© Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction...

© Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe and Claudio Sanchez WWOSC August 2014

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Page 1: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.

© Crown copyright Met Office

Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction systemRichard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe and Claudio SanchezWWOSC

August 2014

Page 2: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.

© Crown copyright Met Office


• Introduction to MOGREPS

• Stochastic Physics in MOGREPS-G

• Stochastic Kinetic Energy Backscatter

• MOGREPS-UK developments

• Revised Random Parameters scheme

Page 3: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.

© Crown copyright Met Office

MOGREPS overview

UK2.2km gridUp to 36hr03, 09, 15, 21 UTC

Global33km gridUp to 7 days00, 06, 12, 18 UTC

• Uncertainties in the prediction are represented using

• ETKF for (global) initial condition perturbations

• Stochastic physics

• 12 members of each ensemble are run every 6 hours

• Many probabilistic forecast products are based on a lagged pair of ensemble runs (24 members)

• The Met Office Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System (MOGREPS) is designed to quantify the risks associated with high-impact weather and uncertainties in details of forecasts.

Page 4: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.

Stochastic physics schemes used by MOGREPS-G

• Random Parameters (RP):• Knowledge uncertainty in values of physics parameters

(entrainment rate, fallspeed, gravity-wave drag coefficient etc)

• Parameters vary during the forecast to sample uncertainty in the model evolution

• No convective parameters are currently included

• Stochastic Kinetic Energy Backscatter (SKEB):• Injects wind increments proportional to the SQRT of diagnosed

kinetic energy dissipation from semi-lagrangian advection and missing sources from deep convection

• Plan to include Stochastic Perturbation Tendency (SPT) (replacing RP) and SKEB in future standard Global Atmosphere model physics (GA7).

© Crown copyright Met Office

Page 5: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.

© Crown copyright Met Office© Crown copyright Met Office

SKEB random forcing pattern and wind increments

• Power spectrum:g(n) {20;60}

(was {5;60})

• Deduced using coarse-graining methodology applied to a cloud-resolving model to give the power in a single mode as (n) = n-1.27

• This random forcing pattern modulates the diagnosed energy dissipation so energy is injected at selected scales.

Page 6: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.

Biharmonic SKEB

• The current version of SKEB uses a “Smagorinsky” formula to model numerical diffusion.

• A new version of SKEB uses “biharmonic” diffusion – closer to behaviour of semi-Lagrangian advection.

Comparison of Dnum at approx. 10km (1-day average)

Page 7: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.

Biharmonic SKEB

• The Smagorinsky version mainly targets jets, but is excessive at high latitudes

• The Biharmonic version also maximises around jets, but is more evenly distributed with latitude.

Comparison of zonal-mean Dnum (3-day average)

Page 8: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.


• MOGREPS-UK is currently just a downscaler of the MOGREPS-G ensemble forecast.

• Initial & boundary conditions from global forecast.

• Model physics as 1.5km UKV with no stochastic physics

• 4 cycles per day, 12 members to T+36.

2.2 x 4 km

2.2 x 4 km

4 x 2.2 km 4 x 2.2 km

4 x 4 km 4 x 4 km

4 x 4 km 4 x 4 km

2.2 x 2.2 km

Transition zone

Page 9: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.

Random Parameters in MOGREPS-UK

• A first step to representing the uncertainties in convective-scale forecasts

• Motivation: to better represent uncertainties in low cloud and visibility

• Based on MOGREPS-G version but:

• Targeting appropriate BL / microphysics parameters, following advice from APP

• Combining associated parameters so that they vary together.

• Improved algorithm for time variation of parameters

Page 10: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.

Random Parameters for MOGREPS-UK

Scheme Parameter Description Range

BL lam_meta

Replaces par_mezcla & lambda_min

Combines parameters par_mezcla and lambda_min to modify neutral / asymptotic mixing length

par_mezcla -> lam_meta par_mezcla

lambda_min -> lam_meta lambda_min

0.2 / 1 / 3

BL g0_rp

Added to Ri_crit

Used to calculate stability functions and critical Richardson number

Ri_crit -> 10 Ri_crit / g0_rp

5 / 10 / 40

BL A_1

Added to a_ent_shr

Used in entrainment rate calculation and now included in a_ent_shr

0.1 / 0.23 / 0.4

BL charnock Sea surface roughness 0.01 / 0.018 / 0.026

BL g_1 Used to calculate cloud top diffusion coefficient 0.5 / 0.85 / 1.5

MP m_ci Parameter controlling ice-fall speed 0.6 / 1 / 1.4

MP RH_crit Threshold of relative humidity for cloud formation (level 3)

0.90 / 0.92 / 0.94

MP nd_min Droplet number concentration near the surface 20 / 75 / 100

MP x1_r Controls shape of rain particle size distribution 0.07 / 0.22 / 0.52

MP ec_auto Controls auto-conversion of cloud water to rain 0.01 / 0.055 / 0.6

Page 11: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.

Sensitivity of visibility to parameters

• Visibility forecasts for 02UTC on 12th Dec 2012 (data time 00 UTC 11th Dec)

Standard parameters Minimum A_1 Minimum nd_min

Page 12: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.

Time variation of parameters

• Each parameter value is applied for whole domain, but is varied in time

• Apply frequent, but small, parameter changes (AR1 process)

• Range defined by 3 values: minimum, nominal, maximum. Parameters are equally likely to be in each half of the range.

• Parameters no longer “stick” at min or max values.

Page 13: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.

Increased variability of fog

• The new MP and BL parameters lead to a wider range of low-visibility points, compared with no RP scheme.

Number of points with visibility < 1km, for each member

Page 14: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.

Impact on fog probability

No RP scheme With RP scheme

Forecast probability of visibility less than 1km


Page 15: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.


Short-term• Use UKV analysis combined with perturbations from


• First phase of stochastic physics – version of “random parameters” scheme suited for MOGREPS-UK.

Longer term – (on new HPC)• Hourly UK ensemble; combine several runs to make

larger lagged ensemble

• Higher resolution (horizontal and vertical)

• Convective-scale ensemble data assimilation (needing much larger ensemble for DA cycling).

• Consider possible KE backscatter scheme for MOGREPS-UK

Page 16: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.

© Crown copyright Met Office


• MOGREPS is designed to quantify uncertainties in the forecast – with a focus on the short-range and UK

• Current MOGREPS-G schemes are Stochastic Kinetic Energy Backscatter & Random Parameters

• Plan to introduce bi-harmonic SKEB, and include SPT scheme in standard Global Atmosphere Physics

• A new version of Random Parameters has been developed for MOGREPS-UK, with promising results.

Page 17: © Crown copyright Met Office Stochastic Physics developments for the Met Office ensemble prediction system Richard Swinbank, Warren Tennant, Anne McCabe.


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