€¦ · Created Date: 8/7/2020 2:55:53 PM

BHARAT BHUSHAN SINCE 1954 60 t?,Ti", BHARAT BHUSHAN FTNANCE & CoMMoDITY BRoKERS LTD. (Corporate ldentity Number : L671 20DL1992PLC049038) Regd. Office:503, Rohit House,3, Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi-11000'l Tel.: 01'1 -49800900' Fax : 011 -49800933 E-mail : commodities @ ' Website : www' Reft BBFCB /BSE/2O20-2L Date: 07.OB.2O2O lo BSE Ltd. Phiroze Ieejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai-400 001 Security Code No.: 511501 Dear Sir, Sub: Submission of Copies of Publication of Notice of meeting of the board of directors. published pursuant to Regulation 47 of the Securities and Exchan9e Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Re9ulations.2O15 pursuant to the provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India [Listing Obligations and Disclosure RequirementsJ Regulations,20\5, please find enclosed herewith Copies of publications of Notice of the Board Meeting to be held on Monday, LTth August,2020, inter- alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended 30th |une, 2020, published on 07'08.2020 in one English and Hindi Newspaper in "the pioneer" and "vir arjun" respectively. Kindly acknowledge the receipt and take it on record' For Bharat Finance and Commdodity Brokers Ltd. Com .#"' ": EncI.: as above

Transcript of€¦ · Created Date: 8/7/2020 2:55:53 PM

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SINCE 1954

60 t?,Ti", BHARAT BHUSHAN FTNANCE & CoMMoDITY BRoKERS LTD.(Corporate ldentity Number : L671 20DL1992PLC049038)

Regd. Office:503, Rohit House,3, Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi-11000'l

Tel.: 01'1 -49800900' Fax : 011 -49800933

E-mail : commodities @ ' Website : www'

Reft BBFCB /BSE/2O20-2L Date: 07.OB.2O2O

loBSE Ltd.Phiroze Ieejeebhoy Towers,Dalal Street,Mumbai-400 001

Security Code No.: 511501

Dear Sir,

Sub: Submission of Copies of Publication of Notice of meeting of the board of

directors. published pursuant to Regulation 47 of the Securities and Exchan9e Board

of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Re9ulations.2O15

pursuant to the provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India [Listing Obligations

and Disclosure RequirementsJ Regulations,20\5, please find enclosed herewith Copies of

publications of Notice of the Board Meeting to be held on Monday, LTth August,2020, inter-

alia, to consider, approve and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the

Company for the quarter ended 30th |une, 2020, published on 07'08.2020 in one English

and Hindi Newspaper in "the pioneer" and "vir arjun" respectively.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt and take it on record'

For Bharat Finance and Commdodity Brokers Ltd.



EncI.: as above

Page 2:€¦ · Created Date: 8/7/2020 2:55:53 PM

the eera


,*tffiNei Prffu {LC3gJ lor ile period (before Tax,Exceptionai and lor Extra-crdinery ;Ierns) 13.43 (25.03) (2.81)

3 Ne1 profit / (Loss) lbr ihe period before tai{after Exceptional andror Exlraordinary items) r o,+o (25.03) (2.81) 23.95

4 Net Protit I (Loss) for the period afte.r tax(after Exceptional and/or fxtraordinary items) 10,04 ( (0.36) 273ATotal Comprehensive lncome for the period

[Comprising ProfiU (Loss) for the period(arter lax) and other Comprehensive lncome(alter tax)l 14.12 (818.64) fi.77 (773.3s)

o Paid up Equity Share Capilal (Face vaiueRs. 10 each) 99.80 99.80 99.80 99.80

a Reserves (excluding Revaluation Reserve)as shown in the audited Balance Sheel ofaccounting Years 201 9-20 and 201 8.1 g 5,828.99!q1ig Per snare 1Ri] 6ace vatue Rs. tq1 Basic 1.01 (1.80) (0.04) 2.742 Diluated 1.0J (1.80) (0.04)

l) The above is an exlract of the detailed formal of unaudited resufts {iled with the stock exchnage

The detailed audiled results and lhis extract were reyiewed by the Audit Committee and approved by theBoard of direclors in thek meeting held on 06.08.2020


ofOJ cregulation andandobligation{Listing Disclosure 2015. TheRequirement) Fegulation fulltheof resulldUnaudited are 0nayailable website thecompany's (under process

onand websileth6 theofrenewal) Stock www.msei,in,Exchage



By order of theFor Premium MEtchants

Date:- 06.08.2020Place:- New Delhi

hereby g ven pursuantlo Regirlaloi47 0f the Securities and Exchange Boa.d oflndia (Lisllng Obiigalions and Disclosure

Requirements) Reguiatiofls, 2015 ("iisting

regulalions') thal a meeting of the Board ofDireclors of Ml$ Bharal Bhushan Ftnance &Commodity Brokers Lim ted ('1he Company'')

be held on Monday, '17th August, 2020its Registered Office situated at 503, Rohit

3, Tolstoy tula.g, Connaught Place,

New Delhi - 1'10 001, inter-alia to considerapprove and take on record, the Unaudited

R$ults of the Company {Dr thegraderended 30th june, 2020.

Firrther, pursuant l0 Regulatior 47(2) of listing

resuiations, this intianaiion is alsoavailable onthe websile of BSE Lirnited at(w1,!r,v.bseindia.corn) where the

are listed and shall also

on lhe website of the Company at(htlplirM&w.bbift vestmefl

ForBharal Bhushan Finance 4 Commodity Brokss Limited


Place: N€s 0elhiDare:07"$"m20

(Nisha Ahuj6)Dit€clor

DIN: 00001875

@w i#s o @ffig OO

.rood pye alnlllsap aq ol aIlI sr I.r 1€9.{,1 -Uodal alE sanssl elagM s6uDu,t\ s'.a ulze -udtu\.,^r lElr 'r r!,:} ru L td Pu u ,ur!u,, yt r r .)r lrr !! I I

& Brokers






Page 3:€¦ · Created Date: 8/7/2020 2:55:53 PM

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ii,l:l : r'l{ ttit{}r Q412 201i0

({.{ m;3;q1 r11i1t{"ir1,a (*tli}tfi}r+,}

H/s Bnarat Ehusnan FrnanceE Commodity Brokers Ltd.

CIN : L67t 20lRi 992PtC04ffiIiIC lla: 0tl{}S8$00, Fu: 0ll"{!ts01ts33Efiil: cmlEditi$Eatuildut conl

Ihtdtr: rrvldmcrhm!.lnR@ ffi