« Ä€¦ · Charles A. Joslin et ux to Hart ley E Sorensen—Lots 1 and 2, block 20, Annex...

LOCAL NEWS Sunday Visitor*— Mr and Mrs. Dennis Toombs spant Sunday with Mr and Mrs. John Haskett in Ontario. Daughter Visits— Mrs. Arthur Cochrum of Grants Pass arrived on Sunday for three weeks visit with her parents. Mr and Mrs. R J. Davis. Pippers Ripen— George Knottlngham oi the Sun set district already has two pep pers ripe in the family garden plot and plenty more on the way. The vines were planted last year, but these peppers are a new crop View Blossom Festival— On Monday Mrs. Barney Wilson with her children, and Mrs Addie Wilson and Mrs. Prank Ward were among the many Nyssa residents who visited the blossom festival in Payette. RIVERVIEW Mr. and Mrs. F. F Hathaway came to live on the Walter Fox farm on Eureka ave Mrs. Pearl Frank is visiting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Loe The Rouse Brothers and Tom Lyle received the material for build ing their hay derricks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vest and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Vest were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Black- well and Mrs. Dessa Hoffstetter of Ontario Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rommell Moss and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gonnason Friday. • Earl Blackburn has made ar rangements for a petition to be cir culated in this district in regard to a mail route. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lewis and family, Ralph Choppel and Don Van de Bogart and Ethel Mae and Betty called at the C. W Farmer home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Clowers and Gall Allen of Nyssa were dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Clowers Sunday Cole Thornburg of Dead Ox Flat visited at the Frank Lewis home on busienss Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Simmons have moved to the east part of the Walter Simmons farm. Mrs. Edwin Gonnason was the guest of honor at a party given for her by friends at her home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson of Columbia ave. were dinner guests at the Ernest Johnson home Sun day. The Community Sunday school met with Mrs. Edwin Gonnason last week with 40 present. The next meeting will be with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McGinnis. NEWS OF RECORD Charles A. Joslin et ux to Hart ley E Sorensen—Lots 1 and 2, block 20, Annex townsite 4-3-39 $100. C. H. Spencer et ux to Snake River Distilling Co.—1.8 acres in lot 4 sec 33-15-47. 12-30-34. $100 |Q. C. deed). State of Oregon to Charles C. ■¡-14-1$. $403 United State M Belle Bradley— N‘a8E '4 sec. 29-204« 2-6-39. Edna Nichols to Hugh W. Copple et ux—N‘.NE‘> sec 33-16-47 4-27- 38 $1.474 00 Western Loan & Investment Co to John Rou .e et al—NE1« 3EV* sec 34-16-37; NW1., NE‘,SW'« sec. 15; NELSE'i S'-iSE1. sec. 17; 31*3- NE'i, SEl«NW‘i , lot 3, NE’.SWl*. N 'jS E 'i sec. 19; all of sec. 20; and all ot sec. 21-16-38. 4-5-39. $2,000. William Y. Gilson et ux to Ernest Mattson et ux—45.5 acres in SE'4 ec. 29-16-17 3-13-39 $650. William J Pinney et ux to Ore gon & Western Colonization Co.— E'-NE'.SE'i SE'i sec. 29-18-44 4-6-39. $1.00. <Q. C. Deed!. United States to Hugh Edward Blaylock -lots 4 and 5. sec. 6-24-38; S S N E 1, and SEV, sec. 1-24-37. 11- 18-1920 Hubert L. Porter et al to Henry B. Slippy et ux—parts of E'aSW1 and SWiiSW'* sec. 33-20-46. 2-25- 38. $150. IQ. C. Deed ) Carl Fenn et ux to Henry B Slippy et ux—part of SW'iSW'i sec. 33-20-46 4-17-39 $10. (Q C. deed.) Malheur county to state of Ore gon—186 acres in NW'iNW'i sec. 14- 29-46 4-5-39. $1.00. Malheur county to state of Ore gon—1.18 acres in NE11NE1, sec. 15- 29-46. 4-5-39. $1.00. Mrs. Nadine Hill to James E. Brown—undivided ta interest in E'aSEV SW'iSE'i, SE'iSW'i sec. 13-16-46 3-2-39. $1.00 L. F. Hucker et ux to I. P. Hart— part of block 7, Harper. 16-39. $10. ¡Q. C. Deed.) Malheur county to Silas Kirtland Skinner—246 acres in sec. 10-30-45. 1-6-38 $100. City of Nyssa to Ralph Lawrence —lot 84, block 4, Nyssa cemetery. 12-5-39. $15.00. William C. Holloway et ux to Ruel D. Andrew et ux—lots 22. 23, 24. and 25. block 2. Terrace Heights add. to Ontario 4-17-39. $10.00. Nora Boston to Lew L Boswell et al—lots 9 and 10. block 37, Ontario. 4-18-39. $1.200. Clara J. Race to Betty Morris Hessler—SW tiN W '. sec. 7-37-37. 10-23-27. Western Loan & Investment Co. to Elna Koopman—54 acres in NW1« sec. 9-18-47. 4-19-39. $6.500. Nola Wilson to J. A. Wilson—E 'i NWLNE’i sec 10-17-47. 4-117-39 $1 00 J. A. Wilson et ux to John F. Thomas et ux—west 18 rods of E‘-i- NW'iNE'i sec. 17-17-47. 4-20-39. $900 Julia McDonald, guardian to Elizabeth J. McDonald—lot 8, block 1, Emison add.; lots 7, 8. and 9, block 3, Taylor add.; lots 6 and 7, block 18. Teutsch add.; lots 12-13-, and 14. block 70. Greens add ; lots 5, 6, 7, and 8. block 72: Greens add.; lots 11, 12, 13. and 14. block 21. Teutschs add.; all in Nyssa. 4-30-39. $405 00. Hawley Adams et ux to Helen Panike—NE1i SE' i , SW'iNE', sec. 39-15-46. 4-19-39. $5.00 (Q. C. deed.) John Rouse et al to Ralph A. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE—4 head Jersey cows. Wm. E. Schweizer. 1 mile west Owhyee school. 4Mlxp G ri icERY S pecial S FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY—May 5-6 Corn Flakes « Ä 2 5c Cocoa 2Tcas„8 17C Salad Dressing SiHall 2 5c Marshmallows 1 £’rpackage92, 5c Soap P & G, Giant Bars, 10 for uüu Oxydol SX» 22C Lard 4 lb. Q packages J 9c ShoH tening 39C Hamburger £eu Îd*round 1! 5c Asparagus X grcw" 15c Rhubarb X “Krown 25c Radishes ;,t,S ENON,ONS 1ÛC Wi NYSSA lson G rocery A Dependable Food Store OREGON j Duncan --Lots 2 and 3. SWLNE'a, ISViNWW, W'vSE'i, BW14 sec. 3; SE'.NE' h, E'-j SE' i iec. 4; NE1«- I NE'i sec. 9; and NWI.NW’, sec. 10-16-39 3-29-39 $100 Oregon & Western Colonization Cc.. to John F. Roy—65 acres in SW1. sec. 15-18-47. 4-11-39 $3.750. Oregon & Western Colonization Co., to Wayne Elder—NE1« sec. 33- 18-44. 2-4-39. $5.312. Homer V. Carpenter et ux to M. J. Blackburn et ux—Block 2, Jamie son. 10-25-38 $1.00. J W. Sweeeney ei ux to Anna M. Ley—east 13 of SELNE'« and east 1 3 Of NW1, sec. 1615-44. 4-5- 38 $15.00. W. H. Robertson to F R. Robin son— SW11SW'«, and part of NW1« SW1. sec. 32-15-47. 3-29-39. $10 00. Complaints Filed in Circuit Court John Kiernan Corporation vs. Florence Ross. 4-17-39 Recovery on note. $2.729.72. Irving A Harris vs Ella Evange line Harris. 4-18-39 Divorce. Seymour F. Knott vs. Zelda Mae Knott. 4-19-39. Divorce. Crystal Dowell vs. Raymond Dow ell. 4-20-39. Divorce. State Industrial Accident Com mission vs. Ephraim D. Frost. 4-20- 39. Recovery of money. $35.28. Millie E Timmons vs. Earl E. Timmons. 4-29-39. Divorce. Nyssa Arcadia Drainage District vs. Tri-State Investment Co., et al. 4-29-39. Foreclosure of tax liens. Petitions Filed in Probate Court Guardian ship of Elmer Gary Chapman. 4-20-39 Estate of John Van Order. 4-22-39. Estate of Erma R Wade. 4-25-39. APPLE VALLEY Edwin Hobbs and Miss Eva Filey of Boise spent Sunday at the Lee Hobbs home. Mr. and Mrs. C. Whitman and baby and Mr. and Mrs. James Cor- rell of New Meadows spent Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J M. Correll. Mr. and Mrs. Erick Peterson and John attended the celebration of the delivery of water on the second unit of the Black Canyon. Last Sunday the members of the Epworth league conducted the wor ship services. Next Sunday services will be at 10 o’clock and evening services will be at 7:30 B. T. Os borne. pastor. Apple Valley school will partic- pate in the May fete at Nampa this year. The following are eighth grade graduates this year: Jim Gooing, Ernie Larkin, Bob Hopkins, Mary Jane Higby. Mary Bonser, Dorothy Huffman. Dorothy Bonser, Leland Mearse. Heber Campbell, Doris Bon ser, Calvin McCarthy, Betty Jean Honey. Bertha Campbell. Arlie Scott and Wesley Nicolaysen. Norma Stout was home to help celebrate her mothers birthday Sat urday. Martin Tuttle returned from Bates. Ore. Mrs. Dan Nichols and Robert of Lakeview spent Sunday at the A. E. Nichols home. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sinclair and son and Mrs. Molly Nelson were dinner guests Sunday at the Nor land home. Guests at the Wm. Hild home are Mrs. Tom Clamplt of King Hill and Jimmy Sivle. Miss Edna Halleck of Nyssa spent Sunday at the Higby home. Mrs. Charles Van Cleef of Wilder called on Mrs. Carl Pielstick Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Busset of Red mond. Ore., called at the Lee Hobbs home. Miss Yulah Vertrees spent the past week with her parents. Mr and Mrs. C. D. Vertrees. William Jackson and Dudlay King of California are spending some at the D. M. Harry home Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen and Miss Ezma Harrison called on Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wilson Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stout visited in Payette Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Summy were in Payette Monday Mr. and Mrs Leon Morgan and Gary and Miss Dorothy Morgan called at the F D. Miller home Wednesday. Mrs. Nelson of Boise came home with Miss Mary Boston to spend the week end at the J. I. Boston iiome. KINGMAN KOLONY The regular H. E. club meeting wast held at the home of Mrs. El mer Dutton Tuesday. Invited guests were Mrs. W. E Uiercy, Mrs. Carl Hill and Mrs. Stanley Hill. The next meeting will be with Mrs Con rad Martin May 16. Mrs. Chas Oarrison of Nyssa was a caller at the Chas Newbill home Tuesday. Dorothy and Betty Jean Toomb were dinner guests at the Wilson home Sunday. The junior Christian Endeavor- elected officers Sunday as follows; Dorothy Toombs president. Dudley Kurtz vice president and Nadeen Wilson secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell vis ited Miss Wanda Ure Sunday who is in a Boise hospital recovering from a recent operation. Mrs. Mary Nichols and family were guests at a birthday dinner given in honor of Miss Marie Wal lace at the home of her paretns. Mrs. Thurman and Mr. and Mrs. Beam of Buhl, Idaho, were guests at the W. E Piercy home over the week end. Mr and Mrs. Chas Wilson and Mrs Mary Nichols transacted busi ness in Nyssa Friday. Kenneth and Dan Elliott spent the week end at Snively Hot springs wtih Mrs. Dolly McCreary. Miss Alta Campbell who has spent the last month visiting near Nyssa has returned to her home at Kent Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson visit ed in the Chas Wilson home last week. Mrs. C. C. CoOton, Mrs. Chas. Newbill and Mrs. Judd attended an executive board meeting of the P T. A in Ontario Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin were in Ontario Monday. Ray Thresher is doing the farm work for Mr. Fredericks while the latter is in California. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Willinger from Kansas spent Friday at the Those attending the spelling match in Ontario Friday were: Vida Wallace and Beth Mitchell from the 5th grade; Nadeen Wilson and Nadine Nichols from the 6th grade; Dudley Kurtz and Doris Loftus of the 7th grade and Patricia Marvin and Loraine McFate of the 8 th grade. A large crowd attended the Ma jor Bowes program Friday evening put on by the 4-H club. James Mc Ginnis was announcer. The contest between the Polly Anna club and Modern Pioneer club was won by Mrs. Ross Healey of the Modern Pioneers. Next Monday Ray GUI. state mas ter will be a guest of the Kingman grange. Mrs. Fred Stephen Is in the On tario hospital for the removal of a goiter. Aloah Maw, Winona and Barbara Henderson and Donna Belle Good- ell enjoyed a horseback ride and their breakfast in the hills Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and Baraba, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jami son and Mr. and Mrs Alva Goodell were in Ontario Wednesday. Alma Day and Jerry Tuttle went to the Owyhee dam Sunday. Eris Jamison. Edward and Irvin Topliff, Dean and Burl Wyckofi and Harold Reher attended a party at the Tom Johnson home Friday. Mrs. C. C Wyckoff and Dwight attended the festival at Payette Monday. Eris Jamison and Dwight Wy ckoff attended a glee club weiner roast Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Day and Al ma visited at the Alfred Scott home near Vale Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Pruyn of Nyssa called at the W. Jennings home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and I Mr. and Mrs. Alva GoodeU attend- ] ed the installation of the' V. F. W 1 and auxUiary Thursday at Parma. The Chatterbox club met at the ] C. H. Bennett home April 26. BIG BEND Wade P. T. A. will meet Thursday I afternoon with Mrs. Howard Hatch | in Adrian with the newly eleetd of ficers presiding. Mrs. Elmer Prosser and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach are as sistant hostesses. Kingman Kolony P T. A., has in vited Lower Bend and Wade units to a Silver tea to be held at the C. C. Cotton home Tuesday Adrian grange has invited mem bers of Big Bend and other granges to attend their meeting Monday evening. May 7 to meet the state master and other officials. Mr and Mrs Hinterlider and daughter of Meridian were Monday guests of Mr and Mrs. Dyre Ro berts. Messrs Grover and Tuttle of On tario managers of Malheur Co-op Oil company were soliciting business in this community Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan were shopping in Caldwell Thursday. F. A. Miller transacted business in Nampa last Tuesday. Seventeen members of the Jolly Janes attended their regular meet ing at the home of Mrs. E. E. Park er Thursday afternoon also Mes- dames Charles McConnell, Dale Ashcraft and Bill Ashcraft of Ad rian, Mrs. LeRoy Bunnel of Roswell and Mrs. Robert Eskew of Fruitland were invited guests. Students of Mrs. Dunbars public speaking class presented a program of choral readings at Wade school house Wednesday evening that was greatly enjoyed. An accordian solo by Miss Gibson and a song by George Elfers added to the pro gram The ice cream booth and fish pond were well patronized. Tiie proceeds from this entertainment were added to 4-H club funds. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gillen of Ros well were Sunday guests in the Brumbach home. Mrs. R. L. Haworth. Eleanor Haworth and Virgil Olp attended the senior-junior banquet in Parma Friday evening. Mrs. Martin Hobbs is recovering from a severe attack of flu and mumps. Frank Taylor and Mr. and Mrs Harris of Caldwell were Sunday guests at the Phelan home. Lumber and Building Material For Repairing and Remodeling Under F. H. A. Loans Purchase Your Sidewalk Material Under This Plan JACKSON LUMBER CO. Nyssa, Oregon Phone 47 BUENA VISTA Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff spent Saturday at the John Murphy home in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Day had as their dinner guests Sunday. Mrs. C. O. Florea and family. Mrs Claude Claude Day and Ronnie and Mrs Harold Robbins and Jerry Tuttle. NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY—May 5-6 Wallace Beery, Marian Martin and Alan Curtis in “SERGEANT MADDEN” Movietone News Admission Matinee 10e-25e Matinee Saturday 2:30 p. m. Evening 10c-36r SUNDAY and MONDAY—May 7-8 George Brent, Olivia de Haviland, Frank McHugh and John Payne in “WINGS OF THE NAVY” March of Time Admission M atinre 10c-25c Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. Evening I0c-S0c TUESDAY—May 9 Ann Sheridan in LITTLE MISS THOROUGHBRED” Paul Kelly in “THE MISSING GUEST” PAL NIGHT—DOUBLE FEATURE WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY—May 10-11 Lucille Ball and James Ehison in “NEXT TIME I MARRY” Buck Jones and Evevln Brent in “SUDDEN BILL DORN" DOIRLE FEATURE Movietone News Admission ilk-30c The Sale Everyone is Talking About-AND WHY? Because you never saw such SEJPER VALUES for these unusually low prices! Sale Continues Till May 13th HOUR SPECIALS SATURDAY, MAY 6th 10:00 A. M. WOMEN’S HOUSE DRESSES ........ 25c 80 sq. fast color cotton Prints, all sizes .......... 10c 2:00 P. M. WOMEN S SILK HOSE Full fashioned, chiffon hose, spring shades. Sizes 8 \ 4 > to 10i/>, with mended seams, pair ........................... 3:00 P. M. COTTON PRINTS Plain and fancy, yard .............................. jQ MEN’S CANVAS GLOVES ............... 4c HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS MEN’S SHIRTS 29c Blue Chambray and gray covert work shirts. Sizes 14i/> to 17 Blue top, Pair BAGS 69c Regular $1.00 Ladies bags, colors brown, blue, black, white and many high s h a d d s. N e w e*s t leathers. LADIES H A N D K ’C H F S . 9c ¿oi. Fast color fancy Handkerchiefs. SILKS 1c Inch Regular 59c yard Wash silks, rayon and scheer silks. Plain and fancy patterns. MEN’S CAPS 10c White and fancy summer caps. Sizes 63/4 to 7% TIES 6C each Mens Ragon four-in- hand ties WASH CLOTHS 2 fOT .................. MEN’S PANTS 93c Mens light colored summer wash pants. A large selection of colors and sizes. CHILDREN’S OXFORDS 74c Brown, black or white Sizes 61 to 2 DISH CLOTHS 2 for ............ 5c Hope Muslin 8c 80 sq. Brown Muslin 7c Pullman Sheets 81x99 ............. 64c Children's ANKLETS 5C pair Children cotton anklets. Plain a n d fancy colors. Sizes 6Vo to 10«-. Ny: GOLDEN RULE “Make It Right Store” * Oregon /

Transcript of « Ä€¦ · Charles A. Joslin et ux to Hart ley E Sorensen—Lots 1 and 2, block 20, Annex...

Page 1: « Ä€¦ · Charles A. Joslin et ux to Hart ley E Sorensen—Lots 1 and 2, block 20, Annex townsite 4-3-39 $100. C. H. Spencer et ux to Snake River Distilling Co.—1.8 acres in


Sunday Visitor*—Mr and Mrs. Dennis Toombs

spant Sunday with Mr and Mrs. John Haskett in Ontario.Daughter Visits—

Mrs. Arthur Cochrum of Grants Pass arrived on Sunday for three weeks visit with her parents. Mr and Mrs. R J. Davis.Pippers Ripen—

George Knottlngham oi the Sun­set district already has two pep­pers ripe in the family garden plot and plenty more on the way. The vines were planted last year, but these peppers are a new cropView Blossom F estiva l—

On Monday Mrs. Barney Wilson with her children, and Mrs Addie Wilson and Mrs. Prank Ward were among the many Nyssa residents who visited the blossom festival in Payette.

RIVERVIEWMr. and Mrs. F. F Hathaway

came to live on the Walter Fox farm on Eureka ave

Mrs. Pearl Frank is visiting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Loe

The Rouse Brothers and Tom Lyle received the material for build­ing their hay derricks Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vest and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Vest were din­ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Black- well and Mrs. Dessa Hoffstetter of Ontario Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Rommell Moss and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gonnason Friday. •

Earl Blackburn has made ar­rangements for a petition to be cir­culated in this district in regard to a mail route.

Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lewis and family, Ralph Choppel and Don Van de Bogart and Ethel Mae and Betty called at the C. W Farmer home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Clowers and Gall Allen of Nyssa were dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Clowers Sunday

Cole Thornburg of Dead Ox Flat visited at the Frank Lewis home on busienss Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Simmons have moved to the east part of the Walter Simmons farm.

Mrs. Edwin Gonnason was the guest of honor at a party given for her by friends at her home Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson of Columbia ave. were dinner guests at the Ernest Johnson home Sun­day.

The Community Sunday school met with Mrs. Edwin Gonnason last week with 40 present. The next meeting will be with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McGinnis.

NEWS OF RECORDCharles A. Joslin et ux to Hart­

ley E Sorensen—Lots 1 and 2, block 20, Annex townsite 4-3-39 $100.

C. H. Spencer et ux to Snake River Distilling Co.—1.8 acres in lot 4 sec 33-15-47. 12-30-34. $100 |Q. C. deed).

State of Oregon to Charles C.

■¡-14-1$. $403United State M Belle Bradley—

N‘a8E '4 sec. 29-204« 2-6-39.Edna Nichols to Hugh W. Copple

et ux—N‘.NE‘> sec 33-16-47 4-27- 38 $1.474 00

Western Loan & Investment Co to John Rou .e et al—NE1« 3EV* sec 34-16-37; NW1., NE‘,SW'« sec. 15; NELSE'i S'-iSE1. sec. 17; 31*3-NE'i, SEl«NW‘i , lot 3, NE’.SWl*. N 'jSE 'i sec. 19; all of sec. 20; and all ot sec. 21-16-38. 4-5-39. $2,000.

William Y. Gilson et ux to Ernest Mattson et ux—45.5 acres in SE'4 ec. 29-16-17 3-13-39 $650.

William J Pinney et ux to Ore­gon & Western Colonization Co.— E '-N E '.SE 'i SE'i sec. 29-18-44 4-6-39. $1.00. <Q. C. Deed!.

United States to Hugh Edward Blaylock -lots 4 and 5. sec. 6-24-38; SSN E1, and SEV, sec. 1-24-37. 11- 18-1920

Hubert L. Porter et al to Henry B. Slippy et ux—parts of E'aSW1,« and SWiiSW'* sec. 33-20-46. 2-25- 38. $150. IQ. C. Deed )

Carl Fenn et ux to Henry B Slippy et ux—part of SW 'iSW 'i sec. 33-20-46 4-17-39 $10. (Q C.deed.)

Malheur county to state of Ore­gon—186 acres in NW 'iNW 'i sec.14- 29-46 4-5-39. $1.00.

Malheur county to state of Ore­gon—1.18 acres in NE11NE1, sec.15- 29-46. 4-5-39. $1.00.

Mrs. Nadine Hill to James E. Brown—undivided ta interest in E 'aSEV SW 'iSE 'i, SE 'iSW 'i sec. 13-16-46 3-2-39. $1.00

L. F. Hucker et ux to I. P. Hart— part of block 7, Harper. 16-39. $10. ¡Q. C. Deed.)

Malheur county to Silas Kirtland Skinner—246 acres in sec. 10-30-45. 1-6-38 $100.

City of Nyssa to Ralph Lawrence —lot 84, block 4, Nyssa cemetery. 12-5-39. $15.00.

William C. Holloway et ux to Ruel D. Andrew et ux—lots 22. 23, 24. and 25. block 2. Terrace Heights add. to Ontario 4-17-39. $10.00.

Nora Boston to Lew L Boswell et al—lots 9 and 10. block 37, Ontario. 4-18-39. $1.200.

Clara J. Race to Betty Morris Hessler—SW tiNW '. sec. 7-37-37. 10-23-27.

Western Loan & Investment Co. to Elna Koopman— 54 acres in NW1« sec. 9-18-47. 4-19-39. $6.500.

Nola Wilson to J. A. Wilson—E 'i NWLNE’i sec 10-17-47. 4-117-39 $1 00

J. A. Wilson et ux to John F. Thomas et ux—west 18 rods of E ‘-i- NW 'iNE'i sec. 17-17-47. 4-20-39.$900

Julia McDonald, guardian to Elizabeth J. McDonald—lot 8, block 1, Emison add.; lots 7, 8. and 9, block 3, Taylor add.; lots 6 and 7, block 18. Teutsch add.; lots 12-13-, and 14. block 70. Greens add ; lots 5, 6, 7, and 8. block 72: Greens add.; lots 11, 12, 13. and 14. block 21. Teutschs add.; all in Nyssa. 4-30-39. $405 00.

Hawley Adams et ux to Helen Panike—NE1 i S E 'i , SW 'iNE', sec. 39-15-46. 4-19-39. $5.00 (Q. C.deed.)

John Rouse et al to Ralph A.

Too Late to ClassifyFOR SALE—4 head Jersey cows.

Wm. E. Schweizer. 1 mile west Owhyee school. 4Mlxp

G r iicERY S pec ia l SFOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY—May 5-6

Corn Flakes « Ä 25cCocoa 2Tcas„8 17CSalad Dressing SiHall 25cMarshmallows 1 £’rpackage9 2,5cSoap P & G, Giant

Bars, 10 for u ü u

Oxydol S X » 22CLard 4 lb. Q

packages J 9cShoHtening 39CHamburger £euÎd*round 1!5cAsparagus X grcw" 15cRhubarb X “ Krown 25cRadishes ;,t,SENON,ONS 1ÛC


l so n G r o c e r yA Dependable Food Store


j Duncan --Lots 2 and 3. SWLNE'a, ISViNWW, W'vSE'i, BW14 sec. 3;SE'.NE'h, E'-jSE'i iec. 4; NE1«-

I NE'i sec. 9; and NWI.NW’, sec. 10-16-39 3-29-39 $100

Oregon & Western Colonization Cc.. to John F. Roy—65 acres in SW1. sec. 15-18-47. 4-11-39 $3.750.

Oregon & Western Colonization Co., to Wayne Elder—NE1« sec. 33- 18-44. 2-4-39. $5.312.

Homer V. Carpenter et ux to M. J. Blackburn et ux—Block 2, Jamie­son. 10-25-38 $1.00.

J W. Sweeeney ei ux to Anna M. Ley—east 13 of SELNE'« and east 1 3 Of NW1, sec. 1615-44. 4-5- 38 $15.00.

W. H. Robertson to F R. Robin­son— SW11 SW'«, and part of NW1« SW1. sec. 32-15-47. 3-29-39. $10 00. Complaints Filed in Circuit CourtJohn Kiernan Corporation vs.

Florence Ross. 4-17-39 Recovery on note. $2.729.72.

Irving A Harris vs Ella Evange­line Harris. 4-18-39 Divorce.

Seymour F. Knott vs. Zelda Mae Knott. 4-19-39. Divorce.

Crystal Dowell vs. Raymond Dow­ell. 4-20-39. Divorce.

State Industrial Accident Com­mission vs. Ephraim D. Frost. 4-20- 39. Recovery of money. $35.28.

Millie E Timmons vs. Earl E. Timmons. 4-29-39. Divorce.

Nyssa Arcadia Drainage District vs. Tri-State Investment Co., et al. 4-29-39. Foreclosure of tax liens.

Petitions Filed in Probate CourtGuardian ship of Elmer Gary

Chapman. 4-20-39Estate of John Van Order.

4-22-39.Estate of Erma R Wade. 4-25-39.

APPLE VALLEYEdwin Hobbs and Miss Eva Filey

of Boise spent Sunday at the Lee Hobbs home.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Whitman and baby and Mr. and Mrs. James Cor- rell of New Meadows spent Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J M. Correll.

Mr. and Mrs. Erick Peterson and John attended the celebration of the delivery of water on the second unit of the Black Canyon.

Last Sunday the members of the Epworth league conducted the wor­ship services. Next Sunday services will be at 10 o’clock and evening services will be at 7:30 B. T. Os­borne. pastor.

Apple Valley school will partic- pate in the May fete at Nampa this year.

The following are eighth grade graduates this year: Jim Gooing, Ernie Larkin, Bob Hopkins, Mary Jane Higby. Mary Bonser, Dorothy Huffman. Dorothy Bonser, Leland Mearse. Heber Campbell, Doris Bon­ser, Calvin McCarthy, Betty Jean Honey. Bertha Campbell. Arlie Scott and Wesley Nicolaysen.

Norma Stout was home to help celebrate her mothers birthday Sat­urday.

Martin Tuttle returned from Bates. Ore.

Mrs. Dan Nichols and Robert of Lakeview spent Sunday at the A. E. Nichols home.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sinclair and son and Mrs. Molly Nelson were dinner guests Sunday at the Nor­land home.

Guests at the Wm. Hild home are Mrs. Tom Clamplt of King Hill and Jimmy Sivle.

Miss Edna Halleck of Nyssa spent Sunday at the Higby home.

Mrs. Charles Van Cleef of Wilder called on Mrs. Carl Pielstick Tues­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Busset of Red­mond. Ore., called at the Lee Hobbs home.

Miss Yulah Vertrees spent the past week with her parents. Mr and Mrs. C. D. Vertrees.

William Jackson and Dudlay King of California are spending some

at the D. M. Harry home Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen and

Miss Ezma Harrison called on Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wilson Thurs­day.

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stout visited in Payette Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Summy were in Payette Monday

Mr. and Mrs Leon Morgan and Gary and Miss Dorothy Morgan called at the F D. Miller home Wednesday.

Mrs. Nelson of Boise came home with Miss Mary Boston to spendthe week end at the J. I. Bostoniiome.

KINGMAN KOLONYThe regular H. E. club meeting

wast held at the home of Mrs. El­mer Dutton Tuesday. Invited guests were Mrs. W. E Uiercy, Mrs. Carl Hill and Mrs. Stanley Hill. The next meeting will be with Mrs Con­rad Martin May 16.

Mrs. Chas Oarrison of Nyssa was a caller at the Chas Newbill home Tuesday.

Dorothy and Betty Jean Toomb were dinner guests at the Wilson home Sunday.

The junior Christian Endeavor- elected officers Sunday as follows; Dorothy Toombs president. Dudley Kurtz vice president and Nadeen Wilson secretary.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell vis­ited Miss Wanda Ure Sunday who is in a Boise hospital recovering from a recent operation.

Mrs. Mary Nichols and family were guests at a birthday dinner given in honor of Miss Marie Wal­lace at the home of her paretns.

Mrs. Thurman and Mr. and Mrs. Beam of Buhl, Idaho, were guests at the W. E Piercy home over the week end.

Mr and Mrs. Chas Wilson and Mrs Mary Nichols transacted busi­ness in Nyssa Friday.

Kenneth and Dan Elliott spent the week end at Snively Hot springs wtih Mrs. Dolly McCreary.

Miss Alta Campbell who has spent the last month visiting near Nyssa has returned to her home at Kent Wash.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson visit­ed in the Chas Wilson home lastweek.

Mrs. C. C. CoOton, Mrs. Chas. Newbill and Mrs. Judd attended an executive board meeting of the P T. A in Ontario Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin were in Ontario Monday.

Ray Thresher is doing the farm work for Mr. Fredericks while the latter is in California.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Willinger from Kansas spent Friday at the

Those attending the spelling match in Ontario Friday were: Vida Wallace and Beth Mitchell from the 5th grade; Nadeen Wilson and Nadine Nichols from the 6th grade; Dudley Kurtz and Doris Loftus of the 7th grade and Patricia Marvin and Loraine McFate of the 8th grade.

A large crowd attended the Ma­jor Bowes program Friday evening put on by the 4-H club. James Mc­Ginnis was announcer.

The contest between the Polly Anna club and Modern Pioneer club was won by Mrs. Ross Healey of the Modern Pioneers.

Next Monday Ray GUI. state mas­ter will be a guest of the Kingman grange.

Mrs. Fred Stephen Is in the On­tario hospital for the removal of a goiter.

Aloah Maw, Winona and Barbara Henderson and Donna Belle Good- ell enjoyed a horseback ride and their breakfast in the hills Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and Baraba, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jami­son and Mr. and Mrs Alva Goodell were in Ontario Wednesday.

Alma Day and Jerry Tuttle went to the Owyhee dam Sunday.

Eris Jamison. Edward and Irvin Topliff, Dean and Burl Wyckofi and Harold Reher attended a party at the Tom Johnson home Friday.

Mrs. C. C Wyckoff and Dwight attended the festival at Payette Monday.

Eris Jamison and Dwight Wy­ckoff attended a glee club weiner roast Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Day and Al­ma visited at the Alfred Scott home near Vale Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Pruyn of Nyssa called at the W. Jennings home Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and I Mr. and Mrs. Alva GoodeU attend- ] ed the installation of the' V. F. W 1 and auxUiary Thursday at Parma.

The Chatterbox club met at the ] C. H. Bennett home April 26.

BIG BENDWade P. T. A. will meet Thursday I

afternoon with Mrs. Howard Hatch | in Adrian with the newly eleetd of­ficers presiding. Mrs. Elmer Prosser and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach are as­sistant hostesses.

Kingman Kolony P T. A., has in­vited Lower Bend and Wade units to a Silver tea to be held at the C. C. Cotton home Tuesday

Adrian grange has invited mem­bers of Big Bend and other granges to attend their meeting Monday evening. May 7 to meet the state master and other officials.

Mr and Mrs Hinterlider and

daughter of Meridian were Mondayguests of Mr and Mrs. Dyre Ro­berts.

Messrs Grover and Tuttle of On­tario managers of Malheur Co-op Oil company were soliciting business in this community Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan were shopping in Caldwell Thursday.

F. A. Miller transacted business in Nampa last Tuesday.

Seventeen members of the Jolly Janes attended their regular meet­ing at the home of Mrs. E. E. Park­er Thursday afternoon also Mes- dames Charles McConnell, Dale Ashcraft and Bill Ashcraft of Ad­rian, Mrs. LeRoy Bunnel of Roswell and Mrs. Robert Eskew of Fruitland were invited guests.

Students of Mrs. Dunbars public speaking class presented a program

of choral readings at Wade school house Wednesday evening that was greatly enjoyed. An accordian solo by Miss Gibson and a song by George Elfers added to the pro­gram The ice cream booth and fish pond were well patronized. Tiie proceeds from this entertainment were added to 4-H club funds.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gillen of Ros­well were Sunday guests in the Brumbach home.

Mrs. R. L. Haworth. Eleanor Haworth and Virgil Olp attended the senior-junior banquet in Parma Friday evening.

Mrs. Martin Hobbs is recovering from a severe attack of flu and mumps.

Frank Taylor and Mr. and Mrs Harris of Caldwell were Sunday guests at the Phelan home.

Lumber and Building Material

For Repairing and Remodeling

Under F. H. A. Loans

Purchase Your Sidewalk Material Under This Plan

JACKSON LUMBER CO.Nyssa, OregonPhone 47

BUENA VISTAMr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff spent

Saturday at the John Murphy homein Nyssa.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Day had as their dinner guests Sunday. Mrs. C. O. Florea and family. Mrs Claude Claude Day and Ronnie and Mrs Harold Robbins and Jerry Tuttle.




Wallace Beery, Marian Martin and Alan Curtis in


A dm ission M atinee 10e-25eM atinee S a tu rd ay 2:30 p. m.

E vening 10c-36r

SUNDAY and MONDAY—May 7-8George Brent, Olivia de Haviland, Frank

McHugh and John Payne in “WINGS OF THE NAVY”

March of TimeA dm ission M a tin re 10c-25c

M atinee S u n d ay 2:30 p. m.E vening I0c-S0c

TUESDAY—May 9Ann Sheridan in



WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY—May 10-11Lucille Ball and James Ehison in

“NEXT TIME I MARRY”Buck Jones and Evevln Brent in


Movietone News A dm ission ilk-30c

The Sale Everyone is Talking About-AND WHY? Because you never saw such SEJPER VALUES

for these unusually low prices!Sale Continues Till May 13thHOUR SPECIALS

SATURDAY, MAY 6th10:00 A. M.


........25c80 sq. fast color cotton Prints, all sizes ..........


2 :00 P. M.W O M E N S S ILK H O SE

Full fashioned, chiffon hose, spring shades. Sizes 8\4> to 10i/>, with mended seams, pair ...........................

3 :0 0 P. M.CO T T O N PR IN TS

Plain and fancy, yard .............................. j QM E N ’S C A N V A S G L O V E S

............... 4c


29cBlue Chambray and gray covert w o r k shirts. Sizes 14i/> to 17

Blue top, Pair


Regular $1.00Ladies bags, colors brown, blue, black, white and many high s h a d d s. N e w e*s t leathers.


HANDK’CHFS. 9c ¿oi.

Fast color f a n c y Handkerchiefs.

SILKS1c Inch

Regular 59c yardWash silks, rayon and scheer silks. Plain and fancy patterns.


White and f a n c y summer caps. Sizes 63/4 to 7%

TIES6C each

Mens Ragon four-in- hand ties

WASH CLOTHS2 fOT ..................


Mens light colored summer wash pants. A large selection of colors and sizes.


74cBrown, black or white Sizes 61 to 2

DISH CLOTHS2 for ............ 5c

Hope Muslin 8c

80 sq. BrownMuslin 7c

Pullman Sheets 81x99 ............. 64c



C h i l d r e n cotton anklets. Plain a n d fancy colors. Sizes 6Vo to 10«-.


G O L D E N RULE“Make It Right Store” *

