Yqlume xxu. U 0 A r, ' 5 E B T E M B E ft z · .Gibraltar, ani\b«s extende. itfcld to thr Cite (iy...

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Transcript of Yqlume xxu. U 0 A r, ' 5 E B T E M B E ft z · .Gibraltar, ani\b«s extende. itfcld to thr Cite (iy...

M y-

Yqlume x x u . U 0 . X - i i A r, ' 5 E B T E M B E ft z3> 1805, NUMBER zj31. Wrs+Mdrr, Mr,/>~mn <WM XU'c&fim&a'L

C o u n t p o f C l a r e ;

T O E E L E T , r o ^ J T R R K E L I V E S , '

• Frorri* the. i$tti March-hext,

. T h e fo l lowing L A N D ' S , part -of the Hon.

r P v A N C I S N A T H A N I E L B U R X O N ' s E s t a t e s -

Part of bar.rag'h, ialled' Lucas's Bar- ?'A' f ragh, aliout . - ' - - , . . , " ; • j".3.3 3 l S .

Part of Ditto, he:.! by tlie Widow M'Ma- 7. 6 f , ' JSen.'ited Miss Broggy, - 3

P ^ r t o f Ditto', heldi jy Mr. Huxley, f ' S j % vy T h e above Lands' are remarkably gpod for Fatten-

ing, D a i r y , and,Til lage, w j t b suff ic ientMeadqiving, and are within f r o m . P n e to T h r e e Miles o f Ennis. Part o f guilty,y imthc Barb fry of Ibrich

auet near the Vi l lage o f iliitokiiii^f. . .• i . choice Ti l lage and Dairy G r o u n d , as f 7 * - H held by J.-SiricpwletEs<li tontainijigJ

P R O P O S A L S , , in writ ing only, to be made to the Hon. F . N . B U R T O ^ , WicUvw, until the rst day of December rijext ; or to Mr. F 1 T Z - G E R A L D , at T i t r tem 'whos wi l l forward them. Improving .Tenants, w h o . Will reside,.shall meet w f t f i encou-ragement. James and Pat'.'Lj'nchy, b f TU'reeH, w i l l shew the Bounds'. Sept. stj , 1803.

: , S T A M S O F F I C E , E N N I S , • , September. r6th, 1805.

T h e Efetriibuter o f Stamps for tiie C o u n t y o f Clare , hereb'yigives Notice, tha,t; i n Inspector is at present in thiV District, cKa-rgid witli .positive oxd'crs ' to enfqrce a d u ? observance o f the Stram^rDiities, ana that a l l Person's Vending . Spirits: without a Licence} and all1 ©tocers, T a n n e r s , Chandlers j-Horse-hire, G a m e , Flat, and. other Persons evading, tlie Stamp Duties , w i l l be. pi-oseiirted forthwith ap<( the penal-ties levied. ' " ' -

I t is the duty ar.d interest o f the fair deaisfi td give such Infonhation as w i l l lead to' tht detfcction'o'f per-

-^ions dealing without Licence in their respective - Branches, it is. therefore hoped they, wi l l co'mmunifc.ate

intelligence.to ihsi Distributer, w h o w i l l observe the Strictest s e c r t t v . - „ ,: •••••: ' - - - . . ,

v By the tiOnfLieutcnant and;Couucil uf. Ireland, ••'•••' 'A P R O Q U A M A J t o H .

H A R D W I C K R , . . . . E&.EA.3. by .a Pr'oclanjitJpd of the Lord L i e u t e -

•nai'ft20 I 'Colin,-II at f re lan 'd;bear ing- p a t e , the S inioeniT 'ps 'y of September , i S o o . <t is dih-ctni/ that al l Ships arid ;Vc CTci's'ri6t having l i c ' t J U r y or o'ther in fee • ti iu! L'ifor.rier or Di l temper, y/hich (fiaIt by the Lord Lieuti-RAoi and Co'unci.i have been , ! e ± i . i r e i l \ i be . o> die' -i i i t i r e of t h e - 1 ' l i j i ^ actually mi .Board; com^iWIxdm 'or '.htoilEh-the.Mtrditt'iraiH-aii, or. frnm (he W e f t BarSJfy on . the ;Ati'«ri.t;,b.O!fe?-n', -tiMth.ciean. Bijis. ,nY. Health, -apd i l l . S b t p s ' i m i ' V i o l s ' w i w e t o c v e r ' hav.ng on ' f iyard Cotton W o o l , U'XC,"pv . l lvpsantt V-. (fels.coming direct ,y 'from 'the-East ' indies ; or f r o a : ' t h e ' C o n i ; h c i n o'? or the W < « i i id ies , . lui'dei,! in.Wi/ole' or in Part with t f t a t - C o n t -mod'ty.i oirtrg'the tJ io, luce. , i f-thdlr parts, o r - a n y o'r the G o o d s , W'iiSs'j oo'-MercMi&tifct -eiinrtiws'ted in the Site C'alVil»'te.l in jhe fjirl PV'p^iarnatj.9.n,i beiSR the G n n i l t h , ' P i o d a c c , or MioiiU-ctuce of .Turk.-y, p r o ; aiiy Piece in Afr ica within- tfre Sti aits bf C . b i altar, or in (he. .Well

' -15arbary dn*Lhe Ac nr.-1 Ocrun, flioa|;i, tog, tliec vVitJi.iheir C a r g o e s , sri-l all. PrTl'on's on board ther«6t',. perioi-m I'urh . Q uarantine for f u . h i'iiii.i-,- in fuel, M a n n e r , and at luch' Ptac-es 1 <r\ye.rerthcic!h;alter di iected.

Ah,( v/I'drcie ft is fu'.cb'ei'directed bj- faid P orlama'tion tht t 'a l i fiich slv'p' and V e l f i i i ' ( n o t ' h a y i n g th.- P l a c u e in other 'rn-e'etiyj1! D.seai'e pi Uij.Vccripei- -Jvf.ich ihoul.l l iavi b-rn .ifccU'e'd .as j f o t e i a i d 'th ' W o ; the N a t u r e of th» • P l a g n - f aGtiia ily^on boar:- , ) ' I'tiirriig , Vrum or tHrouuli thf, Medite'rr.aneiri, Sr from tlie Wftl^ flarbai y oh th? . Atlari--f c (icr.iri, as.ihould not be- furnif ted with 'ck-an B-iJc 'oi H e a l t h , (htmld-perform i-[U'arain;n- at Carlii igto/d, and (io v/her« elf? ; inil in cafc-any S h - p 0 1 ' V e f f e l tornVriu fi'bfn si ' . j of the P i a c . j before i',.-;'ciih:'d,"nr;t . iUrhilheci

with a c lean Brn of H y ' l t h , Ihntil.d,' c o m e into the O u t P o n s ot tlii»femgiloj-rf; the: -.incipal Officc-r's of th". C u l t o m s at fucfi . ferts^' .bi th't Oo;,'er:v)i. or Cii iel ' fWaoi^l t r i t e thereof,. Ifioiil.,I curff. i'och .Ship or V^lf l t 0 .depart f rom thence i rnmrdiate jy , -and proceed tp .Clti i l igfocd. to perform qd'arantine. - ' -'.' . .,.'. ; ' ; " ' , ' , . ;

And wheJitiis.I'h.foi'matiori has beeti:/rfesivvd', that an ' lnfec.tiOa!-l>ittemper has inanifclted ifeff. a-'t-Mai'iei, and

, other parts of Spain., and in the Tov/n add U a r n f o n of • . G i b r a l t a r , ani\b«s. extended itfclr to the City (if Cadi* in the K i n g d o m - o t Spain. • • . . ' - - ' '

And v>h,er'ir*s.%'in act palfcd 'm-the ,fcth Y e a r , d f - H i s . M a j c r f y ' s I te ign, effti'tled,, " ;AB -At^. CO. obUge; Shiiri

, , til Ore efft;ctii8ltv to perform their q.'uir'aritine, and to 4> prevent the P lague »"d other infectious Difternpere 4 1 being brought into Ireland, and .io. h ind f r i the fp. ead-" ing of Infect ion." it is afnonglt other things! 'enacted T h a t 4(1 Ship's '.arid V e i t e b - -arrivmV,- arid ' * l f P e r f o n / " G o o d s , WareR-anrt. IVIeriHandife whatloever- coming or imported into any plsce within the K i n g d o m of Ireland f rom a n y ptae*. when :.e.. the. Lo-.d Lieutenant! o r ' b t h i y C h i e f Gc've.-au- o r ' Coverriors of this K i n g d o m , by^ard wi th the advice of the Prtvy Counci l , / CMM' j u d g t it n"ro- -h a b k that any m f t a i o G - i n a y lie brought, (hall be obliged t o make then quarantine ,ih fucli p| a C e o r p U . e s ' f o r - f u c h t i m e , and fuch tnisufc:- as.:hith been o f fliall frond t ime t o time be.-aifes.teJ-by the Chief C-overtor or' GoVei'iiors o f -this'K ingdom for Che t i m e h e i o g , . by his or their OrdSf or Ot'ders made,by the advice of the Erivy C o u n c i l , and potitUd b y Kroclsmatibn. • ' >; - -. .

-No®; v;r,,the Lord jj i i 'utena'ot-aiid-edtfn'cit o f f r e l i d d in Pu 1 fiiancc.of tjiCj.faid A c t , do h ; r e ^ . - d c - c ! s r i , r x h ^ t the fa.id i«feetionr..Djaemper,U of tha nj tu 'reof t h e r P h g u e - - I t-nd dot.lv'adjudge it probable that fuch in fec t io i s D i f t c m ' 1 per m a y be. brought; to !rel<nd frnm'•'•tlie'^oife a'rt;l f U ^ herein "..Iter mentioned,, and do. I jcrebj ,order thai the' out l a a t i n e Uid by the Proclamation, of the Lord. Lie-atcnn'nt I and C o u n c i l of the ' cS ix te fy t t i S e p t e t * . W One Wiorife'mj t i g h t h?/vi.re/»i npot>;al) Ships ar;d Y e t f e l s cbrning fto'i',, 6r l l irpugh t h e M e d t c - f t o e a o , or f w f i i t l i e ^ ' c f t , l j n i Bn-'i W the- At lant ic O c e a n , be ftrictly deforced 0 -MtHIded a s

here iBi i t tSr directed, and.that -.11 Officers' V p j i o i m - d for S.el.vioe of-flUit»oi:jn«>Uo u lVfhdir C a r e im'i •Ocitctti',^1 '•

mid M u f e the feveral Uutjjs and Rc^ulationi;' e f t i i h l i & d by


the (itid-Order, jrid by this..prafent Order, for the due Perf'ormaure of ijuaradtine to.be .punctuslly obfer.v'e.d and

' carr.ita irjto Execution/ ' ' ' " ' ) ' ' .. And We"rlo-ht¥eby further order, retjuire, and coirlma'rid.

That all.iiVpG and Veffels cpming.fajm' the Port of Cadli, ' or Irorn dpy. other. Port of §pntn withrnst the Straits .of

Gibraltar,- lying to the Southward of Cupe Saint Vincent, and all .Pirfohsv GoiiVls rind Mcr'chandileK on board the Jjime, dsi p_n,d th'all.peforrn (|uararitinc- for fuch time, arid in-fit eh (vftinner; and at ituh Places as aix^eseribed by the

• laid Pro^l'smatioh of the. Sixteenth. i5't'P?efmher One 'thoii-, la m I e: t' fi u rid red; aa I ill at tile IV-jiftei' atld nther ''.I'crlini . .Wip'g Ctiijr,ge;of altfuiihrShips •jurl-Yelfcls d.o'lifeewi'fc

•Wetly r;oiiro'tit ihem:fel\'ei ,in all r e j e c t s .to . the Rules and. Ktgobtidds i-r tjuirea by' the' fajd Prociamatiob, and

: by.-ihja-prcjeut Pr.dct'iVnrilrtiori, - to be obfefvreii by Ships arid Vetfels li(a|)l,-(lp ^iiariint'H.e. .. . ' . , - , : .

And ive do hereby further order, T l i j t ; ijd Perfons/ ' GooCs, Wares, or Merch'atnlif.-:,' of any fm'all Pacliige's brrje^ht aii.Raggage; Preferits, o'-b'th'erwife, or any Let-tero or picket'., or Parcel of Letters^ or oiher Articles ivHatfoe'viei.on S'oard any. Ship or. Velfel, oriahijis or Vef-felsj 5c.^i£j.fcditi.ah* J?Jac't from Alienee lhe Lord Lieu-t^nan;j;-b)i an.; with the AdVite'- cir :the. Privy Council, tlyijl hivp.ju '.gi-d .it. proiiahie. ih«-the.,P.ljiguv,( dr., other infectious Dlfea'fe or Diliemper declaied.to,"be of the na-

'tureof be . In ought, fltai'l come, or be •hrought.pn'Shore,. Or-go to be put on board any ottier Ship or Veffel In order to:be landed of brought on Shore

; in'an'y Por{ or Pi'sce in Ireland, although • fuch .Ships pr Velfi lsfo boralng,. ho'iii fub'h'inMted Place as aforefaid (hall at-xl'c- ^J.m.l-;of.:fri.cl),landing oMjinlhijiping thereof bt at S-.-a, and fh.itll nut.h5ve arrived in aiij- Poft d r P b e e rn Ireland, and although'fueh Shi'ps'-nr' Veffels may not bfc bound to'ajy.-p.ort pr'Place'iri Ireland.

'And.jt.is'hei^y. ,ir- thtr oi-defed; That if sny' Goods, Wrrlcs, >n,l N.lirehandifis, oj,in,y i'mall P t ^ g a i bluughtas 'Rpfage- Prtfcn'ts, or otne^ryJife, or ,ny Let-ters, orJ'sfKilto/ 'or Parcels iii" LVcters or' oilier'. Articles

tef. feisconiirig "rpm any fdace from whence the L o r d t l i u ^ i iian't. by a«d w th th.e„Ady'ice;of Ifld'Privy Council,'(hail have jUd^eli if Brbhat.ie thai the Plague, or other ii)fec. tious D^leaie or. Piilemi'cr tjiclar-r-d.tO'be b't the cat 11 re of the Pjigue,' ai*y be Uroupht (hall.go or-be pot-on'iSoafd any-other V h i p tir V^ffr l in o f f f e r t o be len 'dedor brought 00 Shore in vlfrcfM; Ul fuch" PerlodK, "Gijods; vf^ret a"nd MerchvSdilfts, froall P.aefrxgeKjbroiigh.t S J . ' f e g ' g i ^ e , ' p ' r i ;

T, r is or ol.ll, 1 ;.v'!">;. • • - ' » • • ' - ' — -a'nU.otlfcr

. . b l t e . m ^ r i n i i r - , . „ . . or v cweis-irorn ' which th-y-

. * « ? W V f f i k W - feme libit oV . plav^tJiTfeltSi:.' ' h-reh'y nir'thtr orclereit'; That if iny PiWfof -other ^ertort.llral!. go on Re.a.r,i.a.ny> fuch-'Sffip or VciTeJ'fo cW'n-t f/omfuch infefied place,asafprrftiri, or any S.'VJU or Vrfifcl whfttoevci liiiile <o(q'uii;an't}ms, ,-:ther be fat ot aittiih.il: arrvai at rrriy port o? plice un Ir-'ian-r and whether Igtlf ?.h;p or Vqffet'wa': t:r. was hot bodild 10 any

.port or. pljce in i-^apd, fucli Pilot-or, othej:.p.-,fon fH,'|| perform (l'uar/nt'iri ,» 1 i.e manner as any Seamsn, .p«f. fengrr, 6, other peVion cofr.ita ih fuch Ship or V- [Tel would j if the laid Ship di: Velfel lia'd arrived at any' port

, '.>r jila .-e in l- etjjld.fi'av^ Iieeji . 'obliged , to'. perfoVnvthe fmic 5 arid ill Sh-;ps >nd Veffrjc which fli»jj recrive any Perlor^ or any .Got,Is-, W W i i ; "iaiid iVferch'.-nd:l'es, or otJif-r-Ariicks w h-?;r:ver front on boiird aiVy:fdclv ?hipor

'VclF^l-fp. coming; ftom fach i^fe^ed place, and being a-le.-a,es ii'pjefa'j.fubc: ore fi?:r at tiv.'l at.an.v pore or piac-c :rr I--el,,'.!'., 'alii-.tiug', fuch Ship'br Velfel lluii noi. be i.oijnd (o any p,>rL.','r p l a c e . I r e l a n d , (fell tocether 'v/iili the Cargo an,' P',-rl'oiis;r,ni7oa:d thereof; p''-rform.th<;iike(fiia. fintirie, Sno l'c Ifilij'.-ct to Regulations arid RePrir| l 0 ri ? ; Uisirfi-p or-'-Vcif 1 ftom fiich Peifohr, Gondi1 :

Ware?, Met, j.anriir-s or-Articlcs (hall hive hetri re-.-ii'-ed wbelii hay.c hem oblige'.: to perform, or have been fub'-

' je it tp if ',the v had arrived at arly poi-t or plice in Irejibd. Airji it is heiL-by. ''nrdher o'rdered, Thai.all- Ship, Ȥ<i

Vcdrla .Coming from, any pi.-lce from, wliedee the Lord ;Lieutenant; L̂J alid-iviih the Advice of Pr vy Coidcrl

itp^>baMe_ ti.dtthe PUgur; or o t ^ . ih!e?;|i.>«'. O'lrafepr, D.ticmper declared ib he of the fia-tu--e of the Plague, m i l he brought, and all -Vbrloits Goo.-U, Wares and Mt r, hanrl fes on board In h siir ps anrl Veil^s I- fijjiaiv ly, which' wit!*;clean P/iilt of H. altfc lhall-.-o/nr: to,, arj-ive, '.or tou'ih at'any-port o'f'jilace in <•" !&.<}, fliall pseform-tp.)arari(ine,i.:i.the.'famr manner, at the faVne place, umler the. time ReguLujons^dd Rr-

riiettship- or Vtifel.had bee,, bound to .fuch port 01 place,, • : .- a .

• And.the Cofn-iffio'n-rs 0 f . t3U MajiliyV• Revrntie ire t,l glTe' fuch furth'-r Directions herein-as to rbctn may ref-pet'tively appe-riain.

Given at the. Council Chambcrin Dublin ilie zo'lfe i ; •-, -. Day; .of November, 18^4, . .-, :Red^fdU^:e..;.:.Char^.;Publ,in, A-nneifry. •. Erne;.-

X'aocait . , .Charles Kildare,..' t^nfkerry. Frankfort.. ,.C^Iic-Coote,v Evan Nepieari. H.-rciiles Ladgillhc 'JSJIMS Piiagtfald. ,-Stamjifli'6vGr»d^. .'

• ' - GOD lave the K I N G .

i - i k JUSTICE. HA-RDINGE'S C H A R G E •j Tp the Grand Jury of Glamorganshire,

T h e Comtnission of Assize was opened at CafclifE, on Saturday,. A u g u s t 3?-. -.On M o n d a y , September ?., M r . Justice H A R .

• ntii-GE..delivered the f o l l o w i n g C j j a r M * * o ;

the Grand j u r y : ' , • ,.

0^tlemtii of the Grand Jui-yi '

" T h e Calendar is a very iight otiei e x -ce|t a'comfi^ftnpent, upon a Coroner 's I n -quest, e f m ^ f d | r , as.I. t h o u g h t ; but w h i c h th« officer now tells rtje, is a mistake cfr she •Osleridar, and' should have--b'&n m a n s k u s h -t e ^ But I hope, and I also beJieye, that;

y e f - C o r o n e r j . s y e r y m t ich o n f . i s g u a i d , i n

diisections to hsS in'.qtiests'j especialIv upon subjects bi tK;ts nature^ in" which ' they are nam- a l l / g h i & d and swayed by 5his

rafpii It is no trivial, thing, to cjta] °e, a jn/n 'tvuh tnurdei', if h e b e g u t l t ^ ' 6 ^ " sub^rdi-nare hotr i ic ide r though a TiYoiif' T h e r e ' is i^odi t i fn i n f i x e d on him by the Verdict, of

-that in lS^'aruJJ- ' t'tttife''is' jeopardy of l i fe

incurred ; becauiss, upon- tlldt ,verdi#v he must be arraigned Bfeforfe a J^-y here, m x l ' put upon his • trial * . , .These ^manslaughters .are disgraceful to the W e l c l i , ami, I riiust .ad.d with concern, to this part of that w h o f e •Principality, the West . T h e y aVisfi either from the habit of tippling to e.xcess-^-(a'n>osf prevalent custom of the We|3h-)^fl:brh a. •falseand miscalculated sense of honourvind s p i r i t — o r from the - rage of what is called, pugil ism, converted into an. Article'.of tcfsle, and a science., - In-either of those v iews, the death of man demands-a psculiar -guard against the repetition o f it, by such . liberties With human life as t,hese.

'•'• O f a more general nature^ I h a v e ' n o topics to.lay before y o u . T ire . runiour of invasion, or o.f combined fleets SS sea,-break no slumbers lierR, though you a i ^ t h e inh.a« bitantspf arcoast. Y o u h a v e no fear , bc-eans.e you have a scricficr and a sailor to -de-fend to y o u , who-Iistetis to - no compromise of public spli it, :and-.s'puni3 eeery rfiternative but th.U-of coirqucst oipCr tyranrs—6r beat-/)-.aphis'post., uoon the Led".of 'honour," ah<f with artns in his han<?5.. If you' lobk-at the map. of Europe, ,and;sec what a cJitnifiutive appeal ane^:.our,inland makes in that- stele, you riaturilly ask yo.u'i'Solvesi -hotfe-it tfoiries to pass, tliat we are the centre o f - u n i o n for all the PtHvers of. the Continent, against the despoiism which has trash pled thetn under its foot W h a t .is the answer -to ihfe" ques-tion ? W e ape n.o,taller' men than our neigh -b.ours .in the world; w e are not niore opulent, \ff'!ia;vfe not tflere stceflgtb', o f -any-kind: we

n ° f m o r f vil-fartt-,. w e are not better 'po--• iiicians, and, I fear j that w are not marc Virrtioiis. , - ' • . - • '

K u i . w e h a v e . " a C o n s t a t j o r r - . o t - ^ - '

v e r r i r n e n f , t h e w i s d o m o f . a g s s , p f a c f t e » i l y v

u n d e r s t o o d in a l l its b l e s s i n g s , . a n d t h e ' e n v y

o f t h e w o r l d . I t is a G o n s i r t u t i o n a f o n e ,

w h i c h a l m o s t i n s p i r e s t h o s e . w - h > - l i v e - . ( indei-

a i t . . With a g e n i u s w o r t h y o f tire j n t e i e s t ar

S U k c , a n d . r e s e m b l i n g . i ts . c h a r a c t e r . : It

u n i t e s r h e e n e r g y o f p o w e r , -rind the" b o n d

of a l l e g i a n c e , tp t h e j e i l o u s . c n s c i p l u r c o f a

p o p u l a r c h e c k o v e r i t , i f it l e a n a n i n c h ' to

o p p r e s s i o n . . Y o u h a v e r e c e i v e d t h i s r p f c c U

b u s g i f t ( y o u , t h e W e l s h , . h i v e p i e e m i n c n r -

ly r e c e i v e d i t ) , f r o m . a n c e s t o r s h a l f , losfc.-ir;

a n t i q u i t y , - . b u t w h q s e - d e s c e r i d a n t s h a v e & e n

s i g n a l i s e d f o r t h e i r ' v a l o u r an(f p u b l i c s p i r i t - j

y o u w i l l f ee l it a s t h e t n o s j v a l u a b l e ^iici .

p S O u d e a t l i e i r - l o o i i i o f y o u r i ishfi i i tan.c^.

. " I sdid;. t!iat w6 had n o reason to. boast ts. .Superior Virtue; as-co in pa; red with our neighbours;; ^nd th? deiei mined spi'nt of indifferent jtisfice corn pels me to reprobate a loqal_inridehfof this town, : wl i-ch, (if ie-li.gion is not a A^ord, a name, arid .it'So'jnd)-i s o f a deeply'mischievous impression.

• ' ' ' . 'Yesterday opened a rhomb which is, pe-ihaps, the most critical of the harvest —

T h e inhabitams of this town are opulent, a-wd are enlightened. W e Have at this .mo-riieni, another harvest in o u r h p d | , and are,

• pcrliafssj to defend its produce at the poin-' .of the sword } we have propbi'ties,'.frtedoia, and life at stake. .'

.' " - T h a : ictigion is no cypher in ihe .war-fare before us, we assert anci p r o v e , by, the habit of consecrating banners upon the aitan. Y e t it was yesterday, that, in the church of this; t o w n , ' at the table o f the Sscrathenr, except the j u d g e , the. Sheri f f , the Minister,, and a p a r t : c f his fami ly , w e had hut one coramunicil'ntj a poor fj^desroan of' the town,!!-'!'

" Y o u may depend upon if , G e n t l e m e n , ' that i f -such,habits of ,neg1i|ence are eontU mted, our 'Calendars wi t f assirme a 'in01 e •foi'uiidabie'hue'. T h a t is. i o r all ihe; mis-, chief.-. E v e r y local, defence must h a v e the hearts c f the neighbours abound you., ' w h i c h rje'/er can be obtained, ,u{?!eS's jteligiooi c-x- • a triples are imparted anef' nrculatcd b | the . r i i h — W h q t .iijust servant's, shirik of s m e n -ors, .toho appear to be elevated absye'Uha duties, arid even', the a p p l i a n c e and ili^ e x -terior of religion r> Their- defence wil l .be -t l & p e o f sand, unless.th'ey siic loved and re-vered b y thosc connections; I cannot W i s h or pray.lov a better destinjr 10 this t o w n , than to beseech that it could, , qs one great family , ife'semble the house o f the H i g h .S&efitf,- in w h i c h I had !he hpcouv of sleeping a few nights ago. ' T h s 'scrvants there would lay

d o w n their livfcs to defend their roaster and mistresses, because they,aie made- religious,-humane, and:good, by the example o A h o s c w h o m they serve , and more, like 'children than as dependents.

, " A roaster and mistress l ike fhrse a i e blessings,of incalculable value-in the n e i f h -b o u r h o o d , and, their pu blie.spirit is a model of political, wisdom, which pvei-y circle of life should emulate, but m.t;st of a R - t f j e \ny habitants of rich and populous towns.

. "•' T h e r e are two other-subjects of'a Joca.1 nature, upon Which a few words may be at-tended with use ; one of them is, - the list of those-from whom juries are taken, w h o sit ypon life and piopej-tyhere. I am told it is a list exrrerrjely defecti'/e and-' p a h i a l ! ^ I h e result ia/ that rherr of i n l c i i o r estima-

tion, but w h o aicexcr/ipred by-la ft- from thfe burthen, r^eiyeant} bear it w-ith Icrce 1 ih,-t aII t lKsui tor- of the C o u n - a r e at th» meicy of, those wh-; are not Hkely'to do them jusl tic.e'j that abler men' :are ' e x c i s e d : c-s-ape

- from a legal burthen,- and iob- the' parties hereof their enlightened: a s s i s t a n t " . T h e Magistrates will see.how io controul and re-dress- the mischiefs so . d e s c r i e d , by their check ov.t'f the peuy constabU's: w h o make' out.the.list, and are punishable^, by a fine' at least; if it is incoue.ct.. . • , ' • " "

; . Another topic, is ,.that -of- R o s d s ' : ^ -I hey are nitrch- niiprovt'd in this country

but much remains to-be-donei^J \i 'De

tyranny ro make new roads by. failure of all other.expediei'sts, I-name of a tyrant :: but I had rathe f see i h ^ power in your h a n d 5 - - a n d super-'fluotis in mine., .,. 1

" T h e r e are two other to pics upon w h i c h , though ol a political' nature, I wish ro l i s k a- few.words. O n e ot rham is the. fate o f Lord- M e l v i l l e . T o ihat person I 'nave hoi -attachment, political. o r person.;!:,; :But f am an Engl ishman. Mcrcy. and ,forbearance aie.jnsepaiabie-fi:om the name. • I a in a lso" con versant in. judicial hiibks, which tfenia'nVi both candour and patience. -T tiherefore Se-' precate the. violence Which Has deveded bim-ihe vlot?in o'f popular c lamour, when he is iri train: for 4 dignifved atid cohSt'itutior.cr judgment by bis'P-eers.. . . .

1 he other political topic, is ourtf isaf i -pointn.enr iipon a resent 'feiifi.ri?- jri-.a n a v a l toutt'sl; Here , net as an apologist for the Admira l , but f iom a sense of" honour ii, gallant Officer.,' I exclaim 'for h i t f y W ' s M w o i d s o'f the soldier; " S t r i k e ; b u f f e r m e ! " In other w b i d s , htar rri-o- nrsf; two t h e h s i n k e , i f . I deserve it. T h i s c o c r i - i is filled with generous-minds ; and, I hs.vi; no doubt, ihat b t f o r e they condemn either of these two persons, they 'will patiently and .

^enfejotisly hear 1 hem'upon flifcif tifeience'.-^.'-I ask no more;"

. C Q F N T H Y ' I N T E L L I G E N C E ;

, . . . '' C O K K , S E T T . • v L a s t Suriday-4;vening,' an alfMy o'f ail unplijassjif

•nature .tooir place at Bal l incolt ig , in this eof inty, between some countrvhien and the military gaaras ts - , tinned at the Powdrr-millf i . W i understand that it originated iri a , p u b l i c - h o u s e , where t i r e e o r V i a u f sfildiers were drinking, a quarrel' ensued, v?hefi' tbe" soldiers were dtiv 'efi froife the'house, after bein^ tTeat« ed very roughly . T h e y flew to" t'heii.guardrhoUss, ami having seized theit arms, we-understand thai ' some shots were fired:, and s i x or eight o f the c o u n -tfymeri have been desperately wbiinded. T h e y and their, companions jvere lhen ciade prisoner^, aiid' marched into'town-under a strong guard. •'

. , r i r S i E r v i c r 3 s i t>T; it. . Wednesday, at one o'clock, a most numerous M e e f -j i i g o f the Mcrchants^and- Traders o f this C i t y was Convened in - the C i t y Court-House , by tJig . R i g h t Worshipful Robert Briscoe, Esq . Mayor,- in conse-quent'';: o f the refusal r.f his Majesty 's Coin of S h i l - -lings, Sixpences^ and Halfpence, wh'err? Gonimitteef Was appointed, and.-ResoJutioris^xinSnimously carried^ to take, in all .kinds Of- money transactions and deal-ings, weight Shil l ings and/Mint Sixpences, M i n t Halfpence, whether E n g l i s h . o r Irish, genuine C a -mac, and other real good Capper.Halfpence, not ex--needingig any onc-payment the amount o{ S ixpence in Halfpence, as pointed out in the late Pfofcla.mation o f His' E x c e l l e n c y tiie l o r d 1 L ieutenant , and his Worship- was, requested to call upon all i'ersons irs Trade to co-operate in the spifit 'qt these,kosoIutians.

Thursday evening, about the Ko'tfi-of 4 , 0 ' C l o c k , M r . George Perry, late o f tVis .Cit.v'v and two other' Pcrs.:)-..! in f-he R e v e n u e Departmeri't passing through Ta.rb.ert.Kace, a part o f the R i v c r S h a n n o n , in , small-sai l boat, by a siidden^pst o f - w i n d , - i t w a s suddenly ' upset, and. they, w e r e unfortunate ly drowned.

m I

P * ^ A F T R A C A Y S M A I L ,

F O R E I G N I N T E L L I G E N C E .

R A T I S S O N , A t j f c . 2 9 .

M . BAO.HFER, t h e / F r e n c h C h a r g e d ' A f -

fuiies, received b'.ri the 15th, by a f i e n c h C o u r i e r , v^ho .was going to V i e n n a in great baste, the C o p y of a Declarat ion, sent by lhe C o i n : of France to its A inbassador at V i e n n a , to be delivered by hi i n t o the I m -perial Court . M . B A G A E R has c o m m u -nicated the s i id declaration, puisuant to orders, to the Ministers residing at Ratis-bpn. Its pi iiicipal contents, are as fo l lows :

" T h e E m p e r o r o f t h e F R E N C H is o n

the point o f undertaking the expedition against.- England. In this intention; and depending entiiely upon the peace existing

•with Austria, and the btber P o w e r s of the •Continent, he has assembled on the Coast t h e greatest"part bf,;-his troops from I t a l y and the Rhine , and has, almost entirely eva-cuated SwitzeT land.

" It was , therefore, to his infinite fur-p r i z e , tliat his . M a j e s t y learned that gre.it movements have taken pla'ce among the Austrian troops in Italy, in the T y r o l , and

.towards the frontier? of B a v a r i a . H i s M a -jesty consequently ' thinks himself not only justified, but also obliged, before he e i c -.fcutes.thc, great enterprise in question, to re -•quire of the Court of Vienna a positive de-claration relative t-o t^e objects of those measurrs, a n d ; k s farther intentions, that, in , case the reply be not satisfactory, the

..F-ii.jjevor of ihe; French -may postpone the expedition a'gainit England, and repair to i h e Rhine with his whole force, f o r the purpose.of compell ing Austria to preserve the peace of the Continent ." "•'---- - -

T h e -French C h a i g e d 'Affa i res adds, " that he had no other object in v iew in communicating the a b o v e declaration, than to convince ' the States of the Empire; that, notwithstanding a war might eristic, the on It ^bject of .France-was, the preservation of the peace bf: the German Empire.." -. -Meanwhi le this document has made a Strong.impression on the- Mfenibers of the Diei . . ,—The I ro jwrial- Coramissar,y has com -municaced to'some of the E n v o y s the Decla • ration which was sent by the 'Court of V i -eiiha to the Courtsof Paris , Petersburgh, L o n d o n , Berl in, & c ; [ H e r e fol lows an abstract.of the Decla lat idn, a correct copy ot whicis appeared in our Paper of t h.e 12 th in:u j : 1 I ' ". ' " • • • . ' " .

, S T R A S B U R G , S E P T . I . It . isgeneral ly understood, that the Aus-

trian army which is f o r m i n g at W e l s , near L i n t z , in U p p e r Austr ia , wil l advance to . she .fnn, and take military positions in B a -v a r i a . It.is added, that the Court of M u -nich has been officially-'apprised of this in-tention. ' .

T h e : Elector of B A V A R I A has sent to W u r t z b u r g , not enly the artillery that was at M u n i c h , but the pictures w h i c h belong to the f ine 'gal le iy of the Electorate Palace.

; H A G U E , S E P T . 7 .

{From the Batavian State Gazette.) . in.seV.eral; j o u r n a l s an opinion has been'

propagated^ and perhaps 011 too vague grounds, rh.it the preparation o* the House of Austria, had no other object than a imed neutrally., anci'the protection of her fron-tier. .This" opinion to us does not appear very political, and "by no means proceeding from a good sou ice , and that for 1 be fo l low- , ing reasons :•?—

" A.iistria js a P o w e r of the ..ih'st r a n k ; she has a strong and well disciplined, j r n i y , celebrated all over Europe. T h e resources w h i c h she possesses are immense ; she has a population of upwards o f 25 millions ; ii.sr aruiy in.time of peace is' sufficient: to maintain internal good 'order, and UJ-iiisiil fear into all w h o would disturb her t'ran qui l l i ty .

<£ T h e n w h o durst,, in the present situa-tion of affairs, p i o v o k e Austria in such a manner, that preparations. fo.r w a r should become necessary for her. ? H a s , perhaps, Russia .demanded, in a commanding tone, a passage for her troops, to lead them to Ita-ly , o r t b the, Rhine ? T h i s i s i i m p i o b a b i e . — Has .France, on her part, demanded a si milar passage, to march her armies to the North r T l i is is impossible to c o n c e i v e . — Besides, France wishes nothing so much as to remain at peace on the Continent, in ol-der to bend all her force against Engla.nd.

" A P o w e r then, which prepares for w a r , without necessity, which says, that she does so from precaution for the pieseri vation of her tranquill ity, must (at least this w a y of reasoning agrees better with pro-babil i ty) h a v e Other motives, and other ob-jects. T i m e wil l develope those objects ; time wil l shew h o w far the influence ol f'.ng-giish gold extends.

,. ,< 14 M o r e reasonable arid probable appears a not her A r med .Ne u t ra'l ity y whieh is al leady considered as existing ; namely, that", of Prussia, D e n m a r k , and the Electors of; the Germap. Em'pire. T h e te'tvit'oiies of P r u s -sia adjoin, both-those of Sweden, and of

.Russia..;., and, perhaps, .the former P o w e r would not;do w r o n g , to put hei sel f, at the same ti,tiie,. inU .state of defence against .the

. two-'others, and', against .t;he /British 'Nayy-j .which/wi l l not fail to assist-1,hem. THUS would Prussia, with great foresight, ' have soughta suppoit ' in a l e a g u e with DENRNAI k and the Electors, w h o are all interested in p ieserv ingthe peace ol the German Empire .

; D e n m a r k , a flourishing kingdom, w h i c h Sweden and England vie'w with .emulation,

..and; w.liich; possesses' sufficientiboldness.'no,t to,suffer R ussia to o i".ei-i:'U.le..'iiev, wil l .also, with good pblicy, Ivav.i^sou-.ghuhe assistance •of the Prussian and Eiecjtr:ral armies, . to •render liei- com mevce,' her:fsrKtory,.-.at:d her tianqtiiiiity avi-Ui-e. - , .

.'-'-• The,same-opinion may be .applied r o tlie Electors. T h i s second Animed N e u t r a -lity then is rijot-e reasonable,,; more p i o b a b i e , .apd , pei h;i.ps the only one that wi l l take place." . - . . . '

V I -EXVN A, A U G . 2 0 .

O U T S O V E R E I G N has, received a letter Writ-ten w i t h (be F R E N C H E M P E R O R ' S o w n

hand, wkic.b.has occasioned'very important dejibe'i atitjp.s. • 1 -

. • . ' ' j -AUGUST 24. Our 'Cot ;r t has:received' another C o u r i e r

f loin-Paris ; a n d. as the p re pa ra tions for w a r are con ti.n',a..ed,-w.ith .redoubled activity since

•his-aniyal ; -it is, concluded-that the plan of aiediattojj proposed by-oiurrC-cju'it, is not ac-cepted..; by-'t lie F K E N .c ii. £ 11.. p I R o R .

• The:preparations.hecftrne, indeed, more serious evei\y day. Ylcsre relay -several Off i -ce's-w ere sent o f f to the Geneials command-ing in t he different Provinces. .

'I. lie 2. regiments of A i c h d u k e CH A R-LES and Pi inec A U E R S B E R G , which are in our garrison, have received orders-to march for Italy,on the 26ihand 28th of This month ; and the .Officersof the former rcgiineh.i have, previous to their ctepartuiej dined with their C o m m a n d e r , ihe A.rchdiike CHA R L E S , w h o v ill also set off,' u ithin ten days, to inspect the various-positions of the a r m y . T h e two-i^fegirrients.wiII be-relieved by Hungarian troops, which are already on their maich.

A great number of Russian troops, with a, numerous .artillery, have already marchcd • through the B u k o w i n a , to the southern frontier of Poland. On rhe other h a n d , the French troops ir. U p p e r l t a l y have more concentrated themselves, and are forming three camps, at B o l o g n a , Bresc ia , and Riv.oli.

A VC S B U R G H , A o p , . 2 7 .

, Accounts received from the T y r o l , of the 24th instant, state, that the districts of T rente, ©veredo, & c . are provided with strong intrenchmerits, and -that the narrow passes of F i n s i f i m u h t z , W i n s c h g a u , Sic. a ie placing in the best state of defence.

L E I r s r c , A O G . 3 0 .

Intelligence is veceivecl here , that two •columns.of. Russian troops, making together about 1 GO,000 men, are actually arrived in Gaiiicifj, and Continuing their march to Mora-via, and other Austrian-provinces to assist that pozuer. A war appears inevitable. T h e south of Oe: many and Italy may speedily become the theatres of important events •

but the North of Germany will continue to enjoy peace., and neutrality, since certain arrangements; it-is said, have been project-ed between the Cou-ts of Paris and . B e r l i n , w till a view to some definitive plan,

' FRANKFOR.T .SEPT, I,. Things. .are as;umtng.a more w.aijike ap •

peavance every day. T h e camps assembled at M i 11k111st.'orf a nd in Bohethia, h a v e no w also 1 cceived ,Oleic i s to break up and to join the camp at, L i n t z nearer to the f iontier , which vi ill be exceeding strong'; , they, talk of ,.80 or 100,coo men-. .From another quarter v e learn that the Russian t ioops as-sembled in Poland aie maicbirig fox Aust i ian Silesia, M o r a v i a , and B o h e m i a , .where, it is said, they wi l l , in-certain cases, go into winter', quarters, : and cover , the Austrian fi ontier on the sfc'le of rhe Prussian States.

H I X . D E S H E I M , A U G . 3 0 .

T h i s afternoon the French M a i s h a l D u R o c passed th lough'this city for Ber l in , preceded by anexpreSs o r d e r i n g post horses to be held in wadiness on Ills lotite. T h e m i s s i o n o f M , D U R O C i? t h o u g h t t o b e ' o f

the utmost importance ; and it w i l l be recol iectcri "that lie has been before employed on important missions a t ! some critical' peiiods. '

tUNEN.BURGH, A U Q . , 3 1 . O n the arrival of a, courier .the day before

y este 1 clay, v a rio-jus rt ports. w ere propagated h o c , and a g e n e i a l movement commenced among the French troops. Y e s t e r d a y and

this d a y , the camp of ^,000 men near this ; "city waa-bf.oken up. T h e troops quartered

in ihe vicinity,,and,rft H a i b u r g h and L a u e h -b u r g h , are hourly passing.through this city, ir; great haste to the. S o u t h w a r d , for Z e i i and G i f f h o r n - A l l the troops,, it is thought , w i l l , b e gone by next fFuesday. "We,cannot

, say any thing positive on -the object of ihese movements. .

B E R L I N , S E P T . I . T h e K i n g of P R U S S I A has given orders

• to establish a sufficient millitary force in P o -merania, to protect, the frontier in that quar-ter Irotii every ahempc agVinst his adopted

• s y s t e m o f • n e u t r a l i t y . 7 'here is much ta-lk-of a league of armed;

-Neutrality, which in the event of an actual ^rupture between - France and Austr ia , wi l l ,be established b e t w e e n ' P r u s s i a , D e n m a r k , and some German Pi inces .

' P E T E R S B U R G H , A U G . 1 9 . Since the return of Baron N O V O S I L T -

z o t ' F , serious preparat ions ' for war are made.all over R-Ussia.. T h e usual exercise of the t: oops in autumn will not, it is said, take place this 'year; th.etroops are marching to tlie .Western frontier of . this empire, and the officers .have,received orders to make their camp equipage as light as possible.

C O P E N H A G E N , A U G . %*]•'. Intelligence was. received some ti.ne ago,

that a Russian fleet was in the Balt ic , but it was. to be only on a crui.ze for exercising the seamen.. W e have now been informed by some masters.of vessels arrived here, that a Russian fleet of 13 ships, among which are four of the line, and several frigates, is out in the Balt ic . T h e y are daily expected in our roads, and it is presumed that they are bound to the Mediterranean.

•j H A G U E , S E P T . 5 .

T h e F r e n c h General M I O L L I S , w h o arr ived lately in our R e p u b l i c , has left us-, again to take the command of the fortress of .Mantua, w h e r e he has commanded before, and is much l iked.

S e p t e m b e r 7 .

We-are informed, that the first division of the A r m y of Invasion wil l a i r iVe at N i m e -guen on the Sth inst. and procecd' on the 10th for C l e v e s ; that the second ' division wil l arr ive at Rhenen on the Sth, at N i m e -guen on the 10th, and proceed to C leves on the 1 i th ; that the third division, command-ed by Gen. D U M O N c E A . U , wi l l arr ive at the camp of Utrecht on the 8rh, and pro-ceed by Rhenen and Nimeguen to C l e v e s ; and that the Reserve .Artil lery, the Corps of" Engineeis , GenFArmes, the G-uaicl of the General in Chie f , and every thinp belonging to the head quarter's, wil l be at Nimeguen, on the 12th , to proceed on the 131I1 in the track of the said three divisions. It is said

- that the point where all these troops wil l re-assemble, "is at M e n t z .

T J T R E . C H T I , S E P T . 8 . O n T h ursday last his Excel lency the G e -

neral in Chie f M A R M O . N T , arrived here from the IIe lder , and inspected the first di-vision of French and Batavian troops, which was but just arrived in the camp at Z e y s t . T h i s division marched yesterday morning for N i m e g u e n , by way of Rhenen.

Yc.bicrday the second division ol French and Batavian troops arrived f iom the H'e.l-der , at the C a m p of Zeyst , and proceeded this morning for Nimeguen, T h e third di v ' s ion is. expected at the said c a m p this day, from whence the 35th rigimenr of Fiench troops marched for Haarlem 011 the 6th; '

_ T h e day before yesterday arrived in this city, two Officeis , 15 subalterns, and 101 Batavian cannon drivers ; they are to wait here for a large train o f . horses, cannon, howitzers , powder carts,' and baggage waggons , belonging to the Batavian camps,

; and transport train, coming from.the Helde i .

. Yesterday passed by this ,city t w o squa d r o n s o f the .ist Regime's: of Batavian D i a", goons from the H e l d e r , and proceeded, to Y y a n e n , whence they a i e g o n e this morn-ing to Ni.pieghen, by, t h e way of B'ois le Due'. . .

N I M E G U E N , S E P T . 3 .

' Yes terday the Magistracy of this City treceived notice, that 20,000 French;troops -would 'ma rch th rough this place, .consisting ofoeavali y , infantry, and anilIery, W e are informed that they wil l pas.s b.v during,,three successive-days, the Sth, ,9th,' and the l o t h of . this month, at the rate'of 6 or 700.0 men a day. • ' 1 ,.

L E Y B E N S S E P T . 8 . R . T h e letters just arrived from the Empire state, that the K i n g o f Naples, had 'left-That capital for Pa ler iho . According to .the i n -telligence brought by an A ustrian C o u r i e r , •who arrived at Florence on the 17th of A n -gust,^ a la ige convoy appealed o f f .Naples at. the time of his 'departure-; but .it w a s not k n o w n o f what count iy they w e i e . T h e K i n g of Naples had declaied fie. w o u l d .re-aiain n e u t r a l ; nrvc i thc lcss , i>eveialcouiieis passed Undugh Florence for B a p l e s in, haste,

both from P'ails and St. Pete isburgh. The-Elector of SALT ' : :BUKGII , . PI other, to the E M P E R O R , has suddenly quitted his capital, and is gone to. V i e n n a .

. P A R I S , S E P T . 1 . A report is current, that.a body of French

•troops have entered I faples . <

; . , , „ ' , S E ' P T E M BE'IT 3 . IT is supposed that Marshal NE 'Y wil l

command the French army on the R h i n e , under the French E M fJE Ro ,R,.and that Get/. M A S S E N A will have the command in Italy-

" A large qamp will be formed at S u O m e r ' s to serve to ic infoice the French force oil the coast, and to prutett the, Bata-vian Republic."—Balaviari State Gaz.

-SEPTE-LMB'ER 4 . Private letters' f r o m Calais and B o u l o g n e 1

state, that-not two.divisions only , but neatly all the. troops that were c-r.camp'cd a l o n g

•the eo.'ut, h a v e broken up,,' a n d that abiiut I 3 0 , o o o .riven.) r.om thosequai ters a re on their march ,t6 S t r a s b u r g , w h e r e the head-qirar-

} ters wil l be.

-.-. '- ' SE .PT 'EM.BGR. ' 5 . "... O n tl-ie.ist instant,: the. f i rst : division of

the A rmy of B o u l o g n e , under the,command of. M a r s h a l DAVOU-ST , arr ived at L i l l e , to proceed to the R h i n e on the' f o l l o w i n g day. - T h r e e regiments of '•HorseC-hasseu rs, and two of hussars, bad also proceeded that . way on the preceding day.

O u r Journals contain the- following.ar'f.icle from Sv. i t z e r l a n d : : .. . . ' - • . .

; B A S L E , A U'G. 3 0 . -

•. " H i e ; movements of troops, and the forming of- camps- m the 'provinces o f the Aust'fi'an M o n a r c h y , w hich border on bur territory, -naoiely, in V o r a l b e i g b . and ihe T y r o l , have caused an-am^zing sensation in.several Cantons, especially jp those on the Rhine , . f t is ; asserted, : that B a r o n C R U M P i PEN ' , ,the Austrian Minister in the Helvetian .Republic,- on, being informed thereof , has.availed himself of this c ircum-stahce to the k s n . i M M . t s , that the C o u r t of V i e n n a had not any hostile intention "agsinst aiiy P o w e r ; 'that i h e formation <if those cam ps took pla'ce in v.in.ueof a ger.ei a*l measure tor the exercise of tire troops, .arid

-for-some other reasons"; and that S w i t z e r -land need not be uneasy about ir. W e a ie nevertheless afraid, in base'the was should hurst torth, that Austi.ia.wiIln-at-respect our neutrality ; and i n that case ..we .place o u r / only hope in the protection of the l i lusti ious E M P E R O R o l the. F R E N c a . " ,

BR-IDST, A U G . 2 3 . O u r fleet anchored .yesteiday ir. B e r -

thcatime r o a d s ; lhe,van ha-̂ h a d a n engage-qj-cnt: with the English squadron, which has terminated cntii ely to our ad vantage. A d m . G A N T H E A U M E had detached R e a r - A d m . W I LLAUJVIEZ with a light squadron, con-sisting o'f the Alexandre, Foudroyant,- the Impeiueux-, and two frigates. T h e enemy had also detached,seven ships and frigates^ T h e Faleureuse, one of ihe t wo French fri-gates, began tin engagement. T h e Alexandre and the Impctueux dashed into the midst of the enemy's vessels. T h e cannonade was terrible bet ween these ships a n d t b i e e there-deckers, one of which was the Hibemia, having on board A.dmiial C O R N W A L L I S , T h e Faleureme, iu retiiing macie a skilful manceiiv ve, passing the stem of one of tjie English^ ship?, pom ing in her 'broadside, and raking her, whereby mahy. m e n ' ' m u s t ' have been killed. Both the galleries Avere knocked, to pieces. T h e English suffered considerably, and had two of their ships dismasted. W e have ,had one man kil led, and a duzen wounded.'.— A ship having s p preached one o f the flanks of our anchor . ' age, had to sustain the fii.e of the n e w b a t t e -ries, 'which discharged, mo re than 8 0 0 shot.

' W e -hope that CUT part of the coast wil l be as fatal to ihe English as t h e c o a s t o f B o u l o g n e , and will'-.equally.merit the title of the Coast of Iron. A general engagement was loudl.y called for , -the, enemy h a v i n g an equal force : , but superior orders had marked the c i i c u m - ' stances under Which the A d m i r a l would h a v e - been authorised to g i v e bat t le .— Maniteur„•

- N A P L E S , J - 0 . L T 3 1 . . T h e fo l lowing are further details of the

, Earthquake which has desolated the Capital and a gitat part of the k ingdom. In the morning of the 26th we perceived a greater heat than on the preceding days. T h e T h e r m o m e t e r w a s 2 1 , a n d R A M S B E N ' S Barorfteter. 20.9-10. A bout six in the af-ternoon,, some thick clouds rose f r o m tlie . North W e s t , which threatened a storm, but

• insensibly dispersed-—A1 hail-past £ the wind began to blow f i o m the N o r t h w a r d — • it is called here 2 land w i n d , and which cold and d i y in vi inter, is hot in s u m m e r , as

. ,traversing in its passage the greater part of the k i n g d o m , and partaking of the tempest'" j a i u i c of the .country,over which it passes : but 011 that day is was m u c h colder than

' emir!!}' of Molesa '(be damage is very eoiisi-i derable.—• The town of. Iserna has beef) en-V.ti'rely, destroyed. ' T h e official reports of the I Governor,: .estimate the dead at u p w a r d s of

I'oob, w h o have been d u g o u t of the ru'iqs .': a lready. Iserna contained u p w a r d s of 7000

..inhabitants, so that the sixth'part of its po-' pniation has*' been cut -off. Campobo'ssp, '

^ • , • . ; ' B a r a n e l i o , Lopezzalo, . ' M a c c h a , and some nary manner. .• A t cngth, at three minutes . » b . j „ / , "••;•'•' r <,• ' r • • i, > . .other small places have been' entirely des-Oelore ten a s h o c k was: feit, a f i rs t , - wnir a , , 1 . •:,..< < . . . 1 , • • ' , . „ . . . • , f , . „ l-.tioyad ; the nunrberof persons w h o perish-

i» light f luttering, and afterwards: by a strong > . . r ( _ . ; • . •*• . f b e> „ ... , , . c , 1 • X in those different towns is: stated 10, be

N o r t h to S o u t h , lasting - ,A,, . , ., '. j . . a 1 . , , 1 2 : 0 , 0 0 0 - ! ! M u c h damage• was also done• at

, ... ., jnds . A t eleven o clock-a 1, p . , , • . ,s P „ . J , ,t: - . 'v ••-•• i ; :* | i ledmonte de A m - a i C a i u z z o , Gosctta, S a n - 1

Ir.esh shock, but ess violent,- at three-quai r fc, • . .'.>. \ J ?• .. , . . -.--•• > v / . - , , , • ta Alaria, and'Gapu.a, but no l ives w e i e lost,

le ts past twelve .another out.still ess.violent. -.-„ , . . • r-J," r- - _ . , , 1 J he earthquake extended from one sea to

i lie sky w a s • perfectly clear and s e r e n e — , , 7, ,,. . , , , . , . . • v - •- , - . ' • , • , ... .. • the other, rh a line w h i c h : might be drawn

but-Upon'dies a rfa.ee of the earth there was , ., 1- x/, • " , . , , n , • r , .. , r •' 1 1 r i o m the craier of V e s u v i u s to that of ( F o z r

" a tog not very thick, trom Whence iss.yccl a T - , ... • • f , . , . . , „ / • -xr.. <.;: •• .- .:, ;. ':.ztioi:. It appears that us greatest force was

, . sa, w h i c h occasions deep a'ppiehen-t sions for B o i a n o , the ancient capital .of lhe

" t . ;-Saain'ites:, which'ha-.; I .'e'en often destroyed by ' ° ' the same scourge. It is said that the town

of Arcenso it emire'ly destroyed. E v e r y eye

- tosual,'andlasted about an hour,.- A t t h f e c -quarters' pis.t.pinj?, the.sea, ; w h k h thiough .

' out the day. had' been calna,. began to. be dtsr ,'. tu'rbed., and, the -.greater part- of those whoi . toat.hed.felt thc.gr'ounu fai l • under their feet,

and SAW the, fish coro'e up to the- surface of the water, and toss, about--in .an extraotdi-

R Z Z ' I S

re ten ;-•. she

Vinduhii iotr t rpr i ! f rom g f tri:56:seconds. ;At eleven O'clock a i. ?ledmome ,dg A i h

'Si roiig smell ,of stilplrur. V e s u vius' threw i-. iVlatc* \ out an enormous c o l u m n of s m o k e »nil •• '

i u i D E. f<„

between the first anil second shocks,-heardj. ; at'two'"tiifferent tinigs,- the yepOrt an internal and deep c i a c k l i n g , similar to

those which, usually precede, volcanicexplo. i . sions, .but w e a k e r , and wii ieh-were not lol» lowed by any explosion.' T h e first-shi>ck, shook all the beVl's, which/ began', r inging,

' A i l clocks and tinie pieces, bpih..iji. public ; Bititding and pri viue houses, stopped at . tlii-ee minutes-.before ten, the precise minute

- of the'first shock . • ; T h o s e w h o ' w e r e at the Floreniine.'thea- 1

t're.saw, ai the-period of. th.e tw.o: first long shocks , the.decoration's,touching each other,

, f r o m .one -ii.de..of the theatre, to the o t b e r j and theiBbxes. seeming as :i{" they would fall into the-Pit, T h e Magisir'ace w h o assists at • he representations,, g a v e orders.that no one

' should go out. W h e n tranquility-was a lit-, tie restored., each .retired \vbhoiu :disorder.

' D u r i n g the w h o l e night noihing was heard

in.the streets but groans and shrieks,; and .' ' the screams of peiSons'cajling foi- and seek-

ing, tiieir friends, .-their parents or thei.r caii • " dren. . It. looked as if the end'of the world ;

w e r e come. 1

T h e Registers of the Po l i ce as yet state the ; • number of killed only at four apd few

. wouruled. ; which is. ai most a miracle, in t h e m i d s t o f so.ni.any ruins and strch a f u

- rail It am on'g t h e inha bi tan t s . — - T he Qtu E E isr, i

P r i n c e L E O P O L I ) , and the Royal Princesses'/

fled to t h e , t a b l e s , and passed tlie flight^ in cdaSfees; die K . ' \ < ; , w h o was ar Port.icf, did the same —Uspyra-rds ,ol 4 o o houses have b e e o i w u m n ha hi tab' e, andi they are all the strongest built in the' city, as ii" the efforts;

• o f naiure determined to triumph over those ' o f art.

H I R ' A C T O F A N O T H E R L E T T E R . We hope the danger is over , -—We have -

not feit any shock since that -on the night of ; .,-•' tlie 27th : but the minds of the people are

still in the; dee:pest. - terror, and are fearful of: new miseries; for V e s u v i u s , w h i c h on the-

. preceding days had thrown up much s m o k e , . and threatened a great eruption, has on a , sudden ceased, and become frightful l.y tran-quil . . E v e r y body sleeps in the open a i r , ' and those w h o have coaches remain in them '

. on,the..-sea shore. Several pe.isons a're gone to Povtici , Re,

sina, and other places. T h e Court ih habit t.he little wooden house, built «»n purpose:: for earthquakes, in that p->rt of the Castle called li Casino dctta Porcfiana. Al l Naples,, is in horror -and dismay—'every thing pre.-;

; sents the aspect of desolation arid i tiin. Jn the day time we meet with nothing but prb« cessions of all sorts—-an m be is are occupied in ascertaining,the damage done, which is found to be much greater than was at first imagined. Besides the Palace of the D u k e ol C O R E G L I A N O , under tlie wai ls of whiiih several persons perished,- those of the P r i n i e del S'E V JE RO, the D u k e de S A N G R o , . the,. D u k e d e IVioNTELEOMii, & c . have been;1

destroyed. T h e intelligence from the Pro-vinces is still more alarming, and announces jriuch greater misery. T h e ' last courier f rom Rome says, that from Cisierna ro N a p l e s he met nothing but ruin3. St. Mk-via de Capua, which contained 15,000souls, is almost utiinhabitable. T h e service of the Post can no longer be performed regti-I'ARIY.

O n e of the circumstances .which renders she event much more disastrous is, the sea-' son which it happened j it happened pre-] cisely at the period of the .harvest , and a).-, great part o f ' i t wi l l be lost. In fine, many prisoners escaped'during the disaster, so that w h e n , our fears of another earthquake1-shall be removed, we shall be in dread p f becoming the victims of robbery and

a s s a s s i n a t i o n .

W e have not yet received any news f rom •Calabr ia and Sicily. T h e number of sol-

diers w h o perished under the ruins of the b a i r a c k s at St. Maria , , is but 10—se.verai\

, horses perished.,'- • in the province of Sa'ier-i m o and in the three provinces ot La'Pbiii l le,; the shock was much'less v io lehi— but in'the

is turned to .Vesuvius^ persons w h o 1'ive near;.it state, that since the' earthquake t h e y have heard a.groanin'g in the bowels of the mountain, as'if proceed ing' from matter in a

[ State ol ebu'li'iion.

' T h e q u i n e r ' o f Piz'zpfsdcone is, a heap of ruins.-—' 1'here arte;few si.reets,passable, bpth

, on account of the ruins, aqd, horn the ap-prehension that the houses . w h i c h are .still standing, -will fall,- Tss ' t night there w e r e i U the env i ions at least 10', 000'persons -sleep-

i n g in the open a i r : several phoeaomena are talked o f — a, ioutitain near, ,San Ge)-njano,^ w.her.e.the vvate.ii wassweet iand mi ld , became in'an instant sulphureous. . , • '


( L o r d N E LSON arrived, at Portsmouth;on /'Saturday morning at six O'clock.., A t one

o'clock,, liis Lqrciship em.bijrked .f,r,om the the Southsea Beach, and went on board the Victory, which had dropped d o w n to St.

< 'Helen's.•—A numbef o'f 'people fo l lowed his • L o r d s h i p , and cheered him. when he em-' bai ked. T h e P'ictoxy, ,wiih the Euryalus

frigate,; got. under- .weigh, yesterday; T h e Royal Sovereign, Defiance, Thunderer, Ajax, Agamemnon, and Melpomene, w i l l fol low his

,.-Lordship!' ; His'fleet is to be increased to 3a : sai l o f t h e l i n e . Si dir., T H O R N B O R O U G H

is ,to hoist his flag op, board the Ken!, under li-is Lordship 's command.

It is under-stood,, that on L o r d NELSON'S arrival o f f C a d i z , S ir R . CA Lb"ER'wiTl re-turn to England.

S i r J O H N W A R R - E N is to h o i s t h is flag

on board a 50-gun ship, , and to command a squadion o l ' f r igates on the coast of P n r t u -gal.

A case of the yel low fever, has been re-cently cured in Jamaica, by sweating in the steam, of hot sugar.

A very singula-! -elopement took 'pUce at R y e , in Sussex, 'on Monday last, of Which, the 1 olio wing are the particulars:—-A party of ihe Royal Staff , quartered, in and round the town of R y e , frequented a house kept by a very respectable and industrious victuals Icr, and,one of them, a private of the name of D u g g i n , became enamoured with the landlady, a woman about 30, and mother of a family. She had not k n o w n her fresh suitor many days, when he expressed the mpst ardent love for her, and by numerous artifices contrived lo 'decoy her from her husband 0%. Monday last-. . T h e parties de~

. camped du: ing . ihe absence of her husband, w h o was informed of the 'c i icuaistance by his, children, and he traced them to a v i l lage fi ve miles distant from R y e , where lie learn~ edthat they departed from fh'ence in'a.postf chaise for t o w n . T h e husband returned home, and he missed cash, & c . to the amount o f ' a b o u t 100I.

M r . But ler , the C h i e f C l e r k at M a r l b o -rough-street Office, was at the time at R y e , and lie offered .h'is assistance to the .'afflicted husband in pursuit of; (he fugitives. B y his assistance they w.ere traced to an inn in the B o r o u g h , and Lovet t w a s s e n t t o apprehend the soldier on T h u r s d a y evening. T h e y were on Fr iday examined at. M a i i f c c r b u g h -street Office, when it appeared, 'by the. states m e n t o f thc wi fe , that she was manied/a't St. Clement's D^nes on T h u r s d a y . It also appeared that the money, and a quantity of the husband's apparel , had been taken away by the w i f e , and as there was no. cvidencff.to implicate the soldier ,in the robbery,, he. was l-eieased from that c h a r g e , and sent t o t h e S a v o y as a deserter. T h e wife appeared

i sensibly,'affected at' the iaipru'dent step she . had taken, ancl'sa.id s.b.inc,thing had. been ad-i ministered to,her u hjeh faade hcr seiiseless. I ' . .The husband conseuted.to forego any kind

of prosecution foi- bigamy' 6t : the robbery;, and the ' 'wife was' restored to l i i to , wi th w h o a f i i ? is retti'i'heci'hbffie.'

A b o u t half past ele,veii o 'c lock on W e d - ' (lead ay night a horrid -eta u rder. w a s per pet rat-ed on the body of a person u n k n o w n • the circumstances of ' wbifrfi, on the best inquiry. w,e could. make, a-m'.|^s f o l l o w ; - — A t the time above stated,- a tad,; about fifteen, the apprentice oL.a.tradesman, passing iliit't.-gh the n a r r o w lane, at ihe .cornet of Haiboi n -r o w , Lincoln's Inn-fields, called W hetstone-p a r k , at the end of :.a;ri alley called Eeathet si-court , leading to H b l b o r n , heard "sowje. blows given ; saw a man fail i h o a n ! him moan piteously j and saw a|mian in a d a r k -col oil red-smock frock, w h o had given those

1 b lows, • run a w a y down the lane. T h e boy immediately gave the alarm to a man w h o keeps a public-house at the corner of Fea-thers-court , w h o came out with a cnndle, and. saw the deceased lying senseless, With his ' face much bruised, and -wounded, his'" front teeth knocked our, and bleeding. H e Im-mediately called the watch, arid o''t!ie': assis-tants, a/id.after washing the face of the'cle-ceased, and finding him scarcely with aiiy symptoms of. life, had him carried, for as -'sistance to.-th.e shop-of a surgeon in Holbprn, f>bm whence,• though appearing to be past all surgical aid, he was conveyed to St. Bai-v. tholomcw's Hospital , but, on examinat ion, was , quite dead. T h r body showed no oiher marks of violence but about tlie head and,face, which were severely bruised and wounded, :but not apparently by any sharp i n s t r u m e n t n e i t h e r was there any fra'ctuie of -tlie s k u l l , -or a n y - o f ihe bohe's, thorigh it must- be obvious the deceased' died' iti-con-sequence o f the violent blows be 'received.

Not.wirhsiandingthe general alarm excited

at the moment the body of- the deceased wag :

, found,-there was no clue left by which the .perpetrator of the murder could be traced, e x c e p t that he ran into H o l b o r n , whither the watchman pursued, and raised the hue and cry. T h e coachmen at the next stand reported that a man .answering tire descrip-tion given by fhe boy w h o saw the trans.ac• I tion, had- been skulking about- the ir icar-riages, but that he ran of f towards St. Giles's ; so that all further pursuit seemed useless.

O n e o f the Bow-street Pat role going his rounds,, and passing through Cfi-i- les,-street, So ho, saw a'man coming speedily towards him, dressed as above described, and stopped him, on some suspicion from his appearance,

-asking the way to So ho square. T h e fc 1 * low answered him rudely, pushed him ' o f f

.Mid ran on, when th'e Bow-st i eet Officer, v.-;ho had a strong recognition of his'.person, called out stop thief, ' i 'he fel low immediate-ly redoubled his speed, b u f w a s met by one of the patrole h o m M s rfborciugh sticet, w h o tripped up his heels and sebured him ; when he was taken ro she next watch-house, where the rumour of the murder in Whet stone P a r k had just reached, and the des-cription of the person,by, whom it was com-mined exactly answeiing'ih'at of the priso ner, he was kepi in.jelose custody,, and oh F r i d a y ..brought befo ie ihe Sitting Magistrate • at Bow-street , w h e n he underwent a lull examination. '—'I 'he hoy w h o had seen the fatal, transaction identified his p e r s o n . — M a n y marks of blood were still a-ppareut oh his shirt neck, sleeves, and hands, about which he could give no satisfactory explana-tion, but denied iiriy knowledge of the transaction.— Be. is a tail, robust, desperate looking f e l l o w , has lhe appearance pf a stable k&eper, o,r inn-porter, aiid calls him-self W i l l i a m . M o s s . H e w.gs recognised as an old offender by some of the OJSce-is, and is said to have lately returned from trans-portation.

A, w o m a n w h o resides in Feather's C o u i t , with w h o m the prisoner is alledged to h a v e cohabited, was also'.taken into custody and interrogated. It appeared that the deceased was killed opposite t-o her door, and she was not quite, sure whether she tiad ever seen him before, but would g iye no positive e v i -dence about the transaction. T h e prisoner wasconimitted'to Newgate. T h e C o r o n e i ' s Inquest had not sat on Friday evening on ihe b o d y , but it remained in the dead room at St. B a r t h o l o m e w ' s Hospital for inspection. T h e deceased was reputably dressed in a blue coat, leather bifeches, and boots ; liaci the appearance of !a'countryman just cospe | to t o w n , and, in all .probability, had been

•'wheedled into, the villainous al ley, w h e r e he met his death, by some of that horde of prostitutes w h o have sd long infested it, as the common rendezvous of themselves, and the midnight plunderers, w h o are iheir,asso-ciates, to the great terror and annoyance of that Whole neighbourhood. !

; © O R t o u a O o ' C r t t R E N C E -i~A Ctirinus civcutnsrivice ^oqk pjacp kisi: week, between

- two -Ili'sh -br-ick'iayer - fa-'bou rets, wiro" were wdi 'king at soiae'hbuses neai- Russel square

- One 6f thens wits'hi;a!sting :df the steadiness 'With-which lie. -could - c a n y a load to any 'height ihat rnig'hi be feq&ii'ed. 1 T h e other contended1!lie pdinc with hirn, and ilie Con-versatmn actUHlly.endedin.a bet niacle by the one party, , ihat the. other could not c a i r y

him in hisr h'od up a-laddei to 'die top of (hg -buildrng' ou~ -whicli' they U e i e employed

• i ne e-j-'peiinn nt- w^S ' ra j i ies l i i^iy -m^de * 1 atphieed himself in the hod, and'liis co'tn-rade, 'after-a'gie,r dfea'l 'of' caie %

• succeeded in taking' hirn b p a b j ' b W n p i , ^ " him d o w n • safely. Without 'any r ^ e l i o n

-on-f i le-danger h.e"had 'escaped, i h e f e l l o w w h o h a d bee; j c'at r:e;i p 'aia ' the m o n e y : b b

serving to th'e vviniier, ib'ar ^ b e " suVe'he had lost 1 btj i ," :added'l i 'e , « fe y o u ^

'memDer; about ihe ihiid story "yUL1 n l a d e a

•slip, I was in Tope's.'' ' • • ' •

T h e f o l l o w i n g in.eresiing narrati ve , c o m . municated by die Captain. :of ,a t n e i - c h ^ t m i h to T11S flWIlPlS H d i i i ' e W f . ..

U - V 7 . ,,.) c r c , ' - "PU'/med.schoo-. ner, oirect for B e f b i c e f trhd « e m ' i n ^er in c o m p a n y wtth a D u i c l i Lady and her t w o chi d,.en, - Iii the night of the 5 , h . ^

o clock a most violent g'ale" 61 ' w i n d ^ h o v e us on the rocks of B e rin uda , b , e e l e ?

f iom the s h o r e , when w e ^ l i o u i d h a v e S

perished, if• Aiui ighiy G o o bad not save us in a mosttoiraculous m',nrier. — M o s , ' a f the cievy 100 k pftssession o f i h e s l n d f boat a n d v ntured to s e a ; ; b u t ! and some more were l e l t o e h m d : m less .than halt a n h ( ) u "

the-vessel was dashed'to-pieces. . It ^ A

dismal n 'gl i t ,

m g , ana h g h t n m g j the sea came in'c,ssartiv over our h e a d s - I went from one piece of the wreck to another, to hold m y J f f 8 S t !. bu .n me course of two ho'bfs i i ^ S l

e x h a u s t e d / i J i e d ' w i t h , s e a - w a t e r , a „

b o d y shdekihgly wot,n'ded f, 6 , , M S among the rocks ; six tiines. I w a s J " a w a y , but a h e ^ y W c a i l ^ f r ^ M t i -up again : and at Tak I was d t f v c ^ u p o n some planks, wheie I found the poor w o -man and her nvo children, crying out in a moat lamentable 'manner ;' f Saved them tb i.ee-limes, and t-ookeneof the girls , eight years old, in ti.y arms , but haviri'g lost all strength!. ahigiVsea tore lier from m e — n o -body could assist-her—we; gave her up for lost, and expected every minute ,to share the same fate. At clay -break, to our gie.ac su rprise' and j o y , w e Sa vv the child at some distance I ru in us, stickij.g'to a piece of w o o d hanging on Tin-rocks'-; n'dog was with her^ and. 1 really believe, saved her, f o r . s h s R,lid sire was. washed away'ifrcqOeii iIv, and fc^ame as often up. again 10 the same place,—^ Between ten and eleven in .the-morning of the 6th, w h e n we had not the'smallest ho'pe of being-saved, we s a w asm'a l lboat pul l ing after u s | it was our good Captain, w h o vvns looking altei us, not expecting to find us mo:e. In about three hours after wards' w e arrived on the uninhabited shore of Berh'u • da, without any other cioiiies except'. 'a shirt ."

M a n y of the Parisian elegantes have pr i -vate stills, and w o r k in '.heir boudoirs sc-cretly o v e r i heir d is t i l 'ores 'wi th as- rhbch ardour.as their sober mothers,once d id irp'oti their-cut.nary messes and ecqn'rrn-fcal c o m -pounds, T h e y have now. a,.kind o f medical che^t, for megrims and 'qua!ins," and the beau w h o would recommend kimseFf to; a lady, must be acquainted with tlie coinrnbn chemical decoction and botanical p o w e r o f herbs whicli may be subservrent to feliiofa -able wants.'

T H E O N L Y L O T T E R Y To ; be crarvn .this Year ,

Begins 30th SBPTEMBSR,

3 3 . 3

/ 4 6

10 I


S C H E M E . Prizes of £ t o , o o o are • — ! IO.OQO —.


S 3,000 lj'0'00

500" 160

, . §0. 20 4,500 . , . —

3,000 First-drawn Bianlcs >

— — entitled to - ' j * w e a c h ' 19 Benefits

x,7>*jSi Blanks

3,$,oaa Tickets

T h e First»tl?awn Ticket s A t f a f £ 1

£CO,QG2 3°,000 15,000 S,9,oo 6,000 S,o"oo 3,000 3,000

•;,- 90,000



T h e price of. Si lver is considerably ad« vanced; . and the Exchanges on Hani bio' , and the ©{her Neutral P o r t s , a ie mash l o w e r . [

6th Day 1" 7th D a y 5,00®

•Ditto, Ditto,

TICKETS and SHARES are »n Sale

' ' ' :•"•' A t a f l t h e - - •: - b '

L I C B N S S B L01?TJi.M.y OFFSB&S,

S t i U T & Y V ' M A l i .

X GjV.0 ON, T&ESpA r , S£fr.: 17. . :

G o v e r n m e n t . , , w e . u n d e r s t a n d , r e c e i v e d

y e s t e r d a y . a i . ' t t : n o o u , a d v i c e s h ; o m . . T o p n i n -

| e h ' : . e f : ' i i f e 6 j i ) J w h i c h i n t o i m them- T.H A r .

T H S ! E R I N CSI a 'A, V E . A C X U A L I T IB'FCCUN . T O E V A C 5 A Y E H A N O V f. h . i t . OH t h e j s : 'and ?,d in,:r. t y c T i e n c h t r o o p s w e i e

. m a r c h i n g o u t o f H a n o . v e r and. i i f d e p e n d e n -

c i e s , a n d t h a t i n ' a. t e w ' d a y s ^ , th.ey w o u l d

h a v e e h u i e . j . y e v a c u a t e d ' t b e H a n p v b r i a n t e r -

r i t o r y . • . • i,j • 1

T h i s intelligence, w h i c h is official, w a s •accompanied .by a niniau.r .prevalent., at

H a m b u r g h , that the French .troops . ivpu Id ife succmled by, Prussians. ..But.to t h i s , i u -t a o t i n v e know not how to .attach credit, ft is generally believed.that a. T r e a t y of N e b -Yiaiity has actually been s igned. between •Prussia, ikuiniark^'. 'and.some.of the Elec-toral States \of Gei ratiny—The occupation of H a n o v e r would..ill accord with any such t ieaty . . ; . • : - -<• . , . . "

ed; that to support, ifie hegbnaitotis wbic j i , our Ctiui i hs;; proposed for the'maintenance of- p e a c e ; i t i . su pport: A us.ii in; lie had given orders » r tU'd, Russian at mies to'put. thcms^l-ves'in .tiiotioq.; '••.' • • • » '» . :

Thc-^,w>liefrotr! Q t r h i b l i , that, towards-, the 301bof is,motifh, .in,' army of Sojtfop-fficra wii l be:aksemb'i.Hf a( ; C-aybacfc; ahd rib the envU'o'nsi.:.clie d^ekiaflio'tt ci' ' which ;!orce .

i s Italy, ' ' . : •

Parl iament, it is.said, wi l l meet foi the dispaich of' business.qn the toth or 1 2 t h . o f N o y c m b e r . — - M r . ' P I T T ' S journey 10 Wey~

: mouth : i s believed to be for. the . purpose of ^•Kis-ringst a Counci l , .at which the Meeting

• ot Parl iament, on one of. those d a y s y ' w i l l be fi.ted.--•Cei.rier'.

The-f irst part of the S u b s i d y (about half a million')'for oui: Allles.ori the .Cont inent , •was :sem ft 'om Bank .yesterday, m o r n i n g — i t •was sent in"f ive" waggons, 'containing' each atvoo: roun-een casks of dollars.. T h e y left the B a n k between nine, and :te.n o'clock- for-Portsmouth, and were esse,ted by a detach-' meni of Horse Guards, who.are to accom -pany ihe W3°'gon$ ts Portsmouth.

f f i g i t e , fe l l in o n t h e .ad inst-.

w i t h s e v e n F r e n c h S a i l oi' the". L i n e ; .and

t w o F r i g a t e s , i n Ijjt-.' 4 6 . V / . l o n g , 2 3 . N .

— . S h e (vas . c h a c e d j o r s o m e t i m e -by , t h e m ' ,

b v t t h e y w e r e o u t of. s i g h t o n . t h e i l i i r c l . —

T l i e R o c h e f o r t squi?.<!ron w a s not s u p p o s e d

• s o s t r o n g . F r o m t h e l o n g i t u d e in

w h i c h this . .sql i .adron w a s c r u i s i n g , -it m a y

b e i n f e r i c d , - t h a i i t . w a s . c f u i s i n g . to i n t e r c e p t

s o m e of o u r h o m e w a r d b o u n d o r o u t w a r d -

b o u n d f l e e t s .

W e ate sorry to have k>:aR.rotiti.ee iacr death of Gcnernl . M y g R s , at B a r b n d o c s . — 1 he'irielaiicholy information was received at St. Kitt 's on the gth o f August, by the l>ispa!ch boat v. hicb brought the official dis-patc.fcs.from Antigua, to be forwarded by the Cartern. packet.

S T T H I S ' P A V S M A I L .

. F R O M . T H E F R E N C H . P A P E R S .

V I E N N A , A U G . %').

C o u n t C C E E X T Z E L h a s r e c e i v e d a - C o u -

rier fipm, Paris'. . .As.l ire preparations 'and ff.ssspr.es o ; . p r e c a u t i o n c o n t i n u e w i t h s o m e

2.ct3v:ii',' .ii. it; i n f e r r e d , t h a i t h e d i s p a t c h e s

b r a e g s i i b y t h e C o u r i e r a r e not o i a -nature-

d e c i s i v e f o r t h e . r e - e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f g e n e r a l

p e a c e . ' O u r t r o o p s a:'e a p p . o a c h i n g t h e :

frpriuzl afootSif) Italy a.id Bohemia. Secret cKleiS'-B'a'-^e Deer, d i s p a t c h e d to G e r i e r a l s in -

different provinces. H £• iyi 3 U R G'H, - '£ U G . ' 3 0 .

T h e report was generally .'.circulated the -Js.y bt^'TE Veyerc. .y, that the F r e n c h ' Go-.vf;n; .wct '"declared- wa'r-'agaim-t A-us

j/luifsii-., '.lib P o r t e , a r d Sweden. T h i s ir,i.-f..;i*;i;ertc'd' in several Papers, but

c i .w ihe-in.sfc.'.igence.is' contradicted, and wc are convinced % the English Papcrsv ttrnr it :t ;.ot.Y 'F.p;nce.:wli ;ch-has- provoked the w a r . Xzvi f.fth: the F i e n c h -garvisOn of Harb_i-gb. leceivedort ie fs tosVgK.iir io L i :nc- . bu~«: . ; it Jfgar. ;;s jii,arr;h at niichiight.

. .• ... • ^ E P T S ' M ' V s . - a -•$>. •••-

J,<;K«r*> «n.n«H)nce zn expedition' of Rit?, Star* ti'oo'ps,.- commanded b y General T o L s t O L , we.l: k u o w n .ibiwt'he Austr ian

Ger.ffat, Htb a vb, has left Vica'na to meet tlie R.nssiin tr^tf.ps,, w high; •are assembled on t l w / r o p a e w of fiajlici?. - • ' •'

- - S T k a s e u R ' G ' , st.P'%! 3. Tl:is HOT? k n o w n that o u r g a r r i s o n w i l l

b e ' ; e i n , f o r c e d c o n s i i f e r a b l y . T r o o p s s j iefon •

.thsi-r m a r g h o n ^ll sidfiB. I c is, sa id , 1 t h a t a n

. a t r m y o f 2 3 , 0 0 3 . m e n , i n w h i c h - t h e r e a i e ,

iMoe r e g i m e n t s o f C a v a l r y , - i s on its - r t a r c h

t o w a r d s t h i s c i t / i A p a c t , o f t h e m . w i l l r e

D^aWlt l t h i s '.'ciVy, a n d ' t h e r e m i n d e r "will

f o r m a c o r p s o f o b s e r v a t i o n , at P t o h s b e i m ,

w h i c h is a b o n t S e v e n l e a g u e s o f f . — ^ T h e - ^ t h

R e g i m e n t o f D r a g o o n s is e x p e c t e d h e r b t o

d a y , t h e 2 5 t h . , . a r r i v e d y e s r e r d a y : It is

s a i d , t h a t a . c o r p s o f o b s e r v a t i o n w i l l ne

f o r m e d b e a r B a s l e , " .

- FROM T H E H A M B U R G H MAIL. , y i E t s . K A , A U G ; 2 8 .

T h e Ambassador, of his Majesty, the E M C E f t - g f t o f nil tbe; Rus'^as b«8 . announc-

mrmtm^^rf n • -

FStdM'. THE pSjXek- PAPERS.' . -j .ST. fMfTr.K S.EURG', A J>Gr. Z 1 .

... T h e . p t e g f t , r a t i u n s for(W,ar:aJ!e ca n i e d oil

here,, w i t h A - : q u i c k n e § s . a t f d a c t i v i t y o f . w I n c h

w e k o o w n o par;illpl ' -in,the R u s s i a p |4fl,i?a- .

:ry H i s t o r y . . . T o m o i ' i o w t h e ytbtee r e g i -

m e n t s o f : g r , e j i a d i e r s ; - . w h i c h o n l y w e i e le/t .

here-, b e s i d e s t h e . V e g i m e n t s o f - g u a r d s , w i l l

. c o m m e n c e theii. m a i - t l i i - a n d t h e l a t t e r w i l l

f o l l o w T h e ni i n . a fcw.-clays. T h e E F A P E -

R.o.R.batriS^lf; it-is Saiti, ; w i l l g o to t h e a r m y

i . o f e w , d a y s / YesteV.duy a g r e a t n u m b e r

Js>f mei^ha.i it ships ' W e r e h i r e d for ,accoui 'H of

t i o v e i ti.m^p.t.,. I n s l i b r t , e v e r y t h i n g .an '.

no.unces v e i y 'seifcvlS; m e a s i n es.

r .- . V S S N N A i A U G . 2 8 . '

: O n t l ie 26i ! i insti t h e l e g i m e n t - o f i n f a n t r y

o f t h e A r c h d u k e C H A P . L E s m a r c h e d f r o m

V i e n n a f o r Ir . i l j ' . T h e r e g i m e n t o l P i i n c e

^ U R S B E RG is a lso g o n e l f o m ivene'eto I t a l y .

T h e . C a m p o f B u d w e i s j .in- B o h e m i a , is e n -

t i r e l y b r o k e n u p ; arid the r e g i m e n t s t h a t w e r e

t o g a t h i t h c i h a v e n o w r e c e i v e d o r d e r s to

m a r c h :to.the c a m p of W'els . in U p p e r A u s j -

t i ia ,- w h i c h ' w i l l - a m o u n t to. 6 0 o r 7 0 , 0 0 0

.men. It is said,-, thai t h e E M P E R O R h i m s e l f

w i l l , as spo ;n as:c'iV-8rt'feisi.,i.ncs m a y require ' i r 1 ;

r e p a i r to t h A t . c a t i i p . ^ ' w h i c h is s u p p o s e d to

be i n t e n d e d f o r ar: a r m y of l f s s i v e . .

T h e Archdue C H A R L E S is to be C O M *

Blander of .the army-'in Italy,-and'the A r c h -duke JOHN- of that in the • T y r o l . T h e whole Austrian force for the protection of liif frontiers is estimated at! 2,00,000 men, besides bon>bardiei'?a, 'CanrianiersT sappeis , and pontonnieis. In a nd about ;Ven:'ce alone 1 here ai.e already.30 battalions . of infantry. T h e militaiy chest vviJl be sent to Udine .

i y i A N K E I S I , A-UG. 3 0 .

T h e I m p e i i a l t r o o p s , ; w h i c h ha v e p a s s e d

t h r o u g h t|ie T y 10I, a i e t a k i n g a m i l i t a r y

p o s i t i o n on t h e r i v e r L e c h . • T j i ' o s e t'.roops

b e l o n g to {he c a m p s of . L i n t z a n d W e l s . - - -

I b e y are..<juaitei.fid. in- the. n e w l y a c q u i r e d .

A u s t n a n ter.i iroi ies , - .among w h i c h t ' h t i e a

s e v c i a l B a v a r i a n p l a c e s . " O u d i e ' o t h e r

h a p d , m a n y F r e n c h t r o o p s a r e a s s e m b l i n g

<pn the U p p e r R h i n e , a n d 'the- g a r r i s o n s o i

t h e tortresses t l i e i e a r e i c i n f o t c e d . S h o r t l y

a F r e n c h a r m y w i i l a p p e a r o n t h e R h i n e . —

T h e G e n e r a l - o f D i v i s i o n , S T . S U Z A N N E , is a r r i v e d i t S i r a s b o V g .

L E I P S I C , A U G . 3 r .

T h e y talk of a close alliance between Russia, E n g l a n d , anil Sweden,; to which the Potte will be invited to accede. A div i -sion ol. Russian troops is already arrived a't B r o d y , in GaII.itia : the Russian E.mperoi himscif. js;.expect a.t-Wilbaii> a- short tibie'; and trie Gftipd D u k e C O N ST A K F 1 N E wil l -also, it rs'siid, .CGnijpand au-aimy. Mean •

•-while the C o u i t of Berlin perseveres.in her' neutrality, and. will protec't-the neutrality -ol the North oi Germany. . ' • ' • • •

• -. • IR.E.RTL-1 S F I ' K P F . I-3'. T l i e ' F r e n c h M a i s h r . 1 D U R O C ' a n i v e d

h e r e o n i h e t s ; inst. or, a n e x i t a o r d i n & r y

m i s s i o n i i c r o .tlie F r t i p c i o r N A P O L E O N - a r

B o u l o g n e , w h i . c h hp k f t o r .the 2 6 t h of A u -

g u s t . H e ai . iglued at the F r e n c h M i n i s t e r ' s

L A F o a . E f T . \ ' e s . e - t j a y moni- i i ig lu- 'hadvi

c o n . l e i e n c e w i t h the jVHo' .s ter , - .Baron H A R -

D E N B E R G , ancl.th.is m o r n i n g h e h a d anov-

Uier u ith. t h e K i r s c ;/Et:f,tpi- w h i c h b e d i n e d

- w i t h ' t h e said" M i n i s t e r . T o j u d g e . f r o m

. Va. 1 t o i l s c jr«p«i.sta.ncef , r h' is ' .roissioii m u s t . b e

' i f g r e a t i c i p o j - t a n c e . ' , • •

• V 4 . .

, S i n c e w e lis \ c i e a r n e d b'y ih.e-late i n t e l l i -

g e n c e f r o m R a n s b o n , . . . f o what- p o i n t , i h e

. c o m m u n i c a t i o r i s b e s w e e ? i v F i a n , c e and. A u s -

j i,i id a: e c a n ied, . t h e C o u r i e r , s o f b o t h c o u n -

t r i e s , a r e o b s e r v e d , w i t h m o r e a t t e n t i o n , a n d

it i c . p a r t i c u j a i i y . n o t i c e d , t h a t in t h e n i g h t

b e t w e e n the. 2 3 t h and. i jQth. o f A u g u s t , t h e

. A u s t r i a n C a b i n e t M e p e b g e r , M l L p E t t . E « ,

passed t l i r o u g h " A u g s b u t . g l v f n g r e a t h a s t e ,

. o n h i s v.:ay f r o m Vien:n-;v t o - - P a ' n s . T h i s

M e s s e n g e r p r o b a b l y l.cft V i e n n a . s u b s e q u e n t

to t h e ' a r r i v a l a t t'hf p f e c e o f t h e . . F r e n c h

C o u r i e r , w h o b r b u g ' h t , 011 (the e y e n i n g of

t h e 2 5 t h o f . A u g u s t ^ t o . i M - HA C I I E R , . a t

R V i s b o n , t h e D e t l a r a i i o n . o f t h e F i i T N - C . H

E M P E R O R , t h e E m p e i t i i : 'of A P S T R I A ; a n d it is s n p p o s e d . t h s . t tlie ' d i s p a t c b c f i o f t h e

A u s t r i a n C o u r i e r r e l a t e t b t h a t - s u b j e c t . •

msebubn r,h?t g-!'efit!pi;epArations are making, in,Russia 1.6r * Contiberiial vFar^ afid one ol theipassengers states. that hostilities had ac . rual-ljf, cotfimeneed between Austr ia and francs; . , P a r t of t % . troops destined for foreign

s e r v i c e a i e t b e m b a r k at D o v e r , and another part at, Portsmouth. . . T h e r e wi l l also, we suppose, be,an embat.lcaiion at Plytnouth. O f the C a v a l r y , , it .is .said, that only four

tropp? pf e.acii. regiment a ie in the first in stance to.be sent out j each troop to be. filled out to the number of 100 men. According to the present establishment, ' every regiment of cavalry consists of ten t ioops, containit.-g 80 men each, makin'g the w h o l e regiment 800 ; so that the proportion to be sent out is precisely.half the effective strength of, ol the legiibent under orders. . T h e troops that, re-main aie also to be filled dp to the ,niimiSer:

of I Q O m e n each, with all possible expe-dition.; , .. •

T I le Malta, ^ i c l i our-r cadets, w i 1-1 iecol , lect was asserted-by.'the M'onilenr to have been so mtich damaged, ' that she ir.iist be condemned, sailed on Monday io join Adrn. C o L i i p t . G w O ' o i off" C a d i z .

. C O R K , i t P T E M S E n 2 p j '

Tfie affray af BsIlincbU.ig, on S.unday last, of which we make a slight mention in our fith page, •has been since circfimst'antiitjly described to us, and w e regret to say, it was of a mo^t dangerous/nature^ and might have, been productive-of very fatal conse-quences. It originated in a trifling c a u s e : Some soldiers of the Queen's Conatjf regiment bf Militia, w h o were on guard at the' Ppwder Mills, 'went to drink to a public house,- neai the guard room, ' in ' which,several country men w e i e a j s o drinkingi-^-A soldier, who, ' j t appears, was iiSteii'Sjpletl in sijigijig a song, enterecl into an altercation vyith the person causing.fhe interruption, the jesu l i of which was blowi.- Both'partiei/wtre speedily, reinforced, ind a scuffle"; in which several wounds w e r e received vi as the consequence. The Officer w h o commanded the guard, w h o happened not to Be present at the'instant, upon'-his arrival .went to the public-house, and' w i f b the assittaace of. the guard, took several men into

- custody, -whonr he next day lodged ifl'.t'hjs.iaain guard of this city.—^Upon the transaction being.known, i n enquiry was immediately instituted into the cause of-i t , and after a tedibiis and tfoublesome ncaminatibnj in w h i t h the MAV OK unremitting!v endeavoured to

• procure the truth, a Corporal and-five tnen were com-mitted on a charge, of fe loniously, stabbing, with bayoiie'.s J t r . LinehaDe, his Sons, and some others — a n d the Officer, was adtnitted to bail, to take his trial ;it the next Assizes, on a charge oF taking a pari In thf transaction,. : .- , •'•.—-

A n unfortunate vfo»8"»,' who. was aome days-ag-;? atlV-A-; cd of an infant,- left it at the avenue gate : of a gintlenian's house, tiear Caher, w h e n , melancholy tore/ate, it was devoured by. the hounds, e x c e p f t h e hands. The unnatural mother, has been committed to our county .gaol, to ta le hert i ia l at next assizes.

J. '

E JVA/T 3, SE-P-Ti :



LONDON., U'EiDNli&pZiYi 8&PT.'iS. -r T h e Dorset, Avklani, a n d p a c l t -

ets, arrived on Monday eVe'tiin^ 'at Y a r -mouth, from I-Iusum;, wit-li mailsi a m i ' p i s -sengeis..'' A Messcrrge?- a/iij^stf i n ' f f o "Auk, .'•and with dispatches, s^q to be of §rea't im-

TO THE SNN/S CHRONJGLB . '• O * A r e informed, that it wi l l be necessary fbf such of them,as wish to-patronise that Print, to sig. nify their intention, in writing, on or before Fridhy the z"j.ih instant, after which day the Proprietor will not supply any Perso.n wiih aniUn-stamfed Paper. I t ' i s also deemed indispeiisajjle that one- half, of the Subscription shall be paid i t a d v a n c e 1 : — T h e Prices in -town; will, be it. i 4 s . r-'-tt. per" A ; n j i u m r a n d , enclosed, and directed to the country/ it.- iSs. fiiS.j single papers each. I f a sufficient numbersha 1.1 jiot be found to sanction this measure, the Publicstio'n

' of the Paper wi l l be discontinued from the 1st day.of M o v e m b e r next. September 23, 1805. ;

•. T O B E S .E T , ' F A ' O M . T B K ' f m s . T . N O V M i H ' a K m ,

FOR TBS EE LIVES, ' t h e D W E L L I N G . H O U S E , , and T A N -

Y A RD- now held by J . LOGHN-A^NXI—.Apply at said House. Ennis, Sept 19, 1S05.

.. Immediate Possession wil] begiven.

1 A General Meeting of the G o v t n . M O K s and D E P U T Y 'GOVERNOR s • of the COUNT-Y of CXA'R2 .IS requested at the Coi<n.Bo'.;se-of E N N I S ,

-on T r t t i K s b A Y the 2Cth instant, ' .li e ; • Signed by ofdir , "'. ' •"•'. . . Sept. 19, 1805. D . P I N D C A N E , C. G , M b

i "'-. 1 — —

On Saturday, yesterday, and this morning, We Tcccived at, OUR- O r r i C E , London Journals oC-tiie 16th, 17th, and < 8th instant, together with seVefai Dublin and other Dbttifstic Publications. ! communications from the Continent increase,

. as w a s t o b e expected, in interest and importance ; 5 nd' thou gh. the -l\r e p c h a nd, D.u tcfi Papers, which, ar-rived in London, pji. Monday. last, do jicjt:^i»bm»ce the commencement of hostilities, they pro ve that .the preparations of R.iissia and A'o'stria, and France','are iri iiiclva stute of forwardhesV, that the month of sVp-lemberIs noi'likely itp elapse without an important

,blow being struel? bath in GermSny.and Italy. U n -der these circumstances, and. wi th , the conviction

• which B o n A P A R T I rniistfeel, that w a r o n i h e C o n . f i n e n t is inevitable, a cohvictioii upon which he 'has, acted by- sending'thcr-gTeatcr part i f not a'll the troops . ftom Boulogne to..the RhiniS, it wi l l surprise- oui1

readers to find .among the pxfracts from the Dutch pa-pers, whici>:\v,e have-.copied'in • another-'part of tip's day's Publication, i declaration to the Couit.of V.ien»'.

Tia, in wfiich BoNATAR.Tr. ' di'sires,' tefofe he iixd'r? •takes the typidition agahid'&ng.land, to hayeaii jilanation with i.espect to the object.gf thfc moreroents of the Austrian troops in thc.T.y-ixaa; towarat . f t e

Trff-ntiers of Bavaria, and in Italy. H e a f e c t s th* 'greatest surpri'sat|a't such movements should ;f?j£e place, '-when Uk tVas ityithe pMtfif-.mSirfatiing.. 'ihe

expedition agotr.it £ttg!^J, Hjitn, depfpdrng entirely upon the peace with Austr ia , and the o l f i r powerso£ the Continent,-he jijitl asseinblcit on t! e coast the greater part of the troops I'rorn Italy ^nd the Rhine , and had almost evacuated Switzerland. I f the reply from t h e C o u r t . o f Vienna'-should be unsa-tisfactory, he threatens iw postpone' his expedition against England,- 4qd v e p t m M tht,. R h i n e with his

..whole force for the p u r p - i t of 'o-.;;v'-'ilii.»g , ; i 1 , 0 . .preserve' the peace Of the Contmer.t.

We are utterly at .a loss.tp conceive the'fno'.i.vc and ouject B o j f A i > A 8 « had'.fn .-view "m prs-seuiirg su'cha Note at such a fi'm'fe--rB4>..rt-'is--iK«: -Jikely ;o produce any effect- upon Audiri^, but that of iicctiic--rating her preparations fof war. All . tlie.ap.com. « from every part of Germany.are f t t t i y f ihe actiViiy and vigour of those preparations.

More importaAf thdn ai! tKi;Se circuiy-stancbs''is the fact stated in.a Leipsic artialc, ar.d which thi/rf -s every reason,, from.,Other soo'fa-e?, to know io be true,

. that.the Russian troops are already- in .Gaiiicia, aj-.i that their av.i/al on the frontiers, u .̂ -gWivaria, is 'pectedon the 3d or 4th of next mofith. T h e y are

.stated l o b e 106,000 strong; a'tnojt wapojrteit ad<!i> tion..to.the Austrian fdrce. •-. . .•>

T h e French and Dutch Papers communicat ive 'as they are with resp.fet t6 the Russian and A d s i / h f preparations, are rathe/Teserytd upon the subject o f the French preparations, .fioNA i-A'st-it c.o'r;ti.nii', d at Boulogne till the 2d'.-—he returned i o Miltnt.hbn on the 4th, and was c-iipected. toset out trnrn^djiaav for Strasbu'rgh. BONA PA R T * .is E^j-ecteil mand the. French army.on ihe Rhine, and Maisj^J N E T to be second in coiajpa.n'D; - M A.ISEIS.-A IS TO have the command in Italy. -,The'rS is a report that the French have entered 'Naples

T h e Dutch official Paper affords us reason to be-lieve that a treaty of armed neutrality has been en-

- tered into by. Prussia; .Den .-nark,, and the Electors, of the German Empire. _ Upon a careful, review o f a l l t h e important jnlcf..

-ligence contained in the extracts from the Dutch arid •French Papers, it & evident t.-> us that Austria has the start of BoNAP^A RTE/'and that, her 'preparatior.s are in a. much more advanced stale than those of France..

Advfeds 'weie received by our Government," on ' Monday last, from Ton'ningen,. that the French had evEciiated Hanotrer the beginning-of .this'irfoiifh.

Five-waggons, containipg eich;aho>jt .14.casks o f dollars, were sent to Poftsnrout.h. from. L: ndon, oil Monday last, being the first p a n o i the S u b i d v ' i o r , our All ies on the Continent.

Tl-.e Packet of the r 8th, which arrived ih;£ nrOrn-ning, states thst roc-st impofta.it O'ispstohes w e r e V ' ceived the night befort.f>r,m Petersburgh and Vienna. One o f the.passengers that came-in lhe Dfii j ft packet ••wljfc'h brought' those Dispatches^ Vtates that 'hosiiliue,% have actually commejiced upon (he Clntiiiirni /

.I.etter wis received in London non. .PI-.,'!;,,;..;; wii ich rccntio'r.'s a rumour of HOSLILITIEPHAYIRG begun ' in Italy , where the-French had been r e p t i l s e d — p i h : V Letters,are reported to have.'arrived; w-iih accdiiiftt

! of the Austrians having penetrated : inlo : Bavaria 'arid the French having crossed. t-fn=--BrtljJ,er3t^<3.~\ l-.IentK,.—However pi-. .i.Mi>?<- ti.ese rumours ar i , it Jp.'-s not appear that Government hare received ' any a e . count of .the commencement o f hostilities. . -

By the extracts which .we have mad.e from iVr :

• Day's Mai l , it will be-seen, th'st Rii^sia is de-er-mined to make'ihe most Vigoji/'us'exehioio^Qhe h W notified to -the Court o f Vic-nna the ej>p?oa&. t,\ a

great'armies; one' deStineid to a st inXGc-rrnariv the otlierin f ta iy . T h e advanced of. the- ferst ar-,. my arrived in: Gallicia,. the middle of,,list month—-the main body would arrive about, the beginning-^f this month, and weiuld be able to join the'AustrS-s1 '-on the Danube'by the end of the mo'ntn. The 'E 'm-peror A f .ESAKD ER has.also itfadeieiiov/n his inien-tibij of..feading his army His bfot-her - G & n s t & k * 'T1NB wil l be ne:tt-jnxomm3n<h So deterrnined arid vigorous a system couid not but produce a correspond-ing effcct upon .the Austrian Govern meat—the Kir,-, peror FKA.KCI.-S is an'imated BV the-ss we srnt imei ' s

. as the. Emperor A-LS-iiA-Kn E p.-^-thesame activity and ,. vigour of pfepkMttoBi ff1e same .fiSedncs3.of princi-

ple pervade the rr.t-asur'es o f the. Austrian.' Govern-ment. ; . . ' .

.Amidst^ these warlike prcparatioris, some rumours of a pacific teride-iky have been Circulated- l n ' L o n -don.; but they do appear- t o desefve the siig'htest-at-'. en tion. , . °

. -Last1 Widav. evening, 'Mrs.,,©'.a E-E JJEV w i f e v f Mr. W M i - G R E E N E , At torney, Was"suddenly at.: tacked with 3n inflamiration of fhe iritestiries; ' h -rnalignitv of which baffle-el all skill, and, with the moss sincere regret' we add; terminated, in a fV-,, hours, the esisience of a-most amiable Worn a", n , in- ' volving not. only her imrnediale connections' and Inends, but every personThAliJtnew her, in the most' sincere and afflicting sorrow. She was a na t ive p f T.ull'aniprei r- to;.wJiich"-neighbourhood her remains

-were- conveyed, '.attended by a few .fi icnds, .whole unteignrd griet it Woald be .impossible to-describe.' '

On Saturday test, a- route WAS received f o r the -march of the Ca van. .Regiment, Which has -bee'lt cj'uartered here for the.preceding' year. T h e R t n i -mcnt is ordered for duty in Dublio,' for "which desti-nation the first division Will'commence its mar.ck on Thursday next, and on the follovvinp ctay the re-mainder.of the Regiment wi l l march cut. •Withcrit

-: violating the feelings of an individtiai, we wil l i f . sert, that the removal of the Cavan R,fginrenf m-asfc' excite'the'most l ive ly and general iegfct, -in ,a^j'"de-scription's 01" persons.here, as their conduct has' not, 'been 1.C5S: remarkable" for strict military duty, and ex-emplary subordinsiion, than- for. an honorable and

conciliatory inteicourse with the inhabitants T h e y are.'to be replaced by die A r m a g h -Militia, 'rtie ftrs't division- of which,"we und?rsiand, ' w i l l a r r i v e b'er®-.-011 Thursday. "

The Sub;Sherif f requests-that those persons' oil whpm 'Iie has a call, -will take care to have.the same.,

"6««Jea':on.o.r before the.6th.day.,of Octobe? next fls' it,is not in his power to give further iiidulgence. ' ' ?

'• ' ' " f r ' D I K ! ) ~ ., , ''

East Tuesday, On the Lands of A n a b j and- Baro-. ti j of Ibrickane, in this County^ Mgrio M'lneruc.-r'. (Smith)-: he workedfor four gefier.aions bf -tme io-mily, viftr,' V.rm, Stacpoole, Geo. K -*'" ' itackpoole, f i a ,

'••tacpodie,' p s q f s . ^ H e died i g e . r f '

Stacpoole,- aiiei Geo'. ^ as he lived, af-ioiiest manr t̂ the advanced ag U 4 years.. . • ' . . . . . . ;. „,.

. E N l S l S - r t » > » ' f * o s * F . P A R S O N S .