You can be successful

Post on 08-May-2015

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You can be successful...

Transcript of You can be successful





There is common force that drives all

of us


“Always bear in mind that your own

resolution to succeed is more important than

any other”. -Abraham Lincoln


Regardless of who we are or what our specific goals may be, we want the security and comfort that material success provides, as well as the satisfaction of knowing that our lives are turning out well and count for something.


• If we all want the same basic thing, why then are some people so much more successful than others?


Are circumstances the deciding factors?

Some people succeed despite incredibly difficult circumstances.

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Is success determined by natural ability?

Yet many gifted people fail and those seeming less likely are highly successful.


According to some experts• Establishment of priorities• Planning • Managing time wisely and so on• Single mindedness

What makes the difference?


some other experts say-

• Motivation• Hard work• Ability to work well with others


• In reality, to have the greatest chance at success, it takes a combination of these and more………

• Coupled with…..

The art of any war is

Know your enemy…………




Lack of a clear goal-A focus

“if you don’t know where you are going, you’ll wind up some where else.-Yogi Berra.


“ He who fails to plan, plans to fail”…


Rigidity and lazinessA closed mind is closed not only to the thoughts of outside world, but to itself too….

Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard at it.


Accepting defeat:

Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on, after others have let go.

-William Feather


Everything lies in your hands

You are the master of your destiny……


Let’s carve it