porsche930pdf.files.wordpress.com · Created Date: 9/9/2014 8:56:23 PM

Dr Porsche's recrr-engined symphony reqches a thundering climcx:, { Iulotoring'i FBOM some ongles, if the light's suitoble, the Porsche Turbo quile nondesc pt; some hoi-rodder hos been ot q relin€d sports cor qnd tscked on pieces which, while not tasteless, roiher purposeless. From some orgles: sqy lrom the side, or heod on, medium lev6l. A Iinecge stretching bqck through glls, Sp( Volkswdgon Beetles lo Dr Ferdincnd Porsche's origindl Cdr is evid€nt. Then check lhe Besst out from low level,lronl orredr. Hell, not q cqr, it's q first cousin to o strike lighter. Aggressive h cover whot? Gun pods? Rocket pocks? Th6 good looks derive Iunctioa, not loshion; it crouches on the roqd th6 wdy o I snugs into the cqtdpult o[ q cori6r's deck, bristling with qnd the touch of q butlofl dwdy lrom explosive qction. It could be oll cosmetic, of course, or drt, o sculptor'svi6w essence of mocho-ccr, Seventies-stylo. Except thot West msnuldclurers - cmd Porsche in porticulqr - qren't giveE flights of purely cosmetic lqncy. And even thot knowledge islil prapqrdtion lor contoct with lhe rqvening onirnsl which q ge! prepqrqtion for contoct wilh the t prod with the stdrter stirs lo li[e. For those who desire the ultimoie in rosd'legol gel up cnd the choice is simple. Eilher buy dPorsche Turbo, or renounce wheels in lqvour ol th6 top brqcket oI motorcycles. ADd iD current s.3Jitre form, the Turbo comes on the eEtdblished by its illustdous 3.olitre pledecessor. The the soEre, only more ol the sqme. Well, thqt's not stlictly true: qpplied to pe ormonce, Whqtever the 3.o-litre oftered, the 3.3 cqn ove rump, though below I20 kmA - must be the quickesi oid to low-breqkiDg the Prohibition hipllqsk. On the other hond, the bigger molor hos norrowbd the between the two sides of the cor's chqrqcter. Dr signiliccntly tougher, while Mr Hyde wos such q hell-rqis€( 3.olitre form thdt only a mojor chqnge would be perceptible This wos whot the designers intended, and evidence o[ olfers more stroightline perlormonce thqn the chossis comfoltobly hondle, qnd - since it tokes an iron will to , biggest drowbock ilr using o turbo-chqrger to extrdct power lrr pq iculdr motor. The extrc herbs ore usuclly no trouble. in normqlly-ospiroted Iorm the 3.o-Iitre would hdve been g( perhops 100 kW, ihe bcsic muscle of the 3.3 hiDts qt more Ii kW. Consequently, the tronsition to boost l€els less as if joker hod stropped q couple of Sotum 5 motors to the toil. perhops, but not two. Additionolly, o more powerful bose r DumDs out enouqh exhqust ocses to get the turbine spi! pumps out enough exhqust gcses to get the turbine spin quicker, thus reducing lhe log time between putling the tigh down 6rd being booted in response. Inosmuch qs something the thundgrclop subtlety of the Porsche Turbo's motor c@ relined, the new modol is o vosl improvement over the 3.0Ii pulling without comploinl from 800 rpm in top, qnd giYing r woming ol the onsei oI the white-knuckle regions. Even with the improvemenl in non-boost power, the Turbo reol performer below 2500 rpm. This - ond the ellect ol the somewhot sell-deleoting exercise, since in eithe! Iorm the olfering o smooth trqnsition between boost and no-boog cwkword. The less powerlul the bosic motor, the more simply ups (rnd beats the hell out oI the bully st their very eDcounter, it's likely to be troumotic for oll concerned. MODE RN MOTOR, AUqUSt:

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Dr Porsche's recrr-engined symphony reqches a thundering climcx:, {Iulotoring'i

FBOM some ongles, if the light's suitoble, the Porsche Turboquile nondesc pt; some hoi-rodder hos been ot q relin€dsports cor qnd tscked on pieces which, while not tasteless,roiher purposeless.

From some orgles: sqy lrom the side, or heod on, mediumlev6l. A Iinecge stretching bqck through glls, Sp(Volkswdgon Beetles lo Dr Ferdincnd Porsche's origindlCdr is evid€nt.

Then check lhe Besst out from low level,lronl orredr. Hell,not q cqr, it's q first cousin to o strike lighter. Aggressive hcover whot? Gun pods? Rocket pocks? Th6 good looks deriveIunctioa, not loshion; it crouches on the roqd th6 wdy o Isnugs into the cqtdpult o[ q cori6r's deck, bristling withqnd the touch of q butlofl dwdy lrom explosive qction.

It could be oll cosmetic, of course, or drt, o sculptor'svi6wessence of mocho-ccr, Seventies-stylo. Except thot Westmsnuldclurers - cmd Porsche in porticulqr - qren't giveEflights of purely cosmetic lqncy. And even thot knowledge islilprapqrdtion lor contoct with lhe rqvening onirnsl which q ge!prepqrqtion for contoct wilh the tprod with the stdrter stirs lo li[e.

For those who desire the ultimoie in rosd'legol gel up cndthe choice is simple. Eilher buy dPorsche Turbo, or renouncewheels in lqvour ol th6 top brqcket oI motorcycles. ADd iDcurrent s.3Jitre form, the Turbo comes on theeEtdblished by its illustdous 3.olitre pledecessor. Thethe soEre, only more ol the sqme.

Well, thqt's not stlictly true: qpplied to pe ormonce,Whqtever the 3.o-litre oftered, the 3.3 cqn ove rump, though

below I20 kmA - must be the quickesi oid to low-breqkiDgthe Prohibition hipllqsk.

On the other hond, the bigger molor hos norrowbd thebetween the two sides of the cor's chqrqcter. Drsigniliccntly tougher, while Mr Hyde wos such q hell-rqis€(3.olitre form thdt only a mojor chqnge would be perceptible

This wos whot the designers intended, and evidence o[

olfers more stroightline perlormonce thqn the chossiscomfoltobly hondle, qnd

- since it tokes an iron will to ,

biggest drowbock ilr using o turbo-chqrger to extrdct power lrrpq iculdr motor. The extrc herbs ore usuclly no trouble.

in normqlly-ospiroted Iorm the 3.o-Iitre would hdve been g(perhops 100 kW, ihe bcsic muscle of the 3.3 hiDts qt more IikW. Consequently, the tronsition to boost l€els less as ifjoker hod stropped q couple of Sotum 5 motors to the toil.perhops, but not two. Additionolly, o more powerful bose rDumDs out enouqh exhqust ocses to get the turbine spi!pumps out enough exhqust gcses to get the turbine spinquicker, thus reducing lhe log time between putling the tighdown 6rd being booted in response. Inosmuch qs somethingthe thundgrclop subtlety of the Porsche Turbo's motor c@relined, the new modol is o vosl improvement over the 3.0Iipulling without comploinl from 800 rpm in top, qnd giYing rwoming ol the onsei oI the white-knuckle regions.

Even with the improvemenl in non-boost power, the Turboreol performer below 2500 rpm. This - ond the ellect ol the

somewhot sell-deleoting exercise, since in eithe! Iorm the

olfering o smooth trqnsition between boost and no-boogcwkword. The less powerlul the bosic motor, the more

simply ups (rnd beats the hell out oI the bully st their veryeDcounter, it's likely to be troumotic for oll concerned.


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,8I.2 Overture

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ratios lilted to lhe Iour,sp€€d g6arbox - showed up in our 50.80

km/h qrd 60-100 km& ove aking times in ihe higher two gears.The relotively-heovy Porsch€ tumed in times Iittle better thanthe rqnge ol fiv6-sp6ed 2.0-litr6 clqss sedans. Disqppointing?Hqrdly whot you'd exp€ct for your $60,000? Hqve no 160r, whothappens beyond 2500 is offered by no other current productioD cqr.The ne€dle on the liltle boost gauge, sei into the botom ol thetochodiol, trembles oIf itsstopci 2000 rpm, and is gcthering speedand opproaching 0.2 bqr (3 psi) 500 lpm loter. The next 1000 rpmse€s boost up to 0.6 bsr (9 psi) ond o doubling in power output csth6 world outside suddenly compresses down to o modly-rushiDgdbbon ol rood. Put it this woy: th6 Turbo will occelerale between80 qlld 160 km/h in top geor ss quickly os the Holden Torqno AgXspcns lhe tv.o marks or q flst-out run through the georc. In third, ittok6s 5.3 seconds to cover 50-80 km/h; lhe nexl 100 km,4r tdkes only9.6 socondsl

A combinotion oI the taII gearing and reldtive iqck ol power ollower speeds mqkes stonding-slon occelerolion runs in thePorsche s t6st of driver co-ordinolion. Boost is lirniled unless themotor is urder locd: the ponly-open throttles promote high gasflows (high vacuum) across them, y6t totsi air flow is smqll, ev6nwith the motor rewing clos6 to redline. Cons6qu6ntly, thsturbp-ch6ger hds litlle elfecl. Add to thqt th6lenacious g ponthepovemenl oltered by thehuge 255/50 Pireili Cinturdlosgrocing thel6-inch reor rims ond dlopping th6clutch quickly isasking tor iheunit to bog down; o series ol shuddering hops oll the Iine qs thetyres successively gdp qld breok lroction, cnd the turbo,chargerbegins 10 moke ils presence lelt.

Bill Brown, no strsnger to the idiosyncrccies oI porschesturbo-chorged motorsond sticky tyres, soon hqd ihetest 3.3 sonecou(. Wilh 5000 rpm up, he would drop the c)utch enough to breoilroction momentarily, then ollow-o tew metres oijudrciou!slipping with ihe revs still up. the turbo coming in, snd rhe i!,re!slrllclasing lorgripos thecar crabbed sidewcy!. ln commor wir:most other locets ol the Turbo's behcviour, expertse isdemondecto wring the best lrom it. But the best is o sub'-14 second stondinc4m melres, o Ieor motched only by rh€ hoiriest of Americonmusclicors during the power-mad d(rys ol o decode ogo. And wirh ibetorque peoks ol their 7.oJilre molors al i6ost tsO'O rpm below rh€Porsche, theyw€re compqrotively eosy toget oIf th;mark, furthe:tribute to lhe eorih-wrinkting qbitities oI the Turbo when it reoltrgels on song.

Gozing ol the souxce ol qll ihis perlormonce is o slighllldiscppoinlins experience. lt doesn'l pulse with o rodioo-crie;glow, orbrislle wilh obvious 9o-(oster glodies. It's o Iocrory turbcnot some hol-rod speciql, dnd it shows. The only giveoways ore:jumbo-sized oir cleorer/inloke svstem ond the oir/orr int;rcoole:rnew for the 3.3) which, belween them. mosk whot lies beneqthAnd this is no more than o few more lsrge-diometei pipes rhcyou'd normolly find hung oll o Porsche flot six, o ccsi plenurchomber lor pressuyised oir ond, tucked down al rhe reoroirhe te:bonk ol cylinders beside the muffler, the turbine/comDressc:instollotion.

Acknowledged leader in rccing turbo technology, wil:experience covering 4-, 6- @rd I2-cyiinder powerplGrts, PorscLehos hod no trouble inlegroling lhe syslem with therood-going sir

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I:C Fith ths plumbing rernoved, all thdt s revecled is visuqlly theEe unil os filled to lhe 9lI series, complete to the idenlical:Iing lGr and shrouds {or the oir-cooled borrels.

:r is, in loct, different in msnyrespects; so much so lhst whereqsie 3.o'lilre Turbo still had o 9ll designotion, the new ccr isr-slly clqssilied ds o 930, in eltect o new model (it's "reol"ae, indeed: is simply that: "Porsche 930"). Even the cqpocity::hge demqnded some lurdomentclly new design, Ior il's notre.ely cm overbore. Insteod, bothbore ond strokedre up, ihe boyeF 2 dm to 97, the stroke by 4 to 74.4. A brsnd-new crcrlsholl hostgger main cnd con-rod beqring journols, ond lwoElerweighls per crcnkpin instesd oI the single ones on lhe:':-Litre crank. Therehovebe€n miror revisions to thechqindriv6rr the single ov€ihedd ccmshqlts, slthough the vqlv6 gecr isd€rwis€ lh€ ssme.

f,lc}longed qre the Bosch K-Jelronic iniection, CDI igtlition, ondi!! sump lubdcotion. New ror 1978 in Europeqn models isexhoust,injection, o move which olso keeps the cor within the bounds of-lcslrolicm Design Bule 27c. Vehicles destined for lhe Unitedkes, Ccnada and |opan also cdrry cotal),lic muIllers, exhoust

=s recirculotion equipment and, lor Jqpon, gloss fire protection

r:he exhaust. The 6ff6ct ol these moves is c 25 kW poweri:ciency compored to the Europesn/Rest of the World versions.

)ruwing on lhe lessons leomed - somelimes poinlully - in lheEg progromme, the KKK turbo systeh uses o relief volve lromL pressure plenum chomber. Under closed or neorly-closedftCde conditions whetr the intoke air stream slows cmd ihe:-pressor is in dqnge! ol stolling qgoinst the slstionory column

ol qrr, this volve venls lo olmosphere. As o result, the compressorwheel is qlways spinning, snd- when ihe lhrollle is open-ed, thetime lqg belore il regoins full opercling revolulions is reduced.

The use oI the intercooler - mourled directly below the redrspoilar with its "whole-toil" collar and speciolly designed intqkeslots is@sponsiblelor ot leost 10of the 30 kW odded iothe 1978model. The energy cdded in pressurising intoke oir con roise itstemperolure to something like l25oC. which - dccording to thelows ff uie lqys down Ior gases

- Iowers ils density, thus dcting

directly opposite to the turbo-chqryer. Similor to o conventionqlrqdiqtor (except thot oir is both lhe cooled ond cooling medium),the unit goes q Iong wqy to*,ards nullilying the problem.the unit goes q Iong wqy to*,ards nullilying the

The lrcrsmission of the Turbo hos olso been th€The lrcrsmission of the Turbo hos olso been the subiect of mojorvisioD, chieflv in lhe clutch reoion. Mechanicol domDino in therevision, chielly in the clulch region. Mechanicol domping in the

clulch plole hqi given wcy to o-huge rubber domper, which it isclulch plqte hqs given wcy to d huge rubber domper, which it isclaimed will roduce rqttling cmd shudder in the trcEmissiol,pcticulorly ct low spe€ds in De higher gedrs. Th€ provious olloyhousinghosbeen repldced wiih cssl iron in the intorestsol higherin6rtio, while s bigg€r plesEule plcte rounds oul whot is itr dlliesp€cts o supor hecvyduty unit.

It's slso 30 mm longer, which h(ls lorced the motor reorward bylhe scme qmount. Knowing reorword weighl bios, which is oneol the 9lI series biggest drowbocks, this isn t such q good thing,though o ste€per angle io the rear suspension trailing arms -coupled with revised spdng rqtes is claimed to reduce thepowe!-on understeer/power-off oversteer lypicol ol the lorsionbqr/trailing arm design.

Inside the gedrbox, the lounhgeo rqtio has been longthened

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These two pictures show Porsche's unique suspension: in the toppicture, €verything is more or less normal at th€ r€ar as the car motorsalong. However, things are different in the bottom shot;in which thePorsche is under heavy acc€leration: the rear wheels are tplayedoutward from the centrelinc ofthe car.

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Ef, irorfl 0.656 to 0.625. WelI, rpith on sxtro 30 kW on tap, whyEb odvontoge of ths top spe€d thqt boost cqn glve, other-

'iough such speeds moy be?Eais! occosionod by thg trcErsaisaion chqng6s, or the l6-inch

-s, -e'rg not sure, but tho lo6t c(rl8 Ep€€do wqs wildlyto the tune ol20 porceni up to 120 Lny'h, @rd dropping toc6trqy ss th6 n€€dle climb€d to dtr indicdtod 2m km/h.

E it's Porscho's subtle wqy oI iJiving spe€d-ftects thgirrithout getting in too d€op?E stopping deportmonl, th6 Turbo hds sp€cific{tior$ osi

- stopping deportmonl, th6 Turbo hds 8p€cific{tior$ os

iE cs ony othe, rood cqr itl history. The huge 300 mm

Flsh, tbe harder it's likely lo bit6. Previously 6t€6ly newes org!o suddonly stclt octing like or Aeroplone Jelly comm6rcisl qsr ti.miis (IIe IeIt lqr b€hind,

3oF to bleok thlough tho "omigod. it's storting to go bockwcrd"

Jly-v€nt€d qnd &illed discs lriih their ossociot€d Iightr-pistoB cdlipors hove b€orr borrow6d lrom th6 fdrtous 917

series - brqkes which hdvo won Lo Mons dt6 ds mucb qssv.r flssd lor (l roqd cd!.

L rDder test, lhey didn't p€rform cs their spocilicdtions (ErdDbgo P7 Pirollis would indicat€. Ov€lly-hod pcd motoriol ond

coding induced Iqde on lh6 race trqcl qE w€II. W€ onlyo liEit€d numb€r ol test stops. The cqls exceseive reqr

At biqs m6dnt thot the front tyrss lend€d to lock vgry €osily,!.body wds qbout to dbuse ownor BiIl Dsylill's generoaity iB

- !.body wda qbout to dbuse ownor BiIl DsyliE's generoaity iD

hag the cor by weoring lldt spols in lubbe! worth S3m a corn€r.,!r€r. lhe stopping disiqnce qchieved wss rrell obove overage: rod ccr.

=E.hor evidgncg,ol the shift in lhe Turbo's weight distlibution

by the transErission chonges comes lrom thqEoeDd€d r6qr tyre pressulss, up lrom 2.4 bor (34 Psi) to 3.0,B p6i). Porsche qnd Pirolli o€n't the sort oI Iirms to suggestlind {hi.h midhr brovo dr[Id6rous. so dbviouslv it's withinqiiDg which might prov6 d(Ergerous, so obviously it's within

l- :Fe3' designod operdting rdnge, but it must b€ st@ting to

-,F th6 out6r limits.

i',€rEs of d twisty lood cErd Gl itchy dght loot. lhe exlrd wgight

-s thot, lhough the trqditionql ovorst€€r might be harder to

Ecs, it's pretty full-blood€d once it gets und€t wcy. As SueloE poi;ted out cdter some press-on molonng in the test car,Turbo is q vehicle lor those with o strong s('n66 ol

Bravsr souls hsd best b€wqre, lor the hdrdor

borier to th6 point wh6r6 h€ c.on nerve hims€ll to do the wrongthing qt the right time -

qod thus be an 6xperi6nced Por6chod ver - pithout making or expensive mistdLe whilol€oming thet6chniqu6, is th6 problem locing the Turbo owner.

The behaviour ol the suspeflsion is uniquely Porsche. As the corsquqts undd qccolerqtion, the 16(rr wh€elg uDdergo o mqlk€dshilt to positivo combor, Irtoving th6 conirs of fhe offsclivefootpriDt to the iEsid6. More importqnlly, qs tho trociivo forcethrough the wheels pushes th€ chcs€is vid tho troiliEg linLs. iheIinks d6 sployod oulward furth€r froE thq centleline of thevehicle.

Besuli? Not oDly qre the footpdnts oI the driving tFes shiltediIlw(Ird, but th6lo6-in cdused by th6 IinL defolmdtion m€qns thoi!ello is dlso diroct€d inwqrd. In o strdight liE€. with both ty!6sdriying equdlly, no hd6sle; but in a comer, the out6id6 tir66dictqte what hopp6ns. Pointing inwqld, thg outside r€dr whoolqcts liLe the ruddgr on o bodt, 6nd th6 cor wcErts to steet towdtdstbs outaide oI the bend. Try to count€!-qct it, tum the ste6ringwheel horder, lilt ofl the throttl€, qnd suddonly tho levsrsssituotion qppli6s, with the cdr in6tqntly 6qger to not onlyn€gotiqto the tum but tqk6 d gigqutic bito out ol its own toil.

Th€ sticLiness ol the rubb€r litl€d to the Turbo, ond the woightover the teqr tyros, dcts ds Lroth q contributoly foclor to iheprobloEl Gtd q sqtety-vclve vrhen ihings IooL bldckest. Whor€oson q mor6 conventionql car, in which initisl undersleor cqn b€countorsd by incr6qs6d pow6r. t€nding to br€ql the r€ldlivolylightly Ioded reor tyles loos€, ths grip off€red by lh6 Polschecdr't li6 brolen qs gqsily. On thg othg! hqnd, it dlso ch6cks whqtwilh les6 weight cnd slippior !ubb€! would b€ o very srEslt 1800turn whon tho throttle is lifted.

Ol courao, th€so cro troits shdred with the whol6 911 ronge, butth€ sudden qrdvql oI70 kW extrq qs lhe pufl deporlment com6s inbetween 250 cnd 3500 lpm is whql qdds a uniqu6 z€st to puntingthe Turbo round bonds. In the heot oI being oprrdrently lommedIrom galem by lh€ Souihem Aurolo, thought process€s tetrd tostdgger d littlo. Blind Idith cerd quick !€octions qren't qs vdludbloos the Lnowledge thot despit€ the cql trying to lcunch its€If olf theoulside ol the b6nd, on6 should only lilt th€ throttle a troction qndcontinuo todrivo it thlough. Sule qs fqte, it's gol lob€ lheonly csrin th€ world which whon bsing punted expertly @td lqst hds theouiside front lyre sEoking through bends.

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Polscheknows oll lhis, and hos in loct put c tot o, thought into rvery trick reor oxl6 lor the n€w g28 whicl behqves in e;crly thsopposite mqnner. Porsche do€sn't mind, for with the Turbo ii hdrcrested the most remqrkable publicity compoign ever. Ev6n tLesol6s brochur_es- mcke it quite ploin, by pr€senring the Turbo cn:sol6s Drochur_es- mcke it quite ploin, by pr€senring the Turbo cn:lh6 3.o-litre 9llSC side-by-side ond windinq up rhe oitch b,sqyrng, "'l'sl(e o test ride in bolh mod€ts: you miglir b€ o6re6ob:;

the pitch b;sqying, 'Tsle o test ride inboth models; y." ,iiglir b" qir;;l:;s_urprised to lind how good the'weoker'one is .I . ,Tr;sl;ii;;"We }now the thought ot the Turbo hos sucked yo" i", b;i t-t;9l ISC won'r sccr6 you our ol severol yeors growth, or qnosh vo*:orm oJI wh6n you sdy good dog . And it,s o helluva loi cheoperorm off when you say good dos . And ifs onatuva toictreoie,Porsche is in the business ot selling gl ls. 924s ond 928s. The r6RTurbos which escope coptivily to ro;pcge ocross rhe hiqhwovs c:the world could qlmost be given owqy lree, tor ttrcya pcy tc:lhemselves in publicitv alone.

Fony yeors ogo, Dr Ferdinqnd Porsche wrote the ovenure ol :uniqu6 motoring symphony when he desiqned the 20 kW paoDte !Cor, wilh its Ilqt. orr-cooled. reor.mounted motor ond rorsrori bcindependent suspensron. The bosic rheme wos developed in lh.Volkswagen Beetle. quickened with the porsche ronge ot roo:cars, ond lrooied to some slirring solo possoges with- the turb:

Now. wirh rhe Beetle oll bul goneand the 9l l -bosed series on tripoinr oi berng phosed our, lhe symphony is neoring rts end. Ar.:lrke sll greot works, it's going our in o dromoric climox. :crescendo ol spoilers. flored wheel qrches. huoe tvrerguJ-v/renching pellormonce ond booming exhoust noteiqlled rL:930 Turbo.

The bross section pleyed with oII the linesse ol o nuclecexplosioD, second violin broke two strings, the kettle drum wc:two bors off the poce, ond the conductord;mn neor hqd o seizurebut u'hot q finish.

Brcvo: Encorel Moeslro.

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good job oI gripping the Hy rirmly but, of cou6e, the ledrsects do nothing mors th{ln oller spoce to Elidgols, smollchildren or to those keen enough t9 lold to one,lhird originalsize. I[ sdditionol cq!rying spoce is Esod€d, the resr seots lolddown to doubla the ovqilcble storoge crreo.

Gone is the number 5 from lbe qeqr knob ord I lelt with itsloss the Turbo w(ls more dillicult to dnve.

ln city dlivirlg conditions, lhe car is slagg€ringly wellbehdved with no eagino or clutch lumpiness. Il isju6t qs 6o6y tolru[d]e qround in top gecr ol lo$/ !6vs ds it is in socord goatwith th6 increased ongine nois6, whicb is cpparently ihere.omrnsndd rnsthod oI d!ivi[g, I sudpeci becduso (tt ihehigher revs the turbo boost do€sn t tond to cdtch the drivernopping cs il does ot lowar revs.

On theopen rood, however, itdoesn l poy to hsv6stolkotivepqssenger. Utmost concentrotion is necessqry to drive thePorscheTurbo with sclety becouse it is q dilficull qnd, ot times,ursafecqr to drive. On thelest trock, lheccr gqllop€d up to the2@ km/t mqrk wilh consummdle odse and it wqnled lhefresdom to do th€ some on th€ open rocd - which, oI course. issuiciddl nol 10 meution oiti'social cnd in the wrong hsnds,God help usl

Tester Sue Ransom ,nd owner Bill Devlini they both acknowledg€the Porsche 930 Tutbo ar a car that .equiiea the delicate touch , . .

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