...Created Date 3/27/2016 10:04:55 PM

@ ce(og oo66ocA Gov€rnment of Kerala Regn No. KERBIL20l2/4s073 daled 5-9-2012 sith RNI Re-q No. kL/TV(N)/614/2015_l 7 | :r:s \o) t0l5 GA,Op (I)fl)OO KERALA GAZETTE GTdfiUC(I)CO5TDo EXTR-AORDINARY sDGl@,)ola,Dlaojl 1^rm,l :r,ogs;'uro]an d PTELISHED BY AUTHOzuTY ,or5 oord.g,6rud is l6no)dool'ldtoo, l9th Seprember loL j \d. IV .l l @o, Thirulananthapuram. Saturda) *-l , 3rd Kanni 1191 :srh Bhadra 19ii c&aog olddoca oo)calerlo oomd:6mjorp 1P) .)ra,:! o,il e;mrc "r m o (llaxd soaa/p1,i 2015/oooei(tl .2at5 an)ioo6ru,l t ..nlatalrat r'))- -- )-- ' 1191 ,l6gRo 16 ro4s 6rer .o:1-oo 6 ^6r.:.' dh,p.Jl 0r) ,'^ ^' tors_oEr '1-)o G6 'n ,eo;i' .- ,,l*',i -. s."l",g ''*' 'n 'd6o)oroE rnaM-i.l',ocro, onrlla:o5l]r:or oj].rilcg)rrdl!;6ar5rd caog m)ddocd 2003 etooer 7-o. (6,1lli (')1loio el .nj.9.(.r\).Ll)c) a)'nrd 1Boe/200s/oo)cal(na mo'rocon .rloo?lslojlloJo 2oos sJooql 23 co 6)1o)6jl'oiloel 16oo-co (r)ml6 **og .".*i."."em .l)n"0llns "O.rn.Grgd.6r (naxd 7s6r2oos cD(o' L"J'n'cDl a, oT ! or1 oc cor oi1 p6rDc nr mo.dro cr.6'n ero "ail 4l oec6nd'ruocunc(nooro oroo-)dcqo- r]rd eer: gon ool(mJ or6ooc6rn cosuprl])ld cHcei o!gl(rr) o,ocie,c"Aaca"$,n"o8c*urr.o"- 6Jo6ro|.) elen .rjlodo)d'sa auo6r'au'd rocov r$a.olol orAcquolaolo ojloo L"rmiolo (,tq;;g'loer s-c' ()16):l tO-c. e"rora:d (6D,1) or6ln o nrgor(ojodslnn(Dml'nror3i c-Da; 6r^xco'jt oc ac o1 s co;J gEf .OHo itro g) 6 9l oso)Jo crdol ojl cer l,iaocc,t po)] (ncoi L"rrYr,il Bpl6oll€oi.m]. r ds...'o ag'. ..Jm'' d 'rD.xn onn_d 'r\ d

Transcript of ...Created Date 3/27/2016 10:04:55 PM

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@ce(og oo66ocA

Gov€rnment of Kerala

Regn No. KERBIL20l2/4s073daled 5-9-2012 sith RNI

Re-q No. kL/TV(N)/614/2015_l 7

| :r:s\o)




sDGl@,)ola,Dlaojl 1^rm,l :r,ogs;'uro]an dPTELISHED BY AUTHOzuTY

,or5 oord.g,6rud isl6no)dool'ldtoo, l9th Seprember loL j

\d. IV




*-l ,3rd Kanni 1191

:srh Bhadra 19ii

c&aog olddocaoo)calerlo oomd:6mjorp 1P) .)ra,:!

o,il e;mrc "r

m o

(llaxd soaa/p1,i 2015/oooei(tl.2at5 an)ioo6ru,l t

..nlatalrat r'))- -- )--

' 1191 ,l6gRo 16

ro4s 6rer .o:1-oo 6 ^6r.:.' dh,p.Jl 0r) ,'^ ^' tors_oEr '1-)o G6 'n

,eo;i' .- ,,l*',i -. s."l",g ''*' 'n 'd6o)oroErnaM-i.l',ocro, onrlla:o5l]r:or oj].rilcg)rrdl!;6ar5rd caog m)ddocd 2003

etooer 7-o. (6,1lli (')1loio el .nj.9.(.r\).Ll)c) a)'nrd 1Boe/200s/oo)cal(na

mo'rocon .rloo?lslojlloJo 2oos sJooql 23 co 6)1o)6jl'oiloel 16oo-co (r)ml6

**og .".*i."."em .l)n"0llns "O.rn.Grgd.6r (naxd 7s6r2oos cD(o' L"J'n'cDl

a, oT ! or1 oc cor oi1 p6rDc nr mo.dro cr.6'n ero "ail 4l oec6nd'ruocunc(noorooroo-)dcqo- r]rd eer: gon ool(mJ or6ooc6rn cosuprl])ld cHcei o!gl(rr)o,ocie,c"Aaca"$,n"o8c*urr.o"- 6Jo6ro|.) elen .rjlodo)d'sa auo6r'au'drocov r$a.olol orAcquolaolo ojloo L"rmiolo (,tq;;g'loer s-c' ()16):l

tO-c. e"rora:d (6D,1) or6ln o nrgor(ojodslnn(Dml'nror3i c-Da; 6r^xco'jt

oc ac o1 s co;J gEf .OHo itro g) 6 9l oso)Jo crdol ojl cer l,iaocc,t po)] (ncoi

L"rrYr,il Bpl6oll€oi.m].r ds...'o ag'. ..Jm'' d 'rD.xn

onn_d 'r\ d

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pc or-ledDcoln o (/)cD0l(d Lorrular.taol4 o)looo,] olo)(S o6n;o3m)o aoila,@)(m 6r1@(u)1o6oc cro6ilolcuD.sacoc Groc0rd 6Joilo6rD(r)dadoosl6o](m(d)cosm(mJo Ldlm;o)Jo) (rfl dogro@Roi m)o5rrmd:i co(ddo6ooo)lo)(o1ca6rc (no(d,l(r)lolccllg d4o(o)s$lelo Grogl.drn(mlo erclogJdo;o.Umcocd)s1oJamcgc rilAcq(ro6lBcgc 6oo06,s;1A{o)o5msiad cr..xto)lo rodaocddo1 (,)6m (r) doa6rsl d5)](In o,c dr6rDfi)lo @on (r)cd (UDol !o1 ao) (ml. nOSc(6roc6s, d aBg)o (r)ldcq @ englo @ol6n6ooo1" tdloam)1 dd ooDL6 5 o1,ocDca'lErJo oo(odl 6mlcxJo (@ ) .ua,t Ej, (,.!6n66)aoe- oc!t€, cS ol @ d,(l'roJ(}rmo6)nJloo-695 ooi .OaD oila,ccut.loil.d Grd@oic6o6rB(orc6ri.


og). (groa!)ldccllrj ool(rDl6o6

l. res'lru6oc, oocrgo

1 (!D0ol6

2. ^JJl6na

3. m)r1dd4. *lmd.5. orcoa *lmd

7. c6rrcs'ld Slmd3. or5:ioc.d9. s(noad oJddoA

Its'lr. c5ruc51.d 6-o1sd

3 C6tucco)1sd .(t?goa(ll)d

r aol(m) o.lla,coaa5 oo;.ml e]ecd€oJmocoa6 aolaD: 6).lcEild€ol.m(9)coa7 orlo& oorsJdlcoai .",3 ao;o-nJ do)qiao)(m(ocsae d,!o)g'lodd o6)c,elercgl





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L(,tej mn

1 o6ruconerd cDmr$loe"2. (graaul$Bq" c5rrc(oilerd ocdaogd3. olgld, go}[email protected]. BO\iOo nrCaodsl(llo]fiD(oCd5. agBcdocoA6, orcci ootn.t)otd7. a,cd ooLoD(uds. oo.oiloo6oc(6e- aglcd *c6a6'

tu. omco)'l(dadocoir1. *caa6;12. oosB{qI,3. oos*[g{-e,o-*c6€6J14. o,1 ajlslCldol(mcocsals. .lCeo C(r)caolm@COi16. ooso ald6

< s,2so


e. Grdnolglol- oca(r)Bd (l6r)rc5xDi)

10. GDa\,i$lor" oca(r,ad (ononry 6|co.1.rJ){ a,lro

r.,r"] n l1 rDldl@6 om@l(da$ocoA2. occ(nsr-looi o!@od'solos "Jl. 60.

3. (!rde6ro6mol'

6. 5)o.rrld 5]cdoogd7. G$licd a,1dds. a6Dc@-lerd 5,cdoo96

11. L6rxcSDJ'aco(r)ccd12. (snmrqHal"

"nlrDldrJoa13. ordadmj rDtddood(rud

15. dldi a6Dc@1er{i 6rcdcogd16, ac^olci occmgd17. @.d(nio"Jd;sd1a. ooooLd"c6r)lcaocgelq)i

Page 4: ...Created Date 3/27/2016 10:04:55 PM

r 8.nooa occ(r)sd./ascaosd

r .xd6f;anJ'occmeed

l .acdsol ,rrcol19d

r !'l"d nnlq dr]Jo3i "-olnandrjoE

6r)]1. (r'roceJcd('jl ooi.m]

'1i!,9.r..rll6ni, nxnc6

3. aJ6r(x6ro.r,i

4. ooralt6lql o3d^r,

5 +1m6

6 .sn8.dd

7. .,1id.LLr"or{A.rrEal .or.ln'lod "rl'or- .+,1!d

r. slm'l((,d l3naan g!.{'/ *c da.;

2. erc6rrsos.n nn(rLnglol"

3. oosil$;I ulcdc (maoln rllol

5 ooso 61d6

7 .i]fllo,ri dddrod

s. cers pn6!i (sDol dcd66rod ardalod

s. smo(,3.!(i6o6

< 7,9 3o

< s,130

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- t ",nr-o)r,(])r*u2. .$col o"oodHd

3. oidacnod crgol" (l)o)doclrE

a. cglcd 6.1Cd

5. c6Drcrolerd 6l3dcogd ci.ofti-ll6. *lral 6]cCcogd

(ocml"nc€;d.no0i orddlod)

7. .nmri"s,rn ql'B. osprc".cmi 6]cgcoQd

I osordr;.d 6rc,rlcogd

ro. ooaoc(rnd.i

r. peid;ts1"eJoa

r3. ox1.l,.od (]3l0cr,tql.rl'

,. *,ln,p, ".qr.2. c6Yxii!}ilprd Ercqlcogd ci(,l(alJ"-11


! "el.ird .r'.lBri6)o.lard5..rLrlCdoo.!rrud6. oeo-l.I!7. 1r1rdo) en B'l ar6)oi oa),2l.nj

3. ocgld oodoclrrdr;e. ru,lcd.6rc"n1.rod

ro.6ta.rtnqlol" occ(lledrr oo o cqac er c coc a erlgg-

yi!- e

2. sm.e3 acco)erd/'accoPd3. "r1.i oealqt

{ s,zao


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II. fiu6.!1lnl oatcolc0d

(6r.(10)-10 oiedroc nJ(r)o Ldlc5r)l erJ orol(d otol(m o)lcoj (6)l ool(S 616)o(6)ce'larlsocolos oD6)Se'kd Glo) cuncnlrrotolcA sle,ld crlsddooclo,al(m" ord.qooro cm)ot(r)o nJl{8cro] (o)c dol!o o(6)cal e]c g,leu6d6i.ar)6ordil@c€ol1@ 6rccoc .ld.er(rotooJo am)ol(notdla5, (sD(rlolos oJloJd6illor(gosllcuoc(D c.Uro(r)oro'lool Eol @roocoo (rjloa6r(i oloocolqjl o.l(dfl(r)6oi@6)o3oroltrrloJ ojlcojcooc@, ('loauolos cdrdsl.ruEc(r) oo.Dlga6li'nd otdallmioaxo,lagd (Broaj] o(do66rE.oc6ni. po ot'leg6l6)cAJ(r)o (rrleJoilenoiao)(m€,cer(o)g(Ulrd corddo5t D) cmjcx(r)6c@lo 6tl6olu)l ooc dol (o),l Slgg(ot)o6rld(oo'lcoc66)l(mcoJoCor oa6rca'lAlcgil6oaad cocBdo6rdro t.JaJcoolgg.n .a.X1.ni oorcnogd m(dq6, srB.o)6n1.

III. a,qc6n (,ro

oleCld do6tald) (drdslouac(r) oo{rlgadto'ld oJ}o6,o oco)calelcgi&uAddpdoc5mcold;mj (8Dn' gllcCgffd;a\j ora)*j 6ceoc stflr croruic(r)6Boad6Jo corsndl tdJaulcDla,ol4lslgg goleccd(o)! oro m)laita, ags_se=ooC\)lolcDloq 250 corc(orqtot cord ordaDlaol(m 6]ccoc a.rc(o)loltoloLoJorocm)o 26 olo.l (r;lod6il(d asrco6Dl6td) (n(Bc65rBaoc5yd.

pslaol. olo)(r)cd ecl$a,og cuo6DJ.rur4'tscoDc Ao, (gro ec.tBa, gildL.rc(u)J6,o e6rcec6(o)l ojler . )1,J1& (nmtd Ldoula)laol6oi(m(olotoool(mcd, codcsl oo(ml ceL(B 6.R gloa o)mc L6oo LdmnoDl a, (D1 11 Slggpdlcieca(Dl oiel cu].ie (r)mr @')oae .dD s'l oDnc (r) orolad a,rrco6rx(lro

IV. rl1l.rLdolpn l}Emaoraoiri

ocou coi.o(r)o crsor @1411 5l gp orni?c (l)6rj6] g cDosDr nur4n s crolocgoarorfiudolejl al5mdoc6o:(moilc; crdo)coJ oilec(,)5sBglos B,loryucolo)(nooro(.srdslol..)ncm cau(o(r)orJo atBca 5ruotoo)Jo) eo).1 oml @cd o€,r6r;

V. &q}6o1 cdariooollaai

@odcoA (r}oEa;lodoc6rB|olaoJcrrso1dlo)epo 16)0(rr aglod add6,oq.J6,oiols{a.mJo (n.do66rEo)c6d.

Page 7: ...Created Date 3/27/2016 10:04:55 PM


VI. L6rc(o)"4{A(urol (gbac(l'ool(iao}gg coi(6)(l)o

L6rc@ l6(d|o'l coJco o orc al etc el 6,sado- ol{roJ @1 dl 5l gg ocfiDo(!rodHEid o'lo!cD coto) (r) (rol ooe oolo 4rrco Gnl aoo @l osco))o 7E%

[email protected] (,o6,c.oo ococalelceila:oad6i m(doa,6rBoc5rd.

VII. g(o)6cr, cot.omo

drl(Dldo'lco "Ogcll)o elo5ro6) cot(o(r) c,'lo€o] a, og aocoa g@6(mcorcoc,o oooao&'lello cooJeio,lcerc crdose'l(s cunc"JoaololceD eecejlodqrl(m o@ca1 erc 91 ac6d6i' @bcdoro (oo'l(d o(6a,1 or ol(mlo6rE s,1dcroLora,coolgg gao)dm) corc,)(I)o o)lsdc;)o o(Sae6rB(6,c6rd.

' (,.!65mol5)s e@ooojldL"r6,coo,

CSCo GACOlj,.oo$iAoaol- Larlol(fttl dd oovLe5ol,


Lebour and Skills (E) Departmert


No. 9044,81/20IS/LBR .Dated, Thiruvanan hapuram, lst Septenbet 2015

16th Chi gahL 1191.

The following proposals for the revision of minimum rates ol wageswhich the Government of Kerala propose to make in exercise of thepowers conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (l) of sectio! 3 of theMinimum Wages Act, 1948 (Central Act I I of 1948), and in supersessionof the notification issued under G.O. (Rt.) No. 1809/2008/LBR, dated7th Juiy, 2008 and published as S.R.O. No. 786/2008 in the Kemla GazetteExtraodinary No. 1600 dated 23rd July 2008, as payable to the employeesemployed in the manufacture ofAyurlr'edic and Allopathic Medicines in theState of Kerala as specified in the schedule below are hereby publishedfor the information of all persons likely to be affected thereby, as requiredby clause (b) of sub-section (l) of section 5 of the said Act.

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.\-otice is hercby giveD that the proposal vlill be taken up for.oDsideration on or after two months from the date of publicaiion Lrf rhisnotillcaiion in the GaTetle and the objections and suggestions. ifan\. thatnar be receivcd froln an\ person with respect to thc said proposalson or before the said dalc specified abovc. will be considercd br ther ' ,\enIncr. All rnjecrio . arrd srrg:.sri, rr. rll hc .'JJr...ed r^ ,ncPrin!ipal Secretary to Co\emment. Labour and Skills (E) Depannent.( ;o\ ernnrcnl Secretariai. Thiruvananihapuraln-695 00 1.



I. Basic Wagcs I€r month

Group IAttender



Van CleanerSca!engerBottle CleaDer

I 7,980

(;r.Ltp B

I Ilorlle I-illerL Packer

.1. Boiler Attender

.1. \{arrnnu Veltukaran

5 \larunnu KuzlmkLunna)al6. \larunIrLrPolikhunnalal

7. \'iraku Vetlukaran

8. Nlarunnu Chathakkunna)al

9. Loading and Uirloading \brker

{ 8.]]0


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Group C






Boiler AssistantAssistant Boiler OperatorCulika UruttunnayalBhasmom PakapeduthunnayalStoreman

Car DriverMachinermanStore ClerkSalesmanClerkTypistTypist-cum-ClerkTheepidippikkunnayalPakom NokkunnayalTime Keeper

{ 8,280

< E,430

Group D

L Senior Salesman2. PA. to the Managing Director3. Accountant4. Cashier5. Compounder6. Machine Operator7. Store Keeper8. Boiler Operator9. Assistant Manager (Branch)

10. Assistant Manager (Head Office)11. Branch Manageri2. Assistant Physician13. Work Supervisor14. Foreman15. Chief Boiler Operator16. Office Manager17. Inspector18. Microbiologist


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l. General Managcr/Nfanager

l. Works Managcr

l. Factory Nlanager

.+ ( lllel Plr\srcran Ph)!rcran

5. Superirtendent


GrouP -1

l. Peon

L S\\eeper

,:. scavenger

L Sc.urit) Cuard

5. Cleaner

Graul B

l. Junior Assistantlclcrk

: I aboratorY Assislant

l. T) pist

L Dcpo! Assistanl

5. Tinle Keeper

6. Dri\er

L Filling \lorkcr

8. Labelling and Packing Wo*er

9. Ceneml worker


< 8.580

a -r.9E0


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1. Stcnographer

2. Plant Ilelper

3. Marking and Number Mar,1. Store Kceper

5. lloiler OPeralor Grade_ll

6. Planl Operalor (ManufacluriDg Worker)

7. Receptionisl

8. Telcphone operalor

9. Tele\ Operator

10. Machanic

11. Eleelrician

12. Cashier

ll. Senior Assistart

Grcup D

l. Qualit) lester

2. Boiler Operalor Crade II

3. Accounlant

4. Shift Superrisor

5. Supen isor

6. Chemist

7. Anal)T ical Cherllis!

8. Nlastcr tulechani.

9. Depot officcr10. Assistanl Marragel

ll. Nlicrobidogist

GnltP E

l. Secretar)

2. Gcneral Managcr/Manager

3. Chicf Chemist

< 8.180

{ 8y'30




l < 8,580

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II. Service Weightag€The employees who have completed not less than three years of

continuous service under an employer or in an establishment ai on thedate of coming into force of the final notification, shall be paid serviceweightage, in their basic pay at the rate ofoDe percentage oitheir basic$age5 al the rerised rare ofe\er) complered rear o[senice subjecr lo amarimum of fifleen percentage. For rhose emplolees *ho harecompleted/completing the above service period during the existing periodof this notification shal, also be given the service weightage stated above.

III. Dearness AllowenceIn addition to the above, b?sic wages, the employees shatl be paid

Deamess Allowance per month at the rate of rupees 26 (Twenty six rup€es)per point in excess of 250 points in the Consumer Price Index (NewSeries i998-99=100) published for each District Ileadquarters by theDepartment of Economics and Statistics.

For Wayanad alld Idukki Districts Dearness Allowance shall be paidon the basis of the Consumer Price Index Number published for Meppadiand Munnar centres respectively. uniil separate Consumer price IndexNumbers are published for the above District.

Malculatiotr of Daily WagesDaily Wages for categories in respect of which monthly wages have

been fixed shall ta calculated by dividing rhe monthly wages (Basic Wagesand Dearness Allowance) for the respective categories by twenty six.

V Cuslomrry PaymentsCustomary Payments in kind shall continue to be paid wherever they

are in vogue at present.

VI. Adolescents PayAdolescents shall be paid 75% of the n)onthly or daily lvages and

Dearness Allowance fixed for adults.

VIl. Higher WagesIn case the employees working in any area or establishmeut are

acluall) in receipl of higher uages lhan the rerised minimum wages.lhel shall conlinue lo ger lhe benelll of such higher $ages.

By order of the Governor.

,,,n,,0o, rn",),i!rtffZo,",n^nn,.