– Carter ran for president as an outsider. 1. Carter Administration Human rights central to...

– Carter ran for president as an outsider. 1

Transcript of – Carter ran for president as an outsider. 1. Carter Administration Human rights central to...

– Carter ran for president as an outsider.


Carter Administration • Human rights central to foreign policy• Panama Canal in 2000• The Iran Crisis – The Iranian revolution • Ayatollah Komeini creates an Islamic Republic• 1979 U.S. Embassy Hostage Crisis• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka-Wu1jYY9U


Participation #5

• Answer the following question:• Analyze the success of Regan’s administration

in both domestic and foreign policy. Explain why he left office popular with the public, despite leaving behind him an enormous national debt.


• Freedom• Reagan made conservatism seem progressive.

• Reaganomics– Reagan’s tax cuts

• Reagan and Labor• The Problem of Inequality

Map 26.1 The Presidential Election of 1980


A family of affluent “yuppies” Young Urban Professional5

• The Second Gilded Age• Savings and Loan scandal

– During Reagan’s presidency, the national debt tripled to $2.7 trillion.

• Conservatives and Reagan– Reagan disappointed conservative

• Reagan and the Cold War– In foreign policy Reagan denounced the Soviet Union as

an “evil empire” and sponsored the largest military buildup in American history.


Hollywood joined enthusiastically in the revivedCold War http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_I4WgBfETc


Map 26.2 The United States in the Caribbean andCentral America, 1954–2004


• The Iran-Contra Affair– Reagan denied knowledge of the illegal proceedings, but

the Iran-Contra affair undermined confidence that he controlled his own administration.

• Reagan and Gorbachev– In his second term, Reagan softened his anticommunist

rhetoric and established good relations with Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev.• Glasnost and perestroika


• Reagan’s Legacy– Reagan’s presidency revealed the contradictions

at the heart of modern conservatism.– http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz4BvgTKQIE

• The Election of 1988– The 1988 election showed politics sinking to new
