© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 7: Ethnicity Take out your Notebooks The Cultural Landscape:...

© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 7: Ethnicity Take out your Notebooks The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography

Transcript of © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 7: Ethnicity Take out your Notebooks The Cultural Landscape:...

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Chapter 7: Ethnicity Take out your Notebooks

The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography

© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

Brainstorm Your Ethnicity

Your ethnic backgrounds

• Adjectives to describe your background

What makes us American?

• Americans are_____

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Pledge of Allegiance

Our history

Your activity due March 12

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Prior to WW II

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The Pledge of Allegiance History

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Aim How is Ethnicity depicted throughout our world?

• Ethnicity = from the Greek ethnikos, meaning “national”– Ethnicities share a cultural identity with

people from the same homeland– Ethnicities have distinctive cultural traits

• Race = people who share a biological ancestor

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Where Are Ethnicities Distributed?

• Distribution of ethnicities in the United States– Hispanics (Latinos) = 15 percent of the U.S.

population– African Americans = 13 percent of the U.S.

population– Asian Americans = 4 percent of the U.S.

population– American Indians = 1 percent of the U.S.


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Why is there Discrimination?

• Persist against minorities

• Especially• African Americans

• Hispanics

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Why is the Distribution of Hispanics in the United States within the area of_

Figure 7-1

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Why is the Distribution of African Americans in the United States in the area of_________

Figure 7-2

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Why is the Distribution of Asian Americans in the United States with the area of

Figure 7-3

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Distribution of American Indians in the United States

Figure 7-4

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Where Are Ethnicities Distributed?• Concentration of ethnicities in U.S. cities

– 90 percent of African Americans and Hispanics live in cities :Why?

– Remnants of twentieth-century European migration = still evident on the landscape

• Example: clustering of restaurants in Little Italy, Greektown

• In your notebook : Where do we SEE Remnants of immigration from the late 19th century early 20th century ( approx 1870- 1925’s)

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List the political, social, economic and religious issues that Surround Ethnic Groups in Southwest Asia

Figure 8-25

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Interpreting Political Cartoons

• As you view each cartoon

• 1) on your worksheet

• 1) Describe it in detail, pay attention to the nuances ( hints, tone, theme)

• 2) Bullet point Your interpretation

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Our interpretations

• Review the slides

• On the back of your columned paper

• Writing Activity Short Essay: How does the media depict and encourage stereotyping, throughout history?

• Past, Present …Future stereotypes ?

• Give evidence

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How did you get Here?

• Triangular Slave Trade

• Forced PUSH migration

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Triangular Slave Pattern

Figure 7-8

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Please meet in your Group

Boundaries of Conflict

Berlin Wall

N.Korea/South Korea

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• Please meet in your groups


• Using the Atlas to COMPLETE your Political Outlines Maps Everyone in the group Must complete an outline map of the area Some groups may have 2-3 maps to show change over time, movement of people.**** While you research if you NEED a MAP to show migration to another area : See me for an outline map Bring in your colored pencils

• THERE ARE NINE tasks to complete EVERYONE MUST COMPLETE THE RESOLUTION and with your group CHOOSE 2 TOPICS that you will become the expert, to present in your power point. Remit to me a list of names and the topics you choose ( Peer Critique Grade)

• EACH PERSON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR A RESEARCH PAPER 4-5 pages Address all of the 8 tasks EVERYONE’S RESOLUTION MUST BE THEIR OWN ( can be similar yet write in your own voice)


• YOU ARE RESPONISBLE FOR YOUR WORK ONLY!!! YOUR GRADE DEPENDS ON THE WORK YOU PUT INTO THE RESEARCH, ( Peer Critique Grade) TEAMWORK, POWER POINT AND BECOMING AN EXPERT ON YOUR TOPIC PLAGERISM IS AN AUTOMATIC 0 (Cite the author and source) then write your interpretation Works cited page 2 books, internet, primary sources, journals


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• Differentiating ethnicity and race– Often confusing– Race = traits that are shared genetically, you can have only ONE

Race Examples: • Biological features within one racial group are highly variable

– Biological classification of people into distinct racial groups is meaningless Why?

– Ethnicity multiple ethnic affiliations Examples: • Spatial effects of racism

– “Separate but equal”– “White flight”

» Blockbusting– Apartheid in South Africa– United States three prominent ethnic groups Asian

America, African Americans, Hispanic Americans display cultural traditions that originate in particular hearths

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Triangular Slave Pattern

Figure 7-8

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ArmisteadWriting Activity

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Distribution of Ethnicities in Chicago

Figure 7-5 Figure 7-6

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Distribution of Ethnicities in Los Angeles

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Where Are Ethnicities Distributed?

• African American migration patterns– Three major migration patterns

• Forced migration from Africa (eighteenth century)– The triangular slave trade

• Immigration from the South to northern cities (first half of the twentieth century)

– Identifiable paths of migration

• Immigration out of inner cities to other urban areas (second half of the twentieth century to present)

– The ghetto

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African American Migration in the United States (Twentieth Century)

Figure 7-10

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Figure 7-13

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Apartheid In South Africa


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Why Have Ethnicities Been Transformed into Nationalities?

• Rise of nationalities– Nationality = identity with a group of people who

share a common allegiance to a particular country

– Nation-state– Examples

• Denmark• Nation-states in Europe

– Nationalism = loyalty and devotion to a nationality

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Nation-states in Europe

Figure 7-15

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WELCOME BACKThree Free AP Human Geography Response

for HW due 3/3

Please take out your notebooks

Power point

Video : Pianist

Map Work : Constructing a political map Due end of H band Wednesday 2/26 Everyone MUST


Work on Persecution project: Research in class

3/19 Begin presentations

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Why Have Ethnicities Been Transformed into Nationalities?

• Multinational states– Multiethnic state

• A state with multiple ethnic groups, all of whom might contribute to a larger national identity

– Example: the United States

– Multinational state• A state with multiple ethnic groups who retain their

own distinctive national identity– Example: the United Kingdom– Example: Russia (the largest multinational state)

• Revival of ethnic identity

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Why are there Ethnic tensions in Russia?

Figure 7-18

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Why Do Ethnicities Clash?

• Ethnic competition to dominate nationality– Ethnic competition in the Horn of Africa

• Ethiopia captured by Italy in 1930 gained Indp after WWII . Land locked Christian

• Eritrea colonized by Italy Muslim Arabian Sea Route awarded to Ethiopia by UN

• Sudan Somalia / Drought famine, move North into Sudan Civil Unrest

– Ethnic competition in Lebanon• Religious and ethnic differences

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Ethnic Diversity in Eastern Africa

Figure 7-21

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What Is Ethnic Cleansing?

• Ethnic cleansing in central Africa– Most boundaries in Africa do not correspond to

ethnic groups– Conflict between Hutu slaughtered by the Tutsi – ( greater wealth) destabilizes the region Class

warfare The Tutsi are a mostly Roman Catholic, French-and-Bantu-dialect

– Hutu are a mostly Roman Catholic and Protestant, French-and-Bantu-dialect

• Ethnic cleansing and genocide in Rwanda• Refugees spill into neighboring countries Ex

Somalian • Democratic Republic of Congo falls into civil war

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Ethnicities in Lebanon

Figure 7-23

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Why Do Ethnicities Clash?

• Dividing ethnicities among more than one state– Dividing ethnicities in South Asia

• India and Pakistan– Kashmir Territorial dispute between Pakistan and India – Sinhalese and Tamils

• Sinhalese make Buddhism religion gain political power and Tamils Hindu Both groups have different linguistics, religious and cultural

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Ethnic Division in South Asia

Figure 7-24



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What Is Ethnic Cleansing?

• Ethnic cleansing = process in which a more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful group from their territory – The purpose is not to subjugate, but to

remove– Today, most ethnic cleansing happens

in Europe and Africa

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The Balkans in 1914

Figure 7-29

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What Is Ethnic Cleansing?

• Ethnic cleansing in Europe– Largest forced migration = 1939–1945

• Jews, gypsies, and others forcibly removed by Nazis

– The former Yugoslavia• Creation of multiethnic Yugoslavia• The breakup of Yugoslavia

– Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia– Ethnic cleansing in Kosovo

– Balkanization

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Ethnic Cleansing

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TODAY BEGIN TO COMPLETE YOUR MAPS EVERYONE MUST COMPLETE A MAP Use the Atlas Maps to complete your map, Show political boundaries

Make a legend indicating your specific area of conflict

Due by the end of H band Wednesday •

• Using the Atlas to COMPLETE your Political Outlines Maps Everyone in the group Must complete an outline map of the area Some groups may have 2-3 maps to show change over time, movement of people.**** While you research if you NEED a MAP to show migration to another area : See me for an outline map Bring in your colored pencils


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Ethnicities in Africa

Figure 7-33

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THERE ARE NINE tasks to complete EVERYONE MUST COMPLETE THE RESOLUTION and with your group CHOOSE 2 TOPICS that you will become the expert, to present in your power point. Remit to me a list of names and the topics you choose ( Peer Critique Grade) EACH PERSON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR A RESEARCH PAPER 4-5 pages Address all of the 8 tasks EVERYONE’S RESOLUTION MUST BE THEIR OWN ( can be similar yet write in your own voice)POWER POINT: YOU DEPICT YOUR TWO EXPERT AREASYOU ARE RESPONISBLE FOR YOUR WORK ONLY!!! YOUR GRADE DEPENDS ON THE WORK YOU PUT INTO THE RESEARCH, ( Peer Critique Grade) TEAMWORK, POWER POINT AND BECOMING AN EXPERT ON YOUR TOPIC PLAGERISM IS AN AUTOMATIC 0 (Cite the author and source) then write your interpretation Works cited page 2 books, internet, primary sources, journals

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The End.

Up next: Political Geography