Year_book_2011_2012 Geological Survey of pakistan

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Its an annually published book by geological survey of best for geologists.

Transcript of Year_book_2011_2012 Geological Survey of pakistan




    1. Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP) is an attached department of the Federal Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources with its headquarters office located at Quetta and as per its charter the GSP is responsible for study of geology of the country in all pertinent details and to assess its geological resource potential. With a balanced, efficient and competitive structure, GSP is now fully capable to explore mineral resources and undertake geological, geophysical, geo-technical and geo-chemical investigations, and drilling. During the recent past GSPs technical services were frequently availed by the local and foreign companies, institutions and private sector organizations. The GSP also undertakes development projects to cater to immediate needs in the fields of geological mapping and mineral exploration. It undertakes:

    Geological mapping and other geoscientific surveys, Basic and applied research in earth sciences, Scientific investigations for an accurate understanding of the countrys geological

    resources and their prudent management, and Environmental geology and hydrogeological studies.


    2. The GSP was established in 1947 with the creation of Pakistan. The department is headed by the Director General. The technical and other activities of the department are planned and controlled by the Management Advisory Committee (MAC) with all Deputy Director General and equivalent officer as its member under the Chairmanship of the Director General. Region and category wise distribution of the manpower available in the department are given below:


    S. No. Name of Office Gazetted Staff Non-Gazetted Staff


    1. GSPs Headquarter office, Quetta.



    512 2. GSPs Regional office, Lahore.



    163 3. GSPs Regional office, Karachi.



    140 4. GSPs Regional office, Islamabad.



    79 5. GSPs Regional office, Peshawar.



    74 6. GSPs Regional office, AJK.



    17 7. GSPs Advance Geoscience

    Research Lab, Islamabad.









    S. No. Category Number 1. Geologists 146 2. Geophysicists 18 3. Chemists 21 4. Drilling Engineers etc 25 5. Photogrammetrists 7 6. Other technical 18 7. Administration & Accounts 29 8. Technical Staff 280 9. Ministerial Staff 155

    10. BPS 1-2 staff 308 Total 1007


    3. The GSP gets its annual budgetary allocation in the federal budget every year and some allocation is also made for the department in the federal PSDP for undertaking its Development Projects. The budget figures for the last five years are given below:


    Year 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Current Budget

    214.332 247.432 268.835 282.250 306.867

    Development Budget

    112.584 370.886 557.458 86.221 67.186








    4. Major accomplishments of the department during the fiscal year 2011-2012 are described below:


    5. The regional geological mapping of total area of 3,840 sq. km on 1:50,000 scale was completed in different parts of the country. The geological mapping included the coverage of 1,280 sq. km. area in Sindh, 640 sq. km in Punjab and 1,920 sq. km. area in Balochistan.


    6. Completed the following projects under the Paleontology and Stratigraphy branch, GSP headquarter, Quetta.

  • Paleontological Investigation of the Paleocene and Eocene Formations in the western Lakhi Range of Sindh Province.


    7. During this period investigations were carried out for the following Geophysical Mapping and Exploration projects:

    Ground magnetic and Regional Gravity surveys at Kuli Koh, Dalbandin for iron ore exploration for Pakistan Steel.

    Semi Regional Gravity and Magnetic Survey in Jaranwala Faisalabad area, Punjab.


    8. During this period investigations were carried out for the following Economic Geology projects:

    Thar Underground Coal Gasification project

    The GSP had discovered over 175 billion tons of lignite coal in Thar desert in 1992. The development of Thar coal reserves has been included in the priority list of projects which are likely to be launched during the current financial year. In this connection the Geological Survey of Pakistan has successfully completed drilling of 14 bore holes for the project Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) at Thar Sindh.

    Iron Ore Exploration for Pakistan Steel

    Large scale geological and topographic mapping for iron ore exploration in Kuli Koh, Dalbandin, Balochistan on the request of Pakistan Steel.


    During this period investigations were carried out under the following International Collaborative projects:

    Reconnaissance Survey of Geo-hazards and their Preventions and management in Earthquake hit areas (Neelum and Kaghan Valley, North Pakistan) with the Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hanover (BGR).


    During this period field and laboratory studies were completed on the following Research projects:

    Mineralogy and Genesis of Havelian iron ore prospect, District Abbotabad.


    The Geological Survey of Pakistan undertakes drilling under various programmes for energy (coal) and mineral exploration. During this period GSP undertook drilling operations under its different development projects, especially for underground coal gasification at Thar, Sindh.


    Analyzed 430 samples for 3440 estimations in GSP labs at Quetta, Lahore and Karachi. Sample preparation section at Geoscience lab, Islamabad prepared 224 powdered samples, 10 thin and 15 polished sections and its chemical section analyzed 580 samples for 4640 estimations by XRF, AAS and wet analysis and analysed 215 samples by XRF, XRD and AAS.


    i. Pinstech Seminar

    Syed Ishtiaq Khan and Asif Hanif, Chemists, Geolab Islamabad participated in the National Executive Management Seminar on Optimizing the exploration and exploitation of Natural resources using nuclear techniques. The seminar was organized by the Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology (PINSTECH) on 28-29 December, 2011. ii. International Conference EARTH SCIENCES PAKISTAN 2012

    Earth Sciences Pakistan conference circulars and Newspaper clipping will provide material for news to go with these pics. The National Centre of Excellence in Geology (NCEG) and Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, jointly organized EARTH SCIENCES PAKISTAN (ESP) 2012 at bara Gali Summer campus on 23-24 June, 2012. The ESP (2012) provided a platform to bring together earth scientists engaged in basic and applied research in different areas of earth sciences.

    Besides, traditional conference themes, this conference offered sponsored sessions to government and non-government organizations who wanted to showcase their research and professional activities in front of the community.

    The themes of the conference included Himalayan Tectonics; Economic Mineral Deposits; Depositional Systems & Petroleum Exploration; Environmental Geosciences; Natural Hazards; Risk Assessment, Disaster Management and Mitigation; and Water Resources. A release of the NCEG said here on Friday. Abstracts for presentations submitted have been published as abstract volume of the Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP)-

  • 2010 in the Journal of the Himalayan Earth Sciences (NCEG, University of Peshawar). From the ESP-2010 the organizers hoped to generate a wealth of information and promote research and mutual interaction across a wide spectrum of organizations. The energy crises, natural hazards, worsening economic situation, environmental degradation, population growth explosion, fast-depleting water resources and droughts in Pakistan have made the earth scientists more so important.Earth Science activities are wide spread across a multitude of organizations. Conferences provide the best platform for exchange of ideas, mutual interactions, research discussions, spread of technical knowledge and information about new developments. In such times their expertise, knowledge, technical know-how and in-depth analysis and understanding will directly contribute to the nations betterment.

    M/s Dr. Rehanul Haq Siddiqui, Asif Nazeer Rana, Nazarul Islam, Sadiq Malkani, Waliullah, M. Ashraf and M. Khalid represented GSP in this conference.--

    14. GENERAL

    i. Avalanche Hazards Mapping at Gyari, Siachin Glacier

    On the request of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), the Director General, Geological Survey of Pakistan assigned a team of GSP geoscientists to visit the

    Gyari Sector of Siachin, where an avalanche had taken 137 precious lives of the troops of Pakistan Army and some civilians between the night of 6th and 7th April 2012. The purpose of the trip was to conduct a Geohazard study and to evaluate the risk posed by the water ponding in consequence of blockade of the stream due to rock/snow avalanche. Geoscientists including Ch. Muhammad Latif, Deputy Director, Sardar Saeed Akhtar, Assistant Director, Simon Sadiq, Assistant Director, Nakeer Shah,

    Assistant Director reached Goma, the base camp of Siachin Brigade on the 19th May 2012. During the visit geoscientists had close contact with the Pakistan Military Officers

    involved in the rescue operation and gave them technical advices. The team also visited Bn HQ of a unit located at Gyong Sector, and studied the risk posed by the debris flow to the settlement and installations of the unit. The findings of the study were shared with the officer incharge of Pakistan Army.

    After completing these tasks the team reached Gilgit on 24th May, 2012 under the instructions of Director General GSP to conduct a Geohazard Assessment Survey in the areas suggest/proposed by the Governor of Gilgit-Baltistan through NDMA. After the survey, technical advice was shared with the responsible officials there while a detailed report is under preparation, which will be submitted to the authorities in due course of time.

  • ii. Dr. Samar Mubarakmand Visits GSP HQ Office Quetta and Geoscience Labs, Islamabad

    Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, Member, Science & Technology, Planning Commission visited GSPs Head Quarter Office, Quetta on February 24, 2011 and Geoscience Lab., Islamabad on January 24, 2012. Dr. Imran Khan, Director General, Geological Survey of Pakistan gave a detailed briefing to the honourable guest on the functions of GSP and the position of coal resources in the country, in particular, Thar coal and its usage as alternate energy in the wake of serious

    electricity shortage, leading to unscheduled load shedding all over the country and shortage of gas, both affecting the economy of the country and depriving 180 million people of basic necessities. Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, Member Science & Technology, Planning Commission also gave a briefing to the Standing Committee on Petroleum & Natural Resurces on 6th September, 2011. Dr. Samar Mubarakmand. Dr. Imran Khan, Director General, Geological Survey of Pakistan attended this briefing with secretaries of Petroleum Ministry and provincial Mines & Minerals Departments.

    Earlier, Dr. Imran Khan, Director General, Geological Survey of Pakistan had given a detailed briefing to the members of Standing Committee of the National Assembly on 18

    th July, 2011, at Islamabad. Speaking at these occasions, Dr. Imran Khan, Director

    General GSP informed the distinguished guests that with the success of Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) pilot project, it could be taken up in nine other areas of the country. The GSP had drilled 270 holes and carried out extensive exploratory drilling for more than 51,000 meters to generate dependable technical data to utilize. Coal is the cheapest and the most common fuel used directly or indirectly to produce electricity and heat in the world today. The development of Thar coal reserves has been included in the priority list of projects which are likely to be launched during the current financial year. President Asif Ali Zardari has underlined the need for expediting Thar Coal Gasification by removing the bottlenecks and holding regular review of the progress.

    Global coal consumption was about 6.7 billion tons in 2006 and is expected to increase 48% to 9.98 billion tons by 2030. China produces 2.38 billion tons coal. India produces about 447.3 million tons and Pakistan mines only about 8 million tons annually. About 68% of China's electricity comes from coal. The United States consumes about 14% of the world total, using 90% of it for generation of electricity.

  • The coal and various projects are expected to be online in the next 2 to 5 years. If these projects do succeed and Chinese investors are attracted to the power sector, then Pakistan has the potential to produce about 100,000 MW a year for a century or longer. The first test burn at underground coal gasification (UCG) project has been carried out successfully.

    The NA Standing Committee was also informed that Block -1 has been allocated to the Chinese Global Mining (CGM) company which plans to mine five million tons of coal a year to produce 900 MW of electricity, to be gradually increased to 2100 MW. Australian Continental energy had submitted a proposal for mining six million tons of coal annually, increasing it to 18 million tons to generate 1,100 MW in 5 years and 2,000 to 3,000 MW in 10-15 years.

    iii. GSP-BGR Project on Geohazard Assessment in Northern Pakistan

    A GSP BGR joint workshop on Geohazard Assessment in

    Northern Pakistan was held at Islamabad on 23rd January, 2012 for the scope of second phase preparation to institutionalize

    geohazard information

    and harmonizing

    effects. The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) and GSP are collaborating with each other in Geohazard Assessment Project in Mansehra, Pakistan from the last two years. A Project Progress Review (PPR) delegation who participated in this workshop included Dr. Arne Hoffmann-Rothe, Head of Unit, International Cooperation - Asia and Oceania; Dr. Dirk Balzer, Head of Unit "Engineering Geological Hazard Assessment ; Thomas Rehmann, International Cooperation, Project Coordinator Pakistan and Indonesia; and Ms. Ria Hidajat, Freelance Consultant, International Cooperation, Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation, GeoRisk, Germany.

  • Ms. Annette Lisy, BGR Project Manager for Pakistan, Geohazard Assessment in Northern Pakistan accompanying the appraisal mission briefed the audience about joint coordination efforts concerning landslide hazard mitigation in Mansehra district under this project. She showed the august gathering the landslide inventory and susceptibility maps prepared in the first phase of the selected project pilot areas on 1:50, 000 scale.

    Dr. Imran Khan, Director General GSP, presiding the technical session welcomed the distinguished guests and appreciated the team efforts of joint venture of GSP and BGR. He called for effective coordination among different bodies working in the field and stake holders and checks on duplication of responsibilities. He told the audience that a standardized data collection during all field activities of GSP was initiated with introducing the landslide inventory database and incorporated into world class map. He emphasized that the comprehensive risk exposure analysis to natural hazards relies on the availability of statistical data on a standard format. The approach guarantees the structured capture of the available baseline, hazard and vulnerability information relevant in the future risk mapping activities. This will support the data management in the second phase of the project and in the long term as a whole.

    Ms. Ria Hidajat, BGR consultant told that the Project Progress Review (PPR) has been established for steering and planning technical cooperation development measures and is a binding element of all German Development cooperation measures, and it serves to steer and prepare the next phase of the project. The PPR findings are to be used jointly with the partners and contribute to planning the continuation of the development measure.

    Highlighting the issue of capacity building and training, the DCO Mansehra Mr. Amber stressed the need to set up disaster response system at the grass root level. He proposed growing forest cover for slope stability and to reduce the flow of floodwater and construction of channels for drainage of overflowing water along the embankments. Mr. Muhammed Rafiq Jaffer moderating the panel discussion, constituted three working groups to identify the objectives for the second phase of the project. The working groups formulated their recommendations and the consensus was reached to strengthen the role of GSP by capacity building and feeding DRM related products of GSP to a broader stakeholder community in order to achieve an improved recognition of geohazards in development planning.

    The panel discussion concluded with closing remarks by Dr. Arne Hoffmann-Rothe, BGR who said that feedback of lessons learned and best possible practices from the pilot examples to relevant authorities on the various administrative levels like NDMA, PDMA and DDMA. The BGR delegation also visited Geoscience Lab, GSP on 16th January, 2012. Mr. Adnan Alam Awan, Project Manager GSP informed that BGR will prepare an offer for the second phase of the project to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development. Following the approval of the suggested project and administrative procedures in Pakistan, a project implementation agreement between the GSP and BGR will be signed.

  • iv. UG/GARL Project

    Geological Survey of Pakistans development project Upgradation and Strengthening of Geoscience Laboratories has been extended for another one year from July 01, 2011 to June 30, 2012. The Geosciences Advance Research Labs was established in 1991 as a grant in aid project by the Government of Japan, implemented through JICA. With its modern state of the art analytical facilities for advance research in all fields of earth sciences, the Geolabs is playing a pivotal role in the qualitative improvement of broad spectrum of technical activities and scientific studies. The project was approved in

    2005 for a period of five years at a total cost of Rs. 249.87 million.

    Under this project, spare parts of ICP-MS, XRF, XRD, muffle furnaces, Nebulizer for AAS and Scanning Electron Microscope were purchased. The project activities were severely hampered due to late and less release of funds. The PSDP in respect of UG/GARL project during current financial year received budget release of Rs. 21,990 million against the allocation of Rs.49,966 million. Due to delay in transfer of funds to Pak PWD authorities, the near completion buildings of Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) and Trainee Officers Hostel are not yet handed over to GSP. Similarly, due to ban on purchase of physical assets, furniture & fixture could not be arrangedand an amount of Rs. 2, 200 million had to be surrended unutilized. However, the HRDC has already successfully organized 27 technical trainings/workshops so far in the fields of Ore Microscopy, gem testing, geochem and geological studies.

    The upgraded Geolab is now providing back up analytical services in mineral exploration activities not only of the GSP but public & private mineral sector and universities too. After handing over the HRDC building to GSP, the earth scientists will benefit from the state-of-the-art research facilities in the fields of sophisticated instrumental analysis and training facilities will also be extended to neighboring countries, SAARC, OIC, ECO and national/intl universities.

    v. Geophysical Survey for Benazir Airport Islamabad

    On the request of Monitoring Wing, Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan, the Director General, GSP deputed a team from HQs office Quetta to conduct geophysical survey at Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Airport, being built near Fateh Jang, Islamabad. The Ground Penetrating Radar Survey was carried out by M/s S. Ali Abbas and Muhammed Saeed, Geophysicsts to monitor the quality of compaction and construction for the runway apron of Islamabad new airport in the first week of June, 2011.

  • vi. Expert Group Meeting on Landslide Terminology Classification Documentation & Hazard Mapping

    The Director General, GSP attended the Expert Group Meeting on Landslide Terminology Classification Documentation & Hazard Mapping at Hyderabad, India from 16 to 17 November, 2011. The meeting was arranged and sponsored by SAARC.

    The Director General, GSP, presented in the meeting the expertise developed by the GSP especially under the GSP-BGR collaborative project. Through this project a number of hazard zonation maps covering northern areas and Azad Jammu and Kashmir have

    been prepared and a number of GSPs geoscientists have been given domestic and foreign trainings.

    vii. UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (GGIM )

    The Director General, GSP attended the UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (GGIM ) from 24 to 26 October, 2011 at Seoul, Republic of Korea.

    The DG, GSP gave the overview of the GIS related activities in the country and gave his suggestion for capacity building of the department and long and short term training needs of its geoscientists.

    viii. International Workshop on Seismicity and Earthquake Engineering in South Asia Region.

    A 5 days International Workshop on Seism-city and Earthquake Engineering in South Asia Region was organized by UNESCO at Tehran, Iran from 16 to 20 May, 2010. The Director General, GSP actively participated in the meeting.

  • He briefed the participants of the meeting about the expertise developed by the GSP by producing a large number of hazard zonation maps covering northern areas and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. In response to call from Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA), National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), the GSP has successfully completed a number o projects in the 2005 earthquake affected areas, he added.

    ix. Inaugural meetings of Pak- China Joint Energy working group at Beijing, China

    Under the directives of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, the Director General, GSP, participated in the inaugural meetings of Pak- China Joint Energy working group accompanied with Minister Water and Power at Beijing, China from 01 to 05 August, 2011. The meeting was called and managed by the Chinese Govt.

    x. 1st Workshop of the IGCP 600 followed by the Scotts Workshop at Beijing, China

    The DG, GSP attended the 1st Workshop of the IGCP 600 followed by the Scotts workshop at Beijing, China from 29 Oct to 05 Nov, 2011 organized by UNESCO/ Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences.


    i. Training Workshop on Ore Microscopy

    As a part of its academic support and technology transfer program, the Geoscience Laboratories, GSP Islamabad organized a five day training workshop on Ore Microscopy under Up-gradation and Strengthening of Geoscience Advanced Research Laboratories. The objective of this training workshop was

    to learn various techniques of ore microscopy by providing some basic theoretical as well as practical knowledge on ore microscopy, so that the participants could be able to identify the most common ore minerals to study their texture and paragenesis. The workshop was conducted by Dr. Rehanul Haq Siddiqui, Mr Asif Nazeer Rana and Ms. Naghma Haider. The main topics of lectures and hands-on practical included in this course were: preparation of polished ore sections, principle and construction of reflected-light polarizing microscope, optical properties of ore minerals, common ore textures and their significance, and ore paragenetic studies. The following organizations nominated their technical officers to participate in this workshop: Azad Jammu & Kashmir University, Muzaffarabad; Comsats Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, Saindak Metals Ltd, Quetta; NUST Islamabad and Uthal University of Water, Agriculture and Marine Sciences, Lasbela. Four officers from various GSP regional offices also participated in this workshop.

    ii. Dutch Training

    M/s Naveed Munnawar, Sajjad Khan, Ishtiaq Khan and Asif Hanif were nominated from Geolabs Islamabad to participate in a 5 day XRD and XRF Basic Application course in November and December respectively in the Netherlands. M/s PANAlytical B.V., who had supplied these equipments to Geolabs has sponsored this training facility, travel expenses and boarding & lodging. The

  • training course on XRD was held at Application Competence Centre, Almelo, the Netherland from 31st Oct to 4th November, 2011. The training course on XRF was held at Application Competence Centre, Almelo, the Netherlands from 5th December to 9th December, 2011.

    iii. SEM Training in Japan

    Dr. Rehan-ul Haq Siddiqui and Ms. Naghma Haider attended an instrument training on JEOL SEM at Tokyo, Japan from July 09 to 22, 2011. The GSPs Geolabs had recently purchased JEOL Scanning Electron Microscope JSM-6610LV. M/S JEOL Ltd Japan offered this training facility at its Tachikawa manufacturing plant. M/S Analytical Measuring Systems Pvt. Ltd, JEOL sole distributor in Pakistan arranged the air ticket, lodging, boarding and tuition fee for this training program.

    iv. GIS Training Program at GSP-H8 office Islamabad from 1-11 March, 2011 Organized under the GSP-BGR Technical Cooperation Project- Geohazard Assessment in Northern Pakistan (GANP)

    Eleven days GIS training organized at GSP regional office Islamabad was imparted to fifteen selected Assistant Directors from GSP Peshawar, Lahore, Karachi, AJ&K, Geoscience Lab and Quetta offices. The GIS training was delivered using ESRI, ArcGIS softwares. The training was

    designed with the purpose to make participants proficient to develop geospatially

  • referenced maps and being able to install and introduce intelligent mapping with ArcGIS in their respective environment and to adopt it for their regular GSP projects.

    Dr. Zafar Qadir, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and N.R. was the Chief Guest at the certificate distribution ceremony held on 11th March and highly appreciated the efforts of the participants and organizers. Mrs. Annette Lisy, Project Manager of BGR said in her remarks that this training is considered as an important step for the capacity building of GSP. Dr. Imran Khan DG, GSP in his remarks said that GIS has been introduced and applied in almost all the disciplines of GSP and it is his top priority to train GSP officers in the field of GIS that is need of the era as well.

    v. 8th International Training Course on GIS for Disaster Risk Management, 7 18 May 2012, Bangkok Thailand

    On the advice of Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany, three Assistant Directors Adnan Alam Awan, Sajjad Karamat Wahla and Asif Razzaq from GSP Islamabad office participated in 8th International Training Course on GIS for Disaster Risk Mangement (GIS4DRM-8), from 7- 18 May 2012 organized at Bangkok Thailand supported by GSP-BGR project. The training course was organized by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) in coordination with the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, the Netherlands (ITC), and United Nations Institute for Training and Researchs Operational Satellite Applications Program (UNITAR-UNOSAT).

    The training course was extended over 10 workdays structured around the following modules. 1: Core/Basic Information, 2: Post-Disaster Impact and Damage Analysis, 3: Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment, 4: Risk Information for Risk Reduction Planning and 5: Mini-Projects.

    Pakistan current scenario on Disaster Risk Management was presented in detail to the participants, particularly destruction and losses due to floods, earthquake and landslides in different areas of Pakistan and future potential threats regarding these hazards in different zones of Pakistan were discussed. The role of Geological Survey of Pakistan during both pre and post disaster was presented and different geohazards maps prepared by GSP were a topic of keen interest at the forum.

    vi. Training Workshop on Awareness and Assessment of Tsunami Hazards, Banda Aceh (Indonesia), 10 - 20 July 2011 (organized by IOC-UNESCO)

    Two GSP officers Mr. Simon Sadiq, Assistant Director, GSP, Islamabad and Miss Yasmeen Raza, Assistant Director, GSP, Karachi participated in the field workshop on Awareness and Assessment of Tsunami Hazards in Banda Aceh, Indonesia from July 10-20, 2011. The workshop involved five international experts and 15 participants, 10 from Pakistan and 5 from Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The implementation of this training workshop was conducted by IOC-UNESCO in partnership with:

    1. Tsunami Disaster and Mitigation Research Centre 2. Syiah Kuala Uiversity, Banda Aceh 3. Indonesian Institute of Sciences

  • 4. Geological Survey of Pakistan 5. Pakistan Meteorological Department

    Participants worked with international experts on the well-established tsunami deposits in the region, with a view to apply this knowledge in Pakistan. They were able to explore the potential for future events, and showcase some best practices in awareness and education which have been applied in other countries, particularly Indonesia. At the end of the field session, they participated in the Regional Workshop on Tsunami Awareness, held in Jakarta, Indonesia. Mr. Simon Sadiq shared the field experience in Aceh with the participants of the Regional Workshop in Jakarta.

    vii. Training on New Geophysical Equipment

    Oriental Engineers Lahore arranged training course in June 2012, Syed Ali Abbas (Geophysicist), Mr. Muhammad Saeed (Geophysicist), Mr. Muhammad Atif (Assistant Geophysicist) and Mr. Sohail Anwar (Assistant Geophysicist) were assigned for training at Lahore of Geophysical equipments GEOPHYSICAL LOGGER and Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM).

    The duration of the training was one week; and covered the followings:-

    Instrument testing/commissioning on field sites. A brief of the relavent softwares including Data dumping, processing and

    interpretation The training sessions were comprehensive and covered all the aspects of instrument

    functunality. The above mentioned instruments were fully tested and operated by all the participants


    Integrated Geophysical Studies for Lava Effusion at Ziarat

    The doublet earthquakes of 6.4M of Oct 29th 2008 at Khanozai (Pishin) and Gogai (Ziarat) encompassed Wam, Kawas, Varchoom, Kan, Zandra and surrounding areas. The event of January 27th 2010 with epicenter south of Kalat accompanied by formation of an effusive vent of molten basaltic rock ooze in Tor Zawar mountain Sari, Ziarat is a sinister omen of ongoing seismic activity in the Quetta Transverse zone. A unique activity probably enacted by nature after a span of many millennia in this area provided a surface thumb print warranting massive research and follow up exploratory work in continuity to allay the apprehensions, concern and fear for the safety and security of the people is very well justified. In

  • order to serve the cause of national importance and the doctrine of geological necessity test /research oriented geological and geophysical survey was accordingly planned employing Magnetic, Electrical Resistivity soundings / profiling, Ground penetration Radar survey for the collection of baseline data leading to the assessment of the sub surface geological conditions at the vent effusive site. The geologic unique event necessitating investigations, the Geological Survey of Pakistan executed preliminary geological investigations carried out by M/S Asif Nazeer Rana and Sardar Saeed Akhtar in February 2010, with follow up integrated geophysical surveys in April, 2010 by M/S Muhammed Saeed, Mehtab-u-Rehman and S. Ali Abbas to map detect and delineate the resultant changes in the lithological and structural disposition of the sub surface rocks arising out due to the sloshing of the molten material through the effusive vent.

    The seismic hiccup of basaltic ooze at Tor Zawar Mountain is a telltale of the internal furnace corroding the mountain from inside and who knows the dimensions of the vertical gash (volcanic vent/conduit) how deep its running and how big it is. The effusion of pulverized rock and glass is definitely a sinister portent of something on brew deep down under. Seismically active areas lie atop clashing/ riding tectonic plates where ruptures miles below create chambers into which molten rocks rises and pools and subsequently climbs up to erupt or diffuse through weak zones in the earths crust as vents. This apparently appears to be and have taken place in Ziarat. It is reckoned that intense and major rock deformation of sizeable dimension in the Sari area has taken place. The earthquake stage-II event shows rock dilatancy and development of cracks, stage-III influx of water and unstable deformation in fault zone (change in water volume and groundwater table), stage-IV the main event (earthquake) than stage V sudden drop in stress. This stage of post main event is characterized by the aftershocks with varying focal depths and decreasing magnitude showing migration of foci along the fault zone whether exposed or concealed. This is clearly evident from the epicentral traces of the earthquake aftershocks of the October 29th Gogai Ziarat apparently correlating with north-north west south east trending sub surface fault zone along a massive rupture plane which form the main contributory source of the seismic events. The geological map of the study area characterizes the presence of older volcanic rocks which are remnants of past volcanic episodes. The eruptive activity appears as an interactive play and involvement of the older volcanics re-melting and fusion with the present day ascending hydro thermal solution/magma from depth and dual tectonic-magmatism generating the eruptive activity. The effusion of molten lava in Ziarat is a manifestation and substantiation of the earlier findings by the GSP earth scientists. It is reckoned that the study area is prone to major seismic hazard from regional tectonics as well as hybrid events of seismo/volcano tectonic origin.

    GSP research has indicated the presence of highly magnetic dual lobe sources, resistive and prominent reflectors from the radio echo soundings in and around the vent site. The resistivity pseudo sections delineate the lateral and vertical molten flows which have apparently solidified at shallow depth. The GPR mapping due to ideal surface conditions have optimum penetration with high definition reflector topography, internal scatterers and hyperbolas. The Radar imaging

  • explicitly shows folding of the overlying fine grained clastics whereas fracturing in the compact , hard and brittle rock units of compact gravels/limestone and volcanics due to the pressure exerted by the intrusion. The status of whether the activity is in continuation, simmered down, acquired quiescence can only be known by post monitoring of micro-seismic activity and parameters.


    i. Accelerated Geological Mapping & Geochemical Exploration of the out- crop area of Pakistan.

    Regional geological mapping of 1200 area on 1:50,000 scale with the help of imageries and aerial photographs is in progress (Geological parties are in the field.)

    20 Geological sections will be measured during this Geological mapping and 3,000 Sample will be collected for laboratory studies.

    Compiled /digitized 32 geological maps.

    Analyses of already collected samples is in progress in various laboratories of the GSP.

    ii. Up-gradation/Strengthening of Geoscience Advance Research Laboratories, Geological Survey of Pakistan

    Construction of building for Human Resource Development centre and hostel is 98% complete.

    Purchase and installation of equipment by experts has been completed. Procurement of Furniture and Fixture is in Progress.

    Training of GeoLab & GSP scientists on newly installed equipment and related subjects has been arranged and completed.

    2 Advanced Training Courses in various disciplines of Geology by National / International Experts arranged.



    (a) During the year 2012-13 an area of about 3,900 sq. km is planned to be mapped in different parts of the country.

    (b) About 300 samples will be collected and analysed under geochemical surveying.

    (c) Efforts will be concentrated on exploration and evaluation of coalfields in Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan. These studies are aimed at enhancing the

  • coal resource base and supplementing power generation and substituting furnace oil in different industrial units in the country.

    (d) Porphyry copper, lead-zinc sulphide mineralization and iron ore occurrences in Chagai and Lasbela-Khuzdar districts in Balochistan will be further explored.

    (e) A total of 2 bore holes are tentatively planned to be drilled for a cumulative depth of 500 meters under different development projects during the year.


    Accelerated Geological Mapping and Geochemical Exploration of the out-crop area of Pakistan.

    Up gradation/ Strengthening of Geosciences Advance Research Laboratories, Geological Survey of Pakistan.


    Appraisal of Newly discovered coal resources of Badin coal field and its adjoining areas of southern Sindh.

    Exploration of Tertiary coal in Central Salt Range, Punjab.

    Exploration and Evaluation of Coal in Raghni area Tehsil Shahrig, Balochistan.

  • BY FAX/TCS/E-MAIL No. P&I/CDN-1/2007

    Government of Pakistan Geological Survey of Pakistan

    Planning and Information Division ******

    Quetta, dated July 27, 2012 Mr. Zafar-Ul-Amin, Deputy Chief (Power), Government of Pakistan, Planning Commission, Planning and Development Division (Energy Wing), 99-West, Shalimar Plaza, Blue Area, ISLAMABAD.


    Kindly refer to your letter No. 19(87) Energy/PC/2012, dated 16th July, 2012 on the subject cited above and find attached updated information highlighting progress during 2011-2012 and programme 2012-2013 of the Geological Survey of Pakistan for further necessary action please.

    Encl: Subject Report. (SYED AFZAL AHMAD) Director (P&I)

    Tel: (081) 9211041 Fax: (081) 9211361

    C. C.

    M. Afzaal Chaudhry, Deputy Secretary (Projects), Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Islamabad, with reference to MP&NR U. O. No. 18(34)S.O/Dev-IV/2012, dated 19-07-2012.

  • BY FAX/TCS No. P&I/CDN-1/2007

    Government of Pakistan Geological Survey of Pakistan

    Planning and Information Division ******

    Quetta, dated July 27, 2012 Mr. Iftikhar Ahmad, Section Officer (CDN), Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, ISLAMABAD.


    Dear Sir,

    Kindly refer to your letter No. 3(3)/2012-CDN, dated 13th July, 2012 on the subject cited above which has been received in this office on 27th July, 2012 and find attached updated information highlighting progress during 2011-2012 and programme 2012-2013 of the Geological Survey of Pakistan along with CD for further necessary action please.

    The same has already been sent to the Planning Commission, Planning and Development Division (Energy Wing) vide this office letter of even number dated 27-07-2012 and a copy endorsed to M. Afzaal Chaudhry, Deputy Secretary (Projects), Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Islamabad (copy enclosed).

    Yours Faithfully,

    Encl: Subject Report along with CD. (SYED AFZAL AHMAD) Director (P&I)

    Tel: (081) 9211041 Fax: (081) 9211361