' EN IRS. - Treherne Morris ph,nos, nlso tlllToront mukos oC IIrst clnss org8l1S. Wo cnll q,u0to...

THE LABEL ll®'" I Shows the date to which ,your sUbscription is paid. See that it' is right. . VOL. 8 RUSINfSS AND CARDS. MJl:DTOAL DR. LAMONT, f :>hroicillu, ourgoon. OillcD nud rOBhlonco on Boyno stroot, 'rrohoruo. . DR. G. w. S'l'APLES P h)'Biclnll nud' BurKoon, M. D. C, M, Uulvor' dity or OOico aud rOBl<lonco,ono ,look "outh or tho post omco, ' M. G. DUNDAS, i\[. D. M, n, C, S, Enlllnn<l, J" S. A .• LI!,"loll. or tho BriLish GYIlIOcoloJ(iclll SOCIOLy. 1 hj· Ittciul\, nnti SUClottJou. OlUeo at. r08ulouco ou Broallway, RATHWELL, MAN. & UNDSA'y DARKIs'rEUS (.:.C. O FFWl,S ill iJnillling rormorly occuplo<l J. T. Hold & Co. Bnnkors, Troharne, Muu. Bolic'Lori! fOl' t.ho Bunk of Commolkrco. SoliclLor. rnr Mllllicillnllt)' of tiouti. NorCo. GlWRGE MOODY, ll.A., I •• L.ll. S olicitor. Attornoy, NoLary, Etc. O. A. Andorson's, li'ront Streot. Oillco nL J. GOLLEY, V. S. ., H ouor rnduuto lu 18900C Ontario VoLorlnnry All <llsoilBOB of domostlo aulmilis tronto<l iJy Ll;o lutost sololltlfio lIIoth l °<l8 1 · C qiJur t 08 mod ora to. DilleD ono dour Bout lOa vcr Wilson. roshlonco Will bo In Ru tiJwoll wookly, frOID 2 p.m. to 5 ou ltrlclnys. MISCELLANEOUS. , n. MCCOIG Mtont ill Trohorno fOI" sevornl first. clnss lonn cOInIJRnlos lounin..: on Innds nUll oLhor t)fOPOf a Lics nti rutes. businoss couductod. /I J. T. REID & CO., SWAN :,AKE, llANKERS 1IIono)''1.0 loun on Farm Lands at 6 por Notos, AJr1'00l110ut8 for Blllo, np-d mor,tg.UgoB chusotl. Wiunlpog .. <ldros, H, ::;T. KENNE'l'H HUDSON' , . I! for tho Monicll!allty of L Arrllngnmonts 'may iJo mado for Timos omeo, Troharno. 15 G. A. " . R EAL ESTATE, Lonn and IlIsllrllllco ngo,aL. Spoclul attouLion gh'on to Ins ur nnco' Jl1 t omco, RnilwllY nvo., noxt door to ar· III. Mouoy to louo. t I. NELSON WILSON A ucLlonoor. Liconso<! to comluot snloVslin tll,o muulclpnllLlos 01 South Norfolk. otor u IIl1d Lorno. 8nlos tukon anywl.oro. ill M!'nIMtobu. OlUco nt TllEUERNE, AN. PIANO AGENCY , P ROF. GEO. agont Cor tho doloiJrat· OIl Morris ph,nos, nlso tlllToront mukos oC IIrst clnss org8l1S. Wo cnll q,u0to ,'DrY Ilttra';j Livo t)riCOB to you .for gooq. nn sollolt your patronllgo In UIlS 11110. llARBER SHOP "', I I F OR all oasy cloan shnyo, nn np·to·doLo tn r out or for massugo, halr siuge, or shampoo, try , A. LRW1S, TkEHERNE LOnGE No. 5l,A .F.& A!M. Moots Frldny ou or boCoro tho full moou,lu tho Musonlc Hull,:" Trohorno. VIsltlog brothron oordlnlly wolcomo," ... W Bro. U. J',Mooro, W,M: , , COURT - - '. ! , , j ". PrvI'incial Liul'llry 'xx , Treherne. 11.anitoba. November ::I, 1906 NO.5 ',' FOR MEN TO WEAR ill- fi tti ng clothes is inexcusable, Good tailoring at acceptable prices is obtainable. It can be had at our tailoring establishment. Reputa- tion for ' BEING WELL DRESSED is desirable. It helps in business. A well-dressed man commands' re- spect. Our tailoring does this .for you. Prices are not high bnt low. Examine our stock and see. W.H. HOUSE. Over All· jewels or precious stones that can be displayed, you'll find the Dia- mond has the preference. DiaInond Rings With Pure GeIn Stones iu our new jewelry display are the handsomest you ever saw. What is more appropriate for an engage- ment ring than a ring like we show? All our jewelry is rare, beautiful and reasOMable in price. Call and see it. F.A.11.ERCER ISSUER OF M,\RRlAGE LICENSES SO II \' EN IRS. 1313 TREHERNE'S OLD . ' .. SCHOOL 'HOUSE. The old building is about to c\,illPpear,' 'I and what nicer 'reminder of it could you have than a pretty little souvenir. " ' , ,"Ve have on hand II number of such sou- venirs in Chinaware. Our stock is going fast. i Come early get y?ur choice. , t ,Suites' in' stock, and a Car Load , , , " 'new Furniture on ,the' way. \, , ' . . , ,,; f , . , , , of nice Whose Boy is in Danger? Dr. Cqrtland, of Brooklyn, re- lates the following story a!l told by the ship's surgeou. , In our last trip o'er the ocean A boy fell in the,sea, I did not' know who h'e was, And Wl!nt on deck to see. Our crew hasteued out to save him, With willing hearts and brave, And snatched him from the briny deep, Aud from a watery grave. But wheu they landed him 011 deck The of life seemed fled; As.far as human keu could judge 'rhe boy was really dead. They took his outward garments off, And worked his hands and feet; So ,they had just done all they could, And were in the retreat, As I came on deck to render help; "He's dead, doctor, 'tis plain, And we' have tried by every meaus. But it is all in vain," I was about to turn away, No means employ, When 'sudden impulse told me to Go over to the .boy. I \VetIt and looked into his face, As many times I'd done; A glance the awful, truth revealed. o Godl it was my son. , . I did not think all had been done, But doffed my coat and vesf. And bent down o'er the form, ' And did my very best. I blew my breath into his lUngs, My whole soul did employ, And simply begged and plead with God " To give me'back my boy. And during four long hours oqoil, With unabated strength, Just as the sun was sinking down, Faint hopes revived at length. , I saw a flutter faint o(breath, nch as the l1ew born gives, .M.IIUIl a voice did kindly say your son stilllives/' another'ooY',' , on land or boat, / , ,. , " Who has been given up for dead, And not ta];:e off my coat, " 1 , Concert at Lavenham , The new Methodist church at Lavenhalll was the mecca of muny pilgrims 011 last Monday night, the occasion being a supper and enter, tainment following the dedication :;ervices 011 Sunday preceding. A bountiful supper was sl!rved to a large company iu the hasement at the conclusion of whicb throng gathered in the church upstairs to enjoy a lengthy program prepared for their entertainment. 'fhe COIll- modious building seC'med all too small for the crowd and even staud- ing room was at a premium. 'fhe Rev. O. Coleman, pastor of the church acted as chairman and after tbe singing of the ,hY111n, "Blest be the lie that binds" set the ball a·rolling with a pleaging and wi tty address. The l\>Iisses Field, Wilson and Brock, of Trehel'lle, the Rev. A. E. Smith, of Portage la Prairie and the Rev. W. G. Wilson and Mr. Will. McMillan. 'freherne, took part in the program, which was as follows: SolQ-Miss Hazel Lloyd. Recitation-Miss Nellie' Leslie. Solo-Miss Grey. Address-Rev. A. E. Smith, Recitation-, Miss Cora Wilson. Duet-Misses Field and Brock. Recitation-Mr. John Wilson. Solo-Mrs, Orrock. Address-Mr. Wm. McMillan. Recitation-Ivfiss Nellie Leslie. Solo-Miss Fletcher. Recitation-Mr. John Wilson. Address-Rev. W. G. Wilson. Solo-Elsie Milligan. Recitation-Miss Cora Wilson. Solo-Mrs. Orrock. The program was heartily enjoy· ed, mallY of the numbers being en- co·red. An excellent evening's en- joyment was brought to a close with the National Anthem anci-the beuedictioll. 1'he of Laven· ham are to be congratulated on their handsome new church and ou the successfnl returns of Monday night's entertainment,' the ceeds amounting to $roo. new church cost upwards of $r800 and its fiuancial position reflects credit upon both pastor and people. I' •• , r _. I "I ... I,..., .... r;; .. " ') Com'mun'ic'ation t," . To the Editor of the 1'imes. Sir:-Conslderable dissatisfaction Railroad Expansion More 'miles of ,railway will be built in Canada this than in any previous year in Iler history, we are told by J. A, 111 acc1onalcl, writing in Engineel illg Net\·s. Most of this is trunk line, except abollt 900 miles for the Canadian Pacific, and will afford work for some 20,000 meu. 'rhi" force will- have employment. if !lIcsent incli- cations are accurate. I"r seven or eight years. Says 1\1r. "'fhe mere statcmcllt of these facts is enough to con\'ey some idea of the rapidity with I\'hich the· conntry is through the increasing application of labor and capital to the exploitntilJll of its na- tural resources. It should be borue in mind that 1I0ne of lht' enterpriS- es thus financed are of a specula- tive character. 'fhe regions through ' which the new railway lines are to be constructed are well known, and the great corporations which have undertaken to furnis;l t hem with transportation faciljties arc taking 110 chances of failure, The great increase in such facililits IS made because. it is urgently nCl!ded, and so far as at present appears, the work will have to be kept in pro- gress for many years to come. The natural resources of the country arc vast, varied and widely distri- buted, &nd the result of this de- velopment will be an incalculably great impetus to the prosperity of the Dom inion. " St. Helena's Sad Fate , It seems as if Napoleon were at length to be avenged, and oddly enough by the Secretal y of State for War,who proposes to withdraw completely the garrison of St. Hei- eua next month. This may ruin , the people on the Island; they eke ou t a scanty" liveli hood toda y simply throug)J. the hoops. More- over, in' case of attack bv :1 hostile Power, their sole hope II ill rest in five colored policemen, The St. Helena Committee is appealing-for a liberal grant in aid by the Gov- ernment. They urge that St. Hel- ena has done good work for the " Empire: it held ,Napoleoll, and)t,', lield "Dinizulll. There is some- . thing rather near pathos here, but, the case of St: Helena's popUlation is really hard:and if the garrison e As quick as possible aud work,' (As if he were my boy) With all my might to save a life, Let others share the joy. ' . is heard every day about the action of our Council men in refusing to make the road, from Harland's ferry to Laveuham. distance between Treherne and Lavenham is twelvc miles. 'ren and one-half , -' AJ RosS. ... , is to be removed, something might be done to help the flax industry and develop the manganese and, other mineral resources, - Satur- day Review. l -."..,; .. :' C'onvenlion A ,Costly Trip /: miles is open and traveled every day; pait of the balance of the road allowance is in the river and the 'road s. S. must of necessity be made. on pri- What promises' to be one of the " vate land. Mr. Harland has offer- most successful conventions in the' ed to make that portion free, if the history of this associatiou will, be council wiWprovide a right of way, held iu the Methodist church, Tre," or make the eutire road for $r50.qo herne, on Thursday aud Friday, and we think any councillor who Nov. 8th aud 9th. The conven •• v ..... turns dO,wn an offer like that ought' program has beeu arranged so as to be turned down at the next el- be helpful to all departments 0 ection.·· SllUday school 'Xork. Mr. W.' J, ", , , , " , , , " , \ . , " , , ,', ", . , , , , Sir Robert Ball tells us what it would cost to, reach, one of the most distanr stars" supposing a railway were constructed to it from 'London,' and that the' low rate of two cents per'loo ,miles, prevailed. If,the' intending :passenger couid present to tHe' booking clerk 'wbole of the National Debt of United 'Ki\lgaom, a',sum exceed in $3,500,000,000" ,he, would require 5,obo huge to . convey , it, ,in At' the present moment wheat is Irwin, general superintendent, ·.L'cC worth to /3 cents per bushel consented to give his popular '":,('::":f:,Ji,,,;j olOre in Lavenham than in 1're· dress 01\ I "I'he Big Boy , . to' . Ey- herne, reason beil1f.i that at Mr. i. M. Johnston, of ' Laveuham there is plenty of cars. the Primary expert has Illade nrn·· .. : We are, told on'good authority that vision to attelld the convention C.P. ,R. have opposi- Thursday and'deal with tio'n, they fu-rnish' plenty of cars, tions as: ,lIThe Value of the .. " ... ,,_ ...• ·v·""·, but at, points where there is no ner's Course", and "I-low competition" there is a' blockade. -p' ry' Work." Our idea' is ,to make'this a ef tition point by opening a good to tlie other line, the ,C. N. -R., so tha t ,farmers, being', near the As- niboine could haul that way ; and ben . "P. authorities fo ,and',,·:w,ere h;j;;crhF·,tbe'y' would needed.' In this 'way it I ' , 'a oenefit to everyone who Ii ,to .sell. We trust our ,,-,lUll! :-'41,IC: cOIl1n(:il':"a't .ct ,ID!!eting will ,as it is 110 grai four

Transcript of ' EN IRS. - Treherne Morris ph,nos, nlso tlllToront mukos oC IIrst clnss org8l1S. Wo cnll q,u0to...


Shows the date to which ,your sUbscription is paid. See that it' is right. .

VOL. 8




f:>hroicillu, ourgoon. OillcD nud rOBhlonco on Boyno stroot, 'rrohoruo. .

DR. G. w. S'l'APLES

Ph)'Biclnll nud' BurKoon, M. D. C, M, Uulvor' dity or ~lnllltoiJa. OOico aud rOBl<lonco,ono

,look "outh or tho post omco, '

M. G. DUNDAS, i\[. D.

M, n, C, S, Enlllnn<l, J" S. A .• LI!,"loll. Fu\hl~" or tho BriLish GYIlIOcoloJ(iclll SOCIOLy. ~tc, 1 hj· Ittciul\, nnti SUClottJou. OlUeo at. r08ulouco ou Broallway, RATHWELL, MAN.


OFFWl,S ill iJnillling rormorly occuplo<l b~ J. T. Hold & Co. Bnnkors, Troharne, Muu.

Bolic'Lori! fOl' t.ho i.~n.lln(linn Bunk of Commolkrco. SoliclLor. rnr Mllllicillnllt)' of tiouti. NorCo.

GlWRGE MOODY, ll.A., I •• L.ll.

Solicitor. Attornoy, NoLary, Etc. O. A. Andorson's, li'ront Streot.

Oillco nL

J. GOLLEY, V. S. .,

H ouor rnduuto lu 18900C Ontario VoLorlnnry Cnl~ollo All <llsoilBOB of domostlo aulmilis

tronto<l iJy Ll;o lutost sololltlfio lIIothl°<l81· C qiJurt 08 mod ora to. DilleD ono dour Bout lOa vcr

~ Wilson. roshlonco Oi>PO~ifi}m\~~~,I·MAN. Will bo In Ru tiJwoll wookly, frOID 2 p.m. to 5

ou ltrlclnys.



Mtont ill Trohorno fOI" sevornl first. clnss lonn cOInIJRnlos lounin..: on Innds nUll oLhor t)fOPOfa

Lics nti rO~BonublD rutes. ~"'lDuDciul businoss couductod. /I

J. T. REID & CO., SWAN :,AKE, l'r~AN. llANKERS

1IIono)''1.0 loun on Farm Lands at 6 por Notos, AJr1'00l110ut8 for Blllo, np-d mor,tg.UgoB chusotl. Wiunlpog .. <ldros, H, M.\l~ ::;T.

KENNE'l'H HUDSON' , . I! for tho Monicll!allty of L c~~~ft\,A~;~~}:~\'~:" Arrllngnmonts 'may iJo

mado for Timos omeo, Troharno. 15


REAL ESTATE, Lonn and IlIsllrllllco ngo,aL. Spoclul attouLion gh'on to Insurnnco'Jl1 t

omco, RnilwllY nvo., noxt door to M~s. ar· III. Mouoy to louo. t I.


AucLlonoor. Liconso<! to comluot snloVslin tll,o muulclpnllLlos 01 South Norfolk. otor u

IIl1d Lorno. 8nlos tukon anywl.oro. ill M!'nIMtobu. OlUco nt TllEUERNE, AN.


PROF. GEO. JlAGl~L, agont Cor tho doloiJrat· OIl Morris ph,nos, nlso tlllToront mukos oC

IIrst clnss org8l1S. Wo cnll q,u0to ,'DrY Ilttra';j Livo t)riCOB to you .for gooq. lUBtrumont~t nn sollolt your patronllgo In UIlS 11110.


FOR all oasy cloan shnyo, nn np·to·doLo tn r out or for massugo, halr siuge, or shampoo,

try , A. LRW1S, Trohor~o.

TkEHERNE LOnGE No. 5l,A .F.& A!M.

Moots Frldny ou or boCoro tho full moou,lu tho Musonlc Hull,:" Trohorno. VIsltlog brothron oordlnlly wolcomo,"

... W Bro. U. J',Mooro, W,M:


- - '. !

, , j


PrvI'incial Liul'llry 'xx


Treherne. 11.anitoba. Frid~y, November ::I, 1906 NO.5 ','


ill- fi tti ng clothes is inexcusable, Good tailoring at acceptable prices is obtainable. It can be had at our tailoring establishment. Reputa­tion for '


is desirable. It helps in business. A well-dressed man commands' re­spect. Our tailoring does this .for you. Prices are not high bnt low. Examine our stock and see.


Over All· jewels or precious stones that can be displayed, you'll find the Dia­mond has the preference.

DiaInond Rings With Pure GeIn Stones

iu our new jewelry display are the handsomest you ever saw. What is more appropriate for an engage­ment ring than a ring like we show? All our jewelry is rare, beautiful and reasOMable in price. Call and see it.





The old building is about to c\,illPpear,' 'I and what nicer 'reminder of it could you

have than a pretty little souvenir.

" '

, ,"Ve have on hand II number of such sou-venirs in Chinaware. Our stock is going fast. i Come early an~1 get y?ur choice.

, t

Parlo~ ,Suites' in' stock, and a Car Load , , ,

" 'new Furniture on ,the' way. \,

, ' .

. , ~

,,; f


. , , ,

of nice

Whose Boy is in Danger?

Dr. Cqrtland, of Brooklyn, re­lates the following story a!l told by the ship's surgeou. , In our last trip o'er the ocean A boy fell in the,sea, I did not' know who h'e was, And Wl!nt on deck to see.

• Our crew hasteued out to save him, With willing hearts and brave, And snatched him from the briny

deep, Aud from a watery grave.

But wheu they landed him 011 deck The spa~k of life seemed fled; As.far as human keu could judge 'rhe boy was really dead.

They took his outward garments off,

And worked his hands and feet; So ,they had just done all they

could, And were in the retreat,

As I came on deck to render help; "He's dead, doctor, 'tis plain, And we' have tried by every meaus. But it is all in vain,"

I was about to turn away, No fur~her means employ, When 'sudden impulse told me to Go over to the .boy.

I \VetIt and looked into his face, As many times I'd done; A glance the awful, truth revealed. o Godl it was my son. , . I did not think all had been done, But doffed my coat and vesf. And bent down o'er the prostr~te

form, ' And did my very best.

I blew my breath into his lUngs, My whole soul did employ, And simply begged and plead with

God " To give me'back my boy.

And during four long hours oqoil, With unabated strength, Just as the sun was sinking down, Faint hopes revived at length. , I saw a flutter faint o(breath,

nch as the l1ew born gives, .M.IIUIl a voice did kindly say

your son stilllives/'

another'ooY',' , on land or boat, / , ,.

, " Who has been given up for dead, And not ta];:e off my coat,

" 1 ,

Concert at Lavenham ,

The new Methodist church at Lavenhalll was the mecca of muny pilgrims 011 last Monday night, the occasion being a supper and enter, tainment following the dedication :;ervices 011 Sunday preceding. A bountiful supper was sl!rved to a large company iu the hasement at the conclusion of whicb th~ throng gathered in the church upstairs to enjoy a lengthy program prepared for their entertainment. 'fhe COIll­modious building seC'med all too small for the crowd and even staud­ing room was at a premium.

'fhe Rev. O. Coleman, pastor of the church acted as chairman and after tbe singing of the ,hY111n, "Blest be the lie that binds" set the ball a·rolling with a pleaging and wi tty address.

The l\>Iisses Field, Wilson and Brock, of Trehel'lle, the Rev. A. E. Smith, of Portage la Prairie and the Rev. W. G. Wilson and Mr. Will. McMillan. 'freherne, took part in the program, which was as follows:

SolQ-Miss Hazel Lloyd. Recitation-Miss Nellie' Leslie. Solo-Miss Grey. Address-Rev. A. E. Smith, Recitation-, Miss Cora Wilson. Duet-Misses Field and Brock. Recitation-Mr. John Wilson. Solo-Mrs, Orrock. Address-Mr. Wm. McMillan. Recitation-Ivfiss Nellie Leslie. Solo-Miss Fletcher. Recitation-Mr. John Wilson. Address-Rev. W. G. Wilson. Solo-Elsie Milligan. Recitation-Miss Cora Wilson. Solo-Mrs. Orrock. The program was heartily enjoy·

ed, mallY of the numbers being en­co·red. An excellent evening's en­joyment was brought to a close with the National Anthem anci-the beuedictioll. 1'he p~ople of Laven· ham are to be congratulated on their handsome new church and ou the successfnl returns of Monday night's entertainment,' the ceeds amounting to $roo. new church cost upwards of $r800 and its fiuancial position reflects credit upon both pastor and people.

~_,,',.\," I' \,~ •• , r _. I "I ... I,..., .... r;; ',~ .. "

') Com'mun'ic'ation t," .

To the Editor of the 1'imes. Sir:-Conslderable dissatisfaction

Railroad Expansion

More 'miles of ,railway will be built in Canada this )'~ar than in any previous year in Iler history, we are told by J. A, 111 acc1onalcl, writing in Engineel illg Net\·s. Most of this is trunk line, except abollt 900 miles for the Canadian Pacific, and will afford work for some 20,000 meu. 'rhi" force will­have employment. if !lIcsent incli­cations are accurate. I"r seven or eight years. Says 1\1r. ~lcDonalC\:

"'fhe mere statcmcllt of these facts is enough to con\'ey some idea of the rapidity with I\'hich the· conntry is c1evelopil1~. through the increasing application of labor and capital to the exploitntilJll of its na­tural resources. It should be borue in mind that 1I0ne of lht' enterpriS­es thus financed are of a specula­tive character. 'fhe regions through ' which the new railway lines are to be constructed are well known, and the great corporations which have undertaken to furnis;l t hem with transportation faciljties arc taking 110 chances of failure, The great increase in such facililits IS made because. it is urgently nCl!ded, and so far as at present appears, the work will have to be kept in pro­gress for many years to come. The natural resources of the country arc vast, varied and widely distri­buted, &nd the result of this de­velopment will be an incalculably great impetus to the prosperity of the Dom inion.


St. Helena's Sad Fate ,

It seems as if Napoleon were at length to be avenged, and oddly enough by the Secretal y of State for War,who proposes to withdraw completely the garrison of St. Hei­eua next month. This may ruin , the people on the Island; they eke ou t a scanty" liveli hood toda y simply throug)J. the hoops. More­over, in' case of attack bv :1 hostile Power, their sole hope II ill rest in five colored policemen, The St. Helena Committee is appealing-for a liberal grant in aid by the Gov­ernment. They urge that St. Hel­ena has done good work for the " Empire: it held ,Napoleoll, and)t,', lield "Dinizulll. There is some- . thing rather near pathos here, but, the case of St: Helena's popUlation is really hard:and if the garrison e

As quick as possible aud work,' (As if he were my boy) With all my might to save a life, Let others share the joy. '

. is heard every day about the action of our Council men in refusing to make the road, from Harland's ferry to Laveuham. 1'h~ distance between Treherne and Lavenham is twelvc miles. 'ren and one-half

, -' AJ RosS. ... ,

is to be removed, something might be done to help the flax industry and develop the manganese and, other mineral resources, - Satur­day Review.

l -."..,; .. :' C'onvenlion A ,Costly Trip


miles is open and traveled every day; pait of the balance of the road allowance is in the river and the 'road

s. S.

must of necessity be made. on pri- What promises' to be one of the " vate land. Mr. Harland has offer- most successful conventions in the' ed to make that portion free, if the history of this associatiou will, be council wiWprovide a right of way, held iu the Methodist church, Tre," or make the eutire road for $r50.qo herne, on Thursday aud Friday, and we think any councillor who Nov. 8th aud 9th. The conven •• v .....

turns dO,wn an offer like that ought' program has beeu arranged so as to be turned down at the next el- be helpful to all departments 0 ection.·· SllUday school 'Xork. Mr. W.'



, ~ , ,


, , ,

" , \

. , "


, ,',


. , , , ,

Sir Robert Ball tells us what it would cost to, reach, one of the most distanr stars" supposing a railway were constructed to it from 'London,' and that the' low rate of two cents per'loo ,miles, prevailed. If,the' intending :passenger couid present to tHe' booking clerk 'wbole of the National Debt of United 'Ki\lgaom, a',sum exceed in $3,500,000,000" ,he, would require 5,obo huge c~rts" to . convey , it, ,in

At' the present moment wheat is Irwin, general superintendent, ·.L'cC

worth 2~' to /3 cents per bushel consented to give his popular '":,('::":f:,Ji,,,;j olOre in Lavenham than in 1're· dress 01\ I "I'he Big Boy

, . to' . Ey- herne, ~he reason beil1f.i that at Mr. i. M. Johnston, of ' Laveuham there is plenty of cars. the Primary expert has Illade nrn·· .. : We are, told on'good authority that vision to attelld the convention Iwber'ev(~r.,the C.P. ,R. have opposi- Thursday and'deal with tio'n, they fu-rnish' plenty of cars, tions as: ,lIThe Value of the ~,e~i~~;;:;1~~(t~1~1 .. " ... ,,_ ...• ·v·""·, but at, points where there is no ner's Course", and "I-low competition" there is a' blockade. -p' ry' Work." Our idea' is ,to make'this a ef ~,,;,.~: tition point by opening a good to tlie other line, the ,C. N. -R., so tha t ,farmers, being', near the As­

niboine could haul that way ; and ben . "P. authorities fo

'competitio~ ,and',,·:w,ere h;j;;crhF·,tbe'y' would

needed.' In this 'way it I ' ,

'a oenefit to everyone who Ii ,to . sell. We trust our ,,-,lUll! :-'41,IC:

cOIl1n(:il':"a't .ct ,ID!!eting will ,as it is 110 grai four


C= _ ..... ,- ~

I The Adventurers Mr. Hood nnd I hnve-jusE been milking Bome investlgntious', nud I cougratulute you on lour fm·tillty of iden. But YOUI' cleverness is ouly purtln!. You lIu\'e never throughout the wllole nITulr been thorough, Mr. GI'cn tor ex, for whIch natuI'nlly you POl' 'w penlllty." lie Bpoke very jnuuthJ nud plucked hIs mustnche quIte gayly, while It sickened

Rev. Mr. l\lorgnn. "I Rugby myself, but I wbo"-

WIIS never lit hnd ail uncle

"EXCU~d me, sir," snIt! .Tones obstl­nntely, "do YOUt· friends know where you nrc?"


It I" the Smnll Lenl .. Thnt Cno"" th, FuUnre!ll.


Plowing Around Or In Lands-Dlago. nal Planting Does Not Wash Out.

"DId they inform you ot my dlsap. pellrnuce?" I nsked.

Jones hesltnted. "No, sIr," he said at

Little lenl,s In the t!ulry IIrlJ tile cnuse of I!YClY fullme In thc dairy. The mnn who !lllns his buslncss by some wild ycnhne can justly IllY all the blame to a spirit of glllllbllllg IIe I me to Bee tile blnci.gulll·d thew lu thIs

new rolC, wllo but fOI·ty·eigllt hours be-., B. .. MAIUU01'T WATSOII last. .

"I shoultl thlnlc not,",! replled . Ilns got tile dlsense culled "get llch quick," which hns been the ruin oC thouslll](l~ In tills mOlley mude IIgc nnd hns nothing to do with t lie business he Is regulnlly following. "'hen It cOllies to a II felong occupa tion like thn t of dull'yln£; \\ e lIlust mlll.e Ilrepnl'lltlon for stopping nil the leak'1 \\ c can lind thus ndd to the PLOtlt of our WOl k.

I live In a very hllly section and therefolO hllvo to plow mOl 0 01 loss of this hilly land. 1 have some fields thdt hnve 5, 10 ,lnd 15 pel' cent. grllde Such fields as these I go III ound the whole field or plow it In lallds, whIchever Is IllOst conyenlent. I have no trouble with SUch fields wllshlng either In the up and down plow Ing or the sIdeways

COP"a..C liT. , •••• aT

(Continllct.l from last week.)


I fore had pledged me hIs word to cnrry out nnotller IIrrnngNllcnt. But If lie could betrllY hIs frleuds I lind cerhlInly no ground of complniut tllnt lie should IIlso IIctruy me. I don't suppo.e It cost 111m II moment's selnple. ludeell, look.

1 __ - ing n t him thm'c, I brought myself for

I could eaHilJ' rcnch the thatch between the Ill'st time IIlmost to prefer Hood to the rnftels. nlld wIthout u momentmy hIm. Hood nt lenst WIlS II frnul. ene.

A murmur of "pprobntion cnme from the Ylenr. Jones looked abllshed, but Lie had the propel' Welsh obstlnncy nnd stili lI11gn·et!. The vlcnr turned on him.

"COllie, Jones," he said, "I thInk apol. ogles nl'e due from you to both these gentionl<'n. and I trust you sec how prcpostcloUS YOllr theories arc."

I of the hlll. But w heu I como to steepm grades than these I plow with the hlll

S F.nCO~IBE wus 1I0t HO goot! ns bls \\Orl!. So fnl' II.Jln cOlllplct. Ing the h:lIgnln Oil th .. IIlOIIOW. hc lIever CI1I1ll! 111',11 Ill!'. 111111 I

llIlssud thc dny quite 1I1"'H~, S.II lJ lor the occaslollnl VisIts 01 olle o[ tile G I eel,s brillgillg Illy food I Leg III to

, ba \ e n I'cry Intelligible \ ll'w 01 (be ~I tua (JOII SCI com be hat! 1i1'1'1l t 11gb t. enet! ott the ul'l'ullgelllellt lie lind CUll. temlll.ltell lJy tile f~lIr of Ills COlllPUII' lOll, 01' I f tim t \\ el e uot so, thollgh I WUS IIOW quite pl'epnl'et! to CI cellt It, he deellled It wlscr to postPOIl(' the ud. 'entnl'e EtlII fill ther, In \\ hleh cnse I lUlght stili I,cep my hOlll'S alII lJ 111111 1l0UlIsh nn IImblUon of tlll'll HIIC('CSS.


besitlltion I plunged my knIfe Into the my, t!labollc though he might be. mass oC I('eds Shnrp as n razor, tho "I nm going to nsl. you, Mr. GI ento.

I snmll bhillc cut through tbe stl'llw lit rex," went on Smcolllbe, "to PIISS your I II "tlolte, "Itil n slight Insplng noise. word to mnlw 110 effort to escnpe to.

:'\1.1' bloOtI flowed In u strong sbellm ot night. .. excltclllent. IICllJ surllly wns n ront! to ,I "1 Bee no rCllson '" hy not," I snW, the ontci all. somewhnt blttCl·I~·. "If I do not, IceI"

But this \\ as n I'enture to be essayed till nil' tllink better of you thlln to sup· by night aIHI nftcr my jnllers blld re- pose you will let me breul, out ngulu. til cd for the el'eulng; consequently I I pns~ my 'word. 1.'ulw It, nud lIu\'e

"[ beg roul' ])urdon, sil', for Intl'll(I. Inli," suit! Jones to me, but Ile dId not

'.rhe trouble with mest of us Is thnt wc overlook, don't see, ttwse smnll leal.s thnt mnlw such n Inrge totnl when IIddet! UJl n t the end of the sell­SOli'S WOl k, snys lIome nud FlIrlll. To begin wltll, most of our dnlrymen nrc lIot eqlllplled {or detoctlng these leal.s. For Instnnce, ona hns orten hentd thllt huy cut when too olll hns lost n con. slderable Ilortlon of Its feedIng nlltll­men t-thn tis, \\ l'clI the horses or cows ent It they do not get ns Hluch benellt froUl it liS If It hnll becu cut se\'eral dnys sooner.

I and hnve nevel hilt! any trouble wIth their washing If such fields alo plnntet! to clotheI' corn. or potatoes or any crop that hns to be cultivated. I furrow or mark out for planting dlag-onnlly of the hlll and In this way It \\ 1Il 11M, wnsh; never liS badly liS It would If marked out and cultlvnted up nnd down the hIl!. I have an example ot plantIng up and down tbe hlllthis yell I' In a piece of potatoes. It was anal" I ow strIp IIbout 30 rows wIde by 200 long. The narrow way was up and down the hlll, so to snve so much turn. Ing mound In cultivating I planted all one WilY. Tho consequence Is that be. iween the rows nil the loose soil Is waShed to tile bottom of the hili, where. as If I.lIad pI lin ted t!lagonally across the nurrow way the water would have gnthered In so lI1uch less qunntltles thut It would not have washed any to s[Jenk of

BUt'tllC tlull! WIIS thut PlIl'Il (lay lost wus so Illuch g,llncd to\\ ,1111 the IIC'

eOlllpllslltn!'lIt of lIood'R 011 lcd, nnd f!I'UII ns I snt aud gnnwc() lilY IIngcl'~ nnd I eHectcd In this doleful mood tim 1 rca s til () WIIS fast leuvlng the c,lstle, pnsslng Into the possession oC allen nnd bloody banlls.

'[,hpi e was yet nnothCl n ltelllnU\'e, Ilbout wLllch I coulcl not Illulw nIl my mind. lIood Illight hal'e bougbt tho ~lIeglanclJ of his traltorons nssoclnte, ~lIId, I C so, I wIshed them botll joy p.t tllelr hmgllln togetber. 1 wonld tlUSt nelthel' scotlllllrcl beyon<l tbe I ench ot my IIrms or the nudlt or nn' enr: nnt! I wus pretty sUle thnt nel'ther ,~'ould lrust the other. 'I.'helr wllole nssocla­lion lested upon II mutulli compllct ot greet!, nnd It wns ollds but, tbe gold once under theIr bunds, they would fnll ont In sOllie morlnl strife, nccort!­lng to the nnclent proyerb. If thnt ~houl<l hnppen, perhnps, nccordlng to the IInclent proYerb, we, us represent­ing honest mqn ns nenrly ns possible in the cirCUmstances, might come by our own, or, spenl.lng more properly, GOllle one else's own,

I~or tile preselit 1 hnd gnlnet! nothIng, nnd InJ', n dlsconsolnte prlsoncl', In tllat :tlry cell, guurded hy wntches ot tile Greel,s. So fur liS I could determine, we, the defenders of the cnstle nnd the ;trensure, wcre In Il bnd position, amI

was nothing for It on Illy pnrt ntlon wltb ns ch'lI a grnco ns

be. I bllt! nlrendy tnken nccount or the defenses ot my ]lrlson nnd suw IIttlo prospect ot escape. but I will con­fess tllnt throughout the first dllY ot lilY clllltivity I was somewhnt unller

Inlluence ot hope nnd houl'ly ex-\.J:lec'ted a conference with Sercombe.

Is, ns J'ou mny Imllgluc. drew Illy nttentlon from the Immcllinte scrutiny of my sUl'l'oulllllngs, but upon tile morning ot the second dny. when Ser­combe still fnlled to vIsit me, I cast ubout Cor other menns of ('<cope.

1"lrst of nil, I eXllmlned the bnrn very carefully. It wns n huge building nnll roae lit the IIpex to II height of fif· leen feet or more. 1.·lle slt!es were ot

~\,;,.,'''iioCtd, but the top'wns composed ot u jf;~i::'I5I,el,eto,n ot rllfters, thlcllly coated with

'l'wo wIndows shoue In tile one lit tile back pal·t nnd nwny the door, the other Inserted In

ot the remnlnlng ')'lIl1s. The t!oor ot course; kept locked, but by

:"J<ieril""IJ''''my fnce ngnlnst the Hide wlu­,U""Y • ... uu crllnlng my neck I could see

figure ot a mnn on Irnnrd, cylt!ently the Coot ot the lu(ldor. There wns

little cbnnce ot brelllting out this wny. oXbe second window gll\'e on n low Iy-

stnble nt,i~~,~~~;~.t.and beyonll thllt trees nnd cool 1'i;,i>.:cleelD~ was securt'ly

thllt, from

':;i~~:~~I~:~~~;~r;J~~~;1f~t~l~dn~cwIY. The to offer no the first, but defent, nnd,

floor, I Cell to opening II slllull my pocket, lind

'W'!!"., conscious ot

put nslde the knife nnd wnlted very done with It." Imlwtl!'nll~' fOI' tile (1111 ot dusk. It' "Thnt Is right," he nnswered cheer· was not until 10 O'ClOCK at nlgllt thnt ~ fully. "You will find nn excellent sofu [ dill cd to mnlm my cxperlment. By bere, though It Is soft In the sprIngs." I thut tlmc Illy supper hnd beGD clenred" .And the two retired. lellvlng me to unt! the GlI'e.I,s had heen goue for atl the night nud my own augry thoughts.

-lIour 'rhe bnl n was In Aolld darlmess, I I wns puuctuully cnlled 1\11<1 punctu· tt'r:=-whlcll wne n II the better tor my pu)"- nlly served the next morning by ITood 1 t 7 t7 ' .. alk"

Illm.llQlt wilo "te ill t ult 00' Ie pm'son 8 arm an ... to e ... oUI pose, nnll, getting upon my chnlr, I ., w .. n vcr s n B, \lUll I into the roadwall .... Bet to \\ 01'1, nt ollce nmong the strnw ' a cnpital servant. He snld nothing be- look nt Sercombp., nnd he mnde him no of tile tho teh. If nny ono should come yond mnklng tile customllry iuqulrles apology. lIe retired c!un.slly, lind SCI" In fI'om tllis point onwllld my ndven- ot a Inndlord, nnd If I had been In nny combo bULSt out laughing lind, throw. tme would be hopeless. I sllould stnnd other mood thnn thnt of despernte clm· ing his hnt on tile tnble, Silt down. confessed In lilY tnsk nnt! t!oubtiess be grin the Irony of thnt "1.'en or correc, "Tnke a sellt, 1111'. MOIguu," he said. doomed forthwIth to u more securo and sir?" would hnve tickled my sense or "Let us nil hnve u glnss of wIne actcr less comfortable prlsou. 'l'herefore the tbe ludlcIOus. But I was not dlsllOsed this trying ordenl. GrentOlex, you'll necd of hnste wus the grenter, nnd to tnllc, and so I WIlS equnlly silent with joIn us?" with flugcl S nnd Imlfe I shl'u .... d blm. Nor wns my quietude broken un· I I eleclinell, but tlllJ Pili son nccepted through uull tOlC nsunder tbe thntch tIl Borne .two hou .. s luter, when SCI" IInel snt down to un amiable gossip. wltll the Ut'lUoSt cele .. lt,,Y. Tile job wns' combe entered. Bl'nnchmg fl'om his uncle, who bnd none too ensy, lind I swentet! nt the "Look here, Mr. GI'elltorex," snit! he beeu-I fOiget where-In sOllle school, wOlk, "lth lUy' hend burlcd under the quickly, "If We'll' not cnrt'ful, this lit· I f,lIH'Y, he IIngelCll nffectlonlltely on t!eblls of the strllw nud my tllront tie enterprise of OIll'S will be tnken .l filellli "ho IUlII blJen heh' presumJl. choking II Ith the dry nnd rotten stub. ';!Ienn out of our hUlllls." til'e to II bnronelcJ, unt! wns undoubt. blc. Yet I hnt! worlwd hllrt! nnd fust "1 thought," I obsen'ed, "thnt tile ellly bent upon II fUl tile .. leI'elntion of enough to huYe opened II hole two teet gumo WIlS ove ..... wonderIng 1111 tl'e Ills cOllnectlOn" ,,1111 the IIristocrncy througll the thntch In II couplo ot time whllt ho wus mennlng. I \\ hen SCI combe hy cunning devices boUl·s. Through this the ulght lower- "Yes, nnd no," snld Ile, "but there's Itll ell his tongae to IInother topIc, in cd llnrlc nnt! somber upon me mnny n slip 'twIxt the cup lind the III), I \\ hldl hoth or us we .. e Inte .. ested. It

'rhe .. e wns now no necesslt; for de- and you don't kuow whllt hns been npllClli ell thllt thelC wns a gl'ent curl' Iny. Indeed, the necessity wns nil tor hnppenlng while you'ye been here." oslty Hprenlllng as to the cnstle nnd Instllut nctlon. I listened lit tile door "In otller words," I lInswl>I'ed, "my lhe e\ ents of tlw IlIIst weeks. Some nnll window for sounds of the sentry friends mny not hllye been cllught ns Iyeut so luI' u~ to spenk Imowlngly of but I could benr nothing. ITe mIght b~ enslly as myself, nlthough you will II "myste .. y," but, us the little vlcnr nsleep. At IIny rnte, he Iny upon the I note thnt I stlll bn \'e thut key." I snld, "the lowe .. clnssC\s nIl' fond ot farther side ot tile bn .. n nut! I might I fllncled thnt he wlncet!, but he went I tlllklllg about thel .. superiors lind 1m­hope to' escnpe his notic~ by brenklng on hnstIly. "Thnt Is so, lind beSides, In [lutiug to tllem nbomlnable crImes:' over the stllhles into the wood. Has. any cnse, you ~re bouud by your com· I lIe sipped hIs wine nnd confit!et! In us, tenlng bnck, I got upon the chnlr nnd, p~~t of SlIen;?, getting bnck II t last through all ScI" pulling myself up by the rafters, grnd. I It you .. ~III tell me what you u .. e combe's nets to his respectnble connec. ullily drew to tile level of the 1I01e. I d~!Vlug nt - I ,~€gnn. "" tlons. Flnnlly he concluded In II plens· M hIt Id I b t" d d I See here, sh', he broke In. Ihere's I nnt mixture of snobbery nnd religion ; YOf ~~( once oUI s ~h r~n ue I eop· been II den I ot tnlk In the countryside, and p .. epn .. ed to tnlce his lel1\'e. I got

tYh lte ~urer nb rd' I edn, rag}g ng ulP and, whllt with tllnt mutton fnceel fool up simultaneously.

e res o. my 0 y roppO( gent y I J ' 1 I tl th tl I t th d b d' t! ones susp cons, Ie nu 01'1 es lIlye "I wlll nCCOU1I}nny you, 111 ... 1I10rgnn," e e gl'oun eyon. It wns n cepeI' begun to smell n rnt." I said. "I wlll wnlk itS fnr ns the CIIS'

fall thlln I hnd nnticlpllted, nnd I cnme I "I nm very se r .. y for you" slllt! I tl i' til t I ' . , .. down ,'Itll ·t I I tt b ttl , e,. n s ~Otll 11.1.1'. ~ a Cet n n c n er, u, res· dryly. "I under.stood thllt be hnd not Sercombe sturted nud then n broad Ing II moment lu the Sllllt!OWS, I henrd a hIgh opinion ot you" . hi f'

Ill ' N I . gl'lI1 grew ou slice. not ug. I. 0 It IIrm wus I'nlsell. So, I "His opInIon be hllnged" he retort "I tIt I I . I tilt I ' . cOllgrll u n e you Oil your qu c c· cLeep ng 0 t e s ab e, I climbed softly ed' "but I won't have lillY luterference f It" h II did upon the roof nnll elnmbered ncross -~or I tnke It will you" ,nhless 0 w, e WI spere ns pnsse , , ,. In. the enves Iu the direction of the for- "No; I prefel' my prlsou, nllturnlly," est. I declnred.

Sudt!enly n smnll noise nlrested me, "Whnt I want to tell you Is this," he but ere I coult! collect my senses to resumcd, pllylng no heed to my liur. determine It n dnrk body crept round cnsm. "It seems tllnt Jones lind the II corner of the roof aud gl'nppled wIth I other meddler hnve gCJt wind ot your me. I sellled It fiercely, lCsolved to do dlsnppellrnnce. 1.'he police have been bnttle for my liberty with nil tho Icourlng the Gwent, 1\11(1 whnt must strength nt my commund, nnd together the benst do but cnst his suspicious we rolled nut! struggled on tile hl)use· eyes on me."

It wns a tiny trlulllph, but I enjoycd It ull t:lC 1I100'e beclluse I hnd been fol· so long a mere tool In their hands. I took the plllson's urm lind \\ ulkell out Into tile rondwlIY. SClcowbc IIml Hood stood in confm cnce bcCol e the door when I loolwd bnck, nnd I tllonght I perceived lu the dlstllnce 1\ grim and shnllow slllll~ 1IIIsll 01 er tile luttcr's face.

(To be con tin ned )

top. Then my ovpouent gave n shrlll He dropped his voice. "They nrc whistle, IInel the next thIng I wns con- outside now, nnd Hood Is pnrleylng sclous of was the grnsp of n ,fresh pall' with tllem. They've got thnt silly uss of nl'ms from behind. Acter thnt I of a parson with them, who 19 by wny gllve It up, more eSlleclully ns we hnd ot being my trlend. He's tnken to me rolled to the edge ot the roof, nnd n re- mIghtily becnuse I hnd a brother 01' a !lewul of tile struggle would send us cousin at Rugby, nnd nothlug' must lunch nn!! dlue nt It restnllluut, hllye o\,er Into the yurd with· broken limbs lerve them bllt thnt they must mnke tea nt II club, spend thmr eyenlllgs lit and bloody pntcs. investigations In til. Inn." I a theater, puss the Intervnls between

"If some oue will tulce Ills fo ttl shrugged my shoulders. "Upon my meals In the street or In II motor cnr, ot my stomnch .. I snld "I wIll d:SC::d word, I don't Bee wllat I /!nn do for II1lId wllen\lthey nrc III go tQ It uursmy

LObtlOIl- Iionae I ... Ue.

'l'housllnds of Londoners, TI'utll Sill'S.

I t tl .1 ,," you" I snld I lome. - I they llo lit home Is to n 0 Ie ynl·u. , . sleep dre" It ., I At that the tension upon me WIlS reo "Yes, you do," he leplled sharply. "I ,.~ uu qUltrre.

IlIxed, ,nnd I wns pushed fonvurd bave told the sergennt thnt you are I 'l'he Dook of Job toughly to whnt nppeurlld to be II trull' bere rIght enough, bnt nre stnylng ~'he book of Job, written ~bout 15:!O door lu the roof, dowlI which I climbed, with me Ul! my guest. Ho swenLS ho B. C., describes very IIcclll'ntely sever. thl'ust brusquely from nbol'e. Herc must sec you nnd find out for hlmselr. nl processes of !:'lIeltln" met.lls. found myself In a smnll loft aboye And the pnrson, amlnbly embnrrnssed, .. stnUs of til!! stnble. lily captol's fol· vows I am beln'g In9ulted. However,' Italh". Sltnll'hettl. lowet!, unt! one of them struck n there you nrc." l\Iuell of the HuUan spllghettl Is mllde IIIU teh, ~\'ben the Ught fell upon ITood's ':yel'y well," suld I slowly; "let tllem at ~'orre Allnunlllntll, nenr Vesuvius. fnce. J'rom thn t fnmlllltr nm1 sinister In. ~'he fnctorles arc grent stone bullt!lngs countennnce my eyes glnnLcd nbout me Sercombe sCl'utinlzed me keenly, IS the recesses of which loole like cnv: to severnl tlglll e1' In tbe hnlf IIgllt. I though he would read my soul, nnd erns, whUe tile pl'oduct IInelS the roa(L. saw at once what bud been my uudo· then, appnrently slltlsfled, lett tbe side, huug In festoons on rncks to lug, for thls.1oft wns used liS n dol" room. and acquhe n finyor from tile files aud

But the fnrmer IInswcrs It Is much hill del' to CIII cIt In u hulf ripe stnge, wltll risk of loss froll) rain, und, nguln, If he sells It he gets more beclluse It welgtM more. 1.'hls /lISt cxcuse Is no ex(!use at 1111, for without trouble you cunnot mlll,e money It Is this dodging troutle thnt Iweps IIlllny, If not most, fnrmers POOl' nil their III·es. If J OU hn\'e to feell Jour Ilay on the furm, tben In Older to get the grentest In­come flom It you shoulll hn Ye It In the very best condition, ant! the only way to do thnt Is to tnk:J more trOUble with It, put It up In smnller cocks, so it will Cll)'e more l'nplllly, \\ 011, a lIttle Ilnrder anll fnster to a\ old the Inln, and you many times Sllye u grent deal more money In the outcome of the crop.

1I111k En.lly Tnlllle.1. A dIrty tin bucl,et "III Injure the

qunllty of the mlllt lint! nffect Injuri­ously the butter mnlle from thnt mille, no mntter how cnwfully the "ork Is done subsequell tly.

Do 1I0t let t!lrt get Into It lint! I,eep It coltl enough to mnke goot! butter, nud th,~n you hilI e mnstered the sltua· tlou. One thing nbout the mill, room­hnve the 11001' on the ground lind made of cement, for you arc sure to spill more or less milk or Clellm thllt will spoil lint! taint the nil' of the room, but If the floor Is mnt!e of cement nnd you wipe It up berole It dries no dnm· ag" Is <lone. If tile 11001' Is wood you cnnuot wipe 01' wlIsll tile 011 out of the wood, though pnlntlng It will help. If you hnye been In the habIt of mnr·

ketlll!: your bu Iter In long rolls or pllel.eel In jnrs or cans, you wIll be as· tonlshed how mu~h better It will sell If yon lllllke It Into IHetty prInts Wl'U!>· ped In pnrchment Ilnllel·. It wlll on nn aycrnge sell for;; cents mOle a pound nnt! sell fnster if mnde to suit the fnncy of the buyer The grocer lII,es to hlludle pretty looking pnts nUll will lecommend it before u better IlLticle, for be knows how lady buyers judge by the looks of things ruther thlln the tnste.

IInl'e YOUI' own stllWP, so thnt those who 111m the butter will Imow how to tell It when tlley come for more; then it lool.s liS If you wele lendy to gUlII"

antee the Ilrtlcle nnd wcre theLefole surc It WIlS good.

The Profltnble Co",'.

Alwnys hllye the bnl'll and fnstenlngs III rnnged so thllt the cow II III be COlli­Cortllble, ns the coml'cn tnblc cow Is the 11Iotltabie cow.

Gulliel3 From the Seed Drill. 111.1' land has 1I10re or less grnvel and

sand mixed with the soli and I have to be veil' cnreCul whell I soed down 1\ pIece fm meadow not to leave nnv wheel lIlarks liP nnd down the hlll with the (ll 1111. for If I do water will be al. most Sill e to gather In these whoel mall,s and It Is but a short time befOl e a tl enell 01' gully Is fm med I huve slIch a gully 1I0W In one of my fields that was f1 0111 fOUl to six feet deep and twelve feet wide that sturted from the Itttle mark that was left by the dllIJ as I came flom the field after drilling In my I ye III Selltember. In clay or heavy Innd probably there would not be so milch 1Il1nger of washing It is very hnrd for a team to plow or do nny hnt d pulling up a steep hili, but direct. Iy or dlagonnlly IIcross It thoy will go­easily, and when done In this way I haye lIever seen nny bad results flom ~ ashlng on nw fill m, and I have IIve(Y on this farm tor over fifty yelll s, con­clUdes u WI Iter In nU1'Il1 New Yorker

Protecting Water Pipes From Frost. Nothing Is so gooll a plotector flom

frost or hea.t ns deael all' III Insulnted com p n I tmentR 'Vhete water pipes must be Illuced III the ground above tho frost line, or above the ground nnel fnlly exposed. propelly COIIStl·llOt· ed frost boxes ale vastly superior to> fel t, COl k 01 othel' coverings. These pacltlng mnterlals are usunlly WOl 50'

thnn worthless be· cause they UI e sure to become soaked flOIll con­elensatlon on the pipe nnd thus to­InYlte Instend of I e­pel flost 'l'hls Is especially tI ue where the Illpes lead to elevated tnnl(s from wells or cold wnter, because I n any weathOl' when the tempel' a.tm e Is above that of the water, con· densatlon Is IlIwly to occur.

The simplest. PROST nox AND construction of nn WATl:ll PIPE eflectlve protecting

frost box Is con· structed with three dend nIl' spaces well celled and extenellng from below

of+-------;---'--------++ tile frost !Inc up to the poInt clr do-

I I livery at the tun I, or at the house. Feeding Milk Cattle After the pipe Is In place a box tube

+,--__ ,...... ___ ,...:",...:,, _____ + or If., or %·Inch sturf and G Inchus Inside diameter Is built wIth the pipe In tbe centre. It Is then celled out. side wIth tnr pnper. '1'1 hnmCl s al e then plnced arount! tho box to bUIlt! nnother box upon, n 2·lnch airspace helng left between the two boxes. JI)

Root crops cost more to prodnce thnn corn ensllllge, bu t III e more convenlen t for II smnll herd. 'I'll!! cows IIl.e cnr­rots best und do 1I0t tire of rations of roots If mlxel1 with cnrrots, snys a PennsylYlInln fnrmer III .~merlcnn Cui· UVlltOI·.

Fo"d" Tltnt Tnlnt 1I111k. The fced shonld be goot! nnt! free

fLom nl'Ollllltic substnnces. If these nromatlc foods ure used they should be employet! nccordlng to ttiose meth· ods which wll! not cnuse odors or fin· yors In the milk.

Look t .. 'file P •• ture. thut It WIlS

wheu I hllel 'UOyo.,.,. dMllera,tll:ln my coun­

mltory tor the Greeks, IIml the In another moment n knock sonnd&d lava dust. of illY pnssnge along the roof bnll at the door, nnd Hood, flingIng it open, :--+,...,.._,...:"..;;....:..; dently ulnrmed tllem. .At laId, "Gentlemen to sec you, sir." I

Tile 1111 rount! food for mllJ, cows Is grnss. Tbel'efore look well to the pus­tures and seo thu t theIr quu II ty Is Im­Jlroved. ot tills tluy

'£he woodell

1I~:~~J~\~~~~t~lt~~hlln sIx or , ns I hnve or

the root. I

from Hood two or theso Tbe little pnrson entered, followed ~'be verbenn Is Indlcntlve ot senslbIl. illY IIrlllS, nnd r WIlS forceel by the sergeant who bad called nt the Ity: This Illnnt Is suld by some natu. the Indder to the grouut!. I [lrotested castle. I looked up from my hooks and rnllsts dlsplny IIIWost'llnllllllte 1'en-nglliust tills trelltlllent, snylng thllt I rose ·instnntly. son lu Its liubltut. had given my wort! not to nttempt to "How I Ball!; ot-, escllpe, nnt! I sIgn pnss· dny, ler-ed (I'om Hoot!, Butrered '

to tJroceed

.. , , ,



Study tit" Cow'. Need •• Elich Indh'ldunl In the herel should

be studied nnd glYen tbe cnre thllt she requires for best prodUction, snys Fnrm Journal. ,

'I.'wo sIsters stooel side by side In a herd. One required bulky, light food "to ('n usc her to do be: best. The other lequlred'more concentruted food wIth I,'ss bullc.

No herd ot cows enn ever be really p,'ofitnble uu tbey receive just thIs cllreful ntto!utlon;'.

OIlOSS SI;CTlON OF FROST nox. like mnnner this box Is celled and supplied with himmel'S for nn out­sIde box of shIp lap or mlltcbed boards to surrount! a second 2.lnch. nIl' spnce. Frost boxes so constructed wll! bo found effective In an~' climate lIud ure fully all satisfuctory ns 1II0re elabol ntely constructed ones.-Ornng& Judd FUlmer. It I

" - .... -r , .. _ ,

THE TIMES, TREHERNE, MANITOBA. > -. -----~ .. --


Your Doctor Suffered Over Two Years-Health Wae I The n .. lmet In til" Sclloolroo ••

In a Precarious Condition-Caused Gcrmnn sclJllolmnstcrs nrc snicl tn By Pelvlo Catarrh. ha"c had much to do with tllc yletor),


or tile Germuns In thcil' lutc wnr wltll Frnncc, unll III this' connection Sir

I Henry Roscoe tells this incldcnt of his Inspcctlon or tbe lll'ofessionnl scbool In

I Hallen, Fl'IInce:' "Amon;: thc uSllnl ob­I Jccts I noted 'vltli SlIl'lll'lse a Prllsslnn

sollllcr's helmet. On ueing nskcd wily he plucell It thcrc the scboolmaster ,stutcd thut It WliS plcl;cd up In tbe stl'cets of Rouen duriug the Germun Inl'aslon. Auu be 1lI111CII t1mt It wns or gl'eat sen'lce to him, fOl' wbcn tbe

I Rcbolars did 1I0t n tle!lll to tlwir work he uscd to IJl'Ing this down und put It

1111 his llcsl. nn!!, pointing to It, suy:

I '~ow, If YOII do not mlllw Ill'ogress and leurn properly this will huppen to you

I Ilgllill, ~'lie surest WlIY to bring It upon YOIl Is to ncglcct YOIll' studies IInll gl'ow up In ignorllnce und to bccome In­rm'lol' In Ilitellectllni trlllning. '1'bo 11IspillY of thut helmet,' cxpillinell tile lilt'cctor, 'neycr fulls to brlllg thc blusll

I or shllme to the cheel;s of my stuuents /' , n nll to I'OUSC their pntriotlsm lind tbelr Izcnl for their studies.' ..

Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but­why go .to all the trouble and inconvemence of looklr.g hIm up, and then of having hisprt'scription filled, when ;you can step into any drug store In Canada and '.lbtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for ii quarter.

Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you as_quickly?

Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thiI ty-four years: let SHILOH be your doc­tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears.

SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists ba<;k up this statement with a positive guarantee.

The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure It with

SHIL()H 605

.'., .. ,' 'l' .• 'V01UCJl C.tunot Cut Dlnnlo.u]".

~_= __ C':'_=_=-==_-==-=-===:.=-="_ -_-_-One Slo)e of IIle "I .... tit.

"A lot of women seem (0 be possessed these <lny!! of 1111 Illlluition to leal'll the 1I'II[Ie 01' dinmolld cutting," the New YOl'k 81111 l'cpOrl" olle jeweler as sny· lng, "gl'et'r little while 1111 Ilppllcllnt rOI' n sllnutlon I1S nil Ilpprl'ntice gil'es us u enll. But II'" clln't IIlford to giYe (hem n tl·ial. Tltry clln IIco'el' mus(er the nl'\. In olllel' uI'unche3 of the jew. eltT tt'nde wOlllen bll I'e nHHle some un­quallfipll successes. i'\ot Olle of gl'e's

Mrs, Emma Fleissner, 1~12 Sixth Ilnughlers, fronl l'oJ'llll~' down, I should Ave" So attie, Wash" \Vorthy Treaa- SlIr, tllIIt Isn't nil 1ll'IIst' III tbe wCllrlng urer Sons of Temporance, writes:

"I suffered over two years with ir- 01' lllumoll!ls, ~Iany lire well I'Cl'sed re;ular and painful "eriods. My health III the trlel;s of iJuJ'IIIg' lIud s'~lIll1g tbelll, was In Ii very precarious condition and while olhel'~ g'II'e cXI'l'lIent Hlltlsfllction I was anxious to find Bomethine; to re- III poll8hlng' Hnll jll'Pjllll'lng them store my health and strene;th. fill' the nUll'lw!. But when It comes to

Dill you eYCl' llIeet II st1'fillgel' who tnll;cll from one Rille of his mouth, usually in 1111 unclel'tone allli wltb iii!! eyes wnnllel'ln~ while tn IIdng? The mun's manncr Is not lin illlllcalion thut he Is welgblng his words 01' IlIIs some­tblllg Importnnt to tell. It is nlmost II surc sign thllt lie hilS sllcnt yellrs In jllii. '1'llis lllllnncr of tnlldng Is nc­quired In pl'lson, wliere cOll\'crsntlon amollg prisoners Is Ill'ohlbltcd al\(l whcre the men hl1l'e to tnll, out of ono ~Idc or their mouthH In ordel' to prm'ent tbo l;ceper from uoticing thnt conYersn­tioll Is going Oil, '1'he hnblt sticks 10 the cOl\vlcts fol' J'CIU'S nrtel' they get ont,

"I WOR very ghLd to ttl)' Penllla and lhe I'enl cutting of Ibe sto,e!l they lucie delighted to ftl~d that it wos ,doinfl', me 1111' pllllcnlle, judgment lind stelldiness iood, I continued to ~StJ It a little or IIcl'l'e which conslltute tl'e cxpert's ClIver three months and found Illy 118tock llol trUllc," One at .. Time, ' troubles removed, 'Wol11en l10 not lllnRS liS well ns lllcn

"I consider it a s~!endJ..7 med!cine In the Ch .. r .. ~, do, 'rllcy lose by lIg'gregntion, A strcet aand shall n~verll be WV':h ,outllt'f talking a I "111;1 7. Ie nIHl FloSHI!' ha\'(' settlcd their I cllr full oC women mnlws wlllldug secm

ose occaslonn y W en ee run- tt I \ i t r i I down and tired" little l1unrl'cl, blll'PlI't ther'!" n rnet I'e. J reg mcn 0 men S p CllS-Our files contain thousllnds of testi- "Yes, Thcy met \" Ihe llressitlg, Ing. A regiment or wOl11cn woulll hc

monials which Dr. Hartman has re- ronll\ just befol'e thc [lcrforlllllllce null disturbing. So thero Hre Home flowers ceived fl'om grateful, happy WOlllen 1(I~sed CHch othcr," , tbat, IIlthough IndlYidulllly charming, who have been restored to health by "But HOllleilody told 1110 tileY kissed do not IJlllIch well, '1'l1lwn 111 lurge his remedy, Peruna, Ulld mude up," groups, WOlllell !\ e objl'ctiollnble, It Is

"The,I' nlway~ mnlw up,":"'-Clcyclnnd ns Inllividuuls 01' III smu.!1 sl1ulllls tllat

'rhe SerJ,ent. Pluin Dcnlm', tlley are so IIICOlllllU1':1uly Interesting,­

Life. Tile RamUli golldess of health nl, Puin Disuppears Before [t,-No one

LACK OF ENERGY. , ways bore In IlI'r hnlld u serpent. '1'he neeel suffer pain when they hnve avail­serpent wus the emhlem of "1;;8culll' able Dr, 'l'homas' Eclectdc Oil. If plus, tbe dclty of physicluus, lIud 111 Ilot in the hOl1se when required it can Ac Common Trouble Among Growing Romnn folklore It Is suitl thllt dlll'ill~; be procured at the nearest store, ns Boys-A New Blood Supply is a grellt pestilellce in Home he IIppenr- nil mer?hants keep i,t fo~ sn~e, Needed-Dr. Williams' Pink cd In thnt city ill the 1'01'111 of II serpent Hhc11I1llltlSlll t.tn~l all bodIly pllIns elis- Pills Actually Make nnd stuycd the pilinuc, IIppelll' when It, IS III jJued, nnd sl~ould New "Iood.

,... Ithev at uny tUlle retu I'll , cxpel'lence There nre thousands of young men ,leaches the uscI' of the Oil how to just approaching manhood who have UI ... eft IInnded" 1 .. 10"".

delll with thcm, ' no enel'gy, who tire out at the least It wus the hclier 01' L\l'lngstolle tll'lt exertion, and who feel by the timo

nenrly 1111 lIon~ WCI'C "Icl't hnlHlcll," 'I 1\[ J t' club hilS stnrted a they have done their day's work as If" II'lllellCtl tllelll clo~uly nml ",111m r Ie erc Ian ,s tJ I tl d J I " " ., I t I CJ C Ie of the most lOUg 1 Ie ay were a wee, ('ng, In they desh'ml Iv I<lrlkl) n flc1'cC blow P 1111 ,0 ma to ~I 'ago 01 sOllie of these cases there is a fUl'tllel' til ' I " I t rt • beautIful spots 111 the world,

ey u WUYS I1RC •• tie e pnw. 'I sign of warning in the pimples and - - , - S I' 1 t S 'b tt tl 1 otller disfiguring eruptions which break out Motor as P~litical Adjunct. un Ig I ,oap IS e er 1 ill ,

A good slor," Is told In Cassell'" Ronp~, buL IS best when lIs,ed III the ou the face, These are certain I signs ., S I I t B Slllltght Soap that the blood is out of order, ancl :o.fagazlne, Once a Unionist minister ,un Ig 1 wa~, ,lIY 1 ,

went on a (our through Il'Cland In com- llnd follow dll'ectlOns. ,unless it IS promptly enriched, a pany wllh another han, member, a dl,,~ I complete breakdown, or perhaps con-

The Ptll1l11an compnny is preparing sumption may be the result, All tlngulshed al1<l representative person- 1 I II' 't these voung men should take Dr, age In tho nulomoblle world. Some- to light the lIew'mte aw, 10 e Illg 1 \"'11' - I' I ' where about the west they ehanced on conducts a hotel, not tl'lInsportaLion "I lams' 'In t PIlls, 'rhese pills nc-a vt11nge where a meeLlng had been business. tually make rich, red blood, clear the cOI1\'on"d In relallon to a county coun- skin of pimples and eruptions, and cll election, Violence appeared to have Minard's Liniment ,Cures Burns, etc. bring health, strength and energy, been expectCrl by lhe ul1lhorlties, and , Here is a bit of proof. Adolphe Rol-drarts of the Royul Irish Constnbula.ry It is repol'led thut Mnsampho, on land, St, Jerome, ~ue" is a young had clesconded on the spot, like bless- the Routhenst coast of Korell, is about man of nine years, \Vno suys:" "For cd mnnna from the hQll\'ens for lhose to be converted into It nuvul port. more thnn a year I suffered from gen-that hungered after peuce, Certain ernl weakness, and I gmdually_ grew fiery speakers trom I,he United Irish Neul'ly nil infnnts are more or less so weak that I was lorced to abandon League were to hnrangue the populaco subject' to diarrhcca Itnd such com- my work as a clerk. My appetite against tho Snxon gnrrlson, detestorl plaints whilo teething nnd as this failed me, I had occasional violent for what It doeR to Erin, though Erin period of'their lives is the most crit- hendnches, and I began to suffer from Is not so green as EI In mal,es out, They ical, mothers should not be without in(ligest.ion, I was failing so rapidly were especially to denounce the Royal Il bottle of Dr, J. D, Kellogg's Dysen- thnt I began to fear consumption was Irish Constabulary, But whon (hoso tel'Y Cordinl. This medicine is fnstening itself upon me,' Our family uncompromising pntrlots arrl\'etl, the specific for such complnints and is doctor treated me, but I did not gain most horrid of spectators confronted highly spoken of bv those who have under his care, I was in a very dis­thorn, I used it. 'l'he propl'ietors claim it cournged state when a il'iend from

The minister and his hon, colleague, will cure nny case of cholera or sum- Montreal came to se.! me, He d.rm"'_ In Ignornnco at the grave crisis, had ner complldnt, Iy udvised me to try Dr, Wi been giving the populnce rides In th~lr I I Pink Pills, I did so and inside of motor cn,r up anel r down tho main I Riotous sccnes attended three weeks'l began to feel ,better, my street, In a Lhorou~hly handsome and \ b R [' ff ,ts to seize Snn ""·,,,,'._'1 appetite began/ to improve and I sportsmanlike mnnner the populace I, e ~Ie? e Ot 'fil nne I 1 t J f I' f 11lul requesled Ihnt the constabulary CISCO c\1~tI'lCt attorney s,o ce seemoe 0 Jave a eu mg 0 new COlll'-shoult! bo allowed an opportunity 'at ,Yont, eVll1ence, of boodling from ago, I continued the pills until I hlld sharing In tho dll'er810n, too, Then to the gl'lLnd Jury. tllken ten boxes and I am now enjoy-tho constabulal'Y had craved for nn ing the best of henlth I ever had. ILddl tlonal and speCial fayor to the My cure surprised many of young n.nel fall', pf the ralrer sex, Tho friends who began to regard


Western Exploring Party Find James Bay Territory Splendid For Bevelop­

ment-Excellent Fur Season. An exploring party to the fill' north

cconslsting or Leonard II, Nord, Samuel Swanson and H, J, Boe of l\Unneapolls, Mlnn" and E, A, Osborne, cdl tor OIf The I~ort I"rancls Times, have just returned from a three man tlls' exped \tlon to Hudson Bay and the'l1orthenst COllst of James Day,

'l'he party enterell the Northwest tel'. rltory at Missanable, Ont., about Ihe middle of May nnd with lndlan guides canoed up the Mission RlvC\' to MOORe Factory, One llundred nnd fifty miles north of the point of entry to the wild­erness, they crossed the suryey of the Grand ~'runk Pacific Railway, Fro'l1 Moose Factory post they sn lied round the southerly end of .Tames Bny, touch­ing at Rupert House, and then rollo\\'­ed lhe northeastern coast to Enst l\[aln, where they embal'I,ed on a peril­ous canoe voyuge with six Indian guides through the catarncts nnd rnplds of the Enst Mnln RlvCl', In all 11 port­ages were made, varying In dlstnncos, and 62 rapid shoots were Indulged In, some of which wore excl ting to the danger point, One experience while shoaling a particularly switz[ rnplds, was for a time harrowing, ~'he IndIan In the rear ot the 'big 30-foot canoe accidentally caught the blade of hlR paddle In n hidden crevice, where It stuck, and In an Instant (he canoe had swerved on a rocl,y pivot and, dancing In the tumultuous current, 'began to pound severely, At once the six In­dians set up a panlcl,y hubbub, ,~II commanding nnd Impugning each other

1 simultaneously. Drifting from the first danger the boat was cn rrled au t of lLs course and In Immedlnte jeopardy of being whirled over a cataract. The strength of the crew, however, lh'oved ndequate to resist the current ani! worlmd It to the shore.

As far north as St. George the party noted bIg fleWs of rich timothy and clover hay anll prosperous vegetabl" gardens, '.rhe greater terri tory of Innd traversell between JllI&snnable and }\[oose l"actory they found to be of rich soil, thoroughly 'compatible wl~h agricultural requirements,

Far up tlle northeast COllst of .Tnmes Bny, 200 miles from Gascot Shoals, where the Hudson Bay steamer Lady Hend was wrecked In 190,1, losing her

I $2'10,000 cargo of furs, the party found the "figure heall" of that ship, It was a beautifullY' caryecl, gold-trapped, wooden image of a lady, emblemal.lc or the ship's name, 1\[r, Osborne 'brought the figurehead home wlLh him,

At Richmond Gulf the pnrty met with Stephen p, M, Tasker and Mrs, Tasl,er, who, It Is believed, are In tho north In the Interest of an eastern periodical, The Taslter party had wi th them ns guide Joseph Iserhof, who was one ot Mrs. Hubbard's guilles during her senrch for her husband, who met a Irag!c death in the north while on the famous Hubbarll-Wallnce Arctic expe­dition, '1'ho Tasl<ers Intended going over the Divide, where they woulcl Rtrlke the Leat RIYer, explorc that nnd follow It to Fort Chlmo, whore they expected to catch a Hudson Bay steam­er for Some Atlantic port. The cap(aln of the stenmer Discovery, the party sal', opined that Tnskers would not succeed 'In catching a steamer and would have to winter In the ifro7.en north. ,

George Elson, one of the Wallace­Hubbard guides, served with the Am­erican-Canadian party jl1ct returned,

The party, say the Hudson Bay offi­cials Informed them that this year's supply of furs, which reached the north­ern factors In June exceeded In Quan­ttty and quality any catch for a num­ber of years, Fishing wlth line and net Is reported excellent, while whale, white porpoise, seals, polnr benrs and other northern game, were seen, The caribou are said to be leaving the Enst Main country and trekldng to Labrador, and the Esqulmaux are following them to their new rendezvollS,

Two EsquLmaux dogs, three months old, were brought bacl<, and also a Imyslmc (model barlt canoe). The party were fully con'llnced that with the ad­vent of railroad facilities lo the south­ern extr~mllles of James Bay, a won­derful country wli1.1Je rapidly develop­ed, which will prove proc1uclll'e beyond lhe most sanguine hopes of the adven­turer or capitalist, '1'he climate to James Day Is seasonnble to cultivated agricultural products, and the soil and subsoil suitable for aJl purposes and can 'bo cleared at a minimum cost.

On the north coast, however, the winter had begun to presage its com­Ing by Increasing chilly nights and

while the gloomy Icebergs gave for'eb6dln!~s of growth, '.rIle party, slS'ht that met the eyes of the patriots I strc.ugly

was that or the noyal Irish Constabu- St. Isidore, P. Q" Aug, 18, ~~ew~r, lary; side by side with ,tho prettiest ot 1 Minard's Liniment Co" Limiteeli Pin Pills trial." ,

t~'i1fi~l~~~r,~ on one of their tours, became Im­, Isoned 'between two giant Icefloes,

but ,fortunately supeeed~d In escaping ?:fO~O t1~e tide began to flow. tho dnmsels" careering turn and turn Gentlemen,-I have frequently used

about, before an applauding people, In RD'S LINIMEN'l' allel nlso pres- 'I'here is no mystery about the cures a Saxon motor car. It was loa much be it fQr my patients always with Dr, Williams' Pink Pills muke, These for t.he new nr,rlval8, Their meetl~g wns most gratifying results, ,a~d:' I pills red ,blood, utterly spolll, (hey could not get n consider it the best all-round luument which 'every

, word out; but they laughed and laugoh- xtnnt . ed again, And bhe eloquent Irish rep- e. . rcsentntlve, who had journeyed to tile spot to aid with his vigorous I'olce and mien that patriotic cause, laug>hed with the heartiest.

Yours'truly, ' DR. JOS, AUG. SIRIOS.

lacking In' her grand Is' Archbishop Bond,

of the Ch ul'eh ot Sept. 10

Healthful, Deliciou~ and Cleanly PreUDII-..

II II OEV .... O ..... GREEN TEA

Is all PURE TEA and is rapidly taking the placo of Japan Teas.

Lead Packet. Only, 40c, 50c, • nd 600 per Ib, At all groc ....

'rhe ])0:1.("11.

In nll the cll'III::ed ('olllltril's of the worlcl thlrtecn IH I'ert" I'cll (0 liS b!'ing SOlllChotly'H Hdo~ell." In Anll~('lcn.

AUstl'lIlla, ell'ellt HI'l!a;n (1'I'(!Rcnt clay) III1tI sel'el'lIl olhel' lalH1~ thllt nllllllJC'I' Is salll 10 a "uaker's (107."11." In 1t:1I~' It is 1'"felTel1 to as till' ""o\)\)lcl"s c107.clI,'' there belllg n tl'adillnll Iltut Ihcre wns fOl'lIIcrly n 111 II' which cOlllpelled col(­blpl's to Pllt tll'ph'p lad,s or IIIll1s roullli til(' elige oC n Inut iJeel. Finally, wllell thl' Illliis iJeellllll' ('111':1[1, II C l'nlel' uall "'liS 111'11'1'11 ('01' lucl:,

Perfectly Safe, Dr, Whipple, 10llg Bishop of Mill­

nesota, 1I'1l~ IIbout 10 hold rcliglo(l~ son'iccH IICIII' lin III<iilln I'i 1111 !,'C , in 011 of the wostel'n ~tllteH. alld befol'c gOIllg' to the plnec of meeting IIH'(Cc\ the chief, who I'ItS his ho~t .• 11 nethel' it WILH HIlle for hilll to lelll'e hiH crfel'l:; ungulll'dc(1 ill the lodge, "Plcllly snte," glllllted the red 1lI111l! "No while 1111111 ill 11 hllndred lllileH fl'UIII hcre,"--\\'ollllln's Homc ('olllpnlliun,

- ___ - 0--_"""'---_-----

SOO'[,OIl EXl'lmmNOBD OlllLS (city or rllrm) ILnd ~'Alt"[ It IU,P ImlLrrled or single)-Fl'o.)m best Scotch Agricultural DislriclB, None suppliod without BILl Is. fnctnry rcfcrcncoa. Sail now, No\'cllIlwr '!'c l'lli , or SIJI'ing. Stundard wagc9 f'Xpcct. ('d, MILIi wants nnd wnges oll'erod direct Oumnoclt, Ayrshiro, Scotland. Noto ad· dress for fut.uro mw. as many antisllcd fn:-mers now cUCluit'llJi: for nddit lonul helll,

Western Winter we&the.r


will keep ) au dry as nothing else II ill, because

they are the product of

tha best malerials and .eventy ),ears' experi­

ence in manufacturing.


A, J, TOWER CO:' Boslon, U.S,A. TOWER OAlf.LllUlf 00" 10 ... Toronto, Oa.a.

j'oungster thinks of his stock· ings I

And when isn't he learil1g here and Ihere in his rough­

and-Iumblc playing I

Dominion ,

Brand Stockings

outwear two pairs of ordmary stockings -and are comfort. able and well· shaped.

Just try them,

Look lor the "tag that tell~n - on every pair. 10

For Northwest Winter Wear

there is no other UUl.1=­wear like

Stanfield' Uns'hrin1iable

UnderweH ..... ,,';.,1

\Varm enough to most severe blizzard

-yet not too hea'ry comfort.

Made in all weighls sizes 'for all climaLe5 figtlre's. , L'lslsl on b3\iniJ SI3lillt~~crs;,

. f .' c i

i I

I ,.


I';~ . ' ,. /.

, t i

, ,



I ,'1 ; ~ ..... ~....,

, . '.

THE '.L..L.lH..l!Jb, ·~.u~I-J]nRNE, MANIT·OBA.

With the



'f : • • • PLEASE,' Men and· Boys' Wool Underwear CALL AND ~l

~ , , GET OUR -, Our stock of Underwear'is complete, l~ ~. PRICES ON . We handle the best two lines made---~ U[S' Stan6efd's and iI, B. K, and we guarantee EF E every garment.· Prices in Men's, per suit: ~ '~Uy~!G " $1.00, 1.25,1.5°, 1.75, 2.00 and up to 4.00. ~ ~" ELSEWHERE ". Boy's! ,per suit: 6oc., 75c., $1.00 and 1.25 .

'Fle.t:ce Lined and Wools to choose from. ' '. ~

. ,


~~~~~.~ .... -..... -......... ~~~ ••. - ....... - .. ~~~~~~ conu~ctioli' and ·prominence.. . F'. Thorimbert leff f~r the 'Peg H' 0" I!,'

.,' :;.. 18 ,"UBL'SHED ' case'reveals the utter folly- of .. thIS Thursday morning: inordwate passion fo~ sudden 'we~l. ,


th, wliich often, when found, ,falls J. T., Reid, of Winnipeg,' is a to confer .the happiness it seemed business dsitor in town. ' , \

.5UBSCRIPT!O'N $1 A YEAR. to promise.' Not many days ago in Peleg Smith" of Iudianford,spent ========== Achortlololl' Rato. 00 AJ.1pllcatioo. a~Copy th 't' f N Y k . /orcb'lDllO ... f adverti80mont oborila:be in e CI yo ew or, a man nam· Wednesday in town on business .. NOT LATER ibao Tuooday 0000. . 'ed, "AI" Adams shot. himself. to

' . ADVERTISING RATES . d tl I . b h' d h' f t . ..,.: 1 wk •. ]' IIIh.· 8 mbo. 1 yr. ea I" eaVlllg e 111 1m a or une , .

Ono Colulllo .. : ........ $5.00 $15.00 $.(0.00 $100.00 of more. than a million dollars .. H,e' The tramp tarried 'at the cloor.in F' , .. Tbroe·Quartor Col ..... 375 12.50,32.00 80.00 made lns. money b.y.o.n.e of the' 10. W·. rags' atld_tatters. ',. . J " 'or Horse Blankets. We reo 'H"lf Col.; ........... .... 2.50 8.00 20.00 60.00 •

9nnrtor Co1..: .. : .. , .... 1..00 5.00 12.00 :m.OO est forms,of ,acq~lsltl.on-gamb.hng "What do "ou want?" asked the . cel\'ed lately a shipment of . Eightb Col .. : ..... -. ;... .75 .3.60 8.00' 20.00 1 h J • ,

Ono Inch.: .. ~:; ..... :... . .' 5.00 -10.00 . .se·rv. e( a' t,erm'1O .. t . e peUlten master of tile house,. sternly. ' . wlllter comfo,rt for horses, 'and Tho abovo rntos donot oppl)' to nu'ctlon soloo, }::r It Id t ooturtainmoots, tondors, mootinllS, leg,,1 notlco.. "c ColiS ~eat wea 11. c~u ,no "Please, sir," whined the beggar, are going to turn' them over a.t oranythinll' otn transltury natnro; • Logal and keep the striped coat off hiS back (I' I k' 'f k H ,. I Mnnlclplil1dVo

rtlslbg,lIrst Insortlon,12 conts , . ' • ' .,' m 00 In or wor -. ave you . a p.rice that'lw.iI1 hot bring elis.

a IIno, snbo<!Quoot insortlons 8 COlltO 11 Iioo, no. r 'conJd .I.t buy bun t.he esteCI11 . of any.scrubbin' "or washin,' or clean. " moasured by long prllllol' IOououro, 7 Iilloo to tho b f 11 ft h I f comfort to "ou inch. Notlcoo of loot, struyod, found, wantod, I~'.~. <:,W men,a er, ISr~ ea~e. rom in' oranY'kind whatsoever?". . . '. '. J :. .'

1~~·$~~.ontSllr~.t l,nBo~t1on, or throo; ihsortlono ~ns.~n. -... And- so he .. took IllS .~\~n "Th~ ,master., paused,,,. " '. ; Ev.~rythtng for the horse, With . ·H.' .'/"., life,' a ·l,lOUlld~.d, ha~nted, d~spI~ed po\v, mistaken he had' been in. im. . . strict regard to fitness in pric!,!.

' Ai';ID PROPR'E~R. o';ltc~st of SOCI~ty, ID the. midst. of agiuing the' tramp. was a la~y vag-a- ,.. .' • ,' .. hIS ncbes lacktng the 'great essen- bond.. . .

~ PRI[DA NOtVEMllER 2, 1906. tials'of. trlie . . a clear con·' . "No arit:. 'lie said '''would h'ave . . =~~~~:¥~=~==F7 .science and of a .life· YO~; 'wanted'. work of any

w~lI.spf!nt. , " •. ' How . .futile _u ... _

: ._.,----'. .. ': to. become ';';~,I.',

<ju"" .... ll,la~la IS -rc- 'poorindee!) , spc>nsiible 'V"P';'~"~ . VIC~I~IS, ': Un- ones:.who, by the .. ~ 'til' ,rId

I too eVident th~t 'are ,measured. up" "".t-h",

Men, 111 among;inortals. ',: [lOllS ha\'e . . .


. ~""""''''''''''''':·'''''''··''''··'''''''''''''·'''···i.!J~·.'''''.'''''.''.'''''.''''''''''".I'''' ........ ~ •..•. ~



The new Trehel'l1e Flour Mills have' been equip. peel with the very latest patents in flour making machin.ery, and are producing an entisely new brand of flollr, which is more quickly hallllled than :any flollr previollsly milled. This flOlll' needs s~ml!what differt!nt treatment than any other flollrs, anU it'~"'lIse involves less labor in b,:,ead making: We are going to isslI.e some printed instl'lIctions showing thc difference ill worl~ing and feel positive that when you have become accllstome.d to our product, you· will have no tin}c for .any other .. Those who have made bread according to the new system are strong in their p,raises, and remember we can save YOll from $5 to $7 on ~ grist of 50 bnshels of wheat.

, (

:'Try O'UV" ':'Purity Patent~" , ~' , " ,

, " , , , • , , , • " "Oo/iJ.II •• '. • • • ... ~ • • 14'" ~ 1 •• " 1 "r!

any ,



, /

~"".''''''''''''.''''''''.'''''.'''''e<4 ............ ~

T Money to Loan r ON FARM LANDS

, Tho ruLo oC 10Loroat la G 1·2 por cont. re yon wnnt. to put n lORn on your furm

loutlo. Doo't wult until ratoa oC Inlor­oaL locrooao. Do it now. Alao cholco Cllrm p,'oporty ond wlltlllUid (or anlo.

AgolIL for So.kolchoWIlD 10lUJ. ill Lho vlcllllLy oC Lho now city oC SaakoLoon.

Coli ond aoo ttst.. ' '~ I G. A. Anderson.

, iii 1!!U4-." • • • ...... I ......... ~


Jack Green was a passenger on last Saturd;ty's train to St. Claude.

Mrs. D. Harman, of flolland, spent last Friday aHerno,on in town.

Miss McLennan returned Satur­day frolll a few days' visit in the city,

Dr. Dundas, of Rathwell, paid the town a 'professional visit last Tuesday.

• Miss A. Sykes left Wednesday

IlIomillg on a visit to friends in Winnipeg. '

P. McKeown, the Rathweil Boni­face, was in town on Friday. ,

W. '1'. Smith was a business visi­tor at the Capital this week, for a fe\t days. ,

IVlrs. T.-M. Ward, of Rathwell, spent Monday night iu town with friends.

Independent Order of Forestfir~: ball is booked for this evening's at-traction. •

- Messrs. F. Copeland and D. Budd, of Holland, spent last Tues­day in town.

M iss Ida McGowan vi s'i ted friends in the city a couple of days duriug t1u:i week.

. Mrs. R. J. Mills went up to Hol­land on 'l'uesday evening's t~aill on a visit to relatives there.

Mr. aud 1',olrs. '1'. ,Greenaway, of Rathwell, visited at the' hOlne of W. T. Smith last Sunday,

The allllllal meeting of the Con­servative Association of Cypress will be held in Glenboro this even­illg.

.Miss '1'11. Smith and Miss Nina spent a few days ill the city dur ing the week, going in on Tuesday Illoniing.

C. W. Barkwell expects _a car of No. I :winter apples to arrive next week. Leave your order early for delivery. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rutherford,of

Somerset, were visitors in town on Friday of last week. 'vV-. N. Hall, of Portage la Prai

'- rie, spent a few days in town dur-On Tuesday, Nov. 6th, at 8 p. ing the'-past week renewing old ac­

m. a meeting ~ill be held in the qnaintances. Times ollice for the purlJOse of ap­pointing ofllcers for the Assembly for the coming winter.

D. McNeil, of l'reherne, was in town on Mouday. ,Mr. M~Nei1 is ofTering his farm, the south half 25- 10 for $4500 . .'l'bis is a snap for sOlllcbody.-The Century, Somer­set.

A nickel cm:e"watch has heen lost somewhere near the Methodist church or bet~veen Dr., Staples' and the school, Finder will please leave the watch at the Times of­fice.

, A number of. the 1'reherne con­tingent of witnesses in the Gr9bb ca~e spent a few days at home ,tbe

\ latter part of last week, l1Iost of them returning to Portage 'au Sun­(jay.

Luckily for Treherne' there.' is very little sickness,' for at the present time both our M. D.'s are absent. belllg wit n e sse s at tile Grobb triaillow being conducted at Portage la Prairie.


Methodist church services Sun-... day next: Treherne, I I a. nl., and

7 p. m. ,,,Bethel 3 p. lll. Love feast afteruoon and evening. Subject, "What the blind born knew." 'Pas­tor in charge. A cordial invitation to all. 'I "

, 'We are requested to publish the , following;-"A pocket book contain­

ing one five dollar 'bill and about half a dollar in silver and a French note having the value of twenty dollars has been lost somewhere in 1'reherne or betv.'een 1'reherne aiid the'auction,sale, about a ~ile west from'the town, on Friday, Oct. 1'2. Finder will make a proof of hones­ty in Ietnrning the same to tbe

" Times office or to, A. Balez, Rath­" . well,- Man.", '

The third annual convention of the union of Manitoba municipali­ties will, be held in Portage la Prai rie, Nov. 6, 7 arid 8., The program

, as sent out shows tire 'conven-

Miss M. Collins and Mr. Cae, of Winnipeg, visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson, ,oveF Sunday, leaving for home by Monday's train. '

J. A. Mullins, of Cypress River, spent Tuesday night in town, on his way to Carmim where he has the contract of diggillg a govern-ment ditch. - -

Owing to pressure of other mat­ter we are obliged to hold over un­til next week ri lengthy article 011 the new building of the Canadian Bank of Commerce.

Fred'S. Cross, at the 11rm of Cross, Goulding 'and Skinner, Win­nipeg, did the town during the past week, in the, interests of the' new scale William's piano. '

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Coulter drov,e 'over to St. Claude Saturday :after­noon on 'a visit to W: J. Parhr . , . - ~,....., .... and Geo. Syer. They returned Monday night: ' ,..... . : Anniversary services will be helel in the lYIethodist chu,l'ch, Treherne, Nov. 18th and 19th inst. Big crowd, big supper and big lecture. Mark tbe dates and keep them ~n. See,posters. ,

, :", tion will be a '" ting and profitable one, addresses!'I're'helrne

'< "by the' presldlen t. of BrandOI)';' : -'--J,'C­

nnipeg, J. Han.


, , ,


J. Corbett was a passenger to Wiunipeg on Tuesday's eastbound.

Section-Foreman McI\'or, of Hol­land, was a visitor in town last Sat .. "tl rd ax . -,

Mrs. A. Smart, of' Holland,spent last Saturday in tqwn, the guest of Mrs. Dr. Galley., '

C. J. H. ,Arbez, of St. Claude, was a business visitor in town over last Friday nigh t.


Mrs. McDonald, of Winnipeg, came up by Saturday'S train on a visit to Mrs. D. Kennedy.

~ , ,

J. H. Ford, manager of Ogilvies' Elevator, Rathwell, was a visitor iti Trehet'ne over Friday night.

1'. A. Beacock, of Cypress River, spent a fe"" days in town the fore part of the week, returning home Tuesday evening. ---=-=:::-----=-----!---------

O,.edit A'lGtion Salo

Having received instructions from A. H. Ford, I will sell by public auction at his re,sidence 's w 4-8-8, Oll Thursday, Nov. 8, 1906, the following live stock, imple­ments and sllndries.

STOCK-Bay horse, 10 yrs old; sorrel horse, II years \old, gray mare, 13 years old; bay pony'mare 10 years old, ill' faaI-; pony Illare, 4 years old; spring colt, filly; 6 cows, 2 2-year 01(\ and 6 'yearlings'.

Implements-Massey-Harris bin­der, NO.4; Massey' Harris IS shoe drill; Frost & Wood mower;Massey Harris Imperial gang plow, heavy brush breaker, 14 ill; set 4 section diamond harrows; Chath&.m wagon, set bob sleighs, buggy, cutter.

SUNDRIES-Hay racks, forks, shovels, logging chains, set' and half-heavy harnessj set single driv­ing barness, 1:;00 ft poplar lUIll­ber, 40 cords stove ,wood, 20 logs, and other articles too nnmerous to mention. Also the s'w }( of 4-8,8 subject to a res,erve bid. 'fer illS

for farm will be made, known at time of sale. '

'fER MS-All, 'pur,chases of '$1'0 and i1l1eler, casIl,_ over that alllount I I months credit will be given ~:m furnisbing approved joint notes' bearin'g interest at the rate of 8 per cent. 5 per cent ofT for cash on sums entitled to credit.

,H. FORD, J. S'I'EVENSON, Proprietor. Auctioneer.

Fa,.", [0,. Sale

. The 11. e. }( of J 4-9-1 I, about 30 acres broken <lnd fenced; 70- more easily broken, with frallle house, log stable and granary. For fur­ther particulars apply to ,;'

'yV. J. McILVHT~N, , '" '[C . at J.. fI. Matchett's, 36.8'10.

2-4 P ,

Wood Fo,. Sale

A qtlantity of dry wood in logs, on n w }( 13-7-10, for sale by load, had better be taken before snow­fall. Apply_to

J. PlU'I'CHARD, 1'reherne.

Fo,. Sale 0,. 1'0 Let.

W Yz 14'7-10, 4Yz miles from 1'reherue" 100 acres ullder cultiva­tion, farm all fenced with wire' fair buildings; good water. This 'is all ideal plac~ for mixed farming. Church and school cOllvenient. For particulars apply to

J. A. LJ~wIs, 4-6 P Treherne.

Ma,chine Shop for Sale.

The machine shop aud set of gen­eral repair '1:00Is, ,etc., also, 2 lots and 'a half 'for sale. Terms and particulars apply to'

FRANK TI-IORIllrnnR'l', 4 p 'rreherue.


Farm ForlRent.

s. E. }( 7-8-10. 'fenant to live on the place. Apply for particul­ars to

3-6c A. D. ROIlJ~R'rSON,


At All Hours. I '

During tl1l1 harve'it time we arc g6in fo miM'e ,a 'sj)ecialty of serving

continllollsly all day, and on in the evening-, to accommodhte those who are harvesting and draw~ ing wheat. Hot eolree and lunch may be had at any time.

MRS. M. BROCn. ., .. y

~F#==arm fo===r 5ale~·I'SUITINGS "

1'ne' w 76 of '5-9-9; 140 acres broken, 70 being ready for wheat. Good'log buildings. For fnrther " ~, particulars apply to ,_' .

The uiost exclusive Iin'e of Woollens ever shown between Winnipeg and

'Souris has jilst arrived fr0111 England. TWEEDS, WORS1'EQS, SERGES, Dobby and' swell., COUl­ple'fe knock down prices.


5-7 P 1'reherne.

Oxen [0,. Sale f "

Three yoke of oxen, well brokeu. For IFurther particulars apply to' '

7' 'N OODS BROS." 2-5 c " ' Somerset

, Tho 11 0 M of 7..g.D, 0110 hUlldroLl acrcs for WhOllt, 130 ocro. bl'Okoll. l!'lCty loml. Good WlltOt'. l!'nh' atnblo nccom"lloc:ln. tiOD. Will aoll, 00 yorY·t'onaoooblo ply II t onco to .

, STANT.lEY FX,\MlSl 17- " Tl'o lOrna.


I H. J. Moors. I#e/lol ,,'

Winter .apples by the barrel.

, 'Snow apples by, the pound 01' , barrel. '. ' '

, ,

'1\ few baskets 'of 'grapes still (In hand.

- "

---,- . ......

, ,

Fall and Winter Footwear •

Keep your reet warm and dry. It will not only add to your comu:>rt but also to VOtll' hl.!alth. 'vVe have just ~penecl up a tull range of fail and winter rCl(?twenr and we will be pleased to show you many new ideas in thi" line. \Ve have tried to improve every department ill our store.

'I \Ve would ask you to illf;pect our MAPLE LE.\Jo' RUBl3l~RS, HAMBURG F:~LT BOOTS, Etc. la

\VI:! have decided to make the price 011 all these g()l)ds very close this year consi'(lerihg the qll'tiity of our g'oods

,making our money by a large tUl'll o\'e'r rather than ": charging high prices.




Jixamine Ollr c1othillg. No­tice the fabrics, lit", clIt, tlte" finishing, lillings and hutton holes. '1'ltese things all COUllt in the durability, cOlllfort and style of clothes and will help to tell you of

The Excellence of the ,,::::::::;;: ;;;;i;;: :':':':':':':':,,",,::::: :::::::: : '::," ',:' ..... ' ... ,' ',',,',' ,,',',',','.',',','::.' ::::::

•••• '4 •••••••••••••

It is a matter of busilless with us to suit you. Olll' Fall and \Vinter'Clothing is 1I0W ready for you. Overcoals or Suits $5 to $18 in price.

See our new ties in tlte wine shades-they're the ial<.:st out. - .

H'EL,LO 10! C1othlor

, Furnlshor . 'nUll Grocor C; W. BARfiWf":LL.,

, ,

Robson's-\. -

1906 •

Here we Are as U~nJ,al,

, SPEC'IALTIES Car Cedar Posts, 4x6'toP, I4c. , Blacksmith's coal per tOll $II.50 . ,

,'Standard, SURpJies. . , "...'

, LUlllber cif -all kinds at Right, Prices, Mouldings, Base, 'etc. Lime, Brick, and etc, best quali,ty. Jubilee Brand Tar Paper.

, ,

" , ' , ,


, '



Does fit Doesn't

kingdoms. He wants £ 5,000 a year, and I

If his wife wishes It he will agree to




shlrlnk lea\'e her at the ohuroh door. !

"The only trouble about arrange­ments of lhls kind Is the dlmculty 01 geltlng lhe money. It Is necessary to have a precise agreement, and even then there Is no certainty that the ob­ligation will be met. Here Is a speci­men conlract nole for cases of that kind," and Mr. Charlesworth, mention­Ing no nnmes, turned up his letter­bool<, and produced the following copy of a letter:

FREE -, 'Big Buck De.r In Algonquin Park Af- I

frighted at Search Light.

l\[r. ancl Mrs, "'. P. Kellett and Miss Kellett, oC Pittsburg, Pa., who are sum- I morlng In Canada, encountered a thrlll­fng experlcl~ce at tile Algonquin Na-1I0nai Park of Ontnrl?, the particullll's of which ha\'e just l'eachc<1 the Crollt. Accompanied by theh' guide, they pad­dled fOI·th fl'om lhe'r camp on Cache f.-ake, Intenellng to secure, If possible a flashlight phOtOgl'\lph OIl a Vlrglnlaa deer Ceeeling on Illy pads nnd roots,


. .. ,

I •

(j~~~~~~,~~ everydealerin Pen-Angle 10 replace, at cur cost, an,

sarmenl faulty in material or IIIlIkini I

"In consideration of lhe trouble anr! expense Incurred by you In bringing about my Introduction to a certain lady, and provided Lhat a mal'rlago takes plnco between this Indy and myself. 1 hereby agree to pay to you. for the above-mentioned consldcratlons _ namely. "trouble and expense," a stun of £ 1.000 (ono Lhousand pounds) I ster­ling upon the date of nn engagemenl, and I further agree to b'nd mysel! to pn>' to you wllhln a certain periOd (to be mentioned In time) a SUm of mone,"

Made In Canade and Sold by all OrulIlIl.l.

This ooup,0n I. good for one ton oent (100.) 1'rlal Bottle of tbe oole. brntod

Dr. Leonhardt's Anti·PiII a Mure o'lre for l.ndlge.Uon. Blllou., nos", Dyspepsln, Constlpntion and all alllU""ts art.lng therefrolU. Mlliled free, In B plain paokage. on receipt of nllme and addre... Fill in yllur nn.mo nnd post offico addre .. on dotted IIne< and 8end to

THE WILSON·FYLE CO" Limited, Niagara fa!ls, OnL

__ •• e_ ••••• u ......... _ ••• _ ........................ __ _

................. _ ... _._-........... -... _ .. .

Heading for the n )rth of the ~[ada­Waskn, they Silently stoic along the shol'e, Nothing disturbed the stillness save the drip of the paddles, and now and then the weird call of a loon In 'Vhite Lal<e, or the occasional splnsh of failing tree which told that the bea\'­ers' hour of Inbor had begun,

WAY Sunlight Soap is better than

other soaps. but is best when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions).

Hard rubbing and boiling are things of the past in homes where Sunlight Soap is used as directed.

Sunlight Soap will not injure even the datntiest fabric or the hands, and the clothes will be perfectly white. woolens soft and Auffy.

MARRIAGE BROKERAGE equlvnl;ml to 5 per cent. (five per cent) upon any moneys which such lady may be possessed of Or entitled to on or before the day of suoh manlage. 1 alro give yoU my solemn word of pro mise that I shall not, by an.)' means of law or by any other process what­soever, attempt lo evade the payment oC the above-mentioned sums, which 1 admit are a Call' and reasonable pa~'­ment for the services yoU render. (Signed) (Date.)"

fn the ,household makes the situation crl tical. Aclresses need not apply. "They come," says ~[r. Charlesworth, "but I don't want them. It always lends lo awkwardness when the fact comos out."

A~ the party of photograph hunters nea:'ed lhe first bend of lhe rh'er they were conscious that a darl, object was crOSSing tho river from the right shoro and would in all probn,blilty cross their bow. 'Wlth bated breath and motionless paddles they waited. 'Vllh lhe quick and sllen t acllon (]of the experienced woodsman, l\[ 1'. Kellett, who was In the bow. lalu down his paddle and turned his little searchlight on the moving ob­ject, which by this tlmc was almost un­der their bow,

% 30 TO 60 MINUTES

The reason for this is because Sunlight Soap is absoiutely pure, contains no injurious chemicals -indeed, nothing but the active. cleansing, dirt,removinlS proper, ties of soap that is nothing but soap.

f " r I I r I r

r , /



,Five Thousand Dollars Charged For an Engagement and Ten Per Cent. on the Fortune That Accompanios Union With Title--Agents In 50-

oeiety- Romance of Brokerage - No Fiction, But Real Facts.

In their Ignorance Lhe Brltl!>h public 'Wero surprised al some recent revela­tions a.s to the prevllien t prncllco of ma.rriage brokerage ami tl'aillcklng In weddings. The~' were laclined to regard .&8 an Ingenlolls sntlro The '1'rllth let­ters. As a Cact there waH neither nov­elty In the one case nor satire In Lhe

.other. Mr, Oharlesworl.h, Ihe editor of The

Mn.trlmonlal Post" reg'llrds the ma~­tern re\'ealed ns the evor,,'-<1oy trans­actions of a rccognlz(O<1 b1l81n05", cnlling

'for no marc nstonlshment thnn the .operations of a servant,,' registry omce. In II. career of 34 yea rR he hn .• "ffooted H.OOO mn.rrlages, We<1dlng bell", there­fore, affect him n~ more th\!il' Lhe stg­nal bells on omnibuses. 1[e discusses at'[alrs oC the heart-nnrl the pocl<et­with thc delaehed nil' of a Camily soli­citor.

"No," h'e saId to a Lonllon Trlbu'le representative, "I cannot "ay I have Any ill-feeling town.rc1~ my amatellr Mmpetitors. Often the." are not com­petitors at all. ~'he)' worl, In con­junction with 111e. b~' Pl'l",I<lIl)g Intro­ductions, and we shure the commls­ilion. There arc about lwent>· society people-some with litlps-who a.qslst

'me lo bring the right parlieR together. But thel' (]o not always piny the gnme. One lady wan ted me to gl\'o her sec­retll.Ty II. share of the comm Isslon, I replied that Ir. she Insl"te(1 on that I .. hoult1 Insist on bringing my tl'plst In­to the deal.

Romanc. of Brokorage. "The largest sum I ever received as

commission," continued l\Ir, Coharles­worth. "was about £ 1,700. '.rhere wa.. u gentleman In the provinces wllh about £ 4,800 a year. I Inlroduced hllll to a banl<er's daUghter with about £ 80,-000 In rail wny stocl<, He married her and lJald me my commission-half down and half In blll~. Nor was lhat all. '.rhe larger part of his Income had been lefl tq him by a former sweetheart, who dleel and left her money to him on conelltion that he remained single. If he married, It W/IS to go to hoI' sister He deslr'ed to marry, and, acting on my adVice, he appl'Oached the sollcltol oC the sister and renounceel all claim te the Income In conSideration of £ 5,000 Out of lhnt sum I I'eccll'ed £ 500 aE commission,

"I havA bra ugh t off evon blggCl things than that-but I never got thE money! 'Vhat can yOU "do IC lhey reo Cuse to pay You can on Iy sue then' In lhe county court for a small sum,

"Now lhe mldelle classes and th( lower classcs always pay uP. "'e aI" range a figure, anel they sign a coon mission note for It. Here Is one a) 'II'y Corms:

"In conslderallon of being Inlt'oducec to or put In correspondence with a lad) through tho Influence, ellreetly Or In, dfreclV, of the proprletol' of the pape' entitled "'1'he Matrimonial Post a.m

l"asblonable Marrlagn \d vertlser," 04 In the even t of a mal Lge taking pineo bot ween such lady and myself. I here­by, lLgree to pay to lhe said' proprietor the sum of £ 10 on the date oC my said marriage., And I also agree to pay to the said proprletol" after my said mar­riage, a furt.her sum equal to two and a half per cent. on lhe gross amount or value of all property exceeding, the sum of £,100 Which such lady may pos-

Expensive Husbands. sess at the Hme of marriage. And I "or course, It comes cxpcns!\'o to .e- bind myself, under a penalty Of £ 50, to

",uro a husband with a tI tic, and there- give the said proprietor Immediate no_ tore, Instead of the customar~' precent- lice at; the fact that such marriage has ~c of 21-2, I char!;"e 6 or even 10 per taken place. Anu In case sUClh Immedl­",ent. when I provl,le on(', Thero Itrc ate nollco be not gl ven, Llte- said pen­so many pcople to ~haro In the money alty, together with the commlsshn as --and. again, you arc not sure of get- aforesaid, shnll become duo and pay_ tlng It, A t tho prMcnt moment I have l!Lble to and recoverable bv the salel <>n my boDies COlII' Inrlles with enormous' proprlotor, as and for liquidated dam­mean!; who want husband" with titles, ages. And I further bind myself under r havc not yet oblnlned them. Every- a penalty of £ 50, not dlrectl.)' Or Indl­thIng mllst be stralghlforward In cases reetly to divulge or cause to bo dlvulg­like lhls, I have been In lOlloh wllh ed to any person the name~ or Identttv three or f1ur men of tille, but thell' of nny of the ladles, clients of the sal;1 1'!1"tes wpre not elelln, One ha<1 f\\ed proprietor, whom the said proprietor 'hIs p"Utlon,-nnot.her had his "ffalrs In- may Introduce to me, such sum of £ 50 'VolvNl, an<1 so on. to be lecovernble as and by way of 11-

"Th e (lImcul(~',~ (If COllr"", Is to ~n t- quldated damages,;' fs(y the partle~, I Introdllce thol11, but A Letter From Canada.

Another refreshing confidence wns that many young women are married thrOugh tJ,e beneficent agency of Mr. Charlesworth without over suspecting It, "Their parents consult me," he said. "and I t Is all done so delicately th&t the young lad.)' Imows nothing about It. One of my clients Is a retired manu­facturer, with seven dnughters. Owing to Lhe Illness of his wife they live vel;' quietly and keep no society. But the fllther wants to see lhe girls settled In IICf'., so he consults mo, and I arrnnge meellngs at some London hotel be­tween him and likely gentlemen. I have got two of lhe girls orr, and do not anticipate any dlmculty as to the rest."

Gallery of Eligibles. lIfr. Charlesworth became regretful

In talldng about tho disappointments of his profession, Some people are so very hard to please. Ho has on his bool<s a widow of 35, with two adopted daughters, so well off that she I,eeps up a large placc In the country, and permanent rooms In a West-end hotel. "I have given her any amou<nt of de­slrablo Introductions, but no mo.rrlago talees place."

As a final marl, of confidence Mr. Charlesworth unlocked a drawer, and exhibited a hnndful of photographs Crom his gallery of cllglbles, The men wero decidedly a good-looking lot­hunting mcn In pink, military omcers In uniform, naval Officers with the exe­cutive curl, and nnval surgeons with­out It. It happened-but this was an accident-that amongst them the In­t"rvlewer recognized an acquaIntance of his own. The photographs of ladles ranged from a girl of 17, with hnlr down her back, to a handsome matron who will Boon have to confess to 40. A curious thing about some of the pic­tures of Indies was lhat they were ra­ther faded, and of a type that has gone out of fashion. It seems that ladles frequently prefer their old photographs to lhelr new ones.

WIlT IIc Quit the Game. "Takc It hnnd 1" queried Smith as

.Tones stood watching the poker g!\me lit the club.

"No. Quit." ""'hat's the matter-cold foet?" "No, I alwnys cOllie oV t loser." "I neyer sa w yon lo~e In my life."

'l'hlnklng that lhe cleer, which proved to be a \'ery large bucle, with a grand head of horns, was yct some dlstanc~ from them, the guide ga\'o one more silent, swift strolee of his paddle. '1'ho canoe, which was luckily a steady chestnut, cUlwas-co\'ered canoe, darted forward and up on 'thc almost sub­mel'ged shoulders of the deer.

Llkc n nnsh, the buck tUl'lled, dazed by the light, and, securing a foothold on the l)ed of the shallow slream. ralsecl himself oul of the waleI' and plungeu Into the canoe, half. filii nil' It with water and mUd,

Mrs. Kellett, who was In the ,Cront part of the' cnnoe, had lhe full weight of the deer's forequal'lers all hel' lap, At the same time Mr. Kellelt receh'ed a down ward crack on lhe bacle of' the head (rom a lust~' pall' of antlel's, which neal'I~' knocl,ed him oul of the canoe, Luckily, the guide, \\'ho knew his busi­ness, c1rOl'e his paddle Into lhe mUd, which 'helped to steady the cnnoe. 'Vlth greut PI'~S,'nce of mind, IIllss Kellett leaned forward ahd seized lhe bucl, by the nose, while Mrs. Kollett beat him back with hel' clcnched fist Over th3 gunwale of lhe canoe, t

'1'he pllrt~' m!ssed'tal<lng the photo­graph, but the buck ICI~t his-Impression with them,

A 'VolI~lC'l"(nl Sello1n ... I Antonio MagllllL'\"!echl, t!l<! famous Flol'entlne Bcllolur, wail remarknble not only for the Ilhlount und \'lIriety of his Imowledge-ror he I,nol\' nc'~urntel1 Sixty dllferent IlIllgungcs-LlIlt also Cor his lnccssunl Illhors liS II sll1l1ent lind IIbrnrlnn. "He uSUlllly passed tho whole night In stlHly and wheu ex­hausted nlllure llolllllllde!l rcst a 8tmw chnlt' scr\'ed for a cOlleh nnel an old f;brelldlmre ciani, 1'0l' n ('o\'orlct."

HOW'S THIS 7 We orter One Hundred Dollars Reward

for any case of Catarrh that cannot ba cured by Hall's Catarrh CUI'c.

F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the underSigned, havo known F. J.

Cheney fOl' the tast 15 yeal's, nad believe him perfectly honorahle In nil buslnes8 tl'ansnctions, and finanCially able to clLrry out nny obll,:;-ntlons made by hIs fl. m.

Walding, Klnnnn & Man'ln, Wholesale Druggists, '1'oledo, 0,


Reassured. "Alld you \\'111 IIhlllYH love me,

Hllmld ,,, 11K,," Ihe [1111 ),ollng til III/!, II IIIl 1111 eXllIl'HSIOII o[ hllllowing' dOllht all ItCI [lice

".\I\\,II)'H, 111.1' Illlgel-IlI\\,IlYH r '1'111 I he HI"eH loll togethCI 118 /I H(,IOIl lind t.he delld SilllS, Cl'HHh Into the ~ 11 \\'111 ng IIUYKS of etenllty!" dpcllll'eH the lIoblp YOllng Illall I,ho hilS H\\OIIl to hel' lhllt hOI' inlllgc iH lIIdeilbll' CII/!lllved upon his heart. .

BABY'S GOOD DAYS. 01)0 of bn by's good da~'s menllS

thnt yom child is tlll'iving nnd well. Baby's $wn 'J'ublets bl'ing nil good duys iJ!to YOUI' child's life, for they mnke lItLJo onos \Iell, alld keep them woll. 1\[1'5, JOB, Fe I'llllld , St. 'l'iLo des Cups, Que., says :-"Since giving my little ~ne Baby'~ Own 'J'ablets she has !Jeen 111 splendId hoalth, is growing plumper every day and has beautiful I'osy cheeks." l'hese ~'Ilblets CUI c indigestion, colic, constipation simple fevel'S, teething tl'OU bios and' all the minor ailments of liltle' ones, l'hey do not eontnin one llllrticle of the poisonous opiates found in all sooth­ing medicines and most liquid prepllr­nt,ions. 'l'he l'nblu,ts can be gi ven WIth (lbsolute safety to the babe just bam, as well ns the child of advall­ced yeal's, Sold by nil medicine deal­ers 01' sent by mail at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicino Co., BI'ockville, Onto

~'he Qu' Appelle, I_ong l_ake and S/l8-ImtchewIlll ,Huilwny nncl Stealllship compllny will apply at the next seB­sion of pllrliament for an act author­izing the company to lease their line to the C.N,H. aile! to give the said ,'olll)lany running powel's thereof.

1\[othel' Gl'Ilves' Worm Exterminator do.es not r~q.uire the help of any purg­at,lve ,medlCl,ne to cIJlI1pJete the CUle. GIve It a tnnl and be convinced. Hall's Calarrh Cure Is taken Internally,

acting directly upon tho blood nnd muc­ous sUl'Caces of the sysfem. 'i'estlmon­lals sent free. PI'lce, 750. pel' bottle. Sold bv all Drugglsls. '1'alce Hall's Family' Pills (or Constipation

'J'he life inslII'unce underwriters of Amel'icn will hold their next conven­tion in TOl'Onto.

Montreal's Famous Melons. Y c'l.nnot "",gage thol11, I hava a lady For corroborative testimony Mr.

"1 know you never snw me, but I lose. If I hapilen to win II. IItttle bere, Illy ,~re smlllllgly Insists on my dlyIa, Ing my willnugs when 1 go home. It 1 lose, I get u lectmo on tlle eylls of gnmbllng, and the next day, In order to get el'en, my wife runs bills down town to thc nmount I lost. If 1 tell her I cnme out just eyen, she takes halt the money to I)revont my losing 11.11 ) ha \'e, so I am bound to lose." ''''":,''', (In my b(lok~ wllh a g,'ent forlune and Charleljworth exhibited II. letter re­

tllree eslates. I found what I thought celved from Canada thnt morning, en-to be the right 111l1n hI' her. but nt the clOSing a bank-note for £50. He hru:l DECAPITATION.

In spite of the Climate alld s~1I at the Soulhern Stnt~s, In the matter or n'luslc melons Canada continucs to lend. But this Is not Cannda as a WhQle. but one litLle suburb of Montreal, Oull'e_ mont, where the soli and Wle hen I bllck of Mount Royal form an ideal combina­tion for the growth of lhe melol1. A 11<1 apparently the demand for building Ints Is encro~chlng rap!dly on the one lo­cality Where this m910n Is grown, 'J'he ordlnul'y musk melons are sold III New Yorlc at from 10 to 20 cenls each, but the Outrcmont melon Is sold In a few of tho first-class fruit stores of New York al from $1 to $3 uplece. III ~lont­I'eal they sell -at from 50c to 70c each. It Is estlmat.i!d lhat about 3.000 of theso mellllls find their w,ay Into lhe dlnlng­rooms of New YOI'I, hotels i!very sum_ mer, and lhe.)' aro all contracted for oarly I n the spring. '1'he melon Is from Uhree to six times tho size of tho Or­dinary melon, and In flavor It excels Its snuilier 'brother as much ns, H docs

They nre Carofully Prepnred.-Pills which dissipate themselves' in the siolTluch cannot be expected to have much offect upon the intestines ami to oYel come the costiveness the'mecl. icille admillistel'ed must influence the /lction of these eanals. Pnrmelee's Vegetaule Pills are so made, under the supervision of ,,'(lelts, that the su!Jstallce in them intended to oper­ate on the intestines is retal'decl in ac­tion until they pass through the stollllleh to the bO\Io.Hs.

ansf moment he objected, She h(1<1 t",o married two sisters to two young • <!Ions, nnel he refUM(1 tn mnny a wo- Canadlnns of decent/ position. The ,!... •• Theory of SCIIHIIUOII Altcr the

·man with encumbrances, At this mo- Canadians called on him when In Lon- IIcntl b Sc,'crc(l, ment 10m expe-cllng a wh'", from a lad)' don, and left, their photographs. In

·In 11. seaside tmyn. She wnnts a titled due course the ladles approached him Half a dozen phYSicians werc talking hURband: and Is ,\;l11lng to saltlo £ 20,_ and .'pproved of the plotures. Corre- ot death. It Isu't a snbject' usually,

·000 11. ~'en.r upon him, nna g!\'e him spondence followed; Lhen wedding ellosen by phYSicians for discussion, but ~,.",:".>, £60,000 down. nut, of course, she bells; and then commission. There WILS Ulese were discussing It. Howeyer, it

conditions. a convincing touoh In ono of Mr. was not altogether vbyslcal deatb. Agents In Charlesworth's confidences. Very ~'bey were Ineln(]lng tito bereafter!

men of tltlo? many of his clients aro'splnsters Of, a "'Yell," said oue, "I don't know vo my agenls certain nge and a c\lrtaln Incomo, I whelliet. there Is to be a hereafter or

as men ,of II whose fathers or mothers have married not and It doesn't trouhle me very nnt dlreclly, but again and made home less comfortable J' , , '

pr,oa1oh:.:.mle: 11.11 the same. There I than It used to be. Hitherto they have I much, because 111 taitc chltnccs on It It )' whloh bears h,ad no desire, or no oppo~tunlty, I cnn the IIfc I II\'c befol'e It thl

In lito thrce I marry. But the advent ot kind of a man ought to Ilyc. But llicl'c Is about It makes

~~;,,:~'~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~'~~~==~~~~~~~. be nnd Ity

In size: '

, l'he Now York supreme court

knocked out seventy-three Hearst tickot enndidntes becallse nominating potitions had beell ilIegnlly prep{t1'ed.

Minard's Liniment for sale everyw,here

1'residen't Roosevolt 01 <Jered Secl'e­tary Metcalf to San Francisco to thoroughly investignte the un esc, sentiment on the Pacific coas

United Stntes Distl'ict Attorney Sims of Chicago hns been instructed to push C!lses in which the Standnl'C1 Oil company is accused of violating ,(nti­I t rUB t I a WB, ..,..":-,,,--,_-,-__ ,

'I'll'! Most PopUlar PilI.-1'he pill is the Illost popular of all forms of med-icinol. and of Pills the most ulac al'e l'llrmelee's Vegetalile' Pi be-,calise, they do wh'nt ins nsse

and Ilre n'ot put fOl:'I'llrcl clnims to

eompaet and enElily taken, they

and they give i''',nof stl1blbol,'n cases.

Equally good with hard or soft water.

YOUR MONEV REFUNDED by tho doaler from whom you ~ buy Sunlight SOnl) It you lind 'ill allY cause tor complaint.; J,),)


Two l'oll1t" of VIe,,,". On one oCCllsloll, lit 11 pal'ly gl\'en bJ'

Sir ,Tohn 1II1IInls, Llllly Halle I'ose t.<l )llny the "Iolln, wh"n to IIPI' Inlense njlmsemont she bourll LalHlscer cx­claim: "Gooll grlH'lolls! A womlln pluylng' tho nlldle!" 011 the olher hund, an olll Cushioned noblemllll whon ho snw II gontiemllll sit 1I0wn lo the plnllll contomptlloll,~iy l'cmnl'lwlI, "I wOlHler lC lhe crentlll'C I'lln ~ew."

StiU .l\lnrlcH on Chinn.

;cnllllng' 1'01' slllt 1"'"'I,s on olel eltlllll Is of Ie II !(ooll I'I]!! In Il~clr, AI1110HI 01'_ ery old picco of flnt\\·III·C--1. e" 1'1111('4, plnltl'rs, SIIIlCCI'S, ole.-shows lhroe 11,­tic rou!(h spots 11101'0 01' I('~~ clplIl'ly mnrl,':!ll on hal h Klt1l'S, IIHllall~' on I he margll1. '1'ho,;e spots WPI'(' I1l1Hle 111 I ho fll'illg by the cocl(f\\lur of ~tllts, lhe IIt­lie tl'lpolis lI~ecl ilel\\'pcn the plnt~H In piling Ihc;a UI' In the kllu. 'L'he thl'ce poinls wh<'re tllP. CO('!;sIJlI1' 10llchclI I he Illnte cau"ed n defect 111 lhe gluze. Un· (ol'tl1untoly stilt ll,al'l,s urc 110t us stll'e n !1;unl'nntco 01' lluthel1ticlty ns SOlIi,!

collectors hu\'e HIIPPOSl'll, for they nre lIot only cusy to IllilIII tro, hilt lhey 111'0

sometlmos illll'crcopilitie on the aiel Stl1l(or(]shlre. ji·lIl·therIllOl'e, lhey al)­penl' ,'el'Y fre!] 11011 til' on model'll tn ble-11'IlI'e oC the clJellpl'I' sort nud so urc no Sign o( all tiqully.

Engrau¢(J £alling £ar(Js

«j Your name engraved in grace­ful Ryrie Script on a Copper Plate will be furnished by OUr Slalionery Deparlment for $1,00. The supply­ing and piale'prinring of one hundred Calling Cards will be done for an additional $1.00.

q The .:ard stock used i. made specially to our order and is of Ihe thin .. snappy" sor~ that denotes quality-elegance,

q Our Calalogue contains .peci, mens of engraved Wedding Invil&­tions, Society Slationery, Etc. ,

Drop tI$ a postal card and ItJ6 fv.71 sendJ'oll/r~t1 of c/,a"Jl~ 0111' larCI .1Iu3" t,.at~d cata/octlt: cif In.veJry, S,"/vcrwarw. Leal/,.,. Goods, etc.

R~~hnutm Tmonto. Ont.





PraIrie Provinces WIll Secure the Ser vices of Some Men from

Remote NJrth


Convening of ImIJerlal Parliament OccasIon for E:.xtraordInary


THE MARKET REPORT Lessons In Patroot;sm I ondoll -Col Stu fOllll e I1y com

CrucIal Stage of the Proceed1l1gs 111 the Contest has been Reached­

Both FactIons Immovable London -Thc CI uClal stnge of

LducatlOn Bill" a8 leached \1 hen the mCIlSUIO Cllllle beforc tho house 10lds fOl detluled debatc Unless the pcers should deslI c to postpono the con81delfltlOn of the bill ulltll fl Jucl IClal deCISIOn 18 ICndeled IIpon the Cjuestlon of the ltablltt, of locul ed UClltlOllul bodlCs fo the cxpenses of I eltglOus educlltlon, the Up pOI house 18 hkely to bc thc scene fOI Home tIme to come of the IJlLtelCst Icglslatn e fight" Itllessecl III thc BlItlsh pallIa lIIent of Iccent ,elliS Iho bIll bllst­les lllth cOlltelltlOus POlllts but thc IIlIUII baLtle centlcs )/1 1he clauscs IC III t IIIg to I eltglOlIB II1stlllCtlOIl

Otlll\ln -The Mounted Pohcc de pnrtment IS mnklllg s1Ieeplllg chllnges III the) ul,on 1\ Ith n 'lew of I educlIIg the fOlcc In nddltlOn to MnJol Cuth bel t t1\ 0 othel commlssloncd of rICers Cnptlllll McDonnell lind ])1 Tillsel IlIC to be llllnsfelled to Plllllte PI 01 IIICCS ~ he dlstllCt pohce posts Ilt Mn, 0 1111(] Glnclel hflve becn closed d01\n fOI tho 1\lIlle! ns 1\ell lis pollce hospllnls lit \\ hlle HOIse nlld DII1\ SOli Pollcc phtlCnts 1\ III be CIII ed fOI 111 othel hOSI)!tllls of these tOllIlS



Text of the I ~ JIII,.OI1 iUatt xx, I, t'i- 0 ~h~ ... ()r,.' C'"t.!M ..!lJ _'-Gu l den lc,Xt I Cur x • ..!J-Columcnhl1:) l"t!'IUlred b,.. Hl! I) 111 Stearn ..

[Cop' lSi t 1000 I, Imcllenn r css Assoclatlun l "ben the lit st 1'IIS801 C! \I IS kept

PI m 1011 \I liS 0PlJl esslne: the people or (,oll 1111'1 see I lug' 10 llestlo~ thelll 01 lit lellst Pi" ent them Clom multlpl~ Ing being the dCl Il s ngent to thllt enu At the time of tlllM lust PIIS801 (!I for here it lellllJ enll~ll lJe'lIg flllllllell In C list tile uCllla IIgcnts lie JIIUIIS lscllrlot null tuc chief pllests lIull snllJe~ not 111011 cd enemies iii C Phil I IOh bilL [llofessetllJ IJcllel CIS III tlJc on" iiI Ill'; 11Il! tille Goll lhe olJJect oC hn t d Is 11011 not tim pcople of God 11 t ('ou HUllself (Tod lDuulfest

Ihe llbelals 1110 tlilgedh Immov ably pledged thllt thel e shull bc no denonllnlltlonlll lcuelllng fit thc public cxpense "hlle the Ulllonists undel the gl cut chul ch dlgllltfllies both Ohlll ch of Lngllllld tnd Cllthohc lIle out\\ IIrdl~ fl8 ItrlllIOVllbh detClll1l11ed to amelld It so thnt c1l1lclten of PUI ellts bclong IIIg to these clull chcs shull huve donomllllLtlOllnl 1I18tlllctlOII dill 1I1g school hOlliS Ihc debute IS ex pected to Illst till ee II oeks

Saw 79 Men Perish III Great Storm Mobile \Ifl -1 hc Mallol) IlIle

stclllllel Cololucio II Illch fllI Ivecl hCle hlld UK paHsclIgels J oscph Nclsoll ChillIes Olsell Chill es \lIdel SOli Ilnd Otto 131111" ,,110 \lC c )lIcked lIJl IIl1le ty IIl1lcs off h.ey \\ cst Nelsoll Sll~ S he H IW se\cnt) lillie IIICU dlO\IU flOlI1 a houscbont \I Illch ,~us \II eeked off ] ollg hc~ ,\Iu III Inst lleek s StOlIll The fOUl mcn II hCII found b) tile Col orado s Clel1 llele stllndlllg 011 fl laft made Ollt of SIX logs flnd \I CI e 1Il the \Inter IIUISL decp Nclson AfUd he and the othol s "131 e II t Loug Kcy 111 II

housebollt "him It huge 1\ uve stluck them Ulld CClIl Jed thc bOllt out to seu II 80011 \lellt to pIC es IllId of the 125 men 011 bOlu d selt n t) III1lC dl Oil IIcd befol c IllS cyes I he othels have Slllee been tuken to Jucksonvllle '1he men suffci cd tOil I ble halclslllps 1 he) say the 108H of IIfc \\ us heavlel off J.ong Kc) thun ut un) otllOl )lOlnt trhe mon 1\ el C cmplo, ed by the 1 101 Ida Lust Coust I ntl\lll~ 011 the cx tenslOlI 1101" till ough tile J 10lldn 811 UIIlJlS flOIll Mluml to hcy \\ cst

To OrganIze Pioneers Edmonton, Altu -Isullc CO\lle fOI

mctly a lesldellt 0 J (I 111011 tOil alld seCl ctory of the bo II d of tillde hm e but ut preo;ent of Wml1lpcg IS 1Il town fOI the PUI puse of 01 gnlllzlIlg IL locnl blanch Itlllong the cx clllploy cs of the COlllpnll~ of the Hudson s ]3u) the object of wluch IS to 10 covcr their shaw of the one tenth of thc \1 hole gl un L of lnnd mllde to LOI d Sellm k 111 1811 Illuch by thc lIlshu mont which COllve\ ed lo hun ]IIS tltlC "ns to be dcvoled to pluclIlg Hudson s Buy complln~ H onicci s lind SCI vunts of over till co YCIlI S SCI \ ICe on hold II1gs VUI ymg flOIll 200 aCl es 111 cnse of the cmplo, es to 1 000 fOI chief 0111 cers M I CO\IIO hus 01 glllllzed 11 billneh III PIIIICO A I bel t lind belte\ es that thew III c III least fh c hundled })eople ex elllJllo~ es nnd descendants of emplo) cs of tile cOll1pnny 111 tIllS dlstllct who III e deCldcdly mtel csled m tillS mutLel

Soldiers for Esqulmalt

'[ he pntlol steomel Vldetle \lIl1ch alolle occuplCd the SCI \ Ices of elm ell men dllllllg the SlImmel hilS been sold IIl1d It IS the IIltclIlIolI 10 dl" lJOHC of II III gc 11I11n bel of hOI scs and doJ's kept lit the 1)a1150n post \bollt the ollh \101 I. to be cal I led 011 dUI IIIg the COlllllle 1\lIltel 1\lll bc thc SClltllllg of fl jlfltlOI flOIl1 ])n\\son to I Olt l\feJ>helsoll lit thc mouth of the lIlnel ellZle flS 1\ ns slIccessfulh (]olle Illst ) elll Thesc cllllnges \I III I edUCe lhe fOI ce III thc ) ul 011 to fl cOlIslClel Ilblc cx tell t

Japan a Favored Nation Oltllllfl -Japnn IS III1t1el the C)111

mClclnl tleat) leeentl1 negotlfltcd bc til cell tlmt COllII tl Y nnd Cflllflda CI1

tilled to the fnloled nlltlon tlent llIellt 1 hnt hell1g so the benefits of CIIIllldllS tlenly \11th 11nnee mllst be cxtelldcd to Jnpun \t plesent SPUI I. llllg IIl1d non apn I khng "Illes, plunes nuts nlld enstlle SOIlP II C uclmltied flOIl1 1 I nnce nt lOll el !fltCS of dllh thull flolll Japan 1 he Icduced dlltle, \I III 11011 aPJlh to JI pun nlthollgh thc lin pOI tlltlons III e \ el) slI1ull

ClIllllcllUU collcctol s of customs nl e IIskcd not to churge lin, ]lIghOl dulte~ 011 goods of Jnpancse Ollgll1 thun 011 81lTIllfli goods of II "l1ch Ollglll ] n the CflBC of IIIn c:\~e"s dulles bell1!! collected slIlce July 1.l lnst \I hell Ihe tl en h 1\ ent 111 to fOI ce the\ III e to Le IUfUllde(1 Next ses Ion thele 1\111 be tho 1I0CCSSfll) leglslfltlOn to extclld th" tl cflh

BuyIng West. I n Horses CulgalY -(01 IessnlC] "ho hns

spent thc PIISt mOl tIl 111 thiS nOlgh boIllood bm lIlg I emollnt hOI scs sh Ipped filt\ SIX hend of \ CI Y sll)lel 101 Illllmals to ~ 01 01110 fOI lise of the HOI ul DllIgoons The hOI scs "Cle pUl chnsed nt nhout $130 ench

Col I eSSfll d actIng fOI the BIIIIsh \I III office IS conslIlllIIg lunchel s he! c 111 I cgltld to the ndopllon of the leg IStl atlon S) stem slIch ns obtull1s 111 Gleat 13lltlllll under \lhlClI hOlse O\lllelS aglee HI letllln fm nn nnnunl Jlayment of lOs pel heud to hold n specified numbel of hOlses ut thc diS posnl of the govel nment to be deln C1ed 111 case of emelgenc~ Ihe pllce to be offeled IIInchCls 111 Albcl tu IS UlldClSlood to be $150 pel head

FlIld Clothes of Lost Men

In tll~ fc~h 1 hIs IIge \I III ellu \I Ith til!! IllIgs o· the CIII th nnd thelt ullllles !; Illlel ell togetllel to mnl,e \I III \I Itll the SlIlUe pmsoll (Hel XI II 1J xIx 10 _1) :>\0/\1 llhstllndlng ull the II It I ell tlf the de, Il um! the luglng oC the nntlou~ C,od (julctly "ott-s ollt Ills etclnnl fJllIpoQe IInu Cullills Ills" olll (Ps 11 Isn xh 21) hno\\ lug ull lh It " IS

lJefole Illm 0111 Lon! contlnuell florn dny to llnJ teuchlng In the templc nTHI nt nIght went Ollt und nbode In the ~fonnt of Olh es (f nle" xxI 3i) Inllue tim" cnme illC day of unlcnl cned brend \I hen tile pnsso\ el mnst be 1111 ed lind Hc sent Pcter lind John sny Ing Go nnd III cpalc us the pnsso\ cr (Lul,e xxII 7 S) YI'e nl1) not told tile names of tile til 0 \\lIom IIe sent to bllng the colt (~rntt xxi 1) lJut th~y mn3 hal e becn the same Conttust tho.e "ho delight to do His" III \I Ith His ent'lIIles "ho "ant to 1,111 Him und lemt'mbel l~lnt He said He thnt Is not" IlII Mc Is ngulnst ~le (~lntt xll 30) ~he disciples beln,; sent do not stal t off liS If they I,ne\l e\ C1}

thing but nsk lIleeldy 'YI hete "lit l110u lhnt we 11Iepnle 1 (\ else Ii)

Those" ho tI uly ueslle guldllnce \I'll! I elJ often nsk the questions "'here wtlt Thou? '" ha t "lit Tllou?' (Acts Ix 0) A goml qucstion is found In Jer xIII 3 Shew us llle "lIy wbcI eln "e mny "n II, und the thing thll t 11 C may do but in tllnt cnse the (jllestloners were not honest To those \I ho desh e It sllre g'ulduncc Is vouchsn tcd in slleh pnssages liS Ps xxxII, 8 IBIl xxx 21 Both IIInrlt und Luke give our I OJ d 9

rcpl~ more fully thnn 1II1l ttlle\\ He mukes the "ny ,ery plnln for them The \I ay to the city they kllC\\ tllen the mnn bemlng the pitcher of wnter would be easily lecogllized nnd by him the house Is lenched then they hnve only to (lsk [or the gucst cllnm ber and1he lest they kne11 ho\\ to do At his bh til thelc was no room In the Inn or gllest chnm ber (the "OJ d Is the snme unel only used In these two nectiolls), now thel e Is II pluce fOI HIm nnd His The disciples found as He hnd sUld (:lInt It xII 10 Lul,e xxII 13) So it \I as whell tbey "ent for the colt nnd so It ulwnys hns been nnd \I III be in reference to nil that He hns suld We may depend upon It thnt nil ScrIp ture shnll be fulfilled exnctly ns It 19 w!'!tten anu to nil ctemlty it shall be, nil shnll lJe, just us He hns saId

london - \t the opelllng of pUlhu 111ent se\clal hundled \lomen suffIng IStS C1ellted It 1I0t by nttemptlllg to elltCl the bUlldll1gs Ihey clung tell Ilc10usly to the stal\\ flI t pol!cemen the IllIltllg or other meuns of SUPpOl ~ und oHeled stlenuous leslst Incc to expulSIon II III Ie shomts of \\ e II III hnle votes nnd You eOllal(Uy mOl dnle not gne us JustICe Gne liM

Jusllee I esouuded thlough the hilUs lll1all~ the pohce wei e fOI ced to CUI I) Ollt SEtol eI al of t,le \\ omen bodll and the) IIC!le a)] UHllllltely deposl? Ited 111 the pulllco ~llId \Ihele fo) some tllne the) kel)t np thclI shllll lind \chement Plotests So nOlsll

Thompson, Sons & Co's Report of Local and World's Markets Week of October 26, 1906

WHE \I A steady dulllcss 111 tOile hilS Cllfllllctelized the 1\ hellt mill !.ets of the pust II eck nnd there hns becn vel) little nctlOlI In them on uuy duy Wh lIe thm e hm e bee II slJgh t lemp 01 III Y I cuCtlOlIS 111 PI Ices the tendAncy hilS becn dOlI nil III d and Ilt close of buslncss to <IllY declines on the \I eel IIIC sho\1 n liS follo\IS VIZ .Nell YOII, '{C to l){c lOll el Clllcugo nnd Duluth l'.e 10llel MUlIleupohs lYoc lo I)..c 101lel and \\lClllljle", l};je to 2c 10\lCl It IIUI) be lemclllbeled thllt \\l11nlpcg lust \Ice" hud 11(" unced Xc mOle thlll1 US lI,ml et~ und tillS lIeek It SCOIIIS to lUll a comc IlItO llllc ugnlll

1II1111<IIIIg the Cfllln 10 III 1I11t1lery, ni the ho~ nl Ulllted 8 \ I( e IIIStJtUtWD dcllvel cd II lectlll c ( II II c 01 gn IIIzatJOn of the ( nllfllhall I II I III Colonel SIollc III lhe COUI' [III, leetUl$ snl(] thc S) btem of I I I II •

~ III IUgllllL.~ ed by Gell Huttoll I 110 fOI cnvnlr:J ancll1lfnlltl~ \IllS U I, IlIg 11111 t the success of wllI( II I II e ovn 10llr thnll JustIfied It " lei 1110le PllI1cll}le to th I 1I1101lllted In

c n I I I I 1<11 of COlli 111011 SCllse nlld lht I t f I Illonn" nVflllnble to I Jl 1

1011 0 t 10

\ )1( 111 vIew S I eglllc1s mfnlll" 0111 I t

hns 1I0t hll !, to glllll I I lUI I III thlllg ilOll1 O/lIlndu I I '~c')\1 Itlltg I


of Lhe t f II" I u 1011 \I 0 orcc" Is \ \ SIIIIIIIII but

(1l1I s) "Iem of IIlstlll I II 1111 I t delllollsll ntn e II el e they that the pof Ice nnested selelal of them IIld Illnl ehed them of( to tile lIenl cst t tlon s u I he movelllellt of IlIeflt IIOIII COUll

II \ pOints 01 el the \IIlCIICIIII Spll11g \1 hent COlllltl J cOlltlllues on the snme lIlod(!lute and ulIsntlsfllctol) sCllle thut It hilS dOllc SllIce 1111 \ cst \I flS IUllshed Ilnd \Ie IIIl\c 110 10SItllti01l 11\ Sll\lI1g thnt tillS 1II0del nte movemcllt hus been the SOIll luclol III holdlllg plle"s up to the )llescnt Ic\cl In 0111 0\111 COlllltl \ tllc CjUllIItl y of II hent de Il1eIcd In fUllllels nt )lomts on the Cnll!l(hllll PncIllc ulld CUlludillU .NOI [helll I 111\1 IL' S flOIll the begllllllllg of of the HCIISOII up to tIllS dlLlc IS ap ]>IOXlllllltel) 30000000 bus 19nmst 21000000 bus sumc pellod lost J CIII 01 7 000 000 bus I IICI ense 111 dcln el leS tillS lefll but the 'lllulltity rno\ cd fOl II II cl to thc lIeud of the 1111,es lnst ,eal 111 Slime tune II ItS UPPloxllIlntel) 12000000 blls Uglllllst nbout 0500 000 buo tillS ICIU 01 II deClense III slllp menta tillS \ elll of 2500000 blls Ihnt 18 tlWI a hu ve bcoll 7 000 000 bus 11101 e IIheat locelled thiS )(lltl flom fill met , lind 2500 000 bus lcss shipped Ollt We II ould lIot like to Sll) thut It IS nil olllen of IIICI enscd movemellt but the 1111111 bCI of Cfll s of 1\ heat buIle~ onts nnd IIllxsecd IIIspected Ilt W1I1 IIIpeg \ (stel da) II ns 401 ugmnst 35!J sumc din list, elll Should UIlY )JIO 1I0ullced IIIC! euse III the mo\ ement be gl11 alld contl11l1e It \1111 flllllost SUIC

Ing IS 1110113 ndvllllCl I I I ( 111111 f I I 'I ( ,cuples a-li ong. I ,III1C t 11111 tiC mill • S III nn

ConcllHhllg Col:-;1 S II I 'No DlIIlIlg lhe height of the tUlllult Il

smull band of the stllullchest sllfflng l~t8 detellllllled to IItlempt to bl eul. mto the house Itself Ilnd clull g d to I~ lids the enllnllce of thc IIIIICI lobb\ Some of the IIOlnen .lIed to cluub 0\ el the bllilel fllld othClls ntlempted to CIII\II ulldel It 1 01 se\ el ul mll1 utes the utmost (hSOIdel nhll08t n 110t III e\ filled IIlld the pollee Imd all thc) cou Id do to eject the \IOlllen 1\1 0 lesolutel~ lefused to lell~e \llth o JI the IISC of fOI ce

Ihe publIC gllllell"S 'lelC ovelIlolI IIIg \\ Ith VISJtOIS .MI 13 IlfoUI the eXplellJWl \lho It \\(IS thought would not be plesent, IInexpectedl~ nppenl cd nlld I ecelved It hem ty gteet 1I1g flOll1 the oPPOSItIOn mnks

J oscph Chum hClltun 1\ ns ahsellt He IS stili IllllslIIg Ius nttack of gout nlld chafing undel ]us lIlnblltty to P II tIC Ij)flte 111 public dfrallS

Plemlel Cumphell Bnnnet,l nn 1\11S \\ flllllly \\ elcomed Lutel the house of 101 ds II us the cluef centel of IlIlel est thc diplolllnts leavll1g the houoc of com mOilS to Illtness the tmt" of thc pCCl8 ulld the 10ld cunncellol tnl,lIIg Ius seflL 111 the tladltlOllul \\001 sllcl,

Wireless Conference I ondon - \t thc 1:Iel1111 conIel cnCll

011 \\ II eless teleglllphy (hSCIISSl11g the Cjlleslton ot nn II1te Iltlollnl bllleau of SUfJCI VISIon Greut 13l1tUI11 Itdvo cntes I Cpl esen tlttlOl1 flOIll autonomous colol1les but WIth no PO\l el to com mnnd 11101 e thun n fixed n 11111 bel of votes Gelll1any ploposes thut nil eolomes should send delegales 1111Ich II ould plnce Dllmltl nlltud nn U1unhn b Ited \llld'lness on an equllhty \11th Cun Ida nnd enllble Gelmlln) to ob tnm the IIlUXlmum numbel of dele gutes I he suggestIons wei e !Cfell ed to a cOlllnnttee Ihe Stnndnl d sn, b

Gellllnn~ expects Grent lllltalll 'I III gl\ e II ny

Divorce Granted "'anltoba Couple Detl OIt -Of ten dlVOI ce cnses heul d

by Judge HohnC1t three deelees \leiC given to CllnlldlltnS \1 lto hlld 11\ ed here It lIttle 11I0ie thun the stututo" til 0 ~ eal s In ellch (lIlSe the IICtlO1I \\ liS hi ought by the W1fa nnd ench 1Il

chgnllnt 1 dellled thnt she hnd come to tIns countl y mClely to get n dl\ OIee

Helll) Uoc],ctt seem ed n dn 01 Cf! becuuse IllS 1\1fc lefused to lelll e hel Cnnlldlan hOllle to llve \I Ith hlln ~ he) fOlmed~ lned 1Il lIflll11tobu BUslIless blought the husbund to De 1I01t Ihe \llfe lefllsed to come hcre

I~ be foUolled b\ SOllie decllue 111 pI Ices beclluse lit tho IHcsent tllne the expO! t t!flde IS 1II0St unslltlSfuct­orJ lhe sltuntlOn on the Amellcnn contmellt It the plesent tlll1e IS the I e\ ersc of suggestlllg nny I cuson fOI uelvflnclllg PI Ices hele I he Vlslblc supply IS ovel 37000 000 bus lI:ld IS 01CI ]0000000 bus IUlgel thall a ~elll ugo (he 11111SIbic supply III IllIlIlOlS und nllllel s hllllds IS lmol\ n to be lUI ge Ilnd tile secdlllg of the 1I0W I\lntm \1 hent ClOp IS !HltetJclllly COIll pIe ted undel flllOluble cOl1(htlOns fOI ItS futme PI ogl e3S Itlle! ulso some 111 meuse 111 the IIclenge IS expccted 111 the meuntlllle thc sltuutlOn In ]AII ope gl\ es no I enson for n(h nllCl11g PIICC8 VISIble Stocks ovel thele III e sllghth Ifllgel thun It ~elll ugo nnd the qllnnt 1t~ 011 ocenn pnssng" IS 3 000 000 blls Inl ger thfln a ) em ugo Il1d thc Wodd s SllIpme ItS \leek p\ lIee!. 1110 1\ el ngmg It flllr umount 1nl gel thull Inst ~ elt! mel III the meflnillue the nell ClOPS 11\ the southel 11 hemls phele and Indlll ale glVlllg IlS Ifllge n PIOllllse us Illst ~ ell! fOI the hm

011" CIIII be ',SOClllt 1,th t] C Udllll1 1II001tl t liS I 10 I IC '] nnt bell \II. IOU emil' 1111 PI csscd 11111 t' cI 1 tlOnlll chfll ucter of t' f I(e~p ~ 11~ 1111 II I III elltelS IIltn II 11111 lIIe of lhc Cnlllldlllll mtlzclI I IIIIIICI '

Col tltolle COUllts 1 I I hOIlOI thnt hi Ilfllll IIII stPeClnd

tI ( lelllne III III III1Udlll1l III I I IS unut tncllerl thollg I III III I I t il cOllnec 1011 III S sCl0r'cl 11111 I ]

~ IIIHa some 'ems ngo He IcuIIII 11\ lIlIlI s 11l CIlIIUd~1 not the lCllsl , IlIg the gtrue slglIIll IIIce of lhe \\1 I I 111ft 10tlSIII "

TerrOrists Spre'd Alarm St Petclsblllg-1I I hce me

selll Clllllg ICtlvcl~ f 1111111 nnmec1 VOIIIlIII a hi othcr It I I I f 11[ Omp-leo com lIIeed thnt 10 I 1111 'Iend­el III thc consplI un I I 10\1 ut thO' bUlI(ltll" \1 hCI' the I I III/II tllil tr~ IlIg the Clonstldt 11111 1\ ('nsc \IIIS Sltllll.£ It IS How I II I thnt tlml plot II ns Ollgllllll~ 1IIIIIIcd fOI Oct obel I the c1I1Y Olllpi \\ II ) \I /1S olle of thc lelldel S of the I I lilt Pili t~ In the [ollliel lllttlllllil I II us COil dell1l1etl to clcportntl( II II I Ihc loss-of (1111118 Cl\lIllghto I IllllCIPfltlO1I III the l11ullIl) lh" I I I II IS IIbund Oiled 011111g 10 the C( II I I Ill\el) light Plllllslllnellt meted 0111 I Ulllpko nnd the expectlltlon thfll I Itil sentence 011 the sllllolR II oulrl I COlIlIUllted II fib thell I f!VIVCt]

1 he IIl1tholltlCS \Ie Igh 1st nt tha-pOSSibilItIes of the su , of the plot lhc~ felt the Judgcs I I IIl1d a 11m" lOll escnpe nnd thHI, I elson wns Imllluno flOIll the "8 II ,fulness of thc nllhlnll OIgllll1Z III II 11luch WitS IIble a~ 1I11~ nSCCltfll1 I tiline the solchcl Vlnsoff \\ II( I IlIlIteeled to' thlOl1 thc bomb d I I I both on Oct lund 1 G, to gun I I I I e J IIdges ID tllell COII~lIltatlOn 10) Hele the bOll1b (onld hllve Le II 1101()\\1I l\lth­out 1111011 IIlg the au II I I the WIt nUsHCS Ifl the futc of 110 J lI<1ges In ~Jllte of the nppment I II I 8t PetelS blllg 10; tcollllng \11110 COIISpllaC) JheIe fllC fllmost dllo! IIICSts and domlclhlll y selll ches '" I the cuptur 1I1~ of bombs lind UIIIIS e, 11I uppnr­elltlJ Illtllont en]

Northern Exploration VlCtOllft 13 C -J t tl IS hllve been­

lecteled hele flom tli 111I"llclln ex pc(htlOn nnllOUl1Cll1g II t tile steumer DucheSR of BedfOld had III ched POlll/r Hopc call) III Jnl~ It tillS place lhc schoonel hlld It C] slIlI of 801) 01 !JOO mllcs to \\l II I Ijllflltels n\ lI[lIIto hnl bOI

Next SplllIg the I each 1 lIe 1II0St dnngf!1t II holc \ 0) age 'IP th,

Vlctonn B C -01ho1111 II1folm1tloll hns been recel1 ed Ilt \V 01 k Pomt bill IlIcks thut Il dcLuchlllellt of I elllfol ce menls to the lIumber of nbout fOI t\ men \1111 IIrllVC hele ILbout the end of the mOllth lhese mOil \l11l be drown flOIll the stutlOns ILt Hallfnx Kmgston mid IOlOlItO un~ 1\ III there fore he expcllenced sold 1131 s und 110t recrUIts liS lIud been cxpected Ihese men III e nelllly fill U 0 cngmeel S

] rJlllonton Alta - \ suney Pili t~ I CtUI nlllg to thc CI ty flom II cst of thc Sns!.atclH1\\ Iln bllngo; nell 8 of the hlo ] nghsllmcn llho \lCle lost up 111 thnt coun tl) endy III the seasoll The SOIll ch Pili ty 01 gnl1J zed to look f01 the IIIfJll founel on the south SIde of thc IIVCI thclI clotlllng blalll,ets und spades but they dlsco\ 131 ed no Irace of bodies Even th ng )lolllla to dcnth by dlolllllng The men hlld monc, conllllg to thcm flOm l\ft DIIseoll It IS pOSSible that th" lIlounted pohc( \1 III tuke the IIllltlel up nnd send out a Pili t~ to look for the bodlOs und 111 \iestlgnte the cause und monnel of deuth

To Define Boundary St Puul Mill}. -Engmeel Biggel

I epreselltlllg thc Cnnlldllln gO\ eI 11

ment alld OIl ell B rl cneh of the Umted Stntes const Ilnd GeodetiC SUI vey UI c nt l'ortul, N D, fOl the pUl posc of estllblJslung ,tnd mml'lllg tile b'mndnlJ bet\\een the Umted Stntes Ilnd Cunnda ut thltt POl11t

As he sat' dOlI n ,,!th the t\l ell e In the evening lit tho fenst He snld thnt lIe hnd grently deslted tbls but would not IInJ more ent of it till it should be fullllleu In the kingdom of God (Luke xxII 15 18) As II t tile III st Passover Isrnel was dellvelcd flom Ef,'ypt when the kingdom comes Israel shall be de Iheled from nil nations nnd placed In theIr own Innd nel er to be pulled up

WIll SaIl Around Horn Delrolt MlCh -1 he steel pllssengel

stellmels Clllppewn and IIOCjIlOIS hfl\ e been sold to the PlIget Sound duy hne of Seattle nnd WIll soon stili t

Detlolt for the long JOUlne~ dO\ln the St I ItWlence flnd ulotlnd Cnpe HOI n to l'uget Sound

I ests thllt II III be glttheled betll cen Decembel fll1d AplII alld thlls \\lth ])I'IBSCill t IImple supplles, und fflll plospects fOl futUl e flllpply, thOl c IS no Clltlse fOI LUlope 1.0 be blddmg lip pllces Just now BeSides thesc con o;ldellltlOus n tightness IS taklllg plnce 11\ the money I1IItI kcts llll1Ch IS Cl I denced by the Bllnl of Lnglllnd hn\ Ing IIdvanced Its lute of lIIteleo' on 10llns to SIX pel cellt I Ills IS so un \lsulIl IIIl e'lent thut It 18 sIxteen ~\eIll8 ngo smce It hnppened plevloUS Iy 1t IIlIlY be the begllllllng of sllch 11 stllngellCY us IIln~ III hlllc affect PI Ices sellOusl) It mllY caslly hnp pen thelefOle thnt PIICCS I\lll declme some betll een now IIl1d the closlllg of the lnke naVlglltlOn evell \\ Ithout lUI,

111m euse 111 the NOI thwcst movel1lent 011 the othm hllnd If evel IIlOdCllltcl~ unfavolable de\ elopments tfll,e plnce III the AI gentllle crop befOl e It IS snved It \Iould be the Signal fOI a vel) shulp Itcl\allce III PIlCCS IOI lIe thlllk the speculntlve trade liS a II holc IS Just III the hlllllor 01 tempel to thlO\\ Its encrgles mto thc WOI k of 011 old fusllloncd bUll 111m ket \1 hen e\ el nn) tiling hnppens to gIve It II

good stm t The VISible Supply 1Il CI ellsed Inst II eek 864 000 bus Itgmnst nn mCl ellsc of 1 649,000 tho pleVI0US

Island fit the 1101 tllCllI ,lid of whIch nnothe! "Inter \lllI I "PCllt lheD II hell I hc lIght Pel m I I stile followlIlg' \eal th,' tllP to tlte Ilc,lIll1ld over the gl e It pnclc of \111]111 J\I n Innd \Un bo IIIU(]C 1 he lottels IIsl thnt It re­her expe(htlOn be Il( lit lit If the Duchess of Bodfm d dc s 1I0t retUI n

Smce thc trnusfer it 0111 the lIupelllll to the CanudulIl govellllllelll those 111

chllrge of the gl111180n hel e lIave been somewhat handlcllpped 011 IIccount of the luck of men With thesc lem forcemcntH h011 el eI the fOI tl esses WIll he flllrh "ell IlIlInllecl 'I III be fUllly \I ell lIIunnccI

The White Slave Trade Pnlls -PI esu]ent Hoose\ eH hILS

1 here have been numelous c1nshes betll eell offiClnls of the govCl nm"nls ovel thc bonndlllY 1I1le betlleen North Ilnd Soutn POI tal It 18 the llltentJOn of the tllO gO\C1nments to ha\ic a mon,ul11ent CI ected to nceumtel~ matle the line

At the plcscnt 111t;le IS no 1\av to tell \\ Illch IS thc Cflllndiall nnd \\Juch IS AmellCal1 soli nnd nt tUlles PIISOII ers have boon tnken It\\ay flom of lIe OIS on both SIdes on thc stlcngth of seclIlIlIg thea men

or "cn ttered nny more Some time dllling the Pnssover Je

sus rose from suppel and tnklng 0 bnsln of water nnd 0 towel IIo washed nnd wIped the discIples' feet '.rhe full accolln t of thIs is found In John xlii, IIi WIth tlie lessons He sought to teach them How he was ennbled to do this menlul net Is I thln!r, found In the words 'KnowIng thnt the oI'ather hnd gil en nil things Into HIs hnnds and thnt He WIIS como flom God and \lcnt to Gou" Why IIo did it Is BeCll In tile words "1 have gh en you lin exnmple tlla t 3 e should do liS I hn vo done to you" It I edeem­cd bS His blood we arc to folio" HIs steps In nil love and lmmlllt) belle,lng

t nil things are ours In Him nnd thnt 110 hus given us the glOly which the rather gflve to Him (John xvll,

To InterVIew War Office OlllglllY, Altn -John A lUI nel

PI eSldellt of the AWel tit I 1\ e Stock USSOc1!ll1on, has left fOI Bu tmll PILI t of IllS miSSIon IS to lIltm Vlell the \1 nl office, 1Il an effOl t to lIlduce them to mnke It remount plllchasmg tup such ns "liS mnde lnst yen I by Col Budge eve1 y yell1 und not spnsmodlCull~ u:; at PI esent He wal Illso get sevellll thoroughbled stltlhons fOI IllS Itnci othel hOI semen tIll oughout uda

Ottawa liP-m'"" nnd Sub

tllbe of

II eel. md lin mCleUtl~ of 3575 000 lnst ~eur Ihe Wodel s shipments \lelO 12736000 ugalllst 11 760000 lnst week lind 12010000 Inst ycm Thc Wolld s VISible Suppl) ItS lepOl ted by BlIld stleets lIlcreltsed 3,930000 ngilillst nn lIlCI euse of 4 482 000 Illst week Itnd all IIlCleUSe of 7,672000 bus lllst yell!


Girl ImmIgrants Pelel boro Ont -()VCI 100 h

gills nlll\od nt the Hnlllllido T.T •• _'';'

lecentl) 1 hey llIe HOIII 8 to 15 ve,lir,> of nge They cltlJle OVcl on the 111l0n m chlllgc of MI (hell SU,""'U'.,., tendent of the BltlnalC]u Homes Cnnuda Ilnd Mrs loyd

SOCialists Condemned to De

cllbled to II.mblLssodor MeOol mllcl" dosiguotmg SeclCtal ~ Vlgnltud of thc ;\mellcan clllbnss) to repi esent the UllIted States lit tho Congress fOI the suppressIOn of tho "\'illite slllve trade: \I Illch opellcd hOI e recentl~ ~he prlll1ll1y object of tho eongless IS to SOCUle the effectl\e co opelutton of the vnrlOUS nutlOllol comnuttees, es pOOlully for the plOteetlon of eml grant IV omcn Ilt tho porls lind ulso \1111formlty 111 legislatIOn PIO\ Idmg for tho pUlllshmollt of tl nllickers III

22, 24 Hom 'III, 32) Only as "e be- r~:~~~':t~~_ /Jev.e thut 11 0 are what ho says we are

Tlrtue of HIs great sacrIfice will

In 01(1 Wllllllpeg lIlarkct l\fnllltoba \\ hent hns been very dull on \V III sn II -1'0111 U;en mOIll bcrs of "",,,.~',,

sOClnltsts hghtmg orgfITllzlltlOn 1:~~~;\';~'~f~l;~~{~ slnves ' hold ourselves rendy tor

du) s Thel e IS no steady ncLlVe Illnnd for cllsh II heat such I1S thet e should be nt tillS tlllle of year, be Cfluse the speculatIVe part of the t!Ude

Icc'epinlg pI ces hIgher thltn n])o\l s to go freely nhend S]up

rOlt Wllhnm nnd POlt from begllllllng of senson to

only 7 500 000 bus nglll11st nn"n,,'n the sllme tnne Illst yell!

,~"va""of bU8111ess to day mo NOI 7l};jc,3 NOI 09Xe,

spot 01 pnst WlIIlllpeg on OUI optIon mm kot

74y'e, Dec All prices

Wllllom and

IletC nllested October 20 hllve condemned to dell til b\ COlli tmartJal H IS expected tI ncLlOn of tho COUI t WIll I estllt genelflI stnke

I he n;1J h till y autholl tICS COlltlllllle't "\;'~;""';" lhell <i9mlClltal y VlbttS III thc Itnl dlBtllCts They I ccclltly the house of Coulll KI nRIIlS most pi Qllllllent of tllc Pohsh !llIsta

r .f ." ... ..-.. ... _ .. ,---- .---__ ,., ... '"

.. " , . ,

Ralph Bros. moved their outfit down on Tuesday and a,re thresh­ing at Lounsbury's.

Mrs. Harry Watson and daugh­ters paid a visit to her sou I Harvie this week.

The snow that fell Sunday night makes one think that winter i:; near.


A general financial business con­ducted. 'Money to loan on real property at .lowest' rates. Insur­ance and real estate ngen t. Re­presenting all the best loan an~ in·

Our Rathwell friends will confcr a favor on this paper by communi­cating news items to our corres­pondent, Mr. 1'. C. Forbes." If you wish the paper to be more repres­entative of, Rathwell. kindly help to make'it so.

W. '1'. Smith of Indianford,mov­en his threshing outfit down to fin­ish threshing for W. L. Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilsoll Latimer surance companies.' Wellington, Scarrow spent the

past week at Portage la Prairie. be­lug a witness at the Grobb trial.

Mrs. Wm. Walker who has been ill for some time is recovcring rap­idly. The nurse who was attend­ing her has retu'rned to Winnipeg.

Mrs. Sutherland, who was visit­ing at Rev. Mr. Anderson's, has returned to her home at Gilbert

and Mrs. D. '1'. Hird were the guests of Mrs. McCabe of Rosen­dale over Sunday.

\V. -Whalen was a pas:;enger to Portage last week.

. Mr. and Mrs. E. Plnxton and family left Inst 1'uesday for their farm in the west; on their way they are visiting rehitives in the city.

. "



All kinds 'of con tract work taken and satisfa~tion guaranteed. . ,


Mr. Adam Forbes has built a comfortable house on his farm north

We hear that W. D. Hird fJaS And new foundationsputin, cem-purchased one of W. Whalen's eut or stone. Estimates furnished. farms.

of town. Mr. John Hannah has w'oved his

family to town aud will occuPy the bouse lately erected by Mr. Adam Forbes.

Mr. 'Paul Kane contemplates 'bl1ilding an adaition to his store, at present occupied by P. R. McLach­lan. The addition is to be 20X24.

The Rathwell Fanner's E1e\'"ator has again re-opened for business at the old stand under the manage-ment of Mr. Jas. Gill. '

Mr. George Shepberd is again on the market for McBean Bros. t' and no dOUbt witl soon make his presence known.

Mrs. Tho~pson, milliner of Cy­press River, opened up in Rathwell for a few days. She will locate here permanently, next season.

Mr. Hugh Bird, conductor on the C., N." R. vi3ited his aunt" Mrs. Ford. ',' ,

Masters Willie and John' Wilson visited' their' sister Mrs. Clark at .. .~ , WlIllllpeg recently.

Mrs. Jas. Forbes visited her sis­ter Mrs. Alex Smart at Holland

Robt. Ross Wa!: a visitor to 'Por­tage last week.

Alex Hird puJled his outfit in last Friday and some of the boys are taking 'advantage of a few days to hunt chickens.


Alex Dobbin, who has been threshing south of the river has returned highly pleased with his season's "workj he expects to be through, this week for good.

A few of our folks have had to attend the Grobb trial.

We had a nice fall of snow last Sunday night, which ought to help the plowll1g along.

We hear that Alex Cooper's farm lias been ren ted.' , , Mrs. Charle's Fletcher has open­ed up aboard i ng , hous,e at La ven­ham. lately controlled by K. E.

udson. We'wish Mrs.-Fletcher success in h~r new .nndertaking.

Fall plowing is nearly done in this district.

Preserving, Fruits

Vole can now supply you with all kinds 'of preserv­ing'fruits. \Ve\have a large shipment of grapes coming in next week.

Tobacco and Olgars Soft Drlnks~ Bread •

Fancy Blscuits~ &c. , A good and full line of

, 'Oonfectionery.

T. Greenaway, RATHWELL.

w _

Money to',Loan. the past ~eek. ' / Indianfor'd, t

. Miss Boitean teacber at Beausale At lowest ~ates on farm and


school,' was in Winnipeg attending A light fall'o(the beautiful hap- town' property for 'Icing ,or short the teachers ::onvention held there pened, 011 Sunday nigbt which periods. Loan 'Companies' rel?res, some days 'a·go. makes olle think of those 'fur- bear, ent"ed, and private fllJ1ds always on

The Rathwell teaching staff beld ing aninlals. ' ' hand. Farm lands ana town pro-their· Thanksgiving holiday 011 Mr. J. BnJj,ensha"Y, con'tract ~erty 'bought and sold. Apply to Monday i~stead of on the 18thj by agen.t .for the; B~lI Telephone ~o., c. V. LINDSAY. 50 doin'g they, had an opportunity was 111' th~ d!stn~t late~y ,100kl11g. Successor' to J. T. Reld.l; Co. to wake a short visit,to the city .. ' up subscnbers With a view of ex- '.~' ~====~==~====="

~,\~r.:~~~~::'::~En~~;: ~i:~=~!~ ~;;~:;~:;';;i;i~ i;~:P~:i;~; This' .. Twenty·one car loads of wheat with.the intention or'doing his 'own ' ., .

were shipped out of Rathwell ill chopping.. ,. "¥' five days qf last week. Mr. Duncan McRae visited 'rela: , _ ' "

Mr. Samnel Caswell' is serving tives in Holland last week end: ' , . '. 'Ie ··e.·r. 011 the grand. jury at Portage la Chas." -Lewis. left ''for the cit" ~ Prairie. ' :.. . Monday week. . He intended go, j ,

The recent flurry of " snow made ing .to the Southern States'. • \, the deliveries much larger, and all ,A"number took in the concert in t!le el!!v.a,tors ~ave beeu quite busy Treherne last week and ,report a sInce the:storm. good time. ,

fa·rlDe~i;'-'.' meetin~ ,whic.1;; was ,Is Iudianford dead or' only slc:ep·1 Me)ndlay evel11ng was very urIO'" This is about time for 'our

The meeting was concert and :sodal in cou-of selectillg dele- nec~ion with the chl£rch." "

the sitting of .the Miss ?t{innie McCormick is visit~ 'C(}n1lmi!lsicm which has :'been ing Ii~r sister ,Mrs."P .. Robinson at

appointed purpose ': of en- Matchetville. '" "'" working of the I ' '

farmers, by. ,their egates, to attend

cOltittliS~ji()l1 "JULVe taci tly' admit-110 fault ·to' finu'dJ~JlI,f6IlWLY

of th'e Grain ,.:.

We can supply you all t,he ma­terial except the hardware, of

. course, to erect any .building· , . 'you maY desi'~e, from 'the bot­

, ' tom of the cellar to the orna-. 11lents ,~~ the, roof. ' , "

UCTlONEE8r I am IIOW in 'l'reherne again, and

prepared to cond l1ct auction sales in town and country, and gnarantee the best service possible.i II cvery way, prepared to guarantee all sales, and pay cash to sel1ers on the day of sale. For terms etc., apply at McGowan's warehouse, ()~ to'

JAS. STEVENSON, Auctioneer and Valuator.

F. Thorimbert MACHINE SHOP.

• Guns aBofi mnes, for 5ilie

We are also prepared to do all kinds of repaising.

4£ • $$4 ,A. tWtw auuuts etau""", b ' e~lIur e ht~


\VQuld'like to have you call and see OLlr Canton Potato Diggers. ~

\Ve are making a special cut on wagons. ) to cleat' out our stock before the wintcr. I

_. I

:\ large supply or Cullers and Sieig'hs 10 choose rrom.


uverg, feed ami· Sale Siable Ours is one of, the best equipped Livery, Fced and Sale

Stables in IVlanitoba.-, Stylish Turnouts, Good Horses and Care­rul, Dril·er:'o. \Ve solicit a rail' share of )'our patrollage.

Geo. McGowan, Tr-eh,erne AAcnt for

The Leading Fire Insur~nce Companies.

I , \

J ·1

• «. .~.~--------.. --.. -= ~ "" ... -..... -..o' .. , _' ........ __ ....... 0; ... ' ... ' ... ' .t'I~""''''''. ~"r. rW .... zwa,f1,*,~'~ __ ,,'I =,.,.!f

\Ve are a~ents for the celebrated _'h"


I f: , glass valve seat iron pumps!

'rhe ouly successful pump for all kind:; of weather: .

'FAll CLOTHES I An earl'.: order for your Fall

Tailoring will el.!sure yollt work being done in' good time. . Call und see our excellen t line of Fall goods. \Ve guarantee the work­manship .on every snit of clothes.

F. BREETON. RilthweU.



We have now greatly increased the, accommodation of the barn, and can halidle the livery and .feed business with great' facility. We can fit YOll out with allY kind of 'rig quickly. Good steady horses. We solicit a snare of your business .

, )' . I .

AL·EX DE 'VIT~ Contractor c, and Stone'­


All kinds of cement work, 'such as floors, 'walks, etc.; a specialty.

Let llS figure on any buildinl\" tract' YOll may'" ha,re, large' or

small.' .

-Prof.·Oeo. Hagel

, , Graduate of Leipzig' and Stuttgart

• Conservatories of music.·'

Teacher of vocal and 'a.\l branches of instrl1mental music.

Studio on .the corner of Front and , ).

Boyne streets. , '" . '

"Agent 'for Morris Piano.·' ancrseveral'go9d makes of OrgaJ~s.

" 'l'REHERNE. MAN. " • I

- ,

- - ., -.=.~_-=:- _=r= _ _ _ ; _ ~ (

~~~ •• ~ • .u.e~~~~~~~~~u~u.u~ I j The RalhweUHardware ~ i : And Lumber Yard. !

i A Full Line .. We have a full line of Cook Stoves, Heaters, ancl : Royal Jewel and t he Monarch Malleable Ranges. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


We Have Added a line 01' JEWELRY and WATCHES, Sec our Silverware-A fine assort\11~nt ilt low prices.

·c. 4. Roux', , -

As' I am now out of the re­..

tail business, r: wish to an-,

nounce that I am in the

.... Wholes~le Business .... ,

Buyer, olOattle, .Hogs and All Fowl. , .

Hides, and' Wool Bough; 'or Cash. ,

. '.

Far~'ers, ~ill do " well to see Roux before disposing of any stock., Patrons will find me at my new building, opposite the ·Farmers', Elevator ..... .


Former -', '

, Butcher " ". , ,

• o • • • II

• ., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

! .. I '. ;

