Young women experts: shaping the world “ Peer educators working with Syrian refugees” Thursday...

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Transcript of Young women experts: shaping the world “ Peer educators working with Syrian refugees” Thursday...

Young women experts: shaping the world

“Peer educators working with Syrian refugees”

Thursday 24.7.201413:00-14:00

What is Y-PEER?

Y-PEER is the Youth Peer Education Network; a comprehensive

youth-to-youth initiative pioneered by UNFPA since 2002.

Y-PEER is concerned with various issues surrounding young sexual and

reproductive health & rights (SRHR)

Y-PEER is a network of more than 500 non-profit organizations and

governmental institutions

Registered Syrians in Jordan


2.2%Child at




%83.7In Urban

28.8%Male Youth

25.4%Female Youth


at risk

“I do not have a job for you, but could marry you if you like,” is what Aisha was told when she went looking for job.

Early Marriage

“Farah, a 28-year-old woman refugee from Syria and a mother of three, is an example of the problem. Farah told me that on one occasion she preferred to endure thirst for a whole day until her husband returned from work, rather than contacting the company which supplies drinking water to their neighborhood , out of fear the delivery men might harass her and her husband’s jealousy would be fuelled.”


Sexual Exploitation

“Vulnerable young Syrian women are being sold into marriage, trafficked and exploited by predatory men, they called themselves aid workers”


• more than 80 organizations are currently responding to the Syrian crisis in Jordan, only 3 of them provide RH services (UNFPA, IRC, IFH)*

• The voluntary counseling and testing center that belongs to MoH, provides free testing, treatment, and psychological care to HIV carriers. There is one center in each governorate that is accessible by all regardless of their nationalities

Y-PEER in Humanitarian Settings

• Development of “Peer Education in Humanitarian settings” manual

• Regional ToT in Amman, July 2012 (25)• National ToT in Amman, Nov 2012 (20)• National ToT in Amman, May 2013 (20)

working with refugees Peer education trainings 10 DoA ToT

Peer Education Trainings

• 4 Peer education trainings were conducted in Zaatari camp, qualifying 100 persons to become peer educators

• This was followed by a number of initiatives, led by the Syrian youth themselves to reach out to their peers

Training of Trainers

• One ToT was held in Zaatari camp back in March 2014, qualifying 65 persons

• What’s interesting about it:- Not only peer educators, but also trainers- Staff and volunteers - Jordanians and Syrians - Young and adults


• Pre/post• Trainers evaluation• training evaluation• Trainees evaluation

Note: All data is entered and analyzed on survey monkey


• Access to camps• Different age group• Different backgrounds/interests • Follow up and sustainability • Logistics• No full commitment

Way forward

• doing similar trainings/activities more often• Advocating on different levels for the

provision of relevant services• Establishing Youth-friendly spaces that are

accessible , safe, and free of charge• Exploring potential collaboration between

different actors

How to reach us?

• Y-PEER international Y-PEER• Y-PEER Jordan Y-PEER Jordan “Official page”