Do you remember a man called “Saul of Tarsus” ? Acts 7:58; 8:1, 3 Saul becomes the focus of...


Transcript of Do you remember a man called “Saul of Tarsus” ? Acts 7:58; 8:1, 3 Saul becomes the focus of...



Do you remember a man called “Saul of Tarsus” ? Acts 7:58; 8:1, 3

Saul becomes the focus of Luke’s historical narrative in Acts 9.

He travels to Damascus to fulfill his evil commission from the high priest: Acts 9:3-9

He was blind for three days: Acts 9:9

Things a Blind Man SawActs 9:1-9


It Didn’t Matter What He Thought

He thought he should be against Christ: Acts 26:9

This caused Saul to go astray: Isa. 55:8; Jer. 10:23; Prov. 14:12

Many haven’t learned that lesson…have you, have I? 2 Kgs. 5:11

Things a Blind Man Saw


The Need for the Right Source of Authority

Where did Saul get his authority? Acts 26:10

Only two sources of authority in religion: “from heaven, or of men” (Matt. 21:25): Matt. 28:18; Eph. 1:22; Col. 3:17

When it comes to religion, what is your source of authority? Matt. 21:23; 7:21-23; 15:9; Jn. 14:6

Things a Blind Man Saw


Conscience Is Not a Safe Guide

“Let your conscience be your guide.” Be careful!

Saul did exactly that: Acts 23:1

When it comes to religion, conscience is not always a safe guide! Rom. 4:3; 1 Pet. 4:11

Things a Blind Man Saw


He Had to Change Religions

Maybe the hardest thing to do!

But Saul did it! Acts 26:5; Gal. 1:13-14

Many folks struggle with this today: Matt. 10:37

Saul could see the value in changing! Phil. 3:5-7 Do you see it?!

Things a Blind Man Saw


Traditions of Men Lead to Religious Error

Saul was no “lightweight”! Gal. 1:14

Many blindly follow what was handed down from previous generations…very dangerous! Matt. 15:3-9

It doesn’t matter how trustworthy we believe someone to be: Jer. 10:23; Psa. 118:8

Put everyone’s teaching to the test! Acts 17:11

Things a Blind Man Saw


He Was Not Saved By Prayer

Many are told that all they have to do to be saved is pray “The Sinner’s Prayer.”

Saul was not saved by prayer! Acts 9:3-9

If saved by prayer, Saul was saved before being told what he needed to do to be saved: Acts 22:12-16

It is sad so many have not seen what Saul “saw” in regards to salvation: Mk. 16:16; Gal. 3:27

Things a Blind Man Saw


Salvation Is an Individual Affair

Saul obviously “saw” that was true: Acts 9:6

We must help and encourage one another: Gal. 6:1-2; Heb. 10:24-25

It doesn’t matter how faithful our parents, spouse, congregation might be!

In the final analysis, my salvation depends on me! Phil. 2:12Things a Blind Man



What One Must Do to Have His Sins Washed Away

Ananias told Paul what to do in order to have his sins “washed away”: Acts 22:16

Baptism stands squarely between us and salvation.

So easy to understand, but most of “Christendom” misses it! Mk. 16:16; 1 Pet. 3:21; Col. 2:12

Things a Blind Man Saw


The Chief of Sinners Can Be Saved

Some think they’ve been so bad and sinful that salvation is impossible for them.

Paul was a “bad” person! Acts 8:1, 3; 1 Tim. 1:13

But Paul declared: 1 Tim. 1:15-16a

Gospel is powerful and for all: Rom. 1:16-17; 1 Jn. 2:1; Jn. 3:16; Rev. 22:17

Things a Blind Man Saw



Saul “saw” much while he was blind.

We are not blind, but can we see what Saul “saw”?

“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”

2 Corinthians 6:2