. 2 WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM MC JO? A multifaceted stage performer with multiple aptitudes in...

I speak multi languages fluently, I dance ardently, I sing spiritedly, I conduct games funnily, I dress up astoundingly to bring your guests a lasting memory!

Transcript of . 2 WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM MC JO? A multifaceted stage performer with multiple aptitudes in...

Page 1: . 2 WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM MC JO? A multifaceted stage performer with multiple aptitudes in emceeing, speaking, singing, march in gambit, ...

II ssppeeaakk mmuullttii llaanngguuaaggeess fflluueennttllyy,, II ddaannccee aarrddeennttllyy,,

II ssiinngg ssppiirriitteeddllyy,, II ccoonndduucctt ggaammeess ffuunnnniillyy,, II ddrreessss uupp aassttoouunnddiinnggllyy ttoo bbrriinngg yyoouurr gguueessttss aa llaassttiinngg mmeemmoorryy!!


Page 2: . 2 WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM MC JO? A multifaceted stage performer with multiple aptitudes in emceeing, speaking, singing, march in gambit, ...


WWHHAATT CCAANN YYOOUU EEXXPPEECCTT FFRROOMM MMCC JJOO?? A multifaceted stage performer with multiple aptitudes in emceeing, speaking, singing, march in gambit, dancing, acting and playing games! MC JO, a person who has been on the stage since the tender age of 10…and with my vast experience and exposure in performance and feat in public speaking, partaking and winning in contests, and now I have even broken through my bottle necks to do singing, dancing, jesting and conducting games on the stage!!

II ssppeeaakk mmuullttii--llaanngguuaaggeess fflluueennttllyy Versatility & fluency in different language are my forte. The ability to speak in multiple languages is definitely a big advantage. I am lucky that I am able to handle different crowd, from different background who speaks different dialects. There often times where I caught the audience in surprise with the dialect they are familiar with, there and then I was able to entice the audience and enliven the ambience easily. I can speak fluently in Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Malay & Hockien.

““MMCC JJOO OOffffiicciiaall IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn SShhoowwrreeeell”” Let’s watch some of my videos where I spoke multi languages. English Speaking

• Redone Annual Dinner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOruhzBJK_A&index=19&list=PL3rK20A2BiREj-a9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0

• Ledeen Powerweld Rebranding Night http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mvHFkz37xo

• Malaysia Pharmaceutical Society Annual Dinner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xr5Xapf0OKk&index=48&list=PL3rK20A2BiREj-a9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0

• Luxor Beauty World “The Fairy Tale Night” http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=swFk9Xzbtk8

• Lucky Draw in Fujiflim 80th Anniversary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCtB1JyFbQ0&list=PL3rK20A2BiREj-a9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0&index=47

• Hospital Permaisuri Ipoh 2nd Anniversary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph2GYV35KdI&list=PL3rK20A2BiREj-a9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0&index=36

• Martell Cordon Blue http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4kdHt-TyNBc

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Mandarin Speaking • 王翠如和何志键歌迷聚


a9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0 • Martell Cordon Bleu Roadshow


• H2O+ Malaysia & Shark Saver’s Roadshow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkAHC6hd9ck

Cantonese Speaking • Yap Brother’s 26th Anniversary Dinner

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXOEB7ovXBw&list=PL3rK20A2BiREj-a9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0&index=21 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNWBgYd__fM&list=PL3rK20A2BiREj-a9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0&index=22 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRwo1Ypet1s&list=PL3rK20A2BiREj-a9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0&index=23

• An interview with Chan Fong, the DJ cum Celebrity (FM 98.8) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5mTc-1f-b4&list=UUy51ay6OmYc3PBuGrW401fQ&feature=player_embedded

Malay Speaking • Avon Road

show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=2_ziWsVFTw0 • Majlis Makan Malam Kesedaran KER1M

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCKhH4IZzFk Hockien Speaking

• Birthday and New Year Celebration http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BMMbGxyZQs&list=PL3rK20A2BiREj-a9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0&index=27 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG36JWgItno&index=28&list=


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II ddaannccee aarrddeennttllyy How can I break the ice and loose the crowd in less than a minute? To dance, and to dance along together with everyone! It’s undeniable the dancing is an energetic and joyful activity that I can get the crowd engaged with me.

Let’s watch how I dance with the audience.

• RHB Safari Night http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TH_gtWyg2bQ • RHB Hawaiian Night http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5gO_GQdf4Q • RSM RKT Back to School Night http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FNpXudeFk0Q

• Dato Ng Thian Hock Birthday “Latin Night” http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PAkPa8Qdc78

• Hospital Permaisuri Ipoh “Matt Hatters Night” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVA5Xvdvdck

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II ssiinngg ssppiirriitteeddllyy Singing is another activity to convey message and to cultivate the spirit in an event. I love to sing along with the audience to enliven their motivational spirit.

• Singing with local celebrity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0OXEQ3jt_u4

• Back to School Night: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FNpXudeFk0Q

• Panasonic Malaysia Chinese New Year Dinner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_E7yYWRBd_Q&list=PL3rK20A2BiREja9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0&index=25 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_E7yYWRBd_Q&index=25&list=PL3rK20A2BiREj-a9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0

• Chinese New Year & Dinner Celebration http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BMMbGxyZQs&list=PL3rK


• 医总慈善夜


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II ccoonndduucctt ggaammee ffuunnnniillyy I love games! Let’s see how I have fun with the audience.

• The Game Genie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ4lq2HTwmI&list=PL3rK20A2BiREj-a9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0&index=49

• Paper Dance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frJ6QcK_5-Y&feature=player_embedded

• The Witty Man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VVM2kvaHo0

• My face is not my face, my hands are not my hands http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFWN7ZMrbIQ

• Mat Hatter Night http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x01ggUeJPz4&list=PL3rK20A2BiREj-a9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0&index=39

• Dress Up Your Buddies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfmEgWzPDW4&list=PL3rK20A2BiREja9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0&index=38

• Chinese New Year Tongue Twister http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBMVeCoLefg&list=PL3rK20A2BiREja9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0&index=31

• Feed Your Partner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCB4MCKKfP4&list=PL3rK20A2BiREja9mQbF5oL7B87w7vVu0&index=20

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II ddrreessss uupp aassttoouunnddiinnggllyy I strongly believe stage appearance plays a significant role to uplift the event! All of us will be engrossed by someone refreshing, good looking, energetic and entertaining on the stage. The emcee is the master of the ceremony, who is on the stage for about 50% of the show time. The emcee also represents your brand or your company. Therefore, I always keep myself fit, fantastic and healthy. These are some of my various stage appearances so far.

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II aamm RReelliiaabbllee,, RReessppoonnssiibbllee,, aanndd RReeccyyccllaabbllee The last but not least, the core value of working with MC JO is because I am reliable, responsible and reusable! I am flexible, committed, and a friendly person. Handling unexpected situations professionally is definitely my strength. This is attributed to the intensive training in the Toastmasters environment for the past 3 years.

What else is resisting you to hire me and try me, to enthrall and enliven your guests, to hype up and elevate the ambiance and cozy vibes, and to make your event an endearing and unforgettable one?

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CCoorrppoorraattee && PPrriivvaattee FFuunnccttiioonnss,, RRooaadd sshhoowwss,, LLaauunncchhiinnggss,, FFoorrmmaall EEvveennttss,, MMoottoorrssppoorrttss EEvveennttss,, PPrreessss CCoonnffeerreenncceess Passion & energy are strong attributes & winning points in handling all kinds of events. What formal functions require is very simple. It is to be proper, formal and most importantly, the protocol has to be well taken care of. Besides that, never mispronounce the VIPs names and designation/ranking. Communication is the key element to the success of an event. Coordination with the clients, photographer & videographer, floor manager, PA controller, etc makes the whole event to be like clockwork – every part working harmonically with each other. Knowing the needs of the client is also a must. My style is simple & direct. I fit into your brand and style as fluid as water filling into any shape – your desire! I am confident that for all the tasks given, I can do it very professionally and outstandingly. Here is the list of events that I have emceed before. 2014 Robert Bosch Annual Dinner Redone Annual Dinner Mitraland 15th Anniversary RHBI CNY Celebration Yap Brothers'sCNY Celebration Lim Soon Ming's Wedding AFC TMC CNY event Panasonic Malaysia CNY Celebration Nam Cheong Dockyard Nokia Appreciation Dinner QBE 11th Branch Opening Luxor Beauty World's Annual Dinner Maxim Traders Congress 2014 BTH Annual Dinner QBE 12th Branch Opening Brand Laureus Youth Football Day Persatuan Kesejahteraan Rakyat 1

Malaysia (KER1M) GAB Dealer's Night Cyberview Chat + Luxor Roadshow Leeden Powerweld Annual Dinner R. Stahl Engineering Press Conference Fujifilm Instax 80th Gala Dinner Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun

Singaporean Singer Ling Kai Fans Meet Grand Imperial Casa Klang Charity

Dinner Hitachi Powertools Corporate Dinner carlist.my RSM Launch Hotlink Event @ Taylor Swift Hotlink @ Taylor Swift Far East Singapore Company Dinner Posim Staff Dinner Yayasan Nanyang Charity Event Cathay Motor 50th Anniversary New Shanghai Group Annual Dinner Slimming Sanctuary Annual Dinner Michelin Pilot Experience Robert Bosch Business Partners Meet

Together Swatch Sistem 51 Launch Mah Sing Lakeville Residence Property

Launch Western Digital Co Dinner Trane's Company Dinner Property Event Valspar Company Dinner Kindergarten Concert

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41st World Veg Fest Yokohama (YHI) Award Presentation

Night Faber Castle Roadshow AO Water 13th Annual Dinner A&M Realty 30th Anniversary & Dato Ng

Thian Hock’s Birthday Schlumberger Masquerade Party Good Heart Charity Association 2nd

Anniversary Prominent Fluid (M) Sdn Bhd Team

Building & Company Dinner Michelin Pilot Experience 2013 QBE Insurance 9th Branch Launching Skol Beer Carniva; Pharmaton Hi-Tea Jaya 33 Grand Lou Sang Celebration RHB Insurance Chinese New Year

Gathering Nestle Annual Appreciation Dinner RHB Bankassurance and Strategic

Planning Business Session

RHB Investment Bank Berhad Remisiers Night

TS Law Holding – Chinese New Year Celebration

Press Conference – KBB Resources Syarikat Nam Ah Ipoh – Company

Annual Dinner Luxor Beauty World Annual

Appreciation Dinner Castrol Havoline Night NV Alliance Commendation Night Michelin Pilot Experience Audi R8 LMS Cup 医总之夜

Pharmaton Bloggers Hi-Tea Sunlife (CIMB) Ulala Night Back to 70’s featuring Malaysian Sam

Hui Malaysian Sam Hui Concert cum Mid

Autumn Festival Charity Gala Dinner Maxis & Hotlink Product Launching


Avon Malaysia Shine Attract Lipstick Road Show

2x Premier Dua Sentral Taxi Awareness Campaign Press Conference

Belgian Beer Festival Press Conference JCI Installation Day Malaysia China Youth Exchange

Program 2012 History Café & Pub Grand Opening Kechara 2012 Grand Festival of Wealth

& Protection Swisslog Christmas Party

Quantum Flagship Store Grand Opening ING Central Region Award Presentation

Night Jacobs Exclusive High Tea in

conjunction with Mothers Day’s Celebration

Orphans & Old Folks Gratitude Luncheon

White House Music 1st Anniversary & Piano Concert

Yayasan Nanyang Press Charity Luncheon

White House Music Piano Concert Press Conference – Premier Sentral Dua

Hotel White Horse Ceramic Industries Sdn Bhd

– Journey to the Wild Wild West Allianz 2012 Award Night, GICC Martell Cordon Bleu Centenary Charity

Gala 2012 (main Mandarin Emcee of the 100 marathon road shows)

Luxor Beauty World Annual Appreciation Dinner

Phillip Morris Long Service Appreciation Dinner

Imbi Palace Group Rebranding

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TTVV HHoosstt && VVooiiccee OOvveerr 2013 is a rewarding year for MC JO as I was involved in a TV2 Program hosting for 13 episodes. Besides that, I was in the grand finalist (Top8) in the Singapore Rediffusion Host Search.

Here are some of my videos & voice over productions.

2013 Video Productions

TV2 《代代相传》 – Legacy continues. Singapore Rediffusion Audition (Video Introduction)

Audio Recording

• Self Introduction : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JuSgFv9n8wo

• Introduction of my home town: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BlYFNzukeSY

• Introduction of AFC Toastmasters Club: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1wU3ODeiuU • MC JO self introduction showreel: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NY0AfesmkIU

OOtthheerr SSttaaggee EExxppeerriieenncceess Meeting Toastmasters International is the most beautiful fate in my life. In the environment of Toastmasters, I have plentiful speaking opportunities on various stages. This is best training ground for me to learn and keep on improving myself. Not only to speak, I have also gained constructive evaluations each time after my speech. This friendly and mutually support speaking platform had train me from nobody to somebody.


Toastmasters International Prepared Speech & Table Topics Contest: Club Champion for both, Area Champion for both, Champion for Division Level (TT) and 2nd runner up for International Speech Contest.

2012 Toastmasters International District 51

Convention Dancer Toastmasters International –

International Speech Contest – 1st runner up in the Division Level

Toastmasters International – Evaluation Contest 2011 – Champion at Area Level

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IInntteerrnneett MMeeddiiuumm AAppppeeaarraannccee

• Micheline Pilot Experience : Appearance in Youtube, Sports Channel, India: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M29Jvn4IM24

• Micheline Pilot Experience : Appearance on CBT Online: http://www.cbt.com.my/2013/08/13/the-michelin-pilot-experience-at-sepang/

• Malaysian Sam Hui http://www.spotlite.com.my/index.php/happening/e-news/1503-bugz1 • Complementary featured by

Game2S.org : http://www.game2s.org/movies/NY0AfesmkIU.play • Complementary featured by TotalVideos :


• Michelin Pilot Sport Experience 2014 : Appearance on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owOiG79Z2ok&feature=share