Your First 50 Chinese Phrases

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Transcript of Your First 50 Chinese Phrases

Your First 50 Chinese Phrases | Aaron Posehn 1

Your First 50

Chinese Phrases

Aaron Posehn

Your First 50 Chinese Phrases | Aaron Posehn 2

Copyright © Aaron Posehn, 2013

All Rights Reserved

Your First 50 Chinese Phrases

First edition released April 2013 from Vancouver, Canada




Cover art by Claire Wang

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Your First 50 Chinese Phrases | Aaron Posehn 4

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his

head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”

– Nelson Mandela

“To have another language is to possess a second soul.”

‒ Charlemagne


‒ 老子

“The journey of a thousand miles starts from beneath one’s feet.”

– Laozi


‒ 孔子

“Is it not a pleasure after all to put into practice in due time what one

has learned?”



‒ 孔子

“When three people walk together,

you are sure to learn something from

at least one.”

– Confucius

Your First 50 Chinese Phrases | Aaron Posehn 5

Table of Contents

About the Author……………………………………………………………………… 6

Your First 50 Chinese Phrases………………………………………………… 7

Afterword………………………………………………………………………………… 10 14 12

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About the Author

Aaron Posehn is a graduate of the

University of British Columbia in

Vancouver, Canada, majoring in Asian

Area Studies and specializing in China,

Taiwan, and India. He additionally has

an Associate of Arts degree from

Capilano University, having studied

philosophy, history, English, and


Aaron has had an interest in Asian

cultures and languages since in his

early teens, first learning Mandarin and

Chinese characters through self-study

and then continuing formally in extra-

curricular classes and at university.

In addition to Mandarin, he has a love for foreign languages and

cultures in general and is keen to spend the rest of his life bridging

cultures so as to better understand the world in which he lives.

Aaron also runs a Facebook page called Always Chinese and the

website How to Learn Chinese Writing.

方希哲(Aaron Posehn)畢業於加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學,文學學士學位,主修








Your First 50 Chinese Phrases | Aaron Posehn 7

Your First 50 Chinese Phrases

1. 我明白了 [wǒ míngbái le] – I see

2. 我不干了! [wǒ bù gān le] – I quit!

3. 放手! [fàng shǒu] – Let go!

4. 我也是 [wǒ yě shì] – Me too

5. 天哪! [tiān na] – My god!

6. 不行! [bù xíng] – No way!

7. 来吧 [lái ba] – Come on

8. 等一等 [děng yī děng] – Hold on

9. 我同意 [wǒ tóngyì] – I agree

10. 还不错 [hái bù cuò] – Not bad

11. 还没 [hái méi] – Not yet

12. 再见 [zàijiàn] – Goodbye

13. 闭嘴! [bì zuǐ] – Shut up!

14. 回头见 [huítóu jiàn] – So long

15. 为什么不呢? [wèishéme bù ne] – Why not?

16. 让我来 [ràng wǒ lái] – Allow me

17. 安静点! [ānjìng diǎn] – Be quiet!

18. 振作起来! [zhènzuò qǐlái] – Cheer up!

19. 做得好! [zuò de hǎo] – Good job!

Your First 50 Chinese Phrases | Aaron Posehn 8

20. 玩得开心! [wán de kāixīn] – Have fun!

21. 多少钱? [duōshǎo qián] – How much?

22. 我饱了 [wǒ bǎo le] – I’m full

23. 我回来了 [wǒ huílái le] – I’m back

24. 我迷路了 [wǒ mílù le] – I’m lost

25. 我请客 [wǒ qǐngkè] – My treat

26. 我也一样 [wǒ yě yīyàng] – So do I

27. 这边请 [zhè biān qǐng] – This way please

28. 您先 [nín xiān] – After you

29. 祝福你! [zhùfú nǐ] – Bless you!

30. 跟我来 [gēn wǒ lái] – Come with me

31. 算了! [suàn le] – Forget it

32. 祝你好运 [zhù nǐ hǎoyùn] – Good luck

33. 我拒绝! [wǒ jùjué] – I decline!

34. 我保证 [wǒ bǎozhèng] – I promise

35. 当然了! [dāngrán le] – Of course!

36. 慢一点! [màn yī diǎn] – Slow down!

37. 保重! [bǎozhòng] – Take care!

38. 我的头好痛 [wǒde tóu hǎo tòng] – My head hurts

39. 再试试 [zài shìshi] – Try again

40. 小心! [xiǎoxīn] – Watch out!

41. 有什么事吗? [yǒu shéme shì ma] – What’s happening?

42. 加油! [jiāyóu] – Go! Go! Go!

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43. 干杯! [gānbēi] – Cheers!

44. 不许动! [bùxǔ dòng] – Don’t move!

45. 猜猜看? [cāicai kàn] – Guess what?

46. 我怀疑 [wǒ huáiyí] – I doubt it

47. 我也这么想 [wǒ yě zhème xiǎng] – I think so too

48. 我是单身 [wǒ shì dānshēn] – I’m single

49. 坚持下去! [jiānchí xiàqu] – Keep it up!

50. 让我想一想 [ràng wǒ xiǎng yī xiǎng] – Let me think about it

秦始皇 [Qín shǐ huáng] -

Qin Shi Huang, the first

emperor to unite what

was then China in 221


Among other feats like

building the Great Wall,

he standardized much

of the written Chinese

language so that it

could be more

accessible to those in

his empire.

Your First 50 Chinese Phrases | Aaron Posehn 10


I hope you enjoyed this eBook! Learning Chinese can be a long

(though fascinating!) road to fluency. Keep at it and you’ll be sure to achieve all of your language goals. For more daily practice and

exposure to the language, you might like to check out my Facebook page, Always Chinese, which posts new Chinese words and sentences

daily, as well as shares resources (like the picture below) for improving language and writing skills in general.

And for more on how to learn and practice Chinese characters, remember to link back to my main site How to Learn Chinese Writing.

Your First 50 Chinese Phrases | Aaron Posehn 11

©2013 Your First 50 Chinese Phrases

Written by Aaron Posehn



First released April 2013