© 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks 2007/10/30 SOA - (Taiwan Biobank)

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2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks 2007/10/30 SOA - (Taiwan Biobank) Slide 2 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 2 Outlines Project overview IT infrastructure SOA Design for Data Management Implementation of SOA infrastructure Conclusion Slide 3 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks Project Overview Slide 4 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 4 Taiwan Biobank Project One of the major focuses in Taiwan Bio-Tech Island Project. Taiwan Biobank Project National Health Information Project (NHIP) Clinical Trial Research A national project related to public health, biotech, pharmaceutical and healthcare industry development. The 4-years-pilot biobank project launched in early 2006 and will collect 15,000 samples by 2009. The Biobank targets to collect 200,000 samples. Slide 5 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 5 What is Biobank (population- based prospective cohort) ( ) Slide 6 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 6 Specific Aims of Taiwan Biobank To understand descriptive epidemiological features and to obtain background risk profiles of common diseases in Taiwan. To explore gene-risk factor/gene-gene interactions associated with common diseases. To Improve the practice of public health. To establish essential biomedical networks of Biobank, leading to the development of Bio-IT. To explore critical issues related to ethnic, legal, and social issues (ELSI) of genomic medicine. Slide 7 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 7 Pilot study : 1/2006-12/2009 Size of Participants : 15,000 Participants: residents of Mao-Li ( ) Chia-Yi ( ) Hwa-Lien ( ) Aged 30 to 70 Volunteer Expected cohort 200,000 Scope of Taiwan Biobank Hwa-Lien Chia-Yi 15,000 Mao-Li Slide 8 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 8 Data in Taiwan Biobank Blood & Urine tests Weight, height W/H ratio body fat blood pressure lung function bone density Life styles dietary habits family disease histories genealogy Name ID phone Birthday Address Gender Attorney SNP STR Haplotypes Personal Informati on Physical Exam Genetic Profiles Question -naire Data Clinical Tests Slide 9 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IT Infrastructure Slide 10 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 10 Keep the Balance Public Health & Genetic Research ELSI & Confidentialit y Bioban k Information Technology Biobank Slide 11 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 11 TW Biobank IT Infrastructure Subject Recruitment Stations Middleware/De-identification Biological Data standardization Biobank core systems Health Record standardization Invitation Sample Collection LIMS Clinical Data Questionnaire Data Warehouses Application Services User Portal Research Community Slide 12 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 12 Data De-identification Slide 13 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 13 HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Enacted on Aug/21/1996 HIPAA Protected Health Information Names All geographic subdivisions smaller than a state, All elements of dates (except year) for dates directly related to an individual Telephone numbers Fax numbers E-mail addresses Social security numbers Medical record numbers Health plan beneficiary numbers Account numbers Certificate/license numbers Vehicle identifiers and serial numbers, including license plate numbers Medical device identifiers and serial numbers Web Universal Resource Locators (URLs) Internet protocol (IP) address numbers Biometric identifiers, including finger and voice prints Full face photographic images and any comparable images Any other unique identifying number, characteristic, or code Slide 14 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 14 Major Security Mechanisms Access control Authentication Authorization Role based access Single Sign On (SSO) Audit trails Data transmission Cryptography Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Firewall environment planning and evaluation Virtual Private Network (VPN) Slide 15 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 15 Major Characters of IT Platform High security level on encryption and de- identification mechanisms. HIPPA & HL-7 standards compliance. Integrated with the public available genetic database, such as dbSNP, OMIM, Genbank, HapMap, PubMed, etc. Slide 16 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 16 Major Privacy Protection Measures De-identification framework design and development Anonymous ID Active Enforcement Consent Accuracy Limited Retention Limited Use Data Watermarking Compliance Auditing Slide 17 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks SOA Design for Data Management Slide 18 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 18 Biobank Data Warehouse Data DataWarehouse Warehouse SNP Genomics Questionnaire Proteomics Pharmaco- genomics Pharmaco- genomics Phenotype Clinical Pathways Complexity Diversity Slide 19 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 19 Features of Data Delivery Data will be delivered based on various requests from users by the following features ELSI policy Project Data Analysi s Organi- zation Output format Slide 20 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 20 Data Authorization Privacy Policy Nation County Project Community Subject Data Items Subject ID User Requests for Data Request Analysis Data Matrix Retrieve Privacy Guidelines Nation County Project Community Subject Privacy Policy No Data Output Error Log Permission Denied Permission Granted Output Data Data Release Mechanism Slide 21 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 21 Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Service orientation A principle for describing information system components as services that can be delivered through a standard and well- defined interface. Service-oriented architecture An integrated software infrastructure and design approach to the development and integration of service- oriented applications. Slide 22 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 22 Privacy policy - By project - By county - By individual - By community Data output format - XML - CSV - TEXT Data analysis procedure - Statistical analysis - NCBI BLAST/ORF Finder - dbSNP - Genome annotation - Microarray Service Components Defined in TW Biobank Slide 23 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 23 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Data Output Format Privacy Policy Data Analysis Process National Obesity Study 2.2.2 Hypertension Project 3.3.3 HBV Pharmacogenomic Study 1.1.1 Stroke Genetic Study 4.4.4 Biobank Data Warehouse SOA design in Data Management Slide 24 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 24 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Asthma Study 1.4.3 Diabete Clinical Trial 2.1.4 HCV Pharmacogenomic Study 3.2.1 Breast Cancer Study 4.3.2 SOA Design in Data Management Slide 25 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 25 Strength of SOA Facilitates efficient reuse of system and application components by defining privacy policy, data output format, and data analysis process as services. Increase the flexibility of privacy policies under the compliance of ELSI guidelines. Provides a simplified, rapid and integrated view of real-time, high-quality data for a variety of information service usage scenarios. Enables information-as-a-service to provide data in various formats that requested by different users. Resolves the issues that resulted from analytical tools that developed on diverse platforms and by different languages (ex: C PERL JAVA). Slide 26 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks Implementation of SOA Infrastructure Slide 27 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 27 Tools Rational Software Architect WebSphere Integration Developer WebSphere Process Server DB2 Slide 28 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 28 Web Portal / Single Sign On ( / ) LIMS HL7ICD SNOMEDLOINC DICOMIHE SSLVPNRSA SSL USER JSPJAVA JSPJAVA AjaxJava JSPJAVA SOAJava Slide 29 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 29 Slide 30 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 30 Slide 31 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 31 Slide 32 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 32 Activity Diagram Design Slide 33 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 33 WSDL Slide 34 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 34 Assembly Diagram Design Slide 35 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 35 Benefits of SOA for Biobank project JAVA JAVA Slide 36 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks Conclusion Slide 37 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 37 Challenges What is personally identifiable data? In a small country like Taiwan, very little information is needed to indirectly identify a person Can encryption technologies ensure that the data will not be personally identifiable? No encryption method is 100% secure An encryption and coding system is never more secure than the people who operate it Slide 38 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007 38 Future Perspectives Taiwan Biobank will form a network to promote national public health, biotech, pharmaceutical and healthcare industry development. The network will securely connect consumers, health service providers, researchers and others who have, or use, health/genetics-related data and services, while protecting the confidentiality of personal information. Slide 39 2007 IBM Corporation 2007 IBM developerWorks [email protected] [email protected] Thanks for Your Attention