Yuvagarjan - Chandra Babu Naidu Speech Presentation - CAG Event, New Delhi

Post on 09-May-2015

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Yuvagarjan - Chandra Babu Naidu Speech Presentation - CAG Event, New Delhi

Transcript of Yuvagarjan - Chandra Babu Naidu Speech Presentation - CAG Event, New Delhi

YuvagarjanYuvagarjanFuture IndiaFuture India

india’sindia’sjourneyjourney1947 to 1991 political monopoly with a growth rate of 4%

Benefi ts reaped until 2009

1991 initiated economic reforms with compulsion under the leadership of Shri PV Narasimha Rao

1994 to 2004 TDP, UF and NDA’s progressive policies kick started the growth engine

Knowledge Society

People’s Government

Job Creation

World class infrastructure

path breakingpath breakinginitiativesinitiativesGovernment ofGovernment ofAndhra PradeshAndhra Pradesh1994 – 20041994 – 2004

path breaking path breaking initiativesinitiativesGovernment of IndiaGovernment of India1996 – 20041996 – 2004

Other Reforms

Digital Connectivity


indiaindia today today

Reasons:- Poor & Ineffi cient Governance- Corruption- Policy Paralysis- Terrorism

UPA 1 inherits good governance of previous Governments & UPA 2 inherited the sins of UPA1

Back to pre 91 scenario, with a growth rate under 5%

state ofstate of the nationthe nation

Indian rupee devaluation

No investments = No jobs

Schemes have become mere slogans:- Food Security- MNREGA

Agri sector in doldrums

Price Rise

Law and order failure

national national crisiscrisis

Uttarkhand Uttarkhand DisasterDisaster

Case StudyCase Study

“You believe that government is the problem, and not the solution”

why i believe india has a why i believe india has a

bright future!bright future!- 25% population is between the

age 18-30 vs. 19% of China- 50% population is under the

age of 25 vs 37% of China- Hindustan to Youngistan by


- Strong Family structure- Highly Spiritual ethos

Young IndiaYoung India

Social Fabric Social Fabric of Indiaof India

india can… Assets:- Knowledge Resources- Natural Resources- Law of the Land- Vibrant Democracy

Road Less Travelled:- Administrative Reforms- Fiscal Reforms- Judicial Reforms- Electoral Reforms- Political Reforms






administrative administrative reformsreforms

Ban ` 500 and` 1000 notes

Mandate all fi nancial transactions via bank

Tax reforms - Simplifi ed and reduced

taxation- Eradication of Hawala and

Swiss Bank transactions

fi scalfi scalreformsreforms

In 1996, 43% of urban youth interested in politics. Today it is 71%46% of youth believe their vote doesn’t make a difference

Historic opportunity to make India the most dominant force globally

Yuva Garjan!!!

act nowact now

“We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in the future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act.”

- Swami Vivekananda

collective pledge…collective pledge… Our vision of India is a state where poverty is totally eradicated…a knowledge and learning society built on the values of hard work, honesty, discipline and a collective sense of purpose.