Zero Suicide Declaration (Montreal 2015)

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Zero Suicide Declaration (Montreal 2015)

Zero Suicide & The Atlanta Declaration


The Forgotten Patients

Polling Question #1Suicide can be prevented:

A. Never in Those Truly Intent on Suicide

B. Sometimes, but Only in Advance of Acute Risk

C. Always, but Only in Advance of Acute Risk

D. Always, Even Up to the Last Moment

US Air Force Initiative


“[At the start] there was a lot of debate about whether or not it was even possible to reduce suicide through this type of an effort,” according to David Litts. “A lot of people, including mental health practitioners, were skeptical. But over a six-year period, the suicide rate dropped by one-third.”


After becoming a finalist for a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant, Don Berwick challenged the HFHS team to pursue perfection. A nurse staff member suggested that would mean zero suicide deaths. Within four years, their death rate had decreased by 75 percent.

Robust Quality Improvement

Polling Question #2Someone who died by hanging with their hands bound behind their back and feet tied together was probably a murder, not a suicide.

A. TrueB. False


Prior to 2000, there was little research on crisis call center effectiveness, and credibility was low. Since 2005, Link2Health has dramatically increased calls and capacity, started a Veteran’s hotline, added chat technology, and introduced best practice standards now utilized worldwide.


Arizona DHS and Magellan Health challenged the provider network to eliminate health plan suicides. In 2011, Behavioral Healthcare cited a 38% reduction in deaths, decreased hospitalizations and dramatic increases in staff confidence.

Polling Question #3The risk of death by suicide for those with Serious Mental Illness is how much greater than the general population?

A. The Same RateB. Two Times GreaterC. Four Times GreaterD. Six to Twelve Times Greater

Systems Framework


In 2011, a task force of the National Action Alliance set out to identify the best practice toolkit of interventions for clinical care staff. The group was captivated by the cultural and system changes of the pioneers below, and designed and published a framework for replication.

Revised US National Strategy


In 2012, the US Surgeon General and the National Action Alliance published a revised national strategy with new goals 8 and 9, calling for suicide prevention to become a “core component” of health care, and for improved professional and clinical practices, respectively.

1st International Summit


Leaders from New Zealand, the UK, the US and the Netherlands met at IIMHL in Oxford, UK. Dutch psychiatrist Jan Mokkenstorm: “We are at the beginning of this journey and start out from the core value that not one of our patients should die alone and in despair.”

Washington DC Academy


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) funds the first cohort of 16 organizations and 48 leaders to develop implementation plans. Faculty include champions from IFH, Centerstone America and Group Health. The SPRC organizes and hosts the event.

UK Country-wide Initiative


In January, UK Deputy PM Nick Clegg promised a “Zero Suicide” campaign of charities, voluntary organizations, and the NHS in “every part of England.” He referenced pilots in Merseyside, the east of England, and the southwest that have employed the Henry Ford model.


In June, US News & World Report described the systematic transformation of the largest non-profit Community Mental Health Center in the country, Centerstone America, and its ambitious Zero Suicide protocols which reduced its suicide death rate 65% in less than two years.

Atlanta Declaration


In September, a group of 40 service users, healthcare providers and government policy makers will gather in Georgia. The International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership match will create an international consensus document and plan for expanding the social movement.

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