Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 07 August 2014

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Former NC MP Revolts Says show door to Farooq, Omar to save NC Alleges father, son duo has destroyed party

Transcript of Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 07 August 2014

Jammu, Aug 6: Patron of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Mufti Mohammad Sayeed today said that his party has earned credibility of the people through its convictions and commitments. He said that with the support and cooperation of the people, PDP wants to change the present in-effective and inept system.Interacting with prominent citizens of Jammu here this morning, Mufti said that agenda of his party was to fulfil wishes and aspira-tions of all sections of the society. He promised that PDP, in its vision docu-ment, would accom-modate aspirations of all regions and sub-regions of the State.The interaction was organised by PDP candidate for Jammu East, Bharat Chowdhary in which prominent citizens including businessmen participated.Reiterating to present an exclu-sive vision document for Jammu

region, Mufti said that Jammu will never be a Pathankot. “It is my desire to remove trust deficit among different regions of the State”, he said and ex-pressed satisfaction that PDP has emerged as a strong force in the whole State as people have faith on the trusted leadership of this

party.Mufti said that aim of his party was not only to attain power but to uphold digni-ty and honour of the people of Jam-mu and Kashmir. “One of the biggest achievement of PDP is that peo-ple of Jammu and Kashmir have ac-

cepted this party as alternative of National Conference”, he said, adding, “it is not the question whether we are in the govern-ment or not, it is our achievement that we have won hearts and minds of the people of Jammu and Kashmir”.

See Mufti On PG 11..

Alleges father, son duo has destroyed party




THURSDAY 07 August | 2014 | 10 Shawal, 1435 AH | PAGES 12 | VOL NO: 4 | ISSUE NO: 216 | RS: 2/- (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU /DELHI/LEH 50 Paisa)Pen For Justice Largely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&K



07:29 PM 19.9 0C 33.90C



Light Rain would occur at a few places over the state.

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The whole society is going through such an inhuman phase that even the devils are ashamed of what is happening around us. Every religion teaches as to how one should treat his old parents who bring him up and spend whole of their life in grooming him and providing every comfort he desires. But as soon as the children grow and start earning with that they start to ill-treat their parents and sometimes make the atmosphere of the house so hostile that the par-ents themselves prefer to leave and wander on the roads till they die on the road side, in a mosque or in a hos-pital.

Old generation de-serves love & affection

Dev. of backward areas focus ofGovt’s planning framework: Rather

National level Mega water sportschampionship to be held in Srinagar

Rahul slams ‘partial’ Lok Sabha Speaker, says only one man’s voice heard in Parliament

Possibility of thunderstorm inthe afternoon. Maximum & Minimum temperatures will be around 30°C & 23°C respectively.


Pulwama, August 06: The loot of green gold goes unabated as ‘fear-less’ jungle smugglers with alleged support of local forest officials smuggle and chop hundreds of trees in south Kashmir forests.“The jungle smugglers, who pay money to local forest officials, resort to loot in broad day light in the forest compartment numbers 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 in Numblan block of Pulwama district,” locals told GNS, adding no one is stopping these smugglers.“If this loot continues, the day is not far, when there would be no forests,” they said.The situation is no different in the forests of neighbouring Shopian dis-trict. “The forests in Chota Gardar, Bada Gardar, Gard Khud and Sangar-wani in Keller are also being looted by smugglers while forest officials are watching like mute spectators,” sources said.A local, Nazir Ahmad Khan, told GNS that due to ‘corruption’ of forest de-partment employees, the smugglers are ‘fearless’ and resort to ‘loot’.

See Loot On PG 11..

‘Loot’ of green gold goes unabated in

south Kashmir

Policeman thrashed, arrested after ‘molesta-

tion bid’ in Old City

Police arrest gambler, seize 2

vehicles in Pulwama

Srinagar, August 05: A policeman on Monday was thrashed and stripped by people in Old City area of summer capital here after he allegedly tried to molest a girl in a passenger bus.Witnesses told GNS that a policeman identified as Nirmal Kumar of 12 Bat-talion of Armed Police was roughed up by people at Gojwara. “The police-man was caught molesting a girl in the bus that he had boarded from Lal Chowk,” they said.The policeman, after being roughed up by people, was stripped, witnesses said.Meanwhile, the police swung into ac-tion and arrested the cop.

See City On PG 11..

Srinagar, Aug 6: Stating that the rul-ing national conference could only be saved from ‘disaster’ if NC president Dr Farroq and chief minister Omar Ab-dullah are shown the door, NC veteran and former parliament member Abdul Rashid Shaheen Wednesday stirred hornet’s nest, stating that Sheikh Na-zir and Begum Khalida Shah are the ‘true’ and ‘sincere’ successors of NC founder Shiekh Mohammad Abdullah.Shaheen while slamming the policies of national conference told KNS over phone that the aim with which late Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah had es-

tablished the party has been eroded now by Dr Farooq and Omar Abdullah. “During the tenure of Omar as the chief minister of the state, not only the peo-ple of Jammu and Kashmir were humil-iated and disrespected but also the NC veterans and workers who have been worked with the party since decades.”Shaheen stated further that due to the wrong policies exhibited by NC, he leaving the party and shall make a for-mal announcement about the same in coming days. “It is not only me who is leaving the party; there are senior NC workers in hundreds who are waiting in the queue. They too are disgruntled by the present wave of anarchy that has engulfed the party of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah. The father son duo is undermining all ethoses and is not willing to learn from the blunders they have committed.”Shaheen who earlier was considered as one of the senior voice of the national conference stated that the main reason behind the debacle of the party during LS polls was the ‘wrong’ approach adopted by Dr Farooq and Omar. “I will not ever shake hands with them. They have rubbished and rebuked the dreams of Sher-e-Kashmir. They have destroyed the principles of NC and have disgruntled the workers have sac-rificed a lot for the party

See Revolts On PG 11..

Srinagar, Aug 6 : Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah Wednesday in-augurated yet another healthcare facility at Srinagar which is third in a row in as many days. He inau-gurated CT scan, Doppler and oth-er modern facilities at Baramulla District Hospital the other day and on Tuesday he declared open Beer-wa Sub-District Hospital while to-day the Chief Minister dedicated 200-bedded Additional Block at Lal Ded Hospital to the people.The project estimating over Rs. 40 crore was started in 2008-09 and has been completed in all respects. The civil work involved over Rs. 31 crores, STP Rs. 4.17 crores; central heating system Rs. 1.83 crores, wa-ter supply Rs. 1.22 crores and other hospital items Rs. 1.74 crores.The additional facility at L D Hos-pital will give boost to healthcare service and cater to the increased treatment needs in the hospital.On the occasion the Chief Minis-

ter visited various blocks in the hospital, enquired the welfare of patients and ascertained feedback about the treatment being provid-ed to them.The Chief Minister said that health sector has been flagged as one of the most important sectors, as such, received concentrated atten-tion for improvement, expansion and consolidation during the last over five and a half years. He said attention has been paid to upgrade the medicare facilities at district, sub-district and other hospitals in the rural areas so that pressure in Srinagar hospitals is reduced.Omar Abdullah said that Sher-i-Kashmir had a great vision for making Jammu and Kashmir a modern State in respect of health-care facilities. He said the estab-lishment of Lal Ded Hospital and SKIMS was part of this vision of the late leader.

See LD On PG 11..

15 hospital projects, 270 bridges completed in last 5 years

Srinagar, August 06: A police officer on Wednesday was arrest-ed after he ‘molested’ a 13-year old girl in south Kashmir’s Anantnag district.The father of the girl told GNS over phone that Inspector Aijaz Ahmad Shah came to his house along with several guests on Tues-day and told him to pre-pare tea. “He used to come to our house and on Tuesday, he came with several guests. The officer said to pre-pare tea and maize bread. I asked my daughters and wife to do so and I left home for some work,” Ghulam Nabi (name changed) who hails from Des-su in Daksum area of Kokernag, told GNS.“While I left the home, the officer, who was drunk, took advantage of my absence and mo-lested my daughter in one of the rooms of my house. Her clothes were also torn off by the officer,”See Probe On PG 11..

Molestation case

Srinagar, Aug 6: Police on Wednesday arrested a gambler and seized two ve-hicles during a raid at Muran area of Pulwama in south Kashmir, a police official said.He told GNS that Aftab Ahmad Ittoo son of Mohammad Ramzan of Muran was arrested while gambling in a pub-lic place in the area.The other gamblers managed to es-cape, however, police team recovered some stake money from the gambling site besides a pack of cards, he said.The official further said that two vehi-cles Sumo bearing registration

See Police On PG 11..

Former NC MP RevoltsSays show door to Farooq,

Omar to save NCOmar inaugurates 200-bedded Addl Block at LD Hospital

Mufti believes credibility best achievement of PDP

Says people in general have faith in party Srinagar, Aug 6 : Nation-al Conference has lashed out at PDP Patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed for suggesting that those who don’t vote for PDP allegedly lack ‘political wisdom’. Terming this as a blatant insult to the au-tonomous decision mak-ing right of every single Kashmiri to choose what he deems in the best in-terests of the State with-out being judged, abused and harangued for his choice, National Confer-ence has said that Muf-ti’s statement reflects his self-seeking and overly partisan perspective on politics and socio-eco-nomic change in a State that has suffered turmoil and strife. According to a statement issued to KNS, National Conference Spokesman Junaid Azim Mattu said that every single election is important and cele-brates the right of the in-dividual voter to endorse or reject candidates free

of any pressures or influ-ences and Mufti Sayeed’s 'fatwa' was disrespectful to the democratic right of a common Kashmi-ri. The NC Spokesman said “Mufti Sahab has a self-certified tendency to be overly-moral in setting the alleged ‘standards of political wisdom’ from time to time. As hypo-critical and patronizing as that might be, it would not be out of line to ask Mufti Mohammad Sayeed where his morality was when Kashmir was at the ‘crossroads of a historic moment’ in 1990 – a time that merited empathy and compassion for the people of this land as opposed to the barbaric, iron-fist brutality that was un-leashed on them by Mufti Sahab as the then Home Minister of India. Where was Mufti Mohammad Sayeed’s sense of mor-al perspective when he signed a pact with the RSS and VHP to send

See NC On PG 11..

Inspector arrested, probe on

Mufti not a judge of ‘political wisdom’ of voters

PDP creation of agencies: NCSrinagar, August 06: A missing youth from Pal-hallan was found dead in a house in north Kash-mir’s Baramulla district along with a snatched rifle, police said Wednes-day.A police official told GNS that acting on a tip-off, po-lice’s Special Operation Group (SOG), army’s 29 Rashtriya Rifles (RR) and 176 Battalion Central Re-serve Police Force (CRPF) cordoned off Suraipora village of Kreeri in the district. “While the cor-don was being laid, few gunshots were heard from a house,” the official said, adding: “The police party approached the house and recovered the body of Mudasir Ahmad Sofi.”The house belonged to Ghulam Muhammad Mir, sources said.The police official said an INSAS rifle was recov-ered near the deceased along with some used cartridges. “Initial in-

vestigation revealed that the rifle belonged to the policeman who was at-tacked in Pattan with an axe few days back.”An Indian Reserve Police (IRP) personal identified as Firdous Ahmad Baba was attacked with an axe in main market Pattan on Saturday late afternoon.The police said Muda-sir was behind the rifle snatching. “This militant had snatched rifle of a Policeman in Pattan few days back,” it said. Police sources said the youth was missing from Ist August, a day before the Pattan incident, and his family had lodged the missing report at Pattan police station.Official sources said one needs to have proper training to handle INSAS rifle and it is quite pos-sible that the youth may have died due to acciden-tal fire. “But, other angles can’t be ruled out,” they said.

See Missing On PG 11..

Missing Palhallan youth found dead along with

‘snatched rifle’

Srinagar, Aug 6: Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (H) chairman and senior Hurri-yat (M) leader Javaid Ahmad Mir visited the Pakistan High commission at New Delhi last evening where he had a brief conversation with the diplo-mats regarding the present prevailing situation of Jammu and Kashmir.In a statement issued to GNS, JKLF spokesman said, that on the occasion Javaid Ahmad Mir welcomed the propose di-alogue process between India Pakistan Foreign secretaries to be held on 22 August at Is-lamabad Pakistan. He insisted Pak diplomats to include Kash-mir leadership for the result oriented dialogue process for the settlement of burning and sensitive issue called Kashmir issue..On the occasion Pakistan diplomats assured Mir that besides the Government the common people of the Pakistan are in favour of the Kashmir’s right to self-determination. They said that the support of Pakistan particularly on the

Political basis will remain continue till this long pend-ing issue will not be solved as per the aspiration of people of Jammu and Kashmir.Mir during his conversation with the Pak diplomats ex-pressed hope that ahead of the proposed meeting, India will release all the political detain-ees; will stop day to day human rights violations, unlawful ar-rests and Lawlessness for the successful talks.He said despite the three bloody wars between India and Pakistan International Communities have adopted the criminal silence over the issue.Mir while mooting the situa-tion of Middle East countries said the fire of brutality has now reached there; it is time for the World organizations to come forwards to stop such brutalities against the inno-cent people of these counties. He said such disasters can also prevail in South Asia if the lin-gering Kashmir issue will not be issued as

See Hurriyat On PG 11..

Baramulla, August 6: Police registered a case against the son of deceased Ikhwani leader and congress leader for assaulting a lady doctor on duty at Sub-District Hos-pital Hajin in North Kash-mir’s Baramulla district. A lady doctor (name with-held) at Sub-District Hospi-tal Hajin told CNS that on Tuesday night at around 11:30 pm when she was on night duty, a man entered into the hospital and direct-ed her to accompany him to see his ailing mother. Eyewitnesses told CNS that Congress leader Imti-yaz Parrey lost his state of mind when a lady doctor on night duty at Sub District Hospital Hajin refused to accompany him during late hours to see his mother. Hospital staff said that Par-rey not only abused the lady doctor but also slapped her and threatened her of dire consequences. “The man who later identi-

fied himself as the Congress leader Imtiyaz Parrey of Sonawari Sumbal threat-ened me of dire consequenc-es when I refused to accom-pany during late hours. I asked one of my subordi-nates to accompany Imti-yaz to see his ailing mother but the Congress leader not only abused me but assault-ed me physically,” the lady doctor said. She said that Imtiyaz Per-ray stooped so low that, “he slapped me and pulled my hair. I wept and in a fit of rage, hit him with my chap-el,” she told CNS adding that it was a nightmare for her to confront an ‘obnox-ious’ male member during the late hours. The lady doctor added that she informed Station House Officer Hajin on phone but Parrey soon after that went to police station and com-plained against me. “I am not feeling safe and want justice. I feel that SHO Hajin

is supporting Parrey as the police has also registered a case against me as well. I fail to understand what I did to the assailant and for what a case has been registered against me,” the lady doctor said adding that under rules a lady can’t venture out from the hospital during night duty. Meanwhile, Imtiyaz Parrey alleged that the said lady doctor refused to treat his mother. “She taunted me for being the son of the Ikhwani and said that she doesn’t treat Ikhwani’s,” Parrey told CNS. Howev-er, the lady doctor refuted these allegations. “We have registered an FIR (83/2014) and a counter FIR (84/2014) in this regard in police station Sumbal,” a police official said. Chief Medical Officer Ban-dipora G.M.Dar told CNS that no doctor can move out of hospital premises during duty hours.

See Congress On PG 11..

Congress leader allegedly assault lady doctor on duty

Police take cognizance, registers case against both

Hurriyat (M) leader meets Pak High Commission

Says Indo-Pak Foreign Secy level talks a welcome step Srinagar, Aug 6: Vigi-lance Organization (VO) Kashmir caught red handed a patwari while accepting bribe in south Kashmir’s Pulwama dis-trict on Wednesday.A vigilance official told GNS that it arrested a Ghulam Rasool Shah Patwari Halqa Lethpora Pampore, while demand-ing and accepting bribe from the complainant. “The squad was super-vised by Majid Malik SP (BKB) Vigilance Organi-zation”.“A complainant ap-proached with Vigilance Organisation Kashmir alleging therein that Patwari Halqa Lethpora, Pampore is demanding an amount of Rs 2000 as illegal gratification for making the entries in the revenue records,” the of-ficial said.He said that accordingly a case FIR No.32/2014 u/s 5(2) J&K P.C. Act 2006 r/w 161 RPC has been registered at P/S VOK and investigations taken up. (GNS)

Patwari caught red-handed while accepting bribe

11 Srinagar, Thursday 07 August 2014 Zabarwan Times












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in the past.” He stated that only Sheikh Nazir, NC’s former general secretary and Khalida Shah, daugh-ter of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah are the true and sincere successors of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah. (KNS)

He said that Sheikh Sahib wanted to provide all latest health facilities to the people of the State within the State so that they need not go outside for specialized treatment. He said that the government is keenly pur-suing this goal.The Chief Minister said that besides creating new infrastructure and modernizing the equipment equal attention is being paid to place qualified doctors and para-medics in the health institutions to make deliv-ery more effective and prompt.Minister for Health, Taj Mohi-ud-Din and Minister of State for Health and Medical Education, Nazir Ah-mad Gurezi were present on the occasion.Earlier, the Chief Minister inspected rehabilitation work of Zero Bridge Srinagar under execution at a cost of over Rs. 6.41 crores. The length of bridge is 154 metres, the number of spans are nine and carriage way is two-lane. It is being rehabilitated as the heri-tage bridge of Srinagar city.Omar Abdullah also took stock of the pace of work on new bridge under construction over River Jehlum connecting Residency Road at GPO to Rajbagh Road near Convent School. The bridge was started in Oc-tober 2012 and is estimated to cost Rs. 12.37 crores. The length of the bridge is 118 metres and it has three spans. The bridge is likely to be completed by April 2015.Legislator Nasir Aslam Wani was accompanying the Chief Minister. During the last over five and a half years more than a dozen bridges have been construct-ed in Srinagar and some are under execution. Over 270 bridges have been completed in the State during the same period. (KNS)

he said, adding after she raised alarm, the other peo-ple rushed to the spot but the officer managed to es-cape.Meanwhile, the police today said they arrested the officer and registered a case under FIR no. 93/2014 under section 343; 354,323 RPC. The police said the ar-rest came after ‘some locals alleged him of attempting to molest a girl’ at Dessu, Kokernag. “The arrested person is working in police department and was on a personal visit to the place,” the police said, Padding he was on his personal visit. “Police have started the investigation in this regard.” (GNS)

He said that it was all due to the good governance of the PDP led government that people have faith on this party. “Three year was a small period but we had tried our best to come up to the expectations of the people”, he said and expressed satisfaction that peo-ple of Jammu and Kashmir have appreciated work of the PDP led regime.He said it was all due to the pro-people policies of the party that PDP has emerged as strong alternative in the state within a short span of time. “Policies and programmes of PDP are formulated by incorporating wishes and aspirations of all sections, all regions and sub-regions of the state,” he said and reminded the gathering that PDP led regime has set an example of good governance.“Attaining power is not only agenda of our party. My desire is to make Jammu and Kashmir as Island of peace with the support and cooperation of the peo-ple,” he said and added that with the power of the peo-ple of the he want to change destiny of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.According to a statement issued to KNS, reiterat-ing that policies and programmes of his party are formulated to address aspirations of all regions and sub-regions of the State, Mufti said that his party had proved how to treat all sections of the society equally by providing equal opportunities of growth and de-velopment to all individuals.Later addressing a function at Sunjwan area, which was organised by Rashid Choudhary, Mufti said, “PDP led regime has set an example of good gover-nance and carved out a path of equitable development in the State”. “During our short tenure in the government, PDP led regime had taken every possible effort to deliver good governance to the people”, he said and added that initiatives taken by the PDP led regime had yielded very encouraging results because faith of the people in the democratic institutions was restored and the commoner got the taste of good governance.PDP patron, while highlighting achievements of his government, reminded the gathering that after for-mation of PDP led government various projects were started for the development of Jammu region.Sardar Rangil Singh, Yash Pal Sharma, Ved Mahajan, Shanti Devi, Hamid Choudhary, Rashid Malik, Hus-sain Ali Waffa, Jagjeet Singh Jagga, Arshad Malik, Firdous Tak, Surjeet Kour, Ashok Jogi, Ram Swaroop Gupta, Nicodimus, Nita Sharma, Chander Sheikhar and others addressed the meetings. During a meet-ing at Sunjawan, Talib Hussain, Mohammed Mush-taq Malik and Mohammad Akram Choudhary joined PDP. (KNS)

Jagmohan to Kashmir to lord over some of the most heinous massacres this Valley has seen? Why did Mufti Mohammad Sayeed fail to see the ‘plethora of problems’ in J&K when he ordered one bullet to be reciprocated with hundred bullets, when he ordered shoot-at-sight orders and when he pioneered the sys-temic custodial killings of Kashmiris as the Home Minister of India in the BJP supported VP Singh Gov-ernment?”The NC Spokesman said that it was painfully ironic that Mufti Mohammad Sayeed – the biggest Machia-vellian asset of covert intelligence agencies in Kash-mir was demanding a “renewed beginning towards the resolution of the Kashmir Issue by engaging with all stakeholders”. This is the same Mufti Mohammad Sayeed who ensured the targeted murder of every sin-gle stakeholder in the militant leadership despite the fact that there was a ceasefire in place. “Mufti Sahab brought these young men on the negotiation table

and out of hideouts on the pretext of negotiations and peace talks and sent ambush and encounter teams to shoot them dead at night. Where was Mufti Sayeed’s concern for ‘engaging with stakeholders’ when he killed these militant commanders in cold blood while a cease-fire in effect? There should be no doubt in the minds of the youth of Kashmir that Mufti Mohammad Sayeed is the fountainhead of every single constitu-tion, legal, illegal, political and military conspiracy hatched against the integrity, dignity and constitu-tional sub-sovereignty of this State right from the late 1950s when he started his political career. As aptly stated by Senior Journalist Praveen Swami in his summing up of Mufti’s political career – Mufti Sayeed is a ‘Man of many parts and many parties’”, the NC Spokesman said.Ridiculing Mufti Mohammad Sayeed’s self-praise and his attempts to claim the moral high ground, the NC Spokesman said that Mufti Sayeed has insulted hun-dreds and thousands of Kashmiris who oppose him and PDP by saying that this opposition was a result of lack of ‘political wisdom’ and lack of ‘emancipation’ in these voters. “This recurring habit of Mufti Sahab to threaten, judge and trivialize the rights of the peo-ple of J&K is unsurprising. As a Minister in the Sadiq Government, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed put his whole-hearted support behind the erosion of Article 370 and the considerable repeal of a constitutionally guaran-teed special status to the State. Was this State not at the ‘crossroads of a historic moment’ when Mufti Mo-hammad Sayeed was party-hopping and putting his weight behind every crony, pliant leader and stooge who conspired against the Internal Autonomy of J&K while Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah was incarcerated for standing up for the political aspirations of his peo-ple? These facts are not hidden from the people and not in the least from the youth of this State – who are informed, intelligent and responsible and know their history very well”, the NC Spokesman added.“We all know what Mufti Sahab means when he talks about ‘overhauling the system of governance’. This ‘overhauling’ by Mufti Sayeed was witnessed promi-nently on four separate occasions in the past. The first instance was when Mufti Sayeed helped in eroding Ar-ticle 370 and became a Minister in a State Cabinet that destroyed the special status of the State. The second instance was when Mufti Mohammad Sayeed became the dreaded Home Minister of India in 1990 and helped intelligence agencies in ‘overhauling’ the ‘system of governance’ by invoking Disturbed Areas Act (DAA) and Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) in the J&K. The third instance was when in 1996, Mufti Mo-hammad Sayeed received crores of rupees from intel-ligence agencies to float a coalition of political individ-uals from various backgrounds to dilute the regional political voice of J&K. The fourth instance was in 2002 when Mufti Sayeed robbed the politics of J&K of a re-gional character and became a puppet Chief Minister in an agency patronized and conceived government despite the fact that National Conference had emerged as the single largest party even in 2002. Unfortunately for Mufti Sayeed and fortunately for the people of this State, he won’t be allowed a fifth opportunity to wreak havoc in J&K”, the NC Spokesman said. The NC Spokesman said that the last five and a half years have seen unprecedented socio-economic change and development in J&K as testified by facts and figures. “The Omar Abdullah Government has taken J&K towards economic self-reliance by adding more than 1,500 Megawatts to the State’s power port-folio and laying the edifice for the addition of another 9,000 Megawatts without a spec of an allegation of cor-ruption as opposed to Mufti Sayeed’s criminal failure to make J&K self-reliant in power. The average Kash-miri’s income has risen. The State’s GDP has grown. There are thousands of new industrial workshops, hotels and factories in J&K today. There are hundreds of new bridges, thousands of new schools, hundreds of new hospitals and dispensaries and thousands of ki-lometers of new roads in J&K today. There has been a 71% reduction in violence and more passports have been issued by the Omar Abdullah Government on a yearly average than Mufti Sayeed’s Government did in any two years of its tenure combined. This is Change. What Mufti Sayeed is talking about – this Machiavel-lian ‘overhauling’ – that’s the bidding of agencies he is an expert at”, the NC Spokesman added while saying that PDP’s drama of seeking a “decisive mandate” as a pre-condition to represent their political aspirations was a cruel joke with the people of this State. “PDP has been created to suppress the political aspirations of the people of J&K – not to highlight them. Mufti Sayeed is no less than a proclaimed offender who has repeatedly been found involved in hatching conspira-cies against the Kashmir Issue in various capacities. Mufti Sayeed is seeking political power to destroy J&K’s political stature – and the youth especially are conscious to this”, Mattu said.“Mufti’s talk of transparency is perhaps the most ironic and ludicrous highlight of his statement pre-pared by recently recruited philosophers whose philosophies and elitist, academic jargon changes with the changing weather. Mufti Sayeed turned J&K into the ‘Most Corrupt State’ in the country within two years of coming to power. He destroyed the in-stitutions of transparency and ensured that the tools to fight corruption were either made ineffective or completely thrown out of the arsenal. He gave his Ministers a license to engage in loot and plunder and there are numerous cases in Vigilance Department and State Accountability Commission that validate this. The coming Assembly Elections will show Mufti Mohammad Sayeed that the people of J&K possess the appropriate political wisdom to differentiate between collaborators of agencies and those who have given blood and life to uphold the dignity of J&K”, Mattu added. (KNS)

A senior police official told GNS they are investigating the matter. “See, we are not claiming that we killed him. We can’t say how he died. We have launched in-vestigations,” he said.A source in police’s counter-insurgency wing claimed that the youth was mentally unfit and committed sui-cide. But, the locals of Palhallan rubbished the claims and said the youth was ‘absolutely fit’. “His elder brother is mentally unwell while another brother is also ill, but Mudasir was all right,” Muhammad Is-mail, a local, told GNS.Mudasir is a resident of neighbouring Palhallan vil-lage. Sources said Mudasir’s father was a militant Commander associated with Hizb-ul-Mujahideen and was killed in year 1992.Meanwhile, as the news of youth’s death spread in Palhallan, the shopkeepers downed their shutters and vehicular movement got affected. The situation in the area became tense with people coming out on the streets.The locals of Palhallan allege that the youth was killed in custody. “We are also saying and the people at Kreeri also say that it is a custodial killing,” they alleged. Eyewitnesses said hundreds of people partic-

ipated in the funeral of the youth and amid pro-free-dom and anti-India slogans, the youth was buried in the martyrs’ graveyard.The family of the slain youth was a student of Ist year at Pattan college and had no militant connections in the past. “Mudasir was missing from past few days and that is what we know,” his uncle, Ghulam Mu-hammad Sofi, told GNS over phone. (GNS)

“It is obligatory for the attendant to bring the patient into the hospital. I have directed Block Medical Offi-cer to constitute a committee to ascertain the facts,” he said. (CNS)

per the aspirations of people residing here.Commenting over the recent statement of OIC, Javaid Ahmad Mir said peace can only prevail in Kashmir after the Kashmir issue will be addressed via the aspi-ration of people of Kashmir.(GNS)

“We appeal government to take strict action against these smugglers and corrupt employees so that forests could be saved,” he said.The Range Officer Pulwama, Nawab Khan told GNS that he had already sent a team to the forests and sus-pended an employee namely Gulzar Ahmad. “Rest, no such things are going on,” he added. (GNS)

“A case under FIR number 80/2014 under sections 294, 341, 323 at Nowhatta police station,” police sourc-es said.Police have started investigations in this regard, they added. (GNS)

number JK13-8121 and Santro (JK03- 3529) was seized from the spot.A case FIR NO 60/2014 under section 13 Gambling Act was registered in this regard and investigation has been started. (GNS)

Vehicle and a toy pistol seized

Srinagar, August 6: Po-lice on Wednesday ar-rested three extortion-ists impersonating as policemen and recovered a toy pistol from them at Pushroo, Achabal area of south Kashmir's Anant-nag district.On a tip off, a police party of police station Achabal arrested three extortion-ists in Pushroo village while two managed to escape, a police official told GNS. "The group was roaming in the area in police uniform with a toy pistol in a vehicle bear-ing registration number JK14 -4949 and extorting money from the locals".The extortionists were

later identified as Abdul Jabbar Lone son of Reh-matullah, Reyaz Ahmad Shah son of Ghulam Mo-hammad and Mushtaq Wani residents of Che-nani Udhampur.However, Javid Ahmad Lone son of Shamus ud din lone resident of Bastey, Chenani and Tippu resident of Larki-pora managed their es-cape from the spot, the official said.The vehicle was also seized by the police. Achabal police has registered a case FIR number 78/2014 under section 419,393, 171/RPC and investigation has been taken up. Man hunt to nab the absconding extortionists has been launched, the official added. (GNS)

03 extortionists posing as policemen held

Tral, August 6: Amid pro-test a complete shutdown was observed in South Kashmir’s Tral town for the second consecutive day against the presence of CRPF bunker near bus stand which according to traders and locals is the source of nuisance for them. All business establish-ments remained closed while the traffic was off the roads. The locals as well as traders demanded that the security picket of 185 Central Reserve Police

Force should be removed from the town at an ear-liest. “The CRPF have occu-pied 2 kanals of land ille-gally that belongs to Mu-nicipal Committee Tral. This bunker is the source of trouble as it frequent-ly comes under attack. Youth gets often pro-voked and attack it with stones, as a result we are forced to down the shut-ters. We have incurred huge losses because of the presence of this secu-rity bunker.

Tral observes shutdownDemands removal of CRPF bunker

Srinagar, Aug 6: Tariq Hameed Karra, Member Parliament in the Lok Sabha today made this state-ment during Zero Hour regarding Prime Minister’s Special Scholar-ship Scheme for J&K.According to this statement is-sued: “Madam Speaker, taking ad-vantage of the Zero Hour, I would like to bring the attention of this august House to a very grave situ-ation perpetrated by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) whereby this unilater-al order of withholding the fee amount sanctioned for at least 5000 students of Jammu & Kashmir studying in various colleges in In-dia under the Prime Ministers Spe-cial Scholarship Scheme (PMSSS), has jeopardized their career.Madam, you would be remember-ing that 2010 witnessed deadliest unrest in Kashmir when the State Govt. in chair did not hesitate to gun down around 120 unarmed young boys. And in order to evalu-ate the causes and reasons for such unrest, an Expert Group was con-stituted by the Prime Minister on 18 August 2010. The Expert Group had suggested facilitating higher/technical education for young boys and girls from Kashmir with finan-cial assistance under PMSSS. The

objective of this scheme was to pro-vide tuition fee, hostel fee, cost of books and other incidental charges to students belonging to Jammu & Kashmir who, after passing Class XII or equivalent examination, se-cure admission in Government col-leges/institutions and other select institutions outside the State. The scheme was launched with much fanfare in 2011. In the first year, only 38 students availed the bene-fit but in 2012-13 at least 5000 stu-dents were admitted to various colleges of India.Madam due to withholding of PMSSS to these students, the par-ents in an effort to save the career of their children are applying for loans on higher interest rates while some of them have sold their ancestral properties. Uni-laterally with-holding of PMSSS has forced most of these students to leave their studies midway and return to their home. One student has told me that her parents sent him for nursing course under PMSSS. The course otherwise was unaffordable for him. Howev-er, the scheme has proved a damp squib and she is forced to rethink on continuing his studies as he has no source of income to pay the college fee.

She told me that her father is a laborer earning Rs 200 a day. “He often remains ill and there is no other source of income for us. How can I deposit lakhs of rupees in college as a fee now,” she told me.Madam, colleges entertained students from J&K on the pre-text that they would get fee and other expenses reimbursed from the MHRD under PMSSS. As the MHRD has not released the sanc-tioned amount, colleges are forc-ing the aggrieved students to ei-ther deposit fee or leave college.Under the PMSSS, many low pro-file colleges, in blatant violation of rules, had enrolled scores of stu-dents from Kashmir for various courses to “usurp” the scholar-ship money. “These colleges pre-ferred to enroll Kashmiri students under PMSSS after various local NGOs approached them with the assurance that Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) would pay their fees.It is as such requested that Minis-try of Human Resource Develop-ment may take the call and release the withheld fees for all such stu-dents as per the stated policy so as to save career of thousands of Kashmiri students. (KNS)

Karra raises PM’s scholarship issue in Rajya Sabha

Rescuers Race to Save Lives as Quake Toll Nears 600

Rescuers are risking their lives as they work to open roads, and prevent the threat of secondary disasters in mountainous areas of southwest China's Yunnan. The death toll has risen sharply to 589.Local quake relief officials say the jump in numbers was due to rescuers arriving in places where they had previously been unable to contact anybody.CRI's correspondent in the epi-center Shen Shi says the fragile structure of local houses is a major reason of the heavy death toll."Some villagers told me that most of the houses here are made of wood and mud, which are of low quake-resistance level. But some new houses are constructed with steel and con-crete, most of which did not col-lapse in this earthquake. "Some 10-thousand troops and hun-dreds of volunteers have rushed to the quake-hit zone to clear roads and dig out survivors from the debris.Road workers have built up a 30-meter-long steel bridge,

which connects the epicenter of Longtoushan Township to the outside areas.Meanwhile a traffic control has been imposed in the town today, aiming to give priority to rescu-ers into the worst-hit area.CRI reporter Shen Shi."There is a traffic control on the road connecting Ludian County and Lontoushan township. Ci-vilian vehicles without an of-ficial pass are not allowed to get into the epicenter. Land-slides are seen at the quake-hit area, which has blocked the roads, so some relief ma-terials are still on their way."Two more military helicop-ters from the Chengdu Mil-itary Area Command have joined the other six in the air drop mission in Ludian.Except for carrying relief supplies including food and bottled water to four neigh-borhoods at the epicenter, the aircrafts also help to transfer injured people for treatment.Over three hundred heavily in-jured people have been trans-ferred out of Longtoushan,

where there are only 3 clinics to treat slight injuries.Ma Junbo is head of the Hospi-tal of Provincial Armed Police."The medical team from our hospital arrived at the Long-toushan middle school in the morning of August 4th. Then we set up a temporary clinic here. We have 10 rooms and 40 beds. We also brought med-icine and medical equipment worth 200-thousand yuan."Secondary disasters are also frequent in the quake hit zone.At least 55 people have been buried and 49 are missing in a fresh landslide in Longtoushan today.A total of 20 trucks were also buried in the landslide.Risks also loom over a grow-ing barrier lake that has led to the evacuation of 42-hundred residents living on the lower reaches of the Niulan River.More than 60 soldiers were trapped by a sudden flood at the lake Tuesday afternoon, they were rescued later.The armed po-lice is planning to explode banks on the barrier lake tonight to dis-charge floods.


SRINAGAR, AUGUST 6:- The Minister for Finance and Ladakh Affairs Mr.Ab Rahim Rather this morning chaired a joint meeting of the officers of J&K Waqf Board, Police senior officers and engi-neers of the district administra-tion Budgam and the concerned authorities of traffic and transport departments to give final touches to the arrangements for the An-nual Urs of Hazrat Syed Ali Aali Balkhi(RA),Pakherpoa.

The fortnight Urs celebra-tions will commence from Friday, August 08, 2014 and culminate on August 22, the Friday following .The Shab Khawani (night prayers)will be held on Sunday, August 10 whereas the Poshak Bandi (laying of Chaddar on sanctum sanctorum will be performed on Friday ,Au-gust 8,2014).

Mr. Rather asked the con-cerned officers to make foolproof arrangements in their respective

fields to ensure that no pilgrim vis-iting Pakherpora for paying obei-sance at the shrine of the revered saint do not face any kind of in convenience .The transport depart-ment was directed to press into ser-vice adequate number of commer-cial vehicles for carrying devotees to and fro Pakherpora from both central District Budgam and Pulwa-ma District on South Kashmir side.

The Minister asked the traffic police to deploy men and machinery on all important routes leading to Pakherpora especially during Urs days to control traffic movement. He asked the Assistant Director CA&PD department to provide additional quota of ration to the consumers of Pakherpora to meet their requirements in view of the rush of pilgrim guests visiting Pakherpora and adjacent areas dur-ing the Urs days.

Mr. Rather directed PDD and PHE departments to ensure un-

interrupted power and water sup-ply, besides keeping Tanker service available round the clock at Pakher-pora whereas the Yousmarg Devel-opment Authority and J&K Wakf Board will jointly ensure cleanli-ness especially in and around the shrine complex. Additional Safai Karamcharis will be deployed in Pakherpora for this purpose. The Minister asked the engineers of PMGSY to complete black topping of path holes within two days on roads leading to Pakherpora. Mr. Rather announced that the Wakf board will deploy one ambulance on permanent basis at Pakherpora shortly for convenience of the peo-ple.

The Chief Medical Officer Budgam assured to establish ad-equate number of First aid Booths enroute Pakherpora adding that 24x7 Medicare facilities will be kept available at the Primary Health Centre, Pakherpora.

International standard sports

infra across State on anvil: Bhalla

SRINAGAR, AUGUST 06:- Re-iterating that efforts are on for promoting sports culture and ac-tivities in the state, the Minister for Housing, Horticulture, Cul-ture and Youth Services & Sport, Mr. Raman Bhalla has said that development of sports infrastruc-ture is among top priorities of the government and projects are un-derway to provide international standard infrastructure.

This was stated by the Minis-ter while chairing a meeting to discuss the matters related to the promotion of water sports activi-ties in the State held here today.

Member J&K Legisla-tive Assembly and President J&K Kayaking and Canoe-ing Association(J&KKCA), Dr Sheikh Mustafa Kamal, Commis-sioner/ Secretary Youth Services and Sports, Mr. Khurshid Ahmad Shah, Secretary J&K State Sports Council(J&KSSC), Mr. Dilip Thusu , Joint Director, Kashmir, Mr. J.B Singh Bali, Chief Sports Officers, Sports Officer Kashmir, Prof B.A Shah, National Referee Kayaking and Canoeing, members of J&KKAC and other officers were also present in the meeting.

The meeting was told that J&KSSC is organizing a 3-day national level water sports event “Open national Dragran Boat Race Championship” in world famous Dal Lake in Srinagar from August 31 to September 02, 2014. As many as 200 participants from all over the India shall exhibit their talent by participating in the champion-ship.Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Bhalla highlighted the impor-

tance of water sports activities in promoting tourism industry and said nature has bestowed J&K with enormous and enchanting natural beauty including abundant water resources, which provide the nec-essary venue for holding water sports activities.The Minister said by holding and hosting such national level sports events, the participants from outside the State can easily carry forward the message that is also an ideal place for water sports activities and for holding national and internation-al water sports events.Mr. Bhalla said that our State is rich in talent and youth have great talent in all kind of sports activities and gov-ernment is making all out efforts for providing better sports infra-structure on modern lines, so that youth of State are able to exhibit their talent with vigour and zeal besides prove their mettle in na-tional and international level sports events and continue with the spirit of excellence.

SRINAGAR, AUGUST 06 – Vice Chairman State Advisory Board for the Welfare and Development of Other Backward Classes, Kuldeep Raj Sharma called on Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah here on Wednes-day.

In his meeting with the Chief Minister, the Vice Chairman of the Board discussed various matters relating to the welfare of other backward classes. He presented a memorandum of demands to the Chief Minister which included the demands for enhance-ment of reservation for OBCs, enhancement of in-come slab, release of funds for Sub-Plan and funds for the construction of two hostels one each at Srinagar and Jammu.

Book exhibition at Kargil, more than 1000 books on display

KARGIL, AUGUST 6- The National Book Trust, In-dia in collaboration with LAHDC, District Adminis-tration, District Youth and Sports Department, Kargil organised book exhibition which was was inaugurat-ed by Advocate Mohammad Amir, Acting Chairman, LAHDC Kargil yesterday at Indoor Stadium Kargil. This book exhibition will continue upto 10th August 2014.

More than 1000 titles in Urdu, English, Hindi and Kahsmiri Languages are display here. Book lovers can avail 10% discount on all Books for all age groups and all topics are available.

Rather gives final touch to arrangements for URS of Syed Ali Aali Balkhi (R.A), Pakherpora

National level Mega water sports championship to be held in Srinagar

VC of OBC Board calls on CM

SRINAGAR, AUGUST 6: The Speaker, Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly, Mr. Mubarak Gul today launched mac-adamization work of Noorbagh road. The total road length of 6.5 km is be-ing constructed at an esti-mated cost of Rs. 2.11 lakh.

The Speaker directed the executing agency Roads and Buildings to speed up the pace of work on this road and ensure its completion within a stipulated time frame. He said the construction work on Nallahmar road is apace adding that the Government’s focused at-tention is to upgrade all road connectivity in the Eidgah Constituency.

Mr. Gul said that the concerned departments have already been given directions to speed up the pace of all ongoing proj-ects undertaken under various sectors in the Ei-dgah area and ensure their completion in a time bound manner. He said that ef-forts are afoot to improve the living standard of the people of the area. He said sufficient funds have been earmarked for different works during the current financial year but need is to monitor these works.The Speaker asked the R&B department to survey the Eidgah area and prepare comprehensive project reports about the upgrada-tion and renovation of all

link, inner and main roads and submit the same to the concerned quarters, so that the funds could be ar-ranged for the purpose.

On the occasion, several deputations met the Speak-er en-route and appraised him about their individual and collective problems including repairs and reno-vation of lanes and drains. The Speaker gave them pa-tient hearing and assured them that their genuine demands would be looked.

Interacting with these deputations, the Speaker said that the government under the leadership of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah is keen to pro-vide adequate drinking water.

Congress vice-president Rahul Gan-dhi on Wednesday slammed the Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan over a discussion on rising cases of commu-nal violence in the country and said the Modi government does not allow dis-cussion in Parliament where “only one man’s voice is heard.”

An aggressive Gandhi joined protest-ing members of Parliament in the Well of the House as they demanded a debate on the Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill.

“We are not being allowed to speak in Parliament. We are asking for discus-sion. There is a mentality in the govern-ment that discussion is not acceptable. Everybody feels it, their party feels it, we feel it, everybody feels it,” Gandhi told reporters outside Parliament.

“There is a mood in Parliament that only one man’s voice counts for any-thing in this country,” he said after Con-gress members stormed the Well of the House demanding a discussion on grow-

ing incidents of communal tension.Read: Time for Congress to intro-

spect, says Jaitley“We are raising a point, we are asking

for discussion... The Speaker, I mean...It is completely one-sided, partiality. That’s what we are raising,” Gandhi said.

Reacting to a reporter’s comment that he was raising his voice for the first time and leading from the front, Gandhi said, “I have raised my voice many times in Parliament.”

Lok Sabha was adjourned till 12pm on Wednesday following a ruckus cre-ated by the opposition parties over com-munal riots in Uttar Pradesh.

Raising slogans and demanding the introduction of the bill against commu-nal violence, the Congress sought a de-bate on the issue.

Amid the din, Speaker Sumitra Ma-hajan adjourned the House.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) countered Gandhi’s charges and called his comments unparliamentary.

Speaker launches macadam-ization work of Noorbagh road

Rahul slams ‘partial’ Lok Sabha Speaker, says only one man’s voice heard in Parliament

Srinagar, August 6: Mr. N.N. Vohra, Governor, re-leased a book titled “Nanotechnology-Science of Small” here at the Raj Bhavan today. This book has been writ-ten jointly by Dr. Shah Mohammad Ashraf, Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology and Dr. K.A. Shah, Head, Department of Physics, Govt. Wom-en College, Anantnag. The book provides an overview of the fundamental principles of nanotechnology and explores the engineering of functional systems at the molecular level. It also discusses various scientific and technological revolutions of the past and explains differ-ence between macro-scale and nano-scale phenomena.

Dr. Rajat Gupta, Director, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Srinagar, and several senior NIT Pro-fessors, including Prof. M.F. Wani, Prof. G.A. Harmain, Prof. Seemin Rubab, Dr. P.A. Ganie; and Dr. B.A. Mir were present on the occasion.

The Governor complimented the authors of the book for bringing out a lucidly written informative guide on the rapidly developing field of nanotechnol-ogy and hoped that it would be of significant value for students, teachers and others who are interested in this field. He wished high success to the authors in all their future endeavours.

Governor releases “Nanotechnology-Science

of Small”

Announces Rs.3.85 cr. water

supply scheme for Kanir village

KANIR (CHADOORA) AU-GUST 6: The Minister for Fi-nance and Ladakh Affairs, Mr. Abdul Rahim Rather today an-nounced a new drinking water supply scheme for Kaneera in tehsil chadoora to be constructed at a cost of Rs.3.85cr. The water supply scheme scheduled to be commissioned by the end of next year will provide drinking water facility to more than 5000 souls comprising five mohalas of Kani-ra including Dangarpora, Mir Mohala, Syedpora and Patrigam.

The scheme envisages construction of one lakh gallon capacity modern filtration plant and a 25000 gallon capacity ser-vice reservoir. He said the source for the water supply scheme will be tapped from Doodganga about

5 kms from Kanir adding that 6 inches dia pipe line will be laid for this purpose.Addressing a mammoth public gathering at Kanir village in tehsil chadoora Mr. Rather said that the devel-opment of backward and remote areas is the thrust area of the present Govt’s planning frame-work, adding that no stone will

be left unturned to come up to the expectations of the people especially those belonging to the poor and underprivileged sec-tions of the society, who have pinned high hopes with the pres-ent govt. led by Chief Minister Mr. Omar Abdullah. He said the purpose of touring different ar-eas along with senior officers and

engineers is to bring the admin-istration at the doorsteps of the people to redress their genuine grievances on the spot.Respond-ing to the demands of the people, Mr. Rather ordered fencing of Park near Jamia Masjid at Kanir village besides up gradation and of the link road in Herpora Mo-halla. He said that existing park

at Kanir is being developed on the pattern of famous mughal gardens and asked the engineers of PDD to immediately restore power supply to the park, so that visitors to the park do not face inconvenience while visiting the park.Mr. Rather asked the people to come forward in a big way to avail the benefits of the scheme launched by the present govern-ment for providing financial as-sistance of Rs. 30000 to facilitate marriage of each orphan girl belonging to a BPL family, who has attained the marriageable age and has passed matricula-tion. Worthwhile to mention that a provision of Rs. 3 crore have been provided in the current year’s budget for this purpose.Describing peace and unity as key to speedy development and socio-economic transformation, Mr. Rather cautioned the people against some opportunist politi-cians who for the sake of petty vest-ed interests try to divide the people and disintegrate the society. He asked the people to differentiate between their friends and foes and vote for genuine candidates in the coming assembly elections.

Dev. of backward areas focus of Govt’s planning framework: Rather

Consider making some plans for a vacation or short getaway, Libra. Looking forward to something fun can make even the tough-est of days far easier to handle. You’ll be amazed how much you can manage when there’s an end in plain sight. Your entire attitude can lighten. So take the bull by the horns and create an incentive for yourself. Do something special to reward the hard work you do day after day.

Don’t judge someone if he or she has a different lifestyle than what you consider to be OK, Scorpio. You probably lean toward the traditional, yet not everyone feels this way about re-lationships, working, or lifestyle. While it may seem impossible to understand and even frighten you, try not to be too harsh on those you deem odd. You’d be better off using that energy to keep your own life on track.

Friends seeking advice or a shoulder to cry on could be plentiful today, Sagittarius. You’re one of best people to give them the support and care they need. Just be sure that you don’t give so much to others that you don’t have anything left for yourself. True friendship is about sharing and the exchange of problems and help. Running yourself down will leave you in a place where you aren’t going to be much help to anyone.

Getting through today shouldn’t pose too big a problem for you, Capricorn. You may feel a huge second wind that can give you the drive and determination to see your chores and projects through. Make some plans for this evening, such as getting to-gether with friends or taking in an event that really intrigues you. Until then, go about your tasks bit by bit. You’ll get things finished before you know it.

Working within boundaries and restrictions could really get to you today, Aquarius. Yours is an independent spirit and your best achievements are often born of doing things your own way. Yet like it or not, we all have to follow guidelines and rules. Do your best to follow suit and finish what needs to be done. Afterward, you may find more freedom to act independently without consequences. Exercise patience and diligence as needed today.

Chances are that you’ll feel upbeat and positive today, Pisces. Consider sharing this energy with those around you who are feel-ing less than content. Your attitude can have a profound effect on friends, partners, spouses, and children. Even neighbors and ex-tended family can pick up on your spirit without you even real-izing it. Share your optimism with everyone you can today. If you see someone hurt or angry.

Feeling the effects of today’s energies, Virgo? Take heart if this is the case, because the end of the tunnel isn’t as far away as it seems. Do your best to take things one step at a time and see about making some plans for a little fun this evening. Get together with friends or take in a movie. Help yourself feel better by staying busy and focused and follow up with some recreation. Before you know it, the aspect will pass and you’ll be back to normal.

Don’t discount your ability to be extremely resourceful if you need to be, Aries. If you don’t have everything you need or all of the required information, take time to think. Who can you ask? What places can you access? Who might know where you can find what you need? Rather than panic because the pieces aren’t all there, instead make a list of contacts and go for it. Trust in yourself.

Try not to let today’s blues get you down, Taurus. While it’s true that some days can seem to drag on, the busier you are the faster time will pass. Get down to finishing any work still before you and then make plans for tonight. If there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, not only will things seem to speed up but you’ll feel better knowing it’s coming.

Dare to be different, Gemini. It can be so easy to fall into a drill. Sleeping at the same time, eating at the same time, wearing the same style, and going about work the same way day after day. Be-fore you know it, you feel like you’re in a rut. The only way to get away from this is to make a decision to break free by doing some-thing unique. Try a new haircut. Wear colors that are unusual for you. If the need is there, consider a new career. Pursue expansion.

If your lifestyle is considerably different than that of others, re-sist feeling self-conscience about it today, Cancer. Try to remember that you chose the life you have for specific reasons. Even if you’ve come to a point where you’re considering a change, there’s no need to feel badly, ashamed, or embarrassed about where you are now. Everyone has to make his or her own way. If this conforms to the norm, that’s fine. If it doesn’t, that’s fine, too.

An enhanced feeling of determination could motivate you today, Leo. Finish the things that aren’t complete and make some plans for this evening. Don’t hesitate to take on something that feels compli-cated or big. Chances are you’ll be able to handle most anything and it will feel great when it’s finished. Enjoy your day by making the most of opportunity.

Daily Zabarwan TimesEDITORIAL/ OPINIONEDITORIAL/ OPINIONDaily Zabarwan TimesSrinagar, Thursday 07 August 2014

Disclaimer : The contents and comments appearing in any article published in this paper are purely the personal opinion of the writer

Old generation deserves love &


Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making

someone smile....

Quote of the day

The whole society is going through such an inhuman phase that even the devils are ashamed of what

is happening around us. Ev-ery religion teaches as to how one should treat his old parents who bring him up and spend whole of their life in grooming him and providing every com-fort he desires. But as soon as the children grow and start earning with that they start to ill-treat their parents and some-times make the atmosphere of the house so hostile that the parents themselves prefer to leave and wander on the roads till they die on the road side, in a mosque or in a hospital. There are several cases when police had to give advertisements in the media for the identification of the bodies of these unfortu-nate parents who die helpless-ly. The social, moral and ethi-cal degradation has cost us very dearly so has the lust for materi-alistic fortunes done. We forget that the holy Quran once and again preaches that the service of the parents particularly in their old age, is one of the dear-est acts which God Almighty and Prophet Mohammed(peace be upon him) wants every hu-man to do. There are some so-cial problems also which result in throwing of the old parents out of their houses in utter dis-regard to the teachings of our religion. Though there are some organizations who voluntarily take care of some old people but that is not enough as the cases like this are increasing day by day. Within the house too the children indulge in the harass-ment of their parents and even if they do not leave the house they live a life which worse than hell. No law or authority can enforce the love, respect and the the spirit of taking care of old people. It is one’s con-science which should be sensi-tive enough to know the duties towards parents and the re-spect and the love they deserve from every body in the society including their own children for whom they sacrifice their own comforts and luxuries. Our religion says that the heaven lies in the very feet of a mother, so we should not miss any oppor-tunity to serve her and give her the love, affection and respect she deserves so that God will be merciful on us on the doom’s day.