+ Body Systems Unit 3 Lesson 11 Page 100-113. + The Nervous System Vocabulary The Nervous System- is...

+ Body Systems Unit 3 Lesson 11 Page 100-113

Transcript of + Body Systems Unit 3 Lesson 11 Page 100-113. + The Nervous System Vocabulary The Nervous System- is...


Body Systems

Unit 3 Lesson 11Page 100-113

+ The Nervous System VocabularyThe Nervous System- is the body system for communication and control.

Regulates Voluntary and Involuntary responses.

Brain- is the organ that is the control center for the body. Weights about 3 lbs. and has

almost 100 billion neurons.

Cerebrum- is the part of the brain that controls the ability to reason and to make judgments.

Largest division, thought, language, memory, emotions.

Cerebellum- is the part of the brain that controls how muscles work together. Movement,

balance, and posture

Brain stem- is the part of the brain that controls the functions of inner organs. Responsible

for functions primary for survival.

Medulla- is the part of the brain that controls involuntary actions, such as heart rate or


Spinal Cord- is a thick band of nerve cells through which messages enter and leave the brain. Merges with the brain at the base of the skull, provides two-way conduction pathway to and from the brain.

Spinal Nerves- are nerves that branch from the spinal cord and convey messages to and from the spinal cord.

+CNS and PNS

Central Nervous System (CNS)

Receives and processes information

Composed of the BRAIN and SPINAL CORD

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Relays signals to and from the CNS

Composed of all of the nerves outside of the CNS

Somatic Nervous System- delivers impulses to and from skeletal muscle ( voluntary)

Autonomic Nervous System- delivers impulses to and from the body’s smooth muscles and glands ( involuntary)

+The Brain and Spinal Cord

Look at page 102, label the diagram. Include Cerebrum, Medulla, Spinal Cord, and Cerebellum.


Tips to protect your Nervous System

Use a seat belt when riding in an automobile

Wear a helmet when it is appropriate

Do not use drugs or alcohol

Do not ingest of breath in poison

Head injuries (concussion or contusion)

Spinal Cord injuries (paralysis)

Disorders (Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Cebral Palsy


+The Circulatory System


The Circulatory System- is the body system that transports oxygen, food, and waste products throughout the body. Consists of blood, blood vessels, and the heart.

Heart- is a muscular organ that pumps blood to the body

Artery- is a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart.

Vein- is a blood vessel that carries blood to the heart.

Capillary- is a tiny blood vessel that connects arteries and veins.

Atherosclerosis- is a disease in which fat deposits on artery walls. This reduces blood flow through the arteries. Blood pressure in the arteries must increase to deliver blood to body cells.


Has 4 parts

1. Plasma- fluid portion of the blood

2. Red Blood Cells- carry oxygen

3. White Blood Cells- fight infections

4. Platelets- clot blood to stop bleeding

+Blood Vessels

Three basic types:1. Arteries2. Veins3. Capillaries

+Circulatory System


Limit fatty foods

Do not smoke

Maintain a healthy weight

Manage stress

Conditions (heart murmur, varicose veins, anemia, hemophilia)


Use this diagram to help label your heart diagram.

+The Respiratory System


The Respiratory System- is the body system that provides the body with oxygen and removes waste carbon dioxide from the body.


Cilia- tiny hairs that line the air passages

Trachea- windpipe through which air travels to the lungs

Bronchial Tubes- two short tubes through which air enters the lungs

Lungs- two organs that supply the blood with oxygen and rid the blood of carbon dioxide

Alveoli-are small air sacs in the lungs through which oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves the blood.

+Respiratory System

Each day you breathe about 20,000 times, and by the time you’re 70 years old, you’ll have taken at least 600 million breaths.

Your lungs contain almost 1500 miles of airways al over 300 million alveoli.

Plants are our partners in breathing. We breathe in air, use the oxygen in it, and release carbon dioxide. Plants then take in the carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

+Respiratory System

Provides the body with oxygen and removes waste carbon dioxide from the body.

Inhaling (taking in air)- rib muscles tighten and get shorter, pulling chest out and up. Diaphragm tightens and moves down increasing space inside the chest. With the space increasing the lungs expand and air rushes in.

Exhaling (air flows out)- Rib muscles relax and get longer while the chest gets smaller. The diaphragm relaxes and moves up, making less space inside the chest. Air is forced out of the lungs as the space in the chest gets smaller.


Bronchitis- inflammation of the bronchi, symptoms are wheezing and shortness of breath.

Asthma- inflammatory condition in which bronchioles become narrowed, making breathing difficult.

Pneumonia- inflammation of the lungs, caused by infectious organisms such as bacteria and viruses.

Tuberculosis-infectious bacterial disease of the lungs. Symptoms include fever, sweating, poor appetite, severe coughing, shortness of breath. Rare in the U.S.

+Tips for Care

Do not smoke

Stay away from second hand smoke

Do not inhale toxic fumes

Avoid polluted air

Exercise to strengthen lungs

Get medical help if you develop a respiratory infection.

+The Skeletal System Vocabulary

The Skeletal System- is the body system that consists of bones that provide a support framework. It protects inner organs and together with the muscles provides movement.


Joint- is a point at which two bones meet

Cartilage- is a soft material at the ends of bones that keep them from rubbing together.

Vertebral column- or backbone is a column of bones that encloses, supports and protects the spinal cord.

Ligaments- are tough bands or tissue that attach bones together at joints.

+Facts about the Skeletal System There are 206 bones in the human body

Our bones are 6 times stronger then steel if both are of the same weight

The size of the smallest bone is the same size as a single grain of rice

Of the 206 bones in the skeletal system, 52 of them make both our feet

A new born baby has over 300 bones

+Major Bones of the Human



Tibia and fibula


Radius and ulna







Pelvic bones


+Types of Bone

Long bones- found in the arms and legs

Short bones- found in the wrists and ankles, are as broad as they are long.

Flat bones- ribs and skull bones, they have thin flat shape, protect vital organs.

Irregular bones- have a shape that does not fit into any other category. Vertebrae

+Tips for Care

Consume calcium it builds strong bones and it most important during your teen years, and vitamin d

Use correct posture

Wear comfortable shoes

Get screened for scoliosis

Regular exercise, especially weight bearing exercise, increases bone mass

Exercise promotes better circulation, increasing nourishment to your bones


Any type of break in a bone

2 main types simple and compound

Simple fracture- broken bones do not stick out through the skin

Compound fracture- 1 or both ends of the bone project through the skin

+Problems in the Skeletal


Osteoporosis- condition in which bone density decreases, causing cones to become brittle an easily fractured (women)

Scoliosis- lateral, or side to side, curvature usually starts in early childhood.