Zion will not have to suffer too long

Post on 30-Jan-2015

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Zion will not have to suffer too long before the nation is born: God's promise in the midst of crisis.

Transcript of Zion will not have to suffer too long

Isaiah 66 vs. 8

Mutyasira Vine


A time Judah is threatened by its powerful neighbour, Assyria

Assyria as an instrumental check to Israel's behaviour, to demolish pride, arrogance and idolatry (2 vs 17, 8vs 7, 10 vs 5)

Isaiah realises the real threat to Judah's life was not the Assyrians but the nation’s own sin and disobedience to God (1vs 4, 21).

What was Isaiah's mission? To preach the gospel of repentance, justice and righteousness (also acts )

Having laid the groundwork for repentance, the prophet foresees a time of peace, prosperity and punishment of Israel's enemies (Babylon, Assyria, Egypt).04/10/23

Vine Mutyasira

Rebellion against God brings misfortune

Israel's survival dependent on loyalty to God, disobedience is a recipe for all kinds of suffering

God is always ready to save his people, whenever they repent and humble themselves (if my people, no weapon (54 vs 17), raise standard against enemy)

In a time of calamity, Isaiah still preached a gospel of hope & foresaw peace and prosperity:

Our hope and vision should not be eroded by our environs (people perish by lack of vision, Joseph retained hope of Kingship though in the pity)


Vine Mutyasira

Judah was now in exile in Babylon, hopes of the promised prosperity now virtually over

The battle was now about overcoming the temptations of worshiping foreign gods, keeping purity. But how, given the tense and difficult state (psalms 137 vs 1, Daniel 6 vs 10)

Isaiah reminds the people that God had great plans for them, plans to make them prosper & plans not to harm them (52 vs 1-2, 54 vs 10)

God respects his covenant with our father Abraham, with whom we’re connected through faith & Christ (51 vs 1-2)

Key message: ‘...Do what is just and right, for soon I will save you’ ( 56vs 1) 04/10/23Vine


The nine months are over, a time for birth is now (55 vs 12)

God reassures the people of his willingness and ability to deliver his promises

Its not about whom you think is best positioned to turnaround the tables (51 vs 5, 18)

The Lord is taking away the cup of punishment (51 vs 22-23) The messenger of God is bring good tidings, anticipate &

embrace him (52 vs 7-10, 60 vs 1- & 61 vs 1-)

The Lord shall lead &protect us towards a new era, but please don't drag with you the unholy traits of Babylon (52 vs 12, 11), 57 vs 21

04/10/23Vine Mutyasira

They are my people

I will heal my people

I will comfort mourners

Your joy will last forever

I will bring you to lasting prosperity, the wealth of nations will flow to you like a river, never runs dry.

(66 vs 12)

I will reward my people

God’s holy people

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