Χρόνοι στα Αγγλικα

1.Present Continuous (ενεστώτας διαρκείας) Verb: to be (am/is/are) + present participle Affirmative Negative Interrogative I am going I am not going Am I going? You are going You are not going Are you going? He is going He is not going Is he going? She is going She is not going Is she going? It is going It is not going Is it going? We are going We are not going Are we going? You are going You are not going Are you going? They are going They are not going Are they going? Spelling rules -e e -ing Come coming, write writing, give giving. But: agree agreeing, see seeing -ie ie y -ing Lie lying, die dying Short verbs one vowel + one consonant Stop stopping, swim swimming, sit sitting, put putting But: read reading, eat eating, walk walking, ring ringing, Note: begin beginning, prefer preferring. Vowel/consonant + y -ing Play playing, study studying One vowel + l -lling Travel travelling (USA travel traveling)


English Τenses

Transcript of Χρόνοι στα Αγγλικα

1.Present Continuous (ενεστώτας διαρκείας) Verb: to be (am/is/are) + present participle

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am going I am not going Am I going?

You are going You are not going Are you going?

He is going He is not going Is he going?

She is going She is not going Is she going?

It is going It is not going Is it going?

We are going We are not going Are we going?

You are going You are not going Are you going?

They are going They are not going Are they going?

• Spelling rules

-e e -ing

Come coming, write writing, give giving.

But: agree agreeing, see seeing

-ie ie y -ing

Lie lying, die dying

Short verbs one vowel + one consonant

Stop stopping, swim swimming, sit sitting, put putting

But: read reading, eat eating, walk walking, ring ringing,

Note: begin beginning, prefer preferring.

Vowel/consonant + y -ing

Play playing, study studying

One vowel + l -lling

Travel travelling (USA travel traveling)

• Use

Action now

He is playing in the garden

The sun is shining

Where are you going?

Action about this time

She is studying hard this term.

I am taking some private lessons at the moment.

Arranged future action

What are you doing next Saturday?

I am working tomorrow

He is leaving tomorrow morning

With always

He is always coming late.

• Πρόσθετες σηµειώσεις

Χρησιµοποιείται για να µας δείξει ότι µια πράξη συµβαίνει την ώρα που µιλάµε. Εδώ

έχουµε το ρήµα to be και την κατάληξη –ing.

He is watching TV παρακολουθεί (αυτός)τηλεόραση (τώρα)

She is cooking dinner. Αυτή µαγειρεύει βραδινό (τώρα)

Καταλαβαίνουµε το χρόνο όταν υπάρχουν λέξεις όπως το:

1. Now = τώρα

2. At the moment = προς το παρόν

3. Temporarily = προσωρινά.

Εάν η πράξη είναι µια επαναλαµβανόµενη συνήθεια, τότε µπορούµε να δούµε το

χρονικό επίρρηµα always µε τον ενεστώτα διαρκείας.

2.Simple Present(ενεστώτας απλός) (do/does/doesn’t)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I come I don’t come Do I come?

You come You don’t come Do you come?

He comes He doesn’t come Does he come?

She comes She doesn’t come Does she come?

It comes It doesn’t come Does it come?

We come We don’t come Do we come?

You come You don’t come Do you come?

They come They don’t come Do they come?

• Spelling rules (3rd person singular)

-ss, sh, ch, o, x -es.

Wash: He/she/it washes

Watch: He/she/it watches

Go: he/she/it goes

Consonant + y y -ies

Cry: He/she/it cries

Try: He/she/it tries

But: vowel + y –s

Play: He/she/it plays

Stay: He/she/it stays

• Use

Habitual action

I go to school every morning

What time do you get up in the morning?

Scientific facts

The earth goes round the sun

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

Planned future action/events

We start tomorrow morning

Schools open in September

My plane leaves at 9:30 tomorrow morning

The boat leaves at 12 o’clock tomorrow.

• Πρόσθετες πληροφορίες

O χρόνος αυτός µιλάει για µια πράξη που:

1. Είναι σταθερή µόνιµη πάγια

2. Επαναλαµβάνεται ανά τακτά χρονικά διαστήµατα.

3. ∆ηλώνει µια γενική αλήθεια.

John works in a bank. O john δουλεύει ας τράπεζα.

We play tennis every Sunday. Παίζουµε τένις κάθε Κυριακή.

The sun rises in the east. O ήλιος ανατέλλει στην ανατολή.

Επιρρήµατα που εντάσσονται µε απλό ενεστώτα:

Usually = συνήθως

Often = συχνά

Always = µερικές φορές

Sometimes = µερικές φορές

Never = ποτέ

Quite often = αρκετά συχνα

Rarely = σπανίως

Seldom = σπανίως

Μετά από τα ρήµατα: hear, smell, see, love, hate, know, understand.

χρησιµοποιούµε ενεστώτα απλό

3.Past Simple(αόριστος απλός) (did/didn’t)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I worked/wrote I didn’t work/write Did I work/write?

You worked/wrote You didn’t work/write Did you work/write?

He worked/wrote He didn’t work/write Did he work/write?

She worked/wrote She didn’t work/write Did she work/write?

It worked/wrote It didn’t work/write Did it work/write?

We worked/wrote We didn’t work/write Did we work/write?

You worked/wrote You didn’t work/write Did you work/write?

They worked/wrote They didn’t work/write Did they work/write?

• Spelling rules

Short verbs – one vowel + one consonant

Stop – stopped, rub rubbed

Consonant + y φεύγει το Υ και µπαίνει -ied

Carry carried, study studied

But: vowel + y –ed

Play played, stay stayed

• -ed

The –ed pronounced / id /with verbs ending in d or t:

Wait waited, add added.

The -ed pronounced / t / with verbs ending with the sounds p,k,f,s,S,ts:

Stop stopped, look looked, wash washed, laugh laughed

The –ed pronounced / d / with ending in a vowel or any other consonant:

Play, played, listen listened, rob robbed

• Use

Past action when the time is given or it is understood

I wrote a letter to my friend yesterday

I bought this dress in London

A past habit

She never drove faster than the speed limit.

He lived in Essex when he was a child.

Also: he used to smoke a lot.

«Μας µιλά για µία πράξη που έγινε στο παρελθόν και «γνωρίζουµε το πότε

ακριβώς έγινε». Χρησιµοποιούµε τον Αόριστο του ρήµατος to do για να

σχηµατίσουµε την άρνηση και την ερώτηση. Η κατάφαση σχηµατίζεται µε το

–ed στα οµαλά και για τα ανώµαλα υπάρχει πίνακας.


He looked outside for hours.

He didn’t look outside of the window.

Did he look outside of the window?

4.Past Continuous (αόριστος διαρκείας) To be/was/were + present participle

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I was sleeping I was not sleeping Was I sleeping?

You were sleeping You were not sleeping Were you sleeping?

He was sleeping He was not sleeping Was he sleeping?

She was sleeping She was not sleeping Was she sleeping?

It was sleeping It was not sleeping Was it sleeping?

We were sleeping We were not sleeping Were we sleeping?

You were sleeping You were not sleeping Was you sleeping?

They were sleeping They were not sleeping Was they sleeping?

• Use

For two past actions going on at same time (δύο πράξεις που γίνονται στο

παρελθόν έντονα).

I was watching television while my sister was studying.

Tom and George were playing while Mary and Helen were doing then exercises.

Mrs Brown was cooking lunch while her husband was digging in the garden.

For something which was happening when something else happened.(Για

κάτι που γινόταν στο παρελθόν και κάτι το διέκοψε).

I was walking to school when I met an old friend of mine.

It was raining hard when we left the theatre.

The bus started while Mr jones was getting on.

For on action happening at a certain time in the past.(για µία πράξη που

συµβαίνει σε συγκεκριµένη ώρα στο παρελθόν).

At nine o’clock I was listening to the radio.

At midnight they were studying hard for their exams.

I was washing my car from three to four.

(while = όταν ενώ)

Χρησιµοποιείται για να µας δείξει δύο πράγµατα:

1. Ότι ενώ γινόταν µια πράξη στο παρελθόν µια άλλη την διέκοψε.

2. Ότι δύο πράξεις συνέβησαν ταυτόχρονα στο παρελθόν.

1. John cut himself while he was washing the dishes.

2. John was cooking and I was cleaning.

Η πράξη που διακόπτει είναι Απλό Αόριστο και η πράξη που διακόπτεται είναι σε

Αόριστο ∆ιαρκείας.

Χρησιµοποιούµε το was/were + ing για να τον σχηµατισουµε.

Λέξεις κλειδιά: while = ενώ, When = όταν.

5.Simple Future (µέλλοντας απλός)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I will / Shall go I won’t / Shan’t go Shall / will I go?

You will go You won’t go Will / you go?

He will go He won’t go Will he go?

She will go She won’t go Will she go?

It will go It won’t go Will it go?

We will / shall go We won’t / Shan’t go Shall / will we go?

You will go You won’t go Will you go?

They will go They won’t go Will they go?

• Examples

What shall / will we drink?

Shall / will I see you later?

What shall / will I do?

I don’t think you’ll win at cards tonight.

That’s the phone. I’ll answer it.

Good – bye. I’ll see you on Friday.

He’ll be twenty – one next month.

Where will you be at six o’clock?

I shan’t / won’t be back until ten.

Other future forms:

Present continuous

We’re leaving tomorrow afternoon.

What are you doing tomorrow morning.

I’m meeting Susan tonight.

Simple present

The new supermarket opens next month.

Schools open earlier this year.

(to be + going to + verb)

They’re going to buy a flat in Oxford.

I’m going to meet him at the station at 6 o’

Ο χρονος αυτός µιλάει για µία πράξη που θα ξεκινήσει να γίνεται στο µέλλον.

Σχηµατίζεται µε το Will και το απαρέµφατο του ρήµατος. Σε κανένα πρόσωπο δεν


Στον απλό µέλλοντα, το υποκείµενο δεν έχει σχεδιαστεί εκ τον προτέρων κάτι που

θα κάνει στο µέλλον. Αν αυτό συµβαίνει τότε αντί για το Will χρησιµοποιούµαι τη

φράση: I am going to…..πρόκειται να..


He will go to see his father tomorrow. Θα πάει να δει τον πατέρα του αύριο.

Will he buy a new car? Θα αγοράσει (αυτός) καινούριο αυτοκίνητο?

He will not (won’t) travel with us. = (Αυτός) δεν θα ταξιδέψει µαζί µας.

6.Future Continuous (µέλλοντας διαρκείας) (will/shall + be + present participle)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I will / Shall be working I won’t/Shan’t be working Shall / will I be working?

You will be working You won’t be working Will / you be working?

He will be working He won’t be working Will he be working?

She will be working She won’t be working Will she be working?

It will be working It won’t be working Will it be working?

We will / shall be working We won’t/Shan’t be working

Shall / will we be working?

You will be working You won’t be working Will you be working?

They will be working They won’t be working Will they be working?

• Use

For the action happening at a certain time in the future.

At this time tomorrow. I’ll be driving to London.

When we get back they’ll be having lunch.

At ten o’clock I’ll be sleeping.

The future continuous I sometimes used instead of:

a) The simple Future Tense.

b) The going to form.

I’ll be seeing him tomorrow.

She’ll be leaving in a few days.

We’ll be having dinner in half an hour.

• General Note

Don’t use will/shall after: if when*, unless, by the time, before, after, while,

as soon as, as long as, until.

If I go I’ll tell her.

We’ll go out when my uncle comes.

I’ll visit you before leave for America.

Jane will be Studying while her brother is sleeping.

We’ll leave as soon as we are ready.

I’ll have done my homework by the time you come back.

We won’t go unless you finish your work.

*when = at or during the time that…..

Χρησιµοποιείται για να δείξει ότι το υποκείµενο θα βρίσκεται στα µισά µιας πράξης

κάποια συγκεκριµένη χρονική στιγµή στο µέλλον. Σχηµατίζεται µε το απαρέµφατο to

be και την κατάληξη –ing. Η απόδοση αυτού του χρόνου στα ελληνικά για το ρήµα

δουλεύω για παράδειγµα, θα είναι «θα δουλεύω» και όχι «θα δουλέψω» που

είναι ό απλός µέλλοντας.


Tomorrow at seven o’clock he will be watching TV.

(Το υποκείµενο θα ξεκινήσει πριν τις 7:00 να βλέπει τηλεόραση και όταν η ώρα 7:00

έρθει θα τα βρει να παρακολουθεί τηλεόραση).

Will you be travelling next year?

She won’t be watching TV tonight.

7.Simple Present Perfect (παρακείµενος απλός) (have/has + past participle)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I have worked/left I haven’t worked/left Have I worked/left?

You have worked/left You haven’t worked/left Have you worked/left?

He has worked/left He hasn’t worked/left Has he worked/left?

She has worked/left She hasn’t worked/left Has she worked/left?

It has worked/left It hasn’t worked/left Has it worked/left?

We have worked/left We haven’t worked/left Have we worked/left?

You have worked/left You haven’t worked/left Have you worked/left?

They have worked/left They haven’t worked/left Have they worked/left?

• Use

past action when the exact time is not mentioned

I’ve lost my glasses.

He has found his pen.

They’ve bought a very nice car.

With just

I’ve just finished

Mary has just gone out

The plane has just landed

But: I saw him just now

Note these:

I haven’t heard from her for two months. (Not: I have to..)

He hasn’t been to the theatre since last Christmas. (Not: He has to.)

It hasn’t rained for four months. (Not: it has to..)

They haven’t visited us since September. (Not: They have to..)

• For

Α period of time till now------- since: a point of time until now.

For: two hours, three days, six months, many years, a long time, etc.

Since: yesterday, last week, last month, last year, September, Christmas etc.


I have lived in Athens all my life (έχω ζήσει στην Αθήνα όλη τη ζωή µου).

Ο χρόνος αυτός µιλά για κάτι που ξεκίνησε να γίνεται στο παρελθόν χωρίς όµως

να µας ξεκαθαρίσει αν η πράξη έχει τελειώσει ή αν πρόκειται να τελειώσει

στο µέλλον. Εκεί βρίσκεται και η διαφορά που έχει µε τον Αόριστο. Σχηµατίζεται µε

το ρήµα Have = έχω και την παθητική µετοχή του ρήµατος (past participle).

Πχ: I have gone = έχω πάει.


I have finished my homework = έχω τελειώσει την σχολική µου εργασία.

Have you finished your homework = έχεις τελειώσει την εργασία σου.

He has not finished his homework = δεν έχει τελειώσει την εργασία του.

Στον Απλό παρακείµενο υπάρχουν µερικές ενδεικτικές λέξεις που µας βοηθούν

να προσδιορίσουµε µε µεγαλύτερη ακρίβεια την χρονική στιγµή στην οποία έγινε ή


a) Just = µόλις. I have just finished my homework = µόλις έχω τελειώσει την

εργασία µου.

b) Almost = σχεδόν. I have almost finished my homework = έχω σχεδόν

τελειώσει την εργασία µου.

c) Yet = ακόµη. (συντάσσεται µε άρνηση) I have not finished my homework

yet. ∆εν έχω τελειώσει την εργασία µου ακόµη.

d) Already = κιόλας. I have already finished my homework = έχω κιόλας

τελειώσει την εργασία µου.

Όπως βλέπουµε στα παραδείγµατα (b) και (c) η πράξη θα ολοκληρωθεί στο µέλλον.

Στο παράδειγµα (a) η πράξη ολοκληρώθηκε στο πολύ κοντινό παρελθόν (σχεδόν τη

στιγµή που µιλάµε). Το παράδειγµα (d) δηλώνει ότι η πράξη τελείωσε µεν στο

παρελθόν όµως δεν έχει µεσολαβήσει πολύς χρόνος.

8. Present Perfect continuous (παρακείµενος διαρκείας) (have/has + been + past participle)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I have been sleeping I haven’t been sleeping Have I been sleeping?

You have been sleeping You haven’t been sleeping Have you been sleeping?

He has been sleeping He hasn’t been sleeping Has he been sleeping?

She has been sleeping She hasn’t been sleeping Has she been sleeping?

It has been sleeping It hasn’t been sleeping Has it been sleeping?

We have been sleeping We haven’t been sleeping Have we been sleeping?

You have been sleeping You haven’t been sleeping Have you been sleeping?

They have been sleeping They haven’t been sleeping Have they been sleeping?

• Use

The action began in the past and is still going on

He has been sleeping for three hours (He is still sleeping)

They’ve been watching television for over an hour. (They’re still watching it)

They’ve been cleaning the house since morning. (They’re still cleaning it)

I’ve living here since 1980. (I’m still living here)

Present result →→→→ action finished just now

Why are your hands dirty? Have you been digging in the garden?

Why are you late? Have you been shopping?

Someone has been using my pen. There’re finger marks all over it.

Who has been sitting in my chair?

• Look at these

We have known each other for a long time. (Not: we have been knowing)

How long have you known that? (Not: ….have you been knowing)

I have had this dress for two years. (Not: I have this..)

He has had this car since 1975. (Not: He has this..)

Not these

I’ve been working* for this company since last Christmas

Or: I’ve worked for this company since last Christmas

They’ve been living* in London for ten years.

Or: They’ve lived in London for ten years.

*sometimes either the present perfect continuous or the simple present perfect

may be used with some verbs, without any difference in the meaning. Some of

these verbs are: work, live, learn, sleep, sit, rain, snow, stand, study, teach,


Αυτός ο χρόνος δηλώνει ότι ενώ µια πράξη άρχισε στο παρελθόν ολοκληρώνεται

αυτή τη στιγµή που µιλάµε. Ο σχηµατισµός του χρόνου γίνεται και παλι µε το Have

και το –ing του ρήµατος. ∆ηλαδή: I have been waiting η κατάληξη ing του ρήµατος

wait = περιµένω. Η µετάφραση στα ελληνικά µε τη φράση: έχω που ……

Και εδώ στο γ ‘ ενικό πρόσωπο εχουµε το Has.


I have been waiting for you for two hours = έχω που σε περιµένω δύο ώρες.

Have you been waiting for me for a long time? = έχεις που µε περιµένεις πολύ ώρα.

He has not been waiting for me for many hours = δεν έχει που µε περιµένει πολλές


Εδώ θα δούµε και δύο λέξεις που µας καθορίζουν τη διάρκεια και τη χρονική στιγµή

που συνέβη η πράξη.

Η λέξη for δηλώνει πόσο χρόνο κατανάλωσε ή πράξη µέχρι να ολοκληρωθεί. Το for

στα ελληνικά µεταφράζεται εδώ και….

Ενώ το Since µεταφράζεται από…

Το Since δηλώνει πότε άρχισε να γίνεται η πράξη.

Ας δούµε δύο παραδείγµατα:

I have been waiting for you for five hours = έχω που σε περιµένω εδώ και πέντε

ώρες. (Ξέρω το πόσο δεν ξέρω το πότε)

I have been waiting for you since nine o’clock = έχω που σε περιµένω από τις εννέα

η ώρα (ξέρω το πότε δεν ξέρω το πόσο)

9. Simple past perfect (υπερσυντέλικος απλός) (had + past participle)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I had worked/left I hadn’t worked/left Had I worked/left?

You had worked/left You hadn’t worked/left Had you worked/left?

He had worked/left He hadn’t worked/left Had he worked/left?

She had worked/left She hadn’t worked/left Had she worked/left?

It had worked/left It hadn’t worked/left Had it worked/left?

We had worded/left We hadn’t worded/left Had we worked/left?

You had worked/left You hadn’t worked/left Had you worked/left?

They had worked/left They hadn’t worked/left Had they worked/left?

• Use

Action completed before a past moment

We had cleaned the house before the guest came.

She had studied English before she came to England.

He went out to play after he had done his homework.

When she arrived home her parents had already left.

When we got to the theatre the play had begun.

In indirect speech.

Direct speech: he said. I have seen this film.

Indirect speech: he said he had seen that film.

Direct speech: she said, I saw this play last week.

Indirect speech: she said she had seen that play the previous week.

Ακόµη ένας παρελθοντικός χρόνος που κυρίως χρησιµοποιείται όταν χρειάζεται να

συγκρίνουµε δύο πράξεις του παρελθόντος για να δούµε πια είναι η πιο παλιά. Η πιο

παλιά πράξη εκφράζεται µε απλό υπερσυντέλικο ενώ η επίσης παρελθοντική αλλά

µεταγενέστερη πράξη εκφράζεται µε Απλό Αόριστο. Με αλλά λόγια ο Απλός

υπερσυντέλικος είναι µια «ζυγαριά» που ζυγίζει τις πιο παλιές αλλά και τις πιο

πρόσφατες πράξεις του παρελθόντος. Σχηµατίζεται µε την παθητική µετοχή του

ρήµατος Have και την παθητική µετοχή του ρήµατος.


I had gone = είχα πάει.

Had you gone? = είχες πάει?

He had not gone = αυτός δεν έχει είχε πάει?

Εδώ στο γ’ ενικό πρόσωπο δεν έχουµε µεταβολές είναι και αυτό had

Ας δούµε ένα παράδειγµα που δείχνει την σύγκριση που αναφέραµε. When you

came to see me I had left = όταν ήρθες να µε δεις εγώ είχα φύγει. Η πράξη του

υπερσυντέλικου προηγείται της πράξης του Αορίστου.

10. past perfect continuous(υπερσυντέλικος διαρκείας) (had been + past participle)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I had been sleeping I hadn’t been sleeping Had I been sleeping?

You had been sleeping You hadn’t been sleeping Had you been sleeping?

He had been sleeping He hadn’t been sleeping Had he been sleeping?

She had been sleeping She hadn’t been sleeping Had she been sleeping?

It had been sleeping It hadn’t been sleeping Had it been sleeping?

We had been sleeping We hadn’t been sleeping Had we been sleeping?

You had been sleeping You hadn’t been sleeping Had you been sleeping?

They had been sleeping They hadn’t been sleeping Had they been sleeping?

• Use

Duration of an action up to certain time in the past.

I had been living in London for ten months before he arrived.

She had been studying English for years before she came to England.

They had been walking for hours before they came to the hotel.

When I saw him, he had been waiting for over an hour.

Past result

Why were your clothes dirty? Had you been digging in the garden?

Why were you late? Had you been shopping?

She looked tired because she had been cleaning the house all day.

The boys had been playing football. That’s why they were so hot

Εδώ έχουµε ένα χρόνο που µας περιγράφει µια παρελθοντική πράξη και µας

πληροφορεί για το πόσο κράτησε διάρκεια. Οριοθετεί δηλαδή το χρονικό πλαίσιο

µέσα στο οποίο συνέβη η πράξη.

Σχηµατίζεται µε το had been και την κατάληξη –ing του ρήµατος στα ελληνικά

αποδίδεται µε τη φράση: Είχα που…….


I had been waiting for you for two hours before I left. = είχα που σε περίµενα δύο

ώρες πριν να φύγω. (έφυγα – η πράξη δεν συνεχίζεται µέχρι τώρα – είχε όµως

κάποια διάρκεια στο παρελθόν).

Had you been waiting for many hours yesterday? = είχες που περίµενες πολλές

ώρες χθες?

11. Simple Future perfect (συντελεσµένος µέλλοντας απλός) (will/shall have + past participle)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I will/shall have worked/slept I won’t/shan’t have worked/slept Shall/will I have worked/slept?

You will have worked/slept You won’t have worked/slept Will you have worked/slept?

He will have worked/slept He won’t have worked/slept Will he have worked/slept?

She will have worked slept She won’t have worked/slept Will she have worked/slept?

It will have worked/slept It won’t have worked/slept Will it have worked/slept?

We will/shall have worked/slept

We won’t/shan’t have worked/slept

Shall/will we have worked/slept?

You will have worked/slept You won’t have worked/slept Will you have worked/slept?

They will have worked/slept They won’t have worked/slept Will they have worked/slept?

• Use

Action completed before a future moment

He will have come by the time you finish cooking

I’ll have finished the work by the time you repair by bicycle.

She’ll have read all these mystery books by Christmas.

We’ll have done the exercises by seven o’clock

Don’t use until with the simple future perfect.

By the time, by or before.

I’ll have finished it by the time you get there.

I’ll have finished it by 7 o’clock/tomorrow

I’ll have finished it before you get there/before 7 o’clock/before tomorrow.

Αυτός ο χρόνος µας µιλά για δύο βασικά πράγµατα:

1. Πότε στο µέλλον θα ολοκληρωθεί µια πράξη που είχε κιόλας αρχίσει να

λαµβάνει χώρα. Η πράξη αυτή όµως θα σταµατήσει και δεν θα

επαναλαµβάνεται συνεχώς.

2. Όταν απαιτείται να βγάλουµε κάποιο λογικό συµπέρασµα για το παρελθόν.

Πριν δούµε µερικά παραδείγµατα, ας δούµε τον σχηµατισµό του. Σχηµατίζεται

µε το Will have και την παθητική µετοχή του ρήµατος.


Για τη χρήση (1)

By the end of this week I will have painted my house = Μέχρι το τέλος της

εβδοµάδας θα έχω βάψει το σπίτι µου. (έχω κιόλας αρχίσει την διαδικασία του

βαψίµατος αλλά θα την ολοκληρώσω στο τέλος της εβδοµάδας. ∆εν θα συνεχίσω να

βάφω το σπίτι µου συνέχεια. Η πράξη στο τέλος της εβδοµάδας θα σταµατήσει).

Για την χρήση (2)

It is 12 o’clock. They will have arrived by now. = είναι 12 η ώρα. Αυτοί θα έχουν

φτάσει µέχρι τώρα. (λογικό συµπέρασµα).

Καµία απολύτως αλλαγή δεν υπάρχει σε κανένα πρόσωπο.

Will you have finished your homework by 5 o’clock? = θα έχεις τελειώσει την

εργασία σου µέχρι της πέντε.

He will not have finished his homework by 5 o’clock. = ∆εν θα έχει (αυτός)

τελειώσει την εργασία του µέχρι τις πέντε.

12. Future perfect continuous (συντελεσµένος µέλλοντας διαρκείας) (will/shall have been + past participle)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I will/shall have been sleeping I won’t/shan’t have been sleeping Shall/will I have been sleeping?

You will have been sleeping You won’t have been sleeping Will you have been sleeping?

He will have been sleeping He won’t have been sleeping Will he have been sleeping?

She will have been sleeping She won’t have been sleeping Will she have been sleeping?

It will have been sleeping It won’t have been sleeping Will it have been sleeping?

We will/shall have been sleeping

We won’t/shan’t have been sleeping

Shall/will we have been sleeping?

You will have been sleeping You won’t have been sleeping Will you have been sleeping?

They will have been sleeping They won’t have been sleeping Will they have been sleeping?

• Use

Duration up to certain time in the future.

At nine o’clock tomorrow morning he will have been sleeping for seven hours.

By next Christmas we’ll have been living here for twelve years

By the end of the month I’ll have been studying for ten years

At ten o’clock Mr Wood will have been teaching six hours.

Χρησιµοποιείται για να εκφράσει την διάρκεια (µέχρι σε κάποιο χρονικό σηµείο) µιας

πράξης που θα συνεχίζεται διαρκώς στο µέλλον. Με αλλά λόγια µας µιλά για κάποιο

χρονικό κύκλο που θα συµπληρώνει κάθε φορά µια πράξη (χρονικό σηµείο) χωρίς

όµως εκείνη να σταµατά. Στα ελληνικά θα αποδίδεται µε τη φράση: θα έχω που……

Σχηµατίζεται µε το will have been και την κατάληξη –ing του ρήµατος. ∆εν

υπάρχει αλλαγή σε κανένα πρόσωπο.

Ας δούµε µερικά παραδείγµατα:

By the end of this month, I will have been working here for two months = Στο τέλος

του µήνα θα έχω που εργάζοµαι εδώ δύο µήνες. ( θα συνεχίσω φυσικά να εργάζοµαι

εκεί που εργάζοµαι απλά, στο τέλος του µήνα θα έχω κλείσει ένα κύκλο δύο µηνών

σ’ αυτή τη δουλειά).

Will you have been working here for two months? = θα έχεις που θα

δουλεύεις έδω για δύο µήνες.

He will not have been working here for two months. = ∆εν θα έχει που θα

δουλεύει εδώ για δύο µήνες.

Χρήσιμες παρατηρήσεις

Όταν εξετάσαµε τον απλό µέλλοντα είπαµε ότι συνήθως δεν έχουµε σχεδιάσει αυτό

που θα κάνουµε στο µέλλον. Αν έχουµε σχεδιάσει κάτι από πριν τότε

χρησιµοποιούµε τη φράση going to …. = πρόκειται να…

Ας δούµε τώρα τη διαφορά µε παραδείγµατα:

a. I will buy a car = θα αγοράσω αυτοκίνητο. (γενικό και αρκετά απροσδιόριστο


b. I am going to buy a car. = Πρόκειται να αγοράσω αυτοκίνητο (έχω µελετήσει

την αγορά που θα κάνω και ξέρω και το πότε θα την κάνω)

Ας δούµε όµως και ακόµη ένα παράδειγµα µέσα από µικρή ιστορία:

Το ποδήλατο της µικρής Αννούλας έχει χαλάσει και εκείνη στεναχωρηµένη περιµένει

να γυρίσει ο µπαµπάς της για να το πει. Όταν τον βλέπει και του το λέει ο µπαµπάς

της απαντά: «don’t worry Anne. I will fix it tomorrow». ∆εν γνώριζε πριν για

το χαλασµένο ποδήλατο. Μόλις λοιπόν η µικρή Αννούλα του ανακοινώνει πως αυτό

έχει χαλάσει, ο µπαµπάς της, τελείως αυθόρµητα της απαντά πως αύριο θα το

φτιάξει. Στη συνέχεια ο µπαµπάς µπαίνει µέσα στο σπίτι. Εκεί τον περιµένει η

γυναίκα του για να του ανακοινώσει πως το ποδήλατο της µικρής Αννούλας έχει

χαλάσει. Ο µπαµπάς απαντά: « I know. I’m going to fix it tomorrow». Η

δεύτερη απάντηση του µπαµπά είναι µε το going to γιατί πλέον έχει αποφασίσει να

το φτιάξει και έχει αρχίσει να σχεδιάσει πως θα το κάνει.

I have been to London = έχω πάει στο Λονδίνο και έχω επιστρέψει.

I have gone to London = έχω πάει στο Λονδίνο και είµαι ακόµα εκεί.


Πολλές φορές χρησιµοποιούµε ∆ιαρκείας Ενεστώτα όταν θέλουµε να µιλήσουµε για

µια µελλοντική πράξη που θα γίνει σε πολύ σύντοµο χρόνο.

Ι am leaving tomorrow morning = φεύγω αύριο πρωί.