Your Yooralla Experience Easy English · Web viewGiving feedback means telling us what you think...

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Transcript of Your Yooralla Experience Easy English · Web viewGiving feedback means telling us what you think...

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Your Yooralla Experience Easy English


What is feedback? 3How to give feedback about Yooralla 5How to give feedback face to face 6How to give feedback by telephone 7How to give feedback by post 8Who else can you speak to 9Words in this sheet 10Feedback form 11

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Responsible Manager: Director, Quality & Safeguards Controlled version: 2 Page 2 of 15

Yooralla Customer Feedback

Easy English version

What is feedback?

Giving feedback means telling us what you think



our service


someone who works at Yooralla.

Feedback is important. It helps us improve what we

do for you.

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Responsible Manager: Director, Quality & Safeguards Controlled version: 2 Page 3 of 15

You can tell us if

we are doing a good job


someone who works at Yooralla is doing a good


You can tell us how we can do things better.

You can tell us if you are unhappy about

our service

the way you have been treated


someone who works at Yooralla.

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Responsible Manager: Director, Quality & Safeguards Controlled version: 2 Page 4 of 15

How to give feedback about Yooralla

You can choose how to give us feedback.

You can give us feedback

face to face

by telephone

on our website

by email


by post.

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Responsible Manager: Director, Quality & Safeguards Controlled version: 2 Page 5 of 15

How to give feedback face to face

If you would like to give feedback to someone face

to face you can speak to

your manager

your service delivery officer


your support worker.

If you would like someone to meet with you

phone 03 9666 4500


ask for the Customer Relations Team.

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Responsible Manager: Director, Quality & Safeguards Controlled version: 2 Page 6 of 15

How to give feedback by telephone

If you would like to give feedback by telephone

phone 03 9666 4500


ask for the Customer Relations Team.

If you have a hearing impairment you can use the

National Relay Service.

Go to

If you do not speak English you can use the

Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS).

Phone 131 450

How to give feedback on our website

If you would like to give feedback on our website go


How to give feedback by post

If you would like to post us your feedback you can

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fill out the form at the end of this sheet


post it to Yooralla

PO Box 238

Collins Street West

Melbourne Vic 8007

If you would like us to contact you

ask for a Your Yooralla Experience Contact

Me form at your Yooralla service


use the envelope to post it back to us. You do

not have to put a stamp on the envelope.

Who else can you speak to?This document is uncontrolled when printed, please refer to the Controlled Documents Library for the current controlled versionApprover: Director, Policy Compliance & Research Effective Date: 7/10/2019 Review Date: 31/12/2019

Responsible Manager: Director, Quality & Safeguards Controlled version: 2 Page 8 of 15

You can tell someone else if you are not

happy with our service.

You can speak to the

Disability Services Commissioner Phone 1800 677 342

Department of Education and Training Phone 03 9637 2000

The Complaints Resolution and Referral Service Phone 1800 880 052

Department of Health & Human ServicesPhone 1300 884 706

Abuse and Neglect HotlinePhone 1800 880 052

Transport Accident Commission (TAC)Phone 1800 931 233 (Monday-Friday between 9am-5pm)

Words in this sheet

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Responsible Manager: Director, Quality & Safeguards Controlled version: 2 Page 9 of 15

Service What we do for you. The support we give you.

It can also mean the place you come to get support

from us. For example

a day service.

Support To help someone. To give them what they need.

Hearing A person who has a hearing impairment cannot

impairment hear properly. They might

be unable to hear at all


only hear a little bit

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Responsible Manager: Director, Quality & Safeguards Controlled version: 2 Page 10 of 15

Feedback form

Fill out this form if you would like to post your

feedback to us.

You can ask someone to help you do this.

What is your feedback about?

Mark or tick ONE answer.

Yooralla in general

A Yooralla service

Write which service here


Someone who works at Yooralla

Write the person’s name here


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Responsible Manager: Director, Quality & Safeguards Controlled version: 2 Page 11 of 15

Tell us about you

Mark or tick ONE answer

I am a person with disability


I receive services from Yooralla

I am a person with disability


I DO NOT receive services from


I am a family member of a person who

receives services from Yooralla

I am a friend of a person who receives

services from Yooralla

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Responsible Manager: Director, Quality & Safeguards Controlled version: 2 Page 12 of 15

Do you want us to contact you?



Write how we can contact you here




Write what you would like to tell us.










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Responsible Manager: Director, Quality & Safeguards Controlled version: 2 Page 13 of 15

Write what you would like to see happen.










You have finished this form.

Thank-you for your feedback.

Please send to:

PO Box 238

Collins Street West

Melbourne Vic 8007

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Responsible Manager: Director, Quality & Safeguards Controlled version: 2 Page 14 of 15

Images in this sheet are from

Softpics © Innovative Communication

Programming (Ylana Bloom

& Dolly Bhargava)

Mark A. Hicks, Illustrator.



This document is uncontrolled when printed, please refer to the Controlled Documents Library for the current controlled versionApprover: Director, Policy Compliance & Research Effective Date: 7/10/2019 Review Date: 31/12/2019

Responsible Manager: Director, Quality & Safeguards Controlled version: 2 Page 15 of 15