· Created Date: 3/18/2010 12:48:18 PM

5,or:rr;t:lrr)e$E Cetclc fDu.stc Assocla.ctor: 1920 Abrams Pky #382 Dallas, TX75214 Address ServiceRequested NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID DALLAS, TX PERMIT NO.3986 Give regional performer CDs a listen,a chance at NTIF By Chuck Bloom Performer Products Sales coordinator hile much of the fans'attention at the North Texas Irish Festival is focused on the headliners who perform at the larger venuesaround the grounds, Joining Scottishballadeer Ed Mi11er during his perfor- mances will be Jil Chambless, who has her or.vn solo effort, "The Ladies Go Marching." Her voiceis solid Scottish andshe delivers Continued on page Zb there are actually more regional and local groups represented on the roster eachyear. Many are familiar names yet several groups are also new to festival goersand deserve as much attention with music lovers.Justbecause they play at smallerstages doesnot meantheir efforts should go unnoticed... especially at our booth (Performer ProductSales) where their CDs are competing with the headliners. In some cases,a "regional" group has proven to be more popular in terms of salesthan many of the national and international performers over the years.For the past two festivals, a Dallas- based group, the Celtic rockersNeedfire,have sold more CDs thananyone else, andit hasn'tbeenclose. That group's fans flock to the showsand then flock to our areato snatch up all the music they can. While new artists to NTIF do not havesuch a rabid following, I want to note a coupleof poten- tial people and CDs to watch (and listen) to this yeaf. Texas nativeAbby Greenmight havebeen born and raisedin Amarillo and educated in Hunts- ville, but shesounds as Irish as if shewere from the Emerald Isle. Her CD, "Einini," displaysher con- siderable vocal rangeand talentand is a pleasurable time on the player. 428 March - April 2010 c6ili a

Transcript of  · Created Date: 3/18/2010 12:48:18 PM

5,or:rr;t:lrr)e$E CetclcfDu.stc Assocla.ctor:1920 Abrams Pky #382Dallas, TX75214

Address Service Requested




Give regional performer CDs a listen, a chance at NTIF

By Chuck BloomPerformer Products Sales coordinator

hile much of the fans'attention at the North Texas IrishFestival is focused on the headliners who perform atthe larger venues around the grounds,

Joining Scottish balladeer Ed Mi11er during his perfor-

mances will be Jil Chambless, who has her or.vn solo effort, "The

Ladies Go Marching." Her voice is solid Scottish and she delivers

Continued on page Zb

there are actually more regional and local groupsrepresented on the roster each year.

Many are familiar names yet several groups

are also new to festival goers and deserve as muchattention with music lovers. Just because they play

at smaller stages does not mean their efforts shouldgo unnoticed ... especially at our booth (Performer

Product Sales) where their CDs are competing withthe headliners.

In some cases, a "regional" group hasproven to be more popular in terms of sales thanmany of the national and international performers

over the years. For the past two festivals, a Dallas-based group, the Celtic rockers Needfire, have soldmore CDs than anyone else, and it hasn't been close.That group's fans flock to the shows and then flockto our area to snatch up all the music they can.

While new artists to NTIF do not have sucha rabid following, I want to note a couple of poten-

tial people and CDs to watch (and listen) to thisyeaf.

Texas native Abby Green might have beenborn and raised in Amarillo and educated in Hunts-ville, but she sounds as Irish as if she were from theEmerald Isle. Her CD, "Einini," displays her con-siderable vocal range and talent and is a pleasurabletime on the player.

428 March - April 2010 c6ili a

fr.egion o I Pt r"{orne r C #tContinued.from puge 28

a rvonderful eil"ort even though she's as far from Scr:tlatld as i\"oucan get l iving in l-nscaloosa. Ala.. honre of the Llniversity of Ala-

barna. Cha:nbless is tvpical ol 'nany NTIF perfonners rvho areni-rt in lhe actual spntlight but tl0 de,rerl'e shopper cr":rtsiderationre'hen buf ing ntusic flils "vear. Ask abc;ut thetn"

' l ' r . i . ,c veleran NTIF grcups are ptr t t inu the l - in ishirrgtouches on brand nerv ellcrts - the l"irst in several years for each.Dallas' Beycncl the Pale rvil i introduce "Paleontolagy" at t lte t"es-tival (hap*[Lll"v, acc*rding to Christy Mcltrod), ihat grottp's nerv-

est eifcrrt since "The 1\4usic itrlays fuie." Pale fans will be lotkinglbr:.1'ard to heari;:g that.

Okli lhr:rrta-based Boru's {lhost is aho il l lhe final rrrix-ing stages t;f '"Hornd oi L.ullan." ivhich *fl '*rs a very etheleal cr:l-

lection *loriginal music tionr Ar.rdra lJlankenship, Jolx.: 14cGahaand the group also *rpected to bc debuted a1 N'flF. lt is a fol-

l*lv-r-4: t* the gl*up's ciebLlt iiihum. "'l{.ites r:f Pass3gr.'"Alsc pretniering ::t th* iestival rvil l be a relativel,v-nerv

gr*up in the North'Iexas Celi ie sceltc - 5 Se**nci R.ulc. Its debutalbunr is r:ntit led "Bultered Side l lorr' l i" attd earll ' tratks indicate

a softer. t idLiie-driv*n souttd thaf sh*uid please in*r.ry mLisie latns.Fod l, l icrlh's Trini:; ' ' River Whalers' tte*'{D, "P::rt3' in a

fir:r"" actuaii;, dehuted in th* miriri le ol '2llt l}. l-rut this NTIF is the

l' irst t inre that Cll wil l be ,:f ibred btfbre tircir biggest audietree"!\ihile thc groilprs l in*up has be,rn a?lcred. rvil lr forlrc:: 81*n*1'

Brothers R*cl.qe r a:rd Sleve I trarrison.ioining to

.l irn Flanagan * I-lere and There" E3lr:od Drlps in Time, Far and

Ii,lear. Cuth Ane;rsIlcn Cabbert - Tejas Go Brach, t lnredeemcd, Alcne on fhe

FarchAbbl' Creen - Eininih4ichael Harrison-Linda King - For Kids of All; ' !ges

Stcve l larrison * Seamrts V!ssesi t ' ich Rt ' , i t r*s - l0 l tarsJiggernaut * [volutian. In Searr:h of MareEJ Jones - The Wil lowl,egacy * An 'Ir iread, Nava*" An lrish Chnistmas" Ntt Making

Ha3'. lo l rn i l4cCirha - LrodurCordon h4cl,eod - Dng 1'*arl{eedflre - {lat oa a Cannon, Live at Batesvil leu Chasing Grian

llrrth Texas Caledonian Pip*s *A New Beginning:, Nli Pib i l ' lhaNe

AlainnPccr Man's fortune * In Caod Time. E3lorv Iard

fulichrlal Fliee * Saul MusicSeamus Stout - A Pimi cn {.Jsu On Tap" Ancther {i.*und. C}{f {he

WagoaShifi - Shit?'lbi'ibus - *{cllv I L*arsed to Stop Wora'-1''ing and Lovc 9iae {3*m-

hard'I 'hreadnecdil; Slreet * Und*rgroua;el, trIavin' a Tune

Triir i4' Rivel Whalels - Far63' in a Eox" X3*alcir:g tseggarma*-

Et*e:tt3, TalesTuii i:rnore * Ti*Tber anr! Strelrn, {}rac fi:r th* lLoad. Wilei *nd

trViclied Yeiuth e

itu. ; ''@..

&, ,*

groilB, the scund is essentiali-v the same, rol-l ie Ling goad tirrre Ce lt ie *f] 'erir:gs. Anrl f ' t l : ' :,r l l ;

illa:'ne1.' fir;':.:, th,ose C'llr art als* expecled li: :be ot t nr1* i i t ut t r L ldr i fh.

: a:aa:a.a

lhe t t r rmh," ' r : i r t )n ' l r i r : ' i ' ' r ' " ' l ; i "*e,rt 13u)', hut ̂ .. i t i l*esn'l oil 'r 'r {elt ic tt ltt i iei:;:cl Fi ' l ' l l do*sl Srtp an.vlime at:d br*ri,s* i l

;, 'ou r.r ' ish. A rpeclal fuIPl ! ir itening slati*n i-tavailable ic hear a snipptt of *'ha!- i; i ;* r 'ael:nra_iol Cl-) lvit l: i ir r:r;r ' *lses" Just t*e tne antlcnjcf i Pe l lbrin*r Pt'**ucts ri. i l l bc localccl ne xttc :he Trilr ity 5ilage irrsii le th* f entennial l lui ld-ing.

l {cre al 'e s*nre of the Cl}s on salethi . :1 'ear(oth-e rs rvil l l-re avail,.rblt lhnt rr, 'e le Llf i i l iscirls*d afpfe5! l i i i le l l

Alabesclrrt - *le* Fio;rd {* { '*rdatirirl]*iran .- 6{:rrt ln' a{ *h* Erimiglt {, i*e, i\€alieYoursel f : r l l {orneIle1,r:nrl l lre Palt ' -- P:iXt*nfclog1, Yfu* Sdusic€"$*-1's 3,3*:, Q***e.r *f $Et"ve. Furtlt*r i3i:3,'ontl! - l Iar"*c l Brcther" : -A Fim* l - iare . . . . Lag*r th l tnI-il*i:J*rrr 's i i ir*-.1 - l{. ites *l i}asl: ig*. {rlou:lql r: l

{ lu l l ; l *{ . l landcst iue - } {c l }" Elr An3but! .v A€ Al t{- '1,; ' i }; i*i{gi:

. l '*:,ari - {}p** l l :r* !-}**rSalrl: tr.)inrl l - f ja"qrre ttrt*,.Aglt*s

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March - Apri l 2010a c6ili 27f