Zamyatin the modernist

Post on 27-May-2015

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Transcript of Zamyatin the modernist

Natalya Goncharova, The Cyclist 1913

Natalya Goncharova, The Electric Light 1913

Aleksandra Exter, Ville la Nuit 1913

Antonio Sant'Elia1914

Blast, British literary magazine, 1914-1915

V. Lenin, Oct. 8, 1920

The proletarian culture “must not advance ‘special ideas, but Marxism,” since, “Soviet Russia needed ‘not the invention of a new proletarian culture but the development of the best forms, traditions, and results of existing culture from the viewpoint of the philosophy of Marxism and the living conditions and struggle of the proletariat in the period of the dictatorship.’”

Louis Fischer, The Life of Lenin (Harper and Row, 1964), p. 492.

Social Realism

We, Entry 12

“Poetry today is not some impudent nightingale’s piping — poetry is government service, poetry is usefulness.”

Tr. Clarence Brown (Penguin, 1993) p. 67.

We, Entry 30