(DON’T WRITE DOWN!) Nicotine is as addictive as cocaine or heroin. As many as 90% of adult...


Transcript of (DON’T WRITE DOWN!) Nicotine is as addictive as cocaine or heroin. As many as 90% of adult...


TOBACCO FACTS (DON’T WRITE DOWN!) Nicotine is as addictive as cocaine or heroin. As many as 90% of adult smokers began using tobacco before the age of 18.

Teens who use tobacco are more likely to use drugs such as marijuana, cocaine & alcohol.

A recent survey: 90+% of cocaine users smoked cigarettes before started using cocaine.

Nicotine addiction leads to other addictions.

TOBACCO FACTS (Don’t write down)Government has found that tobacco companies market to young people. Some people start using as young as 11 or 12.

Every day in the U.S., 6,000 teens and preteens try their first cigarette or other form of tobacco.

WHAT IS TOBACCO Tobacco: a woody shrub-like plant with large leaves. Why is it Harmful? Tobacco contains harmful substances that are released when a person smokes or chews it.

Tobacco companies add more harmful ingredients.

FACTS ABOUT TOBACCOThere are more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco.

Many of which are carcinogens. What’s a carcinogen?

These chemicals can be found in: Cleaning products Pest poisons Etc.

NICOTINEThe addictive, habit forming drug in Tobacco.

What does addictive mean? Capable of causing a use to develop intense cravings.

It is in ALL forms cigarettes, pipes, cigars and smokeless tobacco.

Can become addicted QUICKLY! A person begins to depend on it.

FORMS OF TOBACCOCigarettes: Contain shredded tobacco leaves, then rolled in paper and smoked.

Some have filters intended to remove some of the harmful chemicals. But they do not remove enough to make it safe.

FORMS OF TOBACCO Pipes & Cigars: made the same as cigarettes. Difference: One large cigar can contain as much tobacco and nicotine as an entire pack of 20 cigarettes.

Cigar smoke also contains up to 90 times more carcinogens than those found in cigarettes.

FORMS OF TOBACCOSpecialty Cigarettes: flavored, unfiltered cigarettes and clove cigarettes.Usually imported from other countries.U.S. has tried to ban these to discourage young people from trying them.

Hookahs: flavored tobacco smoked in special water.These contain higher concentrations of harmful chemicals.

FORMS OF TOBACCOElectronic Cigarettes: look like regular cigarettes.

Do not contain tobaccoBut still have liquid nicotine

It is heated and users inhale the vapor.Marketed to help smokers quit.

However, still has addictive effects because of the nicotine.

FORMS OF TOBACCOSmokeless Tobacco: ground tobacco that is chewed, placed inside the mouth along the gum line, or inhaled through the nose.

Chewing Tobacco - “dip”Snuff: finely ground tobacco that is inhaled or held in the mouth or cheeks.

NOT a good alternative to smoking. Causes different problems than smoking.

OTHER HARMFUL SUBSTANCES…Tar: a dark, thick liquid that forms when tobacco burns. It covers the AIRWAYS and LUNGS.

Carbon Monoxide: colorless, odorless, poisonous gas that is created when tobacco burns.

HEALTH RISKS 400,000 people die every year from smoking-related

illnesses. (U.S. only) In 1964 – surgeon general issued a report saying that smoking may be hazardous.

1 year later – tobacco companies were ordered to add health warnings to cigarette packages.

HEALTH RISKS Causes damage to most of the body systems Especially damaging to teens because bodies are still growing. Increases HR and BP. Users get sick more often & stay sick longer. Causes diseases of the mouth and lungs.


Tar coats the inside of the lungs. Lungs are less able to supply oxygen to body. Harder to breathe during physical activity, or work out for long period of time.

Emphysema: a disease that results in the destruction of alveoli in lungs. (air sacs in the lungs).

Lung cancer Chronic Bronchitis: long-term cough with mucous COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease): combination of chronic bronchitis & emphysema

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Increases heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP).

Causes vasoconstriction (blood vessels narrow) – leads to hardening of blood vessels and less oxygen being delivered. Heart has to work harder to move blood, oxygen & nutrients.

Increased chance of heart attack and heart disease.


Cuts down on the amount of oxygen reaching the brain Because of the carbon monoxide.

Nicotine reaches brain in just a few seconds = users have a strong need for more tobacco.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEMStomach and mouth ulcers

Painful open sores – may not be able to eat certain foods leads to poor nutrition.

Harms teeth and gums Yellow teeth More likely to get CAVITIES, and GUM DISEASE

Dulls the taste budsCancers of the mouth, throat, stomach, esophagus and pancreas.

EXCRETORY SYSTEMSmokers are more likely to develop bladder cancer.

Chemicals in tobacco damage the kidneys.

Also higher risk for colorectal cancer (cancer of colon and rectum).

HEALTH RISKSCigar and Pipe users = more likely to develop mouth, tongue, & lip cancer. Higher risk of dying from heart disease.

Smokeless tobacco = more likely to get gum disease and oral cancers Leukoplakia – from chewing tobacco

Leathery, pre-cancerous white patches in the mouth where a person has repeatedly used chewing tobacco.

Hairy Tongue – chewing tobacco Elongation of the papillae on the tongue: resembles hair.

GENERAL EFFECTS OF TOBACCO USECravings: user may feel need for it soon after using

it.Unpleasant feelings: dizziness. Hands & feet colder than normal

Unattractive effects: bad breath, yellow teeth, smelly hair & clothes. Ages the skin more quickly.

SECOND-HAND SMOKEBeing around smokers is also harmful.Long-term exposure to Second-hand smoke can lead to: Bronchitis Emphysema Lung cancer Heart disease Weakened immune system


Premature Low Birth Weight (LBW) Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) May grow and develop slowly leading to health issues throughout their life.

COSTS TO SOCIETYSmokers pay a high price:

Price of tobacco products Pack of cigarettes now costs $5 W. Virginia, $9 here, $12.50 in NY.

Productivity: tobacco users have lower productivity levels on the job. They are sick more often and get less done. Loss productivity because of this costs the U.S. Economy $96 billion every year.

Cost of health care One MRI scan can cost up to $3000.

Users need more medical care than non users. Therefore insurance companies have to charge more to everyone else in order to be able to pay for the smokers health care costs.

Un-insured tobacco users get help from the government to help cover the medical costs. Our taxes.


Tobacco Taxes Ex: There is additional $1 tax on each pack of cigarettes. New York is up to $4 per pack.

Smoke-Free environmentsAntismoking campaignsLabeling Laws & Advertising limits

1965 health warnings began to appear on cigarette packs. 1971 cigarette advertisements were banned from radio & TV. 1996 regulations were approved to limit access persons under 18.

They cannot place outdoor ads 1000ft from a school or playground.

They cannot make promotional hats, shirts or other items. * How do they get around it? - products used in the media = celebrities.

Example - 1

Example - 2

SAYING NO! Influences: peer pressure, media, advertisingReasons to say no:

overall health clear healthy skin fresh breath clean, fresh smelling clothes & hair better sports performance money savings environmental health

WAYS TO SAY NOWe will go over refusal skills in a few days.But here some things you can use in the meantime:

“I dislike the smell of smoke” “I can’t. I’m on the soccer team and need to keep my lungs in shape.”

“Smoking is bad for you” “My grandfather had cancer from smoking. I don’t want to go through what he did.”

“ It’s against the law for someone my age to smoke.” “I can’t afford to spend all my money on tobacco.” “My parents would ground me if they found out I was smoking.”

HOW TO QUITSome damage can be reversed, others can never be reversed.

Time and willpower.Cold TurkeyOrganizations: support groupsGet info/advice from doctor’s or nursesNicotine Replacement therapies

Gums, lozenges, patches.

Can get more info from: American Lung Association American Heart Association American Cancer Society