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G. Zulauf, J. Roig, J. Plummer, and J. Rivas-Davila, "Coss Measurements

for Superjunction MOSFETs: Limitations and Opportunities," IEEE

Trans. Electron Devices, pp. 578-584, Jan. 2019.



More papers from Juan Rivas's group at Stanford University can be found here:


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COSS Measurements for SuperjunctionMOSFETs: Limitations

and OpportunitiesGrayson D. Zulauf , Student Member, IEEE, Jaume Roig-Guitart, James D. Plummer, Fellow, IEEE,

and Juan M. Rivas-Davila , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— Small-signal measurements of output capac-itance (COSS) are ubiquitous in power semiconductordatasheets and determine critical features of power con-verters. For silicon superjunction power MOSFETs (SJs),we report COSS measurements with two key anomalies:variation with ac perturbation frequency and hysteresiswith dc sweep direction. Using mixed-mode simulations,we attribute the frequency shift to the fundamental SJ struc-ture and find that dc hysteresis is caused by charge trappingfrom uneven depletion fronts. We show that COSS measure-ments on SJs do not accurately characterize large-signaloperation, underestimating stored energy by up to fourtimes and giving no indication of COSS losses.

Index Terms— Capacitance-voltage characteristics,output capacitance (COSS), power MOSFETs, superjunction.


THE output capacitance of power semiconductors,CO , directly defines a multitude of power converter

parameters. In hard-switched converters, CO is charged duringthe device’s offtime and discharged through the channel atturn-ON. In zero-voltage-switched converters, the discharge ofCO occurs resonantly during the offtime, ideally incurring zeroswitching losses. In all power converters, the energy stored inCO (EO ) determines component selection, thermal design, andefficiency, making the measurement and reporting of deviceoutput capacitance critical to design and performance.

CO is reported in datasheets using small-signal measure-ments, labeled COSS, where a small ac perturbation is appliedto a quasi-steady-state dc drain–source voltage (VDS). A dig-itized datasheet COSS curve is shown as the black line inFig. 1(a), and COSS is integrated across VDS to compute

Manuscript received September 24, 2018; accepted November 9,2018. This work was supported in part by Airbus, in part by CadenceDesign Systems through a Stanford Graduate Fellowship, in part bythe National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, in part by Stan-ford’s SystemX Alliance, and in part by the TomKat Center for Sus-tainable Energy. The review of this paper was arranged by EditorS. N. E. Madathil. (Corresponding author: Grayson D. Zulauf.)

G. D. Zulauf, J. D. Plummer, and J. M. Rivas-Davila are with theDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford,CA 94305 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).

J. Roig-Guitart is with ON Semiconductor, 9700 Oudenaarde, Belgium.Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available

online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2018.2880952

Fig. 1. Measured COSS, with 100-mVPP ac magnitude and VDSswept 0.1 V every 250 ms from 0 to 300 to 0 Vdc. (a) SJ A. Positive-and negative-going dc curves highlighted. (b) SJ B. Positive- andnegative-going dc curves plotted. Device characteristics given in Table I.

EO or EOSS (Fig. 2, dashed line). These curves are ubiquitous,widely accepted, and well understood in the power electronicsand power device communities.

Silicon superjunction power MOSFETs (SJs), with a driftregion composed of alternating n and p columns [1], breakthe unipolar material limit of specific ON-resistance (s RDS,ON)

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Fig. 2. Reported and measured EO and EOSS for SJ A. EO measuredusing the Sawyer–Tower circuit at 300 kHz.

for a given breakdown voltage and are widely used incommercial hard- and soft-switched converters. Generationalprogressions of SJs typically aim to lower s RDS,ON throughsmaller cell pitch, higher doping, or more precise chargebalance [2]–[4]. Countering this progression, however, recentworks [5]–[8] have reported large unexpected losses in SJsused in soft-switching applications from charging and dis-charging the output capacitor (“COSS losses”), with higherlosses attributed to uneven column walls and decreasing cellpitch [9].

In this paper, we show that COSS measurements varysignificantly with dc bias ramp direction and ac perturba-tion frequency and do not accurately describe SJ operationin power converters, mischaracterizing large-signal energystorage (EO ) and charge (QO ) (Section II). In Section III,we introduce a mixed-mode simulation method to investigatethe dc hysteresis (Section IV) and frequency shift (Section V)anomalies in SJ COSS measurements. In Section VI, we inves-tigate whether these anomalies map to large-signal condi-tions and, finding that the extrapolation is fraught, proposean additional graph for inclusion in power SJ datasheetsin Section VII.


Small-signal measurements inject an ac perturbation ontop of a dc bias, measure the phase and magnitude ofthe response, and compute the capacitance as −1/ω/Im{Z}.Under the quasi-static approximation, which assumes thatcarriers respond to ac signals as if they were a varying dcbias [10], the small-signal COSS can be integrated to findlarge-signal capacitance [11], [12] and the EOSS curves indatasheets and simulation models (Fig. 2).

By contrast, large-signal measurements apply a large acsignal, characterizing CO at a particular dc offset, ac mag-nitude, and ac frequency. One method to measure large-signalcapacitance (for others, see [13]–[15]) is the Sawyer–Towercircuit [6], [16], which applies a sinusoidal voltage across CO

Fig. 3. Reported and measured QO and QOSS for SJ B. QO measuredusing the Sawyer–Tower circuit at 300 kHz.



between 0 VDS and VPP with the device held OFF. In convert-ers, only large signals are applied to the output capacitanceof power semiconductors, while small-signal measurementsmeasure linear mode performance [6] and do not replicate thewaveforms in any power converter.

For modern SJs, the quasi-static approximation that under-pins the extrapolation from small-signal (COSS, QOSS, andEOSS) to large-signal characteristics (CO , QO , and EO ) doesnot hold. Fig. 2 shows that the integration of COSS significantlyunder-predicts the measured large-signal stored energy (EO ).With hard-switching losses proportional to EO × fSW, thisunderestimation would result in much higher-than-expectedlosses in the SJ. Stored charge, QO , defines the inductor para-meters for soft-switching [17], and QO is also underestimatedby QOSS, appears dependent on the ac perturbation frequency,and exhibits hysteretic behavior (Fig. 3).

In summary, the ubiquitous COSS measurements may:1) under-predict EO by over 100%; 2) under-predict QO ;3) give no prediction of COSS losses; and 4) vary with acfrequency and the direction of the applied dc bias. Takentogether, these necessitate further investigation of the widelyused COSS measurements, and we examine the two anomalieshighlighted in Fig. 1. In Fig. 1(a), COSS of SJ A is significantlylower in the negative-going VDS bias sweep direction thanin the positive-going one (“dc hysteresis”). For both devicesin Fig. 1, COSS depends on the ac perturbation frequency atcertain bias voltages (“frequency shift”).

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Fig. 4. Simulated COSS for the MEMI structure from [9]. Both anomaliesmeasured in SJ A are observed here.


Mixed-mode simulations are run using a commercial TCADtool [18] and SPICE circuit to ramp VDS across the TCADstructures with a variable slew rate. The linear algebraicsolution at different times provides a real and imaginaryresponse to the small-signal ac perturbation at the struc-ture’s contacts [19], from which we compute COSS. Our basestructure for simulation is the half-cell, multi-epitaxy multi-implant (MEMI) SJ-FET structure shown in Fig. 4 (structuredetails are described in [9]). The physical models are basedon drift-diffusion transport, including the Shockley–Read–Hall recombination model with the Scharfetter lifetime dopingdependence. For the half-cell configuration, we use the reflect-ing Neumann boundary condition on the lateral boundaries.

We simulate the structure at varying ac frequencies anddc bias values, and Fig. 4 shows that the two key anom-alies observed in Fig. 1 are qualitatively reproduced in thismixed-mode simulation environment. We use this core struc-ture to more deeply investigate the root causes.


To our knowledge, COSS hysteresis with dc bias has notbeen previously published in the literature and is an unex-pected phenomenon at the time scales considered here. Thedc hysteresis anomaly is recreated in the simulated structureof Fig. 4, and we observe that, for both the simulated andmeasured devices, this hysteretic behavior only occurs duringpinchoff of the SJ columns. Fig. 5 shows the structure acrossvarying dc bias for both sweep directions. At 25 VDS, wherelarge hysteresis is evident in the simulated COSS, the chargestructure in the columns is quite different between the ramp-upand ramp-down conditions. During depletion (ramp-up), largehole pockets form in the center of the p-pillar, but there areno charge pockets of electrons in the n-column. In undepletion(ramp-down), however, we observe smaller hole pockets thatare spatially alternated with electron pockets that were notobserved during depletion.

The ramp-down structures, then, could be said to show anonequilibrium condition, and the state eventually settles to the

Fig. 5. Simulated depletion region (at 10 MHz) across VDS with positive-and negative-going dc bias at 0.5s-ramp rate.

positive-going one if VDS is held constant for a long time. Thetrapped majority carriers must either recombine with minoritycarriers, which are sparse in that side of the column, or reachthe contacts, which are accessible only through a narrow andhigh resistance or a completely depleted region. These slowprocesses result in measured time constants in commercialSJs that are unexpectedly large. For example, Fig. 6(a) showsthe measured time for the negative-going COSS (stepped from525 VDS) to settle to the positive-going capacitance (COSS,+)at that particular dc bias voltage, with time constants ofup to hours for the recombination of the trapped majoritycarriers.

Carrier lifetime has a significant impact on the level ofhysteresis, or equivalently, on the settling time of the trappedcharges. In the simulated structure, reducing the carrier life-time an order of magnitude (τe = 3τh for both cases) reducesthe settling time by four times. We confirm this simulationresult in commercial devices by comparing two SJs, SJ C andSJ D, that are identical except that SJ D is optimized for lowreverse-recovery charge (QRR), which we assume implies thatSJ D has additional recombination centers to reduce carrierlifetime over SJ C. As expected, SJ C has settling times over100× longer than SJ D in the pinchoff region [Fig. 6(b)],verifying the simulated finding.

The root cause of the observed dc hysteresis anomaly ischarge trapped by the asymmetrical depletion and undeple-tion of the SJ columns, and the phenomenon only appearsto be measurable in MEMI structures. This COSS mea-surement technique provides an estimate of majority carrierlifetimes with different depletion fronts and may be use-ful to ascertain relative levels of charge trapping betweendevices.

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Fig. 6. Measured time for COSS to converge to the positive-goingvalue (COSS,+) when bias is stepped from 525 VDS to the legendvalue. (a) SJ A, 5-MHz ac perturbation. (b) SJ C and SJ D, 5-MHz acperturbation.


In all measured SJs, we observe a frequency shift inCOSS, where the measured capacitance in the pinchoff regionsignificantly declines with increasing frequency at a given VDS.The tested frequencies are common for COSS curves publishedin datasheets, and as COSS is used to determine the crucialfigure-of-merit EOSS, its accuracy is important for powerdevices. Furthermore, measurements by the authors on planarSi MOSFETs and wide bandgap devices (GaN-on-Si HEMTsand SiC MOSFETs) do not exhibit this COSS frequency shift.

Examining the curves in Fig. 4 with the depletion frontsin Fig. 5, we observe that the frequency shift only occurs atvoltages where the p- and n-pillars are on the verge of fulldepletion. The depletion regions, of course, do not changewith ac frequency, but the transient solution results in differentCOSS values across frequency, so we expect the small-signalperturbation to be responsible for the shift. Additional simu-lations with carrier lifetimes ranging from 10 ns to 10 μs alsodo not significantly impact this shift.

To explain this anomaly, a conventional p-n cell and anSJ cell in the pinchoff region are compared in Fig. 7. In the

Fig. 7. Proposed RC circuit for a conventional p-n junction (top) and foran SJ device before full depletion (bottom).

SJ cell, the depletion region spreads laterally across thecell with the contacts to the drain and source located onthe top and bottom of the cell structure. We consider eachstructure as a distributed RC network, where the capacitanceper unit length (C) across the depletion region is in series withresistors (R) in either column (we assume equal doping suchthat 3μp = μn , and to ignore the resistance in the N+ andP+ regions). In real cells of this type, this distributed networkcomprises a very large number of RC cells; here, we considera small number to illustrate the behavior that leads to the COSSfrequency shift that is unique to SJs.

The input impedance (ZIN) for each equivalent circuit isplotted in Fig. 8 for equivalent values of C and R, and thecapacitance is calculated as −1/ω/Im{Z}. The p-n structurenetwork, which is a parallel combination of series R–Ccells, produces a constant ω · Im{Z} term, resulting in ameasured capacitance of 4C that is independent of frequency.The ω · Im{Z} term for the SJ structure, on the other hand,starts to increase with frequency one decade below the RCtime constant of the network, resulting in a decrease ofmeasured capacitance with increasing perturbation frequen-cies. Reasonable values of capacitance and resistance giveRC time constants on the order of MHz, affecting standardmeasurement frequencies. We have used equal R values tohighlight qualitative behaviors, but in SJ devices, the resistancewill increase significantly with increasing dc bias as the currentpath width shrinks.

These simple circuits indicate that frequency shift is fun-damental to the SJ structure, explaining why this anomaly ispresent in all measured SJs but not in other power devices. Thenarrow conduction paths of an SJ in pinchoff result in high unitlength resistances, pushing the time constant into the range ofstandard COSS measurement frequencies. The frequency shift

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Fig. 8. Input impedance response for the equivalent circuits for the p-nstructure and SJ structure in Fig. 7, normalized to the RC time constantof the p-n structure, 1/(2π4RC). For this simulation, R = 100 Ω andC = 50 pF, with w0 = 7.95 MHz.

can be mitigated with cell structures that reduce this resistance[e.g., trench-filled epitaxial growth (TFEG) structure with ahigh trench slope] to push the RC time constant past standardmeasurement frequencies.


For the tested SJs, we attempt to use these anomalies topredict two large-signal characteristics: large-signal energystorage, EO , and soft-switching loss from charging and dis-charging the output capacitor, COSS losses. These characteris-tics are measured with the Sawyer–Tower circuit [Fig. 9(a)],which applies a sine wave between 0 VDS and VPP across anSJ held in the OFF-state (see [6], [16] for circuit details).

As expected, SJ A, which exhibits both COSS anomalies, hasthe highest COSS losses and the largest ratio of large-signal EO

to EOSS, and SJ B, a TFEG device with no hysteresis, hasthe smallest COSS losses and energy storage well predictedby EOSS. The primary surprise is that the lifetime reduc-tion between SJ C and SJ D has no effect on large-signalcharacteristics; we suspect this is due to the difference inramp rate. In the small-signal measurement, the dc slewrate is 0.1 Vdc per 250 ms; at 300 kHz, the Sawyer–Towertest slews up to 550 V in 1.67 μs. This nine order ofmagnitude difference in slew rate could reintroduce hystereticcharge trapping despite the reduction in lifetime, and for the

Fig. 9. Large-signal characteristics for the SJs in this paper, character-ized at 300 kHz using the Sawyer–Tower circuit. (a) Sawyer–Tower circuitand representative VDS waveform. (b) Measured COSS losses. (c) Ratioof measured EO to small-signal datasheet EOSS.

simulated structure of Fig. 4, we increase the dc ramp ratefrom 0.5 s to 1.6 μs to mimic the large-signal perturbation.Fig. 10 shows that the hysteresis between the two curvesincreases markedly, with different positive- and negative-going

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Fig. 10. Simulated COSS (10-MHz ac perturbation) with a six-order-of-magnitude difference in dc bias ramp rate.

capacitances. For the positive-going curve, this is due to largerp-pillar majority carrier pockets (relative to those shown inFig. 5) at the higher ramp rate. In the negative-going sweepdirection, the p-pillar pockets do not undeplete (in contrastto the 10 VDS, ramp-down front in Fig. 5), leaving trappedcharges—and lower measured COSS—even at 0 VDS.

More broadly, small-signal COSS anomalies may give anindication of large-signal characteristics but are not directlypredictive in any known way because the amount of chargetrapping depends strongly on ramp rate. Devices with dchysteresis at the relatively slow slew rate of COSS measure-ments will likely have poor large-signal characteristics, butthe absence of small-signal dc hysteresis, unfortunately, doesnot indicate low COSS losses or a small EO/EOSS ratio atthe slew rates in power converters. Because operating charac-teristics cannot be extrapolated in this manner, manufacturersshould include large-signal EO and COSS losses in power SJdatasheets, and we propose a graph for inclusion.


Datasheet and simulation reporting for COSS of siliconSJs need to be reconsidered and updated to address theseanomalies. Large-signal analyses should be added to powerdevice datasheets to provide accurate information on in situdevice operation, and small-signal measurements should reportac frequency, dc ramp rate, and dc sweep direction.

An oft-cited shortcoming of large-signal measurements isa lack of extensibility; for discrete capacitors, characteristicswould need to be reported at varying dc biases, ac frequencies,and ac magnitudes. Power device capacitors comprise a muchmore reasonable measurement space, however: CO alwaysstarts near 0 Vdc, since the device conducts immediatelybefore turn-OFF, a body diode or similar reverse characteristicguarantees the applied voltage is always positive, and theswitching frequency is typically known within one or twoorders of magnitude.

As such, manufacturers can and should include large-signalEO and estimated COSS losses in datasheets, and we propose

Fig. 11. Proposed large-signal datasheet graph for SJ A, showing totalstored energy and dissipated energy per cycle.

the plot shown in Fig. 11. EO , the top curve, is the large-signalenergy stored in CO , which is valuable for both hard- andsoft-switching applications. The bottom curve, EDISS, indi-cates the energy per cycle that is dissipated in CO in asoft-switching application. This plot provides a more accuratemodel of in situ operation for power SJs than small-signalCOSS and EOSS and should be added to datasheets atone or more relevant operating frequencies.


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Grayson D. Zulauf (S’16) received the B.A. andB.Eng. degrees (Hons.) from Dartmouth College,Hanover, NH, USA, in 2012 and 2013, respec-tively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degreein electrical engineering with Stanford University,Stanford, CA, USA, with a focus on high- andvery-high-frequency converters for electric trans-portation.

From 2013 to 2016, he was an Electrical Engi-neer and Product Manager with Motiv PowerSystems, Foster City, CA, USA.

Jaume Roig-Guitart received the B.S. degree inphysics and the Ph.D. degree in microelectronicsengineering from the Universitat Autonoma deBarcelona, Catalonia, Spain, in 1999 and 2004,respectively.

In 2006, he joined ON Semiconductor,Oudenaarde, Belgium, where he is involvedin the design and the development of Si andGaN power technologies. He has authored andco-authored more than 125 articles. He holds16 issued patents.

James D. Plummer (M’71–SM’82–F’85)received the B.S. degree from the Universityof California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles,CA, USA, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees inelectrical engineering from Stanford University,Stanford, CA, USA.

In 1978, he joined Stanford University as aFaculty. From 1999 to 2014, he was the Deanof Stanford’s Engineering School, Stanford, CA,USA. He has authored or co-authored morethan 400 papers.

Juan M. Rivas-Davila (S’01–M’06–SM’17)received the B.A. degree from the MonterreyInstitute of Technology, Monterrey, Mexico,in 1998, and the S.M. and Sc.D. degrees fromthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, MA, USA, in 2003 and 2006,respectively.

Since 2014, he has been an AssistantProfessor with Stanford University, Stanford,CA, USA. His current research interests includepower electronics, RF, resonant converters, andpassive components.