YTH VB August 2020 - · We envision a YTH student culture that reflects these...

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Transcript of YTH VB August 2020 - · We envision a YTH student culture that reflects these...

Volunteer Booklet

August 2020


Table of Contents Introduction ......................................................................................... 3

SBC Vision, Mission, Values ................................................................. 4

YTH Ministry Message ......................................................................... 5

YTH Student Culture ............................................................................ 6

YTH Team Culture ................................................................................ 7

Volunteer Serving Expectations ........................................................... 8

Volunteer Onboarding Process .......................................................... 10

YTH Volunteer Best Practices ............................................................ 11

YTH FAQ’s ......................................................................................... 17

SBC Best Practices Guidelines ........................................................... 18

Safety & Security ............................................................................... 22

Allergic Reaction ................................................................................ 24

Lockdown Procedures ........................................................................ 26

Evacuation Procedures ...................................................................... 29

Mandatory Reporting ........................................................................ 32



We are delighted to have you serve at Scottsdale Bible Church. You play an integral part in the life of our church and in the body of Christ. You are stepping into a unique role God has designed specifically for you. We are here to see you grow in your faith, and we hope you are blessed by your time serving at SBC.

This Volunteer Booklet is a resource to maintain a thriving volunteer ministry and to make your volunteer experience positive and rewarding. We are thankful for you and others who give their time to serve in this way.

The prevailing values of SBC are to lead people to Get God, Get Real, and Get Out There. Serving at SBC is not just a great way for you to “Get Out There” by serving others, but it also helps others “Get God.” The Bible tells us that by loving others well, Jesus will be made known.

Thank you for serving as a volunteer and loving people well, which helps SBC be a place where we can all “Get Real” and grow in our relationships with God and with others. We couldn’t do it without you!


Michelle Crane Minister of Campus Experience



Scottsdale Bible Church (SBC) is a church on a mission to Get God, Get Real, and Get Out There! We believe that if we love God and let Him show us how to love one another, the world will take notice. For more than 55 years, we have experienced God’s grace and unfailing love as we strive to further the vision, mission, and values He has given us.


Create a community of Christ-followers marked by unwavering faith and unconditional love.


WIN people to faith in Jesus Christ; BUILD them up in their faith; then SEND them out to win and build others in their spheres of influence.


Regardless of what we are involved in, the four values of transformational Bible teaching, engaging worship, authentic community, and service-based outreach—each supported by GRACE—are distinct to SBC and define who we are.

SBC Vision, Mission, Values


YTH Vision

YTH exists to build the church and as a result, everything we do supports the vision of the church.

YTH Mission

We are a family of young people who:

BELONG: In YTH, we are a community where young people are unconditionally loved and accepted no matter where they come from, what they believe, or what they have done (Romans 5:8).

BELIEVE: In YTH, our aim is that every young person has an encounter with God and is given an opportunity to respond to the Gospel and proclaim their faith in Jesus (Galatians 2:20).

BECOME: In YTH, we desire to become more and more like Christ, being transformed by the Holy Spirit from the inside out via worship, prayer, and discipleship (John 15:5, Romans 12:2).

YTH creates a space for young people to belong in a family, to believe in Jesus, and to become more like Him.

YTH Ministry Philosophy

YTH 5|6 is our ministry to fifth and sixth graders. We nurture relationships between students, YTH Volunteers, and YTH Staff Members that will launch them on a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. We do this through regular outreach events, large and small group activities, as well as camps/trips, service projects, and ministry teams.

YTH 7|8’s purpose is to challenge seventh and eighth graders through scripture and relationships so that they are equipped to impact the church, the community, and the world.

YTH HSM exists to reach high school students with the life-changing love of Jesus Christ, connecting them into the body of Christ, teaching them to grow toward spiritual maturity, and equipping them to serve others.

We hope you enjoy your season in YTH and are excited for what God is going to do in and through you!

YTH Ministry Message


“Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity” – 1 Timothy 4:12

We envision a YTH student culture that reflects these five scriptural characteristics as young people are transformed by the power of the gospel.


A member of YTH speaks words of encouragement and life. They don’t gossip or tear other people down with their words.


A member of YTH lives a life that preaches the lifestyle of Jesus without words. Our actions often speak louder than our words. We don’t just talk about the example; we live as the example.


A member of YTH loves people. We don’t discriminate or reject people because of differences. We aim to love every person we encounter with generosity and intentional care.


A member of YTH has faith in God and believes He has the power to do something amazing in our city. We stand together in faith believing that one day we will see the churches and schools of our city filled with young lives encountering God.


A member of YTH strives to live a set-apart life, a life where they give their “whole” selves to God, to pursue holiness and not be corrupted by the things of this world.

YTH Student Culture


Fun • We promote an atmosphere that is fun • If you have fun, your students will have fun • Leave any bad attitude at the door, our positive attitude sets the atmosphere • We step out of our comfort zone in order to create higher engagement from young


Servanthood • We are here to serve young people • We do whatever it takes for young people to encounter Jesus • We are proactive and look for ways to serve • Don’t be a spectator; get involved!

Lead by Example • We set the example of the culture we hope to see in YTH • We actively participate in worship (we are all worship leaders), bring our Bible to

services, are attentive listeners, and take notes during a message, etc. • You teach what you know, but reproduce what you are

Family • We create family wherever we are • We look out for one another and have each other’s back • We help each other win

Excellence • Do everything as if you are doing it for Jesus • Ask questions and seek help • Communicate when you are not able to make it to a gathering • Pursue leadership, input, and discipleship

Integrity & Character A member of the YTH Team should strive to have the following qualities:

• Spiritual and social maturity • Sexual purity • Honesty • Even-tempered • Does not get drunk (no underage drinking) • Wise use of social media

Spiritual Growth • We pursue spiritual growth and greater intimacy with Jesus • We learn, love, and live the Word of God • We believe in prayer and pray often

YTH Team Culture


Leadership Team Expectations

Build Relationships: This is your primary focus as a YTH Leader. Learn your students’ names, their stories, and pursue them with intentionality. Growth happens when you connect with students on a deeper level. Make Disciples: Be an example of what it looks like to follow Jesus, build students up in their faith, and equip them to make disciples themselves. Be Dependable: Show up on time and ready to serve. A YTH Leader understands what is expected of them and is trustworthy and reliable to carry out their ministry tasks. Be Consistent: Building relationships with students requires long-term investment. Missing a weekend service should be rare, and always communicate this with your overseeing pastor.

Leadership Team Time Commitment

Main Church Service: Attend an SBC main church service (weekly).

Weekend Programming: Attend and serve at our weekend programming.

Special Events: Attend and serve at special events, such as camps/trips, outreach nights, community service programs, etc. (varies).

Relationships: Invest time and build relationships with students outside of church programs and events (weekly or do as you are able).

Volunteer Serving Expectations


Support Team Expectations

Snack Bar Team: Run the snack bar during weekend programming.

Check-In Team: Greet students as they arrive and help them get checked in so they can make their way into service. Help answer any questions that students and parents may have about YTH.

Connect Team: It’s hard to attend a youth ministry if you don’t know anyone! The Guest Welcome Team helps connect our new visitors by introducing them to other students and connecting them to their Small Group Leader.

Welcome Team (Greeters): Greeters are the friendliest people on the planet! They are the first impression of YTH and help welcome people into our loving environment. Smiles, high fives, and a love for meeting new people are the first indicators that you may already be a Greeter.

Audio/Visual/Lighting Team: Are you good with computers and other techy stuff? Assist us running the soundboard and all media elements (slides, videos, lighting) to help make the service look and sound awesome!

Fishers of Men: Some students don’t know about YTH and/or they are afraid to check it out. Fishers of Men (and Women) hang out by the adult venues and look for new students to invite to YTH.

Worship Team: Do you have the ability to play an instrument or sing? This is the team for you! The Worship Team leads everyone in passionate and sincere worship.

Support Team Time Commitment

Main Church Service: Attend an SBC main church service (weekly).

Weekend Programming: Serve at our weekend programming.


Complete the Background Check

(Updated every 2 years)

Provide 2 References

(no staff or relatives)

If over 21, complete an MVR and submit proof of

auto insurance

Shadow with a current YTH Volunteer and complete the YTH Crash Course Training

Parent/Guardian completes the Parental

Authorization for Minors Form

Provide 2 References

(no staff or relatives)

Meet with a YTH Pastor or Team Shepherd and review YTH Volunteer Booklet. Sign the online acknowledgement

upon completion of the Booklet

Be our guest at a YTH service with a YTH Staff Member

Are you 18 or older?

Yes No

Complete the online Volunteer Application

Once a potential volunteer has actively attended SBC for a minimum of six months, they are required to complete the following steps in the Volunteer On-Boarding process in order to serve with YTH. The requirements below are for Leadership Team positions. Support Team roles may not include all of these steps. The SBC Volunteer Coordinator will send you a complete list of the necessary requirements.

Volunteer Onboarding Process


Confidentiality and What Must Immediately Be Reported Everything shared at YTH is confidential. However, if any of the following issues arise as you interact with students, you MUST immediately contact your YTH Pastor.

• A student is currently hurting or planning to hurt themselves (i.e. “cutting” themselves, mentioning the word “suicide”, or any talk of taking their own life).

• A student is being hurt by someone else (i.e. being physically beaten or abused or being sexually abused).

• A student is currently hurting or planning to hurt someone else (i.e. discussing sexual/physical violence towards another person or hurting/killing someone).

Respond and Report If a student shares sensitive information, listen carefully, believe what they say, and do not judge. Remember, you are not the investigator or law enforcement and we are here to support our students and affirm them emotionally. A volunteer’s response to an emotional disclosure by a student may be the first step in their healing journey.

At any point during a conversation if a student discloses abuse or sensitive information of any kind, the volunteer should immediately ask a YTH Staff Member to join the conversation if available (see section on Mandatory Reporting in this booklet). If a YTH Staff Member is not available, contact one immediately following the meeting to discuss if Mandatory Reporting requirements are applicable in the situation. If applicable, the YTH Staff Member will work closely with the volunteer on appropriate documentation. Then, the YTH Pastor and/or YTH Team Shepherd will work with the volunteer on the next steps to come alongside the student in their healing journey.

YTH Volunteer Best Practices


Leader to Student Conduct Physical Contact Between Leaders and Students

As we build relationships with our students, it’s very easy to get comfortable in how we display care and affection. Use good judgment at all times. The following are some positive and appropriate ways to connect:

• Short congratulatory/greeting hugs or side hugs • High fives/fist bumps • Handshakes • An arm around the shoulder • Brief pat on the back or shoulder • Verbal praise • Holding hands during prayer

NEVER do the following:

• Engage in inappropriate or lengthy embraces • Sit on laps • Wrestle or tickle • Give any type of massage between a student and a YTH Volunteer or YTH Staff Member • Give comments or compliments that relate to physique or body development • Touch a student in anger • Touch a student in any inappropriate or questionable manner

Never be alone with a student of the opposite gender

• If you are put in a situation where a student of the opposite gender approaches you, you should get an additional leader of the same gender as the student to be part of the discussion.

• Always make sure there is accountability in your setting when you are with a student. Make sure there is another student or leader in the room with you and a student while on a trip or at camp. If necessary, prop the door open so others can see inside for accountability and visibility.

Never counsel a student of the opposite gender

• If a student of the opposite gender needs to talk, introduce them to another leader of the same gender. Delicately transfer the conversation to the new leader, taking the time to explain to the student the importance of a same gender connection to ensure they understand, but are not feeling passed over.


Meeting with Students

• YTH Volunteers and YTH Staff Members are not to be alone with a student at any time in an enclosed space (such as a classroom) unless the door is left open or there is clear visibility in a window (such as an office). Meeting in an outside area on our campus that is visible to others is preferred.

Driving Students

• Never drive alone with a student unless there is another person in the car with you. A leader should not be seated in a backseat with a student.

• Drive carefully and responsibly with students in your car. You should never be any texting or hand-held calling.

• Drivers must be 21 years old and have had a driver’s license for at least 3 years. • Drivers must have completed a motor vehicle record (MVR) for SBC. • Drivers must provide a copy of their automobile insurance.

Student Interaction Outside of YTH

• When you hang out with students outside of an event/service, get permission from the parents first and let them know where you are going and what time you will be finished.

• If you watch a movie with students, get permission from the parents first. No “R” rated movies are permitted.

Youth Serving as Leaders

• We encourage our sophomore, junior, and senior high school students to serve as leaders for students in younger grades. Two YTH Volunteers may not be alone with a student, one adult leader must be involved.

Restroom Breaks

• Any time a volunteer is needed to check on a student using the restroom, the door should be left open and another leader or student should accompany the volunteer.

• If students leave to use the restroom during a YTH event, a volunteer is responsible for ensuring that the students return to the event.


• The focus of discipline is for future growth. It is done out of concern and not designed to increase fear or guilt. Clear rules, expectations, and a consistent message about behavior are key to effective discipline procedures:

o Expectations should be realistic for age characteristics. o The object is to encourage growth in students rather than to discourage their

self-esteem. • A YTH Volunteer should never discipline a student alone, always look for a YTH Staff

Member or another YTH Volunteer before talking with a student. It is important to ask the student to step outside or away from the activity.


o Discipline for minor offenses: (1) The leader should talk with the student clearly and calmly, identify what the problem behavior is, and what the student should do instead, (2) If the behavior continues, the leader should contact a YTH Staff Member to assist with communicating with the student, (3) The final step with problem behavior is contacting the parent/guardian.

o It is important to gain understanding into the situation or reasons for a student’s actions to try and determine if the student is struggling with something that they would like to discuss.

o Remember to always remain calm, avoid accusations, criticism, blame, shame, or sarcasm when speaking with a student. Never use degrading or explicit language under any circumstances.

o Do not physically discipline any students for any reason. If a student is beyond control, immediately go to a YTH Staff Member.

o In the event of any physical altercation, the leader should notify a YTH Staff Member, who will complete all required paperwork and communicate with the parent/guardian.

Zero Tolerance There will be zero tolerance for inappropriate or illegal behavior such as assault, weapons in possession, theft, destruction of property, sexual activity, illegal drug use, or any other behavior that put students or others in danger. YTH Staff Members or Volunteers may never date a student.

Emotional Safety Student Ministry at SBC should be considered an “emotional safe zone.” SBC has zero tolerance for any sort of bullying, hazing, or teasing by group members, YTH Staff Members, or YTH Volunteers. Immediately address any issue with the offending person; if it reoccurs, contact the parents and advise them of the situation and to pick-up their student. If it occurs with a YTH Staff Member or YTH Volunteer, notify the YTH Pastor.

Dress Code As Christians, you represent God! You are His valuable creation and He desires for you to be pure in every area of your life. As an adult volunteer, you are a role model to the students as well as to each other. Students look up to you and imitate your choices. For this reason, it is important for you to dress in a way that honors God’s work in you and sets a good example for those around you. You must keep in mind there is a difference between dressing attractively and dressing to attract attention.


Scheduling We utilize a variety of online tools to connect with our volunteers regarding scheduling of programming and upcoming events. Please connect with your YTH Pastor to determine the communication tool that will be used.

YTH Electronic Safety Scottsdale Bible Church is committed to creating a safe ministry environment. This includes promoting a healthy environment for texting and other electronic communication between YTH Staff Members, YTH Volunteers, and students. As a result, SBC has developed the following guidelines:

• GroupMe is a messaging app that is utilized by the YTH Staff Team to communicate with our YTH Volunteers. Please remember this is not a confidential group messaging environment and all comments should be appropriate and related to the ministry. Please do not add a student to the volunteer GroupMe.

• Do not share personal information about any student through group e-mails, social media, or other public electronic media without a student and their parent/guardian’s signed consent form (except in an emergency situation). Personal information may include such things as names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and photographs.

• Communicate in bulk; send most texts or emails to the entire small group rather than an individual student. Accountability is built-in by copying another volunteer, not by copying other students. Do not delete your text messages to students.

• Censor yourself; if you find yourself typing something you wouldn’t want your YTH Pastor, a student’s parent, or your spouse to read, hit delete!

• Use texting and technology as a bridge to draw students into face-to-face conversation, not as a substitute for it.

• Address improper conduct. If you receive an inappropriate message from one of your students, take immediate action. Document what happened and report it to your YTH Pastor, who will assist you in talking with the student and the student’s parents.


Transportation to a YTH Event and Return to SBC Campus YTH Volunteers that drive to an official SBC YTH Event must have completed the SBC YTH Volunteer Onboarding process. This process includes a completed MVR, as well as proof of automobile insurance prior to the YTH Event.

In the unlikely event that it becomes necessary to drive a student, please ensure the following:

• The driver has completed the SBC Volunteer Onboarding process before allowing them to transport a student. This will require confirmation from the YTH Team Shepherd.

• Call parent to ask for permission to bring the student home. • Another person must be in the car with the driver. At no time may a YTH Volunteer be

alone in a vehicle with a student. • Remind the driver (vehicle owner) that their liability insurance is primary in the event of

an accident.

Communication with Parents/Guardians As a YTH Volunteer, we ask that all communication to parents, as it relates to programming, events, or camps be sent through normal communication channels by our YTH Staff Team. Should a parent of a student contact you directly with a question, please forward this information directly to our YTH Staff Team. This allows for consistency on any answers to ensure all information is accurately provided to parents. You are welcome and encouraged to develop relationships with parents to your comfort level, but please defer to our YTH Staff Team when necessary for your personal protection and boundaries.



Do I have to pay for camps and special events?

As a YTH Volunteer, camps and special events are free to you as a thank you for giving up your time to serve our students. We couldn’t do it without you!

How do I respond when a student shares sensitive information with me? If you are in a group setting, wait to discuss details with the student until you can pull them aside afterward. Your role is to actively listen with empathy and compassion and ask questions about their experience. If you are unsure if you should share with the YTH Team Shepherd or YTH Pastor, err on the side of caution and bring them in on the conversation. Refer to page 32 for SBC’s mandatory reporting process.

What do I do if I can’t make it to an event, meeting or service? As soon as you know you are not able to attend an event or Sunday service, please let your YTH Pastor know. We understand that last minute things come up, but it is helpful to know in advance when you are not going to be there. For camps, please let us know as early as possible so we can plan accordingly.

Can I serve on both the Support Team and Leadership Team? Many of the serving opportunities for the Support Team are available for our Leadership Team, but your role as a YTH Leader comes first. You are welcome to serve above and beyond expected programming times as long as it does not interfere with your commitment to your students.

What are appropriate boundaries in sharing my personal struggles with students? In order to build trust with students, it’s helpful to be vulnerable and honest about your own walk with the Lord. A good rule of thumb is to share past struggles that are a part of your testimony but be extra cautious when sharing present issues. Use discernment about what is or isn’t healthy to share with your students; they are not your personal small group!



We at Scottsdale Bible Church want to provide this information to our volunteers to help with day-to-day responsibilities. These best practice guidelines are listed alphabetically.

Cell Phones

Cell phones help us stay connected but can take us away from staying present as a volunteer in our roles. Please refrain from using cell phones during your volunteer hours as it can be distracting to others. Please set phones to vibrate mode.

Volunteers who drive as part of their responsibilities are expected to refrain from using their cell phone while driving. Regardless of the circumstances, volunteers are expected to pull off the road and safely stop the vehicle before using a mobile device.

Communication & Media Responses

As a reminder, all computers made available to volunteers at SBC are not private, as these are provided for ministry purposes and are church property.

If a volunteer is contacted by the media regarding any questions about SBC, all inquiries should be directed to our Communications Director at 480.824.7305.

Confidentiality of Information

Each of our ministries at SBC follow a volunteer onboarding process. Based on the volunteer position, personal information may be requested by a ministry to ensure the role aligns appropriately with the goals of the volunteer. To ensure safety and security at SBC, many volunteer positions require a background check and reference checks to be completed by the volunteer. Leadership or teaching volunteer positions also require membership. All information obtained will be kept confidential.

SBC Best Practices Guidelines


Congregational Care

Our Congregational Care Ministry is the conduit for our pastors, staff, and volunteers to come alongside those within our body and in our community, who are in need by providing appropriate spiritual, practical, financial, and emotional care and support. Please take a moment and visit our website to read about the variety of ministry areas we offer. If you should have a need or know of a congregant that does, please contact Congregational Care at 480.824.7334.

Counseling & Care

We are blessed to have the SBC Counseling Ministry to minister to our community. The Counseling Ministry consists of many trained Christian lay people who provide one-to-one care to our church family and community in times of need. We are a confidential, no-fee facility. We provide lay counseling, Stephen Ministry, and a variety of support groups. This outreach of God’s love is for any individual who is hurting, both in the congregation and in the community. Please contact the Counseling Ministry with any questions about their services or other professional referrals, Monday through Thursday at 480.824.7239.

If you or someone you know is in need of immediate assistance and unable to wait for a counseling appointment, the Pastor of the Day is always available by calling 480.334.4102.

Elders’ Fund

The purpose of SBC’s Elders’ Fund is to “give a cup of cold water” to those in our congregation or community who need emergency financial assistance. It is a financial “bridge” to help individuals or families navigate a short span of time when they are undergoing a hardship or crisis. If you are approached by someone with a request for money, please DO NOT give cash to meet a need. As an alternative, we encourage our volunteers to immediately contact their Ministry Leader to discover other non-monetary ways to assist those in need. Those who seek any kind of financial assistance are offered financial and budget coaching to help with longer-term needs. Please call 480.824.7235 to make an appointment with the Steward of the Day.


Keys may be issued to volunteers as necessary to meet ministry needs. Those who are issued a key or a fob will be reviewed monthly for necessity and serving presence. Volunteers receiving a key must meet the following criteria:

• Current background check on file (must be renewed every two years) • Completed Volunteer Application on file • If membership is required, it must be renewed annually



SBC strives to provide an environment where volunteers feel valued and appreciated. We also recognize that there may be occasions when volunteers have concerns or grievances, and we want to provide an opportunity for resolution to any conflicts and to ensure that our volunteers are being treated fairly. Our goal in any dispute is restoration.

If a volunteer has a complaint or grievance, we at SBC wish to respond promptly and thoroughly by following Matthew 18. Please start by discussing your complaint or grievance with your Ministry Leader. To understand the Matthew 18 process, our Minister of Campus Experience is available at 480.824.7287 to partner with the Ministry Leader in meeting with a volunteer.

We will strive to maintain confidentiality during our inquiry into the complaint. However, we cannot guarantee complete confidentiality, as we may need to discuss the complaint with others involved. Should an investigation need to be conducted, this will be done as quickly as possible, with a determination made and clearly communicated to the volunteer within 21 days.

Photography/Video Recording

The use of photo, video, or audio recording capabilities on any device is prohibited without prior permission from the Ministry Leader and the persons directly involved with the photo, video, or audio recording. Volunteers responsible for working with minors or vulnerable adults should ensure we have a signed Parental/Guardian Release allowing us to take photos to use for ministry purposes.

Reimbursement Requests

Any volunteer requesting reimbursement for ministry expenses must follow these guidelines:

• Original receipts must be submitted within 30 days of purchase – copies are NOT accepted.

• An itemized list of the item(s) purchased and the date of purchase should be on the receipt. Credit card receipts do not show adequate details.

• Receipts should be for SBC purchases only; no personal items should be on the same receipt.


Room Set-up for On-Campus Meetings

Our church has a standardized set-up for each of our meeting rooms on our campuses. Please check with your Ministry Leader for the correct set-up for any room(s) you are using and make sure to return the room to the original set-up.

Social Media

We recognize that the use of social media is a tool used by our ministries and volunteers in connecting with other attendees at SBC and for communicating upcoming events.

Social media is a window into our lives that invites others to judge our message about the saving love of God through Jesus Christ. Hence, social media could be a powerful tool for validating or invalidating our message. Please be mindful that you are always an example of SBC’s values to people reading your posts. Because social media can be a place of division regarding controversial subjects, we ask that you pray before you post. Please remember that whatever is posted is permanent.

As a result, SBC has developed the following guidelines in regard to social media:

• Tagging of minors is not permitted unless we have a Parental/Guardian Release. • Individual volunteers are never permitted to send private messages to individual minors. • Do not share personal information about any ministry without your Ministry Leader’s


• Censor yourself. If you find yourself typing something that you wouldn’t want your Senior Pastor or your Ministry Leader to read, please don’t post it.

Volunteer Driving

Drivers must follow all applicable laws set by the local and federal government. If a volunteer needs to use their phone, they must pull over safely to the side of the road or use a hands-free device. A volunteer’s personal auto insurance policy will be the primary insurance in any accident while driving for a church activity.

An individual minor should never be alone with an individual adult while traveling in a car. Two or more unrelated adults and one minor, or one adult and two (or more) minors should be in the vehicle at all times. All volunteers that drive for a ministry activity will be required to have a current background check and Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) on file.


Every day, a Security Officer is on campus until the end of programming. During weekend services, our Security Team is joined by uniformed City of Scottsdale Police Officers. If an issue were to arise, these individuals have been trained to handle the situation. Security Team members are identifiable by their red lanyards.

DLR – If You SEE Something SAY Something

The most common issue you will encounter is a DLR which stands for, “Doesn’t Look Right.” This can be a situation, vehicle, or person. It is NOT your responsibility to determine the course of action needed. Your ONLY responsibility is to inform the Security Team and let them take care of the situation. It is better to say something than to stay silent.

The two ways to contact Security are via a church-provided walkie-talkie and/or cell phone. Please add the Security cell phone number to your contacts:

• Cactus Campus – Cell Phone: 480.881.4777: Radio: Security is Channel 1 • North Ridge – Cell Phone: 480.881.0834; Radio: Security is Channel 1 • Shea Campus – Cell Phone: 480.320.8892; Radio: Security is Channel 1

Please state your name, where you are located on campus, say “DLR”, and describe what you see (speak plainly and don’t try to use code words). Calls for assistance should be brief, as details are best given in person.

Security Contact for Non-Medical Situations

In a non-medical situation, our preference is for Security to be contacted prior to calling 911, when appropriate. Our Security Team is close and should respond in less than a minute, whereas the police may take longer to respond to a 911 call. Remember 911 has a series of questions that must be answered, and our Security Team only needs one sentence (“DLR in _____ location”) to start moving in your direction. An SBC Staff Member will complete all required paperwork and handle any communication with the parent/guardian, if applicable.

Safety & Security


Security Contact for Medical Situations

In a medical situation or emergency, 911 should be contacted first, then Security should immediately be contacted. Our Security Team is trained in CPR, First Aid, and utilization of an AED, should it become necessary. In addition, our Security Team will be able to help First Responders quickly locate you on the campus in a medical emergency. An SBC Staff Member will complete all required paperwork and handle any communication with the parent/guardian, if applicable.

First Aid Kits

First Aid Kits are located at several locations on each campus. Within the kit are rubber gloves, bandages, and supplies to attend to minor cuts/abrasions. Please notify an SBC Staff Member if you or someone else requires first aid. The SBC Staff Member will complete all required paperwork and handle any communication with the parent/guardian, if applicable.


SBC has Automated External Defibrillators (AED) at each of our campuses. Please familiarize yourself with the exact location on your campus:

Cactus Campus: Worship Center

North Ridge Campus: Sanctuary Kitchen

Shea Campus: Worship Center, Grace Chapel, Venue, Discovery Kids, and Administrative



EpiPen Instructions

In the event of an allergic reaction for someone with an EpiPen (epinephrine injection), please become familiar with the instructions below on how to administer the EpiPen properly:

• Call 911 first, then contact an SBC Staff Member. • Provide the discharged EpiPen to the First Responder. • The SBC Staff Member will complete all required paperwork and handle all

communication with the parent/guardian, if applicable.

Allergic Reactions


Auvi-q Instructions

In the event of an allergic reaction for someone with an Auvi-q (epinephrine injection), please familiarize yourself with the instructions below on how to administer the Auvi-q properly. Different colors indicate different doses:

• Call 911 first, then contact an SBC Staff Member. • Provide the discharged Auvi-q to the First Responder. • The SBC Staff Member will complete all required paperwork and handle all

communication with the parent/guardian, if applicable.


The following ‘In Case of Emergency’ sheets are located in each room on our campuses. Please familiarize yourself with the emergency and lockdown procedures for your particular location:

Lockdown Procedures




In the rare event of an emergency evacuation, please familiarize yourself with the closest evacuation site for your volunteer location:

Evacuation Map Cactus Campus

Evacuation Procedures


Evacuation Map North Ridge Campus


Evacuation Map Shea Campus


If you have concerns of abuse and/or neglect of a minor or vulnerable adult, OR, if a minor or vulnerable adult discloses abuse and/or neglect to you, AZ law (ARS §13-3620) requires that these concerns be reported to the Department of Child Safety (DCS) or local law enforcement.

You are not responsible for proving the abuse or neglect, but it is your responsibility to report your concerns. A report is simply a request for an investigation. Minors/vulnerable adults are only to be interviewed by the proper DCS authorities or law enforcement agency and are not to be interviewed by SBC Staff Members or volunteers.

The SBC Mandatory Reporting Process for volunteers below should be followed:

Mandatory Reporting