Yoga For Anyone Workbook to the master of Kundalini yoga, Yogi Bhajan, “If there is anything...

Post on 20-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Yoga For Anyone Workbook to the master of Kundalini yoga, Yogi Bhajan, “If there is anything...


Relaxation Yoga For Anyone, Anywhere

Michele Risa, Founder & CEO

Enjoy Healthy Living   

Yoga For Anyone, Anywhere 2    

Create Your Dream Life First, create a vision. Next, SEE and FEEL it as if it already exists. (This sets your vibration and frequency to begin attracting it to you. Think it’s hard? Just be the fabulous actor or actress you’ve always admired!) Now, hold this vision and sensation each time you watch your 3 minute video. Finally, as opportunities present themselves, take ACTION. Enjoy your success. Vision:              In order to achieve best results, maintain a daily practice (or as often as you can). To keep you on track and enjoy a smile on your face, check mark each day you practice.  

Day 1   Day 17  Day 2    Day 18   Day 3    Day 19   Day 4    Day 20   Day 5    Day 21   Day 6    Day 22   Day 7    Day 23   Day 8    Day 24   Day 9    Day 25   

Day 10    Day 26   Day 11    Day 27   Day 12    Day 28   Day 13    Day 29   Day 14    Day 30   Day 15    Day 31   Day 16   Congratulations You did it!!


Yoga For Anyone, Anywhere 3  

Relaxation Yoga Exercise Overview

First Exercise: Start by placing your palms on the sides of your TEMPLES. Inhale and press gently; Exhale and release.

Second Exercise: Now bring your hands to the sides of your NECK. Again, inhale and press gently; Exhale and release.

Third Exercise: Next, place your hands at your WAIST, 4 fingers in front, thumbs in back. Inhale and press gently; Exhale and release.

Fourth Exercise: Now, create fists and gently tap your CHEST above your breasts, alternately with each fist. Inhale as tap with the right and Exhale as tap with the left. Choose a pace that is comfortable.

Fifth Exercise: Keeping your hands in fists, gently tap your LOWER BACK or KIDNEY area.

Tap on either side of your spine. Again, Inhale as tap with the right and Exhale as tap with the left. Choose a pace that is comfortable.

Sixth Exercise: Keeping your hands in fists, tap your NAVEL point, your power center, using

the same tapping movement and breath.


To end, inhale, suspend your breath as you bring your hands to your knees, palms up, into Gyan Mudra, thumb and index fingers touching; Exhale.

Sit and meditate.  

Yoga For Anyone, Anywhere 4  

Relaxation Yoga


1. True False The only way to relax is to lie on your back and sleep.

2. True False Massaging your temples releases stress and creates a calmer mind.

3. True False

Massaging your neck releases tension and enhances communication.

4. True False Massaging your liver, gall bladder and spleen helps with detoxification and digestion.

5. True False

Massaging your lymphatic system helps reduce illness.

6. True False Massaging your lower back or kidney area helps your urinary system which maintains your acid-base balance and regulates blood pressure by maintaining salt and water balance.

7. True False

Your navel is your power center.

8. “Praying is talking to God.” “Meditating is letting God talk to ______.”    

According to the master of Kundalini yoga, Yogi Bhajan, “If there is anything Divine in you, it’s your breath.”

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