You've done the Django Tutorial, what next?

Post on 19-May-2015

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Some suggestions on where to look next when building that next Django site

Transcript of You've done the Django Tutorial, what next?

You’ve done the Django tutorial.What next?

Andy McKayClearwind Consulting


build something

my opinions, likely wrong

1. Setting up2. Writing models3. Middle years4. Avoid5. Tools

Part I: Setting up

app vs project vs...

past caring

app directory

(a). base templates

def context(request): data = {} return data

(c). render shortcutseg:

(d). site constants

(f) your auth. backend

(g) base classes

model base class

class Base(models.Model): class Meta: abstract = True

form base class

class Form(forms.Form):! pass

class ModelForm(forms.ModelForm):! pass

Part 2: Writing models

(a) fixtures

not just for testing

create data in admin dumpdata

(b) migration

during development

reset script

drop db, create db, syncdb, load fixtures, start up server etc...

my workflow

1. create app within project2. define models3. access admin4. smoke test models5. alter, run “reset”6. access admin (back to 4 until happy)7. enter sample data8. dump data to fixtures9. add fixture loading to “reset”10. continue... write tests and retail view

at some point... beta?


Part 3: The middle years

(a) signals

signals.pre_save.connect(! add_profile, ! sender=User)

(b) URLs

always use named urls

urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^index/$', index_view, name="main-view"), ...)


{% url main-view %}

def boring(request): ... return some_html

class boring: def get(request): ... return some_html

Part 4: Avoid these

generic views

push logic into urls,always need rewriting

custom template tags(maybe)

complicated templates

{% div %} {% dl %} {% dt %}Name{% enddt %} {% dd %}Definition{% enddd %} {% enddl %}{% enddiv %}

some of django.contrib...


Part 5: Debug Tools



(not optional)



django debug toolbar

command extensions



Fin. Questions?

Andy McKayClearwind Consulting
