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ST. STEPHEN LUTHERAN CHURCH – ELCA Pastor Gail Sowell 424 N 3 rd Avenue, PO Box 95 Edgar, WI 54426-0095 Telephone: 715-352-2491 (St. Stephen Office) 715-352-2492 (Pastor Gail Home/Cell/Emergency) 715-352-2524 (St. John Office) Church Web Site: www.ststephenedgar.com ST. STEPHEN – ELCA Honoring the Past – Welcoming the Future 2017 COUNCIL OFFICERS President Kathy Schreier 715-352- 2392 [email protected] Vice-President Vicki Maurer 715-574- 0527 [email protected] Secretary Sherry Gayken 715-355- 9039 [email protected] Treasurer Rod Zietlow 715-370- [email protected] INSIDE THIS ISSUE Parish Staff/Council Officers. 1 Staff/Officer Contact Information...................1 September Birthdays and Anniversaries.................2 Congratulations/Thanks/Worship Assistant.....................2 Constitution/By-Laws/Joint Project.......................2 Sunday/Weekday Worships/Bible Study.........................3 SundaySchool/Confirmation.....3 Pastor’s Ponderings...........4 Hurricane Harry Match/Council Meeting.......................4 Church History/Church Mice....5 Saints united to be the body of Christ in the world, freed by grace to live faithfully, witness boldly, and serve joyfully. Sunday, September 10 – 125 th Anniversary Celebration PARISH STAFF Pastor Gail Sowell Home/Cell/ Emergency St. Stephen Office St. John Office 715-352- 2492 715-352- 2491 715-352- 2524 Secretary Sherry Gayken sarshe2@frontie r.com 715-355- 9039 Outside Custodian Steve Doran 715-393- 5080 Inside Custodian Rachel Doran 715-393- 5076 Organist Charlotte Otto 715-443- 2007 Handbell Director Marla Berg 715-302- 4768 Altar Guild Millie Borchardt/ Marge Copeland/Deb Pilgrim 715-352- 2451 Medi a Team Dale Pilgrim, Mark Schreier, Vern Spaulding, Rod Zietlow, Kristin Zietlow, Mike Maurer, Sherry Gayken

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Page 1: Web viewKeyboard player organ,piano, ... older children and young adults to . read. eleven parts; ... Neil Diamond Tribute - Keith Allynn


ELCAPastor Gail Sowell

424 N 3rd Avenue, PO Box 95Edgar, WI 54426-0095

Telephone: 715-352-2491 (St. Stephen Office)715-352-2492 (Pastor Gail Home/Cell/Emergency)

715-352-2524 (St. John Office)Church Web Site: www.ststephenedgar.com

SEPTEMBER birthdays01 Harm David02 Rihn Karl

ST. STEPHEN – ELCAHonoring the Past – Welcoming the Future

2017 COUNCIL OFFICERSPresident Kathy Schreier 715-352-2392 [email protected]

Vice-President Vicki Maurer 715-574-0527 [email protected] Sherry Gayken 715-355-9039 [email protected] Rod Zietlow 715-370-7681 [email protected]

Financial Secretary Kristin Schreier [email protected] Dale Pilgrim

Clarence WernerMark Schreier

715-352-2968715-432-0997715-352-2392 [email protected]

Trustees Vern SpauldingDavid HarmDennis Lang


[email protected]

Youth Liaison Volunteer Needed

INSIDE THIS ISSUEParish Staff/Council Officers..........................1Staff/Officer Contact Information...................1September Birthdays and Anniversaries.........2Congratulations/Thanks/Worship Assistant....2Constitution/By-Laws/Joint Project................2Sunday/Weekday Worships/Bible Study........3SundaySchool/Confirmation...........................3Pastor’s Ponderings.........................................4Hurricane Harry Match/Council Meeting.......4Church History/Church Mice..........................5Cradle Roll/Senior Day...................................5Things to Share/Hopes/Dreams.......................6Handbells/Council Nominations.....................6Ladies’ Bible Study/Blanket Sunday/Quilt.....7Sympathy/Lay School/Crop Walk..................8Forest Springs/EPIC........................................8Domestic Violence/Toward One/Sara Groves 9September Calendar......................................10

Saints united to be the body of Christ in the world, freed by grace to live faithfully, witness boldly, and serve joyfully.

Sunday, September 10 – 125th Anniversary CelebrationSunday, September 17 – Worship with Bishop Hoyme and Potluck Sunday, September 24 – Sunday School Rally Sunday


Gail SowellHome/Cell/Emergency

St. Stephen OfficeSt. John Office


Secretary Sherry [email protected]


Outside Custodian Steve Doran 715-393-5080Inside Custodian Rachel Doran 715-393-5076

Organist Charlotte Otto 715-443-2007Handbell Director Marla Berg 715-302-4768Altar Guild Millie Borchardt/

Marge Copeland/Deb Pilgrim715-352-2451



Dale Pilgrim, Mark Schreier, Vern Spaulding, Rod Zietlow, Kristin Zietlow, Mike Maurer, Sherry Gayken

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02 Twerberg Joel03 Nansel Trevor03 Schreier Kristin05 Kohel Wade06 Holbach Robin09 Pilgrim Deirdra09 Ringle Gisela10 Pilgrim Sondra10 Dvorak Colleen11 Heiden Mindy12 Schmidt Samuel14 Laidlaw August16 Werner Clarence18 Haanstad Katie20 Lang Jada21 Maurer Jessica21 Guralski Kassidy23 Mroczenski Tami25 Harm Deborah27 Otto Charlotte28 Hendler Gertie30 Holbach Todd

90/90+ BIRTHDAY CLUB: Gertie Hendler will be 97 years young on September 28.

For cards and birthday wishes, her address is as follows:

GERTRUDE HENDLERc/o Golden Living Center - Three Oaks209 Wilderness View DrMarshfield, WI 54449


09/06 – Doran, Steve & Rachel 09/12 – King, Scott & Hallie 09/20 – Chenier, Scott & Rachel 09/25 – Zietlow, Rod & Sue 09/26 – Reif, Charlie & Amber 09/29 – Strasser, Gerald & Sheryl

GOD’S BLESSINGS AND BEST WISHES to Michael Maurer and Mollie Laidlaw who were married on Saturday, June 24, 2017, in the Park by Pastor Gail.

GOD’S BLESSINGS AND BEST WISHES to Jeff Lubahn and Tammy Beighley who were married at St. Stephen on Saturday, July 15, 2017, by Pastor Gail.

"Thank you" to everyone for their prayers, well wishes, food and just thinking of us. Power of prayer works miracles and we are living proof of it.

Blessings to all. Jerry and Gloria Karlen

THANK YOU to all the volunteers at this year’s ice cream booth at the Steam Show.

SEEKING WORSHIP ASSISTANTKeyboard player organ, piano, keyboard) to play for Lutheran worship services (mostly traditional) at St. John Lutheran Church (Town of Wien). Contact St. John Lutheran Church @ 715.352.2524, [email protected].

CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS – the new Constitution and By-Laws have been prepared. Vote on these will be taken at the October Quarterly Meeting.

A JOINT MISSION OR COMMUNITY PROJECT – ideas should be brought to the Quarterly Meeting of a joint mission/community project for St. Stephen/St. John.

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN THE CONTINUED HISTORY OF ST. STEPHEN? Individual needed to maintain/update the history information and binders, etc., of St. Stephen.

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SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 8:30 AM – Worship at St. John10:00 AM – Communion Worship at St. Stephen

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 8:30 AM – Worship at St. John10:00 AM – Communion Worship at St. Stephen (125th Anniversary Celebration)11:30 AM – Chicken Dinner (Advanced Reservations only)Afternoon – Activities, games, and conversation

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1710:00 AM – One Joint Communion Worship Service

with St. Stephen and St. John – at St. Stephen with NW Synod Bishop Rick Hoyme

11:00 AM – Potluck at St. Stephen for all

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 8:30 AM – Worship at St. John 9:00 AM – First Day of Sunday School –RALLY SUNDAY at St. Stephen (Breakfast for Sunday School students, parents, and families)10:00 AM – Communion Worship at St. Stephen10:00 AM – Kohel Baptism at St. Stephen

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 9:00 AM – Worship at St. John 9:15 AM – Sunday School at St. John 9:30 AM – Sunday School at St. Stephen10:30 AM – Communion Worship at St. Stephen (LWR Blanket Sunday)

The newly formed “St. John/St. Stephen Lutheran Parish ELCA is continuing opportunities to worship and to learn:WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY – will continue at 6:00 PM every other week through the end of October. Dates are:

September 13, September 27, October 11, and October 25

THURSDAY EVENING WORSHIPS will continue at 6:00 PM as long as there are at least 8 people present.  If attendance falls below 8 people two weeks in a row, it will be cancelled until next summer.

Note: anyone and everyone is welcome at both Bible studies and worship services!

ONE JOINT WORSHIP SERVICE for St. Stephen and St. John – Sunday, September 17th @ 10:00 AM at St. Stephen. Bishop Rick Hoyme of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin will be the guest preacher. To celebrate his presence and our unity, there will be a potluck following the service. (Packer fans, we play at Atlanta at 7:30 PM). Bring a dish to share – sign-up sheet in the narthex.

All members of both congregations are encouraged, invited, and begged to be present for this worship time. We don’t often have the privilege of hearing our Bishop speak. (He’s a very entertaining preacher!).

FIRST DAY OF SUNDAY SCHOOL – RALLY SUNDAY!! Lori Guralski, our Sunday School Superintendent again this year, is planning the Rally Sunday

breakfast for Sunday, September 24th, at 9:00 AM, for Sunday School staff, students, and students’ parents and families. Beginning Sunday, October 1st, Sunday School is held every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM. If you, as parents, have any questions about this Rally Sunday or the St. Stephen Sunday School Program, please give Lori a call at 715-352-2706.

THE CONFIRMATION PROGRAM this year will again be under the direction of Colleen Dvorak with the assistance of Kristin Zietlow. Confirmation Sunday at St. Stephen is Sunday, October 22nd at the 10:30 AM service.

NOTE TO CONFIRMATION CLASS: Pastor Gail has scheduled a Confirmation Class for Wednesday evenings, September 20th and October 4th. All students


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to be confirmed must come to two (2) of the Bible Studies on September 13, September 27, or October 11.


New beginnings. God said, “Behold, I am making all things new!” (Rev 21:5)“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:19)

New beginnings. God said, “Behold, I am making all things new!” A new year for Sunday School! Back to the original service times: 9:00 at St. John (with Sunday School at 9:15), 10:30 at St. Stephen (with Sunday School at 9:30). Teachers have been preparing for weeks for Rally Day and the start of classes. A “big skit” scheduled for September 24th – the entire book of Jonah! Needed: older children and young adults to read eleven parts; younger children (and anyone else) to manipulate puppets or cardboard cutouts. Let your teachers and/or Pastor Gail know if you’ll help with this! (I wrote the skit myself, and I think it’s pretty cool!)

New beginnings. God said, “Behold, I am making all things new!” This is our first new school year as a united parish: St. John/St. Stephen Lutheran Parish, ELCA. God invites us, challenges us: what new things can we do together to make a difference? in our congregations; in our community; in our world?

New beginnings. Our new joint mission statement says it all: Saints (as in St. John and St. Stephen) united (working, worshiping, fellowshipping together) to be the body of Christ (the people, not the buildings! in the world (God has great expectations for us!), freed by grace (God’s amazing, limitless, never-ending forgiveness and mercy) to live faithfully (what does it really look like to be the body of Christ, living and active at all times and in all places?) , witness boldly (“preach the Word at all times; if necessary, use words!”), and serve joyfully (praise the Lord! They’ll know we are Christians by our love!).

$500,000 MATCH ON PERSONAL DONATIONSThrivent will match up to $500,000 in personal donations made online through Thrivent.com to specific disaster relief organizations responding to Hurricane Harvey. The dollar-for-dollar match is open to Thrivent members and will lead to a total combined impact of up to $1 million. For more details and to see the list of organizations included in the match, visit the Disaster Response page on Thrivent.com. OR speak with Pastor Gail about a group donation.

LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE -- HURRICANE HARRY. Donations may be made through the St. Stephen congregation or be sent directly to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – God’s work. Our hands.

ST. STEPHEN COUNCIL MEETINGS:Tuesday, September 19 @ 5:30 PM

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Starting in September, monthly Council meetings will be held on Tuesday evenings – allowing Pastor Gail to be present at the meetings.

ST. STEPHEN LUTHERAN CHURCH1892 – 2017 (125-Year Celebration: September 10th)

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St. Stephen Lutheran Church as it was on April 2, 1967 – Edgar’s first house of worship, built in 1892-1893 – originally was a small frame church building, no tower, no bell. In 1904 a woodshed was built at the southeast side of the church which was also

used as a horse stable by the pastor. In the same year a foundation was made under the church and the outside was painted. An addition, and the tower, were added 1914-1919.

Growth of the congregation made it obvious that a new and larger church building was needed. The groundbreaking exercises were conducted on June 4, 1949. The cornerstone was laid on September 10, 1950. On May 20, 1951, a beautiful new and bigger church was dedicated. In 1999 a new addition was completed, including a lift – making the church handicapped accessible.

DID YOU KNOW: Excerpts from: The Architect’s Story, Hugo Logemann, Milwaukee, WI, May, 1951: Throughout the building there are numerous symbols, - the stone cross atop the main gable is outlined in neon tubing, thus, the Light may be proclaimed throughout the night; smaller crosses are found elsewhere, for instance, on the lintel of the bulletin and on the corner stone. The simple design and the rugged materials of which it is constructed are symbolical of the modesty and integrity of the congregation it houses, as well as their rugged moral character.

The plan is mainly symbolical, -- from the main entrance (originally up the steps from the west) through the Narthex, along the central aisle, rising into the chancel and passing through the opening in the Communion Rail is a direct, straight line culminating in the Altar, the Heart of the whole, denoting that the way of God is open to all. The three steps into the Chancel recall the climb to Calvary; the huge arch above, separating the Chancel ceiling from that of the Nave, recalls the triumphal Resurrection after Calvary.

The Trinity is represented in several places, -- note the three windows (in the front) … also the three-part window in the Chancel over the Altar. Speaking of windows, suffice it to say that many emblems are incorporated into the glazing, too

numerous to discuss here but offering material for a discourse by Pastor on some occasion.

History books are stored in the library downstairs of St. Stephen. Feel free to view these at your leisure.

Anniversary celebration: Sunday, September 10th:10:00 AM – Communion Worship11:30 AM – Chicken Dinner – reservations requiredPM Activities at Oak Street Park – Music by Faith, Hope & Harmony, bouncy house, games, conversation and fellowship

Adventures of the Church MiceIt’s time! It’s time! A “new year” with children coming back to worship and learn after a looong summer! Do you know what that means for us church mice? SNACKS! CRUMBS! NIBBLES! Of course, that’s not the only reason we love our kids—they’re just plain FUN! And they usually bring their parents, too! Parents may not leave as many snacks for us, but it’s a treat to scamper among those big feet under the pews. We really try hard not to show ourselves, because we know (sad to say, and really hard to understand) that some people are scared of us. Can’t imagine why! We’re really harmless, and we can be very affectionate too! If you see us, give us a try! Honest, we won’t hurt you! And if you listen real close, you might even HEAR us during the hymns! We DO love music! So---we’ll see you around!

INDIVIDUAL NEEDED TO OVERSEE CRADLE ROLL – register new baptisms on the Cradle Roll roster, prepare baptism documents, send out congratulatory brochures/postcards monthly to yearly (up to age 3). Inform Sunday School Superintendent of children reaching their 3rd birthday. Could create a display of Cradle Roll enrollees. See Sherry if interested.

SENIOR DAY – 3rd Wednesday of each month at St. Stephen from 1:00 – 3:00 PM.Next date: Wednesday, September 20 @ 1:00 PM

Returning Champion for the month of August is: Jane Ross.

Join in with the group for some old-fashioned fun !!All area seniors are welcome !!!

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So many things to share, so many hopes and dreams and plans for this “new year” which begins in September!

Worship times: At St. John’s Quarterly Meeting in July, those present voted to extend the earlier worship times through the October Quarterly Meeting. However, at the (very firm) request of Sunday School teachers of both congregations, St. John’s Council has authorized us to go back to the start times of the past 2-/12 years (9:00 for St. John, 10:30 for St. Stephen) beginning on October 1st. This hasn’t been an easy decision for me (Pastor Gail), because of the vote at St. John and because there wasn’t time to consult the entire Council at St. Stephen. I accept any blame or guilt if this issue causes concern for any of you. We had gone round and round on it, and I personally needed to be done. I ask your forbearance (see Colossians 3:13) and patience as we continue to iron out the wrinkles in being officially yoked and trying to work together as “one body” (see Romans 12:4-5).

Bible Study continues every other Wednesday at 6:00 PM at St. Stephen. The dates for the next few months are: 9/13, 9/27, 10/11, 10/25, 11/8. The next week in sequence is Thanksgiving Eve, so we’ll have a worship service instead of Bible Study. New dates to be published after that! Please join us! We have exciting discussions and all of us (including Pr. Gail!) learn new things. There are no dumb questions! Anything goes!

S pecial Worship Services: September 10th is the day St. Stephen celebrates

our 125th anniversary! We’re expecting 150 people to come worship with us at 10:00 AM. A catered chicken dinner will be served at 11:30, followed by live music, fun and games for the kids, and several hours of fellowship. (For those concerned Packer fans, Seattle is at Lambeau at 3:25.)

September 17th we’ll have ONE JOINT WORSHIP SERVICE, 10:00 AM at St. Stephen. St. John members, please note, there will be NOTHING at St. John that day! Bishop Rick Hoyme of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin will be our guest preacher at St. Stephen, and we’ll celebrate his presence and our unity with a potluck following the service. (Packer fans, we play at Atlanta at 7:30 PM) I encourage, invite, and beg all members of both congregations to be present for this worship

time. We don’t often have the privilege of hearing our Bishop speak. (He’s a very entertaining preacher!)

September 24th is our official Rally Day at both congregations. To kick off our Sunday School year, we’ll have a skit on the entire book of Jonah (“puppeteers” and voices needed!), followed by commissioning of teachers. This is the last Sunday of the earlier start time, 8:30 AM at St. John, 10:00 AM at St. Stephen.

October 15th will be the date for the fall Quarterly Meeting for St. John (St. Stephen TBD)

October 22nd is Confirmation Day! October 29th the entire ELCA celebrates the

500th anniversary of the Reformation!

Please plan to be part of all these special days and celebrations. YOU are part of the Body of Christ at St. John and St. Stephen!

HANDBELLS will practice for the September 10 Anniversary Celebration worship on: Saturday, September 9 @ 3:00 PM. Come at that time to join in or speak with Charlotte or Marla beforehand.

ST. STEPHEN COUNCIL OFFICERS for the 2018+ church year will be elected at the Quarterly Meeting in October.

Available positions are:Financial Secretary – 3-year termTrustee – 3-year termDeacon – 3-year term

FINANCIAL SECRETARY:Keep permanent record of individual member’s

contributions, prepare reports, work closely with Counting Committee and Council Treasurer verifying accuracy of amounts, attend Council Meetings.

DEACON: Open/Prepare church for service/lock up afterwards Assist at worship service/Ring bellsAttend Council Meetings – make recommendationsSupervise collection of offeringHand out announcement sheets/Set up communion/Wash communion wareOther duties as assigned

TRUSTEE: Responsible for care and maintenance of church

building, parsonage, and all propertyObtain bids or information for special projects

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Attend Council Meetings – make recommendationsOther tasks as assigned

LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY (2nd Tuesday of each month at 1:00 PM)Tuesday, September 12th

This fall 2017, take part in a three-session Gather Bible study on the Apostles’ Creed and what we together say we believe. Gather is the magazine of Women of the ELCA.

In “The Apostles’ Creed,” Bible study author Julia Seymour, pastor at Lutheran Church of Hope, Anchorage, Alaska, writes: “Beyond preferences or evenly deeply held convictions, the theological underpinnings of a religious community are the structure for teaching, preaching and action. For our life of faith together, creeds are more than just words. They are vessels for carrying one another through doubt, joy and sorrow.”Session titles are:

(September) Session 1: I believe in God… The Apostles’ Creed is one of the oldest unifying symbols of Christianity. Groups of early Christians needed a tool for teaching and evangelism that explained the basics of the faith. The Apostles’ Creed shaped their baptismal training, blessing in dying and how communities of faith defined themselves in faithful union. The creed has three parts or articles. The first article talks about God, the Holy Creator and Parent of all things. We’ll explore what the Apostles’ Creed says about God—and what it leaves undefined—as well as how this stirs our holy imagination.

(October) Session 2: I believe in Jesus Christ… In Scripture, Jesus is called the Messiah, the Son of God, a teacher, a healer, the pioneer of our faith, the rock of our salvation, Son of Man and other titles. In the Apostles’ Creed, Jesus’ life and ministry is briefly summed up. Jesus is described as God’s only Son and our Lord—one who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born by the Virgin, who suffered under Pilate, who was crucified, died and was buried. The creed is a definition of the work of the Father, Son and Spirit, yet there is also fullness to being followers in the Way of Christ that is not described in the creed. How does the creed encompass faithful living in imitation of Christ? In other words, what does it mean to believe even more about Jesus and following Jesus than we say in the words of the creed?

(November) Session 3: I believe in the Holy Spirit…. In the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is revealed not through characterization, but through the power of the Spirit in action. How do we understand the communion of saints, forgiveness, resurrection, the church and all that will be, as the revelatory work of the Holy Spirit? As part of the Trinity, the Spirit carries the same weight as the Father and the Son, yet many of us are drawn to one part of the Trinity more than others. How can we use the creed to perceive and honor the Spirit and the Spirit’s work?

LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF (LWR) – BLANKET SUNDAY -- a long-standing tradition at St. Stephen – will be held on Sunday, October 1st. The quilters will have the quilts on display which they have made throughout the year; also accepted are blankets (new or gently used) for LWR.

Monetary donations also accepted. A donation of only $5.00 (check or cash) helps LWR provide blankets for people who suffer from war or natural disasters all around the world. The blankets/quilts provide shelter, carry babies, hold personal belongings, serve as coats, and provide a warmer place to sleep. For only a $5.00 donation, you can help another human being in great need.

If by check, please make your check payable to St. Stephen Lutheran Church Women and place in an envelope marked with a notation “BLANKETS.” If you wish to make a cash donation, please also place in an envelope marked with a notation “BLANKETS.” These donations may be placed in the collection plate or given to Sherry throughout the months of September and October.

QUILT/BLANKET PACKING – Quilts and blankets for LWR will be packed the first week of October at St. Stephen. They will be delivered on Saturday, October 7th, 8:00 AM - Noon, to 143 W. Thomas St.,

Wausau. Please let Jane Ross know if you would be able to help pack the week of October 1st, and assist in loading and hauling the packed goods to Wausau on Saturday, October 7th.

******************************QUILTING will resume on Thursday, October 5th, in the St. Stephen basement at 1:00 PM and continues the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month through May. More willing hands are needed. Sewing may also be done at home.

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THANK YOU to all who furnished the delicious pies and helped with the Concert in the Park (School Auditorium) on August 3rd. $158.00 was donated for the Circle of Joy. You are all very much treasured !!!

OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS to the family and friends of Patricia D. Mroczenski, who died Tuesday, August 8, 2017. The funeral Mass was celebrated Friday, August 11, 2017 at Holy Family Catholic Church, Poniatowski. Children surviving include: Roger (Debbie) Mroczenski, Tamara Welker, Cindy (Keith) Kunkel, Kristine (Richard) Cotts, Carrie (Roy) Schug, Larry (Tami) Mroczenski, and Scott (Estella) Mroczenski.

25TH CLASS OF NORTHWEST SYNOD'S LAY SCHOOL OF MINISTRY ENROLLING NOW!The 25th class for our Synod’s Lay School of Ministry is taking enrollments right now. Why not send in your registration and invite a friend to join you? It is an incredible experience to revisit the core of our Biblical and theological faith traditions, with frontal lobes fully developed! You have the added benefit of doing it in community with others from across our synod.

Go on line to www.layschoolofministry.org and you can read all about it. Print out and fill in your registration form, have Pastor sign it, and send to: Bonnie Weber, 21401 78th St, Bloomer WI 54724. There is also a sheet for Pastor that you can print and give to her. Your registration fee may be sent with the form or paid at the first class on Sept. 8. If you have any questions, call Bonnie at 715-559-3445; Diane at 715-579-1731.

This brief overview of what is coming up this fall should whet your appetite a little more:

The first Lay School class is September 8 & 9. At that time, students will be able to apply for $100 scholarships and pay for meals for September AND October. We need to always pay a month ahead for meals so our caterer knows what numbers to plan for;

October 13 - 14 is a special time to be able to invite your mentor to accompany you to class on Friday night or

Saturday morning or both times. Again, if your guest (mentor) will be attending, please call 715-559-3445 to register for extra meals;

December 8 - 9 is an annual art display by our resident artist, Janelle Thompson. Lovely pictures of all subjects and sizes will be available for students to buy. Also note cards and other crafts will be available.

As Martin Luther is credited to have said, “How soon not now becomes never!”

NEIL DIAMOND TRIBUTE - Keith AllynnHosted by Edgar Fine Arts AssociationSaturday, September 9 at 7 PMEdgar School Auditorium

Wausau CROP Hunger Walk: Sunday, October 1

CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service and organized by local congregations or groups to raise funds to end hunger at home and around the world.

For nearly half a century, CROP Hunger Walks have ensured that more people worldwide have access to nutritious, sustainable food sources. CROP Hunger Walks help end hunger by raising funds to support local food programs and the international anti-hunger work of Church World Service.

Join in the Walk on Sunday, October 1; or sponsor the walkers on Walk day with donations. Speak with Mark or Kathy Schreier.

FOREST SPRINGS CAMP – FALL GOLDEN AGERS DAY – N8890 Forest Lane, Westboro, WI – Friday, September 15th – an event planned for the building up and edification of seniors. Register on line at www.forestsprings.us; or call to register – 715-427-5241; or registration brochure posted on back bulletini board. Come share this fun and refreshing day of worship, music, and Bible-based teaching.

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EPIC Leadership Event(Effective Practices for Innovative Church Councils)October 14, 2017 - 9:00-3:00Luther Park Bible CampThe goal of this event is to help your elected leaders lead during a time of EPIC change. Learn how to lead and adapt during these challenging times.Cost $20/person  or $60/congregational groupDetails and Registration available soon! 

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PRESENTATIONWhat: Domestic Violence Presentation/

Discussion with Susan Perry, Author of From Beneath the Tarp

When: September 18th

Time: 6:30—8:00 p.m.Where: Pilgrim Lutheran Church

709 Weston Avenue, Wausau, WI 54403Other: Book available for purchase

Hello. My name is Susan Perry and I became a believer in Jesus Christ 35 years ago. I am a mother of five adult children and a very blessed grandmother of 12. Nursing has been my career passion and I currently work full time at my local college where I teach Associate Degree Nursing students.

All of my adult years I have been on a road of healing from being a victim and now as a survivor of spousal abuse. Concurrent to my own journey, I became an advocate for women as I was led to whisper the love of Jesus into the ears of individuals, and the hope that He alone can bring. As my own voice grew bolder, I began to speak to groups of women and eventually to law enforcement, health care providers, and students (high school, college and graduate levels).

In August 2016, my 2 ½ years of writing my personal story of abuse and redemption was published. Sometimes as I wrote these words, I prayed that the painful memories, which I had stuffed for 40 years, would return so that I could put them into print. Although this was difficult, I knew that it was all part of God’s plan. He preserved me back then; and, now I am trusting Him to continue this work in me.

Having claimed this truth, I am being led to speak out against domestic violence and to do my part to empower the survivors. Perhaps along the way, I can instill the hope of Jesus with the real possibility of healing. Keeping women safe is certainly a present issue, but I

believe that sensitive healing from past trauma is another issue of a woman’s emotional safety. Also, I can hopefully tell (warn) those is attendance about some of the red flags in order to keep their future relationships safe.

TOWARD ONE WAUSAU – FINAL PUBLIC DELIBERATIONDate: Monday, September 18Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.Location: UW Center for Civic Engagement625 Stewart Ave., Wausau, WIFREE TO THE PUBLIC

Details: Last fall, the Toward One Wausau project held its kickoff event to gauge initial community feelings on diversity issues. After a detailed concerns gathering and research period last winter by Toward One Wausau committee members (including an online community survey), many community dialogues or “deliberations” were held across the city. Nearly 200 people participated in one or more of the dialogues, with a final public deliberation set for September 18. The public is invited to come to this final dialogue and help Toward One Wausau find common areas to help build unity and find solutions to ethnic and cultural diversity issues. Everyone’s viewpoint is invited and respected. All data that is gathered from notes taken from each of the dialogues will be used to find common themes and a direction for the next step in the process – a final public event later in the fall which will report findings of all the deliberative events and discuss ways to forge ahead with tangible ways to enhance diversity and build unity in Wausau.

SARA GROVES IN CONCERT! Saturday, November 25, 2017 @ 7:00 pm Advance ticket prices: Adult $25, Students (18 and

under) $15 At the door: Adult $30, Students (18 and under) $20

Page 11: Web viewKeyboard player organ,piano, ... older children and young adults to . read. eleven parts; ... Neil Diamond Tribute - Keith Allynn

Ticket sales begin online September 1st at

bethelhudson.org Location: Bethel Lutheran Church - Highlands Campus 504 Frontage Road Hudson, WI 715.386.8821

Sara Groves is a mom, wife, singer/ songwriter and recording artist with a passion for justice and a heart of mercy. She has joined forces with International Justice Mission to advocate for victims of human trafficking for the past 8 years. Sara has been nominated for 7 Dove

Awards and has produced a string of successful albums including her latest, Floodplain, which was inspired by the Mississippi River in her hometown, and speaks of God's provision.  

Sara, her husband Troy, and their 3 children (Kirby, Toby & Ruby) reside in St. Paul where they cultivate an artist support community out of a 100-year-old church called Art House North.

Page 12: Web viewKeyboard player organ,piano, ... older children and young adults to . read. eleven parts; ... Neil Diamond Tribute - Keith Allynn

SEPTEMBER, 2017Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Edgar SchoolFirst Quarterbegins


3 13th Sunday after Pentecost

10:00 AM Communion Worship



Pastor Gail’sDay Off

5 6 7

6:00 PMEveningWorship

8 91:00 PM AnniversaryCommittee Prep

3:00 PMHandbell Practice forAnniversary Worship Service

7:00 PMNeil Diamond Tribute - Keith AllynnHosted by Edgar Fine Arts AssociationEdgar School Auditorium

10 14th Sunday after Pentecost GRANDPARENTS’ DAY

10:00 AM Communion Worship 125th Anniversary Celebration11:30 AM Dinner12:30 PM Afternoon Activities


Pastor Gail’sDay Off


1:00 PMLadies’ Bible Study


6:00 PMBible Study


6:00 PMEveningWorship

15 16

NW Ladies’LeadershipMeeting

17 15th Sunday after Pentecost

10:00 AM Communion Worship One joint worship with St. John and St. Stephen@ St. Stephen with NW Synod Bishop Rick Hoyme leading worship

POTLUCK to follow


Pastor Gail’sDay Off


5:30 PMSt. StephenCouncil Meeting


1:00 PMSenior Day

6:00 PMConfirmation


6:00 PMEveningWorship

22 23

24 16th Sunday after Pentecost

9:00 AM Sunday School RALLY SUNDAYBreakfast for SS Youth, Parents, and Families

10:00 AM Communion Worship Kohel Baby Baptism


Pastor Gail’sDay Off




6:00 PMBible Study


6:00 PMEveningWorship

29 30

TOMORROW (Sunday Morning): 9:30 Sunday School10:30 Communion Worship