© 2018 Melissa R. Cervantezufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/E0/05/26/14/00001/CERVANTEZ_M.pdf ·...


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Page 1: © 2018 Melissa R. Cervantezufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/E0/05/26/14/00001/CERVANTEZ_M.pdf · melissa r. cervantez a dissertation presented to the graduate school of the university








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© 2018 Melissa R. Cervantez

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To my parents, Tony and Irma Cervantez

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I would like to thank my advisors, Drs. Neil Rowland and Andreas Keil for

supporting me throughout my time in the BCN program. I appreciate and value all of the

advice, guidance, and knowledge that was shared with me. I am truly grateful that I was

able to train and work with you both and that I had wonderful mentors to help shape my

academic career.

I would also like to acknowledge my family for the constant love and support. I

would not be who or where I am without you all believing in me. I want to acknowledge

how wonderful it was to know that everyone back home was rooting for me and sending

me love. Moving across the country to pursue my education would not have been

possible without all your love, prayers, and support.

Additionally, I would like to thank my friends and colleagues for their constant

help and encouragement. I want to thank everyone who was helpful to me while I

worked on this project, especially my dissertation committee. I am extremely grateful for

all your contributions to my project.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...................................................................................................... 4

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................ 7

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................. 8

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................. 9

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ 10


1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 12

Obesity ........................................................................................................................ 12 Homeostatic and Hedonic Models of Food Intake ..................................................... 14 Food Environment ....................................................................................................... 15 Impulsivity.................................................................................................................... 16

Reward sensitivity ................................................................................................ 17 Disinhibition to Foods ........................................................................................... 18 Attention................................................................................................................ 20 Treatments ........................................................................................................... 21

Three Factor Eating Questionnaire ............................................................................ 22 Biased Competition Model .......................................................................................... 23 ssVEPs ........................................................................................................................ 24 Significance and Innovation ........................................................................................ 25 Study Aims .................................................................................................................. 27

Specific Aim 1 ....................................................................................................... 27 Specific Aim 2 ....................................................................................................... 28

2 METHODS .................................................................................................................. 29

Participants ................................................................................................................. 29 Behavioral Task .......................................................................................................... 30 Trials ............................................................................................................................ 32 Stimuli and Cues ......................................................................................................... 32 EEG Recording and Processing ................................................................................. 33 Statistical Methods ...................................................................................................... 34 Variables ..................................................................................................................... 35

3 RESULTS .................................................................................................................... 41

Demographic and Behavioral Results ........................................................................ 41 Food and Money ......................................................................................................... 42

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ssVEPs for Food ......................................................................................................... 43 ssVEPs for Money ...................................................................................................... 44

4 DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................. 67

Demographic and Behavioral Correlates ................................................................... 67 ssVEPs ........................................................................................................................ 69

Visual Processing ................................................................................................. 69 Behavioral Relevance .......................................................................................... 70

Limitations ................................................................................................................... 71 Future Directions ......................................................................................................... 72

LIST OF REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 74

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ................................................................................................ 81

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Table page 3-1 MANOVA results for demographic and behavioral variables ................................ 46

3-2 Correlation table for the behavioral and demographic variables .......................... 47

3-3 Repeated Measures ANOVA ssVEP results ......................................................... 48

3-4 Repeated Measures ANOVA ssVEP results for the food block ............................ 48

3-5 Repeated Measures ANOVA ssVEP results for the money block ........................ 48

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Figure page 2-1 Image presented during instructions ...................................................................... 36

2-2 Example of a trial shown during the behavioral task ............................................. 37

2-3 Time sequence and presentation of a trial ............................................................ 38

2-4 Grand mean ssVEPs. ............................................................................................. 39

3-1 Correlation between body measurements ............................................................. 49

3-2 Correlation between uncontrolled eating and emotional eating ............................ 52

3-3 Correlation between BMI and cognitive restraint................................................... 53

3-4 Correlation between BMI and money impulsivity .................................................. 54

3-5 Correlation between uncontrolled eating and food impulsivity .............................. 55

3-6 Correlation between minutes without food and cognitive restraint ....................... 56

3-7 Correlation between uncontrolled eating and reaction time .................................. 57

3-8 Food block main effect of reward type ................................................................... 58

3-9 Food block main effect of other option shown ....................................................... 59

3-10 Correlation between minutes without food and ssVEP difference between large and small rewards ......................................................................................... 60

3-11 Money block main effect of reward type ................................................................ 61

3-12 Money block main effect of other option shown .................................................... 62

3-13 Money block interaction between reward and other option shown ....................... 63

3-14 Correlation between cognitive restraint and ssVEP amplitude ............................. 64

3-15 Correlation between cognitive restraint and ssVEP amplitude ............................. 65

3-16 Correlation between cognitive restraint and ssVEP amplitude ............................. 66

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ACC Anterior cingulate cortex

ADHD Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

BMI Body mass index

BOLD Blood-oxygen-level-dependent

DD Delay discounting

DG Delay of gratification

EEG Electroencephalography

EFT Episodic future thinking

fMRI Functional magnetic resonance imaging

OFC Orbitofrontal cortex

PFC Prefrontal cortex

ssVEP Steady-state visual evoked potential

TFEQ-18 Three-factor eating questionnaire r18

WC Waist circumference

WHR Waist to hip ratio

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Abstract of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate School of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy



Melissa R. Cervantez

August 2018

Chair: Neil Rowland Cochair: Andreas Keil Major: Psychology

Research on the underlying mechanisms of eating behavior is vital in order to

help prevent and reverse the rates of obesity. While there is not a single causal factor

that contributes to overeating and obesity, decision-making research has shown that

obese individuals lack inhibition and control. Decision-making may impact eating

behaviors, such as choosing a particular food or eating despite being sated. These

behaviors can lead to greater caloric excess and increases in adipose tissue, therefore

contributing to the current obesity epidemic. The biased competition model refers to the

competition of neuronal resources that allows behaviorally relevant stimuli to be favored

over irrelevant stimuli in the visual field. The allocation of cortical resources to

behaviorally relevant stimuli may be an important component of decision-making

behavior. Steady-state visual evoked potentials (ssVEPs) allow us to measure cortical

activity to concurrent stimuli thereby enabling quantification of attention selection when

observers are presented with multiple options simultaneously.

The current study used ssVEPs to measure cortical activity to two separate

reward cues during a decision-making task for 51 participants. The reward cues were

varied by amount and time delay with two separate blocks to measure ssVEP

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amplitudes to food or monetary rewards. Participants also provided physiological

measures, demographic and behavioral information, and completed the Three Factor

Eating Questionnaire 18 (TFEQ-18). Physiological measures did not correlate with the

ssVEP amplitudes. However, repeated measures ANOVAs revealed a significant main

effect of reward size and time delay for the food and monetary blocks. Average ssVEP

amplitudes for the larger, later reward cue were significantly smaller than the smallest

and medium sized rewards for the food block. ssVEP amplitudes for the larger, later

reward was significantly smaller than the medium reward option for the monetary block.

Findings suggest that a smaller, sooner reward may be more behaviorally relevant than

larger, later rewards across all participants, regardless of health status. Future research

with a larger range of obese subjects is needed to fully understand the relationship

between obesity and reward-based decision-making.

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In the United States, more than a third of adults are considered obese and

another one third are considered overweight (Ogden et al., 2014; Flegal et al., 2012).

Obesity is one of the top leading causes of preventable death and is associated with

many health problems including diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia (Malnick &

Knobler, 2006). Due to the high comorbidity with other diseases, roughly 280,000

people in the United States die yearly due to obesity related illnesses (Allison et al.,

1999). Despite the well-known adverse effects associated with obesity, the prevalence

rates are still rising, and obesity is currently considered a global epidemic.

In clinical practice, the most widely used method to measure obesity is based on

the measurement of body mass index (BMI) (World Health Organization, 2011). BMI is

calculated by using measurements of weight and height, by taking the weight in

kilograms divided by height in meters squared (kg/m2). BMI scores fall on a continuum

with ranges used to describe health status. A BMI score greater than or equal to 25 is

considered overweight, a BMI of 30 or greater is considered obese class I, 35 or greater

considered obese class II, and 40 or greater is considered obese class III (World Health

Organization, 2011). While BMI is a widely used method to classify health status, there

are some caveats that should be noted. BMI scores do not measure fat or muscle mass

and do not fully provide insight on adipose tissue distribution (Prentice & Jebb, 2001).

Additionally, there have been disagreements on the classification ranges in regard to

gender and age (Deurenberg et al., 1991). Lastly, certain ethnicities have different body

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fat distributions and percentages, which may not accurately explain their health status

when using BMI (Lear et al., 2007).

A method that measures visceral central abdominal fat is waist circumference

(WC) and waist to hip ratio (WHR) measurements. These measurements have been

shown to have a strong association with the development of metabolic disorders, in

which central obesity is a risk factor, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes,

and hypertension (Nicklas et al., 2004; Nicklas et al., 2006; Visscher et al., 2001).

Additionally, WC and WHR can be gender specific with the World Health Organization

having classifications based on gender. To have a comprehensive measure of health

status, all three measurements, BMI, WC, and WHR will be collected and used in the

current research project.

Currently, there are gender disparities in the development of obesity in many

countries around the world, with women having a higher prevalence for obesity than

men (Popkin & Doak, 1998). There are many theories to explain this disparity which

include differences in body composition, effects of hormones and pregnancy, and

differences in energy metabolism (Lovejoy et al., 2009). Previous research indicates

that men have greater amounts of weight loss and benefits from physical exercise

programs than women. It was found that women increase their energy intake and food

consumption more than men after exercise, indicating that there may be sex differences

in response to metabolic response to physical activity (Westerterp et al., 1992).

Additionally, research has shown that the distribution of body fat differs by gender: post-

menopausal women and men tend to accumulate more abdominal and visceral fat

compared to premenopausal women who typically have more lower body fat (Lovejoy et

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al., 2009). The differences between women and men on the development and

maintenance of obesity suggests that research should investigate gender differences in

obesity further. Additionally, gender differences in obesity should also be explored and

may tailor sex-specific treatment options for obesity in the future.

Homeostatic and Hedonic Models of Food Intake

The development of obesity occurs when there is an excess of energy

consumption (food intake) in relation to energy expenditure (physical activity or

metabolic energy loss). The increased energy intake typical in obesity has not been

attributed to a single causal factor but rather a combination of genetics, environment,

socioeconomic status, physiology, and psychology (Aronne et al., 2009). There are

homeostatic systems that regulate energy balance and hedonic systems which respond

to the rewarding properties of taste and food (Saper et al., 2002). The relationship

between these two systems are responsible for the control and reinforcing effects of

food consumption.

Previous models of homeostatic energy intake focused on physiological signals

that control hunger and satiety to keep weight stable. Earlier models focused on a

simple feedback system where the hypothalamus directly controlled food intake and

kept body weight around a set point (Anand & Brobeck, 1951; Kennedy, 1953; Hervey,

1959). Set point theory discussed by Harris (1990) mentions how many complex

systems such as the roles for nutrients, hormones, dietary composition and organoleptic

properties, neural pathways, brain nuclei, and neurotransmitters regulate body weight to

keep weight relatively stable around a set point. It is postulated that for body weight to

remain stable, that undereating or overeating will occur after a period of forced weight

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gain or loss. However, previous homeostatic theories alone do not accurately explain

how obesity rates are steadily rising.

Foods, especially those high in fat and sugar, are considered natural rewards

that can promote eating. Hedonic systems rely on the rewarding properties associated

with food, which may allow them to override the homeostatic systems and lead to

increased food consumption and weight gain. Berridge (2009) discusses the hedonic

reaction to pleasurable food that can lead to “liking” and the motivational states that can

lead to “wanting.” Where “liking” refers to the pleasurable sensory aspects of a food

reward and “wanting” refers to the craving and incentive salience towards obtaining a

food reward. Berridge considers that impairments in brain reward function may lead to

reward dysfunctions, which can ultimately result in eating related problems. For

example, if food becomes hedonically “liked” too much or there is overactivation in brain

regions important for “wanting,” that can lead to increased food consumption. Similarly,

Saper et al., (2002) mentions how humans will spend large sums of money for a

pleasurable meal and that most mammals will eat beyond need when palatable food is

present. Lowe and Butryn (2007) mention that food consumption is being driven by the

palatability and pleasure of food rather than a metabolic need to consume food. These

examples indicate that the hedonic system can increase food intake when palatable

foods are available regardless of homeostatic need.

Food Environment

There are many environmental food cues which allow the hedonic system to

override physiological, homeostatic signals of hunger and encourage eating behaviors.

In our current obesogenic environment, we are continually exposed to rewarding food

stimuli and have relatively easy access to high caloric food items. Levitsky (2005) states

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that environmental factors such as portion sizes and variety are more likely than

biological factors to effect food intake. The constant presentation of food cues on

television commercials, pictures on social media, and easily accessible restaurants can

stimulate the hedonic aspects of liking and motivational aspects wanting, which may

lead to increased food consumption and result in obesity. Among restrained eaters, pre-

exposure of food cues increased food intake while those not exposed to food cues did

not increase food intake (Fedoroff et al., 1997). Not everyone exposed to environmental

food cues overeat, indicating that certain behaviors or individual characteristics may be

more likely to increase food intake when opportunities are present. Therefore, it is

important to investigate those traits and behaviors that can allow one to overeat and

override physiological signals of hunger.


Impulsivity is characterized by behaviors that relate to disinhibition, reward

seeking, novelty seeking, risk aversion, and the inability to delay gratification (Eysenck,

1993). The characteristics associated with impulsive behaviors have been shown to

result in negative health related outcomes. Many pathologies such as substance abuse

disorders, personality disorders, attentional deficits, aspects of obesity, food addiction,

and eating disorders all present impulsive behaviors (Evenden, 1999). Overall,

impulsive individuals are suggested to have a heightened sensitivity to rewards,

reduced sensitivity to negative outcomes, make risky decisions, and be more motivated

by immediate rewards (Ainslie, 1975). The following three measurable constructs of

impulsivity: reward sensitivity, disinhibition, and attentional deficits will be discussed in

regard to reward-based decision making, increased food intake, and their implications in

the development and maintenance of obesity.

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Reward sensitivity

Reward sensitivity is a domain of impulsivity that has been observed among

obese individuals. Neuroimaging studies in obese populations found differences in

response to food or cues, which indicates that obese individuals have hyperactive

reward systems to the anticipation of highly palatable foods. When obese women are

shown rewarding food cues, fMRI results indicate that they have greater blood oxygen

level dependent (BOLD) activity in the nucleus accumbens core/ventral striatum, medial

and lateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), medial prefrontal cortex (PFC), anterior cingulate

cortex (ACC), amygdala, hippocampus, and insula compared to normal weight controls

(Stoeckel et al., 2008). When viewing pictures of high caloric sugar-based foods, there

is greater BOLD activity in the insula, ACC, hippocampus, caudate, and putamen

compared to pictures of savory food items. Sugar based foods typically have rewarding

properties and increased BOLD activity may be an indicator of reward sensitivity for

obese women. Those brain regions are implicated in reward and motivation circuits

indicating that obese individuals have higher reward sensitivity to food cues compared

to normal weight subjects.

When obese adolescent girls consume high caloric milkshakes, there is a

decrease in BOLD activity in reward (caudate) and taste (gustatory cortex) regions of

the brain (Stice et al., 2008). The anticipation of rewarding food stimuli increases activity

in those regions, while the actual receipt of the milkshake decreases activity.

Additionally, those with higher BMIs had less BOLD activity in the caudate during

receipt of a sucrose solution compared to their baseline BOLD activity (Green et al.,

2011). The decrease in BOLD activity while eating may help to explain how overeating

can occur. Obese individuals may consume more palatable foods in order to

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compensate for the decreased activity in reward and taste regions in the brain that are

normally overactive during the anticipation of eating. This can lead to increased reward

seeking and overindulging in palatable foods, which can ultimately lead to increased

weight gain.

Elfhag and Morey (2008) states that there are many food cues and stimuli

present in the current environment and that being sensitive to rewarding food stimuli

alone is not necessarily a characteristic typical of overeating. They mention that

disinhibition to food stimuli and having a conditioned response to eat when food cues

are present is a stronger correlate for external eating than reward sensitivity. Giel et al.,

(2017) also mention that reward sensitivity is an aspect of impulsivity that may

contribute to a heightened response to food cues but that problems in resisting

temptation of an immediate reward leads to increased food consumption. Lastly, Dawe

and Loxton (2004) have a framework for impulsivity in clinical populations in which

reward sensitivity and rash-spontaneous impulsivity contribute to problems in behavior.

These studies highlight that there may be an important interaction between reward

sensitivity and disinhibition that contributes to overeating. This suggests that when

rewarding food stimuli is present, it requires cognitive restraint to prevent eating during

satiation. The inability to inhibit eating behavior is an important impulsive behavior that

may lead to overindulging in palatable foods and ultimately result in increased weight


Disinhibition to Foods

Neuroeconomic theories explain the process that occurs when an individual is

presented with choices with different subjective values. It requires a cognitive process to

assign values to two competing stimuli to make a selection. The decision-making

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process should lead to behavior that reflects the preferred outcome, where learning can

modify the process in the future (Rangel et al., 2008). Delay of gratification (DG) and

delay discounting (DD) are two procedures used to measure impulsive behavior in

regard to reward-based decision making (Reynolds & Schiffbauer, 2005). Previous

literature has used them interchangeably and Rachlin (2000) asserts they measure the

same construct. However, there are discrete differences between them (for full review

see Reynolds & Schiffbauer, 2005). DG is thought to measure the behavioral process

for receiving a delayed reward and can be thought to measure willpower. While DD

relies on choice preference, which emphasizes the stimulus and pattern of devaluation

rather than internal cognitive processes. A similarity between them is that they both

provide ecological validity to behavior inhibition and choice, especially for food intake. In

regard to eating behavior and weight loss, one must choose to restrict food intake for a

long-term goal of losing weight, which measures choice preference and resembles DD.

Additionally, they must also forgo pleasurable high caloric foods that are immediately

available and sustain that behavior for longer periods of time, this behavioral inhibition

closely resembles DG. The attentional processes that are used to evaluate reward

choices involved in decision-making may affect DD while disinhibition to rewards and

being more reward sensitive may affect DG. The current study uses a reward based

decision-making task which uses both principles of DD (choice behavior) and DG

(sensitivity to rewards) to assess impulsivity.

Previous research using delay discounting paradigms among obese subjects

allow us to measure the valuation of rewards and choice behavior, which may be an

important component of health-related decision making. Weller et al., 2008 found that

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obese women have greater delay discounting on a computer controlled hypothetical

reward discounting paradigm compared to control women. This indicates that there is a

relationship between health status and the valuation of rewarding stimuli. However,

Weller and colleagues mention that this significant difference in discounting behavior

was not observed between obese and control men, so there may be gender specificity.

Appelhans et al., (2011) gave obese and overweight women a delay discounting task to

measure inhibitory control and found that those with greater discounting consumed

more palatable foods compared to those who had less discounting of rewards. This

indicates that inhibitory control measured by DD affects food intake behavior.

Behavioral inhibition towards food related rewards is also impaired among obese

subjects. Houben et al., (2012) reports that those who are more successful at

maintaining a healthy weight exhibit better inhibitory control towards palatable food

consumption. They reported that healthy weight and unhealthy weight subjects exposed

to food cues increased reported craving in both groups. However, healthy weight

subjects are better at inhibiting food related responses on a stop signal task and have

less food consumption in a taste test compared to overweight subjects. These findings

indicate that inhibitory behavior is important to prevent increased or excessive food

intake. The ability to inhibit choosing a palatable food item in the absence of hunger

requires strong cognitive control and disruptions in attention may interfere with this



Attention and inhibitory control may be required to resist readily available food

stimuli, especially among those who are more sensitive to rewards and environmental

food cues. The problems associated with overeating and food related decisions can

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begin early in the lifespan and the domains of impulsivity that lead to poor health related

outcomes have been measured in young children. Braet et al., (2007) found that

overweight boys report more problems with attention and focus on a questionnaire,

while overweight boys and girls self-report having a harder time with shifting their

attention. Clinical interviews found that overweight boys scored higher on impulsivity,

hyperactivity, and inattentive symptoms. Additionally, overweight children have more

errors and faster response times on the matching familiar figure test compared to

normal weight children. This research indicates that there may be impulse control

problems in childhood obesity and that gender differences in the constructs of

impulsivity may also exist. Even among adult samples, there is a higher prevalence for

obesity among those with adult ADHD. In a German clinical sample, de Zwaan et al.,

(2011) reported that after adjusting for sociodemographic variables, depression, anxiety,

and purging behaviors that adults with ADHD have significantly greater prevalence for

obesity compared to controls without adult ADHD. Similar findings from the

Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiology Surveys found that ADHD is also associated

with overweight and obese subjects in the US after controlling for demographics and

depression (Pagoto et al., 2009). Research supports that there is a relationship between

weight and deficits in attention.


It is well known that obesity is due to an energy imbalance; weight loss programs

that focus on reducing energy intake and increasing energy expenditure thus should be

effective. However, there are many difficulties with sustaining this behavior and overall

long-term success is not easily attained (Lowe, 2003). Riggs et al., (2007) used a

program called PATHS (promoting alternative thinking strategies) which addresses

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emotional regulation, impulse control, and decision making in elementary school aged

children in two pilot schools. Pre-test post-test results found significant positive attitudes

towards self-regulation of appetitive behavior and physical activity.

Children with impulsive tendencies, measured on the stop signal task, lost less

weight after obesity treatment compared to children who were able to inhibit behavior

during the stop signal task (Nederkoorn et al., 2007). Additionally, the

hyperactivity/inattention subscale of the parent-rate strengths and difficulties

questionnaire negatively predicted weight loss success, where children who reported

higher inattention lost less weight (van Egmond-Froehlich et al., 2013). This indicates

that programs related to weight loss should include behavioral interventions specific to

impulsive behaviors.

Programs that focus on future rewards have been shown to have success with

reducing bias towards immediate rewards (Peters & Büchel, 2010; Benoit et al., 2011),

which may be applied to obesity interventions. Episodic future thinking (EFT) has been

used to combat impulsivity during decision making by relying on episodic memories and

self-projections of the future to drive behavior. Daniel et al., (2013) used EFT to reduce

DD of money rewards for obese and overweight subjects. Their task reduced DD for

money related rewards rather than food related rewards, which may not necessarily be

translatable to obesity treatment options. Therefore, more research on the choice

behavior for food rewards in relation to health status may provide more insight into

possible future treatment methods.

Three Factor Eating Questionnaire

The Three Factor Eating Questionnaire developed by Stunkard and Messick

(1985) was developed to assess dimensions of human eating behavior. The three

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domains on the 51-item questionnaire are cognitive restraint of eating, disinhibition, and

hunger. Karlsson et al., (2000) developed the TFEQ-18 which used 18 items based on

the original TFEQ to assess eating behavior. Similar to factor analysis findings from

Hyland et al., (1989), they found that three different domains more accurately explained

eating behavior. The domain of cognitive restraint remained the same, however two

new domains were introduced: uncontrolled eating and emotional eating. These

domains were formed from some of the original items from the disinhibition and hunger

scales. Previous research on the TFEQ found that disinhibition and hunger formed one

global factor (Hyland et al., 1989) and have been shown to have a high correlation (r =

.69) among obese subjects (Karlsson et al., 2000). The new domains have been shown

to be a reliable indicator of eating behavior among obese (Karlsson et al., 2000) and

non-obese samples (Hyland et al., 1989; de Lauzon et al., 2004).

The domain of cognitive restraint is thought to measure dietary restraint where

control over food intake is used to control body weight. The domain of cognitive restraint

has been positively associated with BMI, where cognitive restraint may have a

counterproductive effect and contribute to weight gain when restraint gets interrupted

due to stressors or life events (de Lauzon-Guillain et al., 2006). The domain of

uncontrolled eating is most similar to disinhibition where aspects of inhibition and control

are needed to regulate eating behavior. This domain also relies on external

environmental cues that may contribute to overeating. The domain of emotional eating

is used to assess how much mood and emotion contribute to eating behavior.

Biased Competition Model

Desimone and Duncan (1995) proposed a model of biased competition where

visual input and cortical processing favors behaviorally relevant stimuli over irrelevant

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stimuli. This model is based on a tenet that visual input to the brain can process limited

amounts of stimuli. Therefore, behaviorally relevant stimuli and irrelevant stimuli must

compete for limited cortical resources. During competition, selectivity is used to filter out

the irrelevant information, so that cortical resources are allocated towards the

behaviorally stimuli. Ultimately, this results in being aware of the attended stimuli and

unaware of the filtered information.

The biased competition model relies on both bottom-up and top-down neural

mechanisms to evaluate the competing stimuli in the visual field. Bottom-up processing

allows the attended stimuli to be separated from the surrounding background while top-

down processing provides information about the behavioral relevance and significance

of stimuli in the visual field. Object recognition, which is processed in the ventral stream,

is needed for the top-down neural processing to resolve the competition between

different objects in the same visual field. Therefore, items in the visual field are

evaluated by behavioral importance and cortical resources are allocated more towards

the behaviorally relevant stimuli.


Electroencephalography (EEG) detects and records electrocortical activity non-

invasively from the brain. EEG is used to record steady-state visual evoked potentials

(ssVEPs), which is an electrophysiological oscillatory response produced by visual

neurons in the cortex. These visual neurons respond to flickering stimuli and have the

same temporal frequency of the stimuli, which can then be separated to quantify visuo-

cortical engagement to the stimuli. ssVEPs paradigms that use binocular rivalry allow

for cortical activity to be recorded to two separate flickering stimuli by assigning

separate flickering frequencies to the stimuli. ssVEPs are characterized by having

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excellent signal to noise-ratios, less susceptibility to eye movement artifacts, can be

collected non-invasively from the scalp, are sensitive to semantic stimuli, and provide a

measure of visuo-cortical activity to attended stimuli (Kaspar et al., 2010; Vialatte et al.,

2010; Regan, 1989). ssVEP amplitudes are higher towards attended stimuli (Müller et

al., 1998) or emotionally relevant stimuli (McTeague et al., 2011), and can be used to

record visuo-cortical activity to two competing stimuli in the visual field. Therefore, this

methodology would allow for cortical activity to be recorded to two separate stimuli

presented concurrently during a reward-based decision-making paradigm and provide

information on the cortical resources towards separate stimuli during decision-making.

Significance and Innovation

While previous research in obese populations has focused on performance in

delay discounting paradigms and neural circuitry, such as reward circuitry and executive

functioning, the current study is the first to use ssVEPs to capture the cortical

processing of competition during concurrently presented stimuli consisting of immediate

and delayed rewards and to correlate the data with physiological measures of health

such as BMI, WC, and WHR. A strength of using an electrophysiological methodology

such as ssVEPs is that it is a non-invasive technique that will allow us to quantitatively

and continuously characterize differences in brain activity to reward stimuli at different

stages of the decision-making process while also allowing for the collection of

behavioral decision-making data. The proposed project is innovative since it is the first

use ssVEPs to investigate the cortical processing of competing visually rewarding

stimuli and correlate physiological measures of health.

Currently, the literature is inconsistent on the question of whether greater delay

discounting shown among obese populations applies to all rewarding stimuli or is

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reward specific (i.e., food). The notion that reward type influences delay of gratification

is supported by the drug addiction research, which consistently finds that substance

users overall discount more than non-users, but discount much greater to their drug of

choice than money (Madden et al., 1997). Previous work has found that obese women

show greater discounting to monetary rewards compared to healthy weight women

(Weller et al., 2008). Rasmussen et al., (2010) found that there were significant

differences in delay discounting among obese individuals specific for food rewards

compared to healthy weight individuals. However, there were no significant differences

between the two groups in delay discounting to monetary rewards. Therefore, the

proposed work is significant since it will use ssVEPs to determine if cortical processing

and biased competition is specific to reward type by using monetary and food rewards.

This information can be used to tailor behavioral interventions to specific reward type or

general rewards.

The long-term goal of this research is to determine if there are differences in

cortical processing to immediate and delayed rewards and types of rewards and

whether this varies as a function of physiological measures of health. The objective of

this study, which is a crucial step towards my long-term goal, is to quantify the extent to

which biased competition towards rewards with various time delays differs across

physiological measures of health and whether there are differences in cortical activity

specific to reward type.

The primary hypothesis is that there will be differences in ssVEP activity to a

small reward given today, a medium reward given in a week, and a large reward given

in a month. Additionally, it is hypothesized that ssVEP activity will correlate with

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measures of BMI, WC, and WHR, where those with higher measurements of obesity will

show more sensitivity to rewards. The secondary hypothesis is there will be differences

in biased competition specific to reward type, and specifically that immediate food

rewards will have a stronger neuronal bias compared to immediate monetary rewards in

subjects with higher BMI, WC, and WHR. The rationale for the proposed study is that

neuronal resources during a reward based decision-making task may contribute to

health related decisions. This information may provide benefits for behavioral

interventions and strategies to combat overeating.

The proposed research will also provide us with novel information related to the

cortical activity to two separate stimuli at the same time, which will allow us to quantify

stimulus-specific visuo-cortical engagement during a decision-making task. This

contribution may provide support for a mechanism that underlies decision-making and

choice behavior, and thereby influence health related decisions. Additionally, this

research on the role of cortical engagement during decision-making may impact,

influence, and enhance how behavioral interventions for overeating and obesity are

conducted. Lastly, if this measure proves to be sensitive and specific, it can then be

applied to other populations who tend to have higher impulsivity scores and show

greater discounting of rewards, such as drug addicts and smokers.

Study Aims

Specific Aim 1

Test the hypothesis that cortical processing of the competition between smaller,

sooner rewards and later, larger rewards correlates with physiological measures of

health, where those with higher BMIs, WCs, and WHRs will show higher stimulus driven

bias towards the smaller, sooner reward.

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Specific Aim 2

Test the hypothesis that cortical processing of competition will show a stronger

bias towards immediate food rewards than immediate monetary rewards among those

with higher BMIs, WCs, and WHRs.

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Detailed information for the participants, behavioral task, data acquisition, and

data analysis is discussed below. All procedures were approved by the University of

Florida Institutional Review Board (IRB) on protocol 2010-U-0713. All participants gave

informed consent and received psychology course credit for participating. Subjects had

their weight, height, waist and hip circumferences recorded, completed a self-report

questionnaire of demographic and health history information, completed the Three-

Factor Eating Questionnaire-18 (TFEQ-18) (Karlsson et al., 2000), and then participated

in a behavioral task during EEG recording.


Participants were 51 adults (Males = 24, Females = 27) between the ages of 18-

23 (M= 18.92, SD=1.02) recruited from the University of Florida Psychology

undergraduate participant pool. Via self-report, the majority of the participants were right

handed (92.2%), most had no current psychological disorders (88.2%, 3.9% ADHD,

3.9% anxiety, and 3.9% with depression and anxiety), and most did not engage in

alcohol, tobacco or drug use (76.5%, 72.5%, and 84.3%, respectively). All participants

reported normal or corrected to normal vision, no known neurological or eating

disorders, or history of epilepsy. Roughly, 55% of participants identified as Caucasian,

8% as African American, 14% as Hispanic/Latin, 22% as Asian, and 2% as Indian.

Additionally, information on the time of last meal or drink of beverage other than water

was also collected. Two participants were excluded from the study due to high artifact

content during the electrophysiological recording of data.

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Height, weight, waist and hip measurements were measured at the time of

testing and then used to compute BMI, WC, and WHR. BMI scores were calculated

using height and weight (kg/m2), WC used the raw waist measurement, and WHR was

calculated by dividing the waist measurement by the hip measurement. The shorter

version of the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ) (Stunkard & Messick, 1985),

TFEQ-18, developed by Karlsson et al., (2000), was given to all participants to assess

the domains of cognitive restraint of eating, uncontrolled eating, and emotional eating.

The responses for each domain were added to form a raw score which was then used

to compute a domain score on a 0-100 scale. The following formula was used to

compute the domain scores: [(raw score- lowest possible raw score)/ possible score

range] x 100 (de Lauzon et al., 2004).

Behavioral Task

Participants completed a behavioral task on a computer while their brain activity

was recorded non-invasively from the scalp using a sensor net. Participants were

seated about 1.5 m from a 53 cm monitor used to display visual cues. Each participant

completed two testing blocks with each block associated with either a monetary or food

reward with instructions and training for each block. The order of the blocks was

randomized across subjects so that the monetary block did not always precede the food

block or vice versa.

Before the first block, participants were notified that they would be completing a

computer controlled decision-making task while cortical activity was recorded from their

scalp using EEG. The following instructions were verbally given to participants before

they began a training period. While viewing Figure 2-1, the participant was told that,

“during the behavioral task, you will have the option to choose between two of the three

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options presented. The pie charts above the options presented can be used during the

behavioral task to help you identify the options presented. The pie chart with the two

larger sections, represents the largest reward amount (10 dollars) given after the

longest time delay (one month), the smallest pie sections represents the smallest

reward (2 dollars) given after the shortest time delay (today), and the middle sections

represent the middle reward (4 dollars) given after the middle time delay (one week).”

All participants were required to verbally identify the reward amounts and time delays

correctly before moving on to the next screen. The next screen shows a sample trial

(see Fig. 2-2) and it was explained that the flickering patches are angled towards a pie

chart above, which symbolizes the reward amount and time delay. All participants were

required to verbally identify both of the options shown on the left and right side of the

screen and practice making a response by clicking either the left or right arrow key on a

computer keyboard. The left arrow indicates choosing the left presented option and the

right arrow indicates choosing the option on the right. All participants were told that they

should choose which option they would prefer and that they should be choosing their

preferred response at that moment throughout the entire behavioral task. Participants

were instructed to maintain gaze at the fixation cross in the center and to minimize eye

movements during the presentation of the flickering (Gabor) patches. Detailed

information on the Gabor patches and computer is discussed further below.

During the training period, all participants were required to verbally identify the

two stimuli options presented in 4 trials correctly before beginning the first block. If

errors were made, the participant had to continue training until 4 trials were completed

correctly. MATLAB recorded the number of training trials completed and the average

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training trials for all participants was M= 4.96, SD = .57; there was not a significant

difference between the number of training trials for the food and monetary blocks. After

the training, participants were told that the first block will begin and that each trial needs

a response before the next one begins. After the first block ended, the instructions were

repeated using the other reward type and the same training with the same criteria for

the other reward type was given before the second block of trials. Each block took

approximately 30 minutes to complete depending on the individual average speed of



In order to elicit ssVEPs (see later), two of the previously learned Gabor patch

cues were presented side by side for 3000 ms on each trial; one patch phase-reversed

at 15 Hz and the other at 20 Hz. These reversal frequencies were randomly assigned

for each trial so that one cue or side of the screen was not associated always with one

particular flicker rate. After the 3000 ms with the Gabor patches flickering, the trial

remained on the screen until the participant made a computer-controlled response.

Then, a randomized 2.5-3 s inter-stimulus interval was programmed before the next trial

began (see Fig. 2-3). Participants were shown 180 randomized trials, incorporating 15

trials each counterbalanced for the 3 different reward and time delays (smallest reward

today vs. middle reward in one week, smallest reward today vs. largest reward in one

month, middle reward in one week vs. largest reward in one month), side of screen

presentation, and frequency of the Gabor patch.

Stimuli and Cues

Visual stimuli were displayed on a computer monitor with a 120 Hz refresh rate.

The Gabor patches and pie charts used in the program were gray-scaled to not have

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high contrast (see Fig. 2-2). Three Gabor patches were used to indicate a left, middle,

or right option and angled at either -50, 5, and 55 degrees.

The food stimulus of chocolate was chosen since it is the most craved food item

in Western society and is high in fat and sugar (Weingarten & Elston, 1991; Zellner et

al., 1999). The rewards associated with each cue were based on reward amounts and

time delays from previous literature and choices (Hendrickson & Rasmussen, 2013;

Blackburn et al., 2012). The monetary cues were $2 today, $4 in a week, or $10 in a

month while the food cues were 2 bars of chocolate today, 4 bars of chocolate in a

week, or 10 bars of chocolate in a month. Thus, given that the current price of a

chocolate bar is of the order of $1, the money rewards were approximately equivalent to

the amounts of chocolate.

EEG Recording and Processing

The MATLAB Psychophysics Toolbox was used to program and run the

behavioral task and electrical recordings. ssVEPs were recorded from the scalp using

an Electrical Geodesics high-density sensor net with 257 electrodes (EGI, Eugene, OR).

The electrode site of Cz was used as reference. A bandpass filter was applied to 0.1-50

Hz and impedances were kept below 70 kΩ.

The EMEGS (ElectroMagnetoEncephalography) software in MATLAB was used

for offline processing of the data. The recordings were filtered using a 45-Hz low pass

and a 5-Hz high pass filter. Epochs were extracted 200 ms pre-stimulus and 1900 ms

post-stimulus from the raw EEG data. Artifact contaminated channels and trials were

identified and removed using the statistical parameters in Junghöfer et al., (2000) based

on the absolute value, standard deviation, and maximum of differences of the extracted

EEG epochs. Contaminated channels were replaced by statistically weighted, spherical

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spline interpolated values from the channel set. After artifact rejection, for the food

block, an average of 89.33% trials remained for the condition when a small reward was

shown next to a medium reward, 86.67% of trials remained for the condition when a

small reward was shown next to a large reward, 84.90% of trials remained for the

condition when a medium reward was shown next to a small reward, 86.50% of trials

remained for the condition when a medium reward was shown next to a large reward,

86.13% of trials remained for the condition when a large reward was shown next to a

small reward, and 87.43% of trials remained for the condition when a large reward was

shown next to a medium reward. For the money block, an average of 80.90% trials

remained for the condition when a small reward was shown next to a medium reward,

76.90% of trials remained for the condition when a small reward was shown next to a

large reward, 77.80% of trials remained for the condition when a medium reward was

shown next to a small reward, 81.87% of trials remained for the condition when a

medium reward was shown next to a large reward, 80.07% of trials remained for the

condition when a large reward was shown next to a small reward, and 78.60% of trials

remained for the condition when a large reward was shown next to a medium reward.

Artifact free averages were then averaged by blocks for each participant and submitted

to Fourier transformation so that ssVEP amplitudes were obtained across the frequency

spectrum (see Fig. 2-4). Spectral power was extracted at the two tagging frequencies

and averaged across a cluster of 8 parieto-occipital midline electrodes (124, 125, 135,

136, 137, 138, 148, 149) to form the dependent variables.

Statistical Methods

ssVEP data were averaged so that there were 12 variables for each block (food

and money): The side of screen presentation (left or right), reward size and time delay

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(smallest reward today, middle reward in a week, and largest reward in a month), and

other option presented (smaller or larger reward option). There was not a significant

main effect for side of presentation (p > .05) so further analyses were averaged over the

side of screen presentation. A 2x3x2 repeated measures ANOVA was conducted using

SPSS to explore differences between block (food or money), reward size (small,

medium, and large), and other option shown (smaller or larger). A 3x2 repeated

measures ANOVA was then used for the food and money blocks. Exploratory

correlations were conducted for the demographic and behavioral variables. A

significance level of .05 (two-tailed) was used for all analyses.


Impulsivity percentages were calculated by totaling the number of times a

smaller, sooner reward was chosen over a larger, later reward and forming an average

percentage. This was done separately for each block so that each participant has an

average food impulsivity and money impulsivity score. Additionally, differences in

ssVEP amplitudes were calculated to compare the difference in amplitude between


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Figure 2-1. Image presented on the computer monitor while instructions were given to the participant during the behavioral task for the monetary block.

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Figure 2-2. Example of a trial shown during the behavioral task. On this trial, the largest reward with the longest delay is the left option and the smallest reward with the shortest delay is the right option.

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Figure 2-3. Time sequence and presentation of a trial. Gabor patches flickered for 3000 ms before the participant could make a response (not timed), after which a variable inter-stimulus interval of 2.5-3 s elapsed before another randomized trial was presented.

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Figure 2-4. Grand mean ssVEPs. The grand mean steady state at 15 Hz to illustrate the scalp topography (A). The robust oscillatory response from the stimuli recorded from an electrode located along the midline of the back of the head (Oz). The two tagging frequencies of 15 Hz and 20 Hz are shown (B).

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Figure 2-4. Continued.

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Demographic and Behavioral Results

The results of the demographic variables and behavioral scores are summarized

in Table 3-1. Multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVA) on mean age, BMI, WC,

WHR, the three domains of the TFEQ-18, impulsivity percentages and reaction times for

the food and money blocks, and minutes since the last time food was consumed

revealed significant differences for WC and WHR between male and female

participants. Males had significantly larger WC and WHR measurements than females.

All other demographic and behavioral variables did not differ between male and female

participants (p > .05).

Pearson correlation tests were performed between pairs of behavioral and

demographic scores, and the results are summarized in Table 3-2. WHR and BMI were

positively correlated, where those with larger WHR measurements also had higher BMI

ratings. WC measurements were also positively correlated with BMI and with WHR (see

Fig. 3-1). Scores on the uncontrolled eating and emotional eating domains of the TFEQ-

18 were also positively correlated (see Fig. 3-2). The cognitive restraint domain of the

TFEQ-18 was not significantly associated with the scores on either uncontrolled eating

or emotional eating domains (ps > .05). The cognitive restraint domain was positively

correlated with BMI but not with WC or WHR (see Fig. 3-3). The other domains of the

TFEQ-18 did not correlate with BMI, WC, or WHR.

Impulsivity percentages were calculated for each participant for the food and

money blocks. For the money block, there was a significant negative Pearson

correlation between BMI and the impulsivity scores (see Fig. 3-4). For the food block,

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the correlation between BMI and impulsivity was not significant (p > .05). There was not

a significant relationship between WC or WHR and impulsivity scores for either the food

or money blocks.

Individual scores on the uncontrolled eating domain of the TFEQ-18 was

positively correlated with the mean food impulsivity score (see Fig. 3-5). In contrast, the

impulsivity score on the money block was not so correlated. Further, scores on the

emotional eating and cognitive restraint domains of the TFEQ-18 were not correlated

with impulsivity scores in either food or money blocks. The domain of cognitive restraint

on the TFEQ-18 was negatively correlated with the number of minutes since food was

last consumed. (see Fig. 3-6).

Mean individual reaction times during the food and money blocks were positively

correlated (Pearson r(51) = .538, p < .001). In contrast, mean individual impulsivity

scores during the food and money blocks were not significantly correlated. Individual

scores on the uncontrolled eating domain of the TFEQ-18 were negatively correlated

with mean individual reaction times during the food block (see Fig. 3-7).

Food and Money

A 2x3x2 repeated measures ANOVA was computed to compare the ssVEP

amplitudes for the food and money blocks (see Table 3-3). There was not a significant

main effect of block. There were significant main effects of reward and other option

shown. There were not any significant interactions with block with either reward or other

option shown. There was a significant interaction between reward and other option

shown. Additionally, there was also a three-way interaction between block, reward, and

other option shown.

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ssVEPs for Food

For the food block, a 3x2 repeated measures ANOVA indicated a significant main

effect of reward size on spectral power F(2, 51) = 6.599, p = .002 (see Table 3-4 and

Fig. 3-8). Follow up analyses indicated that the ssVEP amplitudes for the largest reward

at the longest time delay was significantly smaller than for the medium sized and

smallest reward options given sooner [t(50) = 3.349, p = .002; t(50) = 2.968, p = .005,

respectively]. A main effect of other option presented was also significant F(1, 51) =

13.801, p = .001 (see Fig. 3-9). When small or large reward cues were presented with a

medium reward option there was significantly smaller ssVEP amplitudes than when

medium and large reward cues were presented with the smallest reward option [t(50) =

2.079, p = .043]. There was no significant difference when rewards were presented with

the largest reward option. There was not a significant interaction between reward size

and other options shown for the food block.

A Pearson correlation indicated that there was not a significant relationship

between the health and behavioral variables with the ssVEPs for the smallest reward

option given today, the medium sized reward option given in a week, and the largest

reward option given in a month. Differences in ssVEP amplitudes for the food block

were computed for the significant effects and correlated with the health and behavioral

variables. The amplitude difference between the large and small rewards for the food

block was positively correlated with the number of minutes since food was last

consumed (see Fig. 3-10). There were not any significant correlations between the

health and behavioral variables for the computed ssVEP amplitude difference between

the large and medium sized rewards. Additionally, there were not significant correlations

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between the health and demographic variables with the computed ssVEP amplitude

difference between the small other option shown and medium other option shown.

ssVEPs for Money

For the money block, a 3x2 repeated measures ANOVA indicated a significant

main effect of reward size on spectral power F(2,51) = 3.969, p = .022 (see Table 3-5

and Fig. 3-11). Follow up analyses indicate that the middle reward given in a week had

significantly higher ssVEP amplitudes than the larger reward given in a month t(50)=

3.243, p = .002. There was not a significant difference between the smallest reward

given today with either the middle reward in a week or largest reward in a month. A

main effect of other option shown was also significant F(1, 51) = 4.511, p = .039 (see

Fig. 3-12). When choices were presented with the medium sized options, there was

significantly greater ssVEP amplitudes for the smaller or larger reward [t(50)= 2.748, p =

.008; t(50) = -3.044, p = .004, respectively]. A Pearson correlation indicated that there

was not a significant relationship between the measures of BMI and WHR with the

ssVEPs for the smallest reward option given today, the medium sized reward option

given in a week, and the largest reward option given in a month.

There was also a significant interaction between reward magnitude and time

delay with the other option presented F(2, 51) = 12.127, p < .001 (see Fig. 3-13).

Newman-Keuls procedure was utilized to perform a post hoc analysis to determine

differences among means. Post hoc tests revealed that there was significantly smaller

ssVEP amplitudes when the largest reward given in a month was presented alongside a

medium reward option given in a week (M = .2083) compared to the following: The

largest reward option given in a month was presented alongside the smallest reward

option given today (M = .2662), the smallest option given today was presented

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alongside the medium reward option given in a week (M = .2572), and when the

medium sized reward given in a week was presented alongside the largest reward

option given in a month (M = .2820).

A Pearson correlation indicated that there was a significant positive correlation

between the small reward when shown with a large reward and the TFEQ-18 domain of

cognitive restraint (Pearson r(51) = .287, p = .041) (see Fig. 3-14). There was not a

significant relationship between the other health and demographic variables with the

ssVEPs for the smallest reward option given today, the medium sized reward option

given in a week, and the largest reward option given in a month. Differences in ssVEP

amplitudes for the money block were computed for the significant effects and correlated

with the health and behavioral variables. The difference between the amplitudes for the

large and medium rewards were negatively correlated with the TFEQ-18 domain of

cognitive restraint (see Fig. 3-15). The difference between the ssVEP amplitude when

the medium option was shown and when the large option was shown was also

negatively correlated with the TFEQ-18 domain of cognitive restraint (see Fig. 3-16).

The computed difference between ssVEP amplitude when the medium option was

shown and when the small option was shown did not correlate with any health or

behavioral variables.

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Table 3-1. MANOVA results for age, BMI, WHR, the three domains of the TFEQ-18, impulsivity percentages and reaction times for the food and money blocks, and minutes since the last time food or beverage was consumed for male and female participants (n = 51). Males had significantly larger WC and WHR than women.

Males Females

M SD M SD F df p

Age 19.00 1.18 18.85 0.86 0.27 1 0.608

BMI 25.11 4.19 23.88 4.25 1.09 1 0.302

WC 32.18 3.82 29.70 4.67 4.21 1 0.046*

WHR 0.83 0.05 0.79 0.05 12.48 1 0.001**

Cognitive Restraint 31.25 19.85 36.48 18.54 0.95 1 0.335 Uncontrolled Eating 36.83 16.77 34.96 16.78 0.16 1 0.693

Emotional Eating 23.50 25.03 32.04 20.21 1.81 1 0.184

Food Impulsivity 45.97 43.51 49.05 39.68 0.07 1 0.793

Money Impulsivity 48.71 42.59 38.44 38.98 0.81 1 0.373 Food Reaction Time 1293.48 828.85 1205.44 725.99 0.16 1 0.688 Money Reaction Time 1439.51 980.39 1242.97 784.72 0.63 1 0.431

Last Food (mins) 144.17 206.78 131.30 180.73 0.06 1 0.813

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Table 3-2. Pearson correlation table between the behavioral and demographic variables (n = 51). P < .05 is signified by * with P < .001 signified by **.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. BMI - 2. WC .852** -

3. WHR .411** .612** -

4. Cognitive Restraint .292* .258 .133 -

5. Uncontrolled Eating -.068 -.055 .020 .170 -

6. Emotional Eating -.076 -.033 -.024 -.068 .361** -

7. Food Impulsivity -.049 -.126 .119 .159 .302* .074 -

8. Money Impulsivity -.301* -.271 -.169 -.084 .251 .107 .261 -

9. Food Reaction Time -.080 .064 -.090 -.122 -.295* -.144 -.254 -.097 -

10. Money Reaction Time -.134 .026 .064 .139 .036 .125 -.063 -.022 .538** -

11. Last Food (mins) -.234 -.243 -.139 -.311* -.082 .067 -.082 -.075 .089 .007

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Table 3-3. Repeated Measures ANOVA ssVEP results (n = 51). P < .05 is signified by * with P < .001 signified by **.

F df p

Block .001 1 .971

Reward 9.528 2 <.001**

Option 18.10 1 <.001**

Block X Reward .575 2 .564

Block X Option 3.326 1 .074

Reward X Option 11.173 2 <.001**

Block X Reward X Option 3.101 2 .049*

Table 3-4. Repeated Measures ANOVA ssVEP results for the food block (n = 51). P <

.05 is signified by * with P < .001 signified by **.

F df p

Reward 6.599 2 .002**

Option 13.801 1 .001**

Reward X Option .990 2 .375

Table 3-5. Repeated Measures ANOVA ssVEP results for the money block (n = 51). P <

.05 is signified by * with P < .001 signified by **.

F df p

Reward 3.969 2 .022*

Option 4.511 1 .039*

Reward X Option 12.127 2 <.001**

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A Figure 3-1. Correlation between body measurements. Scatterplot showing the

significant positive correlation between WHR and BMI for all participants (Pearson r(51) = .411, p = .003)(A). Scatterplot showing the significant positive correlation between WHR and WC for all participants (Pearson r(51) = .612, p < .001) (B). Scatterplot showing the significant positive correlation between BMI and WC (Pearson r(51) = .852, p < .001) (C) (n = 51).

0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.115








ICorrelation between WHR and BMI

r = .411

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B Figure 3-1. Continued.

0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.120






Correlation between WHR and WC

r = .612

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Figure 3-1. Continued.

15 20 25 30 35 4020






Correlation between BMI and WC

r = .852

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Figure 3-2. Correlation between uncontrolled eating and emotional eating scores on the TFEQ-18. Scatterplot showing the significant positive correlation between the domains of disinhibition and hunger on the TFEQ-18 for all participants (n = 51) (Pearson r(51) = .361, p = .009).

0 20 40 60 800






Uncontrolled Eating




al E



Correlation between Uncontrolled Eating and

Emotional Eating Scores on the TFEQ-18

r = .361

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Figure 3-3. Correlation between BMI and cognitive restraint. Scatterplot showing the significant positive correlation between BMI and the cognitive restraint domain of the TFEQ-18 for all participants (n = 51) (Pearson r(51) = .292, p = .037).

15 20 25 30 35 400










e R



tCorrelation between BMI and

Cognitive Restraint

r = .292

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Figure 3-4. Correlation between BMI and money impulsivity. Scatterplot showing the significant negative correlation between BMI and impulsivity percentages during the money block for all participants (n = 51) (Pearson r(51) = -.301, p = .032).

15 20 25 30 35 400








ney Im




Correlation between BMI and

Money Impulsivity Scores

r = -.301

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Figure 3-5. Correlation between uncontrolled eating and food impulsivity. Scatterplot showing the positive correlation between the uncontrolled eating scores and the food impulsivity percentages on the TFEQ-18 for all participants (n = 51) (Pearson r(51) = .302, p = .031).

0 20 40 60 800



Uncontrolled Eating







Correlation between Uncontrolled Eating and Food Impulsivity

r = .302

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Figure 3-6. Correlation between minutes without food and cognitive restraint scores. Scatterplot showing the negative correlation between the number of minutes since the participant last ate with scores on the cognitive restraint domain of the TFEQ-18 (n = 51) (Pearson r(51) = -.311, p = .026).

0 200 400 600 800 10000






Minutes without Food




e R



tCorrelation between Minutes without Food

and Cognitive Restraint Scores

r = -.311

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Figure 3-7. Correlation between uncontrolled eating and reaction times for the food block. Scatterplot showing the negative correlation between the uncontrolled eating scores on the TFEQ-18 and average reaction times during the food block for all participants (n = 51) (Pearson r(51) = -.295, p = .036).

0 20 40 60 800





Uncontrolled Eating




ck R




e (


Correlation between Uncontrolled Eating and

Food Block Reaction Time

r = -.295

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Figure 3-8. Food block main effect of reward type. Mean ssVEP amplitudes and SEM for the three rewards (small, medium, and large) for the food block. During the food block, there was a significant main effect of reward magnitude and time delay. Overall, the largest reward had significantly smaller ssVEP activity compared to the smallest reward given today and the medium sized reward given in a week (n = 51) (F(2,100)= 6.599, p = .002).

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Figure 3-9. Food block main effect of other option shown. Mean ssVEP amplitudes and SEM for the three other options shown for the food block. For the food block, there was a main effect for the other option shown. There was significantly smaller ssVEP activity to stimuli presented with a medium reward option given in a week compared to when they were presented with the smallest reward option given today (n = 51) (F(1,50)= 13.801, p = .001).





Other Option





de (µ


Food Block

Main Effect of Other Option Shown





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Figure 3-10. Correlation between minutes without food and ssVEP difference between large and small rewards. Scatterplot showing the positive correlation between the number of minutes since food was last consumed and the computed differences between ssVEP amplitudes for the large rewards minus the small rewards for the food block (n = 51) (Pearson r(51) = .283, p = .045).

200 400 600 800 1000





Food Block Correlation between the

Number of Minutes without Food

and the ssVEP Difference

between Large and Small rewards

Minutes since Food





nce L




us S

mall R




r = .283

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Figure 3-11. Money block main effect of reward type. Mean ssVEP amplitudes and SEM for the three rewards (small, medium, and large) for the money block. For the money block, there was a significant main effect of reward magnitude and time delay. Overall, the largest reward given in a month had significantly smaller ssVEP activity compared to the medium sized reward given in a week (n = 51) (F(2,100)= 3.969, p = .022).










de (µ


Money Block

Main Effect of Reward Type





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Figure 3-12. Money block main effect of other option shown. Mean ssVEP amplitudes and SEM for the other option shown for the money block. For the money block, there was a significant main effect of the other option presented. When stimuli were presented alongside the medium reward option given in a week, they had significantly smaller ssVEP activity compared to stimuli presented alongside the smallest and larger rewards (n = 51) (F(1,50)= 4.511, p = .039).





Other Option





de (µ


Money Block

Main Effect of Other Option Shown




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Figure 3-13. Money block interaction between reward and other option shown. Mean ssVEP amplitudes and SEM for the interaction between the three rewards (small, medium, and large) and other option shown during the money block. During the money block, there was a significant interaction between the reward type and other option shown. The largest reward option given in a month presented alongside the medium reward option given in a week had significantly smaller ssVEP activity compared to the medium option when presented alongside a larger option, the larger option when presented alongside the smallest option, and when the smallest option was presented alongside a medium option (n = 51) (F(2,100)= 12.127, p < .001).


er S




er L







Other Option Shown





de (µ


Money Block

Interaction between Reward

and Other Option Shown

Reward Small

Reward Medium

Reward Large


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Figure 3-14. Correlation between cognitive restraint and ssVEP amplitude. Scatterplot showing the positive correlation between the cognitive restraint domain of the TFEQ-18 with the money block ssVEP amplitudes for small rewards when shown next to the large option (n = 51) (Pearson r(51) = .287, p = .041).

0 20 40 60 80 1000.0





Money Block Correlation between the

ssVEP Amplitudes for the Small Rewards

when Shown with Large Rewards and

Cognitive Restraint Scores

Cognitive Restraint





de (µ


r = .287

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Figure 3-15. Correlation between cognitive restraint and ssVEP amplitude. Scatterplot

showing the positive correlation between the cognitive restraint domain of the TFEQ-18 with the money block ssVEP amplitudes for large rewards minus medium rewards (n = 51) (Pearson r(51) = -.306, p = .029).

20 40 60 80 100






Money Block Correlation between the

Cognitive Restraint Scores and the

ssVEP Difference between Large and Medium rewards

Cognitive Restraint





nce L




us M






r = -.306

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Figure 3-16. Correlation between cognitive restraint and ssVEP amplitude. Scatterplot showing the positive correlation between the cognitive restraint domain of the TFEQ-18 with the money block ssVEP amplitude difference between the medium other option shown minus large other option shown (n = 51) (Pearson r(51) = -.343, p = .014).

20 40 60 80 100






Money Block Correlation between the

Cognitive Restraint Scores and the

ssVEP Difference between Medium and

Large Other Shown

Cognitive Restraint





nce M




us L


e O


r = -.343

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The aim of the present study was to provide novel information about visuo-

cortical activity during reward-based decision making towards food and monetary

rewards as a function of health status. The first hypothesis that cortical processing of

smaller, sooner rewards would correlate with physiological measures such as BMI, WC,

and WHR was not supported. The secondary hypothesis that there would be differences

in cortical processing between food and monetary rewards was also not supported. The

implications of the significant findings for the demographic, behavioral, and ssVEP data

will be further discussed.

Demographic and Behavioral Correlates

The significant finding that the physiological measures were positively correlated

was expected as BMI, WC, and WHR are all different measures of health status. Males

had larger WC and WHRs than women, which is also expected as the World Health

Organization has separate cutoff values for men and women (World Health

Organization, 2011). The TFEQ-18 had a significant positive correlation between the

uncontrolled eating and emotional eating domains. This is expected because previous

studies consider emotional eating as a subgroup of uncontrolled or disinhibited eating

(Ozier et al., 2008; Konttinen et al., 2009). Those who have uncontrolled eating

behaviors are more likely to overeat when stressors and emotional feelings occur

(Jansen & Van den Hout, 1991). Additionally, the TFEQ-18 domain of cognitive restraint

was positively correlated with BMI, where those with higher restraint scores also have

larger BMIs. This finding replicates previous research that found a positive correlation

between cognitive restraint and BMI (Lluch et al., 2000). This suggests that those who

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spend more cognitive effort to maintain a diet or control of food intake are more likely to

disrupt their diet when stressors or adverse life events occur. Additionally, those who

severely restrict or restrain from certain foods may be more likely to binge them later.

The impulsivity percentage for the money block was negatively correlated with

BMI; however, BMI did not correlate with the food block impulsivity scores. This finding

indicates that those with higher BMIs were less likely to choose smaller, sooner

monetary rewards. Rasmussen et al., (2010) found that impulsivity measured by a delay

discounting paradigm was associated with food rewards but not monetary rewards

among obese participants.

Those with higher scores on the TFEQ-18 domain of uncontrolled eating had

higher impulsivity scores during the food block but not for the money block. This

indicates that uncontrolled eaters are more likely to choose a smaller food reward that is

readily available instead of waiting for a larger food reward. In an obesogenic

environment, uncontrolled eaters may be more likely to consume palatable foods

regardless of internal or physiological states of hunger. Additionally, those with higher

uncontrolled eating scores had slightly faster decision-making reaction times for the

food block, but not for the money block. This indicates that uncontrolled eaters were

more impulsive towards the food rewards by making faster decisions tending to choose

the smaller, sooner reward.

There was a negative correlation between the number of minutes since food was

last consumed and with the TFEQ-18 domain of cognitive restraint. Those with higher

cognitive restraint scores ate more recently to the testing session than those with lower

cognitive restraint scores. This again supports previous research that those who

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practice higher amounts of cognitive restraint are more likely to overeat or eat more

frequently (Lluch et al., 2000). Additionally, those with higher cognitive restraint may rely

less on internal signals of hunger and satiation, which can allow for stressors to override

their restraint and ultimately lead to unwanted eating.

There was a positive correlation between the average reaction times for the food

and money blocks. Participants who took longer to respond during the decision-making

process for the food block also took longer to respond for the money block. Since there

were not differences in behavioral performance of decision-making between the food

and money blocks, this suggests that differences in cortical processing during the food

and money blocks illustrates the sensitivity of the ssVEP data to detect neural

differences towards rewards.

Average impulsivity scores food the food and money blocks were not significantly

correlated, indicating that a participant who was impulsive towards food may not have

been impulsive towards money. Previous research has also suggested that decision-

making towards rewards is specific to the type of reward (Odum et al., 2006).


Visual Processing

The visuo-cortical processing towards the different reward cues indicates that

this methodology and paradigm has the sensitivity and specificity to detect differences

in the evaluation of rewards. The data support the premise that biased competition to

two rewarding stimuli compete for cortical resources in the visual cortex. This indicates

that aspects of decision-making rely on top-down processing so that visuo-cortical

responses can be allocated towards the more behaviorally relevant stimuli. Doya (2008)

described four basic steps to the decision-making process: the subject first recognizes

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the options, then evaluates the options, selects the option or appropriate action, and

lastly, reevaluates the decision based on the possible outcomes. The current study

recorded ssVEPs while two stimuli were presented simultaneously and captured the

cortical resources while options were being recognized, evaluated, and selected. The

differences in ssVEP amplitudes to the different rewarding stimuli indicate that the visual

cortex is an active component in the evaluation of rewards and decision-making. Further

suggesting that the visual system is part of an early sensory system that is important for


Heekeren et al., (2008) discuss perceptual decision-making where decisions are

based on the sensory information provided and available. This sensory information is

then processed and used to make decisions that affect behavior. They mention that

different options for rewards might affect sensory representations in the brain, but how

this occurs in the brain has not yet been fully answered, and that future studies may

help explain economic decisions based on reward outcomes at basic sensory

processing levels. The current study provides information on the role of the visual cortex

during the evaluation of behaviorally relevant rewards. Greater visuo-cortical resources

were allocated towards the stimulus cue, which provides information about the

behavioral relevance of the rewards.

Behavioral Relevance

The finding that ssVEP amplitude was smaller to the larger, later reward for the

food block indicates that smaller, sooner food rewards may be more behaviorally

relevant. This could be due to the biological aspect that food is relevant for survival and

resources should be spent trying to obtain food. A small amount of food given today

could be more advantageous for survival compared to a larger amount of food later. For

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the money block, there was not a significant difference in ssVEP amplitudes for the

smallest reward given today and the larger reward given in a month. This could be due

to the way money is valued and viewed. If money is not immediately needed to

purchase resources for survival, then waiting a little bit longer to receive a larger amount

may be more advantageous. Additionally, we do not typically receive money

instantaneously but rather wait for paychecks or paydays to receive money. Overall, we

may be behaviorally trained towards waiting for larger amounts of money.

The number of minutes since the last time food was consumed positively

correlated with the difference in ssVEP amplitude from the large rewards minus the

smallest rewards. Those who ate more recently before the beginning of the testing

session were more likely to have greater visuo-cortical activity towards smaller, sooner

food rewards. This suggests that there is a relationship between those who view

immediate rewards as more behaviorally relevant and the frequency of eating.

The TFEQ-18 domain of cognitive restraint negatively correlates with the

difference in ssVEP amplitude for large rewards minus medium rewards. Those who

had greater scores on cognitive restraint were more likely to have greater visuo-cortical

activity towards medium sized monetary rewards given in a week than larger rewards in

a month. This suggests that those who have greater cortical activity towards sooner

monetary rewards may have to expend more cognitive restraint towards rewards in

general. Those who are not as easily tempted by immediate rewards do not need higher

levels of restraint to prevent them from obtaining those rewards.


There are a few limitations to the current study that must be discussed. The first

is that the sample only contains 6 participants who would be classified as obese on the

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BMI scale. With a small number of obese individuals, the measures of obesity cannot be

used as a categorical variable to determine differences between groups of participants

based on health measures. The majority of the participants have health scores in an

average range, which does not provide a large amount of variance in the BMI, WC, and

WHR measurements. Therefore, the implications of health status are not robust despite

having a large sample size. Additionally, the exploratory correlations may have

introduced type 1 errors. Another limitation is that the methodology requires specific

cues to be trained and used as the stimuli, so the number of cues used to represent

reward size and time delays were limited. The current paradigm does not fully capture

DD to rewards, where the reward amount and time delay are varied to assess patterns

of reward devaluation. Only 3 different cues were taught to keep the task simple for all

participants, but this does not fully allow us to explore visuo-cortical differences towards

many different reward sizes as a function of various time delays. Lastly, the information

on time of last meal was self-reported by all participants and differences in caloric

content or food type may influence the decision-making process towards the food

rewards. Therefore, we were not able to control for hunger and it may have influenced

the decision-making process.

Future Directions

The current results indicate that ssVEPs have the sensitivity and specificity to

detect differences in visuo-cortical processing in a reward-based decision-making task.

This protocol can be used to further build research in this area. First, a larger variance

in the BMI, WC, and WHR scores are needed to better determine the role of health

status on reward-based decision making while recording ssVEPs from the visual cortex.

Additionally, including a larger number of cues and varying the cues so that the reward

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amounts and time delays have greater ranges would provide additional information

about the visuo-cortical processing of rewards. Lastly, controlling for the amount of food

consumed before the task would better equate satiety levels at the start of the testing

session. Additional information could also be collected between participants who

consume food before the session and those who are forced to fast before the testing

session to assess the role of hunger on reward-based decision-making.

Previous research indicates that certain populations such as drug addicts,

gamblers, and smokers are more likely to choose sooner, smaller rewards (Kirby et al.,

1999; Dixon et al., 2003; Andrade & Petry, 2012). Research using this methodology and

protocol can be used to assess visuo-cortical processing of rewards among those

populations and use reward specific stimuli for those populations. Therefore, this

protocol may provide additional information about the visuo-cortical processing among

other populations who have difficulty with reward-based decision making.

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Melissa Cervantez was an undergraduate at Las Positas College when she

discovered and developed an interest in psychology. She received her Associate of Arts

degree in liberal arts and sciences in 2008. After, she transferred to San Diego State

University to study psychology and began working as an undergraduate research

assistant in Dr. Claire Murphy’s Lifespan Human Senses Laboratory. She graduated

with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology in 2010 and began her graduate work in the same

laboratory. She received her Master of Arts degree in psychology with an emphasis in

behavioral and cognitive neuroscience in 2013. Her master’s thesis was titled, “Obesity

Measures Predict Differences in Olfactory Event Related Potential Latencies Between

Apolipoprotein E Ԑ4 Carriers and Non-Carriers.” After graduating, she moved to Florida

to begin a PhD program at the University of Florida. She joined Dr. Neil Rowland’s

laboratory researching animal models of feeding behavior. Later, she collaborated with

Dr. Andreas Keil’s laboratory to work on her dissertation research. With the guidance of

Drs. Rowland and Keil, she was able to develop her research idea into a complete

project. She graduated from the University of Florida with a PhD in psychology with an

emphasis in behavioral and cognitive neuroscience in 2018.