You think you can be rich

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of You think you can be rich

You think you can be rich…

Or you think you can’t…EITHER WAYS YOU ARE RIGHT !

Being rich is awesome!

You have the freedom to do anything you want without asking for permission

Being rich is awesome!

Spend more time seeking new experiences and having fun

Being rich is awesome!

Like it or not, people with money get respect

Being rich is awesome!

With money, you can change people’s lives.

Being rich is awesome!

Travelling and staying comfortable doesn’t hurt

Being rich is awesome!

When you are rich, you get to hangout with rich people, use the network, learn

right things and create better impact!

Being rich is awesome!

As famous poker player, multi millionaire playboy Dan Bilzerian says, “the best thing about being rich is that after you experience all the good things, you TRULY know that money alone doesn’t equal happiness. It’s the road to the top that makes you happy, not the sitting at the top”

That’s some knowledge you’ll appreciate when you are Rich! Sure.

If being rich is truly awesome, Why then won’t you want to be?

There is more to it, than you think..

It never occurred to you..

Most Indians have grown up in middle class families and it has never occurred to them they could get rich.

You probably associate to being smart or intelligent or athletic, but RICH?

Or, maybe you heard things like..

Only the corrupt have lot of money

Aspire within your means Don’t take risks

The rich have no morals You can be honest, or you can be rich

But you will know that being good or bad, has nothing to do with being rich or poor..

You can be richThe world no longer scoffs at the dreamer, nor calls him impractical.

If you think it does, read about this guy and his plans to colonise Mars.

He is the raddest man alive on earth today and is among the top 100 richest people.

Read about him here.


It simply starts with thinking and believing richness is within your reach.

If you think you can be rich – you can!

You don’t even have to make a lot..

To end up rich…

And it doesn’t even matter where or when you start..

What matters is that you start

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