- 1972 - The Gazette... · 3/23/1972  · i,jxfaho State L)bxxxr.";895 +est Stafe St. THURSDAY,...

i , jxfaho State L)bxxxr." ;895 +est Stafe St. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1972 O Juliaetta News h- t poSe, Idaho 887(e. tduttjjrojtt 'fo)}rj}ey Soyuthjwlek News The Trey Lumber Co. basketball rude Pederson o! Juliaetta were Nrs. 1 ge a fr r teen from Moscow ))wept ta three Ver)jn .Bex)jamjn, and famny, Dan vjijtories and jhe cheaxnpjonsh)p tra- %'e»strom Of 'Lj)wjstan and Nr. and Phy in second ann»ac) Town Tear» Nrs Je)'arne Pederson ancj <Ierod « ~PLUME 82 gZNDgZCK AND GENgSgg, LATAH CPIJNT)(, IDAHO NP.'2 basketbaI .LOLjxx)ament Jib.'n K<)))d- Cou)ee Dam, Wn., rjCk O)jej it))a Wiijekvend. The NC)SCX)%V;.- gr and Nrjj, CarliNuetOe Of Page, teim, paekced'wjth'WSU and -U of I Idaho were )weekend'lsltars. of Nr, La)en~, treated the sps taiors to arid Nrs. Given Nust, Last Tues. Sfldget "Pretty Well g~„« 'ft~~~ P~~~ Big Bear RIdge 'c)xne nutstandjn'g,.b)LI) I))ayjx)g ' day Nr..axxd'.Mrs,'arney., Dr)scan of Settled ) ReyyzstS BzsOcke ' 4 ervv 8 asrsvssRv a a %Jssa Ham gjlilfez Mj)g4alz 26th The t<}j(rnament. S9O&OI)Xd by the LeWietan and.'Nr, and, NWa A)bertj Mrs. MISe Mabbo "K" club 'of.Kendrlc)k High school, Armjtige of spokane were callers at-" Rep. (Ieo, F, Bxacke, Jr., reported'yg]gaeft~, goo]j 'he BIg Bear, Ridge. community i neftejje)L I)iraf)et C)f jj)jg)}tg.nnyN'. $I)25 .the 'hams .Of 3kl'. and l4FS, Given NOnday mnrning that the neW State 'SX~ t~ ~~~ ~ Hag Club )S SPanaaring a Ham Djn- Church Nntee far. tf)eeh'Ionia) srchool. ' " '- 'L)stoe; budget is "pretty well" settled at the -I)eport C)LFds, 'er Sunday< March 26 at t}N Com" The Juliaetta Co)»munity Church If<we)ye team» were e»te)'ed lxL the Jan)s Whltinger and Jolene Bram-;$ 137.3 )»UUon )nark, This )S a 812 R port cards wQI be sent home mun}ty Ha}L Serving wiQ be from annual conference wQ be held Non- tnf)lcney, coming from Lewjx)ton, %ox)- incr were ')L)X)ong those from the j»Qjjon )»crease over the previous y<yjjh aQ studen >2:30. untQ 3:30 p. m. Prices for day evening March 27th at 7,30 jxx Kendrick, Kanxjah, 3)lk Rjvcxr, ljA)))drisk H)gb School driu team at-)budget. the dinner are 8L75 for ad)dts and the church.'ajendjsh and Troy. Th)rteen ga)nee tending the Pacific Northwest dri)1 Going up wiU be taxes on cigar- gq~ter yacatjyg for,ch)Mren age 6-12. A bingo Rev. Dax< Heed of Moscow W)II be w(LI<s played. team context at Boise. They left Fri- ettes, gasoUne and possibly the state,. Juliaetta School will be dismissed booth will provide afternoon enter- guest speaker and will cn»duct corn ~e results were.'d4)y and r<eturned home Sunday eve- income tax. The Govexx)ar had noti at 1130 p, m. Thursday March 30 for madan services jn the Jullaetta y -, )Ling. ': .; 'igned the income tax bQ} when Baster vacation, Classes wjU resume The 'Qxme" js a ye )y ~~ to Cammu)dty Church Sunday, March C Athletic Club 60, Clearwater . Lss) Wednesday. Nrs. Aaro» Weus Brx)cke ta)ked Lo the Gazette Nan- APFQ 4 raise money for general upkeep end 26 at the regular time at 9:00 a. m. 59<'in overtime, jtjng neighboring post offices day. necessary improvement of the haQ Troy Lumber 88, Art and I}sn's at Ahsahka, Le»ore and Spa)ding Stnl hanging before the legis)atcxxe Fjrs haU b)dfdjng which h used fnr sncjaI Axx)ong jt)e Sjck- Bovjiy Shop 62. Last Thursday afternoon callers js the revised criminal code for the Easter time js condng soon. First ~+i~ John GaSoway retuxx)ed home Sat- Satu)day ', atctjM).Acjx)on Weffs })one rwere Nrs, state, but Bxacke predicted that, graders made Easter chickens last pn}y tbroM the combined e«rts uxday after spry<d<ng about three ancf 4eroy's Limousine 69s 8 axxd 8 T„)5. King; Mrs, Wade Candler, Al- something wouM be worked aut by'eek from foam egg carta)m ~ of aQ xidge residents js this dj»ner,a half weeks in Grjtmsn hospita} fol- Motors 6L tts, Nrs, Larry Knight and the middle of the week,, probab)y a', ~ th~™w)th bju fg~gh rs and eyes Pass}ble. Help us xnake it a success- k~ two surjmieL Be js recupera- IUk River 60, Bxoc)ke self 58. tv)co cfaughters of Kaxnjsh and Nick,comprcxm)se bjj). We ~ p~g on ~g moA.'oment. ting at home snd doing real good. Sxnjtty's Pancake House 79, Cav» Armjtage. : The Kendrick lawmaker a)so statel things from foam egg carta»s. This enlsh 46. hfr. and hfrs. Aaron Wells took jn that the Legislature ls making ")L week they are making f}owers from @Qg fp Tony Hensnn, four snd a half year berlack Cafe 70 Gem Stat4) the Camas prairie Trap Shoot at,,rea} effortm to wixul up the session'craps of materia} and buttons g'' g /8M'M aon of ~. ~ ~, Bud ~n Luinber 62. Lew)stan Saturday and Sunday. 'y t}ds week, Trey Lumber 90, L.C Ath)ettc A week ago Sunday, Nr. and Nrs.. Club 60. Har) W)dtjnger honored Jaxds Whjt- %TCL X Wo XPVSte VT lHS home a week ago Tuesday. Leroy's Limousine 126, Elk River jngex at a pre-arranged birthday 4)5, dinner. Others attending were Nr. Kendrick FFA members compejjng Silnday- Jjm Whit)»ger and Gina ~ g gl ~ ~I - Some nf our students have pictures cn p by ~ patient jn St. Joseph's Hospjtaz for Leroy's Limousine 69, Smjtty's ax)d Mr. and Nrs, John Bla»kensldp. $ 0 I-state anoruS on djsp)ay in the Art Show'n the ~W wan the Dairy Pancake House 59. Last Tuesday Jc lens Brammer was, 'tudn h ))way Good work )L hospital jn Tacoma. Troy I.un)her 72, Lumberjack Cafe a supper and ovcrxdght guest of Selectja» of Lwo senior girls from We'e practicing more cbrsive wri- cont t md the D4 y ~Qe con- 59. Jan)s W}dtjnger tn honor of Janjs'. Kendrick High School for partjcjpa- tj»g our speners use it some now N ~ f ~ Ã T y Lu ber 86. I ys 74 for btrihdy. Oth~evenjng cane~ wem tjon in the AU-Sbdechn~atNM- so were}~g t ~it. ' ~ Nla, A I e hi hits Am» ~) m to MF.~N . the champ)onshjp, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sjjflnw and Mr. cow this week was a»nocmced Tues ): Perfect speQers }ds week are Todd died~ l4 k N~. 3& in- )<famed io the tournament a}j-star Otto SQf)ow. day by music j»st ctnr Floyd Wii ] H E~ th ~ Joh y djvj ua) Nar NLLstoe high jn at St, J seph's Hospital in Lewhdon. team were J)m Neuso», Chuck Brown, L<Lst Tuesday Nr. and Nrs. Henry Ijams. Leroy NcCaskey, Larry Hsivk and Davis and L)oyd Davis of Grange- | Chose» to represent KHS were> Dan Stewart. viUe went to Port)aX)d because of the I Ljsa Lyons, daughter of Nr. and Nrs, ] Fn~ G~ of Nick Armjtage. high individual, Doug)as. death of Henry's brother, Ted. Nr. George Lyn»s snd Denise Brammeri Thb, wmk s~ th fo~ q~ Ron Silfjow, Lied for second high and Nrs Davis spent Tuesday ei'e- daughter of Nr and Nrs Werner~ ter of ihe school year. ning with Nrs, James hfcGre of Brammer. ins Superior Beaver jan. Oregon. Wednesday Nrs. The gjr)s were sc)ected to Iojn < tjons .. ~ ck w~ ~m rs Ferry day honoring her mother, Mrs. Kate S Davis Ajud Mm. Thor»in» of Um ou r member from th ~ut ihel 'The scjen~ci h I t fj hh~ duc„d ~ ~ Fy B~ of N~ Pe~ on her 86th peeeh Rating cauvcr~sP t W~~ay eve»l»g)si Le 1 farm il 250-vole choir byia~ton TheWnrldnf Little Thj g'e'm 3~ in D~ C ttle " y ~v y. 0 wiih chair son stanley Davis oi idu. i audihonrng on s levels. local discrcet', ii was mmmsdng co eee mold, mosi ~~p~ holm mm'"u'm uum h<r. nnd h<ru. ~ waukee, Oregon «nd returned home ~ and an.sjate The fina} se)ectjons! from the mo~ gaxden etc th)augh K~p + h ~ ~ p~g san and chQdxen, Mr. and Mrs.'Fred . <isa@see <auric hndsrmra Crsnmee Thumdar. : were male by the aU-state committee j Lbe mag»jfyjng g)ass and ndcrascope, ~ y~ Lhe ~~p Hadjey and chQdxen and Mr. high aehuei, earnmi a SuPerier m<ing <rirgg Dygeri Waa a assures>'m Im Saurhem <dahn tram taPeS aeni|ymae sceeen wm ernmmh Ser)ous Dialogue at Satcxrdsy's ner guex<t of Lhe Henry Davis' Iin by each contestant. We were sorry when the sajsman- 8p ht >~ d D. ++ ~- son, aQ of Lewistan and Nx. and Nra. State Dec)amatjon Festivaf hew at Nr. a»d Mrs, Clay King were Sun- 'ehearsa)s wiU be at Nasnow on d dh d f th >~„po one is ct no» Sarah High School, 8ejse She was day guests of Iva Gentry a»d Harvey. April 23-25 with a regxda concert ZL wss run to watch It. arne»g l47 stud nts fMm ~boo) x',Triplettof K W %qbj)e there they,~Au)et at 8:00 p. m. April 25 ati Everyone j. gl d for pl~t ~ ~"3~ p ve of Nm P~ Ftve g tj m ~ 'ess»u»g sl) parts of the Sjax4) Whn'elped Harvey ce)ebrate his 90th) the Moscow Junior High Scbool gym,spr}ng days when the chQdren can swee stak ' 'll b cf cjua) jfyfng ra0ngs at ear)jer cfis. birthday ann}verasry. I at which L)me the AQ-State Chorcli play outside. Lri t f~t)vab Last Wednesday vbdtars at the j and Band wul perfaxxn x)ow nf-Ukiah, Oregano came home: fn or<fer Ln attend the SLate meet- Roy Gert'ome were h(r. and Nrs. 1 The aQ~)e band and chorus. )s) PIfth Grade Fxfday ev to spend a few days I»g" o)le Inux<t, ear)i two super)or rat FoAl Puets of Ze<<twjstoxt 1 be)ng sponsored by the Idaho Music j WeQ, the 'year js el»Lost over ss I»jfa eut of three at, the Regfeaa) Fs<s- Mr. and Nrs. John Bjankenshjp. I I))ducators Association, which wQ) f we a mn jn Lhe. fins} quarter 'we k ~A Liv ock 'Wd- 'Mr. and-.Mra. Phil Johns, Mx)x. Tom t)VII, Which Wa» held at, Sandpe)X)t, Mr. and Nra. Wali KOCpp and Ãr.) haVe a Cnnferxa)oem at MOSCOW AprQ; ~ lnnkh f ~-te, th ~de t 'JJg ~mp a SbO hn Demi}er.and NIXN %Panda WeeXna at M)Nch.11.. and Mra Ken Wilken went.,ac)narc)23-25. -; ~t b kejbaU and. the ~ ~~™ ~ <))s were si<pardecf for-Nxf)erfor daxccjx)g at Clarkstnn Saturday eve-1 ~ty as ~~ ~„Eastern Washington Shorthoxx) Snc}ety in Lewjstnn Monday evening. Va gS, a»d rec) ribbene aWirded 'far ning Oll 8}rtll(jaV. '„„" ., ~ ~ ., ' g ~ d, D g ' '- -"! that is wQI be very exciting. K~@ ~. '": ~~- rD< . )cuM)cNrs- D vjct Sho. Ihe:JZjxt})day-.':. Nr. and Mrs; Syfvesjer Csmnwskj 'p~geg eg~ ., d >, g . Taylor, Steve Hong)and and RIS)Z, ~ and famQy left a week ago last Frl- I i='::;...', ~ no ---- "--, flow. Steve mchner ,I 4)aur e 'Iffr; aaeeOWakpa)%aeS Of Bje)enberg~nofer, Peet 58, ~ 6~ . " In the CO)tteXL-Wy}jh'-IQI" ~~'Out ar ~ I'~~i mother, and returned home last )were honored with' birthday cfjnx)er Thh k w ' b stud "" a passible 200. Other scores were Nnb}e. Thev continued nn to Thur))day - " )on Saturday evening commemoratjtur 1 ~ ~ e e tu 5"'g Steve Hang)and, 8th high j»djvidua) I~ ~ a p)~~ trip L<Lst Tuesda ~ c)v<mj»g dinnex a»d l}jxe 53rd an»iversaxy of'he Amert-I) ~~ I " with a 183, and Dale and Ron were hb, 8})ore Cn»vr»tjo» Cc»ter Coeur d')vrrn)gbt guests of the Ar)jr Arm)-! es» Legion. Ncmbere of Lhe Aux))j, earn o o ings so sr. tied for ninth high j»djv}dua) with a G~ B 0 t ~ S A)esne W+»csda) I+~h 15 Lage fsmuy hvrrc) N) and hjrs„A) I aFy nrga»he<i Lbe 'di»nrx'h)ch w<<s I ~~ i Mr. and Nrs. WendeQ Pe~~ or (I<diresce hrc)c) coach Oxxje K~)kke bert Arm)tage of 8 ksne NF a»d i no()»eke T)ir dinner was held at i Th 1 %P ~ This m~ Kendric's 2nd wjn in twa Lewjsjon xecent)y cried at the hams a»d >fr<)„ I(a»)kkebrtyr. sss)sja»L >I ~j " j~ f ' 'b,t 1 Fes T<ro cc)kex baked a»d de. 'e ha» n)dered «r made) A)ckets, weeks over the Washi»gtnn teams. 'f Mm David pe+mon D»»j<) (>F)SO» a»a '<)F» Carl- )m™ nj & them fr dj c . Icorajed bv Ijfrs Everett Rob;„so„) for )au)(c~h this spring. It wQI take Mr. a»d Mrs. Delbert Fj<)lg sniff ~)xar»bndr«L™a»d -Brt)ce. Ro» Ifopkjns. af, M~ Arije A~it ~o ~~ '! m'<L)xi'Q) @hjr)e of jhr pa<et,,'bern )a<mch: Bike Rules, Regulations fanny pen»er, Jnb» ffrr»)s»n, Bill'ade Candler, Mrs. T. E. Kj»g and I +b~ a»d )I0d rar mm„bem i We have taken do<ibm our drug ck hf L CA jg Busch )L»d Deus» '.l)»a Betb< ~ ;C ~ A»der», IIfah)n» Fnnetc. b~~ w}dch ~~s~ of me~pa) l(jnsrr. C+scb Ka»ikkrbrrg iras a ~ ! Fred Hove a»d D))hid I(urb) were rr-! artie)rs a»d folders, Zn plec«ni't »car c)re)de»ts amd mare than just, Ray Pnlumsky and so» Craig af g»fsed by the group. Al) of these l wc put up a conser<>tjo» boa)d a few camp))ants, Police CX))»miss)a» I Boise imited the home of her par- Held 88tuf'dR Evenjn «ge j) were paxdrd. by Lf) 1, wbj b o 1 is of n pape )t} ), wa}t N d .Lhjs w k „rged I ts pl f de last irn» 1070 a»d bjs Gr»rs~ Siata ~ eh "wjrm) 'postrn a»d fo)dew pare»ts tn make crrtaj» that )heir Mrs. Gene Buxeh and tera sons af Tbr Ge»csee Idrrsiork 'n)jow)ng the dj»ner, I)x)y Stout Ly)r Deobald, Rrpo)ter chi)drc» know, u»der<sea»d <)nd ob i I P)cree he>re dinner guesjs Sunday ln fj»sh.is for )hr Nnrih )dahn 4-}j c)<)b b )d ii P L„Di ') I th ~gap )e» sj~» ~nt<)rc)I<i'rre»i»g si ib»r Fire»ir»'c.'icd by David Kueh) at @e pjs»O.,F Hr a)sa urged mntorists tn be ca». I vm Nabbotts, later. Mr. a»d Mra m»«, Fmt r f I' '"- h<L)) iriib )gb)y.tera a<Le»di»g. pcs- I Dsnci»g fo)jnw~ & thr music of idac»ii LDea» Ryi»~err <br)cn»ird Lbsr! Lhc poor Boys for those who iilsbrd ', Well Attended riders. I itors. psrenis and iaieii Coaniy Agent. io nisei. Although the annual Ke»dric)c hlore cbi)drr» cia)) br nut on bUces I iordan Dagy and his iatniiy. Thr '. Mn grout announce< that ihe Beys'emi in ticuie held is i rriday aws a. the weaiiier grm beiirr, hioden i )i gg<dy pgy<) $ <igc)<egg<)<<y aorarlcan iing pied<a wns ieii hi grace seimiisns wiii be made seen and noi. uuiie as iargiss ii hss been .in ndd a"d iiui a nwineni oi car ieai F ,) )I Pj tule David Rassrbn. a»d uie 4-H pledge e»yo»e wishi»g tn do»atn mo»ry Lo prei4ous years. )t Lies sLU) Pra»nu»c- could result tragedy. j by K<)rr» Iversa» Tbr px»yrr wc)s.sc»d de)rgajr)x are e)eo)»e «»d r" rcj a success by boih Lbr Lin»s Club Cbj)dre» should br told io ride on! Job appar)»»)L)rs s»d jnb f)»<)jng gjvr» by Curt Hermann. T'hrn the "co»ra)re La dn sn. )»Ors may cn»-. «nd Lbr exjr»sin» servers j the p™p«side'nf the streets, ivitb 1 the- FHA Club bns~ m Easter »i v r'< )'I Pon) ircatbrr amd wert roads vcere i L))«raffj«oii amd»ni Lieu or Cbrrr !drrso». a buf e di»»er which w<u pmpamd "')amrd I'or the )css tham average at- I - .- .. I bi)d ' 1 k 1 ih Hi b J. H)<r(stci», »ia»ager of Lbr hfo«rc)w) by the c)»b. De»in»sita)in»s werc: tr»da»rr, b»L those irbn did co»)r io )cyc es arc used aj night, Lhry Scbm) where they wrm g~(ed by office nf )br 'I<)aba Prpc<rj»)r»( nf'ive» b), Dai'id Swrnsnxl SP)cry I Open HOuSe Held At (aii~ ivrre p)res~ ii~tb the pmgrml. )n»sc r eqlljpp~ iiriib ad~»ale, ,B»m)cs cn»1P)etr %,)h ra~ The E<»p)ay»)c»L. Her(sir)» roper(rd I Tra: Jav A»drrsn» The Proper 't JOhn 8 PSI jSlz 't, was estimated tham close Ln»i»rty 'g Ls am rc rctnrs, f)'n»t a»d rra» ~~riy i»cb)d& ~rs, ~mshmcn u<at »ia nrr)cr bacl P)»err I 12 )~tab) W<<y Ta Brush VOL)r Tcrtb. a»d De~n ', v rrr. Prrwr»L for the men's Prog)va») ] " dr» a, c) y n)d<»a»res a»d a»d Easter rgg hunt ivrek camparr<1 ivitb 12 }dvr» lob', a 1«»)b Fiir The Show. Mrs. Al '1)n»sr ives brkj ac St, Jnh»'<c Ia»)1)rr-'about 35 wamrn werc at tb< I'jrr!' r<)u»iy i<<irk<ra labs d»ri)ig Lbrl K)»':c'r bis Mcthnc) of P)vp< i»g i (r»rsrr Narrb 13)b, n>r» the mor»i»g u))d after»nn» a»d I g, ' 'r, Tbe reg<)}ar kindergarten party is I side«al)ss at a»i time ,'lanned for Thur. day, March fi»c)i»g help di<ri»g i)in ))Ferjo»'c'c»)<cr ca)bc<i bc<,f »»ij p<).'s<.'0 I 1<» parso»agr. ft w~~ fo))nwr<) by Hall for the )udjcs'ession. i Al) children iriil »Lie»d the morning Wyrk. A yrrir»gn Cb)S ii'Cek. O»)i'! n»i, pamphlria, s<I)~. 'I'ed )(j»srr <)r<) jr»j)«» Crrrmn»)ra aj bntb ibr b3 Cjul} YO Meet iMQ).eh 28'srssin» as cbcej cinses early that Io»».i )ncai)y. A (o~<'ave u shor( talk in ibr pare»is a»i)'Gc»csee. Va))ry»»d Sj. Jnb»'s parisb- Sel)OlgqISlljp I< und A 2cc<,') Ci»b i»rrcj»g wi)l br held; day. f«r)» jnb«b<y)Stere<) ibr Ln(«)S, )r«V I th<1»)<el ibiem fnr a)l the SuPPOrt iie. Fh „d, Vh . T»<eaday. h(arrb 2C, at. I:(<L1 at Rend- I Ih}n<jrrgarjr» Parents Sbn»M nOte i»g 2,1 pibs n))r»»i the encl of ibr,)u)d )ir)p tbri'arr give» be). I At 1)» V«))ry C)»)rcb, the ri lci. Bene)jje«1 PSSS 8 Irick HIgb <rbno), p)a»s iri)i bc d).-ILbr fn))oiri»g. Cbiwrc» wbo are nat ivcek. A r<n)»gn ibiirr ivrre n»)yI Cn»»iy Aevg»L Gordon D»Uy'ai(1 g)~w» a)») irbiir altar a»d p»))<i< Gi»cgi<r -Wj(b Lbe pussi»g nf: c»sscd for a rar»ira) Aprj) 15, Co,goj»g cfirisctiy home should bring a ]5 ln)y«npr». Hurtsiri», «ajd hjs ', a fair wwrdi tn ib«pare»iw s»d I ha»gi»gs i»»)r)»n)y of hfrs, I.iiiy NA<, A»»a Scbr<ic)cr, 86, of Moscow, 'isc. »)o»ry for Bamd»»)for»)s. <sa)»-,'n)< Ln schon) siajj»g irbrre they a(fir«iii))»< c<ir<1 f<<c») traciar Opec I members. Tbr» ibn bays <lid the 'a<)in» «»6 Sa»for<) Eva»s ir weri,)ni»i, Schon) Dist)ici Xn. 282 a»d P'irs n. Lhi. P)+pose<) <»)ifnr»)s ivi)lc a)re in go, ALmn Easter iwcatjn» br- <)jara, Sni»n Srrrrta)1<11 Wntk<)r«, Lc)i. diabeS bC.CS»ee u<n girlS b«d PreP»t dtdjra)rd,, the Students ni'n»rare High SChOOl be diSPlay a»d the ba»d «~)) Prr- I gi»S Myrrh 31 Cn»jj»<)i»g until rpbo»o i»si<1))a)in)1 <corke rs, )h» auio od a»d cooked tbo mra), At St. Jnb»'s) the m»cjuary )igbt )nst a t»r frir»d. aliba»gb pnssib)y! (arm. I Aj)rd nrd Sibonl rrgu»<cg Lbr 1th, »)rcba»jc., c«olcs, ivaiirrssra, »»d It Lvas» i'ery»1m iiay fat'ome s»d Office desk 1»»)r)!)Ory nf Ghra~ »a n»r the srbnn) rra)jrrd ii.. ( AL a»ieciixlg nf the Exiac»iirr ,', domestic ie)r)cer«. - nj'hn»)embers La co»)p)rj<s some. of I FF)rkso» Aj» <)cc)icu«<) ii'as "'* Mrs. Scbrnrter. a long-time fric»d I Boar<) Tursday erc»i»g. Ma)rcb ]4, |,(nl ncaa the Sick T))o a»»L»<) "spri»g brcak»up" 1)r their F<hqu)rrmcnjs far crrtai» Pro- rr»)<»)r)rc) base)»e»L of j>r»aran»ugr of E»»»a E. 8)L)rrnd, was ibr. amn»i'-! lbci'iscussed f<»d-)nisi»g PA)jc~ ga» <1»ri»g the c)ui nf )<<cct Wcr')c»1»i )rr j«.— Rrpnrio); Ro»»ir B»ri, kj«)<r» <))vjc)r)1< a»" »rW «f)cr eq»'p ')nus Prrsn» ivbn co»lrib»trc) 510,0()0 I j»cl»di»g sponsoring cn»cess)n»,'ni»i.. woods irnl'I<res 1)cg<l» fi)i»g c)ai»1s l in» bnxr:, fish)»g o fa)'r»enis ibis ivrek, »»other pari pO~ p+<e CinqSeq Sebo)arsbjp TFL)st April of }9<a". I b;;;,Li»g derb;rs rn»1)»»»jjv,), . Siair Hosp) ax s s on a nf H<<rtsjej»'«report )»<jjc)<trcj. }jr pu»eb, cnf)rci jrai cookies a»d»111» <)amerce u»d cm))cvcii»g Bee(i C<oikcr I ")d L}iat04 persons flied new c)aims Aii 4.H membrrs j»jrrrst~ ju,ii~-"Fv " ":...,'yi,',„m ~j)-" Cnfnpers Set Full Njgl)t -""s - M ~ iids B)i»g ynic!duymrii'-'"mj» for bo»cnis <)u)hig tbc. ivrek, cn)». c<»»p)ri)»g the 4-H Dng (,a)ee PA)> I I ". % d M I I) '.'be I r»drick {'<c)»pere Kararam ideas md come in Lbe )»inrt)»g a)c'ared wiib only 24 id)od war)ce s'ct »ro requested Lo»inrt at Lbc.sLo» <1)m I,„ul Pc)res a»<) <c))~ )>r]- iiill have ibrc)F fu»»igbt Mn»d<<y . " ' "'" Sj}fjnir- srrk)»g jnb)css p)LY far f)F<I) jj»)c~ J»)j»etta ca»)i))<u))ty Cb»rcb base" be„< "h„»)bj)jasch ',rir»i»g»L tbc Iir»drirk I'jrr Hall.. h(rs. Fr<< Sj)f)nw ives admitted b )n» y b grrr)ra))e iS Ln CO»ir drrSSCd»p fi»1»i ! p j Ine Out FOIvr Yeeff ff g ezes ! 127 Brqujrrmo»js of the Pwject wi)l )<hI, A> .< lq . I far Lbr nccasjo». They ii.))) 1)arr jbrjrI The Assr»)b)y ni" God church is iT»rsday, March 14 amcj s<)bm)ttr<) »rw c)a))»s ivoro flic<1 by I))«A)sec)s«rd a»d ixplai»r<) at ibis " '; %l „„c) k 'Frg») pnt )uc)c pra»)pj)v at 6:30 spa»sari»g a iec» o»(reach prng ~) jin.ur rr Fric}ar. 1m)» the )Lee<<'a )L))»j)nr pra »C g time. It ')S Frqc)r«jr<) by )r<)der M»X- I.i. J. g. »»<i Nra, W»1. MOFSCb~ '! fnl)ainj by ibe buaj»raa meri)»g. r»t)j)rd "Time O»L', The ~mijn)tw < ----"--— i»duxtry. A<Id))in»al irnr)COCu am 1»e IV)))ja)»<) jhaj. »n dngS bn brought fdr»)na)C. 5~'<Lya) Air Sin)in». G< i O)n- Ii E»trriai»mr»1 LVI)) br bj»ga. hfrm- brgi»»j»g Mia)erb 23. irill br held! SQfk W— expected )n fi)<1»<.iv r)ah»«»e"" in this fj)vt )»rrti»g, od a))d some clca» up mark ivua ac-) )bs, a»<) has been»amcd Miebarl Jny. for bbig». ili» jjlr rn»») p~p)rs ~») at the»la» ~(r»)ar)a) H~jt 1 Su»dai for ramp»»ird duri»g the r»rrc»t ivcn)c. Special Gel)csee Un)oil ( ra»i) )arr»L«arr fr mid Qfrs Frr'<),, ' cb<<rcb'* '1» rlllrxgv»cy «pprmdjcja»)y, Hj) s * - I 1 )8 T~ho total nu»ibt'f prrsn))s xloiv Meetjzfg M)II'eh 2'l. Mo~)1eck~a»»c) )c)~F. »11<») )tfr~, Jnh» $ Vjldljte Club Ajds Guff "I»»r O»i.' j»fnr)»a) Fap doing quijr scold»g u»r»1p1oymn»1, 1»s»rn»co Lbn «Fi)L is )00, Lbn bigbrsi, fc)F '»1<i»y (lo»rsro A»)crt)»g of ibr Gr»rsrr. gra»<)pc<re»ts err her, a»d Mr» Cbrth ~ ' inday's tn.»agr).. Nn prruc})j»g nf .l.II Q Ib Fl~t Off} e>S weeks' yrur agn the tn&) i 0 'arab usn Cc. ivi)1 )e hrl<) 1>j- Busch Of C)arksjn», Club 1 ~)'5~at»1»i. f ib ") I <»)i ki»d 1 j»io)rr<j. O»)y jrrmsgrrs Tb C da 1%)~ 4-8 1 b b ) 1 a o»1 33}. Hnivevrr, last yr)LF's «)«y, hl<)rch 24 »L 7:30 p. m. ib) » brna11-») ivas Just a fair c)ays F)rr»)r»<c )»111 jc) <ical»aio building n», CAILD OF TIIANILS I » r r- «+» br)P)»g yo<1»g 77 wor)crrs fj)- extension Lo thc'. U»)<») s<srd pa»t, Tbe Sc»jnr C)ass oj'(e»drirk Higli Gu» Ci»b's ri(le r)L»)"'r last S«j»)day ndu)is find sn)»r sn)i<1 <cmsirr'rs in ibn b m, h „, N G r<)»ow c)aims durl»j( 1)e iver c c»< ~ Scban) LL~)»)c) )))cr (n Q)»»k )br)r par- ia )rt them praciicn firi»g a .22 rj()r their qursjj<b»s," said Rri. »1 j»i'ii)»g i'» in stop ucipcltrd (bat rowel'L» l<L»i)»1 at Lbo Sn»iax'mnrgasbar<) h)arch 11 Ca»rso reer»ily taught by 'the Idaho q h»rsday M„rr), .<3 a„d,j . a yciu a Fjsb e»d Ga»)n De art»)rmt, „,, "' officers r rccc< w'r)'c: rr c ba)')11 fj)o»rxt iverk a»d LbaL Lbo The Clr»rsre Civic Assoc)a)in» )L»c) and al»o say Lba»k yau Lo the 1»a»y - * p, c<a»)r rn)«'- »»1 ennkjr.—)rjs «)k, ON total »u)»bor of u»ox»p)oye<1 ivi)1 nni Lhn lutab Cn. C))s)»b<)rs met )jyrd. arr)L prop'ie w)in )Ljtr»<)rd s»d helped "r»»y cniv» c<m» ~r- Grp art rjsa Loo mL)c)j h)jf))er tha)L t)le 500»esd)iy»t carters fo) a c<»)argasbnxi) makr ibis <~<LF)y event a success. mr n grc)»P a rr 1 < a~s s - ~~rs~~s to yieet porter, Bi)un Price. fjgute. Weather eon<)jtjn»S VV))) d)es ~ d)»X)er. Fn))OW)»g d))L»rr, ))fr. Hj)) - - rd With the Sraai ». The Kr»driCk 49SCS Ci )r U) M Lj~ W~ adjourn& at 8:00 tate'bn durat)n» of the»»m»play- a»d MF, Lotstt<)ch, siaff )»r»))air«nf Ii Is d@jeLL)t io N)y ivhat fs )))pace)- '. ment Of tbn )ngg rs and dry Lveaib. 1'1 Id»i Dep»FLI»e»t of I)ig) v yx b)oi for )he" cfrr~ of ye)))erdcjv')s the ' M ~ ~~ hf rrj k Ju)j Ltw On Tl d y hf er far a feW daye Willi he1p )mmeaeurn S»nkn On tbn neW Prnpnar<) )eu}e fOr hapn Of tC)day SC)d the FC<)L)jg Ot )Orner- j)ay }O jhC) CCOF a Nrd at 2)00 p, 1». BQ)ie Price ab)y, the»eiv Lsw)sto» Hi)). focv,~abort 8< (Iok)axd. fa)ni~.-lfx)mes

Transcript of - 1972 - The Gazette... · 3/23/1972  · i,jxfaho State L)bxxxr.";895 +est Stafe St. THURSDAY,...

Page 1: - 1972 - The Gazette... · 3/23/1972  · i,jxfaho State L)bxxxr.";895 +est Stafe St. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1972 O Juliaetta News h- t poSe, Idaho 887(e. tduttjjrojtt 'fo)}rj}ey Soyuthjwlek


, jxfaho State L)bxxxr."

;895 +est Stafe St.


O Juliaetta News

h- t

poSe, Idaho 887(e.

tduttjjrojtt 'fo)}rj}ey Soyuthjwlek News

The Trey Lumber Co. basketball rude Pederson o! Juliaetta were Nrs. 1ge a fr r

teen from Moscow ))wept ta three Ver)jn .Bex)jamjn, and famny, Danvjijtories and jhe cheaxnpjonsh)p tra- %'e»strom Of 'Lj)wjstan and Nr. and

Phy in t¹second ann»ac) Town Tear» Nrs Je)'arne Pederson ancj <Ierod « ~PLUME 82 gZNDgZCK AND GENgSgg, LATAH CPIJNT)(, IDAHO NP.'2basketbaI .LOLjxx)ament Jib.'n K<)))d- Cou)ee Dam, Wn.,rjCk O)jej it))a Wiijekvend. The NC)SCX)%V;.- gr and Nrjj, CarliNuetOe Of Page,teim, paekced'wjth'WSU and -U of I Idaho were )weekend'lsltars. of Nr,La)en~, treated the sps taiors to arid Nrs. Given Nust, Last Tues. Sfldget "Pretty Well g~„«'ft~~~ P~~~ Big Bear RIdge

'c)xnenutstandjn'g,.b)LI) I))ayjx)g'

day Nr..axxd'.Mrs,'arney., Dr)scan of Settled ) ReyyzstS BzsOcke' 4 ervv 8 asrsvssRv a a %Jssa Ham gjlilfez Mj)g4alz 26th

The t<}j(rnament. S9O&OI)Xd by the LeWietan and.'Nr, and, NWa A)bertj Mrs. MISe Mabbo"K" club 'of.Kendrlc)k High school, Armjtige of spokane were callers at-" Rep. (Ieo, F, Bxacke, Jr., reported'yg]gaeft~, goo]j 'he BIg Bear, Ridge. community i

neftejje)L I)iraf)et C)f jj)jg)}tg.nnyN'. $I)25 .the 'hams .Of 3kl'. and l4FS, Given NOnday mnrning that the neW State 'SX~ t~ ~~~ ~ Hag Club )S SPanaaring a Ham Djn- Church Nnteefar. tf)eeh'Ionia) srchool. ' " '- 'L)stoe; budget is "pretty well" settled at the -I)eport C)LFds, 'er Sunday< March 26 at t}N Com" The Juliaetta Co)»munity Church

If<we)ye team» were e»te)'ed lxL the Jan)s Whltinger and Jolene Bram-;$ 137.3 )»UUon )nark, This )S a 812 R port cards wQI be sent home mun}ty Ha}L Serving wiQ be from annual conference wQ be held Non-tnf)lcney, coming from Lewjx)ton, %ox)- incr were ')L)X)ong those from the j»Qjjon )»crease over the previous y<yjjh aQ studen >2:30. untQ 3:30 p. m. Prices for day evening March 27th at 7,30 jxx

Kendrick, Kanxjah, 3)lk Rjvcxr, ljA)))drisk H)gb School driu team at-)budget. the dinner are 8L75 for ad)dts and thechurch.'ajendjshand Troy. Th)rteen ga)nee tending the Pacific Northwest dri)1 Going up wiU be taxes on cigar- gq~ter yacatjyg for,ch)Mren age 6-12. A bingo Rev. Dax< Heed of Moscow W)II be

w(LI<s played. team context at Boise. They left Fri- ettes, gasoUne and possibly the state,. Juliaetta School will be dismissed booth will provide afternoon enter- guest speaker and will cn»duct corn~e results were.'d4)y and r<eturned home Sunday eve- income tax. The Govexx)ar had noti at 1130 p, m. Thursday March 30 for madan services jn the Jullaetta

y— -, )Ling. ':.; 'igned the income tax bQ} when Baster vacation, Classes wjU resume The 'Qxme" js a ye )y ~~ to Cammu)dty Church Sunday, MarchC Athletic Club 60, Clearwater . Lss) Wednesday. Nrs. Aaro» Weus Brx)cke ta)ked Lo the Gazette Nan- APFQ 4 raise money for general upkeep end 26 at the regular time at 9:00 a. m.

59<'in overtime, jtjng neighboring post offices day. necessary improvement of the haQ

Troy Lumber 88, Art and I}sn's at Ahsahka, Le»ore and Spa)ding Stnl hanging before the legis)atcxxe Fjrs haU b)dfdjng which h used fnr sncjaI Axx)ong jt)e Sjck-Bovjiy Shop 62. Last Thursday afternoon callers js the revised criminal code for the Easter time js condng soon. First ~+i~ John GaSoway retuxx)ed home Sat-Satu)day — ', atctjM).Acjx)on Weffs })one rwere Nrs, state, but Bxacke predicted that, graders made Easter chickens last pn}y tbroM the combined e«rts uxday after spry<d<ng about three ancf

4eroy's Limousine 69s 8 axxd 8 T„)5.King; Mrs, Wade Candler, Al- something wouM be worked aut by'eek from foam egg carta)m ~ of aQ xidge residents js this dj»ner,a half weeks in Grjtmsn hospita} fol-Motors 6L tts, Nrs, Larry Knight and the middle of the week,, probab)y a', ~ th~™w)thbju fg~gh rs and eyes Pass}ble. Help us xnake it a success- k~ two surjmieL Be js recupera-

IUk River 60, Bxoc)ke self 58. tv)co cfaughters of Kaxnjsh and Nick,comprcxm)se bjj). We ~ p~g on ~g


ting at home snd doing real good.Sxnjtty's Pancake House 79, Cav» Armjtage. : The Kendrick lawmaker a)so statel things from foam egg carta»s. This

enlsh 46. hfr. and hfrs. Aaron Wells took jn that the Legislature ls making ")L week they are making f}owers from @Qg fp Tony Hensnn, four snd a half yearberlack Cafe 70 Gem Stat4) the Camas prairie Trap Shoot at,,rea} effortm to wixul up the session'craps of materia} and buttons g'' g /8M'M aon of ~.~~, Bud ~n

Luinber 62. Lew)stan Saturday and Sunday. 'y t}ds week,Trey Lumber 90, L.C Ath)ettc A week ago Sunday, Nr. and Nrs..

Club 60. Har) W)dtjnger honored Jaxds Whjt- %TCL X Wo XPVSte VT lHS home a week ago Tuesday.Leroy's Limousine 126, Elk River jngex at a pre-arranged birthday

4)5, dinner. Others attending were Nr. Kendrick FFA members compejjngSilnday- Jjm Whit)»ger and Gina ~ g gl ~ ~I -

Some nf our students have pictures cn p by ~ patient jn St. Joseph's Hospjtaz forLeroy's Limousine 69, Smjtty's ax)d Mr. and Nrs, John Bla»kensldp. $0 I-state anoruS on djsp)ay in the Art Show'n the ~W wan the DairyPancake House 59. Last Tuesday Jc lens Brammer was, 'tudn h ))way Good work )L hospital jn Tacoma.Troy I.un)her 72, Lumberjack Cafe a supper and ovcrxdght guest of Selectja» of Lwo senior girls from We'e practicing more cbrsive wri- cont t md the D4 y ~Qe con-

59. Jan)s W}dtjnger tn honor of Janjs'. Kendrick High School for partjcjpa- tj»g our speners use it some now N ~ f ~ ÃT y Lu ber 86. I ys 74 for btrihdy. Oth~evenjng cane~ wem tjon in the AU-Sbdechn~atNM- so were}~g t ~it. ' ~ Nla, A I e hi hits Am» ~) m to MF.~N .

the champ)onshjp, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sjjflnw and Mr. cow this week was a»nocmced Tues ): Perfect speQers }ds week are Todd died~ l4 k N~. 3& in-)<famed io the tournament a}j-star Otto SQf)ow. day by music j»st ctnr Floyd Wii ] H E~ th ~ Joh y

djvj ua) Nar NLLstoe high jn at St, J seph's Hospital in Lewhdon.team were J)m Neuso», Chuck Brown, L<Lst Tuesday Nr. and Nrs. Henry Ijams.Leroy NcCaskey, Larry Hsivk and Davis and L)oyd Davis of Grange- | Chose» to represent KHS were>Dan Stewart. viUe went to Port)aX)d because of the

ILjsa Lyons, daughter of Nr. and Nrs, ] Fn~ G~ of Nick Armjtage. high individual, Doug)as.

death of Henry's brother, Ted. Nr. George Lyn»s snd Denise Brammeri Thb, wmk s~ th fo~ q~ Ron Silfjow, Lied for second high

and Nrs Davis spent Tuesday ei'e- daughter of Nr and Nrs Werner~ ter of ihe school year.ning with Nrs, James hfcGre of Brammer.ins Superior Beaver jan. Oregon. Wednesday Nrs. The gjr)s were sc)ected to Iojn < tjons ..~ ck w~ ~m rs Ferry day honoring her mother, Mrs. Kate

SDavis Ajud Mm. Thor»in» of Um ou r member from th ~ut ihel 'The scjen~ci h I t fj hh~ duc„d~ ~ Fy B~ of N~ Pe~ on her 86th

peeeh Rating cauvcr~sP t W~~ay eve»l»g)si Le 1 farm il 250-vole choir byia~ton TheWnrldnf Little Thj g'e'm 3~ in D~ C ttle" y ~v y. 0

wiih chair son stanley Davis oi idu. i audihonrng on s levels. local discrcet', ii was mmmsdng co eee mold, mosi ~~p~ holm mm'"u'm uum h<r. nnd h<ru. ~waukee, Oregon «nd returned home

~and an.sjate The fina} se)ectjons! from the mo~ gaxden etc th)augh K~p + h ~ ~ p~g san and chQdxen, Mr. and Mrs.'Fred .

<isa@see—<auric hndsrmra Crsnmee Thumdar. :were male by the aU-state committee j Lbe mag»jfyjng g)ass and ndcrascope,~ y~ Lhe ~~p Hadjey and chQdxen and Mr.

high aehuei, earnmi a SuPerier m<ing <rirgg Dygeri Waa a assures>'m Im Saurhem <dahn tram taPeS aeni|ymae sceeen wm ernmmh1» Ser)ous Dialogue at Satcxrdsy's ner guex<t of Lhe Henry Davis' Iin by each contestant. We were sorry when the sajsman- 8p ht >~ d D.

++ ~- son, aQ of Lewistan and Nx. and Nra.State Dec)amatjon Festivaf hew at Nr. a»d Mrs, Clay King were Sun- 'ehearsa)s wiU be at Nasnow on d dh d f th >~„po one is ct no»

Sarah High School, 8ejse She was day guests of Iva Gentry a»d Harvey. April 23-25 with a regxda concert ZL wss run to watch It.arne»g l47 stud nts fMm ~boo) x',Triplettof K W %qbj)e there they,~Au)et at 8:00 p. m. April 25 ati Everyone j. gl d for pl~t ~ ~"3~ p ve of Nm P~ Ftve g tj m ~

'ess»u»gsl) parts of the Sjax4) Whn'elped Harvey ce)ebrate his 90th) the Moscow Junior High Scbool gym,spr}ng days when the chQdren can swee stak ' 'll bcf cjua) jfyfng ra0ngs at ear)jer cfis. birthday ann}verasry. I at which L)me the AQ-State Chorcli play outside.

Lri t f~t)vab Last Wednesday vbdtars at the j and Band wul perfaxxn x)ow nf-Ukiah, Oregano came home:fn or<fer Ln attend the SLate meet- Roy Gert'ome were h(r. and Nrs. 1 The aQ~)e band and chorus. )s) PIfth Grade Fxfday ev to spend a few days

I»g" o)le Inux<t, ear)i two super)or rat FoAl Puets of Ze<<twjstoxt 1 be)ng sponsored by the Idaho Music j WeQ, the 'year js el»Lost over ssI»jfa eut of three at, the Regfeaa) Fs<s- Mr. and Nrs. John Bjankenshjp. I I))ducators Association, which wQ) f we a mn jn Lhe. fins} quarter 'we k ~A Liv ock 'Wd- 'Mr. and-.Mra. Phil Johns, Mx)x. Tomt)VII, Which Wa» held at, Sandpe)X)t, Mr. and Nra. Wali KOCpp and Ãr.) haVe a Cnnferxa)oem at MOSCOW AprQ; ~ lnnkh f ~-te, th ~de t 'JJg ~mp a SbO hn Demi}er.and NIXN %Panda WeeXna atM)Nch.11.. and Mra Ken Wilken went.,ac)narc)23-25. -; ~t b kejbaU and. the ~~~™~

<))s were si<pardecf for-Nxf)erfor daxccjx)g at Clarkstnn Saturday eve-1 ~ty as ~~ ~„Eastern Washington Shorthoxx) Snc}ety in Lewjstnn Monday evening.Va gS, a»d rec) ribbene aWirded 'far ning

Oll 8}rtll(jaV. '„„".,~~ .,' g ~ d,

Dg ' '- -"! that is wQI be very exciting. K~@ ~. '":~~- rD< . )cuM)cNrs- D vjct Sho. Ihe:JZjxt})day-.':.

Nr. and Mrs; Syfvesjer Csmnwskj 'p~geg eg~ .,d >, g . Taylor, Steve Hong)and and RIS)Z, ~and famQy left a week ago last Frl- Ii='::;...',~ no ----"--,flow. Steve mchner

,I4)aur e 'Iffr; aaeeOWakpa)%aeS Of Bje)enberg~nofer, Peet 58,~6~ . "

In the CO)tteXL-Wy}jh'-IQI" ~~'Out ar ~ I'~~imother, and returned home last )were honored with' birthday cfjnx)er Thh k w ' b stud "" a passible 200. Other scores were Nnb}e. Thev continued nn toThur))day - " )on Saturday evening commemoratjtur 1

~ ~ e e tu 5"'g Steve Hang)and, 8th high j»djvidua) I~ ~ a p)~~ tripL<Lst Tuesda ~ c)v<mj»g dinnex a»d l}jxe 53rd an»iversaxy of'he Amert-I) ~~ I

" with a 183, and Dale and Ron were hb,8})ore Cn»vr»tjo» Cc»ter I» Coeur d')vrrn)gbt guests of the Ar)jr Arm)-! es» Legion. Ncmbere of Lhe Aux))j, earn o o ings so sr. tied for ninth high j»djv}dua) with a G~ B 0 t ~ SA)esne n» W+»csda) I+~h 15

Lage fsmuy hvrrc) N) and hjrs„A) I aFy nrga»he<i Lbe 'di»nrx'h)ch w<<s I ~~i

Mr. and Nrs. WendeQ Pe~~ or(I<diresce hrc)c) coach Oxxje K~)kke bert Arm)tage of 8 ksne NF a»d i no()»eke T)ir dinner was held at i


%P ~ This m~ Kendric's 2nd wjn in twa Lewjsjon xecent)y cried at the hamsa»d >fr<)„I(a»)kkebrtyr. sss)sja»L >I ~j "

j~ f'

'b,t 1 Fes T<ro cc)kex baked a»d de. 'e ha» n)dered «r made) A)ckets, weeks over the Washi»gtnn teams. 'f Mm David pe+monD»»j<) (>F)SO» a»a '<)F» Carl- )m™nj & them f r dj c . Icorajed bv Ijfrs Everett Rob;„so„)for )au)(c~h this spring. It wQI take Mr. a»d Mrs. Delbert Fj<)lg sniff

~)xar»bndr«L™a»d -Brt)ce. Ro» Ifopkjns. af, M~ Arije A~it ~o ~~ '!m'<L)xi'Q) @hjr)e of jhr pa<et,,'bern )a<mch: Bike Rules, Regulationsfanny pen»er, Jnb» ffrr»)s»n, Bill'ade Candler, Mrs. T. E. Kj»g and

I +b~ a»d )I0d rar mm„bem i We have taken do<ibm our drugck hf L CA jg Busch )L»d Deus» '.l)»a Betb< ~ ;C ~ A»der», IIfah)n» Fnnetc. b~~ w}dch ~~s~ of me~pa)l(jnsrr. C+scb Ka»ikkrbrrg iras a ~ !Fred Hove a»d D))hid I(urb) were rr-! artie)rs a»d folders, Zn plec«ni't »car c)re)de»ts amd mare than just, Ray Pnlumsky and so» Craig af

g»fsed by the group. Al) of these l wc put up a conser<>tjo» boa)d a few camp))ants, Police CX))»miss)a»I

Boise imited i» the home of her par-

Held 88tuf'dR Evenjn «ge j) e» were paxdrd. by Lf) 1,wbj b o 1 is of n pape )t}), wa}t N d .Lhjs w k „rgedI

ts pl f de last

irn» f» 1070 a»d bjs Gr»rs~ Siata ~ eh "wjrm) 'postrn a»d fo)dew pare»ts tn make crrtaj» that )heir Mrs. Gene Buxeh and tera sons af—Tbr Ge»csee Idrrsiork 'n)jow)ng the dj»ner, I)x)y Stout Ly)r Deobald, Rrpo)ter chi)drc» know, u»der<sea»d <)nd ob i I

P)cree he>re dinner guesjs Sunday ln

fj»sh.is for )hr Nnrih )dahn 4-}j c)<)b b )d ii P L„Di ') I th ~gap )e» sj~»~nt<)rc)I<i'rre»i»g si ib»r Fire»ir»'c.'icd by David Kueh) at @e pjs»O.,F Hr a)sa urged mntorists tn be ca».


vm Nabbotts, later. Mr. a»d Mra

m»«, Fmt r f I' '"-h<L)) iriib )gb)y.tera a<Le»di»g. pcs- I Dsnci»g fo)jnw~ & thr music ofidac»ii LDea» Ryi»~err <br)cn»ird Lbsr! Lhc poor Boys for those who iilsbrd ', Well Attended riders. I


psrenis and iaieii Coaniy Agent. io nisei. Although the annual Ke»dric)c hlore cbi)drr» cia)) br nut on bUces I

iordan Dagy and his iatniiy. Thr '. Mn grout announce< that ihe Beys'emi in ticuie held is i rriday aws a. the weaiiier grm beiirr, hioden i )i gg<dy pgy<) $<igc)<egg<)<<y

aorarlcan iing pied<a wns ieii hi grace seimiisns wiii be made seen and noi. uuiie as iargiss ii hss been .in ndd a"d iiui a nwineni oi car ieai F,) )I Pj tule David Rassrbn. a»d uie 4-H pledge e»yo»e wishi»g tn do»atn mo»ry Lo prei4ous years. )t Lies sLU) Pra»nu»c- could result i» tragedy.


by K<)rr» Iversa» Tbr px»yrr wc)s.sc»d de)rgajr)x are e)eo)»e «»d r" rcj a success by boih Lbr Lin»s Club Cbj)dre» should br told io ride on!Job appar)»»)L)rs s»d jnb f)»<)jng gjvr» by Curt Hermann. T'hrn the "co»ra)re La dn sn. )»Ors may cn»-. «nd Lbr exjr»sin» servers j

the p™p«side'nf the streets, ivitb 1 the- FHA Club bns~ m Easter»i v r'< )'I Pon) ircatbrr amd wert roads vcere i L))«raffj«oii amd»ni Lieu or Cbrrr

!drrso».a buf e di»»er which w<u pmpamd "')amrd I'or the )css tham average at-I

- .-..I bi)d ' 1 k 1 ih Hi bJ. H)<r(stci», »ia»ager of Lbr hfo«rc)w) by the c)»b. De»in»sita)in»s werc: tr»da»rr, b»L those irbn did co»)r io )cyc es arc used aj night, Lhry Scbm) where they wrm g~(ed byoffice nf )br 'I<)aba Prpc<rj»)r»( nf'ive» b), Dai'id Swrnsnxl n» SP)cry I Open HOuSe Held At (aii~ ivrre p)res~ ii~tb the pmgrml. )n»sc r eqlljpp~ iiriib ad~»ale, ,B»m)cs —cn»1P)etr %,)h ra~ TheE<»p)ay»)c»L. Her(sir)» roper(rd I Tra: Jav A»drrsn» n» The Proper 't JOhn 8 PSI jSlz 't, was estimated tham close Ln»i»rty 'g Ls am rc rctnrs, f)'n»t a»d rra» ~~riy i»cb)d& ~rs, ~mshmcnu<at »ia nrr)cr bacl P)»err I 12 )~tab) W<<y Ta Brush VOL)r Tcrtb. a»d De~n ', v rrr. Prrwr»L for the men's Prog)va»)

]" dr» a, c) y n)d<»a»res a»d a»d Easter rgg hunt

ivrek camparr<1 ivitb 12 }dvr» lob', a 1«»)b Fiir The Show. Mrs. Al '1)n»sr ives brkj ac St, Jnh»'<c Ia»)1)rr-'about 35 wamrn werc at tb< I'jrr!'r<)u»iy i<<irk<ra n» labs d»ri)ig Lbrl K)»':c'r n» bis Mcthnc) of P)vp< i»g i (r»rsrr O» Narrb 13)b, a» n>r» i» the mor»i»g u))d after»nn» a»d I g, ' 'r, Tbe reg<)}ar kindergarten party isI side«al)ss at a»i time ,'lanned for Thur. day, March

fi»c)i»g help di<ri»g i)in ))Ferjo»'c'c»)<cr ca)bc<i n» bc<,f »»ij p<).'s<.'0I

1<» parso»agr. ft w~~ fo))nwr<) by Hall for the )udjcs'ession. i Al) children iriil »Lie»d the morningWyrk. A yrrir»gn Cb)S ii'Cek. O»)i'! n»i, pamphlria, s<I)~. 'I'ed )(j»srr <)r<)jr»j)«» Crrrmn»)ra aj bntb ibr b3 Cjul} YO Meet iMQ).eh 28'srssin» as cbcej cinses early that

Io»».i )ncai)y. A (o~<'ave u shor( talk in ibr pare»is a»i)'Gc»csee. Va))ry»»d Sj. Jnb»'s parisb- Sel)OlgqISlljp I< und A 2cc<,') Ci»b i»rrcj»g wi)l br held; day.f«r)» jnb«b<y)Stere<) ibr Ln(«)S, )r«V

Ith<1»)<el ibiem fnr a)l the SuPPOrt iie. Fh „d,Vh . T»<eaday. h(arrb 2C, at. I:(<L1 at Rend- I Ih}n<jrrgarjr» Parents Sbn»M nOte

i»g 2,1 pibs n))r»»i the encl of ibr,)u)d )ir)p tbri'arr give» be). I At 1)» V«))ry C)»)rcb, the ri lci. Bene)jje«1 PSSS 8 Irick HIgb <rbno), p)a»s iri)i bc d).-ILbr fn))oiri»g. Cbiwrc» wbo are nativcek. A r<n)»gn ibiirr ivrre n»)yI Cn»»iy Aevg»L Gordon D»Uy'ai(1 g)~w» a)») irbiir altar a»d p»))<i< Gi»cgi<r -—Wj(b Lbe pussi»g nf: c»sscd for a rar»ira) o» Aprj) 15, Co,goj»g cfirisctiy home should bring a]5 ln)y«npr». Hurtsiri», «ajd hjs ', a fair wwrdi tn ib«pare»iw s»d

Iha»gi»gs i»»)r)»n)y of hfrs, I.iiiy NA<, A»»a Scbr<ic)cr, 86, of Moscow, 'isc. »)o»ry for Bamd»»)for»)s. <sa)»-,'n)< Ln schon) siajj»g irbrre they

a(fir«iii))»< c<ir<1 f<<c») traciar Opec I members. Tbr» ibn bays <lid the 'a<)in» «»6 Sa»for<) Eva»s ir weri,)ni»i, Schon) Dist)ici Xn. 282 a»d P'irs n. Lhi. P)+pose<) <»)ifnr»)s ivi)lc a)re in go, ALmn Easter iwcatjn» br-<)jara, Sni»n Srrrrta)1<11 Wntk<)r«, Lc)i. diabeS bC.CS»ee u<n girlS b«d PreP»t dtdjra)rd,, the Students ni'n»rare High SChOOl be a» diSPlay a»d the ba»d «~)) Prr- I gi»S Myrrh 31 Cn»jj»<)i»g n» untilrpbo»o i»si<1))a)in)1 <corke rs, )h» auio od a»d cooked tbo mra), At St. Jnb»'s) the m»cjuary )igbt )nst a t»r frir»d. aliba»gb pnssib)y! (arm. I Aj)rd nrd Sibonl rrgu»<cg Lbr 1th,»)rcba»jc., c«olcs, ivaiirrssra, »»d It Lvas» i'ery»1m iiay fat'ome s»d Office desk 1»»)r)!)Ory nf Ghra~ »a n»r 1» the srbnn) rra)jrrd ii..

(AL a»ieciixlg nf the Exiac»iirr ,',

domestic ie)r)cer«. - nj'hn»)embers La co»)p)rj<s some. of I FF)rkso» Aj» <)cc)icu«<) ii'as "'* Mrs. Scbrnrter. a long-time fric»dIBoar<) Tursday erc»i»g. Ma)rcb ]4, |,(nl ncaa the Sick

T))o a»»L»<) "spri»g brcak»up" 1)r their F<hqu)rrmcnjs far crrtai» Pro- rr»)<»)r)rc) base)»e»L of j>r»aran»ugr of E»»»a E. 8)L)rrnd, was ibr. amn»i'-! lbci'iscussed f<»d-)nisi»g PA)jc~ga» <1»ri»g the c)ui nf )<<cct Wcr')c»1»i )rr j«.—Rrpnrio); Ro»»ir B»ri, kj«)<r» <))vjc)r)1< a»" »rW «f)cr eq»'p ')nus Prrsn» ivbn co»lrib»trc) 510,0()0 I j»cl»di»g sponsoring


woods irnl'I<res 1)cg<l» fi)i»g c)ai»1sl

in» bnxr:, fish)»g ofa)'r»enis ibis ivrek, »»other pari pO~ p+<e CinqSeq Sebo)arsbjp TFL)st 1» April of }9<a". I b;;;,Li»g derb;rs rn»1)»»»jjv,), . Siair Hosp) a» ax s a» s on a

nf H<<rtsjej»'«report )»<jjc)<trcj. }jr pu»eb, cnf)rci jrai cookies a»d»111» <)amerce u»d cm))cvcii»g Bee(i C<oikcrI")d L}iat04 persons flied new c)aims Aii 4.H membrrs j»jrrrst~ ju,ii~-"Fv " ":...,'yi,',„m ~j)-" Cnfnpers Set Full Njgl)t -""s- M ~ iids B)i»g ynic!duymrii'-'"mj»

for bo»cnis <)u)hig tbc. ivrek, cn)». c<»»p)ri)»g the 4-H Dng (,a)ee PA)> I I".

% d M I I) '.'be I r»drick {'<c)»pere Kararam ideas md come in Lbe )»inrt)»ga)c'aredwiib only 24 id)od war)ce s'ct »ro requested Lo»inrt at Lbc.sLo» <1)m I,„ul Pc)res a»<) <c))~ )>r]- iiill have ibrc)F fu»»igbt Mn»d<<y . " ' "'" Sj}fjnir-

srrk)»g jnb)css p)LY far u» f)F<I) jj»)c~ J»)j»etta ca»)i))<u))ty Cb»rcb base" be„<"h„»)bj)jasch ',rir»i»g»L tbc Iir»drirk I'jrr Hall.. h(rs. Fr<< Sj)f)nw ives admittedb )n» y b grrr)ra))e iS Ln CO»ir drrSSCd»p fi»1»i ! p jIne Out FOIvr Yeeff ffg ezes !

127 Brqujrrmo»js of the Pwject wi)l )<hI, A> .< lq. I far Lbr nccasjo». They ii.))) 1)arr jbrjrI The Assr»)b)y ni" God church is iT»rsday, March 14 amcj s<)bm)ttr<)

»rw c)a))»s ivoro flic<1 by I))«A)sec)s«rd a»d ixplai»r<) at ibis " ';%l „„c)k 'Frg») pnt )uc)c pra»)pj)v at 6:30 spa»sari»g a iec» o»(reach prng ~) jin.ur rr Fric}ar.

1m)» the )Lee<<'a )L))»j)nr pra »C g time. It ')S Frqc)r«jr<) by )r<)der M»X- I.i. J. g. »»<i Nra, W»1. MOFSCb~ '!fnl)ainj by ibe buaj»raa meri)»g. r»t)j)rd "Time O»L', The ~mijn)tw < ----"--—i»duxtry. A<Id))in»al irnr)COCu am 1»e IV)))ja)»<) jhaj. »n dngS bn brought fdr»)na)C. 5~'<Lya) Air Sin)in». G< i O)n-

Ii E»trriai»mr»1 LVI)) br bj»ga. hfrm- brgi»»j»g Mia)erb 23. irill br held! SQfk W—expected )n fi)<1»<.iv r)ah»«»e"" in this fj)vt )»rrti»g,

od a))d some clca» up mark ivua ac-) )bs, a»<) has been»amcd Miebarl Jny. for bbig». ili» jjlr rn»») p~p)rs ~») at the»la» ~(r»)ar)a) H~jt 1 Su»dai for

ramp»»ird duri»g the r»rrc»t ivcn)c. Special Gel)csee Un)oil ( ra»i) )arr»L«arr fr mid Qfrs Frr'<),, ' cb<<rcb'* '1» rlllrxgv»cy «pprmdjcja»)y, Hj) s* -



T~ho total nu»ibt'f prrsn))s xloiv Meetjzfg M)II'eh 2'l. Mo~)1eck~a»»c) )c)~F. »11<») )tfr~, Jnh» $Vjldljte Club Ajds Guff "I»»r O»i.' u» j»fnr)»a) Fap doing quijr

scold»g u»r»1p1oymn»1, 1»s»rn»co 1»

Lbn «Fi)L is )00, Lbn bigbrsi, fc)F '»1<i»y (lo»rsro A»)crt)»g of ibr Gr»rsrr. gra»<)pc<re»ts err her, a»d Mr» Cbrth ~ ' inday's tn.»agr).. Nn prruc})j»g nf .l.II Q Ib Fl~t Off} e>Sweeks' yrur agn the tn&) i 0 'arab usn Cc. ivi)1 )e hrl<) 1>j- Busch Of C)arksjn», Club 1 ~)'5~at»1»i. f ib ") I

<»)i ki»d 1 j»io)rr<j. O»)y jrrmsgrrs Tb C da 1%)~ 4-8 1 b b ) 1 a

o»1 33}. Hnivevrr, last yr)LF's «)«y, hl<)rch 24 »L 7:30 p. m. i» ib)» brna11-») ivas Just a fair c)ays F)rr»)r»<c )»111 jc) <ical»aio building n», CAILD OF TIIANILS I

» r r- «+» br)P)»g yo<1»g

77 wor)crrs fj)- extension Lo thc'. U»)<») s<srd pa»t, Tbe Sc»jnr C)ass oj'(e»drirk Higli Gu» Ci»b's ri(le r)L»)"'r last S«j»)day ndu)is find sn)»r sn)i<1 <cmsirr'rs in ibn b m, h „,N G

r<)»ow c)aims durl»j( 1)e iver c c»< ~ Scban) LL~)»)c) )))cr (n Q)»»k )br)r par- ia )rt them praciicn firi»g a .22 rj()r their qursjj<b»s," said Rri.»1 j»i'ii)»g i'» in stop

ucipcltrd (bat rowel'L» l<L»i)»1 at Lbo Sn»iax'mnrgasbar<) h)arch 11 Ca»rso reer»ily taught by 'the Idaho 1» q h»rsday M„rr), .<3 a„d,j. a yciu aFjsb e»d Ga»)n De art»)rmt, „,,"' officers r rccc< w'r)'c: rr c

ba)')11 fj)o»rxt iverk a»d LbaL Lbo The Clr»rsre Civic Assoc)a)in» )L»c) and al»o say Lba»k yau Lo the 1»a»y - * p, c<a»)r rn)«'- »»1 ennkjr.—)rjs «)k, ON

total »u)»bor of u»ox»p)oye<1 ivi)1 nni Lhn lutab Cn. C))s)»b<)rs met )jyrd. arr)L prop'ie w)in )Ljtr»<)rd s»d helped "r»»y cniv» c<m»~r- Grp art

rjsa Loo mL)c)j h)jf))er tha)L t)le 500»esd)iy»t carters fo) a c<»)argasbnxi) makr ibis <~<LF)y event a success. mr n grc)»P a r r 1 < a~s s - ~~rs~~s to yieet porter, Bi)un Price.fjgute. Weather eon<)jtjn»S VV))) d)es


d)»X)er. Fn))OW)»g d))L»rr, ))fr. Hj)) - - rd With the Sraai ».The Kr»driCk 49SCS Ci )r U) M Lj~ W~ adjourn& at 8:00

tate'bn durat)n» of the»»m»play- a»d MF, Lotstt<)ch, siaff )»r»))air«nf Ii Is d@jeLL)t io N)y ivhat fs )))pace)- '.ment Of tbn )ngg rs and dry Lveaib. 1'1 Id»i Dep»FLI»e»t of I)ig) v yx b)oi for )he" cfrr~ of ye)))erdcjv')s the '

M ~ ~~ hf rrj k Ju)j Ltw On Tl d y hfer far a feW daye Willi he1p )mmeaeurn S»nkn On tbn neW Prnpnar<) )eu}e fOr hapn Of tC)day SC)d the FC<)L)jg Ot )Orner- j)ay }O jhC) CCOF a Nrd at 2)00 p, 1». BQ)ie Priceab)y, the»eiv Lsw)sto» Hi)). focv,~abort 8< (Iok)axd. fa)ni~.-lfx)mes

Page 2: - 1972 - The Gazette... · 3/23/1972  · i,jxfaho State L)bxxxr.";895 +est Stafe St. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1972 O Juliaetta News h- t poSe, Idaho 887(e. tduttjjrojtt 'fo)}rj}ey Soyuthjwlek





Adults —Q,00 Clt0dggn '1.00NUS C HK ~OOR SOyS —IATLII~""

Featurf'Nri Steak —CIII<"e"

The Gazeth - Nests

) ~ (l".0"Ql"'07 'A.("S



Qiigit,li I'IINro PlftS



]AY QlJ4, t Yl] t 'A..lPIton 285~3i88

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S'7.:.']I: '('.I',.X«'.7WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK

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Reliable Nurse Sins ond Spreaders

Radio Equipped Service TrucksFor Fast and Reliable Service

Our Aim Is To Pleose —Service ls Our Malay

CEO. F. BROOKE 5 SONS, INC.Kendrick, Idaho Phone 2894931

ud rdtrd ~ + ~MddWrdrkeh 4,w igWk 2s]s~r~w i',ill]sh~fmttn

S.ier1 s~e






Old Mill Site —West ot Kendrick, IdahoPhone 289-4177 Roy ar]d Harlan Fey

Despite the long, wet winter we knog,, thbe h t I]nng will soon

ust to lrandl

Many farmers in this area have [T oys Hank-By-Mail atiolvs them to mal e d

oun( iiit First Bank ofbills and handle other financial mattersand convenient

a ma ters —It"s fast, safe

And, First Bank of Troy has bown a friend tofor mar]y years. They know the ffarll]<r of this area al]d

<..5"...)L)(0 i ")l Ill'TILDE - - ..IPAHg

l WILD BABES REQUIREguise eigg ttst ttttNttu ot u" potddtg

alone" went out today from the Ida-I

A ccgmoutfa¹ott of The Kendrick Gaze¹e arul The Geaasee News Genesee, New~0 Years Ago ho Fish and Game Department withMrs. Oscar Danieson entertained a respect to w]]d]]fe young-of-the-year

matter at the Post ofccc in Kendrick, Idaho Lgg duhdr ~, Idabo 0$L'N. I nunlber of relatives Friday afternoon now being "found" in their hidingLatah County, under Act of Certggcsa af lCarch, 1870. in honor of Shir]ey's *6th 'birthday. places. It's unlawful to molest

The Offfcicf Nswapapdrr of Gegtesee, Kertdrick ardtf Julgac¹o, Idaho Oscar Danie]son is making plans them or take them as peto build a new house this season, Such "adoption" and removal from

Jane I Roth and Wham A. Rath, Pubuahera Palmer Anderson left this week for their natural habitat and mothersWuliam A. Roth, Edit'or -:- h1ts. Ray Lohman, lt$aura Sditcr Spokane ta be inducted into the army care almost always leads to unnecas-

~(Oliver Wood]ey -„.bought the shares sary death'"'.g wild babes of +eGenesee-Telephone $05~ of the Woodley hamestead fram Rich. woods. To'olest them is a mis'-

Suttacciptuon Rate —$$.00 per year —Strictly In Advance ard Woodley end Mrs. Carrie Brake- demeanor punishable by fine and (bill. jail sentence. IAdvertlddng Rates Given Upon Applicatiact Mrs. Gladys Anderson entertained The young af anv spec]es requireat her home last Thursday evening expert feeding and care. They us-for Palmer ft.nderson urho lett Mon»iually want survive auray from their

GUN SAFETY TRAININGlschools at Deary, Pot]atch, Genesee day for army service and, for Ted mothers. Some animals become

NEARS COMPLETION (Troy and Kendrick have received the Flamoe who is leaving this week ta extremely dangerous to humans astraining. The schools at Kooskias be employed in defense wo'rk.

,they mature,un safety training, given by the Kamiah, Orofino, Gfangeville Cav- Mr,-and Mrs. David Kuehl have To k1dnap some animals —bearIdaho Pish and Game Department in endish and Elk City received the gun moved from the Masonic aparhnent cubs for example is dangerous be-cooperation with the pu lic schaa» safety training the last of February to the home of Mrs. Agnes Manring cause the sour generally is nearby.and other interested partiest nears and early March. At this time the 6th grade news: In our last un]- Cubs weigh only a few ounces atcompletion in the Clearwater Regio n Moscow junior high is finishing up brelia court, Wayne Schwenne was birth in January but with the arriv-This instruction, given during schoo] their classes and schools at Nezperce, judge and Daniel Lorang was whistle al of spring and the end of hiberna-hours to all boys and girls in school Cpttonwoodt Craigmont and Culdesac b]ower. Donald Lee, Parka Endrest tion they weigh three or four poundsclassrooms, is intended to reach a]] are scheduled for March 21 to 24. E]aine Simons, Barbara Putnamt d t d ddl . Tstudents near the 12-year age leveL

It is at this age that a p ~n may Typica] of the gun safety classes Emma Lou kans, S irley ~st!emerge from the den with their& t legally purchase a hunt' 11 given th'8 yeal were those at L ms- "1ne 'mg " ra ~e'others. acU~ ~d hung'.cense or carry,a firearm in the. fields ton. There were 270 Vth grade stu- Gl J tt ~ 'a g ous yof- Idaho.. |dents at Sacajawea junior high and G N 0 Y A

defense or to protect their young. A


300 7th grade students at Jenifer L„]u, r; er the 13 ~gr a]dfemale badger fights courageoouslv

The.gun safety instruction Inc]udesI junior bigs. The c]assroom instruc-,. Lulu 8pn gert the 13-dyear- old for her youngsters. She is a goad

a color slide,,lecture, movies, actuall tion was given by ConservaUon pf 'daughter of Mr and Mm ~d pnng match for the average dog. The

g hand]lng'~ where facilities a~ flcers D',~ght Kllgore of the I lns- er b~~ her right eye ball quit'se- sk~ possesses a pair of scentavailable actual firing on a range by'ton district Bill Gorgen of the Mos- re


~y '"g

~ cur 1nglands and uses them as needed in

those students who wish to partici- cow district and Jerry Gifford of the ' '" gag " g the direction of the enemy.pat. These c]~M ~ given ~te- Powell district and assisted by Dee "YI 'dM W R H k a hav Although Idaho deer and elk fawn

wide and are an a vo]untary basis Hibbert, R g]anat ConservaUon Edu- '' h.

h and ca]ves usua]]yMany surrounding states require gun catpr at Lewiston. a new M 1va at elr o

May or June, its not too early farsafety training for all youths wishingto Purchase a hunting license for the The classroom instruction included Wcdeesdar morn'ng

l them atone 'srmjus™ere commonfirst time. In these states on]y~

a color slide presentation on statis- G]enn Samp»nthose youngsters wishing to pur- ties of gun accidents, parts of guns, more new thing-amajigs to his al-t with both whitetails and mule deer,

'hasea license receive this training.l techniques pf safe gun handling and ready good equipmcnt in his bar rCLOUDY VARNISHED SURFACE'nIdaho, all youngsters, both boys l hunter's responsibilities. shop.

Those students who wished to go on Ruby arid F]pssic Ho]]ingswThe first sd oo]s in the C]earwater the range firing wvere given cods to two little daughters of Mr. and airs.'ull cloudy look you may be able

Region to receive the instruction take 'home for parental approva]. Eli EIpl]ingsworth had their tonsils i«restore it with unsced oil and


were at Pierce and Weippe on Janu- Range firing was held on March 1,1 at removed Sunday morning.. Both are gum t«pcnune, advises University

ary 19 an 21. District Conservation the Lewiston Police Rifle Range. In recovering niccy. of Idaho home furnishings specialist I

Officer Joe Bross of Weippe gave the structing at the range were Dwight The Lewiston Tribune is now a W']]ma Shryack.,'eneSeetraining and was assisted by Robert Kilgore, Walter Bcrrv and Kent Ba]] daily of six pages and is a credit to The cloudiness causccl by poor


Masan of Pierce. of the Idaho Fish and Game Depart- the Lewiston territory, I quality vanush cannot bc remi)vcdl

Since then, Sacajawea and Jenifer ers and Jim Felton, members of the, Tom Wnh] and Esther Hickmsn, of wahout first removing the vthrnish.l

junior high schoc] of Lewi-ton, and Lewis and C]ark )Ui]d]ife Club. iDistr!c.'No. 28 took part in the Co.'B«<. if the tin]ah has been du]le(1 by,ili spelling contest at Moscow Saturdrhy. l

srnokc. <]us], and grrssc -- hs ruay,Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Broeme]ingl happen in nny houshhok] —tht.ti

]iri-,'INANCIALpl ~NG~

land children left Tuesday morningl

seed oil and gum turpentine shou]dfor Cadogan, Alberta, Canada after

lrevive it successfully.

IIIvestors a visit with relatives the past sever- I First. clean the varnished surface, I

gG Ser- a] weel s. one section at a time, with one tca-~~C,1 l/C It is confidently believed that spoon gum turpentine and three tea-

etP I .$360,000 uri]l be secured from Con- spoons boiled linseed oil in 1 cup~ge gress this year with which to start of hot water, Caution: Do not!

I the construction of the Lola Pass place this solution directly on heat.'oadwhich wi]] cost approximately To keep it warm while yau work,

Mu'tual Funds Life Insurance '

$1,000,000.00. place the container in a pan of hotFar For

1932 water. Use a soft cloth or a veryInvestment protecUon l

Kendr]ck Gazette —Mare 'ine stee] wool to apply the soluUon.

2L Gov. Ross Speaks On Highways at Then, uripe with a c)ean cloth wrungJuliaetta —Gov. C. Ben Ross spoke out or warm water, and follow byto a large crowd Wednesday morn- rubbing with a dry cloth.

ELDRED J. THOMAS ing on highway matters. He also To revive the cleaned surface,l conferred with the business men on strake it with a 3-0 steel wool pad,

the need of a highway from Moscow dipped in equal parts of raw unseedl

c «thr ough the Litt]e pot]atch„'ountry ail and gum, turpeffUne. Apply

Res. 74<%$80 and Juliaetta to Arrow. 'Lt. Gov. very ughUy an&careful]y, espec]a]]yMix also spoke on road matters. on the edges, to prevent the stee]

Gov. Ross and Lt. Gov. Mix met wool from cutting. Wipe aff allat Kendrick with the highw'ay corn- excess solution with a dry cloth andmissioners and the hlghuray corn- &e cloudiness should be gone.mtttee of the Kendrick Commerc]a] The type af materials you use is

made up Bear Ridge. After a din-, balled linseed oil for c]efm]ng andner at the Raby Hotel for some 36 raw linseed oil for the final rub-

Imembers and visitors the meeUng dawn. For bath steps, be sure you

II was opened to some 75 or 80 inter- have gum turpenUne. DlsU]led tur-Kermit Malcom, Manager ested persons gathered to hear the penUne should never be used for

Governor's talk on the need of roads this jobII ~ ~ ~ ~ of this commun]ty.

SIInple, DIES led Funeral Services An Easter cantata "Victory", un-„

New Building —Pleasant, Surroundings

B. B. Brigham, R. H, Ramey, Thos.'cDowell,N. E. Walker, and Lester

Hill. Mrs, Herman Schupfer ispianist.Kendrick Gazette —March 19, 1942

Kendrick Happenings, 20 YearsAgo (1922): Work on thc ncw thee.«tre is progressing. Cold weather l +has delayed the plastering and cc-

..unera.. faye,l '-'":,"'„.",,",.;",™'..;;„„...last week, was lifted Sunday.

MOSCOW, IDAHO PHONE 882-4534last week from Gcnesee, where kehad been the last three weeks. Hc 4 Jstates that the snow in Gcneseecountry will average a foot deep and I ~l~ i I RHHfC Pithe state highway impassable dueto drifts.

CEDA NEWSEstablishment of an urban planner 0 0 a

position to serve in the ClearwaterMajor Ovbrhauls —Diesels Sc Gas Economic Development District was %7 I ~ I I


Thursday night. Williams said a i

grant of $16,000 1'm Hou 1 g and

make the position possible. In Iww- the prcbten]... an inSidiOuStstan the positions will be closely One that Can nlean SeVerecoordinated with the Clearwater flnanCial IOSSea,Valley Regional Planning efforts.

t Chuck Bond, Moscow city council-man said, "the need for un]f]ed and fHE ANSWER: Properly tlnledcoordinated p]arming which consid- ]faoolnatlcn With Franklin

LEIsHANT 8 ers both Moscow and Lewiston has MULTI-STRAIN Bovine Vibriobeen recognized by CEDA for sometime. Th]s grant ur]]] prov]de thc FetuS BaCterln,

~ae funds for that purpose."I


reISI~~etS The City of Genesce was accepted Poor ConCePtlOn ratee, Pra-as a new member of CEDA. Lean- lcnged CaIVing periOd nOard Singhose, city councilman from apparent Signa Of


Genesee attended and has been nam-ed to represent Genesce on the these conditions could indiCEDA Board of Directors. cate vlbriosis In your herd.

FOr Spring FertliigyrS'

will overgsrd, Director of theIdaho Office of the Aging spoke to 'TO effectiVely COntrOI bOVlne

. ~) —USE- CEDA to improve the quality ofthe group. 'He is working with VlbrloSIS, and nlore irnpcrtantlyI

SppgL]I,I TRUCK pmggES ']ving of older people in thc C]car.,tO preVent lte OCCurrenCe,water District. establish a routine vaccination

Leo D i lso Bill Bird N il Fal sThose present were Carl Moo re,

..encnei.(oc Ma.e l o.~HEM»~K. ~~o PHON~ 289~ " "'" '"-""- 'w"„, RKSOIOSS P14114OV

Scott Brown. Ketsalrtak, Idaho Phone 2SS4941

Page 3: - 1972 - The Gazette... · 3/23/1972  · i,jxfaho State L)bxxxr.";895 +est Stafe St. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1972 O Juliaetta News h- t poSe, Idaho 887(e. tduttjjrojtt 'fo)}rj}ey Soyuthjwlek


W»: ).:..V:7MOBIImn, hionILGAS hfonIL HEAT 100


'lV<> Will Order Any Ha<nb)l Ite)ns i)«sir<)d

hf anil. Tilt KS ItATTKItIES



By Jim llumbirdId«ho Fish «nd Game Deiisrtment

Wintering Game IIeportIni msy be springt,im<! in the v«lleys

but wi»tertime conditions still pre-v«il on some big g«me ranges wheresuppl<inie»uil f<>eding cuntinucw }>e-n«u>:e natural browse is in short, sup-Ply, 'I'j)ese winter r«nges are foundin c.«stern Id«hu «nd Upper Snc<keregion. Elsewhere in the rtate eon.ditiuns range fruin improve<1 to verygood. I'oi ex«)«pie, one of the truu-l>le sputa this winter h«s been o» theNorth Fork uf the Gle«rw«tcr Iiiverupstresni from Dwu>shr<k Dsm. Iecnow is bie«king up un tbe fast-fillingpuul snd the coyote-deer predationli)'ubleni fs about ov<.)', I en)pe) «-tures have muderatr>d snd westf«eing

siupes «re b«ring.Snake ltiver Ir)}suds

Approximstely 85 isl«nds in the'ri«ke River from W«iters Fr.rry, duwristreani tu Brow»le<: Itr:s<.rvui).will rem in c}oswi fruin I ebruaiy 1through M«y Ir>, thc Siiiil)e Riversrctur of tb<* Dr<.r I'1st N«tiun«l Wildlife }tef<>.-,r., The re«sun for t!)e is-i«nd elusure is tu prevent, gcc'se frui>1bciiig dist»i'beri or cv<ni barr'>«sodduring tlir> nesting se«sr>n, Gc<isear« s<>sceptij>le ta num«» activity in-clu<li»g noise «nid often «4«:iduns>rests wli<')i <1>stnrbi d.

I.«ndiuekcd S«lmnn Iiegul«tiunsOr>c «seep<ion to the st«tr..wide 1>«g

«nd,'ur pocsession limit of 2;> fis!uf any species or in the «ggr<.""ate ofknkane<. (blueb«ck reclfish or silver j«nd cuhu (i«ndlucked silv«r salmon j

We Giv., S 4, 8 Green Stamps on All BurniIIg Oil-if paid by the I'5th of month following


Phone 289-4061 Res'ldence 276-'(151

. nsurance:-+ FISE





li. F,. Magttuson A.genevPhone 289-4271 Kendrick, idaho

>a s%

E Q)l~ I


Use The Gazette - News Clttsslf led Ads To Buy, Sell or Xrutteis on the South Fork uf the BoiseRiver «mi tributaries above AndersonRanch Reservoir nort}i nf hfountain}Ionic, where daily bsg and/or pos-session limit, is five knkanee. FromSepteinber 1 to October 31 in thesewaters it shall be unlawful tu fisli forkuk«nee with more tbsri uric singlehuuk un the line, which must, be 5.>16of «n inch or smaller fruiii point tolshank. It is also illegal in this!this drainage uf the South Fork of

Ithe Boise tu kill or rets)n in possess-,iun any koksnee which bar beenhook<4 other than in the head. I(u-k«nee )nake spawning runs from An-derson R«neh Reservoir up the SouthI"ork of the Boise to Trinity Greek«nd other tributaries between Sep- I

tember 1 «nd October 31 a time when [these fish eongregste snd become ex-trernely v unerable tu snagging hooks

Koksnee during the spawning mnrapidly change physinlogically, arithmost oils and fats absorbed. Theflesb becomes unpalatable to the hu-man taste. Reducing the daily bsglimit from 25 te 5 kokaaee iacreasesthe escapement of these fish to the


So, the social security package iss rather full oue, retirement benefits,disability benefits, survivor's benefits

aad Medicare benefits.

If your luck holds out it msy bethat the retirement benefit is the onlyone you will ever need. However,it's good to know that the v<+o}epackage is always there—just in case



PERhIITNot.ice is hereby given that James

R. Sullivar., Route 1, Box 8, Deary,Idaho, has on Deeernber 6, 1971 sub-mitted Application No, 86-7019 fora permit to appropriate 0,6'7 acrefeet per annum uf water I'.rom anunnamed stream by means of stor-age dsm within the NE)~r, SE>>I,See. 35, T. 4ON, R, 2W, B. N., LatahCounty to be stored from Jan. 1 to>Dec. 31 for stoekwater ard fire pro-tection purposes within the NE)>«SE),h, See, 35, T. 4ON, R. 2W, B. M

If issued, this permit will be sub-ject. to all prior water rights. Pro-tests aga)nst the granting of Ch&permit must be filed with the Idaho.Department of Water Administra-tion, Statehouse, Boise, idaho, 33707.on or before April 3, 1972.


Pub}ished in the Gazette News,Kendrick, Idaho hi arch 16 aad.March 23, 1972.




Iu the Matter of the Estateof



NOTICE IS HERRRY GIVEN bythe undersigned Exemtrices of theWIII aad estat>e of Hilda B)<<v> beEvans, deceased, te the creditors ofaad aiI persons having claims againstthe said d~'to exhibit them,with the access))ry matchers, vvithiafour months after the fust publi-.catioa of this notice, te the execut-rices at the Iaw office of Thomas A,Madden, P. O. Box 446, Lewistea,Idaho, or at the ofnce of this courtat Moscow, Idaho. the same belagihe places fnr the transaction ofbusiness of said estate, in the Statenf Idaho.

Dated this 1st day of Jfarch, 1972'..EMMA LOU HAPJUSMARY ANN LANCE

Executrices for the estate ofHilda Blanche Kmms, deceased.

Thomas A MaddenAttorney for ExecutricesP. O. Box 446,Lewistoa, Idaho 83501Pub. St: 1st Mar. 9

last Apr. 6, 1972


.~ ~

I /'i

! II


0 One shot of Tref lan', a singlepreplant application, gets wild oats,pigweed, lambsquarters. Protects yourpeas against these three, plus 24 more,for 8 whole growing season. Rain or shine.Saves you the added expense of comings>u <gc«» y < Peas al'e UP ancl hitting

> <.s>w

> v'>>> '' '~ > >'<»., >>l >s> > A


sV<<V< V

.',~ '>!~'>

Tl<s<l I < > I


them with a broadleaf killer for pigweedand lambsquar ters. Tref lan has caught onfast with pea growers, Mainly because it'

the efficient way to handle troublesomeweeds. Helps you to a better return on yourinvestment, Tref lan for peas.

Nhen you hear it fram Elanoo,you hear il right.

<< <>!><0 <<<><»<<~ <0<I<>4\< !»h»<>» << << <h> W!»»<>< ~ >»><Vh, MA<i!<><<>h <<><a><*i h, t<ihC<>)

IL .

ss I I>~!R I~I~ih.


) IISIIIlil't.,''i, /,;„



Burton Souders, Jr. will sell by seal-ed bids the foIIov<dng real propertylocated in Kendrick, Idaho„4 bed-)oom Brick House, Kendrick Orig.,K)~ Lot 10, Lots 11 and 12.

Bids te be ia the hands of thc.First, Security Bank, Kendrick, Ida-ho, aot later than April 13, 1972. atwhich time the bids wiu he opened.The bids wiO be marked -Seal BidSouders Property~ nn the outside ofthe envelope.

Successful bidder will deposit 10+of bid v<ithia 5 days after aotlfici-tion bid v~ accepted. Balance duein 30 days, possession will be grant-ed ea May 13, 19?2.

Arrangements to mspeet propertyafter 6 p. m. by appointment, phoae

, ~&9-518< or M9-4951.The undersigned rehe~ es the

right to reject any or all bids.'-16-72



M~M Ao48)ge<i

>,1 + i!i!I

141 - 9th SL i!

Lewiston, Idaho


Dial SHerwood 3-654t



Lutheran Brotherhood. one olthe nation's lesdinsuranee or-gaalsation's offers1. Sound life Insurance sev-Iags. (Check or Iew aot cost),9. Mertgsge c}carancn m<)any.3. Nanny for education.4, Retie)ueat, illc>usy.5. Cash la sstue estate,6. Insurance for el~inca.7, Emcrgenucy h)n<!s.8. Disability Iaenntr< proli! tlon9. Insurance for ch<i<ircit.

($2500 at univ 5'<cr year)10. Studcnbs. Ages tn to 25,

$10,000—only $40,<)0 psr yr.


'2119E, 22nd. %', A. 44038Spokane, Wvashtngteu

8<srvtag this area aow I) yc>)rr<

~l ~

Page 4: - 1972 - The Gazette... · 3/23/1972  · i,jxfaho State L)bxxxr.";895 +est Stafe St. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1972 O Juliaetta News h- t poSe, Idaho 887(e. tduttjjrojtt 'fo)}rj}ey Soyuthjwlek


Realizing my capacity for service to the community vill soon

begin to diminish, I have been looking for a young man to take



a capable young man, willing to take on the respon-

, sibilities of a business such as ours has not been easy—But JadeHarris seems a likely prospect.

I hope you will all give Jade the support you have given mefor the past 34 years. I am sure that he will do his best to merityour confidence and trust,


I.UMIIEIt d OII,2}35-3201

PPA)Cg ) uRlply'gH O gy"»egg~0

O F N E S E I" I n A II O 833~2BhND DhiNCE

The Gene«ca Girls Club w))) hnMa band dance March 26 in the multi-

urpose room. The band play)ng vri)lOdga from Ma«cow. Admission

is $1.50 per per«on. Time 8:30 to11:30 p. m.

WIIEAT, p(>r )»>s)>(>l,,.......,...,,,g 2T

OATS, paries, "............,...,S425OF«e>] $«rleI, p»r l«s, ........,...,,S4O 6O

F)r«t Gr«de Ne>v»

We are geNng «aqua)ntc<] withour new student teacher, Mrs. Jane8)mmons. She came Manday «nd willbe here until the week before «choo)is o'>t. Wc are busy decorating ourtoom for E«ster since wc won't haveschool the week before E(>ster



Monday Thru Friday~ td)FEFuD III,L d. M

8«t»rdaySP>FD PLANT

Mond«y thru Ir"r)d«y

GENIr<)EE TAI.ENT SHOD APR. IlApril 11 «t 7:30 p, m. Gener(a(."r( t«)-

enter} people will be antcrtr>in)i>I} youagain. Prices will be,.ndu)t.s, bqc;stu<)entf(, 26c, prc-school, free,

Tryoutw will bc Thursday, ib)(>rch23 «t 6:30 P. m. Everyone try tf) makeit. we') look for youl

B}odfsr4 are they who have the g)ft offr]en<]s for it is one of God'

best Its.-'Fho>nr>s Hughes.

C ~„



i%)arian Ho)ben. > w I'I r tr Is FIIA AVeek

~ I 3 M l«s Kinyon of SPokane and Robert A family <iinner w«s enjoyed Sun-I $$e+$ /toms g rQ~ ~ PCOeseq y 8I~CYKinyon of Moscow. Other vis'.ors d«y at the town 'home of Mr. «nd Mrs I

piofileis of Youth is the >h('>lie o>wet'r. and Mrs, Howard Thompson Fred Comnick. The occasion honor-I W N«>ion«1 ii utui'(f )lo»>e»>«k(i>'s of

f Ce»cseeof Farmington; Betsy P«terson. Spo- ed Mr. «nd Mrs. Comnick's wedd]ngI 'QCQCSep QCQQQJS K«t}il(i<)i> «>id Rich«r<i Jc»iie"B> A»i«i ic«}VO()kr M«rc}i )9 thi'oiigh 2n),kane and Mr. and Mrs. Geo>ge Blume annive>'sary, Others p>wesent were! c}>I]drc» i) I Mr, and M>w(, ')ron> Jean(tf(s Mt>>e Iki«ii }I«If»«>n>)I>t)n >i>i, >n})eraof Sn>>nyside. A]l we>'e he>z to at- Mr a>>d Mlus Robert Robe>ts and j GIRLS OF THE MONTH «n<l Kevin Glued,, Dn of Mr, find ~," 1},00(} )c)]A «n'I l]E]}O.F)IA Cht d the Thompson-K)nyon >vedd)ng f«m)~) of Lew to d.M. d M ..O'ENESEE HIGH SCHOOt.enry a ve>won»n e>~vent >>>aj»,S«turday evening.,Del «mbitech and Stephanie, }'rod«etio» >>„ tcii i'>In»'es w>ll c«r>'y f)u»(p('c}ai

Jutte were Sunday I N daughter of Mr, i of I iiiiiiii l4iinbow > r n '1 « tivitie


~ r. ver u -Ivisitors of Mr, and Mrs. Car) Simon«.) «nd ~I». C)inton Hermann, oi'en- d«y «n<l W 'Inc«day ii . o' '"'the Pr" ia er-M 'Fred Braz]er spent Avednes- «see ivas chosen as October's Girl Friday aiid S«tur<lay i'i Pu ~

In>en>be» "f this i«>io I 'g '>Is«

oi the Month Miss Sn>ile bp the Alon 0<le>»oig>»»o « "'" '"' tio» >»

n ran„ma o>ensen „w«s««u> «~ l>s> o' were Thursd«y diiine>'>es

~„gheld o,> M~h 13,>nd 14th a men>her of Its M. J. A, grouP. while his P«rents find brother. «t>e

stopped two days >n Hawa>i and vis- ']aying b«seb«]) >n "."p«rk Tuesday d th v>site<1 lfrith the}r gr«n)- CONNIE HERMANN, senioi', daugh- A)en

ho c«]led on MJ and Mrs. J«mePh)1-Itho 'ti M . 8 r Edw rd t Cameron at S«len>. Both are feeling> vember b4 the Genesee High School the Levi Rossebo f«ii»ly..l I

) in the dow» town })us}«esse.T kyo Haw i, & t St J h h; 0 M Edw M great. Mrs. Nelson stayed with }>er Girls Clue, Miss Herm«nn is an Mr. «nd Mrs. Ton> Boyd «nd '" P

S Cl . Follo 'h i it i G - unde~vent su~cry on WA~day daughter, Pat Mervyn while her hus- ac i e member of the Gh)s Club. dren were recent )mcea e. o ow>ng eir v>s>t m n- un er>ven surgery on nes ay hand attended meetings 'he is also a membe>'f the Genesee oine St>zutx and f«mily in Pullman. We >vent o>> «w«]k 1" "Pot b><«-

Con>n>un)ty Chu>~h «nd >ts CIVF The V«)]ey ALC}V w~}] ho)d the)r Next i>>eel>rig

«nnu«l Lenteyn E«stci'Brunch on M«r.23rd «t 9:30 a. m, M>s. Alice Roose- Ma")ner8 )peI}t Igyvliftg

JoAnn Schooler of Lewiston and Dav- her home. Guests were M>z, Oyscar Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blume at-~

MARILYN BAUMGARTNER, daugh-! bo w«s hostess at the 5)«rch 9 >ace

id Schoaler of Pasco spent the week- Danie)son and Mrs. Victor D«nielson. tended Eastern AV«sh}ngton State ter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Baumgart- ing of thc gioup, Mrs, ],ORoy Ticgeii

end at home. High score w«s held by Mrs. Victor College W)nter Quarter Commence ner of Genesee, is the senior chosen w«s an invited guest. '

h f b lin

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tomsick from Danie)son and Mrs. Robert Berger. ment exerc]ses Friday afternoon in by Girls Club of Genesee High School Members of he Valley ladies AidI C]«rk»ton. Prise,. for }iigh «core wen>

Spokane spent the m~kend with her}The next meeting will be at the home Cheney, Wash. Jana Blume receiv- for December "Miss Involved." She,c]cane<i the church insidi! and out oni to John Myer««>«] Peg Bumg«rner.

p«rent, Mr. «nd M~. Al Zenner. of M~. The)ma Hoorman on April 4'led a Bachelor of Aris Degree in Ed- ~ an active men>b of the G)r)SIT esd«y. I Next meeting tent«tively achodu)ed

They attended the wedding of Kris- Mrs. Dale Bee] er and Melissa ac- Club, is the Girls Club historian, be-~ ! for April 14.

tina Green and Denis Hack>h„th on comp«n>ed MM. I «verne Ander="~ John Egland and Ginny of St. Johns long to FHA «nd 4 the Ch PterI LegiOn AuXiliary Meets

Saturday March 11 at 1:00 p. m. at and:Laur]e to Boise over the weekend were Saturday visitors of his par- dent. «»ua] st >ff editor, char.I

"Years of love have been fprgr>)

the Grace Luther«n church in Lems- > The Beckers were housegueM of her ents, Mr. «nd Mrs. H«rry Kg]and, Sr, us secre& y, belongs in the small, Genesc(. The Bielen erg. R'hoo) r h> the )>«}re<) Of a >>>)a>>

ton. Others from Genesee attending Ip«mnt, Mr and Mrs Glenn Hal] Mrs. Tina Jacobs was hostess to ensen>boe, all-s «te choir, senior Unit })8 met }V('d»esd«y «f>en>f)on «t I)an Poe

the wedding and recept)on were Mrs II,auric entered the St«te Decl«mation the Get, Together Club Monday eve. c «ss represenRive of the Youth~

the home of Mrs E<l ihforken Jr, Pres

Phg Hermann Mr. and Mm. Mark contest and received two su~riorandlning. Guests were Mrs. Marie Ves. group >vas on the gir]s basketb«ll ident Jeanne Sch«rnhorst con'I(>c>«4;

Russe2enner, Mr. and Mrs G~ (L uri )Mr and hIm George %«demon vis-ILeRoy Harris held high cards, Miss «memb"r of the Catholic Church lpresent. Plans w(re d>seas«cd I»r )'!Schmidt) Thams of Spol.«ne.. ited Sunday with Mgr. d Mrs Gm Weber, stand and Mrs. Emma Ho- and is their organis' t,e);ion Bir>hday dinner which wi}l b( Th«>MI"I hon» >'".i)«inf> n w«s worL-

Ron Zenner left Lewiston by plane Rosl-ammer in Lewiston. Monday i «ff ,'eld this Siiturday evening «> <.'«r. Ing iii an u)>r«-f»ffd(.r<> }>uBI(>~B

last Thursday to return to Ft. Sill, I luncheon guests were Mr. and Mrs j~

NYI~A ROACH, <1«ughter of Mr. anil! ter's:>nd >vill be Potluck. 1> was tlc- bail(ling that hiid >fo winds>wf>. When

Ok]«ham« following a leave spent I R~g)mond R;ce of ~>losco~.'


i~lr. and Mrs. Dale'Mowrer of Jer- M». Wiiyne Rose" «Genes('e, i" cided >o h«ve «men's «n.! hvt)fff( ff'B 1« fir(ink(«I, h» >f fcd >(f fin.l « '>hery

with his parents, >ftr. and Mrs. An- Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and iome were weekend guests of her the senior chosen by Girls'lub of card party on April 16>h iit Cr» tcr',». out i f >hn ( Iifi" }(>! hvi>}>ou> wif.-

drew Zenner and fami)y and othe> I Mrs. Esp] Carbzhz )vere yir «nd Mrs Iparents, Mr. «nd Mrs. Thor Gilje. On «nes~ II>gh Schoo] for»nu«ry> i Both bridge «nd pinochle hviII }~ dvws io guide hi«i hc f«li. tfap>)(d. 1)c

relatives. i She)don Russe]) «nd bovs Mrs Le]a Saturday they al] at}ended the wed "'ss Leadership." She is an ac-Ip]ayed and t)ckcts wil 4. $ 1 pkr Per- finally caf«fr >«a>i office~ whcrk «

Mrs. Don pittman enterta)ned mern-IRusse]l and Mr. «nd Mrs. Leo Rus- ding of Pat Brian and Dan pabst in tive member of the Girls Club, is I«on. Refresh>f>cata will be derv(d. wofitiifi hh>hs >yif>ffg.

hers of the Kinyon-Thompson wed-I sell from Moscow. The occasion was Lew>stan. Girls Club president, belongs to I Conimittees were appoin>(il to w>rk I ")fow dt) I ><h> o(f>Bide"." }>c «Bkt()

ding rehe«ral party at a 7:30 dinner in honor of 3 birthdays durin theFHA, Vice President of Summer, < n the card party. Profiis will uo }Viikiout ]ookiffg up f<off( k>Mr !y)Md ~

ay evening at st. Johns basement month of M~h 'oltftrmatton Ceremontes y uth grouP> girls Msketb«]), major-'o helP send chris wis}'«f'<] to (fi I'' wri>'r, Bhig r'Ii&, "I>i«i 9,"Mrs. Clarence Montag, Mrs. Stan- Dard Baumgartner is spending his J ette, Semor Ball Prin<oess, member>St«te in June.

I„G„...M.L].,dE-e.a.drab-.Iv-.t- f.om Oregon St«te«t ~r S d at St. JOllnSI

~ . M.~'h. ~ Ch-., - I .Irs. M.r en

Genesee Eight young peep)e w I)}Iso Colic Youth Gro P.

Iat the close of


. Iag. h '- t a k,

Don Kraut of Lewiston attend-I Mrs G]en Baumgartner and friends be confirmed Sunday, March 26th inl .. I meeting will b ~ April 19 «t the ho lmli( fni«n f af(1 him «nfi ««k< h

M a pink Ind blue shower Wednes-I Mrs F d Ba~gartner from Mt.l ceremonies at the Genesee Valley «nd 0 OTHY JONES, d«ughter of MrIof M>s, Don Bonnet>. The t'r" I» hvk>ff> wiis ih» >f>«>>cr.

d«y evening in Orofino honoring Mrs Angel is also a houseguest of the j St. John's Lutheran parishes. Vauey "I'fn }uds" ffa> I }t>I)>c

Leonard (Marsha Green) Vandenburg Baumgartner family. onf>rman ts «re Joe And erson lmar th e sen ior ch osen by G i r Is CI u b of "Oh., B«]d >}>hi Po)>ch >ffa>f>

eekend guests of Mrs. Vio)«B«~ Holb n amved Sat»rday I vin A]derma, Kenneth Iverson, Kar Genesee High School for Febru«"y, ROVeretteS Br)dge Club: w('r(f you with'."

Scharnhorst were Mr. and Mrs. David i from Catsop Community College at }en Iverson and Debbie Tieg'en From '": aG csee —Mrs. D. F. Scharnhorst

IFletcher and son of Brookings, Ore.; I Astoria, Ore. to spend the spring va- St. John', Kathy Greenwell, Karen "'d

' ente>n«inc<] Roverettes on Thursday,Rita Smith, Jane Thompson and Doug cation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kinonen, and Brian Spence. s'de" ' Ba"". ma]1 E>mern- M«~h 16th «t hcr horn< M~ Do„'ff}cera kc().

of Youth Group majoretter YMCA ec or assist . t. «tric s «y>

boe, band vice-president pres}dent B k. "< A S p '.k> D I "Beet a»d wo>acti, Bobbed 5 j}]Ie

Youth Legislature. Received Na- theme w«s u ed >n th» deco«t)om,I «re With D 'I ')] Apprmh t I>>

tie~ Mer)t Scholarship Foundation Pri«~ «nd dessert. Four tables wc~,&Mr of Commemd«t)on, is the ac-

L ter Diehl Mm. Dale Backer a>4, S>m( of u«are old «n)ugh to ru.-I at play with prix« being won by Airs

'omp«nistfor church youth choir,yt J B } g ] dQ mom}~r the o}d }fi> $+ng

and belongs to CYF.Mrs. R«y L>neh«n Mrs R«y Stout Of>)y An Ohi I"o>«>o f>ll One D«y

MARIETTA GRIESER d h I Mrs. Ed. Morken, Jr., Mrs. }on })opMr. and Mrs. Gene Grieser, of Gen- Lans, Mrs. Dennis C«rh>an, Mrs. Wm.

I D )I Al} M )3 So $]""g t r o ~

' " ')«h>o that old f«vor)>o II'«r>t}>or 8<)i>xk

csee, was chosen as March's Girl> De e]of the ig>tenth iqtiss School Spirit ', HamP<on and intr«, Jerry Joh»«on.

rpr y by the Genesee H)gh Sc)>oo] Gir)s M>s. C«rl Sch«rnhorst «r>d Mr)>. M«r-IC)ub. Miss Gricser is an active,tin Stout. jo}ned the group 1««r in %)>«>> yo» T}>}»k of INSURA)(ICR

P J J J member of Girls Club and Student (or I«vs>ft»>vv>t«3 T}>]ak ¹fDo(f>'.

Body Secretary. She is «member'f

the Catholic CCD classes, V«isity Community Church i>(otalcheerleader, dri)l te«m mistress, «n<l E«ster Lunch(oon on Mf(rch '9>h «>pep club and Girls Club historian. I:00 p. m, The C. C, W. F, ia «IM)ri*

soring >hi» anmi«) gvcfi>. A }>«}fyI Fr«ak))» L]fo I»B(fr .. '4N>p««f


I MISS SEPTE>4RIBER, M)ss Talk«tive, sitter wi!1 be nrf)v}f]cy) for mothersDEBBY BM)Tfl, diiughtor of 'ifr. with young thillr.. tll w m n f ]PI]1)gef il]SI)lrm)C9and Mrs. Don Smith, «senior at the church are Invited.Geneeee High School w«s chosen Attic Sale: On Aoril '"'nii.


Genesee community has been good to me and I am un- [ Miss Tnlkntiro for Bontumhor.I

c, C. )Y. g. will i, irn tng tii ir "nd A G E fd C V

willing to let The Electric Shop fade away as so many local busi-

nesses have.team, Job Daughters, smaIl ensem- if you have r}ucy<tion» on c)othing!

Iboe, drill team, rcheerleader, C. Y. F,I

r)res) ent, GirL« Club secret«ry, F. CDA Recerltion and TeaH. A. recreation chairman, student

!council representative. Genes<~Moth»" C«brinl Co»rt 1778 Il, P'. D}ck" )>CIIA

ICDA, held «r(~option «nd >oa for I

I >new member)( Sung)«y «t St, M«ry'» MOSIL Oll. l'ItODUCt5FARE)>IT TEACH) )t CONFERENCE schoal. Mrs. M«rg«r()t Skelton, state Mob)}g>M> - Xobnog III

Thursday, i)1«rch 23, is parent-teach-I regent, Lewi«ton was «guest. Fur>(«fre Stove 9)<o>el Reel I

er conference day at the Genesee El-I NeNr members t«ken in>o the Cf)urt 'Are«1}«ttcrtfrff>, Aeee¹e<>sleeI'e

has leased the business for one year, with the intention ement«ry schaol grades 1-6. No I were Mrs. Re>ny O'Il)}«>ns, Mr» I,csschool will be held that day for grades'Allen. M>'s Joe Fcrrern, I'«u](ttc Jo- I

p)>o«e AT ~3)I} or ~ AT ICON

of buying —should everyone concerned be satisfied. Ralph, 1-6. Spring vacation starts March h«n, Mrs. Doug LI>>d(Iui«L Mrs, Wni.

Lucile, Viola, Don and I will continue with the business for thepresent. 'loverettes 4-H Cluh ~I Gorlinghouse hlenloziah

M Gcnesee —The C)ovcrcttcs I-H C}ub 'I

l «m theThe Steering Committee for the met Wednesday ]}I«rch 16 for their L<>ca) R4>gneees>ta

Genesce Schoo) Districts Need As. Imonthly meeting Progress in }nd)- u e fr>r Oar}}>aghe ~~

sessment Study met Mond«y «f}er-]vidual projects in p«st months w««}a)«of Lew}»to».noon and form«))zed the p)«ns for the > rev)e cd «nd new go«ls were >fat. me)te a>>d mar}t I u>e

I'eginn)ngof the assessment. A q»es- ID monstr«t)ons were P'vcf> by Ste- fh, I

t anna)re ~)] be sent «a~eral p«trans l phanic K«mb)tach, Iws>}c Mc Cann-

of the district who were sc]ected atj vile. Mrs. L«verne Anderson <lcm- ~ I Agee «tet>ee ~----- I'

ARL SIMONS random. AH parents who have chil onstrated the First Aid Kit, t)oa )fuarat>4dren iii schoo) will receive Ihe nues- The club has 21 me»>hers enro))ed. Il

tionnsirc. The questionnaire w}I] be Mr «nd Mrs. Allen WI))}«mf(. Mrs. l WI KAIJtj)dfJ5I'«I)edduring the week of the 10lh Agnm Purcell «nd Mrs. Dorothy An-

I I'f

Apri}. The student and te«cher der«on h«vc «P'ccd to ««sist err>.

speak up will be held April }St}).TheConcerns Conference where everypatron of the district is invite<i wi)]be held «t 7:30 p. m. April 19th. ThcConce>ns Conference will stoA witha keynote speech. Follov.ing thekeynote speech s:n«ll groups w))I beorg«n)«ed, with each group having « f PHONF> USmoderator and secretary wha will rc-corri a)l oducat)on«) concerns exp>ess- MAIN OFHCE d,ed in the groups. These concerns! Ii RED MIIwLwill hc «major part of the d«ta gath- 28}}-2641ered in the Needs Asses«ment Study.Members of the Steering Comn>it,tce

Cfor the <listrict are 7<m I)oyf}, P«tAsker, Don Bennett, Fd Morken Jr.,Dennis C«rlson, K«thv Hcincmcycr, SN N llEAI Al ln e'baEd Davis and Lester Dich). 11ARKSIM9$E Q0„2S0-3171

Page 5: - 1972 - The Gazette... · 3/23/1972  · i,jxfaho State L)bxxxr.";895 +est Stafe St. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1972 O Juliaetta News h- t poSe, Idaho 887(e. tduttjjrojtt 'fo)}rj}ey Soyuthjwlek


)ess stress on the moose and js lesecostly snd more con venieni, lVIA-tering areas are cru)sed until a:moose is )ess costly and more con-venient Wintering areas are cruis-ed until s moose is sighted. Thecrew leader rushes the moose st<dplaces the dart while other membersetre)e the animal to prevent it frombo)ting. The manse stands at bay.hemmed in by snowmobj)es with)n a.circle of 50 to 80 yards radius


drug I,skes effect. Calves ofthe previous summer are <vrest}c<d;down or bu))dogged in soft snow in--stead of being immcbiiized. Theyare forced feet-fin.t into the snowby a msn who jumps fro<n hfs snow-mobile astrsdd)e Uie calf's s) ouldersTwo men ho)d the ca)f for tagging..

Pi!chic began <narkjng moose on;the Fall Paver Ridge winter range.-during the winter of 1970-71 . Or-ganized crews on snovymobj)es cap-t.ured 40 moose, Five more weretagged in conjunction with otheractivities. The work is being con-tinued this vpdnter

dart gun equipment. All darts are Ibarbed with the top of the b«rh one- "

fourth inch from )he basal end ofthe one and a half inch ne<:die. Thedarts easily catch snd hold firmly I'n the animals hide,

This tec)mique was burrowed from'hedora»st)» liv»<stack indus) ry I

which had found it r«liab)e for use',during branding round-Ups without .

roping and Lying horses and catt)e, I

The effect of the drug, a muscle re-'axant,v ears off in a half hour or

Iso and the animal jumpr Up and runs


off.hfoose tagging made its debut in.

the Sand Dunes area of Fremont Co.,Iearly in 3961, Wes Shav, Boise '.

was the projesi, leader, assisted by I

A. E. Nelson, former regional bi-:ologist, conservation officers and a;licensed viWranarjsn. This was thestart of a yearIY program to learn I

about moose movements, migrations.Isge, amount, of calving and other '.

factors ncxx}ed for good management'hawsays such data helps main- I

tain game populations at desiredlevels. During the years 1961, 1962,IS64 and 1986, 92 moose were mark-ed in the Junipers, Henry Lake, El)-gore and Noduock Creek areas.

'oose,unlike deer and elk, tend tojbe solitary animals but frequent)y

concentrate after migrating to v<m-Iter range where the feed will be bet-

'erand winter survival is easier.Tagging is done while the animalsare in the winter areas. The ani-

'ma1s move out later, foQowing theI new grass, weeds and greening twigs II

, back up the hills into high country.:,By hunting sezson they are many I

miles, sometimes over a hundred, I

from the winter areas.Brent Ritchje started his ecologi-

cal study of moose (A}ces Americanashjrasj) in southeastern Idaho in1969, continued it during 1970-71.and again this winter. His studyarea is about 30 to 40 miles in Fre-mont county. It is bordered on thenorth by the state of Montana andon the east by Ye)}owstone Ãai,ionalPark. His program objectives are I

to determine population status and Ihabits, condition of the habitat, andcontrolling factors so that moosemanagement can be improved.

Shaw and his fellow v;orkers hov-ered over moose in a helicopter anddischarged the muse)e re)axant, druginto moose by means of a h}~der-mic needle dart fired from a CaptureGun. Ofter the rang» v<~ no morethan 35 feet.. The target is a largemuscle high on the hind quarter.Anyone who has ever had a "shot"at a doctor's office knows the spot.It takes an average of about tenminutes for a moose to go down af-ter the dart hits. These big ani-mals are alert but doc)}e for aboutone-half hour. But some recover inno more than five minutes. WVorkerstoo, must be alert for a moose thatjumps up sooner than expected, of-ten belligerently.

Ritchle's crew of four to six menuse snowmobiles most effe«timly incapturing moose. This method puts

M<HI p~'X<I<~



~V i I, i II I,!I,III II

8,',)'!III Ii I:

1.Unusual b)»»ding or<)<akapge.

2 Ahmpot tblrkrp<lngylttthe breast or e}sewhsts.

3.A sore that does not heaL4.Change in bowel or

bladder habits.

5.Hosts»ness or cough.6.Indigesjioc< or dif))cu)ty ia


1.Change ln size or co)or ofa wart or mo)e.

Ijycpsr signa} }acts longer thanAcct ac»}ct, ge fo Jo«r t)<pet<pl.

'Li '

i%i > WW 4 I i 0

fs" TRU TEST SUPREME MONERSafety Drag, 3.5 HP, Fold-Dolvn HandleHeg. $119.95

39" SERVESS ROTARY3 HP, 9'ashout Port, 6 in. III)»heels

Beg. $61.50 $48.8826" TRU TEST DELUXE ROTARY

3.5 HP, r in. AVheels, Safety Drag PlateReg. $72.95

All mowers have Briggs 8a Stratton Enginesta" TRU TEST ELECTRIC MONER

A)l Steel Dec'k. Fold Dolvn Handle




3-SpeedBeg. $)15.88 $49.88

SARI SIRE —2 PointI5 guageBeg, $12,95 Roll $ 8.95

Abrams Harlh})arel(j.endriek, Idaho

sx i

OLVOE}tlNFp IIAS MANY I))4Fis CAI)D 01" THAN}I!4„„.„„„,.„,„„.„„,,„.;„„;„"--.-,-'-'»'»»- ~ t;olden Rule'

Big Bear Ridgegy)celjne on your nit»If, you ilijgllt p".hy n so »<any beauiiful and pracI

consider buying one,"' 'ie«i way» durin8'u<'ecent bereave- Ily A)ma B<.tts Ilsppy Ilotne Club }~)<as

Giycerit<e has long beer< used inment, wo ex!end our heartfelt tha k .- - Th» family of Norma May. Marie Bothum of Orofino took Ctnnmunjfy Ditu<er

cause it hokts moisture in,products 1}p lunch with her mother, Laura Rel "tilat would othejsvjse dry oui. Food

The Community Club w<lj haveayLheir ham dinner at th»Grimm unityItch js se,'I-puntjhn)et< I — I)oses Mr. Snd Mrs, A)bert Lswrenc<< Hall on Sunday March 26th, acr ingwere Colfax snd Pugmsn visitors

externa) use, reports Mrs nu)h. to the ha)) by 11 o'lock,

Spidah), extension ho<»» economics Mrs. Albert. Lawrence and Nrs.,leader at the University of Idaho, Emii Beyer vtere csl)ers at the Aim« I hj<. and Mrs, Ne) jn Sneve at-

As a handy household help»r, ro-Pdj rg1 Ig 41 V I I <p Betts ho<Ac Wednesdav ILend<d a birthday party for their

Ext nsion Home~kers 5& an en i grandson, Chad Sneve, in Kendrickp) '

joyable meeting with A.gai.ha Per. '

lubri«at»<l with a few! dgro! . of NEED s)<ring house»)<eaning.'. Win- """" yIng 7 28f<-'„<J52, ("<'.<<»see ds)) snd<»«c < ne 0., ---- ——as visitor> sn<j Mrs. 1Vm. Pet1,icord<c e h a M,ays s dsn- FO}t <)ALE--<»j)k goats, kids and and d ughte'r D»A»n of Teak»an her grand<hiMren, Ci dy

miikmg nans. 276-3538. Stfe Ruth demunstrs<»d cake decorating I"roctor, while their A<other is re-: with members trying th»ir hand.rs p a < says.

IWAN')'ED TO BUY—Canning Jars. Mrs. Don Christensen d r dson I

Mr. and Nrs. Eddie Galloway mde 0 <u's wo <narc Ii)!s,I Phony 276 3538, Stfc Donnie sp'ent Thursday night with ' m md N '

rub it with glyc'rine 0 the mir Oc»'

so <» mirror HOUSF kOR RENT-. in Kendrick. co»pan)~ th» ~ C)ark„'Lon LewITrsPshoot at the Lewiston Gunwon s eam from the hot <vater of phone I~v<dston 743-8803, is!on Friday ~ere Don ~ minor i Club over the weekend.

EAR SALE: Weanel pigs Agen surgery on his a-~ A}l return~ t Nrs, Kath}yn hkrey of Moscow

L 4'iilian<s on Dsn Lorang fan»><r. aep Mye yppp p<err ai pierce 'ercy home. Op Sepiey. hirsc. Mercy

pQ<< 8*LE; Gep<ell iyee<er «<<p ei. «et'llp<ey e<<eypeep yp<<el1I ei hed dippet <Qr Michael apd hip fep-eehmepip, yelleelie, 2<i-p<?i Ale>e Belie, hy sipo planned ie i' "+ ~e.

IN THE DISTRICT I OURT OF 2T)2c eall on Lhe Jeter Cand)ers, Alma, Nrs. Eddie Galloway and Nrs.THE SF~ND JUDICIAL D}ST, — —— Betts ca}led on hfrs. Ar)ey Arm)tage 'ichael Morey tjnd Mike visited Nrs.OF THE STATE OF IDAHO IN TO GIVE A)VAY —3<4-month old Thursdsv I

George Larson in the Ed Ga))awayAND FOR THE COUM'Y Dingo puppy. Phone 289-4614, Stega M»Iver visit»d at the A}bert I home in Jullaetta on Wednesday.

OF LATAH Lawrence home Sunday. Nr. Snd Mrs. Grant Clemenhagen

r n I were Sunday supper guests of Mr .ln the Matter of the i~tate ., FO}:SAL}r '0 FOI.D ."dr, 6-cyl. ST. n <p IIda Ruby in Deary.

of pppe Tire, ace< ppepe. i<. Ho<i. Q pSIOA» Poippt Mr and Nrs Joe C)en<enhagen andASA C. COOK, I'<»ress(<, A<an, Ke»<lr<ck. 3tl le 7 Pst Roy Clem enhagen attended a pot-

IIh)Ur"r @EL}. 65 }ted VA. Ov<rhaui- hfr«. En<mt St»}gers luck dinner at the Fred Clemenhag»nNOTICE Ok SALE Op REAL ! c@ tnpior. good cu,«..'. Ca)l 882-0202, home in Ju}is<etta on Thursday hon-

PICOPFJKTY AT 1'R}VA'i'EI hfos~c~~< 112(c Ce}»brutes 88th B)rthday oring hfr. and Mrs. Ev:s}t Fcldt of

SALE I =,On Saturday, h}arc'< 18th, Albert'~~aNOTICE IS HEI(EBY GIVEN that; FOR YOUR FULI.ER PRODUCTS —H»}mgartner, v<~)k'.=g around in hjs Mr. Snd Mrs. Pearl Haze)tine and

the undersign»d co-sdmjni«jr«tars of I please telephone ma. Mj)})e Mab- 'home again ..ovc vip}< a cane v<~ Laurine enjoyed a drive to Santa onthe estate of Asa C, Cook, d»ress»<j, I 'ett; 276-3801. tf no. Sb)e to i".",joy his 88th birthday< Con- Sunday to view the snov',will sell at private sale on or after ————.———— —gratus<ion~s', His children dropped jn

IJanice G }}oway of Moscow spent

the 12th <t v af April, 1972. <A the FOR UNION Oil Pnx}ucts } the at vsrsjo~ times of the dsy, ~seveml! Lhe weekend at the home of herOounty of }wtah, State of Idaho, to '. K~rick ~ CM 8}g Rog rs «ame in on Sundsv s)su, I mother, Mrs. Eula Galloway andthe highest and best bidd»r U)yon ih» <

~ !Jerry.t»nns and conditions h»r»i»sf<»r

I C~ C~ S~ ~ AT ~/} f~ Home. Pram Anny )}uiy Mrs. hfyrtle Arrasmith sMted hfrs.m»nt}on»d, subj»ct to confirmation; U~ Og p~~ ' Dsryl Zumhof'». after r"-ia!<I'ng Linnie It<g)e on Monday afternoon.by the above»nti<)ts} court. all af ' 3 years service w'th the Armv, ar- Mrs. Gerald Ingle attended Lhethe right. title st<d I»)»rest uf ssjd, ' rived safely home Tuesday, h}arch council meeting on Friday at the Stu-d»«ed»nt and»stat» in and ta that k~8 sALl.- —hj»t<d ~js) s»curity 14th. Fv»none is p)»ased. Ident Un)on Building in Moscow.real ProPerty situate in the (.'aun<y,'a~ Cail B bbv Bain +>9 578; At}end Pun»ra)

IMr. and Mrs. Er<dn Ha}acth and

of La}ah„stat» of }dahn, ta.wi<.: '>>9.5<<6}„r276..)'~)8 '!hfrs, B»tty c~<vger ani) tV«)ter,Psm were Sunday dinner guests ofThe SN'y NW <p'< snd Lh» NE <+ 4112« Zumhof». on Fridny, a) tends} fuse»- h»r mother, Mrs, Bertha Li}}i» atS')VQ, and the E'>NN'<.;S'N'<',,

;a1 servic»s for <<Vs}L»r's cousin, hlrs. Lspv<%.

W I+ NW<4SW <g af S»r 'lA)jKET I)OGS for <<s)» fur ham» A)ma < Harms I Trautman at SPotion 24, To<vn¹hjp 38 North,

Ius». Strictly grain f<s). Arrange- i

tume. Sh» iwes weg known in th» I ~iieii<i < <p. B. M. i weeie ier


~< piece((- p<epypeip< ey'e <pyip< pe" yeep<eyI ~ Panlerjeall wdgeTerms and «ondi<<ons of rs)», Csnh I ing avsilsbl». Ph. ~p'p-"983 G»«esca. years

in lawful money of th» United Stairs I———-- ———"=-''w. Prank B»nscoter

of A<» r<r» upon delivery uf the )c~ 'FOR S LE C~ »d Eggs 25cI

Mr, and Mr. C!;"-. Wrndeg ofra}are I

a d~a Your owu contain~, Spolum» were Sundav sf Lcrnoon Leslev Gold arrived home ft<omand «f)er rcpnf)rn<stfon of (h» ss)» I ~~ am F+ I~ d lvo)ff Ph.

I guests ln the Don Huis)ngton home. Portland Sunday to spend a v<~kby the «,bov» «nt}t)ec} court; the»x-I 52tc

I hfr and Mrs. F rni» p}jg»r and with her parents, hfr. and Mrs. Dick

R SAI E—one bur) 4 I !guests of hlrs, Marion Stevens. Th» Mr an Mrs. Ed Kent, sccam-,ladies and chj)dry called on Albert pa»ed y Kathlyn Morey of Nos-

pt n Iand Mystte Helmgartner on Sunday cow< snd h«. Snd hfrs. Archie hfor-

wj)} b» gj<en )A the fall of 1972 as'endrick. 3)}2pI»v~'an, L»v<&ton, attended and enjoyedlAOA as «rap<< sre rc'A<ov»d bv ptc" ~

the Sweet Ade)ines muscial presenta-sent. )»S«e» und«r s )»ase»xp)ting HAM DINNER —palm Sunda)', h)ar.

IV}<iten' m A}s t)on in Lewiston Friday night. Mr,

Aprj) 14. 19<2. but <saith tjght to te. I 26th st t}<» Big Bear Rjdg» Cam. Guests of the Glen St»v»ns family and hfrs Andy Coxmove crap» during harvest mason of munity 14ag. S»r<dng }2:30 to 3:30)arrjvjng on Saturday from Anchor 'ngfrst a«tun}ay »vetting.1972 ch})drcn 6 toIage, A}asks. were her. Snd Mrs. L., Nrs, Rick B»ebe att»t<ded the Ex-

Bjdn mu¹t br in Writ)ng and mu¹t I2 J~ar 6100 12»C IJ. Carpenter and grandSOn XV»S)»V tenn)an Hum»makerS CaunCil at the

a»comps»j»<j by s»sshj»rs ch»ck, —-—-="---- -=--- ' -—.——!Carp»nt»r, who spent a fev; daysISUB jn Moscow Friday. Later Mrs.

psvab)» to Ih»»s(@t» and <A th» GOOD CllOIC):: of Ow):. lovebird» '<sitirg. on ssturdsv sn»moon thc . Br»br and T»rri snd Tsnvs visit»dat<count of let< p»t'»nt i }0".< of ih< I

far Es<pt<r gifts, Ah<a taking ord- group vj¹j)»d wjt); Mi'. snd hlrs Ly)»I v<'jth h}r. and Mrs, Brure Davis, Mr.b)d, I}I<j«are tu br ««j«»it<is) «L Ih» I

»r¹ far }})sir Pr x)«rts. Ex«- j!»n< Kerb; «t their hun<e I, C)srk¹jo»—I snd Mrs. Paul Tsy}or, Jerry Sch-off1«» of the SI(urn< y far 0!r ro-sd- ', f)svorj»g ¹A<i npir»¹, M<'Adi»g snd 1 yi< hsd returned hnm» after r»- n<idt s»d shirley R»nz.»<jet«trstor¹, Frank V, ))sr<on I a)terat)a»¹. 276-3<<90 cent knr» «urg»ry. Mr. snd Mrs, I~wren»» H»imgart-


p<p¹t Affirr pk>x 573<. 622 h)s<n St,. I 4i)0p su»iisy <li»»rr g«em<¹ of the c)»A n»r snd Mr. Snd Mrs. Harlan F»y,Ip»wj¹ton, )<)ah<<. ri3 po). st a»y tin<»; "'= ' ', „'' „=" ',"

I Sicv<'»¹ w»r» M<', snd Mrr,. clif for<) Iwerc Monday evening guests in the

~uter thr r»< pob)i»stion of thj ! PO I SA}k' F<'<" ka'"nn 'a 0». po<v»)) a»d h)rs. G»o. V<j)k»ns of jcharks Fey home.nut)re'nii jpr furr ih<'<ak<<tg f < I I

wsgo». 8*< yj, stick. lt k H, spar» K»»drirk, st(»»ding church st cot Those attendl»g the Farm I»so-t)res IL wheel¹. C>au<i spprsranc» )to»wcp<pd Cr»»k with th» group. 'tut» from Americsn Rjdg» wer» Mr,

The UA<jer¹jg»r<) «n<)mjnj¹jrstur¹ IDe)~»dsbl» ""',d n<»Ag Cn" '; Mr¹, Marian Stevens, Mr¹. Ernie and Mrs. Dick B»nscnirr, Erni» At<d-

rvt the right Io r< eri snv s»d uan" k rn»s A'ir g< "s't'x F))ger snd three dsught»rs w»r» call- rcws, h)r. and Mrs. Kvsrney hfsy, Jr„,sll bids 26. JUlja<.tta phori» ei8 3e.)6, - »rs }st»l on 8<md« Nr. snd Mrs. Lsvnenr» Hefmgsrtnc<

DATE11 )hi¹ 2»<j day nf hlsrrh, and Mrs. Rick B»»b»,197», PIANA leO)t SA).E Small 40'igh


Mr, s»d h)rs. David E. Harris visi-!Si<inypuint pr}rn<}«hjp Club trd 'A'1th ihc Jack P»s fsnlj)y in Csv- I

..!b)i p. t i» thi - sr v< ca& n<»t s'I th» home af Mr«. Don Hoising- »»dish sunday.I

«i! A<it»i»i¹ir<tt«r« i . Ai¹.. OBGLAN wj<h auto. ton o ") hunp< sy')arch 16, wi<h 1 Mr. s»d h}m. David John on and'rat<'kV. )h<r(«A Phone co))cc L 509!

Attorney I'or A.im<A<;)ra)or¹622 Msi» SL rr<"< 99204 pr»s»nt. Quj)ting wss th» ord»r of s"A s parents, Nr. and Mrs. Ls'<vrenc»

IPost Office Box 5!73 H»img art»»r.I~vis)on, )<j«h«¹3py<1) The n»ixt rrgu)sr m»»ting is ¹rh»- Rsy Hcimgsrtn»r spent the week- I74:i-)47),DID gOU KNO1V YOU CAN RJI}NT dul»<1 for APri) 6th w)th Mrs. An<old cnd «sth his Parents. On Sunday,

I —Bug shampoo»rs, floor po)}shers,'Hoj¹jngton as host»ss, I swr«nc». Nc)l snd Rsy, joined byI

stsp)»rs, lsw» t hatch»~ f»rt})}zef I Mr. s»d Mrs. Dick Gros»clos» andI

~ ! +Pr»«I)ers hand t<s<cks s»v<eer Lap<< I Among Sunday «il d<< y gucsi¹ of . Char)»¹ Fey drove up to Dw orshskpipe thread»r«. )sdden< and many [

Mr. snd Mn<, Nr<vt Heath <v»r» son Dsm I

„th«)t»nu< at ABRAhfs HARD. Edgar, V<M» snd daughter, Ruth«»nN<ARE co Kendrick tf 42» I of N»z Ip»rcr, <<an Gordon s»d fnu< cv»nj<<g in I.hc home of hcr parents.

Off)c<e IA P<P¹tett)»» huj)<})ng I....--.-——-- -'boys nf Pot)at«h and his son John hlr, s»d hlrs. Edd Kent.Phoae 280498} FOR SALE H» th or I jere». Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bcnscot»r snd

IIII<xfnftIC< p IDAIIO I 2 .I)4c Model M do<lb)»-n<n grs}n Afternoon cs))crs ever» Bn<ce chj)dr»A w»re saturday afternoondrills on rubb»ri gras¹ s»cd»rs and 'herman snd also Mr. and Mrs. Chas, visitors in the home nf Jack's parents,hitch. Good condition. ')V»nd»)} of Spoksn». Mr. «»d hlrs. '6's)t B»»scotcr.Dale, Carbuhn, Genes»e 285-3532 Jlm snd Mik» Stcjg»n<, Lrv<0¹ton

4t8« helped u<»ir unr]», Kcn»cth St»igrrs h)AIIKED hlOOSE SIO}rnNOSsvjjh the'att)» on Satur<)av snd Sun F'<AGENTIAL To MAs<AOFNFs<Tclay <md Mac<day, By Jim 14umbird

I AO<V hnv»»<y C» n u d C r 1 I 'unday djn»»r }fucsjs nf Hc)»na Idaho pish A Game DepartmentQQ1D PV fw'PIN'h'"rjs)j«»«» g~ t~s) ") t}on Brow» jnc)ud~ hfrs. hljkr Rich«~. It"¹n real happ»ni»g when some-I3XLXR IP J X LLU'4ll c«r¹. KVh»A in )ww)sto». stop by snd son snd d«ugth»rs of Or fi»n. hfr. body srrs s hump-backed, )ong-}rg- ioh™r, «nd Mr¹ Don Bro<v» snd chj}dr»A g»d b»hrmnth with s hon)<~ nos»I

snd h)r¹. jV<», Cooper, sl) of IN;<via- snd scanty tail. It's < vcn morcDoor-to-Door Delivery '""' '"""'"', jon.

' 'nte»~rthi w)I»»Behi»d Dairy Qurcn)

Ihln<. Kcn Stnjg»rs «nd chj)drc» snd rsr p«tchr¹ s»d s»cck bs»d. Eve»

'astSafe, I)ependable ,hjr¹. Er»rsi. St»)g»ra W»r» Alan\i»g <SO, <»oat. peOple rrrng}<iZ» thi¹ Sni-:

el!I)dr»n w»rc s)) <)r- r»sl ss s lord)v moose )srg»st A<»»<.'igh)r<lsvjth « fin<, ls<g». A»<v-)yor»

Ib»i of thn dr»r fsmgy,

Al) <»srkcd moos» sjgj<tj»g: should

Ibe rcport»d to the Idaho pish s»d

und»r c«rrj«ges «Ad I Rt lur»a I}on<» Iris<A< )Io¹P)js) . Gis<»c D»P«rtn<ciit I» Bnj¹cor <egin»-,I fn a)) cr«w)»r trscton< )i cu hlr¹. Boy Hclmgsrtncr I¹ths»j<- ') offices

.Cant affo<x) to rebuild vour und»r., fully homr after hrr rrc»nt surgrryj ca)el)n, Ss)mo», Jcro»«~, Ger<)cn

RESII)FNOF. 1<IIONF, g594951 I»arri«g»s whc» you csn g»t dj~cj., i nt Mo¹rnw )Io¹pjjs), re)un<i»g i!A City. h)«C«)), Lrwi¹tn», s»dC<p»ur'ho)»ss)e

prie»¹ on A»wi hi«et sai»c I'ridsy. hjsrrh 17th. Id'A)car, o< to the i)istrict ra»srrvs-„prcificatjons as or)gjns}»qu)pm»nt I

h)rs. ).ily M«C,<l), Clsrksio»; hj<¹.I

tinn n(firer. Thi¹ i»for<»stin» s)couh) ':

I14»«irr A»<) Au»I char)ottr of }g<v-I i»c)ude thc cok>r of rsr patch»s. «ol-


I)sion s»<j hlr, s»d h)<~, (".. I'. ).y»<j<!r I

o<'if Acck bs»ds, AU»<brrs nn the ',

To All Customers I of Ornfj»o <v»rc hrr Su»<lay i<(jr<- I bs»d¹ Iii'bserve(i! wh»rc th<'!now»;Ex«mp)»s; I noon s j¹jtor¹. ws¹ sighted !or hogg<a) by )»mtrr)

And ihc date. The metal tsg», »sr'I II D 6 R«j)s 39 I,jnk oa g32Lg'7 I %l PI<)<I)rr<<,<)s<n S»<<sion patches snd neck bands msy be i<»pt I

,'I 9kPVTMP'I $ , II DA Ibd)~ 31 Qnk, ea„........gg09)}9 A¹«member of the Iwwj¹to» group's mern»»ins of the chase. A $5.00,'I

g ~~ggggq~ g gjrglE g II HD+t6 ~h„33Link ea 22971 of Idaho 1 jdd)»rs, Ernest St»ig»rs rr<v«rd svj)) b» Paid f'r the r»tu <',I II TD.9 Ba})s %9 Link ea. 5}97N) «nd wjf» stt»ncled thc Pomcrov Jsm of n<dio trs»s»jtters «or» by thc,

Si ht in ay I TD.6 ~)s 32 Ljnk ea„„...I4L24 8»s¹I n ¹Po»¹or»d bv thr Pn'<»rrov1504 iMusic Boa«t»r«, to njd in purchss'r hlons<e «rc fou»d j»»«»y fnr»sted

Meat Cut> ~t'aped I TD-9 Roger sha))s, w~u, ei. g 23,5<) of band Unifon»s k»<) ¹chol«rshjps areas of nort}<cr», central snd south

ulek FrorApn II Like pr)cca on othcjr s)zcjj} )d}ara for that sehnnl. The vari»d program raster» Idaho. 1>»sitar¹ gcn»r«I)va)jd ~ svas»njoysb)e. On Su»dsy aga)A j}<c'rr )n<v. Fr»mn»t county probably

I~Qer ge4}f y I otto „)et '(I)~er ~r)y b fo~ I g<xmp svr'<e»A)ert«)»rn< «t the Bru- hn¹ thc largest conc»At<«tion in the

Half and Quar I'I price» }»creases hens Snus«gc Brrskf«st, A fin» mrs) state'ccording to Br»»t lV Itjtchje.Used hlschlnery and spp<ecjst lv» crow<)»<«dr the St, A»tho»y, game research bio)o-

Custom Butchering iI 2-Pa«Rogers event s rc«l ¹urcrs¹, fi»s»elslly m<d lrlst fnr the depart»<»nt. H» e¹ti-I 4—$0+ ft. JD Ce»tar Drive%»adora'other<vjsr. ma(<'s the sc&t»r moosr. pop»)suan:

PORK I SU-D-8 Fnrm, Exec))en%, 0» «) 200 squ«rc <»i)» «<v««i 500I III 7IJ-D-8 Fnrm, Rxce))ent htr. A»d 'M<¹. Iw¹)jr H»I»<gar)»»r io 800 «»ims'ls, or about 0,5 mons»

Every feei< I 7U-D-4 5 )to))cr Farmi +>rr Sstur<lay supp<'<'n»sj¹ of < he I prl squsr» <»ilr.

II rogg Blf IIALF, WvtloL35 I 7U-D-4 5 Roller Far<» w/new <loser '<'i'<e ZU»lhnf» fa<'»ily in )A'<VI¹tn». Th<'o»lj»g of A»w drugs ISUC- i

I Og PIFA38 IID.5 F«rm —$}995,00 On Su»<)«y they»»joy»6 d<»»cr nt ci»yrhol<»r ch)o<.jd»I took moos» n»t

~~» Shou)<1 Be IA BV >on.) 2 12 ft. h'tode} 8 Drl)ls on Itubb»r jh< Tim Sjrs<v )io»<» ii< (.I»snvsirr. of'h<'<A»<st<«grab)c «»ims) claw;-

ggsccj r)eh< z> O«A Ihc< Arrsn4fedI

I—10 ft. Nodal 8 Qri)) on Rubber, «»<) <l»ri»g ihc sfi<r»oo» vj¹jt<d stI6») s tagging pm)~»<,n«» fnj)n«-

sec) ArII P}ows, Fc<rt)))sara Spr»«ders, Sp)4»g* ihr Tr<) Thn)1 ho<»r. «)r n I» (!ra<= I cd. Su«os'Inn o<'»rrjj»r. «rr t<'a<jr

6 Ml}t<s Raet nt Trod esj Ttssf" II tooth«, Hsrr(5<(s, Discs, stc. I<vst»r. Mr. Thnjl <vss s» unr)r of Ih» I »n»<r¹ of the <lrug »sr<) tn immobjl-,

II geary lsgh~ DEs<<ILEII SUPPLY~

'h» )st<'i»s) Sjrsw, s»d «rinse I iz» ihr big body musrjrs of »1<xk~c.'I

Phone TE 5-2})41 Dave Den»}ar, Ow»cr i»rmbr«s <!f the Str«<v fs»!Ily for long enough for <vorkrr¹ to <, <rk<M) Jullastta 276-8771 —AAJ<t}tna»<nnv yen<~. then<, It is d»livered wiih st«. <s<s)


Page 6: - 1972 - The Gazette... · 3/23/1972  · i,jxfaho State L)bxxxr.";895 +est Stafe St. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1972 O Juliaetta News h- t poSe, Idaho 887(e. tduttjjrojtt 'fo)}rj}ey Soyuthjwlek


'ho entire package, 'I'he cost of niarked for the hos]uta] Insurancehospita] care is so great «nd the fre-,l)lan under Med]care. Thong w'hen

pquency of hospital stays is so high a worker aiul hi» wii'e reach age 65for elderly people that the cost of this'the hulk of their, hospital nxpenooocare must be spread out over a per- will he paid for by the system.son's working litetime.

So, every worker, regarilless of age B]eased are they who have the gift ofduriiig his working years, pays social making friends for Ii fa one of Godssecurity taxes putt of which are ear best g]fta,-Tleme Hughes

ecting a monthly check. Paymentsnre also nuide to their families, lnthe case where the pessimistic yredie-tion colnes true and 81e worker hnn-se]f (lees not collect monthly pay-l lien ts til e inade to surviving widowsand children,


remote is th ceornmen practice of lSOCIAL SECURITY ls MORE

( considering only the retirementfea-'HAN510ST THINK ~ tures of the system. Such a narrow

~by John S. Jennings 'iew overlooks the valuable proto.".~

Field Representative tion afforded to the worker's suis"iv.~Too many people think of social ors.

security only as a retirement plan,It's f;hat all right, but it's many otherthings too. To appreciate the true cia] security's existence is to providevalue of socia] security protection for widows ann! childl'en of fleceased ~

you have to consider the who]e pack- I workers This is something you~

age. It is a basic retirement p]an have right now and it is worih thous-iwith several protection giving riders. ands of do]]ai~. This life insurance~It has a do]]ar va]ue right now, the',as it could be properly ea]]e] >s butamount depending on the worker's t one of the rider; or snPPlements toindividual earnings. ~ the basic retirement plan.

The average person sees social se- Anothei lldel or suPP]enlent to thecurity as some vague and intangible'reiirernent Plan you Pay for >s d>s-

something way off in the distant fu- abi]ity or ineonle protection insur-]probably due at ]east j

ance. ]n the event you become total I

in part to the natura]]v human char ~ lv isabled for at ]cist a I'-month peracteristic of thinking ourseves I

iod, payments are mmie to you and,young. This trait persists until

jyour family. The payments begin

about age 60. At that time we are ifor the 7th month you are dissb]ed'i

hocked into the realisation that our and continue for as long as you re-retirenient years are fast approach- main totally disabled. 0 course you


ing and that certain provisions need don't plan to be injured in an auto~~accident, or get hurt on the job or

Another reason for our picturing I'have a heart attack. And, if you don'

social security as something extreme-~

you won't need the disability rider.iBut pace of mind is worth somei thmg Just m case your plans


as much to replace an outdoor ] work outtoilet that has been dest eyed by I wI'often'ear the ~mp]aint to thevsnda]s as it does to build a goose leffect that "'I] never ive to co]lectnestmg at Market Lake or in Boun

i that money.'* At present there aredary County The Idaho Beautifi

i about 13 million retired workers col- i

cation Council, Inc., says that Idahoj ]ecting social security benefits. This

s too greet to litter.)

figure does no tlnclude their depend-All of this is in defiance of ste'" ents wives and children.w, which sets a hefty fine for lit-

) In addition, there are about. 1.5 mil-,ering. ~ lion disabled workers who are col- I



Idaho Fish 4 Gafe DepartmentSenior Res]dent Permits

Two changes in the Idaho senior~

resident license permits were made ~

by the 1971 state legislature, theFish and Game Department remind-ed. sportsmen today. One of themaOows Idaho residents of ten yearsor more who are between the agesof 65 and 70 to buy combinationhunting-fishing licenses for $1 in-stead of the 'usual $6. Some 225of the $1 senior resident licenseshave already been sold since Janu-uary 1 at the Boise office of theFish and Game Department.


more than 600 license vendorsstatewide are not available.

The second change allows 70-year-old residents of ten years or moreto get a five-year courtesy hunting-fishing combination permit free.This essentially is the same permitthat in the past has been a standardfor septuagenarians with six monthsresidency. Some ho]dern of thispermit may not have the minimumten-year residency requirement un-der the new ]aw when their currentpermit expires. In that event, suchpersons may buy resident licenses.Applications for the 70-year-old res-ident fme permits may be obtainedfrom all license vendors and con-servation officers. These must befilled out and a permit will be issuedeither in person or by mail at any Iregional office. The new five-yearsenior resident hunting-fishing com-bination permits will be valid for 5years. They are sealed in waterproofplastic coverings and imprinted withthe prefix 92, which must be includ-ed as part of the permit numberwhen applying for any controlled '.

hunt.When a current senior resident|

permit expires, the holder should go I

back to the regional office wherethe original permit was obtained orwrite the headquarters office of thedepartment in Boise.

Commission To 1KeetA public hearing on matters con-

cerning the preservation, protection,perpetuation and management ofIdaho Wi]dlife is scheduled the afternoon of April 10 at Boise by theIdaho Fish and Game Department.It will be part of the April quarterlymeeting of the Commission begin-ning the same day. Quarterly,meetings of the Commissionare required by state law. This isnot the meeting called for the pur-pose of establishing closing datesfor big game hunting seasons. Thatwill be done at a special commissionmeeting to be called for that purposesometime in May. Opening datesfor up]and game bird hunting sea-sons will also be set at the specialmeeting in May. C]osing dates forgame bird hunting seasons will nothe established until late summerwhen more information is availableabout this year's nesting and broodsuccess of the various species.

Winter Litter DepositMelting snow in many places

around the state has uncovered cansand bottles, paper and plastics, thework of wintertime litterbugs. Thestate Highway Department says thatIdaho spends over $250,000 a yearfor the cleanup of 5,000 miles ofhighway system. The Idaho Fishand Game Department says that it

We haven't mentioned hlediearebut this is another inrportant part of


pi . i!r, rrrri/ '/l lild~i/it)Ef!Pk~ljgjli'rVii!/j//Ip


30'ESTERNFAMILY MAPLE SYRUP, " . 22 oz.28'ESTERNFAMILY TGNATG JUICE, 48 oz., 1si 3 sans Eaoh 20)

WESTERN FAMILY GIIILI, 300 size fins, 4 for 01.00IYORYLIIIUIO,Gianf size, """"""""with oenpon 335RLIIK SONNET MARGARINE, " . lb. phg. 2TPAROEN'3 OFIICIA ICE CREAM, . " .......'h gallon 00)









per Ih. 31.00

per Ih. 31.00per lb. SIAG

per Ih. 30512 oz phg. 00'

—Emly %Fee]I Conh'ol —~HIGHER YIELSS


You can use one of more than 10 differentchemicals or combinations of chemicals. per Ih. 1$<

'l0 for SI.COper hnaoh 10)2 lh. hag 20)per hea8 38<

Which one is best on your fields?When to apply it?

Each Has Its own Advantages

Ne Can Help Vol Qeeille,

Give Us a Call —We Will Give You the Facts!«'o s ~'::I ~ <3; 'e



IEO. F. BNOCKE IIz SONS, IGC. 7HHi ET STORE:Kendrick, Idaho Phone 289-423 1

q~~% sn>TÃot' i ~Pl %%%

Auto G:ass

hear y nir=-;yyea~o c...% inc ha

—er'-;~never Ur cam


Kendrick Phone 289-5037






A busi- ness set-back can be offset

'hen you know how toreport it. Many times efax break passes unno-t]ced because you don'understand all the impli-cations of the tax laws.Locally owned, we canoffer you n low-cost yearround fax program. Ifyou have questions aboutyour return in August,we'l still be eround'osoIve your problem.



Body Repair

Track k Tractor Cushion


Union Pacific has been serving Idahofor nearly ninety years, and is still doing it...better than ever.

Union Pacific has long been one of thetop employers of the State as welt as one ofthe leading taxpayers.

But Union Pacific is'elping Idaho growIn many other ways, such as:~ Working with state, county, and localoffic]a]s ]n bringing an average of at leastone new business a month to the State overthe past three or four years.~ Establishing and deva]oping new industrialareas.~ Bringing sales and industrial deve]opmentpeople from al] parts o) the railroad to learnfirsthand what Idaho has io offer plant-site seekers and tourists,~ Bui]ding a million-dollar diesel locomotiveinspection service and running repair facilityat Pocate]]o.~ Maintaining two major Pacific Fruit Expressrepair and maintenance shops at Pocate]loand Nampa. (PFE 50% owned by U.P.)~ Establishing favorabte rates and providing gspecial equipment to expand markets forIdaho products.a Providing the finest rail transportation in

America for Idaho shippers,~ Building Idaho export sales with containerflat car service to major West Coast ports.

These are just a few of the ways in whichUnion Pacific is involved, offering servicebenefits for Idaho as well as a elder diver-s]i]cation of job opportunities for peopleof the Gem State.

,I P,IX'.g.i» i: .e UNION


Helping ta Su]id a Stronger Industrial Idaho


Page 7: - 1972 - The Gazette... · 3/23/1972  · i,jxfaho State L)bxxxr.";895 +est Stafe St. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1972 O Juliaetta News h- t poSe, Idaho 887(e. tduttjjrojtt 'fo)}rj}ey Soyuthjwlek


Our competitors thim3r. sohighly of Bronate as a broad-haf vreed killer in vrheat andother grain crops that theyvrant you to tank mix theirproducts vrith Bronate.

Vfhile vre appreciate thecompliment, vre don'. neces-sarily go along vrith the rec-ommendation.

Because vrhile the addi-tion of less effective herbi-cides to Bronate may help theother herbicides, it doesn'help Bronate. Natter of fact, itcan hurt Bronate.

Unlike manyotherherbi-

cides, Bronate kills yourvreeds vrithout damagingyour wheat. And tank-mixingreduces Bronate's high de-gree of selectivity.

Also, unlike other herbi-cides, Bronate isn't restrictedto any particular soil type orcondition. And tank-mixinglimits Bronate's vride rangeof application.

Use Bronate alone if yourvreed problems include Tar-weed, Gromwell, Henbit,Dogfennell, Crowfoot, PurpleMustard, and the rest of theMustard family. Gi any of the

23 other kinds of arm>ds listedon the Bronate label.

Our experience hasshovrn that Bronate usedalone has increased, produc-tivity for Northwest wheatfarmers by as much as 20bushels per acre.

Is it any wonder ourcompetitors recommend Bro-nte'7

For more information onhow Bronate can help you,see your supplier or write Nr.R. P. Rich, Rhodia/ChipmanDivision, 120 Jersey Avenue,New Brunswick N J.08903.


Page 8: - 1972 - The Gazette... · 3/23/1972  · i,jxfaho State L)bxxxr.";895 +est Stafe St. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1972 O Juliaetta News h- t poSe, Idaho 887(e. tduttjjrojtt 'fo)}rj}ey Soyuthjwlek


A govorsunent for the people must

depend for iis success on the intelii.

Aa are fssmilies, ao hs aooissty-VFmM, Thsryer





~ Local News Leland Newshfrs. Lloyd Craig

(Last Week)Of Kendrick gence, the morality the justice, sxrId

lntoPcst of Use people thenlsoiveaGrover Cleveland.

RQWSY'SNrs. Georgia Taylor oi'larkston

and Warren R. Gillis, formerly ofPasco were married March 4 at Elko,Nevada. They are making theh hon1eat 410-9th Street, Clarkston,

Nr. and hlrs, Lloyd Craig wereFriday overnite guests of hlr. andMrs, Robert Erickson, Ritzville. Sat-unlay and Saturday overnite guestsof Mr. and Nrs. Wesley Pike sndfamily of Medical Lake and Sundayevening visitors of Mw, Jess Thorn-ton.

Nr. and Nrs. Herman Johnsonwere Sunday afternoon visitors ofhlr. and Mrs. Robert Drapet. Nr. andhirs. Bill Deobald and son, hioscow,were also afternoon visitors. Mr. andNrs. Ervin DSaper. Kendrick, wereSunday evening visitors.

hfr. and Mrs. Gordon Peters werevisitors of Mr, and Nrs. Buz Nye inSpokane on Thursday where Buz isa patient in the Veteran's Hospital.

htrs, Jess Thornton was a Sundayafternoon visitors of Mr. and hire.Roy Craig.

Mrs. J. T. Wad ford and Lancewere Monday overnite guests of Nr.and Nrs. Lloyd Craig,

Fountain lunch Beer Pool

Daily Noon Special —Home Made Pies and Soup


S:00 p. m, —Double Elimination —Two Tables


Refrigeration Service4 APPLIANCE REPAIR


Carl Wxire celebrated his 9th birth-day anniversary Saturday, March 18.Danny'accanti of Lewiston was aFriday night guest and Saturday,Carl, Amelia and Danny enjoyedskating in Lewistan.

On Saturday evening, Mr. and mrs.Warren Gillis of Clarkston, Nrs.Jerry Pederson and son Jered ofCoulee Dam, and his grandmother,Mrs. Faye Corkill stopped at thePete Ware home to wish Carl a

~ "Happy Birthday".Mr. and Mrs, Robert Clemenhagen

attended a dinner for WWI veteransheld in Lewiston Sunday, Enroutehome they stopped at the Herb-Gust-afson home in Juliaetta where theywere pleasantly surprised to meetMrs. Shirley Wilson and daughtersof Spokane.

Miss Lynne Cuddy of Pullman andMiss Jennifer Cuddy, a student atWestern Montana College, Dillon,arrived Friday to spend the weekendwith their,. grandparents, Nr; andMrs. Dick,Cuddy.- .

Sunday evening, visitors of Mr;-'.ixsdMrs. Ben P., Cook were- her brotherend sister-in-law, Nr. and Mrs. al-ford Blewett of .Lewiston. They,.merejoined by Mr. and Mrs. R. L. -Blew-ett.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crocker andMr. and Mrs. Robert VFatts


dance theatre concert at the U.of I. Friday evening. Debra Johnsonwas one of the performers.

Nrs„.Charles Deobaid was in Os-born, Ida., March 12 through 14 to'attend their local VFW and Auxiliarycelegration. While there she was aguest of Mr. and Nrs. Charles Smel-cer.

Saturday nIght Mr. and MrML Chas.Deobald also attended a VMV andAuxiliary past-commander and pastpresident party at Lewiston.

VFeekend guests of Nr. and Mrs.Wayne Harris and family were Deb-bie Weyen and Bobbie Heitstuman.Nrs. Jerry Heitstuman and childrenof Moscow joined them for Sundaydinner. Other callers on Sunday in-cluded Nr. and Mrs. Lee Flerchingerof Lewiston and the Jerry Harrtsfamily from Orofino.

Friday evening guests of Mr; andNrs. Paul Lind were Mr. and Nrs.Milton Lind and cldren of Moscow.

Mrs. Leonard Baer of hfonroe, Wn..arrived here last Tuesday .to spenda week with her.son-in'-law and dau-

- ghter, lxfr.,and Mrs. Ted Fey andfamOy'. ',;,,"-.Mr. and;~ dane1 'Broeke and

family and Mrs. Emma Brocke joixs-


ed Nr. and Mrs,'~Larry Kauffman ofOrofino at the James Reiland homeSaturday evening after attending theBay Scout Exposition at the fair-grouilds.

Mrs. Eula Abbott of Clarkstonand Mrs. Madge Anderson of Lewis-ton visited Wednesday and Thursdaywith Mrs. Sue Craig. The Ron Craigfamily of Lewiston were Sundaymorning callers.

Don Christensen of Pierce was aTuesday visitor 1n the home of hisnephew and famil)r; Mr and Nrs.Pete Ware.

Mrs. Robert Magnuson. had themisfortune to fall and break her legTuesday . morning at the RichardMorton brome in Shelton, Wn. Lucille

- had goneito Shelton to care for the'„iandchildren while daughter Deewas -away. -Bob'eft for that cityshortly after no'oh on Tuesday.

Monday afternoon guests at, theDoc Little home were hIr. and Nrs.Wm. Smith of Lewiston and Ray Sin-clair of Portland.

!Mr. and Nrs. Lcster Crocker, Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Watts Pnd Rev.*!and Mrs. Ronald Ozier were among

those enjoying the Sweet Adclineconcert in Lcwiston this weekend.

, Arriving Tuesday at the Ben P.Cook home were 1lir. and Nrs. WalterCrawford of Coeur d'Alenc bringinggranddaughter Lori Cook of Ontario,Orc., here to spesId a few days ofSpring Vacation with hcr paternalgrandparents.

. VISIT OUR NAY LUNCH ROOMEnjoy Your Coffee Sreak and Lunch In

a Pleasant Informal Atmosphere BURT'S CAFEKendrick, IdahoTed and Jean Fey

Marion Sc Ellen Rowden


SEAFOOD PLATE;I ~ Fix RidgeBy Mrs. Adolph Dennler

Driver licenses expire on birthdaevery three years, reminds the IdDepartment of Lasv EnforcemenChecked your's lately?

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK(This VVeek)The Juliaetta Lutheran A. L. C. W.met last Wednesday, March 8, atthe Church with 8 ladies present.

4 I Mrs. Walter Dennler led the BibleI

study and was hostess.

The Fix Ridge club met in the

<'home of hrrs. Edith Clark in Lewis-ton with 6 ladies present and 4 visi-tors, Mrs. Myrtle Noser, Nrs. HelenClark, Mrs. Leo Heimgartner andNrs. Ella BaOey. Following the meet-

4 I ing a lovely luncheon was served bythe hostess Nrs. Clark.

The f~y 'of Mr. Kuni DennlerI reports that she is doing fine and ex-pects to be getting out of the hospitalsoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Dennler, Mr.and Nrs.'rnest Dennler attendedthe funeral of their cousin. Mrs.Alma Trautman in Spokane Friday.

Mrs. Richard Pope of Nissoula.

!Montana is visiting her daughter andfamilv, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Den-


nler this week.

Ernest and Lawrence Schwarz of'ameron were Sunday dinner guestsI of Mr. and Nrs. Walter,Dennler .

Mr. and Nrs. Kenneth Dennler andI Greg and Dan, Lee Root oi'ewiston'Pnd Debi Dennler of Spokane were

!Saturdav supper guests of Mr. and


Mrs. Adolph Dennler.Mrs. Hattie Hunter of VFalla VFalla

visited Saturday and Sunday withNrs. Agnes Hutchison,

Tony Dennler visited oyer the weekend with'his grandparents.Nr. andNrs. Wayne Wegner in Cameron. OnSunday they brought him home andvisited with Mr. and Mrs. DonaldDennler.

Mr. and Nrs. Bill Heimgartner ofClarkston and their grandson Billwere luncheon guests of


andhfrs. Frank Heimgartner.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heimgartner,I Cyssthia Vernon, Mr. and Mrs, AdolphI Dennler and Mr. and Mrs, Ernest

!Dennler enjoyed a dinner at a restur-ant Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Winis Figgins ofOnaway and daughter, Nrs. -FaithKent, Jr., of Csnyossvtlle, Oregon,were visitors of Nr. and Mrs. Ernest

, Dennler one day last week.1Vfr. and Nrs. Adolph Dennler visi-

ted Mr. and Mrs. Randy Wallace inSpokane Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lange, Lewis-ton, were Sunday guests of Mr. andhIrs. Narvin Vincent,

Nr. and Mra Bob Henrikson andfamily,'roy, were Sunday dinnerguests of Mr. and' Mra, GordonPeters. Mr. and Mrs„Frank Nickelsand family,. Emida. were Mondayguests.

Nrs. Peters and Mrs. Nickels andfamOy were Monday afternoon visi-tors of Mrs. Buz Nye...Mr. and Nrs. Vern Wilaams

oi'ennewickwere weekend guests ofof Mrs. Jess Thornton. AQ visited inLewtston on Saturday with Mr. andNrs. Willis Thornton and family andhIr. and Nrs. Ray Thornton in PeckSaturday af ternoon with Mr. sndMrs. Keith Thornton and were Sat-urday overnite guests of Mr. and

I'Mrs. Alan Madalen and family, Oro-Ifino and visited Mr. and hirs. George5no and visited Mr. and Nrs, eQorgeBaugh, Qrofino.

Mr. and Mrs. Andy Dreps, Lewis-,ton were Sunday dinner guests ofNr, and Nrs. Herman Johnson.

Mr. and Mrs, Roy Craig were Sun- M

day guests of Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeBaugh, Orofino.

Nrs. Lloyd Craig and hfrs. J. T.Wadford were Wednesday afternoonvisitors of Nrs. Charles Hoffmanand Nrs. Ben Hoffman.

Nr. and Mrs. Bob Henrlkson sndfamily were Wednesday supperguests of Nr, and Nrs. Gordon Peters,Mr, and Nrs. Wllbur Corkill:MreThursday evening vhi tora.

Nrs. Charles Hoffman-was a hfon-

!Iday visitor of Mrs. Ale. Larsons

Nr. and Mrs. Harold 'Larson arevisiting in California. They took hfrs.George Larson of Georgetown, Calif„home after spending sometime herevisiting them and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs, Vern Wnaams, Nrs.l Jess Thornton, were Sunday morning!visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craig.,Mr. and Nrs. Chas. Craig, Lewiston.were Sunday afternoon visitors, Nr.and Nrs. Manning Onstott, Kendrick,were Sunday evening vistors,

Nr, and Nrs. Bill Weyen fishedat Lake Pend Oreille over the week-end.

Mr. and Nrs. Leonard Wolff andErnest Heimgartner .took a sight-

jseeing trip up around Gold Hill onSunday. Reported, seeing lots ofdeer.

, Emil and Harold Silflow visitedtheir brother Narvin Silflow at Grit-man Hospital in Moscow on Sunday.

'Mr. and Mrs. Homer Parks andMr. and Nrs. Leonard Wolff and Mr.Otto Schmidt enjoyed a drive up toDworshak dam and Dent on Satur-day and had dinner at Konkelviilc,

Nrs. Lloyd Craig, Nrs. J, T. VVad-ford and Mrs. Jess Thornton were

; Friday sf inner guests of Mr. andNrs. George Baugh, Orofino.

htr. and Mrs. Leonard Wolff wercSaturday evening visitors oi'r. andNrs. John VFiison.


'Income Jag Service

Federal 4 State Re~i

By Appointment 289-4622

8kar fJn A'a priKENDRICK, IDAHO

V %' W V 'W 'W F


Startiss'g January lllthLil will be in on Mondays and

Eva in on Tuesdays....'wednesday to Satur. Both Eva and Lil

For Appointments Call —2894027

2itt 8Nr..=S'P ]IWKendrick, Idaho




9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 6 days a >veek


of inquiries after the rece

are consolidating a carlo

cts. Place your order now to

ection ~ ..either compostion




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or(ler of roofing produ

assure proper color sel

'shingles or roll roof


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Kendrick Idaho

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Kendrick, Idaho 289-4051 Impossible is a word only to be foundin the dictiosiary of fools.—Napoleon .

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Coilg f.atulatioIIs To The FFA TeamsA tip of the hat to the members of the FFA judg-

ing teams for their outstanding showings at the re-~

~ ~


cent judging contests in Lapwai and Spolcane. Youreflect credit on yourselves, your school and ourcommunity. We'e proud of you and Mr. Whittig.


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MEANS SANGERA teaspoon or two of glycerine

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...IfYou Aren't Preliared For It t t

Cold Weather Is the Time When You DriveWith Windows Rolled Up. A Faulty MufflerCould Nake Your Car a Death Trap... WhyTake a ChanceT Stop in This Week and Let

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~cNABISCO TOASTETTES, ....HETTY CROCKER —16 oz. pkg.l'GTATO BUDS, ......................V9".


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Call 21-571l for Service

SEVEN UP -16 O2. BOTTLES8 irak —Ssr,

OPEN 7:00 A. hl. 1:00 A. hf.Steam Table Off at 6:00 p. m. —Grill Off at 101'00 p. m.


We Have A Daily Noon Special—%'e Are Here To Serve You—

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