-b jl - StudyQuran · pdm-tree of whicla tAe fruit remains tentil the end of winter: (AUn, ]:)...

though a pl.: but when you name thereby a mar it is perfectly deel., when inderminate, ecord. t Akh, or imperfectly deel. aeeord. to Sb. (., L The dim. ofl is , V~ I; the I with the suppremed following the same rule as the I ii !j: (TA :) and the dim. of imf is V,iie. (..) See & a. ~', · 1 one .. _.1 ,~1; , (8,,) or o 3 j1 -I, (s,) mea mill not do it eaer: (8, :) or the latter, I ri not do it to the end of time. (g.) And L'. .~ l, TA7e lut of the pope. (8, .) One says -*I1 5s .I ) 1 He came amon th lat oh the people. (TA.) And .I ; 1Zt J i lie ca,m among. thosn who were the lat of tA people. (., A, A.) [See alsojil.] In .I AI.l W, the last word is a mistake for ^'l q. v. (Me,hri4 of 'Iys4.) dI, (., Mlb, ',) a epithet, of the measurm MJ&, ($,) and *;'.i, (8, Mqb,) The lat; aft~r most; hindmost: and the latter; after; Ainder: and [ a subst.] the end: contr. of J,: [or o j3I when used as a subst.:] (A, MOb, ] :) or oj ;'-.iL: (Lth, Mb :) or what is atr thefirt or .former: (8:) fem. of the former ;i.: (8, Msb, L:) pl. [masc.] jiL (Our xxvi. 84, kc.,) and (mmc. and fem., Meb) l;I (8, M,b) and fem. ,i.lt also: (Th:) and V ?;gd is syn. with as; in J ell &ta [occuring in the . and V in art.. , meaning The lut, or latter, parts, or portion, of th night]. (TS in art. .) You say, ul. A. and ' s6 and j1m1 and t l;t, all meaning the same [He came latly, or latterly]: and in like manner, It i1'd. 6 and?t ' 3j,. 1 [I did not now it sate at th last, or lastly, or latterly]: (8:) or t l .. and Itr h andV a and int1 and ' ;te, (],) or t ;j and t , (Lb, L,) and !0. (TA) and tokl and t ;Lt and . and t lL/ (]) mean Ae came lautly of wrytAhig. (S.) It is sid in a trd., respecting Mo]ammad, lj I S.J He uwed to say, at the end of Ais itting, w,Lm he de ired to ris from the plac~ of assembly, tAu and thuw: or, accord. to IAth, it may mean, in the last, or latter, part of dis life. (TA.) And you say, -. S t1jA1 and ~p # pm1I (IA- r, M,] ) app. meaning (M) [I came to thee the latter of two times;] the second of two time. (M, V]..) And j.JI jut '1 : I wiU not spea to him [to the end of time, or] ever. (A.) [See a similar phrae above, voce .. ^.] And .aju.i1 14q. [They came with the lt of them; k~ being here syn. with .; meaning the came all, without eption]. (A.) [And :11J I~ i iJ 6 ,, and .TJI; and ) .jty,a TAat wans in th end of th month, and of the year; and in tAe lat days thereof.] And jim - FI .$, ),4i,J 51 [The day legthes] hour tO by hour. (A.) See also 34, last entence._ ) .s1tis a name of God, ignifying [The last; or] a He who renaineth aftr al his creatures, both i wocal and rste, have peri (Nh.) - 1>81 1. The two hinder dug. of the she-camel; opposed i to the OG?; (TA;) te two dup that are next I the thighs. 4 (i,) for >s.')t I W (Bd in ii. 3,) [and 2s1 l.l,] and V 1 k . (]g,) [The latter, ultimate, or last, and the other, dwelling, or abode, and life; i. e. the latter, ulti- mate, or last, and the other, world; the world, or ( life, to come; and the utimate ste of exitence, in the wrld to come;] the dwelling, or abode, [ [and life,] of everlasting duration: (g:) [each] ,1 an epithet in which the quality of a subst. pre- dominates. (Z, and Bd ubi supr&) [Opposed to Z 1JJ11. And I1t also signifies The enjoyments, bessings, or good, of the utimate state; of the other world; or of the nworld, or life, to come: in which sense. likewise it is opposed to %;: (see an ex. of both voe , in art. &: so too )] 6.1 0~~~~~.1 f-I 1 s, (8, Myb, ~,) and HI...l, (M~b,) JJ and #,^kl, (Q in art. ,.*s, and g,) and a ;d4., (6, Mgh, Myb, 9,) which is a rare form; or, accord. to Ya4oob, not allowable, (.,) and I j44, and ? 3;j.>, and V :1J, (; in art. ,j~~~~~~J .sI, and V,) andt e* p, (MNb, ]g,) or this is a mistake, (Mgh, Msb,) and V #yj 4 , (g,) but the first of all is the most chaste, (Msb,) The thing, (.,) or piece of wood, (Msb,) of the camel's ad, (., Mqb,) and of the horse's, (Msb,) againt whicd the rider la [his back]; (8, Mqb;) the contr.of its '*U' [by which term L., is meant the JuL.]: (Jr:) the .Ldt of the camel's saddle is the tall fore part which is next to the breast of the rider; and its ;s'.& is its hinder part; (Az, L;) i. e. it. broad piCe of wood, (h[gh,) or its tal and broad piece of wood, (Az, L,) wvhich is againt, or o site to, (, ,) the head [and I" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ back] of the rider: (Az, Mgh, L:) [for] the ;5^1 and the 1 are the I.A4 I, between which the rider sits: this is the description given by En- Nadr [ISh]; and all of it is correct: there is no doubt respecting it: (Az, L:) the pl. of ;.i. is is j. (Mqb.)- .;J1 .. I Vl: see# t ( ... 4w5 and V s1[accord. to some] also signify Absent. (i.) But see4t, second sentence. si:ee jd.( , .4 , 1 dim. of 1, q. v. (TA.) (T, ? A, Mgh, Myb, g, [in the t C1 thyI,]) said by AO, (Mqb,) or A'Obeyd, o (TA,) to be better without teshdeed, from which t observation it is to be understood that teshdeed in this case is allowable, though rare, but Az dis- allows it, (Myb, TA,) and a;s.e, and It 'W" l c (V,) [7Te outr angle of the eye;] the part of the eye nex the temple; (?, A, Mgh, Mqb;) the a part net the J (l_: :) opposed to its A.4, ih which is the extremity thereof next the nose: (6, 1 Mgh, Msb :) pi.3. .. (Mgh.) You say, jJI li ,. jdk. [He looled at, or towards, me f (lit. with) th outer angle of his eye]. (8.) _ -b jl ';- and 3j4: seee 9. I .~ The back, hinder, or latter, part of any- thing: its hindermost, or at, part: contr. of ! _~: as in the phrase, &j/d ,&t "y. [He struck the back, or hinder part, of his head]. (, M,b.) [See also. .andl..]__.. . . ;, and 4,.$.: see*l. ljz;1 a name of God, [The Postponer, or Delayer;] He who postpones, or delays, things, and puts them in their places: [or Hle mAo puts, or kp, back, or backard: or He who dgrades:] contr. of..tI. (TA.) tp, 1 J., and a3S..: see l. ;. ii£. A palm-tree of which tAe fruit remains until the end of winter: (AIn, C :) and until the end of the time of cutting off the fruit of palm-trees: (S, M, ] :) contr. of j; . and R: pl.es. (A.) jot'/ [reg. pl. of ;L]: see jtl, first sentence. ~Ltz: see its verb. [An author, or other person, of the later, or more modern, times.] g .-.;.l in the gur xv. 24 is said by Th to mean Those who come to the mosque after others, or late: (TA:) or it means thoes who are later in birth and death: or thoLs who have not yet come forth from the loins of men: or those who are late, or backward, in adopting the Muidim religion and inf ghting againt unbelievers and in obedience. (Bd.) L ju.1, [third pers. I/.,] (., ],) aor. ,U, (8,) inf. n. id.t; ( , , : &c.;) and ' ;1, (}, TA,) [in the CI z.g.I, which is wrong in respect of the pers., and otherwise, for it is cor- rectly] with medd, (TA,) inf. n. fi.1i and l.; (Lth;) and tt-; (V;) Thou becamet a brother [in the proper sense of this word, and also s meaning a friend, or companion, or the like]. 8,* R,' TA.) ·. 1l is also [used as] a simple ubst., (TA,) signifying Brot'tdrhood; fraternity; he relation of brother; as also 1:l W and *1; Lnd 5 i: (Lth, TA:) and the rdation of sister. (8.) You say, ;y.l eOj 5 and Vt5 %1 [&c., neaning] Between me and him is brotherhood. JK,TA.) And .t;.lj; Ia t;;.L t[e- rveen liberality and courage is a relation like that °f brothers]. (TA.) And i;m is a dial. var. of Ia ;a.l, occurring in a trad. (IAth, TA.)-- [It is lso trans.] You say, ;-a, s.L1I I was, or be- ame, a brother to ten. (TA.) 2. .,J " ,, ((,b or ;41s1, [b, so ccord. to a copy of that work, but probably this a mistranscription,]) inf. n. L3, (S, Myb, :,) I made an 4l.! [q. v.] for the beast, (Mqb, .,) and tied the beast th~ereith; (Mqb ;) [and d00,?t4 [He loobd at, or towards, me fmn ffi. with) gAd outer angle Of his eye]. 1,4 1 ' .' d ""' " 9 . an Iti. j&l* The back, kinder, or latter, part of any. thing: its hindermost, or kt"part: contr. of u in the phmoe, &-tj j&t. "tyb [He 11 struck the back, or hinder part, of his Acad]. and d;,. : am* p._WI a name of God, [The Postpimer, or 1?elayer;] He who pmtpones, or delays, thin.9s, and puts tkm in thdr placm: [or lle mAo puts, or k", back, or backmrd: or He who do~:] contr. Of (TA.) Qotpl and jj,j , see 5 "dl. A pdm-tree of whicla tAe fruit remains tentil the end of winter: (AUn, ]:) and until the end of the time of cutting off the fruit of pabn-trms: (?, M, V:) contr. of jctt and (A.) joto [reg. pl. of jtL]: see,,,l, first sentence. 6. 9-P ,,Ltze : see its verb. [An author, or other person, of the later, or more modern, tima.] 8.6 j in the lgur xv. 24 is said by Th to mean'hose who come to the mosque after othffs, or late: (TA:) or it means thow who are later in birth and death: or sliom who have not yet come foril& from the loins of men: or thom who are late,, or backward, in adbpting the Meidim religion and infghting agaiwt unbelievers and in obedienu. (Bd.) L 1, [tllird pers. aor. ztyi- i inf. n. 'I .;) and ;3&-1; 1 j1 &C (191 U,) [in the Cl which in wrong it& rmpect of the pers., and otherwise, for it in cor- reedy] with medd, (TA,) inf. a. fl;.1 and 'Ltli ;) and * b; (V;) Thou beramut a 5rother [in the proper sense of this word, and abo m meaning a friond, or companion, or tAe like]. wa.ft ],0 TA.) * ii,l is also [used ul a simple oubst., (TAJ signifying BrotlatrAood; fratemity; le relation of brother; u also 1' 'W$ and Lnd G: (Lth, TA:) and the rdation of Mtor. You say, ;j*.1 and Y:WI [&c., neaning] Betnwn me and him it brotherhood. i K, TA.) And a.t;.J I; 3.L;:J 1 1 cw t [De- 'wem liberality and ~rage is a rektion like that fai brothers]. (TA.) And imi. in a dial. var. of a A oceurring in a trad. (IAth, TA.)~ [It is loo trans.] You say, ;p-,& Z!J0.1 I' was, or be- am#, a brother to ten. (TA.) 2. al or ;41jjt, (Mqb, [so ecod. to copy of that work, but probably this a mistranscriptionj) inf n. Mgb, .1 4) 1 made an 4&I [q. v.] for the beast, (Meb, and tied the bma th~th; (Mqb;) [and [Boo- I.

Transcript of -b jl - StudyQuran · pdm-tree of whicla tAe fruit remains tentil the end of winter: (AUn, ]:)...

though a pl.: but when you name thereby a marit is perfectly deel., when inderminate, ecord. tAkh, or imperfectly deel. aeeord. to Sb. (., L

The dim. ofl is , V~ I; the I with thesuppremed following the same rule as the I ii

!j: (TA :) and the dim. of imf is V,iie.

(..) See & a. ~', ·1 one .. _.1 ,~1;, (8,,) or o3 j1 -I, (s,) mea

mill not do it eaer: (8, :) or the latter, I rinot do it to the end of time. (g.) And L'..~ l, TA7e lut of the pope. (8, .) One says

-*I1 5s .I ) 1 He came amon th lat ohthe people. (TA.) And .I ; 1Zt J ilie ca,m among. thosn who were the lat of tApeople. (., A, A.) [See alsojil.] In .I

AI.l W, the last word is a mistake for ^'lq. v. (Me,hri4 of 'Iys4.)

dI, (., Mlb, ',) a epithet, of the measurmMJ&, ($,) and *;'.i, (8, Mqb,) The lat; aft~r

most; hindmost: and the latter; after; Ainder:and [ a subst.] the end: contr. of J,: [or oj3I when used as a subst.:] (A, MOb, ] :) or oj;'-.iL: (Lth, Mb :) or what is atr thefirt or.former: (8:) fem. of the former ;i.: (8, Msb,

L:) pl. [masc.] jiL (Our xxvi. 84, kc.,) and(mmc. and fem., Meb) l;I (8, M,b) and fem.

,i.lt also: (Th:) and V ?;gd is syn. with

as; in J ell &ta [occuring in the . andV in art.. , meaning The lut, or latter, parts,or portion, of th night]. (TS in art. .)You say, ul. A. and ' s6 and j1m1 andt l;t, all meaning the same [He came latly, orlatterly]: and in like manner, It i1'd. *£ 6and?t ' 3j,. 1 [I did not now it sate at th last,or lastly, or latterly]: (8:) or t l .. and

Itr h andV a and int1 and

' ;te, (],) or t ;j and t , (Lb, L,) and

!0. (TA) and tokl and t ;Lt and .and t lL/ (]) mean Ae came lautly of wrytAhig.(S.) It is sid in a trd., respecting Mo]ammad,

lj I S.J He uwed to say, at the end of Ais itting,w,Lm he de ired to ris from the plac~ of assembly,tAu and thuw: or, accord. to IAth, it may mean,in the last, or latter, part of dis life. (TA.) And

you say, -. S t1jA1 and ~p # pm1I (IA- r,M,] ) app. meaning (M) [I came to thee thelatter of two times;] the second of two time.(M, V]..) And j.JI jut '1 : I wiU notspea to him [to the end of time, or] ever. (A.)[See a similar phrae above, voce ..^.] And.aju.i1 14q. [They came with the lt ofthem; k~ being here syn. with .; meaningthe came all, without eption]. (A.) [And:11J I~ i iJ 6 ,, and .TJI; and )

.jty,a TAat wans in th end of th month, andof the year; and in tAe lat days thereof.] And

jim - FI

.$, ),4i,J 51 [The day legthes] hourtO by hour. (A.) See also 34, last entence._

) .s1tis a name of God, ignifying [The last; or]a He who renaineth aftr al his creatures, bothi wocal and rste, have peri (Nh.) - 1>811. The two hinder dug. of the she-camel; opposedi to the OG?; (TA;) te two dup that are next

I the thighs. 4 (i,) for >s.')t IW (Bd in ii. 3,) [and 2s1 l.l,] and V 1


. (]g,) [The latter, ultimate, or last, and the other,dwelling, or abode, and life; i. e. the latter, ulti-mate, or last, and the other, world; the world, or

( life, to come; and the utimate ste of exitence,in the wrld to come;] the dwelling, or abode,[ [and life,] of everlasting duration: (g:) [each]

,1 an epithet in which the quality of a subst. pre-dominates. (Z, and Bd ubi supr&) [Opposed to


1JJ11. And I1t also signifies The enjoyments,bessings, or good, of the utimate state; of theother world; or of the nworld, or life, to come: inwhich sense. likewise it is opposed to %;: (seean ex. of both voe , in art. &: so too )]

6.1 0~~~~~.1f-I 1 s, (8, Myb, ~,) and HI...l, (M~b,)


and #,^kl, (Q in art. ,.*s, and g,) and a ;d4.,(6, Mgh, Myb, 9,) which is a rare form; or,accord. to Ya4oob, not allowable, (.,) andI j44, and ? 3;j.>, and V :1J, (; in art.


.sI, and V,) andt e* p, (MNb, ]g,) or this isa mistake, (Mgh, Msb,) and V #yj 4, (g,) butthe first of all is the most chaste, (Msb,) The thing,(.,) or piece of wood, (Msb,) of the camel'sad, (., Mqb,) and of the horse's, (Msb,)

againt whicd the rider la [his back]; (8,Mqb;) the contr.of its '*U' [by which term L.,is meant the JuL.]: (Jr:) the .Ldt of the camel'ssaddle is the tall fore part which is next to thebreast of the rider; and its ;s'.& is its hinder part;(Az, L;) i. e. it. broad piCe of wood, (h[gh,) orits tal and broad piece of wood, (Az, L,) wvhich is againt, or o site to, (, ,) the head [and

I" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~

back] of the rider: (Az, Mgh, L:) [for] the ;5^1 and the 1 are the I.A4 I, between which therider sits: this is the description given by En-Nadr [ISh]; and all of it is correct: there is nodoubt respecting it: (Az, L:) the pl. of ;.i. isis j. (Mqb.)- .;J1 .. I Vl: see# t (... 4w5 and V s1[accord. to some] also signifyAbsent. (i.) But see4t, second sentence.

si:ee jd.(, .4 ,

1 dim. of 1, q. v. (TA.)

(T, ? A, Mgh, Myb, g, [in the tC1 thyI,]) said by AO, (Mqb,) or A'Obeyd, o(TA,) to be better without teshdeed, from which tobservation it is to be understood that teshdeed inthis case is allowable, though rare, but Az dis-allows it, (Myb, TA,) and a;s.e, and It 'W" l c(V,) [7Te outr angle of the eye;] the part ofthe eye nex the temple; (?, A, Mgh, Mqb;) the apart net the J (l_: :) opposed to its A.4, ih

which is the extremity thereof next the nose: (6, 1Mgh, Msb :) pi.3. .. (Mgh.) You say, jJI li

,. jdk. [He looled at, or towards, me f(lit. with) th outer angle of his eye]. (8.) _

-b jl ';- and 3j4: seee 9.

I .~ The back, hinder, or latter, part of any-thing: its hindermost, or at, part: contr. of! _~: as in the phrase, &j/d ,&t "y. [Hestruck the back, or hinder part, of his head].

(, M,b.) [See also. .andl..]__.. . . ;,and 4,.$.: see*l.

ljz;1 a name of God, [The Postponer, orDelayer;] He who postpones, or delays, things,and puts them in their places: [or Hle mAo puts,or kp, back, or backard: or He who dgrades:]contr. of..tI. (TA.) tp, 1 J., anda3S..: see l.

;. ii£. A palm-tree of which tAe fruitremains until the end of winter: (AIn, C :) anduntil the end of the time of cutting off the fruitof palm-trees: (S, M, ] :) contr. of j; . and

R: pl.es. (A.)

jot'/ [reg. pl. of ;L]: see jtl, first sentence.

~Ltz: see its verb. [An author, or otherperson, of the later, or more modern, times.]

g .- .;.l in the gur xv. 24 is said by Th tomean Those who come to the mosque after others,or late: (TA:) or it means thoes who are laterin birth and death: or thoLs who have not yetcome forth from the loins of men: or those whoare late, or backward, in adopting the Muidimreligion and inf ghting againt unbelievers and inobedience. (Bd.)

L ju.1, [third pers. I/.,] (., ],) aor. ,U,(8,) inf. n. id.t; ( , , : &c.;) and ' ;1, (},TA,) [in the CI z.g.I, which is wrong inrespect of the pers., and otherwise, for it is cor-rectly] with medd, (TA,) inf. n. fi.1i and l.;(Lth;) and tt-; (V;) Thou becamet abrother [in the proper sense of this word, and alsos meaning a friend, or companion, or the like].

8,* R,' TA.) · . 1l is also [used as] a simpleubst., (TA,) signifying Brot'tdrhood; fraternity;he relation of brother; as also 1:l W and *1;Lnd 5 i: (Lth, TA:) and the rdation of sister.(8.) You say, ;y.l eOj 5 and Vt5 %1 [&c.,neaning] Between me and him is brotherhood.

JK,TA.) And .t;.lj; Ia t;;.L t[e- rveen liberality and courage is a relation like that°f brothers]. (TA.) And i;m is a dial. var. ofIa ;a.l, occurring in a trad. (IAth, TA.)-- [It islso trans.] You say, ;-a, s.L1I I was, or be-ame, a brother to ten. (TA.)

2. .,J " ,, ((,b or ;41s1, [b, soccord. to a copy of that work, but probably this

a mistranscription,]) inf. n. L3, (S, Myb,:,) I made an 4l.! [q. v.] for the beast, (Mqb,.,) and tied the beast th~ereith; (Mqb ;) [and


[He loobd at, or towards, me fmn


with) gAd outer angle Of his eye].


1 ' .' d ""' " 9 .




The back, kinder, or latter, part of any.


its hindermost, or kt"part: contr. of


in the phmoe, &-tj j&t�. "tyb [He


the back, or hinder part, of his Acad].


d;,.� : am*


a name of God, [The Postpimer, or


He who pmtpones, or delays, thin.9s,


puts tkm in thdr placm: [or lle mAo puts,


k", back, or backmrd: or He who do~:]


Of (TA.) Qotpl and

jj,j ,





pdm-tree of whicla tAe fruit


tentil the end of winter: (AUn, ]�:) and


the end of the time of cutting off the fruit


pabn-trms: (?, M, V:) contr. of jctt� and



[reg. pl. of jt�L�]: see,,,�l, first sentence.




: see its verb. [An author, or other


of the later, or more modern, tima.]




the lgur xv. 24 is said by Th to


who come to the mosque after othffs,


late: (TA:) or it means thow who are later


birth and death: or sliom who have not yet


foril& from the loins of men: or thom who


late,, or backward, in adbpting the Meidim


and infghting agaiwt unbelievers and in




1, [tllird pers. aor.




n. 'I .;) and


�1 j�1 &C (191


[in the Cl� which in wrong it&


of the pers., and otherwise, for it in cor-


with medd, (TA,) inf. a. fl;.1 and


;) and * ��b; (V;) Thou beramut a


[in the proper sense of this word, and abo


meaning a friond, or companion, or tAe like].


TA.) * ii,�l is also [used ul a simple


(TAJ signifying BrotlatrAood; fratemity;


relation of brother; u also 1' 'W$ and


G: (Lth, TA:) and the rdation of Mtor.


say, ;j*.1 and Y:WI [&c.,


Betnwn me and him it brotherhood.


K, TA.) And a�.t;.�J I; 3�.L;:J 1


cw t [De-


liberality and ~rage is a rektion like that


(TA.) And imi. in a dial. var. of




in a trad. (IAth, TA.)~ [It is


trans.] You say, ;p-,& Z!J0.1 I' was, or be-


a brother to ten. (TA.)


a�l or ;41jjt, (Mqb, [so


to � copy of that work, but probably this


mistranscriptionj) inf n. Mgb,


1 made an 4&I [q. v.] for the beast, (Meb,


tied the bma th~th; (Mqb;) [and

[Boo- I.