RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW-...


Transcript of RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW-...

Page 1: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented





See Page 17

Page 2: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented


Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Pat and Buddy Fifteen Operas To Be

Presented During Season

Three broadcasts weekly from the Cincinnati Zoo are included in the new WSAI "Young Cincinnatians" program at 11:00 a. m. (E.S.T.), daily except Saturday and Sunday. Pictured above are children being interviewed by Bill Brown, WSAI "Young Cin-cinnatians" announcer at the Zoo. Above, Brown is explaining the new snake house to Ruby Curtis, 2657 Duck Creek road. They are looking at some pythons. Below, John Koepf, of the Cincinnati Post looks on while Brown interviews a group of children about Bizzy Bear and his five sisters, recent contributions to the Zoo by the Post. In the picture, left to right, are Koepf, John and Jeff Ward of Pikeville, Ky., Shirley Root, Norwood, O., Neal Hesche, Donny Griffith, Katherine Ann and Johnny Bailey, all of Cincinnati, and Announcer Brown, broadcasting from the WSAI Mobile Unit. The Zoo broadcasts are heard Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. On Wednesdays the Mobile Unit visits a play-ground and on Fridays the program originates at the Catholic Youth Organization baseball clinic for boys.

Woman Proves It Can Be Done

Mrs. Ora Snyder took a cup of sugar and an egg and trans-formed them into one of the largest retail candy businesses in America because she refused to believe that it "couldn't be done." She is shown here with Edgar A. Guest, household poet, as she appeared with him on one of his Tuesday night broadcasts over the NBC-Blue network, including WLW, KDKA and WLS at 7:30 p. m. (E.S.T.).

World Famous Artists To Sing Leading Roles

Cincinnati's sixteenth consecutive season of summer opera will open in

its traditional setting in the Zoo Opera House, Sunday, June 27, with the performance of Verdi's "Aida." It

has always been the pride of the sum-mer opera organization that the sett-

ing in which their productions are offered is rated as one of the loveliest sylvan settings available for operatic


Fifteen of the world's most dearly loved operas will be presented during the six-week season. Arrangements are being completed whereby six of the operas will be broadcast over

WLW and the NBC-Blue network. Four of these broadcasts will be heard

from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. (E.S.T.)

on July 17, 24, 31 and August 7.

Dates for the other two will be an-nounced later. The list of operas to be presented is as follows: Aida, Tannhauser, Double Bill of Pagliacci

and Secrets of Suzanne, Double Bill of Cavalleria Rusticana and Secrets

of Suzanne, Boehme, Barber of Seville, Madame Butterfly, Trovatore, Mig-non, Lucia di Lammermoor, Tosca, Lohengrin, Faust and Carmen.

Many of the finest singers from the great opera houses of the world, including the Metropolitan in New York and La Scala in Milan, will sing the leading roles. Included among the singers are Rosemary Brancato, Fidelia Camigna, Rosa Di Giulio, Vir-ginia Johnson Brier, Wright Stollar and Rose Tentone, sopranos; Jose De

Giviria, Rolf Gerard, Harold Lindi, Dimitri Onofrei and Armand Tokat-

The songs and piano numbers of Pat O'Malley are heard over WCKY every morning, Monday through Friday, at 10:30 a. m. (E.S.T.), with Buddy Spenlen assisting at the guitar. The candid cameraman caught Pat and Buddy during one of their broad-casts. O'Malley is a radio iimgran of seven years, with success-ful engagements on southern stations, including WSB and WBT, to his credit.

"Ken-Rad Unsolved Mysteries"

Dr. Ken-Rad, radio's ace sleuth, has been called upon to solve many

tmsteries, but none so baffling as the one that will confront him June 27 when he is called in to solve the mystery death or a pretty artist's model, during the "Ken-Rad Unsolved Mysteries," over WLW, 9:30 to 10:00 p. m. (E.S.T.).

The story, written by Lawrence Menkin, of the WLW continuity staff, has to do with an attractive model who is in financial straits. Pressed by collectors for bills she has been unable to meet, the model is found dead from a bullet wound. From all appearances she has com-mitted suicide, but when Dr. Ken-Rad arrives at the scene he discovers minuté clues that eventually lead to the unraveling of one of the most

mysterious murders in the history of

the "Ken-Rad Unsolved Mysteries" programs.

van, tenors; and Norman Cordon, John Guerney, Oliviero Ludvico, Stefan Kosakevitch, Wilfred Engel-mann, Carlo Mordli, Pompilio Ma-lesta, Angelo Pilotti and Joseph Royer, basses. Many are favorites of pre-vious years, while the newcomers come to Cincinnati fr9m triumphs in other great opera centers.

The pavillion has been enlarged and seat prices have been reduced so that tickets will range in price from 25e to $1.50. There will be no ad-mission charge to the Zoo as formerly.

Gracie's Last Resort

Gracie Allen will introduce the latest in summer vacation divetsions

and fashions during her broadcast

with those great outdoor men, George

Burns, Ray Noble and Tony Martin,

over the NBC-Red network, including

WLW, Monday, June 28, at 7:00

p. m. (E.S.T.). Having heard about

mouiltain ridges beneath the sum face

of the Pacific, Gracie wants to open

a resort on one for people who can't

decide between tile mountains and

the sea for a vacation.


Ken Williams, news writer and commentator, is one of the newer voices heard over WCKY, the L. B. Wilson station. Here you see Ken rattling off a "Five Star Final" broadcast.

Page 3: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented



When the third annual WLW Mail Bag picnic was held in Sharon Woods near Cincinnati June 12, several persons pro-minent in the shut-ins «organization attended. Pictured here left is Betty Lee Arnold, the WLW postmistress, and Mrs. Linda Moorman Hardaway, the "old-fashioned girl," wearing a gown more than 100 years old. Inset right is Emerson Moore of Akron, the "West Virginia Mountaineer," president of the WLW Mail Bag Club. Mrs. Hardaway, granddaughter of Col. Robert Buckner, maintains the old Buckner home in Brandenburg, Ky., just as her famous grandfather kept it years ago. More than 400 attended the Mail Bag picnic.


NBC CONCERTS Those who enjoy music will find

their prayers answered with the an-nouncement that Edwin Franko Gold-man will conduct a series of 16 broad-casts, featuring his famous band, over WCKY and the NBC network, begin-ning this week and closing August 15. The • concerts, from the Mall in

Central Park, New York, will be heard on Sundays (except July 4) and Mondays from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. (E.S.T.), and are made possible by

the, Daniel Guggenheim Memorial Fund.

Showing- how radio is "getting along" in years, the National Broad-casting Company points out that this is the 17th consecutive summer that the Guggenheim concerts have been broadcast. Before the network came lato being, the concerts were heard

over present New York key stations of NBC.

At Beverly Hills

Barney Rapp and his New Eng-landers, one of the most popular bands ever to play Cincinnati, featuring Ruby Wright, beauti-ful and charming, is helping pull the crowds to Beverly Hills sup-per club back of Newport where this combination broadcasts nightly over WLW or WSAI.

Replace Lily Pons, Paul Whiteman Launches Kay Thompson New Summer Series On NBC

Programs Networks Beginning June 30 Kostelanetz and Hal Kemp

Orchestras Continue

The popular stars of radio musical comedy and the films, Frank Parker and Alice Faye, will star as soloists for the summer on the Wednesday and Friday night Chesterfield pro-grams over the WABC-Columbia net-work.

Parker, well known for his singing in the fields of radio, stage and screen, will replace the operatic col-oratura, Lily Pons, as soloist on the Wednesday night program with Andre Kostelanetz and his 45-piece orches-tra and chorus. The broadcast is heard over the WABC-Columbia net-work, including WKRC, WHAS and W JR, from 8:00 to 8:30 p. m. (E.S.T.). Miss Pons will spend the

major part of the summer and early Fall in the snaking of a new picture.

Miss Faye will replace Kay Thomp-son on the Friday night program with Hal Kemp and his orchestra, heard over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC, WHAS and WJR, from 7:30 to 8:00 p. m. (E.S.T.). In order that Miss Faye may also

fulfill her film engagements, the show will originate from Hollywood.

Parker's first program will be heard on Wednesday, June 30, and Miss Faye's on Friday, July 2.

A real test of bravery, according to Parks Johnson and Wally Butterworth, conductors of the NBC Vox Pop, is the man who will take an apple from you in total darkness and eat it

Paul Whiteman, dean of modern music and glorifier of jazz, will bring his famous orchestra to the air be-ginning Wednesday, June 30, over the networks of the National Broad-casting Company in a new summer series of programs to be presented twice weekly through July, August, and September. The maestro will present his con-

certs from the auditorium at the Fort Worth Frontier Fiesta, Fort Worth, Texas, which is opening for its second season on June 26. The broadcasts




will be presented on Wednesday, from 10:30 to 11:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the NBC-Blue network, including WCKY, and on Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the NBC-Red network, including WSAI.

This will be the first time the famed conductor, who set America dancing

to the tempo of jazz following the

World War and then clothed the

"noise" in symphonic dress, has been

heard in regular network bsoadcasts

for almost a year.


Page 4: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented


Weekly RADIO DIAL tutored as second-class matter Juge 22i,t 41.1.31 at the poet-office at Cincinnati. Ohio

nader Published every Friday by the Radio Dial Publishing Co.

22 East 12th St., Cincinnati, Ohio

Six Months for $1. Single CoiSies 5 cents

kAino DIAL brine you the latest available programs and news of your favorite stations and artists All programs listed are correct up to press-time, but are, of course, sublect

later changes by networks and local stations.

Telephone—CHerry 0710 -...0711 GEORGE A. VOGELE—Editor

Vol. VII WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 No. 7

THE BOOM IN THE BARD Anyone who follows this thing we call radio has to be prepared for

anything. Its moods are unpredictable. Its caprices have no pattern. But if someone had wagered a year ago that the summer of 1937 would find Shakespeare's plays featured on the air, he would have had eager takers. The odds against any such prediction coming true would have made it easy money.

Well, it has come true. As this is being written the Bard of Avdn is getting top billing in radio drama. NBC has already launched a six-weeks series of "stream-lined Shakespeare" featuring John Barrymore. July 12 CBS will open eight weeks of the "first multiple star Shakespeare" on the air. More than that, the rival networks are supporting their productions with a barrage of high-power publicity.

Listeners who know their way about the kilocycles can scarcely be blamed, for being a little startled by all this. Indeed, the cynics may be pardoned for getting it with satirical chuckles.

Not that Shakespeare is a complete stranger to the air. NBC points proudly to 70 previous performances. But compared in particular with the sort of draina that occupies most of the day-time air the Bard is not typical radio fare. Certainly he has never before been .the object of such keen competition. Neither bave his plays usually been aired in popular even-ing spots.

Why then the sudden enthusiasm of radio for Shakespeare? The explanation is not hard to find. Last winter New York witnessed a

remarkable Shakespearian revival, that was both an artistic and financial success. John Gielgud especially "packed them in."

Always alert to what is popular in the theater, the broadcasters reasoned that if people would pay to see Shakespeare they might also listen to him in considerable numbers. So they proceeded to make their plans for the summer.

Neither is featuring Shakespeare on the air as inconsistent as it seems at first glance. While his plays are in sharp contrast with mine-run radio drama, the same contrast can be found in broadcast music. Along with the cheap and drearily monotonous tunes that occupy most broadcasting hours, there are also programs of the world's finest music. The point is that most of the latter are sustaining programs, whereas commercials offer most of the other sort.

So the broadcasters themselves are really consistent in featuring Shakes-peare. As in the case of superior music and important talks on national issues, they are offering something the average sponsor would not. This supplementing and broadening of appeal is one of the things that help to keep radio alive.

What will be the artistic effect of featuring the Bard on the air? It is too soon to answer that. But in view of what the better sort of radio drama is already doing the outlook is decidedly hopeful.

Shakespeare may even make radio an art as well as a business. And that indeed would be something.


rise in popularity during the past year has astounded musicians, the listening public and the nation's army of radio editors, will command the Jack Pearl show (NBC-Blue network, including WCKY, KDKA and WLS, Fridays, 9:00 p. m. (E.S.T.) after the come-dian has left for his vacation upon completion of the June 25 program.

Both in the field of radio, and of phonograph recordings, Tommy Dor-sey has skyrocketed to fame and popu-larity in the last twelve months.


Jane Grey, featured artist on the "Radio Program Perfect," has a natu-ralness and sincerity which is instantly appreciated by her listeners. Her ad-vice and philosophy of life is bringing comfort and peace to many. The program is not a religious one,

but carries a great spiritual strength. Jane Grey calls her logic of life by no name. "What I speak of and teach is not a faith in belief. It is knowl-edge. There is a great difference between believing a thing to be true and knowing it is so. I know." The "Radio Program Perfect" is

sponsored by the Kampf Jewelry Com-pany and is heard over WSAI, Wed-nesdays and Fridays at 12:15 p. m. (E.S.T.).






Dick Ruppert, a member of 'KRC's traffic department, will desert the bachelors' ranks when he weds Doris McCormack on Saturday, June 26. Congratulations!

* * *

Harry Von Zell is to be m c. and VOCALIST on the summer Gulf show when Phil Baker vacations. Aired at the same time, Sunday at 7:00 p. m. (E.S.T.) on KRC and Columbia.

* * *

Benay Venuta replaces Shirley Ross on Ken Murray's show, aired each Wednesday at 7:30 p. us. (E.S.T.) on CBS.

* * *

Howard Hayes is the newest addi-tion to the engineering staff at 'KRC. He comes to the Queen City from WEINS in Columbus, Ohio.

* * *

Lily Pons was presented with a medal for being the best dressed woman in opera . . . The director of the Fashion Academy made the award and chose others who are fashionably outstanding in their fields . . . Jessica Dragonette, radio; Carole Lombard, pictures; Eve Symington, night clubs; Helen Gleason, theatre; Dorothy Kil-gallen, adventure; and Ruth Bryan Owen, public life. What, no Minnie Mouse?

* • *

Kathryn Cravens, Pontiac's news commentator, attended the Louis-Braddock fight in Chi and then planed to the Coast to interview movie celebrities. Hard life, isn't it?

• * *

Hollywood Hotel will welcome its former ni. c., Dick Powell, back on Friday, when he'll be heard in scenes from his latest Warner Brothers pic-ture . . . Have you noticed the sim-ilarity in the voices of Ken Niles and Powell?

* * *

Tad Legere is the new singer of popular tunes at WKRC. She does a weekly program on Saturday at 8 :30, with Gladys Lee at the piano.

* * *

Anne Seymour, star of the Mary Marlin show, in town over the week-end to visit brother Bill and wife. Bill is 'KRC's news room editor.

* * *

Lee Bland, WKRC announcer, is more swing conscious than ever since hearing Benny Goodman and his music at Coney Island last week. He really got a kick out of watching Gene Krupa, Goodman's drummer.

* * •

What has become Gerson?

of Betty Lou

Even if Jimmie Fidler is the busiest man in Hollywood, he still finds time to lower all golf scores at the Lake-side course.

RCA Honors 4-H Club Members

Chosen the outstanding girl and boy members of the 4-H Club, Daphne De Bruin (left), of Fort Benton, Mont., and Billy Hale (right) of Nixon, Tenn., received $500. college scholarship awards from David Sarnoff (seated), president of RCA, during the Magic Key of RCA broadcast on June 20. Shown between the winners is Guy Noble, director of the National -Committee on boys' and girls' club work.

In "John's Other Wife"

Hollywood-born Eve March finds a strong similarity between the movies and radio. Once in the films herself, she is now heard in John's Other Wife, broadcast over the NBC-Red network, in.' eluding WSAI, Monday through Friday, at 9:15 a. m. (E.S.T.)

Page 5: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented



John Barrymore Fea-tured On NBC


Displays That 3 CCC's Feeling

Irene Rich, NBC actress, calls this a -compromise coiffure"— bobbed hair brushed back from the face and dressed to look as if it is long. Gives you that cool, calm and collected feeling, says Irene. She is heard over the NBC-Blue network, including WCKY, KDKA, WLS, and WSM, Fridays at 7:00 p. m. (E.S.T.).


Quartets of German "lieder" and

French "chansons," seldom heard in

the original form, are being given in

a new series of programs by the

Liedersingers every Friday at 9:30

p.m. (E.S.T.) over WCKY and the

NBC network. Members of the group

are Carol Deis, soprano; Celia Branz,

contralto; George Rasely, tenor, and

Alden Elkins, bass.

The songs always strike a responsive

chord in listeners because of their

melodious character and easy compre-

hensibility. Composed to the lyrics of

the great poets of Germany and

France, the music of such masters of the "Lied" form as Schubert, Brahms and Schumann enriches the universal sentiments expressed in the poetic in-spirations.

Versatile Von Zell

Harry Von Zell, talented announc-er, who takes over the Phil Baker programs as master-of-cere-monies over a WABC-Columbia network, each Sunday night, from 6:30 to 7 p. m. (E.S.T.), beginning July 4. During Phil's trip to Hollywood

where he will be engaged in motion

picture work, Harry will present a

variety of guest stars and music by

Oscar Bradley's orchestra.

Radio aliases do not confuse Elsie

Hitz and Nick Dawson of the NBC

Follow the Moon daily feature. They

answer as readily to those names as

to their real ones, Jean and Clay.

Columbia Series Sched-uled to Begin July 12

With very little advance notice,

John Barrymore has begun a series

of radio performances of Shakes-

pearean rolé's over the NBC network,

a weekly broadcast which bids fair

to be one of the outstanding features

of summer radio.

Following "Hamlet," which was

presented June 21, Barrymore will be

heard in "Macbeth," "King Lear,"

"Richard the Second," and either

"Winter's Tale" or "Cymbelline." All of the broadcasts will be heard

over WCKY in the Cincinnati area, from 8:30 to 9:15 p. m. (E.S.T.), and it is hoped, if sufficient response from listeners is received, to extend the series beyond the six weeks scheduled. The Columbia Broadcasting Sys-

tem's anounced cycle of Shakespearean dramas, which will present today's foremost stars in fresh interpretations of the classic roles which will be car-ried by the largest group of stations ever linked for a series of sustaining features on the Columbia network.

After weeks of co-operative effort to clear nation-wide presentation, nine-ty-three stations have notified William S. Paley, president of CBS, that they have arranged their local schedules to carry radio's first multiple-star Shakespearean series. It consists of eight plays, to be portrayed by lead-ers of the modern stage and screen, each Monday, beginning July 12, from 8:00 to 9:00 p. m. (E.S.T.) WKRC will be the local outlet for

the Columbia presentations.


A portion of one of Europe's most widely known celebrations, the Swieto Morza Carnival in Gdynia, Poland, will be short-waved to America and broadcast over the NBC-Blue net-work, including WCKY, on Tuesday, June 29, from 2:00 to 2:30 p. m. (E.S.T.). The carnival is held annually in

celebration of Poland's access to the sea, given by the treaties that ended the World War. The program will include popular Polish songs by Marian Rudnicki, assisted by the Polish Radio Orchestra and Choir, under the direction of Grzegorz Fitelberg.

Oh, Wotta Headache!

While Charlie Dameron, right, and Tom Slater wade through reams of gags on their popular "Variety Time" program, 1:30 p. m. (E.S.T.), daily except Sunday, Thursday and Saturday over WLW and the WLW Line, Scripter Sid Cornell, left, kills him-self laughing. "Oh wotta headache," screamed Dameron as he and Slater did a gag-about a baseball player. "Oh, watta laugh," snorted Cornell, who with Latham Ovens, writes the "Variety Time" script. Ovens passed out from laughing too hard at his own gags, just before this picture was snapped, Seriously, "Variety Time" offers the listener a quarter hour of varied entertainment.

They Met Before

A great movie team will be re-united on the air when Sonja Henie becomes Don Amechea guest on the Chase and Sanborn Hour (NBC-Red network, in-cluding WLW and WSM, Sun-days at 7:00 p. m. E.S.T.) on Sunday, June 27. The blonde Norwegian skater with the broad smile made a hit on the screen on the screen in "One in a Million." and in the cast with her was Don Ameche.


Radio conies into its own as a medium for supplying talent for night clubs at the Lookout House this week. Headed by the star of many a Co-lumbia program, the beautiful Lee Morse offers her own compositions of the Southland along with her reper-toire of up-to-date swing tunes. Along with Miss Morse are heard Nat Naz-zaro, Jr., the former network artist; Don Amato and the Three Theodores.

Cincinnati is also represented in the person of Paul Bachelor, former danc-ing teacher of this city. The "Bach-elorettes," a line of California sunkist beauties, offer typical vivaciousness of the modern American girl.

Academy of Medicine Program

Dr. Herman O. Mosenthal, attend-ing physician at the New York Post-Graduate Hospital, will be heard on the weekly New York Academy of Medicine program, Wednesday, June 30, from 3:45 to 4 :00 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC. WHAS and WJR, discussing "New Insulin and Its Ad-vantages in the Treatment of Dia-betes."

Page 6: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented


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3401 Coleroin Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio

Page 7: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented




ésr The Cent

'HAROLD ZEIGLER lives in Cin-

cinnati, but more than that Mr. Zeigler is fast becoming a figure in contesting. His record for the past year was such that it gave him Hon-orable Mention in this year's All-America Contest Team and our pre-diction is that it will come much higher next time. What we are coming to is this.

Harold Zeigler wrote an article for the July Nuggets Monthly under the subject "Cash in on Ideas". We'll have to admit that the article in its entirety is not directed expressly to contest fans, but on the other hand we think that you will admit the por-tion we are about to quote is thought-provoking nevertheless. He says "Writing articles, stories,

interviews, or items is hard work at its easiest, and preparing contest en-tries is equally as arduous. The suc-cess of either depends not merely on the time or the effort put into it, nor its merit. as material, but rather how it compares with the competition, and, as you know—the competition is always keen. "To better your chances for checks

or prizes, it is almost necessary to get the jump on the field, as it were. To get this jump necessitates a constant search for material, or rather ideas that have to have some degree of originality if they are to be recog-nized.

"Naturally, ideas of this nature are far removed from the beaten path, and the manner in which you submit these ideas also makes a world of dif-ference in their final disposal—if any."

You are quite right—Mr. Zeigler.

If we continued the quotation it would carry us more into the strictly writing field, so we have used just enough to focus your attention on an important element in the oaniesting field.

This may be a rather crude illus-tration, but your reporter was reared on the farm and often went out to pick berries and other wild fruits in their season. The beaten path was by far the easiest path to travel but it usually carried him home with the fewest returns of the trip. But, a venture into fields and growths where paths had to be made was more worth while. The fruit was larger, better quality and the competition was not se heavy.

Those who have the courage and daring to forsake the beaten path are more than paid for this extra effort, whereas, those who follow it wonder why they have so little suc-cess for the amount of effort ex-pended.

Be different—drastically so, and if something occurs to you that may be a bit out of the ordinary don't for-get it—and don't forsake it. Mr. Zeigler gives several illustrations of


est Reporter

what has taken place, and on second thought we hope you have an op-portunity to read the entire article. Maybe we are wrong about it not applying expressly to contest fans. Read the contest magazines, the

advertisements, the winning entries, etc., but try to say and do something they didn't. When a contest outsteps all others

in size as did Old Gold, people just can't quit talking about it. It's news to the layman as well as to the ex-pert. TIDE (for the advertising trade) devotes over a page in the June 1st issue. For the most part, the information carried is well known to contest fans, but two items we don't think are. One is that only one person knows

the correct answers to the series. After the answers were finally decided on and selected they were sealed and locked in a vault at the National City Bank in New York. It will not be opened until all entries are in and filed.

Another is that the gentleman who knows all the answers examined some fifteen of the "sold" answers and not one of them was correct. We under-stand they were peddled from 10e to a $1. We doubt if any of the sellers were brazen enough to claim they had the correct answers, but at the same time we are constrained to feel that many contestants placed too much confidence in them. The Propellor Club have announced

the winners of their sea trip contest for high school students-13 of them. Also, the winners in the Dodge "Used Car and Truck" contest have been paid off but we have not seen a pub-lished list of the names. The prizes ranged from $5,000 down to $50. The Ivory Soap Flakes contest is past the midway—they will close July 3rd. Five prizes of $1,000 and 1,250 other prizes (silk stockings) are given weekly. Purchase requirement and short statement on using this product for washing silk hosiery. Johnson Wax (trailers) and Sinclair Gasoline

"Voice of Tolerance"

The Fair Play Radio League's "Voice of Tolerance" wil be heard on the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC, WHAS and WJR, Sunday, June 27, from 12:30 to

12:45 p. m. (E.S.T.), discussing "The Voices of the World."

The Fair Play Radio League is a non-sectarian organization devoted to the promotion of world-wide religious freedom and tolerance. The "Voice of Tolerance" is Rabbi William F.

Rosenblum, but his particular religious faith and beliefs do not form the background for his talks for the or-


(autos) is still in progress. No pur-chase required in the latter. Sinclair stations have blanks for both.

Two new 1937 Willys cars will be given by "Dow's Dawn Patrol" WKRC 7:30 a. m. (E.S.T.). Requirement: Make some purchase at Dow's and get an entry blank; suggest a name for Mose, the handy man. Closes July 3rd. 25 other merchandise prizes.

Kellogg's Corn Flakes offer $54,000 in cash and merchandise prizes for

best fill-ins for the blank in a car-toon showing a husband trying to find out why he didn't get Kellogg's. Closes July 12th. Prizes range front first of $5,000 to $1 and include autos, radios, refrigerators and bi-cycles. 4,853 prizes in all. All en-tries must include top from box of Kellogg's Corn Flakes.

The Sterno Institute, 9 East 37th Street, New York City, offer 50 prizes ($100 to $5) for best answers to the question: "What one event has contributed most to American Pros-perity in the last fifty years." Limit —100 words. Closes September 30th. Label from Sterne canned heat and official entry blank required.

Truly Warner—Station WCP0-7:30 p. m. (E.S.T.), Monday to Sat-urday, offers merchandise for letters. Subject for letters varied. Listen to program for complete details.

Those requesting Mr. Close's "Re-vised Guide to Contest Literature" are informed of a slight delay. They will be mailed promptly upon receipt. Your name on a postcard will bring you one of these "contest catalogs".

-I couldn't pay the taxidermist, so he ate the fists?'

Practical — Handy Will Last a Lifetime Actual Size 91/4 " Long


The Frim Sisters, Clara, Bea and Eda, and Allen Werner, tenor, here-tofore heard over WLW at 11:45 p. m. (E.S.T.), Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, move into a new spot, effective June 25.

Beginning that date the Frim sis-

ters, a vocal trio, will be on the air at 12:00 noon (E.S.T.) Mondays and Fridays, while Werner will be heard at 12:00 noon (E.S.T.) Wednesdays. All three programs will be broadcast over stations of the WLW Line to New York, including WHN, New York; WFIL, Philadelphia, and KQV, Pittsburgh.

The Frim Sisters and Werner will replace Carl Freed and his Harmonica Lads, who leave the air June 25 for a tour of theaters.

Alfred Gus Karger will discuss -Homely Charity" on Saturday, June 26, at 5:45 p. in. (E.S.T.) over WLW and the WLW Line.

"Story of Industry" Harry R. Daniel, who each week

discusses some branch of big business on the "Story of Industry" series, will delve into a comparative new-comer, Saturday, June 26, from 2:3(1 to 2:45 p. m. (E. S. T.), over the

WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC, WHAS and WJR, when he talks about air-conditioning enter-prises.


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Page 8: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented


N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes (CBS) M Denotes (MBS)


6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

ri:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

WCKY I WLW WKRC Cincinnati (1490 W.) 1Cincinnati (700 In.> Cincinnati mu 1.c.)

!Top o' the Morning- Jerry Foy Old Time Fiddlers Sun-Up Jamboree

Words Men Live By N' Family Prayer Period M Sing Before Breakfast Morning Roundup .. Concert in Brass Early Edition-News .

; Moments Musicale N Dow's Dawn Patrol Rhythm Rascals N with Al Bland-Time

Breakfast Club-Bob - News Brown m. c. N Morning Devotions

Larry and Sue John Quincy Bass 0. 0

Swwethearts N Raising Your Parents N

Woman's Hour . 'Mellow Moments C...

Temperature, Music

6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15

8:30 8:45

. WSAI WJR KDKA WLS-WENR Cincinnati (1330 isc.) Detroit. Mich. (750 Isc.1 Pittsburgh. Pa. (98o kc.) Chicago, III. (870 kg-)

--,.. Patt and Guest Musical Clock Farm Bulletin Smile A While (cont.)

Church Forum News Report Sun Dial 0 I. i News The Hilltoppers

Wesley Meth. Church !Dick Leibert, organ N' Uncle Buster's Boyd . Brown County Revelers Crowley Milner Revue 1 Rhythm Rascals N Morning Devotions

- Streamliners N Breakfast Club N Arkie & 4 Hired Hands

Stevenson News News Report ' Big Yank Roundup 1. .. ! Jolly Joe's Pet Pals

News . Dalton Bros. C a ' Dr. John Holland

Nashville, Tenn, (650 kc.) Louisville. Ky. (tin kg.)

5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 I

6:30 !Musical Clock ... Breakfast Businese .... 6:45 Morning Headlines a a

7:00 Breakfast Club N Early Morning 7:15 a a Jamboree 7:30 " " a a 7:45 .. a a a


Asbury College

Sweethearts N Raising Your Parents N

Bill Krenz's Orch. N Synagogue of the Air

Sue Mitchell N Sue Mitct :11 N Minute Men N Minute Men N Magic of Speech N 1 Fed. of Music Clubs

Dixie Debs N

Continentals N ' Call to Youth N !Live Stocks

Academy of Medicine R. Battle's Con. Ens. N

Hessberger's Orch. N

' Ruth Cross C 9:00 Charioteers N Your Garden & Mine C Sweethearts of Air N 9:15 Vass Family N Richard Maxwell C Training Your 9:30 Ed Fitzgerald M Musical Parents N

9:45 " " Mrs. Page Bill Krantz's Orch. N.

Fred Feibel at the — Sammy Fuller's Starlets Console C

Columbia Concert 10:30 U. S. Army Band M. Columbia Concert Magic of Speech N .. Hall C 10:45 , " " Hall C

11:00 High School Captivators C News 11:15 Foundation Hour ... Orientale C Sunshine Special

George Hall's Orches- Hessberger Bay. tra C Orchestra N

Richard Maxwell C Let's Pretend C .

Fred Feibel. organ C 10:00 ! " 10:15

I Captivators C Orientale C

'Geo. Hall and Or-chestra C

11:30 11:45

10 ..

Junior Stars Program

Friendly Philosopher Old Kitchen Kettle ...

Downtown Shop'g News WLS on Parade


Program Announcem'ts The Novelodeons Al Melgard. organist Variety Talent

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

100 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:15 2:30 2:45

WCKY News D. A. R. Program Jack Shannon, songs C 12:00 From Headquarters Jack Shannon, songs C Slim, Jack and Gang. Our Barn N Morris and McKinley Jimmy Shields C . .. 12:15 Day Dreams Jimmy Shields C Tablelands Band National Farm and National Farm and Buffalo Presents C. 12:30 Happy Falton's Buffalo Presents C.. . National Farm and Home Hour N ! Home Hour N .. 12:45 Orchestra M Home Hour N

-- ,-- ..--- Madison Ensemble C 1:00 Sylvia Clyde M -- Madison- Ensemble C. A Capella Singers C 1:15 A Capella Singers C a ..

Jesse Crawford's Golden Melodies N Luncheon Lyrics 1:30 !Palmer House M Ann Leaf, organ C . Walter Blaufuss and _ Orchestra N ! a a Tours in Tone C. 1:45 ¡Embassy Trio M !Tours in Tone C I Orchestra N

Program from - bonc.ert Miniature N Down by Herman's d 2:00 1 Barber's Interviews ..-7i Down by Herman', C baron Elliott's Vienna N . Musical Calendar 2:15 'Sports Oddities 1 Orchestra

Caballeros N Week-end Revue N.. Dept. of Corn. Ser. C 2:30 Cincinnati vs. Boston Dept. of Commerce C Harry Kogen's Arctic Exped. Pgm. N " " .. ...... I Clyde Barrie C 2:45 , Baseball Game ... News Orchestra N

Don and Helen Garden Club Markets; Weather Grain Market Summ'y

Poultry Service Time Home Talent Program Livestock Markets . . Winnie, Lou and Sally

ik-VLS Merry Go Round

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

-4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

7.5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

Club Matinee N

All Sports Review.... Race at Letonia 1,1

All-Sports Review .... , Kaltenmeyer's Eddie Schoelwer 4:30 1 Kindergarten N Children's Corner C 4:45

Nickelodeon N ! Top Hatters' Ben Feld's Orchestra C 5:00 I Orchestra N

Press-Radio News N 1 News News; Sports C To be announced 1 Alfred Gus Karger 'Dick Bray, Sports .

ISpelling Bee N Dictators C

!The .Dancepators C

!Notes and News

3:00 at Cincinnati 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15

. • • 5:15 Harold Turner M 5:30 Chas. Messner M 5:45 !Red Barber's Resume

• 1


The Dictators C Club Matinee

The Dancepators C



Club. Matinee N.


Frank Dailey's Week-End Revue King's Je tars N.... ! Orchestra C Music Circle

Radi.c.aland ..Orch. M . Eton Boys Quartet C. Bill and Ales Bert Block's Musical ! Ad Club Talk Orchestra N

Concert Orchestra M. Ben Feld's Orch. C News Race Results-Wash-Uncle Neal's Birthday. One Minute Sermons ington Park .... News: Scores C Sports Resume News: To be an-Vocals by Verrill C . Dinner Dance . .. , nounced . .....

6:00 Message of Israel N R. F; D. Hour . Mus'l Bargain Count. 6:00 El Chico Revue N ; Stevenson Sports , 6:15 1 Harmony Highways 6:15 Spic and Span Frank Morgan

' : 6:30 Eddie Varios Jack Sprigg's Orch.... Saturday Swing 6:30 Billy Snider's Orch.. Melody and Rhythm 6:45 Orchestra ' Bob Newhall 1 Session C 6:45 ,Tom Slater

"There Was a NBC Jamboree N .. , Prof. Quiz. C 7:00 Symphonic ings M. I Professor Quiz C 7:15 Woman" N " " , •!! .• 7:15

Johnny Presents C I Johnnie Presents C 7:30 Meredith Willson's 7:30 Jan Nocturne M 7:45 Orchestra N ... ! " " 7:45 " " ! a a

-8:00 Ralph Small's Orch... Snow Village !Grace Moore and Vin. 8:00 Reds Rally (to WHI0) 1Grace Moore and Vin-8:15 Westminster Choir .. Sketches N I cent Lopez Orches. C 8:15 " " cent Lopez' Orch. C 8:30 Front Page Drama . . Joe Cook-Shell To be announced. 8:30 Louisiana Hay Ride M ;Saturday Night

I 8:45 ' Chateau N Musical Moments 8:45 Serenade C

Message of Israel N

To be announced

"There Was A Woman" N

Meredith Willson's Orchestra N

National Barn Dance N .0

Message of Israel N . ...

To be announced

Otto's Novelodeons Don and Helen Keystone Barn Dance Party

National Barn Dance Pi


9:00 Concert Party N " Your Hit Parade - Al 9:00 Nixon Denton 9:15 ! .. a Goodman's Orch. C 9:15 Russ Lyon's Orchestra. 9:30 To be announced N . Book of People 9:30 !Saturday Serenade M 9:45 Patti Chapin, songs C 9:45 1 a le

i0:00 Lou Bringrs-Orchestra N National Barn Dance- Bunny Berrigan's 10:00 Eddy Duchin's Orch. M 10:15 Inkspots N i Alka-Selher N Orchestra C 10:15 Bill Carlsen's Orch. M 10:30 Five Star Final Shep Fields' 10:30 Barney Rapp's 10:45 Al Donahue's Orch. NI " a Orchestra C 10:45 Orchestra

-1-1:00 Rudy Vail-es Orch. Nj Paul Sullivan Glen Gray's 11:00 Happy -Felton's 11:15 Art Shaw's Orch. N Les Brown's Orchestra Orchestra C 11:15 Orchestra M 11:30 George Olsen's !Dick Stabile's Harry Owens' 11:30 Eddy Duchin's 11:45 Orchestra N I Orchestra Orchestra C 11:45 I Orchestra M

Your Hit Parade - Al Reggie Child's Orch . Barnyard Jamboree Goodman's Orch. C B. Elliott's Orch 1 "

Cornfield Follies !Barnyard Frolic Patti Chapin, songs C Ramblers and Patsy

News: Cornfield Tall Story Club Follies

I Sports and Bulletins Nixon Cafe Orchestra

News Comes to Life

Shop Field's Orch. C..1

Headline News Messages to the North Glen Gray's Orch. C The Willows Orch. N.. Harry Owens' ' Dance Orchestra Orchestra C

! "Down at Grandpa's" WLS National Barn



8:00 Sweethearts of Air N Your Garden & Mine C 8:15 Raising Your Parents N Richard Mawell C

" " Let's 88::4350 Bill Kranz's Orch. N I .. Pretend C

9:00 Banner Newshawk .... Fred Feibel at the

9: Home Maker's Chat... Organ C 99::5 3150 Mae of .S.peech N .. Columbia Concert 4 :bei Call to Youth N Hall C . ....... 0 The Capitvatcrs c7:7: 10:15 Three Rancheras N. ' Orientale C 10:30 George Hessberger's Stephen Collins Foster 10:45 Orchestra N Camp

11:00 Musical Program Jack Shannon C 11:15 WSM News Jimmy Shields C 11:30 National Farm and r WHAS News Room --11:45 Home Hour, N... Buffalo Presents C

12:00 Sunshine Sue --12:15 A Capella Singers C.. 12:30 Banner Newshawk Livestock; Markets ... 12:45 Dept. of Agriculture Tours in Tone C

1:00 To be announced N . Down by Herman's C 1:15 1:30 Harry Kogen's Dept. of Commerce C 1:45 Orchestra N American College Pub.

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

Club. Matinee N

La Salle Hotel Orch. N Animal News Club N Hotel Syracuse Orchestra N

4:00 Top Hatters N 4:15 4:30 :Alma Kitchell, cont. N 4:45 : Jimmie Dodd

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

licity Association ...

Broadcast from Lin-coln's Birthplace ....

Louisville vs. Mil- — waukee Game






Dance Orchestra Melody Cruise Sunday School Lesson WHAS News Room Jimmy Kemper N Dr. Charles W. Welch. News; Sports Mildred Lee

NBC Jamboree N Professor Quiz C

Johnnie Presents C

7:00 Francis Craig's Orch. !Grace Moore and Vin' 7:15 Hilltop Harmonizers . cent Lopez' Orch. C 7:30 Delmore Brothers .. , Saturday Night 7:45 Jack's Mountaineers Serenade C

8:00 Possum Hunters I Your Hit Parade - Al 8:15 I Gully Jumpers Goodman's Orch. C 8:30 Dixie Liners 8:45 Curt Poulton Patti Chapin, songs C

9:00 Sarni' and Sallie Bunny Carrigan's 9:15 !Possum Hunters Orchestra C 9:30 !Delmore Brothers Louisville Dance Time 9:45 1 Deford Bailey

: 10:00 Dixie Liners Glen Gray's Orch. C 10:15 I Uncle Dave Macon WHAS News Room... 10:30 ! Fruit Jar Drinkers Dance Band 10:45 Robert Lunn



6:00-Message of Israel: "Isaiah," Rabbi Nathan Perilman of Temple Emanu-El, New York City, guest speaker, with organ and music. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wgar wave wire wham

Chico. Spanish revue. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

-Columbia Concert Hall: E. Robert Schmitz, pianist. WABC wbbm whk wfbm kmbc wadc whio wsbt wwva wsfa wwl wcco

6:15- Hampton Institute Singers. (NBC) wfar wgy wtam who wdaf kyw

6:30-Uncle Jim's Question Be,: Jim McWil-liams, conductor. WJZ wgy wtam wmaq

-Jimmy Kemper, song stories. WEAF WSM -Saturday Night Swing Club. WABC WKRC whk wbbm wfbm wadc

6:45-To be announced. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

7:00-NBC Jamboree: Harry Kogen's Orches-tra; guest artists. WEAF WLW WSM wgy wgy wtam wmaq wwj wave kyw wdaf wfla

-Dramatization: "There Was A Woman." WJZ WCKY KDKA wgar wave wire wham wtam wmaq wwj wave kyw wdaf wfla

....Professor Quiz, with Arthur Godfrey. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm whk wfbm kmbc

wcau kmox wwva wbt wsfa wwl wcco

7:30-Meredith Willson and his Orchestra. WJZ WCKY KDKA wgar wave wire wham

-Johnny Presents: Russ Morgan's Orchestra; Charles Martin's "Circumstantial Evidence Thrills"; Frances Adair and Glenn Cross, vocalists; mixed ensemble. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm whk kmbc wcau wadc whio wsbt wwva wbt

8:00-Nash Presents Grace Moore, soprano; Paul Taylor Chorus and Vincent Lopez and his Orchestra. WABC WHAS WKRC WJR wbbm whk wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wadc wbt wwl wcco whio

-Alka-Seltzer National Barn Dance: Henry Burr; Verne, Lee and Mary; Hoosier Hot Shots; Novelodeons, male trio; Sally Foster, Lola Belle and Arkie, songs; Uncle Ezra, Maple City Four. and Joe Kelly, m. c. WJZ KDKA WLS wham wgar wave wile wbap kvoo

-Snow Village Sketches: Arthur Allen and Parker Fennelly. WEAF WLW kyw wgy wwj wmaq wdaf kstp wtam who

8:30-Keyboard Serenade, with Ruth Gerhart; Ann Leaf, organist; Walter Gross, pianist. WABC only

-"Saturday Night Serenade": Mary East-man, soprano; Bill Perry, tenor; Gus Haen. Khan's Orchestra and the Serenaders Chorus. (CBS) WHAS WJR wbbm whk wfbm kmbc kmox wwva wbt wsfa wwl

-The Shell Show: Joe Cook, m. C.; guest artist; Ernie Watson's Orchestra, WEAF WLW kyw wgy wtam maq wdaf wwj kstp who

9:00-Concert Party: English Music Hall Pro-gram featuring an orchestra and soloists. WJZ WCKY wgar wave wire wham

-"Your Hit Parade." Guest; Al Goodman's Orchestra; Freddie Gibson and Stuart Allen, vocalists; Leaders Male Trio, WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm whk kmbc wcau kmos whio wadc wsbt wwva wbt wsfa wwj MCCO

9:30-Emery Deutsch and his Rainbow Grill Orchestra. WEAF wgy wmaq wave wire wham

-To be announced. WJZ WCKY wgar wave wire wham

9:45-Patti Chapin, songs. WABC WKRC WJR WHAS wbbm whk wfbm kmbc kmox wadc whio wsbt wwva wbt wsfa wwl wcco

10:00-Lou /ring's Hotel Stevens Orchestra. WEAF WCKY wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

-Alka-Seltzer National Barn Dance. (NBC) WLW (kstp on 11:30) wire

-Esse News Reporter. WEAF only -Bunny Berigan and his Orchestra, WABC

WKRC WHAS wbbm whk kmbc wcau kmox wadc whio wsbt wsfa wcco wwva

-Art Shaw and his Orchestra, from the Wil-lows. WJZ wgar wave wire wham

10:15-Inkspots. WEAF WCKY wave wire wtam wgar

10:30-Al Donahue and the Rainbow Room Orchestra. WEAF (WCKY on 10:45) wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

-Shep Fields and his Rippling Rhythm. WABC WKRC WJR wbbm whk wfbm wcau limos wadc whio wsbt wwva

-Jimmie Lunceford and the Lido Club Casino Orchestra. WJZ wire wave wham wgar

-Johnny Presents. (CBS) wcco 11:00-Rudy Vallee and his Hotel Astor Or-chestra. WJZ WCKY woe(' wave wire wham

-Glen Gray and the Casa Loma Orchestra. WABC WJR WHAS WKRC whk wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wadc whio wsfa wbbm

-Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crawford and their Orchestra. WEAF wave wire wtam wgar

11:15-Art Shaw and his Orchestra, from the Willows. WJZ WCKY KDKA wgar Sham wave wire

11:30-Hudson de Lange's Playland Casino Or. chestra. WEAF wgy who wdaf wtam wmaq kyw

-George Olsen and his Orchestra. WJZ WCKY wave wire wham

-Harry Owens and his Orchestra. WABC WKRC WJR whk wfbm kmbc wbbm

MIDNIGHT-Mark Fisher's Orchestra. (CBS) wbbm wcco

-Billy White and his Orchestra. (CBS) wbbm wfbm kmbc

Fred Allen In Farewell Fred Allen turns over the keys of

the ol' Town Hall to Walter O'Keefe, the Broadway Hillbilly, who will take charge of the series for the summer, during the broadcast with Portland Hoffa, Peter Van Steeden and the Mighty Allen Art Players on Wednes-day, June 30, at 8 :00 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the NBC-Red network, including WLW and WSM. Allen, who is leav-ing the NBC airwaves with Mrs. Allen (Portland), will be the guest of honor at a farewell party. The lanky Yankee funster will pay his respects to

O'Keefe, who will carry on as the

Town Hall host.

Page 9: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented


, -or \rt *Stc, r S , avaaliaMili




'neetf ,ng a rlinillinnilliale'dielk ----


Out to Castle Farm last week-end for a bit of dancing and a chat with Henry Busse. The Farm is Busses old stamping grounds .... just a few years back he was tooting his "Hot Lips" there night after night. When he left the Farm for Chicago he was on the way up. And his CBS airings from the Chez Paree in the Windy City have marked his as one of the foremost bands in the business. Henry's a peach of an M. C., too. You'd like his blonde swingstress . . Edith Lane . . . swell looker and a nice voice.

• Advance reports indicate the

battle of the century will be aired this summer. No ... not the Brad-dock-Louis fight of the other eve . . . . but a battle between CBS and NBC over . . . you'll never guess this one ... SHAKESPEARE. It all began when CBS announced they would air eight of the bard's most famous plays this summer. comes now an announcement that NBC will counter with six Shakes-penan productions of its own. And, of course, they'll run during ap-proximately the same weeks. . . . It's a good guess that Burgess Meredith of "Winterset" fame will star for CBS while John Barrymore will headline for NBC.

• If all the miles Paul Sullivan

traveled last week were laid end to end they'd ... well . . . they'd be a lot. Paul spent the week-end in Indianapolis, appearing with the WLW Review there. Sunday he rushed to New York to rehearse and air the "For Men Only" show on Monday night. Tuesday a. m. he airplaned back to Cincy for his spot on the Hits of the Week broadcast on WKRC and WSAI. Add to that Paul's two regular news broadcasts each day and you have a mighty busy week. Guess he's getting used to it, though.

Rather belated congrats to WCKY which is soon to enjoy a watt-jump to 10,000. And some say it won't be long before the Covington station is in the 50,000-watt class.

• THUMBS UP: Better make it at

least two thumbs up for the "Mad Hatterfields" . . . a smooth new script show aired nightly on WLW. It's smartly written, well directed and competently acted. You'll like it. Thumbs up as well for WKRC's new announcer, Lin Mason.


bevy of radio folk at the Latonia Derby . . . among others, L. B. "Of course, this is with gum in my mouth!"

TR 0 N 0 ME R

Wilson, 'CKY's prexy; John Mc-Cormick, 'KRC's general manager; Bob Kennett and Frank Smith of 'LW; Ruth Lyons, Dick Bray, Lee Goldsmith, Frank Zwygart and Gladys Lee. . In the mail . .. a brief word from Durward Kirby, now spieling for NBC in Chicago. WKRC staff all a-shiver, now that the air conditioning has been turned on in the new studios and offices. Jack Edmunds, WLW pro-duction man, vacationing. And after a listen to "Sports Parade" on WSAI, came this ... "A brave man is this Nixon Denton; an air career he's really bent on." Well, maybe it's the weather. Harold Carr is just as genial off the air as on. Dick Bray and an attractive Miss waltzing it at Castle Farm. The new WCPO newsroom now in operation on Walnut Street and doing a bang up job. Rumor has it "Freshest Thing in Town" show will fold during July and August . . . with return booked for Sep-tember. Bill Seymour, WKRC's newsroom editor, related to the Marx Brothers. Smilin' Dan back on the hill top station . . . taking over the Bell and Crown broad-casts periods.

More star shooting with the astronomer . . . next week. And, as usual, more peeps at people. THEME UP AND OUT.

It didn't take long for Edgar Bergen and W. C. Fields to strike a friend-ship at the NBC Hollywood studios, even though Bergen's dummy made the famous minstrel conscious of his "redwood" nose. Fields, confessed Bergen, was always his favorite come-dian. "That's funny," said W. C., "Bergen was always my favorite ven-triloquist."





W E have many and varied ques-tions to be answered in this

week's column. Mrs. Janes, of Knox-ville, Tenn., wants to know how to get her favorite announcer, Douglas Browning, back on the Top of the Morning spot. You're not alone in Your desire, Mrs. Janes, for others feel the same way, but in this case

Mr. Browning asked for the evening hours in order to get acquainted with a new group of listeners. Then, too, getting up at 5 a. m. day after day, to do brain work, is a bit of a task for anyone to keep up for any length of time. You might try writing direct to him—I imagine his new audience will have a word to say about losing him now. He gets to be a favorite

anywhere. - Mrs. H. P. Cook: The mailing ad-

dress of Vincent Lopez is in care of NBC, New York City. "Kentucky Reader": Jan Carber's

orchestra is now playing the popular hotels and one-night stands. Except for your radio pages and program schedules, there is not much chance of keeping up with any band.

Mrs. jasinsky: You were right—my memory is bad. Your card strikes a familiar note in my hazy recollection, although somehow I can't get the

right pitch. In regard to your ques-tion—Johanna Grosse is living here in Cincinnati, although not engaged in radio work. I saw her a week or so ago, and she says she is very happy just to teach organ, with occasional

church work.

Mrs. Thomas: The Street Singer has almost seemed to drop from the public's eye. His last appearance was over the Mutual Network. I sugest you try WGN--Chicago.

So many friends have inquired

about the old Rhythm Jesters, who furnished the music and sang on the



"Cousin Bob and His Kinfolks'' pro gram, conducted a year or so ago by Bob Albright, that I have done some fancy sleuthing of a de luxe type to get all the answers. Even stream-lined the system in order to bring home the bacon in time for this week's column. With the mention of streamlined, might I add "Look Out, Fields and Hall," or to my close

friends, "Simpson is the name," or "Shake." Well, here is the answer. The Rh thin Jesters were Art Ryer-

son, Terry Lynch, Eddie Burnbryer, Johnny Fielden, Gladys Lee, and their leader, Lee Baldwin. The two latter are in Cincinnati. Gladys Lee, pianist and arranger at WKRC. Lee Bald-win, a vocal arranger for the Nation's Station. Art Ryerson, noted for his outstanding guitar interpolations, went to Chicago, but is now with Terry

former team-mate and guitar-ist, in his own right. They are play-ing night spots in New York City. Eddie Burnbryer writes and edits continuity at NBC in Chicago. Johnny Fielden played accordion for a time with Ted Travers' orchestra at Old Vienna here in the Queen City. He soon formed his own band and is reportedly doing fine.

Miss Gerard: Bradley Kincaid— "The Kentucky Mountain Boy"—is heard Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 2:30 p. m.(E.S.T.) from WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. His Thursday broadcast is 6:15 in the evening.

The birthdays for this week have a

two fisted significance. First, in the case of Harold Carr, whom we told you about a week ago. It turns out that Charlie Dameron, popular WLW tenor, also has a birthday, June 29th. In fact, they were born just a half hour apart, but in different parts of

Your Favorite Film Enlarged Size Five 8x10 00.IS Inch.' 25 Coin aturtuall-1810:,1

Stall vow 111m te-day and within three days re-ceive a guaranteed never fade nerteet tone en-largement on Professional Double weight naive Safe return of Illm ruaranteed.

PHOTO-CRAFT STUDIO 409 Main St., Cincinnati. Ohio

the country. Harold refused to give his age, but Charlie says he was born in 1906. Hi, Harold!

The other comes on July 17th, which marks the 100th broadcast of Capt. Alfred Gus Karger, beZdes be-ing the actual birthday of this per-petrator of civic programs. To obtain

this information I was forced to en-dure the famed kidding of Capt. Kar-

ger. I didn't mind though, for I found (as did the boy whose mother told him to give his lolly-pop to the dog because it had fallen on the

ground) that I was able to get in a couple of licks myself. It's comfort-

ing to know that the first one hundred programs are the hardest, Gus. Think of Ma Perkins who just finished 1,000 of them this week. Milton Von Wie-ner, personnel director of the Nation's Station and a good musician too, has a birthday the 26th of this month. There are plenty more for next month, but none of them come on the fourth . . . what's the matter?

I have secured information to the effect that WCKY, our neighboring station, across the river, has been granted permission to use 10,000 Watts for Commercial broadcasting. This means a new transmitter, which

arrived Monday, June 14th and is now almost completed. In connection

too, will be a tone booster to increase efficiency sixteen to thirty-five per

cent. All this goes into operation July 1st. May I take this opportun-ity, Mr. Wilson, and join the commis-sion in saying "More Power to you."

I wonder why they have picked Edwin C. Hill for the Louis-Braddock fight? Of course we know why Clem McCarthy is to be there, or do we?

Now until next week, the Radio Sleuth offers a bit of parting advice to disappointed radio announcers—"You don't have to have a good line to be a fisherman."—SS.

Parts For Any Sweepers regardless of age. Don't trade in your ricaner, letting someone else profit by rebuilding and selling it. We can make any sweeper look and work like new. Calls, deliveries, estimates free. Let us prove it to you. 25 ft. rubber cord— installed $1.00 Replace motor—any make 3.00 New Bearings. clean, pack motor 1.00 Sweeper bags—all types

Community Sweeper Shop 438 Madison Aye.,Coyington.Ky.

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There is • reason why Forney Clothes enjoy an enviable reputation among the better dressed men in Cincinnati. Here you will find the finest woolens and a selection of patterns unequalled anywhere in the city. Years of experience and the finest workmanship obtainable, mean that Forney Clothes are sure to fit and to please. Suits and Overcoats from 525.00 Up,' made to your individual




Call us to help you solve any Pest Problems 4 04Dekes

We carry a complete stock of Disinfectants

ROSE EXTERMINATOR CO. N. S. COP. Court and Walnut PArkway 8200-3908

Page 10: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented


N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes (CBS) M Denotes (MSS)


7:30 7:45

800 8:15 8:30 8:45

WCKY Cincinnati OM lec.)

WLW WKRC Cincinnati (7011 kca ¡Cincinnati (550 icc.)

Coast to Coast N.... Children's Hour-Coast-to-Coast on a Bus N


Sunday Morning at - Aunt Susan's C

7:30 7:45

8:00 Nagel's Rhumba /Uncle Neal Reads --8:15 Orchestra the Funnies 8:30 Sermonette and 1Temple Baptist 8:45 ! Hymn Time Church

WSAI !WJR Cincinnati (1330 lira ;Detroit Mich. (750 kc.)

• KDKA WLS-WENR Pittsburgh. Pa. (MO ice.) Chicago, III. 070 Isc

Everybody's Hour: Variety Features

Coast to Coa-st on • Organ Concert Bus N

e •

011 .

Everybody's Hour


6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

WSM Nashville. Tenn. (1150 kc.)

WHAS Louisville. Ky. MO he.)

9:00 Russian Melodies N 9:15 9:30 Institute of Human 9:45 Relations N ..

if):00 Press-Radio- News N— . 10:15 Hendrick Van Loon N 10:30 Walberg Brown 10:45 String Ensemble N

1-1-:00 1 Southernaires N 11:15 11:30 ; Music Hall 11:45 Symphony N

Church Forum- !Church of the Air-Christian Science .. Rev. J. R. Sinon C

Institute of Human Veterans Civic Hour -Relations N

News . Henry W. Van Loon NI Arthur Chandler, Jr 1 To be announced.. .

Cadle Tabernacle Choir M

Radio City I Music Hall N

Miss Johnny Hereford's Organ Moods C.....

Major Bowes Capitol Theatre Family C.


I Ship of Song

9:00 /Nan 9:15 9:30 Am. Society of Ancient 9:45 I Instruments N

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

'Hamilton County Jail Service

Remember When

1:00 The Hour Glass N 1:15 I 1:30 /University Chicago

11:45 Round Table N 0 le

Church of the Air-Rev. J. R. Sinon C .

Romany Trail C

Watch Tower 'Cabin Folks 1Prof. Vas« Figures I Musical

Wesley Methodist Church

Russian Melodies N 0 ell


Morning Melodies Slim, Jack and Gang.

First U. -P.- Church, North Side

Southernaires N

WLS Little Brown Church

re ee

"Aunt Ern Lansing" WLS Concert Orchestra

The Southernaires N

Music Hall on the Air N

Better Citizens Elsie Mae Emerson

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Highlights of Bible N Church of Air-Rev. J. 0 0

Institute of Human % Relations N

9:00 ;News 9:15 1H, W. Van Loon N 9:30 ! Sunday Morning News 9:45 Fidelis Class, First

Baptist Chu-rob 00

/Radio City Music Hall N

R. Sizoo C Romany Trail C .

• ... Johnny Hereford's - Organ Moods C

Sunday Jail Service le le

St. Paul's Church - Services

Salt Lake City Choir C 1, • 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 _ 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

-2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

•O ,Church of the Air-Rev " " 1 E. L. Hughes C

Our Neighbors N Dreams of Long Ago N

Rosario Bourdon Magic Key of Orchestra RCA N

Songs for Everyone Waltz Favorites

Noble Cain's - , Danny Dee Orchestra N Pat B. M

Howard Marshall N Internat'l Broadc'st N Chuchu Martinez N. Chuchu Martinez N

Voice of Tolerance C Round Table C

St. Louis Serenade C 0 el

Sunday Players

Everybody's M usic-% Howard Barlow and • the Columbia Sym-

phony Orchestra C

12:00 'Dorothy Dreslin, 12:15 soprano N 12:30 ' Ted Weems' 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Orchestra M

Canal Days Baseball Interviews Thatcher Colt Mysteries N


Al Jahn's Orch. M..

Church of Air: Rev. "" i E. L. Hughes C Voice of Tolerance C. 'Concert Favorites Musicale

Youth and Nation.... The Magic Key of Mother's Album R. C. A. N Living Bible Dramas C

Radio City Music Hall N

Our Neighbors N

Magic Key of R. C. A. N

. _ Everybody's Music C Noble Cain a Capella Noble Cain a

Choir N Choir N I Melody Lane Tuneful Topics 011 le


Kilbuck Players Chuchu Martinez N

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:oo 4:15 4:30 4:46

5:00 Canadian Grenadiers 5:15 Band N

I 5:30 WCKY News 5:45 !Golden Gate Band N

Sunday Vespers N Romance Melodies N.

Senator Fishface N

Marion Tilley -N

Paul Martin's Music N

Choral Echoes

Roy Shields' Orchestra N .

Paul Martin's Orchestra N ..

Canadian Grenadier Guards Band N

Court of Human Relations .....

Spelling Bee, with Dr. Harry Hagen C

ee .

00 fle

' Our American Neighbors C

'Bargain Counter M. Cones, piano..

Joe Penner; Jimmy Grier's Orch. C

Rubinoff, Jan Pearce and Virginia Rea C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

Music By • Musical /Jeanette Pringle 'Guy Lombardo's

Orchestra C

Catholic Hour N 1.71oe Penner - Jimmie Grier's Orch. C

Tim and Irene, and ,Rubinoff, Jan Pierce Bunny Berrigan's Or. M and Virginia Rea C

Perole String Quartet M

Father Coughlirr

I 6.1 be

1'espersShadyside % Church


Smiling Ed. McConnell N

le II

Roy Shields' Encore Music N

Paul Martin and His Music N

Christian Endeavor . Frank Morgan Sports Gol. Gate Park Band N

Sunday Vespers N ..

Sen. Fishface and Prof. Figgsbottle N

Roy Shield's Encore Music N

Paul Martin and His% Music N ..

Sach.:s Amateur Hour

ell le

ea be

600 1 Helen Traubel N.. 'Jack Benny and Dick Bray-Sports 6:15 ... 0 Mary Livingstone N Paul Dunbar Memoria 6:30 "Believe It or Not" Strands of Beauty ... /Phil Baker-Oscar 6:46 Ripley N /Sunset Dreams I Bradley's Orch. C

7:00 To be announced N Werner Janssen, Don : To be announced ... 7:15 Ameche and Edgar. 7:30 Goldman Band Bergen N "Texaco Town" 7:45 Concert N ! Variety Show C

8:00 Master Harmony Four Shep Fields' Rippling ' "Universal Rhythm"-8:15 Ferde Grofe's Orch . Rhythm Revue N Richard Bonelli, Alec 8:30 Melody Maids ......Walter Winchell N. Templeton; Rex 8:45 Choir Symphonette N Spring Parade t Chandler's Orch. C

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7-:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Red Barber's Resurne Cotton Pickin' Time Fireside Recital N Tom Slater

Jack Sprigg's Orchestra

Billy Snider's Orchestra

Manhattan Merry-Go-Round N

American Album of Familiar Music N

Stevenson Sports Musical Phil Baker - Oscar

Bradley's Orch. C _ . _ - _ To be announced C

"Texaco Town" C

"Universal Rhythm" Richard Bonelli C

Helen Traubel, 1 songs, N 1"Believe-lt-or-Not"

Ripley N - To be announced N

Goldman Band N

Shop Rip-' piing Rhythm N

!Walter Winch'', N.... ¡Choir Symphonette N

Helen Traubel, soprano N

"Believe It Or Not" Ripley N

To b. announced

Goldman Band N

Slip Fields' - Rippling Rhythm N

Walter Winchell N Choir Symphonette N

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 Chuchu Martinez N

West End Methodist Church Services

Church of the Air-Rev. E. L. Hughes C

WHAS News Room " " ... Round Table C

The Magic Key , St. Louis Serenade C of RCA N

Living Dramas of the Bible C . .....

Everybody's M usic--= Howard Barlow and Symphony Orch. C..

Tapestry of -Melody N

International Br'dc't N

2:00 Sunday Vespers N.... Spelling Bee with Dr. 2:15 ; Harry Hagen C 2:30 Music Encouragement 2:45 Hour

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

Roy Shields' Orchestra N

Paul Martin's Orchestra N

Catholic Hour N.

Pepper 1.1r.pers


• Our American Neighbors C ..

Guy Lombardo's Orchestra C

'Joe Penner-Jimmie Grier's Orchestra C.

Rubinoff. Jan Pearce and Virginia Rea c

5:00 IJack Benny-Jello 5:15 / Program N ..... . 5:30 !"Believe It Or Not" 5:45 % Ripley N

6:00 / Werner Janiii-n; bon 6:15 I Ameche and Edgar 6:30 % Bergen N 6:45 I " "

7:00 Manhattan Merry. Universal Rhythm, _ _ 7:15 , Go-Round N . starring Richard 7:30 %American Album of Bonelli C 7:45 Familiar Music N ,% " "

Herbert Koch, organ.. WHAS News Room . . Phil Baker-Oscar

Bradley's Orch. C .

To be-announced C

"Texaco Town" .c

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

California Concert N

0 be


IJudy and the Bunch N .King's Jesters Orch. N Lou Bring's Orchestra N

11:00 Ted Lewis' Orch 11:15 -Chez Pa ree N. 11:30 Johnny Hemp's 11:45 ¡ Orchestra N

Smoke Dreams Gillette Summer Hotel C

; Unsolved At ysteries H. V. Kaltenborn C Maureen O'Connor C

Les Brown's Orchestra Jerry Cooper .. Concert Hour

Paul Sullivan Russ Lyon's Orchestra Dick Stabile's Orchestra

Musical Interlude . Gus Arnheim's Orc. C News-Lee Bland Jay Freeman's Orch. C

Al Trace's Orchestra C

Dick Jurgen's Orchestra C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

it:00 I Barney Rapp's H. Frank Norris 11:15 , Orchestra 11:30 ; Fletcher Henderson's Dick Jurgin's 11:45 j Orchestra N Orchestra C


¡ . Serenade in the Night The Hermit's Cave-/ Nat Brandw'ne's Or. M Ghost Story

Sunday Night Party (Sealtest) N

te e0

!Gillette Summer Bernie Armstrong at Hotel C the Organ

1Jerry Cooper /Y. M. C. A. Program Maureen O'Connor C. I " "

Eddy Duchin's Orch..INews u i--G -s Arnheim'S/ Music: News Paul Sullivan Orchestra C / King's Jesters N

% Lou Bring's / Orchestra N

.-. Ted Lewis Orchestra N

New Penn Orchestra N

California ..Concert N



Globe Trotter King's Jesters Orch. N Bismarck Hotel Orchestra

'Jesse Crawford's Orchestra

Fletcher Henderson's Orchestra N

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Sealtest Sunday Night Party N

.• e.

so e.

Louise & Dixie Doud Walter Winchell N Rippling Rhythm Review N

Beverly Hills' Orchestra N

Johnny Hemp's Orchestra N

Gillette Summer Hotel C

H. V. Kaltenborn C , Maureen O'Connor C _ _ Gus Arnheim's Orchestra C

%Jay Freeman's % Orchestra C ......

Al Trace's Orch. C"."7 WHAS News Room.... I Harry Curries ¡ Orchestra ..



NOON-Church of the Air: Rev. Edward L. Hughes, O. P. (Catholic), Editor of "The Torch," New York City. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wcau wadc whio wsbt wsfa wcco

-Dorothy Dreslin, soprano, and Fred Hut-smith, tenor. WEAF WSAI kmox whk wbbm whio wfbm wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

I2:30-"The Voice of Intolerance," Rabbi Wil-liam F. Rosenblum, Fair Play Radio League. WABC WKRC WJR wadc kmbc wwva

.--Our Neighbors-Jerry Belcher interviewing families in their own homes. WJZ WCKY WLS wave wgar wire wham

-Dreams of Long Ago: Dramatization of old-time songs by Ethel Parks Richardson. WEAF WLW wgy kyw wtam wmaq who wdaf

12:45-Round Table Discussion by Officers of National Education Association. WABC WKRC WHAS wadc kmbc wwya

1:00-The Magic Key of R. C. A.: Symphony Orchestra, direction Frank Black. Milton J. Cross, m. c. Guest artists. WJZ WLW KDKA WLS WSM wgar wfla kvoo wfaa wham wave wowo

-Sunday Drivers: Variety program, with Fields and Hall, m. c.; novelty orchestra end Frances Adair, contralto. WEAF wgy kyw wtam wmaq who wdaf

-St. Louis Serenade, WABC WHAS WKRC wfbm kmbc kmox wadc wbt wsfa wcco whio

1:30-Thatcher Colt. Mysteries. WEAF WSAI kyw wgy wwl wtam wmaq who wdaf wire

-Living Dramas of the Bible: "Daniel", adopted by Albert Tracy; dramatization from the Old Testament, Direction William N. Robson, WABC WJR WHAS wcau wbt wwl wadc wfbm kmbc wbbm wcco

2:00-Everybody's Music: Columbia Symphony Orchestra and Howard Barlow. WABC WKRC WJR WHAS whk wfbm kmbc kmoir wadc wsbt wbf wcco

-Tapestry of Melody: Musical program, direction Walter Logan. WEAF WSM wgar wave wire wham

-Noble Cain's A Capella Choir. WJZ KDKA WCKY WLS wgar wave wire wham wfla kvoo wfaa

2:30-Widows' Sons, dramatic sketch. WEAF wgy wtam wave wwl kyw whio wdaf kstp wmaq who

-International Broadcast from BBC, London. "They're Saying in England," Howard Mar-shall, British commentator. WJZ WCKY WLW WSM wave wire wham wgar

2:45-Chuchu Martinez, tenor. WJZ WCKY WLW WLS WSM wire wgar wave wham

3:00-Sunday Vespers: "How to Keep Life from Growing Thin." Dr. Paul Sherer. Mixed

quartet, direction Charles A. Baker. WJZ WCKY WLS WSM wgar wave wire wham

-Romance Melodies: Orchestra, direction Roy Shields, with Ruth Lyon, soprano; Ed-ward Davies, baritone. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq wdaf kyw wire wwl

-Spelling Bee, with Dr. Harry Hagen, Bronx and Staten Island Grade Pupils. WABC WKRC WHAS whk wfbm kmbc limon wadc wsbt wbt woo

3:30-The World Ià Yours: Dramatization. Program under auspices of Smithsonian In-stitute. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq wdaf kyw wwj

-Senator Fishface and Professor Figgsbottle. Variety show featuring Jerry Sears and his Orchestra; Jean Ellington, blues singer, so-prano; Showman Quartet. WJZ WLS WCKY wgar wave wire wham

4:00-Our American Neighbors: "Brazil". WABC WHAS WKRC wbbm wcau kmox whio wwva wbt wsfa wadc wcco whio

-Roy Shield and his Encore Music, featuring Gale Page, contralto; Charles Sears, tenor, and Orchestra. WJZ WLW WENR KDKA WSM wham wfla wave kvoo wbap wgar wowo

-Ry-Crisp Prestenh Marion Talley, soprano, with Josef Koestner's Orchestra. WEAF WCKY wgy wtam wmaq wdaf wire who wwj

4:30-Guy Lombardo and his Orchestra. WABC WHAS WJR whk wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wwva wwl

-Smiling Ed McConnell, the Singing Philos-opher: Palmer Clark's Orchestra and Choral Group. WEAF WSAI kyw wgy wwj wtam wmaq whe wdaf kstp

-Paul Martin and his Music. WJZ WCKY WLW KDKA WLS WSM wham wfla wave kvoo wbap wgar wowo

4:45-Eddie House, organist. (CBS) wcco 5:00-Joe Penner, comedian, with Jimmie

Grier's Orchestra; Gene Austin, radio and socreen artist, and Coco and Malt, harmony team. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm whk kmbc wcau kmos wbt wwl wcco

-Canadian Grenadier Guards Band. Lieut. J. J. Gagnier, conductor. WCKY WLW wgar wave wire wham wowo

-Catholic Hour: "The Unity of Government," Rev. John Kallok of West Aliquippa, Penn., speaker. Paülist Choir, direction Father Finn. WEAF WSAI WSM wgy wtam wmaq wwj who wdaf kyw

5:30-A Tale of Today, sketch, with Joan Blaine. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq kyw

-Rubinoff: Josephine Antoine, soprano; Walter Cassell, baritone; orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm whk wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wadc whio wsbt wwva wbt wsfa wwl wcco

-Golden Gate Park Band Concert. WJZ (KDKA WCKY at 5:45) wgar wave wire wham

6:00-Columbia Workshop: "Babouk" by Guy Endor, dramatization, direction Irving Reis. WABC wfbm wsbt wadc whio wbt

-Helen Traub'', soprano, and orchestra. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wgar wave wire wham wowo

-4ello Program: Jack Benny and Mary Liv.. lngston, Kenny Baker, Phil Harris' Orchestra;

Andy Devine, comedian. WEAE WSM WLW kyw wgy wtam wmaq wwl who wdaf wile kstp wave kvoo wfaa

6:30-Phil Baker: Oscar Bradley's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR whk wfbm wcau wadc whio wsbt wwva wbt wsfa wwl

-"Believe It or Not:" Robert L. Ripley, Ol-lie Nelson and his Orchestra; Shirley Lloyd, vocalist. WJZ KDKA WLS WSM WCKY wham wgar wave kvoo wbap wfla

-"Twilight Musicale" from Chicago. (CBS) wbbm

-Fireside Recitals, featuring Helen Marshall, soprano; Siquard Nilssen, basso; Frank St. Leger. pianist-composer. WEAF WSAI wmaq wgy kyw wdaf wtam vevrj who wire

6:45-The Fitch Jingle Program: The Morin Sisters and Ranch Boys, trio. WEAF kyw wgy wtam wwj wmaq who wdaf

7:00-The Chase and Sanborn Program.: Starring W. C. Fields, with Don Amecht, m. c.; Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy. Dorothy Lamour, and Werner Janssen, mu-sical director. WEAF WLW WSM wtern wire wwl wdaf kstp kvoo wfaa wgy kyw wave wmaq wfla who

-To be announced. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wham wgar wowo

-To be announced. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm whk wcau kmbc kmox wadc whio wsbt wwva wbt wsfa wwl wcc•

7:30-"Texaco Town," with "Saymore Say. moore", Pinky Tomlin. Ella Logan, Igor Gorin, Jimmy Wallington and Jacque,

(Continued on page 20)

Page 11: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented




I. Candid Camera Night at both the Lookout House and the Town Club has made an avid "eandider" out of their genial host—Jimmy Brink.

2. The young lady seems a bit frightened at having Jimmy shoot her profile. 3. This chap couldn't be whistling "I Wonder What Became of Sally," because Sally

is seated right beside him at Jimmy Brink's. 4. Russ Lyon takes to the air over WLW-NBC from the Lookout House. The reason

for the big smile is that Russ is up for a powerful commercial this Fall. 5. Nat Namur°, Jr., says "Hello" to a couple of night clubbers. 6. What makes Nat look so happy in picture 5. 7. Don Amato offers a pose in shadows. 8. All alone—and no place to go. 9. Mary O'Neill, Dayton, O., stopped in at the Town aub to say goodbye to the

"Broadway Melodies" east, who sail for i-layana, Cuba, on Friday. 10. The Robert Downeys (she's Lee Morse) prepare for a stroll.

Green Aids Young Composers

Johnny Green will turn his hour broadcast on Tuesday, June 29, at 8:30 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the NBC-Red network, including WCKY and WSM, over to the young composers of America. Still a young man him-self, Johnny knows America's future

tune-smiths always have a struggle to

impress the public. He will premiere

the newest songs of four writers whom

he thinks show the greatest promise.

Vocalists Trudy Wood, Jimmy Blair

and Jean Rhodes also will be heard.

• JIMMY BRINK Presents


• • • •


Bob Downey at the piano



Gorgeous Girls, Songs and Dancers

Lookout Ilacheloreffes, Don Amato

Nat Nazzaro, Jr., 3 Theodor«


Sensational Show

• No Cover Charge

• LOOKOUT HOUSE Dixie Highway, Covington, Ky.

• • • • • • • • •

BEVERLY HILLS Route 27. Alexisadria Pike 2 miles south of Newport.

EDDIE GARR—Stage. Screen and Radio Star in "Showboat" SUNNIE O'DEA—Irene Decaes Dancing Daughter

BARNEY RAPP and his New Englanders

Other great acts, including the 16 Lovely Ladies N. Cagier. Miss., $2) Sat., $3. 9, I Res. Halos« 1790

Free Drinks from Dr. Hahne., "Magic Bartender"


• •


AND PICNIC GROUNDS (No License Required)



* Dick Highway,

Available for Private Parties


Covington. Ky.

• • •

• • •


It's Jack Dempsey's • IN HOLLYWOOD

• It's The Brown



It's JIMMY BRINK'S 522 Vice Street

Where Celebrities Gather for Entertains's«. and Good Food. • Dancing Starts at 3.

keep light-hearted with this dark pair . . .

Spic and Span Already all Cincinnati has taken Cincinnati's newest comedy team to its heart. Don't miss these lovable characters . . .

Tuesday through Saturday


Cincinnati's Own Station

WSAI The Crosley Radio Corporation

, 4



Page 12: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented


N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes (CBS) M Denotes (MBS)


WCKY I Cincinnati (5400 lac.)

6:30 ;-6:45

2:15 7:30 7:45

-8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Morning Devotions N. Morning Roundup

;Norsemen N

;Breakfast Clul; I.

,Press Radio News N

WLW Cincinnati (700 kc.)

WKRC Cincinnati (550 kv.)

Top 'o the Morning Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

Family Prayer Pïriod-1.-ii Sing Before Breakfast Sing, Neighbor, Sing Early Edition—News Home Songs N Dow's Dawn Patrol with

Al Bland "

i " News Time—Temperature— Morning Devotions Music • Mail Bag Woman's Hour Chandler Chats Bachelor's Children C

9:00 For Women Only 9:15 Vaughn de Leath N 9:30 Dean Bros. N 9:45 Today's Children N

r-0:00 i-agabonds N 10:15 Do You Want a Job 10:30 Pat O'Malley .. 10:45 World Varieties

il:00 Bob Carter N 11:15 Grace and Scotty N 11:30 Joe Dumond N 11:45 Viennese Ensemble N

Hymns of all Churches Betty and Bob C Hope Alden's Romance; Hymns—Crocker C Virginians Modern Cinderella C Couple Next Door M Who's Who in News C

Linda's First by....;Magazine of the Personal Col, of the Air ; Air C We Live Again Big Sister C Gospel Singer N.... Dr. Defoe C...

Girl Alone —N The Gumps C Story of Mary Marlin M Edwin C. Hill C Live Stocks Romance Helen Trent C Rosa Lee N Our Gal, Sunday C

WSAI Cincinnati (1330 kc.)

6:30 6:45

777105 ; CSuhnur .. Sing, Neibhbor, Sing .. i• l'ews: Musical Clock


Air Conditioning W. Meeder, organ N 7:45 , Brown County Revelers Crowley Milner Norsemen Quartet N

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WJR KDKA Detroit. Mich. (750 kc.) Pittsburgh, Pa. (080 kc.)

Paft and Guest Musical Clock el 1.

WLS-WENR Chicairo, III. (870 kc.)

Farm Bulletin Smile A While

News Report Sing, Neighbor, Sing The Smile Market Jolly Joe's Pals

Streamliners, with Field Revue Morning & Hall & Orch. N Stevenson News

Merrymakers I Pokey Martin, R. Foley ; News Report

Linda's First Love Morning Devotions News Jean Abbey Bachelor's Children C Style and Shopping I Don and Helen

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Mrs. Wiggs N . Betty and Bob C John's Other Wife N Hymns All Churches C Just Plain Bill N Betty Crocker C Grandpa Hans Modern Cinderella C

David Harum N Heinz Magazine Backstage Wife N . of Air C How to be Charm'g N Big Sister C Newlyweds Dr. A. R. Defoe C

11:00 Young Cincinnatians 11:15 Melodic Rhythm 11:30 Cotton Pickin' Time 11:45 Freshmen Follies

The Gumps C Edwin C. Hill C RomanceHelen Trent C ; Our Gal Sunday C

Mary Marlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fam. N Helen Jane Behlke N

The O'Neills N Personal Column N Vic and Sade N Edward MacHugh N.

News Sunshine Special Dumonds Cadets N Monday Nonsense .

Mary Marlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fern. N The Hilltoppers

The O'Neills N Personal Column N Vic and Sade N Edward McHugh N

Markets; News Orch. & 4 Hired Hands Al Melgard, organist Novelodeons

12:00 WCKY News . 12:15 Neighbor Nell N 12:30 Farm and Horne 12:45 Hour N

" 1:15 " 1:30 Navy Band N 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 Let's Talk It Over N Vic and Sade N . 2:45 " . ..... The O'Neill: N

Frim Sisters Ruth and Bill C Torn, Dick & Harry M ,Rug Weavers: News National Farm and ; Flying Fingers Home Hour N ;Aunt Jenny's Stories C

I Variety Time i Betty end Bob I

Pepper Young's Fam. N, Ma Perkins N

Thru *Oman's Eye C Milton Charles, org. C Luncheon Lyrics .. Myrt and Marge C

Keeping House: News Musical Calendar Pop Concert—Howard Barlow C

3:00 !Lorenzo Jones N . . 3:15 , All Sports Review 3:30 Club Matinee N 3:45 , "

-4:00 'Mary Elliott 4:15 Escorts and Betty N 4:30 ; Rhythm and Romance 4:45 ;Jackie Heller N

-5:00 All Sports Review. 7 5:15 i " 5:30 Press Radio News N 5:45 Evening Concert

6:00 Merry Men 6:15 Uncle Ezra N 6:30 Herbert and Carlyle 6:45 ; John Herrick N

-7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

i:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Good Times Society N

Goldman Band Concert N —

John Barrymore in "Richard 3rd" N

Helen Nugent Kitty Keene, Inc Follow the Moon N To be announced ;

Houseboat Hannah To be announced Singing Lady N Little Orphan Annie N

Toy Band Tommy and Betty.; The In-Laws Lowell Thomas N.... I

String Ensemble Jimmy James' Orch bum and Abner N Bob Newhall

Burns and Allen N —

For Men Only (from WHN)

Fibber McGee and Molly N

Hour of Charm N

Bob Byron, songs C Dictators C Playdays (from Chicago) C . .

Notes and News..

Eddie Schoelwer "Funny Things" C

Howard Phillips C Zionist Program C Hollywood News Dick Bray—Sports

Poetic Melodies C Musical Visions Jack Shannon C.... Boake Carter C

Alemite, with Horace Heidt's Orch. C.

Pick and Pat—"Pipe Smoking Time" C

Lux Ra-dio Theatre.

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

i0:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Footlight Memories N National Radio Forum N .

Jolly Coburn's Orchestra N

Five Star Final Eddie Versos Orch. N

Sports on Parade

Russ Lyon's Orchestra.. Happy Times

Amos 'n' Andy N ir be announced Jerry Cooper !Gus Arnheim's Or, C Barney Rapp's Newscast—Lee Bland Orchestra ' Bernie Cummins' Or, C

Wayne King's Orchestra C

Your Neck of the Woods C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

From Headquarters Ruth and Bill C Day Dreams Pretty Kitty Kelly C. Minit Interviews Words and Music N Poetic Strings C National Farm and All-Star Revue Aunt Jenny's Stories C Home Hour N

Strange Michl Cannon Woman's News C Molly Halstead Hello Peggy Bennett & Wolverton N Hope Alden KDKA Home Forum., String Quartet... Myrt and Marge C

WSAI Revue Monticello Party Lin•. To be announced .. . Musicale Welfare Commentator.

Barber's Interviews Mrs. Page Let's Talk It Over N Maestros of Rhythm News ... ..... "

3:00 Matinee 3:15 3:30 Variety Program M . 3:45

4:00 Carol' Weyman N.. 4:15 Plantation Moods . 4:30 It Is Strange 4:45

5:00 ; Three Spades 5:15 The Sea Pirate 5:30 Knot Hole Club 5:45 I Red Barber's Resume

Three Aces Club. Matinee N Dictators C Linda's First Love P. T. A. Program Play Days C ,Robert Cartier

Painted Dreams To be announced . Envoys of Melodies KDKA Kiddies Klub . Doris Kerr C Singing Lady N Youth Speaks Show Shopper

Melody and Rhythm News U. S. Army Band N . Uncle Neal and Prudy Azinsky's Ensemble .. News; Sports Weather: Sports What's the News? Diesel Training Lowell Thomas N .... Ranch Boys N

Priscilla Pride Virginia Lee Markets and News.. Dinnerbell Program


John Brown Markets and News

News: Julian Bentley Homemakers' Matinee —Jane Tucker

Home Service Club .

Club Matinee, variety program N

To be announced Music Circle Congress Hotel Or, N Johnny Johnston N

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45


6:00 Allwite Melody Stevenson News . i Allwite Melody 6:15 Revue N Evelyn Herbert 1 Revue N 6:30 Nixson Denton Hollywood Spotlight Paint Parade 6:45 Tom Slater Boake Carter C,Jerry Cooper, songs .

Alemite, with Ted 1 Good Times Society N , Weems' Orchestra C " " Pick and Pat in "Pipe Goldman Band N. .. Smoking Time" C.

_ 8:60 Lux Radio Theatre: .. 8:15 8:30 8:45

Charles Coburn's Orchestra

Voice of Firestone Margaret Speaks N

Cincinnati Sings

Cesare Sodero's Orchestra M

John Barrymore in "Richard 3rd" N

Allwite Melody Revue Barrett's Orch, N

bum and Abner N. John Herrick N.

The Good Times Society N

Goldman Band N

Shakespeare Festival N

Jesse Crawford's Paul Sullivan Orchestra N .. ' Billy Snider's Orchestra ,

Marvin Frederick's Magnolia Blossoms N Orchestra N

Charles Gaylord's Orchestra C

Glen Gray's Casa Lorna Orch. C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

1100 11:15 11:30 11:45

Contented Program N Wayne King's ; Orchestra C Your Neck o' the ; Woods C

Poetic Melodies C ,Wismer Sports ;Peaceful Valley

Kerr and Thomas Pageant of Melody M

Paul Sullivan Jack Denny's

Orchestra M

Nye Mayhew's Orchestra M

Dick Stabile's Orchestra

'Headline News Bernie Cummins' Or. Glen Gray's Orchestra C

Footlight Memories N National Radio Forum N

News; Sports Play, Fiddle, Play Baron Elliott's Orchestra

Art Shaw's Orchestra C New Penn Orchestra

M. Frederick's Or. N Prince Albert's Orch

Footlight Memories N National Radio Forum N

The Globe Trotter King's Jesters Orch Eddie Varios Orchestra N..

Jesse Crawford's Orchestra N

Marvin Fredericks' Orchestra N.. ..

WSM Nashville. Tenn. (850kca

WHAS Louisville, Ky. (8à0 ice.)

5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 Musical Clock 6:45 Pioneer Stories

7:00 ilieaifast Club — Or' 7:15 chestra; Bob Brown, 7:30 m. c. N 7:45 .0

Asbury College Devotions

Breakfast Business

Early Morning Jamboree

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

To be announced N. School for Wives News Helen Jane Behlke N.,

Banner Newsilawk Just Like Home How to be Charming N Gospel Singer N

10:00 Jimmy Dodd 10:15 Grace and Scotty N. 10:30 Dumond's Cadets N. 10:45 Viennese Ensemble N.

• 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

Love and Learn N. Varieties National Farm and Home Hour N

Banner Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture

Pepper Young's Fern. N Ma Perkins Vic and Sade N Francis Craig's Orc. N

Betty and Bob C Hymns All Churches C Modern Cinderella C. John K. Watkins C

Magazine of the Air C

Big Sister C Dr. A. R. Defoe C

Linda's First Love Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen Trent C Our Gal, Sunday C

Ruth and Bill C Monticello Party Line WHAS News Room Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Woman's News C College of Agriculture Markets: Weather Myrt and Marge C

Hope it-Iden's Romance University of Kentucky

The Jackson Family....

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

Club Matinee N Personal Column N. Follow the Moon N The Guiding Light N.

Woman's News — Escorts and Betty N Don Winslow N Jackie Heller N

Mario -Cozzi—Christine Johnston N

Financial News Heart of Julia Blake

Yellow Blank Salute .. Weekday Devotions .. Playdays C

Clyde Barrie C Eton Boys Quartet C Doris Kerr C Funny Things C

Howard Phillips C Zionist Program C Tip and Tap Melody Cruise

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Allwite Melody Revue N

Dixie Land Jam Sports; News

Good Times Society N Alemite, with Ted Weem's Orchestra C

Voice of Firestone—, Freddie Rich's Orch Margaret Speaks N Margins of Safety

Fibber McGee and Lux Radio Theatre: Molly N

Hour of Charm N.

WHAS News Room.... Jack Shannon C Boake Carter C

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Carnation Contented Hour N

Burns and Allen

Amos 'n' Andy Jean Sablon N Charlie Barnet's Orchestra N

WSM News Sports Review Magnolia Blossoms N

Wayne King's Orchestra C

:neater Louisville Ensemble

Poetic Melodies C Vic Arden's Orch Pick and Pat in "Pipe Smoking Time" C

Louisville vs. Kansas WHAS News Room Louisville Dancetime




6:00—The Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. WEAF who wgy kyw

.—Allwite Melody Revue: Hugh Barrett's Or. diestra, with Jean O'Neill, Barry McKinley, and the Tune Twisters, vocal trio. John B. Gambling. WJZ WSAI KDKA WLS WSM wowo

—Poetic Melodies. Jack Fulton, tenor, and Franklyn MacCormack, poetic reader, with Carltpn Kelsey's Orchestra, WABC WKRC wadc wwva wbt wcau whk

—Herbert Foote's Ensemble. (CBS) kmbc

6:15—"Uncle Ezra's Radio Station E-2.-R-A," with Pat Barret, Carlton Guy, Nora Cuneen and others. WEAF WCKY kyw wtam wmaq who wdaf wbap wfaa wire wgy kvoo

—Hollace Shaw, Songs. WABC whk wcau wadc wwva wbt

6:30—Hollywood News, with Del Casino, Milton Hirth, guest, and Ray Block's Or-chestra. WABC only

.—Midge Williams, songs. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

—Day Line Movie Pilot. WEAF only —Horlick's bum and Abner, tomedy sketch. WJZ WLW WENR

—Jack Shannon, with Ann Leaf at the organ. (CBS) WKRC WHAS kmbc wadc whio wsfa

6:45—bake Carter. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm whk kmbc wcau kmox wbt wcco

—John Herrick, baritone. (NBC) WCKY WLS wave wire wham wowo

—Sisters of the Skillet. WJZ only

—The Passing Parade. WEAF wmaq

7:00—Burns and Allen, with Tony Martin and Ray Noble's Orchestra. WEAF WLW kyw wgy wtam ww¡ wfla wire wmaq who

—Eddie Varios and his Hotel Bismarck Or-chestra. (NBC) wave wgar wham

—Good Time Society: All Negro Revue. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS WSM wave wham wgar

—Alemite Half Hour, with Horace Heidt's Brigadiers. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm kmox wcau wbt wcco wwl whk kmbc wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wbt wwl wcco

7:30—The Voice of Firestone: Margaret Speaks, soprano; mixed chorus; symphonic orches-tra; Alfred Wallenstein, conductor. WEAF WSAI WSM wgy wire wtam wmaq wdaf wwj who kstp wfaa kvoo wfla wave


--Pick and Pat in Pipe Smoking Time," blackface comedy, and music; Edward Roecker, baritone; Benny Krueger and his Dill's Best Yellow Jackets. WABC WKRC WJR wbbm whk kmbc wcau wbt wadc

—Goldman Band Concert, Edwin Franko Goldman, conducting. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wave wgar wire wham

8:00—Fibber McGee and Molly, comedy sketch, with Marion and Jimmy Jordan; Tommy Harris, tenor; Jimmy Grier's Or-chestra. Program from Hollywood. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wtam wwj wire wmaq who wdaf kstp wfaa wave wgy

—Lux Radio Theatre, WABC WKRC- WJR WHAS wbbm wfbm whk kmbc wcau kmox wadc whio wbt wwj wcco

8:30—Hour of Charm, Phil Spitalny and his Girls. WEAF WSM WLW kyw wgy wwj wtam wmaq who wdaf wire kstp wfaa wave kvoo

—John Barrymore's, Shakespeare, "Richard the Third. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wire wham

9:00—Wayne King's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm whk kmbc wcau kmox wadc whio wbt wwl wcco

—Contented Program; The Lullaby Lady, Male Quartet; Vivian Della Chiesa, lyric soprano; orchestra direction Frank Black; Vincent

Pelletier, announcer. WEAF WSAI WSM kyw wgy wmaq wtam wwj who wdaf wfla wave kvoo wfaa wire

9.15—Footlight Memories: Orchestra and Soloists. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wham

wgar 9:30—Music for Moderns. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

—National Radio Forum, guest speaker. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wgar wave wire wham

—Your Neck o' the Woods: "Minnesota", Carl Carmer. WABC WKRC WJR whk kmbc wcau kmox wadc whio wbt wsfa wcco wwl

10:00—Gus Arnheim and his Orchestra. (CBS) (WKRC at 10:15) wbbm wadc wspd whio wsbt

—Tomorrow's News Today. WABC only

—Jolly Coburn and his Orchestra. (NBC) WCKY wgar wave wire wham

—Poetic Melodies—(CBS) WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm kmbc kmox wwl wcco

—The Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WLW WSM

—Free For All—Round Table Discussion. WEAF only

—Esse News Reporter. WJZ only —Carlile and London and Bon-Bon Piano Team. (NBC) kyw wgy wmaq wtam wwj who


10:15—Jean Sablon, French singer. WEAF

WSM I WHAS WSM wgy wtam wmaq who

10:30—Bernie Cummins and his Orchestra. WABC (WKRC on 10:45) whk wfbm wcau wspd wsbt wbt wadc

—"Pick and Pat in Pipe Smoking Time." (CBS) WHAS kmox wfbm wcco

—Eddie Vanos and the Hotel Bismarck Or-chestra, WJZ WLS (WCKY on 10:45) wave wire wham wgar wowo

—Charlie Barnet's Hickory Lodge Orchestra. WEAF WSM wgy *dam wmaq who

11:00—Charles Gaylord and his Orchestra. WABC WKRC WJR whk wcau wadc whio wbt wsfa wwj

—Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crawford and their Or-chestra, from Congress Hotel, Chicago. WJZ WCKY WLS wgar wave wire wham WOWO

—Emery Deutschs' Rainbow Grill Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

11:30—Magnolia Blossoms: Fisk Jubilee Choir. WEAF WLW WSM wgy wtam wmaq who

—Marvin Frederick's Commodore Perry Hotel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wgar wave wire wham wowo

—Glen Gray and his Casa Loma Orchestra. WABC WKRC WJR whk wfbm kmbc wsbt wbt

Page 13: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented
Page 14: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented


N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes ass) ›.4 Denotes MBS)



700 7:15 730 7:45

oeo 8:15 8:30 8:45

WCKY Cincinnati OM Isc.)

Morning Devotions N Morning Roundup

Rhythm Rascals N

Breakfast Club N

• DO

WLW ClischmaU (700 kg.)

Top o' the Morning.-

Family Prayer Period IA Concert in Brass Moments Musicale N.


WKRC Cincinnati (550 in.)

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree Sing Before Breakfast Early Edition-News . Dow's Dawn Patrol

WSAI WJR Cincinnati (1330 ht.) Detroit, Mich. (150 ht.)

6:30 Putt and Guest 6:45 700 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

News Morning Devotions Aunt Mary Chandler Chats

Woman's Hour Bachelor's Children C

Church Forum Sun Dial

Crown Courtly Revelen

Streamliners, with Field Hall & Orch. N


KDKA Pittsburgh. Pa. (980 ken)

Musical Clock

WLS-WENR Chicago. III. (670 kc.)

Farm Bulletin Smile A While


530 545

WSM Nashville. Tenn. (650kew)

WHAS Leulsville, Ky. On is.)

Sing, Neighbor, Sin9•• Newr Report News: Musical Clock.. Hired Hands 11 Foley.

Wesley Meth. Church Dick Leibert, organ N "Pioneer Stades" Crowley Milner Shopping Circle Jolly Joe's Pals

Revue Breakfast Club N Evelyn and Hilltoppers Stevenson News News Report Musical Linda's First Love Morning Devotions. tachelor's Children C Hello, Peggy Hometowners & Brown.

9:00 9:15 9:30 1:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 1045

11:00 11:15 11:30 1145

For Women Only Vaughn de Leath N Dean Bros. N Today's Children N

Vagabonds N •• Do You Want a Job? Pat O'Malley Lawrence Quintet Terri La Franconi N Grace and Scotty N Stroller's Matinee N..

Hymns of all Churches Hope Alden's Romance Hello Peggy The Couple Next Door

Linda's First Lore Personal Col, of the Air We Live Again The Gospel Singer N

Girl Alone N Mary Marlin M Live Stocks Wife Saver

Betty and Bob C Hymns-Crocker C Modern Cinderella C Who's Who in'News C

Jean Abbey The Captivators C Big Sister C Rhythmaires C

The Gumps C Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen Trent C Our Gal, Sunday C..

9:00 Mrs. Wiggs N Betty and Bob C Mary Marlin N 9:15 ' John's Other Wife N.. Hymns All Churches C Ma Perkins N 9:30 Just Plain Bill N Betty Crocker C Pepper Young Fam. N 9:45 Grandpa Hans Modern Cinderella.... To be announced 10:00 David Hafium N Mary Lee Taylor C. The O'Neills N 10:15 Backstage Wife N.... The Captivators C. Personal Column N..., 10:30 Women of Today 811 Sister C Vic and Sade N 10:45 Newlyweds The Rhythmaires C ... Edward MacHugh N..

(-1:00 Young Cincinnatians The Gump: C News — - II:15 Mary Paxton Edwin C. Hill C Sunshine Special 11:30 Cotton Pickin' Time... Rom'ce Helen Trent C Stroller's Matinee 11:a Armchair Quartet N Our Gal Sunday C.. . ,.

Mary Marlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fam. N The Hilltoppers

The O'Neills N Personal Column Vic and Sade N Edward McHugh N

Markets; News Dramatic Skit Al Melgard, organist Novelodeons

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 730 7:45

Musical Clock Morning Fhwdlimu

Breakfast Club N .... u ii

119 110


Asbury College Devotions

Breakfast Business 0 41

Early Morning Jamboree


oeo 8:15 8:30 11:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10A/0 10:15 10:30 10:45

To be announced N School for Wives .... News Viennese Ensemble N Banner Newshawk Just Like Home Jerry Brannon, tenor N The Gospel Singer N

Terri Franconi N Grace and Scotty N Strollers Matinee N

Betty and Bob C Hymns All Churches C Modern Cinderella C Who's Who C

Mary Lee Taylor C To be announced Big Sister C The Rhythmaires C

Linde 's First Love Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen Treat C Our Gal, Sunday C

12:03 12:15 12:30 12:45

IMO 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:50 2:15 2:30 2:45

WCKY News Three Spades Tune Twisters N. Kerr and Thomas Farm and Home National Farm and Hour N Home Hour N

...... " U .

Music Guild N Variety Time Betty and Bob

Swieto Morse Carnival N

Kidoodlers N Have You Heard? N

Pep'r Young's Fern. N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N

To be announced .... 12:00 News: Piano 12:15 Merrymakers C 12:30 Aunt Jenny's Stories C 12:45

Romany Trails C 1:00 Meet the Missus 1:15 Luncheon Lyrics Myrt and Marge C 1:45

News: Fire Prevention Musical Calendar Columbia Concert

Hall C

From Headquarters . Jack larch, songs C. Day Dreams Pretty Kitty Kelly C... Words and Music N Mrs. Page

Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Strange Mich, Cannon Romany Trail C Molly Halstead Meet the Mitsui It's Woman's World N Hope Alden String Quartet Myrt and Marge C.

WSAI Revue Monticello Party Line.. Musicale

Barber's Interviews Three Aces Sports Oddities News

Reds vs. Pittsburgh- Police Day Program. Congress of Clubs Baseball Game at The Novelteers C Tea Dance Cincinnati Linda's First Love.... B. Elliott's Orchestra..

Sing and Swing C To be announced

Painted Dreams Musical KDKA Kiddies Klub... St. Louis Syncopators C Singing Lady N Melody and Rhythm.. The King's Men N

Three Spades The Sea Pirate Uncle Neal and Prudy Knot Hole Club News, Sports . Red Barber's Resume Envoys of Melody

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Midi Interviews National Farm and Home Hour N

KDKA Home Forum..,

For Women Only Afternoon Tea The Kidoodlers Have You Heard? N

Don and Helen Memories & Melodies Markets and News Dinnerbell Program..


John Brown Jim Poole

News: Julian Bentley. Homemakers' Matinee -Jane Tucker

Home Service Club

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 430 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

Lorenzo Jones N All Sports Review .. Club Matinee N

On the Mall Feature Race, Latonia Unbroken Melodies King's Men N

All Sports Review....

WCKY News Evening Concert

Interlude Kitty Keene, Inc. Follow the Moon N To be announced Houseboat Hannah... To be announced Singing Lady N Little Orphan Annie N

Larry and Sue Tommy and Betty The In-Laws Lowell Thomas N

Bob Byron, songs C Novelteers C Sing and Swing with

Kelsey's Orchestra C Notes and News

Eddie Schoelwer Children's Corner C

Bargain Counter Margaret Daum C. Hollywood Highlights Dick Bray-Sports .

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4610 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

0 0.


News M. Willson's Ora. N Sports: Weather Lowell Thomas N

Club Matinee-Variety Program N

To be announced Music Circle Hollander's Orch. N Johnson, baritone N

Harry Kogen's Orchestra N

What's the News? Ranch Boys Trio N

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45 leo 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 Music in 3/4 Time.... 8:15 Gaslight Harmonies .. 8:30 Johnny Green's 8:45 Orchestra N

Easy Aces N Benno Rabinoff N George Hall's Orcb Florence George N

Husbands and Wives N

Stars of Tomorrow.-

String Ensemble Vocal Varieties N Lum and Abner N Bob Newhall

Russ Morgan's Orch. N

It Can B. Done. Edgar A. Guest N...

Fen Bernie and All the Lads N

True Detective Mysteries M

Poetic Melodies C Harmony Highways Alexander Woollcott C Books Carter C

Hammerstein's Musk Hall C

Al Jolson Show C

Watch the Fun Go By with Al Pearce C..

Benny Goodman's Orchestra C

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Kentucky News I Stevenson Sports Spic and Span l Frank Morgan Nissan Denton Alec Woollcott C Tom Stater 1 Boake Carter C

Tranmor's Surprise Hamerstein's -Music Party Hall C

Wayne King's Al Jolson, Parkyakar-Orchestra N kus, Martha Raye C

Vox Pop N

Sweetest Love Songs Ever Sung N

To be announced , Freddie Rich's Sinfonietta M Orchestra C Hits of the Week .... Your Unseen Friend C

Watch the Fun Go By C

Benny Goodman's Orchestra C.

Easy Aces N H Middleman's Orch, Pittsburgh Varieties

Husbands and N

If Can Be Done-Edgar Guest N

Den Bernie's Orchestra N

Sweetest Love Songs Ever Sung N

Easy Aces, sketch Benno Rabinoff N Lum and Abner N.. Florence George N Husbands and Wives N

It Can Be Done-Edgar Guest N

Ben Bernie and All the Lads N

Sweetest Love Songs Ever Sung N

100 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:43

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

Love and Learn N.... Farm Scrap Book National Farm and . Home Hour N

Banner▪ Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture

Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N Have You Heard N

Shades of Hawaii Monticello Party Line WHAS News Room- Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Shelton Brothers College of Agriculture Livestock: Markets Myrt and Marge C

Hope Alden's Romance University of Kentucky

.6 IS

The Jackson Family....

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4.15 4:30 4:45

Jimmy Dodd Personal Column N Follow the Moon N The Guiding Light N

Woman Looks at News Escorts and Betty N Don Winslow N The King's Men N

Science in the News N Three X Sisters N Financial News Heart of Julia Blake

Yellow Blank Salute .. Weekday Devotions . Carlton Kelsey's Orchestra C

Del Casino, songs C.. Science Series C St. Los Syncapatori C Children's Corner C

Merger et Daum, so-prano, and Orch, C

Tip and Tap Melody Cruise

5:00 5:15 530 5:45

6eo 6:15 6:30 6:45 700 7:15 7:30 7:45

Dance Orchestra Afternoon News Sum'ry Swingtime on Parade. Passing Parade N

Leon Cole Dinner Music Wayne King and his Orchestra N

Ben Bernie and his Lads N

Johnny Green's Orchestra N

WHAS News Room..., Alex Woollcott C bake Carter C....,

Hammerstein's Music Hall C

Al Jolson Show C O.

Watch the Fun Go By C

Benny Goodman's Orchestra C

9:00 9:15 tao 1:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Manuel and William-son N

NBC Night Club N

Five Star Final Taxicab Nit. Club Geo, Olsen's Orchestra

Marvin Fredericks' Orchestra N

Tonic Time What's the Big Idea? Jimmy Fidler N To be announced Amos 'n' Andy N Mad Hatterfields Los Amigos

Paul Sullivan Barney Rapp's Orch Russ Lyon's Orchestra (to N) .

Freddie Rich's 9:00 Orchestra C 9:15

Hits of the Week 1:30 9:45

Musical Moments 10110 B. Berrigan's Orch. C10:15 Newscast-Lee eland 10:30 Red Norvo's Orch. C 10:45 Bert Block's II:00 Orchestra C 11:15

Bob McGrew's 11:30 Orchestra C 11.45

Billy Snider's Orch.. Paul Sullivan Serenade in the Night Leo Reisman's Or. M

Carl Hoff's 6rc1--;—stra

Dick Stabile's Orchestra

Poetic Melodies C.... News Cornet to Life..

Wismer Sports Headline News Art Shaw's Ord: George Olsen's Scenes in Harmony.... New Penn Orchestra Orchestra N

M Frederick's Or, N Marvin Frederick's B. mcGrees Or, C Prince Albert's Orch Orchestra N

To be announced

Manuel and William-son N

News; Sports Play, Fiddle, Play B. Elliott's Orch . H. Middleman's Orch,

The Other Americas N

Manuel and William-son N

NBC. Night Club N...

Globe Trotter Eddie Vane's Orch. N

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Jimmy▪ Fiddler N Frank Morgan

Amos n Andy N Musical Moments Al Donahue's Orchestra N

WSM News Sports Review Wagon Wheel Orchestra

Freddie Rich's Orchestra C

Here's To You ..

Poetic Melodies C.... Louisville vs. Kansas City Baseball Game.

Bert Block's Orch. C.. WHAS News Room.... Bob McGrew's Orchestra C



6:00-Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor, and Franklyn MacCormack, poetic reader, and Carlton Kelsey's Orchestra. WABC WKRC whk wcau wadc wwva wbt

..-Easy Aces, comedy sketch, featuring Jane end Goodman Ace. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wgar wham wire

'n' Andy: Pepsodent Program. WEAF wgy wwl kyw who wtam

6:15-Vocal Varieties-Choral Group of 14 Voices. WLW to WEAF wgy wtam wire wmaq who kstp

.--Frank Dailey's Orchestra. WABC whk wadc wbt

I.-Benno Rabinoff. WJZ WCKY WLS wgar wowo wave wire wham

6:30-Horlick's Lem and Abner, comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WLS wgar

- Charioteers. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

-.-Steinie Bottle Boys. WEAF only ...Alexander Woolcoff, "The Town Crier." WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm whk wfbm kmbc wcau kmos wadc whio %wive wbt gad wcco

6:45- Boake Carter, news flashes. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm whk kmbc wcau kmox wbt wcco

- The Passing Parade, WEAF WSM wmaq kyw

-Florence George, soprano. WJZ WCKY WLS wgar wave wire wham wowo

7:00-Hammerstein's Music Hall: Ted Ham-merstein, m. c.; Jerry Mann, comedian; guest stars; Music Hall Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR bbm wfbm whk kmbc wcau kmox whio wbt wwj wcco wadc

-Johnny, with Russ Morgan's Orchestra: Charles Martin's Thrill; Swing Fourteen; Giersdorff Sisters; Rhythm Rogues, and Glenn Cross, WEAF WLW kyw wgy wwj wtam wmaq who kstp wdaf wfla wave wire

-Husbands and Wives: Sedley Brown and Allie Lowe Miles. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wham wgar kvoo

7:30-Al Jolson Show, with Martha Raye, Parkyakarkus and Victor Young's Orchestra, WABC WKRC WJR WHAS wbbm wfbm whk kmbc wcau kmox wadc whio wbt wool wcco

-Lady Esther Serenade: Wayne King and his Orchestra. WEAF WSAI WSM kvoo wwj who kstp wmaq wdaf wire wave kyw wgy wtam wfaa

-"It Can Be Done," dramatic sketch, with

Edgar Guest. Frankie Masters' Orchestra. Masters Voices, singing ensemble, and guest speakers. WJZ WLW KDKA WLS wgar wham

8:00-Vox Pop, conducted by Parks Johnson and Wallace Butterworth. WEAF WSAI kyw wgy wtam wwj wmaq who wdaf wire

-Ben Bernie and All the Lads: Ethel Waters, vocalist, guest. WJZ WLW KDKA WLS WSM wgar wire wave kstp wham wfla kvoo

-"Watch the Fun Go By," presented by Al Pearce and his Gang. Nick Lucas, singing guitarist; Arlene Harris, "Human Chatter-box"; Larry Marsh's Orchestra, WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wadc whio wsbt wbt wcco whk

8:30-Benny Goodman's Orchestra, guests. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm whk wcau kmbc kmos wadc whio wsbt wbt wsfa wwl wcco

-Packard Hour: Johnny Green's Orchestra, with Jimmy Blair; Trudy Woods, and Jane Rhodes, vocalists. WEAF WCKY WSM who kyw wgy wwj wtam wdaf wire kspt wfla wave wdaf wmaq kvoo

-Sweetest Love Songs Ever Sung. Featuring Frank Munn, tenor; Lolis Bennett, soprano, and Victor Arden's Orchestra. WJZ WLS WSAI KDXA wham wgar

9:00- The Other Americas-Edward Tomlinson, authority on South American affairs, com-mentator. WJZ WLS wgar wave wire wham wowo

--Musical Americana:" Freddie Rich and augmented Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS

WJR wbbm whk wfbm kmbc kmox wadc webt wcco

9:30-"Your Unseen Friend," dramatic sketch. WABC WJR whk wcau wadc

-Phillips Poly Pollies. (CBS) wbbm wfbm kmox wsbt wçco

- Jimmie Fidler's Hollywood Gossip, WEAF WLW WSM wgy wtam wmaq who kyw trod wire wile wave wbap kvoo

-Past Masters Program: Manual and William-son-Harpsichord Ensemble -four harpsi-chords, organ, flute and strings. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wgar wave wham wfla wire wbap

9:45-Vic and Sade: Comedy sketch, with Art Van Harvey, Billy Idelson and Bernardine Flynn. WEAF wgy wtam wave wire kyw wmaq wdaf wwj

-Vincent Del Grata. (CBS) wsfa wbt yowl

10:00-The Pepsodent Program: Amas 'n' An-dy. WEAF WLW WSM wtam wwj

- Hudson De Lange's Playland Casino Orches-tra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

-"Poetic Melodies:" Jack Fulton, tenor; Franklyn MacCorrnack, reader, with Billy Mills' Orchestra. (CBS) WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm kmbc wwl wcco kmox

-NBC Night Club, with Maude Amsterdam, m. c.: orchestra and soloists. WJZ WCKY WLS wgar ware wire wham

-Tomorrow's News Today. WABC only

-Bnny Berrisan's Orchestra. WABC WKRC

whk kmbc wcau kmox wadc whio wsbt wbt wsfa

10:30-Red Horno and his Orchestra. WABC WKRC wbbm wcau whk wfbm kmos wadc whio wsbt wbt wsfa wcco

-Al Donahue's Rainbow Room Orchestra. WEAF WSM wgy wtam wmaq who

-Eddie Varzo's Hotel Bismarck Orchestra. WJZ (WLS on 10:45) wgar wave wire wham

11:00-George Olsen and the Ambassador Hotel Cocoanut Grove Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS KDKA wgar wave wham wire

-Bert Block and his Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS whk wfbm wcau wadc whio wsbt wbt wsfa wwj wbbm wcco

-Rudy Vallee's Hotel Astor Orchestra. WEAF wwj wgy wtam who

11:30-Marvin Fredericks' Commodore Perry Hotel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS KDKA wave wire wham wgar

-Russ Lyons and his Lookout House Or-chestra. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq who

- Bob McGrew's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR whk wsbt wbt

Frank Black has programmed selec-tions by Bach and Bantock for the NBC String Symphony concert on Wednesday, June 30, from 8:00 to 8:30 p.m. (E.S.T.), over the NBC-Blue network, including WCKY.

Page 15: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented


THE MAN ON PAGE 13 JOHN J. LOUIS WHEN a world famous showman

" like Cecil B. DeMille, rich in theatrical tradition and old in experi-ence, steps into radio and makes mi-crophones hum, it's a case of "dog biting man."

In other words, it's not news. But when a modest advertising ex-

ecutive with no theatrical background whatsoever walks into radio and works a major miracle, then it's a case of "man biting dog."

In other words, it IS news! All of which leads up to John J.

Louis, radio's 20th century miracle man — miracle man because, though you never see him or hear his voice, yet without him you wouldn't be lis-tening to Fibber McGee and Molly every Monday night at 8 p.m.(E.S.T.) over the NBC network, including WLW.

For that's what Mr. Louis is. The man behind Marian and Jim Jordan. The man who "discovered:" this comic couple, gambled his career on their futures, and built them into the na-tionally known network and motion picture stars they are today.

Naturally, the Jordans were not rank radio amateurs when Louis first became interested in then, for they had been doing sustaining and Chi-cago local commercials for ten years. On the other hand, they were far from being big time in any sense of the word.

Consequently, when S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. decided to sponsor a net-work program, all radio row buzzed with excitement.

"They'll take a big name," radio wiseacres said. "Someone already es-tablished. Someone like Cantor or Jolson or Jessel."

But as usual, the wiseacres were wrong.

"We'll take Marian and Jim Jor-dan," Louis, vice-president of Need-ham, Louis and Brorby, Chicago agency in charge of the Johnson ac-count announced. "They've got pos-sibilities."

Thus Fibber McGee and Molly evolved. And Louis' discovery of them, his faith in their ability, his

efforts in their behalf, and his vision, marks still another milestone in radio history, in that it is perhaps the first recorded instance of a great showman

rising from advertising agency ranks.

Today, little more than two years after their network debut on the Johnson Wax program, Fibber McGee and Molly have justified Louis' faith in them by becoming two of the most important and popular comedians on the air. Proof of this statement may be established by glancing at their

Grossle\ rating, which shows them in the top flight of stars, and by the fact that at present, they are in Holly-wood, making a Paramount picture on the strength of their radio success.

Louis, too, is there with them. And his remarkable vision and smart show-manship have not gone unrewarded, for already he has been approached by several film companies, all of whom are hoping that he will see fit to lend his executive talents to the cinema.


ON WSAI-WCPO Stations WSAI and WCPO will

combine to broadcast a description of the Cincinnati Post-Lunken ail port air show, Sunday afternoon, June 27.

Arrangements whereby the two Cincinnati stations will cooperate to broadcast the activities were com-pleted Monday, in a conference be-tween Bill Kirkendale, production manager of WCPO; Harry Schuler, program director of WSAI, and John Koepf, promotion manager of the Post. Two broadcast periods were de-

cided on, the first from 2:30 to 3:00 p. m. (EST.) and the second from 4:00 to 4:30 p. m. (E.S.T.).

Included in the aerial exhibition will be Gordon Mougey, well-known Cincinnati pilot, who will demon-strate sky-writing; a demonstration led by Carl Friedlander, another by Wendell Fleming, and formation fly-ing by U. S. Army reserves.

Al Williams, noted stunt flier, will participate in various demonstrations, keeping in contact with a ground crew by means of short wave radio. Permission has been obtained whereby

the conversations will be broadcast over WSAI and WCPO. Tom Slater and Bob Booth will

man the WSAI Mobile Unit, while WCPO will provide announcers at the administration building. Dudley Miller Outcalt, Hamilton county' pros-

ecutor and major in the U. S. Air Corps reserve, will be the official spokesman during the show.

"Stories by Camera" "She Married a Detective," a com-

edy-drama of a retired detective and

his heckling wife, is the topic of the

"Stories By Camera" program over

WLW and the WLW Line, 8:00 to

8:30 p. m. (EST.), Friday, June 25.

The story has to do with the am-

bitious children of the couple, each

of whom wants to be a detective.

Jessup Warren, the retired officer and,

father, is forced to return to active

duty to take a murder case to clear

the name of his eldest son.

Harry Cansdale, veteran character actor, will portray Jessup Warren, the baseball loving, popcorn chewing

detective, who spends most of his time enjoying life and listening to his wife.

Virginio Marucci has written the synchronized musical score. Law-rence Menkin is the author.

"Our Gal Sunday"

Dorothy Lowell is the pretty

young red-head who plays the title role in the "Our Gal Sun-day." sketches broadcast over the WABC-Columbia network, in-cluding WKRC, WHAS and WJR, Mondays through Fridays from 11:45 a.m. to Noon(E.S.T.).

Virginia Golden Joins WCKY Staff

Miss Virginia Golden (Goldenburg)

member of a prominent Cincinnati

theatrical family, joins the continuity

staff of Station WCKY this week.

Miss Golden is a daughter of Mrs.

Grace Delaney Goldenburg and the late William Smith Goldenburg, for years dramatic editor of the Enquirer.

Her sister, Florence Golden, is the wife of Don Becker, well known radio

writer and producer, now in Holly-wood.

Miss Golden will continue to be heard in the cast of "The Life of Mary Sothern" on WLW.

ONCE OVER, Lightly The favorite programs of some

of your favorite stars have never been discussed in public print.

That's why it was such an inter-esting discovery to learn that radio's biggest people have their own favorites—and some of them listen to the microphone work of their closest rivals with the greatest of pleasure, proving once again that jealousy isn't so prevalent in radio.

For instance, Peter Van Steeden often attends a Don Voorhees broadcast and sits intrigued at the unique rhythms of his fellow music-master.

Lucille Manners greatly enjoys the music of Ferde Grofe and rushes home after her Friday night airings to tune in on the composer-conductor. Ferde, paradoxically enough, likes the modern "swing" music of Benny Goodman.

Carl Ravell will pause any mo-ment to catch an airing by Tim and Irene, his San Francisco friends . . . . and East and Dumke derive their greatest pleasure from listen-ing to Phil Baker and other comics.

Morton Bowe favors the Jack Benny airings, and Benny himself returns the compliment by being an ardent fan of the handsome young tenor. M. H. H. Joachim gets enough

drama with his "Unseen Friend" broadcasts—so he looks toward B. A. Rolfe's sprightly music for relaxation. Lum and Abner have a weakness

for the "Johnny Presents" pro-grams—particularly Russ Morgan's music. Carlton KaDell confesses to being intrigued by Joe Cook's ef-fervescent delivery.

Phil Baker lays aside his pipe and papers when Raymond Paige takes the air on "Hollywood Hotel," and more than once, the CBS comic has sent the West Coast maestro

lie seented me to ride in site rumble-seat."

wires and letters of congratulation on his playing of a particular dif-ficult number.

Johnny Green says his favorite diversion is to sit by the micro-phone and listen to Wilbur Hatch's music. Regarded as one of the foremost musicians of his day, Green nevertheless finds Hatch's rhythms exciting, and never fails to catch Wilbur's broadcasts.



Tad Legere, former vocalist with Jan Garber's and Joe Reich-mann.s orchestras now is heard in a weekly 15-minute program from WKRC at 8:30 (E.S.T.).. Saturday. She is a Cincinnatian, 4 feet 10 inches tall, weighs 100 pounds, has brown hair and green eyes. Gladys Lee, WKRC staff pianist plays the piano ac-companiment.

Latin-America's Series To Fete Brazil

Brazil is the South American coun-try to be saluted in the second pro-gram of the Columbia network's new

"Our American Neighbors" series on June 27. It will be broadcast from 4:00 to 4:30 p. m. (EST.) in the

United States over the WABC-Co-lumbia network, including WKRC

and WHAS, and in 22 countries in Latin and South America through Columbia's new short-wave station W2XE. Special original music in the

style of Brazil will be written by Vincent Sorey, conductor of the or-chestra, and descriptive comment on this country will be given by the speaker on the program. Guests are also to appear. All 22 countries con-cerned are to ho saluted, respectively, in this weekly seriese, the first pro-gram of which was dedicated to Argentina.

Page 16: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented


Denotes (NBC) C Denotes (CBS) M Denotes (MBS)


WCKY WLW Cincinnati (1490 tic.) Cieeimiatt (700 Iwo)

6:30 Top o' the Morning. 6:45 "

7:00 Morning Devotion N. ,Fam. Proyer Period M 1:15 Morning Roundup Sinn, Neighbor, Sing. 7:30 Home Songs N 7:45 Dandies N .......

-0:00 Breakfast Club N News 8:15 " ..... Morning Devotions 8:30 Aunt Mary 8:45 Chandler Chats

WKRC Cincinna t (550M )

!lorry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

Sing Before Breakfast-7 Early Edition—Nees Dow's Dawn Patrol Time; Temperature.

B:00 9:15 1:30 9:45

10de 10:15 10:30 10:45

il:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

For Women Only Hymns of All Cherches Bangka de Lamb N I Hope Aldoses Rom'nce Dean Bras. N Virginians Tedres CI:Udine N... Couple Next Door M

Vensiboods N Linda's First Love .... Do You Watt/ • oJb Persona! Col. of *a Air Pat O'Malley We Live Again World Vinitielties Gospel Singer N

Terri La Fronton; N. Homespian N Stroller's Matinee N... Come Over to Our


Woman's Hour .. Bachelor's Children C

Betty and Bob C Hymns—Crocker C Modern Cinderella C Who's Who in News •

Magazine of the Kif C

Big Sister C Dr. Defoe C

6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:15 8:30 8:45

WSAI WJR KOKA Cincinnati (Hm kc.) D..troit. Mich. (MW.) nageants. P. felle

Pall and Guest Musical Clock

Heartztring Tons Sun Dial

I Three Aces ' Brown Casals, Revole« Crowley Milner Revue

Streamlieen N Breakfast Club N . . 'Stevenson News

Sing, Neighbor, Sing News: Musical Clock. Wm Meeder, organ N Dandies of Yesterday N

te RI

!Drums on Parade Linda's First Love News ;Bachelor's Children Style and Shopping.

WLS-WENR Chicago. Ill. (870 Inc.

Farm Zulletia Smile A While

News Reports Sing, Neighbor, Sing "The Smile Market" Jolly Joe's Pals

Foley & Pokey Martin, News Report Morning Devotions Don and Helen

Girl Alone N The Gumps C Mary Marlin M Edwin C. Hill C 11:15 Live Stocks Romance Helen Trent C 11 :ye Joe White N Our Gal, Sunday C... 11,45

9J:10 9:15 rie 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45


Mn. Wiggs N John's Olher Wife NI Just Plaie mu N I Grandpa Hans

DaviÑerme N Magazine of Backstage Wife N.. 1 the Air How to be Cherrais; N Big Sister C Newlyweds Dr. Allen R. Defoe C

Young Cincinnatians ,The Gumps C Melodic Rhythm !Edwin C. Hill C Cotton Pickin' Time... ¡Romance Helen Trient C Freshmen Follies ...10ur Gal Sunday C

Betty and Bob Hymns All Churches C Oeil Crocker Modern Cinderella C

Mary Martin N Mary Marlin N Ma Perkins N Ma Perkins N Popper Young N Pep'r Young's Fein. N To be announced.... The Hilltoppers

lbe O'Neill: N The O'Neill: N Persona! Column N. Personal Column N Vic and Sade N Vic and Sade N Edward MacHugh N Edward McHugh N....

News Markets Sunshine Spatial . Orch. 6 4 Hired Kandi Durnond's Cadets N.. , Al Melgard, organist Viennese Sextet N. . Melody Parade

1200 12:15 12:30 11,115

1/10 1:15 130 1:115

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

WCKY News Allen Werner, tester._ Ruth and Bill C Neighbor Nell N . Tom, Dick and Harry M Rug Weavers National Farm and National Farm and George Rector C.. Home Hour N Home Hour Pl .... Aunt Jenny's Staries C

Sennett &Wolverton Pl Peggy Wood Calling N

Southernaires N Continental Varieties N

Michael Strange N

" " Woman's News C 'Meet the Missus

Variety rime Luncheon Lyrics Betty aloi Bob Myrt and Marge C..

Pep'r Young' am. N News: Fire Prevention Ma Perkins N Musical Calendar . Vic and Sade N Current Questions C The 0 Neills N Girl Scout Program

12* 12:15 12:30 1245

1/0 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:15 2:30 2:45

From Headquarters Ruth and Bill C Jane Grey !Pretty Kitty Kelly C Words and Music N George Rector C All-Star Revoie .....Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Strange Cannon Woman's Nèws C Molly Halstead Meet the Missus Fed. Women's Clubs N Hope Alden String Quartet Myrt and Marge C.

WSAI Revue — Monticello Party Line Musical

Barber's Interviews Mrs. Page Maestros of Rhythm News

Slim, Jack and Gang Minit Interviews National Farm and Home Hour N

Priscilla Pride Virginie Lee Markets and Ne« ;Dinnerbell Time

KOKA Horn* Forum.. es et

News Markets

To be announced News—Julian Bentley Continente 1 Homemakers' Matinee Varieties N —Jane Tucker

Ink Spots N ........Home Service Club


5.30 5:45

koo 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:311 7:45

WSM Nashville. Tenu. (e5Okr..)

WHAS Lewisville. Ky. (820 he.)

Musical Cock I. Ne

Asbury College Devotions

Breakfast Business et

Breakfast Club N Early Morniag Jamboree


8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

112:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

Hollywood Hihatters N School for Wives News Scout Jamboree N

Betty and Bob Hymns All Churches Modern Cinderella C . Who's Wit. C

Magazine of the Air C

Big Sister C Dr. Allan Defoe C

Linda's First Love Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen Trent C Our Gal, Sunday C

Renner Newshawk Just Like Horne How to be Charming N TIN Gospel Singer N.

To be announced Homespun N Dumond's Cadets N Viennese Sexto} N

Love and Learn N. Sheep Discussion National Farm and Home Hour Pl

Ruth and Bill C . Monticello Party Line WHAS News Room Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Woman's News C o

Banner Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture

1:00 Pepper Young N 1:15 Ma Perkins N .. 1:30 Vic and Sade N 1:45 Michael Strange N . The Jackson Family..

College of Agriculture Livestock: Markets .. Myrt and Marge C....

Hit-pe Aidant Romanos University of Kentucky

3:00 Lorenzo Jones N Ralph Nyland, tenor Poetic Strings C 3:15 All Sports Review Kitty Keene, Inc. Dance Time C 3:30 Club Matinee N Follow the Moon N Russell Dort C 3:45 " ' ' To be announced Acactemy of Medicine t «0 Ranch Boys Houseboat Hannah Notes and News....... 4:15 Feature Race, Letonia To be announced.. 4:30 All Sports RAMI» Singing Lady N Eddie Schoelwer 445 Meet the Orchestra N Little Orphan Annie N "Funny Things" C....

6.10 All Sports Revue Toy Band Del Canino, songs C 5:15 Tommy and lielty Freshest Thing iss Town 6:30I WCKY News The In-Laws ,Hollywood Highlights 5:45 Evening Concert Lowell %OMIS N l Dick Bray—Sports .

6.d0 ;Easy Aces N ,String Ensemble Poetic Melodies C 6:15 jUncle Ezra N._ ...!Mrs. F. D. Roosevelt N1Musical Visions 6.10 [Kerr and Thomas !Lurn and Abner N Gogo DeLys C 6:45 1 Mario Gozzi N lob Newhall 'bake Carter C

7‘10 I Broadway Marty Go One Man's Family N Cavalcade of 7:15 Round N America C . . 7S0 Melon Menken N Flying Dutchmen .... Laugh Mite' KM 7:45 Murray C i - -8:00 S-tring Symphony N ...!Fred Allen-- Frank Parker with 8.15 Town Hall Tonight N Kostelanetz Orch. C 8.30 Camp Fire Meeting N " " Beauty Box—Jessica 8 45 Wno's Who in Racing " " Dragonette C

9:00 !Healani of So. Seas N 9:15 ;Carol Weymann N. .. 1:30 INBC Minstrel Show Pi,

IWO Jelly Coburn's WH Orchestra t4 10:30 !Fine Star Final 10:45 Jack Russell's Orch. N

f1:00 Don Bestor's 11:15 Orchestra N 11:30 Art Shaw's 11:45 Orchestra N


Your Hit Parad• N

Musical Revue ...

Amos 'n' Andy N.. The Madhattedields Sarney Rapp':

Orchestra (to 14)

Paul Sullivan Les Brown's Orch Jack Spriggs'



. Gang Busters C....

Babe Ruth C To be announced C

To be announced,,.. Tommy Dorsey's Orc, C Newscast—Lee Bland..

. 'Shep Fields' Orch, C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

41:90 4:15 4:30 445

5:00 5:15 5:30 545


Variety Program M .. 0

Poetic Strings C Tea Dance Dance Time C 'Utility Hall . Linda's First Love. Concert Favorites Academy Medicine C. Baron Elliott's Orch...

Club Matinee—Variety Show N

ion Fiai-ter-7s N Painted Dreams I To be announced To be announced.... Radioland Orchestra M Envoys of Melody KDKA Kiddies Klub Music aride It Is Strange Doris Kerr C Singing Lady N . Hollander's Orch. N.

te el i Youth Speaks Show Shopper Johnson, baritone N.

Three Spades Melody and Rhythm. News Harry Kogen's The Sea Pirate Uncle Neal and Prudy Azinsky's Ensemble .. Orchestra N Knot Hole Club News; Sports Sports: Weather What's the News? Red Barber's Resume Waltz Time Lowell Thomas N Ranch Boys Trio N

6:00 !Kentucky News 6:15 Spic and Span 6:30 'Nizson Denton 6.45 Tom Stator

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

'Mardi Gras M 1

'Wayne King's Orchestra N

Stevenson—Sports Easy Aces N Doris Kerr Mrs. F. D. Roosevelt N Hollywood Spotlight Musical Moments .... Snake Carter C I. Armstrong, organ..

Cavalcade of Broadway Merry-Ge-America C Round N

Laugh with Helen Menken, Ken Murray C dramatic stries N...

Andre Kostelanetz NBC String Symphosty, and Frank Parker C. Frank Black N

Beauty Bos Theatre— Nat'l Camp Fire Jessica Dragonette C Meeting N

Jack Spring's Orchestra ...

Ed Fitzgerald M Sports Oddities

9:00 9:15 9:30 945

10:00 10:15 10:30 10*

Dick Jurgens' 11* Orchestra C 11:15

George Hamilton's 11:30 Orchestra C ... II:45


Reds vs. Pittsburgh— Baseball Game at Cincinnati



Happy Felton's Orchestra M

Lights Out N " ......


Easy Aces, sketch N Mrs. Roosevelt N Lues and Abner N Merlo Cou; N

Broadway Merry-Ge-Round N

Helen Menken, dramatic sertes N

iffiC String Symplionyl Frank Black N

Nat'l Camp Fire Meeting N

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:00-3:15 330 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

Leon Cole . Personal Column N. Follow the Moon N The Guiding Light N

Worms': Looks at News Escorts and 89tty N.. Don Winslow N Meet the Orchestra N

Our Amer. Schools N Vaughn Quartet Financial News Heart of Julia Blake

Yellow Blank Salute Weekday Devotions Russell Dorr C Academy of Med. C

Eli- Thompson C Four Stars Quartet C Doris Kerr C Funny Things

De Casino, songs C Eton Boys Quarte} C Tip and Tap Melody Cruise

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

June Moody .. Afternoon News Sum'ry WHAS News Room., Two Pianos Gogo De Lys, songs C Shelton Brothers bake Carter C

One Man's Family N.. Cavalcade of 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

o .1 America C Wayne King and his Orchestra N

Fred Allen—Town Hall Tonight N

Laugh with Ken Murray C

Andre Kostelanetz and Frank Parker C

Beauty Box Theatre— Jessica Dragonette C

"Gang Busters"— Phillips Lord C

Babe Ruth C Jarry Cooper

Poetic Melodies C.... Wismer Sports The Great Plaque Shen Fields' Orch. C

Headline News Favorite Melodies



6:00—Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor; Franklyn Mac Cormack, poetic reader, and Carlton Kelsey's Orchestra. WABC WKRC wadc wwva wbt whk wcau

—"Obligato." (CBS) kmbc

..-Easy Aces, comedy sketch, featuring Jane and Goodman Ace. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wgar wham wire

a-Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. WEAF wgy wwj kyw who

6:15—"Uncle Ezra's Radio Station E-Z-R-A," with Pat Barrett, Nora Cunneen and others. WEAF WCKY wgy wmaq vrtarn wire wdaf kyw who wbap lutp

—The Pond's Program: Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, WJZ WLW KDKA WLS wgar wave wire wham wspd wowo

—Singing Waiters. WABC whk wcau wadc wwva wbt

6:30—Time for Gogo De Lys. WABC WHAS WKRC whk whio wfbm krnbc wadc wsfa

—Horlick's Lum and Abner, comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WLS wgar

—Day Line Movie Pilot. WEAF only —Charioteers. (NBC) wgy wtarn wmaq who wdaf kyw

6:45—Boake Carter, WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbrn whk kmbc wcau kmox wcco wbt

—Mario Cozzi, baritone; Christine Johnson, soprano, and orchestra. (NBC) WCKY WLS wgar wave wire wham wowo

—Sisters of the Skillet. WJZ only

—To be announced. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

7:00—One Man's Family, dramatic sketch. WEAF WLW WSM wdaf wgy wwj wtam who wmaq wfla wave kvoo wbap

—The Cavalcade of America: Drame with Don Vorhees and his Concert Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm vrhk kmbc wcau kmox wbt wwl wcco

—Broadway Merry-Go-Round. Beatrice Lillie, comedienne. Al Rickey's Orchestra, WJZ WCKY WLS KDKA wgar wire wham

7:30—Laugh with Ken Murray, comedian; "Oswald:" Shirley Ross, vocalist; Marilyn Stuart; Ltd Gluskin's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm whk kmbc wcau krnox wadc whio wbt wwl wcco

—Lady Esther Serenade: Wayne King and his Orchestra. WEAF WSAI WSM wtam wmaq wgy wwj wire kyw kvoo wbap kstp who wdaf

Baron Elliott's Ore.. Sammy Fuller Minstrel Show N

ee 04

News; Sperfs J. Coburn's Orch. N Hennin Middlemen's Orchestra

Art Shaw's Orchestra., New Penn Orchestra Art Shaw': Orch N. Harlem Casino Orch

Healani of S. Seas N Carol Weymann N NBC Minstrel Show N

• et

Globe Trotter King's Jesters Ore. N Eddie Verses Orchestra

Don Bestor's ! Orchestra N Art Shaw's 1 Orchestra N


—Helen Menken in "Her Second Husband," dramatic revivais of former stage successes. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wgar wham

8:00—Chesterfield Presents Frank Parker with Andre Kostelanetz's Orchestra and Chorus; David Ross, announcer. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm whk kmbc wcau kmox whio wadc wbt wsfa wwl wcco wsbt

—Town Hall Tonight: Fred Allen, comedian; Portland Hoffa; Peter Van Steeden's Orches-tra and guests. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wgy wtam wwj wmaq who wdaf wfaa kstp wave ella kvoo

—NBC String Symphony, Frank Black con-ducting. WJZ KDKA WCKY WLS wgar wowo

8:30—Palmolive Beauty Theatre, starring Jes-sica Dragonette, soprano, and Charles Kull-mann. tenor; Al Goodman's Orchestra, WAIIC WKRC WJR WHAS whk wbbm kmbc wcau kmox whio wadc wbt wwl wcco

—National Jamboree Camp Fire Meeting, Washington, D. C. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wgar ‘4•411wire 444.41

9:00—"Gang Busters," true crime dramatisa-tions. Conducted by Phillips H. Lord. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm whk kmbc wcau whio kmox wwl wcre

—Your Hit Parade: Harry Salies Orchestra; Stuart Allen, baritone; Freddie Gibson, songstress; Songsmith Quartet; guest star. WEAF WLW WSM wgy wtam wmaq kyw wdaf wfaa who wfla kstp wave

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10'15 10:30 10:45

—Healani of the South Seas: Hawaiian vocal and instrumental quartet. Healani Macken-zie, narrator. WJZ WCKY WLS wgar wave wire wham wowo

9:15—Carol Weyman, rneno-soprano. WJZ WCKY WLS wgar wave wire wham wowo

9:30—Babe Ruth at Bat. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm whk kmbc whio wit wsfa wwl wcco

—NBC Minstrel Show: Gene Arnold, inter-locutor; Vance McClune, Bill Thomson, Har-old Peary and Shorty Carson, end men; choral group of 10 male voices; Al Short's Orchestra, WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wgar wave wire wham

9:45—To be announced. WABC WKRC whk kmor kmbc wcau wadc whio wsbt wbt wwl wsfa

—M. Hendrik Willem Van Loon, author. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

10:00—Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra. (CBS) (WKRC on 10:15) whk kmbc wcau kmox wadc wsbt wbt wsfa

—Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM WLW wire wmaq wdaf

—"'Poetic Melodies": Jack Fulton, tenor; Franklyn Mac Cormack, reader, and Carlton Kelsey's Orchestra. (CBS) WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm kmbc wcco kmox wwl

—Esse News Reporter. WEAF only

—Jolly Coburn and his Orchestra. WJZ WCKY (KDKA on 10:15) wgar wave wire wham

Your Hit Parade N....

et 4.

Jerry Cooper, songs. .

Amos 'n' Andy N LaSalle Hotel Ore. N Symphonic Sketches..,

WSM News Chez Paree Ore. N Lights Out N


The "Gang Busters" C

Babe Ruth C Musical Moments

Poetic Melodies C Jerry Cooper .... Louisville - Kansas City

Baseball Game

Dick Jungles' Orch. C. WHAS News Resin.... Louisville Dance Time


—Eddie Le liaron Rainbow Room Orchestra. WEAF wire wmaq wgy wtam who wdaf kyw

—Tomorrow's News Tonight. WABC only

10:15—King's Jesters, Hotel LaSalle Orchestra, WEAF WLS WSM wire wmaq wgy wtam who wdaf kyw

10:30—Jack Russell and the Golf-Moore Motel Orchestra. WJZ (WCKY on 10:45) wgar wave wire

—Barney Rapp's Beverly Hills Country Club Orchestra. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq who

—Shep Fields' Rippling Rhythm Orchestra. WABC (WKRC WJR on 10:45) wcau kmbc wadc wbt wsfa

11:00—Don Bestor's Congress Motel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS wgar wave wire wham wowo

—Dick Jurgens and his Orchestra. WAIIC WKRC WHAS wfbm whk kmbc wcau kmox

—Ted Lewis' Chez Paree Orchestra. WEAF WSM wgy wtam wmaq who

11.30—Lights Out—Mystery drama. WEAF WSA1 WSM wgy wtam wmaq who

—Art Shaw's Orchestra from the Willows. WJZ

WCKY KDKA WLS wgar wave wire wham


—George Hamilton and his Orchestra. WABC

WKRC whk kmbc kmox wadc wsbt

Page 17: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented



IT was a warm June evening. The

many friends who had come to-

gether for a party respectfully listened

as Lewis Lind sang. And that marked

the beginning of Lewis Lind's singing


It happened like this. Lewis had

just completed his studies at the Cin-

cinçati Art Academy, and a few of

the artists, including the' son of a

prominent Cincinnati journalist, gath-

ered together at the journalist's home

to wish each other success and hap-

piness. With them was John Weis, teacher

of portrait-painting, a man well-known in art and musical circles. As they all joined in a rollicking chorus, Lind's voice stood out from the rest. And Weis was so impressed by the tone quality, range and volume that he promised Lind an introduction to Italo Picchi, late star of the Metro-politan and the Zoo Opera. • Picchi consented to hear Lind. Lewis awaited eagerly for the day to come, and when he finally appeared before Picchi, he let his natural tal-ents have full sway. But Picchi was unmoved.

"O000," Picchi exclaimed, covering his ears with his hands. "A voice, yes! But untrained! Where did you learn? Who could teach you to sing like that? But a fine voice . . . a quality to develop, yes." And then in the manner of the

great teacher that he was, he shrugged his shoulders, and went on to give ad-

vice, half in English, half in Italian. "It is never too late to study. Meg-

¡jo tardi che mai! You will study, no? You will have to practice. Long hours, too, maybe. But you should forget the hours. With a voice like yours can come great futures. But you must study and study hard." And study "hard" Lewis did!

Picchi was unrelenting in his work.

He demanded much, and expected to get it. He literally swamped Lind, and Lewis tells of many long hours spent in singing and studying various operatic roles during those years he trained with Picchi. And in addition to his music, Lind

still had his painting. He had studied painting for six years at the Academy, and although he was a scholarship student, he found it nec-essary to do outside work to get money. He worked in a foundry during the summer months, as a commercial artist and display man, and as an usher in the evenings at a neighborhood theatre.

An amusing incident occurred while Lewis was working as an usher. He was studying with Picchi at the time. So that he could practise every avail-able moment, Lewis would go down into the basement of the theatre as soon as his work was finished. In the basement he would sing to his heart's content.

One night the manager of the the-atre noticed a large number of pa-trons gathered near a drinking foun-tain. The manager, thinking that there might be some trouble, hastened to the crowd.

As he approached, he noticed that the patrons seemed to be puzzled. "What seems to be the trouble

here ?" the manager asked.

"No trouble at all," one of the movie-goers replied. "We're -just try-ing to find out where the music's com-ing from.

"Music? What music?" asked the manager.

"Just listen," said the patron.

And sure enough, Lind's voice was carried from the basement into the theatre lobby through the water pipes and the heating system. The crowd listened on intently as Lind sang an aria from one of the great operas.

A similar incident happened when Lind was visiting the home of a friend. It was a summer evening, and

the windows were left wide open, as Lind entertained his friend with a varied repertoire.

Suddenly the telephone rang. An excited voice spoke from the receiver. It was the next-door neighbor. "From what station are you get-

ting Lawrence Tibbett?" he asked. "I've been dialing around for the last half-hour, and I just can't seem to get the station on my set."

After an explanation was made, the neighbor was invited over, so that

he could hear the "station" he couldn't get on his set.

"But those years under Picchi were hard," Lewis explains. "It was dur-ing those years that my background for my present work was built." "Was there any indication when

you were a child that you might be-come a singer?" Lind was asked.

"None at all," Lind modestly re-plied. "In fact, I once failed to get credit in music at school." Lind didn't tell, however, that the reason

Crucifixion Selection Fea-tures Choral Echoes

"God So Loved the World," from The Crucifixion, which was present-ed by the WLW augmented Cathedral Choir at Easter in a special program, will be sung by the Choir during "Choral Echoes" over WLW and the WLW Line, 3:30 to 4:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), Sunday, June 27. Grace Clauve Raine, vocal director

of WLW, who conducts the "Choral

Echoes" program, has received many requests for the number from The

Crucifixion. The choir, composed of the WLW staff vocalists, is augmented by the Crosley Radio Corporation Glee Club of 50 voices, made up of

Crosiey factory workers. The complete "Choral Echoes" pro-

gram for June 27 follows: "The Sun of God Goes Forth to

War"; "The Old Rugged Cross"; "Jesus Calls Us" ; "God So Loved the World"; "More Love to Thee"; "Somebody"; "The Church's One Foundation"; "Nearer, My God, to Thee"; "Love Divine"; and "Evening Prayer."

for his failure was because he used to "skip" music class. He couldn't

listen to the discords of the other pupils.

Lind's artistic nature, and his de-sire to sing well, really did manifest itself when he was still a young boy. "Lewis used to play arias from many of the great operas on our old phono-graph," his mother said, "and then try to sing the parts himself."

Lind is of the quiet type in in-formal life. His favorite sports are swimming and boxing. He collects prints of old masters as a hobby. He also collects pipes, and invariably is seen smoking a trusty briar.

Lind, who has a deep baritone voice, ideally suited for the romantic ballads, spirited western songs, and

other types of songs he now sings, is the featured artist on the "Ship of

Simg" program over WKRC, every Sunday morning at 11:30 (E.S.T.).

"Ship of Song" is presented by Schiff's Outlet Shoe Stores, and, in addition to Lind, features guest artists each week.

Wedge& Slyerefitleige;'.


— Turn off that light and let u.s

get some sleep."

"High School Students' Foundation Hour"

Fourteen Greater Cincinnati high school boys and girls will compete in

the finals of the "High School Stu-dents' Foundation Hour," over WSAI, from 11:00 a. m., to 12:00 noon (E.S.T.), Saturday, June 26th. The contestants, 11 individuals and one trio, were named winners of 12 week-ly broadcasts.

Sponsored by the Rudolph Wur-litzer Company, the "Foundation Hour" programs have given high school students the opportunity to

broadcast and to compete for two grand prizes. The finals awards will be as follows:

First, $75 cash and two weeks on WSAI; second, $25 cash. More then 100 high school students took part in

the broadcasts, which were designed to promote interest in music.

Contestants who will participate in the finals broadcast June 26, are as follows:

Benny Wullkotte, St. Margaret high school; Lockland high school trio;

Bob Schenck, Woodward high school; Robert Creasey, Betty Lorlan and Virginia Knodel, Withrow high

school; Lloyd Jewell, McGuffey high school, Oxford, O.; George Japp,

Terrace Park Union high school; Bud Brown, Western Hills high school; Virginia Niemer, Regina high school; Helen Kern, Seton high school and Peggy Ann Ryan, La Salette Aca-demy.

Ben Bernie Program Ethel Waters, Negro singing star,

will be guest of Ben Bernie and All the Lads during the American Can Company broadcast on Tuesday, June 29, at 8:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the NBC-Blue network, including WCKY, KDKA, WLS and WSM. Miss Waters, star of many Broadway musical suc-cesses, will offer several popular tunes.


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Page 18: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented


N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes (CBS) II Denotes (MRS)


WCKY Olzedierant OM M.)

WLW anthem« (TM Isr..)

WKRC Cincinnati (ssn kc.)

WSAI WJR Cincinnati 0330 ht.) netemt. sfich (75,0 kc.)

KDKA Pittsburgh. Pa. Mee M.,

WL S-W EN R adeago. Ill. (isro kc.

WSM WHAS Nekehvi Ile. Term. rasesse.i Louisville. Ky. IRO kc..)

530 5:45

6:30 , BAS

' Patt and Guest Musical Clock . Farm Bulletin Smile A While

-- - 6:30 645

Top is. the Morning. ell ee Sun-Up Jamboree

6:30 , BAS

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

6:00 5:15 6.30 6,45

Vaughn Quartet o ee

Asbury College Devotions

Breakfast Busing«

7/J0 7:15 7:30 7:45

Morning Hymnal Sun Dial

" " Irown County Revelers

be 0

.. • Wesley Meth. Church Crowley MiMer

Sing, Neighbor, Sing. News: Musical Clock Dick Leibert, organ N Shopping Circle

Sing, Neighbor, Sing. News: Musical Clock Dick Leibert, organ N Shopping Circle

News Repart Foley and Hired Hands Pioneer Stories Jolly Joe's Pet Pals

700 1:15 Fe) 745

Morning Devotions N Morning Roundup ....

Rhylison Rascois N.... Moments Musicale N.

' " "

Family Prayer Period M Concert in Brass

Moments Musicale N. ' " "

Sing Wore Breakfast. Early Edition—News . Dow's Dawn Patrol

.. ..

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

Breakfast Club It 84 be

es a

a ..


" "

Early Mendel Jamboree

" "

" " Woman's Hour 0:30 Bachelor's Children C

SAO 11:15


SAO 11:15


StreentlinerS. with Field & Hall & Orch. N " "


"v" Silver Serenade Stevenson—News Band Parade To be announced !Linda's First Love Bachelors Children C Hello, Peggy

Evelyn a Hitttoppors News Report Morning Devotions Hoinetowners. 8, grown

8:00 11:15 11:30 8:45

Breakfast Club N .. .. is ..

a a

I News Morning Devotions Aunt Mary Chandler Chafe

1:00 9:15 9:30 0:45

For Women Only.... Vaughn de Leath N .. Dean Bros N

Children N

Hymns of All Churches Hope Alden's Romance Hello Peggy Couple Ned Doer ht.

telly arid Sob C Hymns—Crocker C ... Modern Cinderella c. Who's Who in News C

teo 1:15 1:30 0:45

teo 1:15 1:30 0:45

Mrs. Wiggs N John's Other Wife N Jest Plain Bill N Grandpa Hans

Betty and Bob C Hymns All Churches C Betty Crocker C Modern Cinderella C.

Mary Marlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young Fain. N To be announced

Mary Marlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fam. N The Hilltoppers

1100 8:15 0:3S 8:45

High Hatters N School for Wives Nvvii Vienne« Sextet N

Betty and Bob C . Hymns All Churches C Modern Cinderella C Who's Who C

— 7:00 0:15 9:30 9:45

10.00 10.15 10:30 10:45

Banner Nowshawk .. JOST Like Home Fiddlers Three N The Gospel Singer N

Francois', team N.— Grace and Scotty N . Stroller's Matinee N .

Our Gal, Sunday C....

Mary Lee %kw C. Te be announced Sig Sister C ...... The kllerronsaken C

_-Linda's First Lave Edwin C. Hill C *MUM, HOMO Treat C

Our Gal, Sunday C....

0000 110:15 foao 10:45

David Harem N.... .. Backstage Wife N. Women of Today Newlyweds Mrs. Page 1


Mary Lee Taylor C ; The Captivators C i Big Sister C iVic

Mrs. Page 1


The O'Neills N . ..— Personal Column N.

and Sad. N Edward MacHugh N

flie O'liiellls N.. .. Personal Column N Vic and Sade N Edward McHugh N

Iri:00 10:15 10:30 10:45


Viiyabonds N Three Merry Men Pat O'Malley Joe Green's Orchestra

Lieda's First Love Personal Col, of the Air We Live Again The Gospel Singer N

To be amounced The Captivators C Big Sister c The Merrymakers C..

The Sumps C Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen Trent C Our Gal, Sunday C..

il:00 11:15 11:30 1:45

Yetinq Cincinnatians Mary Paxton Cotton Pickin' Time Armcheir Quartet N ,

171Gumps C ,News Edwin C. Hill C , Romance Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C. 1

Sunshine Special Strollers Matinee ""

Markets Orch. II 4 Hired Hand Al Melgard, organist. Melody Parade . .

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

i Franconi N i Armchair Quartet N Joe Diamond N Come to Our House ,Wife

Girl Alone N Mary Marlin M Live Stocks


12:00 12:15 12:30 52:45

WCKY News Hal Gordon N Farm and Home Hour N

The Three Spades Ramona and Weed* National Farm and Home Hour N

To be announced News; Flying Fingers George Rector C.. Aunt Jenny's Stories C

um 17,15 17:30 17,45

From Headquarters .. Day Dreams . Words and Music N•

" "

Jack Berch's Orch. C Pretty Kitty Kelly C George Rector C.... Aunt Jenny's Stories C

" *• Mini} Interviews National Farm and Home Hour N

Don and Helen r Henry Burr, Ballads Mark's, Weath., News Dinnerbell

11:00 II:15 nao 11 :45

Love and Learn N Farm Credit Interview National Rm . and Home Hour N....

Shades of Hawaii Monticello Party line WHAS News Ream Aunt Jenny's Stories C

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

Strange Mich.' Cannon Molly Halstead ... Its Woman's World N String Quartet

Rambles in Rhythm --C Meet the Misses Hope Alden Myrt and Marge C.

-- .. be

KOKA HOMO Forum.. .. ibe Markets

John Brown Markets

12:80 12:15

12:30 12:45

100 1:15 1:30 1:45

.. ..

.. n i

General Federation di Piano Recital N •

.. ..

.. ...

Chandler Chats lefty and Bob

Rambles in Rhythm i Meet Me Misses Luncheon Lyrics met and mar" c

Rambles in Rhythm i Meet Me Misses Luncheon Lyrics met and mar" c

12:80 12:15

12:30 12:45

• IN

tanner Negritos& .. Dept. of Agriculture..

Shelton Brothers College of Agriculture Livestock: Markets Myrt and Marge C

7:00 2:15 2:30


VISAI Renee " " .

Barber's Interviews.... La Forge M

Monticello "v11 Ulm Musical Colored Association News .

For Women Only Fed. Pemba. Women To be eel

Home Service Club..

News: Julien Bentley Homemakers' Matinee —Jane Tucker

Home Service Club..

200 2:15 2:30 2:45

Light Opera N ;Pepper • •

4' " Caballeros N

Young's Fem. N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N 2:45

News: Fire Prevention Musical Calendar Do You Remember? C

1:00 1:15 1:30 1-45

2:00 2:15


Pepper Young's Fare. N Ma Perkins N . ...... 'Pic end Sad• N Jack and the Boys

r Club Matinee N Personal Column N TbFoelloGwuitdhienklotz tN.N

Hope Alden's Romance University of Kentucky

The Jackson Family

Yellow Blank Salute . Weekday Dveotions ... U. S... Army.. lia.nct. C........

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

Lorenzo Jones N Sports Review Club Matinee N

" "

Modernaires Kitty Keene, Inc. Follow the Moon N . To be announced

Bob Byron, songs C Novelteen C U. S. Army Band C

0 0

3:00 3:15


Matinee 'Three

Variety Program M••••

Novelteers C

Linder Fire Love U. S. Army /and C....

Aces Novelteers C

Linder Fire Love U. S. Army /and C....

Club Matinee N

Baron Elliott's Orchestra


Club Matinee: Variety Show N

.. •

4:00 Archer Gibson N 415 Turn Sack the Clock N 430 It Is Strange 4A5 " "

ieintod Dreams Enycnio of Melody— Patti Chapin C Melody and Rhythm

To be announced KOKA Kiddies Klub Singing Lady N Tales Nature Tells....

To be «noticed Music Circle Hollander's Orch. N Johnson, baritone N

3:0111- 3:15 3:30 3:45

4«, 4:15 4:30 4:45

Woman Looks at Nows Stuart Gracey, songs N Don Winslow N Education Associat'n ttl

Norsemen Quartet N To be announced N... Financial News Heart of Julia Blake.

Coagrou Questions C Elsie Thompson, org. C Patti Chapin C Children's Corner C

AU Heads Oil Deck C Tip and Tap

Melody Cruise

4110 4:15 4:30 4:45

Carlisle Sisters Feature Race, Latonia Xavier Cugat Orch . Education Associat'n N

Houseboat Hannah... To be announced Singing Lady N Little Orphan Annie N

Notes and News ... ..

Patti Chapin C Children's Corner C

5:00 Three Spades

5,15 The see Pirate 5:30 Knot Hole Club 5:45 Red Barber's Resume

Uncle Neal and Frady News; Sports Musical Masters

News Harry Kogen's Orch. N Sports: Weather Lowell Thomas N ..

News Harry Kogen's Orch. N Sports: Weather Lowell Thomas N ..

Harry Kogee's Orchestra N

What's the News? Escorts and Betty N.

500 5:15 5:30 5:45 I

All Sports Review .— • •

WCKY News Evening Concert

Mary Alcott Tommy and Betty The In-Laws 1Hollywood Lowell Thomas N

Bargain Counter .... All Hands on Deck

Highlights Dick Bray—Sports

¿:10 5:15 6:30 6:45

Easy Aces N To be announced N Echoes of the Stage ' Cabin in Cotton N

Tom Richley's Orch.... Vocal Varieties N Lum and Abner N Bob Newhall r

Poetic Melodies C.... Harmony Highways .. Alexander Woollcott C Boake Carter C

6:00 Kentucky News 6:15 Spic and Span 6:30 Ninon Denton 6:45 ¡Tom Slater !Boa«

Stevenson—Sports .... 'Easy Frank Morgan ; Alexander Woollcott C'

Carter C

Aces N.... ..... To be announced N... Paint Parade H. Middleman's Orch

Easy Aces N . . To be announced N... Lum and Abner N Cabin in Cotton N

5:00 ' 5:15 5:30 5:45

Louise Hammett, .... News Summary Dixieland Jam Dance Music

" " .... ..... WHAS News Room . Alex Woollcott C .. Beata Carter C

7:00 ¡J Spri—gg's ack 7:15 ; Orchestra 7:30 !Eddie Duchin's 7:45 ' Orchestra M

To be announced C...

a a • ..

Roy Shields Revue N. Roston Symphony Orchestra N

Round Table N — Roy Shields Revue N.

Roston Symphony Orchestra N

Round Table Discus. N Roy Shields' Revue N

To be announced The Active Citizen

teo 6:15

6:30 6:45

780 7:15 7:30


Rudy Valk. — Variety Show N


Lanny Ross Presents Maxwell House Show Boat N

To be announced CT.

Major Solves' Amateur Hour C • i. ee ee

7: 00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Round Table Discus. N Roy Shields' Revue N. Stars of Tomorrow....

.. n

Rudy Vallee Variety Hour N " " .. ..

7:15 ; Orchestra 7:30 !Eddie Duchin's 7:45 ' Orchestra M

To be announced C

be ell

be 8.

8:00 ;Moon Enchantment.... 815 " "

8:30 Music for Today M 8:45

Major Iowa's Amateur Hour C....

e• 44

10 Ile Midnight in

Mayfair N

Highlights of Chi- — caqo's History

Midnight in Mayfair N

0 ell

" " Midnight in

Mayfair N

Highlights of Chi- — caqo's History

Midnight in Mayfair N


Highlights of Chi- — caqo's History

Midnight in Mayfair N

800 8:15 8:30 8:45

Boston Symphony Orch. Maxwell House ' "Pop" Concerts N .1 Showboat N

Midnight in Mayfair NI • 0

I " " • 0

8:30 Music for Today M 8:45

Major Bowes Amateur Hoer C

0 0

0 in

9:00 Picadilly Musk Hall N ¡Bing Crosby and 0:15 0 8. ; Bob Burns N 1:30 ... n ! .0 0

IP:45 0. le l 0 0 g

March of Time C 110 ell


Your True Adventures with Floyd Gibbons C

March of Time C 110 ell

_ 9:45

9:00 9.15 9:30


To be announced Les Brown's Orchestra

Ross Pierce's Orch

"Your Adventure with Floyd Gibbons" C

March of Time C .. •

Picadilly Music Hall N " " ee et

.. •

Picadilly Music Hall N 0 0

• • 830


8:00 8:15

830 8:45

Bing Crosby and ."Your Adventure with Jimmy Dorsey N.... Floyd Gibbons" C.

March of Time C ee el I • • • • .....

9110 0:15

9:30 4;45

Amos 'a' Andy 14 . Poetic Melodies C.. . TO be announced N. . Louisville - K Cit• Musica I Moments Baseball Game .... Summer Melodies .

10:00 10:15 10.30 10:45

Billy Settler's Orch... Paul Sullivan Ted Weems'

Orchestra M

Poetic Melodies C , Winner Sports The Mummers

a ..

News; Sports Play, Fiddle. Play B. Elliott's Orch H. Middleman's Orch

globe Troffer To be announced N Bismarck Hotel Orchestra

10;00 Headlines of 1912.... .i Amos 'n Andy N 10:15 King's Jesters' Orch. NIT° be announced 10:30 Five Star Final Dick Stabile's 10.45 Jack Russell's Orch, N Orchestra

Musical Moments .. Jay Freeman's Orch. C Newscast—Lee Bland Red Norvo's-Orch. C

_ UM 10:15 10,30 10;45

WSM News Bert Stock's Ore. C. Jerry Blaine's Orch. N WHAS News Room-Adrian McDow•ll's Harry Curries Orchestra Orchestra

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

tunny Berrigan's Headline WW1

Orchestra M Bert Block's Orch. C.. Henry King's Al Trace's

Orchestra M Orchestra C

Art Shaw's Orchestra.. New Penn Orchestra., Dance Orchestra Harlem Casino Orch

UM 10:15 10,30 10;45

Ted Lewis' Orchestra N

Dick Gasparr• Orchestra N

11:00 Ted Lew's' Orch. NT Paul Sullivan Bert Block's 11:15 —Chu Faroe (N) .. Russ Lyon's Orchestra Orchestra C 11:30 Dick Gaspaire's Barney Rapp•s ' Al Trace's 11:45 Orchestra N Orchestra Orchestra C



6:00—Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor, and Franklyn Mac Cormack, poetic reader. Carlton Kelsey's Orchestra. WABC WKRC wadc wwva wbt whk wcau Amos 'n' Andy: Pepsodent Program. WEAF wgy wtam kyw wwl

...Easy Aces: comedy sketch, featuring Jane and Goodman Ace. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wgar wire wham

6:15—Vocal Varieties—Choral group of 14 voices. WLW to WEAF wgy wtam wire wmaq who kstp kyw

w-Clyde Barrie, baritone, and Concert Or-chestra. WABC whk wcau wadc ewes wbt

—To be announced. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wgar wave wire wham wspd wowo

5:30—Steinie Bottle Boys. WEAF only

•--Alexander Woolcott, "The Town Crier." WABC WKRC WJR WHAS wbbm whk wfbm kmbc wcau km°. wadc risk wwva wbt wwl wcco

.—Helen Traubel, soprano. (NOG) wgy wtam kyw wwl

--Horlick's Program, with Lens and Abner: Comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WLS wsb

6:45—Soak' Carter, news flashes. wAsc

WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wick kmbc wcau lunost wbt wcce

—Barry Wood, songs. WJZ only —Helen Traulsel, soprano. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

--Cabin in the Cotton, featuring the South-ernaires Quartet. (NBC) WCKY WLS wgar wave wire wham wowo

7:00—To be announced. WA8C WKRC WJR WHAS wbbm wfbm whk kmbc wcau km.» wadc wwva wbt wwl

—The Royal Gelatin Program—Rudy Vallee and his Connecticut Yankees: Guest artists. WEAF WLW WSM wtam kyw wgy wbap kstp wfla

7:15—Roy Shields' Revue. WJZ WCKY KOKA WLS wgar wave wire wham

7:30—Boston Pop Concerts, Arthur Fiedler, conducting. WJZ KOKA (WCKY at 8:00) wgar wave wire wham

8:00—Lanny Ross Presents the Maxwell House Show Boat, with Molasse 'n' January; Al Goodman's Orchestra; Modern Choir; Thomas L. Thomas, baritone. WEAF WSM WLW wgy wtam wmaq wave wwj wire kyw who wdaf kstp wbap w) la

—Major Bowes' Amateur How. WABC

WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm whk wcau kmox wadc whio wbt wsfa wwl wcco

8 30—Midnight in Mayfair—English dance music. WJZ WCKY WLS KOKA wgar wave wire wham wowo

9:00—Kraft Music Hall, starring Bing Crosby; Jimmy Dorsey's Orchestra; Bob turns, come-dian, and guest artists. WEAF WLW WSM ',gar wgy wtam wwj wmaq wire wave kyw who wbap kstp wdaf kvoo

—"Your True Adventures," Floyd Gibbons. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm

—Piccadilly Music Hall: Variety program, with John Goldsworthy, m. c. Al Short and his Orchestra and guest stars. WJZ WLS KDKA WCKY wgar wave wire wham

9:30—The March of Time: News dramatization. WASC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm whk wcau kmok wbt wwl wcco whits

10:00—John B. Kennedy, "Footnotes on Head-lines." WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

—"Poetic Melodies": Jack Fulton, tenor; Franklyn Mac Cormack, reader, and Billy Mills' Orchestra. (CBS) WJR WHAS wbbm wwl wcco limos

—To be announced. WJZ (WLS on 11:15)

wgar wave wire wh•rn

—Esso News Reporter. WEAF only —Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM WLW wdaf vrfes wring wire why

—Jay Freeman and his Orchestra. WABC (WKRC on 10:15) wadc kmox whk whio wsbt wbt

10:15—King's Jesters Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS wgar wave wire

10:30—Jack Russell and his Golf-Moore Hotel Orchestra. WJZ (WCKY on 10:45) wgar wave wire wham

—Red Norvo's Orchestra. WABC WKRC whk wfbm wcau kmos wadc whio wsbt wbt wbbm kmbc wcco

—Northern Lights: Dramatization, with Waldo Pooler. Lee Gordon's Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

11110-11ert Block and his Orchestra. WAIIIC WJR WKRC WHAS wish wfbm kinbc wcau wadc whio wbt spiel

—Larry Burke, tenor. WEAF wgy whim wmaq wise

—Ted Lewis' Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS wgar wave wire wham

11:08—Jerry Blake's Park Cymbal Hotel Or-chestra. WEAF WSM wgy whim wmaq who

11:30—Dick Gasparre's Trocadero Orchestra, WJZ WCKY WLS weir wire wham

—Al Trace and his Orchestra. WA/C WJR WKRC wbbm whk wfbm kmbc wcau via* whio wsbt wbt wcco «ye

—Fletcher Henderson's Grand Terrace Cafe Orchestra. WEAF wgy ',tans WIO4141 140

MIDNIGHT—Nocturne, with fiddle House. (CBS) %Minn wfbm kmbc

Penner Re-Signed by Present Sponsor

Joe Penner, pride of Park Avenue, playful prankster and funnyman, has been re-signed by his present sponsors for 39 more weeks on the air.

Joe will leave the microphone after the Sunday program, June 27, for a well-deserved summer vacation, re-turning to his kilocycle capers early next fall.

Sigurd Nilssen, basso, will sing two old English airs, "All Around My Hat" and "The Drummer Boy," dur-ing the Fireside Recital, with Helen Marshall, soprano, and Frank St. Leger's orchestra, on Sunday, June 27, at 6:30 p. m. (E.S.T.) over the NBC-Red network, including WSAL

Page 19: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented


N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes CBS) M Denotes MBS)


WCKY WLW Cincinnati (1400 Itc.) Cincinnati (700 tic.,

6:10- ?op o' the Morning-6:45 Old Time Fiddlers -

7110 Menial Devotions N Family ëiïyei 7:15 Morning Roundup .. Sing, Neighbor, Sing 7:30 Horne Songs N

Dandies N 310 4:15 630 11:45

Breakfast Club—Variety Show—Bob Brown,

N .0 .0

WKRC Cincinnati (S50 hr.)

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree ..•

Sing Before Early Edition—News Dow's Dawn Patrol..

News Sunday School Lesson Mail Bag Chandler Chats


Woman's Hour Bachelor's Children C

6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 815 8:30 8:45

WSAI Cincinnati 0330 Irc-/

Church Forum Sun Dial

Brown County Revelers

Streamliners N


WJR Detroit. Ma. (750 boa

KDKA WLS-WENR Pittsburgh. Pa. (WO Itc.) Chicago. 1». (870 irr•

Pitt and Guest


Three Aces Crowley Milner Revue

Stevenson News Carolyn Pryce Bachelor's Children

Musical Clock Farm Bulletin bard.. 'Smile a While (cont'd)

Sing, Neighbor, Sing News Ripped—Bentley. News: Musical Clock 'Sing, Neighbor, Sing' Wm. Need«, organ N The Smile Market.. Dandies of Yesterday N Morning Devofforn...

Morning Merrymakers. , Pokey and Red Foley. ei . News Report—lientley

Linda's First Love Jolty Joe Style & Shopping . Don and Helen

'MO Traffic Court 1:15 9:30 9:45


For Women Only Today's Children N

Hymns of All Churches Hope Alden's Rom nce Virginians Couple Next Door M.

Betty and Bob C . Betty Crocker C Modern Cinderella C Who's Who in News C

Magazine of the Air C •

Big Sister C Dr. Defoe C

The Ganes C Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen Trent C Our Gal, Sunday C.

9:00 9.15 9:30 9:45

10:00 Vagabonds N Linde's First Love 10:15 Don Allen Personal Column N i0:30 Pat O'Malley We Live Again 10:45 Bob Conley's Ordc,... The Gospel Singer N

11:00 Marine Band N Girl Alone N 11:15 Mary Martin M 11:30 .. Live Stocks 1:45 C'me O'er to Our lise Joe White N

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 I I :45

Mrs. Wiggs N John's Other Wife N Just Plain Bill N Grandpa Hans

David Harum N Backstage Wife N. How to be Charming N Newlyweds

Young Cincinnatians Ralph Simpson Cotton Pickin' Time Freshmen Follies

Betty and Bob C Mary Marlin N Mary Marlin N Betty Crocker C Ma Perkins N Ma Perkins N Modern Cinderella C.. Pepper Young's Fam. N Pepper Young's Fam. John Watkins C To be announced The Hilltoppers

Magazine of the Air C The O'Neills N — The O'Neill N Se .0 Persona/ Column N Personal Column

Big Sister C Vic and Sade N Vic and Sade t4 Dr. Allen Roy Wet C Ed. MacHugh Pl Gospel Singer N

The Gumps C News Livestock Market Edwin C. Hill C Sunshine Special Orch. & 4 Hired Hands Romance Helen Trent C U. S. Marine Band N AlMe delgpaardra,organ Our Gal Sunday C Melod y

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45


WSM WHAS Nashville. Tenn. (6541sc.) Louisville. Ky. (Pat WO

5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 4:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Musical Clock Morning Headlines

Brea-Mast Chili: N-7:

Asbury College Devotions ..........

Breakfast amine* .... b. . : ....

Early Morning Jamboree C

. .

. U

8:00 Old Songs 8:15 School for Wives 8:30 News 8:45 Viennese Sextette N

9:00 Banner Newshawk 9:15 Just Like Home 9:30 How to be Charming N 9:45 The Gospel Singer N

Unite-AT States Marine Band Pl

Betty and Bob C...... Betty Crocker C...... Modern Cinderella C.. Who's Who In News C

Magazine of the Air C e•

Big Sister C Dr. Allan Roy Data C

Linda's First Love Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen Trent C Our Gal, Sunday C

12:00 Question Box; News Frim Sisters 12:15 Neighbor Nell Torn, Dick & Harry M 12:30 Farm and Horne National Farm and 1245 Hour N Horne Heur N

1:00 1:15 1;30 Bennet & Woltiverton N Variety Tim.

1:45 Peggy Wood Calling N Betty and Bob ...

Mg Radio Guild N . Pepper Young's Pam k115 Ma Perkins N 2:31 Vic and Sade N 2:45 .• .... .. The O'Neills N

St el


Make Believe C Rug Weavers Dining with G. RecterC Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Woman's News C-777 Meet the Missing Luncheon Lyrics Myrt and Marge C

N Fun to Keep House Musical Calendar The Three Consoles C

12:00 12:15 12:10 12:45

I:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

200 2:15 2:30 2:45

From Headquarters Jane Grey Words and Music N

I " " n. Strange Cannon Molly Halstead W. Logan's Musicale N String Quartet IWSAf Revue

Barber's Interviews . Hod Williams M

Ruth and Bill C Pretty Kitty Kelly C Geo, Rector C ..... Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Woman's News C . Hello Peggy Hope Alden's Rene«, Myrt and Marge C

Monticello Party Line Musical Mrs. Page News

Cornfield Follies

National Farm and HOT. Hour N

le e.

MA Home Forum— "

To be announced American Pen Women Tea Dance

"Big City Parade" Virginia Lee, Sunbeam M'kets: Weath.; News Dinnerbell Program .

▪ ..

Livestock Market . Market Summary

News: Julian- Bentley Homemakers' Matinee --Jane Tucker .

Horne Service Club

11:00 II:15 11:30 11:45

Love and Learn N Varieties National Farm and Horne How N ...

Ruth and Bill C • Monticello Party Line , WHAS News Room Aunt Jenny's Stories 42

Woman's News C College of Agriculture Markets, Weather ... Myrt and Marge C Hope Alden's Romani; University of Kentucky.

311 3:15 3:30 1-45

411 4:15 4:30 445

S1111 5:16 5:30 5:414

Lorenso Jones N Helen Nugent Club Matinee N... Kitty Keene, Inc..

Follow the Moon N. To be announced



Hilltop Serenaders .. House-facia* Hannah Singing Lady Musk To be announced

Plays N . Story Time Feature Race, Latonia , Orphan Annie N

AR Sports Review... Toy Band eel Me Tommy and betty

Press Radio News N . The In-Laws Civic Club Lowell Thomas N.

Among Our Souvenirs C

Bon Voyage C

Notes and News

Doris Kerr C Nora Stirling C

Howard Phillips C.. Hobart tosworth C. Hollywood Highlights Dick Bray—Sports

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00-5:15 5:30 5:45


'Variety Program M.

Radioland Orchestra M

It Is Strange

Three Spades , The See Pirate 'Sports Review Red Barber's Resume.

Among Our Souvenirs C

Linda's First Love Bon Voyage C

Painted Dreams Envoys of Melody. Doris Kerr Youth Speaks

Melody and Rhythm Uncle Neal and Prudy News; Sports Waltz Time

Concert Echoes Utility Hall Baron Elliott's Orch To be announced

Club Matinee N SO

00 •

.0 .9

To be announced The Singing Lady N Music Circle

I Will Hollander Orch The Show Shopper ;Johnnie Johnston N

News Hari- isigen's Or. N Azinsky Ensemble lChi/dree's Stories Sports: Weather 1What's the News? . Lowell Thomas N Escorts and Betty N

12:00 12:15 " " 12:30 Banner Newskawk 12:45 Dept. of Agriculture

1:007 Pepper Young's NIT. N 1:15 Ma Perkins N 1:30 Vic and Sade N 1:45 Leon Cole, organ

Jackson Family

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 345

Club Matinee N Yellow Blank Salute . Personal Column N. Weekday Devotions ... Following the Moon N Bon Voyage C The Guiding Light N..

Woman's News Singing Lady Plays N

Jackie Heller N Education in News N Howard Phillips C.... Barry McKinley, N.... Hobart Bosworth Financial News Tip and Tap Heart of Julia Blake Melody Cruise

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

MI el

Salve Army land C.. Eton Boys Quartet C.. Doris Kerr, songs C.. Funny Things C

IWO Mary Small N 6:15 Uncle Ezra N • I 636 Ramona and Weed. 6:45 Louise Flora N

7116 1:15 138 7:46

11:10 1:11 1136 5:45

String Ensemble Rhythm in Song Lum and Abair N Bob Newhall

Irene Rich N Pleasant Valley M.. Campbell's Royalists N Frank Morgan We Present Another Death Valley Days N


To be announced N Stories by Corfwea -.-.7 ....

Arkansas Travelers TO be /0e1.0.010Ced

Who's Who in Racing

Poetic Melodies C Musical Visions Herbert Foote C Soak' Carter C

Broadway Varieties C.

Hal Kemp's Dance Band C

Hollywood Hoed— Jerry Cooper, Raymond Paige's Orchestra C

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

9:00 1:15 8:30 8:45

Kentucky News Spic and Span Nissen Denton Tom Slater

Cities Service Concert —Lucille Manners N

Stevenson Sports Big Yank Roundup Mary Small, songs N Ramona and R. Weed* H. Middleman's Orch. Fray I Raged« N Hollywood Spotlight Musical Moments Lum and Abner N

Louise Make Carter C To be announced Flora N Broadway:V.arieties C.. Irene Rich N Irene Rich N

To b• announced Campbell's Royalists N Hal Kerep's Orch. C.. Death Valley Days N. Deli Valley Days N.

Waltz Time with Mary Hollywood dad— Eosins.. Pl Jerry Cooper,

Duds Ranch Raymond Paige's .. Orclsestra C

To be announced N.. .1

To be announced

S:00 5:15 530 5:45

6:00 6:15 630 6:45

7:00 Francis Craig's Orcli.. 7:15 Frances Patrick 7:30 Hotel LaSalle Orch 7:45 bullets and Vests

Pan Amer. Broadcast.. Afternoon News Studio Proq.: Sports Shelton Bros.

rene Rich N Campbell's Royalists N Varieties

ee 1.

To be announced N...

To be announced

..... . WHAS News Room., H. Foote's Ensemble C lake Carter C

Broadway Varieties C. .0 0

Hal Kemp's Dance Rand C

Hollywood H•t •1-• Jerry cipopig; Nap mond Paige's Or

chestra C

11/0 1:15 tei 145

11111111 10:114 10:30 10:45

Tommy Dorsey s First %Ma Orchestra N

Liedersingers N Jimmy Fidler N Else Schallert N !Happy Time

Promenade Concert N.


Five Star Final Taxicab Night Club Trump Davidson's Paul Sullivan

Orchestra N . Dick Stabile's Orch.... Johnny Hamp's Salute to Lincoln,

Orchestra N Nebraska

111110 11:15 11:30 114

Amos 'n' Andy N•-- - Mad latterfields Manley Rapp's Orchestra

Ferde Crete's Orchestra C

Rabe Ruth C To be economical C

To bir announced Gus Arramirn's Ord.. C Newscast—Lee Bland. Frank Dailey's Orch. C

Sapp Fields' Orchestra C

George Hamilton's Orchestra C

9:00 To be announced Perds Goles 1:15 Herbert and Carlyle. Orchestra C 1:30 Ross Pierce's Orch . Babe Rah C 1:45

lOIS 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

• Russ Lyon's Orchestra.; To be announced C...

Jack Sprigg's Orch 1 Poetic Melodies C.... News: Sports Paul Sullivan ;Musical Play Fiddle Play Serenade in the Night The Great Plaque .. Herman Middleman% Leo Reisman's Or. M. Frank Dailey's Or. C. Orchestra

Horace Heidt's Headline News Art Shaw's Orchestra. Orchestra M This Week In DX Club

Jack Denny's Review New Penn Orchestra Meditation Orchestra

1Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra N

Sara Elliott's Orch Elsa Schaller} N

Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra N

Liedersingers N Elsa Schallert N

Chicago Promenade Concert N



Trump Davidson's Orchestra N

Fletcher Henderson's Orchestra N

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00- Ámeri-'n' Andy N 9:15 Jean Sablon N 9:30 :French Casino 9:45 1 Orchestra N

10:00 WSM News 10:15 Sports Review 10:30 Adrian McDowell's 0.45 Orchestra

First Nighter N

Liedersingers N Elza Schallert N

Perde Grofe's Orchestra C

Babe Ruth C Musical MOMIIMI

Poetic Melodies C Vic Ardor's Orch. Frank Dailey's Orchestra C

Sapp Fields' Orch. C wmAs News Room Louisville Dance Time



6:00—Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor. Franklyn MacCormack, reader, and Carlton Kelsey's Orchestra. WABC WKRC whk wadc wcau «ova wbt

—Howard Neumiller, pianist. (CBS) kmbc —Mary Small, songs. WJZ WCKY WLS wgar wave wire wow°

—The Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. WEAF wgy wtam who kyw

6:15—Hollac• Shaw, songs. WABC wcau wocic wwva whk wbt

—Fray and Braggiotti, piano team. WJZ WLS wgar wave wham wowo

—"Uncle Ezra's Radio Station E-Z-R-A. WEAF WCKY wgy wtam wmaq wire recta( wbap kyw kstp who

6:30—Caballeros. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq wire wdaf wbap kyw kstp

—Hollywood News: Del Casino, tenor, and Ray Block's Orchestra. WABC wcau

—Day Line Movi• Pilot. WEAF only —14orffck's Luir and Abner, comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WENR wgar

—The Caballeros. Jerge Negrette, baritone; Armengo, tenor, and Paul Baron.

(NBC) wgy votarn wrnaq

—Herbert Foote's Ensemble (CBS). WKRC WHAS whk wfbm wadc wwj whio wcco

6:46—Boake Carter, news commentator. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR whk wbbm kmox wcau wcco kmbc wbt

—Sisters of the Skillet: Ed East and Ralph Dumke. WJZ only

—Bughouse Rhythm. WEAF wgy wtam wire wdaf wbap kyw who

—Louise Florea, soprano (NBC) WCKY WLS wgar wave wire wham wowo

7:00—Irene Rich. WJZ WCKY WLS KDKA WSM wave wgar wire wham

—Cities Service Concert: Lucille Manners, soprano, and the Cities Service Quartet; Rosario Bourdons Orchestra. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq wwj who daf kstp wbap wfaa wfla

—Broadway Varieties: Oscar Shaw, guest bari-tone and m. c.; Carmela Ponselle, IfIltrie

soprano; Elizabeth Lennox, contralto; Victor Arden's Orchestra and guest stars. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR whk kmox wbbm wfbm kmbc wcau wcco wadc whio wbt wwl

7:15—Roy Campbell's Royalists. WJZ WCKY WLS WSM ...gar wham wowo

7:30—Death Valley Days, dramatic program, with John MacBryde, Jean King, Vernon Radcliffe and Jeff Bryant; Orchestra direc-tion Joseph lonime. WJZ WLW KDKA WLS wgar wham

—Hal Kemp's Dance Band, with Alice Faye; David Ross and Paul Dougles, announcers. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR whk wfbm limos wbbm whio wcau wadc wbt kmbc wwl

8:00—Waltz Time, with Frank Munn, tenor; Lois Bennett, soprano; Manhattan Chorus; Abe Lyman's Orchestra. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq wwj wdaf kyw who wire

—Hollywood Hotel: Dramatic Musical Revue. Jerry Cooper, m. c.; Frances Langford, Anne Jamison; Igor Gorin, baritone; Ray-mond Paige's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm whk wfbm kmox whio kmbc wcau wadc wbt wwj wcco

—To be announced. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wham wgar wowo

8:30—True Story Court of Human Relations, dramatization. WEAF wgy wtam wwj kyw who wmaq wdaf wire

9:00—Raleigh and Kool Show: Tommy Dor-sey's Orchestra. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS wgar wham wfla

—Fards Croie and Orchestra; Vocal Ensemble direction Edwin Small.. (From Phila-delphia.) WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wbbm whk vrtbm kmox vembc wcau whio wsbt wwj wcco

—Campanas First Nighter; drama ization starring Les Tremayne and Barbara Luddy. Orchestra, direction Eric Sagerquist. WEAF WLW WSM wwj ware wmaq wtam wdaf who kstp wile wfaa kvoo wgy

9:30—Babe Ruth at Bat. WABC WHAS WKRC WJR wbbm whk wfbm kmox wcco wbt kmbc wcau whio wwl

—The Liedersingers. WJZ WCKY WLS WSM wgar wham wave wire

—Jimmy Fidler and his Hollywood Gossip. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq kyw wwj wire kstp wdaf

9.45—To be announced. WABC WKRC WJR whk wcau kmox wadc whio wsbt vorej woo°

—Elsa Schallert, reviews. WJZ WCKY KDKA WLS WSM wgar wham wire wave

—To be announced. WEAF kyw wgy wtam wwj wire wmaq kstp wdaf

10:00—George R. Holmes, Chief of the Wash-ington Bureau of the International News System. (NBC) wgy wtam wdaf kyw

—Esto News Reporter. WEAF only —Gus Arnheim and his Orchestra. WABC (WKRC on 10:15) wadc kmox whk wsbt wbt whits wcau kmbc

—Promenade Concert: Roy Shield and his Orchestra; Noble Cain • Capella Choir; Vivian Della Chiesa, soprano; Edward Davies, baritone and commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS wgar wave wire wham wfaa vetla

—"Tomorrow's News Tonight." Commentary by Andre Sarah. WABC only

—Poetic Melodies. (CBS) WHAS WJR wbbm wfbm wwl wcco kmox kmbc

—Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM WLW wmaq wfaa wire wbap kstp wwl wtam

10:15—Jean Sablon, songs. WEAF WSM wwj wave wtam kyw who wgy

10:30—Frank Dailey and his Orchestra. WABC (WKRC WJR on 10:45) WHAS wfbm wain whio wadc whk kmox wbbm kmbc wsbt wbt

—Hudson de Lang Playland Casino Orches-tra. WEAF WSM wwl wave wmaq yrtans wdaf whio kstp wile kvoo wgy

11:00—Shep Fields and his Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS whk wfbm wadc whio wbbm

—Larry Burke, tenor. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

—Trump Davidson and the Club Esquire Or. WCKY WLS wgar wave wire

wham wowo 11:08—Jerry Blaine's Park Central Hotel Or-chestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

11:30—Fletcher Henderson's Grand 'Terrace --George Hamilton's Orchestra. WABC WKRC Cafe Orchestra. WEAF WLS wgy wtam wmaq who

—Johnny Hamp's New Penn Hotel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY wgar wave wire wham

wfbm kmbc wadc wsbt wbt

Page 20: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented


“No, you can't take him. I just called you to give him a good scare."

et" 1260 kc N Denotes NBC / WHIO DAYTON, OHIO June 26 to July 2 Inclusive

SATURDAY 7:00 Breakfast Express . 7:15 " " 7:30 WHIO Almanac 7:45 'Little Tom

i:00 Ray Blo-a. pianist C Sunday Morning at 8:15 Dalton Brothers C Aunt Susan's C 8:30 " " .. .. Christian Tabernacle 8:45 Mellow Moments C " "

900 9:15 9:30 9:45


MONDAY 'Breakfast Express

'WHIO Almanac Little Tom

Metropolitan Parade C

. Richard Maxwell C Voice of the Organ.

Your Garden & Mine C Church of the Air-Richard Maxwell C . Rev. J. R. Sizoo C. Let's Pretend C Romany Irail L.

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

il:00 Recreation Bureau 11:15 Orientale C " 11:30 George Hall's Orch. C Salt Lake Tabernacle 11:45 Farm Review Choir C

Fred Feibel at the Organ Moods C Console C

•Columbia Concert Major Boweis Capitol Hall C Theatre Family C..

'Yesterday's Favorites Keyboard Fantasies Municipal Court Your Band of the Day

Magazine of the Air C

Big Sister C 'Dr. A. R. Dafoe C

— - Cornelia on the Air. Edwin C. Hill C Around the Band Stand The Arcadians

12:00 News; Markets . Church of Air - Rev. 12:15 Jimmy Shields C E. L. Hughes C 12:30 Buffalo Presents C Week's News Review 12:45 Round Table C

1:00 Madison Ensemble C Editor Speaks 1:15 A Capella Choir C... St. Louis Serenade C . 1:30 Ann Leaf, organ C .. Sunday Players 1:45 1 JUrS in Tone C

2:00 Down by Herman's 1Everybody's M usi c-2:15 . Columbia Symphony 2:30 Boston at .Cincinnati- Orchestra C 2:45 Baseball Game

News; Markets Pretty Kitty Kelly C Your Opinion Aunt Jenny's Stories C

'Woman's News C Milton Charles, org. C Montana Slim C Myrt and Marge C

Colonel Jack Major C

Pop Concert C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 Eton Boys Quartet C 4:45 Children's Corner C

-5:00 Ben Feld's 5:15 1 Orchestra C 5:30 News; Sports 5:45 Vocals by Verrill C

6:00 1Columbia Concert 'Columbia Workshop- David Penn-News .... 6:15 , Hall C Direc. Irving Reis C Si Burick 6:30 ,Saturday Night Phil Baker - Oscar Jack Shannon C 6:45 ; Swing Club C 1 Bradley's Orch. C Thank You Stusia

-7:00 Professor Quiz C To be announced C... Community Program... 7:15 Plantation Boys 7:30 Johnny Presents Russ 1"Texaco Town" C Frances Henderson .. 7:45 1 Morgan's Orches. C. " " "Extra Safety Margins"

i Nash Presents 'Universal Rhythm"- Lsix Radio Theatre C. - ¡ Grace Moore C.... Starring Richard Bo-1Lee Shelley's Orch.. milli C 1Marion McKay's Orch. " " _

Your Hit Parade C Gillette Summer Hotel C H. V. Kaltenborn C

Universal Rhythm C Maureen O'Connor C


Spelling Bee C News, Bob Bryan C Dictators Playdays from Chicago C

Our American Clyde Barrie C . Neighbors C Did You Know That?

To be announced Doris Kerr C . Funny Things C

Clara Oglesby Lyman Howard Phillip--s Review of News Zionist Program C Rubinoff;; Walter Organ Moods: Sports

Cassel, baritone Geo. Hall's Orch. C

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

1 1 " ... .

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 Bunny [Wigan and Gus Arnheim's 10:15 his Orchestra C ... Orchestra C 10:30 Shep Fields' Scores: Jay Freeman's 10:45 Orchestra C Orchestra

Glen Gray's 11:15 Orchestra C 11:30 Harry Owens' 11:45 Orchestra C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

Al Trace's Orchestra C

Dick Jurgin's Orchestra C

Lee Shelley's Ores . Billy Grantham's Orchestra

Marion Marty's Orch.

Sign off

Wayne King's Orchestra C

Your Neck of the Woods C

Doris •Kerr Gus Arnheim's Orch. C Scores; Bernie Cum-mins' Orchestra C

Charles Gaylord's --Orchestra C

Glen Gray's Orchestra C

Lee Shelley's Orch . Marion McKay's Orch Lee Shelley's Orch . . Marion McKay's Orch.

TUESDAY I WEDNESDAY _ . THURSDAY 7:00 Breakfast Express Breakfast Express Breakfast Express • • • • 7:15 7:30 WI-110 Almanac WHIO Almanac 7:45 Little Tom Little Tom

8:00 8:15 8:30 Richard Maxwell C 8:45 Voice of the Organ.. 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

f • ee

Dear Columbia C

Gadabout Shoppers .. Yesterday's Favorites Municipal Court Your Band of the Day

10:00 Waltz Time .. 10:15 Fay Le Meadows 10:30 Big Sisters C 10:45 Rhythmiares C

it:00 - 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Cornelia on the Air . Edwin C. Hill C Around the Band Stand The Arcadians .....

News: Markets Pretty Kitty Kelly Your Opinion Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Romany Trail C Dr. L. W. Morrey C Dalton Brothers C Myrt and Marge C

Theater Matinee C

Columbia Concert Hall C

3:00 Pittsburgh at Cincinnati 3:15 -Baseball Game ... 3:30 Russell Dorr C U. S. Army Band C 3:45 'Academy Medicine C. 4:06- {Auction - Auction 4:15 Four Stars Quartet C ElsieT hompson, organ 4:30 Doris Kerr, songs C.... Patti Chapin, songs C 4:45 .1

1Funny Things C Children's Corner C

5:00 Margaret Daum, so- Del Casino, songs C All Hands on Deck C 5:15 Eton Boys Quartet C..1 5:30 Organ; Scores Organ; Scores . 'Organ; Scores 5:45 prano, and Orch. C Geo. Hall's Orch. C George Hall's Orch. C 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Music -in the Air C

Richard Maxwell C Greenfield Choir C... Voice of the Cagan . Voice of the Organ.

Yesterday's Favorites Gadabout Shoppers.. Keyboard Fantasies Yesterday's Favorites . Municipal Court Municipal Court Your Band of the Day'Your Band of the Day

- - Magazine of the Air C Waltz Time

Fay LeMeadows Big Sister C Big Sister C Dr, Allan R. Defoe C Merrymakers C ....

Co7nelia on the Air Cornelia on the Air Edwin C. Hill C Edwin C. Hill C t Around Band Stand Around Band Stand The Arcadians ,The Arcadians

News: Markets 'News: Markets ,Pretty Kitty Kelly C... Pretty Kitty Kelly C Your Opinion /Your Opinion Aunt Jenny's Stories dAunt Jenny's Stories C

Woman s News -C --; Ramblers in Rhythm C Better Business r Evelyn Hart Montana Slim C Dalton Brothers C Myrt and Marge C iMyrt and Marge C

Manhattan -Matinee C Theater Matinee C

WHIO Almanac Little Tom

As You Lik. It C

Questions in Congress C;Do You Remember C. Poetic Strings C

News: Poetic Strings C News: Bob Byron C . Dance Time C ... The Novelteers C

David Penn-News .... News- Weather 'News: Weather ;Si Burick SI Burick . 'Alex. Woollcott C IGogo De Lys C Lives of the Great ... "'hank You Stusia

Hamits;rstein's C. Gaylord's Orch Music Hall C Lee Shelley's Orch

Al Jolson, Parkyakar Laugh With Ken kus, Martha Raye C Murray C

8:15 Go By C. Andre Kostalintz's -- 8:00 Watch the Fun

Orchestra C 8:30 Jack Oakie's College, Beauty Box Theatre 8:45 with Benny Good- J'sica Dragonette C 9:00 9:15

„ 9:30 9:45

man's Orch. C. .. Gang Busters-Phillips Lord C

"Toast to Cinderella". Babe Ruth C To be announced.... To be announced C .

10:00 Marion iAcKay's Orch. Ramona and Weede CC. Gaylord's Orch 10:15 B. Berrigan's Orch. C. Tom. Dorsey's Orch. C To be announced 10:30 Scores: Red Norvo's Scores: Shep Fields' Scores: Red Norvo's 10:45 Orchestra C Orchestra C Orchestra C

11:00 Bert Block's --- To be announced . . Bert Block's 11:15 Orchestra C Dick Jurgins' Orch. C Orchestra C 11:30 Bob McGrew's George Hamilton's Al Trace's 11:45 Orchestra C Orchestra C Orchestra C

- - -

Si Burick Alexander Woolcott C Thursday Frolic

To be -announced —

Major Bowes' Amateur Hour C


Your Adventure With Floyd Gibbons C

March of Time C

12:00 Lee Shelley's Lee Shelley's Orch7.7 Marion McKay's Orch. 12:15 Orchestra Marion McKay's Lee Shelley's 12:30 Mark Fisher's Orchestra Orchestra 12:45 , Orchestra C C. Gaylord's Orch . C. Gaylord's Ord.._

FRIDAY 7:0Bre-akfast Express

7:15''7;30 WHIO Almanac

7:45 'Little Tom

8.00 Metropolitan Parade C 8.15 News 8:30 Richard Maxwell C 8:45 News; Shoppers

9:00 Voice of the Organ . 9:15 Yesterday's Favorites 9:30 Municipal Court 9:45 Your Band of the Dey

10:00 Magazine of the Air C 10:15 10:30 Around the Bend Stand 10:45 Dr, Allan Roy Defoe C

11:00 toïasiii-a 11:15 •Edwin C. Hill C 11:30 All Star Varieties 11:45 ,The Arcadians

12:00 News; Markets 12:15 ,Pretty Kitry Kelly C 12:30 Your Opinion 12:45 Aunt Jenny's Stories C

1:00 - Women's- News d 1:15 Milton Charles, organ 1:30 Montana Slim C 1:45 Myrt and Marge C

2:00 Columbia Concert --2:15 Hall C 2:30 The Three Consoles C 2:45

3:00 News: Among Our 3:15 Souvenirs C 3:30 Bon Voyage C 3:45

4:00 Salvation Army Band C 4;15 Eton Boys Quartet C.. 430 Doris Kerr, songs C... 4,45 Funny Things C

5 howard C 51415 Hobart Bosworth C 5:30 Organ: Sports 545 Gogo De Lys C

6:00 News; Weather 6:15 Si Burick, sports 6:30 Herbert Foote Ens, C 6:45 Thank You, Stusia

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:.00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Tir-Jaii;ey varieties C. Ie et

Hal Kemp Orchestra C

Hollywood H o t • 1-Jerry Cooper; Ray-mond Paige's Or-chestra C

9:00 Farde Grofe's 9:15 Orchestra C 9:30 Babe Ruth C 9:45 ;To be announced

10:00 E,:eiïri Herbert 10:15 ¡Gus Arnheim's Orch, C 10:30 'Frank D'ailey's 10:45 1 Orchestra C..,

11:00 Shep Fields' 11:15 Orchestra C 11:30 George Hamilton's 11:45 Orchestra C

12:00 ism Shelley's Orch.. 12:15 Marion McKay's 12:30 Orchestra

12:45 IC. Gaylord's Orch

Carter Takes First Vacation In 8 Years

For the first time in eight straight years of broadcasting, the voice of Boake Carter, famous Philco radio news commentator, will be off the air

for one week beginning June 27. During that short period Carter

will take his first vacation since he became a national figure in the broad-

casting of news. And to make certain that he will have a real holiday and be completely out of touch with news of all kinds, Carter will spend the week as skipper of a sixty-foot auxil-iary yawl, The Alelnansr, owned by Sa‘re M. Ransdell, vice-president of Philco Radio and Television Corpo-ration, in a famous ocean race.

During Carter's absence his place will be filled by H. V. Kaltenborn, nationally known news commentator.

Spend Your Vacation at

Van Ettan Lake Lodge On Beautiful Lake Van Ettan, Oscoda, Mich.

53-room modern hotel, 13 modern cottages. Riding, tennis, golf,

bathing, fishing


Special rates for tourists and convention parties

Page 21: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented


Cross-Word Puzzle HORIZONTAL

1—Lowbred, presuming person. 4—Fastening for a door. 8—South American blanket. 14—Anglo-Saxon money of account 15—Bulging earthen pot 8—Overjoyed. 7—Contorted. 8—Wild hog. 8—What patriot was one of Ameri-

ca's greatest silversmiths? 20—Cavities in the ground. 22—Elusive. 24—Calls out. 26—Departed. 27—White linen vestment. 30—Pertaining to the kidneys. 31—French coin. 32—What is the most fertile island of

the Cyclades? 34—Special abilities. 37—Prevalent. 38—Kind of cloth. 41—Groom. 43—What was the first name of the

poet who wrote "I Have a Ren-dezvous with Death"?

44—Make tense. 46—Groups working together.

with Questions and Answers 48—Ballad or song. 49—Fragrance. 53—Unit of work. 54 4Shinese coin. 56 pposite the mouth. 57—Subdue. 59—Variety of chalcedony. 60—In front of. 63—Insignificant part or mark. 65—Bind.


2 o




1-1 3



















6 7 1 23

8 9 0 I I 12 13






Li 2

27 28 29



50 51 52




.... A2 B2 C 2 D2 E2 F2 G 2 .< , . A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3

A4 B4 C4 E4 F4 G4

As se CS DS Es FS GS

A6 B6 c6 DG E6 FG G6 Al 57 C7 D7 E7 F7 G7

pERICLES P. PLUTOCRAT, ji the banker, who owns stock in 49 different corporations, files all these certificates in a very novel manner. For the purpose he uses a fire and theft-proof metal cab-inet which contains 49 compart-

ments labeled as indicated In the illustration. The method of filing the stock suggested a very interesting puzzle to his secretary. This puzzle

consists of re-arranging the 49 labels so that no letter or number is in line with a sim-ilar letter or number, in any horizontal, ver-tical or diagon-al row. The puzzlist

can use one of two very con-venient meth-ods of solving this puzzle. One way consists of drawing a sev-en-inch square and dividing it into 49 one-inch squares and then writing in each small square the let-ter and number of the file in the order re-

quired to solve the puzzle. If the second manner is used

the puzzlist cuts out 49 small squares of cardboard, labels each of them with the file letter and number and then arranges the squares in seven rows.

The Four Ages T" ages of four girls, Althea,

Bernice, Cecily and Dorothea, present a fascinating mathemati-cal problem. Dorothea, who is the eldest of the group, is six years older than Althea, the youngest of the quartet. The combined ages of the four

girls total 82 years. Bernice is one year older than Althea; Ce-cily is two years older than Ber-nice, and Dorothea is three years older than Cecily.

Although each girl knows thia age of all members of the group, none is willing to reveal the se-cret. With the aid of the clues given here, however, the puzzlist easily can find out exactly how old each girl was at her last birthday. Get a pencil and paper and figure it out.

A Card Trick HE amateur magician holds a

complete deck of cards in his left hand, the face of the bottom card

towards his audience. After giving

the cards to a spectator to shuffle he

sticks a tiny bit of wax on the first finger of his left hand and presses on to it a small mirror.

Taking the cards in his left hand

he holds the forefingeP so that he can

see in the mirror the card which faces

the audience and so is able to name

each card shown.

66—One who ascends. 67—Glisten. 68—Indian of Tierra del Fuego. 69—Unorthodox doctrine. 70—In this place. 71—Short-napped fabric.

VERTICAL 1—What poet wrote "John Gilpin"? 2—Reach a place. 3—What Tennessee city was the

scene of the famous Scopes anti-evolution trial?

4—Mark used as a target 5—Fragrant resins. 8-14enitier of a European race. 7—Model or pattern. 8—Finch related to the canary. 9—Football team. 10—Rant. 11—Consumed, 12—Through. 13—City of Netherlands. 21—Gliding over ice on steel runners. Z3—What poet was connected with

Coleridge in the scheme for a pantisocracy in America?

25—Dash. 27—Angle between a branch and its

axis. 28—Existence. 29—Who defeated Camera for the

heavyweight championship la 1934?

31—Colonizer. 33—A joint 35—French plural article. 36—Drunkard. 38—Wise man. 39—Wing-shaped. 40—Strong taste. 42—Incrustation over a sore. 45--What di, the capital of North 47—Cubic ters. 50—Public speaker.

rr HE solutions of the puzzles on this page will be given next

week. Solutions of puzzles that require

diagrams will be mailed upen re-ceipt of request accompanied by stamped, addressed envelope and a clipping of the puzzle.

51—What Grecian princess became Duchess of Kent?

52—Spanish-American rural settlements.

55—Mimicry. lié—Who was known as the "Landlord

of New York"? 57— Flower. 58—In law, unmarried. 60—Exclamation of disgust 61—Sooner than. 62—Evergreen tree. 64—Inspire with fear.

lent a boy breaks a window ille playing baseball, what

other reason besides that of be-ing punished, has he for running away?

2. Which one of the most fa-mous buildings in the world is said to have taken reducing ex-ercises?

3. If wrinkles in a man's face are a sign of care, what do wrinkles in any person's clothing signify?

4. Why is the story about brown sugar never told in polite society?

A Charade of the Fashions PAMELA paused in her noon-

day ramble to gaze in awe at the pageant of past fashions dis-played in a department store window. One costume inspired Pamela to write this charade: "The frocks by modern women

favored, **** slips of chiffon seem to be, Compared to the thick ** ******

dresses Worn by the girls in '83. It took so many yards of drese

goods To make a gown for one slim

maid, That half the mg' that Dad

could gather To daughter's dressmaker was

paid." There are three words missing

from Pamela's verses. The third and first of these words are

joined together to spell the sec-ond word. The asterisks indicate the number of letters in each of the three missing words.

The Solutions of Last Week's Puzzles


aâffl muffle umo omâlem â monoml

um= mina] M MIIM00[10 11

âgffl. PEZMX MEd MOM CZ IM MOE IgIMMUffl &1.210M002

1‘erk's CrnFs-1‘ord

Acrostic: The words are: 1. Hello, Local, Alone. 2. Abode, Death, Throw.

3. Howso, Solve, Venus. 4. Beach, China, Naive. 5. Burin, Infer, Erase. The Mea. jean State is Lower California.

Charade: The four missing words arel Not, With, Standing, Notwithstanding.

Hidden Names: The eight letters, C. E, F, I, K, L, T and V are arranged in pairs phonetically to represent the fol-lowing four names of girls: Elsie (L C). Effie (F E), Katie (K T), Ivy (I V).

Riddle Box: 1. Both always come back. 2. To a second-hand store, of course. 3. Because be cracks his jokes on then.

Purple 4. Husky. Copyright 1987. Xing Features Syndicate. Inc.

Page 22: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented



.>•,4 e.,

Many Are Advantages of Back-Yard

Outings—and an Outdoor Grill. By BYRON MacFAYDEN

pERHAPS, in your strolls on a bright summer morning, you have seen a man sitting on his front porch absent-mindedly

stroking his dog's head and gazing across the lawn with a pensive look in his eyes. Your guess regarding his thoughts is as good as mine, but I'd be willing to venture that the porch-sitter is one- of those helpless individ-uals who try to reconcile themselves to a situation that frequently faces them on week-ends or holidays. What is this situation? Well, you'll

find it in its early stages out in the kitchen. Let's go and look. My goodness—what activity!

Where's Mother right in the midst of salad, sandwiches, deviled eggs, vacuum bottles, waxed paper and cardboard boxes.

Yes, sir, it's a picnic lunch, and as soon as Mother gets all the eatables stowed away in a big basket, cleans up the kitchen, closes the windows and sees to the provisioning of canary and cat, she will call Father to get the car, because—"We're all ready to go !" Now you can understand why Father

is so forlorn out on the front porch. However, he does not interfere with these picnic proceedings. Father loves his wife and family too much to do that. But he loves his home, too,— all the more so for a long business week of exile. There's s nnething about it, particularly the yard with its lawns, towers and trees, that is very sooth-

ing to him. If Father had his way, he'd drag up a big porch chair under those trees and read, perhaps doze a little. As far as rating is concerned, he'd be perfectly willing to have lunch or supper right under those trees. Much simpler, he reasons, than driv-ing on crowded highways or rutty back roads; and, besides, there are no ants, no poison ivy, no roving cattle to complicate the day.

There are other advantages in stay-at-home outings. Think of all the bread-spreading you don't have to do. Reflect upon the 'wrapping and pack-ing you can avoid. Contemplate the ease in getting back home. And don't forget the number of windows you won't have to close.

At this point you may say, "Oh, we have often eaten out-of-doors at home, but there is nothing very excit-ing about it."

well, if you crave excitement and novelty, plus something extra nice oto eat, the thing to do is to cook at least one item of food on the menu out-of-doors. In other words, make an outdoor grill.

It is obvious that the outdoor grill is responsible for men's growing in-terest in home picnics. I know men who wouldn't think of touching a utensil in the home kitchen. Yet, if there is a chance to cook out-of-doors, it is impossible to keep them away from the fire. What's more, these men. have become proud au-thorities on open-fire cooking. There is no need to tell you where

to put your outdoor grill. Your yard

" EBE—below and at the left—are two types of outdoor grille that will provide equally delight-

ful camp-like tare for that picnic in a shady corner of the home grounds. The one below is a permanent asset, built of masonry and steel. It's introduction into a corner of your yard will constitute a tempting invitation to eat outdoors when balmy days are here for a definite stay. The portable type illus-trated folds like a camp-chair, so that you can take it on motor tripe when you camp out.

will decide that. All you need is some shade, a more or less secluded spot, and a pleasant outlook. As far as grills are concerned, there's a wide choice. You can make a very satisfactory one out of stones or brick. Arrange them in horseshoe fashion about 8" high. The area enclosed should be about 18" square. For a grill top see if you can't find one of those heavy wire gratings often used for cellar windows, or a sidewalk grating. It will give you plenty of room for broiling, besides a plate to put a kettle or a coffee pot.

Another type of outdoor grill is sold at hardware or camping-equipment stores. This consists of a steel frame with heat-proof meshed wire and fold-ing steel legs. After your fire has burned down, set the grill over the bed of coals by pushing the steel legs on the ground. One of the best devices to use over

a stone fireplace is one of those old-fashioned wire toasters. I had such a toaster when I started to cook out-of-doors and would lay it on top of two iron bars placed across the fireplace. The advantage of this toaster lies in the fact that it holds the meat or chicken firmly, and you can turn it over most conveniently.

If you can locate the portable type of grill illustrated in the circle, you have something that makes grilling a

jov. This grill costs about $2 and folds up flat like a camp chair. It burns charcoal or briquets and de-velops superb broiling coals in less than half an hour. And hete's some-thing to remember—on rainy days or in winter you can operate this grill in your living-room fireplace.

There is another advantage in own-ing this portable broiler ; it is just the thing to take on a motor trip when you camp out. Since it folds up, it takes very little space in your car. With two or three pounds of charcoal you can have a smokeless perfect cook-ing fire in a few minutes. Some news-paper pages twisted up are all that is necessary to ignite the charcoal or briquets.

If you want to build a permanent grill, the one illustrated on this page may suit your yard. However, you can construct a simpler one, which is built against a stone or brick wall and, inclusive of masonry, material and labor, will cost you less than $20. As regards the one here illustrated and described in the box, I have had the privilege of cooking on it, and it is a wonder. Now let me present briefly how one

of these home-yard picnics is organ-ized and developed. Such a disserta-tion may be helpful to those who have had no experience along this line. It's all so easy and such fun, too, once you know how.

First, I'll give you the menu. There

will be minute steaks, not over Yz" thick. Then there will be macaroni and cheese in a casserole; a mixed salad of tomatoes, lettuce and cucum-bers ' • hot buttered rolls and coffee. For dessert, fruit or melon that's in season, or a chocolate cake or ice cream if your family cries for such a windup to the meal.

With this in mind, we are ready to start. When you begin to make and bake the macaroni dish indoors, send Father and the children out in the yard to set the table. It is very handy to have an old table to put under the trees so you can sit down to your meal. But if you haven't, set up a card table so there is a place to put your dishes, silverware, condiments, water glasses, paper napkins, also the salad and rolls. This table, in other words, serves as a buffet. Of course, the salad and rolls are not brought out of the kitchen until the very last moment, for we must have cold things cold and hot things hot.

Now tell Father to start his fire. If he uses wood, it may take between thirty minutes and an hour to get the bed of coals ready. However , when he says that the fire is ready éor the steaks, bring out your covered casserole of macaroni, the salad bowl and the hot buttered rolls. Then stand by; when those steaks go on the fire, it won't be more than three minutes be-fore Father will be calling for plates. All that is left to do is heap each plate with a steak, a helping of macaroni and some salad. Yes, put the salad on the same plate—it won't be messy if you have not used too much salad dressing on it.

You can see from the foregoing that the activities out in the yard at the grill must be timed with those in the kitchen. There's nothing more dis-couraging to the grill chef than to watch beautifully broiled steaks cool off while everybody is running in and out of the house crying, "Where are the rolls?" . . . "Is the maraconi reads'?" . . . "Is the salad mixed?" . . . "Have 'ou made the coffee?"

This problem of timing may be something to contend with in your first experiment with outdoor cooking. It may take longer than N'ou or Father expected to get the fire ready for broil-ing. But take it easy, even though the casserole dish is done. You know it can be kept warm in the oven in-definitely without losing its goodness. So turn down the oven and go out and watch Father nurse the fire. It won't be long before he'll announce:

"All right, bring everything out. I'm putting the steaks on the fire right now .

Here are specifications for the out-door grill masonry and steel illustrated on this page, which has been used and is recommended by the author, Mr. Afar Fayden. The grill itself is made of stainless

steel—%" rods about 1" apart. The width is 36" and the depth 27". This grill is movable and can be placed on steel pegs 5", 61/4 " and 7%" above the bed of coals. The shelves flanking the grill are 12" wide and 25'/3" deep. From the ground to the floor of the fireplace is 30"; to the top of the shelves, 39". The fireplace extends from the front of the grill under the chimney a distance of 42". Th chimney rises about 4' above the level of the shelves. The opening below the grill, which looks like an oven, is merely a receptacle for fuel and fire utensils.

Oopyrtglat 1031. Kt« Features Syndicat,. Zoo.

Page 23: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented



Claudette Colbert


HE boy was wildly exultant. He grabbed the girl by the shoulders and shook her hap-

pily. "Now we can get married!" he

shouted. "You hear me, honey? You and me—married! Lord, Betty, we've waited so long!

"Look, baby. Here's the cash. Five hundred bucks, ànd it's all ours. Every nickel of it. Enough for the rent, and the down payment on the furniture, and the ceremony, and—"

She placed her hand over his mouth. She looked frightened. Tommy? Tell me the truth." He grinned. "Speculation," he replied. "Oh,

don't you worry. I'm not taking money these days. I didn't steal it. I played the market. Honestly I did,

hon. This is our dough. But she didn't believe him . . .

SHE loved the boy. She loved him

so much that she suspected him. Four years before, he had stolen some money—and he had served a year and a day for the theft. When he came out, he swore he'd never steal again.

Betty made her uncle George give Tommy a job in the shoe store. Since then, the struggle had been very diffi-cult. Tommy didn't earn much money, and he was anxious to get

married. And now, suddenly, he had shown up with $500. That night, Betty went to see her

uncle George. He was an indulgent old man who loved his niece. Betty was nervous.

"How are things?" she asked. "At the store, I mean." The old man shrugged. -

"Not too bad, my dear. And not too good, either."

"Oh, I don't mean that," said the girl. "I mean, has there been any—

any—well, anything like a robbers lately?"

Uncle George frowned over his glasses.

'How did you know?" he inquired.

Hellinger Short Story Betty's heart sank. She knew then

that Tommy had lied to her. Once a thief—

"There was a sum of money taken from the safe," said the old man.

"Not a great deal, but a definite theft." He saw her eyes brimming. "You think it's Tommy, don't you,

"Look, baby. Here's the cash. Five hundred bucks, and it's all ours."

child? I thought so. Has he displayed any money lately?" She nodded. "My, my, that looks bad. I didn't know whether it was Tommy or Jack, or maybe some outsider who got in the store."

Betty was crying now. "But I wouldn't think of calling

the police, Betty, child," the old man went on. `I don't want any unfav-able publicity. In the morning, I'll tell Tommy to leave. Let's forget all about it."

The next day, Betty sent her en-gagement ring back to Tommy. No jeweler's loop would show it, but sev-eral pieces of broken heart went with it . . .


erOMMY phoned. He called at the

2" house. He called, he phoned, and

he phoned and he called. He tried everything possible to get in touch

with Betty. But she wouldn't permit it.

After two weeks, she found that the hurt hadn't lessened any. If a ing, she fett worse. And then, w i e e was shopping one afternoon, she felt a tug at her arm. She turned to see Joe Craven, an old friend.

"Getting high-hat?" he smiled. "No," she murmured. "Just wan-

dering around in a fog, I guess." "How's Tommy these days?" "Tommy? Oh, he's—he's just fine

and dandy."

"That's good." The man looked at her wisely. "Did he tell you what I did for him?"

"What you did, Joe?" Why, no. At least, I don't think so."

Joe shook his head. "Fine thing!" he cried. "Not mar-

ried yet, and already he's holding out on you! I gave him a swell inside

tip on the stock market and he walks away with five hundred bucks—and

then he doesn't even tell you about it.

Wait until I see that mugg!" Betty felt very dizzy very suddenly. "How—how was that again, Joe?

I—I don't think I understood you cor-rectly."

"Sure you did. Its all very simple. A few weeks back, I steered him into a fine buy. He walked out of our office with five hundred smakeroos in

his pocket. And I—" The girl seemed to have some diffi-

culty with her heart. "Would you mind excusing me,

Joe?" she interrupted. "I've got to

go somewhere right away. Excuse me, Joe. Goodby."

She ran like a frightened rabbit. Joe scratched his head and murmured

NOTE TO THE JANE BLACK STORY CONTESTANTS: It will be impossible to announce the win-ners for at least four more weeks. More than 68,000 manuscripts were submitted, or a sufficient number

to fill the world's short story magazines for the next five years! The judges want to be fair to each script. and they ask you kindly to be as patient as possible. Thanks a lot.—M. H.

something to the effect that all dame* are nuts anyhow . . .


FOR decorum's sake, she waited

downstairs in the living room of the boarding house. As soon as Tom-my heard who was waiting, he came galloping down the stairs.

"Betty, baby!" "Oh, Tommy!" For three full minutes, they were

in a clinch. Betty cried, and then apologized, and then cried some more. She said that Tommy would be quite correct if he never forgave her. She said she was going to phone uncle George immediately and get Tommy back on the job. And, more impor-tant, could she have her engagement ring again?"

It was a scene of Young Love Re-united, or some such pretty thing. Better writers than I have written it far better than I could ever hope to. But you get the general idea.

It all turned out very beautifully. Instead of phoning uncle George, Betty went right down to see him. He promised that Tommy could have his job back—and that he would never mention the theft. After all, it was only $100. Then Betty returned to Tommy's

boarding house, and again they went into a clinch that wasn't far from a world's record. After awhile, Betty looked at him and sighed. "Can you ever forgive me, Tom-

my?" she asked. "Really forgive me, I mean. I was such a fool." "Aw, forget it, hon." He kissed her

again. "We'll be married next week

and—well, maybe it's just as good it happened this way. Now we know how nuts we are about each other."

"Oh, gee, Tommy. Gee, gee, gee!" Tommy nodded his head slowly.

`And besides, baby," he said, "I got it all figured out that we only need $400 to start with. So, the first thing tomorrow, I'm gonna sneak into uncle George's safe and put back the hundred I took to speculate with!


. Lighter feictures are corning out of Hollywood for the Summer season, and some of the newer films are very amusing, indeed. "I MET HIM IN PARIS," for example, boasts of a swell writing job by Claude Binyon, a fine piece of direction by Wesley Ruggles, and three sparkling per-formances by Claudette Colbert, Melvyn Douglas and Robert Toting. "I MET HIM IN PARIS" is a refreshing film,

cleverly concocted, and is practically ideal picture lare for this time of year . . . "HOTEL HATWIRE," also produced by Paramount, is a daffy farce that never takes itself seriously at any stage of the proceedings. A number of the gags are

familiar, but you are inclined to forget that angle in the cap-able fun-making of Lynne Overman and Leo Carillo. "HOTEL HATWIRE" will cause you no pain . . . Victor Moore and Heen Broderick are again paired in "MEET THE MISS US," a lively satire on American commercial contests. It's a highly amusing job.

. . . Among the new books, be sure to read

'AMERICAN DREAM," by Michael Fos-

ter, a novel that' stands out like a moun-

tain peak in the gathering avalanche o so-called "Summer Fiction." Beginning with Jean Thrall, sea-captain, rebel, mer-chant, who finally ran away from stodgi-ness to become the king of a South Sea Island, and closing with Shelby Thrall's hopeful purchase of a small-town print Michael Fester

shop, Foster creates the history of a family that is also the history of a nation and a national spirit. "AMERICAN DREAM" is an exciting tale, brilliantly told, and is issued by Morrow for $3 . . . If you like to regulate your reading by the temperature, we suggest "NOT TONIGHT," by Park-hurst Whitney. It's a gay little novel about a group of moderns who run a road-house in a converted mansion.

Adele A.fieire

. . Odds and Ends In the Entertain-ment World: Adele Astaire, Fred's sister (they once referred to Fred as Adelis brother), has turned down all those tre-mendous Hollywood offers to make a pic-ture and will co-star instead in a London musicale with Jack Buchanan. Proving conclusively that money is never impVr-tant—as long as you have enough of it

Record I enjoyed best this week was "I Live Again" and "Johnny One Note," as

played by Victor Young and his orchestra . . . They're telling of a Hollywood starlet who was advised to read more. She bought a book about Abraham Lincoln and was reading it when a friend approached. "That's a good Lincoln book," said the friend. "Have you come to the part where he was as-sasinated?""Shhh," said the starlet. "Don't tell me!"

* • *

FAIR QUESTION The city slicker, on a vacation visit to a small tou,n,

was feeding the natives a bit of non . "Yes, my friends," he lied cheerfully. "We hove a

high jumper down in New York who can leap clear eye, the Woolworth Building. Not bad, eh?"

The town's atar athlete kept whittling away on a stick. "That all depends," he shrugged. "Does he d« it

»lanolin' still—or from a rfinnin' start?" . . .

Page 24: RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING JULY 2, 1937 Zoo Summer Operas To Be Aired On WLW- NBC Broadcasts from Cincinnati Zoo Fifteen Operas To Be Pat and Buddy Presented


If things keep up as they are, the warm months of 1937 will go down in radio history as the summer of the great static. What with much rain, high humidity and frequent electrical storms, reception conditions have been unfavorable to say the least. The short waves as well as the broad-cast band have been under bombard-nient. Even the amateurs are com-plaining. And the "hams" stick at their sets long after broadcast listen-

la> ers snap off switches in disgust. Worse, like most talk about the weather, nothing can be done about it, except dial high-power locals and wait for a break. Conditions do prove one thing, however: that static is not a function of temperature alone. Many listeners still believe this. But it hasn't been really hot this summer. Yet the static level is higher than in the blistering summer of 1934. Other factors are just as important as tem-perature. *

Berton Braley's verses titled "The Children's Hour," reprinted in the Reader's Digest for June, are recom-mended, if not exactly pleasant read-ing for the directors of most juvenile programs.

• • • The vaunted infallibility of Profes-

sor Quiz took it on the chin June 12 when he gave "Just a song at twi-light" as the opening line of "Love's Old Sweet Song." That is the chorus, not the verse. This isn't his first slip. But heretofore he's erred by being positive when a qualified an-swer was right.


This is the season when substitutes get their chance to replace "name" performers taking vacations from the air; for instance, Eddie Stanley-, bat-ting for Cantor. . Stanley made his microphone debut a few seasons ago. His stuff doesn't need rigorous cleans-ing as it did then. But his June 13 efforts failed to assay so much as one smile in 30 minutes for this dial-twister. It seemed a perfect example of comedy that's just hard work, two things that are intompatible, though most of the air jesters don't seem to know it.

The battle between the chains for stations goes on right merrily. NBC has just gathered in WHK, Cleve-land. It'll be meshed into the Blue net September 26, replacing WGAR.

• Frede Grofe is doing better than

nicely with that new bank series of his (CBS over WKRC, Friday, 9:00 p. m., E.S.T.). Using a symphonic orchestra and light to popular music he hasn't forgotten there's such a thing as melody.. Which may be a violation of the Wagner Act, but is distinctly pleasant nevertheless. .He's from 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. (E.S.T.).


also found some vocalists who can really sing and have fresh delightful voices. That of itself is something.

a a a

Back in the "good old days" a co llllll ercial program was supposed to typify the sponsor's product. I couldn't help thinking of that as I dialed Johnnie Green's summer Pack-ard program. Does 60 minutes of his rhythm makes anybody covet a ritzy car? Carrying the product tie-in a bit further, Trudy Wood's wit-ticisms probably suggest the value of shock-absorbers. It's a bewildering business.

* * *

Moving into the WLW spot va-cated by Jimmie Scribner, the pro-gram of the Eichstadt String Ensem-ble is "just what the doctor ordered." Delightful music and gifted perform-ance make this quarter-hour a re-freshing oasis, beautifully timed for full enjoyment. It deserves a half hour, both for its own sake and be-cause there is so little dinner music that doesn't disturb digestion.

a a o

Shirley Ross raises a question that's been puzzling this dial-twister these many months. In her acting bits on Ken Murray's show she displays a cbarming speaking voice. Yet when she "sings". . . . Just why is this? Why must naturally pleasant speak-ing voices be distorted into some-thing quite unrecognizable when their possessors begin to vocalize? It's a mystery nobody can explain satisfac-torily.

ammerstem Music Hall"

The fear that Checrio's spot would be filled with anything that could be swept up around the studios was for-tunatelv without foundation. NBC is plugging the gap with an exception-ally pleasant progrom supplied by what seems to be the same instrumen-tal group that supported Cheerio, and two excellent solo voices.


Which prompts me to ask. Is the director of the orchestra Harrison Iles or Harris Niles. And is the con-tralto Gertrude Foster or Forester? Careful listening has yielded both versions. Most angouncing leaves the greatest confusion ye here there should be least: on proper names.


Florence Reed, famous Broadway actress, will head the parade of guest stars on the broadcast of the "Ham-merstein Music Hall" over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC, WHAS and WJR, Tuesday, June 29,

Mose, a handy man, on Dow's Dawn Patrol Radio Program needs a middle and a last name. Dow's will give a Willys Sedan and Coupe and 25 other valuable prizes for the best suggestions. Ask for details and Entry Blanks with your pur-chase at your nearest Dow's Drug Store.

Jimmie Blair, young baritone, who is heard on the Johnny Green pro-gram over NBC Tuesday nights, audi-tioned for the Hollywood show while in New York City. He made a set of special records and shipped them n to the West Coast.



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