Youth Synod...2018/10/14  · Please DO NOT leave your 'filled box' box in St George’s church....

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Transcript of Youth Synod...2018/10/14  · Please DO NOT leave your 'filled box' box in St George’s church....


Collections & Standing Orders

St George’s: £1216 & £995 St Teresa’s: £148 & £230 St George’s CAFOD: £836 St Teresa’s CAFOD: £204

Thank you for your generosity

Upcoming Second Collections: 21st October: Home Mission Sunday 28th October: St George’s Boiler Appeal 4th November: Cathedral Appeal 25th November: Catholic Youth Service

Diocesan Prayer Link: Holy Family , Patchway, Bristol

Parish Priest: Monsignor Bernard Massey Assistant Priest: Fr David Savoury

Parish Administrator: Carolyn Kirby St George & St Teresa Parish Office: Tel: 01823 272700 Hours: Monday - Thursday 9.30am - 1.00pm & Friday 10.00am - 5.00pm Email: Website: Permanent Deacon: Rev Trevor Jones: email:; tel: 01823 270 935

Churches: St George’s, Billet St, Taunton, TA1 3NN St Teresa’s, Eastwick Rd, Taunton, TA2 7HF

We remember all those who have died recently

And those whose anniversaries occur at this time:

Michael Woodhead, Walter Binding, Avelique Brooks-Daw, Patricia Brown, Florence Cook, Kevin Leavy, Michael

Maloney, Angela Richards, Mary Webber, Dick Widger,

Mary Chedzoy, Patrick Brown, Philomena Tibbenham, Rita Nicholas,

Mary Spicer, Hilda Wilson, Oliver Kowalewski, Joseph Bottomley,

Jock Green, Cynthia Marshall, Ursula Dowley, Tom McLoughlin, Louise Rogers, Pauline Moscardini

& Patrick Sheehan

In this week's extract from the letter to the Hebrews St Paul says that the word of God is "something alive and active: it cuts like any double-edged sword". In the story of the rich young man kneeling before Jesus, asking what he must do to inherit eternal life, the word of God must certainly have been felt keenly when Jesus counselled him to, "sell everything you own and give the money to the poor". Being a man of great wealth, he went away sad. Why does Jesus go on to say that it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God? It is no sin to be rich and the people listening to Jesus saw wealth was a sign of God's favour; but whilst it is no sin to be rich, possession of even moderate wealth can lead us to be less than Christians are called to be – humble, loving and peaceful. Nations go to war over the appropriation of wealth. It is no surprise that individuals can be corrupted by it; can become domineering, devious, manipulative, proudly-aloof and even, when their interests appear to be threatened, downright dangerous. The lure of that power which wealth affords is dangerous to the soul because the powerful can become indifferent to the plight of those suffering want or persecution. Human fellowship is fractured. The attitude that says people are poor because they are lazy, for instance, has no place in the Christian heart; neither does hostility to refugees or even economic migrants. When Jesus says that it is as hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven as it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, but that everything is possible for God, I am inclined to think that the more our eyes are open to the needs of the poor and underprivileged, the more they have our

empathy and our alms, the wider the Father makes the eye of the needle. Fr David

CONFESSIONS & ROSARY St George's: Confessions Thursday: 12.00-12:20pm Saturday: 10:00am-10:30am & 5:00pm –5:20pm Rosary : Thursdays: 11:45am & Saturdays:10:00am

St Teresa’s: Confessions by request

Sat 13th


St George’s 28th Sunday Intention of Teresa Hewitt

Sun 14th


St George’s 28th Sunday People of the Parishes

Sun 14th


St George’s 28th Sunday Taunton Parish Harvest Festival Mass

Sun 14th


St Teresa’s 28th Sunday Alec Newbury RIP

Mon 15th

9:30am St George’s St Teresa of Jesus

(of Avila) Deceased Members of the Walker & Baron Families

Tues 16th


St George’s Dedication of Anniversary of the Parish Churches

Mary Tucker RIP

Wed 17th


St George’s St Ignatius of Antioch Margaret Reid RIP

Thurs 18th


St George’s St Luke Cynthia Marshall RIP

Fri 19th


St Teresa’s Feria Carmelo & Graziello Petraschi RIP

Sat 20th


St George’s Feria Intention of Sina Healey

Sat 20th


St George’s 29th Sunday People of the Parishes

Sun 21st


St George’s 29th Sunday Maria Zelazik RIP

Sun 21st


St George’s 29th Sunday Intention of Joan Walker

Sun 21st


St Teresa’s 29th Sunday Joan King RIP


BOOKSHOP: Please support your church & pay us a visit for your Gifts & Cards. Opening times:

Sunday, 8.30am -11.30am

Spanish Lessons Advanced Spanish on Tuesdays 10 - 11:30am. Spanish for Beginners on Tuesdays 6:30 - 8pm.

Classes are in The Catholic Centre & just begun FFI/to book ring 01823 975212

or email: myriamsmith@btinternet,com

Mother’s Prayer Group

meets every Tuesday 9:30am to 10:30am in The Catholic Centre. Hope for your family ‘Nothing is impossible with God’

Friends of St George's 200 Club Winners - September

1. Anthony Norton (£20) 2. Jim Grace (£12) 3. John Carrington (£8)

New members welcome. Please pick up a form which is available from the back of the church; please return the completed form together with your subscription to the Recto-

ry marking your envelope '200 Club'. Many thanks.


Please forward your Red Box to your Promoter for emptying ASAP.

Please DO NOT leave your 'filled box' box in St George’s church.

Many thanks. Phil Jones & Betty Pond

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION If your child is in Year 3 or above and you would like him/her to make his/her First Holy Communion in June next year, please

email the Rectory on: for a First Holy Communion Application Form. Please complete &

return the form to the Parish Office by Sunday, 18th November. There will be a meeting for the parents on Wednesday, 21st

November 2018 at 7pm in St George’s Church. Sessions for the children will start on Saturday, 12th January 2019 at 4.30pm, in the Catholic Centre. The date of the First Holy Communion

Masses next year will be Saturday 22nd June 2019.

Congratulations to the families of Nylah Edginton, Gabriela

Duchnicz, Borys Horeczy, Zoe Scrivener-Contreras, Marcel Leszczynski, Cecilia Smith, and

Annabelle & William McEllwaine who were Baptised recently.

Information provided to the Diocese, together with all other personal data about individuals held by the Parish & Clifton Diocese is processed in accordance with the Diocese’s Privacy Notice, which is available at or from the Parish Office.

Foundation Governor St George’s Catholic School is

seeking to appoint 2 Foundation Governors onto the Governing Body. The school is looking for

enthusiastic and committed members of our parish who are prepared to express their views,

listen to the views of others representing the school and to influence pupils’ education for

the better. FFI Contact Mgr Bernard Massey or Helen

MacConnell (Chair of Governors).

Prayer of Silence Group Meetings at 10.15am in the Catholic Centre. We

will now be meeting on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month, on these

dates: 22nd October; 12th & 26th No-vember; 10th December; with

no meeting on 24th December! Everyone is welcome to come

and join us. FFI contact: Rev Ed Channing on 251253 or

Wrio Russell on 421796

There will be a six-week introductory course on Christian Meditation

starting on Wednesday, 7th November at the Catholic Centre, Taunton, 5.30pm to 6.30pm. The

meetings include a talk, an experience of Christian meditation

& a time for questions & discussion. We are using the methods &

materials of the world Community for Christian Meditation, which

carries on the work of Dom John Main, an English 20th Century

Benedictine monk who did much to recover the ancient Christian practice

of Silent Meditation using a single sacred word or mantra. FFI contact

Dcn Ed Channing on 251253 or Wrio Russell on 421796.

MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS During the month of November we

pray for the Holy Souls. We also remember those dear to us who have died, family & friends & the

deceased of our parish. Throughout this month those names placed in

the Holy Soul Box will be prayed for at all Masses. Please place your list of names in the Holy Souls Box at

the front of the church.

Clifton Diocesan Vacancies For details of all current Vacancies, for

Application forms & full job descriptions visit the Clifton Diocese website under the

heading “Diocese – Working for us”.

Youth Synod During October, Pope Francis is

holding a Synod in Rome on Youth, Faith & Vocational

Discernment. For the week of 15th – 21st October, our diocese is entering into a time of focus and prayer for young people.

Prayers for each day are available along with many more resources for young people, catechists and

parishes from your parish and from: You can follow our Social media journey to the Synod each day

using @cliftonyouth.