fered a stroke of paralysis at**^ of six months, fr<wi wbiiiit' never fully recovered. BCe haidT his home with his broi^M' for thfrfyt two years and had eadea-yored in iiifli^ of his handicap to lead a tiae^al Mr. Andfiraea wa« a son of the late C9£arle« Kairtoo Anderson and tar* and .ttpee brothefs, Mrs. Jeaaie CHRISTMAS PROGRAM BY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENl^ Latin Claas^Sings Old Christmas and Other Mnsic WUson <pid Mrs. Blaggie Palmes^ of W«risia|:ton; Mrs. Laura NeleoB, of CaUfomia; Mrs. Dora Furr, ofBalti- ni*re,,Hd.;- Mr. diaries AixUcMfi, of R<M»rtown; Mr. Walter Aadexaon, of Newport News, and Mr.^L I. Andec- son, of Catharpin. Funeral jservicea were held on Sat-, nrday and interment was in ley cemetery. Mr. L. Oscar Lym died on Monday at his home in Alexandi^ia. Altltoagfa Mr. Lynn had been in failing lieaUh for some time, his death earn* as a great shock to U* many ftlenda and fclatives in Prince WiUtoan, wiiara be l»d passed all of his Ufe with the ex- ^ption of the last few yaat*. }MT. Lynn waaemidoyed a* aa angi- oier at the plant «rf tfa* VinUm SUp- l^ldtng Oorporatioii. Ha wm ia Ua ^ixty-niath year and waa r Ma of .{^ther Langdon Ljaa a . Mary l^ranoea CarreQ Lyna, wtw have 'xri^ow, wiw was Kia* B d b Onr- Mn, M Fawtuur eemtri > NarJb: L. Kyle Lyna, <rf Catbarpia, aad aix grandehildren. Two siatars, Mr*. L. B. Pattie, of Catharpin, aad Mxa. Wil- tiam Ml Wheeler, of'Wallingbm, also irnofhOT Rster, Mrs. Laura E. iders, having passed away leas a ynA before. Fuawal services were held at Sod- ley wi Wednesday and iidermeDt- was in'tbe SOdley eemi^«ry. G. W. H. OSBMJBN DEAD WaaUngtoB Bcndeat Baried Tneaday ia Msaassas Cmetieqr.^ A Christmas assembly was .held at the hi^ school Friday afternoon, Leon Waters, chainSan of tiie student council, presiding. The program open- ed with "Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful," t i n melody rwichiiig "the aodioiee as the students sang on the wayjCrom; their claserooma toffee-at^iorinm on the first floor. The lines were led by* Mr. H. W. Sanders, agiicaltaral direc- tor, and frilowed by tba-stadoit eooa- eS, whoae members carried ligMed candles which they held aa the Christ- mas antliem was snag. The next ataabsr oa the pivgiaat wa* "Adeaie Fideles," tiw oM Obriat. mas hymn beiag sung in Latin by members of the first year Latin claas, liissee Loniae Ay tee, LB- lian Hotchiaon, Fannie Kanadell, Elis- abeth Pope, Murie} Larkin, Catharine Weir, Georgia Harrall and Helen Cole- man, Arthur Recti^, Allison Hooff, George BaU4u>d^^gte»hes-Moore. - The invocaticm was offered .by Kev. A. Stuart Gibeeo, afUr which the Scripture reading, appropriate to the Christmas assembly, was read first in Latfn and tbaa ia Eagliah by Mia* Bfarjori* Brewer and Mia* Georgia Harrell. Seadiags were given by Mia* Ber- tha Watta; Miaa Aa^e Creei, Mia* Elizabeth Pope aad Miaa Mttbti Lyoa and otber ChristaMa iai£e waa m- deced. T'p home of Mr. and Mrs. .T. W. Pie-non. near Lorton, waa- the scene of a juipr wftiding ceremony on Werf- aesor.v . <p>-pmber 17, when titeiyi daarht. - y^ss Mary Th«tma Plersoa, beramr -r-r M-h4e-«* Ur, C<oyUB JeL_ liaon. ' - ipal Pierson was her timtf- : ,if honor and a brother of tt-p ; n.ii . •or- was best man The bn<ip w re u- Mtm and carried a K- •; ( -.^..f. ;• .,; !r the vo,.rii i ''"" " ' "to-, To :; V ^^ MIDDELTHC Mr ;in.- Mrs Richard H. Le«, of "TTie Herm.ia^e." ne«T Greenwich, have announrpfi the marriage of their daughter,I Martha Virginia, to Mr. Jofaan Gustar Middetthon. On Wednes- 'uiy at the manse of the Church of the Pilgrim, the Rev. .Andrew Bird offiei- atinf;. —George Washington HttS^^ Oibotim died at his home in Brightwood, D. C, Sunday morning, at the age of sixty- one. Funeral services were held Tma- day mcRidng at his late home and in- terment was made in the Manassas cemetery. The ftmeral service* w«te oondoeted by S«v, Mr. Coby, rector of an~ Epiacopal ehuwih in Washtast$pr a**isted-^ asT; A. Stoart GibaoB^^ Msnastss. '~' Mr. Osboum was a native of Prince George* conn^, Md. He is svtived by his wife, who waa IBa* Lillie Wcems Bird, of Maryland; tlnae dan^ter*, Misee* EMsc, LoUta and Lillian Osboors, aad a «*ter, Mi*s Amwia M, -0*a*ma, ot. MDnnSYILLK Mrs. Saiali Pendleton paaaed peace- fully away on Tneeday in b « niziety- second y e ^ . Mrs. PeadlMon was the wtfe of the late William Pradletoa, who preceded her to the grave several yearv xgo. The '-1iaiSf:'~duei"him from Spotsylvania thirty years ago. Mrs. Pendleton has Mved since her hus- band'^ death wiUi her st^-graadson, Mr. Claude Ennia. Sl>e was a member' of the Primitive- Baptist CIrarch, where her fnaeral took place. laterment waa ia the burying graaad b«*ide the body of her bttsband. Mr. aad Mrs. Arthur Boatwright. of Pennsylvania, are viaiting Mrs. Boat- wrigbf s mother, Mrs. K. J. Alexarkder. Mrs. J. T. Clarke i« viaitiag her m TMaea, K a T fMd coanty. Messrs. D. O. Alexander aad John Russell made a hwsinsas trip io Waah. ington Moaday. Mail is now hping tranaported by Mr. Bichard Pearaoa. Mr. L. E. Windaer waa home a few days thia week. r'l.c., K, sen her per. of tjoach- , -. imore. Mrl , :s spend MAIUOAGE UCENSBS ge licenses have lieea iasned at the courthonse during the last week to die following couple* White^—Joseph Simma, AgnearviBe, and Annie Bryant, Hoadley. David Fraalc Gray and Clara Caplingar, boOi of Catharpin. Colored.—George E. Twine and Mand Jordaa, botii of __Manassas. Rorria H.. Ilioniton and Martiia Griffith, both of Msnsseaa. "Maarice Payne Mid Mary Davis, both of Prince Sosetta Davis, botli of Prince WiBiaa count;. Alviae W. Harria, BtitUm, and Mamie Laae, Galiiawina B«i- aon Gartina aad Maria Ikpntoa, betli of mxamasnae ENnocTAiNBD .. Thp ChristoHv aieelliig of tlie Batii- lehea Good Hooaekesper*' Ckib waa held, aeeording to enatoni, at Koblay Cottage, with Mir*. K T: H. Hodga im hosteaa. The Cteiatma* deMxatioa* gave a feative air to the aeeaataa, seeond only te tke ChristaMs spirit An important feature of the bosi- ness seasian, wfaieh preceded a de- lightfnliy^ appotated {nncheoB.'wss the adoptioo of a new eonstitittion and by- laws, inergJBg the booariceepera' dnb into a borne demonatiation dab and extending tb* ismbwitiiii' fram twelve to fifteen. Pay Tear ISaaaa aad AveMtW Penalty Pay your state and connty taxea now and avoid the penalty that will be impoeed January 1. Usoaiiy tliis pen- ahy ia impoeed December I, bat ow- ing to the late start made by the com- inisaieaars of the revenne in making tiMir aaeeeeasents more graee is gtveb this yaar. •lU. Mr Miss Olive Bombeker, accompanied by Miss Woodward and Miss Nora May Miller, all nurses at Sibley hos- pital in Washington, were week-end truest' of Miss HomUaker's mother r , - - Vr» F I.. Hornbaker ano SECOND HALL BfUldDER TRIAL HERE NEXT WEEK Chatfenr Undor Arrest for Wife —Mvdar—WtJt" •TeBttfjr-ii^^Jfw The celebrated eaas of tlte conimon- wealth againat I*rohibition Inspector Hall, which loaaited in a hnutr jury at the Saptamber tarm of the circuit conri^vrill be (leard on Monday when ir ifuew Twmof eonrt eonvrnw. Judge Samuel G. Brent presiding. Inspector Dell, .together witfc his dep- uties, Harry E. Sw««t, J. H. Sullivan and W. B, Dunlavy, is charged with the murder of Baymorid D. Shackel- ford and Lawrence Hudson, alleged bootlegger*, naar^ Fishers Hill in the Shenandoah valley on iM night of March 28. __i_ - ' The case was ~broUQght to PriSpE William from the cirenit Shenandoah. Joseph Williama, who drova' ijtii prohibition 6fficers' car on the niljjit of the alleged murder, aaci who was a star witness at the first tiial as the only non-combatant witness of the shooting, will testify again although he is under bosd to appear for trial in Hiehmond on the chuxe of wife-mur- der, hla trial having been poatponad ia order to permit him to tertify her*. A veaira of forty has bitoa drawn for the second trial, as follows: A. Lee 'Henry, B. L. Bryant, J. L. |io*et-, 8. g a t Davtt, jSwfgt tz^ Roaeaberger, R: M. Jenkina, W. R. S o o M ^ -th A . .Wiiealer,-J, Ifc Stoe^ J. W. Arnold, J. F. Huffman,-J^ M. E^ieott, p. E. Kineheloe, B. C. Cpm- weli, R. B. Cuter, George D. Baker, J. M. Spittl*, George P. Pettit, li L. Carter, P. B. Myers, E. E. Hixson, Walter R. Akers, W. T. Abel, Ray- mond Curtia. H. F. Key*, Ernest Lip- scomb. George M. Davis, J. J. Niehol- soB, Robert Mea({^ P, M. |te)iqr, J. X< Riley, W. T. Ellicott^ E. P. SM», MeDaff Green, J. A. SeeM, W. W. Limiag, W. H. Canfck, E. E. Moiair, S. C Harley and J. B. Cola. DO& LAW CHANGES Aa^ED l>etitiea to Legidatare Affecting Game ^ akd nahMea L^iabtieii: ALUMMPLANTO SOLVE PROBI£H aOioai ShaatioB «o B» Impnmtd Upon PatrouB' Swift Action Needed. The eerions sitoation affecting tha putilie schools of Manassas district wa* the priueipal topic of diaeussien at a meetiag of the'Alumni Assoeia- tien of Manassas Institote and Ma- naasas Agricultural'High School, held Monday evening at the home of Hm president. Miss Mary Lee Chapman, in West street. . About twenty-five members, many of whom are home for the holidays, were in attendance, aad a majority of those present engaged liT tIie~dfteti8Bt9h of ways and nieaae solve the problem confrontiag tha ' The meeting officially decided that Urn moat lM>potiant step toward dear- hig the aituaMoa la ta plac« H w A a t - ter squarely befoite the patrons of tha selioola, and in view of this dedaiaa a mass meeting is to be lisld at Con- ner's Hall during the firat week in Janiiary, of which furthnr aanouaca- ment will be made next week. ProC Charles G. Maphia, of the Umv<Hait)r of Virginia, will be here at the tima to adviae with ahimai and patrona. The cold facta of the dtoation •tated audHa uieuibara iudividuaBy aad as a body agrted that sometliiBK day. Relief wiU be vaUelea* nnTsaa it come* at once. Aa the .ntattar Mands, $26,000 a year is regnired W - mn the sdiools of the district aa4 $20,000 is the annual revenoe, |19,0S» of which is required for teacfaera' ail- aries almie. The present d^eil $6j000. TIM schools aa a result arp doomed to close the last of Febmary —4 calamity big enough to be appra- dated b^ tlie alumni and to arooaa their spirit of gnardianahip. •That thff-aitnatiom ia jnat beginning to nudcb itself feH was conceded hg the ,alnmnl» many of whom bad not ^hiipiaaatid" tKfBife ** tfta subject was threshed out in this maefc. ing.—A eampalgiraTpBblicily la fay pected to bring heme to the patrona, as it h ^ come to the students Uiem- selvea and to tlie alumni the brea^itfa The legislature, wben it meets in January, win be asked to make certain _, iu 1.1. ^ j , -^ ^ . chMigea in the state game, fish and "1 * * ihreatened calanu^-the loa. dog law.. The dog Uiw was tekea up "* ^ '^^^.J^ *!, ^ *^ atudente, at a conference of state game wardens, t**"'. "»P»«ibihty of gr^natmg the sport«nen and farmer* in Richmond '«"'*. '^'J^^^J^f^^ T last week. Resolutions were adopted r » P ™ * « ^ for fte high achool, the petitioning the legialat»» to amwrf T J * * teachers who cannot this statute so aa to eliminate the pro-,**"'!** " ' ^ ^ ^ ' ^ *** 5 » - vision jOTuiring.fliatjll dogs bcjaa. [f™"**""*' •^ <*< sacrifice of a zled or confined at night, and t p ^ k e ™ " ^ *lff^^ t!j^^ 1 ^ the price of duplicate tegs 10 ceate, ^.^-^^^iJ^ -^^^ffS? "^ wfaKh IS even harder to baild than t» instead of 86 e«ite: Other amend- mente suggested merdy make clearer existing provisions of the dog law. It was derated to aaa the legialaUh) lu pot the fowl-destroyiag dog ia the same das* with tlie sheep-idller. The amount of money collected nader the pteeent dog law amomite to tton Oan $280,000. as againat. $67,000 aaOeeted under the oM law. Change* •qgg**tad in the gaaie law* provide for a - d i ^ bag Ifaait ot 16 partridg**. two wild tnik^a wid six Tiw alantai accepted ttie invitatiaa ia Mi«m VmU*±» Vyrn ^w,A win i^ her gnesta at the annual Caariataaaa laatival on Mew Tear's eve. The a»- tartaimaaat will be fai the flerai «f.a baz party. C R. POLEN SOBBED pheaaaata, witii two dmt M the- *on Umit. It waa alao - reeoaunended tiiat it be uMule nalawfnl to Un any deer ttie boroa of wUdi are not ^risiU*. With lagard to tfaa 4*c law, tfa* game dapattaMBt haa retailed aa optaiaa f n a r tMr Attaney-Gineral holdiac tbtA dega anet ba li*tod for CATBASPDf Mrs. Rawlins, ai soothera Virginia, aeeempaaied Mia* NelUe Saadera home_w.Wedneaday laat, attending rreglt*. ArfMicrAR«r IMriag Heli^ Winter Harri*, colored, charged with holding ap Mr. 0. R. Piplea aad obtaining $26, 'was bcooght before Magiatrate J. L^liCSi^ Wedne«lay afternoon and released and«^ bond of fl,«© tn await-the JieQMi"»aa grand Jury. Bond waa fimu^Md-hgr Measra. Robert A. B*tdiiMB aai^ A.' A'TOoiT" Mr Polea was roUwd Monday:-nigM- aboat aina o'ckdc oa UM road in so^tfieaat Manassas near the heate of Mr. Ernest Utt^back. He wae ap- proaclMd fay a negro, whosf be did not raeognise, and ordered to throw up Ma hands. Thinking the command a joke, he failad-to.obey and waa fbt«ad to eom^ with the order it is said hf the funeral of Mrs. F. H. Sanders and returning to her home en Satarday. ICia. L I. Anderaoa, who ba* been _^ visiting in Waahington, waa smhaion-! * «^- ^** "*««> arreetod has been ed home the latter p ^ of the wedc account of the death of her brethar-te- law, Mr. T. R. Aadaracn. Measra. Meredith and William Polea are speading the holidays a* the beaM of their paraata. Mr. aad Mr*. W. B. Polaa. Miss Be*sie AlIisoB, of Waahington, and Mr. Lptiier AlBiba, of Alexandria, are viwting their aareaH, Mr f^ Mrs. A. M. Allison. Mr. Currdl Pattle, of Alexandria, is viastiag his parente, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Pattie. Misaee Alice Metz and Mary Train- ham, Catharpin teachers, are spend- ing the holidays at their respective home* in Manassas and Broington. •played by Brawa * Hooff. DR. BOOP TO LBAVB "The executive board of York col- lege baa anneonoed the eleetieo of Dr. H«-vin Roop, of Manaasas, Va.. to be president of the college," says a dis- patefe from ToA, Nebr., to the Wash- iagtOB Star. "He is expect«d to be- giB M* dutiea aboot February 1." Rev. and Mrs. Roland T. Hav, ^ Pendleton, were in Manassa.* Tt:i^. en rtate to Marshall, where they gueste at a family reunion at home of Mrs. Hayes' mother, Mrs C. German. Mrs R:rirM>rt L. .•\llreil accompanied I ^''=^ ^ul-r. p > Dv :-er tvpo littie daoghtars. Pearl and ' *»T.iid*T<! wit* ler ' - t- \ .r^.e. left Tue» .ay evening to spenri ' •» > M- 1 • ^• It era. we. s.^ w • r: relatives in Bur -fj-f - e^iP •m 4 i t

Transcript of ESTABLISHED MAV, 189* A YEAR IN ADVANCK ......Additional sets re



    OF LEGISLATION ^jBtOective Stroigth of Agrkvl-

    finists to ' Back Desired ^'" Law Reforms.

    >î jfi)he National Board oi Farm Organ-•JtfMl6ioi^ ''3s iaflued th« following Iri^ "" ia jjieraberf of th9_jia}diii»e been represented by official dele-&ij/ttee whose organizations combine a t^lMal membership of over three mil-?_r-Jkm organized farmers. The import-^̂ i-4UiMe of these meetings has been im-I^^Jpnisurable. Official Washington has ^^tvi*^ notified that the farmers have ItJiMiiii&maation, power, and purpose and ^ i iwre learned the wisdom and aecea-fe^'lrity of combining their strength for - the common good of agriculture, : 0 n memorable oceaaion» ibe ^Uec * tJYii strength of ^h^t^ ^"^MirhM b*** Mtwtcd t r i M p r e g


    Licenser Fee Advanced—^Atten-_ikWLOf Auto QWBgEB̂ lBTJttd , •

    to Qinges.

    The Secretary of the Commonwealth desires to call to the attention of au-tomobile owners.important changes in and to a new automobile law passed at the extra session of the genera! as-sembly called for the purpose of pro-viding funds' for' the hfgliway''im-provement scheme.

    The license fee of all cars other th»D tpicks was changed from 40 cents per horse power to 60 cents, a mininiuni fee of $10 on autos and $5.00 on motor cycles, $2.00 for motor cycle side cars.

    Truck tax changed from horse pow-eir_to a. tonnage basis. Trucks of one ton or less $15.00 and for each half ton or fraction thereof in ex£«as of the first ton $5.00. Trailers $10.00 for one ton or less and $3.00 additioml for each half ton or fraction thereof in excess of one ton.

    Chauffeurs fee from $2.50 to $5.00. Dialers no increase in. license fee

    but limit placed on number of sets of plates furnished each dealer to three. . Additional sets re


    Pawea Away Suddenly' at Catharpiu o^-lattenteld 1 B Soi&ey.CMietery.


    SchoolB • ! W«wdbri4K* ami Gat-

    C*wpsiia Iti»orts>

    Latest reports in tbe rat eaiapaiga cooductod through the pabUe •cbooj^ by Miss Ullian V. GIIbiBrt, county home demoBatzation agant, facing-tbe total number of rats killed in Prince William dmteg tin t s B - ^ a eawpaign-up to 12,460, with many sehoola still to be heard from.

    Woodbridge school heads the list, with a total of 1545. Catharpin school ia second, with 1507, and other leading schools are Greenwich, with 1236; Haynjarket, with 870; Belhel, with 868, and Groveton, with B20.

    Albert Allen, of Greenwich, has to his eredit^ tiie largest n o ^ e r of rats killed by any pupil i ^ the comity school*, having turned in 773 of the rat tails eonqiriaing tk* Greenwich

    -«core. Stanley Dawson and Frank Arnold, both of Woodbridge Id l l^ 666 and 54S each. "̂ - The agrienitoral club mcmbera lead-ing in the ^ntes t , together with the komber ot nits IdUed by each, fan: Audrey H t S ^ Hayraarket, 162; Mabel Pears NarJb: L. Kyle Lyna,

  • PAO^: TWO THE MANASS.-IS jOVl!^^.^l-, MANAS-SAS, VIR«,IS-IA FEIi iAY. .UECELMfcER 26. i ^ i : J


    StaleBcnt Says Is Not

    Aat i -SakM

    Mr Wayne B. Wheeler, Secrcterr «< Lbe I/egisistiTe Omouttac at the Aati-S&loon League of Amcricft, iMMa tlif foUowing •tatement:

    The peni«test propacwda bj tk« National Tobaooo Le««vc ki tha Popa B a i ! £ a ( , WasiuBcton. t B U Ow Anti' SalwoB Uttgae is bacMsr u anti-to-bMioo cnuatie a^minat toteec* is n -tiTBlr BnfiMRided. said Wayne B. Wiwekr, (eoertf o e ^ u d of tlie Anti-Salooa i«agTie e liqara' traffic ia in a claas by itaelf to A * treatment at which that* is no aaalacT in tiw law. Chiaf laataea White m writfa« an ofKnioB on the Webb-Xcnyon act said. I t WM the emMyUunal natore of tha eaaoBodity wfaidi jastified tfie iBgiila

    In the more reeent ptvfwcanda th« Tbhneoo L e ^ n e quoted CJareAin Trae WBaon as spwluimnisii for the Anti-Saioen Lea^oe favoring an aati-ta-tmuDb (uunde. Dr. witoM m^egsBBf the Methodist Tonpemnoe Board and not (he Anti-Saloon Lreacoe. He has repeatedly denied this s totr Ovulated by the Anti-Tofaaoeo l/engae. This •hole UriHoeo toagoe paropaganda j s an tfSart to dmw a faminflr aonas tta trail to divect the dhaae ttvtn the bev-erage liqaor trafle and law enforee-ment aguDSt ' t h e ' moonshiner and boodegger.

    Tbe Anti-6iJoon Lea«ne wiO con-tznae the fight witboot divcnsita laitil the nnBsfactnre aad sale af bevenage

    is pgehflMted thuanghaa* the

    u:.: :=[;jfr:.i=^i,i^llr!

    ETIN loa mii2Mmcxsm"MM:. •

    ^W>ail ear v, her the tareb of ba*ines,s are set

    aside to welcome tht drrnaJ ol i»ur better ^ v e s ! The jjreat ma-

    jority of as have this Better Self wiihin call—but are l**« bu:sy to

    open the door and bid it enter! It is pleasant to reflect that this

    spirit is eonmoo to as afl and the great regret is that we consider

    it a weakness instead of a soarce of streagth.

    l l i i s better self is that imrt of as which we csJl sentiineat—

    and for some ojafortuBate reason the world has long considered it a

    weakling to be kept at IMHBC with the women instead of going to

    the office or the workshofi. We permit it to work with poets,

    arfists and mosiciaiis bat we shoo it from the bofflDeas worU ex-

    e c ^ on rare occasions. ^


    Its arrival is announced b j the chi i ing of bells and its ines-'

    i is felt by a gfmm of cheer.

    Hie s h a ^ eoaunand of bteinesB assomes a softer toae aad the

    . severe of ansters go Uumiiii the day with a sank.


    n e Preod v a n greets the Hnariide, the Miser ^ M S his porse^

    GmveatioB and Castom break down before its warmth aad the

    fneadsas t h e a ^

    whole wide worid is Ida!


    It is here to greet oiff :

    standing here akme.

    It has DO wari to say of bosiness.

    With true sincerity this Bettet- Self of as extends the hand of

    frkadshqi aad Vishcs yea the best for yon aad yoors.

    May yeor own better s ^ accept it in this spirit and forget, if

    yoB idease, thiA ear BMssage oBBtah» as hmt oeember, 1919. NOKMAN JOHNSTON. F l a i n t 9


    Defeadant. I N CHANCEBT

    ' The obj^et Of this Bott is te obtaifi ' • "divmrg try tbp plaintiC againfft tibe defendant, dissolving the bonds of matrimooy, a vinealo m^omonS, on the gronads of infidelity, and for gen-eral relief.

    And affidavit having been made and filed that the defirndant, in the above entitled canae is not a r«sideat of the state «f Virginia; and an ap|di* ^ *^^ ^ reristered mail, by

    ' lishod saec a week for foar aoccessive i **• C l « * "f '^»» Court, addresseci ti> . waeks in the Manassas Jonmml. a I Amrie S t Germain Johnicton. 22 Mon-


    Sycamore Pulpwood WITH BARK ON

    'bur Store Is ^ Splendidly Readv To Serve the

    Housekeeper f For the maay things needed repkeaiah or fBraiah the home apriag aad sammer.


    i Oar aoanona icrobD. iU.. ~, iceepine department nf r>. and nuMit rpcenl Or ir -̂ ateasi'ls. iaindrr (., - r cieaaiag devices, retrie-,'s i r-

    . : ^ The tree waa beantifBUy dee-md tht litae-fMks enjoyed the

    f .'^Bta Claos very m n c ^ a s he : ifts for all. Mr. PareeD. snper-fn: of the Snnday School, dehv.

    weekly newt i««mp address, ia whidi he' -""^ f>ew,^mpa .. txa rhiM tiiiil m «iiM»

  • ^^^^^^p^

    f HI!.>AY, l i E l ' E ^ f B E K I U \ *-! THE MANASSAS JulltN.M.. M\^AS^v •wiM*-MwiMni*ris» cake—or none at all:

    uif; not mind d«n(|.-witt«»al *' - jfr»T- nere and there in ardar to" j

    -su.ieii our opiicate laces. •

    Good Judgment

    # # • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


    MakfTs o£ &FECTAebBB~-EDMONDS- i---^^ O P T I C I A N

    m» Fifteealh Street W.4SHINGTON. D. C r>pi>t*l

    «> «K«\ «n ^ -we say as w e ,

    ,. .. "> saoiild we sigrh »» »•« B«J-* .f r mnooTiplace SUB ia the ooaunon-

    uime. ilii', .... . _ . . . :̂ the commonplace day.

    and stars are commemplaw

    . flower that blooau and the ' -ri that s m n

    »• were the werid and aad swr

    V i'T^ Hue^ SLUG the ?UTi shone


    ^-^ yooahw the highest in

    71 Mill PRODUCERS

    _ « « s r atom milk and cream? If so, yoli dwoU ietA EUREKA DAIRY RATION, ifbest in quality and safest to use, for beat

    resuits. Yoa aaay be f ro« Missouri, but we can sbow you. Ask year feed dealer about EUREKA wad fud wbat von have lon« been WwAiag lor.

    w^^^^m OvO « ^ B ^ ^ law^ ^

    ThisFa^Age In M ĥidi we are living, requires that we ex-ercise the utmod care in economy with our finanrial dealing*. Toe jnan who is not„ carefully looking after his finances, wifl some tkyiuediecidy.—We arc ready at all tinies to assid you in any way possible to better your financial condition. We believe a


    < • * < '

    K̂* V*-V V"* •:* ^ ^ ^ •*J? ^ J ^ ^ J * - ^ ^

    -—- -„ . -™ —̂ "T^~

  • 5'A(fI;. ;'OL K IHr. M.ANASSA> .HJ lkNAL, MANASSAS. \ ' l l i< , lMA F R [ n \ Y . DECEMBER 26, HM'i

    ?S!^^«? P t̂ i ITi? I ftT A I lUinUC "̂ ^eAflo«* Jt«»«». colwed, died Fri-l>iVl£d^ L U L i i L ivE"n°«r the holidays. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.-Boiling Mills, will take possession abont the first ot the year.

    w^ ^m. T TO- »»- i.-^ -* —A number jof visitors are erpacted . ^ ^ ^ J ^ i K . y j ^ ^ ° i ! ^ . ^ l '•-r. tnniaht to attend th, c S ^ Kopp,' has Men appo&itad ccnsns enû

    merwtor ^or Colts dia^ieL

    —Mr! Albert ftuit if ̂ cutting iee at Haymarket this v«ek. the ica is said to be six ihdics thick.

    —Mr. andMrs. W. G. Covington have moved iiito^lwir new honw JUJt erertrfid nn thiftr farm nfsr town

    ^--Misi Htfen Coleman and Wamn Coleman gave a dance jit t h ^ home in Centre street Tuesday evening.

    • —Mr. and Mrs. John S. Green, who recently sold ^h«r farm here, *have moved to' their new home in Vienna.

    —Ifr- William Comareil has por-cfaiUHl)̂ two U'KS 61 ttBtf-near-UaBera-from Mr. T. M. ftossell and expects to build. " _ (

    —Ernest Twine and Maud JonUa, colore^. Were married h«r« on JHon-day. Both are «mi>loyed «t XsMft«r& College.

    —A nombir of young people were eaillll^hied on Christmas night at the honHf bf Iflss EmHy Hound ta Gnat avenue.'-

    —Mr. S. T. Weir, fvho. iniszed 1^ ankle in a fall •». Tliaiil^^j^wj If tw-proying altiwutji still tile house.

    to l«av«

    —Mrs. Roberta, Lynn, who became qoite sick in Wsi^'hington on Christ-mas eve, returned to Manassas today and is tn^roying. ~ '

    —Miss Bersha B. Lee, daughter of, the late William- and Caroline Higgs Lee, died of paralysis on November 29 at her home near Chaniilly.

    —The home of Mr. John W. Hall, near Gainesville, was destroyed by fire on Christmas morning;" PiPacOeaHy °0**i"? wa« MVfri, jf iff T̂ TlWrSt̂ iMl,

    dancf at Conner's Hali,. and also, to attend the New Year dance -on Thurs-day evening of next week. Invita-tions to the New Year dance may be obtained tfaroogh Bfr. Gilbert 0, Spies, of Cocke's Pharmacy.

    — T̂he Manassas farmers' union local held a meeting at tht- courthoiiiiB Saturday afternoon, at which time the following oScari were elected;Presi-dent, Mr. J. H. Dodgs; vice-president, Jir.-W,^¥r-Thom«s««n; secretary and treasurer, Mr. J. J. Conner, and di-rectors, Messrs. J. M. KUne, a F. M. Lewis and W. D. Green.

    —E. L. Rush of the river section - g ^ of;wadstbck was ia Wtachester

    . Mr. Gilbert Lunsford, of North Car-olina, is expected heme for the. hoH-day«, ..._ : :-

    C, is visiting his'moUser, Mrs. P. H. Lynch. .

    Mr. Winis Meetze, ot Pennsylvania, is visitkig. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Meetse:

    Ueot. George C. Lym, of Washing-ton, is tending a fsw 4»ys with bis family here.- Z~ . I

    this week, where he had the middle finger of his left hand amputated be twenf ^ e first and second Joints. About six yiean ago be had his finger crashed in a corn shaller, bat no trouble of any conseqamca developed n a ^ this JbH. , TnMitTnaitt- SaOiag ~ 4«4l>eg i»B»dfcJ>asa. benefit, th« kkUe W|w resorted to. Woodstock Times;

    Ridgecrc«t» N. C . for the winter.

    Mr. W. L-Steers, of Mount Rainier,' Jfetif-visited friaada here-TWedayy-^

    Dr. L. F. Hojtgh is spending the week-end w t̂h his family ia^WaiSing, ton.

    Mrs. Luther J. Martin, of Oraag«, recently visited her daughter, Mrs. H. 2« Weath«sralL

    Miss Mattie Weir, of Washington, It iq>endiag the Ghilstaias boHday |it

    Mr. W. Partee.Wdr, of Philadel-phia, is expected Sdnday for a visit to his home here. .

    Mr. R. G. Koiner, of Staunton, for-piw », Hiss May Leachman, of Washing-

    ton, Is spending: the holidays .at her home at Bristow.

    Mr. Grady Cooper, of Washington, is visiting hie mother, Jfas. J, A. Qooper, near town.

    John Holt • Merchant i s spending Christmas in- .fijchmond :-TBiOi Idg eousia, John "Wood. ''" ""

    Use White Rose Flour "The FLOWER of FLOURS"

    Accept NO SUBSTITUTE If your grocer will not furnish you, ad-vtse-tis> -and we will see that youTget

    White Rose Flour It^Ir ^tuaraBteedr-to-fiiye-Satisfiuy:^^

    How About Cotton Seed Meal ? We Have It^AIso AU Kinds of

    f y s ' ' ^


    - imDmeThafiner'iEe ebUi fell back-ward into the red hot grease, melting away the skin from her shoolders '"11. Pearson, of southern Lou-donn; Mr. B. T. Pearson, of Hamil-

    Mr, and Mrs. F. H. Cox, of Wadi-ingtoB, are spoKyng Vhe l ietida^ with rdatives here. ' ' ^

    Manassas Feed and Milling Co. B. LYNN ROBERTSON, Proprietor MANASSAS, VIRGINIA



    ton; Misses Alice and Elizabeth Pear-soa, of Middleburg, and Mrs. Griffitjt, of Prince William. His wife died about a year ago.

    —Mr. W. B. aiDock, who has just returned from a five-day trip to Oii-cago, brings back the news of his por-cl»»ee of a fiae horse, an mtematiotuki prise wiunet.whWi at tm age of t»o years weighs a ton.

    —While cutting Idndliag wood last week, Mr. RobcTfCrXsae^iia-«•» stnick in the eye by a flying chip. The injured eye has giveA coondermbie paia and Mr. T.̂ â .tĤ 'fln' has "beea oUiged to coBSalt a qiedaliat

    - M r . Ashton Clapham. of Wmh. ingtoB, aoeompaaied by-Ms.aen .and dasgbtsr, w«r» gaeats of Mr. € i s ^ ham's notlier over Sunday, it her 80th birthday, says the Water-ford letter to ^ Loodoea 'Hnesl

    —A marriage Ueiinu .was ' issued ~ in Washington last week to Lawrence C. Craig, of Alexandria, aad Miss Anna A. Jackaon, of Warrenton. Mrs. Craig has often visited her conafn. Miss MaMJUUrS-

    —The town water supply, which has been low for several months, has sud-denly returned to normal, a aaaAsr o< hisf leak* having been (liscuvtfM la' the water pipes, from Which twen^-five gaihms of water,"ft Ir saM, a ie i^ erf rvery minute.

    -News has reached here of the amae'e in Roanoke (Jn Decetnber 10

    Mr WHJiam B. Cather, formerly of .! saas. RTid Mis? Ruth T.urado, of

    rit-^ The ytmng coopir spent |

    bee* aarsiag b» Roanoke for soma time, is visitkig her home here.

    Mrs. Francis Norvell Larkin Knd Ut-ile Mtaal'raBoes Kanehe Laxkin were Washiagton viaiton during tite week.

    •iwTEiot^ A 17 Txi:..r.^..»»» - - . ' ^*"- *̂ '**™ Beavers and Miss Jennie T D E S b A Y , D| :CEM^M_4BeB,4rfLW.rfHa«teB, a , . .iatUiig their

    . « , ^ . , fathw, Ut. SL B. Bell, near Canova. —1^¥L(^ aOLMES . . t a . .

    •TJPsroE Dowjr A ^Mrto play of Urtiy rMsons.

    AIM Ktvsiaat Comedy. llc-lTe


    MARGUEIOTB OLASK . . t a . .

    "GIRLSr See BO auui—beftr m •e •••—but watdk w l ^ she does.

    Admbaian, lle-17e

    FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 ^ P i f f ' " " * *

    - - - LILALEE w " ~ . . t a . .

    A DAUGHTER OF THE WOLF A Speetai Sierv.

    A150 MUTT AND JEFF AdMtarion, llc-rje


    Washinirton and' Episode No. M "Rirriers of hi Richmond -, Rj--»noke The Flame. Also new St't^nr't ĉ om ,.-.>• s.-r, of Yr e

  • FRIDAV IH'.l i: HBfciH 26, Wi9 THE MANAN-A.V


    M. Coleman, of the New liam Hotel^ k ripefidljig a


    ^s Ola Whltmer, daughter of Mr. . . Whitmer, who is teachiiitr at I ean, is spending the holidays at

    1 home here. m

    Mr. W. J. Walker, ot Orange uuty, ii the guest of hi« ton-in-law

    itiDmU and Mrs. Stuart K. Bevans.

    Mr. W, B. Lynham, of Hagerstown, Md., ia »E«»dinsr the week here with his family at the home» of the Kisses Smith in West street.

    Miss.LilUMi-V.-aitt>OTt left Wednes-day to visit relatives at I^ynchburg and Amherst and will rctwn to her post of duty Januarys.

    Mr. WilUam CUude Griggs, «rf the Virginia Polytecbinic Institute, is spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aahby Lewis.

    Miss Mamie ^loeroaker, who is studyulg at Eastern College, is spend. ing the Christmita vacAtiim at her heme in Pittiborgh, Pa. ^

    Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wenrich spent ChristnuM day in WaslibiirtoB w l ^ their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wenrich.

    Mr. Earl D. Merrill, of Cornell Univ varsity, is spending the holidays witJi his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Mer̂ »411, nt TwHcr»nri«nt TTill- :̂

    Prof. W. ftllis Aylor, of McCalUe College, Chattanooga, Tenn., is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Aylor, of Milford Mills.

    Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith and their little^ son, William Stuart, of Baltimore, "(jiro viiiting Bfrs. Smith's sister, iHn. German Pence.

    Miss Kathleen Spies, making happy every j one with whom she comes in contact. [|^'

    Husbands are barometors; they be-. come foggy or eleai^ Uielr spirits go up or down according to the condition' of the atmosphere -oi the home as it is created by the wife. A bride of a | year said: '^he^ hardest thing I \ have to do is to keep my spirits up, because if I get blue so does Charlie. I want the lOxury of getting blue or cross once in a while and having him coax me up." "No," said a friend, "and you never'will havOitiiat luxury, for your husband's spirits will alwayf he a reflection of yours." "Yea" spoke up a second friend, "and if you want him to be a business failure just think of him as a faUure, an# like a spossfe h« will absorb the tdea^ Think of him as young and active anIe white wo-man as working housekeeper; $22 per moath. E l̂a W< Garth. Manassas, Va. ^ 30-7*

    Bay driving mare for sale^ ' R. R. jBuckley, Caiftcm Statioh, Va.*

    Standard bred Rhode Island Red cockerels f

  • P A ! }JK M A N \ H S A S J O r U N A L MANASSAS. ^rilf i !N!A FRJD,\Y, DEC'BMBEii 2̂ >. 1919

    v / i iLuCi l S £ H V i q E S

    LUTHERAN f l.utlitran Church, Bev. Ed

    . !Kt', pastor. rmuy School at 10 «, m.

    i'eaLiiin^ at 11 ». m. _, . J Nukesvill« Lutheran Cliarch.—Ser-

    vieett Sunday at 2:46 p. m.

    PRBSBYTBBJAN Manassas Presbytcriaa Church

    Kev. BaFomt W^de. P)utw. — Sunday School at 10 a. m. 11:00 a. m.—"The P«rftct BaMom." 7:30 p. na.—"Tha Mora} Logjg of a

    Comprehensive VUg^iCtBMt Life." ^, Freackinv mominif and evening by the Bev. S. N. VaU, of WaaUncton.


    Bev Trinity Epieeopal Church, A. Sttiart Gibeea, Bector.

    Sunday School at 0̂ o'p.laek a, m Bvrnpt first, second and fearth

    Smifday-at 11 a. m.r every SondaT at 7:S0 p. m.

    St. Ann's l^emorial Chapel, Nokea-Tille. Service first Sunday at 8 p. m.; third Sunday at 11 a. m. .

    BAPTIST Manassas Baptist Chnieh, Bev. T.

    D. D. Clark, pastor. Sunday—^mday SehoQl, 9.4tS •. m.;

    ittomiQg.jBezvieer4l e'doek; B. T. P. U., 9:45; «v«aiB(r suvtee at 7:tti

    ^•diMsday—Prayer •f:80 p. m.


    Som« People Clui Be Happy Un-der AlnoBt Afly Circani-

    stanees? Can You?

    ' i f - >•' V

    After yo

    EAT After you ta -^tlv


    1/ **^-'W»-.. jM«.-i jMf-i lJ^


  • FRIDAY. DECEMBER m 1 j! n i l i V i A \ A S > A S J O I ' K N A I , . > | A \ \ - - A v , \ ! ]{( , ;%! *,



    ought to— / With tub and soap sind tepid wat«r.

    We deem t])e wisest eoorae by far For minds that have been much nag-

    lected Is, "Hitch your wagon to a star," Brut dont presume then to direct it. Observe the laarek Wilson won— For love at Mike, what have YOU



    Coonty to Make Up for With-^ drawal of Health Fands

    From Other Soirees.

    The following article from th^burt issue of the Fairfax Herald j shows what Fairfax county thinks W. tiie health work inang«T»ted there ten months ago;

    The Fairfax Chapter of the Ameri-can Red Cross is s3>oat to launch a campaign to raise funds to assist In carrying on the health work in the county. The State Board of Health and International Health Board wiU withdraw their financial support after the- 3l8t of January, and from that time on, the, health work, as now OT-ganized, ^ns is t iag of a full time health officer, two sanitary inspectors and a clerk, with a public health nurse to report the first of the year, will be financed by local funds. '"TSe"sanitary 8nrvey"TB5t~haB been condiKted in the county and the meas-ures that have been instituted to pre-vent the soil pollution diseases have demonstrated beyond and pera&ap-ture of doubt that the time and money spent hav« been productive -at real benefits. Over. 1300 homes have been visited ~ during the preceding t«n months and directions given to pre-.vent typhoid fever and other filth borne diseases. There was only one death in the county this year from typhoid fever. Over eight hundr^ persons havfe been examined for in-testinal parasites' and 166 infected cases treated. 'K^ s a a t t u y « a i m 8 ^ ^ ments at most of the s c h o ^ have been put in good condition and 645 school children have heen examined for physical defects. There have been 274 treatments done and induced and

    t ;^ , - ; -P^r-


    il.>:% : ^


    tthmi rbte


    «4n of 30 cdfimHam: or torn' pockmtmo (300 eimrtttmi i s a gJMmaipm-papor-onntmdtmttm^ Wo otnmttr I If iiiinirfOfc

    ' oortoa Ar Om heoooor ottoo ompptx or v*M joa tmooL

    glCARETTE U y o u wtmt to k n o w what rare and unusual enjoyment Camels provide smoke tbem in comjparison with any cigarette in the world at any price!

    * . « • — „ — _ - . . • • , • . . I I . • Ill .11 I. — B - w r u - > ' « ^

    /^^AMELS are a cigarette revelation any V ^ wayyouconMderthen>> Tedie^qctaHty, or refreshing flavor and fragrance; or, that wcffiderful melk>w-mild-smoothx^fls you never befive got in a cigarette smokel Yet Camels are so full-bodied and so fiill-of-satts£actiaa you marvel that-so much de-light could be put into a dgarettel

    Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and chok:e Dmnestk: tobaccos m^ces them so hresistiUy appetizingl And, the blend explains why it is possiUe fen- you to smoke Catnels Hberally without tiring your taste! You will prefer CameJa ^ either tdnd of tobacco smoked straightl

    You'll realize pretty quick, too, that amon^the many reasons you amake Camels is their freedom from any unideasanty:iga-retty aftertaste ornnpleasant c^^a^etty odor I

    Once jroa know CtuneJa yoa won't tmkft miir.hntnnk in prmmiitmfi^ rtft^fpot orgiftal Ywi'll ptefer Camel quaHtyl

    B. Jl REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. Wnsta^Sskia. N. C

    ,.jr::;:jr-:p; '","y,""^'_',J','_'""'_^\J'C''"]"9riryt-^-

    3 = r

    They pay ̂ f or Circulation—advertisers, of course. _̂ See The Journal Subscription List


    206 dressings have been applied by the health officer and 255 children vaccinated against smallpox. .These are some at the pnbtic ben^ta that have resulted from the' health activi-ties, and it is for the continuance of | such work t h ^ the Bed Cross is ap-;

    to_thej€ople of the county to'i pantribute funds TcTmake u p ^ dif-[

    -tereoce between tire appropriations S\ the county and the total cost of the work. The total amount necessary win aggregate something likt (6,500, and i t w«l not tS6 a"hMa-n^tt«-^tff raise this ram. All the branches of the Bed Cross will soon be notified, M U Mi Wfnrt w H i i in tnt th> flBHts HI


    I Kf IY. B E G I N M l M a AT T E N O'CLOCK. A. M.

    Miss Viola Donovan, of Washington, arrived at her hMoe last Fridiy }» spend the heiidays.

    Miss Martha MoUur, who h«s lieen quite sick, is improving slowly.

    Miss Sallie Cooper returned to Washington Sunday, after spending |

    b e f c

    irrinrr Xr^oothe, M B. Haris* j - ^

    Cr^. B. WarteM. Cashier. i I X C l ^ I. W 1 %X. X-* W *

    fixti Naiional Bank , 1 r OKTCISIT' ftT OF

    i lF .iTKD STATK-



    Mr. Frank Albright, of Broadway, visited friends htrt last week. |

    Mr. Richard Donovan esntinues ill.' Mias Essie Comwsll, of Washing-;

    home here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Troy E. Coonts spent!

    Sunday with Mrs. Counts' parents,; I Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Keys. , i Misa Tracie Spitzer. who is teach-

    ing- at MnnKville, is spending the hoi-: idays at the home of her parents here. |

    j No servkei were h ^ at the Ptea- I byterian Church Sunday mamiag. a s '

    I Rev. J. R. Cooke was unable to gvt. I here on account of bad

    "or.' ip Anr" »•! ,1 torv t.ffr-- ••:••• ••(i

    CARD OF THA.NKS ! We jrish to t h i n k onr re iat ives and

    fri«"r, .- fi^' tho'.r m.iny expr«ss:(ins of K;. r,. ,-..-. for : rt* n..i.nA tx-.'iul;f:.i

    .T• •"- r ' - ^ w > > - ; 1 ! v . t . i t h {

    :.-. ; H'-.-. ; . i I , K

    I vrill offer for sale at public auction on the ai>ove^nanied date at my farm l>i miles from Nokesvilleon the road lead-ing to Qreenwic^ the following personal property:

    Heavy work mare, S years old; 5-year-old nwre, 1200 lbs.; 3-year-old mare cdt, 2-year-old government colt, 5 young cows coming fresh in spring, fine brood sow, and 7 shotes, farming implem^its, 2-horse wagon, snagtooth har-row, disc harrow, Oliver chilled plow, No. 40; Qoverleaf manure spreader, buggy, Buckr_^,,^^2iag cultivator, Deering movdng machine a i f lHHlHBj^^^^B'se rake, single Key

    complanter, J^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cut; Superior wheat drill, 9 discs; com c ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B n shelier, double wagon harness, c o l l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H i set (^ double alxHit 70 shocks c c ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H e com in bin, good hens and o t h e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H > u s to mention.

    TERMS:—Sams rf JI^D^BflCT^Sfl^frial amwa^ a crciiu if menths wiD be ghfen, pnrchaser eiecodng ioterest-beariig, Mgodable note mu d secunty, payable at tbe Baak sf Nokesvifle.

    ^ ^ . . . - . . . . fu i j^ j t r . . -

    i'i i .

  • T> .:\ THE MAN.\SRAS JOURNAL, MAN.\SSAS. VIRGINIA FRIDAY, DE(^EMBER 26. 1919 * ww^^rir^anwriwywryjaia


    iw»• g inn ing Janqary 1, 1920. ' '

    Ordered t h a t w a r r a n t be. drawn on c o u n t y fund for $1,500 in f a v e r of G.. M. RatclilTe, p a y m a s t e r , to b« appl ied on payroUs for p e r m a n e n t jroad o n d e r construct ion in D u m f r i e s d is tr ic t , sa id fund to be i«i»»lKUi!«d la ivr f rom jo int s t a t e and c o o a t y fund .

    Ordered d i a t W i l l i a m J a c k s o n b e pa id $ i 5 o a t o f M a n a s s a s d i s tr ic t read f u n d - f o r land in c h a s g e of r o a d lead-i n g f r o m Groveton t 4 Mitfard lane^ k n o w n a s Comp^^m lane .

    O r d e n d t h a t f 125 be paid L . V. GU-bert Jor s«rvic«e rendertsd in room m d s t e a d of R. G. K q r a e r ^ M a i g n e d , f o r 1919, w i & eoiiidit>. 'V WKCH-VN((•-••-,I. ASH t- Jl!: be

    -: t.'\-

    EmAfi^SAPPEAL -IKAfiETOseBOOtS D^,. 'Bah-ct^ OatlinM Need of

    B ^ and .Interest ia Worit at Ivakota.

    Claim of E . P . D a ' v i i . f o r room rent

    whi le dischaigtnK ' H s ' ^ f f i e T i s regjj^-

    trar,.idk)iwied. '

    Order for w a i r a n t f o r $S6.76 on j an tttmt i n the i n t e r e s t o t jt ist ice t o

    ° [ T h e Journal i s g lad t o be able t o ^ n t t h e fo l l owing l e t t e r f rom Dr. K a t e W a l l w Barre t t , of A l e x a n d r i a , p r e s i d e n t o f t h e .Nat iona l F loranca Cr i t t eqton Miss ion , concerainis b e r re -cent v i s i t t o M a n a s s a s . a n d . I v a k o t a school s e a r Cli f ton.] Mhnassaa Jlpunial, M a n a s a a s , Va.

    G e n t l e m e n :-r-t>uring the p a s t w e e k I h a v e )iad t h e opport te i i ty o f v i s i t i n g t h e s c h o o l s in M a n a s s a s and. speakingr to t h e (diOdreo upon the work w h i c h w i l l s e a t < 9 o n the ir s h o t d d e t s , of «om« p l e t i a s t h e tuk>tr tucfa o u r boys i a khak i s o wMy b ^ ; * a i n t h e wor ld w a ^ — t h a t o f m a U n g t h e wor ld a . s u i t a b l e p lace f o r g k l s and i>oys t o g r o w n p in. In o^ir own country w e h a v e b a t iittlk itf _do. cjjHSBBajd -te-XteL Jtiex.. m u s t a c c o m p l i s h in E o f o p e . B a t e v e n here i f o n e w i l l look b e l o w t h e smrface t h e y can recog i i i z e f a U t s t h a t a r e j o s t a s d e t r i m e n t a l t o s o c i e t y a 4 a n y t h i a s e l s e in t h e w o r l d .

    O n e o f t h e s e i s t h e u n e q u a l d i s t r i -but ion of w e a l t h , w h i c h i s no w h e r e mo«rd J . L. B o s h o n g , poor d ^ i m . D. E . Kineheloe,

    H. S. B«U, « a m e - . ^ . „ W . R. Gossom, s a a t e

    9 J e 6 J O O


    80.00 A. C m m r a e t t , s a m e ; _ . 4 0 J O O U r i a h Wilketa«m. jan i tor , G tL »M

    J T. n « w « n , m*tmnAm»^ »m^ ' :{CtdeSt OIT p u l e a g e — . . . , . , - ^ 6.80

    h a v e t o o m u c h t h e y wi l l o s e i t f o r the. g o o d o f h u m a n i t y and i f t h e y hav^ t6 l i t t l e t h e y , wffl h a v e sufficient W e n d s t o h d p them o n i n l i f e s o t h a t t h e y c a n t h e m s e l v e s , e a r n s v f S d e n t . F o r t h i s r e a s o n 1 a m •^"'^"g t i i is e x -plaaaticHi o f the reques t w h i c h I m a d e

    t o t h e c h U d r e a ^ t h e publ ie school 4 47 A I t h a t on t h e l a s t d a y o f school t h e y - Bc n e e e a s a r y e n v i r o a m e n t f o r a n e d o e a -t ioa a n d t n i n i a c a s oar e h i l d r a i . J u s t 1MM>«««« /rf tKc i.WKn>.^rf»y «>, . «



    J. J . Cenner, same.. .

    6M 4.70 CJOO

    20.00 KM

    McDoff Green, saoie . a . C T B u t e B s e n , s a a s e . . ! . T. M. Rasse l l , sanML_.> . T . M. RosseB , poor c la im. Grace Pot ter , saate . T . W . L y a n , a a a i e . - _ _ ^ _ -J. J . Carter, poori iaase D . J. Arr inctoB, p e e r T. W . L y a a , Danie l Be id , aante. W. A . D a v i s , s a m e KM G. M. RatcUffe, r e g i s t r a r : . - . . . j : : — K M J. T. SyncMz, a t t e n d a n c e tmA

    m i l e a f e _.„.....';; :1JIZISL 6 3 0 i J . L. D a w s o a . e x p e n s e s >•

    i S r t oi the i r n a b u a l gnardisTts i s j m . c a u s e f o r t b e i c n o t h a r m s A b e a i e o f t h e i r o w n .

    God g r a a t the t i m e m a y s o o n c o m e w i t c o e v e r y child wiU h a v e h i s w h e r o w a b o i e e , and t h e s t i g a i a apQii_QBr e iv i l i sa t ioB o f h a v i a g t o h a v e i eharf^ hMaes f o r d i i l d r e n , w i U f o r e v e r b e

    taL Wnmmnr, mirtil t»y»t fen^

    O M. Etatdiffe. p a y m e a t t e be 4 ^ t u m e d _-_ _ 1,600^)0 '•

    Breatsv iBe D W r i U B s s d J

    d o e a ^ e m e , and t o h a s t e a i t s c o m i a c , w e s b o a U do o a r p a K t o m a k e tiieee • o b a m & a p p e d . h a ^ y .

    W i n n e t c y « y f a t h e r a n d m o t h e r , in addit ioB . to g i v i a g t h e i r ch i ldrea

    s a a t e t h i a g t o b r i a c t o t h e aehoet , t r y and i m p r e s s o p o o t h e m t h e idea of

    _ , i _ — t j . , t h e s e s t e t e a M B t s t I c a a a o t eompH-I H w « m , e x p e n s e s l a V e k » - « „ ' " " ' * »** ^ ^ ^ *»* personne l a n d

    - " J * " ^ , , . . . . V T r ^ " " t e q u i p m e n t of your Maaaaaas schoo l s . T I. SuUivan, r e g i s t rar . '•"'•j I t i s — » l i , . . m . i i t r . t i , ^ • » ™ _ * •»,-J C. Meredi th . boiTiaK c h i l d _ . « .00 t L ^ ^ I ! ! ? ^ ^ ! ^ ^ ^ ^ , a « « t t h e I IT r - n v „ * J ^ 1 _ _ » . , - , , ^ I t e a c h e r s and to look in ttie f a c e s of so

    ^ ^ . ^ * ! ; ^ ^ L : ! ! ^ . "w: ^ ^ i ° " « y "P^^^ ^ y a"^ PrU and fee l

    j t h e y a r e be ing eqaippad for t h e

    l i t t l e of life. Virg in ia ' s f n t a r e i s

    O . W Hedrick, s b < r v l . . « a i « i - j - ^ ' ^ ^>«̂ > > - ^ - ? « - H .

    team _ _.._._ ».00 W. E. Rhodes, work e a Eoads.... 23 .00 L- L. Payne , s a m e _... 20 .40

    Cotes Dtetriet Read F a a L J M Wel l s , work on roada. 2.60 V a . Metal M f g . Co.. 3 2 ft . p i p * aU» J A. Hill, work .^'11 SI. . 1 - s . i ! • u •'If tT'-r .f.i.c - - (•].- a s W e i l . - > ? • : i> /

    J J l l I I-

    U The office calendar tread of busy shoppers and the expectant fa«j< s m \nv children remind us that another Holiday Sea^oii at hand, the time to pause in our buay pursuits, lake a thought of the past, and plan for the future. Though we look back at the old year

    —with mingled feelujgs oi .natisfaction and regret, let us LOOK FORWARD tu tne NEW YEAR with hearts cotirageouH." LefB make an eariy start,-with ̂ strong;'" steady, purpose ajid a song in our hearts. Let's make the new year a happy and prosperous one. This is a pretty good old world—anyway, it's all we have—let's make the very best of it. ^So with a growing BANK ACCOUNT in THE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF MANASSAS, Manassaa, Virginia, and a smile on your face, the battle of the coniing year is half won; may We hdar from you often anci ô help yoa win the other half?


    li.sf ''I :^ii 111 t •- iii'̂ .. • a l t ( rin-t-Uf:L'3 of Lhe ri..^r .vĴ " ....«iejil i>oys' bu i ld ing , tirnt V.IVT, ev>-ry \ < ume

    , .,iv eveainif, » t » o'cierty Bonds, any issue, any deaomination—$S0 to n,000, booffht for CASH.

    ^ Write me wliat yoa have. ^Address F. O. Box 437, War-rent(tt,y«. 15-tf

    ^ A i 4 R s l S t t t d d i o U w B ' M e e t i i « !

    To t h e Stock}J>lders o f t h e Feoi^ea N a t i o n a l B a n k :

    P l e a s e take not i ce t h a t the a n n u a l Ttnn>ting f>f th>! nt^nrkhoMBm nf the

    Peop le s N a t i o n a l B a n k o f Miinwsiwn, V irg in ia , wi l l 'be he ld a t i t s bankfaig b e u a * in t h e tvwxrt>f -Manassas^ V a . , on Tuesday , J i ^ u a r y 1 3 , 1320, a t , 11 o'clock a. m., f o r t h e p n r p o i e o f e l e c t -wwi-M jte»M-nta.r» Mitii ^jw frlfca t T J W ^ l U ^ UlXVltWliU •Al*a ***!• ^^^^*^«^^aw^

    of a n y irflier hnstneaa t h a t auiy V^V-« i y ea ine before t h e m a e t i u s .

    G. B A Y M O N O g A T T T i T f T E , D e c e m b e r ^ 1919. Oaahier.

    A a n a l 8 t o c M j » l d - s ' N a c t i s v !

    To ' i f ceLBlJu i^ iVlera ct f - the N a t i o n a l

    B a n d o f l l a h a a s a s : P leaae take not i ce t h a t the a n n o a l

    m e e t i n g «^ t h e s t o e k b o l d e n « f t h e N a t i o n a l Bank o f M a n a s s a s , M a n a s -s a s , Va. , wi l l be held a t i t s bank ing bouse in the t o w n of M a n a s s a s , Va . , on Ttiesday, J a n u a r y 13 , 1 9 » , a t 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose oi e lec t -i n g directors and f o r t h e traaaaetaoB of any oth«r bosrneas t h a t n u y prop-(uly "com^ b e f o r e Ore lAeeCiivf.

    H A R E Y P . D A V I S , Cashier .

    D w M i n b e r 4 2 . 1919. 31-4

    M. 1 Hotde MANA8SAS.VA.

    HarUe, &aBite a i^ all I M s of CeiB^ery


    BelPs Better Bread I W e ^ a r e g l a d t e aBBOoaee t h a t s i i iec O e e e m b e r l a t w e h a r e been a l l o w e d t o M a k e lM«ad w H k e o t t n t a g a n y svhat i -t o t e of w h e a L T U a , AVtS

    — . . . . . . . . . - ^ ' '^ • ' ! . ' • - • • •

    s s a b i m o n i i f r o n t h e D e f s a d a a t a n t h e troand of a d n l t e r r aad c r a a i l y , a a d f o r g e n e r a l relief.

    A n d afBdayit h a v i n g been m a d e a n d S l e d , a s reqnirad by iaw , t h a t t h e de-f e n d a n t in t h e above ent i t led c a o a e i s a n publishfvi once s week

    ' for four »iK-^T 1. 19J9, w* • i l i futv ^^ i . i u o w s : F a n e . :.,r per pound .KSV TRA-NSrORT.ATlO.V. This- i.r,i..

    t«rt 33 fx-r r«-nl or tnorr in butter f a t a a y be of f a n c y q u a i i i j . ; Bot t